The tutorial below takes you through the process of installing AMR++ and analyzing your data in steps, instead of running the entire pipeline. This can be useful if you wish to only perform certain components or your dataset size is extremely large and you need to reduce the size of the temporary files that are created in the working directory.
It's important to note that nextflow populates the "work" directory with temporary files that allow for nextflow to "-resume" a failed run and pick up where it left off. Therefore, running AMR++ in steps allows for the removal of the "work" directory between every run.
- Tutorial to run AMR++ in steps
- Table of Contents
- Load conda environment
- Run first Demo
- AMR++ components
- Run the eval_qc pipeline
- Run trim_qc pipeline
- Run host removal pipeline
- Run resistome pipeline
- Run kraken pipeline
- Effect of changing important parameters
First, we have to have Anaconda or "conda" available for use. Then, we can install or load the conda environment, AMR++_env, which contains all the tools we need.
Try just running conda to check if it works for you:
conda --h
If it says bash: conda: command not found...
, you have a few options to setup conda to work with your environment. In our university computing environment, modules are added that allow for easy access to other tools. We can run the following command:
module load Anaconda3/2024.02-1
This should load conda for you, but if it's the first time you ever do this, you'll have to run these two commands:
conda init
source ~/.bashrc
If you don't have acess to conda, we recommend downloading miniconda. This works the same as "conda" but comes in a smaller package for easier installation.
Here are the basic commands for installation:
mkdir -p ~/miniconda3
wget -O ~/miniconda3/
bash ~/miniconda3/ -b -u -p ~/miniconda3
rm ~/miniconda3/
After installing, close and reopen your terminal application or refresh it by running the following command:
source ~/miniconda3/bin/activate
conda init --all
Now, you should have conda installed and can install the AMR++ environment.
We'll need to download the code for AMR++ from github using the "git" command.
git clone
Let's navigate into the AMRplusplus directory and check the contents
cd AMRplusplus/
We have a recipe to create the conda environment in the "envs" directory.
conda env create -f envs/AMR++_env.yaml
# This can take 5-10 mins (or more) depending on your internet speed, computing resources, etc.
# Once it's completed, activate the environment
conda activate AMR++_env.yaml
# You now have access to all the AMR++ software dependencies (locally)
samtools --help
We'll run the demonstration which will create output in the "test_results" directory.
We can run the demo with this simple command:
nextflow run
Note, we don't have to specify what --profile
to use because it defaults to using the "local" profile and just looking in your regular $PATH, whis is now modified by the conda environment, AMR++_env.
AMR++ has default parameters that are listed in the params.config
file. We can then either change the values in the file directly, or add those flags to the command you're using directly. Also, note that there are variables with a single dash "-" and others with two dashes "--". The single dashes are internal to nextflow and include parameters/flags/variables like "-profile" and "-resume". The profile flag will not change if you're using conda as instructed above, and the "-resume" flag can be added to commands when the initial run failed for some reason and you want to try picking up where it left off. Otherwise, the majority of important variables will be denoted by two dashes "--". We'll go over all the parameters used by AMR++ which we'll either change in the command or by modifying the params.config
Nextflow prioritizes:
- whatever flags you include in the command
- The default paramaters in
- Other variable calls within AMR++
We'll practice changing various variables below.
First, let's look at the defaults:
less params.config
For example, you can see which --reads
are being analyzed by default and their location. We'll talk about each set of relevant variables as we go along.
If the demo above completed succesfully, we are now ready run each component of the AMR++ pipeline by changing the --pipeline
flag. Here is the list of pipelines included in AMR++.
Available pipelines:
- demo: Run a demonstration of AMR++
- standard_AMR: Run the standard AMR++ pipeline
- fast_AMR: Run the fast AMR++ pipeline without host removal.
- standard_AMR_wKraken: Run the standard AMR++ pipeline with Kraken
Available pipeline subworkflows:
- eval_qc: Run FastQC analysis
- trim_qc: Run trimming and quality control
- rm_host: Remove host reads
- resistome: Perform resistome analysis
- align: Perform alignment to MEGARes database
- kraken: Perform Kraken analysis
- qiime2: Perform QIIME 2 analysis
- bam_resistome: Perform resistome analysis on BAM files
To run a specific pipeline/subworkflow, use the "--pipeline" option followed by the pipeline name:
nextflow run --pipeline <pipeline_name> [other_options]
Input files for --pipeline eval_qc
- sample reads (
) (by default--reads
= ${baseDir}/data/raw/*_R{1,2}.fastq.gz)
Output files:
- FastQC results for each sample
- MultiQC report with aggregated results
For this subworkflow, we'll just specify the "--pipeline" flag and add the "--output" flag to name the output folder.
nextflow run --pipeline eval_qc --output AMR++_results
ls AMR++_results/
ls AMR++_results/QC_analysis/
ls AMR++_results/QC_analysis/FastQC/
ls AMR++_results/QC_analysis/FastQC/*
Now, let's look at the multiQC results which aggregates all these files into a single report.
Input files for trim_qc:
- sample reads (
= ${baseDir}/data/raw/*_R{1,2}.fastq.gz)
Relevant default parameters:
= "${baseDir}/data/adapters/nextera.fa"--leading
= 3--trailing
= 3--slidingwindow
= "4:15"--minlen = 36
Output files:
- Trimmed reads
nextflow run --pipeline trim_qc --output AMR++_results
ls AMR++_results/QC_trimming/
ls AMR++_results/Results/Stats/
Don't forget to delete the "work" directory.
rm -r work/
Input files for --pipeline rm_host
(need to change):
- QC trimmed reads (by default
= ${baseDir}/data/raw/*_R{1,2}.fastq.gz)
Relevant default parameters:
= "${baseDir}/data/host/chr21.fasta.gz"
Output files:
- Non-host reads
nextflow run --pipeline rm_host --output AMR++_results --reads "AMR++_results/QC_trimming/Paired/*{1,2}P.fastq.gz"
ls AMR++_results/HostRemoval/NonHostFastq/
ls AMR++_results/Results/Stats/
Don't forget to delete the "work" directory.
rm -r work/
Input files for --pipeline resistome
= "${baseDir}/data/amr/megares_database_v3.00.fasta"--annotation
= "${baseDir}/data/amr/megares_annotations_v3.00.csv"
Relevant default parameters:
= 80--min
= 5--max
= 100--skip
= 5--samples
= 1
Optional parameters:
= "N"--deduped
= "N"
Output files:
- Resistome analytic count matrix
- Rarefaction analysis and plot
nextflow run --pipeline resistome --output AMR++_results --reads "AMR++_results/HostRemoval/NonHostFastq/*R{1,2}.fastq.gz"
ls AMR++_results/ResistomeAnalysis/
ls AMR++_results/ResistomeAnalysis/Rarefaction/Figures/
ls AMR++_results/Results/
Input files for --pipeline rm_host
- QC trimmed, nonhost sample reads (by default
= ${baseDir}/data/raw/*_R{1,2}.fastq.gz) --kraken_db
= null
Relevant default parameters:
= 0.0
Output files:
- Kraken raw output
- Kraken classification reports
- Aggregated kraken results for all samples
nextflow run --pipeline kraken --output AMR++_results --reads "AMR++_results/HostRemoval/NonHostFastq/*R{1,2}.fastq.gz" --kraken_db "/scratch/group/vero_research/databases/kraken2/PlusPF_8/"
Don't forget to delete the "work" directory.
rm -r work/
Finally, let's explore how changing some of these parameters could affect our results. The two main examples are the --threshold
flag which controls the gene fraction threshold in the resistome analysis, and the --kraken_confidence
flag which controls how kraken classifies reads.
We can rename the original reistome output AMR_analytic_matrix.csv to AMR_analytic_matrix_thresh80.csv to store the default results. Then, we can run the analysis again using a lower threshold.
mv AMR++_results/Results/AMR_analytic_matrix.csv AMR++_results/Results/AMR_analytic_matrix_thresh80.csv
nextflow run --pipeline resistome --output AMR++_results --reads "AMR++_results/HostRemoval/NonHostFastq/*R{1,2}.fastq.gz" --threshold 30
wc -l AMR++_results/Results/AM*
Notice the increase in taxa identified with the lower threshold.
Here, we can change the kraken_confidence score and run the kraken classification again.
nextflow run --pipeline kraken --output AMR++_results --reads "AMR++_results/HostRemoval/NonHostFastq/*R{1,2}.fastq.gz" --kraken_db "/scratch/group/vero_research/databases/kraken2/PlusPF_8/" --kraken_confidence 1
head AMR++_results/Results/unclassifieds_kraken_analytic_matrix.conf_*
Notice the major change in results, with a confidence of 1 leading to 100% unclassified reads.