This project gathers basic examples on how to use Foundation Libraries.
By default, the samples will use the STM32F7508-DK VEE Port.
See for the list of supported boards using MICROEJ SDK.
Each sample provides a
that contains instructions on how to run it.
EDC contains the minimal standard runtime environment for embedded devices.
Available Examples:
- edc.helloworld: Prints Hello World on the standard output stream.
BON focuses on devices with non-volatile and volatile memories. This library allows to fully control memory usage and start-up sequences on devices with limited memory resources.
Available Examples:
- bon.immortals: Shows how to manipulate the immortals.
- bon.immutables: Shows how to manipulate the immutables.
HAL libraries present an abstraction of the communication with the hardware.
Available Examples:
- hal.gpio: Shows how to use GPIOs.
The Audio Foundation Library provides APIs to record and play audio.
Available Examples:
- audio.record: Shows how to record audio.
- audio.track: Shows how to play audio.
MicroUI provides the minimal cornerstone for quick construction of advanced, portable and user-friendly applications for a wide and heterogeneous range of devices with just-what-is-needed resources.
Available Examples:
- microui.font: Shows how to create and use a font.
- microui.gradient: Shows how to draw a gradient on a display.
- microui.helloworld: Shows how to print a string on a display.
- microui.image: Shows how to create and use images.
- microui.input: Shows how to listen to the MicroUI input events.
- microui.led: Shows how to use the LEDs.
- microui.movableimage: Shows how to create and use movable images.
- microui.mvc: Shows how to create and use a MVC design pattern.
- microui.out: Shows how to redirect the standard SystemOut to the display.
The Drawing Foundation Library extends MicroUI drawing APIs with more complex ones.
Available Examples:
- drawing.transform: Shows how to use anti-aliased shapes.
- drawing.antialiased: Shows how to apply transformations on an image.
NET is a lightweight Java library dedicated to networking applications. It supports stream (TCP/IP) and datagram (UDP) socket connection APIs.
Available Examples:
- net.echo: Shows a simple echo server.
- net.helloworld: Shows a simple helloworld using NET.
The Bluetooth Foundation Library provides APIs to use Bluetooth in an Application.
Available Examples:
- bluetooth.central: Shows how to scan, connect and discover services.
- bluetooth.peripheral: Shows how to advertise and provide services.
FS is a library to access multiple storage devices (in and out data streams) through a simple file system API.
Available Examples:
- fs.helloworld: Creates a list of folders, adds some files and deletes them all.