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32b1991 · Feb 19, 2025


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Meteora Pool Toolkit

Scripts to create Meteora pools easily.


We need bun to run the scripts, install it via bun installation.

Then install the dependencies by running the command bun install


There are a various of config file that can be found at config directory that we need to carefully take a look first. It contains all the configurations required to run the scripts. Also we need to provide the keypair for the payer wallet in keypair.json file.

General configuration

  • rpcUrl: Solana RPC URL to get data and send transactions.
  • keypairFilePath: Keypair file path to send transactions.
  • dryRun: Set to true to send transactions.
  • computeUnitPriceMicroLamports: CU price in micro lamports unit. For example: 100000.
  • createBaseToken: Configuration to create base token.
  • baseMint: Base token address if the createBaseToken field is not set.
  • quoteSymbol: Quote token symbol, only SOL or USDC is supported.
  • quoteMint: Quote token mint, in case the user wants to create a DLMM launch pool with a token other than SOL or USDC.
  • dynamicAmm: Dynamic AMM pool configuration.
  • dlmm: DLMM pool configuration.
  • alphaVault: Fcfs or Prorata Alpha Vault configuration.

Some configuration constraints:

  • createBaseToken and baseMint cannot be used together.
  • dynamicAmm and dlmm cannot be used together.

Create Base Token configuration

  • mintBaseTokenAmount: Base token amount to be minted.
  • baseDecimals: Base token decimal.

Dynamic AMM configuration

  • baseAmount: Base token amount.
  • quoteAmount: Quote token amount.
  • tradeFeeNumerator: Trade fee numerator, with fee denominator is set to 100_000.
  • activationType: To activate pool trading base on slot or timestamp.
  • activationPoint: To activate pool trading at a point, either slot valut or timestamp value base on activationType.
  • hasAlphaVault: Whether alpha vault is enabled or not for this pool.

DLMM configuration

  • binStep: DLMM pool bin step.
  • feeBps: Fee bps for DLMM pool.
  • initialPrice: Initial pool price.
  • activationType: To activate pool trading base on slot or timestamp.
  • activationPoint: To activate pool trading at a point, either slot valut or timestamp value base on activationType.
  • priceRounding: Should be up or down.
  • hasAlphaVault: Whether alpha vault is enabled or not for this pool.

NOTICE: There is only one DLMM pool that can be created with the same base and quote tokens, using the instruction initializeCustomizablePermissionlessLbPair. So if users are using that instruction to create a new DLMM pool with the same base and quote tokens, but with different parameters, then the transaction will be failed.

DLMM Seed Liquidity Single Bin configuration

  • price: Price to add liquidity.
  • priceRounding: Should be up or down.
  • seedAmount: Number of liquidity base token to add.
  • basePositionKeypairFilepath: Keypair file path for the base position.
  • operatorKeypairFilepath: Keypair file path for the operator.
  • positionOwner: Public key of the position owner.
  • feeOwner: Publick key of the fee owner.
  • lockReleasePoint: Timestamp that depositor can withdraw the liquidity from the position.
  • seedTokenXToPositionOwner: Flag to indicate that whether the script should automatically send 1 lamport of token X to position owner to proof ownership.

DLMM Seed Liquidity LFG configuration

  • minPrice: Min price range to add liquidity.
  • maxPrice: Max price range to add liquidity.
  • seedAmount: Number of liquidity base token to add.
  • curvature: Determines how liquidity is distributed across the price range.
  • basePositionKeypairFilepath: Keypair file path for the base position.
  • operatorKeypairFilepath: Keypair file path for the operator.
  • positionOwner: Public key of the position owner.
  • feeOwner: Publick key of the fee owner.
  • lockReleasePoint: Timestamp that depositor can withdraw the liquidity from the position.
  • seedTokenXToPositionOwner: Flag to indicate that whether the script should automatically send 1 lamport of token X to position owner to proof ownership.

Alpha Vault configuration

  • poolType: dynamic or dlmm pool type.
  • alphaVaultType: Alpha Vault type, could be fcfs or prorata
  • depositingPoint: Absolute value that, the slot or timestamp that allows deposit depend on the pool activation type.
  • startVestingPoint: Absolute value, the slot or timestamp that start vesting depend on the pool activation type.
  • endVestingPoint: Absolute value, the slot or timestamp that end vesting depend on the pool activation type.
  • maxDepositCap: Maximum deposit cap.
  • individualDepositingCap: Individual deposit cap.
  • escrowFee: Fee to create stake escrow account.
  • whitelistMode: permissionless or permission_with_merkle_proof or permission_with_authority.

Prorata configuration

  • depositingPoint: Absolute value that, the slot or timestamp that allows deposit depend on the pool activation type.
  • startVestingPoint: Absolute value, the slot or timestamp that start vesting depend on the pool activation type.
  • endVestingPoint: Absolute value, the slot or timestamp that end vesting depend on the pool activation type.
  • maxBuyingCap: Maximum buying cap.
  • escrowFee: Fee to create stake escrow account.
  • whitelistMode: permissionless or permission_with_merkle_proof or permission_with_authority.

Create M3M3 configuration

  • topListLength: Length of the top list.
  • unstakeLockDurationSecs: Duration need wait before withdraw. Starting from the unstack action timestamp.
  • secondsToFullUnlock: Time required for locked claim fee to be fully dripped.
  • startFeeDistributeTimestamp: When the fee start distributes. The timestamp should be 48h after pool activate to accumulate more rewards to attract stakers as in M3M3 reminder


First, run the localnet

bun run start-test-validator

Then run the test: bun test

Run the scripts

Run the script with config file specified in the CLI, some examples:

** Create dynamic AMM pool**

bun run src/create_pool.ts --config ./config/create_dynamic_amm_pool.json

** Create dynamic AMM pool with new token mint**

bun run src/create_pool.ts --config ./config/create_dynamic_amm_pool_with_new_token.json

** Create new DLMM pool**

bun run src/create_pool.ts --config ./config/create_dlmm_pool.json

** Create new DLMM pool without strict quote token**

bun run src/create_pool.ts --config ./config/create_dlmm_pool_without_strict_quote_token.json

** Create new DLMM pool with alpha vault**

bun run src/create_pool.ts --config ./config/create_dlmm_pool_with_fcfs_alpha_vault.json

Then run

bun run src/create_alpha_vault.ts --config ./config/create_dlmm_pool_with_fcfs_alpha_vault.json

** Lock liquidity for Dynamic AMM pool**

bun run src/lock_liquidity.ts --config ./config/lock_liquidity.json

** Seed liquidity for DLMM pool with single bin strategy**

bun run src/seed_liquidity_single_bin.ts --config ./config/seed_liquidity_single_bin.json

** Seed liquidity for DLMM pool with LFG strategy**

bun run src/seed_liquidity_lfg.ts --config ./config/seed_liquidity_lfg.json

** Create M3M3 farm** This script requires you to create the token mint and the pool first. After that you need to lock the liquidity before creating the M3M3 farm. The addresses in the allocations should contains the fee farm address.

bun run src/lock_liquidity_for_m3m3.ts --config ./config/create_m3m3_farm.json

Create the M3M3 fee farm

bun run src/create_m3m3_farm.ts --config ./config/create_m3m3_farm.json

After deployment

To view pool on the UI, access the links below

  • For Dynamic AMM pool:<POOL_ADDRESS>
  • For DLMM pool:<POOL_ADDRESS>