MEPA is an abstraction layer for parallel execution, providing unified APIs to submit tasks, gather tasks and communicate with workers through threads, processes (loky) and Dask.distributed workers.
MEPA is now a submodule of metalpy, which can be installed using pip, with extra dependencies required by MEPA:
pip install "metalpy[mepa]"
Submit and gather tasks just like native Python, in a more flexible manner.
from metalpy.mepa import ProcessExecutor
def func_add(a, b):
return a + b
def func_mul(a, b):
return a * b
def func_div(a, b):
return a / b
def main():
with ProcessExecutor(3) as executor:
futures = {
'add': executor.submit(func_add, 2, 1),
'mul': executor.submit(func_mul, 2, 1),
'div': executor.submit(func_div, 2, 1),
if __name__ == '__main__':
MEPA comes with a unified API for distributed communication.
from time import sleep
import tqdm
from metalpy.mepa import ProcessExecutor
class SomeTask:
def __init__(self, task_length):
self.task_length = task_length
def do(self, ctx):
for i in range(self.task_length):
def main():
n_tasks = 2
task_length = 10
progress = tqdm.tqdm(total=n_tasks * task_length)
with ProcessExecutor(4) as executor:
task = SomeTask(task_length) # tasks that takes some time
ctx = executor.register(lambda t: progress.update(t)) # register communication context
executor.gather([executor.submit(, ctx) for _ in range(n_tasks)])
if __name__ == '__main__':
MEPA simplifies task management in several aspects.
import numpy as np
from time import sleep
from metalpy.mepa import ProcessExecutor
with ProcessExecutor(4) as executor:
progress = executor.progress()
def task(some_data):
ret = []
for d in progress.iters(some_data):
ret.append(d + 1)
return np.asarray(ret)
data = np.arange(20)
# shuffle and allocates data according to executor's workers
alloc = executor.arrange(data, shuffle=True)
# distribute data to all workers
tasks = executor.distribute(task, alloc)
# for output that corresponds to input element-wisely
# gather and assemble results
result = alloc.reassemble(executor.gather(tasks))
assert np.array_equal(result, data + 1)
MEPA has wrapped Dask.distributed
to automatically take care of script dependencies.
def func(a, b):
return a + b
from metalpy.mepa import DaskExecutor
from add import func
def main():
# automatically uploads `` to cluster
with DaskExecutor('address to your cluster') as executor:
executor.submit_and_gather(func, 1, 2)
if __name__ == '__main__':