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MEtalpy PArallel

MEPA is an abstraction layer for parallel execution, providing unified APIs to submit tasks, gather tasks and communicate with workers through threads, processes (loky) and Dask.distributed workers.


MEPA is now a submodule of metalpy, which can be installed using pip, with extra dependencies required by MEPA:

pip install "metalpy[mepa]"


Submit and Gather Tasks

Submit and gather tasks just like native Python, in a more flexible manner.

from metalpy.mepa import ProcessExecutor

def func_add(a, b):
    return a + b

def func_mul(a, b):
    return a * b

def func_div(a, b):
    return a / b

def main():
    with ProcessExecutor(3) as executor:
        futures = {
            'add': executor.submit(func_add, 2, 1),
            'mul': executor.submit(func_mul, 2, 1),
            'div': executor.submit(func_div, 2, 1),

if __name__ == '__main__':

Unified Communication API

MEPA comes with a unified API for distributed communication.

from time import sleep
import tqdm
from metalpy.mepa import ProcessExecutor

class SomeTask:
    def __init__(self, task_length):
        self.task_length = task_length

    def do(self, ctx):
        for i in range(self.task_length):

def main():
    n_tasks = 2
    task_length = 10

    progress = tqdm.tqdm(total=n_tasks * task_length)
    with ProcessExecutor(4) as executor:
        task = SomeTask(task_length)  # tasks that takes some time
        ctx = executor.register(lambda t: progress.update(t))  # register communication context
        executor.gather([executor.submit(, ctx) for _ in range(n_tasks)])

if __name__ == '__main__':

Parallel Utility

MEPA simplifies task management in several aspects.

import numpy as np
from time import sleep
from metalpy.mepa import ProcessExecutor

with ProcessExecutor(4) as executor:
    progress = executor.progress()

    def task(some_data):
        ret = []
        for d in progress.iters(some_data):
            ret.append(d + 1)
        return np.asarray(ret)

    data = np.arange(20)

    # shuffle and allocates data according to executor's workers
    alloc = executor.arrange(data, shuffle=True)

    # distribute data to all workers
    tasks = executor.distribute(task, alloc)

    # for output that corresponds to input element-wisely
    # gather and assemble results
    result = alloc.reassemble(executor.gather(tasks))

    assert np.array_equal(result, data + 1)

Dask Wrapper

MEPA has wrapped Dask.distributed to automatically take care of script dependencies.

def func(a, b):
    return a + b

from metalpy.mepa import DaskExecutor
from add import func

def main():
    # automatically uploads `` to cluster
    with DaskExecutor('address to your cluster') as executor:
        executor.submit_and_gather(func, 1, 2)

if __name__ == '__main__':