# Lines starting with '#' are comments.
# Each line is a file pattern followed by one or more owners.
# Owners bear a responsibility to the organization and the users of this
# application. Repository administrators have the ability to merge pull
# requests that have not yet received the requisite reviews as outlined
# in this file. Do not force merge any PR without confidence that it
# follows all policies or without full understanding of the impact of
# those changes on build, release and publishing outcomes.

*                                    @MetaMask/extension-devs
development/                         @MetaMask/extension-devs @kumavis
lavamoat/                            @MetaMask/extension-devs @MetaMask/supply-chain

# The offscreen.ts script file that is included in the offscreen document html
# file is responsible, at present, for loading the snaps execution environment
# for MV3. Any changes to this file should require at least one member of the
# snaps development team to review and approve the changes.
offscreen/scripts/offscreen.ts       @MetaMask/snaps-devs

# The .circleci/ folder instructs Circle CI on the process by which it
# should test, build and publish releases of our application. Due to the
# impact that changes to the files contained within this folder may have
# on our releases, only those with the knowledge and responsibility to
# publish libraries under the MetaMask name may approve those changes.
# Note to reviewers: We employ the use of CircleCI "Orbs", which are
# remotely hosted sections of CircleCI configuration and scripts, to
# empower our CI steps. ANY addition of orbs to our CircleCI config
# should be brought to the attention of engineering leadership for
# discussion
.circleci/                           @MetaMask/library-admins @kumavis

# The privacy-snapshot.json file includes a list of all hosts that the
# extension communicates with during the E2E test suite runs. It is not a
# complete list of all hosts that the extension communicates with until the E2E
# test suite has full coverage. Anytime the privacy-snapshot file changes,
# extra scrutiny should be applied to the pull request to confirm that it does
# not broaden the number of hosts the extension communicates with without also
# providing a path for users to avoid that communication. MetaMask strives to
# make all such communication opt IN versus opt OUT.
privacy-snapshot.json                @MetaMask/extension-privacy-reviewers

# The CODEOWNERS file constitutes an agreement amongst organization
# admins and maintainers to restrict approval capabilities to a subset
# of contributors. Modifications to this file result in a modification of
# that agreement and can only be approved by those with the knowledge
# and responsibility to publish libraries under the MetaMask name.
.github/CODEOWNERS                   @MetaMask/library-admins @kumavis

# For now, restricting approvals inside the .devcontainer folder to devs
# who were involved with the Codespaces project.
.devcontainer/                       @MetaMask/library-admins @HowardBraham @plasmacorral

# Confirmations team to own code for confirmations on UI.
app/scripts/lib/ppom                    @MetaMask/confirmations
app/scripts/lib/signature               @MetaMask/confirmations
app/scripts/lib/transaction/decode      @MetaMask/confirmations
app/scripts/lib/transaction/metrics.*   @MetaMask/confirmations
app/scripts/lib/transaction/util.*      @MetaMask/confirmations
ui/pages/confirmations                  @MetaMask/confirmations

# MMI team is responsible for code related with Institutioanl version of MetaMask
ui/pages/institutional               @MetaMask/mmi
ui/components/institutional          @MetaMask/mmi
ui/ducks/institutional               @MetaMask/mmi
ui/selectors/institutional           @MetaMask/mmi

# Design System to own code for the component-library folder
# Slack handle: @metamask-design-system-team | Slack channel: #metamask-design-system
ui/components/component-library      @MetaMask/design-system-engineers

# The Notifications team is responsible for code related to notifications,
# authentication, and profile syncing inside the Extension.

# Controllers
**/controllers/authentication/**                    @MetaMask/notifications
**/controllers/metamask-notifications/**            @MetaMask/notifications
**/controllers/push-platform-notifications/**       @MetaMask/notifications
**/controllers/user-storage/**                      @MetaMask/notifications

# UI
**/metamask-notifications/**                        @MetaMask/notifications
**/multichain/notification*/**                      @MetaMask/notifications
**/pages/notification*/**                           @MetaMask/notifications
**/utils/notification.util.ts                       @MetaMask/notifications

# Accounts team is responsible for code related with snap management accounts
# Slack handle: @accounts-team-devs | Slack channel: #metamask-accounts-team

app/scripts/lib/snap-keyring         @MetaMask/accounts-engineers

# Swaps team to own code for the swaps folder
ui/pages/swaps                                        @MetaMask/swaps-engineers
app/scripts/controllers/swaps                         @MetaMask/swaps-engineers

# Snaps
**/snaps/**                          @MetaMask/snaps-devs
shared/constants/permissions.ts      @MetaMask/snaps-devs
ui/helpers/utils/permission.js       @MetaMask/snaps-devs
ui/hooks/useTransactionInsights.js   @MetaMask/snaps-devs

# Wallet UX
ui/components/multichain              @MetaMask/wallet-ux
ui/components/app/whats-new-popup     @MetaMask/wallet-ux
ui/css                                @MetaMask/wallet-ux
ui/pages/home                         @MetaMask/wallet-ux
ui/pages/onboarding-flow              @MetaMask/wallet-ux

# Assets
ui/components/app/add-network                         @MetaMask/metamask-assets
ui/components/app/auto-detect-nft                     @MetaMask/metamask-assets
ui/components/app/auto-detect-token                   @MetaMask/metamask-assets
ui/components/app/import-token                        @MetaMask/metamask-assets
ui/components/app/nft-default-image                   @MetaMask/metamask-assets
ui/components/app/nft-details                         @MetaMask/metamask-assets
ui/components/app/nft-options                         @MetaMask/metamask-assets
ui/components/app/nfts-detection-notice-import-nfts   @MetaMask/metamask-assets
ui/components/app/nfts-items                          @MetaMask/metamask-assets
ui/components/app/nfts-tab                            @MetaMask/metamask-assets
ui/components/ui/deprecated-networks                  @MetaMask/metamask-assets
ui/components/ui/nft-collection-image                 @MetaMask/metamask-assets