namespace pMedian { export class VNS<T> { private _demands: Map<string, number> public get demands(): Array<[T, number]> { let result = new Array<[T, number]>(this._demands.size); let idx = 0; this._demands.forEach((degeneracy, demandKey) => { result[idx] = [this.unhash(demandKey), degeneracy]; idx++ }); return result; } private _facilities: Array<string>; public get facilities(): Array<T> { let result = new Array<T>(); for (const [idx, facility] of this._facilities.entries()) { result[idx] = this.unhash(facility); } return result; } private _metricLookup: Map<string, number>; private metric(facilityKey: string, demandKey: string): number { return this._metricLookup.get(facilityKey + demandKey) } private _demandNeighbors: Map<string, Map<string, number>>; private _facilityNeighbors: Map<string, Map<string, number>>; /** * Creates an instance of GA_pMeanSolver. * @param {Array<T>} demands * @param {Array<T>} facilities * @param {Number} _n - number of facilities to be placed * @param {(arg0: T, arg1: T) => Number} metric: a function to measure the distance from a demand to some facility * @memberof GA */ constructor( demands: Array<T>, facilities: Array<T>, private _n: number, metric: (facility: T, demand: T) => number, private hash: (t: T) => string, private unhash: (hash: string) => T ) { this._demands = new Map<string, number>(); let demandsMap = new Map<string, number>(); demands.forEach(demand => { let demandKey = this.hash(demand); if (this._demands.has(demandKey)) { this._demands.set(demandKey, this._demands.get(demandKey) + 1); } else { this._demands.set(demandKey, 1); } }); this._facilities = new Array<string>(facilities.length); this._metricLookup = new Map<string, number>(); for (const [idx, facility] of facilities.entries()) { let facilityKey = this.hash(facility); this._facilities[idx] = facilityKey; for (const demandKey of this._demands.keys()) { this._metricLookup.set(facilityKey + demandKey, this.metric(facilityKey, demandKey)); } } } public initialSolution(): void { // first facility to place: 1-median let candidates = this._facilities.slice(0); let minTotalCost = Number.MAX_VALUE; let firstFacility = candidates[0]; let firstFacilityIdx = 0; let costs: Array<number> this._demandNeighbors = new Map<string, Map<string, number>>(); for (const [i, facility] of candidates.entries()) { let totalCost = 0; let thisCosts = new Array<number>(this._demands.size); let idx = 0; this._demands.forEach((degeneracy, demand) => { let cost = degeneracy * this.metric(facility, demand); totalCost += cost; thisCosts[idx] = cost; idx++; }); if (totalCost < minTotalCost) { minTotalCost = totalCost; firstFacility = facility; firstFacilityIdx = i; costs = thisCosts; } } candidates.splice(firstFacilityIdx, 1); let neighbor = new Map<string, number>(); let idx = 0; for (const demand of this._demands.keys()) { neighbor.set(demand, costs[idx]); idx++; } this._demandNeighbors.set(firstFacility, neighbor); // greadily find the n - 1 left facilities to place for (let i = 1; i < this._n; i++) { let maxDecreasedCost = Number.MAX_VALUE; let facilityToPlace = candidates[0]; let facilityToPlaceIdx = 0; let verticeToModify: Array<[string, Array<[string, number]>]>; for (const [i, facility] of candidates.entries()) { let decreasedCost = 0; let verticeToModifyCandidate = new Array<[string, Array<[string, number]>]>(); for (const [openedFacility, vertice] of this._demandNeighbors.entries()) { let demandsToReplace = new Array<[string, number]>(); for (const [demand, cost] of vertice.entries()) { let newCost = this._demands.get(demand) * this.metric(facility, demand); if (newCost < cost) { decreasedCost += cost - newCost; demandsToReplace.push([demand, newCost]); } } verticeToModifyCandidate.push([openedFacility, demandsToReplace]); } if (decreasedCost > maxDecreasedCost) { facilityToPlace = facility; facilityToPlaceIdx = i; verticeToModify = verticeToModifyCandidate; } } candidates.splice(facilityToPlaceIdx, 1); let newNeighbor = new Map<string, number>(); verticeToModify.forEach(tuple0 => { let openedFacilityKey = tuple0[0]; let thisNeighbor = this._demandNeighbors.get(openedFacilityKey); tuple0[1].forEach(tuple1 => { let demandKey = tuple1[0]; let newCost = tuple1[1]; thisNeighbor.delete(demandKey); newNeighbor.set(demandKey, newCost); }); this._demandNeighbors.set(openedFacilityKey, thisNeighbor); }); this._demandNeighbors.set(facilityToPlace, newNeighbor); } this._facilityNeighbors = new Map<string, Map<string, number>>(); for (const placedFacility of this._demandNeighbors.keys()) { this._facilityNeighbors.set(placedFacility, new Map<string, number>()); } candidates.forEach(facility => { let minDistance = Number.MAX_VALUE; let closestFacility = facility; for (const placedFacility of this._demandNeighbors.keys()) { let distance = this.metric(placedFacility, facility); if (distance < minDistance) { minDistance = distance; closestFacility = placedFacility; } } this._facilityNeighbors.get(closestFacility).set(facility, minDistance); }); } public shake(k: number): string { let kthNeighbor = this._facilityNeighbors.get(Array.from(this._facilityNeighbors.keys())[k]); let closedFacilities = Array.from(kthNeighbor.keys()); return closedFacilities[Math.floor(Math.random() * closedFacilities.length)] } private substitute( demandNeighbors: Map<string, Map<string, number>>, facilityNeighbors: Map<string, Map<string, number>>, openedFacility: string, closedFacilities: string ): void { } public vns(): void { let k = 0; let placedFacilityKeys = new Array<string>(this._n) while (k < this._n) { } } } /** * P-median solver, an janky implementation of * * * @export * @class GA_pMedianSolver * @template T */ export class GA<T> { private _demands: Map<string, number> public get demands(): Array<[T, number]> { let result = new Array<[T, number]>(this._demands.size); let idx = 0; for (const [demandKey, degeneracy] of this._demands.entries()) { result[idx] = [this.unhash(demandKey), degeneracy]; idx++; } return result; } private _facilities: Array<string>; public get facilities(): Array<T> { let result = new Array<T>(); for (const [idx, facility] of this._facilities.entries()) { result[idx] = this.unhash(facility); } return result; } private _density: number; public get density(): number { return this._density; } private _maxIter: number; public get maxIter(): number { return this._maxIter; } private _population: Array<Array<string>>; public get population(): Array<Array<string>> { return this._population; } private _populationSize: number; public get populationSize(): number { return this._populationSize; } private _metricLookup: Map<string, number>; private metric(facilityKey: string, demandKey: string): number { return this._metricLookup.get(facilityKey + demandKey) } /** * Creates an instance of GA_pMeanSolver. * @param {Array<T>} demands * @param {Array<T>} facilities * @param {Number} n - number of facilities to be placed * @param {(arg0: T, arg1: T) => Number} metic: a function to measure the distance from a demand to some facility * @memberof GA */ constructor( demands: Array<T>, facilities: Array<T>, private n: number, metric: (facility: T, demand: T) => number, private hash: (t: T) => string, private unhash: (hash: string) => T, maxIter: number = 256 ) { this._demands = new Map<string, number>(); demands.forEach(demand => { let demandKey = this.hash(demand); if (this._demands.has(demandKey)) { this._demands.set(demandKey, this._demands.get(demandKey) + 1); } else { this._demands.set(demandKey, 1); } }); this._facilities = new Array<string>(facilities.length); this._metricLookup = new Map<string, number>(); for (const [idx, facility] of facilities.entries()) { let facilityKey = this.hash(facility); this._facilities[idx] = facilityKey; for (const demandKey of this._demands.keys()) { this._metricLookup.set(facilityKey + demandKey, metric(facility, this.unhash(demandKey))); } } this._density = Math.ceil(facilities.length / this.n); // this._maxIter = Math.ceil(this.demands.length * Math.sqrt(this.n)); this._maxIter = maxIter; this._populationSize = this.calcPopulationSize(); } private calcPopulationSize(): number { let s = this.combination(this.n, this._facilities.length); return Math.max(4, Math.ceil(this.n * Math.log(s) / 100 / this._density)) * this._density } public generatePopulations(size: number){ let increment = Math.floor(size / this._density); // k this._population = new Array<Array<string>>(size); console.log(size, this._density, increment) let idx = 0; for (let i = 0; i < Math.floor(this._facilities.length / this.n); i++) { let pop = new Array<string>(this.n); for (let j = 0; j < this.n; j++) { pop[j] = this._facilities[i * this.n + j] } this._population[idx] = pop; idx++; } // if n / p is not integer, fill the remaining slots with random facilities if (this._facilities.length % this.n > 0) { let pop = new Array<string>(this.n); let j = 0; for (let i = Math.floor(this._facilities.length / this.n) * this.n; i < this._facilities.length; i++) { pop[j] = this._facilities[i]; j++; } pop = this.fillPopulation(pop, j); this._population[idx] = pop; idx++; } let pointer = 0; let cycleIdx = 0; while (cycleIdx < increment) { let pop = new Array<string>(this.n); for (let j = 0; j < this.n; j++) { if (pointer >= this._facilities.length) { cycleIdx++; pointer = cycleIdx } pop[j] = this._facilities[pointer]; pointer += increment; } this._population[idx] = pop; idx++ } while (idx < size) { let pop = new Array<string>(this.n); this.fillPopulation(pop, 0) this._population[idx] = pop; idx++; } } public isIdenticalPop(a: Array<string>, b: Array<string>): boolean { a.sort(); b.sort(); let result = true; for (const [idx, entry] of a.entries()) { if (!(b[idx] === entry)) {result = false; break} } return result } private fillPopulation(population: Array<string>, start: number): Array<string> { let remainingFacilities = new Array<string>(); let excludes = new Set<string>(); population.slice(0, start).forEach(pop=> { excludes.add(pop); }); this._facilities.forEach(facility => { if (!excludes.has(facility)) { remainingFacilities.push(facility) } }); misc.shuffle(remainingFacilities) for (let i = start; i < population.length; i++) { population[i] = remainingFacilities[i]; } return population } public selectParents(): [Array<string>, Array<string>] { let idxes = new Array<number>(this._populationSize); for (let idx = 0; idx < this._populationSize; idx++) { idxes[idx] = idx; } let parentsIdx = misc.shuffle(idxes).slice(0, 2); return [this._population[parentsIdx[0]], this._population[parentsIdx[1]]] } public generationOp( parents: [Array<string>, Array<string>] ): [Array<string>, number] { // let genes0 = new misc.ObjectSet(parents[0], this.isEqual, this.hash); // let genes1 = new misc.ObjectSet(parents[1], this.isEqual, this.hash); let genes0 = new Set<string>(); parents[0].forEach(gene => { genes0.add(gene); }); let genes1 = new Set<string>(); parents[1].forEach(gene => { genes0.add(gene); }); // Step 1. Take the union of the input members’ genes to obtain a draft member let draftMemberSet = misc.union(genes0, genes1); /* Step 2. Let the total number of genes in this draft member be m. Call the genes that are * present in both parents fixed genes and the rest free genes. */ let fixedGenes = misc.intersection(genes0, genes1); let freeGeneSet = misc.difference(draftMemberSet, fixedGenes); let freeGenes = Array.from(freeGeneSet); // Step 3. Compute the fitness value of this draft member. let distances = new Map<string, Map<string, number>>(); freeGenes.forEach(gene => { distances.set(gene, new Map()); }); for (const demand of this._demands.keys()) { let minDistance = Number.MAX_VALUE; let closestFacility = freeGenes[0]; freeGenes.forEach(facility => { let distance = this.metric(facility, demand); if (distance < minDistance) { minDistance = distance; closestFacility = facility; } }); let distance = distances.get(closestFacility); distance.set(demand, minDistance); distances.set(closestFacility, distance); } /* Step 4. Find the free gene that produces the minimum increase in the current fitness * value when deleted from the draft member, and delete it. Repeat this step until * freeGenes.length = n. Let this final solution be a candidate member. */ while (freeGenes.length > this.n) { let minIncreasedFitness = Number.MAX_VALUE; let idxOfGeneToRemove = 0; let distancesUpdate = new Map<string, Map<string, number>>(); // try to delete one gene(facility), calculate how much the total fitness increases for (const [idx, gene] of freeGenes.entries()) { let demandsToReallocate = distances.get(gene); let increasedFitness = 0; let update = new Map(); demandsToReallocate.forEach((_, demand) => { let minDistance = Number.MAX_VALUE; let closestFacility = gene; for (const [idx1, gene1] of freeGenes.entries()) { // skip the deleted gene if (idx1 == idx) {continue}; let distance = this.metric(gene1, demand); if (distance < minDistance) { minDistance = distance; closestFacility = gene1; }; }; let degeneracy = this._demands.get(demand); increasedFitness += degeneracy * (minDistance - distances.get(gene).get(demand)); if (!update.has(closestFacility)) {update.set(closestFacility, new Map());} let distance = update.get(closestFacility); distance.set(demand, minDistance); update.set(closestFacility, distance); }); if (increasedFitness < minIncreasedFitness) { minIncreasedFitness = increasedFitness; idxOfGeneToRemove = idx; distancesUpdate = update; }; } // the gene to remove is found, remove it distances.delete(freeGenes[idxOfGeneToRemove]); distancesUpdate.forEach((map, gene) => { let facility = distances.get(gene); map.forEach((distance, demand) => { facility.set(demand, distance); }); distances.set(gene, facility); }); freeGenes.splice(idxOfGeneToRemove, 1); } let fitness = 0; distances.forEach((facility, _) => { facility.forEach((distance, demandKey) => { let degeneracy = this._demands.get(demandKey); fitness += distance * degeneracy; }); }); return [freeGenes, fitness] } public fitness(genes: Array<string>): number { let fitness = 0; this._demands.forEach((degeneracy, demand) => { let minDistance = Number.MAX_VALUE; genes.forEach(facility => { let distance = this.metric(facility, demand); if (distance < minDistance) {minDistance = distance;} }); fitness += degeneracy * minDistance; }); return fitness } public replacementOp( candidate: Array<string>, candidateFitness: number, fitnessEnum: Array<[number, number]>, comparator: (a: [number, number], b: [number, number]) => number ) { let idx = 0; let maxFitness = 0; [idx, maxFitness] = fitnessEnum[0]; /** * Step 1. If fitness value of the input candidate member is higher than the maximum fitness * value in the population, then discard this candidate member and terminate this * operator */ if (candidateFitness >= maxFitness) {return} /** * Step 2. If the candidate member is identical to an existing member of the current popu- * lation, then discard this candidate member and terminate this operator. */ for (const [_, pop] of this._population.entries()) { if (this.isIdenticalPop(candidate, pop)) {return} } // Step 3. Replace the worst member and update population // fitnessEnum.shift(); fitnessEnum.splice(0, 1, [idx, candidateFitness]) fitnessEnum.sort(comparator) this._population.splice(idx, 1, candidate); // misc.binaryInsert([idx, candidateFitness], fitnessEnum, comparator); } /** * Combination (n, k) * @private * @param {number} n * @param {number} k * @returns {number} * @memberof GA_pMeanSolver */ private combination(n: number, k: number): number{ if (n > Math.floor(k / 2)) { n = k - n; } let result: number = 1; for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { result *= (k - i) / (n - i) } return result } public pMedian(log: (entry: string) => void): Array<T> { this.generatePopulations(this._populationSize); let comparator = function (a: [number, number], b: [number, number]): number { if (a[1] > b[1]) {return -1} if (a[1] == b[1]) {return 0} return 1 }; let fitnessEnum = new Array<[number, number]>(); for (const [idx, pop] of this._population.entries()) { let fitness =; fitnessEnum.push([idx, fitness]) }; fitnessEnum.sort(comparator); let iter = 0; let best = this._population[fitnessEnum[fitnessEnum.length - 1][0]]; while (iter < this._maxIter) { // Randomly select two members from the current population. let parents = this.selectParents(); // Run the Generation Operator let candidate: Array<string>; let candidateFitness: number; [candidate, candidateFitness] = this.generationOp(parents); // Run the Replacement Operator this.replacementOp(candidate, candidateFitness, fitnessEnum, comparator); // console.log(fitnessEnum) // If the best solution found so far has not changed, then increment MaxIter let bestThisIter = this._population[fitnessEnum[fitnessEnum.length - 1][0]]; // console.log('iter:', iter, '/', this.maxIter, fitnessEnum[fitnessEnum.length - 1][1], fitnessEnum[0][1], candidateFitness) log('iter: ' + ' ' + iter + ' ' + '/' + ' ' + this.maxIter + ' ' + fitnessEnum[fitnessEnum.length - 1][1] + ' ' + fitnessEnum[0][1] + ' ' + candidateFitness); if (this.isIdenticalPop(bestThisIter, best)) { iter++; } else { best = bestThisIter; } } return } } }