This library is designed to provide a set of functions for handling and converting various types of data, such as base64 encoded data, Pandas DataFrames, and Pillow images.
input_to_file(input_file, file_extension = False)
Converts a base64 encoded string into a file object and file extension
Argument | Type | Description |
input_file |
str | Base64 encoded string (file you get from inputs['file']) |
get_file_extension |
bool (optional) | Flag to return the file extension with the file. (Defaults to False) |
Exception | Description |
ValueError |
If the input string doesn't contain ';base64,' to separate metadata and file data. |
Return Type | Description | Condition |
io.BytesIO |
The decoded file data (The thing you get when you open a file in Python) | get_file_extension is False |
(io.BytesIO, str) |
The decoded file data and its file extension | get_file_extension is True |
import io
import mecsimcalc as msc
def main(inputs):
input_file = inputs['file']
file, file_extension = msc.input_to_file(input_file, get_file_extension=True)
return {"file_type": type(file).__name__, "extension": file_extension}
# Expected output:
# {"file_type": "_io.BytesIO", "extension": ".jpg"}
filename= "myfile",
download_text = "Download File",
Generates a downloadable text file containing the given text
Argument | Type | Description |
text |
str | Text to be downloaded |
filename |
str (optional) | Name of the download file. (Defaults to "myfile") |
download_text |
str (optional) | Text to be displayed as the download link. (Defaults to "Download File") |
Exception | Description |
TypeError |
If the input text is not a string. |
Return Type | Description |
str |
HTML download link |
import mecsimcalc as msc
def main(inputs):
download_link = msc.string_to_file("Hello World!")
return {"download": download_link}
# Expected output:
# {"download": "<a href='data:text/plain;base64,SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh' download='myfile.txt'>Download File</a>"}
# outputs.downloadLink is the html download link generated by the function
{{ }}
Converts a base64 encoded file data into a pandas DataFrame
Argument | Type | Description |
file_data |
io.BytesIO | An open file (e.g. from input_to_file or ) |
Exception | Description |
pd.errors.ParserError |
If the file data cannot be converted to a DataFrame (i.e. file is not an Excel or CSV file or is corrupted) |
Return Type | Description |
pd.DataFrame |
DataFrame created from file data |
import mecsimcalc as msc
def main(inputs):
input_file = inputs['file']
open_file = msc.input_to_file(input_file)
df = msc.file_to_dataframe(open_file)
return {"dataframe": df.to_dict()}
# Expected output:
# {"dataframe": {
# "A": {0: "a", 1: "d"},
# "B": {0: "b", 1: "e"},
# "C": {0: "c", 1: "f"}}}
Converts a base64 encoded file data into a pandas DataFrame
Argument | Type | Description |
input_file |
str | Base64 encoded file data (file you get from inputs['file']) |
get_file_extension |
bool | If True, the function also returns the file extension (Defaults to False) |
Return Type | Description | Condition |
pd.DataFrame |
DataFrame created from file data | get_file_extension is False |
(pd.DataFrame, str) |
Tuple containing the DataFrame and the file extension | get_file_extension is True |
import mecsimcalc as msc
def main(inputs):
input_file = inputs['file']
df, get_file_extension = msc.input_to_dataframe(input_file, get_file_type=True)
return {"dataframe": df.to_dict(), "extension": get_file_extension}
# Expected output:
# {"dataframe": {
# "A": {0: "a", 1: "d"},
# "B": {0: "b", 1: "e"},
# "C": {0: "c", 1: "f"}}, "extension": ".csv"}
download = False,
download_text = "Download Table",
download_file_name = "mytable",
download_file_type = "csv",
Creates an HTML table and a download link for a given DataFrame
Argument | Type | Description |
df |
pd.DataFrame | DataFrame to be converted |
download |
bool (optional) | If True, function returns a download link (Defaults to False) |
download_text |
str (optional) | Text to be displayed as the download link (Defaults to "Download Table") |
download_file_name |
str (optional) | Name of file when downloaded (Defaults to "mytable") |
download_file_type |
str (optional) | File type of downloaded file (Defaults to "csv") |
Return Type | Description | Condition |
str |
HTML table | download is False |
Tuple[str, str] |
(HTML table, HTML download link) | download is True |
import mecsimcalc as msc
def main(inputs):
input_file = inputs['file']
df = msc.input_to_dataframe(input_file)
table, download = msc.print_dataframe(df, download=True, download_file_name="Table", download_text="Download My Table HERE!", download_file_type="xlsx")
return {"table": table, "download": download}
# Expected output:
# {"table": "<table>...</table>",
# "download": "<a href='data:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet;base64,...' download='Table.xlsx'>Download My Table HERE!</a>"}
# outputs.table is the HTML table
Displaying Table
{{ outputs.table }}
# is the download link
Downloading Table
{{ }}
table_to_dataframe(column_headers, rows):
Create a DataFrame from given rows and column headers
Argument | Type | Description |
column_headers |
List[str] | List of column headers |
rows |
List[List[str]] | List of rows to be converted into a DataFrame. Each column is a list of strings |
Return Type | Description |
pd.DataFrame |
DataFrame created from headers and rows |
import mecsimcalc as msc
def main(inputs):
column_headers = ["A", "B", "C"]
rows = [["a", "b", "c"], ["d", "e", "f"]]
df = msc.table_to_dataframe(column_headers, rows)
return {"dataframe": df.to_dict()}
# Expected output:
# {"dataframe": {
# "A": {0: "a", 1: "d"},
# "B": {0: "b", 1: "e"},
# "C": {0: "c", 1: "f"}}}
print_table(column_headers, rows):
Creates an HTML table from given rows and column headers
Argument | Type | Description |
column_headers |
List[str] | List of column headers |
rows |
List[List[str]] | List of rows to be converted into a table. Each column is a list of strings |
index |
bool (optional) | Whether to use the first column as the DataFrame's index. (Defaults to True) |
Return Type | Description |
str |
HTML table created from rows and headers |
column_headers = ["A", "B", "C"]
rows = [["a", "b", "c"], ["d", "e", "f"]]
table = print_table(column_headers, rows)
return {
# outputs.table is the HTML table
Displaying Table
{{ outputs.table }}
Transforms a file into a Pillow Image object
Argument | Type | Description |
file |
str | Decoded file data (returned from input_to_file) |
Exception Type | Description |
ValueError |
If the file does not contain image data |
Return Type | Description |
Image |
Pillow Image object |
import mecsimcalc as msc
def main(inputs):
input_file = inputs['file']
decoded_file = msc.input_to_file(input_file)
image = msc.file_to_PIL(decoded_file)
return {"image": image}
# Expected output:
# {"image": <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=RGB size=...>}
# outputs.image is the Pillow Image object
Displaying Image
{{ outputs.image }}
input_to_PIL(input_file, get_file_extension=False):
Converts a base64 encoded file data into a pillow image
Argument | Type | Description |
input_file |
str | Base64 encoded file data |
get_file_extension |
bool | If True, the function also returns the file extension (Defaults to False) |
Return Type | Description | Condition |
PIL.Image.Image |
Pillow Image object | get_file_extension is False |
Tuple[PIL.Image.Image, str] |
(pillow image, metadata) | get_file_extension is True |
import mecsimcalc as msc
def main(inputs):
input_file = inputs['file']
image, file_extension = msc.input_to_PIL(input_file, get_file_extension=True)
return {"image": image, "file_extension": file_extension}
# Expected output:
# {"image": <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=RGB size=...>, "file_extension": "jpeg"}
width = 200,
height = 200,
original_size = False,
download = False,
download_text = "Download Image",
download_file_name= "myimg",
Transforms a Pillow image into an HTML image, with an optional download link
Argument | Type | Description |
image |
PIL.Image.Image | Pillow image |
width |
int (optional) | Output width of the image in pixels (Defaults to 200) |
height |
int (optional) | Output height of the image in pixels (Defaults to 200) |
original_size |
bool (optional) | If True, the HTML image will be displayed in its original size (Defaults to False) |
download |
bool (optional) | If True, function returns a download link (Defaults to False) |
download_text |
str (optional) | The text to be displayed on the download link (Defaults to "Download Image") |
download_file_name |
str (optional) | The name of the image file when downloaded (Defaults to "myimg") |
Return Type | Description | Condition |
str |
HTML image | download is False |
Tuple[str, str] |
(HTML image, download link) | download is True |
import mecsimcalc as msc
def main(inputs):
input_file = inputs['file']
image, metadata = msc.input_to_PIL(input_file)
html_image, download = msc.print_image(image, original_size=True, download=True, download_text="Download Image Here", download_file_name="myimage")
return {"image": html_image, "download": download}
# Expected output:
# {"image": "<img src='data:image/jpeg;base64,...' width='...' height='...'>",
# "download": "<a href='data:image/jpeg;base64,...' download='myimage.png'>Download Image Here</a>"}
# outputs.image is the HTML image
Displaying Image
{{ outputs.image }}
# is the download link
Downloading Image
{{ }}
width = 500,
dpi= 100,
download= False,
download_text = "Download Plot",
download_file_name = "myplot",
Converts a matplotlib.pyplot.axis or matplotlib.figure into an HTML image tag and optionally provides a download link for the image
Argument | Type | Description |
plot_obj |
axes or figure | Matplotlib figure |
width |
int (optional) | Output width of the image in pixels (Defaults to 500) |
dpi |
int (optional) | Output dpi of the image in pixels (Defaults to 100) |
download |
bool (optional) | If True, function returns a download link (Defaults to False) |
download_text |
str (optional) | The text to be displayed on the download link (Defaults to "Download Plot") |
download_file_name |
str (optional) | The name of the image file when downloaded (Defaults to "myplot") |
Return Type | Description | Condition |
str |
HTML image | download is False |
Tuple[str, str] |
(HTML image, HTML download link) | download is True |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import mecsimcalc as msc
def main(inputs):
x = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 400)
y = np.sin(x)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x, y)
ax.set_title('A single plot')
image, download = msc.print_plot(fig, width=500, dpi=100, download=True, download_text="Download Sin Function Plot", download_file_name="sin(x)")
return {"image": image, "download": download}
# Expected output:
# {"image": "<img src='data:image/jpeg;base64,...' width='500' height='...'>",
# "download": "<a href='data:image/jpeg;base64,...' download='sin(x).jpeg'>Download Sin Function Plot</a>"}
# outputs.image is the HTML image
Displaying Image
{{ outputs.image }}
# is the download link
Downloading Image
{{ }}
fps = 30,
save_dir = "/tmp/temp_animation.gif"):
Converts a matplotlib animation into an animated GIF. Returns an HTML image tag to display it in your app.
Argument | Type | Description |
ani |
FuncAnimation | The matplotlib animation to be converted. |
fps |
int (optional) | Frames per second for the animation. (Defaults to 30) |
save_dir |
str (optional) | The directory to temporarily save files. You can only write to the tmp directory in mecsimcalc. Defaults to "/tmp/temp_animation.gif" |
Return Type | Description |
str |
The HTML image tag as a string. |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
import numpy as np
import mecsimcalc as msc
def main(inputs):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
x = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100)
y = np.sin(x)
line, = ax.plot(x, y)
def update(frame):
line.set_ydata(np.sin(x + frame / 10))
return line,
ani = FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=100)
animation = msc.print_animation(ani)
return {"animation": animation}
# Expected output:
# {"animation": "<img src='data:image/gif;base64,...'>"}
duration = 3,
fps = 15,
x_label = "x",
y_label = "y",
title = "y = f(x)",
show_axes = True,
follow_tip = False,
save_dir = "/tmp/temp_animation.gif",
follow_tip = False,
hold_last_frame = 1.0,
Creates an animated plot from given x and y data and returns it as an HTML image tag.
Argument | Type | Description |
x |
np.ndarray | The x-coordinates of the data points. |
y |
np.ndarray | The y-coordinates of the data points. |
duration |
float (optional) | The duration of the animation in seconds. Defaults to 3 . |
fps |
float (optional) | Frames per second for the animation. Defaults to 15 . |
x_label |
str (optional) | The label for the x-axis. Defaults to "x" . |
y_label |
str (optional) | The label for the y-axis. Defaults to "y" . |
title |
str (optional) | Title of the plot. Defaults to "y = f(x)" . |
show_axes |
bool (optional) | Whether to show the x and y axes. Defaults to True . |
follow_tip |
bool (optional) | Whether to follow the tip of the line as it moves along the x-axis. Defaults to False . |
hold_last_frame |
float (optional) | The duration to hold the last frame in seconds. Defaults to 1.0 . |
save_dir |
str (optional) | The directory to temporarily save files. You can only write to the tmp directory in mecsimcalc. Defaults to "/tmp/temp_animation.gif" |
Return Type | Description |
str |
The HTML image tag containing the animated plot. |
import numpy as np
import mecsimcalc as msc
def main(inputs):
x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
y = np.sin(x)
animation_html = msc.animate_plot(x, y, duration=4, title="Sine Wave", show_axes=True)
return {"animation": animation_html}
# Expected output:
# {"animation": "<img src='data:image/gif;base64,...'>"}
y_range = None,
title = "",
x_label = "x",
y_label = "y",
num_points = 250,
initial_value = 1,
step_size = 0.1,
slider_range = (-10, 10),
Creates an interactive plot with a slider using Plotly, allowing the user to dynamically update the plot based on a parameter.
Argument | Type | Description |
f_x |
Callable[[float, np.ndarray], np.ndarray] | A function that takes a float and an array of x-values, and returns an array of y-values. |
x_range |
Tuple[float, float] | A tuple defining the range of x-values (start, end) for the plot. |
y_range |
Tuple[float, float] (optional) | A tuple defining the range of y-values (start, end) for the plot. Defaults to None . |
title |
str (optional) | Title of the plot. Defaults to "" . |
x_label |
str (optional) | Label for the x-axis. Defaults to "x" . |
y_label |
str (optional) | Label for the y-axis. Defaults to "y" . |
num_points |
int (optional) | Number of points to plot (line resolution). Defaults to 250 . |
initial_value |
float (optional) | Initial value of the slider. Defaults to 1 . |
step_size |
float (optional) | Step size for the slider. Defaults to 0.1 . |
slider_range |
Tuple[float, float] (optional) | Range for the slider values (start, end). Defaults to (-10, 10) . |
Return Type | Description |
str |
The HTML string containing the Plotly interactive plot. |
import mecsimcalc as msc
def parabola(a, x):
return a * x ** 2
def main(inputs):
plot_html = msc.plot_slider(parabola, x_range=(-10, 10), y_range=(-100, 100))
return {"plot": plot_html}
# Expected output:
# The `plot_html` can be used in a web page to display the interactive plot.
service_account_info = {...},
spreadsheet_id = "123abc...",
values = [["name", 12837, ...]],
range_name = "Sheet1!A1",
include_timestamp = True
This function appends given values to a specified Google Sheet and optionally includes a current timestamp with each entry. It transforms data into a Google Sheets document, facilitating dynamic data entry directly from your application.
Argument | Type | Description |
service_account_info |
dict | The service account credentials used for Google Sheets API authentication. |
spreadsheet_id |
str | The unique identifier of the target Google Spreadsheet. |
values |
list of lists | The data to append. Each list element represents a row of data. |
range_name |
str (optional) | The A1 notation of the range to start appending data. Defaults to "Sheet1!A1" . |
include_timestamp |
bool (optional) | If True, appends the current timestamp to each row of data. Defaults to True . |
Return Type | Description |
dict |
The response from the Google Sheets API, containing details of the append operation. |
import mecsimcalc as msc
def main(inputs):
service_account_info = {
# Your service account info here
spreadsheet_id = 'your_spreadsheet_id_here'
values = [
[inputs['input_1'], inputs['input_2'], inputs['input_3']],
result = msc.append_to_google_sheet(service_account_info, spreadsheet_id, values)
return {"result": result}
# Expected output:
# {"result": {"spreadsheetId": "your_spreadsheet_id_here",
# "updatedRange": "Sheet1!A1:C1",
# "updatedRows": 1, "updatedColumns": 3, "updatedCells": 3}}
sender_email='[email protected]',
receiver_email='[email protected]',
app_password = "xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx",
values = [
["name", "grade"]
This function sends an email with specified values formatted in the message body, utilizing a service account for authentication.
Argument | Type | Description |
sender_email |
str | The email address of the sender. |
receiver_email |
str | The email address of the receiver. |
subject |
str | The subject line of the email. |
app_password |
str | The app-specific password for the sender's email account. |
values |
list | A list of lists. Each list contains data to be included in the email body. |
Return Type | Description |
bool |
Returns True if the email was sent successfully, otherwise False. |
import mecsimcalc as msc
def main(inputs):
sender_email = '[email protected]'
receiver_email = '[email protected]'
subject = 'Test Email'
app_password = 'your_app_password_here'
name = inputs['name']
grade = inputs['grade']
values = [
[name, grade]
result = msc.send_gmail(sender_email, receiver_email, subject, app_password, values)
return {"result": result}
# Expected output:
# {"result": True}