diff --git a/layouts/partials/_relearn/pageIsHidden.gotmpl b/layouts/partials/_relearn/pageIsHidden.gotmpl
index b73f750a0f..32892f7a15 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/_relearn/pageIsHidden.gotmpl
+++ b/layouts/partials/_relearn/pageIsHidden.gotmpl
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{{- return .Scratch.Get "relearnIsHiddenNode" }}
\ No newline at end of file
+{{- return or (.Params.hidden) (eq .Title "") }}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/layouts/partials/menu.html b/layouts/partials/menu.html
index 37f80ce2eb..5afa07749d 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/menu.html
+++ b/layouts/partials/menu.html
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
{{- $pages := partialCached "_relearn/pages.gotmpl" (dict "page" .Site.Home) .Site.Home.Path }}
{{- $defaultAlwaysopen := .Site.Params.alwaysopen | default false }}
{{- range $pages }}
- {{- template "section-tree-nav" dict "sect" . "currentnode" $currentNode "showvisitedlinks" $showvisitedlinks "alwaysopen" $defaultAlwaysopen }}
+ {{- partial "inline/menu-walker" (dict "sect" . "currentnode" $currentNode "showvisitedlinks" $showvisitedlinks "alwaysopen" $defaultAlwaysopen) }}
{{- end }}
@@ -113,49 +113,47 @@
- {{- define "section-tree-nav" }}
- {{- $currentNode := .currentnode }}
- {{- $showvisitedlinks := .showvisitedlinks }}
- {{- $alwaysopen := .alwaysopen }}
- {{- $currentFileRelPermalink := .currentnode.RelPermalink }}
- {{- with .sect }}
- {{- $isSelf := eq .RelPermalink $currentFileRelPermalink }}
- {{- $isAncestor := and (not $isSelf) (.IsAncestor $currentNode) }}
- {{- $isActive := $isSelf }}
- {{- $pages := partialCached "_relearn/pages.gotmpl" (dict "page" .) .Path }}
- {{- $isHidden := or (.Params.hidden) (eq .Title "") }}
- {{- $relearnIsHiddenFrom := index ($currentNode.Scratch.Get "relearnIsHiddenFrom") .RelPermalink }}
- {{- $hidden := and $relearnIsHiddenFrom (not $.showhidden) (not $isSelf) (not $isAncestor) }}
- {{- if $hidden }}
- {{- else }}
- {{- $numberOfVisibleChildren := 0 }}
- {{- range $pages }}
- {{- $isSelfSub := eq .RelPermalink $currentFileRelPermalink }}
- {{- $isAncestorSub := and (not $isSelf) (.IsAncestor $currentNode) }}
- {{- $relearnIsSubHiddenFrom := index ($currentNode.Scratch.Get "relearnIsHiddenFrom") .RelPermalink }}
- {{- $subHidden := and $relearnIsSubHiddenFrom (not $.showhidden) (not $isSelfSub) (not $isAncestorSub) }}
- {{- $numberOfVisibleChildren = add $numberOfVisibleChildren (int (not $subHidden)) }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- $title := partial "title.gotmpl" (dict "page" . "linkTitle" true) }}
- {{- $url := partial "permalink.gotmpl" (dict "to" .) }}
- {{- safeHTML .Params.head }}
- {{- if $numberOfVisibleChildren }}
- {{- $isCollapsible := or (.Params.collapsibleMenu | default .Site.Params.collapsibleMenu) (not $url) }}
- {{- $currentAlwaysopen := .Params.alwaysopen | default $alwaysopen }}
- {{- $pageHash := md5 .Page }}
- {{- $isOpen := or $currentAlwaysopen $isSelf $isAncestor }}
{{ if $isCollapsible }}{{ end }}{{ if $url }}{{ else }}{{ end }}
- {{- partial "menu-pre.html" . }}{{ $title }}{{ partial "menu-post.html" . }}
- {{- if $url }}{{ if $showvisitedlinks }}{{ end }}{{ else }}{{ end }}
- {{- else }}
- {{ if $url }}{{ else }}{{ end }}
- {{- partial "menu-pre.html" . }}{{ $title }}{{ partial "menu-post.html" . }}
- {{- if $url }}{{ if $showvisitedlinks }}{{ end }}{{ else }}{{ end }}
- {{- end }}
+{{- define "partials/inline/menu-walker" }}
+ {{- $currentNode := .currentnode }}
+ {{- $showvisitedlinks := .showvisitedlinks }}
+ {{- $alwaysopen := .alwaysopen }}
+ {{- $currentFileRelPermalink := .currentnode.RelPermalink }}
+ {{- with .sect }}
+ {{- $isSelf := eq .RelPermalink $currentFileRelPermalink }}
+ {{- $isAncestor := and (not $isSelf) (.IsAncestor $currentNode) }}
+ {{- $isHidden := or (.Params.hidden) (eq .Title "") }}
+ {{- if or $isAncestor $isSelf (not $isHidden) }}
+ {{- $isActive := $isSelf }}
+ {{- $pages := partialCached "_relearn/pages.gotmpl" (dict "page" .) .Path }}
+ {{- $hasVisibleChildren := false }}
+ {{- range $pages }}
+ {{- $isSubSelf := eq . $currentNode }}
+ {{- $isSubAncestor := and (not $isSubSelf) (.IsAncestor $currentNode) }}
+ {{- $isSubHidden := or (.Params.hidden) (eq .Title "") }}
+ {{- if or $isSubAncestor $isSubSelf (not $isSubHidden) }}
+ {{- $hasVisibleChildren = true }}
+ {{- break }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
- {{- end }}
\ No newline at end of file
+ {{- $title := partial "title.gotmpl" (dict "page" . "linkTitle" true) }}
+ {{- $url := partial "permalink.gotmpl" (dict "to" .) }}
+ {{- if $hasVisibleChildren }}
+ {{- $isCollapsible := or (.Params.collapsibleMenu | default .Site.Params.collapsibleMenu) (not $url) }}
+ {{- $currentAlwaysopen := .Params.alwaysopen | default $alwaysopen }}
+ {{- $pageId := md5 .Page }}
+ {{- $isOpen := or $currentAlwaysopen $isSelf $isAncestor }}
+ {{ if $isCollapsible }}{{ end }}{{ if $url }}{{ else }}{{ end }}
+ {{- partial "menu-pre.html" . }}{{ $title }}{{ partial "menu-post.html" . }}
+ {{- if $url }}{{ if $showvisitedlinks }}{{ end }}{{ else }}{{ end }}
+ {{- else }}
+ {{ if $url }}{{ else }}{{ end }}
+ {{- partial "menu-pre.html" . }}{{ $title }}{{ partial "menu-post.html" . }}
+ {{- if $url }}{{ if $showvisitedlinks }}{{ end }}{{ else }}{{ end }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- end }}
+{{- end }}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/layouts/partials/relearn-meta.gotmpl b/layouts/partials/relearn-meta.gotmpl
index 94f7b8b637..3824aebb5e 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/relearn-meta.gotmpl
+++ b/layouts/partials/relearn-meta.gotmpl
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ section: {{- .Section }}
{{- $currentNode.Scratch.Delete "relearnNextPage" }}
{{- $currentNode.Scratch.Delete "relearnIsHiddenNode" }}{{/* the node itself is flagged as hidden */}}
{{- $currentNode.Scratch.Delete "relearnIsHiddenStem" }}{{/* the node or one of its parents is flagged as hidden */}}
-{{- $currentNode.Scratch.Delete "relearnIsHiddenFrom" }}{{/* the node is hidden from the current page */}}
{{- template "relearn-structure" dict "node" .Site.Home "currentnode" $currentNode "hiddenstem" false "hiddencurrent" false }}
{{- if not ($currentNode.Scratch.Get "relearnIsSelfFound") }}
{{- if not $currentNode.IsHome }}
@@ -39,13 +38,11 @@ section: {{- .Section }}
{{- $hidden_node := or (.node.Params.hidden) (eq .node.Title "") }}
{{- $hidden_stem := or $hidden_node .hiddenstem }}
- {{- $hidden_current_stem := or $hidden_node .hiddencurrent }}
{{- $hidden_from_current := or (and $hidden_node (not $isAncestor) (not $isSelf) ) (and .hiddencurrent (or $isPreSelf $isPostSelf $isDescendant) ) }}
{{- if $isSelf }}
{{- $currentNode.Scratch.Set "relearnIsHiddenNode" $hidden_node }}
{{- $currentNode.Scratch.Set "relearnIsHiddenStem" $hidden_stem }}
{{- end }}
- {{- $currentNode.Scratch.SetInMap "relearnIsHiddenFrom" .node.RelPermalink $hidden_current_stem }}
{{- if or (eq $currentNode.Kind "home") (eq $currentNode.Kind "section") (eq $currentNode.Kind "page") }}
{{- if not $hidden_from_current }}
@@ -53,6 +50,7 @@ section: {{- .Section }}
{{- $currentNode.Scratch.Set "relearnPrevPage" .node }}
{{- else if and $isPostSelf .node.RelPermalink (eq ($currentNode.Scratch.Get "relearnNextPage") nil) }}
{{- $currentNode.Scratch.Set "relearnNextPage" .node }}
+ {{- return }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
@@ -60,5 +58,8 @@ section: {{- .Section }}
{{- $pages := partialCached "_relearn/pages.gotmpl" (dict "page" .node) .node.Path }}
{{- range $pages }}
{{- template "relearn-structure" dict "node" . "currentnode" $currentNode "hiddenstem" $hidden_stem "hiddencurrent" $hidden_from_current }}
+ {{- if $currentNode.Scratch.Get "relearnNextPage" }}
+ {{- return }}
+ {{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
\ No newline at end of file