A python script that tweets a random NFT from a collection(or collections) each day. The script can get the owner of the NFT, then check if they have an ENS tied to that address & if they've set a twitter handle in their ENS txt records.
- Twitter Developer Account with Elevated Access.
- An Alchemy API Key
- A cloud service set up to run your code remotely (such as AWS Lambda or Heroku Scheduler)
- Fork the project locally
- Sign up for Alchemy, create an app and copy the API key you're given.
- Create a Twitter Developer app, with read and write access.
- Request 'Elevated Access' for your twitter app, allowing you to use the API v1.1 endpoints.
- In the root of your repository create a .env file and input the apis in the following format:
ALCHEMY_API = {alchemy api here}
CONSUMER_API = {twitter developer app consumer api key here}
CONSUMER_SECRET = {twitter developer app consumer secret here}
ACCESS_TOKEN = {twitter developer app access token here}
ACCESS_SECRET = {twitter developer app access secret here}
- In main.py edit the instances of
(ln29-34) to match the details of your project(s) - In main.py edit
to however you'd wish to format the text content of your tweet. - You then should be ready to either run your script locally or push it the cloud hosting service of your choosing!
If this script is useful for you/your project and you want to throw a few wei a Toads way that would be wonderful.
Eth address: mctoady.eth 🐸