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You can download Mac OS El Capitan 10.11.04 via torrent, the link is here Download via Torrent.txt. Then, extract the zip file and copy Install OS X El Capitan
to Applications folder.
For creating Bootable USB, you can follow this guide (Using UniBeast to Make OSX El Capitan Bootable USB). Read STEP 2 only!
The keyboard may not work on boot, you need to copy
folder to USB's Clover kexts folderEFI/CLOVER/kexts/10.11
For installing OS X El Capitan, please follow STEP 3: Recommended BIOS Settings & STEP 4: Install OS X El Capitan.
Download Tools, Patchs, Kexts, Clover, ... here (hackintosh-lenono-z5070).
cd ~/Downloads/hackintosh-lenono-z5070
sudo Patchs/mount_efi.sh
sudo rm -rf /Volumes/EFI/EFI & sudo cp -R Clover/EFI /Volumes/EFI/
sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0
sudo rm /var/vm/sleepimage
sudo mkdir /var/vm/sleepimage
- Disable App Store Update.
- Disable Bluetooth
- Tweak Mouse & Trackpad
- Lock Screen
- Install Homebrew
- UEFI booting via Clover
- built-in keyboard (with special function keys)
- built-in trackpad (basic gestures)
- HDMI video/audio with hotplug
- AirPlay mirroring to AppleTV
- native WiFi via BCM943602BAED
- Bluetooth (with handoff) using BCM943602BAED
- native USB3 with AppleUSBXHCI (USB2 works also)
- native audio with AppleHDA, including headphone
- built-in mic
- built-in camera
- native power management
- battery status
- backlight controls with smooth transitions, save/restore across restart
- accelerated graphics for HD4400 including OpenCL
- wired Ethernet
- Mac App Store working
- screen works without flicker