is a fully-functional Python wrapper for the New
York Times Article Search
With pip:
$ pip install NYTimesArticleAPI
NYTimesArticleAPI requires the
<https://pypi.python.org/pypi/requests>`__ and
<https://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools>`__ packages.
Simply import and initialize the API with your developer key:
>>> from NYTimesArticleAPI import articleAPI
>>> api = articleAPI("YourAPIKey")
Then call the search
function with your desired search
>>> articles = api.search(q="Obama",
fq={"headline": "Obama",
"source": ["Reuters",
"The New York Times"]},
begin_date="20161023", # this can also be an int
facet_field=["source", "day_of_week"],
The search function returns a Python dictionary of the search results.
You can specify multiple filters by using a dictionary:
.. code:: python
>>> fq = {"headline": "Obama", "source": ["Reuters", "AP", "The New York Times"]}
And multiple values by using a list:
.. code:: python
>>> facet_field = ["source", "day_of_week"]
More examples:
>>> articles = api.search(q="Obama")
>>> articles = api.search(q="Obama", begin_date="20111231", page=2)
For a complete overview of the available search parameters, please refer to the NYTimes Article Search API Documentation.
This package was originally written by Evan
Sherlock as
It has since been forked and updated by Matt
Morrison, and subsequently released as
with contributions from Gerald Spencer
and Andrew Han.
© 2016 Matt Morrison [email protected].
This is free software. It is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use this in your own work. However, if you modify and/or redistribute it, please attribute me in some way, and distribute your work under this or a similar license. A shout-out or a beer would be appreciated.