HTTPS & DynDNS support
SWAG - Secure Web Application Gateway sets up a Nginx webserver and reverse proxy with php support, a DynDNS IP
refresher and certbot client that automates free SSL server
certificate generation and renewal processes (Let's Encrypt and ZeroSSL).
It also contains fail2ban for intrusion prevention.
- Follow the docs
- Start the pod
podman kube play dyndns-https-pvc.yaml podman kube play dyndns-https-ip-secret.yaml cp dyndns-https-ip-pod.kube ~/.config/containers/systemd/ systemctl --user daemon-reload systemctl --user start dyndns-https-ip-pod.service
- Open the firewall
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=http --permanent firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=https --permanent firewall-cmd --reload
- Add the persistent volumes to the borg backup client
- ZeroSSL offers max. 3 SSL certificates at a time ->