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This branch is 1 commit ahead of, 1617 commits behind hyperledger-labs/business-partner-agent:main.


Docker-compose setup


The following tools should be installed on your developer machine:

  • docker
  • docker-compose
  • (optional) ngrok or diode to have a public endpoint to communicate with other Business Partner Agents

As well, make sure you are not sitting behind a restrictive company firewall. If so, at least the setup has to be adopted (e.g. configure proxy configuration in the maven settings in the Dockerfile). Furthermore the firewall might block traffic to other agents depending on its endpoint configuration (if e.g. in the firewall other ports than 443 are blocked).


git clone
cd scripts
  • If you have a setup using ngrok for making the agent publically avaiable, running

will setup the tunnel and start everything for you. Before making your agent publically avaiable, you most likely want to change the security options, at least set passwords, in the .env file. See the security section below for details.

  • Alternatively, for a local test, just run
docker-compose up

The frontend will be served at http://localhost:8080. If you did not change the password in .env the default login is "admin"/"changeme".

Register a new DID before starting an Business Partner Agent

You can use the ./ script to register a two new DIDs on our test network Just run:


You should see some output like this:

Registering DID for ACAPY_SEED
  "did": "Tc8VTYTryxJGW3sz9RucDd",
  "seed": "12345678912345678912345678912300",
  "verkey": "FW4MZZhmcSsFnDZLCT5689EoUvzuEXqNRNYem1X6PZFYt"
Registration on successful
Setting ACAPY_SEED in .env file
.env does not exist
Creating .env from .env-example
Registering DID for ACAPY_SEED2

Alternatively, you can register a DID manually:

  1. Go to
  2. Provide a 32 characterer wallet seed on the right side under "Authenticate a new DID" and click on "Register DID"
  3. Make a copy of the provided .env-example file with the name .env. Set the AGENT1_SEED to the wallet seed.

Start a Business Partner Agent instance

You can start an instance of the Business Partner Agent with docker compose. It will start the following

  • Frontend (Vue.js)
  • Controller Backend (Java Micronaut)
  • Aries Cloud Agent Python
  • Postgres

with a default configuration.

Build and run

docker-compose up


docker-compose build

Access the frontend:


Access the swagger-ui:


Stopping the instance

docker-compose down

If you want to wipe the database as well you can use

docker-compose down -v

Getting a public IP

If you did not deploy your agent on a server with a public ip it won't have public endpoints to communicate with other agents. A simple way to get public endpoints for your agent is to setup ngrok.

If you have set up ngrok you can use the script to start your agent with public endpoints. Note that this scripts expects the ngrok command to be available in the global path, and additionally requires the jq command (which may need to be installed first on your machine).


To terminate all ngrok tunnels you can use


BE AWARE: If you don't have any security enabled the Business Partner API and the frontend will be publicly available. This is in particular important when running in Aries mode where the public IP is written to the ledger.

Setup Security

In your .env under Security config file set


and a user name and password.

Ideally also configure a secure connection between the backend services (core and aca-py). This can be achieved by setting an API key in .env file via ACAPY_ADMIN_CONFIG (see example).