This repository aims to track the various projects I will be developing in the study of Genrative Adversarial Networks (GAN), with the goal of learning the skills to generate AI-based art. I will rely mostly on the master in Deep Learning that I am following, run by Deep Learning Italia Academy I will also use the tutorials and official guides that can be found in the documentation of TenforFlow and PyThorch, as well as follow the course Complete A.I. Art Generation Course - Beginner 2 MASTER.
Technologies based on these networks have made possible the creation of "pieces of art" that have also often been used as NFTs.
This is my first attempt at creating a GAN. The network is able to generate images similar to those of the classic MNIST dataset, starting from simple noise taken from a random distribution. I learned to develop a generator and a discriminator and then combine them in the final GAN. Certainly the training phase is more complicated than the development of a classic network because we must consider that we use two networks that fight against each other and it is essential to freeze the weights of the discriminator when appropriate.
Project very similar to the previous one, the difference is that the Cifar 10 dataset has been used, so I had to treat RGB images and adapt the code to handle 3 channels.
In this project I used a custom dataset. Using the download all imsges plugin of google chrome, I was able to create a custom dataset that I had to handle resizing all the images in a shape that could match the Neural Network
I fed the network with images of paintings, unlike the previous project, I went to save the weights of the generator and discriminator in h5 format.
In this project I used a LSTM network, so that I can manage temporal sequences (you can think of a sentence as a sequence of words in time). I fed the network with data from Shakespear plays to generate new tests. I made use of the tokenizer provided by keras and used an n gram approach.
In this projects I used a LSTM network with bidirectionals layers in order to improve the learning capacity. The network was trained with star wars movie scripts of Episode IV, V an VI
The powerful technology of GPT2 could have extraordinary and varied applications, not to mention its successor GPT3. Here I use this technology to create a simple blog generator, given a topic the network will create a small text on that topic.
Using a dataset of songs in MIDI format is possible to implement a network, in this case LSTM, to generate songs. Basically a song is seen as a temporal serie, with notes that follow each other in time, this way we can process the data and feed them to the network.