A vulnerability was found in ManageIQ which allows a malicious attacker to impersonate any user or create a non-existent user with any entitlement in the appliance and perform an API request.
The vulnerability and related criticality depends on the product releases and protocols. In ManageIQ ivanchuk, attacker need to be authenticated through OIDC but SAML do not need any authentication for exploitation. However, for ManageIQ hammer, both SAML and OIDC protocols does not need authentication and attacker can impersonate users previously logged in.
We do not support hammer and earlier releases, however, confirms vulnerability affects SAML protocol but not OIDC. Reference metrics:
We recommend upgrading to secured released versions, however, this flaw can be mitigated by unseting RequestHeader in http configuration. Mitigation steps would be:
Stop httpd service
Add following additional unset at /etc/httpd/conf.d/manageiq-remote-user-openidc.conf
and /etc/httpd/conf.d/manageiq-remote-user.conf
, right before X_REMOTE_USER
RequestHeader unset X-REMOTE-USER
RequestHeader unset X-REMOTE_USER
RequestHeader unset X_REMOTE-USER
Validate configuration files to make sure all syntax is valid
Restart httpd service
Fixed in ivanchuk-7 - appliance, jansa-1-rc2 - appliance, jansa-1-rc2 - pods, master - appliance, master - pods
A vulnerability was found in ManageIQ which allows a malicious attacker to impersonate any user or create a non-existent user with any entitlement in the appliance and perform an API request.
The vulnerability and related criticality depends on the product releases and protocols. In ManageIQ ivanchuk, attacker need to be authenticated through OIDC but SAML do not need any authentication for exploitation. However, for ManageIQ hammer, both SAML and OIDC protocols does not need authentication and attacker can impersonate users previously logged in.
We do not support hammer and earlier releases, however, confirms vulnerability affects SAML protocol but not OIDC. Reference metrics:
We recommend upgrading to secured released versions, however, this flaw can be mitigated by unseting RequestHeader in http configuration. Mitigation steps would be:
Stop httpd service
Add following additional unset at
, right beforeX_REMOTE_USER
unset.Validate configuration files to make sure all syntax is valid
Restart httpd service
Fixed in ivanchuk-7 - appliance, jansa-1-rc2 - appliance, jansa-1-rc2 - pods, master - appliance, master - pods