diff --git a/app/models/manageiq/providers/ansible_tower/inventory/parser/automation_manager.rb b/app/models/manageiq/providers/ansible_tower/inventory/parser/automation_manager.rb
index 94b9dacf967..45b32ee2ce5 100644
--- a/app/models/manageiq/providers/ansible_tower/inventory/parser/automation_manager.rb
+++ b/app/models/manageiq/providers/ansible_tower/inventory/parser/automation_manager.rb
@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ def configured_systems
       inventory_object.hostname = host.name
       inventory_object.virtual_instance_ref = host.instance_id
       inventory_object.inventory_root_group = persister.inventory_root_groups.lazy_find(host.inventory_id.to_s)
-      # TODO(lsmola) get rid of direct DB access
-      inventory_object.counterpart = Vm.find_by(:uid_ems => host.instance_id)
+      inventory_object.counterpart = persister.vms.lazy_find(host.instance_id)
@@ -34,15 +33,13 @@ def configuration_scripts
       inventory_object.variables = job_template.extra_vars_hash
       inventory_object.inventory_root_group = persister.inventory_root_groups.lazy_find(job_template.inventory_id.to_s)
-      authentications = []
+      inventory_object.authentications = []
       %w(credential_id cloud_credential_id network_credential_id).each do |credential_attr|
         next unless job_template.respond_to?(credential_attr)
         credential_id = job_template.public_send(credential_attr).to_s
         next if credential_id.blank?
-        authentications << persister.credentials.lazy_find(credential_id)
+        inventory_object.authentications << persister.credentials.lazy_find(credential_id)
-      inventory_object.authentications = authentications
diff --git a/app/models/manageiq/providers/ansible_tower/inventory/persister/automation_manager.rb b/app/models/manageiq/providers/ansible_tower/inventory/persister/automation_manager.rb
index e187ae7b968..3fc67bc4e65 100644
--- a/app/models/manageiq/providers/ansible_tower/inventory/persister/automation_manager.rb
+++ b/app/models/manageiq/providers/ansible_tower/inventory/persister/automation_manager.rb
@@ -15,5 +15,12 @@ def initialize_inventory_collections
       :builder_params => {:resource => manager}
+    collections[:vms] = ::ManagerRefresh::InventoryCollection.new(
+      :model_class => Vm,
+      :arel        => Vm,
+      :strategy    => :local_db_find_references,
+      :manager_ref => [:uid_ems]
+    )
diff --git a/app/models/manager_refresh/inventory_collection.rb b/app/models/manager_refresh/inventory_collection.rb
index be374a1efc1..097f74b4b42 100644
--- a/app/models/manager_refresh/inventory_collection.rb
+++ b/app/models/manager_refresh/inventory_collection.rb
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 module ManagerRefresh
   class InventoryCollection
-    attr_accessor :saved
+    attr_accessor :saved, :references, :data_collection_finalized
     attr_reader :model_class, :strategy, :attributes_blacklist, :attributes_whitelist, :custom_save_block, :parent,
                 :internal_attributes, :delete_method, :data, :data_index, :dependency_attributes, :manager_ref,
                 :association, :complete, :update_only, :transitive_dependency_attributes, :custom_manager_uuid,
-                :custom_db_finder, :check_changed, :arel, :builder_params
+                :custom_db_finder, :check_changed, :arel, :builder_params, :loaded_references, :db_data_index
     delegate :each, :size, :to => :to_a
@@ -13,28 +13,33 @@ def initialize(model_class: nil, manager_ref: nil, association: nil, parent: nil
                    custom_save_block: nil, delete_method: nil, data_index: nil, data: nil, dependency_attributes: nil,
                    attributes_blacklist: nil, attributes_whitelist: nil, complete: nil, update_only: nil,
                    check_changed: nil, custom_manager_uuid: nil, custom_db_finder: nil, arel: nil, builder_params: {})
-      @model_class                      = model_class
-      @manager_ref                      = manager_ref || [:ems_ref]
-      @custom_manager_uuid              = custom_manager_uuid
-      @custom_db_finder                 = custom_db_finder
-      @association                      = association || []
-      @parent                           = parent || nil
-      @arel                             = arel
-      @dependency_attributes            = dependency_attributes || {}
-      @transitive_dependency_attributes = Set.new
-      @data                             = data || []
-      @data_index                       = data_index || {}
-      @saved                            = saved || false
-      @strategy                         = process_strategy(strategy)
-      @delete_method                    = delete_method || :destroy
+      @model_class           = model_class
+      @manager_ref           = manager_ref || [:ems_ref]
+      @custom_manager_uuid   = custom_manager_uuid
+      @custom_db_finder      = custom_db_finder
+      @association           = association || []
+      @parent                = parent || nil
+      @arel                  = arel
+      @dependency_attributes = dependency_attributes || {}
+      @data                  = data || []
+      @data_index            = data_index || {}
+      @saved                 = saved || false
+      @strategy              = process_strategy(strategy)
+      @delete_method         = delete_method || :destroy
+      @custom_save_block     = custom_save_block
+      @check_changed         = check_changed.nil? ? true : check_changed
+      @internal_attributes   = [:__feedback_edge_set_parent]
+      @complete              = complete.nil? ? true : complete
+      @update_only           = update_only.nil? ? false : update_only
+      @builder_params        = builder_params
       @attributes_blacklist             = Set.new
       @attributes_whitelist             = Set.new
-      @custom_save_block                = custom_save_block
-      @check_changed                    = check_changed.nil? ? true : check_changed
-      @internal_attributes              = [:__feedback_edge_set_parent]
-      @complete                         = complete.nil? ? true : complete
-      @update_only                      = update_only.nil? ? false : update_only
-      @builder_params                   = builder_params
+      @transitive_dependency_attributes = Set.new
+      @references                       = Set.new
+      @loaded_references                = Set.new
+      @db_data_index                    = nil
+      @data_collection_finalized        = false
       blacklist_attributes!(attributes_blacklist) if attributes_blacklist.present?
       whitelist_attributes!(attributes_whitelist) if attributes_whitelist.present?
@@ -52,40 +57,16 @@ def to_hash
     def process_strategy(strategy_name)
       case strategy_name
-      when :local_db_cache_all, :local_db_find_one
-        send("process_strategy_#{strategy_name}")
-      when :find_missing_in_local_db
+      when :local_db_cache_all
+        self.data_collection_finalized = true
+        self.saved = true
+      when :local_db_find_references
+        self.saved = true
+      when :local_db_find_missing_references
-    def load_from_db
-      return arel unless arel.nil?
-      parent.send(association)
-    end
-    def process_strategy_local_db_cache_all
-      self.saved = true
-      # TODO(lsmola) selected need to contain also :keys used in other InventoryCollections pointing to this one, once
-      # we get list of all keys for each InventoryCollection ,we can uncomnent
-      # selected   = [:id] + manager_ref.map { |x| model_class.reflect_on_association(x).try(:foreign_key) || x }
-      # selected << :type if model_class.new.respond_to? :type
-      # load_from_db.select(selected).find_each do |record|
-      load_from_db.find_each do |record|
-        index = if custom_manager_uuid.nil?
-                  object_index(record)
-                else
-                  stringify_reference(custom_manager_uuid.call(record))
-                end
-        data_index[index]    = new_inventory_object(record.attributes.symbolize_keys)
-        data_index[index].id = record.id
-      end
-    end
-    def process_strategy_local_db_find_one
-      self.saved = true
-    end
     def check_changed?
@@ -114,12 +95,14 @@ def saveable?
+    def data_collection_finalized?
+      data_collection_finalized
+    end
     def <<(inventory_object)
       unless data_index[inventory_object.manager_uuid]
         data_index[inventory_object.manager_uuid] = inventory_object
         data << inventory_object
-        actualize_dependencies(inventory_object)
@@ -174,9 +157,9 @@ def find_or_build_by(manager_uuid_hash)
     def find(manager_uuid)
       return if manager_uuid.nil?
       case strategy
-      when :local_db_find_one
+      when :local_db_find_references, :local_db_cache_all
-      when :find_missing_in_local_db
+      when :local_db_find_missing_references
         data_index[manager_uuid] || find_in_db(manager_uuid)
@@ -190,21 +173,6 @@ def find_by(manager_uuid_hash)
-    def find_in_db(manager_uuid)
-      manager_uuids    = manager_uuid.split(stringify_joiner)
-      hash_uuid_by_ref = manager_ref.zip(manager_uuids).to_h
-      record           = if custom_db_finder.nil?
-                           parent.send(association).where(hash_uuid_by_ref).first
-                         else
-                           custom_db_finder.call(self, hash_uuid_by_ref)
-                         end
-      return unless record
-      inventory_object    = new_inventory_object(record.attributes.symbolize_keys)
-      inventory_object.id = record.id
-      inventory_object
-    end
     def lazy_find(manager_uuid, key: nil, default: nil)
       ::ManagerRefresh::InventoryObjectLazy.new(self, manager_uuid, :key => key, :default => default)
@@ -354,29 +322,155 @@ def inspect
-    def actualize_dependency(key, value)
-      if dependency?(value)
-        (dependency_attributes[key] ||= Set.new) << value.inventory_collection
-        transitive_dependency_attributes << key if transitive_dependency?(value)
-      elsif value.kind_of?(Array) && value.any? { |x| dependency?(x) }
-        (dependency_attributes[key] ||= Set.new) << value.detect { |x| dependency?(x) }.inventory_collection
-        transitive_dependency_attributes << key if value.any? { |x| transitive_dependency?(x) }
+    def scan!
+      data.each do |inventory_object|
+        scan_inventory_object(inventory_object)
+    def db_collection_for_comparison
+      return arel unless arel.nil?
+      parent.send(association)
+    end
-    attr_writer :attributes_blacklist, :attributes_whitelist
+    attr_writer :attributes_blacklist, :attributes_whitelist, :db_data_index, :references
+    # Finds manager_uuid in the DB. Using a configured strategy we cache obtained data in the db_data_index, so the
+    # same find will not hit database twice. Also if we use lazy_links and this is called when
+    # data_collection_finalized?, we load all data from the DB, referenced by lazy_links, in one query.
+    #
+    # @param manager_uuid [String] a manager_uuid of the InventoryObject we search in the local DB
+    def find_in_db(manager_uuid)
+      # TODO(lsmola) selected need to contain also :keys used in other InventoryCollections pointing to this one, once
+      # we get list of all keys for each InventoryCollection ,we can uncomnent
+      # selected   = [:id] + manager_ref.map { |x| model_class.reflect_on_association(x).try(:foreign_key) || x }
+      # selected << :type if model_class.new.respond_to? :type
+      # load_from_db.select(selected).find_each do |record|
+      # Use the cached db_data_index only data_collection_finalized?, meaning no new reference can occur
+      if data_collection_finalized? && db_data_index
+        return db_data_index[manager_uuid]
+      else
+        return db_data_index[manager_uuid] if db_data_index && db_data_index[manager_uuid]
+        # We haven't found the reference, lets add it to the list of references and load it
+        references << manager_uuid unless references.include?(manager_uuid) # O(C) since references is Set
+      end
-    def actualize_dependencies(inventory_object)
+      populate_db_data_index!
+      db_data_index[manager_uuid]
+    end
+    # Fills db_data_index with InventoryObjects obtained from the DB
+    def populate_db_data_index!
+      # Load only new references from the DB
+      new_references = references - loaded_references
+      # And store which references we've already loaded
+      loaded_references.merge(new_references)
+      # Initialize db_data_index in nil
+      self.db_data_index ||= {}
+      # Return the the correct relation based on strategy and selection&projection
+      case strategy
+      when :local_db_cache_all
+        selection  = nil
+        projection = nil
+      else
+        selection  = extract_references(new_references)
+        projection = nil
+      end
+      db_relation(selection, projection).find_each do |record|
+        process_db_record!(record)
+      end
+    end
+    # Return a Rails relation or array that will be used to obtain the records we need to load from the DB
+    #
+    # @param selection [Hash] A selection hash resulting in Select operation (in Relation algebra terms)
+    # @param projection [Array] A projection array resulting in Project operation (in Relation algebra terms)
+    def db_relation(selection = nil, projection = nil)
+      relation = if !custom_db_finder.blank?
+                   custom_db_finder.call(self, selection, projection)
+                 else
+                   rel = if !parent.nil? && !association.nil?
+                           parent.send(association)
+                         elsif !arel.nil?
+                           arel
+                         end
+                   rel = rel.where(selection) if rel && selection
+                   rel
+                 end
+      relation || []
+    end
+    # Extracting references to a relation friendly format, or a format processable by a custom_db_finder
+    #
+    # @param new_references [Array] array of manager_uuids of the InventoryObjects
+    def extract_references(new_references = [])
+      # We collect what manager_uuids of this IC were referenced and we load only those
+      # TODO(lsmola) maybe in can be obj[x] = Set.new, since rails will do a query "col1 IN [a,b,b] AND col2 IN [e,f,e]"
+      # which is equivalent to "col1 IN [a,b] AND col2 IN [e,f]". The best would be to forcing rails to query
+      # "(col1, col2) IN [(a,e), (b,f), (b,e)]" which would load exactly what we need. Postgree supports this, but rails
+      # doesn't seem to. So for now, we can load a bit more from the DB than we need, in case of manager_ref.count > 1
+      hash_uuids_by_ref = manager_ref.each_with_object({}) { |x, obj| obj[x] = [] }
+      # TODO(lsmola) hm, if we call find in the parser code, not all references will be here, so this will really work
+      # only for lazy_find. So if we want to call find, I suppose we can cache all, possibly we could optimize this to
+      # set references upfront?
+      new_references.each do |reference|
+        refs = reference.split(stringify_joiner)
+        refs.each_with_index do |ref, index|
+          hash_uuids_by_ref[manager_ref[index]] << ref
+        end
+      end
+      hash_uuids_by_ref
+    end
+    # Takes ApplicationRecord record, converts it to the InventoryObject and places it to db_data_index
+    #
+    # @param record [ApplicationRecord] ApplicationRecord record we want to place to the db_data_index
+    def process_db_record!(record)
+      index = if custom_manager_uuid.nil?
+                object_index(record)
+              else
+                stringify_reference(custom_manager_uuid.call(record))
+              end
+      db_data_index[index]    = new_inventory_object(record.attributes.symbolize_keys)
+      db_data_index[index].id = record.id
+    end
+    def scan_inventory_object(inventory_object)
       inventory_object.data.each do |key, value|
-        actualize_dependency(key, value)
+        if value.kind_of?(Array)
+          value.each { |val| scan_inventory_object_attribute(key, val) }
+        else
+          scan_inventory_object_attribute(key, value)
+        end
-    def dependency?(value)
-      (value.kind_of?(::ManagerRefresh::InventoryObjectLazy) || value.kind_of?(::ManagerRefresh::InventoryObject)) &&
-        value.dependency?
+    def scan_inventory_object_attribute(key, value)
+      return unless inventory_object?(value)
+      # Storing attributes and their dependencies
+      (dependency_attributes[key] ||= Set.new) << value.inventory_collection if value.dependency?
+      # Storing if attribute is a transitive dependency, so a lazy_find :key results in dependency
+      transitive_dependency_attributes << key if transitive_dependency?(value)
+      # Storing a reference in the target inventory_collection, then each IC knows about all the references and can
+      # e.g. load all the referenced uuids from a DB
+      value.inventory_collection.references << value.to_s
+    end
+    def inventory_object?(value)
+      value.kind_of?(::ManagerRefresh::InventoryObjectLazy) || value.kind_of?(::ManagerRefresh::InventoryObject)
     def transitive_dependency?(value)
diff --git a/app/models/manager_refresh/inventory_collection/scanner.rb b/app/models/manager_refresh/inventory_collection/scanner.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9142f3a3dda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/models/manager_refresh/inventory_collection/scanner.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+module ManagerRefresh
+  class InventoryCollection
+    class Scanner
+      class << self
+        # Scanning inventory_collections for dependencies and references, storing the results in the inventory_collections
+        # themselves. Dependencies are needed for building a graph, references are needed for effective DB querying, where
+        # we can load all referenced objects of some InventoryCollection by one DB query.
+        #
+        # @param inventory_collections [Array] Array fo
+        def scan!(inventory_collections)
+          inventory_collections.each do |inventory_collection|
+            inventory_collection.data_collection_finalized = true
+            inventory_collection.scan!
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/app/models/manager_refresh/inventory_collection_default/cloud_manager.rb b/app/models/manager_refresh/inventory_collection_default/cloud_manager.rb
index f5810788299..a4dea997cec 100644
--- a/app/models/manager_refresh/inventory_collection_default/cloud_manager.rb
+++ b/app/models/manager_refresh/inventory_collection_default/cloud_manager.rb
@@ -56,17 +56,16 @@ def hardwares(extra_attributes = {})
         :association => :hardwares
-      case extra_attributes[:strategy]
-      when :local_db_cache_all
-        attributes[:custom_manager_uuid] = lambda do |hardware|
-          [hardware.vm_or_template.ems_ref]
-        end
-      when :find_missing_in_local_db
-        attributes[:custom_db_finder] = lambda do |inventory_collection, hash_uuid_by_ref|
-          inventory_collection.parent.send(inventory_collection.association).references(:vm_or_template).where(
-            :vms => {:ems_ref => hash_uuid_by_ref[:vm_or_template]}
-          ).first
-        end
+      attributes[:custom_manager_uuid] = lambda do |hardware|
+        [hardware.vm_or_template.ems_ref]
+      end
+      attributes[:custom_db_finder] = lambda do |inventory_collection, selection, _projection|
+        relation = inventory_collection.parent.send(inventory_collection.association)
+                                       .includes(:vm_or_template)
+                                       .references(:vm_or_template)
+        relation = relation.where(:vms => {:ems_ref => selection[:vm_or_template]}) unless selection.blank?
+        relation
diff --git a/app/models/manager_refresh/inventory_object.rb b/app/models/manager_refresh/inventory_object.rb
index ef5ddfc1f8a..f6bf56b0084 100644
--- a/app/models/manager_refresh/inventory_object.rb
+++ b/app/models/manager_refresh/inventory_object.rb
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ class InventoryObject
     attr_reader :inventory_collection, :data
     delegate :manager_ref, :base_class_name, :model_class, :to => :inventory_collection
-    delegate :[], :to => :data
+    delegate :[], :[]=, :to => :data
     def initialize(inventory_collection, data)
       @inventory_collection     = inventory_collection
@@ -85,12 +85,6 @@ def dependency?
-    def []=(key, value)
-      data[key] = value
-      inventory_collection.actualize_dependency(key, value)
-      value
-    end
     def allowed_writers
       return [] unless model_class
diff --git a/app/models/manager_refresh/inventory_object_lazy.rb b/app/models/manager_refresh/inventory_object_lazy.rb
index 1fa75d10ec0..dd749f28c5d 100644
--- a/app/models/manager_refresh/inventory_object_lazy.rb
+++ b/app/models/manager_refresh/inventory_object_lazy.rb
@@ -36,7 +36,16 @@ def transitive_dependency?
       # and a :stack is a relation to another object, in the InventoryObject object,
       # then this relation is considered transitive.
       !!(key && (inventory_collection.dependency_attributes.keys.include?(key) ||
-        inventory_collection.model_class.reflect_on_association(key)))
+        association?(key)))
+    end
+    def association?(key)
+      # TODO(lsmola) remove this if there will be better dependency scan, probably with transitive dependencies filled
+      # in a second pass
+      return true if [:parent, :genelogy_parent].include?(key)
+      # Is the key an association on inventory_collection_scope model class?
+      !inventory_collection.association_to_foreign_key_mapping[key].nil?
diff --git a/app/models/manager_refresh/save_collection/helper.rb b/app/models/manager_refresh/save_collection/helper.rb
index 92b7b467714..3bff0a10692 100644
--- a/app/models/manager_refresh/save_collection/helper.rb
+++ b/app/models/manager_refresh/save_collection/helper.rb
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ def log_format_deletes(deletes)
     def save_inventory(inventory_collection)
       inventory_collection.parent.reload if inventory_collection.parent
-      association  = inventory_collection.load_from_db
+      association  = inventory_collection.db_collection_for_comparison
       record_index = {}
       create_or_update_inventory!(inventory_collection, record_index, association)
diff --git a/app/models/manager_refresh/save_inventory.rb b/app/models/manager_refresh/save_inventory.rb
index 48444f50274..3680aa2c9a1 100644
--- a/app/models/manager_refresh/save_inventory.rb
+++ b/app/models/manager_refresh/save_inventory.rb
@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ module ManagerRefresh
   class SaveInventory
     class << self
       def save_inventory(ems, inventory_collections)
+        _log.info("#{log_header(ems)} Scanning Inventory Collections...Start")
+        ManagerRefresh::InventoryCollection::Scanner.scan!(inventory_collections)
+        _log.info("#{log_header(ems)} Scanning Inventory Collections...Complete")
         _log.info("#{log_header(ems)} Saving EMS Inventory...Start")
         inventory_object_saving_strategy = Settings.ems_refresh[ems.class.ems_type].try(:[], :inventory_object_saving_strategy)
diff --git a/spec/models/manager_refresh/save_inventory/graph_of_inventory_collections_targeted_refresh_spec.rb b/spec/models/manager_refresh/save_inventory/graph_of_inventory_collections_targeted_refresh_spec.rb
index 8c341062cc5..703e4039879 100644
--- a/spec/models/manager_refresh/save_inventory/graph_of_inventory_collections_targeted_refresh_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/manager_refresh/save_inventory/graph_of_inventory_collections_targeted_refresh_spec.rb
@@ -310,18 +310,20 @@
         vm_refs = ["vm_ems_ref_3", "vm_ems_ref_4"]
         @data[:vms] = ::ManagerRefresh::InventoryCollection.new(
-          :model_class => ManageIQ::Providers::CloudManager::Vm,
-          :arel        => @ems.vms.where(:ems_ref => vm_refs)
+          vms_init_data(
+            :arel => @ems.vms.where(:ems_ref => vm_refs)
+          )
         @data[:hardwares] = ::ManagerRefresh::InventoryCollection.new(
-          :model_class => Hardware,
-          :arel        => @ems.hardwares.joins(:vm_or_template).where(:vms => {:ems_ref => vm_refs}),
-          :manager_ref => [:vm_or_template]
+          hardwares_init_data(
+            :arel        => @ems.hardwares.joins(:vm_or_template).where(:vms => {:ems_ref => vm_refs}),
+            :strategy    => :local_db_find_missing_references,
+            :manager_ref => [:vm_or_template])
         @data[:disks] = ::ManagerRefresh::InventoryCollection.new(
-          :model_class => Disk,
-          :arel        => @ems.disks.joins(:hardware => :vm_or_template).where('hardware' => {'vms' => {'ems_ref' => vm_refs}}),
-          :manager_ref => [:hardware, :device_name]
+          disks_init_data(
+            :arel => @ems.disks.joins(:hardware => :vm_or_template).where('hardware' => {'vms' => {'ems_ref' => vm_refs}}),
+          )
         @vm_data_3 = vm_data(3).merge(
@@ -333,6 +335,7 @@
           :guest_os       => @data[:hardwares].lazy_find(image_data(2)[:ems_ref], :key => :guest_os),
           :vm_or_template => @data[:vms].lazy_find(vm_data(3)[:ems_ref])
         @disk_data_3 = disk_data(3).merge(
           :hardware => @data[:hardwares].lazy_find(vm_data(3)[:ems_ref])
@@ -378,7 +381,7 @@
               :vm_or_template_id   => @vm3.id,
               :bitness             => 64,
               :virtualization_type => "virtualization_type_3",
-              :guest_os            => nil,
+              :guest_os            => "linux_generic_2",
           :extra_disks    => [
@@ -704,90 +707,60 @@ def initialize_inventory_collections(only_collections)
     @data = {}
     only_collections.each do |collection|
       @data[collection] = ::ManagerRefresh::InventoryCollection.new(send("#{collection}_init_data",
-                                                                         :extra_attributes => {
+                                                                         {
                                                                            :complete => false
     (all_collections - only_collections).each do |collection|
       @data[collection] = ::ManagerRefresh::InventoryCollection.new(send("#{collection}_init_data",
-                                                                         :extra_attributes => {
+                                                                         {
                                                                            :complete => false,
                                                                            :strategy => :local_db_cache_all
-  def orchestration_stacks_init_data(extra_attributes: {})
-    extra_attributes[:model_class] = ManageIQ::Providers::CloudManager::OrchestrationStack
-    init_data(:orchestration_stacks,
-              extra_attributes)
+  def orchestration_stacks_init_data(extra_attributes = {})
+    # Shadowing the default blacklist so we have an automatically solved graph cycle
+    init_data(cloud.orchestration_stacks(extra_attributes.merge(:attributes_blacklist => [])))
-  def orchestration_stacks_resources_init_data(extra_attributes: {})
-    extra_attributes[:model_class] = OrchestrationStackResource
-    init_data(:orchestration_stacks_resources,
-              extra_attributes)
+  def orchestration_stacks_resources_init_data(extra_attributes = {})
+    # Shadowing the default blacklist so we have an automatically solved graph cycle
+    init_data(cloud.orchestration_stacks_resources(extra_attributes))
-  def vms_init_data(extra_attributes: {})
-    extra_attributes[:model_class] = ManageIQ::Providers::CloudManager::Vm
-    init_data(:vms,
-              extra_attributes)
+  def vms_init_data(extra_attributes = {})
+    init_data(cloud.vms(extra_attributes.merge(:attributes_blacklist => [])))
-  def miq_templates_init_data(extra_attributes: {})
-    extra_attributes[:model_class] = ManageIQ::Providers::CloudManager::Template
-    init_data(:miq_templates,
-              extra_attributes)
+  def miq_templates_init_data(extra_attributes = {})
+    init_data(cloud.miq_templates(extra_attributes))
-  def key_pairs_init_data(extra_attributes: {})
-    extra_attributes[:manager_ref] = [:name]
-    extra_attributes[:model_class] = ManageIQ::Providers::CloudManager::AuthKeyPair
-    init_data(:key_pairs,
-              extra_attributes)
+  def key_pairs_init_data(extra_attributes = {})
+    init_data(cloud.key_pairs(extra_attributes))
-  def hardwares_init_data(extra_attributes: {})
-    if extra_attributes[:strategy] == :local_db_cache_all
-      extra_attributes[:custom_manager_uuid] = lambda do |hardware|
-        [hardware.vm_or_template.ems_ref]
-      end
-    end
-    extra_attributes[:manager_ref] = [:vm_or_template]
-    extra_attributes[:model_class] = Hardware
-    init_data(:hardwares,
-              extra_attributes)
+  def hardwares_init_data(extra_attributes = {})
+    init_data(cloud.hardwares(extra_attributes))
-  def disks_init_data(extra_attributes: {})
-    if extra_attributes[:strategy] == :local_db_cache_all
-      extra_attributes[:custom_manager_uuid] = lambda do |hardware|
-        [hardware.hardware.vm_or_template.ems_ref, hardware.device_name]
-      end
-    end
+  def disks_init_data(extra_attributes = {})
+    init_data(cloud.disks(extra_attributes))
+  end
-    extra_attributes[:manager_ref] = [:hardware, :device_name]
-    extra_attributes[:model_class] = Disk
-    init_data(:disks,
-              extra_attributes)
+  def cloud
+    ManagerRefresh::InventoryCollectionDefault::CloudManager
-  def init_data(association, extra_attributes)
+  def init_data(extra_attributes)
     init_data = {
-      :parent      => @ems,
-      :association => association
+      :parent => @ems,
-    init_data
   def association_attributes(model_class)