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Only .csv files are accepted.":[""],"Loading Infrastructure Mappings...":[""],"Loading Migration Plans...":[""],"Loading Wizard...":[""],"Loading...":[""],"Log:":[""],"Make a selection in the dropdown to view plans in other states.":[""],"Map Compute":[""],"Map Networks":[""],"Map Storage":[""],"Mark source as migrated":[""],"Maximum length is %s characters.":[""],"Migrate":[""],"Migrate VM":[""],"Migrated":[""],"Migrating":[""],"Migration":[""],"Migration Plan Complete":[""],"Migration Plan In Progress":[""],"Migration Plan Not Started":[""],"Migration Plan Wizard":[""],"Migration Plans":[""],"Migration Plans Complete":[""],"Migration Plans In Progress":[""],"Migration Plans Not Started":[""],"Migration cancel request submitted for VMs: ":[""],"Migration cancelled":[""],"Migration complete":[""],"Migration log":[""],"Migration scheduled":[""],"Migration successfully scheduled for %s":[""],"Migration successfully unscheduled":[""],"Name":[""],"Name %s already exists":[""],"Networks missing":[""],"Next":[""],"No":[""],"No Archived Migration Plans":[""],"No Completed Migration Plans":[""],"No Data":[""],"No Migration Plans In Progress":[""],"No Migration Plans Not Started":[""],"No Migration Tasks.":[""],"No VM migration tasks have been started for this plan. 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