diff --git a/api/reference/conversion_hosts.md b/api/reference/conversion_hosts.md
deleted file mode 100644
index f976f08a7..000000000
--- a/api/reference/conversion_hosts.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-## Conversion Hosts
-Management of conversion hosts is provided via the following collection:
-``` data
-The following actions are available for conversion hosts:
- - [Querying Conversion Hosts](#querying-conversion-hosts)
- - [Creating Conversion Hosts](#creating-conversion-hosts)
- - [Deleting Conversion Hosts](#deleting-conversion-hosts)
-### Querying Conversion Hosts
-To query all conversion hosts:
- GET /api/conversion_hosts
-To query a specific conversion host’s details:
- GET /api/conversion_hosts/:id
-### Creating Conversion Hosts
-Conversion hosts can be created via the *create* POST action by posting
-the request directly to **/api/conversion\_hosts**.
-``` json
- "resource_type": "ManageIQ::Providers::Redhat::InfraManager::Host",
- "resource_id": 00000000000004,
- "auth_user": "root",
- "conversion_host_ssh_private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEvQI[...]gaS2cBrzxn3IQKTabc=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
- "vmware_vddk_package_url": "http://file.example.com/vddk/VMware-vix-disklib-stable.tar.gz"
-#### Conversion Host Attributes
-resource_type |
-string |
-Type of resource that is acting as a conversion host:
-oVirt / RHV Host: ManageIQ::Providers::Redhat::InfraManager::Host
-oVirt / RHV VM: ManageIQ::Providers::Redhat::InfraManager::Vm
-OpenStack VM: ManageIQ::Providers::Openstack::CloudManager::Vm
- |
-resource_id |
-integer |
-ID of the resource acting as a conversion host |
-auth_user |
-string |
-User name for the SSH connection to a conversion host |
-conversion_host_ssh_private_key |
-string |
-SSH private key for SSH connection to a conversion host. Line breaks must be replaced with \n . |
-vmware_vddk_package_url |
-string |
-Only for VDDK transport. URL of downloaded VMware VDDK tar.gz archive file. The VDDK must be saved in an HTML-accessible location. |
-vmware_ssh_private_key |
-string |
-Only for SSH transport. SSH private key for SSH connection to the VMware ESXi hosts. Line breaks must be replaced with \n . |
-tls_ca_certs |
-string |
-CA certificate chain for validating the provider API endpoint certificate. |
-#### Response
-Creating a conversion host can take a few minutes because the resource
-is configured by an Ansible playbook. For this reason, the conversion
-host creation process is asynchronous.
-The response provides the ID and the URL of the configuration task.
-``` json
- "results": [
- {
- "success": true,
- "message": "Enabling resource id:00000000000004 type:ManageIQ::Providers::Redhat::InfraManager::Host",
- "task_id": "00000000000005",
- "task_href": "http://localhost:3000/api/tasks/00000000000005",
- "href": "https://localhost:3000/api/conversion_hosts/"
- }
- ]
-#### Monitoring Configuration Tasks
-To monitor the conversion host configuration tasks:
- GET /api/tasks/:id
-``` json
- "href": "http://localhost:3000/api/tasks/00000000000005",
- "id": "00000000000005",
- "name": "Configuring a conversion_host: operation=enable resource=(name: rhvh01.example.com type: ManageIQ::Providers::Redhat::InfraManager::Host id: 00000000000004)",
- "state": "Active",
- "status": "Ok",
- "message": "Task starting",
- "userid": "root",
- "created_on": "2019-09-10T07:21:36Z",
- "updated_on": "2019-09-10T07:21:37Z",
- "pct_complete": null,
- "context_data": {
- "request_params": {
- "resource_type": "Host",
- "resource_id": "00000000000004",
- "vmware_vddk_package_url": "http://file.example.com/vddk/VMware-vix-disklib-stable.tar.gz",
- "auth_user": "root"
- }
- },
- "results": null,
- "miq_server_id": "00000000000001",
- "identifier": null,
- "started_on": "2019-09-10T07:21:37Z",
- "zone": null,
- "actions": [
- {
- "name": "delete",
- "method": "post",
- "href": "http://localhost:3000/api/tasks/00000000000005"
- },
- {
- "name": "delete",
- "method": "delete",
- "href": "http://localhost:3000/api/tasks/00000000000005"
- }
- ]
-### Deleting Conversion Hosts
-Conversion hosts can be deleted with either the **delete** `POST` action
-or the `DELETE` HTTP action.
-To delete a single conversion host:
- POST /api/conversion_hosts/101
-``` json
- "action" : "delete"
- DELETE /api/conversion_hosts/101
-To delete multiple conversion hosts:
- POST /api/conversion_hosts
-``` json
- "action" : "delete",
- "resources" : [
- { "href" : "http://localhost:3000/api/conversion_hosts/101" },
- { "href" : "http://localhost:3000/api/conversion_hosts/102" },
- ...
- ]
diff --git a/api/reference/transformation_mappings.md b/api/reference/transformation_mappings.md
deleted file mode 100644
index d6dc9d733..000000000
--- a/api/reference/transformation_mappings.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-## Transformation Mappings
-Management of transformation mappings is provided via the following
-``` data
-The following actions are available for transformation mappings:
- - [Querying Transformation
- Mappings](#querying-transformation-mappings)
- - [Creating Transformation
- Mappings](#creating-transformation-mappings)
- - [Deleting Transformation
- Mappings](#deleting-transformation-mappings)
-### Querying Transformation Mappings
-To query all transformation mappings:
- GET /api/transformation_mappings
-To query a specific transformation mapping for details:
- GET /api/transformation_mappings/:id
-### Creating Transformation Mappings
-Transformation mappings can be created via the *create* `POST` action,
-by posting the request directly to **/api/transformation\_mappings**.
-``` json
- "action": "create",
- "resource": {
- "name": "VMware to RHV",
- "description": "Infrastructure Mapping for migration from VMware to RHV",
- "transformation_mapping_items": [
- { "source": "/api/clusters/00000000000001", "destination": "/api/clusters/00000000000003" },
- { "source": "/api/data_stores/00000000000001", "destination": "/api/data_stores/00000000000013" },
- { "source": "/api/data_stores/00000000000002", "destination": "/api/data_stores/00000000000013" },
- { "source": "/api/data_stores/00000000000003", "destination": "/api/data_stores/00000000000013" },
- { "source": "/api/data_stores/00000000000004", "destination": "/api/data_stores/00000000000013" },
- { "source": "/api/lans/00000000000007", "destination": "/api/lans/00000000000034" },
- { "source": "/api/lans/00000000000015", "destination": "/api/lans/00000000000034" },
- { "source": "/api/lans/00000000000009", "destination": "/api/lans/00000000000032" },
- { "source": "/api/lans/00000000000017", "destination": "/api/lans/00000000000032" }
- ]
- }
-#### Transportation Mapping Attributes
-name |
-string |
-Name of transformation mapping |
-description |
-string |
-Description of transformation mapping |
-transformation_mapping_items |
-array |
-List of transformation mapping items. Each item contains:
- |
-#### Response
-``` json
- "results": [
- {
- "href": "http://localhost:3000/api/transformation_mappings/00000000000001",
- "id": "00000000000001",
- "name": "VMware to RHV",
- "description": "Infrastructure Mapping for migration from VMware to RHV",
- "comments": null,
- "state": null,
- "options": {},
- "tenant_id": null,
- "created_at": "2019-09-09T09:56:59Z",
- "updated_at": "2019-09-09T09:56:59Z"
- }
- ]
-### Deleting Transformation Mappings
-Transformation mappings can be deleted either with the **delete** `POST`
-action or the `DELETE` HTTP method.
- POST /api/transformation_mappings/101
-``` json
- "action" : "delete"
- DELETE /api/transformation_mappings/101
-To delete multiple transformation mappings:
- POST /api/transformation_mappings
-``` json
- "action" : "delete",
- "resources" : [
- { "href" : "http://localhost:3000/api/transformation_mappings/101" },
- { "href" : "http://localhost:3000/api/transformation_mappings/102" },
- ...
- ]