Welcome to my data portfolio! Here, I document a summary of the projects i´ve been working on in the data field.
Project Link | Tools Used | Project Description |
🍜 8-Week SQL Challenges | Docker, Postrgresql, Dbeaber | This repo serves as the solution for the 8 case studies from the 8WeekSQLChallenge. It showcases proficiency on the SQL Syntax, and Data Analysis Skills. |
⚽ Peru in the Fifa WC 2022 MLPClassifier model | scikit learn, numpy, MLPClassifier, Kaggle | This repo explores what would have been like the performance of Peru on the 2022 WC if they beat Asutralia on the qualifying game. |
💳 Credit Card clients clustering using PCA | kmeans, PCA, Python, numpy, kaggle | there is a challenge on kaggle, that is about clusterization of credit card users given a dataset, and this repo shows my solution. |