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Phrases |
Now that you've mastered pronunciation, here are some basic phrases and words to get you started! Be aware that everything here is simplified and not much is explained, but if you keep coming back here, everything will start to click.
Magyar | English |
Jó reggelt (kívánok) | Good morning |
Jó napot (kívánok) | Good day |
Jó estét (kívánok) | Good evening |
Jó éjszakát | Good night |
Jó étvágyat | Bon Appetit |
Szép napot | Have a nice day |
Neked is* (to one person) | to you as well |
Nektek is* (to many) | to you as well |
Helló/Szia/Szevasz (to one person) | Hi/Hey/Bye |
Helló/Sziasztok/Szevasztok (to many) | Hi/Hey/Bye |
Viszlát/Viszontlátásra | Goodbye |
Hogy vagy? (to one person) | How are you? |
Hogy vagytok? (to many) | How are you? |
Igen | Yes |
Nem | No/Not |
Talán | Maybe |
(Nem) tudom | I (don't) know |
(Nem) értem | I (don't) understand |
Köszönöm/köszi (szépen) | Thank you (very much) |
Szívesen | You're welcome |
Nincs mit | Don't mention it |
Kérem | Please |
Bocsánat | Sorry |
Elnézést | Excuse me |
Mennyibe kerül ez? | How much is this? |
Hol van a mosdó? | Where is the toilet? |
Hány óra van? / Mennyi az idő? | What's the time? |
Segítség! | Help! |
Tűz! / Tűz van! | Fire! / There's a fire! |
Beszélsz angolul? | Do you speak English? |
Igen, csak egy kicsit* | Yes, only a little |
Ez | This |
Az | That |
És | And |
Ma | Today |
Holnap | Tomorrow |
Tegnap | Yesterday |
Neked/nektek is
are responses to thoses phrases beginning withjó
.Igen, csak egy kicsit
is a response tobeszélsz angolul/magyarul?
- Hát, ez nem jó! (Free image fetched from
Well this isn't good!
Naturally because phrases have been introduced, the list will be long, but eventually these will all be covered.
marks the accusative-nak,-nek
which marks the dative casehány,mennyi
used for countingez, az
are pronouns were mentioned- The use of
for negation - The use of
which is a locative
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