Please direct all questions and bug reports to [email protected].
First time setup
Log into you GitHub account and then click the Fork button on the Sandhill repository home page.
Install the required packages to setup Sandhill (note the required sudo
privileges for these commands only):
sudo apt update
sudo apt install virtualenv python3-pip
Clone the Sandhill repository locally and navigate into that directory:
git clone
cd sandhill
Now add your fork as a new remote:
git remote add fork{username}/sandhill
Create a new branch for your changes:
git checkout -b your-branch-name
Next create a virtual environment and install the required pip packages:
virtualenv -p python3 env
env/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
Start coding
Make sure you have the latest sandhill code:
git fetch origin
Create a new branch for your changes off of the master branch:
git checkout -b your-branch-name origin/master
As you are writing your code, make sure you are following the coding standards that Sandhill has defined.
Commit changes as you go to your forked branch:
git push -set-upstream fork your-branch-name
Test your code
Before you submit a pull request you must make sure that all of your code has appropriate
tests written for them and have complete coverage. See the testing steps
documentation for how to write and run unit tests.
Lint your code
The final step before submiting your changes is to run a lint check to identify basic style issues
for better code consistency throughout the repository.
env/bin/pylint sandhill/
Submitting your code
Once you have completed all of the above steps you are ready to submit your pull request. Please follow
the official GitHub documentation for pull requests.
But basically you can just go back to the Sandhill repository and click on
Pull Request and follow the prompts to submit it.