Angular CLI version used : 10.0.7
Java 17+
- Java Project Contains backend logic
- frontend project contains angular project for UI
- Name: Spring Boot Extension Pack VS Marketplace Link:
- Name: Extension Pack for Java VS Marketplace Link:
- Name: Angular Language Service VS Marketplace Link:
- Name: Lombok Annotations Support for VS Code VS Marketplace Link:
- Name: Extension Pack for Java VS Marketplace Link:
- Open the folder frontend in terminal
- Run the command ng serve
- Open http://localhost:4200 in browser
- Open the folder frontend in terminal
- Run the command ng build
- Open http://localhost:8080 in browser
- Note: the build process will create files in dist folder. Please copy the new file names and paste in index.html
- To run the project open src\main\java\mes\projectty\collegevoting\
- Click on run or debug
- Open http://localhost:8080 in browser
- Open
- Change the mysql link to desired link
- change the username and password accordingly
- Create schema(Demo) in database with the name 'college_election'
For information Contact Mahadev Parsekar Team Lead Software Sierra Circuits pvt. ltd.