- Revision 24-05-2020
- Version EEPROM MKV80
- Version Nextion 1_3_2
- Add support SdFat library by Bill Greiman 1.1.1 or higher
- Add Nextion 7" Intelligent
- Start development for STM32 on board Rumba32
- Hardware Timer for stepper OK
- Systick for temp OK
- PWM Hardware OK
- Serial OK
- Display Nextion OK
- DISPLAY 20x4 No Test
- DISPLAY Graphics Function
- Neopixel Not function
- Reduce resonance by limiting the frequency of small zigzag infill moves.
- See http://hydraraptor.blogspot.com/2010/12/frequency-limit.html
- M201: Add set XY frequency limit and minimum FR percentage
- F[Hz] XY Frequency Limit
- G[%] Minimum FR percentage
- M353: Set total number Extruder, Hotend, Bed, Chamber, Fan
- D[int] Set number driver extruder
- E[int] Set number extruder
- H[int] Set number hotend
- B[int] Set number bed
- C[int] Set number chamber
- F[int] Set number fan
- M563: Set Tools heater assignment
- T[int] Set Tool
- D[int] Set Driver for tool
- H[int] Set Hotend for tool
- M672: Set/reset Probe Smart Effector sensitivity
- S[sensitivity] 0-255, R reset sensitivity to default
- M890: Run User GCode
- S[int] - Run 1 - 5 user gcode
- M900: S[bool] Active Linear Advance Test see new valor in configuration LIN_ADVANCE_K_START and LIN_ADVANCE_K_FACTOR
- Add multiple Language, max 5, for lcd..
- Add Linear advanced K-Factor for Extruder
- Add TMC Homing stepper phase
- Add Nextion Baudrate
- Add Nextion CRC on serial
- Fix M569 code for extruder
- Add Board RUMBA32 MKS
- Add Board STEVAL-3DP001V1
- Add L64xx driver
- Add Duet Smart Effector (for delta printers) - https://bit.ly/2ul5U7J
- Fix Alligator V2 DAC
- Fix problem with STM32core 1_8_0
- Fix problem with TOOL_CHANGE_FIL_SWAP
- Fix and clear code
- EEROM Version MKV72
- New graphic for Nextion 4.3, 5.0 or 7.0 Normal and Enanched
- Add support 6 Hotends, 4 Hot Beds, 4 Hot Chambers and 1 water Cooler
- Add Support for TMC2130 - TMC2208 - TMC2660 - TMC2160 - TMC5130 - TMC5160 motor driver
- Add command M228 for setting axis limit min/max
- Add Tool change Park
- Add Tool change filament swap
- Add Prompt support for host
- Add support for BLTouch V3.0/V3.1
- Add Prusa MMU2 Support
- Add support thermocouples for hotend and bed
- Add menu axis limit to menu advanced
- Add Double-Quad Stepping to command M569 Q and save it into EEPROM
- Add Option for Safety Timer in configuration_temperature.h
- Add Game menu
- Add DHT menu
- Add DHT disply Dew Point
- Add SPI Endstop with TMC2130
- Add Slow Homing
- Add G34 and M422 Z Steppers Auto-Alignment (Cartesian and CORE)
- Add G34 I[iterations] [accuracy] A[amplification]
- Add M86 M[min] set safety timer expiration time in minute. M86 M0 will disable safety timer
- Add M16 Expected printer check
- Add M504 - Validate EEPROM Contents
- Add M505 - Clear EEPROM and RESET Printer
- Add M575 - Change serial baud rate
- Add M217 - Set Park position and tool change parameters
- S[linear] Swap length
- E[linear] Purge length
- P[linear/m] Purge speed
- R[linear/m] Retract speed
- X[linear] Park X (Requires NOZZLE_PARK_FEATURE)
- Y[linear] Park Y (Requires NOZZLE_PARK_FEATURE)
- Z[linear] Park Z Raise
- M301 - Set PID parameters P I D and C.
- H[heaters] 0-5 Hotend, -1 BED, -2 CHAMBER, -3 COOLER
- T[int] 0-3 For Select Beds or Chambers (default 0)
- P[float] Kp term, I[float] Ki term, D[float] Kd term
- With PID_ADD_EXTRUSION_RATE: C[float] Kc term, L[int] LPQ length
- M303 - PID relay autotune.
- H[heaters] 0-5 Hotend, -1 BED, -2 CHAMBER, -3 COOLER
- T[int] 0-3 For Select Beds or Chambers (default 0)
- S[temperature] sets the target temperature (default target temperature = 150C), C[cycles], U[Apply result],
- R[Method] 0 = Classic Pid, 1 = Some overshoot, 2 = No Overshoot, 3 = Pessen Pid
- M305 - Set thermistor and ADC parameters.
- H[heaters] 0-5 Hotend, -1 BED, -2 CHAMBER, -3 COOLER
- T[int] 0-3 For Select Beds or Chambers (default 0)
- A[float] Thermistor resistance at 25°C, B[float] BetaK, C[float] Steinhart-Hart C coefficien, R[float] Pullup resistor value,
- L[int] ADC low offset correction, O[int] ADC high offset correction, P[int] Sensor Pin
- Set DHT sensor parameter: D0 P[int] Sensor Pin, S[int] Sensor Type (11, 21, 22).
- M306 - Set Heaters parameters.
- H[heaters] 0-5 Hotend, -1 BED, -2 CHAMBER, -3 COOLER
- T[int] 0-3 For Select Beds or Chambers (default 0)
- A[int] Power Drive Min, B[int] Power Drive Max, C[int] Power Max,
- L[int] Min temperature, O[int] Max temperature, U[bool] Use Pid/bang bang,
- I[bool] Hardware Inverted, T[bool] Thermal Protection, P[int] Pin
- M352 - Set Driver pins and logic
- X E[Enable pin] D[Dir pin] S[Step pin] L[enable logic] M[step logic]
- X2 E[Enable pin] D[Dir pin] S[Step pin] L[enable logic] M[step logic]
- Y E[Enable pin] D[Dir pin] S[Step pin] L[enable logic] M[step logic]
- Y2 E[Enable pin] D[Dir pin] S[Step pin] L[enable logic] M[step logic]
- Z E[Enable pin] D[Dir pin] S[Step pin] L[enable logic] M[step logic]
- Z2 E[Enable pin] D[Dir pin] S[Step pin] L[enable logic] M[step logic]
- Z3 E[Enable pin] D[Dir pin] S[Step pin] L[enable logic] M[step logic]
- T0-5 E[Enable pin] D[Dir pin] S[Step pin] L[enable logic] M[step logic]
- Fix MBL
- Rewrite filament runout
- Rewrite Restart reduce size memory cost
- Rewrite all driver, now are object
- Driver pins now save in eeprom
- Fix and clear code
- Add TMC settings to menu LCD
- Add Adaptive Fan speed
- Add Request pause to Host
- Rewrite TMC files
- Add M92 Subcommand H[microstep] L[Layer wanted]
- Add to all nextion scroll message By MrGoblin
- Fix Mixer color routine
- Add M166 Set the Gradient Mix for the mixing extruder. (Requires COLOR_MIXING_EXTRUDER)
- Fix Scara
- Add Service Timer
- Fix timer stepper with TMC2130 bug
- Clear code
- Add Command:
- G34: Set Delta Height calculated from toolhead position (only DELTA)
- M930: TMC set blank_time.
- M931: TMC set off_time.
- M932: TMC set hysteresis_start.
- M933: TMC set hysteresis_end.
- M934: TMC set fast_decay_time.
- M935: TMC set disable_I_comparator.
- M936: TMC set stealth_gradient.
- M937: TMC set stealth_amplitude.
- M938: TMC set stealth_freq.
- M939: TMC switch stealth_autoscale.
- M940: TMC switch StealthChop.
- M941: TMC switch ChopperMode.
- M942: TMC switch interpolation.
- M524: Abort the current SD print job (started with M24). (Requires SDSUPPORT)
- M223: T[extruder] S[bool] set Filrunout Logic.
- M224: T[extruder] S[bool] set Filrunout Pullup.
- M666: L delta segment per line.
- M851: Set X Y Z Probe Offset in current units, set speed [F]ast and [S]low, [R]epetititons. (Requires Probe)
- M413: S[bool] Enable / Disable Restart Job. (Requires SD_RESTART_FILE)
- M800: S goto to lcd menu. With no parameters run restart commands. (Requires SD_RESTART_FILE)
- M73: P[percent] Set percentage complete (compatibility with Marlin)
- M116: Wait for all heaters to reach target temperature
- Add Text Menu to Nextion Display
- Add sound function
- Add LCD menu for switch Sound [on - silent - off]
- Add pause before deploy/stow for user confirmation
- Add second serial for arduino due
- Add PCF8574 Expansion IO for pin 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127
- Fix M800 for restart job
- Fix error with lcd 44780 with progress bar active
- Fix M205 with Delta and Junction active
- Fix Dogm LCD
- Add Status menu anim option for graphic display
- Add progress bar to heater when heating
- Add Text Menu SD to Nextion
- Add Support USB FLASH DRIVE such as SD
- Add Thermal protection to command M306 and saved it in EEPROM
- Fixed GFX overlay with Nextion when printing from USB
- Add Statistic in EEPROM and not in SD
- Fixed change filament menu with Nextion LCD
- Fixed send ok in some situations
- Fixed TMC Debug e test connection
- The BABYSTEPPING menu if enabled DOUBLECLICK_FOR_Z_BABYSTEPPING is always working even when it is not in print
- Reduce PROGMEM for print settings
- Add Soft PWM to SAM processor and Kickstart for FAN
- Fix Laser M3 M4 command
- Fix and clear code
- Make class Mechanics to static
- Add Junction Deviation instead of traditional Jerk limiting
- Add Adaptive multiaxis step smoothing
- Add M205 J - Set Junction Deviation mm
- Add Bézier Jerk Control
- Add Safety Timer, after 30 minutes if not printing (SD or M530 S1) the heaters switch off.
- Rewrite SD Restart for auto restart when power loss and return.
- Add command gcode M569 for Stepper driver control: Dir, direction delay, minimum pulse and maximum rate.
- Add Hysteresis in EEPROM
- Fix and clear code
- Now if a heater does not have a sensor or fails, it will not be used, but it will not kill.
- If the PID autotune is not done, the firmware will not switch the heater on until the autotune is performed. Only if have EEPROM.
- Update Nextion Firmware 4.3" and 7"
- Add firmware for 4.3 Enanched and 5" Enanched
- Add X2 and Y2 endstop if enabled X2 two stepper drivers or Y2 two stepper drivers
- Add M666 Set Two Endstops offsets for X, Y, and/or Z
- Delete Z3 and Z4 stepper driver
- Fix and clear code
- CaseLight use Neopixel by Original Marlin
- Add command M123 - Set Logic Endstop
- Add command M124 - Set Pullup Endstop
- Add command M603 - Set filament change
- Add command M701 - Load Filament
- Add command M702 - Unload Filament
- Replaced easy bowden with filament change load & unload
- Save Logic and Pullup Endstop to EEPROM
- Fix and clear code
- Add command M306 - Set Heaters parameters.
- Add G26 Mesh validation.
- Update Nextion Firmware with new graphics by Mr Goblin.
- Add support for TMC2208
- Minor Fix.
- New calculation system for thermistors
- Add command M305 - Set thermistor and ADC parameters and DHT sensor parameters
- Add M303 R 0 = Classic Pid, 1 = Some overshoot, 2 = No Overshoot, 3 = Pessen Pid
- Unified commands M320 and M420 in M420 for all Bed Level
- Add subcode to M106 - P S F U L I
- Add option for SD card SDCARD_SORT_ALPHA (By Marlin)
- Add M36 - Set SD Card Sorting Options
- Fix and clear code
- Add Unified Bed Level (UBL) for Cartesian, Core and Delta
- Add support for DHT11, DHT21 and DHT22 Temperature/Humidity sensors (Only for test)
- Fix and clear code
- Add subcommand S to M600 for change temperature
- Fix and clear code
- New Class Heater for 4 Hotend 1 Bed 1 Chamber 1 Cooler
- Rewrite Temperature code
- Fix and clear code
- Now Probe offset is a variable.
- New command for compatibility with Marlin, M851 X Y Z for setting Probe Offset
- Remove old command M666 P for Z offset Probe
- Fix and clear code
- New management commands
- New classes created
- Many changes made
- Add Adafruit NeoPixel Led
- Fix and clear code
- Add Extruder Encoder for control filament movement (Experimental)
- Now all types of delta autocalibration can be done with probe_manually and lcd
- Fix and clear code
- Create class bedlevel and probe
- G30 now have Z e P sub command. Z1 modify Delta Height and P1 modify Probe Z offset.
- Fix and clear code
- Add Hardware PWM for SAM processor
- Add M114 D for Detail position, leveled, unlevel, stepper
- Add MKR12 system for 12 extruder with 16 relé and 4 driver
- Support to 12 Extruder
- Add support for PCA9632 PWM RGB LED
- Add support DAV System (By D'angella Vincenzo)
- Swap on Alligator board Heater_0 with Heater_Bed because this pin is Hardware PWM.
- Add User menu LCD
- Write Kinematic function for Cartesian, Core and DELTA. SCARA for now not implemented.
- Add ADVANCED PAUSE FEATURE (Ex Filament Change. Requires an LCD display)
- Add PARK HEAD ON PAUSE (Park head on SD pause or M125 commands. Requires an LCD display)
- Add M125 - Store current position and move to pause park position.
- Add automatic call M600 with one extruder and ADVANCED PAUSE FEATURE when change tools
- Add STATUS MESSAGE SCROLLING. The message on lcd scroll right to the left.
- Add ANET board for A2, A6 and A8 printer
- Add ANET full graphics lcd
- Add Nextion Diamond version by MrGoblin 7"
- Fix and clear code
- Algorithm based on Thinkyhead Marlin
- Change the old command G30 A in G33 for Delta Autocalibration
- Fix and Clear code
- Add Power Check pin for Stop & Save
- Add Probe Manually
- Add Probe Manually for DELTA bed level and Calibration 7 points
- Add LCD_BED_LEVELING for Nextion
- Upgrade Nextion Firmware
- Clear code
- Update Nextion firmware
- Fix and clear code
- Rewrite HAL ADC for 8 and 32 bit
- Rewrite PID finction for 8 and 32 bit
- Add Workspace offset
- Fix MBL
- Clear code
- Add TMC2130 motor driver
- Add EEPROM on SDCARD (Ultratronics)
- Add Workspace for home offset
- Add BLtouch on M43 command
- Add circular clean on NOZZLE CLEAN FEATURE
- Fix and clear code
- Add Delta print radius editable with M666 and save in eeprom
- Rewrite HAL_DUE
- Rewrite Temperature Timer please update PID
- Add CNC Router
- Add M6 - Tool change CNC. (Requires CNCROUTERS)
- Add M450 - Report Printer Mode
- Add M451 - Select FFF Printer Mode
- Add M452 - Select Laser Printer Mode
- Add M453 - Select CNC Printer Mode
- Add up 4 Fan
- Update Nextion V0_9_8
- Fix endstop interrupts
- Fix and clear code
- Add G38.2 and G38.3 Probe target - similar to G28 except it uses the Z_MIN endstop for all three axes
- Fix and clear code.
- Fix and clear code.
- Add Save in EEPROM ABL (Linear or Bilinear) or MBL
- Add M323 Set Level bilinear manual - X Y Z S
- Add Door open, a triggered door will prevent new commands from serial or sd card.
- Fix HAL
- Add ABL or MBL leveling fade height M320 Z (ABL) or M420 Z (MBL)
- Add RGB LED M150: Set Status LED Color - Use R-U-B for R-G-B
- Add Case Light M355 S P
- Add M995 X Y Z set origin for graphic in NEXTION
- Add M996 S scale graphic in NEXTION
- Add Autocalibration 7 points for DELTA (Similar RepRapFirmware)
- Add ENSURE_SMOOTH_MOVES - Enable this option to prevent the machine from stuttering when printing multiple short segments.
- Add USE_BIG_EDIT_FONT - A bigger font is available for edit items in graphical displays. Costs 3120 bytes of PROGMEM.
- Add USE_SMALL_INFOFONT - A smaller font may be used on the Info Screen in graphical displays. Costs 2300 bytes of PROGMEM.
- Add Waveform temperature for Nextion.
- Add option for refresh Nextion
- Add option for name firmware file Nextion
- Add Auto report temp with M155
- Add new capabilities string with M115
- Add M155 Set temperature auto-report interval
- Add M320 Activate autolevel
- Add M321 Deactivate autoleveling
- Add M322 Reset auto leveling matrix
- Change M11 in M530
- Add M530 Enables explicit printing mode (S1) or disables it (S0). L can set layer count
- Add M531 Define filename being printed
- Add M532 update current print state progress (X=0..100) and layer L
- Add register in EEPROM Bilinear Bed Level
- Add M355 Turn case lights on/off
- Fix Error with 8bit and 2 or more Hotends
- Upgrade Nextion with Filament Change
- New Fix
- Fix Code
- Fix JERK
- Fix Save Stop Restart
- Update Nextion Graphic made Mr. Goblins
- Add M43 Pins test and debugs
- Clear Code
- ABL revision (ABL 3 point, ABL Linear, ABL Bilinear)
- Clear code
- Add Fast inverse sqrt from Quake III Arena see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_inverse_square_root
- Add Nozzle Clean Feature
- Add Nozzle Park Feature
- New MK4duo, only version for Arduino and Arduino due
- Last version for only 32 bit
- Fix and clear code
- Add X dual motor
- Add custom bootscreen
- Fix and clear code
- Rewrite communication
- Fix and clear code
- Fix Type probe
- Add MKR6 system
- Fix and clear code
- Add Stop and Save for Restart (SSR)
- Add Mesh Bed Level (MBL)
- Add Cooler and Hot Chamber
- Add Laser Beam PWM and raster base64
- Add DONDOLO_DUAL_MOTOR for DONDOLO bowden and dual extruder
- Add reader TAG with MFRC522
- Fix serial protocol for Repetier Host
- Bug fix
- Add board folder with files of various board containing the pins
- Add End time on Graphics display when SD print
- Add M35 for upload firmware to Nextion from SD
- Rewrite macros
- Fix M109 so it won't wait for cooling
- Clear code
- Bug fix
- Add M906 Set motor Currents for ALLIGATOR board
- Add Cartesian Correction Hysteresis and Zwooble
- Bug fix
- Bug Fix
- Big Update
- Add HAL for 8 bit version
- Rewrite Communication
- Rewrite Servo
- Add Color Mixing Extruder
- Added Abort on endstop hit feature
- Added Purge command G1 P
- Added M222 T S set density extrude factor percentage for purge
- Added Filament tot printed in stats
- Overall rewrite
- Added the possibility to invert the logic for lcd buttons.
- Language files bugfix.
- Fixed a freeze problem during write operations to the SD.
- Re-enabled by default SDSUPPORT for DISCOUNT displays.
- SDSUPPORT disabled by default.
- General BugFix.
- Add Dual Extruder DONDOLO.
- Add PID Extrusion Rate Kc in percent.
- New configuration systems (Now you can create a separate file with all configuration and use it in you FW update).
- New namings for file.
- Added more documentation inside configuration file.
- More checks for feature incompatibility during compilation.
- Codeclean.
- General bugfix.
- Removed legacy support for old configuration (Do not use your old configuration files, namings and position for configuration has changed).
- Added dot for SD write operation.
- Added statistics menu.
- Added an overall configuration file.
- Added M70 gcode for calibrate AC721 current sensor.
- Added documentation for calibrate AC721 current sensor.
- Critical stepper motor frequency bugfix.
- Introduced more intuitive menu tree.
- Added a menu option to fix loose steps from LCD.
- Improved italian translation.
- G28 gcode now support the "B" flag that enable you to come back to the last position of the axis before the homing command. (Used for fix loose steps)
- Implemented FAST_PWM_FAN and FAN_SOFT_PWM also for other fan that can be added in configuration_adv file.
- Added the ability to set a min speed to the fan that can be added in configuration_adv file.
- General bugfix.
- Add support for Piggy Alligator board
- Add Debug_info. Repetier button info for enabled or disabled, or M111 S2 for enabled and M111 S0 for disabled.
- Improved Topography Auto Bed Level.
- Add Dryrun ABL and verbose with command G29 D or G29 V(0-4).
- Improve Autoconfiguration for Delta printer.
- Add support (test only) for NEXTION HMI LCD.
- Improved firmare test dialog.
- Bugfix for SDCONFIG routine. Now the configuration file will be readed and created only on the root of the SD.
- Improved "Thermal Runaway Protection" now the system will be halted also if the thermistor is missing before the temperature is reached as suggested in Issue #35.
- Improved "Extruder Idle Oozing Prevention" by adding a more efficient way to detect planned movements. Now this feature seems stable and can be used by anyone.
- Bugfix for sdinit.
- Removed tab character from the code.
- Removed some unuseful spacing from the code.
- Improved support for Delta, SCARA, COREXY & COREXZ kinematics.
- Improved stepper timer for high velocity driver and not.
- Add calibrate surface with DELTA.
- Improved serial comunication with most popular Host.
- Add Acceleration retraction for extruder.
- Add EJerk for extruder.
- Remove limit of maximum 4 virtual extruders. Now with MKR4 or NPr2 is possible to have infinite extruders...
- Add M92 T* E (Set step per unit for any extruder).
- Add M203 T* E (Set max feedrate for any extruder).
- Add M204 T* R (Set acc retraction for any extruder).
- Add M205 T* E (Set E Jerk for any extruder).
- Add Slot for G60 & G61.
- G60 Save current position coordinates (all axes, for active extruder). S - specifies memory slot # (0-based) to save into (default 0).
- G61 Apply/restore saved coordinates to the active extruder. X Y Z E - Value to add at stored coordinates. F - Set Feedrate. S - specifies memory slot # (0-based) to save into (default 0).
- Serial message function standardized for a better code style.
- Auto-Create configuration file if not exist.
- FIX for sdcard crash problem during configuration file reading.
- FIX for some undefined SCARA defines.
- Added Power (Watt) Sensor.
- Added Anti OOZING.
- Add Power Consumation and Power On Time.
- Configurations stored in the SD are updated in real-time (every SD_CFG_SECONDS seconds) also if you remove-insert the sd or you start your printer without the SD card.
- Reduced code size, maybe a lot depending on your configuration.
- Improved support for Delta, SCARA, and COREXY kinematics.
- Move parts of Configuration files to
. - Clean up of temperature code.
- Enhanced
with improved grid bed leveling based on Roxy code. See documentation. - EEPROM layout updated to
. - Added
travel acceleration options. M204
" parameter replaces "S
." "S
" retained for backward compatibility.M404
" parameter replaced with "W
." ("N
" is for line numbers only).- Much cleanup of the code.
- Improved support for Cyrillic and accented languages.
- LCD controller knob acceleration.
- Improved compatibility with various sensors, MAX6675 thermocouple.
- Filament runout sensor support.
- Filament width measurement support.
- Support for TMC and L6470 stepper drivers.
- Better support of G-Code
line numbers, and*
checksums. - Moved GCode handling code into individual functions per-code.
- Initial release.