The Maven project build requires version 3.9 or later. It can be downloaded from or from the package management system of your distro.
It also requires Java version 17 or later.
To build the project manually using Maven, simply run the following command from the top-level directory:
mvn clean install
The default command will compile and run the unit tests. Running the tests can
take some time, to skip them you can append -Dmaven.test.skip=true
to the
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
The resulting executables will be in the
. There are
the archives for linux, macos and Windows. The sub-directories
contain the executable for each
To generate the javadoc from the Trace Compass source code, run the following command from the top-level directory:
mvn clean package javadoc:aggregate
The javadoc html files will be under target/site/apidocs
The following Maven profiles and properties are defined in
the build system. You can set them by using -P[profile name]
-D[property name]=[value]
in mvn
Mainly for use on build servers. Copies the standard update site (for the Eclipse plugin installation) to the destination specified by
. -
mvn javadoc:aggregate
Mainly for use on build servers. Generates the javadoc of API classes as a HTML website to the destination specified by
To compile the image of Trace Compass Server with Docker, run the following command from the top level directory:
docker build -t trace-server .
The image will be tagged trace-server
To run the Trace Compass Server with the image, run the following command:
docker run -p 8080:8080 trace-server
The Trace Compass Server will run on port 8080
You can clone the Tracecompass Test Traces repository.
We cloned the repository inside the
folder on our computer.
To test the image of Trace Compass Server with Docker, you need to mount traces inside the container. We will use the kernel trace from the repository, located under $HOME/ws/tracecompass-test-traces/ctf/src/main/resources/kernel
on our computer. Then run the following command:
docker run -p 8080:8080 -v $HOME/ws/tracecompass-test-traces/ctf/src/main/resources/kernel:/traces/kernel trace-server
The Trace Compass Server will run on port 8080
and have the traces mount at /traces/kernel
folder inside the container.
You can check the Trace Compass Server status using the following command:
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/tsp/api/health'
You can open the kernel trace (or any mounted one) inside the container using the following command:
curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8080/tsp/api/traces' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "parameters": { "uri": "/traces/kernel" } }'
You can create an experiment with the kernel trace (or any opened trace) using the command below. Replace the UUID with the UUID returned by the command above:
curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8080/tsp/api/experiments' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "parameters": { "name": "Experiment Name", "traces": ["d49d04f5-9db5-3773-ace4-1594b87db661"] } }'
You can get all the experiments using the following command:
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/tsp/api/experiments' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Refer to the Trace Server Protocol for more endpoints.