WARNING:If you are on Ubuntu or an Ubuntu-based distribution you'll need to do sudo apt install libx11-dev
before using Pine-jinx!
A local Ryujinx installer for linux
This installer does not create an alias since the way to do this is different for every shell (eg. sh, bash, zsh, fish, ksh)
The purpose of the installer is to place Ryujinx inside ~/.local/share/Ryujinx, setup a desktop entry with optional optimizations (per GPU vendor and/or gamemode) as well as setup mimetypes for Switch binaries (eg. NSP, XCI).
Open a terminal, paste
bash -c "$(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edisionnano/Pine-jinx/main/pinejinx.sh)"
and hit enter
This installs the latest master build, to get LDN use
bash -c "$(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edisionnano/Pine-jinx/LDN/pinejinx.sh)"
LDN is installed at a different location so that you can have both together at the same time.
For the re-nice feature to work you need to run these two terminal commands:
sudo groupadd gamemode
sudo usermod -a -G gamemode $USER