Here is the guide for DDM-Net on Kinetics-GEBD dataset, you can also refer to instructions of LOVEU Challenge for help.
1-a. Download Kinetics-GEBD annotation: k400_train_raw_annotation.pkl
and k400_val_raw_annotation.pkl
1-b. Download videos listed in the Kinetics-GEBD annotation. Note that videos in the Kinetics-GEBD dataset are a subset of Kinetics-400 dataset. You can either download the whole Kinetics-400 dataset or just download the part in Kinetics-GEBD dataset.
1-c. Trim the videos according to the Kinetics-400 annotations. E.g., after you downloading 3y1V7BNNBds.mp4
, trim this video into a 10-second video 3y1V7BNNBds_000000_000010.mp4
from 0s to 10s in the original video. Note that the start time and end time for each video can be found at the Kinetics-400 annotations.
1-d. Extract frames. For example, use the following script to extract frames of video M99mgKKmPqs.
ffmpeg -i $video_root/M99mgKKmPqs.mp4 -f image2 -qscale:v 2 -loglevel quiet $frame_root/M99mgKKmPqs/img_%05d.png
1-e. Generate GT files k400_mr345_train_min_change_duration0.3.pkl
and k400_mr345_val_min_change_duration0.3.pkl
. Refer to prepare_k400_release.ipynb for generating the GT files. Specifically, you should prepare the train and val split:
To reproduce DDM-Net result, you can directly use my GT files. (prepare_k400_release.ipynb was changed in 2022.5, the new annotation may lead to a slighly different result.)
In this part, you can customize your own training procedure. We take our DDM-Net
baseline as example here:
2-a. Check PC/datasets/
or use tools/
to generate pickle files for training, validation and testing.
python tools/ $TRAIN_DATA_ROOT --split train --anno_path $TRAIN_ANNO_PATH
python tools/ $VAL_DATA_ROOT --split val --anno_path $VAL_ANNO_PATH
python tools/ $TEST_DATA_ROOT --split test
Place training, validation and testing pickles into the folder DataAssets
2-b. Train on Kinetics-GEBD:
python DDM-Net/ \
--dataset kinetics_multiframes \
--train-split train \
--val-split val \
--num-classes 2 \
--batch-size 16 \
--n-sample-classes 2 \
--n-samples 16 \
--lr 0.00001 \
--warmup-epochs 0 \
--epochs 5 \
--decay-epochs 2 \
--model multiframes_resnet \
--pin-memory \
--sync-bn \
--amp \
--native-amp \
--distributed \
--eval-metric loss \
--log-interval 50 \
--port 16580 \
--eval-freq 1
2-c. Test on Kinetics-GEBD:
Generate the boundary score sequence for videos in validation/testing set with checkpoint:
python DDM-Net/ \
--dataset kinetics_multiframes \
--val-split val \
-b 128 \
--resume checkpoint.pth.tar
Participants are required to submit their results in a pickle file. The pickle format is composed of a dictionary containing keys with video identifiers and values with boundary lists. For example,
‘6Tz5xfnFl4c’: [5.9, 9.4], # boundaries detected at 5.9s, 9.4s of this video
‘zJki61RMxcg’: [0.6, 1.5, 2.7] # boundaries detected at 0.6s, 1.5s, 2.7s of this video
Generally, you should generate such detect boundaries according to your own configuration. All you need is to generate the detected boundaries for each video. For our PC
baseline, we obtained a score sequence for each video after executing
. For example,
'S4hYqZbu0kQ': {'frame_idx': [3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60, 63, 66, 69, 72, 75, 78, 81, 84, 87, 90, 93, 96, 99], 'scores': [0.87680495, 0.89294374, 0.7491671, 0.685366, 0.3733009, 0.118334584, 0.1789392, 0.32489958, 0.39417332, 0.59364367, 0.78907657, 0.38130152, 0.14496064, 0.07595703, 0.069147676, 0.017675582, 0.048309233, 0.15596619, 0.17298242, 0.046014242, 0.12774284, 0.20063624, 0.20420128, 0.41636664, 0.7791878, 0.8065185, 0.80875623, 0.794678, 0.6545196, 0.54669106, 0.60019726, 0.6882232, 0.52349806]}
For this video, we recorded the frame index after downsampling (ds=3
) and the corresponding score. One can determine the position of boundaries according to the score sequence. A simple way is to set a threshold(i.e. 0.5) to filter out some low probability timestamps and keep those high. For our baseline, we group consecutive frames with high probability(i.e. 0.5) and mark their center as a boundary; also you can try to use Gaussian smoothing, etc.
We provide an example to obtain the submission file (just for reference).
3-a. Generate submission file from sequence score:
python tools/ $RESULT_PKL $GT_PKL
3-b. Evaluate F1-score of predicted boundaries:
python tools/ $BOUNDARY_PKL $GT_PKL