- Elastos Light Wallet is no longer maintained as of January 2024. I recommend following:
- If you are using Ledger Nano S with mainchain ELA, there is currently no alternate wallet, but you can send your ELA to Essentials, transfer to Elastos Smart Chain (ESC) and then send to your ETH address of your Ledger device on Metamask. That would give you Ledger security, but also sustainability for the future.
- If are using just hot wallet in ELW (no Ledger device), create a new wallet in Essentials and move your funds there or import your existing mnemonic phrase to Essentials
- No new features will be implemented to Elastos Light Wallet so if you want to use following features: Staking/Voting, CR voting, Cross-chain transfers, please consider migrating to Essentials (https://elink.elastos.net/download)
- If you have any other question, feel free to join our Discord or Telegram and tag me via @MButcho
- Windows: Elastos-Light-Wallet-Setup-x.x.x.exe
- Linux: Elastos-Light-Wallet-x.x.x.AppImage
- MacOS: Elastos-Light-Wallet-x.x.x.dmg
wget -q -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LedgerHQ/udev-rules/master/add_udev_rules.sh | sudo bash
Any donation to ELA address EJfW2mCdZPVxHVEv891xDop7hJAsYbKH5R is much appreciated.