ID | C0043 |
Objective(s) | Process |
Related ATT&CK Techniques | None |
Version | 2.2 |
Created | 4 December 2020 |
Last Modified | 30 April 2024 |
Malware checks a mutex.
Name | Date | Method | Description |
Poison Ivy | 2005 | -- | Poison Ivy variant checks if the wireshark-is-running{} named mutex object exists. [1] |
Matanbuchus | 2021 | -- | Malware checks if multiple instances of the same mutex is running. If multiple instances are running, the malware exits. [2] [3] |
Tool: capa | Mapping | APIs |
check mutex | Check Mutex (C0043) | kernel32.OpenMutex, System.Threading.Mutex::OpenExisting, System.Threading.Mutex::TryOpenExisting, kernel32.GetLastError |
check mutex and exit | Check Mutex (C0043) | ExitProcess, exit, _Exit, _exit, WaitForSingleObject, GetLastError |
Tool: CAPE | Class | Mapping | APIs |
antivm_vpc_mutex | VPCDetectMutex | Check Mutex (C0043) | -- |
antisandbox_sboxie_mutex | AntisandboxSboxieMutex | Check Mutex (C0043) | -- |
antivm_vmware_mutexes | VMwareDetectMutexes | Check Mutex (C0043) | -- |
purplewave_mutexes | PurpleWaveMutexes | Check Mutex (C0043) | -- |
antisandbox_sboxie_mutex | AntisandboxSboxieMutex | Check Mutex (C0043) | -- |
Process::Check Mutex
SHA256: 0b8e662e7e595ef56396a298c367b74721d66591d856e8a8241fcdd60d08373c Location: 0x40294Cpush eax ; name of mutex to be opened push 0x0 ; whether to allow processes created by the process which owns the mutex to inherit it (false) push 0x1f0001 ; mutex access rights (MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS) call dword ptr [->KERNEL32.DLL::OpenMutexW] ; call function to open mutex test eax, eax ; test to see if previous function call returned 0 jz LAB_00402976 ; if it returned zero (error), jump to new memory location and execute from that point