Welcome to the MMedBench Leaderboard Submission Guidelines! MMedBench utilizes two evaluation methods: one for multiple-choice accuracy (ACC), and another for rationale similarity (BLEU, ROUGE). Note that the multiple-choice metric is calculated across the full MMedBench-test dataset, while the rationale similarity is only evaluated on selected cases from the MMedBench-test that have passed human-checking.
In this tutorial, we will guide you through the necessary steps to submit your model and results for official evaluation on the MMedBench.
Please include the following in your submission:
Model Description: Provide a brief description of your model, including:
- Model Name
- Model Size
- References (e.g., Hugging Face URL, relevant papers)
- Training details (e.g., pretraining on medical corpora, finetuning on medical datasets or the MMedBench trainset, use of RHLF, application of in-context learning)
Results File: Submit CSV files containing your model's output results:
: This file should contain four columns: "Language", "ModelInput", "ModelOutput", and "GT_Answer", where "GT_Answer" indicates the correct choice(s), such as "A" or "A,B,C".rationale_results.csv
: This file should also contain four columns "Language", "ModelInput", "ModelOutput", and "GT_Answer". It includes only cases that passed human verification. "GT_Answer" here refers to the golden rationale from the MMedBench-test.
Evaluation Results: Submit CSV files with your model's evaluation metrics, which can be referenced in metrics foler:
: Displays accuracy across different languages with columns for each of the six languages.rationale_similarity_metric.csv
: Shows rationale similarity across different languages and metrics (BLEU-1 to BLEU-4, ROUGE-1, ROUGE-2, ROUGE-L), with the first column indicating the metric and the remaining columns for each language.
Please email the required documents to Pengcheng Qiu at [email protected] with the subject line "[MMedBench Submission] - Name_of_model".
If you wish to have your model's scores removed from the leaderboard, please contact us via email. Removals will be processed during the next leaderboard update.