ActivatedDealDamage |
When activated for 1 energy, deals 1 damage to opposing card |
ActivatedDrawSkeleton |
When activated for 1 bone, draws a skeleton |
ActivatedEnergyToBones |
Converts energy to bones |
ActivatedHeal |
When activated for 2 bones, heals to full |
ActivatedRandomPowerBone |
Unused |
ActivatedRandomPowerEnergy |
When activated for 1 energy, gains a random attack boost between 1 and 6 (inclusive) |
ActivatedSacrificeDrawCards |
When activated, draw 3 cards, then die |
ActivatedStatsUp |
When activated for 2 bones, gain +1/+1 |
ActivatedStatsUpEnergy |
When activated for 3 energy, gains +1/+1 |
AllStrike |
If there are any opposing cards, it will attack all of them, otherwise it will attack directly |
Apparition |
Unused |
BeesOnHit |
When taking damage, will add a bee to your hand |
BombSpawner |
Spawns bombs on every empty board slot |
BoneDigger |
At end of turn, add 1 bone |
Brittle |
After card attacks, it dies |
BuffEnemy |
Increase opposing card's attack by 1 |
BuffGems |
Increases attack of all gems by 1 |
BuffNeighbours |
Increase attack of adjacent cards by 1 |
CellBuffSelf |
When within circuit, increase attack by 2 |
CellDrawRandomCardOnDeath |
When within circuit, will draw a random card on death |
CellTriStrike |
When within circuit, gains trifurcated strike |
ConduitBuffAttack |
When completing circuit, will increase attack of all cards in circuit by 1 |
ConduitEnergy |
When completing circuit, energy doesn't deplete |
ConduitFactory |
When completing circuit, will spawn leepbots in all your available board slots at end of turn |
ConduitHeal |
When completing circuit, will heal all cards in circuit at end of turn |
ConduitNull |
Will complete a circuit |
ConduitSpawnGems |
When completing circuit, will spawn random gems in all your available board slots at end of turn |
CorpseEater |
When another card dies, this card will be played in its slot |
CreateBells |
When played, will spawn bell cards in adjacent slots |
CreateDams |
When played, will spawn dam cards in adjacent slots |
CreateEgg |
When played, spawns a broken egg in the opposing slot, with a 10% chance to spawn a Raven Egg instead |
DeathShield |
When this card would take damage for the first time, it does not |
Deathtouch |
When card deals damage to a card, it dies |
DebuffEnemy |
Decrease opposing card's attack by 1 |
DeleteFile |
Nothing unless in archivists boss battle |
DoubleDeath |
When another card dies, it dies again |
DoubleStrike |
Makes the card attack the slot across from it an additional time |
DrawAnt |
When played, add an ant to your hand |
DrawCopy |
When played, will add a copy to your hand |
DrawCopyOnDeath |
When dies, will add a copy to your hand |
DrawNewHand |
Discards your hand and draws 4 new cards |
DrawRabbits |
When played, will add a rabbit to your hand |
DrawRandomCardOnDeath |
Will draw a random card with the Par3Random meta category on death |
DrawVesselOnHit |
When taking damage, will draw a card from side deck |
DropRubyOnDeath |
When card dies, spawn a ruby mox in its place |
EdaxioArms |
Unused |
EdaxioHead |
Unused |
EdaxioLegs |
Unused |
EdaxioTorso |
Unused |
Evolve |
After a number of turns based on evolveParams, will turn into a card based on evolveParams |
ExplodeGems |
When a card with the Gem trait dies, will cause them to explode |
ExplodeOnDeath |
When card dies, deals 10 damage to adjacent and opposing card |
ExplodingCorpse |
Unused |
FileSizeDamage |
Nothing unless in archivist boss battle |
Flying |
When attacking, will attack directly |
GainAttackOnKill |
Gets +1/+0 for the rest of the battle whenever it kills a creature |
GainBattery |
When played, increases energy and max energy by 1 |
GainGemBlue |
Counts as Blue gem cost |
GainGemGreen |
Counts as Green gem cost |
GainGemOrange |
Counts as Orange gem cost |
GainGemTriple |
Counts as all 3 gems when in play |
GemDependant |
When played, and at start of turn, will die if you control no gems |
GemsDraw |
Unused |
GuardDog |
When a card is played opposite an empty slot, will move there |
Haunter |
Unused |
HydraEgg |
Bizarre ability that will cause the card to transform into a Hydra if the player's deck contains cards with 1-5 attack, 1-5 health, and one of each of the game's default tribes |
IceCube |
When card dies, spawns card in slot based on IceCubeParams |
LatchBrittle |
When card dies, you can choose another card to give Brittle |
LatchDeathShield |
When card dies, you can choose another card to give DeathShield |
LatchExplodeOnDeath |
When card dies, you can choose another card to give ExplodeOnDeath |
Loot |
When dealing damage, will draw cards equal to amount |
MadeOfStone |
Invulnerable to Stinky and Deathtouch |
Morsel |
When sacrificed to summon another card, the card will add +1/+2 to the summoned card |
MoveBeside |
Moves to closest space when a card is played |
OpponentBones |
When any enemy card dies, gain 1 bone |
PermaDeath |
When card dies, it is removed from the deck |
PreventAttack |
Prevents opposing card from attacking it |
QuadrupleBones |
When dies, gain 4 bones |
RandomAbility |
When drawn, Sigil becomes a random sigil |
RandomConsumable |
When played, will add a random consumable if you have less than 3 |
Reach |
Will block attacking flying card |
Sacrificial |
Can be sacrificed an unlimited number of times |
Sentry |
When a card is enters the slot in front of this card, it is dealt 1 damage |
Sharp |
When attacked, will deal 1 damage to attacker |
ShieldGems |
When played, will give cards with the Gem trait DeathShield |
Sinkhole |
Unused |
SkeletonStrafe |
Strafe but spawns skeleton in previous slot |
Sniper |
When attacking, you can choose the target slots |
SplitStrike |
When attacking, will attack slots adjacent to opposing slot |
SquirrelOrbit |
No effect on player cards |
SquirrelStrafe |
Strafe but spawns squirrel in previous slot |
SteelTrap |
When card dies, it kills the opposing card, and adds a pelt to your hand |
Strafe |
At end of turn, card moves |
StrafePush |
Strafe but will move other cards with it |
StrafeSwap |
Strafe but will forcibly swap the adjacent card with its current position |
Submerge |
After attacking, will submerge, meaning it can't be attacked |
SubmergeSquid |
Waterborne but becomes random tentacle card on resurface |
SwapStats |
When taking damage, will swap attack and health |
TailOnHit |
When attacked, will move and spawn a card in previous slot based on tailParams, then loses this ability. |
Transformer |
Same as evolve with different sigil icon |
TripleBlood |
Counts as 3 blood when sacrificed |
TriStrike |
When attacking, will attack opposing slot, and slots adjacent to opposing slot |
Tutor |
When played, you can choose a card in your deck to add to your hand |
VirtualReality |
Unused |
WhackAMole |
When an empty slot is attacked, will move to that slot |