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File metadata and controls

345 lines (300 loc) · 36 KB


Meta Categories

Value Description
ChoiceNode Defines the card to be a choice option
GBCPack Can be acquired by buying a card pack in act 2
GBCPlayable Can show up in the card catalogue in act 2
Part3Random Can show up as card from the Loot sigil
Rare Defines the card to be rare
TraderOffer Can show up at the trader in act 1
Part1Rulebook Adds the sigil to the act 1 rulebook.
Part1Modular Allows the sigil to appear on totems, Wolf Pelt trades and Cave Trial rewards.
Part3Rulebook Adds the sigil to the act 3 rulebook.
Part3Modular Allows the sigil to appear in the Upgrade node in act 3.
Part3BuildACard Allows the sigil to be chosen in the Build-A-Bot node in act 3.
BountyHunter Allows the sigil to appear on act 3 Bounty Hunter cards.
GrimoraRulebook Adds the sigil to the rulebook in Grimora’s part of Finale.
MagnificusRulebook Adds the sigil to the rulebook in Magnificus’ part of Finale.

Power Levels

Event Power Levels Info
Cave Trial 0-5 If you want your sigil to appear on the Cave Trial rewards
Totems 0-7 If you want your sigil to appear on totems
Prospector 0-5 If you want your sigil to appear on Insect cards from the Prospector node
Trader 0-5 If you want your sigil to appear on Wolf Pelt trades
Amorphous 0-5 If you want the Amorphous sigil to be able to pick your sigil as one of the options


Value Description
Vanilla Will always be a learned card
Simple Will always be an unlocked card
Intermediate Will only be unlocked after tutorial
Advanced Will only be unlocked after tutorial


Value Description
Nature Will show up in act 1 and be in Beast card packs
Undead Will show up in Undead card packs
Tech Will show up in act 3 and Tech card packs
Wizard Will show up in Wizard card packs




Value Description
Ants Displays the Ants icon for the cards attack
Bell Displays the Bell icon for the cards attack
Bones Displays the Lammergeier's Bone icon for the cards attack and health
CardsInHand Displays the Hand Counter icon for the cards attack
GreenGems Displays the Green Mox icon for of cards attack
Mirror Displays the Mirror icon for the cards attack




Value Description
Ant Will increase the attack of cards with the Ant special ability
Bear Unused
Blind Unused
DeathcardCreationNonOption Cannot be used during creation of the Deathcard
EatsWarrens Unused
FeedsStoat Unused
Fused Will render the card as a stitched card in act 2
Gem Will prevent cards with the Gem Dependant sigil from perishing & will explode if ExplodeGems is on the board
Giant Only used for moon
Goat Will grant you the Boon of the Bone Lord, if sacrificed on the Bone Lord's Altar
Juvenile Unused
KillsSurvivors Kills Survivors if used on the campfire
LikesHoney Unused
Pelt Cannot be sacrificed, can be used to trade for cards during the Trapper/Trader fight & will give no reward at Bone Lord's Alter
ProtectsCub Unused
SatisfiesRingTrial Satisfies the ring trial before the moon fight
Structure Unused
Terrain Cannot be sacrificed
Uncuttable Immune to scissors and hook items
Undead Unused
Wolf Unused


Value Description
Ant Increases cards attack by 1 for each card with ant trait on the board
BellProximity Damage is equal to 4 - the distance from the bell (adjacent is distance 0)
BountyHunter Functions like act 3 Bounty Hunters (only works for opponent)
BrokenCoinLeft Functions like Broken Obol (Left)
BrokenCoinRight Functions like Broken Obol (Right)
CagedWolf Functions like the Caged Wolf card
CardsInHand Damage is equal to the number of cards in player's hand
Cat Functions like the Cat card
Daus Functions like Daus
GiantCard Assigns to all slots on the board (only works for opponent)
GiantMoon Renders moon death animation
GiantShip Exclusive to the Limoncello
GreenMage Damage is equal to the number of Green Mox cards you control
JerseyDevil Functions like Child 13
Lammergeier The Attack and Health values of this card are equal to the amount of Bones you have, divided by 2
Mirror Damage equal to opposing creature
Ouroboros Increases ouroborosDeaths in the save file when it dies
PackMule Grants 4 random cards and a Squirrel when killed.
RandomCard Transforms into a random card when drawn
SacrificesThisTurn Grants attack power based on how many sacrifices were made this turn
ShapeShifter Exclusive to Ijiraq
SpawnLice Exclusive to Pelt Lice
TalkingCardChooser Exclusive to talking cards.
TrapSpawner Creates a Steel Trap in its place after it perishes.


Value Description
ActivatedDealDamage When activated for 1 energy, deals 1 damage to opposing card
ActivatedDrawSkeleton When activated for 1 bone, draws a skeleton
ActivatedEnergyToBones Converts energy to bones
ActivatedHeal When activated for 2 bones, heals to full
ActivatedRandomPowerBone Unused
ActivatedRandomPowerEnergy When activated for 1 energy, gains a random attack boost between 1 and 6 (inclusive)
ActivatedSacrificeDrawCards When activated, draw 3 cards, then die
ActivatedStatsUp When activated for 2 bones, gain +1/+1
ActivatedStatsUpEnergy When activated for 3 energy, gains +1/+1
AllStrike If there are any opposing cards, it will attack all of them, otherwise it will attack directly
Apparition Unused
BeesOnHit When taking damage, will add a bee to your hand
BombSpawner Spawns bombs on every empty board slot
BoneDigger At end of turn, add 1 bone
Brittle After card attacks, it dies
BuffEnemy Increase opposing card's attack by 1
BuffGems Increases attack of all gems by 1
BuffNeighbours Increase attack of adjacent cards by 1
CellBuffSelf When within circuit, increase attack by 2
CellDrawRandomCardOnDeath When within circuit, will draw a random card on death
CellTriStrike When within circuit, gains trifurcated strike
ConduitBuffAttack When completing circuit, will increase attack of all cards in circuit by 1
ConduitEnergy When completing circuit, energy doesn't deplete
ConduitFactory When completing circuit, will spawn leepbots in all your available board slots at end of turn
ConduitHeal When completing circuit, will heal all cards in circuit at end of turn
ConduitNull Will complete a circuit
ConduitSpawnGems When completing circuit, will spawn random gems in all your available board slots at end of turn
CorpseEater When another card dies, this card will be played in its slot
CreateBells When played, will spawn bell cards in adjacent slots
CreateDams When played, will spawn dam cards in adjacent slots
CreateEgg When played, spawns a broken egg in the opposing slot, with a 10% chance to spawn a Raven Egg instead
DeathShield When this card would take damage for the first time, it does not
Deathtouch When card deals damage to a card, it dies
DebuffEnemy Decrease opposing card's attack by 1
DeleteFile Nothing unless in archivists boss battle
DoubleDeath When another card dies, it dies again
DoubleStrike Makes the card attack the slot across from it an additional time
DrawAnt When played, add an ant to your hand
DrawCopy When played, will add a copy to your hand
DrawCopyOnDeath When dies, will add a copy to your hand
DrawNewHand Discards your hand and draws 4 new cards
DrawRabbits When played, will add a rabbit to your hand
DrawRandomCardOnDeath Will draw a random card with the Par3Random meta category on death
DrawVesselOnHit When taking damage, will draw a card from side deck
DropRubyOnDeath When card dies, spawn a ruby mox in its place
EdaxioArms Unused
EdaxioHead Unused
EdaxioLegs Unused
EdaxioTorso Unused
Evolve After a number of turns based on evolveParams, will turn into a card based on evolveParams
ExplodeGems When a card with the Gem trait dies, will cause them to explode
ExplodeOnDeath When card dies, deals 10 damage to adjacent and opposing card
ExplodingCorpse Unused
FileSizeDamage Nothing unless in archivist boss battle
Flying When attacking, will attack directly
GainAttackOnKill Gets +1/+0 for the rest of the battle whenever it kills a creature
GainBattery When played, increases energy and max energy by 1
GainGemBlue Counts as Blue gem cost
GainGemGreen Counts as Green gem cost
GainGemOrange Counts as Orange gem cost
GainGemTriple Counts as all 3 gems when in play
GemDependant When played, and at start of turn, will die if you control no gems
GemsDraw Unused
GuardDog When a card is played opposite an empty slot, will move there
Haunter Unused
HydraEgg Bizarre ability that will cause the card to transform into a Hydra if the player's deck contains cards with 1-5 attack, 1-5 health, and one of each of the game's default tribes
IceCube When card dies, spawns card in slot based on IceCubeParams
LatchBrittle When card dies, you can choose another card to give Brittle
LatchDeathShield When card dies, you can choose another card to give DeathShield
LatchExplodeOnDeath When card dies, you can choose another card to give ExplodeOnDeath
Loot When dealing damage, will draw cards equal to amount
MadeOfStone Invulnerable to Stinky and Deathtouch
Morsel When sacrificed to summon another card, the card will add +1/+2 to the summoned card
MoveBeside Moves to closest space when a card is played
OpponentBones When any enemy card dies, gain 1 bone
PermaDeath When card dies, it is removed from the deck
PreventAttack Prevents opposing card from attacking it
QuadrupleBones When dies, gain 4 bones
RandomAbility When drawn, Sigil becomes a random sigil
RandomConsumable When played, will add a random consumable if you have less than 3
Reach Will block attacking flying card
Sacrificial Can be sacrificed an unlimited number of times
Sentry When a card is enters the slot in front of this card, it is dealt 1 damage
Sharp When attacked, will deal 1 damage to attacker
ShieldGems When played, will give cards with the Gem trait DeathShield
Sinkhole Unused
SkeletonStrafe Strafe but spawns skeleton in previous slot
Sniper When attacking, you can choose the target slots
SplitStrike When attacking, will attack slots adjacent to opposing slot
SquirrelOrbit No effect on player cards
SquirrelStrafe Strafe but spawns squirrel in previous slot
SteelTrap When card dies, it kills the opposing card, and adds a pelt to your hand
Strafe At end of turn, card moves
StrafePush Strafe but will move other cards with it
StrafeSwap Strafe but will forcibly swap the adjacent card with its current position
Submerge After attacking, will submerge, meaning it can't be attacked
SubmergeSquid Waterborne but becomes random tentacle card on resurface
SwapStats When taking damage, will swap attack and health
TailOnHit When attacked, will move and spawn a card in previous slot based on tailParams, then loses this ability.
Transformer Same as evolve with different sigil icon
TripleBlood Counts as 3 blood when sacrificed
TriStrike When attacking, will attack opposing slot, and slots adjacent to opposing slot
Tutor When played, you can choose a card in your deck to add to your hand
VirtualReality Unused
WhackAMole When an empty slot is attacked, will move to that slot

Vanilla Appearance Behaviour

Value Description
AddSnelkDecals Cycles through the Base Games Long Elk Decals.
AlternatingBloodDecal Renders card with blood decals
AnimatedPortrait Used for animated portraits
DynamicPortrait Renders the card's animated portrait (differently)
FullCardPortrait Renders the card with no stats
GiantAnimatedPortrait Used for animated portraits on giant cards
GoldEmission Renders the card with gold layout
HologramPortrait Renders portrait as hologram
RareCardBackground Renders card with rare background
RareCardColors Renders card with inverted colours
SexyGoat Renders alternate texture if you have the goat's eyeball
StaticGlitch Renders the card with the static animation
TerrainBackground Renders the card with terrain border
TerrainLayout Renders card with terrain card layout
RedEmission Does the Ijiraq emission effect
DefaultEmission Emissions are on cards by default.


Region Description
Alpine This is The Trappers Region
Forest This is The Prospectors Region
Midnight This is Leshy's area in ACT 1.
Midnight_Ascension This is Leshy's area in KCM
Pirateville This is Royal's area
Wetlands This is Anglers Area


Suffix Language
fr French
it Italian
de German
es Spanish
pt Portuguese
tr Turkish
ru Russian
ja Japanese
ko Korean
zhcn Chinese (Simplified)
zhtw Chinese (Traditional)

Mask Types

Value Description
Prospector 0
Woodcarver 1
Angler 2
Trapper 3
Trader 4
Doctor 5

Mask Model Types

Value Description
Prospector 1
Woodcarver 2
Angler 3
Trapper 4
Trader 5
Doctor 6
FlatMask 101
Sphere 102