In Game Name | Internal Name |
Flying Ant | AntFlying |
Aquasquirrel | AquaSquirrel |
Wild Bull | Bull |
Cuckoo | Cuckoo |
Dire Wolf | DireWolf |
Dire Wolf Pup | DireWolfCub |
Hodag | Hodag |
Ijiraq | Ijiraq |
Mole Man? | Ijiraq_UnlockScreen |
Lammergeier | Lammergeier |
Pelt Lice | Lice |
Mealworm | MealWorm |
Mud Turtle | MudTurtle |
Raccoon | Raccoon |
Red Hart | RedHart |
Tadpole | Tadpole |
Wolverine | Wolverine |
Adder | Adder |
Alpha | Alpha |
Amalgam | Amalgam |
Amoeba | Amoeba |
Worker Ant | Ant |
Ant Queen | AntQueen |
Bat | Bat |
Beaver | Beaver |
Bee | Bee |
Beehive | Beehive |
Bloodhound | Bloodhound |
Bullfrog | Bullfrog |
Burrowing Trap | BurrowingTrap |
Caged Wolf | CagedWolf |
Cat | Cat |
Undead Cat | CatUndead |
Cockroach | Cockroach |
Coyote | Coyote |
The Daus | Daus |
Tail | DefaultTail |
Elk | Elk |
Elk Fawn | ElkCub |
Field Mice | FieldMouse |
Spore Mice | FieldMouse_Fused |
Geck | Geck |
Black Goat | Goat |
Grizzly | Grizzly |
Hawk | Hawk |
Hrokkall | Hrokkall |
Child 13 | JerseyDevil |
Kingfisher | Kingfisher |
Great Kraken | Kraken |
Corpse Maggots | Maggots |
Magpie | Magpie |
Mantis | Mantis |
Mantis God | MantisGod |
Mole | Mole |
Mole Man | MoleMan |
Mole Seaman | MoleSeaman |
Skeleton Crew | SkeletonPirate |
Skeleton Parrot | SkeletonParrot |
Moose Buck | Moose |
Strange Larva | Mothman_Stage1 |
Strange Pupa | Mothman_Stage2 |
Mothman | Mothman_Stage3 |
Pack Mule | Mule |
Opossum | Opossum |
River Otter | Otter |
Ouroboros | Ouroboros |
Pack Rat | PackRat |
Porcupine | Porcupine |
Pronghorn | Pronghorn |
Rabbit | Rabbit |
Rat King | RatKing |
Rattler | Rattler |
Raven | Raven |
Raven Egg | RavenEgg |
Salmon | Salmon |
Great White | Shark |
Skink | Skink |
Wriggling Tail | SkinkTail |
Skunk | Skunk |
River Snapper | Snapper |
Long Elk | Snelk |
Sparrow | Sparrow |
Bell Tentacle | SquidBell |
Hand Tentacle | SquidCards |
Mirror Tentacle | SquidMirror |
Squirrel | Squirrel |
Squirrel Ball | SquirrelBall |
Stoat | Stoat |
Tail Feathers | Tail_Bird |
Furry Tail | Tail_Furry |
Wriggling Leg | Tail_Insect |
Urayuli | Urayuli |
Turkey Vulture | Vulture |
Warren | Warren |
Wolf | Wolf |
Wolf Cub | WolfCub |
Bait Bucket | BaitBucket |
The Stones | CardMergeStones |
Dam | Dam |
Chime | DausBell |
Gold Nugget | GoldNugget |
Golden Pelt | PeltGolden |
Rabbit Pelt | PeltHare |
Wolf Pelt | PeltWolf |
Ring Worm | RingWorm |
The Smoke | Smoke |
Greater Smoke | Smoke_Improved |
The Smoke | Smoke_NoBones |
Starvation | Starvation |
Stinkbug | Stinkbug_Talking |
Stoat | Stoat_Talking |
Leaping Trap | Trap |
Strange Frog | TrapFrog |
Stunted Wolf | Wolf_Talking |
Inspector | !INSPECTOR |
Melter | !MELTER |
9182344890109280129 | !MYCO_OLD_DATA |
Mycobot | !MYCOCARD_BASE |
Bad Fish | Angler_Fish_Bad |
Good Fish | Angler_Fish_Good |
More Fish | Angler_Fish_More |
Fishbot | Angler_Talking |
Lonely Wizbot | BlueMage_Talking |
DUMMY_5-5 | |
Mole | Mole_Telegrapher |
Mummy Lord | Mummy_Telegrapher |
Ourobot | Ouroboros_Part3 |
Curve Hopper | AboveCurve |
Alarm Bot | AlarmBot |
Amoebot | Amoebot |
Buff Conduit | AttackConduit |
Automaton | Automaton |
Energy Bot | BatteryBot |
Bolthound | BoltHound |
Explode Bot | Bombbot |
Mrs. Bomb | BombMaiden |
Busted 3D Printer | BustedPrinter |
Captive File | CaptiveFile |
Tough Cell | CellBuff |
Kind Cell | CellGift |
Splinter Cell | CellTri |
Double Gunner | CloserBot |
ADD3R | CXformerAdder |
3LK | CXformerElk |
RAV3N | CXformerRaven |
W07F | CXformerWolf |
Empty Vessel | EmptyVessel |
Sapphire Vessel | EmptyVessel_BlueGem |
Emerald Vessel | EmptyVessel_GreenGem |
Ruby Vessel | EmptyVessel_OrangeGem |
Energy Conduit | EnergyConduit |
Gamblobot | EnergyRoller |
Factory Conduit | FactoryConduit |
Gem Detonator | GemExploder |
Gembound Ripper | GemRipper |
Gems Conduit | GemsConduit |
Gem Guardian | GemShielder |
Gift Bot | GiftBot |
Heal Conduit | HealerConduit |
Insectodrone | Insectodrone |
Bomb Latcher | LatcherBomb |
Skel-e-latcher | LatcherBrittle |
Shield Latcher | LatcherShield |
L33pB0t | LeapBot |
Librarian | Librarian |
M3atB0t | MeatBot |
49er | MineCart |
Null Conduit | NullConduit |
Plasma Jimmy | PlasmaGunner |
Steel Mice | RoboMice |
ExeSkeleton | RoboSkeleton |
Goranj's Vessel | SentinelBlue |
Orlu's Vessel | SentinelGreen |
Bleene's Vessel | SentinelOrange |
Sentry Drone | SentryBot |
Sentry Spore | SentryBot_Fused |
Shieldbot | Shieldbot |
Shutterbug | Shutterbug |
Sniper Bot | Sniper |
Steambot | Steambot |
Swapbot | SwapBot |
Mox Module | TechMoxTriple |
Thick Droid | Thickbot |
S0N1A | XformerBatBeast |
S0N1A | XformerBatBot |
GR1ZZ | XformerGrizzlyBeast |
GR1ZZ | XformerGrizzlyBot |
QU177 | XformerPorcupineBeast |
QU177 | XformerPorcupineBot |
Annoy FM | AnnoyTower |
Boulder | Boulder |
Bridge Rails | BridgeRailing |
Broken Bot | BrokenBot |
Broken Egg | BrokenEgg |
Conduit Tower | ConduitTower |
Dead Tree | DeadTree |
Frozen Opossum | FrozenOpossum |
Stump | Stump |
Tombstone | TombStone |
Grand Fir | Tree |
Ancient Fir | Tree_Hologram |
Snowy Fir | Tree_Hologram_SnowCovered |
Snowy Fir | Tree_SnowCovered |
Banshee | Banshee |
Bonehound | Bonehound |
Bone Lord's Horn | BonelordHorn |
Bone Heap | Bonepile |
Broken Obol | CoinLeft |
Broken Obol | CoinRight |
Dead Hand | DeadHand |
Pharaoh's Pets | DeadPets |
Draugr | Draugr |
Drowned Soul | DrownedSoul |
The Walkers | Family |
Frank & Stein | FrankNStein |
Ghost Ship | GhostShip |
Gravedigger | Gravedigger |
Sporedigger | Gravedigger_Fused |
Headless Horseman | HeadlessHorseman |
Mummy Lord | Mummy |
Necromancer | Necromancer |
Revenant | Revenant |
Sarcophagus | Sarcophagus |
Skeleton | Skeleton |
Skelemagus | SkeletonMage |
Tomb Robber | TombRobber |
Zombie | Zombie |
Blue Mage | BlueMage |
Blue Sporemage | BlueMage_Fused |
Hover Mage | FlyingMage |
Force Mage | ForceMage |
Gem Fiend | GemFiend |
Green Mage | GreenMage |
Junior Sage | JuniorSage |
Mage Knight | MageKnight |
Gourmage | MarrowMage |
Master Bleene | MasterBleene |
Master Goranj | MasterGoranj |
Master Orlu | MasterOrlu |
Bleene's Mox | MoxDualBG |
Goranj's Mox | MoxDualGO |
Orlu's Mox | MoxDualOB |
Emerald Mox | MoxEmerald |
Ruby Mox | MoxRuby |
Sapphire Mox | MoxSapphire |
Magnus Mox | MoxTriple |
Muscle Mage | MuscleMage |
Orange Mage | OrangeMage |
Practice Wizard | PracticeMage |
Practice Mage | PracticeMageSmall |
Mage Pupil | Pupil |
Ruby Golem | RubyGolem |
Stim Mage | StimMage |
Limoncello | !GIANTCARD_SHIP |
Vertebrae | Snek_Neck |