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260 lines (149 loc) · 12.5 KB

2.3.6 / 25.05.2021

  • Added mini style (aka twitter style) for some locales: da, sv, nl, it, fr, es. By @trustpilot.

2.3.5 / 12.05.2021

2.3.3 / 11.11.2020

  • Changed the default style from "approximate" (legacy) to "round-minute". This isn't a "breaking change" because no application would be "broken" by something like that, and relative time would still be shown in a similar way, only without too much approximation.

2.3.1 / 20.10.2020

  • (advanced) Renamed getMinTimeToFrom() to getMinTimeForUnit().

2.3.0 / 14.10.2020

  • test(timestamp) function of a step is now deprecated. Use minTime(timestamp) function instead.

  • Fixed getTimeToNextUpdate().

  • Renamed "mini-time" labels to "mini".

  • Added styles: "mini", "mini-now", "mini-minute", "mini-minute-now".

  • Added a new round property (described in the readme): it can be "round" or "floor". The default is "round".

  • (Could be a breaking change for those who read "tiny" from JSON files directly) Removed "tiny" labels from JSON files. "tiny" labels type name still works.

2.2.9 / 14.10.2020

  • Fixed "twitter-..." styles.

2.2.8 / 12.10.2020

  • Added "twitter-minute-now" style.

  • The threshold for "now" -> "1m"/"1 minute ago" is now 30 seconds rather than 40 seconds.

2.2.6 / 12.10.2020

  • Changed "twitter" style: doesn't output "now" for 0 seconds.

  • Added "twitter-now" style that outputs "now" for 0 seconds.

2.2.5 / 11.10.2020

  • Added addDefaultLocale() static function (similar to addLocale() but also calls setDefaultLocale()).

  • "twitter" style used to output "now" for 0 seconds. Then it was changed to "0s". Now it has been changed to "now" again.

  • Added "CDN" section in the readme that documents using the library with <script/> tags (without a bundler).

2.2.0 / 09.10.2020

  • Renamed steps' unit to formatAs. The older name still works. Maybe it will be renamed to something else in some future.

  • Renamed steps' threshold to minTime. The older name still works but is considered deprecated.

  • Renamed steps' threshold_for_idOrUnit: value to minTime: { id: value }. The older way still works but is considered deprecated. Maybe minTime: {} object will be deprecated too in some future.

  • Added test(date, { now, future }) function to steps: it can be an alternative to minTime. See "twitter" style for an example.

  • Added a third argument to steps' format() function: an object having shape { formatAs(unit, value): string, future: boolean }.

  • Added TimeAgo.addLabels(locale, name, labels) function, that can be used to expand localized time labels.

  • Added "twitter-first-minute" style: same as "twitter" but doesn't output anything before the first minute. This is how "twitter" style worked initially.

  • Added getTimeToNextUpdate feature (see README).

  • Updated relative-time-format to the latest version: 0.1.x -> 1.0.0.

  • Locale files are now *.json files. There's no quantify function there now: now it's just labels. {locale}/index.js files are still there just for legacy compatibility.

  • Added the ability to use native Intl.RelativeTimeFormat and Intl.PluralRules instead of the polyfills: in this case, pass polyfill: false option when creating a TimeAgo instance.

  • The bundle is now generated by Rollup rather than Webpack.

2.1.5 / 07.10.2020

  • Custom styles: renamed gradation to steps and flavour to labels. The older names still work but are considered deprecated.

  • factor property of a "step" is now not required: if not present, it's assumed equal to the unit in seconds (for example, the default factor is 60 * 60 for unit: "hour").

2.1.4 / 06.10.2020

  • Renamed "default" style to "round". The older name still works but is considered deprecated.

  • Added "round-minute" style: same as "round" but without seconds.

  • Renamed "time" style to "approximate-time". The older name still works but is considered deprecated.

  • Renamed "canonical" gradation to "round". The older name still works but is considered deprecated.

  • Renamed "tiny" time labels style to "mini-time". "tiny" time labels style still works but is considered deprecated.

  • (internals) Renamed tiny.json locale files to mini-time.json. Removed now unit from mini-time.json.

  • (internals) "approximate" (previously "convenient") style now uses long labels instead of long-convenient.json.

  • (internals) Removed now unit from mini-time.json files.

  • (internals) Removed long-convenient.json and short-convenient.json files: long.json and short.json in combination with now.json are used instead.

2.1.0 / 05.10.2020

  • (could be considered a breaking change, but it doesn't actually break any apps) "twitter" style now outputs something like "1s" in case of "1 second ago". Previously it didn't output anything when the time difference was less than a minute. The rationale for the change is that Twitter actually does output seconds when the time difference is less than a minute. There's still a small difference from Twitter: Twitter outputs "now" in case of "0 seconds ago" while this library outputs "0s" — the rationale is that "now" could be too long is different languages, and also it would look too contrasty compared to its "sibling" "Xs" time labels.

  • Added "default" style (long time labels + canonical gradation). Update: it's now called "round" instead of "default".

  • Added future option on .format(value, style, options) function: it determines, whether to use the "future" variant of "now" when formatting 0 time difference. By default, it uses the "past" variant of "now" when formatting 0 time difference: "just now" instead of "in a moment".

  • (miscellaneous) Added dedicated "now.json" labels for "now" time unit.

2.0.10 / 16.07.2020

  • Added "tiny" time labels for "de" locale.

2.0.0 / 14.01.2018

  • Moved RelativeTimeFormat to a separate relative-time-format package.

  • (breaking change) Removed .locale() static function. Use .addLocale() instead.

  • (breaking change) flavour property renamed in non-single-word cases: underscores (_) got replaced with dashes (-). Examples: short_convenient -> short-convenient, long_convenient -> long-convenient, short_time -> short-time, long_time -> long-time. The relevant keys in locale index.js files got renamed the same way.

  • (breaking change) RelativeTimeFormat is no longer exported from this library.

  • (could be a breaking change) Re-did /prop-types, /gradation, /cache exports as sub-packages. This could possibly change their import behavior. Maybe /prop-types did change — I changed some export strategies for it.

  • (unlikely a breaking change) yue-Hant locale removed (due to its removal from CLDR).

  • (unlikely to be a breaking change) Removed handling for a case when "now" unit had "past"/"future" which is an object of quantifier messages instead of a string. The rationale that having "now" unit with "past"/"future" which are objects of quantifier messages wouldn't make sense because "now" is a moment and one can't differentiate between "past moment", "current moment" and "next moment" in real life.

1.0.33 / 29.11.2018

  • Resolved cyclic dependency between JavascriptTimeAgo.js and RelativeTimeFormat.js.

  • JavascriptTimeAgo.default_locale variable no longer exists (it wasn't public or documented).

1.0.32 / 04.11.2018

  • Added .addLocale() alias for .locale() function (better naming). The old .locale() function name is now deprecated and will be removed in some next major version release.

  • Added RelativeTimeFormat.addLocale() proxy function which simply calls JavascriptTimeAgo.addLocale().

1.0.19 / 12.01.2018

  • Refactored twitter style and styles overall: style can now have threshold(now) function and also gradation step can have format(value, locale) function instead of unit.

1.0.17 / 11.01.2018

  • Renamed override to custom for styles

1.0.15 / 11.01.2018

  • Renamed fuzzy style to time.
  • Refactored gradations and styles.
  • gradation is now not being exported from index.js along with day, month and year (one can still import it manually from gradation.js).
  • es6 folder got renamed to modules
  • build folder got renamed to commonjs

1.0.11 / 10.01.2018

  • Renamed plural to quantify inside locale data.
  • Implemented Intl.RelativeTimeFormat proposal polyfill which is now being exported.

1.0.10 / 09.01.2018

  • (can be a breaking change for custom styles) Renamed just-now unit to now and xxx-concise flavour to xxx_time (+ flavour .json files got renamed accordingly).

1.0.8 / 09.01.2018

  • (breaking change) When defining a custom style its override() function takes date and time parameters: now date parameter of override() is not guaranteed to be set (can be inferred from time).

1.0.2 / 08.01.2018

  • (breaking change) Due to a long-standing engineering flaw in intl-messageformat library (the locale data loading process) I dismissed it and this library is now using raw CLDR locale data instead so built-in locale data now holds an extra property: the plural function taking a number and returning the pluralization type of that number ("one", "few", etc). Therefore, if adding raw CLDR locale data for locales which are not built-in this pluralization function must be passed as the second argument to .locale(localeDataCLDR, pluralsClassifier).

  • (breaking change) javascriptTimeAgo.styles is no more accesible: pass style as a string instead.

  • (breaking change) locales folder inside the package renamed to locale (e.g. javascript-time-ago/locales/en -> javascript-time-ago/locale/en).

  • style.flavour can now be an array

0.4.4 / 22.12.2016

  • Changed yesterday and tomorrow labels for Russian localization

0.2.0 / 13.04.2016

  • Moved intl-messageformat to peerDependencies

0.1.0 / 03.04.2016

  • Initial release