Random Password Generator
- Input
- password length
- optional
- default length 10
- how many different password to print
- optional
- default passwords 5
- password length
- Output
- N different encrypted passwords
- Input
File Encrypter/Decrypter
- Input
- choose encrypt or decrypt
- file path
- Output
- Encrypted or Decrypted file
- Input
Port Scanner [without using nmap]
- Input
- port range
- optional
- default all ports
- delay in milliseconds
- optional
- default is 60
- show all ports result, or open ports only
- optional
- default open ports only
- Output
- open ports in the specified website only or all ports with it’s state [open/closed]
- Input
Backup script
- Input
- list of files paths to backup (if)
- path to place the backup in (of)
- optional
- default is “.”
- Output
- archive in $of contains all the files in the input list
- archive named by the date and time
- Bonus
- Create a cronjob to run the script in a specific time every week/day
- Input
- Input
- path to a dir containing series episodes or lectures
- initial name (init)
- Output
- rename all the files in this format $init_i where i is an incrementing number sorted by date/time
- Input
Crack /etc/shadow using John
- Input
- path to a word-list
- optional
- default is rockyou.txt [or any other wordlist]
- path to a word-list
- Output
- the cracked user passwords from /etc/shadow in a file
- Restrictions
- check if you can read /etc/shadow
- check if /etc/shadow exists
- Input
Youtube to mp3
- Input
- Youtube URL
- Output
- downloaded video but converted to mp3
- Input
Auto-update function
- Input
- none
- Output
- upload the script on GitHub, and check if there are any differences between the existed file and the remote one if any : download the remote file and replace it with the local one
- print if the file changed or not
- print the URL of the github repo.
- Restrictions
- make it as a function in order to reuse it in other scripts
- Input
Lyrics Grepper
- Input
- URL of the song or play-list of songs on youtube
- output the lyrics in the terminal
- optional
- Output
- song lyrics in a file with the song name
- Input
Search Script
- There are two inputs, either:
A keyword and a path to a text file
(e.g.) string /home/user/Documents/File.txt
A keyword and a path to a directory
(e.g.) string /home/user/Documents
- There are two inputs, either:
- (-i) : Ignore cases (upper case and lower case letters)
- (-r) : Search recursively (Only used when the input is a keyword and a directory)
- (-t) : When the input is a keyword and a directory search inside the text files in that directory (not the names of the files inside that directory)
- There are three cases of output
When the input is a keyword and a path to a text file:
Print the occurrences of that keyword in the given text file.
When the input is a keyword and a path to a directory (without option -t):
Print the occurrences of that keyword in the names of the files located in the given directory
When the input is a keyword and a path to a directory (with option -t):
Print the occurrences of that keyword within the text files located in the given directory
- There are three cases of output
Sermov Fetcher
- Input
- Movie or Series name
- Output
- IMDb rating, director and year of release
- Notes
- Sermov stands for Series and Movies
- The output may include genres, storyline and cast names.
- Input
System Organizer
Organize music, documents and video files that placed random in the system
- Input
- $1=path to starting point directory
- Output
log file with places of the files in the following format
Music: music files path.... Videos: video files path.... Documents: Documents files path....
- Input
- Input
- Directory to store the log file
- optional
- Directory to store the log file
- Output
- Log file containing every keystroke stored in the path provided [IF EXISTS] else store it in .
- Input
Password manager This is a password manager script that will store passwords and encrypt them - Input
- password to protect the data - Options
- (-a) : add a password
- (-g): get a password
- (-k): assigning a keyword to password in -a and getting the password with -g - Output the password required incase of (-g)
Self-Replicating Virus
- Input
- The script takes no input
- Output
- Infects the virus code into all the bash scripts under the . directory
- Input