This guide should help contributors understand how the core of the framework works, and what needs to be done when creating new functionality. Specifically, it details the information needed to create new packages for the core.
All packages should be designed to be completely isolated from the rest of the packages, if possible. This will allow them to be used in projects outside of CodeIgniter. Basically, this means that any dependencies should be kept to a minimum. Any dependencies must be able to be passed into the constructor. If you do need to use one of the other core packages, you can create that in the constructor using the Services class, as long as you provide a way for dependencies to override that:
public function __construct(Foo $foo=null) { $this->foo = $foo instanceOf Foo ? $foo : \Config\Services::foo(); }
PHP7 provides the ability to type hint method parameters and return types. Use it where possible. Return type hinting is not always practical, but do try to make it work.
At this time, we are not using strict type hinting.
The amount of abstraction required to implement a solution should be the minimal amount required. Every layer of abstraction brings additional levels of technical debt and unnecessary complexity. That said, don't be afraid to use it when it's needed and can help things.
- Don't create a new container class when an array will do just fine.
- Start simple, refactor as necessary to achieve clean separation of code, but don't overdo it.
Any new packages submitted to the framework must be accompanied by unit tests. The target is 80%+ code coverage of all classes within the package.
- Test only public methods, not protected and private unless the method really needs it due to complexity.
- Don't just test that the method works, but test for all fail states, thrown exceptions, and other pathways through your code.
You should be aware of the extra assertions that we have made, provisions for
accessing private properties for testing, and mock services.
We have also made a CITestStreamFilter to capture test output.
Do check out similar tests in tests/system/
, and read the "Testing" section
in the user guide, before you dig in to your own.
Some testing needs to be done in a separate process, in order to setup the
PHP globals to mimic test situations properly. See
for an example of this.
All new packages should live under the CodeIgniter
The package itself will need its own sub-namespace
that collects all related files into one grouping, like CodeIgniter\HTTP
Files MUST be named the same as the class they hold, and they must match the :doc:`Style Guide <./styleguide.rst>`, meaning CamelCase class and file names. They should be in their own directory that matches the sub-namespace under the system directory.
Take the Router class as an example. The Router lives in the CodeIgniter\Router
namespace. Its two main classes,
RouteCollection and Router, are in the files system/Router/RouteCollection.php and
system/Router/Router.php respectively.
Most base classes should have an interface defined for them.
At the very least this allows them to be easily mocked
and passed to other classes as a dependency, without breaking the type-hinting.
The interface names should match the name of the class with "Interface" appended
to it, like RouteCollectionInterface
The Router package mentioned above includes the
and CodeIgniter\Router\RouterInterface
interfaces to provide the abstractions for the two classes in the package.
When a package supports multiple "drivers", the convention is to place them in
a Handlers directory, and name the child classes as Handlers.
You will often find that creating a BaseHandler
, that the child classes can
extend, to be beneficial in keeping the code DRY.
See the Log and Session packages for examples.
Should the package require user-configurable settings, you should create a new file just for that package under app/Config. The file name should generally match the package name.
All files within the package should be added to system/Config/AutoloadConfig.php, in the "classmap" property. This is only used for core framework files, and helps to minimize file system scans and keep performance high.
CodeIgniter has never been known for it's strong CLI support. However, if your
package could benefit from it, create a new file under system/Commands.
The class contained within is simply a controller that is intended for CLI
usage only. The index()
method should provide a list of available commands
provided by that package.
Routes must be added to system/Config/Routes.php using the cli()
to ensure it is not accessible through the browser, but is restricted to the CLI only.
See the MigrationsCommand file for an example.
All packages must contain appropriate documentation that matches the tone and style of the rest of the user guide. In most cases, the top portion of the package's page should be treated in tutorial fashion, while the second half would be a class reference.