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Singleton, Factory, Strategy and Command

Design Patterns, pt. 2

This week we'll talk about two structural patterns (Singleton and Factory) as well as two behavioral patterns (Strategy and Command).


The task at hand is pretty simple: How can you ensure that a certain object is unique among your application?

In Java, there are a number of ways to realize that. First, lets start with the obvious: we need to control who is allowed to create instances. The safest thing to do is to make the constructor private. If we can only create instances from within the class, we can allocate a static attribute at startup.

class Singleton {
	public static final Singleton instance = new Singleton();

	private Singleton() {


This works if the constructor is trivial, and no further setup of instance is required. But what if you need to do some extra work for instance to be ready-to-use? The answer is: use a static initializer block.

And one more thing: the public visibility does not allow to guard the instance, e.g. from simultaneous access from multiple threads. To fix this, use a getter method.

class Singleton {
	private final static Singleton instance;

	static {
		instance = new Singleton();

		// do more work...

	private Singleton() {


	public static Singleton getInstance() {
		// guard if necessary...
		return instance;

The drawback of this solution is that the singleton is now instantiated at startup, and regardless if it is actually used. To fix this, use a lazy initializer:

class Singleton {
	private static Singleton instance;  // note: no final!

	public static Singleton getInstance() {
		if (instance == null) {
			instance = new Singleton();

			// do more stuff...

		return instance;

	private Singleton() {


All of these methods can be fooled using reflection. If you truly want to disable further instantiation, use an enum, as described in Bloch's Effective Java.

enum Singleton {

	// specify more attributes, e.g. a counter
	int counter = 0;

	public int nextInt() {
		return counter++;
System.out.println(Singleton.INSTANCE.nextInt());  // "0"
System.out.println(Singleton.INSTANCE.nextInt());  // "1"
System.out.println(Singleton.INSTANCE.nextInt());  // "2"

Why woud you do this? ¯\(ツ)

No seriously. It has to do with serialization: attributes of enums are not serialized (which can be a good or bad thing, it depends). Most developers opt for the lazy initialization method, since it makes the initialization more controllable.

Structure and Participants


  • Singleton
    • typically responsible for managing its unique instance
    • provides operation to obtain unique instance (in Java: static method)


Singletons are standard practice to avoid resource conflicts or overallocation. However, they are at the same time (strongly) discouraged if working in a multi-threaded (parallel) environment: while the actual resource conflict can be (usually) solved with locking, the process itself may dramatically reduce the benefit of parallel processing.

In fact, even the authors of Design Patterns would recommend against using the singleton. In a long interview on SE-Radio, Erich Gamma (at around minute 57) says (emphasis mine):

So we added [Singleton] and this was an example, everybody understood, you’re writing C++, how you do Singleton-- have a static member and whatever. Right. So everybody got that immediately. I think there was a great way to tell somebody what he talk about. But if you think about it, doesn’t have a lot of coolness Singleton, right? You add something global, which is kind of against objects, which are more about distributing things and not having this centralized thing, which will, at some point hurt you because you want to have multiple of these things or whatever, right. It’s often a design shortcut to me, it’s this single as often as is, and shortcut, you have a well known place to get to another object rather than reaching to other objects to get this space. So that’s why it often hurts, but with time. So that’s my, it’s not a, my top favorite, my favorite list of patterns. Right? So to me, it’s one of the things which should be voted off the Island: Singleton.

For advanced developers: Favor dependency injection over singletons.


  • Logging facilities
  • Event busses and dispatch queues
  • Device handles (there is only 1 physical device, e.g. System.out)
  • Service objects (eg. API wrappers, ...)


A Basic Example

The strategy pattern helps to abstract a certain method from its actual implementation. It is so fundamental to Java that it has the syntax keyword interface to separate declarations from implementations.

Let's consider a simple example, where we want to sort a list in ascending or descending order, using different Comparator<T>s.

List<Integer> list = new LinkedList<>();

Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<Integer>() {
	public compare(Integer a, Integer b) {
		return a.compareTo(b);

Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<Integer>() {
	public compare(Integer a, Integer b) {
		return b.compareTo(a);  // note the flipped order!

A More Sophisticated Example

Check out JavaKara, a little robot bug that can be moved through a tiny world.


You can control it with very basic actions:

public class Kara extends JavaKaraProgram {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		Kara k = new Kara();"src/main/resources/");

	public void myMainProgram() {
		kara.move();        // one step forward
		kara.turnLeft();    // you guessed it...
		kara.turnRight();   // turn right
		kara.treeFront();   // tree ahead?
		kara.putLeaf();     // take a clover leaf
		kara.removeLeaf();  // remove a clover leaf		

To have kara explore the whole room (starting from the center), you could think of two strategies:

  • walk concentric growing circles until the room is fully explored
  • walk to the top-right corner; then sweep left-to-right, top-to-bottom.

The sample code can be found in Check out the StrategyExampleBad, which has two explicit plans, planA() and planB(). Contrast it with the implementation in StrategyExample: here, the logic of the strategy is moved to a separate class which is instantiated as needed.




The strategy pattern often shows up "in disguise." For example, the Stream.filter(Predicate<T> p), Iterable.iterator() or Collection.sort(Comparator<T> c) are all flavors of the strategy pattern: they allow to do the same thing in different ways.

You can easily spot potential refactoring areas if you have code such as

if (isWav())
	return decodeWav(data);
else if (isMP3())
	return decodeMP3(data);
	return data.raw;

with the decode{Wav,MP3}() methods being members of the class. Refactor to the strategy pattern by extracting them from the class and use them via a common interface.


  • Comparator interface, to customize sorting
  • Encryption and authentication protocols
  • Media encoders (mp3, mp4, aac, etc.)
  • Serializers ("save as..." feature)


A factory provides instances that fulfill a certain interface.

A Basic Example

Let's consider a basic example: a package with public interfaces but package-private classes.

package mypackage;

public interface Klass {
	void method();
package mypackage;

class KlassImpl implements Klass {
	public void method() {
		System.out.println("Hello World!");

So from outside the package, you can't instantiate KlassImpl:

package someApp;
class MyApp {
	public static void main(String... args) {
		mypackage.Klass k = new mypackage.KlassImpl();  // not visible!

This is where you need a factory method, often attached to an abstract class or as a static method to an interface.

package mypackage;

public interface Klass {
	void method();
	static Klass create() {
		return new KlassImpl();  // inside package: visible!
mypackage.Klass k = mypackage.Klass.create();

As you can see, the user of the package relies on the interface, and has no idea on which class was actually instantiated.

A More Sophisticated Example: Factory and Strategy

Recall last week's composite pattern which can be found for example in the implementation of JSON or an XML tree. In principal, both can store key-value relations, potentially nested:

	"key": "value",
	"nested": {
		"key": "value"
interface Component {
	String toString();
interface Composite extends Component {
	void add(Component c);
interface Leaf extends Component {

With realizations for Json (JsonComponent, JsonComposite, JsonLeaf) and XML (XmlComponent, ...) that model similar structure, but different toString() serialization.

Without a factory, you would have to manually construct the composite:

JsonComposite root = new JsonComposite("root");
root.add(new JsonLeaf("key", "value"));
Composite nested = new JsonComposite("nested");
nested.add(new JsonLeaf("key", "value"));
System.out.println(root);  // "root": {"key": "value", "nested": {"key": "value"}}

And similarly for XmlComposite. If you abstract the instance creation into a factory, you could generalize the code significantly:

interface CompositeFactory {
	Composite createComposite(String name);
	Leaf createLeaf(String name, String value);
class JsonFactory implements CompositeFactory {
	public Composite createComposite(String name) {
		return new JsonComposite(name);

	public Leaf createLeaf(String name, String value) {
		return new JsonLeaf(name, value);
CompositeFactory f = new JsonFactory();
// CompositeFactory f = new XmlFactory();

Composite root = f.createComposite("root");
root.add(f.createLeaf("key", "value"));

Composite nested = f.createComposite("nested");
nested.add(f.createLeaf("key", "value"));



As you can see, you only need to replace the factory that produces the concrete classes; the construction logic remains the same.

You can find the above example code at

Structure and Participants


  • AbstractFactory
    • declares interface for operations that create the abstract products
  • ConcreteFactory
    • implements the operations and procudes concrete products
  • AbstractProduct
    • declares interface for operations
  • ConcreteProduct
    • implements the operations
  • Client
    • uses only interfaces declared by AbstractFactory and AbstractProduct


The factory pattern is omnipresent; sometimes it is realized as a single factory method, sometimes as a larger factory serving different objects.

The most common use is when developing against interfaces where the implementing classes are package-private. The package would then expose a factory that allows to generate instances that implement the public interfaces -- with internals hidden from the client.


Typically objects that are either complicated to instantiate or which should not be exposed outside of a package.

  • Iterators (probably the most frequently used factory)
  • Objects that have complex instantiation protocols
  • Logging instances
  • API wrappers


Let's get back to kara for a moment. We could write a program that takes input from the command line and uses that to direct kara around.


public class InteractiveKara extends JavaKaraProgram {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
		InteractiveKara program = new InteractiveKara();"src/main/resources/");

		int c;
		while ((c = != -1) {
			if (c == 10)
				continue;  // enter
			else if ((char) c == 'e')

			try {
				switch ((char) c) {
					case 'm': program.kara.move(); break;
					case 'l': program.kara.turnLeft(); break;
					case 'r': program.kara.turnRight(); break;
					case 't': program.kara.removeLeaf(); break;
					case 'd': program.kara.putLeaf(); break;
			} catch (RuntimeException e) {


Note the catch for RuntimeException: this happens if you have kara walk into a tree, or try to pick up a leaf where there is none.

So here is the problem: The above program works nicely until we hit a tree or otherwise raise an exception, at which point the while application is terminated.

Can you think of a mechanism that instead allows us to back-track where we came from? Or in other words: if we screw up, can we undo the previous moves?

We can, if we take care of the following aspects:

  • for every action, we need to know the reverse
  • we need to keep track of every successful action
  • (optionally) we can manually "forget" our history, if we're at a good place.

These are covered by the command pattern. Instead of directly calling the actions on kara, we make objects that will do the actual work:

interface Command {
	void execute();
	default void undo() {
		throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

Now, if we keep a journal (stack) of commands, it is easy to go back: just remove them one-by-one and call .undo().

Here is an example for a command to move forward:

class MoveCommand implements Command {
	private JavaKaraProgram.JavaKara kara;
	public MoveCommand(JavaKaraProgram.JavaKara kara) {
		this.kara = kara;

	public void execute() {

	public void undo() {
		// turn back, move
		new TurnCommand(kara, 2).execute();

		// turn to original direction
		new TurnCommand(kara, 2).execute();

Let's alter the main program to use the command pattern:

public class CommandExample extends JavaKaraProgram {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
		CommandExample program = new CommandExample();"src/main/resources/");

		// this will keep track of the successful commands
		Stack<Command> history = new Stack<>();

		int c;
		while ((c = != -1) {
			// ...

			Command cmd = new IdleCommand();
			switch ((char) c) {
				case 'm': cmd = new MoveCommand(program.kara); break;
				case 'l': cmd = new TurnCommand(program.kara, -1); break;
				// ...

			try {
			} catch (RuntimeException e) {
				System.out.println("Tracking back to last saved state");
				// go back to beginning, restart
				while (history.size() > 0)


The complete example code can be found at

Structure and Participants


  • Command
    • declares an interface for executing an operation
  • ConcreteCommand
    • implements the operation
    • uses the receiver as needed
  • Client (application)
    • creates ConcreteCommand and hands receiver
  • Invoker
    • actually calls .execute()
  • Receiver
    • the object used by the strategy


The command pattern is more frequent than you might initially think. Think of it this way: whenever you allow the user to sequentially apply certain commands to your data/state, you may want to be able to undo those at some point. Building up a stack of actions automatically leads to adopting the command pattern.


  • Editors that support undo or macros
  • Databases with transaction/rollback support
  • Filesystems with journaling
  • Version control (eg. git)
  • Realizations of automatons