github-api-1.101 (2019-11-27)
- Fixed
when creatingokhttp3.OkHttpConnector
@alecharp #627
github-api-1.100 (2019-11-26)
- Add method to set repository topics @martinvanzijl #594
- Adjust GHRateLimit to system time instead of depending on synchronization @bitwiseman #595
- Add Functionality of OTP to support user 2fa @madhephaestus #603
- Implement Meta endpoint @PauloMigAlmeida #611
- fix and unit tests for issue #504 @siordache #620
- Fixed GHContent to allow spaces in path @bitwiseman #625
- Bump okhttp3 from 3.14.2 to 4.2.2 @dependabot-preview #593
- jackson 2.10.1 @sullis #604
- Code style fixes @bitwiseman #609
- Javadoc fail on warning during CI build @bitwiseman #613
- Clean up Requester interface a bit @bitwiseman #614
- Branch missing @alexanderrtaylor #615
- Cleanup imports @bitwiseman #616
- Removed permission field in createTeam. It is deprecated in the API @asthinasthi #619
- Re-enable Lifecycle test @bitwiseman #621
github-api-1.99 (2019-11-04)
Closed issues:
- Support all available endpoints for Github App with preview request #570
- Login details #560
- GHRepository.listReleases() return empty always #535
- Unable to get deployment by id #529
- Malformed URL exception while accessing Enterprise Repository and fetching data #526
- Allow getting a repository by ID #515
- Methods to update milestones #512
- Add ETAG support to minimize API requests #505
- GitHub.connectUsingOAuth() suddenly taking a really long time to connect #493
- GHTeam.add does not due to GHTeam.Role(s) been capitalized #489
- Reading file's content through returns previous version of file. #487
- Implement archive/unarchive functionality #472
- [Gists] Edit Gists Support #466
- Missing description field in GHTeam #460
- Bug: GHOrganization::createTeam does not regard argument repositories #457
- Null value for GHPullRequestReview created date and updated date #450
- Support for repository Projects #425
- create a little MockGitHub class for tests mocking out the github REST API #382
- Branch name is not being correctly URL encoded #381
- Issue events #376
- Not able to get the right file content #371
- Updating file is not possible #354
- Missing repository statistics #330
- Is there a way to make this library more test friendly? #316
- GitHub 2 factor login #292
- Unable to resolve github-api artifacts from Maven Central #195
Merged pull requests:
- Bump maven-source-plugin from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 #590 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Fix site errors #587 (bitwiseman)
- [Documentation] :: Add GitHub App Developer Guide #586 (PauloMigAlmeida)
- Create #585 (bitwiseman)
- Convenience method to auth with app installation token && documentation examples #583 (PauloMigAlmeida)
- Add method to list repository topics #581 (martinvanzijl)
- Fix for getting deployment by id #580 (martinvanzijl)
- Add methods to update and delete milestones. #579 (martinvanzijl)
- GHOrganization.createTeam now adds team to specified repositories #578 (martinvanzijl)
- bump jackson-databind to 2.10.0 to avoid security alert #575 (romani)
- Bump wiremock-jre8-standalone from 2.25.0 to 2.25.1 #574 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump hamcrest.version from 2.1 to 2.2 #573 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- GitHub workflow: add JDK 13 to build matrix #572 (sullis)
- More tests #568 (bitwiseman)
- Add merge options to GHRepository #567 (jberglund-BSFT)
- Bump gson from 2.8.5 to 2.8.6 #565 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump okio from 2.4.0 to 2.4.1 #564 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Simplify creation of PagedIterables from requests #563 (bitwiseman)
- GitHub workflow: enable Java matrix [ '1.8.0', '11.0.x' ] #562 (sullis)
- Bump org.eclipse.jgit from to #561 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump okio from 2.2.2 to 2.4.0 #558 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump mockito-core from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0 #557 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump wiremock-jre8-standalone from 2.24.1 to 2.25.0 #556 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump commons-io from 1.4 to 2.6 #555 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump maven-surefire-plugin from 2.22.1 to 2.22.2 #554 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump commons-lang3 from 3.7 to 3.9 #552 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump commons-codec from 1.7 to 1.13 #551 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump spotbugs-maven-plugin from 3.1.11 to #550 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump bridge-method-annotation from 1.17 to 1.18 #549 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump org.eclipse.jgit from to #547 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Support for projects #545 (gskjold)
- Adding possiblity to get ssh keys #544 (arngrimur-seal)
- Grammar #543 (jsoref)
- Improved OkHttpConnector caching behavior #542 (bitwiseman)
- Add GitHubApiWireMockRule #541 (bitwiseman)
- Add support for team pr review requests #532 (farmdawgnation)
- Add GitHub API requests logging #530 (bozaro)
- Add support for draft pull requests #525 (vbehar)
- Implement GitHub App API methods #522 (PauloMigAlmeida)
- Added getUserPublicOrganizations method #510 (awittha)
- Add support for editing Gists #484 (martinvanzijl)
- Add method to invite user to organization #482 (martinvanzijl)
- Added method to list authorizations #481 (martinvanzijl)
- Escape special characters in branch URLs #480 (martinvanzijl)
- Add issue events API #479 (martinvanzijl)
- Added description field to GHTeam class. #478 (martinvanzijl)
- Add statistics API. #477 (martinvanzijl)
- Adding Label description property #475 (immanuelqrw)
- Implemented GitHub.doArchive #473 (joaoe)
github-api-1.95 (2018-11-06)
Closed issues:
- Add ability to attach/detach issue label w/o side effects to other labels #456
- [feature request] Add support to list commits that only affect a file path #454
- Rate limit - catch the exception #447
- GHRepository.listCommits() returns Read timed out #433
- java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.SettableBeanProperty.<init> #419
- mvn test fails to start on HEAD #415
- NullPointerException in #414
Merged pull requests:
- Added archived attribute in GHRepository #470 (recena)
- Fix memory leak. #468 (KostyaSha)
- add request reviewers as attribute of GHPullRequest #464 (xeric)
- Add methods for adding/removing labels to GHIssue #461 (evenh)
github-api-1.94 (2018-08-30)
Closed issues:
- Attachment download from issues #451
- GHEventPayload.Issue #442
- GHRelease.uploadAsset() that takes InputStream instead of File #434
- Implement the new invitations API #374
Merged pull requests:
- Fix for issue #426. Fix null pointer when deleting refs. #449 (martinvanzijl)
- Fix pagination for APIs that supported it ad hoc #446 (daniel-beck)
- Adds the GHEventPayload.Issue class #443 (Arrow768)
- support update content through createContent, passing sha of existing file #441 (shirdoo)
- Add support for repository searching by "topic" #439 (l3ender)
- [feature] implement Repository Invitations API #437 (Rechi)
- Added release payload. #417 (twcurrie)
- Add GHRepository.getRelease and GHRepository.getReleaseByTagName #411 (tadfisher)
github-api-1.93 (2018-05-01)
Closed issues:
- InvalidFormatException parsing GHEventPayload.PullRequestReview #421
- response code -1 #418
- Update commons-lang version #409
- add a comment to a pull Request #380
Merged pull requests:
- [fix] fetch labels with HTTP GET method #431 (Rechi)
- Added request reviewers function within GHPullRequest. #430 (twcurrie)
- Add support for previous_filename for file details in PR. #427 (itepikin-smartling)
- Fixes #421 - Enum case doesn't match for Pull Request Reviews #422 (ggrell)
- OkHttpConnector: Enforce use of TLSv1.2 to match current Github and Github Enterprise TLS support. #420 (randomvariable)
- Update commons-lang to 3.7 #410 (Limess)
github-api-1.92 (2018-01-13)
github-api-1.91 (2018-01-13)
Closed issues:
- How to authenticate using oauth in code? #405
- It is possible to read a github project wiki ? #404
- gitHttpTransportUrl Rename #403
- Do not throw new Error() #400
- GHPullRequest.getMergeable() never returns True #399
- NPE in GHPerson.populate #395
- 64-bit id support #393
- Numeric value out of range of int #387
- Diff URL with auth #386
Merged pull requests:
- Adding merge settings to GHCreateRepositoryBuilder #407 (notsudo)
- Improved Pull Request review and comments support #406 (sns-seb)
- Add GHIssue#setMilestone #397 (mizoguche)
- [fix] GHPerson: check if root is null #396 (Rechi)
- Add get for all organizations #391 (scotty-g)
- Add support for pr review/review comment events #384 (mattnelson)
- Roles for team members #379 (amberovsky)
github-api-1.90 (2017-10-28)
Closed issues:
- <null> fields yeld NPE on getX operations. #372
- Add support for committing multiple files. #360
- Update compiler #357
- Extension mechanism? #356
- Update GHPullRequest with missing properties #355
- Refactor to allow for additional HTTP headers #353
- Building failing due problematic repository server #344
- Pull Request Reviews API #305
Merged pull requests:
- Labels: add method to update color #390 (batmat)
- Fixed OAuth connection to enterprise API #389 (dorian808080)
- Fix for #387: numeric value out of range of int #388 (aburmeis)
github-api-1.89 (2017-09-09)
Closed issues:
- OkHttpConnector is broken #335
- Support new merge methods (squash/rebase) for Github Pull Requests #326
- Expose OAuth headers #303
Merged pull requests:
- Added support for traffic statistics (number of views and clones) #368 (adw1n)
- issue #360: Add support for committing multiple files #361 (siordache)
- Expose Headers #339 (KostyaSha)
- Remove unused imports #337 (sebkur)
- Add support for MergeMethod on GHPullRequest #333 (greggian)
- Add some level of synchronization to the root of the API #283 (mmitche)
github-api-1.88 (2017-09-09)
github-api-1.87 (2017-09-09)
Closed issues:
- Cannot merge newly created GHPullRequest #367
- Unable to search thru search API #365
- Unable to find documentation for issue search #364
- Commit Search API implemented or not? #345
- How can I get Latest Release of Repository? #341
Merged pull requests:
- bridge-method-annotation should be an optional dep #378 (jglick)
- Add basic support for tag objects #375 (stephenc)
- Add missing event types used by repository webhooks #363 (PauloMigAlmeida)
- Add ping hook method #362 (KostyaSha)
- [JENKINS-36240] /repos/:owner/:repo/collaborators/:username/permission no longer requires korra preview #358 (jglick)
- Add support for PR reviews preview #352 (stephenc)
- Add the Commit search API #351 (mdeverdelhan)
- add latest release #343 (kamontat)
- Ignore eclipse files #338 (sebkur)
- Fix a bug in the Javadocs (due to copy and paste) #332 (sebkur)
github-api-1.86 (2017-07-03)
Merged pull requests:
github-api-1.85 (2017-03-01)
Closed issues:
- getPusher() returns null in call to getPusher() #342
Merged pull requests:
- Ensure that connections are closed for error responses #346 (stephenc)
- Correct algebra in #327 #329 (stephenc)
github-api-1.84 (2017-01-10)
github-api-1.83 (2017-01-10)
Closed issues:
- Webhook creation response error #328
Merged pull requests:
- Expose Rate Limit Headers #327 (stephenc)
- Branch protection attrs #325 (jeffnelson)
- [JENKINS-36240] Added GHRepository.getPermission(String) #324 (jglick)
github-api-1.82 (2016-12-17)
Closed issues:
- API response time #322
- getLabels() call for a pull request results in downstream 404s #319
- Gist Searching #318
- Adding users to organization-owned repos not possible #317
- GHSearchBuilder terms are cumulative when I expected them to overwrite previous one #314
- Support ordering in searches #313
- Update OkHttp usage #312
- github.getRepository does not work for Enterprise github instance #263
Merged pull requests:
- Fix syntactically malformed test JSON #323 (jglick)
- Added ghRepo.getBlob(String) method #320 (KostyaSha)
- Fix typos in javadocs #315 (davidxia)
github-api-1.81 (2016-11-21)
Closed issues:
- Multiple assignee support #294
- Missing support for determining if authenticated user is organization owner #293
github-api-1.80 (2016-11-17)
Closed issues:
- Testing reaction #311
- Is there a way to update contents in bulk? #310
- GitHub#listAllUsers() demanded (enterprise use-case) #309
- Delete OAuth Token #308
- How to find a pull request using the Search API and get its details? #298
Merged pull requests:
- Add portion of auth/application API. #307 (KostyaSha)
- Add offline support to the API to make parsing events easier #306 (stephenc)
- Fix fields of GHRepository #304 (wolfogre)
github-api-1.79 (2016-10-25)
Merged pull requests:
github-api-1.78 (2016-10-24)
Closed issues:
- Allow edit for maintainer support #297
- run mvn install fail! Failure to find org.jenkins-ci:jenkins:pom:1.26 ?? #296
Merged pull requests:
github-api-1.77 (2016-08-06)
Closed issues:
- weird format for get list of organizations #291
- OkHttp is out of date #290
- 400 from OKHttp getInputStream #288
- pagination support search APIs #287
- significant more API calls for same code #286
- Excessive concurrent request rate limit not handled #285
- team.add(repo) should accept permission flag #279
- Pull request mergeability is boolean but should be trinary #275
- Webhook with content type "application/json" #274
- Disable rate_limit check on GitHub Enterprise completely #273
- java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: byteString == null #265
- Failed to deserialize list of contributors when repo is empty #261
- github-api does not distinguish between user and organisation #260
- API Rate Limit Exceeding #258
Merged pull requests:
github-api-1.76 (2016-06-03)
Closed issues:
- GitHub.getRateLimit hangs inside SocketInputStream.socketRead0 #271
- (re)open method on GHMilestone #269
- More meaning toString implementations #268
- GHRepository.fork() does not block on the async operation until it's complete #264
- Add Support for the Protected Branches API #262
Merged pull requests:
- related to JENKINS-34834. updating test for similar condition #282 (apemberton)
- Add Slug to GHTeam per v3 API:… #281 (apemberton)
- Fixed broken link #278 (jglick)
- Updated Date was wrong #277 (KondaReddyR)
- Add support to delete a team #276 (thug-gamer)
- Added support for the extended stargazers API in Github V3 API #272 (noctarius)
- [#269] Add reopen method on GHMilestone #270 (szpak)
github-api-1.75 (2016-04-13)
github-api-1.74 (2016-03-19)
Closed issues:
- missing maven central dependencies in 1.72 #257
- Not able to specify client Id and client secret to connect using OAuth #256
- Stuck in Github connect #255
- Infinite loop in
#252 - How to get statistics using this library #241
Merged pull requests:
- Animal sniffer #259 (Shredder121)
- Better error messages #254 (cyrille-leclerc)
- Fix #252: infinite loop because the "hypertext engine" generates invalid URLs #253 (cyrille-leclerc)
- Improve checkApiUrlValidity() method #251 (recena)
github-api-1.73 (2016-03-01)
Closed issues:
- traceback if webhook set to "send me everything". #250
- Error on github pull request populate #246
- How to avoid connection timeout while using github.listallpublicrepositories #243
- myissues #242
- Question - Stargazers and stars release. #239
- GHEventInfo getPayload #238
Merged pull requests:
- Added getHtmlUrl() to GHCommit #249 (zapelin)
- Populate commit with data for getCommitShortInfo #248 (daniel-beck)
- Fix error when creating email service hook #245 (daniel-beck)
- Minor amendment to the documentation #244 (benbek)
- Support for auto_init #240 (dlovera)
github-api-1.72 (2015-12-10)
Fixed bugs:
- GHRepository.getCompare(GHBranch, GHBranch) does not allow for cross-fork compares #218
Closed issues:
- Access to raw JSON for issues? #235
- GHRepository.getPullRequests() / listPullRequests() does not support the sort parameter #234
- Commit obtained by queryCommits does not contain files #230
- get starred projects by the user #228
- update of file in github #227
- Add per_page paramter to the search builders #221
- RateLimitHandler Bug #220
- Followers and following pagination #213
- Some features of this plugin no longer work with the recent changes to #202
- Add an option to get the id of an event #199
- Need documentation for how to clone a git repo to the disk #196
- JDK Version #188
- Obtain Pushed Commit using GitHub API #186
- @WithBridgeMethods decorator in GHObject has no value adapterMethod #171
github-api-1.71 (2015-12-01)
Fixed bugs:
- #218 enable cross fork compare #219 (if6was9)
- #215 fix read() failure with private repos #216 (if6was9)
Closed issues:
- Push to repo #229
- Can not find the .github file #223
- Can not find the .github file #222
- is broken due to incorrect HTTP Method #215
Merged pull requests:
- Use default timeouts for URLConnections #237 (olivergondza)
- Findbugs plugin has been upgraded #236 (recena)
- Add information about mirror url if it exist. #233 (vparfonov)
- Added a new method to validate the GitHub API URL #232 (recena)
- Support for merge_commit_sha #231 (recena)
- Check builder result to either be a token or a user #226 (Shredder121)
- Overzealous FindBugs changes. #225 (Shredder121)
- Remove trailing slash when requesting directory content #224 (Shredder121)
- Support Milestone closed_at date #217 (dblevins)
github-api-1.70 (2015-08-15)
Closed issues:
- How to search all repos based on a keyword? #211
- Missing: List private organizations a user belongs #209
Merged pull requests:
- Added option to edit GitHub release once it is created #212 (umajeric)
- Cleanup issues discovered by FindBugs #210 (oleg-nenashev)
github-api-1.69 (2015-07-17)
Closed issues:
- NullPointerException in #194
- Dependency problems #191
- Enable this to work with GitHub Enterprise #184
- no way to list forks of a repository #183
- Nothing is Fetched when calling repo.listNotifications(); #181
- DELETE does not support writing #180
Merged pull requests:
- Fix potential NPE in the code #208 (oleg-nenashev)
- Enable FindBugs in the repo #207 (oleg-nenashev)
- Specified the GET #206 (torodev)
- Fix NPE found when resolving issues from search api #205 (stephenc)
- add ping event to GH events enum #204 (lanwen)
- GitHub API have changed the semantics of /user/repos API #203 (lucamilanesio)
- Add support for update/delete operations on issue comments #201 (henryju)
- fix for unused json map when method with body, but body is null #200 (lanwen)
- fix for GH Enterprise which does not have rate limit reset field #198 (lanwen)
- added Page Build #197 (treeduck)
- Enable creation and retrieval of org webhooks #192 (chrisrhut)
- allow default branch to be set #190 (if6was9)
- fixed regression that caused POST operations to be sent as GET #189 (if6was9)
- Recognize previous_file field in GHCommit.File #187 (yegorius)
- Fixes #183: added a method listForks() to GHRepository #185 (marc-guenther)
- Fix invalid URL for pull request comments update/delete #182 (henryju)
github-api-1.68 (2015-04-20)
Closed issues:
- Merging with SHA1 #176
Merged pull requests:
github-api-1.67 (2015-04-14)
Merged pull requests:
- Added getters for the objects notifications refer to #177 (syniuhin)
- Added the source attribute to GHRepository #175 (kickroot)
- Improvements #170 (KostyaSha)
- Throw error for bad creds #169 (KostyaSha)
github-api-1.66 (2015-03-24)
Closed issues:
- Rate limiting causes silent freezing failures #172
- Pluggable persistent cache support #168
- Implement /search #158
- Support notifications api #119
- Consider committing to using OkHttp in preference to HttpURLConnection #104
github-api-1.64 (2015-03-22)
Closed issues:
- SBT build is broken from version 1.53 #167
- Reading a gist in anonymonous mode causes error #166
- Add support for the Markdown API #165
- GHContent#content always returns master version #162
- infinite Thread usage loop with handleApiError #159
- /repositories? #157
- 502 Bad Gateway error from GHRelease.uploadAsset #135
Merged pull requests:
- Add method to get the list of languages using in repository #161 (khoa-nd)
- Picking endpoint from the properties file and environment variables #156 (ashwanthkumar)
- Implementing github trees #155 (ddtxra)
github-api-1.63 (2015-03-02)
Closed issues:
github-api-1.62 (2015-02-15)
Closed issues:
- "Stars" and "Forks" parameters for Gist #154
- NPE during tag.getCommit().getLastStatus() #152
- Incorrect behavior of GHRepository.getReadme #150
- Make public GHRepository.getOwnerName #149
- Add information about thread-safety in Javadoc #148
- Add API to retrieve list of contributors #147
- Parsing a push event payload doesn't get the repository #144
- GHRelease issue #138
- GHRepository.getIssues(GHIssueState.CLOSED) also return pull requests #134
- Feature: watched Repositories #130
- Cannot create repository in organisation #118
- Different ways of getting issue.getClosedby() return different results. #113
- NullPointerException in GHPerson #111
- Suggested enhancement: GHPerson#getAllRepositories() #110
- add support for proxy #109
- Error while accessing rate limit API - No subject alternative DNS name matching found. #108
- Add support for retrieving repository available labels #105
- getReadme its outdated #99
github-api-1.61 (2015-02-14)
github-api-1.60 (2015-02-14)
Closed issues:
- GHTeam.getMembers() response does not include all users if user count >30 #145
Merged pull requests:
- fix #145 GHTeam.getMembers() does not page properly #146 (if6was9)
- Complete api implementation for the new github deployment api #143 (suryagaddipati)
- Add code for creating deployments for a repo #142 (suryagaddipati)
- Trivial change to enable creating/updating binary content (files). #141 (alvaro1728)
- Put mockito in the test scope. #139 (farmdawgnation)
- added 'diverged' constant to GHCompare.Status enum #137 (simonecarriero)
- Add paging support for Team's Repositories #136 (rtyley)
github-api-1.59 (2014-10-08)
Merged pull requests:
- Add GHCompare.getFiles() method to be able to see the precise files chan... #132 (mocleiri)
- Modify GitHubBuilder to resolve user credentials from the system environ... #131 (mocleiri)
- Allow pullRequest.getHead().getRepository().getCommit(headSha1) to work #129 (mocleiri)
- Update github scopes according to\#scopes #128 (ndeloof)
- Allow to use custom HttpConnector when only OAuth token is given #124 (ohtake)
- Use issues endpoints for pull requests #123 (rtyley)
- Add missing field browser_download_url in GHAsset #122 (tbruyelle)
github-api-1.58 (2014-08-30)
Merged pull requests:
- All the refs worth knowing: Implementation of ref updating and deleting. #117 (farmdawgnation)
- Remove getPath() #116 (DavidTanner)
- Add missing GitHub event types. #115 (bernd)
- get repository full name (including owner) #114 (ndeloof)
- General pagination #107 (msperisen)
github-api-1.57 (2014-08-19)
Merged pull requests:
- Get all orgs/teams/permissions in a single GitHub API call #112 (lucamilanesio)
- Implement pagination on list of private+public repos of a user. #106 (lucamilanesio)
github-api-1.56 (2014-07-03)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Update to OkHttp 2.0.0, which has a new OkUrlFactory #103 (rtyley)
- Better FNFE from delete() #102 (jglick)
- Un-finalize a handful of classes. #101 (farmdawgnation)
github-api-1.55 (2014-06-08)
Merged pull requests:
- Add support for adding context to commit status. #97 (suryagaddipati)
github-api-1.54 (2014-06-05)
Closed issues:
- Version 1.8 of bridge-method-annotation not available in maven central #91
- Ability to specify both branch and sha parameters at same time in GHCommitQueryBuilder #90
Merged pull requests:
- Add support for retriving a single ref #95 (suryagaddipati)
- Add support for adding deploykeys to repo #94 (suryagaddipati)
- Upgrading to 1.12 version for bridge-method-annotation and bridge-method-injector - fix for #91 #93 (vr100)
github-api-1.53 (2014-05-10)
Closed issues:
- GHUser.getRepositories() does not pull private repositories #88
- create pull requests? #79
- getRateLimit() fails for GitHub Enterprise #78
- GHRepository assumes public, won't work with github enterprise #64
- Getting private repositories for a private organization #62
- ClosedBy returns nothing for closed issues #60
- class file for com.infradna.tool.bridge_method_injector.WithBridgeMethods not found #54
- add support of Gists #53
- GHUser is missing a getHTMLURL() method #52
- [Feature Request] get tags #40
- GitHub.connectAnonymously() fails because of a lack of credentials. #39
Merged pull requests:
- create a Release & Branch #84 (fanfansama)
github-api-1.52 (2014-05-10)
Closed issues:
- File size limited to 1MB #85
Merged pull requests:
- Fix bug in GHMyself.getEmails due to API change #87 (kellycampbell)
- Using builder pattern to list commits in a repo by author, branch, etc #86 (vr100)
- add tarball_url and zipball_url to GHRelease #83 (antonkrasov)
github-api-1.51 (2014-04-13)
Closed issues:
- Add support for setting explicit connection timeouts #81
- Throwing an Error when an IOException occurs is overly fatal #65
Merged pull requests:
- Cast url.openConnection() to HttpURLConnection instead of HttpsURLConnec... #82 (prazanna)
- Add support for removing a user from an Organisation #80 (rtyley)
github-api-1.50 (2014-03-28)
Closed issues:
- publish 1.49 version to jenkins maven repo #63
Merged pull requests:
- Add org public-members call, to complement the full members list #76 (rtyley)
- Support the check-user-team-membership API call #75 (rtyley)
- Fix GHIssue.setLabels() #73 (rtyley)
- Un-finalize GHContent. #72 (farmdawgnation)
- Created new method to automate the merge #69 (vanjikumaran)
- Enable org member filtering #68 (lindseydew)
- Support paging when fetching organization members #66 (ryankennedy)
github-api-1.49 (2014-01-06)
github-api-1.48 (2014-01-06)
Closed issues:
- Implement Contents API #46
Merged pull requests:
- Fetching of user's verified keys through standard OAuth scope. #61 (lucamilanesio)
- Contents API #59 (farmdawgnation)
github-api-1.47 (2013-11-27)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Add support for PULL_REQUEST_REVIEW_COMMENT event types. #58 (rtholmes)
- Use
to retrieve repository issues #56 (endeavor85)
github-api-1.46 (2013-11-13)
github-api-1.45 (2013-11-09)
Closed issues:
- Issue labels have multiple fields now #48
Merged pull requests:
- add support (most of) the release-related endpoints #51 (evanchooly)
- Updates Jackson to 2.2.3 #50 (pescuma)
- Use a proper Label in GHIssues #49 (pescuma)
- Allows to define page size for repository lists and other API enhancements #45 (lucamilanesio)
github-api-1.44 (2013-09-07)
Closed issues:
- getMergeableState in GHPullRequest doesn't work #41
Merged pull requests:
- GHMyself should allow accessing the private repos and orgs too #43 (stephenc)
- Commit's short info model #42 (paulbutenko)
github-api-1.43 (2013-07-07)
github-api-1.42 (2013-05-07)
Merged pull requests:
- add repository to Pull Request payload and wrap the PR with the repository #38 (janinko)
- Force issues-based API route for PR comments #37 (spiffxp)
- Allow oauthToken to be used without login #36 (spiffxp)
github-api-1.41 (2013-04-23)
Closed issues:
- Closing pull request using Github API return FileNotFoundException #34
Merged pull requests:
github-api-1.40 (2013-04-16)
github-api-1.39 (2013-04-16)
Merged pull requests:
- Provide a way to determine if the connection is anonymous #44 (stephenc)
- Implement GHEventPayload.IssueComment #32 (janinko)
- implement retrieving of access token #31 (janinko)
github-api-1.38 (2013-04-07)
Closed issues:
- Error 500 - No Protocol #29
github-api-1.37 (2013-03-15)
Merged pull requests:
github-api-1.36 (2013-01-24)
github-api-1.35 (2013-01-07)
Closed issues:
- Support for organization check mebership #23
Merged pull requests:
- Password is no longer required for api usage and fix for broken base64 encoding. #27 (johnou)
- Removed web client and proprietary api usage. #26 (johnou)
github-api-1.34 (2013-01-06)
Closed issues:
- Enterprise Github without HTTPS not supported #12
Merged pull requests:
- JENKINS-13726: Github plugin should work with Github enterprise by allowing for overriding the github URL. #24 (johnou)
- Retrieve repository directly. #22 (janinko)
github-api-1.33 (2012-09-13)
Closed issues:
- GHIssue.getComments() throws NoSuchElementException when there are no comments #20
- scm in pom.xml is incorrect #14
- support for: Create an issue POST /repos/:user/:repo/issues #13
Merged pull requests:
- PagedIterable dosn't use authentication #19 (janinko)
- When using lazy population, this is not deprecated #18 (janinko)
github-api-1.32 (2012-09-06)
Merged pull requests:
github-api-1.31 (2012-08-28)
Merged pull requests:
github-api-1.30 (2012-08-28)
Merged pull requests:
github-api-1.29 (2012-06-18)
Closed issues:
github-api-1.28 (2012-06-13)
github-api-1.27 (2012-06-12)
github-api-1.26 (2012-06-04)
github-api-1.25 (2012-05-22)
github-api-1.24 (2012-05-22)
github-api-1.23 (2012-04-25)
github-api-1.22 (2012-04-12)
github-api-1.21 (2012-04-12)
Closed issues:
- Link to Javadoc incorrect at #4
github-api-1.20 (2012-04-11)
github-api-1.19 (2012-04-06)
Merged pull requests:
github-api-1.18 (2012-03-08)
Merged pull requests:
- milestone api via v3 #6 (YusukeKokubo)
github-api-1.17 (2012-02-12)
Closed issues:
- error on getRepositories() #5
github-api-1.16 (2012-01-03)
Merged pull requests:
github-api-1.15 (2012-01-01)
github-api-1.14 (2011-10-27)
github-api-1.13 (2011-09-15)
Merged pull requests:
github-api-1.12 (2011-08-27)
github-api-1.11 (2011-08-27)
github-api-1.10 (2011-07-11)
Merged pull requests:
github-api-1.9 (2011-06-28)
github-api-1.8 (2011-06-17)
github-api-1.7 (2011-05-28)
github-api-1.6 (2011-03-16)
github-api-1.5 (2011-02-23)
github-api-1.4 (2010-12-14)
github-api-1.3 (2010-11-24)
github-api-1.2 (2010-04-19)
github-api-1.1 (2010-04-19)
github-api-1.0 (2010-04-19)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator