Read or watch:
- Expansions
- Shell Arithmetic
- Variables
- Shell initialization files
- The alias Command
- Technical Writing
What you should learn from this project:
- What happens when you type $ ls -l *.txt
- Create a script that creates an alias.
- Create a script that prints hello user, where user is the current Linux user.
- Add /action to the PATH. /action should be the last directory the shell looks into when looking for a program.
- Create a script that counts the number of directories in the PATH.
- Create a script that lists environment variables.
- Create a script that lists all local variables and environment variables, and functions.
- Create a script that creates a new local variable.
- Create a script that creates a new global variable.
- Write a script that prints the result of the addition of 128 with the value stored in the environment variable TRUEKNOWLEDGE, followed by a new line.
- Write a script that prints the result of POWER divided by DIVIDE, followed by a new line.
- Write a script that displays the result of BREATH to the power LOVE
- Write a script that converts a number from base 2 to base 10.
- Create a script that prints all possible combinations of two letters, except oo.
- Write a script that prints a number with two decimal places, followed by a new line.
- Write a script that converts a number from base 10 to base 16.
- Write a blog post explaining what are hard and symbolic links on Linux, how to create them, and what is the difference between the two. Use examples to illustrate.
- Write a script that encodes and decodes text using the rot13 encryption. Assume ASCII.
- Write a script that prints every other line from the input, starting with the first line.
- Lucho - LuisPatino92