The LuminateOS Blog, using Astro, TailwindCSS and NetlifyCMS.
- Node Package Manager
- Just run
npm i
ornpm install
For development:
npm i
npm run dev
For production hosting:
- Link GitHub repository to Netlify
- Set up build and deploy: npm run build and the output folder is ./dist
- Enable Netlify Identity and git-gateway
- Add users to Netlify Identity
👤 LuminateOS Development Group
- Twitter: @luminateos
- Email: [email protected]
- Website:
Feel free to contact us.
If you come across any bugs, issues, or unexpected behavior in the project, we appreciate your help in making it better. Before you submit a bug report, please make sure to follow these guidelines:
Search Existing Issues: Before creating a new bug report, search the existing issues to see if the bug has already been reported. This helps avoid duplicates and keeps the discussion focused.
Reproduce the Bug: Provide detailed steps to reproduce the bug. Include any relevant information, such as input data, configuration settings, or environment details.
Include Screenshots: If applicable, include screenshots that illustrate the problem. A picture can often provide valuable context.
Expected vs. Actual Behavior: Clearly describe what you expected to happen and what actually happened. This helps us understand the discrepancy.
System Information: Include details about your operating system, browser (if applicable), and any other relevant software versions.
Error Messages: If there are any error messages, warnings, or logs, include them in the report.
Additional Context: Provide any additional context that might be helpful in diagnosing the issue.
DO NOT make any changes directly to the main branch.
Please make a temporary branch first and name it according to the feature or bug you're working on. You can push to this branch freely.
Once you're done, submit a pull request for review. At least one member of the LuminateOS Team must review and approve before merge.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Version 2, June 1991
Copy of the license can be found: GNU GPL V2
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