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No powered Bluetooth adapters found #862

Sarah-1331 opened this issue Nov 16, 2023 · 20 comments

No powered Bluetooth adapters found #862

Sarah-1331 opened this issue Nov 16, 2023 · 20 comments
support Support request


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Describe the problem

after an unspecified ammount of working time max 24 hr i get dissconnects and it refuses to reconnect unless i reboot raspberry pi

also tried dev build

Driver version


Venus OS device type

Raspberry Pi

Venus OS version


BMS type

Smart BMS (LLT, JBD, Overkill Solar)

Cell count


Connection type


Config file


; --------- Set logging level ---------
; ERROR: Only errors are logged
; WARNING: Errors and warnings are logged
; INFO: Errors, warnings and info messages are logged
; DEBUG: Errors, warnings, info and debug messages are logged

; --------- Battery Current limits ---------

; --------- Cell Voltages ---------
; Description: Cell min/max voltages which are used to calculate the min/max battery voltage
; Example: 16 cells * 3.45V/cell = 55.2V max charge voltage. 16 cells * 2.90V = 46.4V min discharge voltage
; Max voltage (can seen as absorption voltage)
; Float voltage (can be seen as resting voltage)

; --------- SOC reset voltage ---------
; Description: May be needed to reset the SoC to 100% once in a while for some BMS, because of SoC drift.
;              Specify the cell voltage where the SoC should be reset to 100% by the BMS.
;                - JKBMS: SoC is reset to 100% if one cell reaches OVP (over voltage protection) voltage
;              As you have to adopt this value to your system, I reccomend to start with
;              OVP voltage - 0.030 (see Example).
;                - Try to increase (add) by 0.005 in steps, if the system does not switch to float mode, even if
;                  the target voltage SOC_RESET_VOLTAGE * CELL_COUNT is reached.
;                - Try to decrease (lower) by 0.005 in steps, if the system hits the OVP too fast, before all
;                  cells could be balanced and the system goes into protection mode multiple times.
; Example: If OVP is 3.650, then start with 3.620 and increase/decrease by 0.005
; Note: The value has to be higher as the MAX_CELL_VOLTAGE
; Specify after how many days the soc reset voltage should be reached again
; The timer is reset when the soc reset voltage is reached
; Leave empty if you don't want to use this
; Example: Value is set to 15
; day 1: soc reset reached once
; day 16: soc reset reached twice
; day 31: soc reset not reached since it's very cloudy
; day 34: soc reset reached since the sun came out
; day 49: soc reset reached again, since last time it took 3 days to reach soc reset voltage

; --------- Bluetooth BMS ---------
; Description: Specify the Bluetooth BMS and it's MAC address that you want to install. Leave emty to disable
; -- Available Bluetooth BMS:
; Jkbms_Ble, LltJbd_Ble
; Example for one BMS:
; BLUETOOTH_BMS = Jkbms_Ble C8:47:8C:00:00:00
; Example for multiple BMS:
; BLUETOOTH_BMS = Jkbms_Ble C8:47:8C:00:00:00, Jkbms_Ble C8:47:8C:00:00:11, Jkbms_Ble C8:47:8C:00:00:22
BLUETOOTH_BMS = LltJbd_Ble a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4

; --------- CAN BMS ---------
; Description: Specify the CAN port(s) where the BMS is connected to. Leave empty to disable
; -- Available CAN BMS:
; Daly_Can, Jkbms_Can
; Example for one CAN port:
; CAN_PORT = can0
; Example for multiple CAN ports:
; CAN_PORT = can0, can8, can9

; --------- BMS disconnect behaviour ---------
; Description: Block charge and discharge when the communication to the BMS is lost. If you are removing the
;              BMS on purpose, then you have to restart the driver/system to reset the block.
; False: Charge and discharge is not blocked on BMS communication loss
; True: Charge and discharge is blocked on BMS communication loss, it's unblocked when connection is established
;       again or the driver/system is restarted

; --------- Charge mode ---------
; Choose the mode for voltage / current limitations (True / False)
; False is a step mode: This is the default with limitations on hard boundary steps
; True is a linear mode:
;     For CCL and DCL the values between the steps are calculated for smoother values (by WaldemarFech)
;     For CVL max battery voltage is calculated dynamically in order that the max cell voltage is not exceeded

; Specify in seconds how often the linear values should be recalculated
; Specify in percent when the linear values should be recalculated immediately
; Example: 5 for a immediate change, when the value changes by more than 5%

; --------- Charge Voltage limitation (affecting CVL) ---------
; Description: Limit max charging voltage (MAX_CELL_VOLTAGE * cell count), switch from max voltage to float
;              voltage (FLOAT_CELL_VOLTAGE * cell count) and back
;     False: Max charging voltage is always kept
;     True: Max charging voltage is reduced based on charge mode
;         Step mode: After max voltage is reached for MAX_VOLTAGE_TIME_SEC it switches to float voltage. After
;                    SoC is below SOC_LEVEL_TO_RESET_VOLTAGE_LIMIT it switches back to max voltage.
;         Linear mode: After max voltage is reachend and cell voltage difference is smaller or equal to
;                      CELL_VOLTAGE_DIFF_KEEP_MAX_VOLTAGE_UNTIL it switches to float voltage after 300 (fixed)
;                      additional seconds.
;                      After cell voltage difference is greater or equal to CELL_VOLTAGE_DIFF_TO_RESET_VOLTAGE_LIMIT
;                      OR
;                      SoC is below SOC_LEVEL_TO_RESET_VOLTAGE_LIMIT
;                      it switches back to max voltage.
; Example: The battery reached max voltage of 55.2V and hold it for 900 seconds, the the CVL is switched to
;          float voltage of 53.6V to don't stress the batteries. Allow max voltage of 55.2V again, if SoC is
;          once below 80%
;          OR
;          The battery reached max voltage of 55.2V and the max cell difference is 0.010V, then switch to float
;          voltage of 53.6V after 300 additional seconds to don't stress the batteries. Allow max voltage of
;          55.2V again if max cell difference is above 0.080V or SoC below 80%.
; Charge voltage control management enable (True/False).

; -- CVL reset based on cell voltage diff (linear mode)
; Specify cell voltage diff where CVL limit is kept until diff is equal or lower
; Specify cell voltage diff where CVL limit is reset to max voltage, if value get above
; the cells are considered as imbalanced, if the cell diff exceeds 5% of the nominal cell voltage
; e.g. 3.2 V * 5 / 100 = 0.160 V

; -- CVL reset based on SoC option (step mode & linear mode)
; Specify how long the max voltage should be kept
;     Step mode: If reached then switch to float voltage
;     Linear mode: If cells are balanced keep max voltage for further MAX_VOLTAGE_TIME_SEC seconds
; Specify SoC where CVL limit is reset to max voltage
;     Step mode: If SoC gets below
;     Linear mode: If cells are unbalanced or if SoC gets below

; --------- Cell Voltage Current limitation (affecting CCL/DCL) ---------
; Description: Maximal charge / discharge current will be in-/decreased depending on min and max cell voltages
; Example: 18 cells * 3.55V/cell = 63.9V max charge voltage
;          18 cells * 2.70V/cell = 48.6V min discharge voltage
;          But in reality not all cells reach the same voltage at the same time. The (dis)charge current
;          will be (in-/)decreased, if even ONE SINGLE BATTERY CELL reaches the limits

; Charge current control management referring to cell-voltage enable (True/False).
; Discharge current control management referring to cell-voltage enable (True/False).

; Set steps to reduce battery current
; The current will be changed linear between those steps if LINEAR_LIMITATION_ENABLE is set to True
CELL_VOLTAGES_WHILE_CHARGING   = 3.55, 3.50, 3.45, 3.30
MAX_CHARGE_CURRENT_CV_FRACTION =    0, 0.05,  0.5,    1

CELL_VOLTAGES_WHILE_DISCHARGING   = 2.70, 2.80, 2.90, 3.10
MAX_DISCHARGE_CURRENT_CV_FRACTION =    0,  0.1,  0.5,    1

; --------- Temperature limitation (affecting CCL/DCL) ---------
; Description: Maximal charge / discharge current will be in-/decreased depending on temperature
; Example: The temperature limit will be monitored to control the currents. If there are two temperature senors,
;          then the worst case will be calculated and the more secure lower current will be set.
; Charge current control management referring to temperature enable (True/False).
; Charge current control management referring to temperature enable (True/False).

; Set steps to reduce battery current
; The current will be changed linear between those steps if LINEAR_LIMITATION_ENABLE is set to True
TEMPERATURE_LIMITS_WHILE_CHARGING = 0,   2,   5,  10,  15, 20, 35,  40, 55
MAX_CHARGE_CURRENT_T_FRACTION     = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8,  1,  1, 0.4,  0

TEMPERATURE_LIMITS_WHILE_DISCHARGING = -20,   0,   5,  10, 15, 45, 55
MAX_DISCHARGE_CURRENT_T_FRACTION     =   0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4,  1,  1,  0

; --------- SOC limitation (affecting CCL/DCL) ---------
; Description: Maximal charge / discharge current will be increased / decreased depending on State of Charge,
;              see CC_SOC_LIMIT1 etc.
; Example: The SoC limit will be monitored to control the currents.
; Charge current control management enable (True/False).
; Discharge current control management enable (True/False).

; Charge current SoC limits

; Charge current limits

; Discharge current SoC limits

; Discharge current limits

; --------- Time-To-Go ---------
; Description: Calculates the time to go shown in the GUI
;              Recalculation is done based on TIME_TO_SOC_RECALCULATE_EVERY

; --------- Time-To-Soc ---------
; Description: Calculates the time to a specific SoC
; Example: TIME_TO_SOC_POINTS = 50, 25, 15, 0
;          6h 24m remaining until 50% SoC
;          17h 36m remaining until 25% SoC
;          22h 5m remaining until 15% SoC
;          28h 48m remaining until 0% SoC
; Set of SoC percentages to report on dbus and MQTT. The more you specify the more it will impact system performance.
; [Valid values 0-100, comma separated list. More that 20 intervals are not recommended]
; Example: TIME_TO_SOC_POINTS = 100, 95, 90, 85, 75, 50, 25, 20, 10, 0
; Leave empty to disable
; Specify TimeToSoc value type [Valid values 1, 2, 3]
; 1 Seconds
; 2 Time string <days>d <hours>h <minutes>m <seconds>s
; 3 Both seconds and time string "<seconds> [<days>d <hours>h <minutes>m <seconds>s]"
; Specify in seconds how often the TimeToSoc should be recalculated
; Minimum are 5 seconds to prevent CPU overload
; Include TimeToSoC points when moving away from the SoC point [Valid values True, False]
; These will be as negative time. Disabling this improves performance slightly

; --------- Additional settings ---------
; Specify one or more BMS types to load else leave empty to try to load all available
; -- Available BMS:
; Daly, Ecs, HeltecModbus, HLPdataBMS4S, Jkbms, Lifepower, LltJbd, Renogy, Seplos
; -- Available BMS, but disabled by default (just enter one or more below and it will be enabled):
; ANT, MNB, Sinowealth

; Exclute this serial devices from the driver startup
; Example: /dev/ttyUSB2, /dev/ttyUSB4

; Enter custom battery names here or change it over the GUI
; Example:
;     /dev/ttyUSB0:My first battery
;     /dev/ttyUSB0:My first battery,/dev/ttyUSB1:My second battery

; Auto reset SoC
; If on, then SoC is reset to 100%, if the value switches from absorption to float voltage
; Currently only working for Daly BMS and JK BMS BLE

; Publish the config settings to the dbus path "/Info/Config/"

; Select the format of cell data presented on dbus [Valid values 0,1,2,3]
; 0 Do not publish all the cells (only the min/max cell data as used by the default GX)
; 1 Format: /Voltages/Cell (also available for display on Remote Console)
; 2 Format: /Cell/#/Volts
; 3 Both formats 1 and 2

; Simulate Midpoint graph (True/False).

; Battery temperature
; Specify how the battery temperature is assembled
; 0 Get mean of temperature sensor 1 to sensor 4
; 1 Get only temperature from temperature sensor 1
; 2 Get only temperature from temperature sensor 2
; 3 Get only temperature from temperature sensor 3
; 4 Get only temperature from temperature sensor 4

; Temperature sensor 1 name
TEMP_1_NAME = Temp 1

; Temperature sensor 2 name
TEMP_2_NAME = Temp 2

; Temperature sensor 2 name
TEMP_3_NAME = Temp 3

; Temperature sensor 2 name
TEMP_4_NAME = Temp 4

; --------- BMS specific settings ---------

; -- LltJbd settings
; SoC low levels
; NOTE: SOC_LOW_WARNING is also used to calculate the Time-To-Go even if you are not using a LltJbd BMS

; -- Daly settings
; Battery capacity (amps), if the BMS does not support reading it
; Invert Battery Current. Default non-inverted. Set to -1 to invert

; -- ESC GreenMeter and Lipro device settings

; -- HeltecModbus (Heltec SmartBMS/YYBMS) settings
; Set the Modbus addresses from the adapters
; Separate each address to check by a comma like: 1, 2, 3, ...
; factory default address will be 1

; --------- Voltage drop ---------
; If you have a voltage drop between the BMS and the charger because of wire size or length
; then you can specify the voltage drop here. The driver will then add the voltage drop
; to the calculated CVL to compensate.
; Example:
;     cell count: 16
;     MAX_CELL_VOLTAGE = 3.45
;     max voltage calculated = 16 * 3.45 = 55.20
;     CVL is set to 55.20 V and the battery is now charged until the charger reaches 55.20 V.
;     The BMS now measures 55.05 V since there is a voltage drop of 0.15 V on the cable.
;     Since the dbus-serialbattery reads the voltage of 55.05 V from the BMS the max voltage
;     of 55.20 V is never reached and max voltage is kept forever.
;     By setting the VOLTAGE_DROP to 0.15 V the voltage on the charger is increased and the
;     target voltage on the BMS is reached.

Relevant log output

@4000000065567f9a27b4833c INFO:SerialBattery:
@4000000065567f9a27be4b24 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
@4000000065567f9a27cdaca4 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231103dev
@4000000065567f9b0346c49c INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@4000000065567f9b0350a00c INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@4000000065567f9b1945cb94 ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
@4000000065567fa0040d6c14 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
@4000000065567fa0042159a4 ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@4000000065567fa0042a23a4 ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
@4000000065567fa10c7bea4c INFO:Bluetooth details
@4000000065567fa10e600fb4 Attempting to disconnect from A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
@4000000065567fa10e602724 Successful disconnected
@4000000065567fa6113065f4 Device A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4 (public)
@4000000065567fa61130814c 	Alias: 400AH_LiFePO4
@4000000065567fa61130891c 	Paired: no
@4000000065567fa6113090ec 	Trusted: no
@4000000065567fa6113098bc 	Blocked: no
@4000000065567fa611309ca4 	Connected: no
@4000000065567fa61130a474 	LegacyPairing: no
@4000000065567fa61130ac44 	UUID: Device Information        (0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
@4000000065567fa71925a134 INFO:SerialBattery:
@4000000065567fa7192f0774 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
@4000000065567fa7193ee20c INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231103dev

Any other information that may be helpful

No response

@Sarah-1331 Sarah-1331 added the support Support request label Nov 16, 2023
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Sarah-1331 commented Nov 16, 2023

Dev build lasts approx 9-15 hour
Latest build lasts minutes at best

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Sarah-1331 commented Nov 17, 2023

crashed again last night
any help apreaciated

@400000006556a3032aab6c7c     data =
@400000006556a3032c699b24   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/asyncio/", line 44, in run
@400000006556a3032c69b294     return loop.run_until_complete(main)
@400000006556a3032c69be4c   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/asyncio/", line 603, in run_until_complete
@400000006556a3032c69d1d4     self.run_forever()
@400000006556a3032c69dd8c   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/asyncio/", line 570, in run_forever
@400000006556a3032c69ed2c     self._run_once()
@400000006556a3032c6b7f84   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/asyncio/", line 1859, in _run_once
@400000006556a3032c6b930c     handle._run()
@400000006556a3032c6b9adc   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/asyncio/", line 81, in _run
@400000006556a3032c6baa7c, *self._args)
@400000006556a3032c6bba1c   File "/opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/", line 158, in async_read_serial_data_llt
@400000006556a3032c6bd18c     logger.error(">>> ERROR: No reply - returning", e)
@400000006556a3032c6ce6e4 Message: '>>> ERROR: No reply - returning'
@400000006556a3032c6cf684 Arguments: (BleakDBusError('org.bluez.Error.InProgress', 'In Progress'),)
@400000006556a3032c6d0a0c #0
@400000006556a3032c6d0df4 #1
@400000006556a3032c6d15c4 #2
@400000006556a3032c6d19ac #3
@400000006556ae4134696584 Exception in thread LltJbd_Ble_Loop:
@400000006556ae41346988ac Traceback (most recent call last):
@400000006556ae4134699464   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 932, in _bootstrap_inner
@400000006556ae413469abd4   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 870, in run
@400000006556ae413469b78c     self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
@400000006556ae413469c72c   File "/opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/", line 80, in background_loop
@400000006556ae41346c0564   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/asyncio/", line 44, in run
@400000006556ae41346c1504     return loop.run_until_complete(main)
@400000006556ae41346c20bc   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/asyncio/", line 616, in run_until_complete
@400000006556ae41346c3444     return future.result()
@400000006556ae41346c3c14   File "/opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/", line 75, in bt_main_loop
@400000006556ae41346cb144     await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
@400000006556ae41346cb914   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/bleak/", line 569, in __aexit__
@400000006556ae41346ccc9c     await self.disconnect()
@400000006556ae41346cd46c   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/bleak/", line 614, in disconnect
@400000006556ae41346ce7f4     return await self._backend.disconnect()
@400000006556ae41346d499c   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/bleak/backends/bluezdbus/", line 412, in disconnect
@400000006556ae41346e245c     assert_reply(reply)
@400000006556ae41346e2c2c   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/bleak/backends/bluezdbus/", line 22, in assert_reply
@400000006556ae41346e439c     raise BleakDBusError(reply.error_name, reply.body)
@400000006556ae41346e4f54 bleak.exc.BleakDBusError: [org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply] Message recipient disconnected from message bus without replying

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Did you try the nightly of the dev branch? If not please do so.

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Yes I did it lasts a lot longer than all the other installs but refuses to last a full day

I was using bradcagle Bluetooth bms perfect fine but wanted the “extras” yours included

I also started a brand new pi image and started from scratch to exclude “conflicts”

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Maybe this solves the issue also for you?

#864 (comment)

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testing will report thank you

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Sarah-1331 commented Nov 19, 2023

@400000006559d49b35e33444 INFO:Bluetooth details
@400000006559d49b380ad31c Device a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4 not available
@400000006559d4a03b231f3c Device a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4 not available
@400000006559d4a22bf9aae4 INFO:SerialBattery:
@400000006559d4a22c180854 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
@400000006559d4a22c28f45c INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
@400000006559d4a3085faf34 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d4a30866a08c INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d4a32f8830a4 ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
@400000006559d4a809296004 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
@400000006559d4a8093ee7bc ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d4a8094a2e74 ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
@400000006559d4a92344195c INFO:Bluetooth details
@400000006559d4a924ed50d4 Device a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4 not available
@400000006559d4ae27ecd91c Device a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4 not available
@400000006559d4af311e3ddc INFO:SerialBattery:
@400000006559d4af3124c1d4 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
@400000006559d4af3132fe5c INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
@400000006559d4b00c56320c INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d4b00c5d13c4 INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d4b022858c1c ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
@400000006559d4b50d0a0534 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
@400000006559d4b50d385c7c ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d4b50d40a1ac ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
@400000006559d4b616a48c04 INFO:Bluetooth details
@400000006559d4b61873aa9c Device a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4 not available
@400000006559d4bb1ad8d35c Device a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4 not available
@400000006559d4bc22e02f3c INFO:SerialBattery:
@400000006559d4bc22e046ac INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
@400000006559d4bc22f0928c INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
@400000006559d4bc39837ce4 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d4bc398a3f5c INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d4bd1432670c ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
@400000006559d4c13a32a4bc ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
@400000006559d4c13a55e044 ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d4c13a5c8f34 ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
@400000006559d4c30803eb04 INFO:Bluetooth details
@400000006559d4c3099a36bc Device a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4 not available
@400000006559d4c80c357b0c Device a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4 not available
@400000006559d4c9159eb0dc INFO:SerialBattery:
@400000006559d4c915aa499c INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
@400000006559d4c915be71c4 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
@400000006559d4c92d0830cc INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d4c92d0f3d7c INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d4ca07ad4b3c ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
@400000006559d4ce2db919dc ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
@400000006559d4ce2ddc70bc ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d4ce2de5afec ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
@400000006559d4cf35c03354 INFO:Bluetooth details
@400000006559d4cf374f2824 Device a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4 not available
@400000006559d4d439bd2a84 Device a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4 not available
@400000006559d4d6054357ec INFO:SerialBattery:
@400000006559d4d60549c474 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
@400000006559d4d605587244 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
@400000006559d4d61b9c8cd4 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d4d61ba3571c INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d4d6311e4994 ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
@400000006559d4db1c4b3f7c ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
@400000006559d4db1c6edcac ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d4db1c756c5c ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
@400000006559d4dc25dfa3fc INFO:Bluetooth details
@400000006559d4dc27cadde4 Device a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4 not available
@400000006559d4e12a2a8094 Device a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4 not available
@400000006559d4e2312c2c44 INFO:SerialBattery:
@400000006559d4e23136136c INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
@400000006559d4e23145bf24 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
@400000006559d4e30d3e5f8c INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d4e30d48d354 INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d4e32256f26c ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
@400000006559d4e80e062fe4 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
@400000006559d4e80e064f24 ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d4e80e065adc ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
@400000006559d4e9149e9e2c INFO:Bluetooth details
@400000006559d4e91645e974 Device a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4 not available
@400000006559d4ee18fbbe8c Device a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4 not available
@400000006559d4ef1fc45cc4 INFO:SerialBattery:
@400000006559d4ef1fce2c7c INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
@400000006559d4ef1fdd6ad4 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
@400000006559d4ef364edec4 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d4ef3658d1a4 INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d4f0111177fc ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
@400000006559d4f4371bdb54 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
@400000006559d4f4371bf6ac ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d4f4371c064c ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
@400000006559d4f6040b4d1c INFO:Bluetooth details
@400000006559d4f605b0b7ec Device a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4 not available
@400000006559d4fb07f187fc Device a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4 not available
@400000006559d4fc117d97ac INFO:SerialBattery:
@400000006559d4fc118490d4 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
@400000006559d4fc11926f9c INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
@400000006559d4fc27eb815c INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d4fc27f37484 INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d4fd0430614c ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
@400000006559d501289de93c ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
@400000006559d50128c120dc ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d50128c7a4d4 ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
@400000006559d5023205fdfc INFO:Bluetooth details
@400000006559d502339ce5f4 Device a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4 not available
@400000006559d5073626b584 Device a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4 not available
@400000006559d50904a87b64 INFO:SerialBattery:
@400000006559d50904aefb74 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
@400000006559d50904bca774 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
@400000006559d5091b6fa8a4 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d5091b7620e4 INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d50932d0d3c4 ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
@400000006559d50e1c1f3ddc ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
@400000006559d50e1c435424 ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d50e1c49b8dc ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
@400000006559d50f2560cb54 INFO:Bluetooth details
@400000006559d50f273548ec Device a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4 not available
@400000006559d514297a0cb4 Device a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4 not available
@400000006559d5153149745c INFO:SerialBattery:
@400000006559d515314fd52c INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
@400000006559d515315ee0bc INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
@400000006559d5160cdbe0b4 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d5160ce2aafc INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d51622d55db4 ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
@400000006559d51b0d8bdf64 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
@400000006559d51b0daf6524 ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d51b0db7ae3c ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
@400000006559d51c14fc13f4 INFO:Bluetooth details
@400000006559d51c1688c6a4 Device a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4 not available
@400000006559d521190d4ea4 Device a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4 not available
@400000006559d5222071abf4 INFO:SerialBattery:
@400000006559d5222078204c INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
@400000006559d52220862624 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
@400000006559d52236dc1eec INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d52236e31bfc INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d5231263a24c ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
@400000006559d527378616a4 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
@400000006559d52737b24724 ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d52737bbb14c ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
@400000006559d52905bc2d84 INFO:Bluetooth details
@400000006559d529074e896c Device a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4 not available
@400000006559d52e09ac863c Device a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4 not available
@400000006559d52f15459c2c INFO:SerialBattery:
@400000006559d52f154c5abc INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
@400000006559d52f155cd57c INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
@400000006559d52f2f201c1c INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d52f2fe102ec INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d5300925aeb4 ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
@400000006559d5343009245c ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
@400000006559d53430093fb4 ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d534300db83c ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
@400000006559d54f0efdda3c *** CCGX booted (0) ***
@400000006559d59f0c3a97a4 INFO:Bluetooth details
@400000006559d59f0e917c0c Device a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4 not available
@400000006559d5a413475b2c Device A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4 (public)
@400000006559d5a41347729c 	Alias: 400AH_LiFePO4
@400000006559d5a413477e54 	Paired: no
@400000006559d5a41347823c 	Trusted: no
@400000006559d5a413478a0c 	Blocked: no
@400000006559d5a4134791dc 	Connected: no
@400000006559d5a4134799ac 	LegacyPairing: no
@400000006559d5a41347a17c 	RSSI: -53
@400000006559d5a51a983464 INFO:SerialBattery:
@400000006559d5a51a9ec02c INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
@400000006559d5a51aadd774 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
@400000006559d5a53412ae4c INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d5a53419da3c INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d5ab23bb0a94 ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
@400000006559d5ab2e6f7d44 ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
@400000006559d5ab393be4c4 ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
@400000006559d5ac0859989c ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
@400000006559d5ac1317fe2c ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
@400000006559d5ac2fc5f13c INFO:SerialBattery:Connection established to LltJbd_Ble
@400000006559d5ac2fccf61c INFO:SerialBattery:Battery LltJbd_Ble connected to dbus from blea4c137404ef4
@400000006559d5ac2fd308cc INFO:SerialBattery:========== Settings ==========
@400000006559d5ac2fda445c INFO:SerialBattery:> Connection voltage: 13.12V | Current: 0.83A | SoC: 57.98%
@400000006559d5ac2fe08dbc INFO:SerialBattery:> Cell count: 4 | Cells populated: 4
@400000006559d5ac2fe6f65c INFO:SerialBattery:> LINEAR LIMITATION ENABLE: True
@400000006559d5ac2fed8ddc INFO:SerialBattery:> MAX BATTERY CHARGE CURRENT: 100.0A | MAX BATTERY DISCHARGE CURRENT: 230.0A
@400000006559d5ac2ff3e2f4 INFO:SerialBattery:> CVCM:     True
@400000006559d5ac2ffa8dfc INFO:SerialBattery:> MIN CELL VOLTAGE: 3.0V | MAX CELL VOLTAGE: 3.45V
@400000006559d5ac3001063c INFO:SerialBattery:> CCCM CV:  True  | DCCM CV:  True
@400000006559d5ac30078e1c INFO:SerialBattery:> CCCM T:   True  | DCCM T:   True
@400000006559d5ac300e1214 INFO:SerialBattery:> CCCM SOC: True  | DCCM SOC: True
@400000006559d5ac3017bea4 INFO:SerialBattery:Serial Number/Unique Identifier: 42_400.0Ah
@400000006559d5ac362f2d7c INFO:SerialBattery:DeviceInstance = 2
@400000006559d5ac3638ddf4 INFO:SerialBattery:com.victronenergy.battery.blea4c137404ef4
@400000006559d5ad10ced564 ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
@400000006559d5ad1b6da11c ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
@400000006559d5ad262d087c ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
@400000006559d5ad30f24bdc ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
@400000006559d5ae001431ec ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
@400000006559d5ae01633f5c INFO:SerialBattery:publish config values = 1
@400000006559d5ae04bee1c4 INFO:SerialBattery:DeviceInstance = 2
@400000006559d5ae04ca6ecc INFO:SerialBattery:Changed DeviceInstance = 2
@400000006559d6c13b14699c *** CCGX booted (0) ***
@400000006559d7121cd249cc INFO:Bluetooth details
@400000006559d7121f2077bc Attempting to disconnect from A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
@400000006559d7121f209314 Successful disconnected
@400000006559d71724717d9c Device A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4 (public)
@400000006559d717247198f4 	Alias: 400AH_LiFePO4
@400000006559d7172471a0c4 	Paired: no
@400000006559d7172471a894 	Trusted: no
@400000006559d7172471ac7c 	Blocked: no
@400000006559d7172471b44c 	Connected: no
@400000006559d7172471bc1c 	LegacyPairing: no
@400000006559d7172471c3ec 	UUID: Device Information        (0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
@400000006559d7172471d38c 	RSSI: -51
@400000006559d71830e0718c INFO:SerialBattery:
@400000006559d71830e70cf4 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
@400000006559d71830f5497c INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
@400000006559d7190f77e854 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d7190f7f3f3c INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
@400000006559d71e329326b4 ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
@400000006559d71f037a099c ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
@400000006559d71f0e6c218c ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
@400000006559d71f1927db84 ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
@400000006559d71f258d0b74 ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
@400000006559d72004a34f2c INFO:SerialBattery:Connection established to LltJbd_Ble
@400000006559d72004aaa614 INFO:SerialBattery:Battery LltJbd_Ble connected to dbus from blea4c137404ef4
@400000006559d72004b0ef74 INFO:SerialBattery:========== Settings ==========
@400000006559d72004b8465c INFO:SerialBattery:> Connection voltage: 13.13V | Current: 1.77A | SoC: 57.99%
@400000006559d72004beaefc INFO:SerialBattery:> Cell count: 4 | Cells populated: 4
@400000006559d72004c57944 INFO:SerialBattery:> LINEAR LIMITATION ENABLE: True
@400000006559d72004cc4b5c INFO:SerialBattery:> MAX BATTERY CHARGE CURRENT: 100.0A | MAX BATTERY DISCHARGE CURRENT: 230.0A
@400000006559d72004d2d33c INFO:SerialBattery:> CVCM:     True
@400000006559d72004d98614 INFO:SerialBattery:> MIN CELL VOLTAGE: 3.0V | MAX CELL VOLTAGE: 3.45V
@400000006559d72004e0505c INFO:SerialBattery:> CCCM CV:  True  | DCCM CV:  True
@400000006559d72004e6e00c INFO:SerialBattery:> CCCM T:   True  | DCCM T:   True
@400000006559d72004ed6bd4 INFO:SerialBattery:> CCCM SOC: True  | DCCM SOC: True
@400000006559d72004f53bd4 INFO:SerialBattery:Serial Number/Unique Identifier: 42_400.0Ah
@400000006559d72006ff020c INFO:SerialBattery:DeviceInstance = 2
@400000006559d7200709ac84 INFO:SerialBattery:com.victronenergy.battery.blea4c137404ef4
@400000006559d7201bdeb654 ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
@400000006559d72026954be4 ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
@400000006559d720331c8e7c ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
@400000006559d721023c614c ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
@400000006559d7210cfeaaf4 ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
@400000006559d7210e4509bc INFO:SerialBattery:publish config values = 1
@400000006559df7430903294 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: No reply - returning
@400000006559df8032880324 INFO:SerialBattery:BLE client disconnected
@400000006559df8037635c04 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: No reply - canceled - returning
@400000006559df80376b5ecc ERROR:SerialBattery:
@400000006559dfb0052f146c #0
@400000006559dfb0052f27f4 #1
@400000006559dfb0052f2fc4 #2
@400000006559dfb0052f33ac #3

loss connection after 1 hr

Copy link


Please use trippe backticks ``` in the line before and after your code/logs.

Copy link

Which Raspberry Pi do you have? Maybe version 2? Try to turn off Bluetooth and use an externa USB to Bluetooth adapter.

Copy link

thanks again i have 3 b+ can you identify the error from the logs ? ill try tal64nlocal

Copy link

Not without timestamps. It could also be a hardware issue.

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Sarah-1331 commented Nov 23, 2023

started again this is errors now on dissconnect

login as: root
[email protected]'s password:
Last login: Thu Nov 23 12:02:57 2023 from
root@raspberrypi2:~# tail -F -n 100 /data/log/dbus-blebattery.*/current | tai64nlocal
2023-11-23 12:20:01.620128500
2023-11-23 12:20:02.729579500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Maximum value of CELL_VOLTAGES_WHILE_CHARGING is set to a value lower than MAX_CELL_VOLTAGE. Please check the configuration.
2023-11-23 12:20:02.840355500 INFO:SerialBattery:
2023-11-23 12:20:02.840761500 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
2023-11-23 12:20:02.841743500 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
2023-11-23 12:20:03.249688500 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 12:20:03.250170500 INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 12:20:03.609367500 ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
2023-11-23 12:20:08.261616500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
2023-11-23 12:20:08.264242500 ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 12:20:08.264700500 ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
2023-11-23 12:20:09.397421500
2023-11-23 12:20:09.397528500 INFO:Bluetooth details
2023-11-23 12:20:09.432298500 Attempting to disconnect from A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-23 12:20:09.432306500 Successful disconnected
2023-11-23 12:20:14.477169500 Device A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4 (public)
2023-11-23 12:20:14.477175500   Alias: 400AH_LiFePO4
2023-11-23 12:20:14.477177500   Paired: no
2023-11-23 12:20:14.477181500   Trusted: no
2023-11-23 12:20:14.477183500   Blocked: no
2023-11-23 12:20:14.477185500   Connected: no
2023-11-23 12:20:14.477186500   LegacyPairing: no
2023-11-23 12:20:14.477189500   UUID: Device Information        (0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
2023-11-23 12:20:14.478076500
2023-11-23 12:20:15.477343500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Maximum value of CELL_VOLTAGES_WHILE_CHARGING is set to a value lower than MAX_CELL_VOLTAGE. Please check the configuration.
2023-11-23 12:20:15.582616500 INFO:SerialBattery:
2023-11-23 12:20:15.583022500 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
2023-11-23 12:20:15.583995500 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
2023-11-23 12:20:15.956822500 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 12:20:15.957261500 INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 12:20:16.332534500 ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
2023-11-23 12:20:20.969669500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
2023-11-23 12:20:20.972062500 ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 12:20:20.972494500 ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
2023-11-23 12:20:22.100204500
2023-11-23 12:20:22.100312500 INFO:Bluetooth details
2023-11-23 12:20:22.129702500 Attempting to disconnect from A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-23 12:20:22.129709500 Successful disconnected
2023-11-23 12:20:27.175084500 Device A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4 (public)
2023-11-23 12:20:27.175091500   Alias: 400AH_LiFePO4
2023-11-23 12:20:27.175093500   Paired: no
2023-11-23 12:20:27.175095500   Trusted: no
2023-11-23 12:20:27.175097500   Blocked: no
2023-11-23 12:20:27.175098500   Connected: no
2023-11-23 12:20:27.175100500   LegacyPairing: no
2023-11-23 12:20:27.175102500   UUID: Device Information        (0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
2023-11-23 12:20:27.175980500
2023-11-23 12:20:28.244159500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Maximum value of CELL_VOLTAGES_WHILE_CHARGING is set to a value lower than MAX_CELL_VOLTAGE. Please check the configuration.
2023-11-23 12:20:28.355766500 INFO:SerialBattery:
2023-11-23 12:20:28.356481500 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
2023-11-23 12:20:28.358058500 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
2023-11-23 12:20:28.821957500 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 12:20:28.822576500 INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 12:20:29.183698500 ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
2023-11-23 12:20:33.835012500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
2023-11-23 12:20:33.838339500 ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 12:20:33.849393500 ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
2023-11-23 12:20:35.001389500
2023-11-23 12:20:35.001498500 INFO:Bluetooth details
2023-11-23 12:20:35.034209500 Attempting to disconnect from A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-23 12:20:35.034216500 Successful disconnected
2023-11-23 12:20:40.078059500 Device A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4 (public)
2023-11-23 12:20:40.078065500   Alias: 400AH_LiFePO4
2023-11-23 12:20:40.078067500   Paired: no
2023-11-23 12:20:40.078069500   Trusted: no
2023-11-23 12:20:40.078071500   Blocked: no
2023-11-23 12:20:40.078072500   Connected: no
2023-11-23 12:20:40.078074500   LegacyPairing: no
2023-11-23 12:20:40.078076500   UUID: Device Information        (0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
2023-11-23 12:20:40.079233500
2023-11-23 12:20:41.086620500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Maximum value of CELL_VOLTAGES_WHILE_CHARGING is set to a value lower than MAX_CELL_VOLTAGE. Please check the configuration.
2023-11-23 12:20:41.189164500 INFO:SerialBattery:
2023-11-23 12:20:41.189792500 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
2023-11-23 12:20:41.190818500 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
2023-11-23 12:20:41.576345500 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 12:20:41.577007500 INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 12:20:41.937274500 ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
2023-11-23 12:20:46.592311500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
2023-11-23 12:20:46.592318500 ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 12:20:46.592322500 ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
2023-11-23 12:20:47.728632500
2023-11-23 12:20:47.728743500 INFO:Bluetooth details
2023-11-23 12:20:47.760385500 Attempting to disconnect from A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-23 12:20:47.760392500 Successful disconnected
2023-11-23 12:20:52.803140500 Device A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4 (public)
2023-11-23 12:20:52.803146500   Alias: 400AH_LiFePO4
2023-11-23 12:20:52.803148500   Paired: no
2023-11-23 12:20:52.803150500   Trusted: no
2023-11-23 12:20:52.803152500   Blocked: no
2023-11-23 12:20:52.803154500   Connected: no
2023-11-23 12:20:52.803155500   LegacyPairing: no
2023-11-23 12:20:52.803157500   UUID: Device Information        (0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
2023-11-23 12:20:52.804496500
2023-11-23 12:20:53.814916500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Maximum value of CELL_VOLTAGES_WHILE_CHARGING is set to a value lower than MAX_CELL_VOLTAGE. Please check the configuration.
2023-11-23 12:20:53.925278500 INFO:SerialBattery:
2023-11-23 12:20:53.925705500 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
2023-11-23 12:20:53.926680500 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
2023-11-23 12:20:54.331692500 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 12:20:54.332159500 INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 12:20:54.687481500 ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59

Copy link

i get this error before it disconnects

login as: root
[email protected]'s password:
Last login: Thu Nov 23 12:51:32 2023
root@raspberrypi4:~# tail -F -n 100 /data/log/dbus-blebattery.*/current | tai64nlocal
2023-11-23 12:48:21.916246500
2023-11-23 12:48:21.916250500 INFO:Bluetooth details
2023-11-23 12:48:21.946840500 Device 70:3e:97:d2:e6:10 not available
2023-11-23 12:48:27.003527500 Device 70:3E:97:D2:E6:10 (public)
2023-11-23 12:48:27.003531500   Alias: 400AH_LiFePO4
2023-11-23 12:48:27.003534500   Paired: no
2023-11-23 12:48:27.003536500   Trusted: no
2023-11-23 12:48:27.003539500   Blocked: no
2023-11-23 12:48:27.003541500   Connected: no
2023-11-23 12:48:27.003543500   LegacyPairing: no
2023-11-23 12:48:27.003545500   RSSI: -57
2023-11-23 12:48:27.004530500
2023-11-23 12:48:28.438230500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: SOC_RESET_VOLTAGE is set to a value less than MAX_CELL_VOLTAGE. Please check the configuration.
2023-11-23 12:48:28.441646500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Maximum value of CELL_VOLTAGES_WHILE_CHARGING is set to a value lower than MAX_CELL_VOLTAGE. Please check the configuration.
2023-11-23 12:48:28.785483500 INFO:SerialBattery:
2023-11-23 12:48:28.785755500 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
2023-11-23 12:48:28.786345500 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
2023-11-23 12:48:29.050415500 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at 70:3e:97:d2:e6:10
2023-11-23 12:48:29.050859500 INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at 70:3e:97:d2:e6:10
2023-11-23 12:48:35.534464500 INFO:SerialBattery:Connection established to LltJbd_Ble
2023-11-23 12:48:35.534962500 INFO:SerialBattery:Battery LltJbd_Ble connected to dbus from ble703e97d2e610
2023-11-23 12:48:35.535340500 INFO:SerialBattery:========== Settings ==========
2023-11-23 12:48:35.535746500 INFO:SerialBattery:> Connection voltage: 16.47V | Current: 0.0A | SoC: 98.73%
2023-11-23 12:48:35.536116500 INFO:SerialBattery:> Cell count: 4 | Cells populated: 4
2023-11-23 12:48:35.536491500 INFO:SerialBattery:> LINEAR LIMITATION ENABLE: True
2023-11-23 12:48:35.536872500 INFO:SerialBattery:> MAX BATTERY CHARGE CURRENT: 100.0A | MAX BATTERY DISCHARGE CURRENT: 230.0A
2023-11-23 12:48:35.537257500 INFO:SerialBattery:> MAX BATTERY CHARGE CURRENT: 130.0A | MAX BATTERY DISCHARGE CURRENT: 130.0A (read from BMS)
2023-11-23 12:48:35.537621500 INFO:SerialBattery:> CVCM:     True
2023-11-23 12:48:35.538011500 INFO:SerialBattery:> MIN CELL VOLTAGE: 3.2V | MAX CELL VOLTAGE: 4.25V
2023-11-23 12:48:35.538388500 INFO:SerialBattery:> CCCM CV:  False | DCCM CV:  False
2023-11-23 12:48:35.538763500 INFO:SerialBattery:> CCCM T:   True  | DCCM T:   True
2023-11-23 12:48:35.539136500 INFO:SerialBattery:> CCCM SOC: True  | DCCM SOC: True
2023-11-23 12:48:35.539643500 INFO:SerialBattery:Serial Number/Unique Identifier: 42_5.5Ah
2023-11-23 12:48:35.563826500 INFO:SerialBattery:DeviceInstance = 1
2023-11-23 12:48:35.564284500 INFO:SerialBattery:com.victronenergy.battery.ble703e97d2e610
2023-11-23 12:48:36.371639500 INFO:SerialBattery:publish config values = 1
2023-11-23 12:50:19.304379500 *** CCGX booted (0) ***
2023-11-23 12:51:36.232305500
2023-11-23 12:51:36.232309500 INFO:Bluetooth details
2023-11-23 12:51:36.268012500 Attempting to disconnect from A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-23 12:51:36.268017500 Successful disconnected
2023-11-23 12:51:41.323843500 Device A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4 (public)
2023-11-23 12:51:41.323848500   Alias: 400AH_LiFePO4
2023-11-23 12:51:41.323851500   Paired: no
2023-11-23 12:51:41.323853500   Trusted: no
2023-11-23 12:51:41.323855500   Blocked: no
2023-11-23 12:51:41.323857500   Connected: no
2023-11-23 12:51:41.323860500   LegacyPairing: no
2023-11-23 12:51:41.323862500   UUID: Device Information        (0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
2023-11-23 12:51:41.323865500   RSSI: -38
2023-11-23 12:51:41.324694500
2023-11-23 12:51:42.348910500 INFO:SerialBattery:
2023-11-23 12:51:42.349182500 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
2023-11-23 12:51:42.349772500 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
2023-11-23 12:51:42.607572500 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 12:51:42.607858500 INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 12:51:48.147233500 ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
2023-11-23 12:51:48.327145500 ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
2023-11-23 12:51:48.536979500 ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
2023-11-23 12:51:48.747125500 ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
2023-11-23 12:51:48.927195500 ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
2023-11-23 12:51:49.347787500 INFO:SerialBattery:Connection established to LltJbd_Ble
2023-11-23 12:51:49.348102500 INFO:SerialBattery:Battery LltJbd_Ble connected to dbus from blea4c137404ef4
2023-11-23 12:51:49.348362500 INFO:SerialBattery:========== Settings ==========
2023-11-23 12:51:49.348674500 INFO:SerialBattery:> Connection voltage: 13.1V | Current: 0.0A | SoC: 51.83%
2023-11-23 12:51:49.348935500 INFO:SerialBattery:> Cell count: 4 | Cells populated: 4
2023-11-23 12:51:49.349216500 INFO:SerialBattery:> LINEAR LIMITATION ENABLE: True
2023-11-23 12:51:49.349522500 INFO:SerialBattery:> MAX BATTERY CHARGE CURRENT: 100.0A | MAX BATTERY DISCHARGE CURRENT: 230.0A
2023-11-23 12:51:49.349787500 INFO:SerialBattery:> CVCM:     True
2023-11-23 12:51:49.350082500 INFO:SerialBattery:> MIN CELL VOLTAGE: 3.0V | MAX CELL VOLTAGE: 3.65V
2023-11-23 12:51:49.350347500 INFO:SerialBattery:> CCCM CV:  True  | DCCM CV:  True
2023-11-23 12:51:49.350616500 INFO:SerialBattery:> CCCM T:   True  | DCCM T:   True
2023-11-23 12:51:49.350882500 INFO:SerialBattery:> CCCM SOC: True  | DCCM SOC: True
2023-11-23 12:51:49.351202500 INFO:SerialBattery:Serial Number/Unique Identifier: 42_400.0Ah
2023-11-23 12:51:49.377811500 INFO:SerialBattery:DeviceInstance = 2
2023-11-23 12:51:49.378117500 INFO:SerialBattery:com.victronenergy.battery.blea4c137404ef4
2023-11-23 12:51:49.737179500 ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
2023-11-23 12:51:49.947245500 ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
2023-11-23 12:51:50.127316500 ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
2023-11-23 12:51:50.337144500 ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
2023-11-23 12:51:50.547101500 ERROR:SerialBattery:Exception occurred: TypeError('can only concatenate str (not "int") to str') of type <class 'TypeError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #237
2023-11-23 12:51:50.560481500 INFO:SerialBattery:publish config values = 1
login as: root
[email protected]'s password:
Last login: Thu Nov 23 12:51:32 2023
root@raspberrypi4:~# tail -F -n 100 /data/log/dbus-blebattery.*/current | tai64nlocal
2023-11-23 12:48:21.916246500
2023-11-23 12:48:21.916250500 INFO:Bluetooth details
2023-11-23 12:48:21.946840500 Device 70:3e:97:d2:e6:10 not available
2023-11-23 12:48:27.003527500 Device 70:3E:97:D2:E6:10 (public)
2023-11-23 12:48:27.003531500   Alias: 400AH_LiFePO4
2023-11-23 12:48:27.003534500   Paired: no
2023-11-23 12:48:27.003536500   Trusted: no
2023-11-23 12:48:27.003539500   Blocked: no
2023-11-23 12:48:27.003541500   Connected: no
2023-11-23 12:48:27.003543500   LegacyPairing: no
2023-11-23 12:48:27.003545500   RSSI: -57
2023-11-23 12:48:27.004530500
2023-11-23 12:48:28.438230500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: SOC_RESET_VOLTAGE is set to a value less than MAX_CELL_VOLTAGE. Please check the configuration.
2023-11-23 12:48:28.441646500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Maximum value of CELL_VOLTAGES_WHILE_CHARGING is set to a value lower than MAX_CELL_VOLTAGE. Please check the configuration.
2023-11-23 12:48:28.785483500 INFO:SerialBattery:
2023-11-23 12:48:28.785755500 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
2023-11-23 12:48:28.786345500 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
2023-11-23 12:48:29.050415500 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at 70:3e:97:d2:e6:10
2023-11-23 12:48:29.050859500 INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at 70:3e:97:d2:e6:10
2023-11-23 12:48:35.534464500 INFO:SerialBattery:Connection established to LltJbd_Ble
2023-11-23 12:48:35.534962500 INFO:SerialBattery:Battery LltJbd_Ble connected to dbus from ble703e97d2e610
2023-11-23 12:48:35.535340500 INFO:SerialBattery:========== Settings ==========
2023-11-23 12:48:35.535746500 INFO:SerialBattery:> Connection voltage: 16.47V | Current: 0.0A | SoC: 98.73%
2023-11-23 12:48:35.536116500 INFO:SerialBattery:> Cell count: 4 | Cells populated: 4
2023-11-23 12:48:35.536491500 INFO:SerialBattery:> LINEAR LIMITATION ENABLE: True
2023-11-23 12:48:35.536872500 INFO:SerialBattery:> MAX BATTERY CHARGE CURRENT: 100.0A | MAX BATTERY DISCHARGE CURRENT: 230.0A
2023-11-23 12:48:35.537257500 INFO:SerialBattery:> MAX BATTERY CHARGE CURRENT: 130.0A | MAX BATTERY DISCHARGE CURRENT: 130.0A (read from BMS)
2023-11-23 12:48:35.537621500 INFO:SerialBattery:> CVCM:     True
2023-11-23 12:48:35.538011500 INFO:SerialBattery:> MIN CELL VOLTAGE: 3.2V | MAX CELL VOLTAGE: 4.25V
2023-11-23 12:48:35.538388500 INFO:SerialBattery:> CCCM CV:  False | DCCM CV:  False
2023-11-23 12:48:35.538763500 INFO:SerialBattery:> CCCM T:   True  | DCCM T:   True
2023-11-23 12:48:35.539136500 INFO:SerialBattery:> CCCM SOC: True  | DCCM SOC: True
2023-11-23 12:48:35.539643500 INFO:SerialBattery:Serial Number/Unique Identifier: 42_5.5Ah
2023-11-23 12:48:35.563826500 INFO:SerialBattery:DeviceInstance = 1
2023-11-23 12:48:35.564284500 INFO:SerialBattery:com.victronenergy.battery.ble703e97d2e610
2023-11-23 12:48:36.371639500 INFO:SerialBattery:publish config values = 1
2023-11-23 12:50:19.304379500 *** CCGX booted (0) ***
2023-11-23 12:51:36.232305500
2023-11-23 12:51:36.232309500 INFO:Bluetooth details
2023-11-23 12:51:36.268012500 Attempting to disconnect from A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-23 12:51:36.268017500 Successful disconnected
2023-11-23 12:51:41.323843500 Device A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4 (public)
2023-11-23 12:51:41.323848500   Alias: 400AH_LiFePO4
2023-11-23 12:51:41.323851500   Paired: no
2023-11-23 12:51:41.323853500   Trusted: no
2023-11-23 12:51:41.323855500   Blocked: no
2023-11-23 12:51:41.323857500   Connected: no
2023-11-23 12:51:41.323860500   LegacyPairing: no
2023-11-23 12:51:41.323862500   UUID: Device Information        (0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
2023-11-23 12:51:41.323865500   RSSI: -38
2023-11-23 12:51:41.324694500
2023-11-23 12:51:42.348910500 INFO:SerialBattery:
2023-11-23 12:51:42.349182500 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
2023-11-23 12:51:42.349772500 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
2023-11-23 12:51:42.607572500 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_

Copy link

Sarah-1331 commented Nov 23, 2023

sorry for tripple post i get the errors on both rpi 3 b + and rpi 4 b 1.5
i have also tested the bluetooth on the BMS same errors before (line 237) and after dissconnect (line 59)

Copy link

so it failed again and after an hour i had chance to run the tal64 once i ran the command it started scanning again

[email protected]'s password:
Last login: Thu Nov 23 14:53:15 2023
root@raspberrypi2:~# tail -F -n 100 /data/log/dbus-blebattery.*/current | tai64nlocal
2023-11-23 17:47:08.729064500   Trusted: no
2023-11-23 17:47:08.729066500   Blocked: no
2023-11-23 17:47:08.729068500   Connected: no
2023-11-23 17:47:08.729069500   LegacyPairing: no
2023-11-23 17:47:08.729071500   UUID: Device Information        (0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
2023-11-23 17:47:08.730864500
2023-11-23 17:47:09.873756500 INFO:SerialBattery:
2023-11-23 17:47:09.874420500 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
2023-11-23 17:47:09.875514500 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
2023-11-23 17:47:10.264878500 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 17:47:10.265536500 INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 17:47:10.641097500 ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
2023-11-23 17:47:15.279965500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
2023-11-23 17:47:15.279973500 ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 17:47:15.279977500 ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
2023-11-23 17:47:16.432530500
2023-11-23 17:47:16.432817500 INFO:Bluetooth details
2023-11-23 17:47:16.468682500 Attempting to disconnect from A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-23 17:47:16.468689500 Successful disconnected
2023-11-23 17:47:21.517936500 Device A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4 (public)
2023-11-23 17:47:21.517944500   Alias: 400AH_LiFePO4
2023-11-23 17:47:21.517947500   Paired: no
2023-11-23 17:47:21.517948500   Trusted: no
2023-11-23 17:47:21.517950500   Blocked: no
2023-11-23 17:47:21.517952500   Connected: no
2023-11-23 17:47:21.517953500   LegacyPairing: no
2023-11-23 17:47:21.517955500   UUID: Device Information        (0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
2023-11-23 17:47:21.520335500
2023-11-23 17:47:22.627079500 INFO:SerialBattery:
2023-11-23 17:47:22.627793500 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
2023-11-23 17:47:22.628867500 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
2023-11-23 17:47:23.001319500 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 17:47:23.001958500 INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 17:47:23.376217500 ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
2023-11-23 17:47:28.016423500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
2023-11-23 17:47:28.016430500 ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 17:47:28.016434500 ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
2023-11-23 17:47:29.144264500
2023-11-23 17:47:29.144526500 INFO:Bluetooth details
2023-11-23 17:47:29.178155500 Attempting to disconnect from A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-23 17:47:29.178162500 Successful disconnected
2023-11-23 17:47:34.230343500 Device A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4 (public)
2023-11-23 17:47:34.230350500   Alias: 400AH_LiFePO4
2023-11-23 17:47:34.230352500   Paired: no
2023-11-23 17:47:34.230354500   Trusted: no
2023-11-23 17:47:34.230355500   Blocked: no
2023-11-23 17:47:34.230357500   Connected: no
2023-11-23 17:47:34.230359500   LegacyPairing: no
2023-11-23 17:47:34.230361500   UUID: Device Information        (0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
2023-11-23 17:47:34.231737500
2023-11-23 17:47:35.375211500 INFO:SerialBattery:
2023-11-23 17:47:35.375849500 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
2023-11-23 17:47:35.376869500 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
2023-11-23 17:47:35.752013500 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 17:47:35.752650500 INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 17:47:36.113503500 ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
2023-11-23 17:47:40.764722500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
2023-11-23 17:47:40.767306500 ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 17:47:40.768075500 ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
2023-11-23 17:47:41.883424500
2023-11-23 17:47:41.883690500 INFO:Bluetooth details
2023-11-23 17:47:41.914113500 Attempting to disconnect from A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-23 17:47:41.914120500 Successful disconnected
2023-11-23 17:47:46.961536500 Device A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4 (public)
2023-11-23 17:47:46.961542500   Alias: 400AH_LiFePO4
2023-11-23 17:47:46.961544500   Paired: no
2023-11-23 17:47:46.961546500   Trusted: no
2023-11-23 17:47:46.961548500   Blocked: no
2023-11-23 17:47:46.961549500   Connected: no
2023-11-23 17:47:46.961551500   LegacyPairing: no
2023-11-23 17:47:46.961553500   UUID: Device Information        (0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
2023-11-23 17:47:46.963154500
2023-11-23 17:47:48.087317500 INFO:SerialBattery:
2023-11-23 17:47:48.087947500 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
2023-11-23 17:47:48.088971500 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
2023-11-23 17:47:48.484153500 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 17:47:48.484796500 INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 17:47:48.868396500 ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
2023-11-23 17:47:53.499246500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
2023-11-23 17:47:53.499253500 ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 17:47:53.499257500 ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
2023-11-23 17:47:54.665902500
2023-11-23 17:47:54.666166500 INFO:Bluetooth details
2023-11-23 17:47:54.699161500 Attempting to disconnect from A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-23 17:47:54.699169500 Successful disconnected
2023-11-23 17:47:59.744815500 Device A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4 (public)
2023-11-23 17:47:59.744824500   Alias: 400AH_LiFePO4
2023-11-23 17:47:59.744827500   Paired: no
2023-11-23 17:47:59.744828500   Trusted: no
2023-11-23 17:47:59.744830500   Blocked: no
2023-11-23 17:47:59.744832500   Connected: no
2023-11-23 17:47:59.744834500   LegacyPairing: no
2023-11-23 17:47:59.744836500   UUID: Device Information        (0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
2023-11-23 17:47:59.747474500
2023-11-23 17:48:01.005613500 INFO:SerialBattery:
2023-11-23 17:48:01.006250500 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
2023-11-23 17:48:01.007357500 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
2023-11-23 17:48:01.424009500 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 17:48:01.424652500 INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 17:48:01.793735500 ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
2023-11-23 17:48:06.439032500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
2023-11-23 17:48:06.439039500 ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-11-23 17:48:06.439042500 ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble

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baranator commented Nov 23, 2023

Which Raspberry Pi do you have? Maybe version 2? Try to turn off Bluetooth and use an externa USB to Bluetooth adapter.

Also see here, we had problems with BT crashing every 15 hours.

Copy link

Think I have sorted it I had re-named the device to 400ah lifepo4 reinstating the original name I am not getting errors will test for a couple days and update

Copy link

You mean you re-named something on the BMS itself or in Venus OS under Device -> Name?

Copy link

Sarah-1331 commented Nov 26, 2023

The bms itself but its failed again I just reset will post another log

I tried
pip3 install bleak==0.20.2
And again with pip3 install dbus-fast==1.87.0
As I was getting class 'bleak.exc.BleakDBusError' will post log on next error again

2023-11-26 11:52:40.061240500 ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
2023-11-26 11:52:44.666215500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
2023-11-26 11:52:44.666223500 ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:52:44.666226500 ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
2023-11-26 11:52:45.850619500
2023-11-26 11:52:45.850906500 INFO:Bluetooth details
2023-11-26 11:52:45.893046500 Attempting to disconnect from A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:52:45.893053500 Successful disconnected
2023-11-26 11:52:50.940005500 Device A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4 (public)
2023-11-26 11:52:50.940012500   Alias: 400AH_LiFePO4
2023-11-26 11:52:50.940015500   Paired: no
2023-11-26 11:52:50.940016500   Trusted: no
2023-11-26 11:52:50.940018500   Blocked: no
2023-11-26 11:52:50.940020500   Connected: no
2023-11-26 11:52:50.940022500   LegacyPairing: no
2023-11-26 11:52:50.940024500   UUID: Device Information        (0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
2023-11-26 11:52:50.940598500
2023-11-26 11:52:52.030717500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Maximum value of CELL_VOLTAGES_WHILE_CHARGING is set to a value lower than MAX_CELL_VOLTAGE. Please check the configuration.
2023-11-26 11:52:52.144343500 INFO:SerialBattery:
2023-11-26 11:52:52.144969500 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
2023-11-26 11:52:52.146013500 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
2023-11-26 11:52:52.491968500 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:52:52.492512500 INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:52:52.877690500 ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
2023-11-26 11:52:57.503560500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
2023-11-26 11:52:57.505841500 ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:52:57.506246500 ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
2023-11-26 11:52:58.664356500
2023-11-26 11:52:58.664637500 INFO:Bluetooth details
2023-11-26 11:52:58.695155500 Attempting to disconnect from A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:52:58.695162500 Successful disconnected
2023-11-26 11:53:03.741609500 Device A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4 (public)
2023-11-26 11:53:03.741616500   Alias: 400AH_LiFePO4
2023-11-26 11:53:03.741618500   Paired: no
2023-11-26 11:53:03.741619500   Trusted: no
2023-11-26 11:53:03.741621500   Blocked: no
2023-11-26 11:53:03.741623500   Connected: no
2023-11-26 11:53:03.741625500   LegacyPairing: no
2023-11-26 11:53:03.741627500   UUID: Device Information        (0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
2023-11-26 11:53:03.743342500
2023-11-26 11:53:04.787622500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Maximum value of CELL_VOLTAGES_WHILE_CHARGING is set to a value lower than MAX_CELL_VOLTAGE. Please check the configuration.
2023-11-26 11:53:04.888994500 INFO:SerialBattery:
2023-11-26 11:53:04.889408500 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
2023-11-26 11:53:04.890317500 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
2023-11-26 11:53:05.222952500 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:53:05.223394500 INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:53:05.644104500 ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
2023-11-26 11:53:10.230928500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
2023-11-26 11:53:10.233362500 ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:53:10.233796500 ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
2023-11-26 11:53:11.408824500
2023-11-26 11:53:11.408933500 INFO:Bluetooth details
2023-11-26 11:53:11.443500500 Attempting to disconnect from A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:53:11.443507500 Successful disconnected
2023-11-26 11:53:16.492971500 Device A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4 (public)
2023-11-26 11:53:16.492977500   Alias: 400AH_LiFePO4
2023-11-26 11:53:16.492979500   Paired: no
2023-11-26 11:53:16.492981500   Trusted: no
2023-11-26 11:53:16.492983500   Blocked: no
2023-11-26 11:53:16.492984500   Connected: no
2023-11-26 11:53:16.492986500   LegacyPairing: no
2023-11-26 11:53:16.492988500   UUID: Device Information        (0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
2023-11-26 11:53:16.494957500
2023-11-26 11:53:17.528867500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Maximum value of CELL_VOLTAGES_WHILE_CHARGING is set to a value lower than MAX_CELL_VOLTAGE. Please check the configuration.
2023-11-26 11:53:17.631488500 INFO:SerialBattery:
2023-11-26 11:53:17.631958500 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
2023-11-26 11:53:17.632899500 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
2023-11-26 11:53:17.966114500 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:53:17.966554500 INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:53:18.356692500 ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
2023-11-26 11:53:22.973518500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
2023-11-26 11:53:22.976528500 ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:53:22.977016500 ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
2023-11-26 11:53:24.139528500
2023-11-26 11:53:24.139794500 INFO:Bluetooth details
2023-11-26 11:53:24.171581500 Attempting to disconnect from A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:53:24.171588500 Successful disconnected
2023-11-26 11:53:29.215475500 Device A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4 (public)
2023-11-26 11:53:29.215481500   Alias: 400AH_LiFePO4
2023-11-26 11:53:29.215483500   Paired: no
2023-11-26 11:53:29.215485500   Trusted: no
2023-11-26 11:53:29.215487500   Blocked: no
2023-11-26 11:53:29.215488500   Connected: no
2023-11-26 11:53:29.215490500   LegacyPairing: no
2023-11-26 11:53:29.215492500   UUID: Device Information        (0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
2023-11-26 11:53:29.217866500
2023-11-26 11:53:30.219495500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Maximum value of CELL_VOLTAGES_WHILE_CHARGING is set to a value lower than MAX_CELL_VOLTAGE. Please check the configuration.
2023-11-26 11:53:30.320727500 INFO:SerialBattery:
2023-11-26 11:53:30.321152500 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
2023-11-26 11:53:30.322198500 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
2023-11-26 11:53:30.648737500 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:53:30.649192500 INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:53:31.036683500 ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
2023-11-26 11:53:35.660872500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
2023-11-26 11:53:35.663581500 ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:53:35.664057500 ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
2023-11-26 11:53:36.815716500
2023-11-26 11:53:36.815834500 INFO:Bluetooth details
2023-11-26 11:53:36.860828500 Attempting to disconnect from A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:53:36.860836500 Successful disconnected
2023-11-26 11:53:41.922322500 Device A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4 (public)
2023-11-26 11:53:41.922328500   Alias: 400AH_LiFePO4
2023-11-26 11:53:41.922331500   Paired: no
2023-11-26 11:53:41.922332500   Trusted: no
2023-11-26 11:53:41.922334500   Blocked: no
2023-11-26 11:53:41.922336500   Connected: no
2023-11-26 11:53:41.922337500   LegacyPairing: no
2023-11-26 11:53:41.922340500   UUID: Device Information        (0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
2023-11-26 11:53:41.923412500
2023-11-26 11:53:42.965797500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Maximum value of CELL_VOLTAGES_WHILE_CHARGING is set to a value lower than MAX_CELL_VOLTAGE. Please check the configuration.
2023-11-26 11:53:43.071093500 INFO:SerialBattery:
2023-11-26 11:53:43.071597500 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
2023-11-26 11:53:43.072677500 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
2023-11-26 11:53:43.412598500 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:53:43.413045500 INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:53:43.790997500 ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
2023-11-26 11:53:48.420616500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
2023-11-26 11:53:48.423143500 ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:53:48.423585500 ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
2023-11-26 11:53:49.562474500
2023-11-26 11:53:49.562581500 INFO:Bluetooth details
2023-11-26 11:53:49.593586500 Attempting to disconnect from A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:53:49.593593500 Successful disconnected
2023-11-26 11:53:54.640370500 Device A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4 (public)
2023-11-26 11:53:54.640380500   Alias: 400AH_LiFePO4
2023-11-26 11:53:54.640382500   Paired: no
2023-11-26 11:53:54.640384500   Trusted: no
2023-11-26 11:53:54.640386500   Blocked: no
2023-11-26 11:53:54.640388500   Connected: no
2023-11-26 11:53:54.640390500   LegacyPairing: no
2023-11-26 11:53:54.640391500   UUID: Device Information        (0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
2023-11-26 11:53:54.642900500
2023-11-26 11:53:55.660055500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Maximum value of CELL_VOLTAGES_WHILE_CHARGING is set to a value lower than MAX_CELL_VOLTAGE. Please check the configuration.
2023-11-26 11:53:55.765234500 INFO:SerialBattery:
2023-11-26 11:53:55.765896500 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
2023-11-26 11:53:55.767362500 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
2023-11-26 11:53:56.104125500 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:53:56.104753500 INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:53:56.492597500 ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59
2023-11-26 11:54:01.118092500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Unable to connect with BLE device
2023-11-26 11:54:01.118270500 ERROR:SerialBattery:No BMS found at A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:54:01.118648500 ERROR:SerialBattery:ERROR >>> No battery connection at LltJbd_Ble
2023-11-26 11:54:02.266205500
2023-11-26 11:54:02.266478500 INFO:Bluetooth details
2023-11-26 11:54:02.301358500 Attempting to disconnect from A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:54:02.301365500 Successful disconnected
tail: /data/log/dbus-blebattery.0/current has been replaced; following end of new file
2023-11-26 11:54:07.390462500
2023-11-26 11:54:08.360622500 ERROR:SerialBattery:>>> ERROR: Maximum value of CELL_VOLTAGES_WHILE_CHARGING is set to a value lower than MAX_CELL_VOLTAGE. Please check the configuration.
2023-11-26 11:54:08.464868500 INFO:SerialBattery:
2023-11-26 11:54:08.465485500 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
2023-11-26 11:54:08.466518500 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231117dev
2023-11-26 11:54:08.790561500 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:54:08.791213500 INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-11-26 11:54:09.206219500 ERROR:SerialBattery:BleakScanner(): Exception occurred: BleakError('No powered Bluetooth adapters found.') of type <class 'bleak.exc.BleakError'> in /opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/bms/ line #59

Copy link

Sarah-1331 commented Dec 8, 2023

just installed a new BMS can you please shed light on this with the dev branch

for referance dev was the only one working before (with dissconnects)

2023-12-08 15:46:03.250208500 [CHG] Device 66:B9:91:E2:1A:E1 TxPower is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:03.262101500 [CHG] Device 66:B9:91:E2:1A:E1 RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:03.262106500 [CHG] Device 3A:22:E2:A9:7C:CB TxPower is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:03.262109500 [CHG] Device 3A:22:E2:A9:7C:CB RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:03.262113500 [CHG] Device C8:2F:07:9B:A2:1B RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:03.262116500 [CHG] Device E2:7B:BE:15:AC:01 RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:03.262119500 [CHG] Device 54:47:9E:98:D1:57 RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:03.262202500 [CHG] Device 7F:6D:21:CF:79:D4 TxPower is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:03.262206500 [CHG] Device 7F:6D:21:CF:79:D4 RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:03.262209500 [CHG] Device 4F:81:16:BE:53:AC TxPower is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:03.262212500 [CHG] Device 4F:81:16:BE:53:AC RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:03.262215500 [CHG] Device A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4 RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:03.262282500 [CHG] Device 41:B3:55:65:B5:35 TxPower is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:03.262285500 [CHG] Device 41:B3:55:65:B5:35 RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:03.262288500 [CHG] Controller D8:3A:DD:6A:4E:52 Discovering: no
2023-12-08 15:46:03.262292500 Successful disconnected
2023-12-08 15:46:08.335611500 Device A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4 (public)
2023-12-08 15:46:08.335616500   Alias: 400AH_LiFePO4
2023-12-08 15:46:08.335618500   Paired: no
2023-12-08 15:46:08.335621500   Trusted: no
2023-12-08 15:46:08.335623500   Blocked: no
2023-12-08 15:46:08.335625500   Connected: no
2023-12-08 15:46:08.335627500   LegacyPairing: no
2023-12-08 15:46:08.335629500   UUID: Device Information        (0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
2023-12-08 15:46:08.335633500   RSSI: -37
2023-12-08 15:46:08.336466500
2023-12-08 15:46:09.014577500 INFO:SerialBattery:
2023-12-08 15:46:09.014841500 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
2023-12-08 15:46:09.015442500 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231128dev
2023-12-08 15:46:09.248960500 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-12-08 15:46:09.249241500 INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-12-08 15:46:15.900710500 INFO:SerialBattery:Connection established to LltJbd_Ble
2023-12-08 15:46:15.901036500 INFO:SerialBattery:Battery LltJbd_Ble connected to dbus from blea4c137404ef4
2023-12-08 15:46:15.901312500 INFO:SerialBattery:========== Settings ==========
2023-12-08 15:46:15.901637500 INFO:SerialBattery:> Connection voltage: 13.32V | Current: -0.97A | SoC: 99.46%
2023-12-08 15:46:15.901916500 INFO:SerialBattery:> Cell count: 4 | Cells populated: 4
2023-12-08 15:46:15.902200500 INFO:SerialBattery:> LINEAR LIMITATION ENABLE: True
2023-12-08 15:46:15.902490500 INFO:SerialBattery:> MAX BATTERY CHARGE CURRENT: 100.0A | MAX BATTERY DISCHARGE CURRENT: 230.0A
2023-12-08 15:46:15.902774500 INFO:SerialBattery:> MAX BATTERY CHARGE CURRENT: 200.0A | MAX BATTERY DISCHARGE CURRENT: 240.0A (read from BMS)
2023-12-08 15:46:15.903059500 INFO:SerialBattery:> CVCM:     True
2023-12-08 15:46:15.903417500 INFO:SerialBattery:> MIN CELL VOLTAGE: 3.0V | MAX CELL VOLTAGE: 3.6V
2023-12-08 15:46:15.903716500 INFO:SerialBattery:> CCCM CV:  True  | DCCM CV:  True
2023-12-08 15:46:15.903997500 INFO:SerialBattery:> CCCM T:   True  | DCCM T:   True
2023-12-08 15:46:15.904277500 INFO:SerialBattery:> CCCM SOC: True  | DCCM SOC: True
2023-12-08 15:46:15.904612500 INFO:SerialBattery:Serial Number/Unique Identifier: 61_400.0Ah
2023-12-08 15:46:15.926828500 #0
2023-12-08 15:46:15.926832500 #1
2023-12-08 15:46:15.926834500 #2
2023-12-08 15:46:15.926836500 #3
2023-12-08 15:46:15.929982500 Traceback (most recent call last):
2023-12-08 15:46:15.929986500   File "/opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/", line 238, in <module>
2023-12-08 15:46:15.929990500     main()
2023-12-08 15:46:15.929992500   File "/opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/", line 221, in main
2023-12-08 15:46:15.929996500     if not helper.setup_vedbus():
2023-12-08 15:46:15.929999500   File "/opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/", line 331, in setup_vedbus
2023-12-08 15:46:15.930002500     self.setup_instance()
2023-12-08 15:46:15.930039500   File "/opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/", line 125, in setup_instance
2023-12-08 15:46:15.930044500     for key, value in settings_from_dbus["Settings"]["Devices"].items():
2023-12-08 15:46:15.930047500 KeyError: 'Settings'
2023-12-08 15:46:17.965151500 INFO:SerialBattery:BLE client disconnected
2023-12-08 15:46:18.149298500
2023-12-08 15:46:18.149401500 INFO:Bluetooth details
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244120500 Attempting to disconnect from A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244125500 [CHG] Device E6:E9:B5:2F:BD:7B RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244128500 [DEL] Device E6:E9:B5:2F:BD:7B SWIFT_BLE
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244132500 [CHG] Device 3B:54:2E:2E:6B:67 RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244135500 [DEL] Device 3B:54:2E:2E:6B:67 3B-54-2E-2E-6B-67
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244138500 [CHG] Device D8:A3:5C:A9:32:B9 RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244141500 [DEL] Device D8:A3:5C:A9:32:B9 D8-A3-5C-A9-32-B9
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244219500 [CHG] Device 4F:22:25:39:21:C3 TxPower is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244222500 [CHG] Device 4F:22:25:39:21:C3 RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244226500 [CHG] Device 5E:90:A7:75:16:5E TxPower is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244229500 [CHG] Device 5E:90:A7:75:16:5E RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244232500 [CHG] Device 7F:6D:21:CF:79:D4 TxPower is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244255500 [CHG] Device 7F:6D:21:CF:79:D4 RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244259500 [CHG] Device 51:46:CC:9A:E1:5F TxPower is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244262500 [CHG] Device 51:46:CC:9A:E1:5F RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244265500 [CHG] Device 57:69:6A:20:4F:F4 TxPower is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244268500 [CHG] Device 57:69:6A:20:4F:F4 RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244291500 [CHG] Device 70:91:F3:31:E7:C9 RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244339500 [CHG] Device FC:F5:C4:08:FE:8A RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244343500 [CHG] Device 3A:22:E2:A9:7C:CB TxPower is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244346500 [CHG] Device 3A:22:E2:A9:7C:CB RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244349500 [CHG] Device 98:1B:B5:02:7F:54 RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244352500 [CHG] Device 78:DF:AB:4D:19:AF TxPower is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244356500 [CHG] Device 78:DF:AB:4D:19:AF RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244378500 [CHG] Device 65:09:E0:A7:EA:24 TxPower is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244382500 [CHG] Device 65:09:E0:A7:EA:24 RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244385500 [CHG] Device 66:B9:91:E2:1A:E1 TxPower is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244388500 [CHG] Device 66:B9:91:E2:1A:E1 RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244391500 [CHG] Device 41:B3:55:65:B5:35 TxPower is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244413500 [CHG] Device 41:B3:55:65:B5:35 RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244417500 [CHG] Device C8:2F:07:9B:A2:1B RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244420500 [CHG] Device E2:7B:BE:15:AC:01 RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244423500 [CHG] Device 4F:81:16:BE:53:AC TxPower is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244426500 [CHG] Device 4F:81:16:BE:53:AC RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244430500 [CHG] Device C4:D3:6A:15:7F:5D RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244480500 [CHG] Device C4:C1:7D:72:3D:82 TxPower is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244483500 [CHG] Device C4:C1:7D:72:3D:82 RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244487500 [CHG] Device 44:1B:BB:C8:FE:2E TxPower is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244490500 [CHG] Device 44:1B:BB:C8:FE:2E RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244493500 [CHG] Device A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4 RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244496500 [CHG] Device 54:47:9E:98:D1:57 RSSI is nil
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244518500 [CHG] Controller D8:3A:DD:6A:4E:52 Discovering: no
2023-12-08 15:46:18.244522500 Successful disconnected
2023-12-08 15:46:23.327542500 Device A4:C1:37:40:4E:F4 (public)
2023-12-08 15:46:23.327547500   Alias: 400AH_LiFePO4
2023-12-08 15:46:23.327549500   Paired: no
2023-12-08 15:46:23.327552500   Trusted: no
2023-12-08 15:46:23.327554500   Blocked: no
2023-12-08 15:46:23.327556500   Connected: no
2023-12-08 15:46:23.327558500   LegacyPairing: no
2023-12-08 15:46:23.327561500   UUID: Device Information        (0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
2023-12-08 15:46:23.327564500   RSSI: -36
2023-12-08 15:46:23.328347500
2023-12-08 15:46:24.002953500 INFO:SerialBattery:
2023-12-08 15:46:24.003353500 INFO:SerialBattery:Starting dbus-serialbattery
2023-12-08 15:46:24.003947500 INFO:SerialBattery:dbus-serialbattery v1.0.20231128dev
2023-12-08 15:46:24.233826500 INFO:SerialBattery:Init of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-12-08 15:46:24.234252500 INFO:SerialBattery:Test of LltJbd_Ble at a4:c1:37:40:4e:f4
2023-12-08 15:46:30.947898500 INFO:SerialBattery:Connection established to LltJbd_Ble
2023-12-08 15:46:30.948230500 INFO:SerialBattery:Battery LltJbd_Ble connected to dbus from blea4c137404ef4
2023-12-08 15:46:30.948503500 INFO:SerialBattery:========== Settings ==========
2023-12-08 15:46:30.948824500 INFO:SerialBattery:> Connection voltage: 13.32V | Current: -0.64A | SoC: 99.46%
2023-12-08 15:46:30.949097500 INFO:SerialBattery:> Cell count: 4 | Cells populated: 4
2023-12-08 15:46:30.949378500 INFO:SerialBattery:> LINEAR LIMITATION ENABLE: True
2023-12-08 15:46:30.949788500 INFO:SerialBattery:> MAX BATTERY CHARGE CURRENT: 100.0A | MAX BATTERY DISCHARGE CURRENT: 230.0A
2023-12-08 15:46:30.950083500 INFO:SerialBattery:> MAX BATTERY CHARGE CURRENT: 200.0A | MAX BATTERY DISCHARGE CURRENT: 240.0A (read from BMS)
2023-12-08 15:46:30.950354500 INFO:SerialBattery:> CVCM:     True
2023-12-08 15:46:30.950637500 INFO:SerialBattery:> MIN CELL VOLTAGE: 3.0V | MAX CELL VOLTAGE: 3.6V
2023-12-08 15:46:30.950928500 INFO:SerialBattery:> CCCM CV:  True  | DCCM CV:  True
2023-12-08 15:46:30.951202500 INFO:SerialBattery:> CCCM T:   True  | DCCM T:   True
2023-12-08 15:46:30.951627500 INFO:SerialBattery:> CCCM SOC: True  | DCCM SOC: True
2023-12-08 15:46:30.951996500 INFO:SerialBattery:Serial Number/Unique Identifier: 61_400.0Ah
2023-12-08 15:46:30.977748500 #0
2023-12-08 15:46:30.977752500 #1
2023-12-08 15:46:30.977754500 #2
2023-12-08 15:46:30.977756500 #3
2023-12-08 15:46:30.980938500 Traceback (most recent call last):
2023-12-08 15:46:30.980943500   File "/opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/", line 238, in <module>
2023-12-08 15:46:30.980947500     main()
2023-12-08 15:46:30.980949500   File "/opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/", line 221, in main
2023-12-08 15:46:30.980953500     if not helper.setup_vedbus():
2023-12-08 15:46:30.980955500   File "/opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/", line 331, in setup_vedbus
2023-12-08 15:46:30.980959500     self.setup_instance()
2023-12-08 15:46:30.980993500   File "/opt/victronenergy/dbus-serialbattery/", line 125, in setup_instance
2023-12-08 15:46:30.980998500     for key, value in settings_from_dbus["Settings"]["Devices"].items():
2023-12-08 15:46:30.981001500 KeyError: 'Settings'
2023-12-08 15:46:32.981423500 INFO:SerialBattery:BLE client disconnected
2023-12-08 15:46:33.176429500
2023-12-08 15:46:33.176510500 INFO:Bluetooth details

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3 participants