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First Flight #7: Horse Store - Findings Report

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Contest Summary

Sponsor: First Flight #7

Dates: Jan 11th, 2024 - Jan 18th, 2024

See more contest details here

Results Summary

Number of findings:

  • High: 1
  • Medium: 2
  • Low: 0

High Risk Findings

H-01. Unable to mint NFT for the second time in huff version

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The contract can only mint the NFT once, and was unable to mint other NFT due to bad implementation of MINT function in huff.

Vulnerability Details

The following fuzzing test will fail in huff version:

function testMintHorseMultipleTimes(uint256 n) public {
        for(uint256 i=0;i < n;i++) 
        assertEq(horseStore.balanceOf(user), n);

The huff version can not mint more than one NFT due to logic flaw in MINT function.

The MINT function wants to validate the to variable to ensure it is not zero address, but the order of stack value is incorrect, and it turns out the validation only allows token id to be zero.

dup1 iszero invalid_recipient jumpi             // [to, tokenId]

It first duplicates the top of stack value, it will be token id. It is the token id that is validated not the to variable.


Only the first NFT can be minted, and other user can not execute the mint operation

Tools Used

Update the validation of the following

dup1 iszero invalid_recipient jumpi // [to, tokenId]


Medium Risk Findings

M-01. Lack of onERC721Received in safeTransferFrom in the huff version

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The safeMInt function in Solidity version will verify whether the address is an EOA or an contract address, if it is the latter one, the mint operation should check the return value of onERC721Received in receiving contract to safety.

Vulnerability Details

Add a mock contract that implement the onERC721Received function.

contract MockReceiver {

    HorseStore internal horseStore;

    constructor(HorseStore _horseStore) payable {
        horseStore = _horseStore;

    function mintHorse() external {
    function onERC721Received(
        address operator,
        address from,
        uint256 tokenId,
        bytes calldata data
    ) external returns (bytes4) {
        return bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes)"));

Add the following test in the Base_Test, run forge test --match-test testMintHorseContract

function testMintHorseContract() public {
        MockReceiver receiver = new MockReceiver(horseStore);

        assertEq(horseStore.balanceOf(address(receiver)), 1);

It will both succeed in solidity version and huff version. However, if we remove the onERC721Received function in the receiving contract, the anticipated behavior is to revert the transaction since the receiving contract does not follow the IERC721Receiver pattern.


Not implementing the IERC721Receiver validation is dangerous since the receiving contract might not be able to withdraw or do operation to the received NFT, in this case, the NFT will be locked in the contract forever, and the difference between the two version is also an issue.

Tools Used



Implement the validation of onERC721Received in the mint operation and check whether contract address has the ability to handle the NFT.

M-02. Inconsistent behavior between Huff and Solidity version that can lead to lock of token

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The solidity version of horse store does not implement receive and fallback function, the contract should be unable to receive native ether token, but the. huff version does not follow the pattern, either does the huff version implement withdraw function, leading to lock of ether.

Vulnerability Details

Add the following testing:

function testReceive() public {    
        deal(user, 1 ether);
        (bool success, ) = address(horseStore).call{value: 1 ether}("X");

The huff version success indicating that the ether is transferred to the user, however, the solidity version contract reverts since both fallback and receive is not implemented.


The huff version of horseStore is able to receive ether but does not implement the withdraw function, it will lead to lock of ether.

Tools Used



Implement withdraw function in the contract or restrict the ether transfer to the contract.