A command line client for uploading sequencing metrics from Oxford Nanopore Technologies MinKNOW to a LooseLab minoTour server instance.
MinFQ only supports minknow core 4.X.X as it uses ONT's minknow-api, which is only compatible with said version of MinKNOW.
However, base called data can be uploaded from any version of MinKNOW/Guppy.
To install -
pip install minFQ
Example Commands
In the example commands below example parameters are:
- your_user_key: is the long string found in the profile section of your minoTour account.
- url_to_your_minotour_server: Probably, could be a remote address like minotour.nottingham.ac.uk
- port_for_your_server: Probably 8000
To monitor both live and fastq data.
minFQ -k [your_user_key] -w /path/to/your/fastq/files -ip -hn
[url_to_your_minotour_server] -p [port_for_your_server]
To monitor just live data from minKNOW.
minFQ -k [your_user_key] -ip -hn [url_to_your_minotour_server]
-p [port_for_your_server] -nf
To monitor live data and enable limited remote control of minKNOW.
minFQ -k [your_user_key] -ip -hn [url_to_your_minotour_server]
-p [port_for_your_server] -nf -rc
To monitor just fastq data.
minFQ -k [your_user_key] -w /path/to/your/fastq/files -hn [url_to_your_minotour_server]
-p [port_for_your_server] -nm
To monitor fastq statistics only. (Note you will not be able to run subsequent analysis on the server which requires sequence data).
minFQ -k [your_user_key] -w /path/to/your/fastq/files -hn [url_to_your_minotour_server]
-p [port_for_your_server] -nm -s
To start an analysis remotely whilst uploading data. Note reference Id may not be required.
minFQ -k [your_user_key] -w /path/to/your/fastq/files -hn [url_to_your_minotour_server]
-p [port_for_your_server] -nm -j [job_id] -r [reference_id]
minFQ Gui
We are in the process of rebuilding a minFQ gui. Watch this space.