Flutter plugin to pick country with output name, code, dialcode and flag of country
To use this plugin, add country_list_pick
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml.
appBar: AppBar(
backgroundColor: Colors.blue,
title: Text('Choisir un pays'),
// if you need custome picker use this
// pickerBuilder: (context, CountryCode countryCode){
// return Row(
// children: [
// Image.asset(
// countryCode.flagUri,
// package: 'country_list_pick',
// ),
// Text(countryCode.code),
// Text(countryCode.dialCode),
// ],
// );
// },
// To disable option set to false
theme: CountryTheme(
isShowFlag: true,
isShowTitle: true,
isShowCode: true,
isDownIcon: true,
showEnglishName: true,
// Set default value
initialSelection: '+62',
// or
// initialSelection: 'US'
onChanged: (CountryCode code) {
// Whether to allow the widget to set a custom UI overlay
useUiOverlay: true,
// Whether the country list should be wrapped in a SafeArea
useSafeArea: false
To call feedback or getting data from this widget, you can make function in onChanged
- Salvatore Giordano, CountryCodePicker CountryCodePicker
- @tomrozb and @dev-fema for changelog 1.0.0+3
- @giaotuancse for changelog 1.0.0+4
- @joshuachinemezu for changelog 1.0.0+6 - 1.0.0+8
- @u-gin for chaangelog 1.0.0+9
- @imurnane for chaangelog 1.0.1+1
- @jpainam for chaangelog 1.0.1+2
- @d00rman for chaangelog 1.0.1+3