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LIP: 0028
Title: Define schema and use generic serialization for transactions
Author: Iker Alustiza <[email protected]>
Status: Replaced
Type: Standards Track
Created: 2020-02-18
Updated: 2024-01-04
Requires: 0027, 0036
Superseded-By: 0068


This LIP defines a generic serialization for transactions by specifying the appropriate JSON schema. The proposed serialization method is applied in two steps, first to the transaction asset, which contains the custom properties specific to the transaction, and then to the transaction base object, which is the same for all transactions. It will be used for signing but also for storing and transmitting transactions in the Lisk protocol. Further, this shall be the default serialization method for custom transactions created via the Lisk SDK.


This LIP is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal.


A standard way of serializing transactions is beneficial in several parts of the Lisk protocol:

  1. A generic and standard transaction serialization facilitates the task of managing and upgrading critical points of the protocol as signature and transaction ID generation or payload-hash computation.
  2. An optimized transaction serialization can improve storage efficiency.
  3. This serialization can also improve efficiency both for blocks and transactions propagation in the Lisk P2P protocol.

When a transaction object is serialized, also the asset property has to be serialized. In the current protocol, there exists a customized way to serialize the asset property for each transaction type. If a new transaction type is added, either to the Lisk mainchain or to a sidechain, then a new serialization method for the transaction specific to the new asset property has to be defined and implemented. This increases the barrier for creating sidechains with custom transactions. To simplify the development process, it is desirable to have a generic way to serialize the asset property which makes the mentioned specification and implementation unnecessary. This generic method may then be the default for custom transactions created with the Lisk SDK.


This proposal follows the specifications in the LIP 0027 to define a generic and deterministic way of serializing transactions in the Lisk protocol. This implies that JSON schemas have to be defined in order to perform the serialization-deserialization process.

As it is shown in the diagram below, all the transaction objects in the Lisk protocol have a common set of 7 properties. The data related to the specific transaction type is given in the asset property. This architecture is also expected to be used for custom transactions created with the Lisk SDK. For simplicity and consistency, custom transactions should have these 7 properties, while all new data is defined as part of the custom asset property.


For this reason, this LIP proposes to divide the serialization-deserialization process. First it defines a serialization-deserialization process for the whole transaction object with the transactionSchema JSON schema where the asset property is assumed to be of type bytes. Secondly, it defines the serialization-deserialization process for the asset property with the corresponding asset property JSON schema depending on the type of the transaction (given by the value of the properties moduleID and assetID). There are 7 different asset property schemas, one for each of the transaction types in the Lisk protocol. In order to simplify the creation of custom transactions with the SDK and to make the validation process less error prone, every property defined inside a given asset schema is required.


Assuming that the JSON schemas for the transactionSchema and for the asset properties are provided according to the specifications in the LIP 0027, the serialization and deserialization of a transaction object are done as follows.


Consider a data structure trsData representing a valid (signed or unsigned) transaction object to be serialized. The serialization procedure is done in 3 steps:

  1. The trsData.asset property is serialized to bytes according to the corresponding asset property schema given by the values of trsData.moduleID and trsData.assetID. The asset property schemas are defined below and the correspondence between asset property schema and values of trsData.moduleID and trsData.assetID is defined in LIP 0036.
  2. The resulting bytes are inserted into the trsData.asset property replacing the original value.
  3. The transaction object from step 2 is serialized according to the transactionSchema schema.


Consider a binary message trsMsg to be deserialized. The deserialization procedure is done in 3 steps:

  1. The serialized bytes of trsMsg are deserialized according to the transactionSchema schema to obtain trsData.
  2. The bytes value of the trsData.asset property is deserialized according to the corresponding asset property schema given by the values of trsData.moduleID and trsData.assetID.
  3. The deserialized transaction object is the object from step 1, trsData, where the value of trsData.asset is the output of the step 2.

Transaction signature calculation

Consider a data structure unsignedTrsData representing a valid transaction object in which the signatures array is initialized to the default value (an empty array). A signature of the object on a certain chain is calculated as follows:

  1. unsignedTrsData is serialized using the method explained above. In particular, the empty signatures array is not part of the serialized data (see below).
  2. The network identifier of the chain is prepended to the binary message from step 1. This is to protect against transaction replay.
  3. The transaction signature is calculated by signing the binary message from step 2.
  4. The signature bytes from step 3 are inserted into the corresponding element of the unsignedTrsData.signatures array.

Transaction signature validation

Consider a binary message trsMsg representing a serialized transaction object on a certain chain. The signature of the object is validated as follows:

  1. trsMsg is deserialized to an object, trsData, as explained above in Deserialization.
  2. The signatures in trsData.signatures are removed from trsData, but kept for signature verification purposes. The array trsData.signatures is set to its default value.
  3. The transaction object, trsData, from step 2 is serialized using the method explained above.
  4. The signatures saved in step 2 are verified against the binary message from step 3 prepended by the chain's network identifier and the associated public keys.

Transaction ID

Given a data structure, signedTrsData, representing a transaction object with the corresponding signatures present in the signatures property, the transaction ID is calculated as follows:

  1. signedTrsData is serialized as explained above.
  2. The transaction ID is calculated as the SHA-256 hash of the binary message from step 1.

transactionSchema schema

The schema transactionSchema contains 7 properties:

  1. moduleID: An integer identifying the module the transaction belongs to. Together with assetID, it specifies the JSON schema to be used to serialize-deserialize the asset property of the transaction.
  2. assetID: An integer identifying the specific asset for the transaction in the module. Together with moduleID, it specifies the JSON schema to be used to serialize-deserialize the asset property of the transaction.
  3. nonce: An integer which is unique for each transaction from the account corresponding to the senderPublicKey.
  4. fee: An integer that specifies the fee in Beddows to be spent by the transaction.
  5. senderPublicKey: The public key of the account issuing the transaction. A valid public key is 32 bytes long.
  6. asset: The serialized asset.
  7. signatures: An array with the signatures of the transaction. Note that this property is an array which implies that in case of signatures being initialized to its default value, it does not appear in the binary message. The elements of this array are bytes, either of length 64, or of length 0.
transactionSchema = {
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "moduleID": {
      "dataType": "uint32",
      "fieldNumber": 1
    "assetID": {
      "dataType": "uint32",
      "fieldNumber": 2
    "nonce": {
      "dataType": "uint64",
      "fieldNumber": 3
    "fee": {
      "dataType": "uint64",
      "fieldNumber": 4
    "senderPublicKey": {
      "dataType": "bytes",
      "fieldNumber": 5
    "asset": {
      "dataType": "bytes",
      "fieldNumber": 6
    "signatures": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "dataType": "bytes",
      "fieldNumber": 7
  "required": [

asset property schema

The asset property schema of a transaction has to be uniquely implied by the value of the properties moduleID and assetID. For the default transaction this correspondence is defined in LIP 0036. All the properties defined in any asset schema are required.

Balance transfer

The schema balanceTransferAsset contains 3 properties:

  1. amount: The amount in Beddows to be transferred to the account specified in recipientAddress.
  2. recipientAddress: The address of the recipient of amount. This property is 20 bytes long.
  3. data: A string with a maximum length of 64 bytes.
balanceTransferAsset = {
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "amount": {
      "dataType": "uint64",
      "fieldNumber": 1
    "recipientAddress": {
      "dataType": "bytes",
      "fieldNumber": 2
    "data": {
      "dataType": "string",
      "fieldNumber": 3
  "required": [


The voteAsset schema contains an array of objects. Each of these objects contains the following properties:

  1. delegateAddress: The address of the voted delegate. An address is 20 bytes long.
  2. amount: The amount, in Beddows, voted for the delegate.
voteAsset = {
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "votes": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "delegateAddress": {
            "dataType": "bytes",
            "fieldNumber": 1
          "amount": {
            "dataType": "sint64",
            "fieldNumber": 2
        "required": [
      "fieldNumber": 1
  "required": [

Delegate registration

The schema delegateRegAsset contains the username property. This property specifies the name of the registered delegate and is a string with a minimum length of 1 character and a maximum length of 20 characters.

delegateRegAsset = {
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "username": {
      "dataType": "string",
      "fieldNumber": 1
  "required": [

Multisignature registration

The schema multisigRegAsset contains 3 properties:

  1. numberOfSignatures: The number of private keys that must sign a transaction.
  2. mandatoryKeys: An array of public keys. The corresponding private keys necessarily have to sign the transaction. A valid public key is 32 bytes long.
  3. optionalKeys: An array of public keys. A valid public key is 32 bytes long.
multisigRegAsset = {
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "numberOfSignatures": {
      "dataType": "uint32",
      "fieldNumber": 1
    "mandatoryKeys": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "dataType": "bytes",
      "fieldNumber": 2
    "optionalKeys": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "dataType": "bytes",
      "fieldNumber": 3
  "required": [

Unlock vote

The unlockVoteAsset schema contains an array of objects. Each of these objects contains the following properties:

  1. delegateAddress: The address of the unvoted delegate. An address is 20 bytes long.
  2. amount: The amount, in Beddows, unvoted in a previous vote transaction.
  3. unvoteHeight: The height at which the transaction to unvote the delegate has been included in the blockchain.
unlockVoteAsset = {
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "unlockObjects": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "delegateAddress": {
            "dataType": "bytes",
            "fieldNumber": 1
          "amount": {
            "dataType": "uint64",
            "fieldNumber": 2
          "unvoteHeight": {
            "dataType": "uint32",
            "fieldNumber": 3
        "required": [
    "fieldNumber": 1
  "required": [


The pomAsset schema contains two properties: header1 and header2. Each of the properties contain the serialized version of a signed block header of the Lisk blockchain. The specification to generate the serialized block headers is explained in the LIP 0029.

pomAsset = {
  "type": "object",
  "properties:": {
    "header1": {
      "dataType": "bytes",
      "fieldNumber": 1
    "header2": {
      "dataType": "bytes",
      "fieldNumber": 2
  "required": [


The schema reclaimAsset contains the amount property. This property accounts for the balance in Beddows to be reclaimed.

reclaimAsset = {
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "amount": {
      "dataType": "uint64",
      "fieldNumber": 1
  "required": [

Reference Implementation

  1. Manu Nelamane Siddalingegowda: LiskArchive/lisk-sdk#5366
  2. Shusetsu Toda: LiskArchive/lisk-sdk#5383

Backwards Compatibility

This proposal introduces a hard fork in the network. Since the transaction serialization is computed in a different way, this proposal impacts the way in which transactions are signed, stored and transmitted in the Lisk protocol. This also affects how transaction IDs are computed.

Appendix: Serialization Example of Balance Transfer Transaction

In this section, we present a serialization example for a transfer transaction. To calculate the signature, we use the network identifier: networkID = 9ee11e9df416b18bf69dbd1a920442e08c6ca319e69926bc843a561782ca17ee.

Transaction object to serialize:

myTrs = {
  moduleID: 2,
  assetID: 0,
  nonce: 5n,
  fee: 1216299416n,
  senderPublicKey: '6689d38d0d89e072b5339d24b4bff1bd6ef99eb26d8e02697819aecc8851fd55',
  asset: {
    amount: 123986407700n,
    recipientID: '2ca4b4e9924547c48c04300b320be84e8cd81e4a',
    data: 'Odi et amo. Quare id faciam, fortasse requiris.'
  signatures: [

Binary message (258 bytes):


Transaction ID:


First key pair:

private key = 42d93fa53d631181540ad630b9ad913835db79e7d2510be915513836bc175edc
public key = 6689d38d0d89e072b5339d24b4bff1bd6ef99eb26d8e02697819aecc8851fd55

Second key pair:

private key = 3751d0dee5ee214809118514303fa50a1daaf7151ec8d30c98b12e0caa4bb7de
public key = aa3f553d66b58d6167d14fe9e91b1bd04d7cf5eef27fed0bec8aaac6c73c90b3