- Url Improvments
- PoEBuilder, PoEUrl and Tinyurl parsing
- Button to change current tree link to poeurl link
- Enter in url to load build
- Hotkeys
- GUI Improvments
- Hide sidebars
- Drag&Drop in builds list
- New Look and the ability to choose color theme
- And lots of other changes and updates
- Character Sheet: DPS and Defensive calculations
- Tree comparison: Compare current tree with a saved one
- Performace improvements
- Got to the release page and select the version you would like, most likly the latest.
- Download the zip file
- Unzip it to a loction of you choice
- Start POESKillTree.exe
Go to: Help -> Check for Updates
If you have settings and/or saved builds you want to keep when updating do this:
- Follow the first three steps under Install
- Now either unzip to same directory and overwrite everything. Or choose a new location and then copy over PersistentData.xml
If you are using a version that still uses the savedBuilds file, just copy that over to the new version and the program will migrate all saves to PersistentData.xml, after this the savedBuilds file is no longer needed.
####Skilltree version The program always ships with the latest skilltree data available when the release is done. If you know there is a new version of the tree on the offical website but no new version of this program is available you can do this:
- Delete the Data folder and then just start the program, it will download the latest version.
- If you have the program running just go to:
Tools -> Redownload Tree Assets
Note: Both these options require that you can access the official Path of Exile website.
- Shift + Left Click: Zoom In
- Ctrl + Left Click: Zoom Out
- Right Click: (Skill Tree) Center tree and reset zoom
- Ctrl + 1: Scion
- Ctrl + 2: Marauder
- Ctrl + 3: Ranger
- Ctrl + 4: Witch
- Ctrl + 5: Duelist
- Ctrl + 6: Templar
- Ctrl + 7: Shadow
- Ctrl + Q: Toggles Attribute Sidebar
- Ctrl + Shift + Q: Toggles Character Sheet Sidebar
- Ctrl + B: Toggles Saved Build Sidebar
- Ctrl + E: Creates a PoEUrl link and copies to clipboard
- Ctrl + R: Resets tree
- Ctrl + Up/Down (within 'Saved builds' menu): Will move the build up/down respectively
- Ctrl + Z: Undo last skill tree change
- Ctrl + Y: Redo last skill tree change
- Right Click: (Attributes) Highlight corresponding nodes in tree
- Ctrl + S: Save build as
- For help please check out the thread in the offical forum: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/996805/
- If you find any bugs/faults please report it here on Github
- Miss any features? Create an issue here or post in the forum thread
- Headhorr - for his original "Unofficial Offline Skilltree Calc" http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/19723
- Emmitt
- Kaezin
- SpaceOgre
- l0g0sys
- NadenOfficial
- Ttxman
- yazilliclick
- MauranKilom