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Sharad Gandhi edited this page Dec 11, 2013 · 26 revisions

Installation issues

Follow the Installation instructions on to install naarad and its necessary prerequisites.

  • OS dependencies
sudo yum install gcc gcc-c++ python-devel freetype-devel libpng-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel
  • Ensure setuptools/distribute are up to date.
As sudo/root,
easy_install -U distribute
easy_install -U setuptools
pip install --proxy PROXY_HOST:PROXY_PORT --upgrade distribute
pip install --proxy PROXY_HOST:PROXY_PORT --upgrade setuptools
  • Python dependencies for Naarad
As sudo/root,
pip install --proxy PROXY_HOST:PROXY_PORT --upgrade pyparsing
pip install --proxy PROXY_HOST:PROXY_PORT --upgrade numpy
pip install --proxy PROXY_HOST:PROXY_PORT --upgrade matplotlib
pip install --proxy PROXY_HOST:PROXY_PORT --upgrade lxml
pip install --proxy PROXY_HOST:PROXY_PORT --upgrade pygal
pip install --proxy PROXY_HOST:PROXY_PORT --upgrade argparse
pip install --proxy PROXY_HOST:PROXY_PORT --upgrade pytz
  • List versions of installed python dependencies for naarad. Versions should match or exceed whats listed below
pip list | grep -e numpy -e matplotlib -e pygal -e lxml -e argparse -e lxml -e pyparsing -e pytz
argparse (1.2.1)
pyparsing (2.0.1)
pytz (2013.8)
lxml (3.2.4)
pygal (1.2.0)
numpy (1.7.0)
matplotlib (1.3.1)