"}function removeModal3ds(){CheckoutPage.clearInputs(),document.getElementById("mp-3ds-modal-container").remove()}function threeDSHandler(e,o){try{if(null==e||null==o)return removeModal3ds(),sendMetric("MP_THREE_DS_ERROR","3DS URL or CRED not set",threedsTarget),void console.log("Invalid parameters for 3ds");var t=document.createElement("div");t.className="mp-card-info",t.innerHTML='
",o.appendChild(t),document.body.appendChild(o),document.querySelector("#mp-3ds-modal-close").addEventListener("click",(function(){setDisplayOfErrorCheckout(wc_mercadopago_custom_checkout_params.threeDsText.message_close),removeModal3ds()})),jQuery.post(woocommerce_params.wc_ajax_url.replace("%%endpoint%%","mp_get_3ds_from_session")).done((function(e){e.success?threeDSHandler(e.data.data["3ds_url"],e.data.data["3ds_creq"]):(console.error("Error POST:",e),window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("completed_3ds",{detail:{error:!0}})),removeModal3ds())})).fail((function(e,o,t){console.error("Failed to make POST:",o,t),window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("completed_3ds",{detail:{error:!0}})),removeModal3ds()}))}function redirectAfter3dsChallenge(){jQuery.post(woocommerce_params.wc_ajax_url.replace("%%endpoint%%","mp_redirect_after_3ds_challenge")).done((function(e){e.data.redirect?(window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("completed_3ds",{detail:{error:!1}})),sendMetric("MP_THREE_DS_SUCCESS","3DS challenge complete",threedsTarget),removeModal3ds(),window.location.href=e.data.redirect):(window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("completed_3ds",{detail:{error:e.data.data.error}})),setDisplayOfErrorCheckout(e.data.data.error),removeModal3ds())}))}function handle3dsPayOrderFormSubmission(){var e=jQuery("#order_review").serialize();jQuery.post("#",e).done((function(e){e.three_ds_flow?load3DSFlow(e.last_four_digits):(e.redirect&&(window.location.href=e.redirect),window.location.reload())})).error((function(){window.location.reload()}))}function setDisplayOfErrorCheckout(e){if(sendMetric("MP_THREE_DS_ERROR",e,threedsTarget),"blocks_checkout_form"!==window.mpFormId){removeElementsByClass("woocommerce-NoticeGroup-checkout");var o=document.createElement("div");o.className="woocommerce-NoticeGroup woocommerce-NoticeGroup-checkout",o.innerHTML='
",mpCheckoutForm.prepend(o),window.scrollTo(0,0)}}function removeElementsByClass(e){const o=document.getElementsByClassName(e);for(;o.length>0;)o[0].parentNode.removeChild(o[0])}function sendMetric(e,o,t){const r={name:e,message:o,target:t,plugin:{version:wc_mercadopago_custom_checkout_params.plugin_version},platform:{name:"woocommerce",uri:window.location.href,version:wc_mercadopago_custom_checkout_params.platform_version,location:`${wc_mercadopago_custom_checkout_params.location}_${wc_mercadopago_custom_checkout_params.theme}`}};navigator.sendBeacon("https://api.mercadopago.com/v1/plugins/melidata/errors",JSON.stringify(r))}mpCheckoutForm?mpCheckoutForm.id=mpFormId:mpFormId="order_review",jQuery("form.checkout").on("checkout_place_order_woo-mercado-pago-custom",mercadoPagoFormHandler),jQuery("body").on("payment_method_selected",(function(){triggeredPaymentMethodSelectedEvent||cardFormLoad()})),jQuery("form#order_review").submit((function(e){const o=document.getElementById("payment_method_woo-mercado-pago-custom");if(o&&o.checked)return e.preventDefault(),mercadoPagoFormHandler();cardFormLoad()})),jQuery(document.body).on("checkout_error",(()=>{hasToken=!1,mercado_pago_submit=!1})),jQuery(document).on("updated_checkout",(function(){const e=document.getElementById("payment_method_woo-mercado-pago-custom");if(e&&e.checked)return cardFormMounted&&cardForm.unmount(),void handleCardFormLoad()})),jQuery(document).ready((()=>{setCardFormLoadInterval()})),triggeredPaymentMethodSelectedEvent||jQuery("body").trigger("payment_method_selected"),window.addEventListener("message",(e=>{"COMPLETE"===e.data.status&&(sendMetric("MP_THREE_DS_SUCCESS","3DS iframe Closed",threedsTarget),document.getElementById("mp-3ds-modal-content").innerHTML="",addLoadSpinner3dsSubmit(),redirectAfter3dsChallenge())}));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/js/checkouts/custom/mp-custom-elements.js b/assets/js/checkouts/custom/mp-custom-elements.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f088ea5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/js/checkouts/custom/mp-custom-elements.js
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+const CheckoutElements = {
+ cardTokenId: '#cardTokenId',
+ cardInstallments: '#cardInstallments',
+ fcCardholderName: '#form-checkout__cardholderName',
+ fcCardNumberContainer: '#form-checkout__cardNumber-container',
+ fcCardExpirationDateContainer: '#form-checkout__expirationDate-container',
+ fcIdentificationNumber: '#form-checkout__identificationNumber',
+ fcIdentificationNumberContainer: '#form-checkout__identificationNumber-container',
+ fcInputTableContainer: '[data-cy=input-table-list]',
+ fcInstallments: '#form-checkout__installments',
+ fcSecurityNumberContainer: '#form-checkout__securityCode-container',
+ mpCardNumber: 'mp-card-number',
+ mpCardholderName: 'mp-card-holder-name',
+ mpDocumentContainer: '#mp-doc-div',
+ mpExpirationDate: 'mp-expiration-date',
+ mpInputRadio: '.mp-input-radio-radio',
+ mpInputTaxCft: '#mp-checkout-custom-box-input-tax-cft',
+ mpInstallmentsContainer: '#mp-checkout-custom-installments-container',
+ mpInstallments: '#mp-checkout-custom-installments',
+ mpIssuerContainer: '#mp-checkout-custom-issuers-container',
+ mpSecurityCode: 'mp-security-code',
+ mpTaxCftText: '#mp-checkout-custom-tax-cft-text',
+ mpTaxTeaText: '#mp-checkout-custom-tax-tea-text',
+ mpIdentificationNumber: 'mp-doc-number',
+ mpSecurityCodeInfo: '#mp-security-code-info',
+ paymentMethodId: '#paymentMethodId',
+ customContent: '.mp-checkout-custom-container',
diff --git a/assets/js/checkouts/custom/mp-custom-elements.min.js b/assets/js/checkouts/custom/mp-custom-elements.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e946a6e1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/js/checkouts/custom/mp-custom-elements.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+const CheckoutElements={cardTokenId:"#cardTokenId",cardInstallments:"#cardInstallments",fcCardholderName:"#form-checkout__cardholderName",fcCardNumberContainer:"#form-checkout__cardNumber-container",fcCardExpirationDateContainer:"#form-checkout__expirationDate-container",fcIdentificationNumber:"#form-checkout__identificationNumber",fcIdentificationNumberContainer:"#form-checkout__identificationNumber-container",fcInputTableContainer:"[data-cy=input-table-list]",fcInstallments:"#form-checkout__installments",fcSecurityNumberContainer:"#form-checkout__securityCode-container",mpCardNumber:"mp-card-number",mpCardholderName:"mp-card-holder-name",mpDocumentContainer:"#mp-doc-div",mpExpirationDate:"mp-expiration-date",mpInputRadio:".mp-input-radio-radio",mpInputTaxCft:"#mp-checkout-custom-box-input-tax-cft",mpInstallmentsContainer:"#mp-checkout-custom-installments-container",mpInstallments:"#mp-checkout-custom-installments",mpIssuerContainer:"#mp-checkout-custom-issuers-container",mpSecurityCode:"mp-security-code",mpTaxCftText:"#mp-checkout-custom-tax-cft-text",mpTaxTeaText:"#mp-checkout-custom-tax-tea-text",mpIdentificationNumber:"mp-doc-number",mpSecurityCodeInfo:"#mp-security-code-info",paymentMethodId:"#paymentMethodId",customContent:".mp-checkout-custom-container"};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/js/checkouts/custom/mp-custom-page.js b/assets/js/checkouts/custom/mp-custom-page.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..32144d932
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/js/checkouts/custom/mp-custom-page.js
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+/* globals wc_mercadopago_custom_checkout_params, CheckoutElements, cardForm */
+const CheckoutPage = {
+ setElementDisplay(element, operator) {
+ document.querySelector(CheckoutElements[element]).style.display = operator;
+ },
+ setText(element, text) {
+ document.querySelector(CheckoutElements[element]).innerHTML = text;
+ },
+ setValue(element, value) {
+ document.querySelector(CheckoutElements[element]).value = value;
+ },
+ setBackground(element, background) {
+ document.querySelector(CheckoutElements[element]).style.setProperty('background', background, 'important');
+ },
+ setImageCard(secureThumbnail) {
+ this.setBackground('fcCardNumberContainer', 'url(' + secureThumbnail + ') 98% 50% no-repeat #fff');
+ document
+ .querySelector(CheckoutElements.fcCardNumberContainer)
+ .style.setProperty('background-size', 'auto 32px', 'important');
+ },
+ findContainerField(field) {
+ let id = field === 'cardholderName' ? `#form-checkout__${field}` : `#form-checkout__${field}-container`;
+ return Object.keys(CheckoutElements).find((key) => CheckoutElements[key] === id);
+ },
+ setDisplayOfError(elementName, operator, className, checkoutSelector = 'customContent') {
+ let checkoutContent = document.querySelector(CheckoutElements[checkoutSelector]);
+ let element = checkoutContent.querySelector(CheckoutElements[elementName]);
+ if (element) {
+ if (operator === 'add') {
+ element.classList.add(`${className}`);
+ } else {
+ element.classList.remove(`${className}`);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ setDisplayOfInputHelper(elementName, operator, checkoutSelector = 'customContent') {
+ let checkoutContent = document.querySelector(CheckoutElements[checkoutSelector]);
+ let divInputHelper = checkoutContent.querySelector(`input-helper[input-id=${elementName}-helper]`);
+ if (divInputHelper) {
+ let inputHelper = divInputHelper.querySelector('div');
+ inputHelper.style.display = operator;
+ }
+ },
+ setCvvHint(securityCode) {
+ var cvvText = wc_mercadopago_custom_checkout_params.cvvText;
+ cvvText = `${securityCode.length} ${cvvText} `;
+ cvvText += this.cvvLocationTranslate(securityCode.card_location);
+ this.setText('mpSecurityCodeInfo', cvvText);
+ },
+ cvvLocationTranslate(location) {
+ let cvvFront = wc_mercadopago_custom_checkout_params.cvvHint['front'];
+ let cvvBack = wc_mercadopago_custom_checkout_params.cvvHint['back'];
+ return location === 'back' ? cvvBack : cvvFront;
+ },
+ additionalInfoHandler(additionalInfoNeeded) {
+ if (additionalInfoNeeded.cardholder_name) {
+ this.setElementDisplay('fcCardholderName', 'block');
+ } else {
+ this.setElementDisplay('fcCardholderName', 'none');
+ }
+ if (additionalInfoNeeded.issuer) {
+ this.setElementDisplay('mpIssuerContainer', 'block');
+ } else {
+ this.setElementDisplay('mpIssuerContainer', 'none');
+ }
+ if (additionalInfoNeeded.cardholder_identification_type && additionalInfoNeeded.cardholder_identification_number) {
+ this.setElementDisplay('mpDocumentContainer', 'block');
+ } else {
+ this.setElementDisplay('mpDocumentContainer', 'none');
+ }
+ },
+ getCountry() {
+ return wc_mercadopago_custom_checkout_params.site_id;
+ },
+ changeCvvPlaceHolder(cvvLength) {
+ let text = '';
+ for (let index = 0; index < cvvLength; index++) {
+ text += index + 1;
+ }
+ cardForm.update('securityCode', { placeholder: text });
+ },
+ clearTax() {
+ this.setElementDisplay('mpInputTaxCft', 'none');
+ this.setText('mpTaxCftText', '');
+ this.setText('mpTaxTeaText', '');
+ },
+ installment_amount(paymentTypeId) {
+ let element = document.querySelector(CheckoutElements.fcInstallments);
+ if (paymentTypeId === 'debit_card') {
+ element.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
+ } else {
+ element.removeAttribute('disabled');
+ }
+ },
+ formatCurrency(value) {
+ const formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat(wc_mercadopago_custom_checkout_params.intl, {
+ currency: wc_mercadopago_custom_checkout_params.currency,
+ style: 'currency',
+ currencyDisplay: 'narrowSymbol',
+ });
+ return formatter.format(value);
+ },
+ inputHelperName(field) {
+ let inputHelperName = {
+ cardNumber: CheckoutElements.mpCardNumber,
+ cardholderName: CheckoutElements.mpCardholderName,
+ expirationDate: CheckoutElements.mpExpirationDate,
+ securityCode: CheckoutElements.mpSecurityCode,
+ identificationNumber: CheckoutElements.mpIdentificationNumber,
+ };
+ return inputHelperName[field];
+ },
+ removeAdditionFields() {
+ this.setElementDisplay('mpDocumentContainer', 'none');
+ this.setElementDisplay('mpInstallments', 'none');
+ this.setElementDisplay('mpIssuerContainer', 'none');
+ this.setDisplayOfInputHelper('installments', 'none');
+ this.setValue('cardInstallments', '');
+ },
+ clearInstallmentsComponent() {
+ const selectorInstallments = document.querySelector(CheckoutElements.mpInstallmentsContainer);
+ selectorInstallments.classList.remove(CheckoutElements.mpInstallmentsContainer);
+ if (selectorInstallments.firstElementChild) {
+ selectorInstallments.removeChild(selectorInstallments.firstElementChild);
+ }
+ },
+ showInstallmentsComponent(child) {
+ const selectorInstallments = document.querySelector(CheckoutElements.mpInstallmentsContainer);
+ selectorInstallments.classList.add(CheckoutElements.mpInstallmentsContainer);
+ selectorInstallments.appendChild(child);
+ },
+ getHelperMessage(field) {
+ let query = 'input-helper[input-id=' + this.inputHelperName(field) + '-helper]';
+ let divInputHelper = document.querySelector(query);
+ return divInputHelper.querySelector('div[class=mp-helper-message]');
+ },
+ argentinaResolution(payerCosts) {
+ let dataInput = '';
+ if (this.getCountry() === 'MLA') {
+ for (let l = 0; l < payerCosts.length; l++) {
+ if (payerCosts[l].indexOf('CFT_') !== -1) {
+ dataInput = payerCosts[l];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return dataInput;
+ },
+ hideErrors() {
+ let customContent = document.querySelector('.mp-checkout-custom-container');
+ let inputHelpers = customContent.querySelectorAll('input-helper');
+ inputHelpers.forEach((inputHelper) => {
+ inputHelper.querySelector('div').style.display = 'none';
+ });
+ },
+ clearInputs() {
+ this.hideErrors();
+ this.setBackground('fcCardNumberContainer', 'no-repeat #fff');
+ this.setValue('fcCardholderName', '');
+ this.setDisplayOfError('fcCardholderName', 'removed', 'mp-error');
+ this.setValue('fcCardExpirationDateContainer', '');
+ this.setDisplayOfError('fcCardExpirationDateContainer', 'removed', 'mp-error');
+ this.setValue('fcSecurityNumberContainer', '');
+ this.setDisplayOfError('fcSecurityNumberContainer', 'removed', 'mp-error');
+ this.setValue('fcIdentificationNumber', '');
+ this.setElementDisplay('mpDocumentContainer', 'none');
+ this.setDisplayOfError('fcIdentificationNumberContainer', 'removed', 'mp-error');
+ this.clearInstallmentsComponent();
+ this.setElementDisplay('mpInstallments', 'none');
+ document.querySelector('input[data-cy=input-document]').value = '';
+ },
+ verifyDocument() {
+ let input = document.querySelector(CheckoutElements.fcIdentificationNumber);
+ let inputContainer = document.querySelector(CheckoutElements.mpDocumentContainer);
+ if (inputContainer.style.display === 'none' || inputContainer.style.display === '') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (input.value === '-1' || input.value === '') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let inputHelper = document.querySelector('input-helper[input-id=mp-doc-number-helper]');
+ return inputHelper.querySelector('div').style.display !== 'flex';
+ },
+ loadAdditionalInfo(sdkAdditionalInfoNeeded) {
+ const additionalInfoNeeded = {
+ issuer: false,
+ cardholder_name: false,
+ cardholder_identification_type: false,
+ cardholder_identification_number: false,
+ };
+ for (let i = 0; i < sdkAdditionalInfoNeeded.length; i++) {
+ if (sdkAdditionalInfoNeeded[i] === 'issuer_id') {
+ additionalInfoNeeded.issuer = true;
+ }
+ if (sdkAdditionalInfoNeeded[i] === 'cardholder_name') {
+ additionalInfoNeeded.cardholder_name = true;
+ }
+ if (sdkAdditionalInfoNeeded[i] === 'cardholder_identification_type') {
+ additionalInfoNeeded.cardholder_identification_type = true;
+ }
+ if (sdkAdditionalInfoNeeded[i] === 'cardholder_identification_number') {
+ additionalInfoNeeded.cardholder_identification_number = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return additionalInfoNeeded;
+ },
+ verifyInstallments() {
+ if (document.querySelector(CheckoutElements.cardInstallments).value === '') {
+ CheckoutPage.setDisplayOfError('fcInputTableContainer', 'add', 'mp-error');
+ this.setDisplayOfInputHelper('mp-installments', 'flex');
+ return false;
+ }
+ CheckoutPage.setDisplayOfError('fcInputTableContainer', 'remove', 'mp-error');
+ this.setDisplayOfInputHelper('mp-installments', 'none');
+ return true;
+ },
+ validateInputsCreateToken() {
+ let isInstallmentsValid = this.verifyInstallments();
+ let isDocumentValid = this.verifyDocument();
+ return isInstallmentsValid && isDocumentValid;
+ },
+ showTaxes() {
+ let choCustomContent = document.querySelector('.mp-checkout-custom-container');
+ const selectorInstallments = choCustomContent.querySelectorAll(CheckoutElements.mpInputRadio);
+ let tax = null;
+ let display = 'block';
+ selectorInstallments.forEach((installment) => {
+ if (installment.checked) {
+ tax = installment.getAttribute('datarate');
+ }
+ });
+ let cft = '';
+ let tea = '';
+ if (tax != null) {
+ const tax_split = tax.split('|');
+ cft = tax_split[0].replace('_', ' ');
+ tea = tax_split[1].replace('_', ' ');
+ if (cft === 'CFT 0,00%' && tea === 'TEA 0,00%') {
+ display = 'none';
+ cft = '';
+ tea = '';
+ }
+ }
+ document.querySelector(CheckoutElements.mpInputTaxCft).style.display = display;
+ document.querySelector(CheckoutElements.mpTaxCftText).innerHTML = cft;
+ document.querySelector(CheckoutElements.mpTaxTeaText).innerHTML = tea;
+ },
+ setupTaxEvents() {
+ const choCustomContent = document.querySelector(CheckoutElements.customContent);
+ const taxesElements = choCustomContent.getElementsByClassName('mp-input-table-label');
+ for (var i = 0; i < taxesElements.length; i++) {
+ let installmentValue = taxesElements[i].getElementsByTagName('input')[0].value;
+ if (wc_mercadopago_custom_checkout_params.site_id === 'mla') {
+ taxesElements[i].addEventListener('click', this.showTaxes);
+ }
+ taxesElements[i].addEventListener('click', () => {
+ CheckoutPage.setDisplayOfError('fcInputTableContainer', 'remove', 'mp-error');
+ this.setDisplayOfInputHelper('mp-installments', 'none');
+ this.setValue('fcInstallments', installmentValue);
+ this.setValue('cardInstallments', installmentValue);
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ getBankInterestDisclaimerCountries(siteId) {
+ return siteId === 'mlc' || siteId === 'mco' || siteId === 'mpe';
+ },
+ getInstallments(response, bankInterestDisclaimer) {
+ let payerCosts = [];
+ const installments = [];
+ this.clearInstallmentsComponent();
+ payerCosts = response.payer_costs;
+ if (payerCosts) {
+ this.setElementDisplay('mpInstallments', 'block');
+ }
+ for (let j = 0; j < payerCosts.length; j++) {
+ const installment = payerCosts[j].installments;
+ const installmentRate = payerCosts[j].installment_rate === 0;
+ const installmentRateCollector = payerCosts[j].installment_rate_collector.includes('MERCADOPAGO');
+ const installmentTotalAmount = this.formatCurrency(payerCosts[j].total_amount);
+ const backInterestText = bankInterestDisclaimer
+ ? `${installmentTotalAmount} + ${wc_mercadopago_custom_checkout_params.interestText}`
+ : installmentTotalAmount;
+ installments.push({
+ id: `installment-${installment}`,
+ value: installment,
+ highlight: installmentRate && installmentRateCollector ? 'true' : '',
+ dataRate: this.argentinaResolution(payerCosts[j].labels),
+ rowText: payerCosts[j].recommended_message.split('(')[0],
+ rowObs:
+ installmentRate && installmentRateCollector
+ ? wc_mercadopago_custom_checkout_params.installmentObsFee
+ : backInterestText,
+ });
+ }
+ return installments;
+ },
+ setChangeEventOnInstallments(siteId, response) {
+ const bankInterestDisclaimer = this.getBankInterestDisclaimerCountries(siteId);
+ const installments = this.getInstallments(response, bankInterestDisclaimer);
+ const inputTable = document.createElement('input-table');
+ inputTable.setAttribute('name', 'mp-installments');
+ inputTable.setAttribute('button-name', wc_mercadopago_custom_checkout_params.installmentButton);
+ inputTable.setAttribute('columns', JSON.stringify(installments));
+ if (bankInterestDisclaimer) {
+ inputTable.setAttribute('bank-interest-text', wc_mercadopago_custom_checkout_params.bankInterestText);
+ }
+ this.setElementDisplay('mpInstallments', 'block');
+ this.showInstallmentsComponent(inputTable);
+ this.setupTaxEvents();
+ let customContent = document.querySelector('.mp-checkout-custom-container');
+ customContent.querySelector('#more-options').addEventListener('click', () => {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ this.setupTaxEvents();
+ }, 300);
+ });
+ if (siteId === 'mla') {
+ this.clearTax();
+ }
+ },
diff --git a/assets/js/checkouts/custom/mp-custom-page.min.js b/assets/js/checkouts/custom/mp-custom-page.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..45a0d08a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/js/checkouts/custom/mp-custom-page.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+const CheckoutPage={setElementDisplay(e,t){document.querySelector(CheckoutElements[e]).style.display=t},setText(e,t){document.querySelector(CheckoutElements[e]).innerHTML=t},setValue(e,t){document.querySelector(CheckoutElements[e]).value=t},setBackground(e,t){document.querySelector(CheckoutElements[e]).style.setProperty("background",t,"important")},setImageCard(e){this.setBackground("fcCardNumberContainer","url("+e+") 98% 50% no-repeat #fff"),document.querySelector(CheckoutElements.fcCardNumberContainer).style.setProperty("background-size","auto 32px","important")},findContainerField(e){let t="cardholderName"===e?`#form-checkout__${e}`:`#form-checkout__${e}-container`;return Object.keys(CheckoutElements).find((e=>CheckoutElements[e]===t))},setDisplayOfError(e,t,n,r="customContent"){let s=document.querySelector(CheckoutElements[r]).querySelector(CheckoutElements[e]);s&&("add"===t?s.classList.add(`${n}`):s.classList.remove(`${n}`))},setDisplayOfInputHelper(e,t,n="customContent"){let r=document.querySelector(CheckoutElements[n]).querySelector(`input-helper[input-id=${e}-helper]`);if(r){r.querySelector("div").style.display=t}},setCvvHint(e){var t=wc_mercadopago_custom_checkout_params.cvvText;t=`${e.length} ${t} `,t+=this.cvvLocationTranslate(e.card_location),this.setText("mpSecurityCodeInfo",t)},cvvLocationTranslate(e){let t=wc_mercadopago_custom_checkout_params.cvvHint.front,n=wc_mercadopago_custom_checkout_params.cvvHint.back;return"back"===e?n:t},additionalInfoHandler(e){e.cardholder_name?this.setElementDisplay("fcCardholderName","block"):this.setElementDisplay("fcCardholderName","none"),e.issuer?this.setElementDisplay("mpIssuerContainer","block"):this.setElementDisplay("mpIssuerContainer","none"),e.cardholder_identification_type&&e.cardholder_identification_number?this.setElementDisplay("mpDocumentContainer","block"):this.setElementDisplay("mpDocumentContainer","none")},getCountry:()=>wc_mercadopago_custom_checkout_params.site_id,changeCvvPlaceHolder(e){let t="";for(let n=0;nnew Intl.NumberFormat(wc_mercadopago_custom_checkout_params.intl,{currency:wc_mercadopago_custom_checkout_params.currency,style:"currency",currencyDisplay:"narrowSymbol"}).format(e),inputHelperName:e=>({cardNumber:CheckoutElements.mpCardNumber,cardholderName:CheckoutElements.mpCardholderName,expirationDate:CheckoutElements.mpExpirationDate,securityCode:CheckoutElements.mpSecurityCode,identificationNumber:CheckoutElements.mpIdentificationNumber}[e]),removeAdditionFields(){this.setElementDisplay("mpDocumentContainer","none"),this.setElementDisplay("mpInstallments","none"),this.setElementDisplay("mpIssuerContainer","none"),this.setDisplayOfInputHelper("installments","none"),this.setValue("cardInstallments","")},clearInstallmentsComponent(){const e=document.querySelector(CheckoutElements.mpInstallmentsContainer);e.classList.remove(CheckoutElements.mpInstallmentsContainer),e.firstElementChild&&e.removeChild(e.firstElementChild)},showInstallmentsComponent(e){const 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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/js/checkouts/pse/mp-pse-checkout.js b/assets/js/checkouts/pse/mp-pse-checkout.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cc001b30d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/js/checkouts/pse/mp-pse-checkout.js
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+/* jshint es3: false */
+/* globals wc_mercadopago_pse_checkout_params, CheckoutPseElements */
+(function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ $(function () {
+ // Handler form submit
+ function mercadoPagoFormHandlerPse() {
+ if (!document.getElementById('payment_method_woo-mercado-pago-pse').checked) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ let pseContent = document.querySelector(CheckoutPseElements.pseContent);
+ verifyDocument(pseContent);
+ verifyFinancial(pseContent);
+ if (checkForErrors(pseContent.querySelectorAll('input-helper'))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function verifyDocument(pseContent) {
+ let documentElement = pseContent.querySelector('.mp-document');
+ if (documentElement.value === '') {
+ pseContent.querySelector('.mp-input').classList.add('mp-error');
+ let pseHelpers = pseContent.querySelector('.mp-input-document').querySelector('input-helper');
+ let child = pseHelpers.querySelector('div');
+ child.style.display = 'flex';
+ }
+ }
+ function verifyFinancial(pseContent) {
+ let documentElement = pseContent.querySelector('#mercadopago_pse\\[bank\\]');
+ let pseHelpers = pseContent.querySelector('.mp-checkout-pse-bank').querySelector('input-helper');
+ if (documentElement.value === '' || wc_mercadopago_pse_checkout_params.financial_placeholder === documentElement.value ) {
+ documentElement.parentElement.classList.add('mp-error');
+ let child = pseHelpers.querySelector('div');
+ child.style.display = 'flex';
+ }
+ documentElement.addEventListener('change', () => {
+ documentElement.parentElement.classList.remove('mp-error');
+ pseHelpers.querySelector('div').style.display = 'none';
+ });
+ }
+ function checkForErrors(pseHelpers) {
+ let hasError = false;
+ pseHelpers.forEach((item) => {
+ let inputHelper = item.querySelector('div');
+ if (inputHelper.style.display !== 'none') {
+ hasError = true;
+ }
+ });
+ return hasError;
+ }
+ // Process when submit the checkout form
+ $('form.checkout').on('checkout_place_order_woo-mercado-pago-pse', function () {
+ return mercadoPagoFormHandlerPse();
+ });
+ // If payment fail, retry on next checkout page
+ $('form#order_review').submit(function () {
+ return mercadoPagoFormHandlerPse();
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/assets/js/checkouts/pse/mp-pse-checkout.min.js b/assets/js/checkouts/pse/mp-pse-checkout.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2826ab1e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/js/checkouts/pse/mp-pse-checkout.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+!function(e){"use strict";e((function(){function r(){if(!document.getElementById("payment_method_woo-mercado-pago-pse").checked)return!0;let e=document.querySelector(CheckoutPseElements.pseContent);return function(e){let r=e.querySelector(".mp-document");if(""===r.value){e.querySelector(".mp-input").classList.add("mp-error"),e.querySelector(".mp-input-document").querySelector("input-helper").querySelector("div").style.display="flex"}}(e),function(e){let r=e.querySelector("#mercadopago_pse\\[bank\\]"),t=e.querySelector(".mp-checkout-pse-bank").querySelector("input-helper");if(""===r.value||wc_mercadopago_pse_checkout_params.financial_placeholder===r.value){r.parentElement.classList.add("mp-error"),t.querySelector("div").style.display="flex"}r.addEventListener("change",(()=>{r.parentElement.classList.remove("mp-error"),t.querySelector("div").style.display="none"}))}(e),!function(e){let r=!1;return e.forEach((e=>{"none"!==e.querySelector("div").style.display&&(r=!0)})),r}(e.querySelectorAll("input-helper"))}e("form.checkout").on("checkout_place_order_woo-mercado-pago-pse",(function(){return r()})),e("form#order_review").submit((function(){return r()}))}))}(jQuery);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/js/checkouts/pse/mp-pse-elements.js b/assets/js/checkouts/pse/mp-pse-elements.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ce09859d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/js/checkouts/pse/mp-pse-elements.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+const CheckoutPseElements = {
+ pseContent: '.mp-checkout-pse-container',
diff --git a/assets/js/checkouts/pse/mp-pse-elements.min.js b/assets/js/checkouts/pse/mp-pse-elements.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..46928ea25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/js/checkouts/pse/mp-pse-elements.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+const CheckoutPseElements={pseContent:".mp-checkout-pse-container"};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/js/checkouts/pse/mp-pse-page.js b/assets/js/checkouts/pse/mp-pse-page.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0b43c1013
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/js/checkouts/pse/mp-pse-page.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+/* globals CheckoutPseElements */
+const CheckoutPsePage = {
+ setDisplayOfError(elementName, operator, className, checkoutSelector = 'pseContent') {
+ let checkoutContent = document.querySelector(CheckoutPseElements[checkoutSelector]);
+ let element = checkoutContent.querySelector(CheckoutPseElements[elementName]);
+ if (element) {
+ if (operator === 'add') {
+ element.classList.add(`${className}`);
+ } else {
+ element.classList.remove(`${className}`);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ setDisplayOfInputHelper(elementName, operator, checkoutSelector = 'pseContent') {
+ let checkoutContent = document.querySelector(CheckoutPseElements[checkoutSelector]);
+ let divInputHelper = checkoutContent.querySelector(`input-helper[input-id=${elementName}-helper]`);
+ if (divInputHelper) {
+ let inputHelper = divInputHelper.querySelector('div');
+ inputHelper.style.display = operator;
+ }
+ },
diff --git a/assets/js/checkouts/pse/mp-pse-page.min.js b/assets/js/checkouts/pse/mp-pse-page.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42a1f13c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/js/checkouts/pse/mp-pse-page.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+const CheckoutPsePage={setDisplayOfError(e,t,s,l="pseContent"){let r=document.querySelector(CheckoutPseElements[l]).querySelector(CheckoutPseElements[e]);r&&("add"===t?r.classList.add(`${s}`):r.classList.remove(`${s}`))},setDisplayOfInputHelper(e,t,s="pseContent"){let l=document.querySelector(CheckoutPseElements[s]).querySelector(`input-helper[input-id=${e}-helper]`);if(l){l.querySelector("div").style.display=t}}};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/js/checkouts/ticket/mp-ticket-checkout.js b/assets/js/checkouts/ticket/mp-ticket-checkout.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f3a6bea86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/js/checkouts/ticket/mp-ticket-checkout.js
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+/* jshint es3: false */
+/* globals wc_mercadopago_ticket_checkout_params, CheckoutTicketElements, CheckoutTicketPage */
+(function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ $(function () {
+ var mercado_pago_submit_ticket = false;
+ // Handler form submit
+ function mercadoPagoFormHandlerTicket() {
+ if (!document.getElementById('payment_method_woo-mercado-pago-ticket').checked) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ let ticketContent = document.querySelector(CheckoutTicketElements.ticketContent);
+ let ticketHelpers = ticketContent.querySelectorAll('input-helper');
+ if (wc_mercadopago_ticket_checkout_params.site_id === 'MLB' || wc_mercadopago_ticket_checkout_params.site_id === 'MLU') {
+ verifyDocument(ticketContent, ticketHelpers);
+ }
+ verifyPaymentMethods(ticketContent);
+ if (checkForErrors(ticketHelpers)) {
+ removeBlockOverlay();
+ } else {
+ mercado_pago_submit_ticket = true;
+ }
+ return mercado_pago_submit_ticket;
+ }
+ function checkForErrors(ticketHelpers) {
+ let hasError = false;
+ ticketHelpers.forEach((item) => {
+ let inputHelper = item.querySelector('div');
+ if (inputHelper.style.display !== 'none') {
+ hasError = true;
+ }
+ });
+ return hasError;
+ }
+ function verifyDocument(ticketContent, ticketHelpers) {
+ let documentElement = ticketContent.querySelector('.mp-document');
+ if (documentElement.value === '') {
+ ticketContent.querySelector('.mp-input').classList.add('mp-error');
+ let child = ticketHelpers[0].querySelector('div');
+ child.style.display = 'flex';
+ }
+ }
+ function verifyPaymentMethods(ticketContent) {
+ ticketContent.querySelector('#more-options').addEventListener('click', () => {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ removeErrorFromInputTableContainer(ticketContent);
+ }, 300);
+ });
+ let paymentOptionSelected = false;
+ ticketContent.querySelectorAll('.mp-input-radio-radio').forEach((item) => {
+ if (item.checked) {
+ paymentOptionSelected = true;
+ }
+ });
+ if (paymentOptionSelected === false) {
+ CheckoutTicketPage.setDisplayOfError('fcInputTableContainer', 'add', 'mp-error', 'ticketContent');
+ CheckoutTicketPage.setDisplayOfInputHelper('mp-payment-method', 'flex', 'ticketContent');
+ }
+ removeErrorFromInputTableContainer(ticketContent);
+ }
+ function removeErrorFromInputTableContainer(ticketContent) {
+ ticketContent.querySelectorAll('.mp-input-table-label').forEach((item) => {
+ item.addEventListener('click', () => {
+ CheckoutTicketPage.setDisplayOfError('fcInputTableContainer', 'remove', 'mp-error', 'ticketContent');
+ CheckoutTicketPage.setDisplayOfInputHelper('mp-payment-method', 'none', 'ticketContent');
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ // Process when submit the checkout form
+ $('form.checkout').on('checkout_place_order_woo-mercado-pago-ticket', function () {
+ return mercadoPagoFormHandlerTicket();
+ });
+ // If payment fail, retry on next checkout page
+ $('form#order_review').submit(function () {
+ return mercadoPagoFormHandlerTicket();
+ });
+ // Remove Block Overlay from Order Review page
+ function removeBlockOverlay() {
+ if ($('form#order_review').length > 0) {
+ $('.blockOverlay').css('display', 'none');
+ }
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/assets/js/checkouts/ticket/mp-ticket-checkout.min.js b/assets/js/checkouts/ticket/mp-ticket-checkout.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f0383de89
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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+/* globals CheckoutTicketElements */
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+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+BIN_DIR=$(cd -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &>/dev/null && pwd)
+shopt -s extglob
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+cd $TMP_DIR/packages/sdk && composer install --no-dev && composer dump-autoload -o && rm composer.*
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Error copying files"
+ exit 1
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
+ echo "Usage: $0 "
+ exit 1
+if [[ ! -d "$SUBMODULE_DIRECTORY" ]]; then
+ echo "Error: Submodule directory '$SUBMODULE_DIRECTORY' not found."
+ exit 1
+if [[ ! -e "$SUBMODULE_DIRECTORY/.git" ]]; then
+ echo "Error: '$SUBMODULE_DIRECTORY' is not a Git submodule."
+ exit 1
+git submodule deinit -f "$SUBMODULE_DIRECTORY"
+git submodule sync --recursive -- "$SUBMODULE_DIRECTORY"
+git submodule update --init --recursive --reference "$TAG_NAME" -- "$SUBMODULE_DIRECTORY" || true
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\ No newline at end of file
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- "name": "Arne Blankerts",
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- "role": "Developer"
- },
- {
- "name": "Sebastian Heuer",
- "email": "sebastian@phpeople.de",
- "role": "Developer"
- },
- {
- "name": "Sebastian Bergmann",
- "email": "sebastian@phpunit.de",
- "role": "Developer"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Component for reading phar.io manifest information from a PHP Archive (PHAR)",
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- "issues": "https://github.com/phar-io/manifest/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/phar-io/manifest/tree/master"
- },
- "time": "2018-07-08T19:23:20+00:00"
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- "url": "https://github.com/phar-io/version.git",
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- "name": "Arne Blankerts",
- "email": "arne@blankerts.de",
- "role": "Developer"
- },
- {
- "name": "Sebastian Heuer",
- "email": "sebastian@phpeople.de",
- "role": "Developer"
- },
- {
- "name": "Sebastian Bergmann",
- "email": "sebastian@phpunit.de",
- "role": "Developer"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Library for handling version information and constraints",
- "support": {
- "issues": "https://github.com/phar-io/version/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/phar-io/version/tree/master"
- },
- "time": "2018-07-08T19:19:57+00:00"
- },
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- "name": "php-stubs/wordpress-globals",
- "version": "v0.2.0",
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- "url": "https://github.com/php-stubs/wordpress-globals.git",
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- "suggest": {
- "php-stubs/wordpress-stubs": "Up-to-date WordPress function and class declaration stubs",
- "szepeviktor/phpstan-wordpress": "WordPress extensions for PHPStan"
- },
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- "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
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- "MIT"
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- "description": "Global variables and global constants from WordPress core.",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/php-stubs/wordpress-globals",
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- "globals",
- "static analysis",
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- "source": "https://github.com/php-stubs/wordpress-globals/tree/master"
- },
- "time": "2020-01-13T06:12:59+00:00"
- },
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- "url": "https://github.com/PHPCompatibility/PHPCompatibility.git",
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- "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^2.3 || ^3.0.2"
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- "conflict": {
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- },
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- "suggest": {
- "dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer": "^0.5 || This Composer plugin will sort out the PHPCS 'installed_paths' automatically.",
- "roave/security-advisories": "dev-master || Helps prevent installing dependencies with known security issues."
- },
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- "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
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- "LGPL-3.0-or-later"
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- "name": "Wim Godden",
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- "role": "lead"
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- {
- "name": "Juliette Reinders Folmer",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/jrfnl",
- "role": "lead"
- },
- {
- "name": "Contributors",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/PHPCompatibility/PHPCompatibility/graphs/contributors"
- }
- ],
- "description": "A set of sniffs for PHP_CodeSniffer that checks for PHP cross-version compatibility.",
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- "standards"
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- "issues": "https://github.com/PHPCompatibility/PHPCompatibility/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/PHPCompatibility/PHPCompatibility"
- },
- "time": "2019-12-27T09:44:58+00:00"
- },
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- "version": "1.3.2",
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- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/PHPCompatibility/PHPCompatibilityParagonie.git",
- "reference": "bba5a9dfec7fcfbd679cfaf611d86b4d3759da26"
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- },
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- "paragonie/sodium_compat": "dev-master"
- },
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- "dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer": "^0.7 || This Composer plugin will sort out the PHP_CodeSniffer 'installed_paths' automatically.",
- "roave/security-advisories": "dev-master || Helps prevent installing dependencies with known security issues."
- },
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- "LGPL-3.0-or-later"
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- {
- "name": "Wim Godden",
- "role": "lead"
- },
- {
- "name": "Juliette Reinders Folmer",
- "role": "lead"
- }
- ],
- "description": "A set of rulesets for PHP_CodeSniffer to check for PHP cross-version compatibility issues in projects, while accounting for polyfills provided by the Paragonie polyfill libraries.",
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- "static analysis"
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- "source": "https://github.com/PHPCompatibility/PHPCompatibilityParagonie"
- },
- "time": "2022-10-25T01:46:02+00:00"
- },
- {
- "name": "phpcompatibility/phpcompatibility-wp",
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- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/PHPCompatibility/PHPCompatibilityWP.git",
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- },
- "suggest": {
- "dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer": "^0.7 || This Composer plugin will sort out the PHP_CodeSniffer 'installed_paths' automatically.",
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- "license": [
- "LGPL-3.0-or-later"
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- "name": "Wim Godden",
- "role": "lead"
- },
- {
- "name": "Juliette Reinders Folmer",
- "role": "lead"
- }
- ],
- "description": "A ruleset for PHP_CodeSniffer to check for PHP cross-version compatibility issues in projects, while accounting for polyfills provided by WordPress.",
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- "phpcs",
- "standards",
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- "source": "https://github.com/PHPCompatibility/PHPCompatibilityWP"
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- "time": "2022-10-24T09:00:36+00:00"
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- }
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- "authors": [
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- "name": "Jaap van Otterdijk",
- "email": "opensource@ijaap.nl"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Common reflection classes used by phpdocumentor to reflect the code structure",
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- "reflection",
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- "issues": "https://github.com/phpDocumentor/ReflectionCommon/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/phpDocumentor/ReflectionCommon/tree/2.x"
- },
- "time": "2020-06-27T09:03:43+00:00"
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- "url": "https://github.com/phpDocumentor/ReflectionDocBlock.git",
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- "phpdocumentor/type-resolver": "^1.3",
- "webmozart/assert": "^1.9.1"
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- "psalm/phar": "^4.8"
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- "name": "Mike van Riel",
- "email": "me@mikevanriel.com"
- },
- {
- "name": "Jaap van Otterdijk",
- "email": "account@ijaap.nl"
- }
- ],
- "description": "With this component, a library can provide support for annotations via DocBlocks or otherwise retrieve information that is embedded in a DocBlock.",
- "support": {
- "issues": "https://github.com/phpDocumentor/ReflectionDocBlock/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/phpDocumentor/ReflectionDocBlock/tree/5.3.0"
- },
- "time": "2021-10-19T17:43:47+00:00"
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- "name": "phpdocumentor/type-resolver",
- "version": "1.6.2",
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- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/phpDocumentor/TypeResolver.git",
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- "phpstan/phpstan-phpunit": "^1.1",
- "phpunit/phpunit": "^9.5",
- "rector/rector": "^0.13.9",
- "vimeo/psalm": "^4.25"
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- "MIT"
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- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "Mike van Riel",
- "email": "me@mikevanriel.com"
- }
- ],
- "description": "A PSR-5 based resolver of Class names, Types and Structural Element Names",
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- "issues": "https://github.com/phpDocumentor/TypeResolver/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/phpDocumentor/TypeResolver/tree/1.6.2"
- },
- "time": "2022-10-14T12:47:21+00:00"
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- "url": "https://github.com/phpspec/prophecy.git",
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- "sebastian/comparator": "^3.0 || ^4.0",
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- }
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- }
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- "MIT"
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- "name": "Konstantin Kudryashov",
- "email": "ever.zet@gmail.com",
- "homepage": "http://everzet.com"
- },
- {
- "name": "Marcello Duarte",
- "email": "marcello.duarte@gmail.com"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Highly opinionated mocking framework for PHP 5.3+",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/phpspec/prophecy",
- "keywords": [
- "Double",
- "Dummy",
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- "mock",
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- "stub"
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- "source": "https://github.com/phpspec/prophecy/tree/v1.16.0"
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- "time": "2022-11-29T15:06:56+00:00"
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- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/php-code-coverage.git",
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- "ext-xmlwriter": "*",
- "php": "^7.1",
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- "phpunit/php-text-template": "^1.2.1",
- "phpunit/php-token-stream": "^3.0",
- "sebastian/code-unit-reverse-lookup": "^1.0.1",
- "sebastian/environment": "^3.1 || ^4.0",
- "sebastian/version": "^2.0.1",
- "theseer/tokenizer": "^1.1"
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- "BSD-3-Clause"
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- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "Sebastian Bergmann",
- "email": "sebastian@phpunit.de",
- "role": "lead"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Library that provides collection, processing, and rendering functionality for PHP code coverage information.",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/php-code-coverage",
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- "testing",
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- "issues": "https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/php-code-coverage/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/php-code-coverage/tree/master"
- },
- "time": "2018-10-31T16:06:48+00:00"
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- "name": "phpunit/php-file-iterator",
- "version": "2.0.5",
- "source": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/php-file-iterator.git",
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- "BSD-3-Clause"
- ],
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- {
- "name": "Sebastian Bergmann",
- "email": "sebastian@phpunit.de",
- "role": "lead"
- }
- ],
- "description": "FilterIterator implementation that filters files based on a list of suffixes.",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/php-file-iterator/",
- "keywords": [
- "filesystem",
- "iterator"
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- "issues": "https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/php-file-iterator/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/php-file-iterator/tree/2.0.5"
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- }
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- "name": "Sebastian Bergmann",
- "email": "sebastian@phpunit.de"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Allows reflection of object attributes, including inherited and non-public ones",
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- "support": {
- "issues": "https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/object-reflector/issues",
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- "name": "Sebastian Bergmann",
- "email": "sebastian@phpunit.de"
- },
- {
- "name": "Jeff Welch",
- "email": "whatthejeff@gmail.com"
- },
- {
- "name": "Adam Harvey",
- "email": "aharvey@php.net"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Provides functionality to recursively process PHP variables",
- "homepage": "http://www.github.com/sebastianbergmann/recursion-context",
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- "issues": "https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/recursion-context/issues",
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- ],
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- {
- "name": "Sebastian Bergmann",
- "email": "sebastian@phpunit.de"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Provides a list of PHP built-in functions that operate on resources",
- "homepage": "https://www.github.com/sebastianbergmann/resource-operations",
- "support": {
- "issues": "https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/resource-operations/issues",
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- },
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- "time": "2020-11-30T07:30:19+00:00"
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- "url": "https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/version.git",
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- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "Sebastian Bergmann",
- "email": "sebastian@phpunit.de",
- "role": "lead"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Library that helps with managing the version number of Git-hosted PHP projects",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/version",
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- "source": "https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/version/tree/master"
- },
- "time": "2016-10-03T07:35:21+00:00"
- },
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"authors": [
"name": "Greg Sherwood",
- "role": "lead"
- }
- ],
- "description": "PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards.",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer",
- "keywords": [
- "phpcs",
- "standards"
- ],
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- "wiki": "https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/wiki"
- },
- "time": "2022-06-18T07:21:10+00:00"
- },
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- "name": "theseer/tokenizer",
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- },
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- ],
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- "name": "Arne Blankerts",
- "email": "arne@blankerts.de",
- "role": "Developer"
- }
- ],
- "description": "A small library for converting tokenized PHP source code into XML and potentially other formats",
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- "issues": "https://github.com/theseer/tokenizer/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/theseer/tokenizer/tree/1.2.1"
- },
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- "time": "2021-07-28T10:34:58+00:00"
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- },
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- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "Bernhard Schussek",
- "email": "bschussek@gmail.com"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Assertions to validate method input/output with nice error messages.",
- "keywords": [
- "assert",
- "check",
- "validate"
- ],
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- },
- "time": "2022-06-03T18:03:27+00:00"
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- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-sniffs.git",
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- "phpcompatibility/phpcompatibility-wp": "^2.1.0",
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- "license": [
- "MIT"
- ],
- "authors": [
+ "role": "Former lead"
+ },
- "name": "Claudio Sanches",
- "email": "claudio@automattic.com"
- }
- ],
- "description": "WooCommerce sniffs",
- "keywords": [
- "phpcs",
- "standards",
- "woocommerce",
- "wordpress"
- ],
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- "issues": "https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-sniffs/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-sniffs/tree/0.1.3"
- },
- "time": "2022-02-17T15:34:51+00:00"
- },
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- "name": "wp-coding-standards/wpcs",
- "version": "2.3.0",
- "source": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress-Coding-Standards.git",
- "reference": "7da1894633f168fe244afc6de00d141f27517b62"
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- "reference": "7da1894633f168fe244afc6de00d141f27517b62",
- "shasum": ""
- },
- "require": {
- "php": ">=5.4",
- "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.3.1"
- },
- "require-dev": {
- "dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer": "^0.5 || ^0.6",
- "phpcompatibility/php-compatibility": "^9.0",
- "phpcsstandards/phpcsdevtools": "^1.0",
- "phpunit/phpunit": "^4.0 || ^5.0 || ^6.0 || ^7.0"
- },
- "suggest": {
- "dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer": "^0.6 || This Composer plugin will sort out the PHPCS 'installed_paths' automatically."
- },
- "type": "phpcodesniffer-standard",
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- "license": [
- "MIT"
- ],
- "authors": [
+ "name": "Juliette Reinders Folmer",
+ "role": "Current lead"
+ },
"name": "Contributors",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress-Coding-Standards/graphs/contributors"
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/PHPCSStandards/PHP_CodeSniffer/graphs/contributors"
- "description": "PHP_CodeSniffer rules (sniffs) to enforce WordPress coding conventions",
+ "description": "PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards.",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/PHPCSStandards/PHP_CodeSniffer",
"keywords": [
- "wordpress"
+ "static analysis"
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- "issues": "https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress-Coding-Standards/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress-Coding-Standards",
- "wiki": "https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress-Coding-Standards/wiki"
- },
- "time": "2020-05-13T23:57:56+00:00"
- },
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- "source": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/Yoast/PHPUnit-Polyfills.git",
- "reference": "3c621ff5429d2b1ff96dc5808ad6cde99d31ea4c"
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- "php": ">=5.4",
- "phpunit/phpunit": "^4.8.36 || ^5.7.21 || ^6.0 || ^7.0 || ^8.0 || ^9.0"
- },
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- "files": [
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- ]
- },
- "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
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- "BSD-3-Clause"
- ],
- "authors": [
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+ {
+ "url": "https://github.com/PHPCSStandards",
+ "type": "github"
+ },
- "name": "Team Yoast",
- "email": "support@yoast.com",
- "homepage": "https://yoast.com"
+ "url": "https://github.com/jrfnl",
+ "type": "github"
- "name": "Contributors",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/Yoast/PHPUnit-Polyfills/graphs/contributors"
+ "url": "https://opencollective.com/php_codesniffer",
+ "type": "open_collective"
- "description": "Set of polyfills for changed PHPUnit functionality to allow for creating PHPUnit cross-version compatible tests",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/Yoast/PHPUnit-Polyfills",
- "keywords": [
- "phpunit",
- "polyfill",
- "testing"
- ],
- "support": {
- "issues": "https://github.com/Yoast/PHPUnit-Polyfills/issues",
- "source": "https://github.com/Yoast/PHPUnit-Polyfills"
- },
- "time": "2022-11-16T09:07:52+00:00"
+ "time": "2023-12-08T12:32:31+00:00"
"aliases": [],
@@ -2181,9 +94,8 @@
"prefer-stable": false,
"prefer-lowest": false,
"platform": {
- "ext-curl": "*",
- "ext-json": "*"
+ "php": ">=7.2"
"platform-dev": [],
- "plugin-api-version": "2.2.0"
+ "plugin-api-version": "2.3.0"
diff --git a/i18n/index.php b/i18n/index.php
index 891711d6d..da8f1da45 100644
--- a/i18n/index.php
+++ b/i18n/index.php
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
Attention: The currency settings you have in WooCommerce are not "
-"compatible with the currency you use in your Mercado Pago account. Please "
-"activate the currency conversion."
-msgstr ""
-"Atención: La configuración de moneda que tienes en WooCommerce no es "
-"compatible con la moneda que usas en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago. Activa la "
-"conversión de moneda."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:464,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:173
+msgid "Install WooCommerce"
+msgstr "Instalar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-configs.php:125
-msgid ""
-"Update your credentials with the Access Token and Public Key, you need them "
-"to continue receiving payments!"
-msgstr ""
-"Actualice sus credenciales con el Access Token y la Public Key, ¡los "
-"necesita para continuar recibiendo pagos!"
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:465,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:174
+msgid "See WooCommerce"
+msgstr "Ver WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-configs.php:134
-msgid ""
-"The store should have HTTPS in order to activate both Checkout Personalizado "
-"and Ticket Checkout."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:467,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:163
+msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs an active version of %s in order to work!"
msgstr ""
-"La tienda debe tener HTTPS para activar el Checkout Personalizado y el "
-"Ticket Checkout."
+"¡El módulo de Mercado Pago necesita una versión de %s activa para funcionar!"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:52
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:169
msgid ""
-"Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce requires PHP version 5.6 or later. "
+"Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce requires PHP version 7.4 or later. "
"Please update your PHP version."
msgstr ""
-"El plugin de Mercado Pago requiere la versión de PHP 5.6 o posterior. Por "
+"El plugin de Mercado Pago requiere la versión de PHP 7.4 o posterior. Por "
"favor actualice su versión de PHP."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:61
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:170
msgid "Mercado Pago Error: PHP Extension CURL is not installed."
msgstr "Error en Mercado Pago: La extensión cURL de PHP no está instalada."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:70
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:171
msgid ""
"Mercado Pago Error: PHP Extension GD is not installed. Installation of GD "
"extension is required to send QR Code Pix by email."
@@ -88,493 +57,962 @@ msgstr ""
"necesaria la instalación de la extensión GD para enviar el QR Code Pix por "
"correo electrónico."
-#. translators: %s link to WooCommerce
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:82
-msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs an active version of %s in order to work!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:175
+msgid ""
+"Please note that to receive payments via Pix at our checkout, you must have "
+"a Pix key registered in your Mercado Pago account."
msgstr ""
-"¡El módulo de Mercado Pago necesita una versión de %s activa para funcionar!"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:95
-msgid "Cancel order"
-msgstr "Cancelar orden"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:177
-msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs the SDK package to work!"
-msgstr "¡El módulo de Mercado Pago necesita el SDK para funcionar!"
+"Ten en cuenta que para recibir pagos a través de Pix en nuestro checkout, "
+"debes tener una clave Pix registrada en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:368
-msgid "The payment method is not valid or not available."
-msgstr "El medio de pago no es válido o no está disponible."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:176
+msgid "Register your Pix key at Mercado Pago."
+msgstr "Registra tu clave Pix en Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:371
-msgid "The transaction amount cannot be processed by Mercado Pago."
-msgstr "El monto de transacción no puede ser procesado por Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:177
+msgid "%s, help us improve the experience we offer"
+msgstr "%s, ayúdanos a mejorar nuestra experiencia"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:371
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:178
msgid ""
-"Possible causes: Currency not supported; Amounts below the minimum or above "
-"the maximum allowed."
+"Share your opinion with us so that we improve our product and offer the best "
+"payment solution."
msgstr ""
-"Posibles causas: Moneda no soportada; Montos por debajo del mínimo o por "
-"encima del máximo permitido."
+"Comparte tu opinión con nosotros para poder mejorar nuestro producto y "
+"ofrecerte la mejor solución de pagos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:179
+msgid "Rate the plugin"
+msgstr "Valorar el plugin"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:374
-msgid "The users are not valid."
-msgstr "Los usuários no son válidos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:180
+msgid "Enable payments via Mercado Pago account"
+msgstr "Pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:374
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:181
msgid ""
-"Possible causes: Buyer and seller have the same account in Mercado Pago; The "
-"transaction involving production and test users."
+"When you enable this function, your customers pay faster using their Mercado "
+"Pago accounts.The approval rate of these payments in your store can be "
+"25% higher compared to other payment methods."
msgstr ""
-"Posibles causas: Comprador y vendedor tienen la misma cuenta en Mercado "
-"Pago; La transacción involucrando usuários de producción y de prueba."
+"Con esta función activa, tus clientes pagan más rápido usando su cuenta de "
+"Mercado Pago.La tasa de aprobación de estos pagos en tu tienda puede "
+"ser un 25% mayor en comparación con otros medios de pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:377
-msgid "Unauthorized use of production credentials."
-msgstr "Uso no autorizado de credenciales de producción."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:182
+msgid "Activate"
+msgstr "Activar"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:377
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:183
msgid ""
-"Possible causes: Use permission in use for the credential of the seller."
+"Our plugin does not support the language you've chosen, so we've switched it "
+"to the English default. If you prefer, you can also select Spanish or "
+"Portuguese (Brazilian)."
msgstr ""
-"Posibles causas: Pendencia de permiso de uso en producción para la "
-"credencial del vendedor."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:503
-msgid "Colombia"
-msgstr "Colombia"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:505
-msgid "Argentina"
-msgstr "Argentina"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:507
-msgid "Brazil"
-msgstr "Brasil"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:509
-msgid "Chile"
-msgstr "Chile"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:511
-msgid "Mexico"
-msgstr "México"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:513
-msgid "Uruguay"
-msgstr "Uruguay"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:515
-msgid "Venezuela"
-msgstr "Venezuela"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:184
+msgid "You activated Mercado Pago’s plug-in"
+msgstr "Activaste el plugin de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:517
-msgid "Peru"
-msgstr "Peru"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:551
-msgid "Update the WooCommerce order to "
-msgstr "Actualizar la orden de WooCommerce para "
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:821,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:583
-msgid "Fill in your credentials to enable payment methods."
-msgstr "Completa tus credenciales para habilitar los medios de pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:185
+msgid ""
+"Follow the instructions below to integrate your store with Mercado Pago and "
+"start to sell."
+msgstr ""
+"Sigue las instrucciones de abajo para integrar tu tienda con Mercado Pago y "
+"empezar a vender."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:837
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:197
msgid "Set plugin"
msgstr "Configurar plugin"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:838,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:293
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:198,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:738,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:798
msgid "Payment methods"
msgstr "Medios de pagos"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:839,
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:220
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:199
msgid "Plugin manual"
msgstr "Manual del plugin"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:938
-msgid "By Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Por Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-core.php:109,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:171,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:140,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:189,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:167
-msgid "Buyer email"
-msgstr "Email del comprador"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:211
+msgid "Cancel order"
+msgstr "Cancelar orden"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:35
-msgid "No ID or TOPIC param in Request IPN"
-msgstr "No hay ID o parámetro de ASUNTO la solicitud de IPN"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:212
+msgid "Mercado Pago commission:"
+msgstr "Comisión de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:39
-msgid ""
-"Discarded notification. This notification is already processed as webhook-"
-msgstr ""
-"Notificación ignorada. Esta notificación se procesa como webhook-payment."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:213
+msgid "Represents the commission configured on plugin settings."
+msgstr "Representa la comisión configurada en la configuración del plugin."
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:54
-msgid "IPN merchant_order not found"
-msgstr "No se ha encontrado la IPN de `merchant_order`"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:214
+msgid "Mercado Pago discount:"
+msgstr "Descuento de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:60
-msgid "Not found Payments into Merchant_Order"
-msgstr "No se han encontrado pagos en Merchant_Order"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:215
+msgid "Represents the discount configured on plugin settings."
+msgstr "Representa el descuento configurado en la configuración del plugin."
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:174,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:143,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:192,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:170
-msgid "Payment type"
-msgstr "Tipo de método de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:216
+msgid "Represents the installment fee charged by Mercado Pago."
+msgstr "Representa la comisión a plazos cobrada por Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:177,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:146,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:195,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:173
-msgid "Payment method"
-msgstr "Método de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:217
+msgid "Mercado Pago Installment Fee:"
+msgstr "Cuota de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:39
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:218
msgid ""
-"Please enter your email address at the billing address to use this service"
+"Represents the total purchase plus the installment fee charged by Mercado "
msgstr ""
-"Por favor, introduzca su email en la dirección de facturación para utilizar "
-"este servicio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:41,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:42,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:277
-msgid "Checkout Pro"
-msgstr "Checkout Pro"
+"Representa el total de la compra más la comisión de fraccionamiento cobrada "
+"por Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:43
-msgid "Debit, Credit and invoice in Mercado Pago environment"
-msgstr "Débito, crédito y efectivo, en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:219
+msgid "Mercado Pago Total:"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago Total:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:51
-msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
-msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:232
+msgid "Accept"
+msgstr "Acepta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:53
-msgid "Your saved cards or money in Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Compras con tarjetas guardadas o saldo en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:233
+msgid "payments"
+msgstr "pagos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:164
-msgid "Maximum number of installments"
-msgstr "Máximo de cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:234
+msgid "safely"
+msgstr "de forma"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:166
-msgid "What is the maximum quota with which a customer can buy?"
-msgstr "¿Cuál es el máximo de cuotas con las que un cliente puede comprar?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:235
+msgid "with"
+msgstr "segura con"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:169
-msgid "1 installment"
-msgstr "1 cuota"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:236
+msgid "Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:170
-msgid "2 installments"
-msgstr "2 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:241
+msgid "Choose"
+msgstr "Elige"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:171
-msgid "3 installments"
-msgstr "3 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:242
+msgid "when you want to receive the money"
+msgstr "cuándo quieres recibir el dinero"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:172
-msgid "4 installments"
-msgstr "4 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:243
+msgid "from your sales and if you want to offer"
+msgstr "de las ventas y si quieres ofrecer"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:173
-msgid "5 installments"
-msgstr "5 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:244
+msgid "interest-free installments"
+msgstr "cuotas sin interés"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:174
-msgid "6 installments"
-msgstr "6 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:245
+msgid "to your clients."
+msgstr "a los clientes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:175
-msgid "10 installments"
-msgstr "10 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:251
+msgid "SSL"
+msgstr "SSL"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:176
-msgid "12 installments"
-msgstr "12 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:252
+msgid "Curl"
+msgstr "Curl"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:177
-msgid "15 installments"
-msgstr "15 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:253
+msgid "GD Extensions"
+msgstr "Extensiones GD"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:178
-msgid "18 installments"
-msgstr "18 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:255
+msgid "Technical requirements"
+msgstr "Requisitos técnicos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:179
-msgid "24 installments"
-msgstr "24 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:256
+msgid "Collections and installments"
+msgstr "Cobros y cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:256,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:153,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:915,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:203,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:197
-msgid "Enable the checkout"
-msgstr "Activar el checkout"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:257
+msgid "More information"
+msgstr "Más información"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:257
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:258
msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all payments from Mercado Pago Checkout at "
-"Mercado Pago website by redirect."
+"Implementation responsible for transmitting data to Mercado Pago in a secure "
+"and encrypted way."
msgstr ""
-"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago del checkout en el "
-"sitio web de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:261,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:920
-msgid "The checkout is enabled."
-msgstr "El checkout está activo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:262,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:921
-msgid "The checkout is disabled."
-msgstr "El checkout está inactivo."
+"Implementación responsable de transmitir los datos a Mercado Pago de forma "
+"segura y encriptada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:281
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:259
msgid ""
-"With Checkout Pro you sell with all the safety inside Mercado Pago "
+"It is an extension responsible for making payments via requests from the "
+"plugin to Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Pro, podrás vender con toda la seguridad, dentro de Mercado "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:298,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:269
-msgid "Advanced settings"
-msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:311
-msgid "Payment experience"
-msgstr "Experiencia de pago"
+"Es una extensión encargada de realizar los pagos a través de requests del "
+"plugin a Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:313
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:260
msgid ""
-"Define what payment experience your customers will have, whether inside or "
-"outside your store."
+"These extensions are responsible for the implementation and operation of Pix "
+"in your store."
msgstr ""
-"Define qué experiencia de pago tendrán tus clientes, si dentro o fuera de tu "
+"Extensiones responsables de la aplicación y el funcionamiento de Pix en su "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:316
-msgid "Redirect"
-msgstr "Redirect"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:262
+msgid "Check our documentation to learn more about integrating our plug-in."
+msgstr ""
+"Revisa nuestras documentaciones para saber más sobre la integración de "
+"nuestro plugin."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:317
-msgid "Modal"
-msgstr "Modal"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:263
+msgid "Set deadlines and fees"
+msgstr "Ajustar plazos y tasas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:333
-msgid ""
-"Choose the URL that we will show your customers when they finish their "
-msgstr "Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando terminen su compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:264
+msgid "Go to documentation"
+msgstr "Ir a la documentación"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:331,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:351,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:372
-msgid "This seems to be an invalid URL."
-msgstr "Esto parece ser una URL no válida."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:277
+msgid "Public Key"
+msgstr "Public Key"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:336
-msgid "Success URL"
-msgstr "URL de éxito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:278
+msgid "Access Token"
+msgstr "Access Token"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:353
-msgid ""
-"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when we refuse their "
-"purchase. Make sure it includes a message appropriate to the situation and "
-"give them useful information so they can solve it."
-msgstr ""
-"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando rechacemos su compra. "
-"Asegúrate de incluir un mensaje adecuado a la situación y dales información "
-"útil para que puedan solucionarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:279
+msgid "1. Enter your credentials to integrate your store with Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "1. Ingresa tus credenciales para integrar tu tienda con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:356
-msgid "Payment URL rejected"
-msgstr "URL de pago rechazado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:280
+msgid "Production credentials"
+msgstr "Credenciales de producción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:281
+msgid "Test credentials"
+msgstr "Credenciales de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:374
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:282
+msgid "To start selling, "
+msgstr "Para empezar a vender, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:283
msgid ""
-"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when they have a payment "
-"pending approval."
+"in the fields below. If you don’t have credentials yet, you’ll have to "
+"create them from this link."
msgstr ""
-"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando tengan un pago pendiente "
-"de aprobación."
+"en los campos de abajo. Si todavía no tienes credenciales, deberás crearlas "
+"en ese mismo enlace."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:377
-msgid "Payment URL pending"
-msgstr "URL de pago pendiente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:284
+msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts for test purchases in the store."
+msgstr ""
+"Habilita a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para pruebas de compras en la "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:391
-msgid "Enable the payment methods available to your clients."
-msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles para tus clientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:285
+msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts to receive real payments in the store."
+msgstr ""
+"Habilita a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para recibir pagos reales en tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:392
-msgid "Choose the payment methods you accept in your store"
-msgstr "Elige los medios de pago que se aceptan en la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:286
+msgid "Paste your Public Key here"
+msgstr "Pega aquí tu Public Key"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:396
-msgid "Credit Cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:287
+msgid "Paste your Access Token here"
+msgstr "Pega aquí tu Access Token"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:400
-msgid "Debit Cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:288,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:342
+msgid "Save and continue"
+msgstr "Guardar y continuar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:404
-msgid "Other Payment Methods"
-msgstr "Otros medios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:289
+msgid ""
+"You have to enter your production credentials to start selling with Mercado "
+msgstr ""
+"Debes ingresar tus credenciales de producción para empezar a vender con "
+"Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:454
-msgid "Return to the store"
-msgstr "Volver a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:290
+msgid "Enter credentials"
+msgstr "Introducir credenciales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:455
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:291
+msgid "Activate your credentials to be able to sell"
+msgstr "Activa tus credenciales para poder vender"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:292
msgid ""
-"Do you want your customer to automatically return to the store after payment?"
+"Credentials are codes that you must enter to enable sales. Go below on "
+"Activate Credentials. On the next screen, use again the Activate Credentials "
+"button and fill in the fields with the requested information."
msgstr ""
-"¿Quieres que tu cliente vuelva automáticamente a la tienda después del pago?"
+"Las credenciales son códigos que debes ingresar para habilitar las ventas. "
+"Vaya más abajo en Activar credenciales. En la siguiente pantalla, utilice "
+"nuevamente el botón Activar Credenciales y complete los campos con la "
+"información solicitada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:459
-msgid "The buyer will be automatically redirected to the store."
-msgstr "El comprador será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:293
+msgid "Activate credentials"
+msgstr "Activar credenciales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:460
-msgid "The buyer will not be automatically redirected to the store."
-msgstr "El comprador no será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:294
+msgid "copy and paste your production credentials "
+msgstr "copia y pega tus credenciales de producción "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:485
-msgid "Available payment methods"
-msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:307
+msgid "Add the URL to receive payments notifications."
+msgstr "Ingresa la URL para recibir notificaciones de pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:535,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:521,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:426,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:411,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:698,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:418,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:404,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:434,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:419,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:174,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:172
-msgid "discount of"
-msgstr "descuento de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:308
+msgid "Find out more information in the"
+msgstr "Consulta más información en los"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:541,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:527,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:432,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:417,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:704,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:691,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:424,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:410,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:440,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:425,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:176
-msgid "fee of"
-msgstr "comisión de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:310
+msgid "guides"
+msgstr "manuales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:641,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:667,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:719
-msgid "Easy login"
-msgstr "Ingresa con facilidad"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:315
+msgid ""
+"If you are a Mercado Pago Certified Partner, make sure to add your "
+msgstr ""
+"Si eres Partner certificado de Mercado Pago, recuerda ingresar tu "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:642,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:668,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:720
-msgid "Log in with the same email and password you use in Mercado Libre."
-msgstr "Inicia sesión con tu mismo e-mail y contraseña de Mercado Libre."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:316
+msgid "If you do not have the code, please"
+msgstr "Si no tienes el código,"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:649,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:675,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:693,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:727
-msgid "Quick payments"
-msgstr "Paga rápido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:318
+msgid "request it now"
+msgstr "solicítalo ahora"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:650
-msgid "Use your saved cards, Pix or available balance."
-msgstr "Usa tus tarjetas guardadas, Pix o saldo disponible."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:322
+msgid "2. Customize your business’ information"
+msgstr "2. Personaliza la información de tu negocio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:657,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:683
-msgid "Protected purchases"
-msgstr "Protege tu compra"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:323
+msgid "Your store information"
+msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:658,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:684
-msgid "Get your money back in case you don't receive your product."
-msgstr "Recupera tu dinero si no recibes el producto."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:324
+msgid "Advanced integration options (optional)"
+msgstr "Opciones avanzadas de integración (opcional)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:676
-msgid "Use your available Mercado Pago Wallet balance or saved cards."
-msgstr "Usa tu saldo disponible en Mercado Pago Wallet o tarjetas guardadas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:325
+msgid "Debug and Log Mode"
+msgstr "Modo debug y log"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:694,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:728
-msgid "Use your available money or saved cards."
-msgstr "Usa tu dinero disponible o tarjetas guardadas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:326
+msgid ""
+"Fill out the following details to have a better experience and offer your "
+"customers more information."
+msgstr ""
+"Completa los siguientes datos para tener una mejor experiencia y ofrecerle "
+"más información a tus clientes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:701,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:735
-msgid "Installments option"
-msgstr "Accede a cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:327
+msgid "Name of your store in your client's invoice"
+msgstr "Nombre de tu tienda en la factura de los clientes"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:702
-msgid "Pay with or without a credit card."
-msgstr "Paga con o sin tarjeta de crédito."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:328
+msgid "Identification in Activities of Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Identificación en Actividad de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:709
-msgid "Reliable purchases"
-msgstr "Compra con confianza"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:329
+msgid ""
+"For further integration of your store with Mercado Pago (IPN, Certified "
+"Partners, Debug Mode)"
+msgstr ""
+"Para mayor integración de tu tienda con Mercado Pago (IPN, Socios "
+"Certificados, Modo Debug)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:710
-msgid "Get help if you have a problem with your purchase."
-msgstr "Recibe ayuda si tienes algún problema con tu compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:330
+msgid "Store category"
+msgstr "Categoría de la tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:736
-msgid "Interest-free installments with selected banks."
-msgstr "Cuotas sin interés con bancos seleccionados."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:331
+msgid "URL for IPN"
+msgstr "URL para IPN"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:332
+msgid "Integrator ID"
+msgstr "Integrator ID"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:333
+msgid "We record your store's actions in order to provide a better assistance."
+msgstr "Grabamos las aciones de tu tienda para brindar un mejor soporte."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:334
+msgid "Ex: Mary's Store"
+msgstr "Ej.: Tienda de María"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:335
+msgid "Ex: Mary Store"
+msgstr "Ej.: TiendaMaría"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:336,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1253
+msgid "Select"
+msgstr "Seleccionar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:337
+msgid "Ex: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+msgstr "Ej.: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:338
+msgid "Add plugin default params"
+msgstr "Agregar parámetros default del plugin"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:339
+msgid "Ex: 14987126498"
+msgstr "Ej.: 14987126498"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:340
+msgid "Show advanced options"
+msgstr "Ver opciones avanzadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:341
+msgid "Hide advanced options"
+msgstr "Esconder opciones avanzadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:343
+msgid ""
+"If this field is empty, the purchase will be identified as Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Si el campo queda vacío, la compra del cliente se identificará como Mercado "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:344
+msgid "In Activities, you will view this term before the order number"
+msgstr "En Actividad, verás el término ingresado antes del número o del pedido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:345
+msgid ""
+"Select \"Other categories\" if you do not find the appropriate category."
+msgstr "Seleciona ”Other categories” si no encuentras una categoría adecuada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:346
+msgid "request it now."
+msgstr "solicítalo ahora."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:360
+msgid "3. Activate and set up payment methods"
+msgstr "3. Activa y configura los medios de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:361
+msgid ""
+"Select the payment method you want to appear in your store to activate and "
+"set it up."
+msgstr ""
+"Selecciona el medio de pago que quieres que aparezca en tu tienda para "
+"activarlo y configurarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:362
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Configurar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:363
+msgid "Continue"
+msgstr "Continuar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:364
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Activado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:365
+msgid "Disabled"
+msgstr "Inactivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:366
+msgid "Configure your credentials to enable Mercado Pago payment methods."
+msgstr ""
+"Completa tus credenciales para habilitar los medios de pago Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:379,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:385
+msgid "The checkout is"
+msgstr "El checkout está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:380,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:392,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:508,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:520,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:532,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:599,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:611,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:623,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:700,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:762,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:822,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:834
+msgid "enabled"
+msgstr "activo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:386,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:398,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:514,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:526,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:538,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:605,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:617,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:629,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:706,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:768,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:828,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:840
+msgid "disabled"
+msgstr "inactivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:391,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:397,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:519,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:525,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:610,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:616,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:699,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:705,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:761,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:767,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:833,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:839
+msgid "Currency conversion is"
+msgstr "Conversión de moneda está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:403,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:409
+msgid "The buyer"
+msgstr "El comprador"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:404
+msgid "will be automatically redirected to the store"
+msgstr "será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:410
+msgid "will not be automatically redirected to the store"
+msgstr "no será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:416,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:422,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:634,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:640
+msgid "Pending payments"
+msgstr "Los pagos pendientes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:417,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:635
+msgid "will be automatically declined"
+msgstr "se rechazarán automaticamente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:423,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:641
+msgid "will not be automatically declined"
+msgstr "no se rechazarán automaticamente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:427,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:442
+msgid "Your saved cards or money available in Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:428,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:430
+msgid "Your clients finalize their payments in Mercado Pago."
+msgstr "Tus clientes finalizan sus pagos en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:429
+msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:431
+msgid "Checkout Pro"
+msgstr "Checkout Pro"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:432
+msgid ""
+"With Checkout Pro you sell with all the safety inside Mercado Pago "
+msgstr ""
+"Con el Checkout Pro, podrás vender con toda la seguridad, dentro de Mercado "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:433,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:548,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:715,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:777,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:858
+msgid "Mercado Pago plugin general settings"
+msgstr "Configuraciones generales del plugin de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:434,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:549,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:652,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:716,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:778,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:859
+msgid ""
+"Set the deadlines and fees, test your store or access the Plugin manual."
+msgstr "Ajusta tasas y plazos, testea tu tienda o accede al manual del plugin."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:435,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:550,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:653,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:717,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:779,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:860
+msgid "Go to Settings"
+msgstr "Ir a Configuraciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:436,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:654,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:861
+msgid "Enable the checkout"
+msgstr "Activar el checkout"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:437
+msgid ""
+"By disabling it, you will disable all payments from Mercado Pago Checkout at "
+"Mercado Pago website by redirect."
+msgstr ""
+"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago del checkout en el "
+"sitio web de Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:440,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:559,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:658,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:722,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:784,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:865
+msgid "Title in the store Checkout"
+msgstr "Título en el checkout de la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:441,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:659,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:723,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:785,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:866
+msgid "Change the display text in Checkout, maximum characters: 85"
+msgstr "Puedes cambiar el título dentro tu tienda. Caracteres máximos: 85"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:443,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:562,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:661,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:725,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:787,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:868
+msgid "The text inserted here will not be translated to other languages"
+msgstr "El texto insertado aquí no se traducirá a otros idiomas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:444,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:563,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:665,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:726,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:788,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:882
+msgid "Convert Currency"
+msgstr "Convertir moneda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:445,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:564,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:666,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:727,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:789,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:883
+msgid ""
+"Activate this option so that the value of the currency set in WooCommerce is "
+"compatible with the value of the currency you use in Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Activa esta opción para que el valor de la moneda configurada en WooCommerce "
+"sea compatible al valor de la moneda que usas en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:448
+msgid "Choose the payment methods you accept in your store"
+msgstr "Elige los medios de pago que se aceptan en la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:449
+msgid "Enable the payment methods available to your clients."
+msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles para tus clientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:450
+msgid "Credit Cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:451
+msgid "Debit Cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:452
+msgid "Other Payment Methods"
+msgstr "Otros medios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:453
+msgid "Maximum number of installments"
+msgstr "Máximo de cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:454
+msgid "What is the maximum quota with which a customer can buy?"
+msgstr "¿Cuál es el máximo de cuotas con las que un cliente puede comprar?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:455
+msgid "1 installment"
+msgstr "1 cuota"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:456
+msgid "2 installments"
+msgstr "2 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:457
+msgid "3 installments"
+msgstr "3 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:458
+msgid "4 installments"
+msgstr "4 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:459
+msgid "5 installments"
+msgstr "5 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:460
+msgid "6 installments"
+msgstr "6 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:461
+msgid "10 installments"
+msgstr "10 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:462
+msgid "12 installments"
+msgstr "12 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:463
+msgid "15 installments"
+msgstr "15 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:464
+msgid "18 installments"
+msgstr "18 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:465
+msgid "24 installments"
+msgstr "24 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:466,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:577
+msgid "Advanced settings"
+msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:467,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:578,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:675,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:733,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:793,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:890
+msgid ""
+"Edit these advanced fields only when you want to modify the preset values."
+msgstr ""
+"Edita estos campos avanzados solo cuando quieras modificar los valores "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:468
+msgid "Payment experience"
+msgstr "Experiencia de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:469
+msgid ""
+"Define what payment experience your customers will have, whether inside or "
+"outside your store."
+msgstr ""
+"Define qué experiencia de pago tendrán tus clientes, si dentro o fuera de tu "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:470
+msgid "Redirect"
+msgstr "Redirect"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:471
+msgid "Modal"
+msgstr "Modal"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:472
+msgid "Return to the store"
+msgstr "Volver a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:473
+msgid ""
+"Do you want your customer to automatically return to the store after payment?"
+msgstr ""
+"¿Quieres que tu cliente vuelva automáticamente a la tienda después del pago?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:30,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:31,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:245
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:476
+msgid "Success URL"
+msgstr "URL de éxito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:477
+msgid ""
+"Choose the URL that we will show your customers when they finish their "
+msgstr "Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando terminen su compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:478
+msgid "Payment URL rejected"
+msgstr "URL de pago rechazado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:479
+msgid ""
+"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when we refuse their "
+"purchase. Make sure it includes a message appropriate to the situation and "
+"give them useful information so they can solve it."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando rechacemos su compra. "
+"Asegúrate de incluir un mensaje adecuado a la situación y dales información "
+"útil para que puedan solucionarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:480
+msgid "Payment URL pending"
+msgstr "URL de pago pendiente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:481
+msgid ""
+"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when they have a payment "
+"pending approval."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando tengan un pago pendiente "
+"de aprobación."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:482,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:676
+msgid "Automatic decline of payments without instant approval"
+msgstr "Rechazo automático de pagos sin aprobación instantanea"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:483,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:677
+msgid ""
+"Enable it if you want to automatically decline payments that are not "
+"instantly approved by banks or other institutions."
+msgstr ""
+"Actívalo si quieres rechazar automáticamente los pagos que no son aprobados "
+"instantáneamente por bancos u otros compradores."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:484
+msgid "Debit, Credit and Invoice in Mercado Pago environment."
+msgstr "Débito, crédito y efectivo, en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:487,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:579,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:680,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:742,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:802,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:891
+msgid "Discount in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
+msgstr "Descuento en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:488,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:580,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:681,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:743,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:803,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:892
+msgid ""
+"Choose a percentage value that you want to discount your customers for "
+"paying with Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige un valor porcentual que quieras descontar a tus clientes por pagar con "
+"Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:489,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:492,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:581,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:584,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:682,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:685,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:744,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:747,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:804,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:807,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:893,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:896
+msgid "Activate and show this information on Mercado Pago Checkout"
+msgstr "Activar y mostrar esa información en el checkout Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:490,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:582,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:683,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:745,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:805,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:894
+msgid "Commission in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
+msgstr "Comisiones en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:491,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:583,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:684,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:746,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:806,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:895
+msgid ""
+"Choose an additional percentage value that you want to charge as commission "
+"to your customers for paying with Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige un valor porcentual adicional que quieras cobrar como comisión a tus "
+"clientes por pagar con Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:493
+msgid "This seems to be an invalid URL"
+msgstr "Esto parece ser una URL no válida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:507,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:513
+msgid "Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is"
+msgstr "“Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago” está "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:531,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:537
+msgid "The installments without card component is"
+msgstr "El componente “Compra en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta” está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:542,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:546
msgid "Installments without card"
msgstr "Financiación sin tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:32
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:543,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:545
msgid "Customers who buy on spot and pay later in up to 12 installments"
msgstr "Tus clientes pueden comprar en hasta 12 pagos mensuales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:40
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:544
msgid "Mercado Pago - Installments without card"
-msgstr "Mercado Pago - Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Financiación sin tarjeta de crédito "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:42
-msgid "Checkout without card"
-msgstr "Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:547
+msgid ""
+"Reach millions of buyers by offering Mercado Credito as a payment method. "
+"Our flexible payment options give your customers the possibility to buy "
+"today whatever they want in up to 12 installments without the need to use a "
+"credit card. For your business, the approval of the purchase is immediate "
+"and guaranteed."
+msgstr ""
+"Llega a millones de compradores ofreciéndoles Mercado Crédito como medio de "
+"pago. Nuestras opciones de pago flexibles brindan a tus clientes la "
+"posibilidad de comprar lo que quieren hoy en hasta 12 cuotas sin la "
+"necesidad de utilizar una tarjeta. Para tu negocio, la aprobación de la "
+"compra es inmediata y está garantizada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:182
-msgid "Activate installments without card in your store checkout "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:551
+msgid "Activate installments without card in your store checkout"
msgstr "Activar la opción de financiación sin tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:183
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:552
msgid ""
"Offer the option to pay in installments without card directly from your "
"store's checkout."
@@ -582,116 +1020,114 @@ msgstr ""
"Ofrece a tus clientes la opción de financiar su compra en hasta 12 pagos "
"mensuales, directo desde el checkout de tu tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:187
-msgid ""
-"Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is active"
-msgstr "“Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago” está activo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:188
-msgid ""
-"Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is inactive"
-msgstr "“Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago” está inactivo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:205
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:555
msgid "Checkout visualization"
msgstr "Visualización en el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:206,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:367
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:556,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:576
msgid "Check below how this feature will be displayed to your customers:"
msgstr "A continuación verás cómo este recurso aparecerá para tus clientes:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:207
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:557
msgid "Checkout Preview"
msgstr "Visualización en el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:208
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:558
msgid "PREVIEW"
msgstr "DEMO"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:249
-msgid ""
-"Reach millions of buyers by offering Mercado Credito as a payment method. "
-"Our flexible payment options give your customers the possibility to buy "
-"today whatever they want in up to 12 installments without the need to use a "
-"credit card."
-msgstr ""
-"Llega a millones de compradores con bajo acceso a financiación ofreciéndoles "
-"Mercado Crédito como medio de pago. Nuestras opciones de pago flexibles "
-"brindan a tus clientes la posibilidad de comprar lo que quieren en hasta "
-"12 pagos mensuales sin necesidad de utilizar una tarjeta de crédito. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:560
+msgid "It is possible to edit the title. Maximum of 85 characters."
+msgstr "Puedes cambiar el título dentro tu tienda. Caracteres máximos: 85."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:252
-msgid ""
-"For your business, the approval of the purchase is immediate and guaranteed."
-msgstr ""
-"Para tu negocio, la aprobación de la compra es inmediata y está garantizada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:561
+msgid "Checkout without card"
+msgstr "Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:311
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:567
msgid ""
"Inform your customers about the option of paying in installments without card"
msgstr ""
"Informa a tus clientes la posibilidad de financiar sus compras en hasta 12 "
"pagos sin tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:314
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:568
msgid ""
-"By activating the installments without card component, you increase "
-"your chances of selling."
-msgstr ""
-"Al activar el componente de financiación en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta de "
-"crédito, aumentarás tus posibilidades de venta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:316
-msgid "The installments without card component is active."
+"By activating the installments without card component, you increase your "
+"chances of selling."
msgstr ""
-"El componente “Compra en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta” está activo."
+"Al activar el componente de financiación en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta de "
+"crédito, aumentarás tus posibilidades de venta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:317
-msgid "The installments without card component is inactive."
-msgstr ""
-"El componente “Compra en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta” está inactivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:355,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:365
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:571
msgid "Banner on the product page | Computer version"
msgstr "Componente en la página del producto | Versión para computadora"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:356
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:572
msgid "Banner on the product page | Cellphone version"
msgstr "Componente en la página del producto | Versión para celular"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:363
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:573
msgid "Computer"
msgstr "Computadora"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:364
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:574
msgid "Mobile"
msgstr "Celular"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:366
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:575
msgid "Component visualization"
msgstr "Visualización del componente"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:41,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:42,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:52
-msgid "Debit and Credit"
-msgstr "Débito e crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:43,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:36,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:36
-msgid "Transparent Checkout in your store environment"
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente, en tu tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:598,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:604
+msgid "Transparent Checkout for credit cards is"
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente de las tarjetas de crédito está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:622,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:628
+msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are"
+msgstr "Los pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago están"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:645,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:660
+msgid "Credit and debit cards"
+msgstr "Tarjeta de crédito y débito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:646,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:648,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:711,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:773,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:853,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:855
+msgid "Payments without leaving your store with our customizable checkout"
+msgstr "Pagos sin salir de tu tienda con nuestro checkout personalizable."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:647,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:712,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:774,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:854
+msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout API"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout API"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:649
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Credit card"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Tarjeta de Crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:650
+msgid ""
+"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
+"without redirection and with the security from Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Con el Checkout Transparente, puedes vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
+"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:51,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:44,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:44
-msgid "Mercado pago - Customized Checkout"
-msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Personalizado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:651
+msgid "Mercado Pago Plugin general settings"
+msgstr "Configuraciones generales del plugin de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:154
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:655
msgid ""
"By disabling it, you will disable all credit cards payments from Mercado "
"Pago Transparent Checkout."
@@ -699,21 +1135,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago con tarjeta de crédito "
"en el Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:158
-msgid "Transparent Checkout for credit cards is enabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El Checkout Transparente de las tarjetas de crédito está activado."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:159
-msgid "Transparent checkout for credit cards is disabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El checkout transparente de las tarjetas de crédito está desactivado."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:191
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:662
msgid "Installments Fees"
msgstr "Tasas de pago en cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:192
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:663
msgid ""
"Set installment fees and whether they will be charged from the store or from "
"the buyer."
@@ -721,31 +1147,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Configura las tasas de las cuotas y si se las cobrarán a la tienda o al "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:193
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:664
msgid "Set fees"
msgstr "Configurar tasas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:218
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Credit card "
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Tarjeta de Crédito "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:222
-msgid ""
-"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
-"without redirection and with the security from Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Transparente, puedes vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
-"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:240
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the personalized payment experience"
-msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:254
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:669
msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago account"
msgstr "Pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:255
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:670
msgid ""
"Your customers pay faster with saved cards, money balance or other available "
"methods in their Mercado Pago accounts."
@@ -753,387 +1163,254 @@ msgstr ""
"Tus clientes pagan más rápido con tarjetas guardadas, dinero disponible o "
"con otros medios disponibles en sus cuentas de MP."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:259
-msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are active."
-msgstr "Los pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago están activos."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:260
-msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are inactive."
-msgstr ""
-"Los pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago están deshabilitados."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:279
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:673
msgid "Check an example of how it will appear in your store:"
msgstr "Conoce un ejemplo de cómo aparecerá en la tienda:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:310
-msgid "That’s it, payment accepted!"
-msgstr "Listo, ¡aceptamos tu pago!"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:312
-msgid ""
-"We are processing your payment. In less than an hour we will send you the "
-"result by email."
-msgstr ""
-"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de una hora le enviaremos el resultado "
-"por correo electrónico."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:314
-msgid ""
-"We are processing your payment. In less than 2 days we will send you by "
-"email if the payment has been approved or if additional information is "
-msgstr ""
-"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de 2 días le enviaremos por correo "
-"electrónico si se ha aprobado el pago o si se necesita información adicional."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:316
-msgid "Check the card number."
-msgstr "Compruebe el número de tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:318
-msgid "Check the expiration date."
-msgstr "Compruebe la fecha de expiración."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:320
-msgid "Check the information provided."
-msgstr "Compruebe la información informada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:322
-msgid "Check the informed security code."
-msgstr "Compruebe el código de seguridad informado."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:325
-msgid "Your payment cannot be processed."
-msgstr "No se puede procesar su pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:327
-msgid "You must authorize payments for your orders."
-msgstr "Usted debe autorizar los pagos de sus órdenes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:329
-msgid ""
-"Contact your card issuer to activate it. The phone is on the back of your "
-msgstr ""
-"Póngase en contacto con el emisor de su tarjeta para activarla. El teléfono "
-"se encuentra en la parte posterior de su tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:331
-msgid ""
-"You have already made a payment of this amount. If you have to pay again, "
-"use another card or other method of payment."
-msgstr ""
-"Usted ya realizó un pago de este importe. Si tiene que pagar de nuevo, "
-"utilizar otra tarjeta u otro medio de pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:333
-msgid ""
-"Your payment was declined. Please select another payment method. It is "
-"recommended in cash."
-msgstr ""
-"Su pago fue rechazado. Por favor seleccione otro medio de pago. Se "
-"recomienda en efectivo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:674
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the personalized payment experience"
+msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:335
-msgid "Your payment does not have sufficient funds."
-msgstr "Su metodo de pago no tiene fondos suficientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:710,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:724
+msgid "Invoice"
+msgstr "Efectivo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:337
-msgid "Payment cannot process the selected fee."
-msgstr "El pago no puede procesar la cuota seleccionada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:713
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Invoice or Loterica"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Efectivo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:339
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:714,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:776,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:857
msgid ""
-"You have reached the limit of allowed attempts. Choose another card or other "
-"payment method."
-msgstr ""
-"Has alcanzado el límite de intentos permitidos. Elija otra tarjeta u otro "
-"medio de pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:341,
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:204
-msgid "This payment method cannot process your payment."
-msgstr "Este medio de pago no puede procesar su pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:396
-msgid "Credit cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:397
-msgid "Up to "
-msgstr "Hasta "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:397
-msgid " installments"
-msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:404
-msgid "Debit cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:447,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:448,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:480,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:481,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:401,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:402,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:562,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:563
-msgid "A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Please, try again."
+"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
+"without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Por favor, intente otra "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:577
-msgid "See your order form"
-msgstr "Ver su hoja de pedido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:588
-msgid "Your payment was declined. You can try again."
-msgstr "Su pago fue rechazado. Puede intentarlo de nuevo."
+"Con el Checkout Transparente, podrás vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
+"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:595,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:95,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:93
-msgid "Click to try again"
-msgstr "Haga clic para intentarlo de nuevo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:718,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:780
+msgid "Enable the Checkout"
+msgstr "Activar el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:617,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:618
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:719
msgid ""
-"A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have "
-"correctly filled all information in the checkout form?"
+"By disabling it, you will disable all invoice payments from Mercado Pago "
+"Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Está seguro de haber "
-"cargado la información en el formulario?"
+"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago en efectivo en el "
+"Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:642
-msgid "Represents the installment fee charged by Mercado Pago."
-msgstr "Representa la tarifa de cuota que cobra Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:720
+msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is enabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos en efectivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:643
-msgid "Mercado Pago Installment Fee:"
-msgstr "Tarifa de cuotas de Mercado Pago:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:721
+msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is disabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos en efectivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:648
-msgid ""
-"Represents the total purchase plus the installment fee charged by Mercado "
-msgstr ""
-"Representa el total de la compra más la tarifa de cuota que cobra Mercado "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:730
+msgid "Payment Due"
+msgstr "Fecha de pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:649
-msgid "Mercado Pago Total:"
-msgstr "Total en Mercado Pago:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:731
+msgid "In how many days will cash payments expire."
+msgstr "En cuántos días vencerán los pagos en efectivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:715
-msgid "Configure your credentials to enable Mercado Pago payment methods."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:732
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the cash payment experience"
msgstr ""
-"Completa tus credenciales para habilitar los medios de pago Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:773
-msgid "Title in the store Checkout"
-msgstr "Título en el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:775
-msgid "Change the display text in Checkout, maximum characters: 85"
-msgstr "Puedes cambiar el título dentro tu tienda. Caracteres máximos: 85"
+"Configuração avançada da experiência de pagamento via boleto e em lotéricas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:777
-msgid "The text inserted here will not be translated to other languages"
-msgstr "El texto insertado aquí no se traducirá a otros idiomas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:734,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:794
+msgid "Reduce inventory"
+msgstr "Reducir inventario"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:791
-msgid "Description"
-msgstr "Descripción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:735,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:795
+msgid ""
+"Activates inventory reduction during the creation of an order, whether or "
+"not the final payment is credited. Disable this option to reduce it only "
+"when payments are approved."
+msgstr ""
+"Activa la reducción del inventario durante la creación de un pedido, se "
+"acredite o no el pago final. Desactiva esta opción para reducirlo solo "
+"cuando los pagos estén aprobados."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:828,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:840,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:347
-msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
-msgstr "¡Importante! Para vender debe introducir sus credenciales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:736,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:796
+msgid "Reduce inventory is enabled."
+msgstr "Reducir inventario está activo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:829
-msgid "You must enter production credentials."
-msgstr "Debe introducir las credenciales de producción."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:737,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:797
+msgid "Reduce inventory is disabled."
+msgstr "Reducir inventario está inactivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:830
-msgid "Enter credentials"
-msgstr "Introducir credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:739,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:799
+msgid "Enable the available payment methods"
+msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:840
-msgid "Mercado Pago Plugin general settings"
-msgstr "Configuraciones generales del plugin de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:740,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:800
+msgid "Choose the available payment methods in your store."
+msgstr "Elige los medios de pago que se aceptan en la tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:841
-msgid ""
-"Set the deadlines and fees, test your store or access the Plugin manual."
-msgstr "Ajusta tasas y plazos, testea tu tienda o accede al manual del plugin."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:741,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:801
+msgid "All payment methods"
+msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:842
-msgid "Go to Settings"
-msgstr "Ir a Configuraciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:772,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:786
+msgid "PSE"
+msgstr "PSE"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:866
-msgid "Activate your credentials to be able to sell"
-msgstr "Activa tus credenciales para poder vender"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:775
+msgid "Transparent Checkout PSE"
+msgstr "Pago transparente PSE"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:867
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:781
msgid ""
-"Credentials are codes that you must enter to enable sales. Go below on "
-"Activate Credentials. On the next screen, use again the Activate Credentials "
-"button and fill in the fields with the requested information."
+"By deactivating it, you will disable PSE payments from Mercado Pago "
+"Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-"Las credenciales son contraseñas que debes integrar para poder vender. "
-"Dirígete a Activar credenciales. En la siguiente pantalla, ve de nuevo al "
-"botón Activar credenciales y completa los campos con los datos solicitados."
+"Al desactivarlo, desactivará los pagos PSE de Mercado Pago Transparente "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:868
-msgid "Activate credentials"
-msgstr "Activar credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:782
+msgid "The transparent checkout for PSE is enabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos PSE."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:916
-msgid "By disabling it, you will disable all payment methods of this checkout."
-msgstr "Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago del checkout."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:783
+msgid "The transparent checkout for PSE is disabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos PSE."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1029
-msgid "Basic Configuration"
-msgstr "Configuración Básica"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:792
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the PSE payment experience"
+msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia de pago PSE"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1042
-msgid "Discount coupons"
-msgstr "Cupones de descuento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:821,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:827
+msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is"
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1045
-msgid "Will you offer discount coupons to customers who buy with Mercado Pago?"
-msgstr ""
-"¿Ofrecerás cupones de descuento a los clientes que compren con Mercado Pago?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:845
+msgid "Go to the"
+msgstr "Ve al área"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1047
-msgid "Discount coupons is active."
-msgstr "Cupones de descuento están activos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:846
+msgid "Your Profile"
+msgstr "Tu Perfil"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1048
-msgid "Discount coupons is disabled."
-msgstr "Cupones de descuento están inactivos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:847
+msgid "area and choose the"
+msgstr "y elige la sección"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1060
-msgid "Automatic decline of payments without instant approval"
-msgstr "Rechazo automático de pagos sin aprobación instantanea"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:848
+msgid "Your Pix Keys section"
+msgstr "Tus claves Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:852,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:867
+msgid "Pix"
+msgstr "Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1061
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:856
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Pix"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:862
msgid ""
-"Enable it if you want to automatically decline payments that are not "
-"instantly approved by banks or other institutions. "
+"By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago "
+"Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-"Actívalo si quieres rechazar automáticamente los pagos que no son aprobados "
-"instantáneamente por bancos u otros compradores. "
+"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago con tarjeta de crédito "
+"en el Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1065
-msgid "Pending payments will be automatically declined."
-msgstr "Los pagos pendientes se rechazarán automaticamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:869
+msgid "Expiration for payments via Pix"
+msgstr "Vencimiento para pagos con Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1066
-msgid "Pending payments will not be automatically declined."
-msgstr "Los pagos pendientes no se rechazarán automaticamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:870
+msgid "Set the limit in minutes for your clients to pay via Pix."
+msgstr ""
+"Define el límite de minutos para que tus clientes puedan pagar con Pix."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1078
-msgid "Discount in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
-msgstr "Descuento en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:871
+msgid "15 minutes"
+msgstr "15 minutos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1081
-msgid ""
-"Choose a percentage value that you want to discount your customers for "
-"paying with Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Elige un valor porcentual que quieras descontar a tus clientes por pagar con "
-"Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:872
+msgid "30 minutes (recommended)"
+msgstr "30 minutos (recomendado)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1082,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1103
-msgid "Activate and show this information on Mercado Pago Checkout"
-msgstr "Activar y mostrar esa información en el checkout Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:873
+msgid "60 minutes"
+msgstr "60 minutos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1099
-msgid "Commission in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
-msgstr "Comisiones en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:874
+msgid "12 hours"
+msgstr "12 horas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1102
-msgid ""
-"Choose an additional percentage value that you want to charge as commission "
-"to your customers for paying with Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Elige un valor porcentual adicional que quieras cobrar como comisión a tus "
-"clientes por pagar con Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:875
+msgid "24 hours"
+msgstr "24 horas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1139
-msgid "Convert Currency"
-msgstr "Convertir moneda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:876
+msgid "2 days"
+msgstr "2 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1144
-msgid "Currency convertion is enabled."
-msgstr "Conversión de moneda está activa."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:877
+msgid "3 days"
+msgstr "3 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1145
-msgid "Currency convertion is disabled."
-msgstr "Conversión de moneda está inactiva."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:878
+msgid "4 days"
+msgstr "4 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1262
-msgid ""
-"Edit these advanced fields only when you want to modify the preset values."
-msgstr ""
-"Edita estos campos avanzados solo cuando quieras modificar los valores "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:879
+msgid "5 days"
+msgstr "5 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:34,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:35,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:45
-msgid "Pix"
-msgstr "Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:880
+msgid "6 days"
+msgstr "6 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:881
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr "7 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:886
+msgid "Would you like to know how Pix works?"
+msgstr "¿Quieres saber cómo funciona Pix?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:204
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:887
msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago "
-"Transparent Checkout."
-msgstr ""
-"Al desactivar, desabilitarás lo medios de pago con Pix en el Checkout "
-"Transparente de Mercado Pago."
+"We have a dedicated page where we explain how it works and its advantages."
+msgstr "Creamos una página que explica su funcionamiento y sus vantajas."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:208
-msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is enabled."
-msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos por Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:888
+msgid "Find out more about Pix"
+msgstr "Saber más sobre Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:209
-msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is disabled."
-msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos por Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:889
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the Pix experience"
+msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:224
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:897
msgid "To activate Pix, you must have a key registered in Mercado Pago."
msgstr "Para activar el Pix, debes tener una clave registrada en Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:225
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:898
msgid "Download the Mercado Pago app on your cell phone."
msgstr "Descarga la app de Mercado Pago en tu móvil."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:226
-msgid "Go to the "
-msgstr "Ve al área "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:227
-msgid "area and choose the "
-msgstr "y elige la sección "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:228
-msgid "Your Profile "
-msgstr "Tu Perfil "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:229
-msgid "Your Pix Keys section."
-msgstr "Tus claves Pix."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:230
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:900
msgid ""
"Choose which data to register as Pix keys. After registering, you can set up "
"Pix in your checkout."
@@ -1141,7 +1418,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Elige qué datos registrar como claves PIX. Luego de registrarte, podrás "
"configurar el Pix en tu checkout."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:231
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:901
msgid ""
"Remember that, for the time being, the Central Bank of Brazil is open Monday "
"through Friday, from 9am to 6pm."
@@ -1149,7 +1426,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Recuerda que, por el momento, el Banco Central de Brasil está abierto de "
"lunes a viernes, de 9 a 18 horas."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:902
msgid ""
"If you requested your registration outside these hours, we will confirm it "
"within the next business day."
@@ -1157,12 +1434,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Si has solicitado tu registro fuera de este horario, te lo confirmaremos en "
"el siguiente día hábil."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:233,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:328
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:903
msgid "Learn more about Pix"
msgstr "Más información sobre Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:234
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:904
msgid ""
"If you have already registered a Pix key at Mercado Pago and cannot activate "
"Pix in the checkout, "
@@ -1170,285 +1446,271 @@ msgstr ""
"Si ya has registrado una clave Pix en Mercado Pago y no puedes activar Pix "
"en el checkout, "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:235
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:905
msgid "click here."
msgstr "haz clic aquí."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:260
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Pix"
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:919
+msgid "To enable test mode"
+msgstr "Para activar el modo de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:264
-msgid ""
-"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
-"without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago. "
-msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Transparente, podrás vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
-"redireccionamientos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:921
+msgid "copy your test credentials"
+msgstr "copia tus credenciales de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:281
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the Pix experience"
-msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:922
+msgid "and paste them above in section 1 of this page"
+msgstr "y pégalas en la sección 1 de esta página"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:294
-msgid "15 minutes"
-msgstr "15 minutos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:927
+msgid "Create your"
+msgstr "Crea tu"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:295
-msgid "30 minutes (recommended)"
-msgstr "30 minutos (recomendado)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:929
+msgid "test user"
+msgstr "usuario de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:296
-msgid "60 minutes"
-msgstr "60 minutes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:930
+msgid ""
+"(Optional. Can be used in Production Mode and Test Mode, to test payments)"
+msgstr ""
+"(Opcional. Se puede utilizar en modo de producción y en modo de prueba, para "
+"probar los pagos)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:297
-msgid "12 hours"
-msgstr "12 horas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:936
+msgid "Use our test cards"
+msgstr "Utiliza nuestras tarjetas de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:298
-msgid "24 hours"
-msgstr "24 horas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:937
+msgid "never use real cards"
+msgstr "nunca utilices tarjetas reales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:299
-msgid "2 days"
-msgstr "2 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:943
+msgid "Visit your store"
+msgstr "Visita tu tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:300
-msgid "3 days"
-msgstr "3 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:944
+msgid "to test purchases"
+msgstr "para testear compras"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:301
-msgid "4 days"
-msgstr "4 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:948
+msgid "4. Test your store before you start to sell"
+msgstr "4. Testea tu tienda antes de empezar a vender"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:302
-msgid "5 days"
-msgstr "5 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:949
+msgid "Choose how you want to operate your store:"
+msgstr "Elige cómo quieres operar tu tienda:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:303
-msgid "6 days"
-msgstr "6 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:950
+msgid "Test Mode"
+msgstr "Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:304
-msgid "7 days"
-msgstr "7 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:951
+msgid "Sale Mode (Production)"
+msgstr "Modo Ventas (Producción)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:308
-msgid "Expiration for payments via Pix"
-msgstr "Vencimiento para pagos con Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:952
+msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Production Mode"
+msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Produción"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:310
-msgid "Set the limit in minutes for your clients to pay via Pix."
-msgstr ""
-"Define el límite de minutos para que tus clientes puedan pagar con Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:953
+msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:325
-msgid "Want to learn how Pix works?"
-msgstr "¿Quieres saber cómo funciona el Pix?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:954
+msgid "Enter test credentials"
+msgstr "Ingresa las credenciales de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:326
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:955
msgid ""
-"We have created a page to explain how this new payment method works and its "
+"Select “Test Mode” if you want to try the payment experience before you "
+"start to sell or “Sales Mode” (Production) to start now."
msgstr ""
-"Creamos una página para explicar cómo funciona este nuevo medio de pago y "
-"sus ventajas."
+"Selecciona Modo Test si deseas probar la experiencia de pago antes de "
+"empezar a vender o Modo Ventas (Producción) para empezar a vender ahora."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:347
-msgid "Would you like to know how Pix works?"
-msgstr "¿Quieres saber cómo funciona Pix?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:956
+msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts disabled for real collections."
+msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago inactivos para cobros reales."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:348
-msgid ""
-"We have a dedicated page where we explain how it works and its advantages."
-msgstr "Creamos una página que explica su funcionamiento y sus vantajas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:957
+msgid "Test Mode rules."
+msgstr "Reglas del modo test."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:349
-msgid "Find out more about Pix"
-msgstr "Saber más sobre Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:958
+msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts enabled for real collections."
+msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago activos para cobros reales."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:493
-msgid "A problem occurred when processing your payment. Please try again."
-msgstr ""
-"Un problema se produjo al procesar su pago. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:959
+msgid "The clients can make real purchases in your store."
+msgstr "Los clientes pueden hacer compras reales en tu tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:478,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:547
-msgid ""
-"A problem occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have "
-"correctly filled in all the information on the checkout form?"
-msgstr ""
-"Un problema se produjo al procesar su pago. ¿Esta seguro que ha rellenado "
-"correctamente toda la información en el formulario de checkout?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:964
+msgid "Store in sale mode (Production)"
+msgstr "Tienda en Modo Ventas (Producción)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:456,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:522
-msgid "The customer has not paid yet."
-msgstr "El cliente no ha pagado todavía."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:965
+msgid "Store under test"
+msgstr "Tienda en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:966
+msgid "Save changes"
+msgstr "Guardar cambios"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:461
-msgid "Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase."
-msgstr "Ahora sólo tiene que pagar con Pix para finalizar su compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:978
+msgid "Store business fields are valid"
+msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda son válidos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:462
-msgid ""
-"Scan the QR code below or copy and paste the code into your bank's "
-msgstr ""
-"Escanee el código QR a continuación o copie y pegue el código en la "
-"aplicación de su banco."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:979
+msgid "Store business fields could not be validated"
+msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda no se pudieron validar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:563
-msgid ""
-"Please note that to receive payments via Pix at our checkout, you must have "
-"a Pix key registered in your Mercado Pago account."
-msgstr ""
-"Ten en cuenta que para recibir pagos a través de Pix en nuestro checkout, "
-"debes tener una clave Pix registrada en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:980
+msgid "At least one payment method is enabled"
+msgstr "Al menos un método de pago está habilitado"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:564
-msgid "Register your Pix key at Mercado Pago."
-msgstr "Registra tu clave Pix en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:981
+msgid "No payment method enabled"
+msgstr "Ningún método de pago habilitado"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:614,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:148
-msgid "Code valid for "
-msgstr "Código válido por "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:982
+msgid "Credentials fields are valid"
+msgstr "Los campos de la credencial son válidos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:34,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:35,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:45
-msgid "Invoice"
-msgstr "Efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:983
+msgid "Credentials fields could not be validated"
+msgstr "No se pudieron validar los campos de credenciales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:198
-msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all invoice payments from Mercado Pago "
-"Transparent Checkout."
-msgstr ""
-"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago en efectivo en el "
-"Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:995
+msgid "Valid Public Key"
+msgstr "Public key válida"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:202
-msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is enabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos en efectivo o en "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:996
+msgid "Invalid Public Key"
+msgstr "Public key no válida"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:203
-msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is disabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos en efectivo o en "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:997
+msgid "Valid Access Token"
+msgstr "Access token válido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:218
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Invoice or Loterica"
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:998
+msgid "Invalid Access Token"
+msgstr "Access token no válido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:222
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1010
+msgid "Credentials were updated"
+msgstr "Se actualizaron las credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1011
msgid ""
-"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
-"without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago."
+"Your store has exited Test Mode and is making real sales in Production Mode."
msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Transparente, podrás vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
-"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
+"Ahora su tienda está fuera del modo de prueba y está realizando ventas "
+"reales en el modo de producción."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:239
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the cash payment experience"
-msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia de pago en efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1012
+msgid "To test the store, re-enter both test credentials."
+msgstr "Para probar la tienda, vuelva a ingresar ambas credenciales de prueba."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:252
-msgid "Reduce inventory"
-msgstr "Reducir inventario"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1013
+msgid "Invalid credentials"
+msgstr "Credenciales no válidas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:255
-msgid ""
-"Activates inventory reduction during the creation of an order, whether or "
-"not the final payment is credited. Disable this option to reduce it only "
-"when payments are approved."
-msgstr ""
-"Activa la reducción del inventario durante la creación de un pedido, se "
-"acredite o no el pago final. Desactiva esta opción para reducirlo solo "
-"cuando los pagos estén aprobados."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1014
+msgid "See our manual to learn"
+msgstr "Consulte nuestro manual para saber"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:257
-msgid "Reduce inventory is enabled."
-msgstr "Reducir inventario está activo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1015
+msgid "how to enter the credentials the right way."
+msgstr "como ingresar las credenciales de forma correcta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:258
-msgid "Reduce inventory is disabled."
-msgstr "Reducir inventario está inactivo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1016
+msgid " for test mode"
+msgstr " para el modo de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:270
-msgid "Payment Due"
-msgstr "Vencimiento del pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1028
+msgid "Store information is valid"
+msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:272
-msgid "In how many days will cash payments expire."
-msgstr "En cuántos días caducarán los pagos en efectivo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1041
+msgid "Attention:"
+msgstr "Atención:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:292
-msgid "Enable the available payment methods"
-msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1042
+msgid ""
+"The currency settings you have in WooCommerce are not compatible with the "
+"currency you use in your Mercado Pago account. Please activate the currency "
+msgstr ""
+"La configuración de moneda que tienes en WooCommerce no es compatible con la "
+"moneda que usas en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago. Activa la conversión de moneda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:294
-msgid "Choose the available payment methods in your store."
-msgstr "Selecciona los medios de pago disponibles en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1045
+msgid "We are converting your currency from: "
+msgstr "Ahora convertimos tu moneda de: "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:298
-msgid "All payment methods"
-msgstr "Todos los medios de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1061
+msgid "to "
+msgstr "a "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1072
+msgid "Payment status on Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Estado de pago en el Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:458,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:486
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1073
msgid ""
-"There was a problem processing your payment. Are you sure you have correctly "
-"filled out all the information on the payment form?"
+"This is the payment status of your Mercado Pago Activities. To check the "
+"order status, please refer to Order details."
msgstr ""
-"Se produjo un problema al procesar su pago. ¿Está seguro de que ha llenado "
-"correctamente toda la información en el formulario de pago?"
+"Este es el estado del pago de las Actividades de tu Mercado Pago. Para "
+"consultar el estado del pedido, consulta en Detalles del Pedido."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:451,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:479
-msgid "Your document data is invalid"
-msgstr "Los datos de su documento no son válidos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1074,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1076
+msgid "View purchase details at Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Ver detalles de compra en Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:527
-msgid "To print the ticket again click"
-msgstr "Para imprimir nuevamente el ticket hace clic"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1075,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1077,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1079
+msgid "Sync order status"
+msgstr "Sincronizar el estado del pedido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:530
-msgid "here"
-msgstr "aquí"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1078
+msgid "Consult the reasons for refusal"
+msgstr "Consultar motivos de rechazo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:659
-msgid " and "
-msgstr " y "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1080
+msgid "Order update successfully. This page will be reloaded..."
+msgstr "Actualización del pedido con éxito. Esta página será recargada…"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1081
+msgid "Unable to update order:"
+msgstr "No se puede actualizar el pedido:"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:113
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1082
msgid "Payment made"
msgstr "Pago realizado"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:114
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1083
msgid "Payment made by the buyer and already credited in the account."
msgstr ""
"El pago realizado por el comprador y que ya está acreditado en la cuenta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:117
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1084
msgid "Call resolved"
msgstr "Llamado resuelto"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:118,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:218
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1085,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1135
msgid "Please contact Mercado Pago for further details."
msgstr "Contacta a Mercado Pago para saber más detalles."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:121
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1086
msgid "Payment refunded"
msgstr "Pago devuelto"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:122
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1087
msgid ""
"Your refund request has been made. Please contact Mercado Pago for further "
@@ -1456,59 +1718,59 @@ msgstr ""
"Tu pedido de reebolso ya fue realizado. Contacta a Mercado Pago para saber "
"más detalles."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:125,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:129
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1088,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1090
msgid "Payment returned"
msgstr "Pago devuelto"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:126
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1089
msgid "The payment has been returned to the client."
msgstr "El pago ya fue devuelto al cliente."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:130
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1091
msgid "The payment has been partially returned to the client."
msgstr "El pago ya fue devuelto parcialmente al cliente."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:133
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1092
msgid "Payment canceled"
msgstr "Pago cancelado"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:134
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1093
msgid "The payment has been successfully canceled."
msgstr "El pago fue cancelado con éxito."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:137
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1094
msgid "Purchase canceled"
msgstr "Compra cancelada"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:138
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1095
msgid "The payment has been canceled by the customer."
msgstr "El pago fue cancelado por el cliente."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:141,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:145,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:149,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:153,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:157,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:173,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:177,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:181,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:185,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:189,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:193,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:197,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:307
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1096,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1098,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1100,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1102,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1104,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1112,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1114,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1116,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1118,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1120,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1122,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1124,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1179
msgid "Pending payment"
msgstr "Cobro pendiente"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:142,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:146,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:150,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:154
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1097,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1099,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1101,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1103
msgid "Awaiting payment from the buyer."
msgstr "Esperando el pago del comprador."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:158
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1105
msgid ""
"We are veryfing the payment. We will notify you by email in up to 6 hours if "
"everything is fine so that you can deliver the product or provide the "
@@ -1517,72 +1779,48 @@ msgstr ""
"Estamos revisando el pago. En menos de 6 horas te avisaremos por e-mail si "
"está todo bien para que puedas entregar el producto o brindar el servicio."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:161,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:201,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:205,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:209,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:213,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:225,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:229,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:233,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:237,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:241,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:245,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:249,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:255,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:259,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:263,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:267,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:271,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:275,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:279,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:283,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:287,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:291,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:295,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:299,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:303,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:315,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:321,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:325
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1106,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1130,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1146,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1165,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1169,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1171,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1173,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1177
msgid "Declined payment"
msgstr "Cobro rechazado"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:162,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:206,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:210,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:214,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:226,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:246,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:256
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1107,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1131
msgid ""
"The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please ask your client to use "
"another card or to get in touch with the bank."
msgstr ""
"El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago. Pedile a tu cliente que use "
-"otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
+"“otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:165
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1108
msgid "Payment authorized. Awaiting capture."
msgstr "Pago autorizado. Esperando captura."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:166
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1109
msgid ""
"The payment has been authorized on the client's card. Please capture the "
msgstr ""
"Ya se autorizó el pago en la tarjeta del cliente. Haz la captura del pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:169
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1110
msgid "Payment in process"
msgstr "Pago en proceso"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:170,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:190
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1111,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1121
msgid "Please wait or contact Mercado Pago for further details"
msgstr "Espera o contacta a Mercado Pago para saber más detalles"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:174
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1113
msgid ""
"The bank is reviewing the payment. As soon as we have their confirmation, we "
"will notify you via email so that you can deliver the product or provide the "
@@ -1591,1438 +1829,928 @@ msgstr ""
"El banco está revisando el pago. Te avisaremos por e-mail cuando esté "
"confirmado para que puedas entregar el producto o brindar el servicio."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:178,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:182,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:186
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1115,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1117,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1119
msgid "Awaiting payment information validation."
-msgstr "Esperando validación de los datos de pago.."
+msgstr "Esperando validación de los datos de pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:194
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1123
msgid "Waiting for the buyer."
msgstr "Esperando al comprador."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:198
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1125
msgid "Waiting for the card issuer."
-msgstr "Espererando al emisor de la tarjeta.."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:202
-msgid ""
-"The payment could not be processed. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"El pago no fue procesado por el banco. Pídele a tu cliente que use otro "
-"medio de pago o que se contacte con el banco."
+msgstr "Espererando al emisor de la tarjeta."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1126,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1128,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1132,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1153,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1175
+msgid "The card issuing bank declined the payment"
+msgstr "El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1127,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1129,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1133,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1154,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1176
+msgid ""
+"Please recommend your customer to pay with another payment method or to "
+"contact their bank."
+msgstr ""
+"Recomiéndale a tu cliente que pague con otro medio de pago o que se "
+"comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:217
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1134
msgid "Mercado Pago did not process the payment"
msgstr "Mercado Pago no procesó el pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:221,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:311
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1136,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1181
msgid "Expired payment deadline"
msgstr "Venció el plazo para el pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:222,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:312
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1137,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1182
msgid "The client did not pay within the time limit."
-msgstr "El cliente no pagó dentro del límite de tiempo.."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:230
-msgid ""
-"The CVV is invalid. Please ask your client to review the details or use "
-"another card."
-msgstr ""
-"El código de seguridad de la tarjeta es inválido. Revisá los datos que "
-"ingresaste o pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:234
-msgid ""
-"The card is expired. Please ask your client to use another card or to "
-"contact the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta está vencida. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se "
-"comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:238,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:284,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:288
-msgid ""
-"This payment was declined because it did not pass Mercado Pago security "
-"controls. Please ask your client to use another card."
-msgstr ""
-"Rechazamos este pago porque no pasó los controles de seguridad de Mercado "
-"Pago. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:242,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:280
-msgid ""
-"The buyer is suspended in our platform. Your client must contact us to check "
-"what happened."
-msgstr ""
-"El comprador está suspendido en Mercado Pago. Tu cliente debe comunicarse "
-"con nosotros para ver qué pasó."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:251
-msgid ""
-"The card does not have enough limit. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta no tiene límite disponible. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:252
-msgid ""
-"The card does not have sufficient balance. Please ask your client to use "
-"another card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta no tiene fondos suficientes. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:260
-msgid ""
-"The CVV was entered incorrectly several times. Please ask your client to use "
-"another card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ingresó varias veces mal el código de seguridad de la tarjeta. Pedile a "
-"tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:264
-msgid ""
-"The card does not allow the number of installments entered. Please ask your "
-"client to choose another installment plan or to use another card."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta no acepta la cantidad de cuotas ingresadas. Pedile a tu cliente "
-"que elija otro plan de cuotas o que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:268
-msgid ""
-"The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client to "
-"ask the bank to authotize it or to use another card."
-msgstr ""
-"El banco emisor de la tarjeta no autorizó el pago. Pedile a tu cliente que "
-"se contacte con el banco para autorizarlo o que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:272
-msgid ""
-"From Mercado Pago we have detected that this payment has already been made "
-"before. If that is not the case, your client may try to pay again."
-msgstr ""
-"Desde Mercado Pago detectamos que este pago ya se hizo anteriormente. Si no "
-"es así, tu cliente puede intentarlo de nuevo."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:276
-msgid ""
-"The card is not active yet. Please ask your client to use another card or to "
-"get in touch with the bank to activate it."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta aún no está habilitada. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta "
-"o que se comunique con su banco para activarla."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:292
-msgid ""
-"The amount exceeded the card limit. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:296,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:300,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:304
-msgid ""
-"Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the card "
-msgstr ""
-"Pídele a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con el emisor de "
-"la tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:308
-msgid ""
-"The amount exceeded the card's limit. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:317
-msgid ""
-"The credit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client "
-"that it is possible to pay with debit or to use another one."
-msgstr ""
-"La función crédito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente que "
-"puede pagar con la función débito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que use otra."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:318
-msgid ""
-"The debit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client that "
-"it is possible to pay with credit or to use another one."
-msgstr ""
-"La función débito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente que "
-"puede pagar con la función crédito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que use otra."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:322
-msgid ""
-"The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client to "
-"ask the bank to authorize it."
-msgstr ""
-"El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago. Pídele a tu cliente que se "
-"comunique con el banco para autorizar el pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:326
-msgid ""
-"The buyer does not have enough balance to make the purchase. Please ask your "
-"client to deposit money to the Mercado Pago Account or to use a different "
-"payment method."
-msgstr ""
-"El cliente no tiene suficiente saldo en la cuenta para realizar la compra. "
-"Pídele a tu cliente que cargue saldo en Mercado Pago o que use otro medio de "
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:329
-msgid "There was an error"
-msgstr "Hubo un error"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:330
-msgid "The transaction could not be completed."
-msgstr "No fue posible completar la transacción."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:413
-msgid "Payment status on Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Estado de pago en el Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:473,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:485
-msgid "View purchase details at Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Ver detalles de compra en Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:474,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:486,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:498
-msgid "Sync order status"
-msgstr "Sincronizar el estado del pedido"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:497
-msgid "Check the reasons why the purchase was declined."
-msgstr "Consulta los motivos del rechazo de tu compra."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:606
-msgid "Order update successfully. This page will be reloaded..."
-msgstr "Actualización del pedido con éxito. Esta página será recargada…"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:610
-msgid "Unable to update order: "
-msgstr "No se puede actualizar el pedido: "
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:126
-msgid "See WooCommerce"
-msgstr "Ver WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:124
-msgid "Install WooCommerce"
-msgstr "Instalar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:121
-msgid "Activate WooCommerce"
-msgstr "Activar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:137
-msgid "do you have a minute to share your experience with our plugin?"
-msgstr "¿tienes un minuto para compartir tu experiencia con nuestro plugin?"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:140
-msgid ""
-"Your opinion is very important so that we can offer you the best possible "
-"payment solution and continue to improve."
-msgstr ""
-"Tu opinión es muy importante para poder ofrecerte la mejor solución de pagos "
-"posible y seguir mejorando."
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:149
-msgid "Rate the plugin"
-msgstr "Valorar el plugin"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:151
-msgid "Enable payments via Mercado Pago account"
-msgstr "Pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:154
-msgid ""
-"When you enable this function, your customers pay faster using their Mercado "
-"Pago accounts.The approval rate of these payments in your store can be "
-"25% higher compared to other payment methods."
-msgstr ""
-"Con esta función activa, tus clientes pagan más rápido usando su cuenta de "
-"Mercado Pago.La tasa de aprobación de estos pagos en tu tienda puede "
-"ser un 25% mayor en comparación con otros medios de pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:163
-msgid "Activate"
-msgstr "Activar"
-#: ../../includes/admin/views/html-admin-alert-frame.php:34,
-#: ../../includes/admin/views/html-admin-alert-woocommerce-miss.php:30
-msgid "Discard"
-msgstr "Descartar"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:141
-msgid "Mercado Pago Settings"
-msgstr "Configuración de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:196
-msgid "Accept "
-msgstr "Acepta "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:197
-msgid "payments on the spot "
-msgstr "pagos al instante "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:198
-msgid "with"
-msgstr "con toda"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:199
-msgid "the "
-msgstr "la "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:200
-msgid "security "
-msgstr "seguridad "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:201
-msgid "from Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:202
-msgid "Technical requirements"
-msgstr "Requisitos técnicos"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:203
-msgid "SSL"
-msgstr "SSL"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:204
-msgid "GD Extensions"
-msgstr "Extensiones GD"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:205
-msgid "Curl"
-msgstr "Curl"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:206
-msgid ""
-"Implementation responsible for transmitting data to Mercado Pago in a secure "
-"and encrypted way."
-msgstr ""
-"Implementación responsable de transmitir los datos a Mercado Pago de forma "
-"segura y encriptada."
+msgstr "El cliente no pagó dentro del límite de tiempo."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:207
-msgid ""
-"These extensions are responsible for the implementation and operation of Pix "
-"in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"Extensiones responsables de la aplicación y el funcionamiento de Pix en su "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1138,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1140,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1142,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1183
+msgid "Your customer entered one or more incorrect card details"
+msgstr "Tu cliente ingresó uno o más datos de la tarjeta de forma incorrecta"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:208
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1139,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1141,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1143,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1184,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1185
msgid ""
-"It is an extension responsible for making payments via requests from the "
-"plugin to Mercado Pago."
+"Please ask them to enter to enter them again exactly as they appear on the "
+"card or on their bank app to complete the payment."
msgstr ""
-"Es una extensión encargada de realizar los pagos a través de requests del "
-"plugin a Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:209
-msgid "Collections and installments"
-msgstr "Cobros y cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:210
-msgid "Choose "
-msgstr "Elige "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:211
-msgid "when you want to receive the money "
-msgstr "cuándo quieres recibir el dinero "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:212
-msgid "from your sales and if you want to offer "
-msgstr "de las ventas y si quieres ofrecer "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:213
-msgid "interest-free installments "
-msgstr "cuotas sin interés"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:214
-msgid "to your clients."
-msgstr "a los clientes."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:215
-msgid "Set deadlines and fees"
-msgstr "Ajustar plazos y tasas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:216,
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:124
-msgid "Questions? "
-msgstr "¿Tienes dudas?"
+"Pídele que vuelva a ingresarlos tal como figuran en la tarjeta o en la app "
+"de su banco para finalizar el pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:217
-msgid "Review the step-by-step of "
-msgstr "Revisa el paso a paso de "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1144,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1167
+msgid "We protected you from a suspicious payment"
+msgstr "Te protegimos de un pago sospechoso"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:218
-msgid "how to integrate the Mercado Pago Plugin "
-msgstr "cómo integrar el Plugin de Mercado Pago "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1145
+msgid "For safety reasons, this transaction cannot be completed."
+msgstr "Por motivos de seguridad, esta transacción no podrá ser finalizada."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:219
-msgid "on our webiste for developers."
-msgstr "en nuestro sitio de desarrolladores."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1147,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1166
+msgid ""
+"The buyer is suspended in our platform. Your client must contact us to check "
+"what happened."
+msgstr ""
+"El comprador está suspendido en Mercado Pago. Tu cliente debe comunicarse "
+"con nosotros para ver qué pasó."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:231
-msgid "1. Integrate your store with Mercado Pago "
-msgstr "1. Integra la tienda a Mercado Pago "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1148
+msgid "For safety reasons, the card issuing bank declined the payment"
+msgstr "Por seguridad, el banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1149,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1168
msgid ""
-"To enable orders, you must create and activate production credentials in "
-"your Mercado Pago Account. "
+"Recommend your customer to pay with their usual payment method and device "
+"for online purchases."
msgstr ""
-"Para habilitar las ventas, debes crear y activar las credenciales de "
-"producción en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago. "
+"Recomiéndale a tu cliente que pague con el medio de pago y dispositivo que "
+"suele usar para compras online."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:233
-msgid "Copy and paste the credentials below."
-msgstr "Copia y pega tus credenciales a continuación."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1150
+msgid "Your customer's credit card has no available limit"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de crédito de tu cliente no tiene límite disponible"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:234
-msgid "Check credentials"
-msgstr "Consultar credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1151,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1152,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1156
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to pay with another card or to choose another payment method."
+msgstr "Pídele que pague con otra tarjeta o que elija otro medio de pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:235
-msgid "Test credentials "
-msgstr "Credenciales de prueba "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1155
+msgid "Your customer reached the limit of payment attempts with this card"
+msgstr "Tu cliente alcanzó el límite de intentos de pago con la tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:236
-msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts for test purchases in the store."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1157
+msgid ""
+"Your customer's card does not accept the number of installments selected"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de tu cliente no acepta la cantidad de pagos que seleccionó"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1158
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to choose a different number of installments or to pay with "
+"another method."
msgstr ""
-"Habilitan a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para pruebas de compras en la "
+"Pídele que elija una cantidad de pagos diferente o que use con otro medio."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:237
-msgid "Public key"
-msgstr "Public key"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1159,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1186
+msgid "Your customer needs to authorize the payment through their bank"
+msgstr "Tu cliente necesita autorizar el pago con su banco"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:238
-msgid "Access Token"
-msgstr "Access Token"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1160,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1187
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to call the telephone number on their card or to pay with "
+"another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Pídele que llame al teléfono que está en la tarjeta o que pague con otro "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:239
-msgid "Production credentials"
-msgstr "Credenciales de producción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1161
+msgid ""
+"The payment was declined because your customer already paid for this purchase"
+msgstr "El pago fue rechazado porque tu cliente ya pagó esta compra"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:240
-msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts to receive real payments in the store."
-msgstr ""
-"Habilitan a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para recibir pagos reales en "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1162
+msgid "Check your approved payments to verify it."
+msgstr "Revisa tu cobros aprobados para verificarlo."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:241
-msgid "Paste your Public Key here"
-msgstr "Pega aquí tu Public Key"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1163
+msgid "Your customer's card was is not activated yet"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de tu cliente aún no está habilitada"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:242
-msgid "Paste your Access Token here"
-msgstr "Pega aquí tu Access Token"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1164
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to contact their bank by calling the number on the back of "
+"their card or to pay with another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Pídele que se comunique con su banco al número que está en el dorso de la "
+"tarjeta o que pague con otro medio."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:243,
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:280
-msgid "Save and continue"
-msgstr "Guardar y continuar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1170
+msgid ""
+"This payment was declined because it did not pass Mercado Pago security "
+"controls. Please ask your client to use another card."
+msgstr ""
+"Rechazamos este pago porque no pasó los controles de seguridad de Mercado "
+"Pago. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:254
-msgid "2. Customize your business"
-msgstr "2. Personaliza tu negocio"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1172
+msgid ""
+"The amount exceeded the card limit. Please ask your client to use another "
+"card or to get in touch with the bank."
+msgstr ""
+"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
+"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:255
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1174,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1178
msgid ""
-"Fill out the following information to have a better experience and offer "
-"more information to your clients"
+"Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the card "
msgstr ""
-"Completa los siguientes datos para tener una mejor experiencia y ofrecer más "
-"información a los clientes"
+"Pídele a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con el emisor de "
+"la tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:256
-msgid "Your store information"
-msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1180
+msgid ""
+"The amount exceeded the card's limit. Please ask your client to use another "
+"card or to get in touch with the bank."
+msgstr ""
+"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
+"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:257
-msgid "Name of your store in your client's invoice"
-msgstr "Nombre de tu tienda en la factura de los clientes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1188
+msgid "Your customer's debit card has insufficient funds"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de débito de tu cliente no tiene saldo suficiente"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:258
-msgid "Eg: Mary's store"
-msgstr "Ej.: TiendaMaría"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1189
+msgid ""
+"Please recommend your customer to pay with another card or to choose another "
+"payment method."
+msgstr "Pídele que pague con otra tarjeta o que elige otro medio de pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1190
+msgid "Something went wrong and the payment was declined"
+msgstr "El pago fue rechazado porque hubo un error"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:259
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1191
msgid ""
-"If this field is empty, the purchase will be identified as Mercado Pago."
+"Please recommend you customer to try again or to pay with another payment "
msgstr ""
-"Si el campo queda vacío, la compra del cliente se identificará como Mercado "
+"Recomiéndale a tu cliente que intente nuevamente o pague con otro medio de "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:260
-msgid "Identification in Activities of Mercad Pago"
-msgstr "Identificación en Actividad de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1204
+msgid "Any questions?"
+msgstr "¿Tienes dudas? "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:261
-msgid "Eg: Marystore"
-msgstr "Ej.: Tienda de María"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1205
+msgid "Please check the"
+msgstr "Revisa las"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:262
-msgid "In Activities, you will view this term before the order number"
-msgstr "En Actividad verás el término ingresado antes del número o del pedido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1206,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1222
+msgid "FAQs"
+msgstr "preguntas frecuentes"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:263
-msgid "Store category"
-msgstr "Categoría de la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1207
+msgid "on the dev website."
+msgstr "en el sitio para desarrolladores."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:264
-msgid "Select"
-msgstr "Seleccionar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1220
+msgid "Check our"
+msgstr "Revisa las"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:265
-msgid "Select ”Other” if you do not find the appropriate category."
-msgstr "Seleciona ”Otro” si no encuentras una categoría adecuada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1223
+msgid "or open a ticket to contact the Mercado Pago team."
+msgstr ""
+"o abre un ticket para entrar en contacto con el equipo de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:266
-msgid "Advanced integration options (optional)"
-msgstr "Opciones avanzadas de integración (opcional)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1228
+msgid "1. Go to the dev website and open a"
+msgstr "1. Ingresa al sitio para desarrolladores y abre un"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:267
-msgid ""
-"For further integration of your store with Mercado Pago (IPN, Certified "
-"Partners, Debug Mode)"
-msgstr ""
-"Para mayor integración de tu tienda con Mercado Pago (IPN, Socios "
-"Certificados, Modo Debug)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1230
+msgid "ticket"
+msgstr "ticket"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:268
-msgid "View advanced options"
-msgstr "Ver opciones avanzadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1231
+msgid "in the Support section."
+msgstr "en la sección de Soporte."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:269
-msgid "URL for IPN "
-msgstr "URL para IPN "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1236
+msgid "4. Download the"
+msgstr "4. Descarga el"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:270
-msgid "Eg: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
-msgstr "Ej.: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1237
+msgid "error history"
+msgstr "historial de errores "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:271
-msgid ""
-"Add the URL to receive payments notifications. Find out more information in "
-"the "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1238
+msgid "and share it with the Mercado Pago team when asked for it."
msgstr ""
-"Ingresa la URL para recibir notificaciones de pago. Consulta más información "
-"en los "
+"y compártelo con el equipo de Mercado Pago cuando se te sea solicitado."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:272
-msgid "guides."
-msgstr "manuales."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:273
-msgid "Add plugin default params"
-msgstr "Agregar parámetros default del plugin"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1242
+msgid "Do you need help?"
+msgstr "¿Necesitas ayuda?"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:274
-msgid "integrator_id"
-msgstr "integrator_id"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1243
+msgid "How to open a ticket:"
+msgstr "Cómo abrir un ticket:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:275
-msgid "Eg: 14987126498"
-msgstr "Ej.: 14987126498"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1245
+msgid "2. Fill out the form with your store details."
+msgstr "2. Completa el formulario con los datos de tu tienda."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:276
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1246
msgid ""
-"If you are a Mercado Pago Certified Partner, make sure to add your "
-"integrator_id. If you do not have the code, please "
+"3. Copy and paste the following details when asked for the the technical "
msgstr ""
-"Si eres Partner certificado de Mercado Pago, recuerda ingresar tu "
-"integrator_id. Si no tienes el código, "
+"3. Copia y pega los siguientes datos cuando se te pida la información "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:277
-msgid "request it now. "
-msgstr "solicítalo ahora. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1249
+msgid "Version:"
+msgstr "Versión"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:278
-msgid "Debug and Log Mode"
-msgstr "Modo debug y log"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:279
-msgid "We record your store's actions in order to provide a better assistance."
-msgstr "Grabamos las aciones de tu tienda para brindar un mejor soporte."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1250
+msgid "History of errors"
+msgstr "Historial de errores"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:291
-msgid "3. Set payment methods"
-msgstr "3. Configura los medios de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1251
+msgid ""
+"Select the files you want to share with our team and click on Download. This "
+"information will be requested by e-mail if necessary."
+msgstr ""
+"Selecciona los archivos que quieras compartir con nuestro equipo y haz clic "
+"en “Descargar”. Esta información se te solicitará por e-mail al momento de "
+"ser necesario."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:292
-msgid "To view more options, please select a payment method below"
-msgstr "Selecciona uno de los siguientes medios de pago para ver más opciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1254
+msgid "Source"
+msgstr "Origen"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:293
-msgid "Settings"
-msgstr "Configurar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1255
+msgid "File date"
+msgstr "Fecha de creación"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:294
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Continuar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1256
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Descargar"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:305
-msgid "4. Test your store before you sell"
-msgstr "4. Testea tu tienda antes de vender"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1257
+msgid "Next Page"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:306
-msgid ""
-"Test the experience in Test Mode and then enable the Sale Mode (Production) "
-"to sell."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1258
+msgid "Previous page"
msgstr ""
-"Testea la experiencia en Modo Test. Luego activa el Modo Ventas (Producción) "
-"para realizar ventas."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:307
-msgid "Choose how you want to operate your store:"
-msgstr "Elige cómo quieres operar tu tienda:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1259
+msgid "The plugin has not yet recorded any logs in your store."
+msgstr "El plugin aún no ha registrado ningún registro en su tienda."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:308
-msgid "Test Mode"
-msgstr "Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:103
+msgid "discount of"
+msgstr "descuento de"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:309
-msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts disabled for real collections. "
-msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago inactivos para cobros reales. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:104
+msgid "fee of"
+msgstr "comisión de"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:310
-msgid "Test Mode rules."
-msgstr "Reglas del modo test."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:105
+msgid "and"
+msgstr "y"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:311
-msgid "Sale Mode (Production)"
-msgstr "Modo Ventas (Producción)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:106
+msgid "Shipping service used by the store."
+msgstr "Servicio de envío utilizado por la tienda."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:312
-msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts enabled for real collections."
-msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago activos para cobros reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:107
+msgid "Discount provided by store"
+msgstr "Descuento proporcionado por la tienda"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:313
-msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Production Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Produción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:108
+msgid "Mercado Pago Discount"
+msgstr "Descuento de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:314
-msgid "The clients can make real purchases in your store."
-msgstr "Los clientes pueden hacer compras reales en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:109
+msgid "Mercado Pago Commission"
+msgstr "Comisión de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:315
-msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:121
+msgid "Checkout Pro in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Checkout Pro en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:122,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:180,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:214
+msgid "Use Mercado Pago's payment methods without real charges. "
+msgstr "Utiliza los medios de Mercado Pago sin cobros reales. "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:316
-msgid "Create your "
-msgstr "Crea tu "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:123,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:181,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:215,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:336,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:364
+msgid "See the rules for the test mode."
+msgstr "Consulte las reglas para el modo test."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:317
-msgid "test user "
-msgstr "usuario de prueba "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:124
+msgid "Log in to Mercado Pago and earn benefits"
+msgstr "Inicia sesión en Mercado Pago y obtén beneficios"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:318
-msgid ""
-"(Optional. Can be used in Production Mode and Test Mode, to test payments)."
-msgstr ""
-"(Opcional. Se puede utilizar en modo de producción y en modo de prueba, para "
-"probar los pagos)."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:125
+msgid "Easy login"
+msgstr "Ingresa con facilidad"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:319
-msgid "Use our test cards, "
-msgstr "Utiliza nuestras tarjetas de prueba, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:126
+msgid "Log in with the same email and password you use in Mercado Libre."
+msgstr "Inicia sesión con tu mismo e-mail y contraseña de Mercado Libre."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:320
-msgid "never use real cards. "
-msgstr "nunca utilices tarjetas reales. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:127
+msgid "Blue phone image"
+msgstr "Imagen de teléfono azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:321
-msgid "Visit your store "
-msgstr "Visita tu tienda "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:128
+msgid "Quick payments"
+msgstr "Paga rápido"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:322
-msgid "to test purchases"
-msgstr "para testear compras"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:129
+msgid "Use your saved cards, Pix or available balance."
+msgstr "Usa tus tarjetas guardadas, Pix o saldo disponible."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:323
-msgid "Save changes"
-msgstr "Guardar cambios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:130
+msgid "Use your available Mercado Pago Wallet balance or saved cards."
+msgstr "Usa tu saldo disponible en Mercado Pago Wallet o tarjetas guardadas."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:324
-msgid "Store under test"
-msgstr "Tienda en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:131
+msgid "Use your available money or saved cards."
+msgstr "Usa tu dinero disponible o tarjetas guardadas."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:325
-msgid "Store in sale mode (Production)"
-msgstr "Tienda en Modo Ventas (Producción)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:132
+msgid "Blue wallet image"
+msgstr "Imagen de billetera azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:326
-msgid "Enter test credentials"
-msgstr "Ingresa las credenciales de prueba"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:133
+msgid "Protected purchases"
+msgstr "Protege tu compra"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:327
-msgid "To enable test mode, "
-msgstr "Para activar el modo de prueba, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:134
+msgid "Reliable purchases"
+msgstr "Compra con confianza"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:328
-msgid "copy your test credentials "
-msgstr "copia tus credenciales de prueba "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:135
+msgid "Get your money back in case you don't receive your product."
+msgstr "Recupera tu dinero si no recibes el producto."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:329
-msgid "and paste them above in section 1 of this page."
-msgstr "y pégalas en la sección 1 de esta página."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:136
+msgid "Get help if you have a problem with your purchase."
+msgstr "Recibe ayuda si tienes algún problema con tu compra."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:366
-msgid "Invalid Access Token"
-msgstr "Access token no válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:137
+msgid "Blue protection image"
+msgstr "Imagen de protección azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:368
-msgid "Valid Access Token"
-msgstr "Access token válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:138
+msgid "Installments option"
+msgstr "Accede a cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:374
-msgid "Invalid Public Key"
-msgstr "Public key no válida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:139
+msgid "Pay with or without a credit card."
+msgstr "Paga con o sin tarjeta de crédito."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:376
-msgid "Valid Public Key"
-msgstr "Public key válida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:140
+msgid "Interest-free installments with selected banks."
+msgstr "Cuotas sin interés con bancos seleccionados."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:379
-msgid "Credentials must be valid"
-msgstr "Las credenciales deben ser válidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:141
+msgid "Blue phone installments image"
+msgstr "Imagen de cuotas de teléfono azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:429
-msgid "Credentials were updated"
-msgstr "Se actualizaron las credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:142
+msgid "Available payment methods"
+msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:421
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:143,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:186
msgid ""
-"Your store has exited Test Mode and is making real sales in Production Mode."
+"By continuing, you will be taken to Mercado Pago to safely complete your "
msgstr ""
-"Ahora su tienda está fuera del modo de prueba y está realizando ventas "
-"reales en el modo de producción."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:422
-msgid "To test the store, re-enter both test credentials."
-msgstr "Para probar la tienda, vuelva a ingresar ambas credenciales de prueba."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:435
-msgid "Invalid credentials"
-msgstr "Credenciales no válidas"
+"Al continuar, te llevaremos a Mercado Pago para completar tu compra de forma "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:436
-msgid "See our manual to learn "
-msgstr "Consulte nuestro manual para saber "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:144,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:187
+msgid "Checkout Pro redirect info image"
+msgstr "Imagen de redirección de Checkout Pro"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:437
-msgid "how to enter the credentials the right way."
-msgstr "como ingresar las credenciales de forma correcta."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:145,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:188,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:239,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:281,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:342,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:374
+msgid "By continuing, you agree with our"
+msgstr "Al continuar, aceptas nuestros"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:497
-msgid "Store information is valid"
-msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:146,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:189,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:240,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:282,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:343,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:375
+msgid "Terms and conditions"
+msgstr "Términos y condiciones"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:527
-msgid "Mercado Pago's Payment Methods in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:147,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:218,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:263
+msgid "Pay with Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Pagar con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:528
-msgid "Mercado Pago's Payment Methods in Production Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Produción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:148,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:264
+msgid "Cancel & Clear Cart"
+msgstr "Cancelar & Limpiar carrito"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:521
-msgid "Invalid credentials for test mode"
-msgstr "Credenciales inválidas para el modo de prueba"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:161
+msgid "Log in"
+msgstr "Inicia sesión"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:603
-msgid "Enabled"
-msgstr "Activado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:162
+msgid ""
+"or create an account in Mercado Pago. If you use Mercado Libre, you already "
+"have one!"
+msgstr ""
+"o crea una cuenta en Mercado Pago. Si utilizas Mercado Libre, ¡ya tienes una!"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:604
-msgid "Disabled"
-msgstr "Inactivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:167
+msgid "Know your available limit in Mercado Crédito and"
+msgstr "Conoce tu límite disponible en Mercado Crédito y"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:632
-msgid "Valid Credentials"
-msgstr "Credenciales válidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:168
+msgid "choose how many installments"
+msgstr "elige en cuántas cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:635
-msgid "Credentials couldn't be validated"
-msgstr "No se pudieron validar las credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:169
+msgid "you want to pay"
+msgstr "quieres pagar"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:658
-msgid "Store business fields are valid"
-msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda son válidos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:174
+msgid "Pay the installments as you prefer:"
+msgstr "Paga las cuotas como prefieras:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:661
-msgid "Store business fields couldn't be validated"
-msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda no se pudieron validar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:175
+msgid "with money in your account, card of from the Mercado Pago app"
+msgstr "con dinero, tarjeta o directo desde la app de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:684
-msgid "At least one paymet method is enabled"
-msgstr "Al menos un método de pago está habilitado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:179
+msgid "No card installments in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Mensualidades sin tarjeta en Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:687
-msgid "No payment method enabled"
-msgstr "No se habilitó ningún método de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:182
+msgid "How to use it?"
+msgstr "¿Cómo usar?"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:77
-msgid "Payment approved."
-msgstr "Pago aprobado."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:190
+msgid "Pay in"
+msgstr "Compra en hasta"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:131,
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:135
-msgid "Waiting for the Pix payment."
-msgstr "Esperando el pago de Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:191
+msgid "installments"
+msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:148,
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:152
-msgid "Waiting for the ticket payment."
-msgstr "Esperando el pago del boleto."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:192
+msgid "with Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:160
-msgid "The customer has not made the payment yet."
-msgstr "El cliente todavía no efectuó el pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:193
+msgid "Read more"
+msgstr "Leer más"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:179
-msgid "Payment is pending review."
-msgstr "El pago está pendiente de revisión."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:194
+msgid "Buy now and pay in installments with no card later!"
+msgstr "¡Compra ahora y paga después!"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:196
-msgid "Payment was declined. The customer can try again."
-msgstr "El pago fue rechazado. El cliente puede intentar nuevamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:195
+msgid "100% online, without paperwork or monthly fees"
+msgstr "Compra en hasta 12 pagos mensuales sin usar tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:211
-msgid "Payment was returned to the customer."
-msgstr "El pago fue devuelto al cliente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:196
+msgid "You can apply for your line of credit 100% online and securely."
+msgstr "Puedes solicitar tu línea de crédito 100% online y de forma segura."
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:225
-msgid "Payment was canceled."
-msgstr "El pago fue cancelado."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:197
+msgid "Do everything from the Mercado Pago app!"
+msgstr "Sin trámites. ¡Haz todo desde la app de Mercado Pago!"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:240,
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:252
-msgid ""
-"The payment is in mediation or the purchase was unknown by the customer."
-msgstr "El pago esta en mediación o la compra fue desconocida por el cliente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:198
+msgid "No maintenance fees or additional costs."
+msgstr "Sin tasas de mantenimiento ni costos adicionales."
-#. translators: 1: payment_id 2: status
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:318
-msgid ""
-"Mercado Pago: The payment %1$s was notified by Mercado Pago with status %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Mercado Pago: El pago %1$s fue notificado por Mercado Pago con estado %2$s."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:199
+msgid "Questions? "
+msgstr "¿Dudas? "
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:371
-msgid "Shipping service used by the store."
-msgstr "Servicio de envío utilizado por la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:200
+msgid "Check our FAQ"
+msgstr "Consulta nuestra FAQ"
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:562,
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:563
-msgid "Discount provided by store"
-msgstr "Descuento proporcionado por la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:201
+msgid ". Credit subject to approval."
+msgstr ". Crédito sujeto a aprobación."
-#. translators: %s coupon
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:130
-msgid "Discount for coupon %s"
-msgstr "Descuento para el cupón %s"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:213
+msgid "Checkout Custom in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Tarjeta de crédito en Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:172
-msgid " and fee of"
-msgstr " y comisión de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:216
+msgid "Pay with saved cards"
+msgstr "Paga con tarjetas guardadas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:547
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:217
msgid ""
-"Public Key production credential is invalid. Review the field to "
-"receive real payments."
+"Do you have a Mercado Libre account? Then use the same email and password to "
+"pay faster with Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Public Key es inválida. Revísala para "
-"poder recibir pagos reales."
+"¿Tienes una cuenta de Mercado Libre? Usa el mismo e-mail y contraseña para "
+"pagar más rápido con Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:556
-msgid ""
-"Public Key test credential is invalid. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Public Key es inválida. Revísala para poder "
-"realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:219
+msgid "With which card can you pay?"
+msgstr "¿Con qué tarjeta puedes pagar?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:565
-msgid ""
-"Access Token production credential is invalid. Remember that it must "
-"be complete to receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Access Token es inválida. Revísala para "
-"poder recibir pagos reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:220,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:224
+msgid "See current promotions"
+msgstr "Ver promociones vigentes"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:574
-msgid ""
-"Access Token test credential is invalid. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Access Token es inválida. Revísala para poder "
-"realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:221
+msgid "Credit cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:592
-msgid ""
-"Public Key test credential is blank. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Public Key está en blanco. Revísala para "
-"poder realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:222
+msgid "Up to 12 installments"
+msgstr "Hasta 12 cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:601
-msgid ""
-"Public Key production credential is blank. Review the field to "
-"receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Public Key está en blanco. Revísala "
-"para poder recibir pagos reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:223
+msgid "Debit cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:610
-msgid ""
-"Access Token test credential is blank. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Access Token está en blanco. Revísala para "
-"poder realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:225
+msgid "Fill in your card details"
+msgstr "Completa los datos de tu tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:619
-msgid ""
-"Access Token production credential is blank. Remember that it must be "
-"complete to receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Access Token está en blanco. Revísala "
-"para poder recibir pagos reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:226
+msgid "Card number"
+msgstr "Número de Tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:92,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:90
-msgid ""
-"There was an error processing your payment. Please try again or contact us "
-"for Assistance."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ha producido un error en el procesamiento de su pago. Por favor, "
-"inténtelo de nuevo o póngase en contacto con nosotros para Asistencia."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:227,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:229,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:231,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:233
+msgid "Required data"
+msgstr "Datos obligatorios"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:84,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:82,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:45,
-#: ../../templates/receipt/custom-checkout.php:41
-msgid "Pay with Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Pagar con Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:228
+msgid "Holder name as it appears on the card"
+msgstr "Nombre del titular como aparece en la tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:86,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:84,
-#: ../../templates/receipt/custom-checkout.php:44
-msgid "Cancel & Clear Cart"
-msgstr "Cancelar & Limpiar carrito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:230
+msgid "Expiration"
+msgstr "Vencimiento"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:143,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:73,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:82
-msgid "Apply"
-msgstr "Aplicar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:144,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:74,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:83
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Retirar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:145,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:75,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:84
-msgid "Please, inform your coupon code"
-msgstr "Por favor, informe su código de cupón"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:146,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:76,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:85
-msgid "To choose"
-msgstr "Elegir"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:147,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:77,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:86
-msgid "Other bank"
-msgstr "Otro banco"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:148,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:78,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:87
-msgid "You will save"
-msgstr "Salvarás"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:149,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:79,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:88
-msgid "with discount of"
-msgstr "con descuento de"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:150,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:80,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:89
-msgid "Total of your purchase:"
-msgstr "Total de su compra:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:151,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:81,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:90
-msgid "Total of your purchase with discount:"
-msgstr "Total de su compra con descuento:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:152,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:82,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:91
-msgid "*After payment approval"
-msgstr "*Tras la aprobación del pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:153,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:83,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:92
-msgid "Terms and conditions of use"
-msgstr "Términos y condiciones de uso"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:154,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:172
-msgid "No fee"
-msgstr "Sin interés"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:232
+msgid "Security Code"
+msgstr "Código de seguridad"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:155,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:173
-msgid "More options"
-msgstr "Más opciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:234,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:337,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:365
+msgid "Holder document"
+msgstr "Documento del titular"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:163
-msgid "mm/yy"
-msgstr "mm/aa"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:235,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:338,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:366
+msgid "Invalid document"
+msgstr "Número de documento no válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:236,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:238
+msgid "Select the number of installments"
+msgstr "Selecciona la cantidad de cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:164,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:134
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:237,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:242
msgid "Issuer"
msgstr "Banco"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:165
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:241
+msgid "mm/yy"
+msgstr "mm/aa"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:243
msgid "Installments"
-msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
+msgstr "Cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:168
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:244
msgid "on the back"
msgstr "del dorso"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:169
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:245
msgid "on the front"
msgstr "del frente"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:171
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:246
msgid "digits"
msgstr "dígitos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:174
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:247
+msgid "No fee"
+msgstr "Sin interés"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:248
+msgid "More options"
+msgstr "Más opciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:249
msgid "If interest is applicable, it will be charged by your bank."
msgstr "Si corresponden intereses, serán aplicados por tu banco."
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:175
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:250
msgid "Interest"
msgstr "Intereses"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:178
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:251
msgid "Card number is required"
msgstr "Número de tarjeta obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:179
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:252
msgid "Card number invalid"
msgstr "Número de tarjeta inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:182
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:253
msgid "Holder name is required"
msgstr "Nombre del titular obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:183
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:254
msgid "Holder name invalid"
msgstr "Nombre del titular inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:186,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:188
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:255,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:257
msgid "Expiration date invalid"
msgstr "Fecha de vencimiento inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:187
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:256
msgid "Expiration date incomplete"
msgstr "Fecha de vencimiento obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:191
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:258
msgid "Security code is required"
msgstr "Código de seguridad obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:192
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:259
msgid "Security code incomplete"
msgstr "Código de seguridad incompleto"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:230
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:260
msgid "Cost of installments"
msgstr "Coste de las cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:231
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:261
msgid "Total with installments"
msgstr "Total con cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:262
msgid "installments of"
msgstr "cuotas de"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:139
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:276
+msgid "Pix in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Pix en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:277
+msgid ""
+"You can test the flow to generate a code, but you cannot finalize the "
+msgstr ""
+"Es posible probar el flujo para generar una factura, pero no es posible "
+"finalizar el pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:278
+msgid "Pay instantly"
+msgstr "Pago instantáneo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:279
+msgid ""
+"By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Al confirmar tu compra, te mostraremos un código para realizar el pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:280
+msgid "Pix logo"
+msgstr "Pix logo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:283,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:292
+msgid "Code valid for "
+msgstr "Código válido por "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:284
msgid "Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase"
msgstr "Ahora sólo tiene que pagar con Pix para finalizar su compra"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:140
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:285
msgid "How to pay with Pix:"
msgstr "Cómo pagar con Pix:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:141
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:286
msgid "Go to your bank's app or website"
msgstr "Entra en la app o en la página web de tu banco"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:142
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:287
msgid "Search for the option to pay with Pix"
msgstr "Busca la opción de pagar con Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:143
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:288
msgid "Scan the QR code or Pix code"
msgstr "Escanea el código QR o el código Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:144
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:289
msgid "Done! You will see the payment confirmation"
msgstr "Listo. Verás la confirmación del pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:145
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:290
msgid "Value: "
msgstr "Valor: "
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:147
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:291
msgid "Scan the QR code:"
msgstr "Escanea el código QR:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:150
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:293
msgid "If you prefer, you can pay by copying and pasting the following code"
msgstr "Si lo prefieres, puedes pagar copiando y pegando el siguiente código"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:152
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:294
msgid "Copy code"
msgstr "Copiar código"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:112
-msgid "Pay in"
-msgstr "Compra en hasta"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:113
-msgid "installments"
-msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:114
-msgid "with Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:115
-msgid "Read more"
-msgstr "Saber más"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:116
-msgid "Buy now and pay in installments with no card later!"
-msgstr "¡Compra ahora y paga después!"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:117
-msgid "100% online,"
-msgstr "Compra en hasta"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:118
-msgid "without paperwork or monthly fees"
-msgstr "12 pagos mensuales sin usar tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:119
-msgid "When paying, choose"
-msgstr "Puedes solicitar "
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:120
-msgid ". Login to your account or create one in a few steps."
-msgstr "tu línea de crédito 100% online y de forma segura."
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:121
-msgid "Search for"
-msgstr "Sin trámites."
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:122
-msgid ""
-"among the options, select it and choose in how many installments you would "
-"like to pay."
-msgstr " ¡Haz todo desde la app de Mercado Pago!"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:123
-msgid "Pay your installments monthly as you wish, in the Mercado Pago app."
-msgstr "Sin tasas de mantenimiento ni costos adicionales."
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:126
-msgid "Check our FAQ"
-msgstr "Consulta nuestra FAQ"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:127
-msgid ". Credit subject to approval."
-msgstr ". Crédito sujeto a aprobación."
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:182,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:634,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:682,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:727,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:986
-msgid "Response from cache"
-msgstr "Respuesta de la caché"
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:1000
-msgid "Response from API"
-msgstr "Respuesta de la API"
-#. translators: 1: total_time currency 2: url
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/rest-client/class-mp-rest-client-abstract.php:179
-msgid "Took %1$s seconds to transfer a request to %2$s"
-msgstr "Se han tardado %1$s segundos para transferir una solicitud a %2$s"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:24
-msgid "Checkout Pro in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Checkout Pro en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:25,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:25
-msgid "Use Mercado Pago's payment methods without real charges. "
-msgstr "Utiliza los medios de Mercado Pago sin cobros reales. "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:26,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:26,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:26
-msgid "See the rules for the test mode."
-msgstr "Consulte las reglas para el modo test."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:35
-msgid "Log in to Mercado Pago and earn benefits"
-msgstr "Inicia sesión en Mercado Pago y obtén beneficios"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:54
-msgid ""
-"By continuing, you will be taken to Mercado Pago to safely complete your "
-msgstr ""
-"Al continuar, te llevaremos a Mercado Pago para completar tu compra de forma "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:56,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:47
-msgid "Checkout Pro redirect info image"
-msgstr "Imagen de redirección de Checkout Pro"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:66,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:56,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:169,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:31,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:96
-msgid "By continuing, you agree with our"
-msgstr "Al continuar, aceptas nuestros"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:67,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:57,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:170,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:31,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:97
-msgid "Terms and conditions"
-msgstr "Términos y condiciones"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:24
-msgid "No card installments in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Mensualidades sin tarjeta en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:34
-msgid "How to use it?"
-msgstr "¿Cómo usar?"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:37
-msgid ""
-"Log in or create an account in Mercado Pago. If you use Mercado "
-"Libre, you already have one!"
-msgstr ""
-"Inicia sesión o crea una cuenta en Mercado Pago. Si has usado Mercado "
-"Libre para comprar, ¡ya tienes una!"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:38
-msgid ""
-"Know your available limit in Mercado Crédito and choose how many "
-"installments you want to pay."
-msgstr ""
-"Conoce el límite disponible de tu línea de crédito y elige el plazo en "
-"el que quieres pagar tu compra."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:39
-msgid ""
-"Pay the installments as you prefer: with money in your account, card of "
-"from the Mercado Pago app."
-msgstr ""
-"Paga mes a mes con el medio de pago que prefieras. ¡Todo desde la app "
-"de Mercado Pago!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:295,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:349,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:373
+msgid "Mercado Pago: The customer has not paid yet."
+msgstr "Mercado Pago: El cliente no ha pagado todavía."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:46
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:296
msgid ""
-"By confirming your purchase, you will be redirected to your Mercado Pago "
+"Mercado Pago: Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase."
msgstr ""
-"Al continuar, te llevaremos a Mercado Pago para completar tu compra de forma "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:23
-msgid "Checkout Custom in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Tarjeta de crédito en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:24
-msgid "Use Mercado Pago means without real charges."
-msgstr "Utiliza los medios de Mercado Pago sin cobros reales."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:25
-msgid "See test mode rules."
-msgstr "Ver las reglas del Modo Test."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:36
-msgid "Pay with saved cards"
-msgstr "Paga con tarjetas guardadas"
+"Mercado Pago: Ahora sólo tiene que pagar con Pix para finalizar su compra."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:40
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:297
msgid ""
-"Do you have a Mercado Libre account? Then use the same email and password to "
-"pay faster with Mercado Pago."
+"Scan the QR code below or copy and paste the code into your bank's "
msgstr ""
-"¿Tienes una cuenta de Mercado Libre? Usa el mismo e-mail y contraseña para "
-"pagar más rápido \n"
-"con Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:57
-msgid "With which card can you pay?"
-msgstr "¿Con qué tarjeta puedes pagar?"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:70
-msgid "See current promotions"
-msgstr "Ver promociones vigentes"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:78
-msgid "Fill in your card details"
-msgstr "Completa los datos de tu tarjeta"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:80
-msgid "Card number"
-msgstr "Número de Tarjeta"
+"Escanee el código QR a continuación o copie y pegue el código en la "
+"aplicación de su banco."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:82,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:89,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:98,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:106
-msgid "Required data"
-msgstr "Datos obligatorios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:298
+msgid "30 minutes"
+msgstr "30 minutos"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:87
-msgid "Holder name as it appears on the card"
-msgstr "Nombre del titular como aparece en la tarjeta"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:310
+msgid "Payment approved."
+msgstr "Pago aprobado."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:95
-msgid "Expiration"
-msgstr "Vencimiento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:311
+msgid "Waiting for the Pix payment."
+msgstr "Esperando el pago de Pix."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:103
-msgid "Security Code"
-msgstr "Código de seguridad"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:312
+msgid "Waiting for the ticket payment."
+msgstr "Esperando el pago del boleto."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:113,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:36,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:53
-msgid "Holder document"
-msgstr "Documento del titular"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:313
+msgid "The customer has not made the payment yet."
+msgstr "El cliente todavía no efectuó el pago."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:114,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:37,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:54
-msgid "Invalid document"
-msgstr "Número de documento no válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:314
+msgid "Payment is pending review."
+msgstr "El pago está pendiente de revisión."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:129,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:145
-msgid "Select the number of installments"
-msgstr "Selecciona la cantidad de cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:315
+msgid "Payment was declined. The customer can try again."
+msgstr "El pago fue rechazado. El cliente puede intentar nuevamente."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:22
-msgid "Pix in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Pix en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:316
+msgid "Payment was returned to the customer."
+msgstr "El pago fue devuelto al cliente."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:22
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:317
msgid ""
-"You can test the flow to generate a code, but you cannot finalize the "
+"The payment was partially returned to the customer. the amount refunded "
+"was : "
msgstr ""
-"Es posible probar el flujo para generar una factura, pero no es posible "
-"finalizar el pago."
+"El pago se devolvió parcialmente al cliente. El montante reembolsado fue "
+"de : "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
-msgid "Pay instantly"
-msgstr "Pago instantáneo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:318
+msgid "Payment was canceled."
+msgstr "El pago fue cancelado."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:319,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:320
msgid ""
-"By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
-msgstr ""
-"Al confirmar tu compra, te mostraremos un código para realizar el pago."
+"The payment is in mediation or the purchase was unknown by the customer."
+msgstr "El pago esta en mediación o la compra fue desconocida por el cliente."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
-msgid "Pix logo"
-msgstr "Pix logo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:321
+msgid "The payment"
+msgstr "El pago"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:24
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:322
+msgid "was notified by Mercado Pago with status"
+msgstr "fue notificado por Mercado Pago con estado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:334
msgid "Offline Methods in Test Mode"
msgstr "Facturas en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:25
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:335
msgid ""
"You can test the flow to generate an invoice, but you cannot finalize the "
-"payment. "
msgstr ""
"Es posible testear el flujo para generar una factura, pero no es posible "
-"finalizar el pago. "
+"finalizar el pago."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:68
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:339,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:367
msgid "Select where you want to pay"
msgstr "Selecciona el punto de pago donde quieres pagar"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:73
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:340,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:368
msgid "more options"
msgstr "más opciones"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:78
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:341
msgid "Select a payment method"
msgstr "Seleccione una opción de pago"
-#: ../../templates/order/payment-status-metabox-content.php:30
-msgid ""
-"This is the payment status of your Mercado Pago Activities. To check the "
-"order status, please refer to Order details."
-msgstr ""
-"Este es el estado del pago de las Actividades de tu Mercado Pago. Para "
-"consultar el estado del pedido, consulta en Detalles del Pedido."
-#: ../../templates/order-received/show-ticket.php:19
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:344
msgid ""
"Great, we processed your purchase order. Complete the payment with ticket so "
"that we finish approving it."
@@ -3030,789 +2758,601 @@ msgstr ""
"Excelente, procesamos tu orden de compra. Completa el pago con ticket para "
"que terminemos de aprobarla."
-#: ../../templates/order-received/show-ticket.php:23
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:345
msgid "Print ticket"
msgstr "Imprimir ticket"
-#~ msgid "Fee"
-#~ msgstr "Tasa"
-#~ msgid "How does it work?"
-#~ msgstr "¿Cómo funciona?"
-#~ msgid "Checkout visualization:"
-#~ msgstr "Visualización en el checkout:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:346
+msgid " and "
+msgstr " e "
-#~ msgid "Check below how this feature will be displayed to your customers."
-#~ msgstr "A continuación verás cómo este recurso aparecerá para tus clientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:347
+msgid "To print the ticket again click"
+msgstr "Para reimprimir o boleto clique"
-#~ msgid "Banner visualization"
-#~ msgstr "Visualización del componente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:348
+msgid "here"
+msgstr "aqui"
-#~ msgid "Check the example of how it will appear in the store:"
-#~ msgstr "Consulta el ejemplo de cómo aparecerá en la tienda:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:362
+msgid "Checkout PSE in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Checkout PSE en Modo Test"
-#~ msgid "Bank Transfer"
-#~ msgstr "Transferencia bancaria"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:363
+msgid "You can test the flow to generate a payment with PSE"
+msgstr "Puede probar el flujo para generar un pago con PSE"
-#~ msgid "Payment by cash"
-#~ msgstr "Pagos en efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:369
+msgid "Person type "
+msgstr "Tipo de persona "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If you already have a Mercado Libre account, use the same email and "
-#~ "password"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si ya tienes una cuenta de Mercado Libre, usa el mismo mail y contraseña"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:370
+msgid "Financial institution"
+msgstr "Institución financiera"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When you confirm your purchase, we will redirect you to your Mercado Pago "
-#~ "account"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Cuando confirmes tu compra, te redireccionaremos a tu cuenta de Mercado "
-#~ "Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:371
+msgid "Select the financial institution"
+msgstr "Seleccione la entidad financiera"
-#~ msgid "Payment with Mercado Credito"
-#~ msgstr "Pagos con Mercado Crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:372
+msgid "Select the institution"
+msgstr "Seleccione la institución"
-#~ msgid "New!"
-#~ msgstr "¡Nuevo!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:387
+msgid "A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Please, try again."
+msgstr ""
+"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Por favor, intente otra "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With Mercado Credito, clients can pay "
-#~ "in installments with no card, by transfers, invoice or money available "
-#~ "in their Mercado Pago account. By activating the no-card "
-#~ "installments banner, you will increase your chances of selling."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Con Mercado Crédito, los clientes "
-#~ "pagan en cuotas sin tarjeta, por transferencia, tarjeta de débito, "
-#~ "efectivo o dinero disponible en la cuenta de Mercado Pago. Al "
-#~ "activar el componente de cuotas sin tarjeta, aumentarás tus chances "
-#~ "de vender. Para saber más, ingresá a documentación."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:388
+msgid ""
+"A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have "
+"correctly filled all information in the checkout form?"
+msgstr ""
+"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Está seguro de haber "
+"cargado la información en el formulario?"
-#~ msgid "The no-card installments banner is disabled."
-#~ msgstr "El componente de cuotas sin tarjeta está desactivado ."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:389
+msgid "See your order form"
+msgstr "Ver su hoja de pedido"
-#~ msgid "Earn more points and have exclusive benefits in Mercado Puntos"
-#~ msgstr "Gana más puntos y ventajas exclusivas en Mercado Puntos "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:390
+msgid "Your payment was declined. You can try again."
+msgstr "Su pago fue rechazado. Puede intentarlo de nuevo."
-#~ msgid "Error loading form."
-#~ msgstr "Error al cargar el formulario."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:391
+msgid "Click to try again"
+msgstr "Haga clic para intentarlo de nuevo"
-#~ msgid "Please refresh the page to try again."
-#~ msgstr "Actualice la página para volver a intentarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:392
+msgid "That's it, payment accepted!"
+msgstr "Listo, ¡aceptamos tu pago!"
-#~ msgid "Refresh page"
-#~ msgstr "Actualizar página"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:393
+msgid ""
+"We are processing your payment. In less than an hour we will send you the "
+"result by email."
+msgstr ""
+"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de una hora le enviaremos el resultado "
+"por correo electrónico."
-#~ msgid "Type of topic IPN invalid, need to be merchant_order"
-#~ msgstr "El tipo de asunto de la IPN no es válido, debe ser `merchant_order`"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:394
+msgid ""
+"We are processing your payment. In less than 2 days we will send you by "
+"email if the payment has been approved or if additional information is "
+msgstr ""
+"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de 2 días le enviaremos por correo "
+"electrónico si se ha aprobado el pago o si se necesita información adicional."
-#~ msgid "Click here to see more details..."
-#~ msgstr "Haga clic aquí para ver más detalles…"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:395
+msgid "Check the card number."
+msgstr "Compruebe el número de tarjeta."
-#~ msgid "Purchases with saved cards or money in Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Compras con tarjetas guardadas o saldo en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:396
+msgid "Check the expiration date."
+msgstr "Compruebe la fecha de expiración."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Feature for those who have a saved card or money in Mercado Pago to buy "
-#~ "without having to fill in details."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Es una funcionalidade para quienes tienen tarjetas guardadas o saldo en "
-#~ "Mercado Pago puedan comprar sin la necesidad de completar datos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:397
+msgid "Check the information provided."
+msgstr "Compruebe la información informada."
-#~ msgid "The feature for payments with saved cards is active."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La funcionalidad para pagos con tarjetas guardadas está activa"
-#~ "b>."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:398
+msgid "Check the informed security code."
+msgstr "Compruebe el código de seguridad informado."
-#~ msgid "The feature for payments with saved cards is inactive."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La funcionalidad para pagos con tarjetas guardadas está "
-#~ "inactiva."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:399,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:400
+msgid "Your payment cannot be processed."
+msgstr "No se puede procesar su pago."
-#~ msgid "You can see how the feature is in your store Checkout below:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "A continuación, cómo es la funcionalidad en el checkout de la tienda:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:401
+msgid "You must authorize payments for your orders."
+msgstr "Usted debe autorizar los pagos de sus órdenes."
-#~ msgid "Mercado Pago customers can now pay with stored cards."
-#~ msgstr "Clientes de Mercado Pago ahora pueden pagar con tarjetas guardadas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:402
+msgid ""
+"Contact your card issuer to activate it. The phone is on the back of your "
+msgstr ""
+"Póngase en contacto con el emisor de su tarjeta para activarla. El teléfono "
+"se encuentra en la parte posterior de su tarjeta."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The function Saved card payments is enabled. With this setting, "
-#~ "customers using Mercado Pago can purchase without having to fill in "
-#~ "payment details. You can control this option in the settings."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La función Pago con tarjetas guardadas de Mercado Pago está habilitada. "
-#~ "Ahora los clientes que utilizan Mercado pago pueden comprar sin tener que "
-#~ "completar los datos de la tarjeta. Puedes controlar esta opción en "
-#~ "configuración."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:403
+msgid ""
+"You have already made a payment of this amount. If you have to pay again, "
+"use another card or other method of payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Usted ya realizó un pago de este importe. Si tiene que pagar de nuevo, "
+"utilizar otra tarjeta u otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Go to settings"
-#~ msgstr "Ir a la configuración"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:404
+msgid ""
+"Your payment was declined. Please select another payment method. It is "
+"recommended in cash."
+msgstr "Su pago fue rechazado. Puede intentarlo de nuevo."
-#~ msgid "No need to fill out details"
-#~ msgstr "Sin cargar datos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:405
+msgid "Your payment does not have sufficient funds."
+msgstr "Su metodo de pago no tiene fondos suficientes."
-#~ msgid "Installments available"
-#~ msgstr "Cuotas disponibles"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:406
+msgid "Payment cannot process the selected fee."
+msgstr "El pago no puede procesar la cuota seleccionada."
-#~ msgid "Pay faster with your saved cards and without completing data."
-#~ msgstr "Paga más rápido con tus tarjetas guardadas y sin completar datos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:407
+msgid ""
+"You have reached the limit of allowed attempts. Choose another card or other "
+"payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Has alcanzado el límite de intentos permitidos. Elija otra tarjeta u otro "
+"medio de pago."
-#, fuzzy
-#~| msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
-#~ msgid "Important! To sell, you must enter your credentials."
-#~ msgstr "¡Importante! Para vender debe introducir sus credenciales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:408
+msgid ""
+"Invalid transaction attempt You are trying to perform a "
+"productive transaction using test credentials, or test transaction using "
+"productive credentials. Please ensure that you are using the correct "
+"environment settings for the desired action."
+msgstr ""
+"Intento de transacción no válido Está intentando "
+"realizar una transacción productiva con credenciales de prueba o una "
+"transacción de prueba con credenciales productivas. Asegúrese de que está "
+"utilizando la configuración de credenciales correcta para la acción deseada."
-#~ msgid "Go to step-by-step"
-#~ msgstr "Ir al paso a paso"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:409
+msgid ""
+"Invalid transaction attempt It is not possible to pay "
+"with the email address entered. Please enter another e-mail address."
+msgstr ""
+"Intento de transacción no válido No es posible pagar con "
+"el email introducido. Por favor, introduzca otro email."
-#~ msgid "Update failed, invalid Credentials"
-#~ msgstr "Actualización fallida, credenciales no válidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:410
+msgid "This payment method cannot process your payment."
+msgstr "Este medio de pago no puede procesar su pago."
-#~ msgid "Up to 24 installments"
-#~ msgstr "Hasta 24 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:422
+msgid ""
+"Your bank needs you to authorize the payment Please call "
+"the telephone number on your card or pay with another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu banco necesita que autorices el pago Llama al "
+"teléfono que está en la tarjeta o paga con otro medio."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Important! Do not forget to add the credentials and details of your store."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¡Importante! No olvides ingresar las credenciales y datos de la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:423,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:424
+msgid ""
+"For safety reasons, your payment was declined We "
+"recommended paying with your usual payment method and device for online "
+msgstr ""
+"Por motivos de seguridad, tu pago fue rechazado Te recomendamos "
+"pagar con el medio de pago y dispositivo que sueles usar para compras online."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Before setting up payments, follow the step-by-step to start selling."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Antes de configurar los pagos, haz el paso a paso para comenzar a vender."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:425,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:426,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:427,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:428
+msgid ""
+"One or more card details were entered incorrecctly"
+"strong> Please enter them again as they appear on the card to complete "
+"the payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Ingresaste uno o más datos de tu tarjeta de forma incorrecta"
+"strong> Vuelve a ingresarlos tal como figuran en la tarjeta para "
+"finalizar el pago."
-#~ msgid "To enable and test sales, you must copy and paste your "
-#~ msgstr "Para habilitar y testear las ventas, tienes que copiar y pegar "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:429
+msgid ""
+"Your credit card has no available limit Please pay using "
+"another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu tarjeta de crédito no tiene límite disponible Paga "
+"con otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Mandatory data"
-#~ msgstr "Campo obligatorio"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:430
+msgid ""
+"Your debit card has insufficient founds Please pay using "
+"another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu tarjeta de débito no tiene saldo suficiente Paga con "
+"otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Use the test-specific cards that are in the"
-#~ msgstr "Utiliza las tarjetas específicas para testear que estén bajo las"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:431
+msgid ""
+"Your card does not accept the number of installments selected"
+"strong> Please choose a different number of installments or use a "
+"different payment method ."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu tarjeta no acepta la cantidad de pagos que seleccionaste"
+"strong> Elige una cantidad de pagos diferente o use otro medio."
-#~ msgid "Until"
-#~ msgstr "Hasta"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:432
+msgid ""
+"You need to activate your card Please contact your bank "
+"by calling the number on the back of your card or choose another payment "
+msgstr ""
+"Necesitas habilitar tu tarjeta Comunícate con tu banco "
+"llamando al número que está al dorso de la tarjeta o elige otro medio de "
-#~ msgid "installment"
-#~ msgstr "cuota"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:433
+msgid ""
+"You reached the limit of payment attempts with this card"
+"strong> Please pay using another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Alcanzaste el límite de intentos de pago con esta tarjeta"
+"strong> Paga con otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "We take you to our site to complete the payment"
-#~ msgstr "Te llevamos a nuestro sitio para completar el pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:434
+msgid ""
+"Your payment was declined because you already paid for this "
+"purchase Check your card transactions to verify it."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu pago fue rechazado porque ya pagaste esta compra"
+"strong> Revisa los consumos de tu tarjeta para verificarlo."
-#~ msgid "Enter your discount coupon"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tu cupón de descuento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:435,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:436,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:437
+msgid ""
+"The card issuing bank declined the payment We "
+"recommended paying with another payment method or contact your bank."
+msgstr ""
+"El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó tu pago Te "
+"recomendamos pagar con otro medio de pago o comunicarte con tu banco."
-#~ msgid "Enter your coupon"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tu cupón"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:438
+msgid ""
+"For safety reasons, the card issuing bank declined the payment"
+"strong> We recommended paying with your usual payment method and device "
+"for online purchases."
+msgstr ""
+"Por motivos de seguridad, el banco de la tarjeta rechazó el pago"
+"b> Te recomendamos pagar con el medio de pago y dispositivo que sueles "
+"usar para compras online."
-#~ msgid "The code you entered is incorrect"
-#~ msgstr "El código que ingresaste es incorrecto"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:439
+msgid ""
+"Your payment was declined because something went wrong"
+"strong> We recommended trying again or paying with another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu pago fue rechazado porque hube un error Te "
+"recomendamos intentar nuevamente o pagar con otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Invalid Card Number"
-#~ msgstr "Numero de tarjeta invalido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:451
+msgid "We are taking you to validate the card"
+msgstr "Te estamos llevando a validar la tarjeta"
-#~ msgid "Name and surname of the cardholder"
-#~ msgstr "Nombre y apellido del titular de la tarjeta"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:452
+msgid "with your bank"
+msgstr "con tu banco"
-#~ msgid "Invalid Expiration Date"
-#~ msgstr "Fecha de expiracion inválida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:453
+msgid "We need to confirm that you are the cardholder."
+msgstr "Necesitamos confirmar que eres titular de la tarjeta."
-#~ msgid "Last 3 numbers on the back"
-#~ msgstr "Últimos 3 números en el reverso"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:454
+msgid "We are receiving the response from your bank"
+msgstr "Estamos recibiendo la respuesta de tu banco"
-#~ msgid "In how many installments do you want to pay"
-#~ msgstr "En cuántas cuotas quieres pagar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:455
+msgid "Complete the bank validation so your payment can be approved"
+msgstr "Completa la validación del banco para aprobar tu pago"
-#~ msgid "Converted payment of"
-#~ msgstr "Pago convertido de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:456
+msgid ""
+"Please keep this page open. If you close it, you will not be able to resume "
+"the validation."
+msgstr ""
+"Mantén abierta esta pantalla. Si la cierras, no podrás retomar la validación."
-#~ msgid "for"
-#~ msgstr "para"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:457
+msgid ""
+"For safety reasons, your payment was declined We recommend paying "
+"with your usual payment method and device for online purchases."
+msgstr ""
+"Por motivos de seguridad, tu pago fue rechazado Te recomendamos "
+"pagar con el medio de pago y dispositivo que sueles usar para compras online."
-#~ msgid "Enter your document number"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tu número de documento"
+#~ msgid "How does it work?"
+#~ msgstr "¿Cómo funciona?"
-#~ msgid "Type"
-#~ msgstr "Tipo"
+#~ msgid "When paying, choose"
+#~ msgstr "Al pagar elegí"
-#~ msgid "Document number"
-#~ msgstr "Número de documento"
+#~ msgid ". Login to your account or create one in a few steps."
+#~ msgstr ". Podrás ingresar con tu cuenta o crear una en pocos pasos."
-#~ msgid "Only numbers"
-#~ msgstr "Sólo números"
+#~ msgid "Search for"
+#~ msgstr "Busca"
-#~ msgid "Obligatory field"
-#~ msgstr "Campo obligatorio"
+#~ msgid "Mercado Credito"
+#~ msgstr "Mercado Crédito"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When you finish the order, you will see the code to complete the payment."
-#~ msgstr "Cuando termines el pedido, verás el código para completar el pago."
-#~ msgid "CI"
-#~ msgstr "CI"
-#~ msgid "You must provide your document number"
-#~ msgstr "Debe informar su número de documento"
-#~ msgid "Complete all fields, they are mandatory."
-#~ msgstr "Complete todos los campos, son obligatorios."
-#~ msgid "Select the issuer with whom you want to process the payment"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona el emisor con el que quieras procesar el pago"
-#~ msgid "Lottery"
-#~ msgstr "Lotéricas"
-#~ msgid "CPF/CNPJ"
-#~ msgstr "CPF/CNPJ"
-#~ msgid "Enable or inactivate the payments via Pix"
-#~ msgstr "Activar o desactivar pagos por Pix"
-#~ msgid "If you change the display text, no translation will be available"
+#~ "among the options, select it and choose in how many installments you "
+#~ "would like to pay."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si cambia el texto de la pantalla Checkout, no habrá traducción disponible"
+#~ "entre las opciones, selecciónalo y elegí en cuántas cuotas quieres pagar."
-#~ msgid "Approve your account, it will only take a few minutes"
-#~ msgstr "Homologa tu cuenta, solo te llevará unos minutos"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Complete this process to secure your customers data and comply with the "
-#~ "regulations and legal provisions of each country."
+#~ msgid "Pay your installments monthly as you wish, in the Mercado Pago app."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Complete este proceso para proteger los datos de sus clientes y cumplir "
-#~ "con las regulaciones y disposiciones legales de cada país."
-#~ msgid "Homologate account in Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Homologar cuenta en Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "No"
-#~ msgstr "No"
+#~ "Pagá mes a mes tus cuotas como prefieras, desde la app de Mercado Pago."
-#~ msgid "Yes"
-#~ msgstr "Sí"
+#~ msgid "Review the step-by-step of"
+#~ msgstr "Revisa el paso a paso de"
-#~ msgid "Set up"
-#~ msgstr "Ajustes"
+#~ msgid "on our website for developers."
+#~ msgstr "en nuestro sitio de desarrolladores."
-#~ msgid "Your opinion helps us get better"
-#~ msgstr "Tu opinión nos ayuda a mejorar"
-#~ msgid "Guides and Documentation"
-#~ msgstr "Guías y documentación"
-#~ msgid "Report Problem"
-#~ msgstr "Informar problema"
-#~ msgid "Accept all method of payment and take your charges to another level"
-#~ msgstr "Acepta todos los medios de pago y lleva tus cobros a otro nivel"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Turn your online store into your customers preferred payment gateway. "
-#~ "Choose if the final payment experience will be inside or outside your "
-#~ "store."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Convierte tu tienda online en la pasarela de pagos preferida de tus "
-#~ "clientes. Elige si la experiencia de pago final será dentro o fuera de tu "
-#~ "tienda."
-#~ msgid "Configure Mercado Pago for WooCommerce"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresá la información de tu negocio"
+#~ msgid "Questions?"
+#~ msgstr "¿Dudas?"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Enable the experience of the Checkout Pro in your online store, select "
-#~ "the means of payment available to your customers and define the "
-#~ "maximum fees in which they can pay you."
+#~ "To enable orders, you must create and activate production credentials in "
+#~ "your Mercado Pago Account."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Habilita la experiencia del Checkout Pro en tu tienda online, selecciona "
-#~ "los medios de pago disponibles para tus clientes y define el máximo "
-#~ "de cuotas en el que podrán pagarte."
-#~ msgid "Set payment preferences in your store"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago en tu tienda"
+#~ "Para habilitar las ventas, debes crear y activar las credenciales de "
+#~ "producción en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago."
-#~ msgid "Select offline payments"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona medios de pago presenciales"
+#~ msgid "Check credentials"
+#~ msgstr "Consultar credenciales"
-#~ msgid "Select debit cards"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona tarjetas de débito"
-#~ msgid "Select credit cards"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona tarjetas de crédito"
-#~ msgid "Checkout of payments with debit and credit cards %s"
-#~ msgstr "Checkout de pagos con tarjetas de débito y crédito %s"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept payments instantly and maximize the conversion of your business"
-#~ msgstr "Acepta pagos al instante y maximiza la conversión de tu negocio"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Turn your online store into a secure and easy-to-use payment gateway for "
-#~ "your customers. With personalized checkout your customers pay without "
-#~ "leaving your store!"
+#~ msgid "To view more options, please select a payment method below"
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Convierte tu tienda online en una pasarela de pagos segura y fácil de "
-#~ "usar para tus clientes. Con el checkout personalizado tus clientes pagan "
-#~ "¡sin salir de tu tienda!"
-#~ msgid "Set up the payment experience in your store"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresá la información de tu negocio"
-#~ msgid "Configure the personalized payment experience in your store"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago en tu tienda"
-#~ msgid "%s, it only takes a few minutes"
-#~ msgstr "%s, solo te llevará unos minutos"
-#~ msgid "Approve your account"
-#~ msgstr "Homologa tu cuenta"
-#~ msgid "Title"
-#~ msgstr "Título"
+#~ "Selecciona uno de los siguientes medios de pago para ver más opciones"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Credentials are the keys we provide you to integrate quickly and "
-#~ "securely. You must have a %s in Mercado Pago to obtain and collect them "
-#~ " on your website. You do not need to know how to design or program to "
-#~ "do it"
+#~ "Test the experience in Test Mode and then enable the Sale Mode "
+#~ "(Production) to sell."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Las credenciales son las claves que te proporcionamos para que integres "
-#~ "de forma rápida y segura. Debes tener una %s en Mercado Pago para "
-#~ "obtenerlas y cobrar en tu sitio web. No necesitas saber diseñar o "
-#~ "programar para hacerlo"
-#~ msgid "approved account"
-#~ msgstr "cuenta homologada"
-#~ msgid "Select your country"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona tu país"
-#~ msgid "Select the country in which you operate with Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona el país en el que operas con Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Activate the Mercado Pago experience at the checkout of your store."
-#~ msgstr "Activa la experiencia de Mercado Pago en el checkout de tu tienda."
-#~ msgid "Binary mode"
-#~ msgstr "Modo binario"
+#~ "Testea la experiencia en Modo Test. Luego activa el Modo Ventas "
+#~ "(Producción) para realizar ventas."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept and reject payments automatically. Do you want us to activate it?"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta y rechaza pagos de forma automática. ¿Quieres que lo activemos?"
+#~ msgid "Do you have a minute to share your experience with our plugin?"
+#~ msgstr "¿tienes un minuto para compartir tu experiencia con nuestro plugin?"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If you activate binary mode you will not be able to leave pending "
-#~ "payments. This can affect fraud prevention. Leave it idle to be backed by "
-#~ "our own tool."
+#~ "Your opinion is very important so that we can offer you the best possible "
+#~ "payment solution and continue to improve."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si activa el modo binario no podrá dejar pagos pendientes. Esto puede "
-#~ "afectar la prevención del fraude. Déjelo inactivo para que sea respaldado "
-#~ "por nuestra propia herramienta."
-#~ msgid "Discounts per purchase with Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Descuentos por compra con Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Commission for purchase with Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Comisión por compra con Mercado Pago"
+#~ "Tu opinión es muy importante para que podamos ofrecerte la mejor solución "
+#~ "de pago posible y seguir mejorando."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept payments at any time of the day and expand your purchase options!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¡Acepte pagos en cualquier momento del día y amplíe sus opciones de "
-#~ "compra!"
+#~ msgid "You must enter"
+#~ msgstr "Debe introducir"
-#~ msgid "Offer this new payment option to your customers."
-#~ msgstr "Ofrezca esta nueva opción de pago a sus clientes."
+#~ msgid "production credentials"
+#~ msgstr "las credenciales de producción"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Enable and set up Pix as a payment method for your customers in the "
-#~ "Mercado Pago checkout."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Habilita y configura Pix como método de pago para tus clientes en el "
-#~ "checkout de Mercado Pago."
+#~ msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
+#~ msgstr "¡Importante! Para vender debe introducir sus credenciales."
-#~ msgid "Set up the payment via Pix experience"
-#~ msgstr "Configura la experiencia de pago a través de Pix"
+#~ msgid "Debit, Credit and invoice in Mercado Pago environment"
+#~ msgstr "Débito, crédito y efectivo, en Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Checkout of payments with cash %s"
-#~ msgstr "Paga con dinero en efectivo"
+#~ msgid "Debit and Credit"
+#~ msgstr "Débito e crédito"
-#~ msgid "Accept face-to-face payments, do not leave anyone out!"
-#~ msgstr "Acepta pagos presenciales ¡no dejes a nadie afuera!"
+#~ msgid "Transparent Checkout in your store environment"
+#~ msgstr "Checkout Transparente en tu tienda"
-#~ msgid "Include this preferred purchase option by some customers."
-#~ msgstr "Incluye esta opción de compra preferida por algunos clientes."
+#~ msgid "Mercado pago - Customized Checkout"
+#~ msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Personalizado"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Enable Mercado Pago for cash payments in your store and select the "
-#~ "options available to your customers."
+#~ "Unfortunately, the language configured in your WordPress is not "
+#~ "compatible with our plugin. For the best experience, please switch to a "
+#~ "supported language."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Habilita Mercado Pago para pagos en efectivo en tu tienda y "
-#~ "selecciona las opciones disponibles para tus clientes."
+#~ "Lamentablemente, el idioma configurado en tu WordPress no es compatible "
+#~ "con nuestro plugin. Para disfrutar de la mejor experiencia, cambia a un "
+#~ "idioma compatible."
-#~ msgid "Set payment preferences with cash"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago con dinero en efectivo"
+#~ msgid "payments on the spot"
+#~ msgstr "pagos al instante"
-#~ msgid "Store mode was updated"
-#~ msgstr "Se actualizó el modo de la tienda"
+#~ msgid "the"
+#~ msgstr "toda la"
-#~ msgid "Couldn't find a valid payment method"
-#~ msgstr "No se pudo encontrar un método de pago válido"
+#~ msgid "security"
+#~ msgstr "seguridad"
-#~ msgid "Invoice and Loterica"
-#~ msgstr "Efectivo "
+#~ msgid "from Mercado Pago"
+#~ msgstr "de Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "It offers all means of payment: credit and debit cards, cash and account "
-#~ "money. Your customers choose whether they pay as guests or from their "
-#~ "Mercado Pago account."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ofrece todos los medios de pago: tarjetas de crédito y débito, dinero en "
-#~ "efectivo y dinero en cuenta. Tus clientes eligen si pagan como invitados "
-#~ "o desde su cuenta de Mercado Pago."
+#~ msgid "Check the reasons why the purchase was declined"
+#~ msgstr "Consulta los motivos del rechazo de tu compra"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept card payments on your website with the best possible financing and "
-#~ "maximize the conversion of your business. With personalized checkout your "
-#~ "customers pay without leaving your store!"
+#~ "Recommend your costumer to pay with their usual payment method and device "
+#~ "for online purchases."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta pagos con tarjeta en tu sitio web con la mejor financiación "
-#~ "posible y maximiza la conversión de tu negocio. Con el checkout "
-#~ "personalizado tus clientes pagan ¡sin salir de tu tienda!"
-#~ msgid "Follow these steps to activate Mercado Pago in your store:"
-#~ msgstr "Sigue estos pasos para activar Mercado Pago en tu tienda:"
-#~ msgid "Upload your credentials"
-#~ msgstr "Carga tus credenciales"
-#~ msgid "depending on the country in which you are registered."
-#~ msgstr "depending on the country in which you are registered."
-#~ msgid "to be able to charge."
-#~ msgstr "para poder cobrar."
-#~ msgid "Add the basic information of your business"
-#~ msgstr "Añade la información básica de tu negocio"
-#~ msgid "in the plugin configuration."
-#~ msgstr "en la configuración del plugin."
-#~ msgid "Configure the payment preferences"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago"
-#~ msgid "In which country does your Mercado Pago account operate?"
-#~ msgstr "¿En qué país opera tu cuenta de Mercado Pago?"
+#~ "Recomiéndale a tu cliente que pague con el medio de pago y dispositivo "
+#~ "que suele usar para compras online."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Add credentials to "Test Mode" or "Production Mode""
+#~ "The payment could not be processed. Please ask your client to use another "
+#~ "card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ingresa las credenciales para el "Modo Test" o el "Modo "
-#~ "Producción""
-#~ msgid "Set up store payments for Test or Production Mode"
-#~ msgstr "Configura los pagos de la tienda para el modo Test o Producción"
-#~ msgid "How would you like to handle your store checkouts?"
-#~ msgstr "¿Como quieres operar los checkouts de tu tienda?"
-#~ msgid "Activate Production Mode for Mercado Pago checkouts"
-#~ msgstr "Activar Modo Producción para checkouts Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "test mode guidelines."
-#~ msgstr "reglas del Modo Test."
+#~ "El pago no fue procesado por el banco. Pídele a tu cliente que use otro "
+#~ "medio de pago o que se contacte con el banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Mercado Pago checkouts are inactive for real payments in the Test Mode. "
-#~ "Please check the"
+#~ "The CVV is invalid. Please ask your client to review the details or use "
+#~ "another card."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Checkouts Mercado Pago están inactivos para cobros reales en el Modo de "
-#~ "Prueba. Consulta las"
-#~ msgid "Search my credentials"
-#~ msgstr "Buscar mis credenciales"
+#~ "El código de seguridad de la tarjeta es inválido. Revisá los datos que "
+#~ "ingresaste o pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With these credentials, you enable your Mercado Pago checkouts to receive "
-#~ "real payments."
+#~ "The card does not have sufficient balance. Please ask your client to use "
+#~ "another card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Con estas credenciales habilitas que tus checkouts Mercado Pago puedan "
-#~ "recibir pagos reales."
+#~ "La tarjeta no tiene límite disponible. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
+#~ "tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "What category do your products belong to? Choose the one that best "
-#~ "characterizes them (choose \"other\" if your product is too specific)."
+#~ "The card does not have enough limit. Please ask your client to use "
+#~ "another card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¿A qué categoría pertenecen tus productos? Elige la que mejor los "
-#~ "caracteriza (elige “otro” si tu producto es demasiado específico)."
-#~ msgid "Categories"
-#~ msgstr "Categrorías"
-#~ msgid "Store ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID de la tienda"
+#~ "La tarjeta no tiene fondos suficientes. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
+#~ "tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Use a number or prefix to identify orders and payments from this store."
+#~ "The CVV was entered incorrectly several times. Please ask your client to "
+#~ "use another card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Usa un número o prefijo para identificar pedidos y pagos provenientes de "
-#~ "esta tienda."
+#~ "Se ingresó varias veces mal el código de seguridad de la tarjeta. Pedile "
+#~ "a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Do not forget to enter your integrator_id as a certified Mercado Pago "
-#~ "Partner. If you don`t have it, you can %s"
+#~ "The card does not allow the number of installments entered. Please ask "
+#~ "your client to choose another installment plan or to use another card."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "No olvides ingresar tu integrator_id como Partner certificado de Mercado "
-#~ "Pago. Si no lo tienes, puedes %s"
-#~ msgid "Advanced adjustment"
-#~ msgstr "Ajustes avanzados"
-#~ msgid "We debug the information in our change file."
-#~ msgstr "Depuramos la información de nuestro archivo de cambios."
+#~ "La tarjeta no acepta la cantidad de cuotas ingresadas. Pedile a tu "
+#~ "cliente que elija otro plan de cuotas o que use otra tarjeta."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "IPN (Instant Payment Notification) is a notification of events that take "
-#~ "place on your platform and that is sent from one server to another "
-#~ "through an HTTP POST call. See more information in our guides."
+#~ "The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client "
+#~ "to ask the bank to authotize it or to use another card."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "IPN (Instant Payment Notification) es una notificación de eventos que "
-#~ "tienen lugar en su plataforma y que se envía de un servidor a otro a "
-#~ "través de una llamada HTTP POST. Vea más información en nuestras guías."
+#~ "El banco emisor de la tarjeta no autorizó el pago. Pedile a tu cliente "
+#~ "que se contacte con el banco para autorizarlo o que use otra tarjeta."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "It appears that your credentials are not properly configured. Please, "
-#~ "go to %s and configure it."
+#~ "From Mercado Pago we have detected that this payment has already been "
+#~ "made before. If that is not the case, your client may try to pay again."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Parece que sus credenciales no están configuradas correctamente. Por "
-#~ "favor, vaya a %s y configúrelo."
-#~ msgid "Market Payment Configuration"
-#~ msgstr "Mercado Pago Configuración"
+#~ "Desde Mercado Pago detectamos que este pago ya se hizo anteriormente. Si "
+#~ "no es así, tu cliente puede intentarlo de nuevo."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Check out the step-by-step of how to integrate the Mercado Pago Plugin "
-#~ "for WooCommerce in our developer website."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Revisa el paso a paso de cómo integrar el Plugin de Mercado Pago para "
-#~ "WooCommerce en nuestro sitio de desarrolladores."
-#~ msgid "Review documentation"
-#~ msgstr "Revisar documentación"
-#~ msgid "Still having problems? Contact our support team through their %s"
+#~ "The card is not active yet. Please ask your client to use another card or "
+#~ "to get in touch with the bank to activate it."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¿Sigues con problemas? Comunícate con nuestro equipo de soporte a través "
-#~ "de su %s"
-#~ msgid "contact form."
-#~ msgstr "formulario de contacto."
-#~ msgid "Set up your interest payments"
-#~ msgstr "Configura pagos"
-#~ msgid "Set up your installment and interest payments"
-#~ msgstr "Configura meses sin intereses"
-#~ msgid "At Mercado Pago you can choose the fee you pay for each purchase"
-#~ msgstr "En Mercado Pago puedes elegir la tarifa que pagas en cada venta"
+#~ "La tarjeta aún no está habilitada. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
+#~ "tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco para activarla."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "At Mercado Pago you can choose the fee you pay for each purchase and also "
-#~ "offer interest-free installments to your customer."
+#~ "The debit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client "
+#~ "that it is possible to pay with credit or to use another one."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "En Mercado Pago puedes elegir la tarifa que pagas en cada compra y "
-#~ "también ofrecer meses sin intereses a tu cliente."
-#~ msgid "Set up interest payments"
-#~ msgstr "Configurar tasas y plazos"
-#~ msgid "Set up installment and interest"
-#~ msgstr "Configurar cuotas e intereses"
+#~ "La función débito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente que "
+#~ "puede pagar con la función débito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que use "
+#~ "otra."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Test Mode Activated? Now visit your store and test the Mercado Pago "
-#~ "checkouts"
+#~ "The credit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client "
+#~ "that it is possible to pay with debit or to use another one."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¿Modo Test activado? Ahora visita tu tienda y testea los checkouts "
-#~ "Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Everything ready for the takeoff of your sales?"
-#~ msgstr "¿Todo listo para el despegue de tus ventas?"
+#~ "La función crédito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente "
+#~ "que puede pagar con la función débito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que "
+#~ "use otra."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Visit your store as usual and simulate a payment in our checkouts to make "
-#~ "sure everything is working correctly."
+#~ "The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client "
+#~ "to ask the bank to authorize it."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Visita tu tienda normalmente y simula un pago en nuestros checkouts para "
-#~ "verificar que todo esté funcionando correctamente."
+#~ "El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago. Pídele a tu cliente que se "
+#~ "comunique con el banco para autorizar el pago."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Visit your store as if you were one of your customers and check that "
-#~ "everything is fine. If you already went to Production, bring your "
-#~ "customers and increase your sales with the best online shopping "
-#~ "experience."
+#~ "The buyer does not have enough balance to make the purchase. Please ask "
+#~ "your client to deposit money to the Mercado Pago Account or to use a "
+#~ "different payment method."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Visita tu tienda como si fueras uno de tus clientes y revisa que todo "
-#~ "esté bien. Si ya saliste a Producción, trae a tus clientes y aumenta "
-#~ "tus ventas con la mejor experiencia de compra online."
-#~ msgid "%s"
-#~ msgstr "%s"
+#~ "El cliente no tiene suficiente saldo en la cuenta para realizar la "
+#~ "compra. Pídele a tu cliente que cargue saldo en Mercado Pago o que use "
+#~ "otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Your store is ready to receive payments from customers."
-#~ msgstr "Tu tienda está lista para recibir pagos de clientes."
+#~ msgid "There was an error"
+#~ msgstr "Hubo un error"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Your customers will not be able to make purchases while in Test Mode."
-#~ msgstr "Los clientes no podrán hacer compras en Modo Test."
+#~ msgid "to BRL"
+#~ msgstr "a BRL"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept payments via Pix Transfer and receive the funds instantly. Your "
-#~ "customers can pay at any time, without date or time restrictions."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta pagos a través de transferencia Pix y recibe los fondos al "
-#~ "instante. Tus clientes pueden pagar en cualquier momento, sin "
-#~ "restricciones de fecha u hora."
+#~ msgid "to CLP"
+#~ msgstr "a CLP"
-#~ msgid "Pay with PIX "
-#~ msgstr "Paga vía Pix "
+#~ msgid "to COP"
+#~ msgstr "a COP"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept cash payments within the custom checkout and expand your customers "
-#~ "purchase options."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta pagos en efectivo dentro del checkout personalizado y amplía las "
-#~ "opciones de compra de tus clientes."
+#~ msgid "Now we convert your currency"
+#~ msgstr "Ahora convertimos tu moneda"
-#~ msgid "Pay with cash"
-#~ msgstr "Paga con dinero en efectivo"
+#~ msgid "We no longer convert your currency"
+#~ msgstr "Dejamos de convertir tu moneda"
-#~ msgid "Enter your credentials and choose how to operate"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tus credenciales y elige cómo operar"
+#~ msgid "Payment method"
+#~ msgstr "Medios de pagos"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "By default, we activate the Sandbox test environment for you to test "
-#~ "before you start selling."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Por defecto, te activamos el entorno de pruebas Sandbox para que hagas "
-#~ "testeos antes de empezar a vender."
+#~ msgid "Discount coupons is"
+#~ msgstr "Cupones de descuento están"
-#~ msgid "Production Mode"
-#~ msgstr "Modo Producción"
+#~ msgid "Discount coupons"
+#~ msgstr "Cupones de descuento"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When you see that everything is going well, deactivate Sandbox, turn on "
-#~ "Production and make way for your online sales."
+#~ "Will you offer discount coupons to customers who buy with Mercado Pago?"
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Cuando veas que todo va bien, desactiva Sandbox para ir a Producción y "
-#~ "abre paso a tus ventas online."
+#~ "¿Ofrecerás cupones de descuento a los clientes que compren con Mercado "
+#~ "Pago?"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Choose “Yes” only when you’re ready to sell. Switch to “No” to activate "
-#~ "Testing mode."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Elige “Sí” sólo cuando estés listo para vender. Cambia a “No” para "
-#~ "activar el modo Pruebas."
+#~ msgid "Your document data is invalid"
+#~ msgstr "Número de documento inválido"
-#~ msgid "With these keys you can do the tests you want.."
-#~ msgstr "Con estas claves podrás hacer las pruebas que quieras."
+#~ msgid "Title in the checkout"
+#~ msgstr "Título en el checkout"
-#~ msgid "With these keys you can receive real payments from your customers."
-#~ msgstr "Con estas claves podrás recibir pagos reales de tus clientes."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Payment URL pending"
+#~ msgid "Payment URL"
+#~ msgstr "URL de pago pendiente"
-#~ msgid "Everything set up? Go to your store in Sandbox mode"
-#~ msgstr "¿Todo configurado? Ve a tu tienda en modo Sandbox"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is"
+#~ msgid "Transparent checkout for credit cards is"
+#~ msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago "
+#~| "Transparent Checkout."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Visit your store and simulate a payment to check that everything is fine."
-#~ msgstr "Visita tu tienda y simula un pago para revisar que todo esté bien."
-#~ msgid "I want to test my sales"
-#~ msgstr "Quiero testear mis ventas"
-#~ msgid "Payment refused"
-#~ msgstr "Pago rechazado"
-#~ msgid "Physical person"
-#~ msgstr "Persona Física"
-#~ msgid "Legal person"
-#~ msgstr "Persona Jurídica"
-#~ msgid "Name"
-#~ msgstr "Nome"
-#~ msgid "Social reason"
-#~ msgstr "Razón social"
-#~ msgid "Surname"
-#~ msgstr "Apellido"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your last name"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar tu apellido"
-#~ msgid "CPF"
-#~ msgstr "CPF"
-#~ msgid "Address"
-#~ msgstr "Dirección"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your address"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar tu dirección"
-#~ msgid "Number"
-#~ msgstr "Número"
-#~ msgid "You must provide your address number"
-#~ msgstr "Debe informar su número de dirección"
-#~ msgid "City"
-#~ msgstr "Ciudad"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your city"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar a tu ciudad"
-#~ msgid "State"
-#~ msgstr "Estado"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your status"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar a tu estado"
-#~ msgid "Postal Code"
-#~ msgstr "Código postal"
-#~ msgid "You must provide your zip code"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar tu código postal"
-#~ msgid "See the reasons for refusing your purchase."
-#~ msgstr "Vea las razones para rechazar su compra."
-#~ msgid "30 minutes"
-#~ msgstr "30 minutos"
-#~ msgid "New"
-#~ msgstr "Nuevo"
-#~ msgid " day"
-#~ msgstr " día"
-#~ msgid "Description for cart Checkout"
-#~ msgstr "Descripción para el Checkout en el carrito"
+#~ "By disabling it, you will disable all payment methods of this checkout."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago con tarjeta de "
+#~ "crédito en el Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Configure the payment options and accept payments with cards, ticket and "
-#~ "money of Mercado Pago account."
+#~ "By confirming your purchase, you will be redirected to your Mercado Pago "
+#~ "account."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Configura las opciones de pago a tu medida y acepta pagos con tarjetas, "
-#~ "dinero en efectivo y dinero en cuenta de Mercado Pago."
-#~ msgid "https://developers.mercadopago.com/"
-#~ msgstr "https://developers.mercadopago.com/"
-#~ msgid "https://github.com/mercadopago/cart-woocommerce"
-#~ msgstr "https://github.com/mercadopago/cart-woocommerce"
+#~ "Al confirmar tu compra, te mostraremos un código para realizar el pago."
diff --git a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_CL.mo b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_CL.mo
index be9f33e1a..b1f7a85d9 100644
Binary files a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_CL.mo and b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_CL.mo differ
diff --git a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_CL.po b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_CL.po
index 9f270518d..600408cd4 100644
--- a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_CL.po
+++ b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_CL.po
@@ -1,85 +1,54 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 woocommerce-mercadopago
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the woocommerce-mercadopago package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce 6.0.0\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/woocommerce-"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-05-16 21:36+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-04-10 14:38+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
-"Language: es_ES\n"
+"Language: es_AR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 3.3.1\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 3.4.2\n"
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helper-links.php:141,
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:352
-msgid "By continuing, you agree to our "
-msgstr "Al continuar, aceptas nuestros "
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helper-links.php:143,
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:354
-msgid "Terms and Conditions"
-msgstr "Términos y condiciones"
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:92
-msgid ""
-"Activate this option so that the value of the currency set in WooCommerce is "
-"compatible with the value of the currency you use in Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Activa esta opción para que el valor de la moneda configurada en WooCommerce "
-"sea compatible al valor de la moneda que usas en Mercado Pago."
-#. translators: 1: local currency 2: currency
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:478
-msgid "Now we convert your currency from %1$s to %2$s."
-msgstr "Ahora convertimos tu moneda de %1$s a %2$s."
-#. translators: 1: local currency 2: currency
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:498
-msgid "We no longer convert your currency from %1$s to %2$s."
-msgstr "Dejamos de convertir tu moneda de %1$s a %2$s."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:463,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:172
+msgid "Activate WooCommerce"
+msgstr "Activar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:519
-msgid ""
-"Attention: The currency settings you have in WooCommerce are not "
-"compatible with the currency you use in your Mercado Pago account. Please "
-"activate the currency conversion."
-msgstr ""
-"Atención: La configuración de moneda que tienes en WooCommerce no es "
-"compatible con la moneda que usas en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago. Activa la "
-"conversión de moneda."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:464,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:173
+msgid "Install WooCommerce"
+msgstr "Instalar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-configs.php:125
-msgid ""
-"Update your credentials with the Access Token and Public Key, you need them "
-"to continue receiving payments!"
-msgstr ""
-"Actualice sus credenciales con el Access Token y la Public Key, ¡los "
-"necesita para continuar recibiendo pagos!"
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:465,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:174
+msgid "See WooCommerce"
+msgstr "Ver WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-configs.php:134
-msgid ""
-"The store should have HTTPS in order to activate both Checkout Personalizado "
-"and Ticket Checkout."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:467,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:163
+msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs an active version of %s in order to work!"
msgstr ""
-"La tienda debe tener HTTPS para activar el Checkout Personalizado y el "
-"Ticket Checkout."
+"¡El módulo de Mercado Pago necesita una versión de %s activa para funcionar!"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:52
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:169
msgid ""
-"Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce requires PHP version 5.6 or later. "
+"Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce requires PHP version 7.4 or later. "
"Please update your PHP version."
msgstr ""
-"El plugin de Mercado Pago requiere la versión de PHP 5.6 o posterior. Por "
+"El plugin de Mercado Pago requiere la versión de PHP 7.4 o posterior. Por "
"favor actualice su versión de PHP."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:61
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:170
msgid "Mercado Pago Error: PHP Extension CURL is not installed."
msgstr "Error en Mercado Pago: La extensión cURL de PHP no está instalada."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:70
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:171
msgid ""
"Mercado Pago Error: PHP Extension GD is not installed. Installation of GD "
"extension is required to send QR Code Pix by email."
@@ -88,493 +57,962 @@ msgstr ""
"necesaria la instalación de la extensión GD para enviar el QR Code Pix por "
"correo electrónico."
-#. translators: %s link to WooCommerce
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:82
-msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs an active version of %s in order to work!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:175
+msgid ""
+"Please note that to receive payments via Pix at our checkout, you must have "
+"a Pix key registered in your Mercado Pago account."
msgstr ""
-"¡El módulo de Mercado Pago necesita una versión de %s activa para funcionar!"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:95
-msgid "Cancel order"
-msgstr "Cancelar orden"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:177
-msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs the SDK package to work!"
-msgstr "¡El módulo de Mercado Pago necesita el SDK para funcionar!"
+"Ten en cuenta que para recibir pagos a través de Pix en nuestro checkout, "
+"debes tener una clave Pix registrada en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:368
-msgid "The payment method is not valid or not available."
-msgstr "El medio de pago no es válido o no está disponible."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:176
+msgid "Register your Pix key at Mercado Pago."
+msgstr "Registra tu clave Pix en Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:371
-msgid "The transaction amount cannot be processed by Mercado Pago."
-msgstr "El monto de transacción no puede ser procesado por Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:177
+msgid "%s, help us improve the experience we offer"
+msgstr "%s, ayúdanos a mejorar nuestra experiencia"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:371
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:178
msgid ""
-"Possible causes: Currency not supported; Amounts below the minimum or above "
-"the maximum allowed."
+"Share your opinion with us so that we improve our product and offer the best "
+"payment solution."
msgstr ""
-"Posibles causas: Moneda no soportada; Montos por debajo del mínimo o por "
-"encima del máximo permitido."
+"Comparte tu opinión con nosotros para poder mejorar nuestro producto y "
+"ofrecerte la mejor solución de pagos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:179
+msgid "Rate the plugin"
+msgstr "Valorar el plugin"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:374
-msgid "The users are not valid."
-msgstr "Los usuários no son válidos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:180
+msgid "Enable payments via Mercado Pago account"
+msgstr "Pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:374
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:181
msgid ""
-"Possible causes: Buyer and seller have the same account in Mercado Pago; The "
-"transaction involving production and test users."
+"When you enable this function, your customers pay faster using their Mercado "
+"Pago accounts.The approval rate of these payments in your store can be "
+"25% higher compared to other payment methods."
msgstr ""
-"Posibles causas: Comprador y vendedor tienen la misma cuenta en Mercado "
-"Pago; La transacción involucrando usuários de producción y de prueba."
+"Con esta función activa, tus clientes pagan más rápido usando su cuenta de "
+"Mercado Pago.La tasa de aprobación de estos pagos en tu tienda puede "
+"ser un 25% mayor en comparación con otros medios de pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:377
-msgid "Unauthorized use of production credentials."
-msgstr "Uso no autorizado de credenciales de producción."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:182
+msgid "Activate"
+msgstr "Activar"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:377
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:183
msgid ""
-"Possible causes: Use permission in use for the credential of the seller."
+"Our plugin does not support the language you've chosen, so we've switched it "
+"to the English default. If you prefer, you can also select Spanish or "
+"Portuguese (Brazilian)."
msgstr ""
-"Posibles causas: Pendencia de permiso de uso en producción para la "
-"credencial del vendedor."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:503
-msgid "Colombia"
-msgstr "Colombia"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:505
-msgid "Argentina"
-msgstr "Argentina"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:507
-msgid "Brazil"
-msgstr "Brasil"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:509
-msgid "Chile"
-msgstr "Chile"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:511
-msgid "Mexico"
-msgstr "México"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:513
-msgid "Uruguay"
-msgstr "Uruguay"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:515
-msgid "Venezuela"
-msgstr "Venezuela"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:184
+msgid "You activated Mercado Pago’s plug-in"
+msgstr "Activaste el plugin de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:517
-msgid "Peru"
-msgstr "Peru"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:551
-msgid "Update the WooCommerce order to "
-msgstr "Actualizar la orden de WooCommerce para "
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:821,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:583
-msgid "Fill in your credentials to enable payment methods."
-msgstr "Completa tus credenciales para habilitar los medios de pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:185
+msgid ""
+"Follow the instructions below to integrate your store with Mercado Pago and "
+"start to sell."
+msgstr ""
+"Sigue las instrucciones de abajo para integrar tu tienda con Mercado Pago y "
+"empezar a vender."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:837
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:197
msgid "Set plugin"
msgstr "Configurar plugin"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:838,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:293
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:198,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:738,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:798
msgid "Payment methods"
msgstr "Medios de pagos"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:839,
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:220
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:199
msgid "Plugin manual"
msgstr "Manual del plugin"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:938
-msgid "By Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Por Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-core.php:109,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:171,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:140,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:189,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:167
-msgid "Buyer email"
-msgstr "Email del comprador"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:211
+msgid "Cancel order"
+msgstr "Cancelar orden"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:35
-msgid "No ID or TOPIC param in Request IPN"
-msgstr "No hay ID o parámetro de ASUNTO la solicitud de IPN"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:212
+msgid "Mercado Pago commission:"
+msgstr "Comisión de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:39
-msgid ""
-"Discarded notification. This notification is already processed as webhook-"
-msgstr ""
-"Notificación ignorada. Esta notificación se procesa como webhook-payment."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:213
+msgid "Represents the commission configured on plugin settings."
+msgstr "Representa la comisión configurada en la configuración del plugin."
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:54
-msgid "IPN merchant_order not found"
-msgstr "No se ha encontrado la IPN de `merchant_order`"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:214
+msgid "Mercado Pago discount:"
+msgstr "Descuento de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:60
-msgid "Not found Payments into Merchant_Order"
-msgstr "No se han encontrado pagos en Merchant_Order"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:215
+msgid "Represents the discount configured on plugin settings."
+msgstr "Representa el descuento configurado en la configuración del plugin."
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:174,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:143,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:192,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:170
-msgid "Payment type"
-msgstr "Tipo de método de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:216
+msgid "Represents the installment fee charged by Mercado Pago."
+msgstr "Representa la comisión a plazos cobrada por Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:177,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:146,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:195,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:173
-msgid "Payment method"
-msgstr "Método de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:217
+msgid "Mercado Pago Installment Fee:"
+msgstr "Cuota de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:39
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:218
msgid ""
-"Please enter your email address at the billing address to use this service"
+"Represents the total purchase plus the installment fee charged by Mercado "
msgstr ""
-"Por favor, introduzca su email en la dirección de facturación para utilizar "
-"este servicio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:41,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:42,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:277
-msgid "Checkout Pro"
-msgstr "Checkout Pro"
+"Representa el total de la compra más la comisión de fraccionamiento cobrada "
+"por Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:43
-msgid "Debit, Credit and invoice in Mercado Pago environment"
-msgstr "Débito, crédito y efectivo, en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:219
+msgid "Mercado Pago Total:"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago Total:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:51
-msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
-msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:232
+msgid "Accept"
+msgstr "Acepta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:53
-msgid "Your saved cards or money in Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Compras con tarjetas guardadas o saldo en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:233
+msgid "payments"
+msgstr "pagos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:164
-msgid "Maximum number of installments"
-msgstr "Máximo de cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:234
+msgid "safely"
+msgstr "de forma"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:166
-msgid "What is the maximum quota with which a customer can buy?"
-msgstr "¿Cuál es el máximo de cuotas con las que un cliente puede comprar?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:235
+msgid "with"
+msgstr "segura con"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:169
-msgid "1 installment"
-msgstr "1 cuota"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:236
+msgid "Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:170
-msgid "2 installments"
-msgstr "2 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:241
+msgid "Choose"
+msgstr "Elige"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:171
-msgid "3 installments"
-msgstr "3 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:242
+msgid "when you want to receive the money"
+msgstr "cuándo quieres recibir el dinero"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:172
-msgid "4 installments"
-msgstr "4 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:243
+msgid "from your sales and if you want to offer"
+msgstr "de las ventas y si quieres ofrecer"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:173
-msgid "5 installments"
-msgstr "5 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:244
+msgid "interest-free installments"
+msgstr "cuotas sin interés"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:174
-msgid "6 installments"
-msgstr "6 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:245
+msgid "to your clients."
+msgstr "a los clientes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:175
-msgid "10 installments"
-msgstr "10 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:251
+msgid "SSL"
+msgstr "SSL"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:176
-msgid "12 installments"
-msgstr "12 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:252
+msgid "Curl"
+msgstr "Curl"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:177
-msgid "15 installments"
-msgstr "15 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:253
+msgid "GD Extensions"
+msgstr "Extensiones GD"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:178
-msgid "18 installments"
-msgstr "18 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:255
+msgid "Technical requirements"
+msgstr "Requisitos técnicos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:179
-msgid "24 installments"
-msgstr "24 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:256
+msgid "Collections and installments"
+msgstr "Cobros y cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:256,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:153,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:915,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:203,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:197
-msgid "Enable the checkout"
-msgstr "Activar el checkout"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:257
+msgid "More information"
+msgstr "Más información"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:257
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:258
msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all payments from Mercado Pago Checkout at "
-"Mercado Pago website by redirect."
+"Implementation responsible for transmitting data to Mercado Pago in a secure "
+"and encrypted way."
msgstr ""
-"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago del checkout en el "
-"sitio web de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:261,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:920
-msgid "The checkout is enabled."
-msgstr "El checkout está activo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:262,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:921
-msgid "The checkout is disabled."
-msgstr "El checkout está inactivo."
+"Implementación responsable de transmitir los datos a Mercado Pago de forma "
+"segura y encriptada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:281
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:259
msgid ""
-"With Checkout Pro you sell with all the safety inside Mercado Pago "
+"It is an extension responsible for making payments via requests from the "
+"plugin to Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Pro, podrás vender con toda la seguridad, dentro de Mercado "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:298,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:269
-msgid "Advanced settings"
-msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:311
-msgid "Payment experience"
-msgstr "Experiencia de pago"
+"Es una extensión encargada de realizar los pagos a través de requests del "
+"plugin a Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:313
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:260
msgid ""
-"Define what payment experience your customers will have, whether inside or "
-"outside your store."
+"These extensions are responsible for the implementation and operation of Pix "
+"in your store."
msgstr ""
-"Define qué experiencia de pago tendrán tus clientes, si dentro o fuera de tu "
+"Extensiones responsables de la aplicación y el funcionamiento de Pix en su "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:316
-msgid "Redirect"
-msgstr "Redirect"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:262
+msgid "Check our documentation to learn more about integrating our plug-in."
+msgstr ""
+"Revisa nuestras documentaciones para saber más sobre la integración de "
+"nuestro plugin."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:317
-msgid "Modal"
-msgstr "Modal"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:263
+msgid "Set deadlines and fees"
+msgstr "Ajustar plazos y tasas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:333
-msgid ""
-"Choose the URL that we will show your customers when they finish their "
-msgstr "Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando terminen su compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:264
+msgid "Go to documentation"
+msgstr "Ir a la documentación"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:331,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:351,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:372
-msgid "This seems to be an invalid URL."
-msgstr "Esto parece ser una URL no válida."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:277
+msgid "Public Key"
+msgstr "Public Key"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:336
-msgid "Success URL"
-msgstr "URL de éxito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:278
+msgid "Access Token"
+msgstr "Access Token"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:353
-msgid ""
-"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when we refuse their "
-"purchase. Make sure it includes a message appropriate to the situation and "
-"give them useful information so they can solve it."
-msgstr ""
-"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando rechacemos su compra. "
-"Asegúrate de incluir un mensaje adecuado a la situación y dales información "
-"útil para que puedan solucionarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:279
+msgid "1. Enter your credentials to integrate your store with Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "1. Ingresa tus credenciales para integrar tu tienda con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:356
-msgid "Payment URL rejected"
-msgstr "URL de pago rechazado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:280
+msgid "Production credentials"
+msgstr "Credenciales de producción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:281
+msgid "Test credentials"
+msgstr "Credenciales de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:374
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:282
+msgid "To start selling, "
+msgstr "Para empezar a vender, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:283
msgid ""
-"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when they have a payment "
-"pending approval."
+"in the fields below. If you don’t have credentials yet, you’ll have to "
+"create them from this link."
msgstr ""
-"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando tengan un pago pendiente "
-"de aprobación."
+"en los campos de abajo. Si todavía no tienes credenciales, deberás crearlas "
+"en ese mismo enlace."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:377
-msgid "Payment URL pending"
-msgstr "URL de pago pendiente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:284
+msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts for test purchases in the store."
+msgstr ""
+"Habilita a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para pruebas de compras en la "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:391
-msgid "Enable the payment methods available to your clients."
-msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles para tus clientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:285
+msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts to receive real payments in the store."
+msgstr ""
+"Habilita a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para recibir pagos reales en tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:392
-msgid "Choose the payment methods you accept in your store"
-msgstr "Elige los medios de pago que se aceptan en la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:286
+msgid "Paste your Public Key here"
+msgstr "Pega aquí tu Public Key"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:396
-msgid "Credit Cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:287
+msgid "Paste your Access Token here"
+msgstr "Pega aquí tu Access Token"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:400
-msgid "Debit Cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:288,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:342
+msgid "Save and continue"
+msgstr "Guardar y continuar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:404
-msgid "Other Payment Methods"
-msgstr "Otros medios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:289
+msgid ""
+"You have to enter your production credentials to start selling with Mercado "
+msgstr ""
+"Debes ingresar tus credenciales de producción para empezar a vender con "
+"Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:454
-msgid "Return to the store"
-msgstr "Volver a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:290
+msgid "Enter credentials"
+msgstr "Introducir credenciales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:455
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:291
+msgid "Activate your credentials to be able to sell"
+msgstr "Activa tus credenciales para poder vender"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:292
msgid ""
-"Do you want your customer to automatically return to the store after payment?"
+"Credentials are codes that you must enter to enable sales. Go below on "
+"Activate Credentials. On the next screen, use again the Activate Credentials "
+"button and fill in the fields with the requested information."
msgstr ""
-"¿Quieres que tu cliente vuelva automáticamente a la tienda después del pago?"
+"Las credenciales son códigos que debes ingresar para habilitar las ventas. "
+"Vaya más abajo en Activar credenciales. En la siguiente pantalla, utilice "
+"nuevamente el botón Activar Credenciales y complete los campos con la "
+"información solicitada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:459
-msgid "The buyer will be automatically redirected to the store."
-msgstr "El comprador será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:293
+msgid "Activate credentials"
+msgstr "Activar credenciales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:460
-msgid "The buyer will not be automatically redirected to the store."
-msgstr "El comprador no será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:294
+msgid "copy and paste your production credentials "
+msgstr "copia y pega tus credenciales de producción "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:485
-msgid "Available payment methods"
-msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:307
+msgid "Add the URL to receive payments notifications."
+msgstr "Ingresa la URL para recibir notificaciones de pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:535,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:521,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:426,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:411,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:698,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:418,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:404,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:434,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:419,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:174,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:172
-msgid "discount of"
-msgstr "descuento de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:308
+msgid "Find out more information in the"
+msgstr "Consulta más información en los"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:541,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:527,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:432,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:417,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:704,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:691,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:424,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:410,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:440,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:425,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:176
-msgid "fee of"
-msgstr "comisión de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:310
+msgid "guides"
+msgstr "manuales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:641,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:667,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:719
-msgid "Easy login"
-msgstr "Ingresa con facilidad"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:315
+msgid ""
+"If you are a Mercado Pago Certified Partner, make sure to add your "
+msgstr ""
+"Si eres Partner certificado de Mercado Pago, recuerda ingresar tu "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:642,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:668,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:720
-msgid "Log in with the same email and password you use in Mercado Libre."
-msgstr "Inicia sesión con tu mismo e-mail y contraseña de Mercado Libre."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:316
+msgid "If you do not have the code, please"
+msgstr "Si no tienes el código,"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:649,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:675,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:693,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:727
-msgid "Quick payments"
-msgstr "Paga rápido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:318
+msgid "request it now"
+msgstr "solicítalo ahora"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:650
-msgid "Use your saved cards, Pix or available balance."
-msgstr "Usa tus tarjetas guardadas, Pix o saldo disponible."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:322
+msgid "2. Customize your business’ information"
+msgstr "2. Personaliza la información de tu negocio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:657,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:683
-msgid "Protected purchases"
-msgstr "Protege tu compra"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:323
+msgid "Your store information"
+msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:658,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:684
-msgid "Get your money back in case you don't receive your product."
-msgstr "Recupera tu dinero si no recibes el producto."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:324
+msgid "Advanced integration options (optional)"
+msgstr "Opciones avanzadas de integración (opcional)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:676
-msgid "Use your available Mercado Pago Wallet balance or saved cards."
-msgstr "Usa tu saldo disponible en Mercado Pago Wallet o tarjetas guardadas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:325
+msgid "Debug and Log Mode"
+msgstr "Modo debug y log"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:694,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:728
-msgid "Use your available money or saved cards."
-msgstr "Usa tu dinero disponible o tarjetas guardadas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:326
+msgid ""
+"Fill out the following details to have a better experience and offer your "
+"customers more information."
+msgstr ""
+"Completa los siguientes datos para tener una mejor experiencia y ofrecerle "
+"más información a tus clientes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:701,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:735
-msgid "Installments option"
-msgstr "Accede a cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:327
+msgid "Name of your store in your client's invoice"
+msgstr "Nombre de tu tienda en la factura de los clientes"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:702
-msgid "Pay with or without a credit card."
-msgstr "Paga con o sin tarjeta de crédito."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:328
+msgid "Identification in Activities of Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Identificación en Actividad de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:709
-msgid "Reliable purchases"
-msgstr "Compra con confianza"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:329
+msgid ""
+"For further integration of your store with Mercado Pago (IPN, Certified "
+"Partners, Debug Mode)"
+msgstr ""
+"Para mayor integración de tu tienda con Mercado Pago (IPN, Socios "
+"Certificados, Modo Debug)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:710
-msgid "Get help if you have a problem with your purchase."
-msgstr "Recibe ayuda si tienes algún problema con tu compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:330
+msgid "Store category"
+msgstr "Categoría de la tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:736
-msgid "Interest-free installments with selected banks."
-msgstr "Cuotas sin interés con bancos seleccionados."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:331
+msgid "URL for IPN"
+msgstr "URL para IPN"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:332
+msgid "Integrator ID"
+msgstr "Integrator ID"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:333
+msgid "We record your store's actions in order to provide a better assistance."
+msgstr "Grabamos las aciones de tu tienda para brindar un mejor soporte."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:334
+msgid "Ex: Mary's Store"
+msgstr "Ej.: Tienda de María"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:335
+msgid "Ex: Mary Store"
+msgstr "Ej.: TiendaMaría"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:336,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1253
+msgid "Select"
+msgstr "Seleccionar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:337
+msgid "Ex: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+msgstr "Ej.: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:338
+msgid "Add plugin default params"
+msgstr "Agregar parámetros default del plugin"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:339
+msgid "Ex: 14987126498"
+msgstr "Ej.: 14987126498"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:340
+msgid "Show advanced options"
+msgstr "Ver opciones avanzadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:341
+msgid "Hide advanced options"
+msgstr "Esconder opciones avanzadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:343
+msgid ""
+"If this field is empty, the purchase will be identified as Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Si el campo queda vacío, la compra del cliente se identificará como Mercado "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:344
+msgid "In Activities, you will view this term before the order number"
+msgstr "En Actividad, verás el término ingresado antes del número o del pedido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:345
+msgid ""
+"Select \"Other categories\" if you do not find the appropriate category."
+msgstr "Seleciona ”Other categories” si no encuentras una categoría adecuada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:346
+msgid "request it now."
+msgstr "solicítalo ahora."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:360
+msgid "3. Activate and set up payment methods"
+msgstr "3. Activa y configura los medios de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:361
+msgid ""
+"Select the payment method you want to appear in your store to activate and "
+"set it up."
+msgstr ""
+"Selecciona el medio de pago que quieres que aparezca en tu tienda para "
+"activarlo y configurarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:362
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Configurar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:363
+msgid "Continue"
+msgstr "Continuar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:364
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Activado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:365
+msgid "Disabled"
+msgstr "Inactivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:366
+msgid "Configure your credentials to enable Mercado Pago payment methods."
+msgstr ""
+"Completa tus credenciales para habilitar los medios de pago Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:379,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:385
+msgid "The checkout is"
+msgstr "El checkout está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:380,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:392,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:508,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:520,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:532,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:599,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:611,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:623,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:700,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:762,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:822,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:834
+msgid "enabled"
+msgstr "activo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:386,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:398,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:514,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:526,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:538,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:605,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:617,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:629,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:706,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:768,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:828,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:840
+msgid "disabled"
+msgstr "inactivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:391,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:397,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:519,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:525,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:610,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:616,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:699,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:705,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:761,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:767,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:833,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:839
+msgid "Currency conversion is"
+msgstr "Conversión de moneda está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:403,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:409
+msgid "The buyer"
+msgstr "El comprador"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:404
+msgid "will be automatically redirected to the store"
+msgstr "será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:410
+msgid "will not be automatically redirected to the store"
+msgstr "no será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:416,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:422,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:634,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:640
+msgid "Pending payments"
+msgstr "Los pagos pendientes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:417,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:635
+msgid "will be automatically declined"
+msgstr "se rechazarán automaticamente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:423,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:641
+msgid "will not be automatically declined"
+msgstr "no se rechazarán automaticamente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:427,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:442
+msgid "Your saved cards or money available in Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:428,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:430
+msgid "Your clients finalize their payments in Mercado Pago."
+msgstr "Tus clientes finalizan sus pagos en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:429
+msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:431
+msgid "Checkout Pro"
+msgstr "Checkout Pro"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:432
+msgid ""
+"With Checkout Pro you sell with all the safety inside Mercado Pago "
+msgstr ""
+"Con el Checkout Pro, podrás vender con toda la seguridad, dentro de Mercado "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:433,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:548,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:715,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:777,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:858
+msgid "Mercado Pago plugin general settings"
+msgstr "Configuraciones generales del plugin de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:434,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:549,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:652,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:716,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:778,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:859
+msgid ""
+"Set the deadlines and fees, test your store or access the Plugin manual."
+msgstr "Ajusta tasas y plazos, testea tu tienda o accede al manual del plugin."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:435,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:550,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:653,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:717,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:779,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:860
+msgid "Go to Settings"
+msgstr "Ir a Configuraciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:436,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:654,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:861
+msgid "Enable the checkout"
+msgstr "Activar el checkout"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:437
+msgid ""
+"By disabling it, you will disable all payments from Mercado Pago Checkout at "
+"Mercado Pago website by redirect."
+msgstr ""
+"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago del checkout en el "
+"sitio web de Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:440,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:559,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:658,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:722,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:784,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:865
+msgid "Title in the store Checkout"
+msgstr "Título en el checkout de la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:441,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:659,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:723,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:785,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:866
+msgid "Change the display text in Checkout, maximum characters: 85"
+msgstr "Puedes cambiar el título dentro tu tienda. Caracteres máximos: 85"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:443,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:562,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:661,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:725,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:787,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:868
+msgid "The text inserted here will not be translated to other languages"
+msgstr "El texto insertado aquí no se traducirá a otros idiomas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:444,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:563,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:665,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:726,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:788,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:882
+msgid "Convert Currency"
+msgstr "Convertir moneda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:445,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:564,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:666,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:727,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:789,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:883
+msgid ""
+"Activate this option so that the value of the currency set in WooCommerce is "
+"compatible with the value of the currency you use in Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Activa esta opción para que el valor de la moneda configurada en WooCommerce "
+"sea compatible al valor de la moneda que usas en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:448
+msgid "Choose the payment methods you accept in your store"
+msgstr "Elige los medios de pago que se aceptan en la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:449
+msgid "Enable the payment methods available to your clients."
+msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles para tus clientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:450
+msgid "Credit Cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:451
+msgid "Debit Cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:452
+msgid "Other Payment Methods"
+msgstr "Otros medios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:453
+msgid "Maximum number of installments"
+msgstr "Máximo de cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:454
+msgid "What is the maximum quota with which a customer can buy?"
+msgstr "¿Cuál es el máximo de cuotas con las que un cliente puede comprar?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:455
+msgid "1 installment"
+msgstr "1 cuota"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:456
+msgid "2 installments"
+msgstr "2 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:457
+msgid "3 installments"
+msgstr "3 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:458
+msgid "4 installments"
+msgstr "4 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:459
+msgid "5 installments"
+msgstr "5 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:460
+msgid "6 installments"
+msgstr "6 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:461
+msgid "10 installments"
+msgstr "10 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:462
+msgid "12 installments"
+msgstr "12 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:463
+msgid "15 installments"
+msgstr "15 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:464
+msgid "18 installments"
+msgstr "18 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:465
+msgid "24 installments"
+msgstr "24 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:466,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:577
+msgid "Advanced settings"
+msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:467,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:578,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:675,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:733,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:793,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:890
+msgid ""
+"Edit these advanced fields only when you want to modify the preset values."
+msgstr ""
+"Edita estos campos avanzados solo cuando quieras modificar los valores "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:468
+msgid "Payment experience"
+msgstr "Experiencia de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:469
+msgid ""
+"Define what payment experience your customers will have, whether inside or "
+"outside your store."
+msgstr ""
+"Define qué experiencia de pago tendrán tus clientes, si dentro o fuera de tu "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:470
+msgid "Redirect"
+msgstr "Redirect"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:471
+msgid "Modal"
+msgstr "Modal"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:472
+msgid "Return to the store"
+msgstr "Volver a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:473
+msgid ""
+"Do you want your customer to automatically return to the store after payment?"
+msgstr ""
+"¿Quieres que tu cliente vuelva automáticamente a la tienda después del pago?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:30,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:31,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:245
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:476
+msgid "Success URL"
+msgstr "URL de éxito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:477
+msgid ""
+"Choose the URL that we will show your customers when they finish their "
+msgstr "Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando terminen su compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:478
+msgid "Payment URL rejected"
+msgstr "URL de pago rechazado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:479
+msgid ""
+"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when we refuse their "
+"purchase. Make sure it includes a message appropriate to the situation and "
+"give them useful information so they can solve it."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando rechacemos su compra. "
+"Asegúrate de incluir un mensaje adecuado a la situación y dales información "
+"útil para que puedan solucionarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:480
+msgid "Payment URL pending"
+msgstr "URL de pago pendiente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:481
+msgid ""
+"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when they have a payment "
+"pending approval."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando tengan un pago pendiente "
+"de aprobación."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:482,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:676
+msgid "Automatic decline of payments without instant approval"
+msgstr "Rechazo automático de pagos sin aprobación instantanea"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:483,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:677
+msgid ""
+"Enable it if you want to automatically decline payments that are not "
+"instantly approved by banks or other institutions."
+msgstr ""
+"Actívalo si quieres rechazar automáticamente los pagos que no son aprobados "
+"instantáneamente por bancos u otros compradores."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:484
+msgid "Debit, Credit and Invoice in Mercado Pago environment."
+msgstr "Débito, crédito y efectivo, en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:487,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:579,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:680,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:742,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:802,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:891
+msgid "Discount in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
+msgstr "Descuento en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:488,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:580,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:681,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:743,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:803,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:892
+msgid ""
+"Choose a percentage value that you want to discount your customers for "
+"paying with Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige un valor porcentual que quieras descontar a tus clientes por pagar con "
+"Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:489,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:492,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:581,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:584,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:682,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:685,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:744,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:747,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:804,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:807,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:893,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:896
+msgid "Activate and show this information on Mercado Pago Checkout"
+msgstr "Activar y mostrar esa información en el checkout Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:490,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:582,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:683,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:745,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:805,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:894
+msgid "Commission in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
+msgstr "Comisiones en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:491,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:583,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:684,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:746,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:806,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:895
+msgid ""
+"Choose an additional percentage value that you want to charge as commission "
+"to your customers for paying with Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige un valor porcentual adicional que quieras cobrar como comisión a tus "
+"clientes por pagar con Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:493
+msgid "This seems to be an invalid URL"
+msgstr "Esto parece ser una URL no válida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:507,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:513
+msgid "Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is"
+msgstr "“Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago” está "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:531,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:537
+msgid "The installments without card component is"
+msgstr "El componente “Compra en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta” está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:542,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:546
msgid "Installments without card"
msgstr "Financiación sin tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:32
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:543,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:545
msgid "Customers who buy on spot and pay later in up to 12 installments"
msgstr "Tus clientes pueden comprar en hasta 12 pagos mensuales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:40
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:544
msgid "Mercado Pago - Installments without card"
-msgstr "Mercado Pago - Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Financiación sin tarjeta de crédito "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:42
-msgid "Checkout without card"
-msgstr "Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:547
+msgid ""
+"Reach millions of buyers by offering Mercado Credito as a payment method. "
+"Our flexible payment options give your customers the possibility to buy "
+"today whatever they want in up to 12 installments without the need to use a "
+"credit card. For your business, the approval of the purchase is immediate "
+"and guaranteed."
+msgstr ""
+"Llega a millones de compradores ofreciéndoles Mercado Crédito como medio de "
+"pago. Nuestras opciones de pago flexibles brindan a tus clientes la "
+"posibilidad de comprar lo que quieren hoy en hasta 12 cuotas sin la "
+"necesidad de utilizar una tarjeta. Para tu negocio, la aprobación de la "
+"compra es inmediata y está garantizada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:182
-msgid "Activate installments without card in your store checkout "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:551
+msgid "Activate installments without card in your store checkout"
msgstr "Activar la opción de financiación sin tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:183
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:552
msgid ""
"Offer the option to pay in installments without card directly from your "
"store's checkout."
@@ -582,116 +1020,114 @@ msgstr ""
"Ofrece a tus clientes la opción de financiar su compra en hasta 12 pagos "
"mensuales, directo desde el checkout de tu tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:187
-msgid ""
-"Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is active"
-msgstr "“Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago” está activo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:188
-msgid ""
-"Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is inactive"
-msgstr "“Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago” está inactivo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:205
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:555
msgid "Checkout visualization"
msgstr "Visualización en el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:206,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:367
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:556,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:576
msgid "Check below how this feature will be displayed to your customers:"
msgstr "A continuación verás cómo este recurso aparecerá para tus clientes:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:207
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:557
msgid "Checkout Preview"
msgstr "Visualización en el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:208
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:558
msgid "PREVIEW"
msgstr "DEMO"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:249
-msgid ""
-"Reach millions of buyers by offering Mercado Credito as a payment method. "
-"Our flexible payment options give your customers the possibility to buy "
-"today whatever they want in up to 12 installments without the need to use a "
-"credit card."
-msgstr ""
-"Llega a millones de compradores con bajo acceso a financiación ofreciéndoles "
-"Mercado Crédito como medio de pago. Nuestras opciones de pago flexibles "
-"brindan a tus clientes la posibilidad de comprar lo que quieren en hasta "
-"12 pagos mensuales sin necesidad de utilizar una tarjeta de crédito. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:560
+msgid "It is possible to edit the title. Maximum of 85 characters."
+msgstr "Puedes cambiar el título dentro tu tienda. Caracteres máximos: 85."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:252
-msgid ""
-"For your business, the approval of the purchase is immediate and guaranteed."
-msgstr ""
-"Para tu negocio, la aprobación de la compra es inmediata y está garantizada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:561
+msgid "Checkout without card"
+msgstr "Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:311
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:567
msgid ""
"Inform your customers about the option of paying in installments without card"
msgstr ""
"Informa a tus clientes la posibilidad de financiar sus compras en hasta 12 "
"pagos sin tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:314
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:568
msgid ""
-"By activating the installments without card component, you increase "
-"your chances of selling."
-msgstr ""
-"Al activar el componente de financiación en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta de "
-"crédito, aumentarás tus posibilidades de venta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:316
-msgid "The installments without card component is active."
+"By activating the installments without card component, you increase your "
+"chances of selling."
msgstr ""
-"El componente “Compra en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta” está activo."
+"Al activar el componente de financiación en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta de "
+"crédito, aumentarás tus posibilidades de venta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:317
-msgid "The installments without card component is inactive."
-msgstr ""
-"El componente “Compra en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta” está inactivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:355,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:365
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:571
msgid "Banner on the product page | Computer version"
msgstr "Componente en la página del producto | Versión para computadora"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:356
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:572
msgid "Banner on the product page | Cellphone version"
msgstr "Componente en la página del producto | Versión para celular"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:363
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:573
msgid "Computer"
msgstr "Computadora"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:364
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:574
msgid "Mobile"
msgstr "Celular"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:366
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:575
msgid "Component visualization"
msgstr "Visualización del componente"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:41,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:42,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:52
-msgid "Debit and Credit"
-msgstr "Débito e crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:43,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:36,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:36
-msgid "Transparent Checkout in your store environment"
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente, en tu tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:598,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:604
+msgid "Transparent Checkout for credit cards is"
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente de las tarjetas de crédito está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:622,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:628
+msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are"
+msgstr "Los pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago están"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:645,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:660
+msgid "Credit and debit cards"
+msgstr "Tarjeta de crédito y débito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:646,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:648,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:711,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:773,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:853,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:855
+msgid "Payments without leaving your store with our customizable checkout"
+msgstr "Pagos sin salir de tu tienda con nuestro checkout personalizable."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:647,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:712,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:774,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:854
+msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout API"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout API"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:649
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Credit card"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Tarjeta de Crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:650
+msgid ""
+"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
+"without redirection and with the security from Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Con el Checkout Transparente, puedes vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
+"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:51,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:44,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:44
-msgid "Mercado pago - Customized Checkout"
-msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Personalizado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:651
+msgid "Mercado Pago Plugin general settings"
+msgstr "Configuraciones generales del plugin de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:154
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:655
msgid ""
"By disabling it, you will disable all credit cards payments from Mercado "
"Pago Transparent Checkout."
@@ -699,21 +1135,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago con tarjeta de crédito "
"en el Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:158
-msgid "Transparent Checkout for credit cards is enabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El Checkout Transparente de las tarjetas de crédito está activado."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:159
-msgid "Transparent checkout for credit cards is disabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El checkout transparente de las tarjetas de crédito está desactivado."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:191
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:662
msgid "Installments Fees"
msgstr "Tasas de pago en cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:192
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:663
msgid ""
"Set installment fees and whether they will be charged from the store or from "
"the buyer."
@@ -721,31 +1147,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Configura las tasas de las cuotas y si se las cobrarán a la tienda o al "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:193
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:664
msgid "Set fees"
msgstr "Configurar tasas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:218
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Credit card "
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Tarjeta de Crédito "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:222
-msgid ""
-"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
-"without redirection and with the security from Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Transparente, puedes vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
-"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:240
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the personalized payment experience"
-msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:254
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:669
msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago account"
msgstr "Pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:255
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:670
msgid ""
"Your customers pay faster with saved cards, money balance or other available "
"methods in their Mercado Pago accounts."
@@ -753,387 +1163,254 @@ msgstr ""
"Tus clientes pagan más rápido con tarjetas guardadas, dinero disponible o "
"con otros medios disponibles en sus cuentas de MP."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:259
-msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are active."
-msgstr "Los pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago están activos."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:260
-msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are inactive."
-msgstr ""
-"Los pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago están deshabilitados."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:279
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:673
msgid "Check an example of how it will appear in your store:"
msgstr "Conoce un ejemplo de cómo aparecerá en la tienda:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:310
-msgid "That’s it, payment accepted!"
-msgstr "Listo, ¡aceptamos tu pago!"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:312
-msgid ""
-"We are processing your payment. In less than an hour we will send you the "
-"result by email."
-msgstr ""
-"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de una hora le enviaremos el resultado "
-"por correo electrónico."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:314
-msgid ""
-"We are processing your payment. In less than 2 days we will send you by "
-"email if the payment has been approved or if additional information is "
-msgstr ""
-"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de 2 días le enviaremos por correo "
-"electrónico si se ha aprobado el pago o si se necesita información adicional."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:316
-msgid "Check the card number."
-msgstr "Compruebe el número de tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:318
-msgid "Check the expiration date."
-msgstr "Compruebe la fecha de expiración."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:320
-msgid "Check the information provided."
-msgstr "Compruebe la información informada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:322
-msgid "Check the informed security code."
-msgstr "Compruebe el código de seguridad informado."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:325
-msgid "Your payment cannot be processed."
-msgstr "No se puede procesar su pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:327
-msgid "You must authorize payments for your orders."
-msgstr "Usted debe autorizar los pagos de sus órdenes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:329
-msgid ""
-"Contact your card issuer to activate it. The phone is on the back of your "
-msgstr ""
-"Póngase en contacto con el emisor de su tarjeta para activarla. El teléfono "
-"se encuentra en la parte posterior de su tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:331
-msgid ""
-"You have already made a payment of this amount. If you have to pay again, "
-"use another card or other method of payment."
-msgstr ""
-"Usted ya realizó un pago de este importe. Si tiene que pagar de nuevo, "
-"utilizar otra tarjeta u otro medio de pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:333
-msgid ""
-"Your payment was declined. Please select another payment method. It is "
-"recommended in cash."
-msgstr ""
-"Su pago fue rechazado. Por favor seleccione otro medio de pago. Se "
-"recomienda en efectivo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:674
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the personalized payment experience"
+msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:335
-msgid "Your payment does not have sufficient funds."
-msgstr "Su metodo de pago no tiene fondos suficientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:710,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:724
+msgid "Invoice"
+msgstr "Efectivo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:337
-msgid "Payment cannot process the selected fee."
-msgstr "El pago no puede procesar la cuota seleccionada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:713
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Invoice or Loterica"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Efectivo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:339
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:714,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:776,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:857
msgid ""
-"You have reached the limit of allowed attempts. Choose another card or other "
-"payment method."
-msgstr ""
-"Has alcanzado el límite de intentos permitidos. Elija otra tarjeta u otro "
-"medio de pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:341,
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:204
-msgid "This payment method cannot process your payment."
-msgstr "Este medio de pago no puede procesar su pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:396
-msgid "Credit cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:397
-msgid "Up to "
-msgstr "Hasta "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:397
-msgid " installments"
-msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:404
-msgid "Debit cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:447,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:448,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:480,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:481,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:401,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:402,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:562,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:563
-msgid "A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Please, try again."
+"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
+"without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Por favor, intente otra "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:577
-msgid "See your order form"
-msgstr "Ver su hoja de pedido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:588
-msgid "Your payment was declined. You can try again."
-msgstr "Su pago fue rechazado. Puede intentarlo de nuevo."
+"Con el Checkout Transparente, podrás vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
+"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:595,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:95,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:93
-msgid "Click to try again"
-msgstr "Haga clic para intentarlo de nuevo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:718,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:780
+msgid "Enable the Checkout"
+msgstr "Activar el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:617,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:618
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:719
msgid ""
-"A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have "
-"correctly filled all information in the checkout form?"
+"By disabling it, you will disable all invoice payments from Mercado Pago "
+"Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Está seguro de haber "
-"cargado la información en el formulario?"
+"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago en efectivo en el "
+"Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:642
-msgid "Represents the installment fee charged by Mercado Pago."
-msgstr "Representa la tarifa de cuota que cobra Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:720
+msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is enabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos en efectivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:643
-msgid "Mercado Pago Installment Fee:"
-msgstr "Tarifa de cuotas de Mercado Pago:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:721
+msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is disabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos en efectivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:648
-msgid ""
-"Represents the total purchase plus the installment fee charged by Mercado "
-msgstr ""
-"Representa el total de la compra más la tarifa de cuota que cobra Mercado "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:730
+msgid "Payment Due"
+msgstr "Fecha de pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:649
-msgid "Mercado Pago Total:"
-msgstr "Total en Mercado Pago:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:731
+msgid "In how many days will cash payments expire."
+msgstr "En cuántos días vencerán los pagos en efectivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:715
-msgid "Configure your credentials to enable Mercado Pago payment methods."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:732
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the cash payment experience"
msgstr ""
-"Completa tus credenciales para habilitar los medios de pago Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:773
-msgid "Title in the store Checkout"
-msgstr "Título en el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:775
-msgid "Change the display text in Checkout, maximum characters: 85"
-msgstr "Puedes cambiar el título dentro tu tienda. Caracteres máximos: 85"
+"Configuração avançada da experiência de pagamento via boleto e em lotéricas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:777
-msgid "The text inserted here will not be translated to other languages"
-msgstr "El texto insertado aquí no se traducirá a otros idiomas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:734,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:794
+msgid "Reduce inventory"
+msgstr "Reducir inventario"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:791
-msgid "Description"
-msgstr "Descripción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:735,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:795
+msgid ""
+"Activates inventory reduction during the creation of an order, whether or "
+"not the final payment is credited. Disable this option to reduce it only "
+"when payments are approved."
+msgstr ""
+"Activa la reducción del inventario durante la creación de un pedido, se "
+"acredite o no el pago final. Desactiva esta opción para reducirlo solo "
+"cuando los pagos estén aprobados."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:828,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:840,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:347
-msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
-msgstr "¡Importante! Para vender debe introducir sus credenciales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:736,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:796
+msgid "Reduce inventory is enabled."
+msgstr "Reducir inventario está activo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:829
-msgid "You must enter production credentials."
-msgstr "Debe introducir las credenciales de producción."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:737,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:797
+msgid "Reduce inventory is disabled."
+msgstr "Reducir inventario está inactivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:830
-msgid "Enter credentials"
-msgstr "Introducir credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:739,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:799
+msgid "Enable the available payment methods"
+msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:840
-msgid "Mercado Pago Plugin general settings"
-msgstr "Configuraciones generales del plugin de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:740,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:800
+msgid "Choose the available payment methods in your store."
+msgstr "Elige los medios de pago que se aceptan en la tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:841
-msgid ""
-"Set the deadlines and fees, test your store or access the Plugin manual."
-msgstr "Ajusta tasas y plazos, testea tu tienda o accede al manual del plugin."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:741,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:801
+msgid "All payment methods"
+msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:842
-msgid "Go to Settings"
-msgstr "Ir a Configuraciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:772,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:786
+msgid "PSE"
+msgstr "PSE"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:866
-msgid "Activate your credentials to be able to sell"
-msgstr "Activa tus credenciales para poder vender"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:775
+msgid "Transparent Checkout PSE"
+msgstr "Pago transparente PSE"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:867
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:781
msgid ""
-"Credentials are codes that you must enter to enable sales. Go below on "
-"Activate Credentials. On the next screen, use again the Activate Credentials "
-"button and fill in the fields with the requested information."
+"By deactivating it, you will disable PSE payments from Mercado Pago "
+"Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-"Las credenciales son contraseñas que debes integrar para poder vender. "
-"Dirígete a Activar credenciales. En la siguiente pantalla, ve de nuevo al "
-"botón Activar credenciales y completa los campos con los datos solicitados."
+"Al desactivarlo, desactivará los pagos PSE de Mercado Pago Transparente "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:868
-msgid "Activate credentials"
-msgstr "Activar credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:782
+msgid "The transparent checkout for PSE is enabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos PSE."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:916
-msgid "By disabling it, you will disable all payment methods of this checkout."
-msgstr "Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago del checkout."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:783
+msgid "The transparent checkout for PSE is disabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos PSE."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1029
-msgid "Basic Configuration"
-msgstr "Configuración Básica"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:792
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the PSE payment experience"
+msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia de pago PSE"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1042
-msgid "Discount coupons"
-msgstr "Cupones de descuento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:821,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:827
+msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is"
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1045
-msgid "Will you offer discount coupons to customers who buy with Mercado Pago?"
-msgstr ""
-"¿Ofrecerás cupones de descuento a los clientes que compren con Mercado Pago?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:845
+msgid "Go to the"
+msgstr "Ve al área"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1047
-msgid "Discount coupons is active."
-msgstr "Cupones de descuento están activos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:846
+msgid "Your Profile"
+msgstr "Tu Perfil"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1048
-msgid "Discount coupons is disabled."
-msgstr "Cupones de descuento están inactivos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:847
+msgid "area and choose the"
+msgstr "y elige la sección"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1060
-msgid "Automatic decline of payments without instant approval"
-msgstr "Rechazo automático de pagos sin aprobación instantanea"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:848
+msgid "Your Pix Keys section"
+msgstr "Tus claves Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:852,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:867
+msgid "Pix"
+msgstr "Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1061
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:856
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Pix"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:862
msgid ""
-"Enable it if you want to automatically decline payments that are not "
-"instantly approved by banks or other institutions. "
+"By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago "
+"Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-"Actívalo si quieres rechazar automáticamente los pagos que no son aprobados "
-"instantáneamente por bancos u otros compradores. "
+"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago con tarjeta de crédito "
+"en el Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1065
-msgid "Pending payments will be automatically declined."
-msgstr "Los pagos pendientes se rechazarán automaticamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:869
+msgid "Expiration for payments via Pix"
+msgstr "Vencimiento para pagos con Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1066
-msgid "Pending payments will not be automatically declined."
-msgstr "Los pagos pendientes no se rechazarán automaticamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:870
+msgid "Set the limit in minutes for your clients to pay via Pix."
+msgstr ""
+"Define el límite de minutos para que tus clientes puedan pagar con Pix."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1078
-msgid "Discount in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
-msgstr "Descuento en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:871
+msgid "15 minutes"
+msgstr "15 minutos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1081
-msgid ""
-"Choose a percentage value that you want to discount your customers for "
-"paying with Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Elige un valor porcentual que quieras descontar a tus clientes por pagar con "
-"Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:872
+msgid "30 minutes (recommended)"
+msgstr "30 minutos (recomendado)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1082,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1103
-msgid "Activate and show this information on Mercado Pago Checkout"
-msgstr "Activar y mostrar esa información en el checkout Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:873
+msgid "60 minutes"
+msgstr "60 minutos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1099
-msgid "Commission in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
-msgstr "Comisiones en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:874
+msgid "12 hours"
+msgstr "12 horas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1102
-msgid ""
-"Choose an additional percentage value that you want to charge as commission "
-"to your customers for paying with Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Elige un valor porcentual adicional que quieras cobrar como comisión a tus "
-"clientes por pagar con Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:875
+msgid "24 hours"
+msgstr "24 horas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1139
-msgid "Convert Currency"
-msgstr "Convertir moneda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:876
+msgid "2 days"
+msgstr "2 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1144
-msgid "Currency convertion is enabled."
-msgstr "Conversión de moneda está activa."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:877
+msgid "3 days"
+msgstr "3 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1145
-msgid "Currency convertion is disabled."
-msgstr "Conversión de moneda está inactiva."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:878
+msgid "4 days"
+msgstr "4 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1262
-msgid ""
-"Edit these advanced fields only when you want to modify the preset values."
-msgstr ""
-"Edita estos campos avanzados solo cuando quieras modificar los valores "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:879
+msgid "5 days"
+msgstr "5 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:34,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:35,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:45
-msgid "Pix"
-msgstr "Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:880
+msgid "6 days"
+msgstr "6 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:881
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr "7 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:886
+msgid "Would you like to know how Pix works?"
+msgstr "¿Quieres saber cómo funciona Pix?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:204
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:887
msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago "
-"Transparent Checkout."
-msgstr ""
-"Al desactivar, desabilitarás lo medios de pago con Pix en el Checkout "
-"Transparente de Mercado Pago."
+"We have a dedicated page where we explain how it works and its advantages."
+msgstr "Creamos una página que explica su funcionamiento y sus vantajas."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:208
-msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is enabled."
-msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos por Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:888
+msgid "Find out more about Pix"
+msgstr "Saber más sobre Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:209
-msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is disabled."
-msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos por Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:889
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the Pix experience"
+msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:224
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:897
msgid "To activate Pix, you must have a key registered in Mercado Pago."
msgstr "Para activar el Pix, debes tener una clave registrada en Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:225
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:898
msgid "Download the Mercado Pago app on your cell phone."
msgstr "Descarga la app de Mercado Pago en tu móvil."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:226
-msgid "Go to the "
-msgstr "Ve al área "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:227
-msgid "area and choose the "
-msgstr "y elige la sección "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:228
-msgid "Your Profile "
-msgstr "Tu Perfil "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:229
-msgid "Your Pix Keys section."
-msgstr "Tus claves Pix."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:230
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:900
msgid ""
"Choose which data to register as Pix keys. After registering, you can set up "
"Pix in your checkout."
@@ -1141,7 +1418,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Elige qué datos registrar como claves PIX. Luego de registrarte, podrás "
"configurar el Pix en tu checkout."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:231
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:901
msgid ""
"Remember that, for the time being, the Central Bank of Brazil is open Monday "
"through Friday, from 9am to 6pm."
@@ -1149,7 +1426,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Recuerda que, por el momento, el Banco Central de Brasil está abierto de "
"lunes a viernes, de 9 a 18 horas."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:902
msgid ""
"If you requested your registration outside these hours, we will confirm it "
"within the next business day."
@@ -1157,12 +1434,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Si has solicitado tu registro fuera de este horario, te lo confirmaremos en "
"el siguiente día hábil."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:233,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:328
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:903
msgid "Learn more about Pix"
msgstr "Más información sobre Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:234
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:904
msgid ""
"If you have already registered a Pix key at Mercado Pago and cannot activate "
"Pix in the checkout, "
@@ -1170,285 +1446,271 @@ msgstr ""
"Si ya has registrado una clave Pix en Mercado Pago y no puedes activar Pix "
"en el checkout, "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:235
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:905
msgid "click here."
msgstr "haz clic aquí."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:260
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Pix"
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:919
+msgid "To enable test mode"
+msgstr "Para activar el modo de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:264
-msgid ""
-"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
-"without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago. "
-msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Transparente, podrás vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
-"redireccionamientos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:921
+msgid "copy your test credentials"
+msgstr "copia tus credenciales de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:281
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the Pix experience"
-msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:922
+msgid "and paste them above in section 1 of this page"
+msgstr "y pégalas en la sección 1 de esta página"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:294
-msgid "15 minutes"
-msgstr "15 minutos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:927
+msgid "Create your"
+msgstr "Crea tu"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:295
-msgid "30 minutes (recommended)"
-msgstr "30 minutos (recomendado)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:929
+msgid "test user"
+msgstr "usuario de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:296
-msgid "60 minutes"
-msgstr "60 minutes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:930
+msgid ""
+"(Optional. Can be used in Production Mode and Test Mode, to test payments)"
+msgstr ""
+"(Opcional. Se puede utilizar en modo de producción y en modo de prueba, para "
+"probar los pagos)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:297
-msgid "12 hours"
-msgstr "12 horas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:936
+msgid "Use our test cards"
+msgstr "Utiliza nuestras tarjetas de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:298
-msgid "24 hours"
-msgstr "24 horas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:937
+msgid "never use real cards"
+msgstr "nunca utilices tarjetas reales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:299
-msgid "2 days"
-msgstr "2 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:943
+msgid "Visit your store"
+msgstr "Visita tu tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:300
-msgid "3 days"
-msgstr "3 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:944
+msgid "to test purchases"
+msgstr "para testear compras"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:301
-msgid "4 days"
-msgstr "4 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:948
+msgid "4. Test your store before you start to sell"
+msgstr "4. Testea tu tienda antes de empezar a vender"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:302
-msgid "5 days"
-msgstr "5 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:949
+msgid "Choose how you want to operate your store:"
+msgstr "Elige cómo quieres operar tu tienda:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:303
-msgid "6 days"
-msgstr "6 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:950
+msgid "Test Mode"
+msgstr "Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:304
-msgid "7 days"
-msgstr "7 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:951
+msgid "Sale Mode (Production)"
+msgstr "Modo Ventas (Producción)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:308
-msgid "Expiration for payments via Pix"
-msgstr "Vencimiento para pagos con Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:952
+msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Production Mode"
+msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Produción"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:310
-msgid "Set the limit in minutes for your clients to pay via Pix."
-msgstr ""
-"Define el límite de minutos para que tus clientes puedan pagar con Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:953
+msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:325
-msgid "Want to learn how Pix works?"
-msgstr "¿Quieres saber cómo funciona el Pix?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:954
+msgid "Enter test credentials"
+msgstr "Ingresa las credenciales de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:326
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:955
msgid ""
-"We have created a page to explain how this new payment method works and its "
+"Select “Test Mode” if you want to try the payment experience before you "
+"start to sell or “Sales Mode” (Production) to start now."
msgstr ""
-"Creamos una página para explicar cómo funciona este nuevo medio de pago y "
-"sus ventajas."
+"Selecciona Modo Test si deseas probar la experiencia de pago antes de "
+"empezar a vender o Modo Ventas (Producción) para empezar a vender ahora."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:347
-msgid "Would you like to know how Pix works?"
-msgstr "¿Quieres saber cómo funciona Pix?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:956
+msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts disabled for real collections."
+msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago inactivos para cobros reales."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:348
-msgid ""
-"We have a dedicated page where we explain how it works and its advantages."
-msgstr "Creamos una página que explica su funcionamiento y sus vantajas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:957
+msgid "Test Mode rules."
+msgstr "Reglas del modo test."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:349
-msgid "Find out more about Pix"
-msgstr "Saber más sobre Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:958
+msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts enabled for real collections."
+msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago activos para cobros reales."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:493
-msgid "A problem occurred when processing your payment. Please try again."
-msgstr ""
-"Un problema se produjo al procesar su pago. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:959
+msgid "The clients can make real purchases in your store."
+msgstr "Los clientes pueden hacer compras reales en tu tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:478,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:547
-msgid ""
-"A problem occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have "
-"correctly filled in all the information on the checkout form?"
-msgstr ""
-"Un problema se produjo al procesar su pago. ¿Esta seguro que ha rellenado "
-"correctamente toda la información en el formulario de checkout?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:964
+msgid "Store in sale mode (Production)"
+msgstr "Tienda en Modo Ventas (Producción)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:456,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:522
-msgid "The customer has not paid yet."
-msgstr "El cliente no ha pagado todavía."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:965
+msgid "Store under test"
+msgstr "Tienda en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:966
+msgid "Save changes"
+msgstr "Guardar cambios"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:461
-msgid "Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase."
-msgstr "Ahora sólo tiene que pagar con Pix para finalizar su compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:978
+msgid "Store business fields are valid"
+msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda son válidos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:462
-msgid ""
-"Scan the QR code below or copy and paste the code into your bank's "
-msgstr ""
-"Escanee el código QR a continuación o copie y pegue el código en la "
-"aplicación de su banco."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:979
+msgid "Store business fields could not be validated"
+msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda no se pudieron validar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:563
-msgid ""
-"Please note that to receive payments via Pix at our checkout, you must have "
-"a Pix key registered in your Mercado Pago account."
-msgstr ""
-"Ten en cuenta que para recibir pagos a través de Pix en nuestro checkout, "
-"debes tener una clave Pix registrada en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:980
+msgid "At least one payment method is enabled"
+msgstr "Al menos un método de pago está habilitado"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:564
-msgid "Register your Pix key at Mercado Pago."
-msgstr "Registra tu clave Pix en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:981
+msgid "No payment method enabled"
+msgstr "Ningún método de pago habilitado"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:614,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:148
-msgid "Code valid for "
-msgstr "Código válido por "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:982
+msgid "Credentials fields are valid"
+msgstr "Los campos de la credencial son válidos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:34,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:35,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:45
-msgid "Invoice"
-msgstr "Efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:983
+msgid "Credentials fields could not be validated"
+msgstr "No se pudieron validar los campos de credenciales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:198
-msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all invoice payments from Mercado Pago "
-"Transparent Checkout."
-msgstr ""
-"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago en efectivo en el "
-"Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:995
+msgid "Valid Public Key"
+msgstr "Public key válida"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:202
-msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is enabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos en efectivo o en "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:996
+msgid "Invalid Public Key"
+msgstr "Public key no válida"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:203
-msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is disabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos en efectivo o en "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:997
+msgid "Valid Access Token"
+msgstr "Access token válido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:218
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Invoice or Loterica"
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:998
+msgid "Invalid Access Token"
+msgstr "Access token no válido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:222
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1010
+msgid "Credentials were updated"
+msgstr "Se actualizaron las credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1011
msgid ""
-"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
-"without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago."
+"Your store has exited Test Mode and is making real sales in Production Mode."
msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Transparente, podrás vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
-"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
+"Ahora su tienda está fuera del modo de prueba y está realizando ventas "
+"reales en el modo de producción."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:239
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the cash payment experience"
-msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia de pago en efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1012
+msgid "To test the store, re-enter both test credentials."
+msgstr "Para probar la tienda, vuelva a ingresar ambas credenciales de prueba."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:252
-msgid "Reduce inventory"
-msgstr "Reducir inventario"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1013
+msgid "Invalid credentials"
+msgstr "Credenciales no válidas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:255
-msgid ""
-"Activates inventory reduction during the creation of an order, whether or "
-"not the final payment is credited. Disable this option to reduce it only "
-"when payments are approved."
-msgstr ""
-"Activa la reducción del inventario durante la creación de un pedido, se "
-"acredite o no el pago final. Desactiva esta opción para reducirlo solo "
-"cuando los pagos estén aprobados."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1014
+msgid "See our manual to learn"
+msgstr "Consulte nuestro manual para saber"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:257
-msgid "Reduce inventory is enabled."
-msgstr "Reducir inventario está activo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1015
+msgid "how to enter the credentials the right way."
+msgstr "como ingresar las credenciales de forma correcta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:258
-msgid "Reduce inventory is disabled."
-msgstr "Reducir inventario está inactivo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1016
+msgid " for test mode"
+msgstr " para el modo de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:270
-msgid "Payment Due"
-msgstr "Vencimiento del pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1028
+msgid "Store information is valid"
+msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:272
-msgid "In how many days will cash payments expire."
-msgstr "En cuántos días caducarán los pagos en efectivo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1041
+msgid "Attention:"
+msgstr "Atención:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:292
-msgid "Enable the available payment methods"
-msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1042
+msgid ""
+"The currency settings you have in WooCommerce are not compatible with the "
+"currency you use in your Mercado Pago account. Please activate the currency "
+msgstr ""
+"La configuración de moneda que tienes en WooCommerce no es compatible con la "
+"moneda que usas en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago. Activa la conversión de moneda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:294
-msgid "Choose the available payment methods in your store."
-msgstr "Selecciona los medios de pago disponibles en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1045
+msgid "We are converting your currency from: "
+msgstr "Ahora convertimos tu moneda de: "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:298
-msgid "All payment methods"
-msgstr "Todos los medios de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1061
+msgid "to "
+msgstr "a "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1072
+msgid "Payment status on Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Estado de pago en el Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:458,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:486
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1073
msgid ""
-"There was a problem processing your payment. Are you sure you have correctly "
-"filled out all the information on the payment form?"
+"This is the payment status of your Mercado Pago Activities. To check the "
+"order status, please refer to Order details."
msgstr ""
-"Se produjo un problema al procesar su pago. ¿Está seguro de que ha llenado "
-"correctamente toda la información en el formulario de pago?"
+"Este es el estado del pago de las Actividades de tu Mercado Pago. Para "
+"consultar el estado del pedido, consulta en Detalles del Pedido."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:451,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:479
-msgid "Your document data is invalid"
-msgstr "Los datos de su documento no son válidos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1074,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1076
+msgid "View purchase details at Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Ver detalles de compra en Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:527
-msgid "To print the ticket again click"
-msgstr "Para imprimir nuevamente el ticket hace clic"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1075,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1077,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1079
+msgid "Sync order status"
+msgstr "Sincronizar el estado del pedido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:530
-msgid "here"
-msgstr "aquí"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1078
+msgid "Consult the reasons for refusal"
+msgstr "Consultar motivos de rechazo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:659
-msgid " and "
-msgstr " y "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1080
+msgid "Order update successfully. This page will be reloaded..."
+msgstr "Actualización del pedido con éxito. Esta página será recargada…"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1081
+msgid "Unable to update order:"
+msgstr "No se puede actualizar el pedido:"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:113
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1082
msgid "Payment made"
msgstr "Pago realizado"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:114
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1083
msgid "Payment made by the buyer and already credited in the account."
msgstr ""
"El pago realizado por el comprador y que ya está acreditado en la cuenta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:117
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1084
msgid "Call resolved"
msgstr "Llamado resuelto"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:118,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:218
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1085,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1135
msgid "Please contact Mercado Pago for further details."
msgstr "Contacta a Mercado Pago para saber más detalles."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:121
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1086
msgid "Payment refunded"
msgstr "Pago devuelto"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:122
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1087
msgid ""
"Your refund request has been made. Please contact Mercado Pago for further "
@@ -1456,59 +1718,59 @@ msgstr ""
"Tu pedido de reebolso ya fue realizado. Contacta a Mercado Pago para saber "
"más detalles."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:125,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:129
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1088,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1090
msgid "Payment returned"
msgstr "Pago devuelto"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:126
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1089
msgid "The payment has been returned to the client."
msgstr "El pago ya fue devuelto al cliente."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:130
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1091
msgid "The payment has been partially returned to the client."
msgstr "El pago ya fue devuelto parcialmente al cliente."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:133
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1092
msgid "Payment canceled"
msgstr "Pago cancelado"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:134
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1093
msgid "The payment has been successfully canceled."
msgstr "El pago fue cancelado con éxito."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:137
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1094
msgid "Purchase canceled"
msgstr "Compra cancelada"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:138
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1095
msgid "The payment has been canceled by the customer."
msgstr "El pago fue cancelado por el cliente."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:141,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:145,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:149,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:153,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:157,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:173,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:177,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:181,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:185,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:189,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:193,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:197,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:307
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1096,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1098,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1100,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1102,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1104,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1112,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1114,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1116,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1118,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1120,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1122,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1124,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1179
msgid "Pending payment"
msgstr "Cobro pendiente"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:142,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:146,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:150,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:154
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1097,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1099,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1101,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1103
msgid "Awaiting payment from the buyer."
msgstr "Esperando el pago del comprador."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:158
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1105
msgid ""
"We are veryfing the payment. We will notify you by email in up to 6 hours if "
"everything is fine so that you can deliver the product or provide the "
@@ -1517,72 +1779,48 @@ msgstr ""
"Estamos revisando el pago. En menos de 6 horas te avisaremos por e-mail si "
"está todo bien para que puedas entregar el producto o brindar el servicio."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:161,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:201,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:205,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:209,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:213,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:225,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:229,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:233,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:237,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:241,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:245,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:249,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:255,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:259,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:263,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:267,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:271,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:275,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:279,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:283,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:287,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:291,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:295,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:299,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:303,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:315,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:321,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:325
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1106,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1130,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1146,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1165,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1169,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1171,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1173,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1177
msgid "Declined payment"
msgstr "Cobro rechazado"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:162,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:206,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:210,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:214,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:226,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:246,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:256
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1107,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1131
msgid ""
"The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please ask your client to use "
"another card or to get in touch with the bank."
msgstr ""
"El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago. Pedile a tu cliente que use "
-"otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
+"“otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:165
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1108
msgid "Payment authorized. Awaiting capture."
msgstr "Pago autorizado. Esperando captura."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:166
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1109
msgid ""
"The payment has been authorized on the client's card. Please capture the "
msgstr ""
"Ya se autorizó el pago en la tarjeta del cliente. Haz la captura del pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:169
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1110
msgid "Payment in process"
msgstr "Pago en proceso"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:170,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:190
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1111,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1121
msgid "Please wait or contact Mercado Pago for further details"
msgstr "Espera o contacta a Mercado Pago para saber más detalles"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:174
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1113
msgid ""
"The bank is reviewing the payment. As soon as we have their confirmation, we "
"will notify you via email so that you can deliver the product or provide the "
@@ -1591,1438 +1829,928 @@ msgstr ""
"El banco está revisando el pago. Te avisaremos por e-mail cuando esté "
"confirmado para que puedas entregar el producto o brindar el servicio."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:178,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:182,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:186
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1115,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1117,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1119
msgid "Awaiting payment information validation."
-msgstr "Esperando validación de los datos de pago.."
+msgstr "Esperando validación de los datos de pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:194
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1123
msgid "Waiting for the buyer."
msgstr "Esperando al comprador."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:198
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1125
msgid "Waiting for the card issuer."
-msgstr "Espererando al emisor de la tarjeta.."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:202
-msgid ""
-"The payment could not be processed. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"El pago no fue procesado por el banco. Pídele a tu cliente que use otro "
-"medio de pago o que se contacte con el banco."
+msgstr "Espererando al emisor de la tarjeta."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1126,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1128,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1132,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1153,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1175
+msgid "The card issuing bank declined the payment"
+msgstr "El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1127,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1129,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1133,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1154,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1176
+msgid ""
+"Please recommend your customer to pay with another payment method or to "
+"contact their bank."
+msgstr ""
+"Recomiéndale a tu cliente que pague con otro medio de pago o que se "
+"comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:217
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1134
msgid "Mercado Pago did not process the payment"
msgstr "Mercado Pago no procesó el pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:221,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:311
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1136,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1181
msgid "Expired payment deadline"
msgstr "Venció el plazo para el pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:222,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:312
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1137,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1182
msgid "The client did not pay within the time limit."
-msgstr "El cliente no pagó dentro del límite de tiempo.."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:230
-msgid ""
-"The CVV is invalid. Please ask your client to review the details or use "
-"another card."
-msgstr ""
-"El código de seguridad de la tarjeta es inválido. Revisá los datos que "
-"ingresaste o pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:234
-msgid ""
-"The card is expired. Please ask your client to use another card or to "
-"contact the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta está vencida. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se "
-"comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:238,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:284,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:288
-msgid ""
-"This payment was declined because it did not pass Mercado Pago security "
-"controls. Please ask your client to use another card."
-msgstr ""
-"Rechazamos este pago porque no pasó los controles de seguridad de Mercado "
-"Pago. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:242,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:280
-msgid ""
-"The buyer is suspended in our platform. Your client must contact us to check "
-"what happened."
-msgstr ""
-"El comprador está suspendido en Mercado Pago. Tu cliente debe comunicarse "
-"con nosotros para ver qué pasó."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:251
-msgid ""
-"The card does not have enough limit. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta no tiene límite disponible. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:252
-msgid ""
-"The card does not have sufficient balance. Please ask your client to use "
-"another card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta no tiene fondos suficientes. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:260
-msgid ""
-"The CVV was entered incorrectly several times. Please ask your client to use "
-"another card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ingresó varias veces mal el código de seguridad de la tarjeta. Pedile a "
-"tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:264
-msgid ""
-"The card does not allow the number of installments entered. Please ask your "
-"client to choose another installment plan or to use another card."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta no acepta la cantidad de cuotas ingresadas. Pedile a tu cliente "
-"que elija otro plan de cuotas o que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:268
-msgid ""
-"The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client to "
-"ask the bank to authotize it or to use another card."
-msgstr ""
-"El banco emisor de la tarjeta no autorizó el pago. Pedile a tu cliente que "
-"se contacte con el banco para autorizarlo o que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:272
-msgid ""
-"From Mercado Pago we have detected that this payment has already been made "
-"before. If that is not the case, your client may try to pay again."
-msgstr ""
-"Desde Mercado Pago detectamos que este pago ya se hizo anteriormente. Si no "
-"es así, tu cliente puede intentarlo de nuevo."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:276
-msgid ""
-"The card is not active yet. Please ask your client to use another card or to "
-"get in touch with the bank to activate it."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta aún no está habilitada. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta "
-"o que se comunique con su banco para activarla."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:292
-msgid ""
-"The amount exceeded the card limit. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:296,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:300,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:304
-msgid ""
-"Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the card "
-msgstr ""
-"Pídele a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con el emisor de "
-"la tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:308
-msgid ""
-"The amount exceeded the card's limit. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:317
-msgid ""
-"The credit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client "
-"that it is possible to pay with debit or to use another one."
-msgstr ""
-"La función crédito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente que "
-"puede pagar con la función débito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que use otra."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:318
-msgid ""
-"The debit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client that "
-"it is possible to pay with credit or to use another one."
-msgstr ""
-"La función débito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente que "
-"puede pagar con la función crédito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que use otra."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:322
-msgid ""
-"The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client to "
-"ask the bank to authorize it."
-msgstr ""
-"El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago. Pídele a tu cliente que se "
-"comunique con el banco para autorizar el pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:326
-msgid ""
-"The buyer does not have enough balance to make the purchase. Please ask your "
-"client to deposit money to the Mercado Pago Account or to use a different "
-"payment method."
-msgstr ""
-"El cliente no tiene suficiente saldo en la cuenta para realizar la compra. "
-"Pídele a tu cliente que cargue saldo en Mercado Pago o que use otro medio de "
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:329
-msgid "There was an error"
-msgstr "Hubo un error"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:330
-msgid "The transaction could not be completed."
-msgstr "No fue posible completar la transacción."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:413
-msgid "Payment status on Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Estado de pago en el Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:473,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:485
-msgid "View purchase details at Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Ver detalles de compra en Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:474,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:486,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:498
-msgid "Sync order status"
-msgstr "Sincronizar el estado del pedido"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:497
-msgid "Check the reasons why the purchase was declined."
-msgstr "Consulta los motivos del rechazo de tu compra."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:606
-msgid "Order update successfully. This page will be reloaded..."
-msgstr "Actualización del pedido con éxito. Esta página será recargada…"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:610
-msgid "Unable to update order: "
-msgstr "No se puede actualizar el pedido: "
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:126
-msgid "See WooCommerce"
-msgstr "Ver WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:124
-msgid "Install WooCommerce"
-msgstr "Instalar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:121
-msgid "Activate WooCommerce"
-msgstr "Activar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:137
-msgid "do you have a minute to share your experience with our plugin?"
-msgstr "¿tienes un minuto para compartir tu experiencia con nuestro plugin?"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:140
-msgid ""
-"Your opinion is very important so that we can offer you the best possible "
-"payment solution and continue to improve."
-msgstr ""
-"Tu opinión es muy importante para poder ofrecerte la mejor solución de pagos "
-"posible y seguir mejorando."
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:149
-msgid "Rate the plugin"
-msgstr "Valorar el plugin"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:151
-msgid "Enable payments via Mercado Pago account"
-msgstr "Pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:154
-msgid ""
-"When you enable this function, your customers pay faster using their Mercado "
-"Pago accounts.The approval rate of these payments in your store can be "
-"25% higher compared to other payment methods."
-msgstr ""
-"Con esta función activa, tus clientes pagan más rápido usando su cuenta de "
-"Mercado Pago.La tasa de aprobación de estos pagos en tu tienda puede "
-"ser un 25% mayor en comparación con otros medios de pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:163
-msgid "Activate"
-msgstr "Activar"
-#: ../../includes/admin/views/html-admin-alert-frame.php:34,
-#: ../../includes/admin/views/html-admin-alert-woocommerce-miss.php:30
-msgid "Discard"
-msgstr "Descartar"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:141
-msgid "Mercado Pago Settings"
-msgstr "Configuración de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:196
-msgid "Accept "
-msgstr "Acepta "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:197
-msgid "payments on the spot "
-msgstr "pagos al instante "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:198
-msgid "with"
-msgstr "con toda"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:199
-msgid "the "
-msgstr "la "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:200
-msgid "security "
-msgstr "seguridad "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:201
-msgid "from Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:202
-msgid "Technical requirements"
-msgstr "Requisitos técnicos"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:203
-msgid "SSL"
-msgstr "SSL"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:204
-msgid "GD Extensions"
-msgstr "Extensiones GD"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:205
-msgid "Curl"
-msgstr "Curl"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:206
-msgid ""
-"Implementation responsible for transmitting data to Mercado Pago in a secure "
-"and encrypted way."
-msgstr ""
-"Implementación responsable de transmitir los datos a Mercado Pago de forma "
-"segura y encriptada."
+msgstr "El cliente no pagó dentro del límite de tiempo."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:207
-msgid ""
-"These extensions are responsible for the implementation and operation of Pix "
-"in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"Extensiones responsables de la aplicación y el funcionamiento de Pix en su "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1138,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1140,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1142,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1183
+msgid "Your customer entered one or more incorrect card details"
+msgstr "Tu cliente ingresó uno o más datos de la tarjeta de forma incorrecta"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:208
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1139,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1141,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1143,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1184,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1185
msgid ""
-"It is an extension responsible for making payments via requests from the "
-"plugin to Mercado Pago."
+"Please ask them to enter to enter them again exactly as they appear on the "
+"card or on their bank app to complete the payment."
msgstr ""
-"Es una extensión encargada de realizar los pagos a través de requests del "
-"plugin a Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:209
-msgid "Collections and installments"
-msgstr "Cobros y cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:210
-msgid "Choose "
-msgstr "Elige "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:211
-msgid "when you want to receive the money "
-msgstr "cuándo quieres recibir el dinero "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:212
-msgid "from your sales and if you want to offer "
-msgstr "de las ventas y si quieres ofrecer "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:213
-msgid "interest-free installments "
-msgstr "cuotas sin interés"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:214
-msgid "to your clients."
-msgstr "a los clientes."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:215
-msgid "Set deadlines and fees"
-msgstr "Ajustar plazos y tasas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:216,
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:124
-msgid "Questions? "
-msgstr "¿Tienes dudas?"
+"Pídele que vuelva a ingresarlos tal como figuran en la tarjeta o en la app "
+"de su banco para finalizar el pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:217
-msgid "Review the step-by-step of "
-msgstr "Revisa el paso a paso de "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1144,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1167
+msgid "We protected you from a suspicious payment"
+msgstr "Te protegimos de un pago sospechoso"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:218
-msgid "how to integrate the Mercado Pago Plugin "
-msgstr "cómo integrar el Plugin de Mercado Pago "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1145
+msgid "For safety reasons, this transaction cannot be completed."
+msgstr "Por motivos de seguridad, esta transacción no podrá ser finalizada."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:219
-msgid "on our webiste for developers."
-msgstr "en nuestro sitio de desarrolladores."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1147,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1166
+msgid ""
+"The buyer is suspended in our platform. Your client must contact us to check "
+"what happened."
+msgstr ""
+"El comprador está suspendido en Mercado Pago. Tu cliente debe comunicarse "
+"con nosotros para ver qué pasó."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:231
-msgid "1. Integrate your store with Mercado Pago "
-msgstr "1. Integra la tienda a Mercado Pago "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1148
+msgid "For safety reasons, the card issuing bank declined the payment"
+msgstr "Por seguridad, el banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1149,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1168
msgid ""
-"To enable orders, you must create and activate production credentials in "
-"your Mercado Pago Account. "
+"Recommend your customer to pay with their usual payment method and device "
+"for online purchases."
msgstr ""
-"Para habilitar las ventas, debes crear y activar las credenciales de "
-"producción en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago. "
+"Recomiéndale a tu cliente que pague con el medio de pago y dispositivo que "
+"suele usar para compras online."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:233
-msgid "Copy and paste the credentials below."
-msgstr "Copia y pega tus credenciales a continuación."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1150
+msgid "Your customer's credit card has no available limit"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de crédito de tu cliente no tiene límite disponible"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:234
-msgid "Check credentials"
-msgstr "Consultar credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1151,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1152,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1156
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to pay with another card or to choose another payment method."
+msgstr "Pídele que pague con otra tarjeta o que elija otro medio de pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:235
-msgid "Test credentials "
-msgstr "Credenciales de prueba "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1155
+msgid "Your customer reached the limit of payment attempts with this card"
+msgstr "Tu cliente alcanzó el límite de intentos de pago con la tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:236
-msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts for test purchases in the store."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1157
+msgid ""
+"Your customer's card does not accept the number of installments selected"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de tu cliente no acepta la cantidad de pagos que seleccionó"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1158
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to choose a different number of installments or to pay with "
+"another method."
msgstr ""
-"Habilitan a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para pruebas de compras en la "
+"Pídele que elija una cantidad de pagos diferente o que use con otro medio."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:237
-msgid "Public key"
-msgstr "Public key"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1159,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1186
+msgid "Your customer needs to authorize the payment through their bank"
+msgstr "Tu cliente necesita autorizar el pago con su banco"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:238
-msgid "Access Token"
-msgstr "Access Token"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1160,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1187
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to call the telephone number on their card or to pay with "
+"another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Pídele que llame al teléfono que está en la tarjeta o que pague con otro "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:239
-msgid "Production credentials"
-msgstr "Credenciales de producción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1161
+msgid ""
+"The payment was declined because your customer already paid for this purchase"
+msgstr "El pago fue rechazado porque tu cliente ya pagó esta compra"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:240
-msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts to receive real payments in the store."
-msgstr ""
-"Habilitan a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para recibir pagos reales en "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1162
+msgid "Check your approved payments to verify it."
+msgstr "Revisa tu cobros aprobados para verificarlo."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:241
-msgid "Paste your Public Key here"
-msgstr "Pega aquí tu Public Key"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1163
+msgid "Your customer's card was is not activated yet"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de tu cliente aún no está habilitada"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:242
-msgid "Paste your Access Token here"
-msgstr "Pega aquí tu Access Token"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1164
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to contact their bank by calling the number on the back of "
+"their card or to pay with another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Pídele que se comunique con su banco al número que está en el dorso de la "
+"tarjeta o que pague con otro medio."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:243,
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:280
-msgid "Save and continue"
-msgstr "Guardar y continuar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1170
+msgid ""
+"This payment was declined because it did not pass Mercado Pago security "
+"controls. Please ask your client to use another card."
+msgstr ""
+"Rechazamos este pago porque no pasó los controles de seguridad de Mercado "
+"Pago. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:254
-msgid "2. Customize your business"
-msgstr "2. Personaliza tu negocio"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1172
+msgid ""
+"The amount exceeded the card limit. Please ask your client to use another "
+"card or to get in touch with the bank."
+msgstr ""
+"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
+"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:255
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1174,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1178
msgid ""
-"Fill out the following information to have a better experience and offer "
-"more information to your clients"
+"Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the card "
msgstr ""
-"Completa los siguientes datos para tener una mejor experiencia y ofrecer más "
-"información a los clientes"
+"Pídele a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con el emisor de "
+"la tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:256
-msgid "Your store information"
-msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1180
+msgid ""
+"The amount exceeded the card's limit. Please ask your client to use another "
+"card or to get in touch with the bank."
+msgstr ""
+"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
+"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:257
-msgid "Name of your store in your client's invoice"
-msgstr "Nombre de tu tienda en la factura de los clientes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1188
+msgid "Your customer's debit card has insufficient funds"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de débito de tu cliente no tiene saldo suficiente"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:258
-msgid "Eg: Mary's store"
-msgstr "Ej.: TiendaMaría"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1189
+msgid ""
+"Please recommend your customer to pay with another card or to choose another "
+"payment method."
+msgstr "Pídele que pague con otra tarjeta o que elige otro medio de pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1190
+msgid "Something went wrong and the payment was declined"
+msgstr "El pago fue rechazado porque hubo un error"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:259
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1191
msgid ""
-"If this field is empty, the purchase will be identified as Mercado Pago."
+"Please recommend you customer to try again or to pay with another payment "
msgstr ""
-"Si el campo queda vacío, la compra del cliente se identificará como Mercado "
+"Recomiéndale a tu cliente que intente nuevamente o pague con otro medio de "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:260
-msgid "Identification in Activities of Mercad Pago"
-msgstr "Identificación en Actividad de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1204
+msgid "Any questions?"
+msgstr "¿Tienes dudas? "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:261
-msgid "Eg: Marystore"
-msgstr "Ej.: Tienda de María"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1205
+msgid "Please check the"
+msgstr "Revisa las"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:262
-msgid "In Activities, you will view this term before the order number"
-msgstr "En Actividad verás el término ingresado antes del número o del pedido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1206,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1222
+msgid "FAQs"
+msgstr "preguntas frecuentes"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:263
-msgid "Store category"
-msgstr "Categoría de la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1207
+msgid "on the dev website."
+msgstr "en el sitio para desarrolladores."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:264
-msgid "Select"
-msgstr "Seleccionar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1220
+msgid "Check our"
+msgstr "Revisa las"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:265
-msgid "Select ”Other” if you do not find the appropriate category."
-msgstr "Seleciona ”Otro” si no encuentras una categoría adecuada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1223
+msgid "or open a ticket to contact the Mercado Pago team."
+msgstr ""
+"o abre un ticket para entrar en contacto con el equipo de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:266
-msgid "Advanced integration options (optional)"
-msgstr "Opciones avanzadas de integración (opcional)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1228
+msgid "1. Go to the dev website and open a"
+msgstr "1. Ingresa al sitio para desarrolladores y abre un"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:267
-msgid ""
-"For further integration of your store with Mercado Pago (IPN, Certified "
-"Partners, Debug Mode)"
-msgstr ""
-"Para mayor integración de tu tienda con Mercado Pago (IPN, Socios "
-"Certificados, Modo Debug)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1230
+msgid "ticket"
+msgstr "ticket"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:268
-msgid "View advanced options"
-msgstr "Ver opciones avanzadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1231
+msgid "in the Support section."
+msgstr "en la sección de Soporte."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:269
-msgid "URL for IPN "
-msgstr "URL para IPN "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1236
+msgid "4. Download the"
+msgstr "4. Descarga el"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:270
-msgid "Eg: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
-msgstr "Ej.: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1237
+msgid "error history"
+msgstr "historial de errores "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:271
-msgid ""
-"Add the URL to receive payments notifications. Find out more information in "
-"the "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1238
+msgid "and share it with the Mercado Pago team when asked for it."
msgstr ""
-"Ingresa la URL para recibir notificaciones de pago. Consulta más información "
-"en los "
+"y compártelo con el equipo de Mercado Pago cuando se te sea solicitado."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:272
-msgid "guides."
-msgstr "manuales."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:273
-msgid "Add plugin default params"
-msgstr "Agregar parámetros default del plugin"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1242
+msgid "Do you need help?"
+msgstr "¿Necesitas ayuda?"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:274
-msgid "integrator_id"
-msgstr "integrator_id"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1243
+msgid "How to open a ticket:"
+msgstr "Cómo abrir un ticket:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:275
-msgid "Eg: 14987126498"
-msgstr "Ej.: 14987126498"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1245
+msgid "2. Fill out the form with your store details."
+msgstr "2. Completa el formulario con los datos de tu tienda."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:276
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1246
msgid ""
-"If you are a Mercado Pago Certified Partner, make sure to add your "
-"integrator_id. If you do not have the code, please "
+"3. Copy and paste the following details when asked for the the technical "
msgstr ""
-"Si eres Partner certificado de Mercado Pago, recuerda ingresar tu "
-"integrator_id. Si no tienes el código, "
+"3. Copia y pega los siguientes datos cuando se te pida la información "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:277
-msgid "request it now. "
-msgstr "solicítalo ahora. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1249
+msgid "Version:"
+msgstr "Versión"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:278
-msgid "Debug and Log Mode"
-msgstr "Modo debug y log"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:279
-msgid "We record your store's actions in order to provide a better assistance."
-msgstr "Grabamos las aciones de tu tienda para brindar un mejor soporte."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1250
+msgid "History of errors"
+msgstr "Historial de errores"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:291
-msgid "3. Set payment methods"
-msgstr "3. Configura los medios de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1251
+msgid ""
+"Select the files you want to share with our team and click on Download. This "
+"information will be requested by e-mail if necessary."
+msgstr ""
+"Selecciona los archivos que quieras compartir con nuestro equipo y haz clic "
+"en “Descargar”. Esta información se te solicitará por e-mail al momento de "
+"ser necesario."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:292
-msgid "To view more options, please select a payment method below"
-msgstr "Selecciona uno de los siguientes medios de pago para ver más opciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1254
+msgid "Source"
+msgstr "Origen"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:293
-msgid "Settings"
-msgstr "Configurar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1255
+msgid "File date"
+msgstr "Fecha de creación"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:294
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Continuar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1256
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Descargar"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:305
-msgid "4. Test your store before you sell"
-msgstr "4. Testea tu tienda antes de vender"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1257
+msgid "Next Page"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:306
-msgid ""
-"Test the experience in Test Mode and then enable the Sale Mode (Production) "
-"to sell."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1258
+msgid "Previous page"
msgstr ""
-"Testea la experiencia en Modo Test. Luego activa el Modo Ventas (Producción) "
-"para realizar ventas."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:307
-msgid "Choose how you want to operate your store:"
-msgstr "Elige cómo quieres operar tu tienda:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1259
+msgid "The plugin has not yet recorded any logs in your store."
+msgstr "El plugin aún no ha registrado ningún registro en su tienda."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:308
-msgid "Test Mode"
-msgstr "Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:103
+msgid "discount of"
+msgstr "descuento de"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:309
-msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts disabled for real collections. "
-msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago inactivos para cobros reales. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:104
+msgid "fee of"
+msgstr "comisión de"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:310
-msgid "Test Mode rules."
-msgstr "Reglas del modo test."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:105
+msgid "and"
+msgstr "y"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:311
-msgid "Sale Mode (Production)"
-msgstr "Modo Ventas (Producción)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:106
+msgid "Shipping service used by the store."
+msgstr "Servicio de envío utilizado por la tienda."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:312
-msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts enabled for real collections."
-msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago activos para cobros reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:107
+msgid "Discount provided by store"
+msgstr "Descuento proporcionado por la tienda"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:313
-msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Production Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Produción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:108
+msgid "Mercado Pago Discount"
+msgstr "Descuento de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:314
-msgid "The clients can make real purchases in your store."
-msgstr "Los clientes pueden hacer compras reales en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:109
+msgid "Mercado Pago Commission"
+msgstr "Comisión de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:315
-msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:121
+msgid "Checkout Pro in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Checkout Pro en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:122,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:180,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:214
+msgid "Use Mercado Pago's payment methods without real charges. "
+msgstr "Utiliza los medios de Mercado Pago sin cobros reales. "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:316
-msgid "Create your "
-msgstr "Crea tu "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:123,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:181,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:215,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:336,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:364
+msgid "See the rules for the test mode."
+msgstr "Consulte las reglas para el modo test."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:317
-msgid "test user "
-msgstr "usuario de prueba "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:124
+msgid "Log in to Mercado Pago and earn benefits"
+msgstr "Inicia sesión en Mercado Pago y obtén beneficios"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:318
-msgid ""
-"(Optional. Can be used in Production Mode and Test Mode, to test payments)."
-msgstr ""
-"(Opcional. Se puede utilizar en modo de producción y en modo de prueba, para "
-"probar los pagos)."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:125
+msgid "Easy login"
+msgstr "Ingresa con facilidad"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:319
-msgid "Use our test cards, "
-msgstr "Utiliza nuestras tarjetas de prueba, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:126
+msgid "Log in with the same email and password you use in Mercado Libre."
+msgstr "Inicia sesión con tu mismo e-mail y contraseña de Mercado Libre."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:320
-msgid "never use real cards. "
-msgstr "nunca utilices tarjetas reales. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:127
+msgid "Blue phone image"
+msgstr "Imagen de teléfono azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:321
-msgid "Visit your store "
-msgstr "Visita tu tienda "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:128
+msgid "Quick payments"
+msgstr "Paga rápido"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:322
-msgid "to test purchases"
-msgstr "para testear compras"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:129
+msgid "Use your saved cards, Pix or available balance."
+msgstr "Usa tus tarjetas guardadas, Pix o saldo disponible."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:323
-msgid "Save changes"
-msgstr "Guardar cambios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:130
+msgid "Use your available Mercado Pago Wallet balance or saved cards."
+msgstr "Usa tu saldo disponible en Mercado Pago Wallet o tarjetas guardadas."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:324
-msgid "Store under test"
-msgstr "Tienda en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:131
+msgid "Use your available money or saved cards."
+msgstr "Usa tu dinero disponible o tarjetas guardadas."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:325
-msgid "Store in sale mode (Production)"
-msgstr "Tienda en Modo Ventas (Producción)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:132
+msgid "Blue wallet image"
+msgstr "Imagen de billetera azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:326
-msgid "Enter test credentials"
-msgstr "Ingresa las credenciales de prueba"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:133
+msgid "Protected purchases"
+msgstr "Protege tu compra"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:327
-msgid "To enable test mode, "
-msgstr "Para activar el modo de prueba, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:134
+msgid "Reliable purchases"
+msgstr "Compra con confianza"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:328
-msgid "copy your test credentials "
-msgstr "copia tus credenciales de prueba "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:135
+msgid "Get your money back in case you don't receive your product."
+msgstr "Recupera tu dinero si no recibes el producto."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:329
-msgid "and paste them above in section 1 of this page."
-msgstr "y pégalas en la sección 1 de esta página."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:136
+msgid "Get help if you have a problem with your purchase."
+msgstr "Recibe ayuda si tienes algún problema con tu compra."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:366
-msgid "Invalid Access Token"
-msgstr "Access token no válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:137
+msgid "Blue protection image"
+msgstr "Imagen de protección azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:368
-msgid "Valid Access Token"
-msgstr "Access token válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:138
+msgid "Installments option"
+msgstr "Accede a cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:374
-msgid "Invalid Public Key"
-msgstr "Public key no válida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:139
+msgid "Pay with or without a credit card."
+msgstr "Paga con o sin tarjeta de crédito."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:376
-msgid "Valid Public Key"
-msgstr "Public key válida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:140
+msgid "Interest-free installments with selected banks."
+msgstr "Cuotas sin interés con bancos seleccionados."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:379
-msgid "Credentials must be valid"
-msgstr "Las credenciales deben ser válidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:141
+msgid "Blue phone installments image"
+msgstr "Imagen de cuotas de teléfono azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:429
-msgid "Credentials were updated"
-msgstr "Se actualizaron las credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:142
+msgid "Available payment methods"
+msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:421
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:143,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:186
msgid ""
-"Your store has exited Test Mode and is making real sales in Production Mode."
+"By continuing, you will be taken to Mercado Pago to safely complete your "
msgstr ""
-"Ahora su tienda está fuera del modo de prueba y está realizando ventas "
-"reales en el modo de producción."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:422
-msgid "To test the store, re-enter both test credentials."
-msgstr "Para probar la tienda, vuelva a ingresar ambas credenciales de prueba."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:435
-msgid "Invalid credentials"
-msgstr "Credenciales no válidas"
+"Al continuar, te llevaremos a Mercado Pago para completar tu compra de forma "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:436
-msgid "See our manual to learn "
-msgstr "Consulte nuestro manual para saber "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:144,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:187
+msgid "Checkout Pro redirect info image"
+msgstr "Imagen de redirección de Checkout Pro"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:437
-msgid "how to enter the credentials the right way."
-msgstr "como ingresar las credenciales de forma correcta."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:145,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:188,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:239,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:281,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:342,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:374
+msgid "By continuing, you agree with our"
+msgstr "Al continuar, aceptas nuestros"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:497
-msgid "Store information is valid"
-msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:146,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:189,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:240,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:282,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:343,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:375
+msgid "Terms and conditions"
+msgstr "Términos y condiciones"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:527
-msgid "Mercado Pago's Payment Methods in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:147,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:218,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:263
+msgid "Pay with Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Pagar con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:528
-msgid "Mercado Pago's Payment Methods in Production Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Produción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:148,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:264
+msgid "Cancel & Clear Cart"
+msgstr "Cancelar & Limpiar carrito"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:521
-msgid "Invalid credentials for test mode"
-msgstr "Credenciales inválidas para el modo de prueba"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:161
+msgid "Log in"
+msgstr "Inicia sesión"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:603
-msgid "Enabled"
-msgstr "Activado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:162
+msgid ""
+"or create an account in Mercado Pago. If you use Mercado Libre, you already "
+"have one!"
+msgstr ""
+"o crea una cuenta en Mercado Pago. Si utilizas Mercado Libre, ¡ya tienes una!"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:604
-msgid "Disabled"
-msgstr "Inactivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:167
+msgid "Know your available limit in Mercado Crédito and"
+msgstr "Conoce tu límite disponible en Mercado Crédito y"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:632
-msgid "Valid Credentials"
-msgstr "Credenciales válidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:168
+msgid "choose how many installments"
+msgstr "elige en cuántas cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:635
-msgid "Credentials couldn't be validated"
-msgstr "No se pudieron validar las credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:169
+msgid "you want to pay"
+msgstr "quieres pagar"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:658
-msgid "Store business fields are valid"
-msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda son válidos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:174
+msgid "Pay the installments as you prefer:"
+msgstr "Paga las cuotas como prefieras:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:661
-msgid "Store business fields couldn't be validated"
-msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda no se pudieron validar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:175
+msgid "with money in your account, card of from the Mercado Pago app"
+msgstr "con dinero, tarjeta o directo desde la app de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:684
-msgid "At least one paymet method is enabled"
-msgstr "Al menos un método de pago está habilitado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:179
+msgid "No card installments in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Mensualidades sin tarjeta en Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:687
-msgid "No payment method enabled"
-msgstr "No se habilitó ningún método de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:182
+msgid "How to use it?"
+msgstr "¿Cómo usar?"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:77
-msgid "Payment approved."
-msgstr "Pago aprobado."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:190
+msgid "Pay in"
+msgstr "Compra en hasta"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:131,
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:135
-msgid "Waiting for the Pix payment."
-msgstr "Esperando el pago de Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:191
+msgid "installments"
+msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:148,
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:152
-msgid "Waiting for the ticket payment."
-msgstr "Esperando el pago del boleto."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:192
+msgid "with Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:160
-msgid "The customer has not made the payment yet."
-msgstr "El cliente todavía no efectuó el pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:193
+msgid "Read more"
+msgstr "Leer más"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:179
-msgid "Payment is pending review."
-msgstr "El pago está pendiente de revisión."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:194
+msgid "Buy now and pay in installments with no card later!"
+msgstr "¡Compra ahora y paga después!"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:196
-msgid "Payment was declined. The customer can try again."
-msgstr "El pago fue rechazado. El cliente puede intentar nuevamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:195
+msgid "100% online, without paperwork or monthly fees"
+msgstr "Compra en hasta 12 pagos mensuales sin usar tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:211
-msgid "Payment was returned to the customer."
-msgstr "El pago fue devuelto al cliente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:196
+msgid "You can apply for your line of credit 100% online and securely."
+msgstr "Puedes solicitar tu línea de crédito 100% online y de forma segura."
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:225
-msgid "Payment was canceled."
-msgstr "El pago fue cancelado."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:197
+msgid "Do everything from the Mercado Pago app!"
+msgstr "Sin trámites. ¡Haz todo desde la app de Mercado Pago!"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:240,
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:252
-msgid ""
-"The payment is in mediation or the purchase was unknown by the customer."
-msgstr "El pago esta en mediación o la compra fue desconocida por el cliente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:198
+msgid "No maintenance fees or additional costs."
+msgstr "Sin tasas de mantenimiento ni costos adicionales."
-#. translators: 1: payment_id 2: status
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:318
-msgid ""
-"Mercado Pago: The payment %1$s was notified by Mercado Pago with status %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Mercado Pago: El pago %1$s fue notificado por Mercado Pago con estado %2$s."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:199
+msgid "Questions? "
+msgstr "¿Dudas? "
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:371
-msgid "Shipping service used by the store."
-msgstr "Servicio de envío utilizado por la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:200
+msgid "Check our FAQ"
+msgstr "Consulta nuestra FAQ"
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:562,
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:563
-msgid "Discount provided by store"
-msgstr "Descuento proporcionado por la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:201
+msgid ". Credit subject to approval."
+msgstr ". Crédito sujeto a aprobación."
-#. translators: %s coupon
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:130
-msgid "Discount for coupon %s"
-msgstr "Descuento para el cupón %s"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:213
+msgid "Checkout Custom in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Tarjeta de crédito en Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:172
-msgid " and fee of"
-msgstr " y comisión de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:216
+msgid "Pay with saved cards"
+msgstr "Paga con tarjetas guardadas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:547
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:217
msgid ""
-"Public Key production credential is invalid. Review the field to "
-"receive real payments."
+"Do you have a Mercado Libre account? Then use the same email and password to "
+"pay faster with Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Public Key es inválida. Revísala para "
-"poder recibir pagos reales."
+"¿Tienes una cuenta de Mercado Libre? Usa el mismo e-mail y contraseña para "
+"pagar más rápido con Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:556
-msgid ""
-"Public Key test credential is invalid. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Public Key es inválida. Revísala para poder "
-"realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:219
+msgid "With which card can you pay?"
+msgstr "¿Con qué tarjeta puedes pagar?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:565
-msgid ""
-"Access Token production credential is invalid. Remember that it must "
-"be complete to receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Access Token es inválida. Revísala para "
-"poder recibir pagos reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:220,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:224
+msgid "See current promotions"
+msgstr "Ver promociones vigentes"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:574
-msgid ""
-"Access Token test credential is invalid. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Access Token es inválida. Revísala para poder "
-"realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:221
+msgid "Credit cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:592
-msgid ""
-"Public Key test credential is blank. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Public Key está en blanco. Revísala para "
-"poder realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:222
+msgid "Up to 12 installments"
+msgstr "Hasta 12 cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:601
-msgid ""
-"Public Key production credential is blank. Review the field to "
-"receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Public Key está en blanco. Revísala "
-"para poder recibir pagos reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:223
+msgid "Debit cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:610
-msgid ""
-"Access Token test credential is blank. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Access Token está en blanco. Revísala para "
-"poder realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:225
+msgid "Fill in your card details"
+msgstr "Completa los datos de tu tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:619
-msgid ""
-"Access Token production credential is blank. Remember that it must be "
-"complete to receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Access Token está en blanco. Revísala "
-"para poder recibir pagos reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:226
+msgid "Card number"
+msgstr "Número de Tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:92,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:90
-msgid ""
-"There was an error processing your payment. Please try again or contact us "
-"for Assistance."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ha producido un error en el procesamiento de su pago. Por favor, "
-"inténtelo de nuevo o póngase en contacto con nosotros para Asistencia."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:227,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:229,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:231,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:233
+msgid "Required data"
+msgstr "Datos obligatorios"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:84,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:82,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:45,
-#: ../../templates/receipt/custom-checkout.php:41
-msgid "Pay with Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Pagar con Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:228
+msgid "Holder name as it appears on the card"
+msgstr "Nombre del titular como aparece en la tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:86,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:84,
-#: ../../templates/receipt/custom-checkout.php:44
-msgid "Cancel & Clear Cart"
-msgstr "Cancelar & Limpiar carrito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:230
+msgid "Expiration"
+msgstr "Vencimiento"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:143,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:73,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:82
-msgid "Apply"
-msgstr "Aplicar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:144,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:74,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:83
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Retirar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:145,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:75,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:84
-msgid "Please, inform your coupon code"
-msgstr "Por favor, informe su código de cupón"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:146,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:76,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:85
-msgid "To choose"
-msgstr "Elegir"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:147,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:77,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:86
-msgid "Other bank"
-msgstr "Otro banco"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:148,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:78,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:87
-msgid "You will save"
-msgstr "Salvarás"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:149,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:79,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:88
-msgid "with discount of"
-msgstr "con descuento de"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:150,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:80,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:89
-msgid "Total of your purchase:"
-msgstr "Total de su compra:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:151,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:81,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:90
-msgid "Total of your purchase with discount:"
-msgstr "Total de su compra con descuento:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:152,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:82,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:91
-msgid "*After payment approval"
-msgstr "*Tras la aprobación del pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:153,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:83,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:92
-msgid "Terms and conditions of use"
-msgstr "Términos y condiciones de uso"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:154,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:172
-msgid "No fee"
-msgstr "Sin interés"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:232
+msgid "Security Code"
+msgstr "Código de seguridad"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:155,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:173
-msgid "More options"
-msgstr "Más opciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:234,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:337,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:365
+msgid "Holder document"
+msgstr "Documento del titular"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:163
-msgid "mm/yy"
-msgstr "mm/aa"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:235,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:338,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:366
+msgid "Invalid document"
+msgstr "Número de documento no válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:236,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:238
+msgid "Select the number of installments"
+msgstr "Selecciona la cantidad de cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:164,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:134
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:237,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:242
msgid "Issuer"
msgstr "Banco"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:165
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:241
+msgid "mm/yy"
+msgstr "mm/aa"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:243
msgid "Installments"
-msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
+msgstr "Cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:168
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:244
msgid "on the back"
msgstr "del dorso"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:169
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:245
msgid "on the front"
msgstr "del frente"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:171
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:246
msgid "digits"
msgstr "dígitos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:174
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:247
+msgid "No fee"
+msgstr "Sin interés"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:248
+msgid "More options"
+msgstr "Más opciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:249
msgid "If interest is applicable, it will be charged by your bank."
msgstr "Si corresponden intereses, serán aplicados por tu banco."
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:175
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:250
msgid "Interest"
msgstr "Intereses"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:178
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:251
msgid "Card number is required"
msgstr "Número de tarjeta obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:179
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:252
msgid "Card number invalid"
msgstr "Número de tarjeta inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:182
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:253
msgid "Holder name is required"
msgstr "Nombre del titular obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:183
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:254
msgid "Holder name invalid"
msgstr "Nombre del titular inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:186,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:188
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:255,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:257
msgid "Expiration date invalid"
msgstr "Fecha de vencimiento inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:187
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:256
msgid "Expiration date incomplete"
msgstr "Fecha de vencimiento obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:191
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:258
msgid "Security code is required"
msgstr "Código de seguridad obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:192
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:259
msgid "Security code incomplete"
msgstr "Código de seguridad incompleto"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:230
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:260
msgid "Cost of installments"
msgstr "Coste de las cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:231
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:261
msgid "Total with installments"
msgstr "Total con cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:262
msgid "installments of"
msgstr "cuotas de"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:139
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:276
+msgid "Pix in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Pix en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:277
+msgid ""
+"You can test the flow to generate a code, but you cannot finalize the "
+msgstr ""
+"Es posible probar el flujo para generar una factura, pero no es posible "
+"finalizar el pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:278
+msgid "Pay instantly"
+msgstr "Pago instantáneo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:279
+msgid ""
+"By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Al confirmar tu compra, te mostraremos un código para realizar el pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:280
+msgid "Pix logo"
+msgstr "Pix logo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:283,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:292
+msgid "Code valid for "
+msgstr "Código válido por "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:284
msgid "Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase"
msgstr "Ahora sólo tiene que pagar con Pix para finalizar su compra"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:140
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:285
msgid "How to pay with Pix:"
msgstr "Cómo pagar con Pix:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:141
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:286
msgid "Go to your bank's app or website"
msgstr "Entra en la app o en la página web de tu banco"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:142
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:287
msgid "Search for the option to pay with Pix"
msgstr "Busca la opción de pagar con Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:143
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:288
msgid "Scan the QR code or Pix code"
msgstr "Escanea el código QR o el código Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:144
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:289
msgid "Done! You will see the payment confirmation"
msgstr "Listo. Verás la confirmación del pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:145
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:290
msgid "Value: "
msgstr "Valor: "
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:147
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:291
msgid "Scan the QR code:"
msgstr "Escanea el código QR:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:150
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:293
msgid "If you prefer, you can pay by copying and pasting the following code"
msgstr "Si lo prefieres, puedes pagar copiando y pegando el siguiente código"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:152
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:294
msgid "Copy code"
msgstr "Copiar código"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:112
-msgid "Pay in"
-msgstr "Compra en hasta"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:113
-msgid "installments"
-msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:114
-msgid "with Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:115
-msgid "Read more"
-msgstr "Saber más"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:116
-msgid "Buy now and pay in installments with no card later!"
-msgstr "¡Compra ahora y paga después!"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:117
-msgid "100% online,"
-msgstr "Compra en hasta"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:118
-msgid "without paperwork or monthly fees"
-msgstr "12 pagos mensuales sin usar tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:119
-msgid "When paying, choose"
-msgstr "Puedes solicitar "
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:120
-msgid ". Login to your account or create one in a few steps."
-msgstr "tu línea de crédito 100% online y de forma segura."
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:121
-msgid "Search for"
-msgstr "Sin trámites."
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:122
-msgid ""
-"among the options, select it and choose in how many installments you would "
-"like to pay."
-msgstr " ¡Haz todo desde la app de Mercado Pago!"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:123
-msgid "Pay your installments monthly as you wish, in the Mercado Pago app."
-msgstr "Sin tasas de mantenimiento ni costos adicionales."
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:126
-msgid "Check our FAQ"
-msgstr "Consulta nuestra FAQ"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:127
-msgid ". Credit subject to approval."
-msgstr ". Crédito sujeto a aprobación."
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:182,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:634,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:682,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:727,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:986
-msgid "Response from cache"
-msgstr "Respuesta de la caché"
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:1000
-msgid "Response from API"
-msgstr "Respuesta de la API"
-#. translators: 1: total_time currency 2: url
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/rest-client/class-mp-rest-client-abstract.php:179
-msgid "Took %1$s seconds to transfer a request to %2$s"
-msgstr "Se han tardado %1$s segundos para transferir una solicitud a %2$s"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:24
-msgid "Checkout Pro in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Checkout Pro en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:25,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:25
-msgid "Use Mercado Pago's payment methods without real charges. "
-msgstr "Utiliza los medios de Mercado Pago sin cobros reales. "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:26,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:26,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:26
-msgid "See the rules for the test mode."
-msgstr "Consulte las reglas para el modo test."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:35
-msgid "Log in to Mercado Pago and earn benefits"
-msgstr "Inicia sesión en Mercado Pago y obtén beneficios"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:54
-msgid ""
-"By continuing, you will be taken to Mercado Pago to safely complete your "
-msgstr ""
-"Al continuar, te llevaremos a Mercado Pago para completar tu compra de forma "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:56,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:47
-msgid "Checkout Pro redirect info image"
-msgstr "Imagen de redirección de Checkout Pro"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:66,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:56,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:169,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:31,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:96
-msgid "By continuing, you agree with our"
-msgstr "Al continuar, aceptas nuestros"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:67,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:57,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:170,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:31,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:97
-msgid "Terms and conditions"
-msgstr "Términos y condiciones"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:24
-msgid "No card installments in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Mensualidades sin tarjeta en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:34
-msgid "How to use it?"
-msgstr "¿Cómo usar?"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:37
-msgid ""
-"Log in or create an account in Mercado Pago. If you use Mercado "
-"Libre, you already have one!"
-msgstr ""
-"Inicia sesión o crea una cuenta en Mercado Pago. Si has usado Mercado "
-"Libre para comprar, ¡ya tienes una!"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:38
-msgid ""
-"Know your available limit in Mercado Crédito and choose how many "
-"installments you want to pay."
-msgstr ""
-"Conoce el límite disponible de tu línea de crédito y elige el plazo en "
-"el que quieres pagar tu compra."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:39
-msgid ""
-"Pay the installments as you prefer: with money in your account, card of "
-"from the Mercado Pago app."
-msgstr ""
-"Paga mes a mes con el medio de pago que prefieras. ¡Todo desde la app "
-"de Mercado Pago!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:295,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:349,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:373
+msgid "Mercado Pago: The customer has not paid yet."
+msgstr "Mercado Pago: El cliente no ha pagado todavía."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:46
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:296
msgid ""
-"By confirming your purchase, you will be redirected to your Mercado Pago "
+"Mercado Pago: Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase."
msgstr ""
-"Al continuar, te llevaremos a Mercado Pago para completar tu compra de forma "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:23
-msgid "Checkout Custom in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Tarjeta de crédito en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:24
-msgid "Use Mercado Pago means without real charges."
-msgstr "Utiliza los medios de Mercado Pago sin cobros reales."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:25
-msgid "See test mode rules."
-msgstr "Ver las reglas del Modo Test."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:36
-msgid "Pay with saved cards"
-msgstr "Paga con tarjetas guardadas"
+"Mercado Pago: Ahora sólo tiene que pagar con Pix para finalizar su compra."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:40
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:297
msgid ""
-"Do you have a Mercado Libre account? Then use the same email and password to "
-"pay faster with Mercado Pago."
+"Scan the QR code below or copy and paste the code into your bank's "
msgstr ""
-"¿Tienes una cuenta de Mercado Libre? Usa el mismo e-mail y contraseña para "
-"pagar más rápido \n"
-"con Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:57
-msgid "With which card can you pay?"
-msgstr "¿Con qué tarjeta puedes pagar?"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:70
-msgid "See current promotions"
-msgstr "Ver promociones vigentes"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:78
-msgid "Fill in your card details"
-msgstr "Completa los datos de tu tarjeta"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:80
-msgid "Card number"
-msgstr "Número de Tarjeta"
+"Escanee el código QR a continuación o copie y pegue el código en la "
+"aplicación de su banco."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:82,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:89,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:98,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:106
-msgid "Required data"
-msgstr "Datos obligatorios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:298
+msgid "30 minutes"
+msgstr "30 minutos"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:87
-msgid "Holder name as it appears on the card"
-msgstr "Nombre del titular como aparece en la tarjeta"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:310
+msgid "Payment approved."
+msgstr "Pago aprobado."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:95
-msgid "Expiration"
-msgstr "Vencimiento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:311
+msgid "Waiting for the Pix payment."
+msgstr "Esperando el pago de Pix."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:103
-msgid "Security Code"
-msgstr "Código de seguridad"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:312
+msgid "Waiting for the ticket payment."
+msgstr "Esperando el pago del boleto."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:113,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:36,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:53
-msgid "Holder document"
-msgstr "Documento del titular"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:313
+msgid "The customer has not made the payment yet."
+msgstr "El cliente todavía no efectuó el pago."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:114,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:37,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:54
-msgid "Invalid document"
-msgstr "Número de documento no válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:314
+msgid "Payment is pending review."
+msgstr "El pago está pendiente de revisión."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:129,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:145
-msgid "Select the number of installments"
-msgstr "Selecciona la cantidad de cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:315
+msgid "Payment was declined. The customer can try again."
+msgstr "El pago fue rechazado. El cliente puede intentar nuevamente."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:22
-msgid "Pix in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Pix en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:316
+msgid "Payment was returned to the customer."
+msgstr "El pago fue devuelto al cliente."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:22
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:317
msgid ""
-"You can test the flow to generate a code, but you cannot finalize the "
+"The payment was partially returned to the customer. the amount refunded "
+"was : "
msgstr ""
-"Es posible probar el flujo para generar una factura, pero no es posible "
-"finalizar el pago."
+"El pago se devolvió parcialmente al cliente. El montante reembolsado fue "
+"de : "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
-msgid "Pay instantly"
-msgstr "Pago instantáneo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:318
+msgid "Payment was canceled."
+msgstr "El pago fue cancelado."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:319,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:320
msgid ""
-"By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
-msgstr ""
-"Al confirmar tu compra, te mostraremos un código para realizar el pago."
+"The payment is in mediation or the purchase was unknown by the customer."
+msgstr "El pago esta en mediación o la compra fue desconocida por el cliente."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
-msgid "Pix logo"
-msgstr "Pix logo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:321
+msgid "The payment"
+msgstr "El pago"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:24
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:322
+msgid "was notified by Mercado Pago with status"
+msgstr "fue notificado por Mercado Pago con estado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:334
msgid "Offline Methods in Test Mode"
msgstr "Facturas en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:25
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:335
msgid ""
"You can test the flow to generate an invoice, but you cannot finalize the "
-"payment. "
msgstr ""
"Es posible testear el flujo para generar una factura, pero no es posible "
-"finalizar el pago. "
+"finalizar el pago."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:68
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:339,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:367
msgid "Select where you want to pay"
msgstr "Selecciona el punto de pago donde quieres pagar"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:73
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:340,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:368
msgid "more options"
msgstr "más opciones"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:78
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:341
msgid "Select a payment method"
msgstr "Seleccione una opción de pago"
-#: ../../templates/order/payment-status-metabox-content.php:30
-msgid ""
-"This is the payment status of your Mercado Pago Activities. To check the "
-"order status, please refer to Order details."
-msgstr ""
-"Este es el estado del pago de las Actividades de tu Mercado Pago. Para "
-"consultar el estado del pedido, consulta en Detalles del Pedido."
-#: ../../templates/order-received/show-ticket.php:19
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:344
msgid ""
"Great, we processed your purchase order. Complete the payment with ticket so "
"that we finish approving it."
@@ -3030,789 +2758,601 @@ msgstr ""
"Excelente, procesamos tu orden de compra. Completa el pago con ticket para "
"que terminemos de aprobarla."
-#: ../../templates/order-received/show-ticket.php:23
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:345
msgid "Print ticket"
msgstr "Imprimir ticket"
-#~ msgid "Fee"
-#~ msgstr "Tasa"
-#~ msgid "How does it work?"
-#~ msgstr "¿Cómo funciona?"
-#~ msgid "Checkout visualization:"
-#~ msgstr "Visualización en el checkout:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:346
+msgid " and "
+msgstr " e "
-#~ msgid "Check below how this feature will be displayed to your customers."
-#~ msgstr "A continuación verás cómo este recurso aparecerá para tus clientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:347
+msgid "To print the ticket again click"
+msgstr "Para reimprimir o boleto clique"
-#~ msgid "Banner visualization"
-#~ msgstr "Visualización del componente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:348
+msgid "here"
+msgstr "aqui"
-#~ msgid "Check the example of how it will appear in the store:"
-#~ msgstr "Consulta el ejemplo de cómo aparecerá en la tienda:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:362
+msgid "Checkout PSE in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Checkout PSE en Modo Test"
-#~ msgid "Bank Transfer"
-#~ msgstr "Transferencia bancaria"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:363
+msgid "You can test the flow to generate a payment with PSE"
+msgstr "Puede probar el flujo para generar un pago con PSE"
-#~ msgid "Payment by cash"
-#~ msgstr "Pagos en efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:369
+msgid "Person type "
+msgstr "Tipo de persona "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If you already have a Mercado Libre account, use the same email and "
-#~ "password"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si ya tienes una cuenta de Mercado Libre, usa el mismo mail y contraseña"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:370
+msgid "Financial institution"
+msgstr "Institución financiera"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When you confirm your purchase, we will redirect you to your Mercado Pago "
-#~ "account"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Cuando confirmes tu compra, te redireccionaremos a tu cuenta de Mercado "
-#~ "Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:371
+msgid "Select the financial institution"
+msgstr "Seleccione la entidad financiera"
-#~ msgid "Payment with Mercado Credito"
-#~ msgstr "Pagos con Mercado Crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:372
+msgid "Select the institution"
+msgstr "Seleccione la institución"
-#~ msgid "New!"
-#~ msgstr "¡Nuevo!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:387
+msgid "A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Please, try again."
+msgstr ""
+"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Por favor, intente otra "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With Mercado Credito, clients can pay "
-#~ "in installments with no card, by transfers, invoice or money available "
-#~ "in their Mercado Pago account. By activating the no-card "
-#~ "installments banner, you will increase your chances of selling."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Con Mercado Crédito, los clientes "
-#~ "pagan en cuotas sin tarjeta, por transferencia, tarjeta de débito, "
-#~ "efectivo o dinero disponible en la cuenta de Mercado Pago. Al "
-#~ "activar el componente de cuotas sin tarjeta, aumentarás tus chances "
-#~ "de vender. Para saber más, ingresá a documentación."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:388
+msgid ""
+"A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have "
+"correctly filled all information in the checkout form?"
+msgstr ""
+"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Está seguro de haber "
+"cargado la información en el formulario?"
-#~ msgid "The no-card installments banner is disabled."
-#~ msgstr "El componente de cuotas sin tarjeta está desactivado ."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:389
+msgid "See your order form"
+msgstr "Ver su hoja de pedido"
-#~ msgid "Earn more points and have exclusive benefits in Mercado Puntos"
-#~ msgstr "Gana más puntos y ventajas exclusivas en Mercado Puntos "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:390
+msgid "Your payment was declined. You can try again."
+msgstr "Su pago fue rechazado. Puede intentarlo de nuevo."
-#~ msgid "Error loading form."
-#~ msgstr "Error al cargar el formulario."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:391
+msgid "Click to try again"
+msgstr "Haga clic para intentarlo de nuevo"
-#~ msgid "Please refresh the page to try again."
-#~ msgstr "Actualice la página para volver a intentarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:392
+msgid "That's it, payment accepted!"
+msgstr "Listo, ¡aceptamos tu pago!"
-#~ msgid "Refresh page"
-#~ msgstr "Actualizar página"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:393
+msgid ""
+"We are processing your payment. In less than an hour we will send you the "
+"result by email."
+msgstr ""
+"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de una hora le enviaremos el resultado "
+"por correo electrónico."
-#~ msgid "Type of topic IPN invalid, need to be merchant_order"
-#~ msgstr "El tipo de asunto de la IPN no es válido, debe ser `merchant_order`"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:394
+msgid ""
+"We are processing your payment. In less than 2 days we will send you by "
+"email if the payment has been approved or if additional information is "
+msgstr ""
+"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de 2 días le enviaremos por correo "
+"electrónico si se ha aprobado el pago o si se necesita información adicional."
-#~ msgid "Click here to see more details..."
-#~ msgstr "Haga clic aquí para ver más detalles…"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:395
+msgid "Check the card number."
+msgstr "Compruebe el número de tarjeta."
-#~ msgid "Purchases with saved cards or money in Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Compras con tarjetas guardadas o saldo en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:396
+msgid "Check the expiration date."
+msgstr "Compruebe la fecha de expiración."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Feature for those who have a saved card or money in Mercado Pago to buy "
-#~ "without having to fill in details."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Es una funcionalidade para quienes tienen tarjetas guardadas o saldo en "
-#~ "Mercado Pago puedan comprar sin la necesidad de completar datos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:397
+msgid "Check the information provided."
+msgstr "Compruebe la información informada."
-#~ msgid "The feature for payments with saved cards is active."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La funcionalidad para pagos con tarjetas guardadas está activa"
-#~ "b>."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:398
+msgid "Check the informed security code."
+msgstr "Compruebe el código de seguridad informado."
-#~ msgid "The feature for payments with saved cards is inactive."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La funcionalidad para pagos con tarjetas guardadas está "
-#~ "inactiva."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:399,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:400
+msgid "Your payment cannot be processed."
+msgstr "No se puede procesar su pago."
-#~ msgid "You can see how the feature is in your store Checkout below:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "A continuación, cómo es la funcionalidad en el checkout de la tienda:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:401
+msgid "You must authorize payments for your orders."
+msgstr "Usted debe autorizar los pagos de sus órdenes."
-#~ msgid "Mercado Pago customers can now pay with stored cards."
-#~ msgstr "Clientes de Mercado Pago ahora pueden pagar con tarjetas guardadas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:402
+msgid ""
+"Contact your card issuer to activate it. The phone is on the back of your "
+msgstr ""
+"Póngase en contacto con el emisor de su tarjeta para activarla. El teléfono "
+"se encuentra en la parte posterior de su tarjeta."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The function Saved card payments is enabled. With this setting, "
-#~ "customers using Mercado Pago can purchase without having to fill in "
-#~ "payment details. You can control this option in the settings."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La función Pago con tarjetas guardadas de Mercado Pago está habilitada. "
-#~ "Ahora los clientes que utilizan Mercado pago pueden comprar sin tener que "
-#~ "completar los datos de la tarjeta. Puedes controlar esta opción en "
-#~ "configuración."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:403
+msgid ""
+"You have already made a payment of this amount. If you have to pay again, "
+"use another card or other method of payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Usted ya realizó un pago de este importe. Si tiene que pagar de nuevo, "
+"utilizar otra tarjeta u otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Go to settings"
-#~ msgstr "Ir a la configuración"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:404
+msgid ""
+"Your payment was declined. Please select another payment method. It is "
+"recommended in cash."
+msgstr "Su pago fue rechazado. Puede intentarlo de nuevo."
-#~ msgid "No need to fill out details"
-#~ msgstr "Sin cargar datos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:405
+msgid "Your payment does not have sufficient funds."
+msgstr "Su metodo de pago no tiene fondos suficientes."
-#~ msgid "Installments available"
-#~ msgstr "Cuotas disponibles"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:406
+msgid "Payment cannot process the selected fee."
+msgstr "El pago no puede procesar la cuota seleccionada."
-#~ msgid "Pay faster with your saved cards and without completing data."
-#~ msgstr "Paga más rápido con tus tarjetas guardadas y sin completar datos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:407
+msgid ""
+"You have reached the limit of allowed attempts. Choose another card or other "
+"payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Has alcanzado el límite de intentos permitidos. Elija otra tarjeta u otro "
+"medio de pago."
-#, fuzzy
-#~| msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
-#~ msgid "Important! To sell, you must enter your credentials."
-#~ msgstr "¡Importante! Para vender debe introducir sus credenciales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:408
+msgid ""
+"Invalid transaction attempt You are trying to perform a "
+"productive transaction using test credentials, or test transaction using "
+"productive credentials. Please ensure that you are using the correct "
+"environment settings for the desired action."
+msgstr ""
+"Intento de transacción no válido Está intentando "
+"realizar una transacción productiva con credenciales de prueba o una "
+"transacción de prueba con credenciales productivas. Asegúrese de que está "
+"utilizando la configuración de credenciales correcta para la acción deseada."
-#~ msgid "Go to step-by-step"
-#~ msgstr "Ir al paso a paso"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:409
+msgid ""
+"Invalid transaction attempt It is not possible to pay "
+"with the email address entered. Please enter another e-mail address."
+msgstr ""
+"Intento de transacción no válido No es posible pagar con "
+"el email introducido. Por favor, introduzca otro email."
-#~ msgid "Update failed, invalid Credentials"
-#~ msgstr "Actualización fallida, credenciales no válidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:410
+msgid "This payment method cannot process your payment."
+msgstr "Este medio de pago no puede procesar su pago."
-#~ msgid "Up to 24 installments"
-#~ msgstr "Hasta 24 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:422
+msgid ""
+"Your bank needs you to authorize the payment Please call "
+"the telephone number on your card or pay with another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu banco necesita que autorices el pago Llama al "
+"teléfono que está en la tarjeta o paga con otro medio."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Important! Do not forget to add the credentials and details of your store."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¡Importante! No olvides ingresar las credenciales y datos de la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:423,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:424
+msgid ""
+"For safety reasons, your payment was declined We "
+"recommended paying with your usual payment method and device for online "
+msgstr ""
+"Por motivos de seguridad, tu pago fue rechazado Te recomendamos "
+"pagar con el medio de pago y dispositivo que sueles usar para compras online."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Before setting up payments, follow the step-by-step to start selling."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Antes de configurar los pagos, haz el paso a paso para comenzar a vender."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:425,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:426,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:427,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:428
+msgid ""
+"One or more card details were entered incorrecctly"
+"strong> Please enter them again as they appear on the card to complete "
+"the payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Ingresaste uno o más datos de tu tarjeta de forma incorrecta"
+"strong> Vuelve a ingresarlos tal como figuran en la tarjeta para "
+"finalizar el pago."
-#~ msgid "To enable and test sales, you must copy and paste your "
-#~ msgstr "Para habilitar y testear las ventas, tienes que copiar y pegar "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:429
+msgid ""
+"Your credit card has no available limit Please pay using "
+"another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu tarjeta de crédito no tiene límite disponible Paga "
+"con otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Mandatory data"
-#~ msgstr "Campo obligatorio"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:430
+msgid ""
+"Your debit card has insufficient founds Please pay using "
+"another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu tarjeta de débito no tiene saldo suficiente Paga con "
+"otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Use the test-specific cards that are in the"
-#~ msgstr "Utiliza las tarjetas específicas para testear que estén bajo las"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:431
+msgid ""
+"Your card does not accept the number of installments selected"
+"strong> Please choose a different number of installments or use a "
+"different payment method ."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu tarjeta no acepta la cantidad de pagos que seleccionaste"
+"strong> Elige una cantidad de pagos diferente o use otro medio."
-#~ msgid "Until"
-#~ msgstr "Hasta"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:432
+msgid ""
+"You need to activate your card Please contact your bank "
+"by calling the number on the back of your card or choose another payment "
+msgstr ""
+"Necesitas habilitar tu tarjeta Comunícate con tu banco "
+"llamando al número que está al dorso de la tarjeta o elige otro medio de "
-#~ msgid "installment"
-#~ msgstr "cuota"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:433
+msgid ""
+"You reached the limit of payment attempts with this card"
+"strong> Please pay using another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Alcanzaste el límite de intentos de pago con esta tarjeta"
+"strong> Paga con otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "We take you to our site to complete the payment"
-#~ msgstr "Te llevamos a nuestro sitio para completar el pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:434
+msgid ""
+"Your payment was declined because you already paid for this "
+"purchase Check your card transactions to verify it."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu pago fue rechazado porque ya pagaste esta compra"
+"strong> Revisa los consumos de tu tarjeta para verificarlo."
-#~ msgid "Enter your discount coupon"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tu cupón de descuento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:435,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:436,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:437
+msgid ""
+"The card issuing bank declined the payment We "
+"recommended paying with another payment method or contact your bank."
+msgstr ""
+"El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó tu pago Te "
+"recomendamos pagar con otro medio de pago o comunicarte con tu banco."
-#~ msgid "Enter your coupon"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tu cupón"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:438
+msgid ""
+"For safety reasons, the card issuing bank declined the payment"
+"strong> We recommended paying with your usual payment method and device "
+"for online purchases."
+msgstr ""
+"Por motivos de seguridad, el banco de la tarjeta rechazó el pago"
+"b> Te recomendamos pagar con el medio de pago y dispositivo que sueles "
+"usar para compras online."
-#~ msgid "The code you entered is incorrect"
-#~ msgstr "El código que ingresaste es incorrecto"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:439
+msgid ""
+"Your payment was declined because something went wrong"
+"strong> We recommended trying again or paying with another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu pago fue rechazado porque hube un error Te "
+"recomendamos intentar nuevamente o pagar con otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Invalid Card Number"
-#~ msgstr "Numero de tarjeta invalido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:451
+msgid "We are taking you to validate the card"
+msgstr "Te estamos llevando a validar la tarjeta"
-#~ msgid "Name and surname of the cardholder"
-#~ msgstr "Nombre y apellido del titular de la tarjeta"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:452
+msgid "with your bank"
+msgstr "con tu banco"
-#~ msgid "Invalid Expiration Date"
-#~ msgstr "Fecha de expiracion inválida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:453
+msgid "We need to confirm that you are the cardholder."
+msgstr "Necesitamos confirmar que eres titular de la tarjeta."
-#~ msgid "Last 3 numbers on the back"
-#~ msgstr "Últimos 3 números en el reverso"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:454
+msgid "We are receiving the response from your bank"
+msgstr "Estamos recibiendo la respuesta de tu banco"
-#~ msgid "In how many installments do you want to pay"
-#~ msgstr "En cuántas cuotas quieres pagar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:455
+msgid "Complete the bank validation so your payment can be approved"
+msgstr "Completa la validación del banco para aprobar tu pago"
-#~ msgid "Converted payment of"
-#~ msgstr "Pago convertido de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:456
+msgid ""
+"Please keep this page open. If you close it, you will not be able to resume "
+"the validation."
+msgstr ""
+"Mantén abierta esta pantalla. Si la cierras, no podrás retomar la validación."
-#~ msgid "for"
-#~ msgstr "para"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:457
+msgid ""
+"For safety reasons, your payment was declined We recommend paying "
+"with your usual payment method and device for online purchases."
+msgstr ""
+"Por motivos de seguridad, tu pago fue rechazado Te recomendamos "
+"pagar con el medio de pago y dispositivo que sueles usar para compras online."
-#~ msgid "Enter your document number"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tu número de documento"
+#~ msgid "How does it work?"
+#~ msgstr "¿Cómo funciona?"
-#~ msgid "Type"
-#~ msgstr "Tipo"
+#~ msgid "When paying, choose"
+#~ msgstr "Al pagar elegí"
-#~ msgid "Document number"
-#~ msgstr "Número de documento"
+#~ msgid ". Login to your account or create one in a few steps."
+#~ msgstr ". Podrás ingresar con tu cuenta o crear una en pocos pasos."
-#~ msgid "Only numbers"
-#~ msgstr "Sólo números"
+#~ msgid "Search for"
+#~ msgstr "Busca"
-#~ msgid "Obligatory field"
-#~ msgstr "Campo obligatorio"
+#~ msgid "Mercado Credito"
+#~ msgstr "Mercado Crédito"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When you finish the order, you will see the code to complete the payment."
-#~ msgstr "Cuando termines el pedido, verás el código para completar el pago."
-#~ msgid "CI"
-#~ msgstr "CI"
-#~ msgid "You must provide your document number"
-#~ msgstr "Debe informar su número de documento"
-#~ msgid "Complete all fields, they are mandatory."
-#~ msgstr "Complete todos los campos, son obligatorios."
-#~ msgid "Select the issuer with whom you want to process the payment"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona el emisor con el que quieras procesar el pago"
-#~ msgid "Lottery"
-#~ msgstr "Lotéricas"
-#~ msgid "CPF/CNPJ"
-#~ msgstr "CPF/CNPJ"
-#~ msgid "Enable or inactivate the payments via Pix"
-#~ msgstr "Activar o desactivar pagos por Pix"
-#~ msgid "If you change the display text, no translation will be available"
+#~ "among the options, select it and choose in how many installments you "
+#~ "would like to pay."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si cambia el texto de la pantalla Checkout, no habrá traducción disponible"
+#~ "entre las opciones, selecciónalo y elegí en cuántas cuotas quieres pagar."
-#~ msgid "Approve your account, it will only take a few minutes"
-#~ msgstr "Homologa tu cuenta, solo te llevará unos minutos"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Complete this process to secure your customers data and comply with the "
-#~ "regulations and legal provisions of each country."
+#~ msgid "Pay your installments monthly as you wish, in the Mercado Pago app."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Complete este proceso para proteger los datos de sus clientes y cumplir "
-#~ "con las regulaciones y disposiciones legales de cada país."
-#~ msgid "Homologate account in Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Homologar cuenta en Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "No"
-#~ msgstr "No"
+#~ "Pagá mes a mes tus cuotas como prefieras, desde la app de Mercado Pago."
-#~ msgid "Yes"
-#~ msgstr "Sí"
+#~ msgid "Review the step-by-step of"
+#~ msgstr "Revisa el paso a paso de"
-#~ msgid "Set up"
-#~ msgstr "Ajustes"
+#~ msgid "on our website for developers."
+#~ msgstr "en nuestro sitio de desarrolladores."
-#~ msgid "Your opinion helps us get better"
-#~ msgstr "Tu opinión nos ayuda a mejorar"
-#~ msgid "Guides and Documentation"
-#~ msgstr "Guías y documentación"
-#~ msgid "Report Problem"
-#~ msgstr "Informar problema"
-#~ msgid "Accept all method of payment and take your charges to another level"
-#~ msgstr "Acepta todos los medios de pago y lleva tus cobros a otro nivel"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Turn your online store into your customers preferred payment gateway. "
-#~ "Choose if the final payment experience will be inside or outside your "
-#~ "store."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Convierte tu tienda online en la pasarela de pagos preferida de tus "
-#~ "clientes. Elige si la experiencia de pago final será dentro o fuera de tu "
-#~ "tienda."
-#~ msgid "Configure Mercado Pago for WooCommerce"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresá la información de tu negocio"
+#~ msgid "Questions?"
+#~ msgstr "¿Dudas?"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Enable the experience of the Checkout Pro in your online store, select "
-#~ "the means of payment available to your customers and define the "
-#~ "maximum fees in which they can pay you."
+#~ "To enable orders, you must create and activate production credentials in "
+#~ "your Mercado Pago Account."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Habilita la experiencia del Checkout Pro en tu tienda online, selecciona "
-#~ "los medios de pago disponibles para tus clientes y define el máximo "
-#~ "de cuotas en el que podrán pagarte."
-#~ msgid "Set payment preferences in your store"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago en tu tienda"
+#~ "Para habilitar las ventas, debes crear y activar las credenciales de "
+#~ "producción en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago."
-#~ msgid "Select offline payments"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona medios de pago presenciales"
+#~ msgid "Check credentials"
+#~ msgstr "Consultar credenciales"
-#~ msgid "Select debit cards"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona tarjetas de débito"
-#~ msgid "Select credit cards"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona tarjetas de crédito"
-#~ msgid "Checkout of payments with debit and credit cards %s"
-#~ msgstr "Checkout de pagos con tarjetas de débito y crédito %s"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept payments instantly and maximize the conversion of your business"
-#~ msgstr "Acepta pagos al instante y maximiza la conversión de tu negocio"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Turn your online store into a secure and easy-to-use payment gateway for "
-#~ "your customers. With personalized checkout your customers pay without "
-#~ "leaving your store!"
+#~ msgid "To view more options, please select a payment method below"
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Convierte tu tienda online en una pasarela de pagos segura y fácil de "
-#~ "usar para tus clientes. Con el checkout personalizado tus clientes pagan "
-#~ "¡sin salir de tu tienda!"
-#~ msgid "Set up the payment experience in your store"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresá la información de tu negocio"
-#~ msgid "Configure the personalized payment experience in your store"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago en tu tienda"
-#~ msgid "%s, it only takes a few minutes"
-#~ msgstr "%s, solo te llevará unos minutos"
-#~ msgid "Approve your account"
-#~ msgstr "Homologa tu cuenta"
-#~ msgid "Title"
-#~ msgstr "Título"
+#~ "Selecciona uno de los siguientes medios de pago para ver más opciones"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Credentials are the keys we provide you to integrate quickly and "
-#~ "securely. You must have a %s in Mercado Pago to obtain and collect them "
-#~ " on your website. You do not need to know how to design or program to "
-#~ "do it"
+#~ "Test the experience in Test Mode and then enable the Sale Mode "
+#~ "(Production) to sell."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Las credenciales son las claves que te proporcionamos para que integres "
-#~ "de forma rápida y segura. Debes tener una %s en Mercado Pago para "
-#~ "obtenerlas y cobrar en tu sitio web. No necesitas saber diseñar o "
-#~ "programar para hacerlo"
-#~ msgid "approved account"
-#~ msgstr "cuenta homologada"
-#~ msgid "Select your country"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona tu país"
-#~ msgid "Select the country in which you operate with Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona el país en el que operas con Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Activate the Mercado Pago experience at the checkout of your store."
-#~ msgstr "Activa la experiencia de Mercado Pago en el checkout de tu tienda."
-#~ msgid "Binary mode"
-#~ msgstr "Modo binario"
+#~ "Testea la experiencia en Modo Test. Luego activa el Modo Ventas "
+#~ "(Producción) para realizar ventas."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept and reject payments automatically. Do you want us to activate it?"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta y rechaza pagos de forma automática. ¿Quieres que lo activemos?"
+#~ msgid "Do you have a minute to share your experience with our plugin?"
+#~ msgstr "¿tienes un minuto para compartir tu experiencia con nuestro plugin?"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If you activate binary mode you will not be able to leave pending "
-#~ "payments. This can affect fraud prevention. Leave it idle to be backed by "
-#~ "our own tool."
+#~ "Your opinion is very important so that we can offer you the best possible "
+#~ "payment solution and continue to improve."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si activa el modo binario no podrá dejar pagos pendientes. Esto puede "
-#~ "afectar la prevención del fraude. Déjelo inactivo para que sea respaldado "
-#~ "por nuestra propia herramienta."
-#~ msgid "Discounts per purchase with Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Descuentos por compra con Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Commission for purchase with Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Comisión por compra con Mercado Pago"
+#~ "Tu opinión es muy importante para que podamos ofrecerte la mejor solución "
+#~ "de pago posible y seguir mejorando."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept payments at any time of the day and expand your purchase options!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¡Acepte pagos en cualquier momento del día y amplíe sus opciones de "
-#~ "compra!"
+#~ msgid "You must enter"
+#~ msgstr "Debe introducir"
-#~ msgid "Offer this new payment option to your customers."
-#~ msgstr "Ofrezca esta nueva opción de pago a sus clientes."
+#~ msgid "production credentials"
+#~ msgstr "las credenciales de producción"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Enable and set up Pix as a payment method for your customers in the "
-#~ "Mercado Pago checkout."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Habilita y configura Pix como método de pago para tus clientes en el "
-#~ "checkout de Mercado Pago."
+#~ msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
+#~ msgstr "¡Importante! Para vender debe introducir sus credenciales."
-#~ msgid "Set up the payment via Pix experience"
-#~ msgstr "Configura la experiencia de pago a través de Pix"
+#~ msgid "Debit, Credit and invoice in Mercado Pago environment"
+#~ msgstr "Débito, crédito y efectivo, en Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Checkout of payments with cash %s"
-#~ msgstr "Paga con dinero en efectivo"
+#~ msgid "Debit and Credit"
+#~ msgstr "Débito e crédito"
-#~ msgid "Accept face-to-face payments, do not leave anyone out!"
-#~ msgstr "Acepta pagos presenciales ¡no dejes a nadie afuera!"
+#~ msgid "Transparent Checkout in your store environment"
+#~ msgstr "Checkout Transparente en tu tienda"
-#~ msgid "Include this preferred purchase option by some customers."
-#~ msgstr "Incluye esta opción de compra preferida por algunos clientes."
+#~ msgid "Mercado pago - Customized Checkout"
+#~ msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Personalizado"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Enable Mercado Pago for cash payments in your store and select the "
-#~ "options available to your customers."
+#~ "Unfortunately, the language configured in your WordPress is not "
+#~ "compatible with our plugin. For the best experience, please switch to a "
+#~ "supported language."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Habilita Mercado Pago para pagos en efectivo en tu tienda y "
-#~ "selecciona las opciones disponibles para tus clientes."
+#~ "Lamentablemente, el idioma configurado en tu WordPress no es compatible "
+#~ "con nuestro plugin. Para disfrutar de la mejor experiencia, cambia a un "
+#~ "idioma compatible."
-#~ msgid "Set payment preferences with cash"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago con dinero en efectivo"
+#~ msgid "payments on the spot"
+#~ msgstr "pagos al instante"
-#~ msgid "Store mode was updated"
-#~ msgstr "Se actualizó el modo de la tienda"
+#~ msgid "the"
+#~ msgstr "toda la"
-#~ msgid "Couldn't find a valid payment method"
-#~ msgstr "No se pudo encontrar un método de pago válido"
+#~ msgid "security"
+#~ msgstr "seguridad"
-#~ msgid "Invoice and Loterica"
-#~ msgstr "Efectivo "
+#~ msgid "from Mercado Pago"
+#~ msgstr "de Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "It offers all means of payment: credit and debit cards, cash and account "
-#~ "money. Your customers choose whether they pay as guests or from their "
-#~ "Mercado Pago account."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ofrece todos los medios de pago: tarjetas de crédito y débito, dinero en "
-#~ "efectivo y dinero en cuenta. Tus clientes eligen si pagan como invitados "
-#~ "o desde su cuenta de Mercado Pago."
+#~ msgid "Check the reasons why the purchase was declined"
+#~ msgstr "Consulta los motivos del rechazo de tu compra"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept card payments on your website with the best possible financing and "
-#~ "maximize the conversion of your business. With personalized checkout your "
-#~ "customers pay without leaving your store!"
+#~ "Recommend your costumer to pay with their usual payment method and device "
+#~ "for online purchases."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta pagos con tarjeta en tu sitio web con la mejor financiación "
-#~ "posible y maximiza la conversión de tu negocio. Con el checkout "
-#~ "personalizado tus clientes pagan ¡sin salir de tu tienda!"
-#~ msgid "Follow these steps to activate Mercado Pago in your store:"
-#~ msgstr "Sigue estos pasos para activar Mercado Pago en tu tienda:"
-#~ msgid "Upload your credentials"
-#~ msgstr "Carga tus credenciales"
-#~ msgid "depending on the country in which you are registered."
-#~ msgstr "depending on the country in which you are registered."
-#~ msgid "to be able to charge."
-#~ msgstr "para poder cobrar."
-#~ msgid "Add the basic information of your business"
-#~ msgstr "Añade la información básica de tu negocio"
-#~ msgid "in the plugin configuration."
-#~ msgstr "en la configuración del plugin."
-#~ msgid "Configure the payment preferences"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago"
-#~ msgid "In which country does your Mercado Pago account operate?"
-#~ msgstr "¿En qué país opera tu cuenta de Mercado Pago?"
+#~ "Recomiéndale a tu cliente que pague con el medio de pago y dispositivo "
+#~ "que suele usar para compras online."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Add credentials to "Test Mode" or "Production Mode""
+#~ "The payment could not be processed. Please ask your client to use another "
+#~ "card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ingresa las credenciales para el "Modo Test" o el "Modo "
-#~ "Producción""
-#~ msgid "Set up store payments for Test or Production Mode"
-#~ msgstr "Configura los pagos de la tienda para el modo Test o Producción"
-#~ msgid "How would you like to handle your store checkouts?"
-#~ msgstr "¿Como quieres operar los checkouts de tu tienda?"
-#~ msgid "Activate Production Mode for Mercado Pago checkouts"
-#~ msgstr "Activar Modo Producción para checkouts Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "test mode guidelines."
-#~ msgstr "reglas del Modo Test."
+#~ "El pago no fue procesado por el banco. Pídele a tu cliente que use otro "
+#~ "medio de pago o que se contacte con el banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Mercado Pago checkouts are inactive for real payments in the Test Mode. "
-#~ "Please check the"
+#~ "The CVV is invalid. Please ask your client to review the details or use "
+#~ "another card."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Checkouts Mercado Pago están inactivos para cobros reales en el Modo de "
-#~ "Prueba. Consulta las"
-#~ msgid "Search my credentials"
-#~ msgstr "Buscar mis credenciales"
+#~ "El código de seguridad de la tarjeta es inválido. Revisá los datos que "
+#~ "ingresaste o pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With these credentials, you enable your Mercado Pago checkouts to receive "
-#~ "real payments."
+#~ "The card does not have sufficient balance. Please ask your client to use "
+#~ "another card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Con estas credenciales habilitas que tus checkouts Mercado Pago puedan "
-#~ "recibir pagos reales."
+#~ "La tarjeta no tiene límite disponible. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
+#~ "tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "What category do your products belong to? Choose the one that best "
-#~ "characterizes them (choose \"other\" if your product is too specific)."
+#~ "The card does not have enough limit. Please ask your client to use "
+#~ "another card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¿A qué categoría pertenecen tus productos? Elige la que mejor los "
-#~ "caracteriza (elige “otro” si tu producto es demasiado específico)."
-#~ msgid "Categories"
-#~ msgstr "Categrorías"
-#~ msgid "Store ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID de la tienda"
+#~ "La tarjeta no tiene fondos suficientes. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
+#~ "tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Use a number or prefix to identify orders and payments from this store."
+#~ "The CVV was entered incorrectly several times. Please ask your client to "
+#~ "use another card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Usa un número o prefijo para identificar pedidos y pagos provenientes de "
-#~ "esta tienda."
+#~ "Se ingresó varias veces mal el código de seguridad de la tarjeta. Pedile "
+#~ "a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Do not forget to enter your integrator_id as a certified Mercado Pago "
-#~ "Partner. If you don`t have it, you can %s"
+#~ "The card does not allow the number of installments entered. Please ask "
+#~ "your client to choose another installment plan or to use another card."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "No olvides ingresar tu integrator_id como Partner certificado de Mercado "
-#~ "Pago. Si no lo tienes, puedes %s"
-#~ msgid "Advanced adjustment"
-#~ msgstr "Ajustes avanzados"
-#~ msgid "We debug the information in our change file."
-#~ msgstr "Depuramos la información de nuestro archivo de cambios."
+#~ "La tarjeta no acepta la cantidad de cuotas ingresadas. Pedile a tu "
+#~ "cliente que elija otro plan de cuotas o que use otra tarjeta."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "IPN (Instant Payment Notification) is a notification of events that take "
-#~ "place on your platform and that is sent from one server to another "
-#~ "through an HTTP POST call. See more information in our guides."
+#~ "The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client "
+#~ "to ask the bank to authotize it or to use another card."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "IPN (Instant Payment Notification) es una notificación de eventos que "
-#~ "tienen lugar en su plataforma y que se envía de un servidor a otro a "
-#~ "través de una llamada HTTP POST. Vea más información en nuestras guías."
+#~ "El banco emisor de la tarjeta no autorizó el pago. Pedile a tu cliente "
+#~ "que se contacte con el banco para autorizarlo o que use otra tarjeta."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "It appears that your credentials are not properly configured. Please, "
-#~ "go to %s and configure it."
+#~ "From Mercado Pago we have detected that this payment has already been "
+#~ "made before. If that is not the case, your client may try to pay again."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Parece que sus credenciales no están configuradas correctamente. Por "
-#~ "favor, vaya a %s y configúrelo."
-#~ msgid "Market Payment Configuration"
-#~ msgstr "Mercado Pago Configuración"
+#~ "Desde Mercado Pago detectamos que este pago ya se hizo anteriormente. Si "
+#~ "no es así, tu cliente puede intentarlo de nuevo."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Check out the step-by-step of how to integrate the Mercado Pago Plugin "
-#~ "for WooCommerce in our developer website."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Revisa el paso a paso de cómo integrar el Plugin de Mercado Pago para "
-#~ "WooCommerce en nuestro sitio de desarrolladores."
-#~ msgid "Review documentation"
-#~ msgstr "Revisar documentación"
-#~ msgid "Still having problems? Contact our support team through their %s"
+#~ "The card is not active yet. Please ask your client to use another card or "
+#~ "to get in touch with the bank to activate it."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¿Sigues con problemas? Comunícate con nuestro equipo de soporte a través "
-#~ "de su %s"
-#~ msgid "contact form."
-#~ msgstr "formulario de contacto."
-#~ msgid "Set up your interest payments"
-#~ msgstr "Configura pagos"
-#~ msgid "Set up your installment and interest payments"
-#~ msgstr "Configura meses sin intereses"
-#~ msgid "At Mercado Pago you can choose the fee you pay for each purchase"
-#~ msgstr "En Mercado Pago puedes elegir la tarifa que pagas en cada venta"
+#~ "La tarjeta aún no está habilitada. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
+#~ "tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco para activarla."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "At Mercado Pago you can choose the fee you pay for each purchase and also "
-#~ "offer interest-free installments to your customer."
+#~ "The debit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client "
+#~ "that it is possible to pay with credit or to use another one."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "En Mercado Pago puedes elegir la tarifa que pagas en cada compra y "
-#~ "también ofrecer meses sin intereses a tu cliente."
-#~ msgid "Set up interest payments"
-#~ msgstr "Configurar tasas y plazos"
-#~ msgid "Set up installment and interest"
-#~ msgstr "Configurar cuotas e intereses"
+#~ "La función débito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente que "
+#~ "puede pagar con la función débito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que use "
+#~ "otra."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Test Mode Activated? Now visit your store and test the Mercado Pago "
-#~ "checkouts"
+#~ "The credit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client "
+#~ "that it is possible to pay with debit or to use another one."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¿Modo Test activado? Ahora visita tu tienda y testea los checkouts "
-#~ "Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Everything ready for the takeoff of your sales?"
-#~ msgstr "¿Todo listo para el despegue de tus ventas?"
+#~ "La función crédito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente "
+#~ "que puede pagar con la función débito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que "
+#~ "use otra."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Visit your store as usual and simulate a payment in our checkouts to make "
-#~ "sure everything is working correctly."
+#~ "The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client "
+#~ "to ask the bank to authorize it."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Visita tu tienda normalmente y simula un pago en nuestros checkouts para "
-#~ "verificar que todo esté funcionando correctamente."
+#~ "El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago. Pídele a tu cliente que se "
+#~ "comunique con el banco para autorizar el pago."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Visit your store as if you were one of your customers and check that "
-#~ "everything is fine. If you already went to Production, bring your "
-#~ "customers and increase your sales with the best online shopping "
-#~ "experience."
+#~ "The buyer does not have enough balance to make the purchase. Please ask "
+#~ "your client to deposit money to the Mercado Pago Account or to use a "
+#~ "different payment method."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Visita tu tienda como si fueras uno de tus clientes y revisa que todo "
-#~ "esté bien. Si ya saliste a Producción, trae a tus clientes y aumenta "
-#~ "tus ventas con la mejor experiencia de compra online."
-#~ msgid "%s"
-#~ msgstr "%s"
+#~ "El cliente no tiene suficiente saldo en la cuenta para realizar la "
+#~ "compra. Pídele a tu cliente que cargue saldo en Mercado Pago o que use "
+#~ "otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Your store is ready to receive payments from customers."
-#~ msgstr "Tu tienda está lista para recibir pagos de clientes."
+#~ msgid "There was an error"
+#~ msgstr "Hubo un error"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Your customers will not be able to make purchases while in Test Mode."
-#~ msgstr "Los clientes no podrán hacer compras en Modo Test."
+#~ msgid "to BRL"
+#~ msgstr "a BRL"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept payments via Pix Transfer and receive the funds instantly. Your "
-#~ "customers can pay at any time, without date or time restrictions."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta pagos a través de transferencia Pix y recibe los fondos al "
-#~ "instante. Tus clientes pueden pagar en cualquier momento, sin "
-#~ "restricciones de fecha u hora."
+#~ msgid "to CLP"
+#~ msgstr "a CLP"
-#~ msgid "Pay with PIX "
-#~ msgstr "Paga vía Pix "
+#~ msgid "to COP"
+#~ msgstr "a COP"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept cash payments within the custom checkout and expand your customers "
-#~ "purchase options."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta pagos en efectivo dentro del checkout personalizado y amplía las "
-#~ "opciones de compra de tus clientes."
+#~ msgid "Now we convert your currency"
+#~ msgstr "Ahora convertimos tu moneda"
-#~ msgid "Pay with cash"
-#~ msgstr "Paga con dinero en efectivo"
+#~ msgid "We no longer convert your currency"
+#~ msgstr "Dejamos de convertir tu moneda"
-#~ msgid "Enter your credentials and choose how to operate"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tus credenciales y elige cómo operar"
+#~ msgid "Payment method"
+#~ msgstr "Medios de pagos"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "By default, we activate the Sandbox test environment for you to test "
-#~ "before you start selling."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Por defecto, te activamos el entorno de pruebas Sandbox para que hagas "
-#~ "testeos antes de empezar a vender."
+#~ msgid "Discount coupons is"
+#~ msgstr "Cupones de descuento están"
-#~ msgid "Production Mode"
-#~ msgstr "Modo Producción"
+#~ msgid "Discount coupons"
+#~ msgstr "Cupones de descuento"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When you see that everything is going well, deactivate Sandbox, turn on "
-#~ "Production and make way for your online sales."
+#~ "Will you offer discount coupons to customers who buy with Mercado Pago?"
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Cuando veas que todo va bien, desactiva Sandbox para ir a Producción y "
-#~ "abre paso a tus ventas online."
+#~ "¿Ofrecerás cupones de descuento a los clientes que compren con Mercado "
+#~ "Pago?"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Choose “Yes” only when you’re ready to sell. Switch to “No” to activate "
-#~ "Testing mode."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Elige “Sí” sólo cuando estés listo para vender. Cambia a “No” para "
-#~ "activar el modo Pruebas."
+#~ msgid "Your document data is invalid"
+#~ msgstr "Número de documento inválido"
-#~ msgid "With these keys you can do the tests you want.."
-#~ msgstr "Con estas claves podrás hacer las pruebas que quieras."
+#~ msgid "Title in the checkout"
+#~ msgstr "Título en el checkout"
-#~ msgid "With these keys you can receive real payments from your customers."
-#~ msgstr "Con estas claves podrás recibir pagos reales de tus clientes."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Payment URL pending"
+#~ msgid "Payment URL"
+#~ msgstr "URL de pago pendiente"
-#~ msgid "Everything set up? Go to your store in Sandbox mode"
-#~ msgstr "¿Todo configurado? Ve a tu tienda en modo Sandbox"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is"
+#~ msgid "Transparent checkout for credit cards is"
+#~ msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago "
+#~| "Transparent Checkout."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Visit your store and simulate a payment to check that everything is fine."
-#~ msgstr "Visita tu tienda y simula un pago para revisar que todo esté bien."
-#~ msgid "I want to test my sales"
-#~ msgstr "Quiero testear mis ventas"
-#~ msgid "Payment refused"
-#~ msgstr "Pago rechazado"
-#~ msgid "Physical person"
-#~ msgstr "Persona Física"
-#~ msgid "Legal person"
-#~ msgstr "Persona Jurídica"
-#~ msgid "Name"
-#~ msgstr "Nome"
-#~ msgid "Social reason"
-#~ msgstr "Razón social"
-#~ msgid "Surname"
-#~ msgstr "Apellido"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your last name"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar tu apellido"
-#~ msgid "CPF"
-#~ msgstr "CPF"
-#~ msgid "Address"
-#~ msgstr "Dirección"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your address"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar tu dirección"
-#~ msgid "Number"
-#~ msgstr "Número"
-#~ msgid "You must provide your address number"
-#~ msgstr "Debe informar su número de dirección"
-#~ msgid "City"
-#~ msgstr "Ciudad"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your city"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar a tu ciudad"
-#~ msgid "State"
-#~ msgstr "Estado"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your status"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar a tu estado"
-#~ msgid "Postal Code"
-#~ msgstr "Código postal"
-#~ msgid "You must provide your zip code"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar tu código postal"
-#~ msgid "See the reasons for refusing your purchase."
-#~ msgstr "Vea las razones para rechazar su compra."
-#~ msgid "30 minutes"
-#~ msgstr "30 minutos"
-#~ msgid "New"
-#~ msgstr "Nuevo"
-#~ msgid " day"
-#~ msgstr " día"
-#~ msgid "Description for cart Checkout"
-#~ msgstr "Descripción para el Checkout en el carrito"
+#~ "By disabling it, you will disable all payment methods of this checkout."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago con tarjeta de "
+#~ "crédito en el Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Configure the payment options and accept payments with cards, ticket and "
-#~ "money of Mercado Pago account."
+#~ "By confirming your purchase, you will be redirected to your Mercado Pago "
+#~ "account."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Configura las opciones de pago a tu medida y acepta pagos con tarjetas, "
-#~ "dinero en efectivo y dinero en cuenta de Mercado Pago."
-#~ msgid "https://developers.mercadopago.com/"
-#~ msgstr "https://developers.mercadopago.com/"
-#~ msgid "https://github.com/mercadopago/cart-woocommerce"
-#~ msgstr "https://github.com/mercadopago/cart-woocommerce"
+#~ "Al confirmar tu compra, te mostraremos un código para realizar el pago."
diff --git a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_CO.mo b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_CO.mo
index be9f33e1a..b1f7a85d9 100644
Binary files a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_CO.mo and b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_CO.mo differ
diff --git a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_CO.po b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_CO.po
index 9f270518d..600408cd4 100644
--- a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_CO.po
+++ b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_CO.po
@@ -1,85 +1,54 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 woocommerce-mercadopago
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the woocommerce-mercadopago package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce 6.0.0\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/woocommerce-"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-05-16 21:36+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-04-10 14:38+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
-"Language: es_ES\n"
+"Language: es_AR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 3.3.1\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 3.4.2\n"
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helper-links.php:141,
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:352
-msgid "By continuing, you agree to our "
-msgstr "Al continuar, aceptas nuestros "
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helper-links.php:143,
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:354
-msgid "Terms and Conditions"
-msgstr "Términos y condiciones"
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:92
-msgid ""
-"Activate this option so that the value of the currency set in WooCommerce is "
-"compatible with the value of the currency you use in Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Activa esta opción para que el valor de la moneda configurada en WooCommerce "
-"sea compatible al valor de la moneda que usas en Mercado Pago."
-#. translators: 1: local currency 2: currency
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:478
-msgid "Now we convert your currency from %1$s to %2$s."
-msgstr "Ahora convertimos tu moneda de %1$s a %2$s."
-#. translators: 1: local currency 2: currency
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:498
-msgid "We no longer convert your currency from %1$s to %2$s."
-msgstr "Dejamos de convertir tu moneda de %1$s a %2$s."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:463,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:172
+msgid "Activate WooCommerce"
+msgstr "Activar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:519
-msgid ""
-"Attention: The currency settings you have in WooCommerce are not "
-"compatible with the currency you use in your Mercado Pago account. Please "
-"activate the currency conversion."
-msgstr ""
-"Atención: La configuración de moneda que tienes en WooCommerce no es "
-"compatible con la moneda que usas en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago. Activa la "
-"conversión de moneda."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:464,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:173
+msgid "Install WooCommerce"
+msgstr "Instalar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-configs.php:125
-msgid ""
-"Update your credentials with the Access Token and Public Key, you need them "
-"to continue receiving payments!"
-msgstr ""
-"Actualice sus credenciales con el Access Token y la Public Key, ¡los "
-"necesita para continuar recibiendo pagos!"
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:465,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:174
+msgid "See WooCommerce"
+msgstr "Ver WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-configs.php:134
-msgid ""
-"The store should have HTTPS in order to activate both Checkout Personalizado "
-"and Ticket Checkout."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:467,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:163
+msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs an active version of %s in order to work!"
msgstr ""
-"La tienda debe tener HTTPS para activar el Checkout Personalizado y el "
-"Ticket Checkout."
+"¡El módulo de Mercado Pago necesita una versión de %s activa para funcionar!"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:52
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:169
msgid ""
-"Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce requires PHP version 5.6 or later. "
+"Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce requires PHP version 7.4 or later. "
"Please update your PHP version."
msgstr ""
-"El plugin de Mercado Pago requiere la versión de PHP 5.6 o posterior. Por "
+"El plugin de Mercado Pago requiere la versión de PHP 7.4 o posterior. Por "
"favor actualice su versión de PHP."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:61
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:170
msgid "Mercado Pago Error: PHP Extension CURL is not installed."
msgstr "Error en Mercado Pago: La extensión cURL de PHP no está instalada."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:70
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:171
msgid ""
"Mercado Pago Error: PHP Extension GD is not installed. Installation of GD "
"extension is required to send QR Code Pix by email."
@@ -88,493 +57,962 @@ msgstr ""
"necesaria la instalación de la extensión GD para enviar el QR Code Pix por "
"correo electrónico."
-#. translators: %s link to WooCommerce
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:82
-msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs an active version of %s in order to work!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:175
+msgid ""
+"Please note that to receive payments via Pix at our checkout, you must have "
+"a Pix key registered in your Mercado Pago account."
msgstr ""
-"¡El módulo de Mercado Pago necesita una versión de %s activa para funcionar!"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:95
-msgid "Cancel order"
-msgstr "Cancelar orden"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:177
-msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs the SDK package to work!"
-msgstr "¡El módulo de Mercado Pago necesita el SDK para funcionar!"
+"Ten en cuenta que para recibir pagos a través de Pix en nuestro checkout, "
+"debes tener una clave Pix registrada en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:368
-msgid "The payment method is not valid or not available."
-msgstr "El medio de pago no es válido o no está disponible."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:176
+msgid "Register your Pix key at Mercado Pago."
+msgstr "Registra tu clave Pix en Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:371
-msgid "The transaction amount cannot be processed by Mercado Pago."
-msgstr "El monto de transacción no puede ser procesado por Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:177
+msgid "%s, help us improve the experience we offer"
+msgstr "%s, ayúdanos a mejorar nuestra experiencia"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:371
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:178
msgid ""
-"Possible causes: Currency not supported; Amounts below the minimum or above "
-"the maximum allowed."
+"Share your opinion with us so that we improve our product and offer the best "
+"payment solution."
msgstr ""
-"Posibles causas: Moneda no soportada; Montos por debajo del mínimo o por "
-"encima del máximo permitido."
+"Comparte tu opinión con nosotros para poder mejorar nuestro producto y "
+"ofrecerte la mejor solución de pagos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:179
+msgid "Rate the plugin"
+msgstr "Valorar el plugin"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:374
-msgid "The users are not valid."
-msgstr "Los usuários no son válidos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:180
+msgid "Enable payments via Mercado Pago account"
+msgstr "Pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:374
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:181
msgid ""
-"Possible causes: Buyer and seller have the same account in Mercado Pago; The "
-"transaction involving production and test users."
+"When you enable this function, your customers pay faster using their Mercado "
+"Pago accounts.The approval rate of these payments in your store can be "
+"25% higher compared to other payment methods."
msgstr ""
-"Posibles causas: Comprador y vendedor tienen la misma cuenta en Mercado "
-"Pago; La transacción involucrando usuários de producción y de prueba."
+"Con esta función activa, tus clientes pagan más rápido usando su cuenta de "
+"Mercado Pago.La tasa de aprobación de estos pagos en tu tienda puede "
+"ser un 25% mayor en comparación con otros medios de pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:377
-msgid "Unauthorized use of production credentials."
-msgstr "Uso no autorizado de credenciales de producción."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:182
+msgid "Activate"
+msgstr "Activar"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:377
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:183
msgid ""
-"Possible causes: Use permission in use for the credential of the seller."
+"Our plugin does not support the language you've chosen, so we've switched it "
+"to the English default. If you prefer, you can also select Spanish or "
+"Portuguese (Brazilian)."
msgstr ""
-"Posibles causas: Pendencia de permiso de uso en producción para la "
-"credencial del vendedor."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:503
-msgid "Colombia"
-msgstr "Colombia"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:505
-msgid "Argentina"
-msgstr "Argentina"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:507
-msgid "Brazil"
-msgstr "Brasil"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:509
-msgid "Chile"
-msgstr "Chile"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:511
-msgid "Mexico"
-msgstr "México"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:513
-msgid "Uruguay"
-msgstr "Uruguay"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:515
-msgid "Venezuela"
-msgstr "Venezuela"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:184
+msgid "You activated Mercado Pago’s plug-in"
+msgstr "Activaste el plugin de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:517
-msgid "Peru"
-msgstr "Peru"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:551
-msgid "Update the WooCommerce order to "
-msgstr "Actualizar la orden de WooCommerce para "
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:821,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:583
-msgid "Fill in your credentials to enable payment methods."
-msgstr "Completa tus credenciales para habilitar los medios de pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:185
+msgid ""
+"Follow the instructions below to integrate your store with Mercado Pago and "
+"start to sell."
+msgstr ""
+"Sigue las instrucciones de abajo para integrar tu tienda con Mercado Pago y "
+"empezar a vender."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:837
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:197
msgid "Set plugin"
msgstr "Configurar plugin"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:838,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:293
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:198,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:738,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:798
msgid "Payment methods"
msgstr "Medios de pagos"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:839,
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:220
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:199
msgid "Plugin manual"
msgstr "Manual del plugin"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:938
-msgid "By Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Por Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-core.php:109,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:171,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:140,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:189,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:167
-msgid "Buyer email"
-msgstr "Email del comprador"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:211
+msgid "Cancel order"
+msgstr "Cancelar orden"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:35
-msgid "No ID or TOPIC param in Request IPN"
-msgstr "No hay ID o parámetro de ASUNTO la solicitud de IPN"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:212
+msgid "Mercado Pago commission:"
+msgstr "Comisión de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:39
-msgid ""
-"Discarded notification. This notification is already processed as webhook-"
-msgstr ""
-"Notificación ignorada. Esta notificación se procesa como webhook-payment."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:213
+msgid "Represents the commission configured on plugin settings."
+msgstr "Representa la comisión configurada en la configuración del plugin."
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:54
-msgid "IPN merchant_order not found"
-msgstr "No se ha encontrado la IPN de `merchant_order`"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:214
+msgid "Mercado Pago discount:"
+msgstr "Descuento de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:60
-msgid "Not found Payments into Merchant_Order"
-msgstr "No se han encontrado pagos en Merchant_Order"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:215
+msgid "Represents the discount configured on plugin settings."
+msgstr "Representa el descuento configurado en la configuración del plugin."
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:174,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:143,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:192,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:170
-msgid "Payment type"
-msgstr "Tipo de método de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:216
+msgid "Represents the installment fee charged by Mercado Pago."
+msgstr "Representa la comisión a plazos cobrada por Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:177,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:146,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:195,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:173
-msgid "Payment method"
-msgstr "Método de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:217
+msgid "Mercado Pago Installment Fee:"
+msgstr "Cuota de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:39
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:218
msgid ""
-"Please enter your email address at the billing address to use this service"
+"Represents the total purchase plus the installment fee charged by Mercado "
msgstr ""
-"Por favor, introduzca su email en la dirección de facturación para utilizar "
-"este servicio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:41,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:42,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:277
-msgid "Checkout Pro"
-msgstr "Checkout Pro"
+"Representa el total de la compra más la comisión de fraccionamiento cobrada "
+"por Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:43
-msgid "Debit, Credit and invoice in Mercado Pago environment"
-msgstr "Débito, crédito y efectivo, en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:219
+msgid "Mercado Pago Total:"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago Total:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:51
-msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
-msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:232
+msgid "Accept"
+msgstr "Acepta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:53
-msgid "Your saved cards or money in Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Compras con tarjetas guardadas o saldo en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:233
+msgid "payments"
+msgstr "pagos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:164
-msgid "Maximum number of installments"
-msgstr "Máximo de cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:234
+msgid "safely"
+msgstr "de forma"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:166
-msgid "What is the maximum quota with which a customer can buy?"
-msgstr "¿Cuál es el máximo de cuotas con las que un cliente puede comprar?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:235
+msgid "with"
+msgstr "segura con"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:169
-msgid "1 installment"
-msgstr "1 cuota"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:236
+msgid "Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:170
-msgid "2 installments"
-msgstr "2 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:241
+msgid "Choose"
+msgstr "Elige"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:171
-msgid "3 installments"
-msgstr "3 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:242
+msgid "when you want to receive the money"
+msgstr "cuándo quieres recibir el dinero"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:172
-msgid "4 installments"
-msgstr "4 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:243
+msgid "from your sales and if you want to offer"
+msgstr "de las ventas y si quieres ofrecer"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:173
-msgid "5 installments"
-msgstr "5 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:244
+msgid "interest-free installments"
+msgstr "cuotas sin interés"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:174
-msgid "6 installments"
-msgstr "6 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:245
+msgid "to your clients."
+msgstr "a los clientes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:175
-msgid "10 installments"
-msgstr "10 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:251
+msgid "SSL"
+msgstr "SSL"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:176
-msgid "12 installments"
-msgstr "12 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:252
+msgid "Curl"
+msgstr "Curl"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:177
-msgid "15 installments"
-msgstr "15 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:253
+msgid "GD Extensions"
+msgstr "Extensiones GD"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:178
-msgid "18 installments"
-msgstr "18 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:255
+msgid "Technical requirements"
+msgstr "Requisitos técnicos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:179
-msgid "24 installments"
-msgstr "24 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:256
+msgid "Collections and installments"
+msgstr "Cobros y cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:256,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:153,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:915,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:203,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:197
-msgid "Enable the checkout"
-msgstr "Activar el checkout"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:257
+msgid "More information"
+msgstr "Más información"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:257
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:258
msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all payments from Mercado Pago Checkout at "
-"Mercado Pago website by redirect."
+"Implementation responsible for transmitting data to Mercado Pago in a secure "
+"and encrypted way."
msgstr ""
-"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago del checkout en el "
-"sitio web de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:261,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:920
-msgid "The checkout is enabled."
-msgstr "El checkout está activo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:262,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:921
-msgid "The checkout is disabled."
-msgstr "El checkout está inactivo."
+"Implementación responsable de transmitir los datos a Mercado Pago de forma "
+"segura y encriptada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:281
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:259
msgid ""
-"With Checkout Pro you sell with all the safety inside Mercado Pago "
+"It is an extension responsible for making payments via requests from the "
+"plugin to Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Pro, podrás vender con toda la seguridad, dentro de Mercado "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:298,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:269
-msgid "Advanced settings"
-msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:311
-msgid "Payment experience"
-msgstr "Experiencia de pago"
+"Es una extensión encargada de realizar los pagos a través de requests del "
+"plugin a Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:313
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:260
msgid ""
-"Define what payment experience your customers will have, whether inside or "
-"outside your store."
+"These extensions are responsible for the implementation and operation of Pix "
+"in your store."
msgstr ""
-"Define qué experiencia de pago tendrán tus clientes, si dentro o fuera de tu "
+"Extensiones responsables de la aplicación y el funcionamiento de Pix en su "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:316
-msgid "Redirect"
-msgstr "Redirect"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:262
+msgid "Check our documentation to learn more about integrating our plug-in."
+msgstr ""
+"Revisa nuestras documentaciones para saber más sobre la integración de "
+"nuestro plugin."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:317
-msgid "Modal"
-msgstr "Modal"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:263
+msgid "Set deadlines and fees"
+msgstr "Ajustar plazos y tasas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:333
-msgid ""
-"Choose the URL that we will show your customers when they finish their "
-msgstr "Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando terminen su compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:264
+msgid "Go to documentation"
+msgstr "Ir a la documentación"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:331,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:351,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:372
-msgid "This seems to be an invalid URL."
-msgstr "Esto parece ser una URL no válida."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:277
+msgid "Public Key"
+msgstr "Public Key"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:336
-msgid "Success URL"
-msgstr "URL de éxito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:278
+msgid "Access Token"
+msgstr "Access Token"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:353
-msgid ""
-"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when we refuse their "
-"purchase. Make sure it includes a message appropriate to the situation and "
-"give them useful information so they can solve it."
-msgstr ""
-"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando rechacemos su compra. "
-"Asegúrate de incluir un mensaje adecuado a la situación y dales información "
-"útil para que puedan solucionarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:279
+msgid "1. Enter your credentials to integrate your store with Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "1. Ingresa tus credenciales para integrar tu tienda con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:356
-msgid "Payment URL rejected"
-msgstr "URL de pago rechazado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:280
+msgid "Production credentials"
+msgstr "Credenciales de producción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:281
+msgid "Test credentials"
+msgstr "Credenciales de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:374
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:282
+msgid "To start selling, "
+msgstr "Para empezar a vender, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:283
msgid ""
-"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when they have a payment "
-"pending approval."
+"in the fields below. If you don’t have credentials yet, you’ll have to "
+"create them from this link."
msgstr ""
-"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando tengan un pago pendiente "
-"de aprobación."
+"en los campos de abajo. Si todavía no tienes credenciales, deberás crearlas "
+"en ese mismo enlace."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:377
-msgid "Payment URL pending"
-msgstr "URL de pago pendiente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:284
+msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts for test purchases in the store."
+msgstr ""
+"Habilita a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para pruebas de compras en la "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:391
-msgid "Enable the payment methods available to your clients."
-msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles para tus clientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:285
+msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts to receive real payments in the store."
+msgstr ""
+"Habilita a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para recibir pagos reales en tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:392
-msgid "Choose the payment methods you accept in your store"
-msgstr "Elige los medios de pago que se aceptan en la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:286
+msgid "Paste your Public Key here"
+msgstr "Pega aquí tu Public Key"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:396
-msgid "Credit Cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:287
+msgid "Paste your Access Token here"
+msgstr "Pega aquí tu Access Token"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:400
-msgid "Debit Cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:288,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:342
+msgid "Save and continue"
+msgstr "Guardar y continuar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:404
-msgid "Other Payment Methods"
-msgstr "Otros medios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:289
+msgid ""
+"You have to enter your production credentials to start selling with Mercado "
+msgstr ""
+"Debes ingresar tus credenciales de producción para empezar a vender con "
+"Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:454
-msgid "Return to the store"
-msgstr "Volver a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:290
+msgid "Enter credentials"
+msgstr "Introducir credenciales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:455
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:291
+msgid "Activate your credentials to be able to sell"
+msgstr "Activa tus credenciales para poder vender"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:292
msgid ""
-"Do you want your customer to automatically return to the store after payment?"
+"Credentials are codes that you must enter to enable sales. Go below on "
+"Activate Credentials. On the next screen, use again the Activate Credentials "
+"button and fill in the fields with the requested information."
msgstr ""
-"¿Quieres que tu cliente vuelva automáticamente a la tienda después del pago?"
+"Las credenciales son códigos que debes ingresar para habilitar las ventas. "
+"Vaya más abajo en Activar credenciales. En la siguiente pantalla, utilice "
+"nuevamente el botón Activar Credenciales y complete los campos con la "
+"información solicitada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:459
-msgid "The buyer will be automatically redirected to the store."
-msgstr "El comprador será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:293
+msgid "Activate credentials"
+msgstr "Activar credenciales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:460
-msgid "The buyer will not be automatically redirected to the store."
-msgstr "El comprador no será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:294
+msgid "copy and paste your production credentials "
+msgstr "copia y pega tus credenciales de producción "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:485
-msgid "Available payment methods"
-msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:307
+msgid "Add the URL to receive payments notifications."
+msgstr "Ingresa la URL para recibir notificaciones de pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:535,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:521,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:426,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:411,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:698,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:418,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:404,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:434,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:419,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:174,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:172
-msgid "discount of"
-msgstr "descuento de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:308
+msgid "Find out more information in the"
+msgstr "Consulta más información en los"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:541,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:527,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:432,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:417,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:704,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:691,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:424,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:410,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:440,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:425,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:176
-msgid "fee of"
-msgstr "comisión de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:310
+msgid "guides"
+msgstr "manuales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:641,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:667,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:719
-msgid "Easy login"
-msgstr "Ingresa con facilidad"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:315
+msgid ""
+"If you are a Mercado Pago Certified Partner, make sure to add your "
+msgstr ""
+"Si eres Partner certificado de Mercado Pago, recuerda ingresar tu "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:642,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:668,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:720
-msgid "Log in with the same email and password you use in Mercado Libre."
-msgstr "Inicia sesión con tu mismo e-mail y contraseña de Mercado Libre."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:316
+msgid "If you do not have the code, please"
+msgstr "Si no tienes el código,"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:649,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:675,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:693,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:727
-msgid "Quick payments"
-msgstr "Paga rápido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:318
+msgid "request it now"
+msgstr "solicítalo ahora"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:650
-msgid "Use your saved cards, Pix or available balance."
-msgstr "Usa tus tarjetas guardadas, Pix o saldo disponible."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:322
+msgid "2. Customize your business’ information"
+msgstr "2. Personaliza la información de tu negocio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:657,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:683
-msgid "Protected purchases"
-msgstr "Protege tu compra"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:323
+msgid "Your store information"
+msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:658,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:684
-msgid "Get your money back in case you don't receive your product."
-msgstr "Recupera tu dinero si no recibes el producto."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:324
+msgid "Advanced integration options (optional)"
+msgstr "Opciones avanzadas de integración (opcional)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:676
-msgid "Use your available Mercado Pago Wallet balance or saved cards."
-msgstr "Usa tu saldo disponible en Mercado Pago Wallet o tarjetas guardadas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:325
+msgid "Debug and Log Mode"
+msgstr "Modo debug y log"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:694,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:728
-msgid "Use your available money or saved cards."
-msgstr "Usa tu dinero disponible o tarjetas guardadas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:326
+msgid ""
+"Fill out the following details to have a better experience and offer your "
+"customers more information."
+msgstr ""
+"Completa los siguientes datos para tener una mejor experiencia y ofrecerle "
+"más información a tus clientes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:701,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:735
-msgid "Installments option"
-msgstr "Accede a cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:327
+msgid "Name of your store in your client's invoice"
+msgstr "Nombre de tu tienda en la factura de los clientes"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:702
-msgid "Pay with or without a credit card."
-msgstr "Paga con o sin tarjeta de crédito."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:328
+msgid "Identification in Activities of Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Identificación en Actividad de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:709
-msgid "Reliable purchases"
-msgstr "Compra con confianza"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:329
+msgid ""
+"For further integration of your store with Mercado Pago (IPN, Certified "
+"Partners, Debug Mode)"
+msgstr ""
+"Para mayor integración de tu tienda con Mercado Pago (IPN, Socios "
+"Certificados, Modo Debug)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:710
-msgid "Get help if you have a problem with your purchase."
-msgstr "Recibe ayuda si tienes algún problema con tu compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:330
+msgid "Store category"
+msgstr "Categoría de la tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:736
-msgid "Interest-free installments with selected banks."
-msgstr "Cuotas sin interés con bancos seleccionados."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:331
+msgid "URL for IPN"
+msgstr "URL para IPN"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:332
+msgid "Integrator ID"
+msgstr "Integrator ID"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:333
+msgid "We record your store's actions in order to provide a better assistance."
+msgstr "Grabamos las aciones de tu tienda para brindar un mejor soporte."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:334
+msgid "Ex: Mary's Store"
+msgstr "Ej.: Tienda de María"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:335
+msgid "Ex: Mary Store"
+msgstr "Ej.: TiendaMaría"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:336,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1253
+msgid "Select"
+msgstr "Seleccionar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:337
+msgid "Ex: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+msgstr "Ej.: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:338
+msgid "Add plugin default params"
+msgstr "Agregar parámetros default del plugin"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:339
+msgid "Ex: 14987126498"
+msgstr "Ej.: 14987126498"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:340
+msgid "Show advanced options"
+msgstr "Ver opciones avanzadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:341
+msgid "Hide advanced options"
+msgstr "Esconder opciones avanzadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:343
+msgid ""
+"If this field is empty, the purchase will be identified as Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Si el campo queda vacío, la compra del cliente se identificará como Mercado "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:344
+msgid "In Activities, you will view this term before the order number"
+msgstr "En Actividad, verás el término ingresado antes del número o del pedido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:345
+msgid ""
+"Select \"Other categories\" if you do not find the appropriate category."
+msgstr "Seleciona ”Other categories” si no encuentras una categoría adecuada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:346
+msgid "request it now."
+msgstr "solicítalo ahora."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:360
+msgid "3. Activate and set up payment methods"
+msgstr "3. Activa y configura los medios de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:361
+msgid ""
+"Select the payment method you want to appear in your store to activate and "
+"set it up."
+msgstr ""
+"Selecciona el medio de pago que quieres que aparezca en tu tienda para "
+"activarlo y configurarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:362
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Configurar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:363
+msgid "Continue"
+msgstr "Continuar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:364
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Activado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:365
+msgid "Disabled"
+msgstr "Inactivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:366
+msgid "Configure your credentials to enable Mercado Pago payment methods."
+msgstr ""
+"Completa tus credenciales para habilitar los medios de pago Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:379,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:385
+msgid "The checkout is"
+msgstr "El checkout está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:380,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:392,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:508,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:520,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:532,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:599,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:611,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:623,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:700,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:762,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:822,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:834
+msgid "enabled"
+msgstr "activo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:386,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:398,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:514,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:526,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:538,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:605,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:617,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:629,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:706,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:768,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:828,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:840
+msgid "disabled"
+msgstr "inactivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:391,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:397,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:519,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:525,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:610,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:616,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:699,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:705,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:761,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:767,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:833,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:839
+msgid "Currency conversion is"
+msgstr "Conversión de moneda está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:403,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:409
+msgid "The buyer"
+msgstr "El comprador"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:404
+msgid "will be automatically redirected to the store"
+msgstr "será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:410
+msgid "will not be automatically redirected to the store"
+msgstr "no será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:416,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:422,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:634,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:640
+msgid "Pending payments"
+msgstr "Los pagos pendientes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:417,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:635
+msgid "will be automatically declined"
+msgstr "se rechazarán automaticamente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:423,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:641
+msgid "will not be automatically declined"
+msgstr "no se rechazarán automaticamente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:427,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:442
+msgid "Your saved cards or money available in Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:428,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:430
+msgid "Your clients finalize their payments in Mercado Pago."
+msgstr "Tus clientes finalizan sus pagos en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:429
+msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:431
+msgid "Checkout Pro"
+msgstr "Checkout Pro"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:432
+msgid ""
+"With Checkout Pro you sell with all the safety inside Mercado Pago "
+msgstr ""
+"Con el Checkout Pro, podrás vender con toda la seguridad, dentro de Mercado "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:433,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:548,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:715,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:777,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:858
+msgid "Mercado Pago plugin general settings"
+msgstr "Configuraciones generales del plugin de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:434,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:549,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:652,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:716,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:778,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:859
+msgid ""
+"Set the deadlines and fees, test your store or access the Plugin manual."
+msgstr "Ajusta tasas y plazos, testea tu tienda o accede al manual del plugin."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:435,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:550,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:653,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:717,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:779,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:860
+msgid "Go to Settings"
+msgstr "Ir a Configuraciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:436,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:654,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:861
+msgid "Enable the checkout"
+msgstr "Activar el checkout"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:437
+msgid ""
+"By disabling it, you will disable all payments from Mercado Pago Checkout at "
+"Mercado Pago website by redirect."
+msgstr ""
+"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago del checkout en el "
+"sitio web de Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:440,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:559,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:658,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:722,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:784,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:865
+msgid "Title in the store Checkout"
+msgstr "Título en el checkout de la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:441,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:659,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:723,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:785,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:866
+msgid "Change the display text in Checkout, maximum characters: 85"
+msgstr "Puedes cambiar el título dentro tu tienda. Caracteres máximos: 85"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:443,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:562,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:661,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:725,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:787,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:868
+msgid "The text inserted here will not be translated to other languages"
+msgstr "El texto insertado aquí no se traducirá a otros idiomas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:444,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:563,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:665,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:726,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:788,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:882
+msgid "Convert Currency"
+msgstr "Convertir moneda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:445,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:564,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:666,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:727,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:789,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:883
+msgid ""
+"Activate this option so that the value of the currency set in WooCommerce is "
+"compatible with the value of the currency you use in Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Activa esta opción para que el valor de la moneda configurada en WooCommerce "
+"sea compatible al valor de la moneda que usas en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:448
+msgid "Choose the payment methods you accept in your store"
+msgstr "Elige los medios de pago que se aceptan en la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:449
+msgid "Enable the payment methods available to your clients."
+msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles para tus clientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:450
+msgid "Credit Cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:451
+msgid "Debit Cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:452
+msgid "Other Payment Methods"
+msgstr "Otros medios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:453
+msgid "Maximum number of installments"
+msgstr "Máximo de cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:454
+msgid "What is the maximum quota with which a customer can buy?"
+msgstr "¿Cuál es el máximo de cuotas con las que un cliente puede comprar?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:455
+msgid "1 installment"
+msgstr "1 cuota"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:456
+msgid "2 installments"
+msgstr "2 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:457
+msgid "3 installments"
+msgstr "3 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:458
+msgid "4 installments"
+msgstr "4 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:459
+msgid "5 installments"
+msgstr "5 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:460
+msgid "6 installments"
+msgstr "6 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:461
+msgid "10 installments"
+msgstr "10 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:462
+msgid "12 installments"
+msgstr "12 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:463
+msgid "15 installments"
+msgstr "15 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:464
+msgid "18 installments"
+msgstr "18 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:465
+msgid "24 installments"
+msgstr "24 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:466,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:577
+msgid "Advanced settings"
+msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:467,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:578,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:675,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:733,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:793,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:890
+msgid ""
+"Edit these advanced fields only when you want to modify the preset values."
+msgstr ""
+"Edita estos campos avanzados solo cuando quieras modificar los valores "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:468
+msgid "Payment experience"
+msgstr "Experiencia de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:469
+msgid ""
+"Define what payment experience your customers will have, whether inside or "
+"outside your store."
+msgstr ""
+"Define qué experiencia de pago tendrán tus clientes, si dentro o fuera de tu "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:470
+msgid "Redirect"
+msgstr "Redirect"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:471
+msgid "Modal"
+msgstr "Modal"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:472
+msgid "Return to the store"
+msgstr "Volver a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:473
+msgid ""
+"Do you want your customer to automatically return to the store after payment?"
+msgstr ""
+"¿Quieres que tu cliente vuelva automáticamente a la tienda después del pago?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:30,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:31,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:245
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:476
+msgid "Success URL"
+msgstr "URL de éxito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:477
+msgid ""
+"Choose the URL that we will show your customers when they finish their "
+msgstr "Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando terminen su compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:478
+msgid "Payment URL rejected"
+msgstr "URL de pago rechazado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:479
+msgid ""
+"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when we refuse their "
+"purchase. Make sure it includes a message appropriate to the situation and "
+"give them useful information so they can solve it."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando rechacemos su compra. "
+"Asegúrate de incluir un mensaje adecuado a la situación y dales información "
+"útil para que puedan solucionarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:480
+msgid "Payment URL pending"
+msgstr "URL de pago pendiente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:481
+msgid ""
+"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when they have a payment "
+"pending approval."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando tengan un pago pendiente "
+"de aprobación."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:482,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:676
+msgid "Automatic decline of payments without instant approval"
+msgstr "Rechazo automático de pagos sin aprobación instantanea"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:483,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:677
+msgid ""
+"Enable it if you want to automatically decline payments that are not "
+"instantly approved by banks or other institutions."
+msgstr ""
+"Actívalo si quieres rechazar automáticamente los pagos que no son aprobados "
+"instantáneamente por bancos u otros compradores."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:484
+msgid "Debit, Credit and Invoice in Mercado Pago environment."
+msgstr "Débito, crédito y efectivo, en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:487,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:579,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:680,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:742,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:802,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:891
+msgid "Discount in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
+msgstr "Descuento en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:488,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:580,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:681,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:743,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:803,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:892
+msgid ""
+"Choose a percentage value that you want to discount your customers for "
+"paying with Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige un valor porcentual que quieras descontar a tus clientes por pagar con "
+"Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:489,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:492,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:581,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:584,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:682,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:685,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:744,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:747,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:804,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:807,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:893,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:896
+msgid "Activate and show this information on Mercado Pago Checkout"
+msgstr "Activar y mostrar esa información en el checkout Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:490,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:582,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:683,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:745,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:805,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:894
+msgid "Commission in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
+msgstr "Comisiones en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:491,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:583,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:684,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:746,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:806,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:895
+msgid ""
+"Choose an additional percentage value that you want to charge as commission "
+"to your customers for paying with Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige un valor porcentual adicional que quieras cobrar como comisión a tus "
+"clientes por pagar con Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:493
+msgid "This seems to be an invalid URL"
+msgstr "Esto parece ser una URL no válida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:507,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:513
+msgid "Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is"
+msgstr "“Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago” está "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:531,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:537
+msgid "The installments without card component is"
+msgstr "El componente “Compra en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta” está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:542,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:546
msgid "Installments without card"
msgstr "Financiación sin tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:32
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:543,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:545
msgid "Customers who buy on spot and pay later in up to 12 installments"
msgstr "Tus clientes pueden comprar en hasta 12 pagos mensuales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:40
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:544
msgid "Mercado Pago - Installments without card"
-msgstr "Mercado Pago - Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Financiación sin tarjeta de crédito "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:42
-msgid "Checkout without card"
-msgstr "Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:547
+msgid ""
+"Reach millions of buyers by offering Mercado Credito as a payment method. "
+"Our flexible payment options give your customers the possibility to buy "
+"today whatever they want in up to 12 installments without the need to use a "
+"credit card. For your business, the approval of the purchase is immediate "
+"and guaranteed."
+msgstr ""
+"Llega a millones de compradores ofreciéndoles Mercado Crédito como medio de "
+"pago. Nuestras opciones de pago flexibles brindan a tus clientes la "
+"posibilidad de comprar lo que quieren hoy en hasta 12 cuotas sin la "
+"necesidad de utilizar una tarjeta. Para tu negocio, la aprobación de la "
+"compra es inmediata y está garantizada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:182
-msgid "Activate installments without card in your store checkout "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:551
+msgid "Activate installments without card in your store checkout"
msgstr "Activar la opción de financiación sin tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:183
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:552
msgid ""
"Offer the option to pay in installments without card directly from your "
"store's checkout."
@@ -582,116 +1020,114 @@ msgstr ""
"Ofrece a tus clientes la opción de financiar su compra en hasta 12 pagos "
"mensuales, directo desde el checkout de tu tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:187
-msgid ""
-"Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is active"
-msgstr "“Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago” está activo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:188
-msgid ""
-"Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is inactive"
-msgstr "“Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago” está inactivo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:205
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:555
msgid "Checkout visualization"
msgstr "Visualización en el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:206,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:367
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:556,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:576
msgid "Check below how this feature will be displayed to your customers:"
msgstr "A continuación verás cómo este recurso aparecerá para tus clientes:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:207
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:557
msgid "Checkout Preview"
msgstr "Visualización en el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:208
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:558
msgid "PREVIEW"
msgstr "DEMO"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:249
-msgid ""
-"Reach millions of buyers by offering Mercado Credito as a payment method. "
-"Our flexible payment options give your customers the possibility to buy "
-"today whatever they want in up to 12 installments without the need to use a "
-"credit card."
-msgstr ""
-"Llega a millones de compradores con bajo acceso a financiación ofreciéndoles "
-"Mercado Crédito como medio de pago. Nuestras opciones de pago flexibles "
-"brindan a tus clientes la posibilidad de comprar lo que quieren en hasta "
-"12 pagos mensuales sin necesidad de utilizar una tarjeta de crédito. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:560
+msgid "It is possible to edit the title. Maximum of 85 characters."
+msgstr "Puedes cambiar el título dentro tu tienda. Caracteres máximos: 85."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:252
-msgid ""
-"For your business, the approval of the purchase is immediate and guaranteed."
-msgstr ""
-"Para tu negocio, la aprobación de la compra es inmediata y está garantizada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:561
+msgid "Checkout without card"
+msgstr "Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:311
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:567
msgid ""
"Inform your customers about the option of paying in installments without card"
msgstr ""
"Informa a tus clientes la posibilidad de financiar sus compras en hasta 12 "
"pagos sin tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:314
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:568
msgid ""
-"By activating the installments without card component, you increase "
-"your chances of selling."
-msgstr ""
-"Al activar el componente de financiación en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta de "
-"crédito, aumentarás tus posibilidades de venta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:316
-msgid "The installments without card component is active."
+"By activating the installments without card component, you increase your "
+"chances of selling."
msgstr ""
-"El componente “Compra en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta” está activo."
+"Al activar el componente de financiación en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta de "
+"crédito, aumentarás tus posibilidades de venta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:317
-msgid "The installments without card component is inactive."
-msgstr ""
-"El componente “Compra en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta” está inactivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:355,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:365
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:571
msgid "Banner on the product page | Computer version"
msgstr "Componente en la página del producto | Versión para computadora"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:356
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:572
msgid "Banner on the product page | Cellphone version"
msgstr "Componente en la página del producto | Versión para celular"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:363
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:573
msgid "Computer"
msgstr "Computadora"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:364
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:574
msgid "Mobile"
msgstr "Celular"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:366
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:575
msgid "Component visualization"
msgstr "Visualización del componente"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:41,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:42,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:52
-msgid "Debit and Credit"
-msgstr "Débito e crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:43,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:36,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:36
-msgid "Transparent Checkout in your store environment"
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente, en tu tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:598,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:604
+msgid "Transparent Checkout for credit cards is"
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente de las tarjetas de crédito está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:622,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:628
+msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are"
+msgstr "Los pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago están"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:645,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:660
+msgid "Credit and debit cards"
+msgstr "Tarjeta de crédito y débito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:646,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:648,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:711,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:773,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:853,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:855
+msgid "Payments without leaving your store with our customizable checkout"
+msgstr "Pagos sin salir de tu tienda con nuestro checkout personalizable."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:647,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:712,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:774,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:854
+msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout API"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout API"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:649
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Credit card"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Tarjeta de Crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:650
+msgid ""
+"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
+"without redirection and with the security from Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Con el Checkout Transparente, puedes vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
+"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:51,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:44,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:44
-msgid "Mercado pago - Customized Checkout"
-msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Personalizado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:651
+msgid "Mercado Pago Plugin general settings"
+msgstr "Configuraciones generales del plugin de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:154
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:655
msgid ""
"By disabling it, you will disable all credit cards payments from Mercado "
"Pago Transparent Checkout."
@@ -699,21 +1135,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago con tarjeta de crédito "
"en el Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:158
-msgid "Transparent Checkout for credit cards is enabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El Checkout Transparente de las tarjetas de crédito está activado."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:159
-msgid "Transparent checkout for credit cards is disabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El checkout transparente de las tarjetas de crédito está desactivado."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:191
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:662
msgid "Installments Fees"
msgstr "Tasas de pago en cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:192
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:663
msgid ""
"Set installment fees and whether they will be charged from the store or from "
"the buyer."
@@ -721,31 +1147,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Configura las tasas de las cuotas y si se las cobrarán a la tienda o al "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:193
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:664
msgid "Set fees"
msgstr "Configurar tasas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:218
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Credit card "
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Tarjeta de Crédito "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:222
-msgid ""
-"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
-"without redirection and with the security from Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Transparente, puedes vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
-"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:240
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the personalized payment experience"
-msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:254
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:669
msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago account"
msgstr "Pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:255
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:670
msgid ""
"Your customers pay faster with saved cards, money balance or other available "
"methods in their Mercado Pago accounts."
@@ -753,387 +1163,254 @@ msgstr ""
"Tus clientes pagan más rápido con tarjetas guardadas, dinero disponible o "
"con otros medios disponibles en sus cuentas de MP."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:259
-msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are active."
-msgstr "Los pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago están activos."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:260
-msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are inactive."
-msgstr ""
-"Los pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago están deshabilitados."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:279
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:673
msgid "Check an example of how it will appear in your store:"
msgstr "Conoce un ejemplo de cómo aparecerá en la tienda:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:310
-msgid "That’s it, payment accepted!"
-msgstr "Listo, ¡aceptamos tu pago!"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:312
-msgid ""
-"We are processing your payment. In less than an hour we will send you the "
-"result by email."
-msgstr ""
-"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de una hora le enviaremos el resultado "
-"por correo electrónico."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:314
-msgid ""
-"We are processing your payment. In less than 2 days we will send you by "
-"email if the payment has been approved or if additional information is "
-msgstr ""
-"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de 2 días le enviaremos por correo "
-"electrónico si se ha aprobado el pago o si se necesita información adicional."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:316
-msgid "Check the card number."
-msgstr "Compruebe el número de tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:318
-msgid "Check the expiration date."
-msgstr "Compruebe la fecha de expiración."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:320
-msgid "Check the information provided."
-msgstr "Compruebe la información informada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:322
-msgid "Check the informed security code."
-msgstr "Compruebe el código de seguridad informado."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:325
-msgid "Your payment cannot be processed."
-msgstr "No se puede procesar su pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:327
-msgid "You must authorize payments for your orders."
-msgstr "Usted debe autorizar los pagos de sus órdenes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:329
-msgid ""
-"Contact your card issuer to activate it. The phone is on the back of your "
-msgstr ""
-"Póngase en contacto con el emisor de su tarjeta para activarla. El teléfono "
-"se encuentra en la parte posterior de su tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:331
-msgid ""
-"You have already made a payment of this amount. If you have to pay again, "
-"use another card or other method of payment."
-msgstr ""
-"Usted ya realizó un pago de este importe. Si tiene que pagar de nuevo, "
-"utilizar otra tarjeta u otro medio de pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:333
-msgid ""
-"Your payment was declined. Please select another payment method. It is "
-"recommended in cash."
-msgstr ""
-"Su pago fue rechazado. Por favor seleccione otro medio de pago. Se "
-"recomienda en efectivo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:674
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the personalized payment experience"
+msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:335
-msgid "Your payment does not have sufficient funds."
-msgstr "Su metodo de pago no tiene fondos suficientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:710,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:724
+msgid "Invoice"
+msgstr "Efectivo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:337
-msgid "Payment cannot process the selected fee."
-msgstr "El pago no puede procesar la cuota seleccionada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:713
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Invoice or Loterica"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Efectivo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:339
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:714,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:776,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:857
msgid ""
-"You have reached the limit of allowed attempts. Choose another card or other "
-"payment method."
-msgstr ""
-"Has alcanzado el límite de intentos permitidos. Elija otra tarjeta u otro "
-"medio de pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:341,
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:204
-msgid "This payment method cannot process your payment."
-msgstr "Este medio de pago no puede procesar su pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:396
-msgid "Credit cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:397
-msgid "Up to "
-msgstr "Hasta "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:397
-msgid " installments"
-msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:404
-msgid "Debit cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:447,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:448,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:480,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:481,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:401,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:402,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:562,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:563
-msgid "A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Please, try again."
+"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
+"without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Por favor, intente otra "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:577
-msgid "See your order form"
-msgstr "Ver su hoja de pedido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:588
-msgid "Your payment was declined. You can try again."
-msgstr "Su pago fue rechazado. Puede intentarlo de nuevo."
+"Con el Checkout Transparente, podrás vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
+"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:595,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:95,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:93
-msgid "Click to try again"
-msgstr "Haga clic para intentarlo de nuevo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:718,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:780
+msgid "Enable the Checkout"
+msgstr "Activar el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:617,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:618
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:719
msgid ""
-"A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have "
-"correctly filled all information in the checkout form?"
+"By disabling it, you will disable all invoice payments from Mercado Pago "
+"Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Está seguro de haber "
-"cargado la información en el formulario?"
+"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago en efectivo en el "
+"Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:642
-msgid "Represents the installment fee charged by Mercado Pago."
-msgstr "Representa la tarifa de cuota que cobra Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:720
+msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is enabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos en efectivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:643
-msgid "Mercado Pago Installment Fee:"
-msgstr "Tarifa de cuotas de Mercado Pago:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:721
+msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is disabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos en efectivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:648
-msgid ""
-"Represents the total purchase plus the installment fee charged by Mercado "
-msgstr ""
-"Representa el total de la compra más la tarifa de cuota que cobra Mercado "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:730
+msgid "Payment Due"
+msgstr "Fecha de pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:649
-msgid "Mercado Pago Total:"
-msgstr "Total en Mercado Pago:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:731
+msgid "In how many days will cash payments expire."
+msgstr "En cuántos días vencerán los pagos en efectivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:715
-msgid "Configure your credentials to enable Mercado Pago payment methods."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:732
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the cash payment experience"
msgstr ""
-"Completa tus credenciales para habilitar los medios de pago Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:773
-msgid "Title in the store Checkout"
-msgstr "Título en el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:775
-msgid "Change the display text in Checkout, maximum characters: 85"
-msgstr "Puedes cambiar el título dentro tu tienda. Caracteres máximos: 85"
+"Configuração avançada da experiência de pagamento via boleto e em lotéricas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:777
-msgid "The text inserted here will not be translated to other languages"
-msgstr "El texto insertado aquí no se traducirá a otros idiomas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:734,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:794
+msgid "Reduce inventory"
+msgstr "Reducir inventario"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:791
-msgid "Description"
-msgstr "Descripción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:735,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:795
+msgid ""
+"Activates inventory reduction during the creation of an order, whether or "
+"not the final payment is credited. Disable this option to reduce it only "
+"when payments are approved."
+msgstr ""
+"Activa la reducción del inventario durante la creación de un pedido, se "
+"acredite o no el pago final. Desactiva esta opción para reducirlo solo "
+"cuando los pagos estén aprobados."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:828,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:840,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:347
-msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
-msgstr "¡Importante! Para vender debe introducir sus credenciales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:736,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:796
+msgid "Reduce inventory is enabled."
+msgstr "Reducir inventario está activo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:829
-msgid "You must enter production credentials."
-msgstr "Debe introducir las credenciales de producción."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:737,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:797
+msgid "Reduce inventory is disabled."
+msgstr "Reducir inventario está inactivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:830
-msgid "Enter credentials"
-msgstr "Introducir credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:739,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:799
+msgid "Enable the available payment methods"
+msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:840
-msgid "Mercado Pago Plugin general settings"
-msgstr "Configuraciones generales del plugin de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:740,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:800
+msgid "Choose the available payment methods in your store."
+msgstr "Elige los medios de pago que se aceptan en la tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:841
-msgid ""
-"Set the deadlines and fees, test your store or access the Plugin manual."
-msgstr "Ajusta tasas y plazos, testea tu tienda o accede al manual del plugin."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:741,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:801
+msgid "All payment methods"
+msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:842
-msgid "Go to Settings"
-msgstr "Ir a Configuraciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:772,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:786
+msgid "PSE"
+msgstr "PSE"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:866
-msgid "Activate your credentials to be able to sell"
-msgstr "Activa tus credenciales para poder vender"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:775
+msgid "Transparent Checkout PSE"
+msgstr "Pago transparente PSE"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:867
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:781
msgid ""
-"Credentials are codes that you must enter to enable sales. Go below on "
-"Activate Credentials. On the next screen, use again the Activate Credentials "
-"button and fill in the fields with the requested information."
+"By deactivating it, you will disable PSE payments from Mercado Pago "
+"Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-"Las credenciales son contraseñas que debes integrar para poder vender. "
-"Dirígete a Activar credenciales. En la siguiente pantalla, ve de nuevo al "
-"botón Activar credenciales y completa los campos con los datos solicitados."
+"Al desactivarlo, desactivará los pagos PSE de Mercado Pago Transparente "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:868
-msgid "Activate credentials"
-msgstr "Activar credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:782
+msgid "The transparent checkout for PSE is enabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos PSE."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:916
-msgid "By disabling it, you will disable all payment methods of this checkout."
-msgstr "Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago del checkout."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:783
+msgid "The transparent checkout for PSE is disabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos PSE."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1029
-msgid "Basic Configuration"
-msgstr "Configuración Básica"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:792
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the PSE payment experience"
+msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia de pago PSE"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1042
-msgid "Discount coupons"
-msgstr "Cupones de descuento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:821,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:827
+msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is"
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1045
-msgid "Will you offer discount coupons to customers who buy with Mercado Pago?"
-msgstr ""
-"¿Ofrecerás cupones de descuento a los clientes que compren con Mercado Pago?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:845
+msgid "Go to the"
+msgstr "Ve al área"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1047
-msgid "Discount coupons is active."
-msgstr "Cupones de descuento están activos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:846
+msgid "Your Profile"
+msgstr "Tu Perfil"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1048
-msgid "Discount coupons is disabled."
-msgstr "Cupones de descuento están inactivos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:847
+msgid "area and choose the"
+msgstr "y elige la sección"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1060
-msgid "Automatic decline of payments without instant approval"
-msgstr "Rechazo automático de pagos sin aprobación instantanea"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:848
+msgid "Your Pix Keys section"
+msgstr "Tus claves Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:852,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:867
+msgid "Pix"
+msgstr "Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1061
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:856
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Pix"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:862
msgid ""
-"Enable it if you want to automatically decline payments that are not "
-"instantly approved by banks or other institutions. "
+"By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago "
+"Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-"Actívalo si quieres rechazar automáticamente los pagos que no son aprobados "
-"instantáneamente por bancos u otros compradores. "
+"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago con tarjeta de crédito "
+"en el Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1065
-msgid "Pending payments will be automatically declined."
-msgstr "Los pagos pendientes se rechazarán automaticamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:869
+msgid "Expiration for payments via Pix"
+msgstr "Vencimiento para pagos con Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1066
-msgid "Pending payments will not be automatically declined."
-msgstr "Los pagos pendientes no se rechazarán automaticamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:870
+msgid "Set the limit in minutes for your clients to pay via Pix."
+msgstr ""
+"Define el límite de minutos para que tus clientes puedan pagar con Pix."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1078
-msgid "Discount in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
-msgstr "Descuento en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:871
+msgid "15 minutes"
+msgstr "15 minutos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1081
-msgid ""
-"Choose a percentage value that you want to discount your customers for "
-"paying with Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Elige un valor porcentual que quieras descontar a tus clientes por pagar con "
-"Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:872
+msgid "30 minutes (recommended)"
+msgstr "30 minutos (recomendado)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1082,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1103
-msgid "Activate and show this information on Mercado Pago Checkout"
-msgstr "Activar y mostrar esa información en el checkout Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:873
+msgid "60 minutes"
+msgstr "60 minutos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1099
-msgid "Commission in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
-msgstr "Comisiones en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:874
+msgid "12 hours"
+msgstr "12 horas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1102
-msgid ""
-"Choose an additional percentage value that you want to charge as commission "
-"to your customers for paying with Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Elige un valor porcentual adicional que quieras cobrar como comisión a tus "
-"clientes por pagar con Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:875
+msgid "24 hours"
+msgstr "24 horas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1139
-msgid "Convert Currency"
-msgstr "Convertir moneda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:876
+msgid "2 days"
+msgstr "2 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1144
-msgid "Currency convertion is enabled."
-msgstr "Conversión de moneda está activa."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:877
+msgid "3 days"
+msgstr "3 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1145
-msgid "Currency convertion is disabled."
-msgstr "Conversión de moneda está inactiva."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:878
+msgid "4 days"
+msgstr "4 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1262
-msgid ""
-"Edit these advanced fields only when you want to modify the preset values."
-msgstr ""
-"Edita estos campos avanzados solo cuando quieras modificar los valores "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:879
+msgid "5 days"
+msgstr "5 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:34,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:35,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:45
-msgid "Pix"
-msgstr "Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:880
+msgid "6 days"
+msgstr "6 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:881
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr "7 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:886
+msgid "Would you like to know how Pix works?"
+msgstr "¿Quieres saber cómo funciona Pix?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:204
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:887
msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago "
-"Transparent Checkout."
-msgstr ""
-"Al desactivar, desabilitarás lo medios de pago con Pix en el Checkout "
-"Transparente de Mercado Pago."
+"We have a dedicated page where we explain how it works and its advantages."
+msgstr "Creamos una página que explica su funcionamiento y sus vantajas."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:208
-msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is enabled."
-msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos por Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:888
+msgid "Find out more about Pix"
+msgstr "Saber más sobre Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:209
-msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is disabled."
-msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos por Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:889
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the Pix experience"
+msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:224
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:897
msgid "To activate Pix, you must have a key registered in Mercado Pago."
msgstr "Para activar el Pix, debes tener una clave registrada en Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:225
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:898
msgid "Download the Mercado Pago app on your cell phone."
msgstr "Descarga la app de Mercado Pago en tu móvil."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:226
-msgid "Go to the "
-msgstr "Ve al área "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:227
-msgid "area and choose the "
-msgstr "y elige la sección "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:228
-msgid "Your Profile "
-msgstr "Tu Perfil "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:229
-msgid "Your Pix Keys section."
-msgstr "Tus claves Pix."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:230
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:900
msgid ""
"Choose which data to register as Pix keys. After registering, you can set up "
"Pix in your checkout."
@@ -1141,7 +1418,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Elige qué datos registrar como claves PIX. Luego de registrarte, podrás "
"configurar el Pix en tu checkout."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:231
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:901
msgid ""
"Remember that, for the time being, the Central Bank of Brazil is open Monday "
"through Friday, from 9am to 6pm."
@@ -1149,7 +1426,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Recuerda que, por el momento, el Banco Central de Brasil está abierto de "
"lunes a viernes, de 9 a 18 horas."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:902
msgid ""
"If you requested your registration outside these hours, we will confirm it "
"within the next business day."
@@ -1157,12 +1434,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Si has solicitado tu registro fuera de este horario, te lo confirmaremos en "
"el siguiente día hábil."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:233,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:328
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:903
msgid "Learn more about Pix"
msgstr "Más información sobre Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:234
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:904
msgid ""
"If you have already registered a Pix key at Mercado Pago and cannot activate "
"Pix in the checkout, "
@@ -1170,285 +1446,271 @@ msgstr ""
"Si ya has registrado una clave Pix en Mercado Pago y no puedes activar Pix "
"en el checkout, "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:235
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:905
msgid "click here."
msgstr "haz clic aquí."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:260
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Pix"
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:919
+msgid "To enable test mode"
+msgstr "Para activar el modo de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:264
-msgid ""
-"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
-"without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago. "
-msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Transparente, podrás vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
-"redireccionamientos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:921
+msgid "copy your test credentials"
+msgstr "copia tus credenciales de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:281
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the Pix experience"
-msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:922
+msgid "and paste them above in section 1 of this page"
+msgstr "y pégalas en la sección 1 de esta página"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:294
-msgid "15 minutes"
-msgstr "15 minutos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:927
+msgid "Create your"
+msgstr "Crea tu"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:295
-msgid "30 minutes (recommended)"
-msgstr "30 minutos (recomendado)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:929
+msgid "test user"
+msgstr "usuario de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:296
-msgid "60 minutes"
-msgstr "60 minutes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:930
+msgid ""
+"(Optional. Can be used in Production Mode and Test Mode, to test payments)"
+msgstr ""
+"(Opcional. Se puede utilizar en modo de producción y en modo de prueba, para "
+"probar los pagos)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:297
-msgid "12 hours"
-msgstr "12 horas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:936
+msgid "Use our test cards"
+msgstr "Utiliza nuestras tarjetas de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:298
-msgid "24 hours"
-msgstr "24 horas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:937
+msgid "never use real cards"
+msgstr "nunca utilices tarjetas reales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:299
-msgid "2 days"
-msgstr "2 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:943
+msgid "Visit your store"
+msgstr "Visita tu tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:300
-msgid "3 days"
-msgstr "3 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:944
+msgid "to test purchases"
+msgstr "para testear compras"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:301
-msgid "4 days"
-msgstr "4 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:948
+msgid "4. Test your store before you start to sell"
+msgstr "4. Testea tu tienda antes de empezar a vender"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:302
-msgid "5 days"
-msgstr "5 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:949
+msgid "Choose how you want to operate your store:"
+msgstr "Elige cómo quieres operar tu tienda:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:303
-msgid "6 days"
-msgstr "6 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:950
+msgid "Test Mode"
+msgstr "Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:304
-msgid "7 days"
-msgstr "7 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:951
+msgid "Sale Mode (Production)"
+msgstr "Modo Ventas (Producción)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:308
-msgid "Expiration for payments via Pix"
-msgstr "Vencimiento para pagos con Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:952
+msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Production Mode"
+msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Produción"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:310
-msgid "Set the limit in minutes for your clients to pay via Pix."
-msgstr ""
-"Define el límite de minutos para que tus clientes puedan pagar con Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:953
+msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:325
-msgid "Want to learn how Pix works?"
-msgstr "¿Quieres saber cómo funciona el Pix?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:954
+msgid "Enter test credentials"
+msgstr "Ingresa las credenciales de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:326
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:955
msgid ""
-"We have created a page to explain how this new payment method works and its "
+"Select “Test Mode” if you want to try the payment experience before you "
+"start to sell or “Sales Mode” (Production) to start now."
msgstr ""
-"Creamos una página para explicar cómo funciona este nuevo medio de pago y "
-"sus ventajas."
+"Selecciona Modo Test si deseas probar la experiencia de pago antes de "
+"empezar a vender o Modo Ventas (Producción) para empezar a vender ahora."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:347
-msgid "Would you like to know how Pix works?"
-msgstr "¿Quieres saber cómo funciona Pix?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:956
+msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts disabled for real collections."
+msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago inactivos para cobros reales."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:348
-msgid ""
-"We have a dedicated page where we explain how it works and its advantages."
-msgstr "Creamos una página que explica su funcionamiento y sus vantajas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:957
+msgid "Test Mode rules."
+msgstr "Reglas del modo test."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:349
-msgid "Find out more about Pix"
-msgstr "Saber más sobre Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:958
+msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts enabled for real collections."
+msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago activos para cobros reales."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:493
-msgid "A problem occurred when processing your payment. Please try again."
-msgstr ""
-"Un problema se produjo al procesar su pago. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:959
+msgid "The clients can make real purchases in your store."
+msgstr "Los clientes pueden hacer compras reales en tu tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:478,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:547
-msgid ""
-"A problem occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have "
-"correctly filled in all the information on the checkout form?"
-msgstr ""
-"Un problema se produjo al procesar su pago. ¿Esta seguro que ha rellenado "
-"correctamente toda la información en el formulario de checkout?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:964
+msgid "Store in sale mode (Production)"
+msgstr "Tienda en Modo Ventas (Producción)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:456,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:522
-msgid "The customer has not paid yet."
-msgstr "El cliente no ha pagado todavía."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:965
+msgid "Store under test"
+msgstr "Tienda en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:966
+msgid "Save changes"
+msgstr "Guardar cambios"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:461
-msgid "Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase."
-msgstr "Ahora sólo tiene que pagar con Pix para finalizar su compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:978
+msgid "Store business fields are valid"
+msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda son válidos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:462
-msgid ""
-"Scan the QR code below or copy and paste the code into your bank's "
-msgstr ""
-"Escanee el código QR a continuación o copie y pegue el código en la "
-"aplicación de su banco."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:979
+msgid "Store business fields could not be validated"
+msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda no se pudieron validar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:563
-msgid ""
-"Please note that to receive payments via Pix at our checkout, you must have "
-"a Pix key registered in your Mercado Pago account."
-msgstr ""
-"Ten en cuenta que para recibir pagos a través de Pix en nuestro checkout, "
-"debes tener una clave Pix registrada en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:980
+msgid "At least one payment method is enabled"
+msgstr "Al menos un método de pago está habilitado"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:564
-msgid "Register your Pix key at Mercado Pago."
-msgstr "Registra tu clave Pix en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:981
+msgid "No payment method enabled"
+msgstr "Ningún método de pago habilitado"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:614,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:148
-msgid "Code valid for "
-msgstr "Código válido por "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:982
+msgid "Credentials fields are valid"
+msgstr "Los campos de la credencial son válidos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:34,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:35,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:45
-msgid "Invoice"
-msgstr "Efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:983
+msgid "Credentials fields could not be validated"
+msgstr "No se pudieron validar los campos de credenciales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:198
-msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all invoice payments from Mercado Pago "
-"Transparent Checkout."
-msgstr ""
-"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago en efectivo en el "
-"Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:995
+msgid "Valid Public Key"
+msgstr "Public key válida"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:202
-msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is enabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos en efectivo o en "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:996
+msgid "Invalid Public Key"
+msgstr "Public key no válida"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:203
-msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is disabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos en efectivo o en "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:997
+msgid "Valid Access Token"
+msgstr "Access token válido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:218
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Invoice or Loterica"
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:998
+msgid "Invalid Access Token"
+msgstr "Access token no válido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:222
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1010
+msgid "Credentials were updated"
+msgstr "Se actualizaron las credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1011
msgid ""
-"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
-"without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago."
+"Your store has exited Test Mode and is making real sales in Production Mode."
msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Transparente, podrás vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
-"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
+"Ahora su tienda está fuera del modo de prueba y está realizando ventas "
+"reales en el modo de producción."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:239
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the cash payment experience"
-msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia de pago en efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1012
+msgid "To test the store, re-enter both test credentials."
+msgstr "Para probar la tienda, vuelva a ingresar ambas credenciales de prueba."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:252
-msgid "Reduce inventory"
-msgstr "Reducir inventario"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1013
+msgid "Invalid credentials"
+msgstr "Credenciales no válidas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:255
-msgid ""
-"Activates inventory reduction during the creation of an order, whether or "
-"not the final payment is credited. Disable this option to reduce it only "
-"when payments are approved."
-msgstr ""
-"Activa la reducción del inventario durante la creación de un pedido, se "
-"acredite o no el pago final. Desactiva esta opción para reducirlo solo "
-"cuando los pagos estén aprobados."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1014
+msgid "See our manual to learn"
+msgstr "Consulte nuestro manual para saber"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:257
-msgid "Reduce inventory is enabled."
-msgstr "Reducir inventario está activo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1015
+msgid "how to enter the credentials the right way."
+msgstr "como ingresar las credenciales de forma correcta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:258
-msgid "Reduce inventory is disabled."
-msgstr "Reducir inventario está inactivo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1016
+msgid " for test mode"
+msgstr " para el modo de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:270
-msgid "Payment Due"
-msgstr "Vencimiento del pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1028
+msgid "Store information is valid"
+msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:272
-msgid "In how many days will cash payments expire."
-msgstr "En cuántos días caducarán los pagos en efectivo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1041
+msgid "Attention:"
+msgstr "Atención:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:292
-msgid "Enable the available payment methods"
-msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1042
+msgid ""
+"The currency settings you have in WooCommerce are not compatible with the "
+"currency you use in your Mercado Pago account. Please activate the currency "
+msgstr ""
+"La configuración de moneda que tienes en WooCommerce no es compatible con la "
+"moneda que usas en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago. Activa la conversión de moneda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:294
-msgid "Choose the available payment methods in your store."
-msgstr "Selecciona los medios de pago disponibles en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1045
+msgid "We are converting your currency from: "
+msgstr "Ahora convertimos tu moneda de: "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:298
-msgid "All payment methods"
-msgstr "Todos los medios de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1061
+msgid "to "
+msgstr "a "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1072
+msgid "Payment status on Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Estado de pago en el Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:458,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:486
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1073
msgid ""
-"There was a problem processing your payment. Are you sure you have correctly "
-"filled out all the information on the payment form?"
+"This is the payment status of your Mercado Pago Activities. To check the "
+"order status, please refer to Order details."
msgstr ""
-"Se produjo un problema al procesar su pago. ¿Está seguro de que ha llenado "
-"correctamente toda la información en el formulario de pago?"
+"Este es el estado del pago de las Actividades de tu Mercado Pago. Para "
+"consultar el estado del pedido, consulta en Detalles del Pedido."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:451,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:479
-msgid "Your document data is invalid"
-msgstr "Los datos de su documento no son válidos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1074,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1076
+msgid "View purchase details at Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Ver detalles de compra en Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:527
-msgid "To print the ticket again click"
-msgstr "Para imprimir nuevamente el ticket hace clic"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1075,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1077,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1079
+msgid "Sync order status"
+msgstr "Sincronizar el estado del pedido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:530
-msgid "here"
-msgstr "aquí"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1078
+msgid "Consult the reasons for refusal"
+msgstr "Consultar motivos de rechazo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:659
-msgid " and "
-msgstr " y "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1080
+msgid "Order update successfully. This page will be reloaded..."
+msgstr "Actualización del pedido con éxito. Esta página será recargada…"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1081
+msgid "Unable to update order:"
+msgstr "No se puede actualizar el pedido:"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:113
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1082
msgid "Payment made"
msgstr "Pago realizado"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:114
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1083
msgid "Payment made by the buyer and already credited in the account."
msgstr ""
"El pago realizado por el comprador y que ya está acreditado en la cuenta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:117
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1084
msgid "Call resolved"
msgstr "Llamado resuelto"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:118,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:218
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1085,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1135
msgid "Please contact Mercado Pago for further details."
msgstr "Contacta a Mercado Pago para saber más detalles."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:121
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1086
msgid "Payment refunded"
msgstr "Pago devuelto"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:122
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1087
msgid ""
"Your refund request has been made. Please contact Mercado Pago for further "
@@ -1456,59 +1718,59 @@ msgstr ""
"Tu pedido de reebolso ya fue realizado. Contacta a Mercado Pago para saber "
"más detalles."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:125,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:129
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1088,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1090
msgid "Payment returned"
msgstr "Pago devuelto"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:126
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1089
msgid "The payment has been returned to the client."
msgstr "El pago ya fue devuelto al cliente."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:130
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1091
msgid "The payment has been partially returned to the client."
msgstr "El pago ya fue devuelto parcialmente al cliente."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:133
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1092
msgid "Payment canceled"
msgstr "Pago cancelado"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:134
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1093
msgid "The payment has been successfully canceled."
msgstr "El pago fue cancelado con éxito."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:137
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1094
msgid "Purchase canceled"
msgstr "Compra cancelada"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:138
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1095
msgid "The payment has been canceled by the customer."
msgstr "El pago fue cancelado por el cliente."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:141,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:145,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:149,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:153,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:157,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:173,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:177,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:181,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:185,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:189,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:193,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:197,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:307
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1096,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1098,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1100,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1102,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1104,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1112,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1114,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1116,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1118,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1120,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1122,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1124,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1179
msgid "Pending payment"
msgstr "Cobro pendiente"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:142,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:146,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:150,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:154
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1097,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1099,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1101,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1103
msgid "Awaiting payment from the buyer."
msgstr "Esperando el pago del comprador."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:158
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1105
msgid ""
"We are veryfing the payment. We will notify you by email in up to 6 hours if "
"everything is fine so that you can deliver the product or provide the "
@@ -1517,72 +1779,48 @@ msgstr ""
"Estamos revisando el pago. En menos de 6 horas te avisaremos por e-mail si "
"está todo bien para que puedas entregar el producto o brindar el servicio."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:161,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:201,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:205,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:209,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:213,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:225,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:229,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:233,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:237,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:241,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:245,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:249,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:255,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:259,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:263,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:267,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:271,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:275,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:279,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:283,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:287,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:291,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:295,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:299,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:303,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:315,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:321,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:325
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1106,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1130,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1146,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1165,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1169,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1171,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1173,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1177
msgid "Declined payment"
msgstr "Cobro rechazado"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:162,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:206,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:210,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:214,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:226,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:246,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:256
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1107,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1131
msgid ""
"The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please ask your client to use "
"another card or to get in touch with the bank."
msgstr ""
"El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago. Pedile a tu cliente que use "
-"otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
+"“otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:165
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1108
msgid "Payment authorized. Awaiting capture."
msgstr "Pago autorizado. Esperando captura."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:166
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1109
msgid ""
"The payment has been authorized on the client's card. Please capture the "
msgstr ""
"Ya se autorizó el pago en la tarjeta del cliente. Haz la captura del pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:169
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1110
msgid "Payment in process"
msgstr "Pago en proceso"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:170,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:190
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1111,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1121
msgid "Please wait or contact Mercado Pago for further details"
msgstr "Espera o contacta a Mercado Pago para saber más detalles"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:174
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1113
msgid ""
"The bank is reviewing the payment. As soon as we have their confirmation, we "
"will notify you via email so that you can deliver the product or provide the "
@@ -1591,1438 +1829,928 @@ msgstr ""
"El banco está revisando el pago. Te avisaremos por e-mail cuando esté "
"confirmado para que puedas entregar el producto o brindar el servicio."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:178,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:182,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:186
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1115,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1117,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1119
msgid "Awaiting payment information validation."
-msgstr "Esperando validación de los datos de pago.."
+msgstr "Esperando validación de los datos de pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:194
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1123
msgid "Waiting for the buyer."
msgstr "Esperando al comprador."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:198
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1125
msgid "Waiting for the card issuer."
-msgstr "Espererando al emisor de la tarjeta.."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:202
-msgid ""
-"The payment could not be processed. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"El pago no fue procesado por el banco. Pídele a tu cliente que use otro "
-"medio de pago o que se contacte con el banco."
+msgstr "Espererando al emisor de la tarjeta."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1126,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1128,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1132,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1153,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1175
+msgid "The card issuing bank declined the payment"
+msgstr "El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1127,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1129,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1133,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1154,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1176
+msgid ""
+"Please recommend your customer to pay with another payment method or to "
+"contact their bank."
+msgstr ""
+"Recomiéndale a tu cliente que pague con otro medio de pago o que se "
+"comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:217
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1134
msgid "Mercado Pago did not process the payment"
msgstr "Mercado Pago no procesó el pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:221,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:311
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1136,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1181
msgid "Expired payment deadline"
msgstr "Venció el plazo para el pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:222,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:312
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1137,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1182
msgid "The client did not pay within the time limit."
-msgstr "El cliente no pagó dentro del límite de tiempo.."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:230
-msgid ""
-"The CVV is invalid. Please ask your client to review the details or use "
-"another card."
-msgstr ""
-"El código de seguridad de la tarjeta es inválido. Revisá los datos que "
-"ingresaste o pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:234
-msgid ""
-"The card is expired. Please ask your client to use another card or to "
-"contact the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta está vencida. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se "
-"comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:238,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:284,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:288
-msgid ""
-"This payment was declined because it did not pass Mercado Pago security "
-"controls. Please ask your client to use another card."
-msgstr ""
-"Rechazamos este pago porque no pasó los controles de seguridad de Mercado "
-"Pago. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:242,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:280
-msgid ""
-"The buyer is suspended in our platform. Your client must contact us to check "
-"what happened."
-msgstr ""
-"El comprador está suspendido en Mercado Pago. Tu cliente debe comunicarse "
-"con nosotros para ver qué pasó."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:251
-msgid ""
-"The card does not have enough limit. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta no tiene límite disponible. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:252
-msgid ""
-"The card does not have sufficient balance. Please ask your client to use "
-"another card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta no tiene fondos suficientes. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:260
-msgid ""
-"The CVV was entered incorrectly several times. Please ask your client to use "
-"another card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ingresó varias veces mal el código de seguridad de la tarjeta. Pedile a "
-"tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:264
-msgid ""
-"The card does not allow the number of installments entered. Please ask your "
-"client to choose another installment plan or to use another card."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta no acepta la cantidad de cuotas ingresadas. Pedile a tu cliente "
-"que elija otro plan de cuotas o que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:268
-msgid ""
-"The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client to "
-"ask the bank to authotize it or to use another card."
-msgstr ""
-"El banco emisor de la tarjeta no autorizó el pago. Pedile a tu cliente que "
-"se contacte con el banco para autorizarlo o que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:272
-msgid ""
-"From Mercado Pago we have detected that this payment has already been made "
-"before. If that is not the case, your client may try to pay again."
-msgstr ""
-"Desde Mercado Pago detectamos que este pago ya se hizo anteriormente. Si no "
-"es así, tu cliente puede intentarlo de nuevo."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:276
-msgid ""
-"The card is not active yet. Please ask your client to use another card or to "
-"get in touch with the bank to activate it."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta aún no está habilitada. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta "
-"o que se comunique con su banco para activarla."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:292
-msgid ""
-"The amount exceeded the card limit. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:296,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:300,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:304
-msgid ""
-"Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the card "
-msgstr ""
-"Pídele a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con el emisor de "
-"la tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:308
-msgid ""
-"The amount exceeded the card's limit. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:317
-msgid ""
-"The credit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client "
-"that it is possible to pay with debit or to use another one."
-msgstr ""
-"La función crédito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente que "
-"puede pagar con la función débito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que use otra."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:318
-msgid ""
-"The debit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client that "
-"it is possible to pay with credit or to use another one."
-msgstr ""
-"La función débito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente que "
-"puede pagar con la función crédito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que use otra."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:322
-msgid ""
-"The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client to "
-"ask the bank to authorize it."
-msgstr ""
-"El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago. Pídele a tu cliente que se "
-"comunique con el banco para autorizar el pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:326
-msgid ""
-"The buyer does not have enough balance to make the purchase. Please ask your "
-"client to deposit money to the Mercado Pago Account or to use a different "
-"payment method."
-msgstr ""
-"El cliente no tiene suficiente saldo en la cuenta para realizar la compra. "
-"Pídele a tu cliente que cargue saldo en Mercado Pago o que use otro medio de "
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:329
-msgid "There was an error"
-msgstr "Hubo un error"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:330
-msgid "The transaction could not be completed."
-msgstr "No fue posible completar la transacción."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:413
-msgid "Payment status on Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Estado de pago en el Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:473,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:485
-msgid "View purchase details at Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Ver detalles de compra en Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:474,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:486,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:498
-msgid "Sync order status"
-msgstr "Sincronizar el estado del pedido"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:497
-msgid "Check the reasons why the purchase was declined."
-msgstr "Consulta los motivos del rechazo de tu compra."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:606
-msgid "Order update successfully. This page will be reloaded..."
-msgstr "Actualización del pedido con éxito. Esta página será recargada…"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:610
-msgid "Unable to update order: "
-msgstr "No se puede actualizar el pedido: "
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:126
-msgid "See WooCommerce"
-msgstr "Ver WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:124
-msgid "Install WooCommerce"
-msgstr "Instalar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:121
-msgid "Activate WooCommerce"
-msgstr "Activar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:137
-msgid "do you have a minute to share your experience with our plugin?"
-msgstr "¿tienes un minuto para compartir tu experiencia con nuestro plugin?"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:140
-msgid ""
-"Your opinion is very important so that we can offer you the best possible "
-"payment solution and continue to improve."
-msgstr ""
-"Tu opinión es muy importante para poder ofrecerte la mejor solución de pagos "
-"posible y seguir mejorando."
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:149
-msgid "Rate the plugin"
-msgstr "Valorar el plugin"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:151
-msgid "Enable payments via Mercado Pago account"
-msgstr "Pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:154
-msgid ""
-"When you enable this function, your customers pay faster using their Mercado "
-"Pago accounts.The approval rate of these payments in your store can be "
-"25% higher compared to other payment methods."
-msgstr ""
-"Con esta función activa, tus clientes pagan más rápido usando su cuenta de "
-"Mercado Pago.La tasa de aprobación de estos pagos en tu tienda puede "
-"ser un 25% mayor en comparación con otros medios de pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:163
-msgid "Activate"
-msgstr "Activar"
-#: ../../includes/admin/views/html-admin-alert-frame.php:34,
-#: ../../includes/admin/views/html-admin-alert-woocommerce-miss.php:30
-msgid "Discard"
-msgstr "Descartar"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:141
-msgid "Mercado Pago Settings"
-msgstr "Configuración de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:196
-msgid "Accept "
-msgstr "Acepta "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:197
-msgid "payments on the spot "
-msgstr "pagos al instante "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:198
-msgid "with"
-msgstr "con toda"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:199
-msgid "the "
-msgstr "la "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:200
-msgid "security "
-msgstr "seguridad "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:201
-msgid "from Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:202
-msgid "Technical requirements"
-msgstr "Requisitos técnicos"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:203
-msgid "SSL"
-msgstr "SSL"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:204
-msgid "GD Extensions"
-msgstr "Extensiones GD"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:205
-msgid "Curl"
-msgstr "Curl"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:206
-msgid ""
-"Implementation responsible for transmitting data to Mercado Pago in a secure "
-"and encrypted way."
-msgstr ""
-"Implementación responsable de transmitir los datos a Mercado Pago de forma "
-"segura y encriptada."
+msgstr "El cliente no pagó dentro del límite de tiempo."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:207
-msgid ""
-"These extensions are responsible for the implementation and operation of Pix "
-"in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"Extensiones responsables de la aplicación y el funcionamiento de Pix en su "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1138,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1140,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1142,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1183
+msgid "Your customer entered one or more incorrect card details"
+msgstr "Tu cliente ingresó uno o más datos de la tarjeta de forma incorrecta"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:208
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1139,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1141,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1143,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1184,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1185
msgid ""
-"It is an extension responsible for making payments via requests from the "
-"plugin to Mercado Pago."
+"Please ask them to enter to enter them again exactly as they appear on the "
+"card or on their bank app to complete the payment."
msgstr ""
-"Es una extensión encargada de realizar los pagos a través de requests del "
-"plugin a Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:209
-msgid "Collections and installments"
-msgstr "Cobros y cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:210
-msgid "Choose "
-msgstr "Elige "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:211
-msgid "when you want to receive the money "
-msgstr "cuándo quieres recibir el dinero "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:212
-msgid "from your sales and if you want to offer "
-msgstr "de las ventas y si quieres ofrecer "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:213
-msgid "interest-free installments "
-msgstr "cuotas sin interés"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:214
-msgid "to your clients."
-msgstr "a los clientes."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:215
-msgid "Set deadlines and fees"
-msgstr "Ajustar plazos y tasas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:216,
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:124
-msgid "Questions? "
-msgstr "¿Tienes dudas?"
+"Pídele que vuelva a ingresarlos tal como figuran en la tarjeta o en la app "
+"de su banco para finalizar el pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:217
-msgid "Review the step-by-step of "
-msgstr "Revisa el paso a paso de "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1144,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1167
+msgid "We protected you from a suspicious payment"
+msgstr "Te protegimos de un pago sospechoso"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:218
-msgid "how to integrate the Mercado Pago Plugin "
-msgstr "cómo integrar el Plugin de Mercado Pago "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1145
+msgid "For safety reasons, this transaction cannot be completed."
+msgstr "Por motivos de seguridad, esta transacción no podrá ser finalizada."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:219
-msgid "on our webiste for developers."
-msgstr "en nuestro sitio de desarrolladores."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1147,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1166
+msgid ""
+"The buyer is suspended in our platform. Your client must contact us to check "
+"what happened."
+msgstr ""
+"El comprador está suspendido en Mercado Pago. Tu cliente debe comunicarse "
+"con nosotros para ver qué pasó."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:231
-msgid "1. Integrate your store with Mercado Pago "
-msgstr "1. Integra la tienda a Mercado Pago "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1148
+msgid "For safety reasons, the card issuing bank declined the payment"
+msgstr "Por seguridad, el banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1149,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1168
msgid ""
-"To enable orders, you must create and activate production credentials in "
-"your Mercado Pago Account. "
+"Recommend your customer to pay with their usual payment method and device "
+"for online purchases."
msgstr ""
-"Para habilitar las ventas, debes crear y activar las credenciales de "
-"producción en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago. "
+"Recomiéndale a tu cliente que pague con el medio de pago y dispositivo que "
+"suele usar para compras online."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:233
-msgid "Copy and paste the credentials below."
-msgstr "Copia y pega tus credenciales a continuación."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1150
+msgid "Your customer's credit card has no available limit"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de crédito de tu cliente no tiene límite disponible"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:234
-msgid "Check credentials"
-msgstr "Consultar credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1151,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1152,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1156
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to pay with another card or to choose another payment method."
+msgstr "Pídele que pague con otra tarjeta o que elija otro medio de pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:235
-msgid "Test credentials "
-msgstr "Credenciales de prueba "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1155
+msgid "Your customer reached the limit of payment attempts with this card"
+msgstr "Tu cliente alcanzó el límite de intentos de pago con la tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:236
-msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts for test purchases in the store."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1157
+msgid ""
+"Your customer's card does not accept the number of installments selected"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de tu cliente no acepta la cantidad de pagos que seleccionó"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1158
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to choose a different number of installments or to pay with "
+"another method."
msgstr ""
-"Habilitan a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para pruebas de compras en la "
+"Pídele que elija una cantidad de pagos diferente o que use con otro medio."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:237
-msgid "Public key"
-msgstr "Public key"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1159,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1186
+msgid "Your customer needs to authorize the payment through their bank"
+msgstr "Tu cliente necesita autorizar el pago con su banco"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:238
-msgid "Access Token"
-msgstr "Access Token"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1160,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1187
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to call the telephone number on their card or to pay with "
+"another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Pídele que llame al teléfono que está en la tarjeta o que pague con otro "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:239
-msgid "Production credentials"
-msgstr "Credenciales de producción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1161
+msgid ""
+"The payment was declined because your customer already paid for this purchase"
+msgstr "El pago fue rechazado porque tu cliente ya pagó esta compra"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:240
-msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts to receive real payments in the store."
-msgstr ""
-"Habilitan a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para recibir pagos reales en "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1162
+msgid "Check your approved payments to verify it."
+msgstr "Revisa tu cobros aprobados para verificarlo."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:241
-msgid "Paste your Public Key here"
-msgstr "Pega aquí tu Public Key"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1163
+msgid "Your customer's card was is not activated yet"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de tu cliente aún no está habilitada"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:242
-msgid "Paste your Access Token here"
-msgstr "Pega aquí tu Access Token"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1164
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to contact their bank by calling the number on the back of "
+"their card or to pay with another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Pídele que se comunique con su banco al número que está en el dorso de la "
+"tarjeta o que pague con otro medio."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:243,
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:280
-msgid "Save and continue"
-msgstr "Guardar y continuar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1170
+msgid ""
+"This payment was declined because it did not pass Mercado Pago security "
+"controls. Please ask your client to use another card."
+msgstr ""
+"Rechazamos este pago porque no pasó los controles de seguridad de Mercado "
+"Pago. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:254
-msgid "2. Customize your business"
-msgstr "2. Personaliza tu negocio"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1172
+msgid ""
+"The amount exceeded the card limit. Please ask your client to use another "
+"card or to get in touch with the bank."
+msgstr ""
+"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
+"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:255
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1174,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1178
msgid ""
-"Fill out the following information to have a better experience and offer "
-"more information to your clients"
+"Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the card "
msgstr ""
-"Completa los siguientes datos para tener una mejor experiencia y ofrecer más "
-"información a los clientes"
+"Pídele a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con el emisor de "
+"la tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:256
-msgid "Your store information"
-msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1180
+msgid ""
+"The amount exceeded the card's limit. Please ask your client to use another "
+"card or to get in touch with the bank."
+msgstr ""
+"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
+"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:257
-msgid "Name of your store in your client's invoice"
-msgstr "Nombre de tu tienda en la factura de los clientes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1188
+msgid "Your customer's debit card has insufficient funds"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de débito de tu cliente no tiene saldo suficiente"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:258
-msgid "Eg: Mary's store"
-msgstr "Ej.: TiendaMaría"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1189
+msgid ""
+"Please recommend your customer to pay with another card or to choose another "
+"payment method."
+msgstr "Pídele que pague con otra tarjeta o que elige otro medio de pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1190
+msgid "Something went wrong and the payment was declined"
+msgstr "El pago fue rechazado porque hubo un error"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:259
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1191
msgid ""
-"If this field is empty, the purchase will be identified as Mercado Pago."
+"Please recommend you customer to try again or to pay with another payment "
msgstr ""
-"Si el campo queda vacío, la compra del cliente se identificará como Mercado "
+"Recomiéndale a tu cliente que intente nuevamente o pague con otro medio de "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:260
-msgid "Identification in Activities of Mercad Pago"
-msgstr "Identificación en Actividad de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1204
+msgid "Any questions?"
+msgstr "¿Tienes dudas? "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:261
-msgid "Eg: Marystore"
-msgstr "Ej.: Tienda de María"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1205
+msgid "Please check the"
+msgstr "Revisa las"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:262
-msgid "In Activities, you will view this term before the order number"
-msgstr "En Actividad verás el término ingresado antes del número o del pedido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1206,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1222
+msgid "FAQs"
+msgstr "preguntas frecuentes"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:263
-msgid "Store category"
-msgstr "Categoría de la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1207
+msgid "on the dev website."
+msgstr "en el sitio para desarrolladores."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:264
-msgid "Select"
-msgstr "Seleccionar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1220
+msgid "Check our"
+msgstr "Revisa las"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:265
-msgid "Select ”Other” if you do not find the appropriate category."
-msgstr "Seleciona ”Otro” si no encuentras una categoría adecuada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1223
+msgid "or open a ticket to contact the Mercado Pago team."
+msgstr ""
+"o abre un ticket para entrar en contacto con el equipo de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:266
-msgid "Advanced integration options (optional)"
-msgstr "Opciones avanzadas de integración (opcional)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1228
+msgid "1. Go to the dev website and open a"
+msgstr "1. Ingresa al sitio para desarrolladores y abre un"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:267
-msgid ""
-"For further integration of your store with Mercado Pago (IPN, Certified "
-"Partners, Debug Mode)"
-msgstr ""
-"Para mayor integración de tu tienda con Mercado Pago (IPN, Socios "
-"Certificados, Modo Debug)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1230
+msgid "ticket"
+msgstr "ticket"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:268
-msgid "View advanced options"
-msgstr "Ver opciones avanzadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1231
+msgid "in the Support section."
+msgstr "en la sección de Soporte."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:269
-msgid "URL for IPN "
-msgstr "URL para IPN "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1236
+msgid "4. Download the"
+msgstr "4. Descarga el"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:270
-msgid "Eg: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
-msgstr "Ej.: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1237
+msgid "error history"
+msgstr "historial de errores "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:271
-msgid ""
-"Add the URL to receive payments notifications. Find out more information in "
-"the "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1238
+msgid "and share it with the Mercado Pago team when asked for it."
msgstr ""
-"Ingresa la URL para recibir notificaciones de pago. Consulta más información "
-"en los "
+"y compártelo con el equipo de Mercado Pago cuando se te sea solicitado."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:272
-msgid "guides."
-msgstr "manuales."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:273
-msgid "Add plugin default params"
-msgstr "Agregar parámetros default del plugin"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1242
+msgid "Do you need help?"
+msgstr "¿Necesitas ayuda?"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:274
-msgid "integrator_id"
-msgstr "integrator_id"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1243
+msgid "How to open a ticket:"
+msgstr "Cómo abrir un ticket:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:275
-msgid "Eg: 14987126498"
-msgstr "Ej.: 14987126498"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1245
+msgid "2. Fill out the form with your store details."
+msgstr "2. Completa el formulario con los datos de tu tienda."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:276
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1246
msgid ""
-"If you are a Mercado Pago Certified Partner, make sure to add your "
-"integrator_id. If you do not have the code, please "
+"3. Copy and paste the following details when asked for the the technical "
msgstr ""
-"Si eres Partner certificado de Mercado Pago, recuerda ingresar tu "
-"integrator_id. Si no tienes el código, "
+"3. Copia y pega los siguientes datos cuando se te pida la información "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:277
-msgid "request it now. "
-msgstr "solicítalo ahora. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1249
+msgid "Version:"
+msgstr "Versión"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:278
-msgid "Debug and Log Mode"
-msgstr "Modo debug y log"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:279
-msgid "We record your store's actions in order to provide a better assistance."
-msgstr "Grabamos las aciones de tu tienda para brindar un mejor soporte."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1250
+msgid "History of errors"
+msgstr "Historial de errores"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:291
-msgid "3. Set payment methods"
-msgstr "3. Configura los medios de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1251
+msgid ""
+"Select the files you want to share with our team and click on Download. This "
+"information will be requested by e-mail if necessary."
+msgstr ""
+"Selecciona los archivos que quieras compartir con nuestro equipo y haz clic "
+"en “Descargar”. Esta información se te solicitará por e-mail al momento de "
+"ser necesario."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:292
-msgid "To view more options, please select a payment method below"
-msgstr "Selecciona uno de los siguientes medios de pago para ver más opciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1254
+msgid "Source"
+msgstr "Origen"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:293
-msgid "Settings"
-msgstr "Configurar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1255
+msgid "File date"
+msgstr "Fecha de creación"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:294
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Continuar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1256
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Descargar"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:305
-msgid "4. Test your store before you sell"
-msgstr "4. Testea tu tienda antes de vender"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1257
+msgid "Next Page"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:306
-msgid ""
-"Test the experience in Test Mode and then enable the Sale Mode (Production) "
-"to sell."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1258
+msgid "Previous page"
msgstr ""
-"Testea la experiencia en Modo Test. Luego activa el Modo Ventas (Producción) "
-"para realizar ventas."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:307
-msgid "Choose how you want to operate your store:"
-msgstr "Elige cómo quieres operar tu tienda:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1259
+msgid "The plugin has not yet recorded any logs in your store."
+msgstr "El plugin aún no ha registrado ningún registro en su tienda."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:308
-msgid "Test Mode"
-msgstr "Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:103
+msgid "discount of"
+msgstr "descuento de"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:309
-msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts disabled for real collections. "
-msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago inactivos para cobros reales. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:104
+msgid "fee of"
+msgstr "comisión de"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:310
-msgid "Test Mode rules."
-msgstr "Reglas del modo test."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:105
+msgid "and"
+msgstr "y"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:311
-msgid "Sale Mode (Production)"
-msgstr "Modo Ventas (Producción)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:106
+msgid "Shipping service used by the store."
+msgstr "Servicio de envío utilizado por la tienda."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:312
-msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts enabled for real collections."
-msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago activos para cobros reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:107
+msgid "Discount provided by store"
+msgstr "Descuento proporcionado por la tienda"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:313
-msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Production Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Produción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:108
+msgid "Mercado Pago Discount"
+msgstr "Descuento de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:314
-msgid "The clients can make real purchases in your store."
-msgstr "Los clientes pueden hacer compras reales en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:109
+msgid "Mercado Pago Commission"
+msgstr "Comisión de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:315
-msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:121
+msgid "Checkout Pro in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Checkout Pro en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:122,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:180,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:214
+msgid "Use Mercado Pago's payment methods without real charges. "
+msgstr "Utiliza los medios de Mercado Pago sin cobros reales. "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:316
-msgid "Create your "
-msgstr "Crea tu "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:123,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:181,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:215,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:336,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:364
+msgid "See the rules for the test mode."
+msgstr "Consulte las reglas para el modo test."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:317
-msgid "test user "
-msgstr "usuario de prueba "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:124
+msgid "Log in to Mercado Pago and earn benefits"
+msgstr "Inicia sesión en Mercado Pago y obtén beneficios"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:318
-msgid ""
-"(Optional. Can be used in Production Mode and Test Mode, to test payments)."
-msgstr ""
-"(Opcional. Se puede utilizar en modo de producción y en modo de prueba, para "
-"probar los pagos)."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:125
+msgid "Easy login"
+msgstr "Ingresa con facilidad"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:319
-msgid "Use our test cards, "
-msgstr "Utiliza nuestras tarjetas de prueba, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:126
+msgid "Log in with the same email and password you use in Mercado Libre."
+msgstr "Inicia sesión con tu mismo e-mail y contraseña de Mercado Libre."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:320
-msgid "never use real cards. "
-msgstr "nunca utilices tarjetas reales. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:127
+msgid "Blue phone image"
+msgstr "Imagen de teléfono azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:321
-msgid "Visit your store "
-msgstr "Visita tu tienda "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:128
+msgid "Quick payments"
+msgstr "Paga rápido"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:322
-msgid "to test purchases"
-msgstr "para testear compras"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:129
+msgid "Use your saved cards, Pix or available balance."
+msgstr "Usa tus tarjetas guardadas, Pix o saldo disponible."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:323
-msgid "Save changes"
-msgstr "Guardar cambios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:130
+msgid "Use your available Mercado Pago Wallet balance or saved cards."
+msgstr "Usa tu saldo disponible en Mercado Pago Wallet o tarjetas guardadas."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:324
-msgid "Store under test"
-msgstr "Tienda en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:131
+msgid "Use your available money or saved cards."
+msgstr "Usa tu dinero disponible o tarjetas guardadas."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:325
-msgid "Store in sale mode (Production)"
-msgstr "Tienda en Modo Ventas (Producción)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:132
+msgid "Blue wallet image"
+msgstr "Imagen de billetera azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:326
-msgid "Enter test credentials"
-msgstr "Ingresa las credenciales de prueba"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:133
+msgid "Protected purchases"
+msgstr "Protege tu compra"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:327
-msgid "To enable test mode, "
-msgstr "Para activar el modo de prueba, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:134
+msgid "Reliable purchases"
+msgstr "Compra con confianza"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:328
-msgid "copy your test credentials "
-msgstr "copia tus credenciales de prueba "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:135
+msgid "Get your money back in case you don't receive your product."
+msgstr "Recupera tu dinero si no recibes el producto."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:329
-msgid "and paste them above in section 1 of this page."
-msgstr "y pégalas en la sección 1 de esta página."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:136
+msgid "Get help if you have a problem with your purchase."
+msgstr "Recibe ayuda si tienes algún problema con tu compra."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:366
-msgid "Invalid Access Token"
-msgstr "Access token no válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:137
+msgid "Blue protection image"
+msgstr "Imagen de protección azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:368
-msgid "Valid Access Token"
-msgstr "Access token válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:138
+msgid "Installments option"
+msgstr "Accede a cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:374
-msgid "Invalid Public Key"
-msgstr "Public key no válida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:139
+msgid "Pay with or without a credit card."
+msgstr "Paga con o sin tarjeta de crédito."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:376
-msgid "Valid Public Key"
-msgstr "Public key válida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:140
+msgid "Interest-free installments with selected banks."
+msgstr "Cuotas sin interés con bancos seleccionados."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:379
-msgid "Credentials must be valid"
-msgstr "Las credenciales deben ser válidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:141
+msgid "Blue phone installments image"
+msgstr "Imagen de cuotas de teléfono azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:429
-msgid "Credentials were updated"
-msgstr "Se actualizaron las credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:142
+msgid "Available payment methods"
+msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:421
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:143,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:186
msgid ""
-"Your store has exited Test Mode and is making real sales in Production Mode."
+"By continuing, you will be taken to Mercado Pago to safely complete your "
msgstr ""
-"Ahora su tienda está fuera del modo de prueba y está realizando ventas "
-"reales en el modo de producción."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:422
-msgid "To test the store, re-enter both test credentials."
-msgstr "Para probar la tienda, vuelva a ingresar ambas credenciales de prueba."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:435
-msgid "Invalid credentials"
-msgstr "Credenciales no válidas"
+"Al continuar, te llevaremos a Mercado Pago para completar tu compra de forma "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:436
-msgid "See our manual to learn "
-msgstr "Consulte nuestro manual para saber "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:144,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:187
+msgid "Checkout Pro redirect info image"
+msgstr "Imagen de redirección de Checkout Pro"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:437
-msgid "how to enter the credentials the right way."
-msgstr "como ingresar las credenciales de forma correcta."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:145,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:188,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:239,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:281,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:342,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:374
+msgid "By continuing, you agree with our"
+msgstr "Al continuar, aceptas nuestros"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:497
-msgid "Store information is valid"
-msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:146,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:189,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:240,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:282,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:343,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:375
+msgid "Terms and conditions"
+msgstr "Términos y condiciones"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:527
-msgid "Mercado Pago's Payment Methods in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:147,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:218,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:263
+msgid "Pay with Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Pagar con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:528
-msgid "Mercado Pago's Payment Methods in Production Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Produción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:148,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:264
+msgid "Cancel & Clear Cart"
+msgstr "Cancelar & Limpiar carrito"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:521
-msgid "Invalid credentials for test mode"
-msgstr "Credenciales inválidas para el modo de prueba"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:161
+msgid "Log in"
+msgstr "Inicia sesión"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:603
-msgid "Enabled"
-msgstr "Activado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:162
+msgid ""
+"or create an account in Mercado Pago. If you use Mercado Libre, you already "
+"have one!"
+msgstr ""
+"o crea una cuenta en Mercado Pago. Si utilizas Mercado Libre, ¡ya tienes una!"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:604
-msgid "Disabled"
-msgstr "Inactivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:167
+msgid "Know your available limit in Mercado Crédito and"
+msgstr "Conoce tu límite disponible en Mercado Crédito y"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:632
-msgid "Valid Credentials"
-msgstr "Credenciales válidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:168
+msgid "choose how many installments"
+msgstr "elige en cuántas cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:635
-msgid "Credentials couldn't be validated"
-msgstr "No se pudieron validar las credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:169
+msgid "you want to pay"
+msgstr "quieres pagar"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:658
-msgid "Store business fields are valid"
-msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda son válidos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:174
+msgid "Pay the installments as you prefer:"
+msgstr "Paga las cuotas como prefieras:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:661
-msgid "Store business fields couldn't be validated"
-msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda no se pudieron validar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:175
+msgid "with money in your account, card of from the Mercado Pago app"
+msgstr "con dinero, tarjeta o directo desde la app de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:684
-msgid "At least one paymet method is enabled"
-msgstr "Al menos un método de pago está habilitado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:179
+msgid "No card installments in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Mensualidades sin tarjeta en Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:687
-msgid "No payment method enabled"
-msgstr "No se habilitó ningún método de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:182
+msgid "How to use it?"
+msgstr "¿Cómo usar?"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:77
-msgid "Payment approved."
-msgstr "Pago aprobado."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:190
+msgid "Pay in"
+msgstr "Compra en hasta"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:131,
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:135
-msgid "Waiting for the Pix payment."
-msgstr "Esperando el pago de Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:191
+msgid "installments"
+msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:148,
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:152
-msgid "Waiting for the ticket payment."
-msgstr "Esperando el pago del boleto."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:192
+msgid "with Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:160
-msgid "The customer has not made the payment yet."
-msgstr "El cliente todavía no efectuó el pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:193
+msgid "Read more"
+msgstr "Leer más"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:179
-msgid "Payment is pending review."
-msgstr "El pago está pendiente de revisión."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:194
+msgid "Buy now and pay in installments with no card later!"
+msgstr "¡Compra ahora y paga después!"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:196
-msgid "Payment was declined. The customer can try again."
-msgstr "El pago fue rechazado. El cliente puede intentar nuevamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:195
+msgid "100% online, without paperwork or monthly fees"
+msgstr "Compra en hasta 12 pagos mensuales sin usar tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:211
-msgid "Payment was returned to the customer."
-msgstr "El pago fue devuelto al cliente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:196
+msgid "You can apply for your line of credit 100% online and securely."
+msgstr "Puedes solicitar tu línea de crédito 100% online y de forma segura."
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:225
-msgid "Payment was canceled."
-msgstr "El pago fue cancelado."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:197
+msgid "Do everything from the Mercado Pago app!"
+msgstr "Sin trámites. ¡Haz todo desde la app de Mercado Pago!"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:240,
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:252
-msgid ""
-"The payment is in mediation or the purchase was unknown by the customer."
-msgstr "El pago esta en mediación o la compra fue desconocida por el cliente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:198
+msgid "No maintenance fees or additional costs."
+msgstr "Sin tasas de mantenimiento ni costos adicionales."
-#. translators: 1: payment_id 2: status
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:318
-msgid ""
-"Mercado Pago: The payment %1$s was notified by Mercado Pago with status %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Mercado Pago: El pago %1$s fue notificado por Mercado Pago con estado %2$s."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:199
+msgid "Questions? "
+msgstr "¿Dudas? "
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:371
-msgid "Shipping service used by the store."
-msgstr "Servicio de envío utilizado por la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:200
+msgid "Check our FAQ"
+msgstr "Consulta nuestra FAQ"
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:562,
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:563
-msgid "Discount provided by store"
-msgstr "Descuento proporcionado por la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:201
+msgid ". Credit subject to approval."
+msgstr ". Crédito sujeto a aprobación."
-#. translators: %s coupon
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:130
-msgid "Discount for coupon %s"
-msgstr "Descuento para el cupón %s"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:213
+msgid "Checkout Custom in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Tarjeta de crédito en Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:172
-msgid " and fee of"
-msgstr " y comisión de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:216
+msgid "Pay with saved cards"
+msgstr "Paga con tarjetas guardadas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:547
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:217
msgid ""
-"Public Key production credential is invalid. Review the field to "
-"receive real payments."
+"Do you have a Mercado Libre account? Then use the same email and password to "
+"pay faster with Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Public Key es inválida. Revísala para "
-"poder recibir pagos reales."
+"¿Tienes una cuenta de Mercado Libre? Usa el mismo e-mail y contraseña para "
+"pagar más rápido con Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:556
-msgid ""
-"Public Key test credential is invalid. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Public Key es inválida. Revísala para poder "
-"realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:219
+msgid "With which card can you pay?"
+msgstr "¿Con qué tarjeta puedes pagar?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:565
-msgid ""
-"Access Token production credential is invalid. Remember that it must "
-"be complete to receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Access Token es inválida. Revísala para "
-"poder recibir pagos reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:220,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:224
+msgid "See current promotions"
+msgstr "Ver promociones vigentes"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:574
-msgid ""
-"Access Token test credential is invalid. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Access Token es inválida. Revísala para poder "
-"realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:221
+msgid "Credit cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:592
-msgid ""
-"Public Key test credential is blank. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Public Key está en blanco. Revísala para "
-"poder realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:222
+msgid "Up to 12 installments"
+msgstr "Hasta 12 cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:601
-msgid ""
-"Public Key production credential is blank. Review the field to "
-"receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Public Key está en blanco. Revísala "
-"para poder recibir pagos reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:223
+msgid "Debit cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:610
-msgid ""
-"Access Token test credential is blank. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Access Token está en blanco. Revísala para "
-"poder realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:225
+msgid "Fill in your card details"
+msgstr "Completa los datos de tu tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:619
-msgid ""
-"Access Token production credential is blank. Remember that it must be "
-"complete to receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Access Token está en blanco. Revísala "
-"para poder recibir pagos reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:226
+msgid "Card number"
+msgstr "Número de Tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:92,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:90
-msgid ""
-"There was an error processing your payment. Please try again or contact us "
-"for Assistance."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ha producido un error en el procesamiento de su pago. Por favor, "
-"inténtelo de nuevo o póngase en contacto con nosotros para Asistencia."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:227,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:229,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:231,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:233
+msgid "Required data"
+msgstr "Datos obligatorios"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:84,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:82,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:45,
-#: ../../templates/receipt/custom-checkout.php:41
-msgid "Pay with Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Pagar con Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:228
+msgid "Holder name as it appears on the card"
+msgstr "Nombre del titular como aparece en la tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:86,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:84,
-#: ../../templates/receipt/custom-checkout.php:44
-msgid "Cancel & Clear Cart"
-msgstr "Cancelar & Limpiar carrito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:230
+msgid "Expiration"
+msgstr "Vencimiento"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:143,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:73,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:82
-msgid "Apply"
-msgstr "Aplicar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:144,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:74,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:83
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Retirar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:145,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:75,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:84
-msgid "Please, inform your coupon code"
-msgstr "Por favor, informe su código de cupón"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:146,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:76,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:85
-msgid "To choose"
-msgstr "Elegir"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:147,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:77,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:86
-msgid "Other bank"
-msgstr "Otro banco"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:148,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:78,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:87
-msgid "You will save"
-msgstr "Salvarás"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:149,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:79,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:88
-msgid "with discount of"
-msgstr "con descuento de"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:150,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:80,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:89
-msgid "Total of your purchase:"
-msgstr "Total de su compra:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:151,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:81,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:90
-msgid "Total of your purchase with discount:"
-msgstr "Total de su compra con descuento:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:152,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:82,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:91
-msgid "*After payment approval"
-msgstr "*Tras la aprobación del pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:153,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:83,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:92
-msgid "Terms and conditions of use"
-msgstr "Términos y condiciones de uso"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:154,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:172
-msgid "No fee"
-msgstr "Sin interés"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:232
+msgid "Security Code"
+msgstr "Código de seguridad"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:155,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:173
-msgid "More options"
-msgstr "Más opciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:234,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:337,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:365
+msgid "Holder document"
+msgstr "Documento del titular"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:163
-msgid "mm/yy"
-msgstr "mm/aa"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:235,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:338,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:366
+msgid "Invalid document"
+msgstr "Número de documento no válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:236,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:238
+msgid "Select the number of installments"
+msgstr "Selecciona la cantidad de cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:164,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:134
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:237,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:242
msgid "Issuer"
msgstr "Banco"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:165
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:241
+msgid "mm/yy"
+msgstr "mm/aa"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:243
msgid "Installments"
-msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
+msgstr "Cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:168
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:244
msgid "on the back"
msgstr "del dorso"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:169
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:245
msgid "on the front"
msgstr "del frente"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:171
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:246
msgid "digits"
msgstr "dígitos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:174
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:247
+msgid "No fee"
+msgstr "Sin interés"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:248
+msgid "More options"
+msgstr "Más opciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:249
msgid "If interest is applicable, it will be charged by your bank."
msgstr "Si corresponden intereses, serán aplicados por tu banco."
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:175
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:250
msgid "Interest"
msgstr "Intereses"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:178
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:251
msgid "Card number is required"
msgstr "Número de tarjeta obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:179
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:252
msgid "Card number invalid"
msgstr "Número de tarjeta inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:182
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:253
msgid "Holder name is required"
msgstr "Nombre del titular obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:183
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:254
msgid "Holder name invalid"
msgstr "Nombre del titular inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:186,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:188
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:255,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:257
msgid "Expiration date invalid"
msgstr "Fecha de vencimiento inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:187
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:256
msgid "Expiration date incomplete"
msgstr "Fecha de vencimiento obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:191
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:258
msgid "Security code is required"
msgstr "Código de seguridad obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:192
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:259
msgid "Security code incomplete"
msgstr "Código de seguridad incompleto"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:230
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:260
msgid "Cost of installments"
msgstr "Coste de las cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:231
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:261
msgid "Total with installments"
msgstr "Total con cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:262
msgid "installments of"
msgstr "cuotas de"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:139
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:276
+msgid "Pix in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Pix en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:277
+msgid ""
+"You can test the flow to generate a code, but you cannot finalize the "
+msgstr ""
+"Es posible probar el flujo para generar una factura, pero no es posible "
+"finalizar el pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:278
+msgid "Pay instantly"
+msgstr "Pago instantáneo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:279
+msgid ""
+"By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Al confirmar tu compra, te mostraremos un código para realizar el pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:280
+msgid "Pix logo"
+msgstr "Pix logo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:283,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:292
+msgid "Code valid for "
+msgstr "Código válido por "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:284
msgid "Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase"
msgstr "Ahora sólo tiene que pagar con Pix para finalizar su compra"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:140
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:285
msgid "How to pay with Pix:"
msgstr "Cómo pagar con Pix:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:141
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:286
msgid "Go to your bank's app or website"
msgstr "Entra en la app o en la página web de tu banco"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:142
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:287
msgid "Search for the option to pay with Pix"
msgstr "Busca la opción de pagar con Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:143
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:288
msgid "Scan the QR code or Pix code"
msgstr "Escanea el código QR o el código Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:144
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:289
msgid "Done! You will see the payment confirmation"
msgstr "Listo. Verás la confirmación del pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:145
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:290
msgid "Value: "
msgstr "Valor: "
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:147
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:291
msgid "Scan the QR code:"
msgstr "Escanea el código QR:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:150
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:293
msgid "If you prefer, you can pay by copying and pasting the following code"
msgstr "Si lo prefieres, puedes pagar copiando y pegando el siguiente código"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:152
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:294
msgid "Copy code"
msgstr "Copiar código"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:112
-msgid "Pay in"
-msgstr "Compra en hasta"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:113
-msgid "installments"
-msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:114
-msgid "with Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:115
-msgid "Read more"
-msgstr "Saber más"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:116
-msgid "Buy now and pay in installments with no card later!"
-msgstr "¡Compra ahora y paga después!"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:117
-msgid "100% online,"
-msgstr "Compra en hasta"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:118
-msgid "without paperwork or monthly fees"
-msgstr "12 pagos mensuales sin usar tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:119
-msgid "When paying, choose"
-msgstr "Puedes solicitar "
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:120
-msgid ". Login to your account or create one in a few steps."
-msgstr "tu línea de crédito 100% online y de forma segura."
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:121
-msgid "Search for"
-msgstr "Sin trámites."
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:122
-msgid ""
-"among the options, select it and choose in how many installments you would "
-"like to pay."
-msgstr " ¡Haz todo desde la app de Mercado Pago!"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:123
-msgid "Pay your installments monthly as you wish, in the Mercado Pago app."
-msgstr "Sin tasas de mantenimiento ni costos adicionales."
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:126
-msgid "Check our FAQ"
-msgstr "Consulta nuestra FAQ"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:127
-msgid ". Credit subject to approval."
-msgstr ". Crédito sujeto a aprobación."
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:182,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:634,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:682,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:727,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:986
-msgid "Response from cache"
-msgstr "Respuesta de la caché"
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:1000
-msgid "Response from API"
-msgstr "Respuesta de la API"
-#. translators: 1: total_time currency 2: url
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/rest-client/class-mp-rest-client-abstract.php:179
-msgid "Took %1$s seconds to transfer a request to %2$s"
-msgstr "Se han tardado %1$s segundos para transferir una solicitud a %2$s"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:24
-msgid "Checkout Pro in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Checkout Pro en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:25,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:25
-msgid "Use Mercado Pago's payment methods without real charges. "
-msgstr "Utiliza los medios de Mercado Pago sin cobros reales. "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:26,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:26,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:26
-msgid "See the rules for the test mode."
-msgstr "Consulte las reglas para el modo test."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:35
-msgid "Log in to Mercado Pago and earn benefits"
-msgstr "Inicia sesión en Mercado Pago y obtén beneficios"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:54
-msgid ""
-"By continuing, you will be taken to Mercado Pago to safely complete your "
-msgstr ""
-"Al continuar, te llevaremos a Mercado Pago para completar tu compra de forma "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:56,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:47
-msgid "Checkout Pro redirect info image"
-msgstr "Imagen de redirección de Checkout Pro"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:66,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:56,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:169,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:31,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:96
-msgid "By continuing, you agree with our"
-msgstr "Al continuar, aceptas nuestros"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:67,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:57,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:170,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:31,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:97
-msgid "Terms and conditions"
-msgstr "Términos y condiciones"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:24
-msgid "No card installments in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Mensualidades sin tarjeta en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:34
-msgid "How to use it?"
-msgstr "¿Cómo usar?"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:37
-msgid ""
-"Log in or create an account in Mercado Pago. If you use Mercado "
-"Libre, you already have one!"
-msgstr ""
-"Inicia sesión o crea una cuenta en Mercado Pago. Si has usado Mercado "
-"Libre para comprar, ¡ya tienes una!"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:38
-msgid ""
-"Know your available limit in Mercado Crédito and choose how many "
-"installments you want to pay."
-msgstr ""
-"Conoce el límite disponible de tu línea de crédito y elige el plazo en "
-"el que quieres pagar tu compra."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:39
-msgid ""
-"Pay the installments as you prefer: with money in your account, card of "
-"from the Mercado Pago app."
-msgstr ""
-"Paga mes a mes con el medio de pago que prefieras. ¡Todo desde la app "
-"de Mercado Pago!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:295,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:349,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:373
+msgid "Mercado Pago: The customer has not paid yet."
+msgstr "Mercado Pago: El cliente no ha pagado todavía."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:46
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:296
msgid ""
-"By confirming your purchase, you will be redirected to your Mercado Pago "
+"Mercado Pago: Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase."
msgstr ""
-"Al continuar, te llevaremos a Mercado Pago para completar tu compra de forma "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:23
-msgid "Checkout Custom in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Tarjeta de crédito en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:24
-msgid "Use Mercado Pago means without real charges."
-msgstr "Utiliza los medios de Mercado Pago sin cobros reales."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:25
-msgid "See test mode rules."
-msgstr "Ver las reglas del Modo Test."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:36
-msgid "Pay with saved cards"
-msgstr "Paga con tarjetas guardadas"
+"Mercado Pago: Ahora sólo tiene que pagar con Pix para finalizar su compra."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:40
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:297
msgid ""
-"Do you have a Mercado Libre account? Then use the same email and password to "
-"pay faster with Mercado Pago."
+"Scan the QR code below or copy and paste the code into your bank's "
msgstr ""
-"¿Tienes una cuenta de Mercado Libre? Usa el mismo e-mail y contraseña para "
-"pagar más rápido \n"
-"con Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:57
-msgid "With which card can you pay?"
-msgstr "¿Con qué tarjeta puedes pagar?"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:70
-msgid "See current promotions"
-msgstr "Ver promociones vigentes"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:78
-msgid "Fill in your card details"
-msgstr "Completa los datos de tu tarjeta"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:80
-msgid "Card number"
-msgstr "Número de Tarjeta"
+"Escanee el código QR a continuación o copie y pegue el código en la "
+"aplicación de su banco."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:82,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:89,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:98,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:106
-msgid "Required data"
-msgstr "Datos obligatorios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:298
+msgid "30 minutes"
+msgstr "30 minutos"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:87
-msgid "Holder name as it appears on the card"
-msgstr "Nombre del titular como aparece en la tarjeta"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:310
+msgid "Payment approved."
+msgstr "Pago aprobado."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:95
-msgid "Expiration"
-msgstr "Vencimiento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:311
+msgid "Waiting for the Pix payment."
+msgstr "Esperando el pago de Pix."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:103
-msgid "Security Code"
-msgstr "Código de seguridad"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:312
+msgid "Waiting for the ticket payment."
+msgstr "Esperando el pago del boleto."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:113,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:36,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:53
-msgid "Holder document"
-msgstr "Documento del titular"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:313
+msgid "The customer has not made the payment yet."
+msgstr "El cliente todavía no efectuó el pago."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:114,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:37,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:54
-msgid "Invalid document"
-msgstr "Número de documento no válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:314
+msgid "Payment is pending review."
+msgstr "El pago está pendiente de revisión."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:129,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:145
-msgid "Select the number of installments"
-msgstr "Selecciona la cantidad de cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:315
+msgid "Payment was declined. The customer can try again."
+msgstr "El pago fue rechazado. El cliente puede intentar nuevamente."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:22
-msgid "Pix in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Pix en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:316
+msgid "Payment was returned to the customer."
+msgstr "El pago fue devuelto al cliente."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:22
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:317
msgid ""
-"You can test the flow to generate a code, but you cannot finalize the "
+"The payment was partially returned to the customer. the amount refunded "
+"was : "
msgstr ""
-"Es posible probar el flujo para generar una factura, pero no es posible "
-"finalizar el pago."
+"El pago se devolvió parcialmente al cliente. El montante reembolsado fue "
+"de : "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
-msgid "Pay instantly"
-msgstr "Pago instantáneo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:318
+msgid "Payment was canceled."
+msgstr "El pago fue cancelado."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:319,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:320
msgid ""
-"By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
-msgstr ""
-"Al confirmar tu compra, te mostraremos un código para realizar el pago."
+"The payment is in mediation or the purchase was unknown by the customer."
+msgstr "El pago esta en mediación o la compra fue desconocida por el cliente."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
-msgid "Pix logo"
-msgstr "Pix logo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:321
+msgid "The payment"
+msgstr "El pago"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:24
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:322
+msgid "was notified by Mercado Pago with status"
+msgstr "fue notificado por Mercado Pago con estado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:334
msgid "Offline Methods in Test Mode"
msgstr "Facturas en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:25
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:335
msgid ""
"You can test the flow to generate an invoice, but you cannot finalize the "
-"payment. "
msgstr ""
"Es posible testear el flujo para generar una factura, pero no es posible "
-"finalizar el pago. "
+"finalizar el pago."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:68
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:339,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:367
msgid "Select where you want to pay"
msgstr "Selecciona el punto de pago donde quieres pagar"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:73
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:340,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:368
msgid "more options"
msgstr "más opciones"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:78
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:341
msgid "Select a payment method"
msgstr "Seleccione una opción de pago"
-#: ../../templates/order/payment-status-metabox-content.php:30
-msgid ""
-"This is the payment status of your Mercado Pago Activities. To check the "
-"order status, please refer to Order details."
-msgstr ""
-"Este es el estado del pago de las Actividades de tu Mercado Pago. Para "
-"consultar el estado del pedido, consulta en Detalles del Pedido."
-#: ../../templates/order-received/show-ticket.php:19
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:344
msgid ""
"Great, we processed your purchase order. Complete the payment with ticket so "
"that we finish approving it."
@@ -3030,789 +2758,601 @@ msgstr ""
"Excelente, procesamos tu orden de compra. Completa el pago con ticket para "
"que terminemos de aprobarla."
-#: ../../templates/order-received/show-ticket.php:23
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:345
msgid "Print ticket"
msgstr "Imprimir ticket"
-#~ msgid "Fee"
-#~ msgstr "Tasa"
-#~ msgid "How does it work?"
-#~ msgstr "¿Cómo funciona?"
-#~ msgid "Checkout visualization:"
-#~ msgstr "Visualización en el checkout:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:346
+msgid " and "
+msgstr " e "
-#~ msgid "Check below how this feature will be displayed to your customers."
-#~ msgstr "A continuación verás cómo este recurso aparecerá para tus clientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:347
+msgid "To print the ticket again click"
+msgstr "Para reimprimir o boleto clique"
-#~ msgid "Banner visualization"
-#~ msgstr "Visualización del componente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:348
+msgid "here"
+msgstr "aqui"
-#~ msgid "Check the example of how it will appear in the store:"
-#~ msgstr "Consulta el ejemplo de cómo aparecerá en la tienda:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:362
+msgid "Checkout PSE in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Checkout PSE en Modo Test"
-#~ msgid "Bank Transfer"
-#~ msgstr "Transferencia bancaria"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:363
+msgid "You can test the flow to generate a payment with PSE"
+msgstr "Puede probar el flujo para generar un pago con PSE"
-#~ msgid "Payment by cash"
-#~ msgstr "Pagos en efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:369
+msgid "Person type "
+msgstr "Tipo de persona "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If you already have a Mercado Libre account, use the same email and "
-#~ "password"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si ya tienes una cuenta de Mercado Libre, usa el mismo mail y contraseña"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:370
+msgid "Financial institution"
+msgstr "Institución financiera"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When you confirm your purchase, we will redirect you to your Mercado Pago "
-#~ "account"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Cuando confirmes tu compra, te redireccionaremos a tu cuenta de Mercado "
-#~ "Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:371
+msgid "Select the financial institution"
+msgstr "Seleccione la entidad financiera"
-#~ msgid "Payment with Mercado Credito"
-#~ msgstr "Pagos con Mercado Crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:372
+msgid "Select the institution"
+msgstr "Seleccione la institución"
-#~ msgid "New!"
-#~ msgstr "¡Nuevo!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:387
+msgid "A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Please, try again."
+msgstr ""
+"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Por favor, intente otra "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With Mercado Credito, clients can pay "
-#~ "in installments with no card, by transfers, invoice or money available "
-#~ "in their Mercado Pago account. By activating the no-card "
-#~ "installments banner, you will increase your chances of selling."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Con Mercado Crédito, los clientes "
-#~ "pagan en cuotas sin tarjeta, por transferencia, tarjeta de débito, "
-#~ "efectivo o dinero disponible en la cuenta de Mercado Pago. Al "
-#~ "activar el componente de cuotas sin tarjeta, aumentarás tus chances "
-#~ "de vender. Para saber más, ingresá a documentación."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:388
+msgid ""
+"A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have "
+"correctly filled all information in the checkout form?"
+msgstr ""
+"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Está seguro de haber "
+"cargado la información en el formulario?"
-#~ msgid "The no-card installments banner is disabled."
-#~ msgstr "El componente de cuotas sin tarjeta está desactivado ."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:389
+msgid "See your order form"
+msgstr "Ver su hoja de pedido"
-#~ msgid "Earn more points and have exclusive benefits in Mercado Puntos"
-#~ msgstr "Gana más puntos y ventajas exclusivas en Mercado Puntos "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:390
+msgid "Your payment was declined. You can try again."
+msgstr "Su pago fue rechazado. Puede intentarlo de nuevo."
-#~ msgid "Error loading form."
-#~ msgstr "Error al cargar el formulario."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:391
+msgid "Click to try again"
+msgstr "Haga clic para intentarlo de nuevo"
-#~ msgid "Please refresh the page to try again."
-#~ msgstr "Actualice la página para volver a intentarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:392
+msgid "That's it, payment accepted!"
+msgstr "Listo, ¡aceptamos tu pago!"
-#~ msgid "Refresh page"
-#~ msgstr "Actualizar página"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:393
+msgid ""
+"We are processing your payment. In less than an hour we will send you the "
+"result by email."
+msgstr ""
+"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de una hora le enviaremos el resultado "
+"por correo electrónico."
-#~ msgid "Type of topic IPN invalid, need to be merchant_order"
-#~ msgstr "El tipo de asunto de la IPN no es válido, debe ser `merchant_order`"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:394
+msgid ""
+"We are processing your payment. In less than 2 days we will send you by "
+"email if the payment has been approved or if additional information is "
+msgstr ""
+"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de 2 días le enviaremos por correo "
+"electrónico si se ha aprobado el pago o si se necesita información adicional."
-#~ msgid "Click here to see more details..."
-#~ msgstr "Haga clic aquí para ver más detalles…"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:395
+msgid "Check the card number."
+msgstr "Compruebe el número de tarjeta."
-#~ msgid "Purchases with saved cards or money in Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Compras con tarjetas guardadas o saldo en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:396
+msgid "Check the expiration date."
+msgstr "Compruebe la fecha de expiración."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Feature for those who have a saved card or money in Mercado Pago to buy "
-#~ "without having to fill in details."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Es una funcionalidade para quienes tienen tarjetas guardadas o saldo en "
-#~ "Mercado Pago puedan comprar sin la necesidad de completar datos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:397
+msgid "Check the information provided."
+msgstr "Compruebe la información informada."
-#~ msgid "The feature for payments with saved cards is active."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La funcionalidad para pagos con tarjetas guardadas está activa"
-#~ "b>."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:398
+msgid "Check the informed security code."
+msgstr "Compruebe el código de seguridad informado."
-#~ msgid "The feature for payments with saved cards is inactive."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La funcionalidad para pagos con tarjetas guardadas está "
-#~ "inactiva."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:399,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:400
+msgid "Your payment cannot be processed."
+msgstr "No se puede procesar su pago."
-#~ msgid "You can see how the feature is in your store Checkout below:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "A continuación, cómo es la funcionalidad en el checkout de la tienda:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:401
+msgid "You must authorize payments for your orders."
+msgstr "Usted debe autorizar los pagos de sus órdenes."
-#~ msgid "Mercado Pago customers can now pay with stored cards."
-#~ msgstr "Clientes de Mercado Pago ahora pueden pagar con tarjetas guardadas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:402
+msgid ""
+"Contact your card issuer to activate it. The phone is on the back of your "
+msgstr ""
+"Póngase en contacto con el emisor de su tarjeta para activarla. El teléfono "
+"se encuentra en la parte posterior de su tarjeta."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The function Saved card payments is enabled. With this setting, "
-#~ "customers using Mercado Pago can purchase without having to fill in "
-#~ "payment details. You can control this option in the settings."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La función Pago con tarjetas guardadas de Mercado Pago está habilitada. "
-#~ "Ahora los clientes que utilizan Mercado pago pueden comprar sin tener que "
-#~ "completar los datos de la tarjeta. Puedes controlar esta opción en "
-#~ "configuración."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:403
+msgid ""
+"You have already made a payment of this amount. If you have to pay again, "
+"use another card or other method of payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Usted ya realizó un pago de este importe. Si tiene que pagar de nuevo, "
+"utilizar otra tarjeta u otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Go to settings"
-#~ msgstr "Ir a la configuración"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:404
+msgid ""
+"Your payment was declined. Please select another payment method. It is "
+"recommended in cash."
+msgstr "Su pago fue rechazado. Puede intentarlo de nuevo."
-#~ msgid "No need to fill out details"
-#~ msgstr "Sin cargar datos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:405
+msgid "Your payment does not have sufficient funds."
+msgstr "Su metodo de pago no tiene fondos suficientes."
-#~ msgid "Installments available"
-#~ msgstr "Cuotas disponibles"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:406
+msgid "Payment cannot process the selected fee."
+msgstr "El pago no puede procesar la cuota seleccionada."
-#~ msgid "Pay faster with your saved cards and without completing data."
-#~ msgstr "Paga más rápido con tus tarjetas guardadas y sin completar datos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:407
+msgid ""
+"You have reached the limit of allowed attempts. Choose another card or other "
+"payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Has alcanzado el límite de intentos permitidos. Elija otra tarjeta u otro "
+"medio de pago."
-#, fuzzy
-#~| msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
-#~ msgid "Important! To sell, you must enter your credentials."
-#~ msgstr "¡Importante! Para vender debe introducir sus credenciales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:408
+msgid ""
+"Invalid transaction attempt You are trying to perform a "
+"productive transaction using test credentials, or test transaction using "
+"productive credentials. Please ensure that you are using the correct "
+"environment settings for the desired action."
+msgstr ""
+"Intento de transacción no válido Está intentando "
+"realizar una transacción productiva con credenciales de prueba o una "
+"transacción de prueba con credenciales productivas. Asegúrese de que está "
+"utilizando la configuración de credenciales correcta para la acción deseada."
-#~ msgid "Go to step-by-step"
-#~ msgstr "Ir al paso a paso"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:409
+msgid ""
+"Invalid transaction attempt It is not possible to pay "
+"with the email address entered. Please enter another e-mail address."
+msgstr ""
+"Intento de transacción no válido No es posible pagar con "
+"el email introducido. Por favor, introduzca otro email."
-#~ msgid "Update failed, invalid Credentials"
-#~ msgstr "Actualización fallida, credenciales no válidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:410
+msgid "This payment method cannot process your payment."
+msgstr "Este medio de pago no puede procesar su pago."
-#~ msgid "Up to 24 installments"
-#~ msgstr "Hasta 24 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:422
+msgid ""
+"Your bank needs you to authorize the payment Please call "
+"the telephone number on your card or pay with another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu banco necesita que autorices el pago Llama al "
+"teléfono que está en la tarjeta o paga con otro medio."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Important! Do not forget to add the credentials and details of your store."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¡Importante! No olvides ingresar las credenciales y datos de la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:423,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:424
+msgid ""
+"For safety reasons, your payment was declined We "
+"recommended paying with your usual payment method and device for online "
+msgstr ""
+"Por motivos de seguridad, tu pago fue rechazado Te recomendamos "
+"pagar con el medio de pago y dispositivo que sueles usar para compras online."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Before setting up payments, follow the step-by-step to start selling."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Antes de configurar los pagos, haz el paso a paso para comenzar a vender."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:425,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:426,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:427,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:428
+msgid ""
+"One or more card details were entered incorrecctly"
+"strong> Please enter them again as they appear on the card to complete "
+"the payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Ingresaste uno o más datos de tu tarjeta de forma incorrecta"
+"strong> Vuelve a ingresarlos tal como figuran en la tarjeta para "
+"finalizar el pago."
-#~ msgid "To enable and test sales, you must copy and paste your "
-#~ msgstr "Para habilitar y testear las ventas, tienes que copiar y pegar "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:429
+msgid ""
+"Your credit card has no available limit Please pay using "
+"another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu tarjeta de crédito no tiene límite disponible Paga "
+"con otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Mandatory data"
-#~ msgstr "Campo obligatorio"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:430
+msgid ""
+"Your debit card has insufficient founds Please pay using "
+"another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu tarjeta de débito no tiene saldo suficiente Paga con "
+"otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Use the test-specific cards that are in the"
-#~ msgstr "Utiliza las tarjetas específicas para testear que estén bajo las"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:431
+msgid ""
+"Your card does not accept the number of installments selected"
+"strong> Please choose a different number of installments or use a "
+"different payment method ."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu tarjeta no acepta la cantidad de pagos que seleccionaste"
+"strong> Elige una cantidad de pagos diferente o use otro medio."
-#~ msgid "Until"
-#~ msgstr "Hasta"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:432
+msgid ""
+"You need to activate your card Please contact your bank "
+"by calling the number on the back of your card or choose another payment "
+msgstr ""
+"Necesitas habilitar tu tarjeta Comunícate con tu banco "
+"llamando al número que está al dorso de la tarjeta o elige otro medio de "
-#~ msgid "installment"
-#~ msgstr "cuota"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:433
+msgid ""
+"You reached the limit of payment attempts with this card"
+"strong> Please pay using another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Alcanzaste el límite de intentos de pago con esta tarjeta"
+"strong> Paga con otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "We take you to our site to complete the payment"
-#~ msgstr "Te llevamos a nuestro sitio para completar el pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:434
+msgid ""
+"Your payment was declined because you already paid for this "
+"purchase Check your card transactions to verify it."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu pago fue rechazado porque ya pagaste esta compra"
+"strong> Revisa los consumos de tu tarjeta para verificarlo."
-#~ msgid "Enter your discount coupon"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tu cupón de descuento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:435,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:436,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:437
+msgid ""
+"The card issuing bank declined the payment We "
+"recommended paying with another payment method or contact your bank."
+msgstr ""
+"El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó tu pago Te "
+"recomendamos pagar con otro medio de pago o comunicarte con tu banco."
-#~ msgid "Enter your coupon"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tu cupón"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:438
+msgid ""
+"For safety reasons, the card issuing bank declined the payment"
+"strong> We recommended paying with your usual payment method and device "
+"for online purchases."
+msgstr ""
+"Por motivos de seguridad, el banco de la tarjeta rechazó el pago"
+"b> Te recomendamos pagar con el medio de pago y dispositivo que sueles "
+"usar para compras online."
-#~ msgid "The code you entered is incorrect"
-#~ msgstr "El código que ingresaste es incorrecto"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:439
+msgid ""
+"Your payment was declined because something went wrong"
+"strong> We recommended trying again or paying with another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu pago fue rechazado porque hube un error Te "
+"recomendamos intentar nuevamente o pagar con otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Invalid Card Number"
-#~ msgstr "Numero de tarjeta invalido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:451
+msgid "We are taking you to validate the card"
+msgstr "Te estamos llevando a validar la tarjeta"
-#~ msgid "Name and surname of the cardholder"
-#~ msgstr "Nombre y apellido del titular de la tarjeta"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:452
+msgid "with your bank"
+msgstr "con tu banco"
-#~ msgid "Invalid Expiration Date"
-#~ msgstr "Fecha de expiracion inválida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:453
+msgid "We need to confirm that you are the cardholder."
+msgstr "Necesitamos confirmar que eres titular de la tarjeta."
-#~ msgid "Last 3 numbers on the back"
-#~ msgstr "Últimos 3 números en el reverso"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:454
+msgid "We are receiving the response from your bank"
+msgstr "Estamos recibiendo la respuesta de tu banco"
-#~ msgid "In how many installments do you want to pay"
-#~ msgstr "En cuántas cuotas quieres pagar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:455
+msgid "Complete the bank validation so your payment can be approved"
+msgstr "Completa la validación del banco para aprobar tu pago"
-#~ msgid "Converted payment of"
-#~ msgstr "Pago convertido de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:456
+msgid ""
+"Please keep this page open. If you close it, you will not be able to resume "
+"the validation."
+msgstr ""
+"Mantén abierta esta pantalla. Si la cierras, no podrás retomar la validación."
-#~ msgid "for"
-#~ msgstr "para"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:457
+msgid ""
+"For safety reasons, your payment was declined We recommend paying "
+"with your usual payment method and device for online purchases."
+msgstr ""
+"Por motivos de seguridad, tu pago fue rechazado Te recomendamos "
+"pagar con el medio de pago y dispositivo que sueles usar para compras online."
-#~ msgid "Enter your document number"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tu número de documento"
+#~ msgid "How does it work?"
+#~ msgstr "¿Cómo funciona?"
-#~ msgid "Type"
-#~ msgstr "Tipo"
+#~ msgid "When paying, choose"
+#~ msgstr "Al pagar elegí"
-#~ msgid "Document number"
-#~ msgstr "Número de documento"
+#~ msgid ". Login to your account or create one in a few steps."
+#~ msgstr ". Podrás ingresar con tu cuenta o crear una en pocos pasos."
-#~ msgid "Only numbers"
-#~ msgstr "Sólo números"
+#~ msgid "Search for"
+#~ msgstr "Busca"
-#~ msgid "Obligatory field"
-#~ msgstr "Campo obligatorio"
+#~ msgid "Mercado Credito"
+#~ msgstr "Mercado Crédito"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When you finish the order, you will see the code to complete the payment."
-#~ msgstr "Cuando termines el pedido, verás el código para completar el pago."
-#~ msgid "CI"
-#~ msgstr "CI"
-#~ msgid "You must provide your document number"
-#~ msgstr "Debe informar su número de documento"
-#~ msgid "Complete all fields, they are mandatory."
-#~ msgstr "Complete todos los campos, son obligatorios."
-#~ msgid "Select the issuer with whom you want to process the payment"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona el emisor con el que quieras procesar el pago"
-#~ msgid "Lottery"
-#~ msgstr "Lotéricas"
-#~ msgid "CPF/CNPJ"
-#~ msgstr "CPF/CNPJ"
-#~ msgid "Enable or inactivate the payments via Pix"
-#~ msgstr "Activar o desactivar pagos por Pix"
-#~ msgid "If you change the display text, no translation will be available"
+#~ "among the options, select it and choose in how many installments you "
+#~ "would like to pay."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si cambia el texto de la pantalla Checkout, no habrá traducción disponible"
+#~ "entre las opciones, selecciónalo y elegí en cuántas cuotas quieres pagar."
-#~ msgid "Approve your account, it will only take a few minutes"
-#~ msgstr "Homologa tu cuenta, solo te llevará unos minutos"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Complete this process to secure your customers data and comply with the "
-#~ "regulations and legal provisions of each country."
+#~ msgid "Pay your installments monthly as you wish, in the Mercado Pago app."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Complete este proceso para proteger los datos de sus clientes y cumplir "
-#~ "con las regulaciones y disposiciones legales de cada país."
-#~ msgid "Homologate account in Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Homologar cuenta en Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "No"
-#~ msgstr "No"
+#~ "Pagá mes a mes tus cuotas como prefieras, desde la app de Mercado Pago."
-#~ msgid "Yes"
-#~ msgstr "Sí"
+#~ msgid "Review the step-by-step of"
+#~ msgstr "Revisa el paso a paso de"
-#~ msgid "Set up"
-#~ msgstr "Ajustes"
+#~ msgid "on our website for developers."
+#~ msgstr "en nuestro sitio de desarrolladores."
-#~ msgid "Your opinion helps us get better"
-#~ msgstr "Tu opinión nos ayuda a mejorar"
-#~ msgid "Guides and Documentation"
-#~ msgstr "Guías y documentación"
-#~ msgid "Report Problem"
-#~ msgstr "Informar problema"
-#~ msgid "Accept all method of payment and take your charges to another level"
-#~ msgstr "Acepta todos los medios de pago y lleva tus cobros a otro nivel"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Turn your online store into your customers preferred payment gateway. "
-#~ "Choose if the final payment experience will be inside or outside your "
-#~ "store."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Convierte tu tienda online en la pasarela de pagos preferida de tus "
-#~ "clientes. Elige si la experiencia de pago final será dentro o fuera de tu "
-#~ "tienda."
-#~ msgid "Configure Mercado Pago for WooCommerce"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresá la información de tu negocio"
+#~ msgid "Questions?"
+#~ msgstr "¿Dudas?"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Enable the experience of the Checkout Pro in your online store, select "
-#~ "the means of payment available to your customers and define the "
-#~ "maximum fees in which they can pay you."
+#~ "To enable orders, you must create and activate production credentials in "
+#~ "your Mercado Pago Account."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Habilita la experiencia del Checkout Pro en tu tienda online, selecciona "
-#~ "los medios de pago disponibles para tus clientes y define el máximo "
-#~ "de cuotas en el que podrán pagarte."
-#~ msgid "Set payment preferences in your store"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago en tu tienda"
+#~ "Para habilitar las ventas, debes crear y activar las credenciales de "
+#~ "producción en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago."
-#~ msgid "Select offline payments"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona medios de pago presenciales"
+#~ msgid "Check credentials"
+#~ msgstr "Consultar credenciales"
-#~ msgid "Select debit cards"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona tarjetas de débito"
-#~ msgid "Select credit cards"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona tarjetas de crédito"
-#~ msgid "Checkout of payments with debit and credit cards %s"
-#~ msgstr "Checkout de pagos con tarjetas de débito y crédito %s"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept payments instantly and maximize the conversion of your business"
-#~ msgstr "Acepta pagos al instante y maximiza la conversión de tu negocio"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Turn your online store into a secure and easy-to-use payment gateway for "
-#~ "your customers. With personalized checkout your customers pay without "
-#~ "leaving your store!"
+#~ msgid "To view more options, please select a payment method below"
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Convierte tu tienda online en una pasarela de pagos segura y fácil de "
-#~ "usar para tus clientes. Con el checkout personalizado tus clientes pagan "
-#~ "¡sin salir de tu tienda!"
-#~ msgid "Set up the payment experience in your store"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresá la información de tu negocio"
-#~ msgid "Configure the personalized payment experience in your store"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago en tu tienda"
-#~ msgid "%s, it only takes a few minutes"
-#~ msgstr "%s, solo te llevará unos minutos"
-#~ msgid "Approve your account"
-#~ msgstr "Homologa tu cuenta"
-#~ msgid "Title"
-#~ msgstr "Título"
+#~ "Selecciona uno de los siguientes medios de pago para ver más opciones"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Credentials are the keys we provide you to integrate quickly and "
-#~ "securely. You must have a %s in Mercado Pago to obtain and collect them "
-#~ " on your website. You do not need to know how to design or program to "
-#~ "do it"
+#~ "Test the experience in Test Mode and then enable the Sale Mode "
+#~ "(Production) to sell."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Las credenciales son las claves que te proporcionamos para que integres "
-#~ "de forma rápida y segura. Debes tener una %s en Mercado Pago para "
-#~ "obtenerlas y cobrar en tu sitio web. No necesitas saber diseñar o "
-#~ "programar para hacerlo"
-#~ msgid "approved account"
-#~ msgstr "cuenta homologada"
-#~ msgid "Select your country"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona tu país"
-#~ msgid "Select the country in which you operate with Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona el país en el que operas con Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Activate the Mercado Pago experience at the checkout of your store."
-#~ msgstr "Activa la experiencia de Mercado Pago en el checkout de tu tienda."
-#~ msgid "Binary mode"
-#~ msgstr "Modo binario"
+#~ "Testea la experiencia en Modo Test. Luego activa el Modo Ventas "
+#~ "(Producción) para realizar ventas."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept and reject payments automatically. Do you want us to activate it?"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta y rechaza pagos de forma automática. ¿Quieres que lo activemos?"
+#~ msgid "Do you have a minute to share your experience with our plugin?"
+#~ msgstr "¿tienes un minuto para compartir tu experiencia con nuestro plugin?"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If you activate binary mode you will not be able to leave pending "
-#~ "payments. This can affect fraud prevention. Leave it idle to be backed by "
-#~ "our own tool."
+#~ "Your opinion is very important so that we can offer you the best possible "
+#~ "payment solution and continue to improve."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si activa el modo binario no podrá dejar pagos pendientes. Esto puede "
-#~ "afectar la prevención del fraude. Déjelo inactivo para que sea respaldado "
-#~ "por nuestra propia herramienta."
-#~ msgid "Discounts per purchase with Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Descuentos por compra con Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Commission for purchase with Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Comisión por compra con Mercado Pago"
+#~ "Tu opinión es muy importante para que podamos ofrecerte la mejor solución "
+#~ "de pago posible y seguir mejorando."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept payments at any time of the day and expand your purchase options!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¡Acepte pagos en cualquier momento del día y amplíe sus opciones de "
-#~ "compra!"
+#~ msgid "You must enter"
+#~ msgstr "Debe introducir"
-#~ msgid "Offer this new payment option to your customers."
-#~ msgstr "Ofrezca esta nueva opción de pago a sus clientes."
+#~ msgid "production credentials"
+#~ msgstr "las credenciales de producción"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Enable and set up Pix as a payment method for your customers in the "
-#~ "Mercado Pago checkout."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Habilita y configura Pix como método de pago para tus clientes en el "
-#~ "checkout de Mercado Pago."
+#~ msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
+#~ msgstr "¡Importante! Para vender debe introducir sus credenciales."
-#~ msgid "Set up the payment via Pix experience"
-#~ msgstr "Configura la experiencia de pago a través de Pix"
+#~ msgid "Debit, Credit and invoice in Mercado Pago environment"
+#~ msgstr "Débito, crédito y efectivo, en Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Checkout of payments with cash %s"
-#~ msgstr "Paga con dinero en efectivo"
+#~ msgid "Debit and Credit"
+#~ msgstr "Débito e crédito"
-#~ msgid "Accept face-to-face payments, do not leave anyone out!"
-#~ msgstr "Acepta pagos presenciales ¡no dejes a nadie afuera!"
+#~ msgid "Transparent Checkout in your store environment"
+#~ msgstr "Checkout Transparente en tu tienda"
-#~ msgid "Include this preferred purchase option by some customers."
-#~ msgstr "Incluye esta opción de compra preferida por algunos clientes."
+#~ msgid "Mercado pago - Customized Checkout"
+#~ msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Personalizado"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Enable Mercado Pago for cash payments in your store and select the "
-#~ "options available to your customers."
+#~ "Unfortunately, the language configured in your WordPress is not "
+#~ "compatible with our plugin. For the best experience, please switch to a "
+#~ "supported language."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Habilita Mercado Pago para pagos en efectivo en tu tienda y "
-#~ "selecciona las opciones disponibles para tus clientes."
+#~ "Lamentablemente, el idioma configurado en tu WordPress no es compatible "
+#~ "con nuestro plugin. Para disfrutar de la mejor experiencia, cambia a un "
+#~ "idioma compatible."
-#~ msgid "Set payment preferences with cash"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago con dinero en efectivo"
+#~ msgid "payments on the spot"
+#~ msgstr "pagos al instante"
-#~ msgid "Store mode was updated"
-#~ msgstr "Se actualizó el modo de la tienda"
+#~ msgid "the"
+#~ msgstr "toda la"
-#~ msgid "Couldn't find a valid payment method"
-#~ msgstr "No se pudo encontrar un método de pago válido"
+#~ msgid "security"
+#~ msgstr "seguridad"
-#~ msgid "Invoice and Loterica"
-#~ msgstr "Efectivo "
+#~ msgid "from Mercado Pago"
+#~ msgstr "de Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "It offers all means of payment: credit and debit cards, cash and account "
-#~ "money. Your customers choose whether they pay as guests or from their "
-#~ "Mercado Pago account."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ofrece todos los medios de pago: tarjetas de crédito y débito, dinero en "
-#~ "efectivo y dinero en cuenta. Tus clientes eligen si pagan como invitados "
-#~ "o desde su cuenta de Mercado Pago."
+#~ msgid "Check the reasons why the purchase was declined"
+#~ msgstr "Consulta los motivos del rechazo de tu compra"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept card payments on your website with the best possible financing and "
-#~ "maximize the conversion of your business. With personalized checkout your "
-#~ "customers pay without leaving your store!"
+#~ "Recommend your costumer to pay with their usual payment method and device "
+#~ "for online purchases."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta pagos con tarjeta en tu sitio web con la mejor financiación "
-#~ "posible y maximiza la conversión de tu negocio. Con el checkout "
-#~ "personalizado tus clientes pagan ¡sin salir de tu tienda!"
-#~ msgid "Follow these steps to activate Mercado Pago in your store:"
-#~ msgstr "Sigue estos pasos para activar Mercado Pago en tu tienda:"
-#~ msgid "Upload your credentials"
-#~ msgstr "Carga tus credenciales"
-#~ msgid "depending on the country in which you are registered."
-#~ msgstr "depending on the country in which you are registered."
-#~ msgid "to be able to charge."
-#~ msgstr "para poder cobrar."
-#~ msgid "Add the basic information of your business"
-#~ msgstr "Añade la información básica de tu negocio"
-#~ msgid "in the plugin configuration."
-#~ msgstr "en la configuración del plugin."
-#~ msgid "Configure the payment preferences"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago"
-#~ msgid "In which country does your Mercado Pago account operate?"
-#~ msgstr "¿En qué país opera tu cuenta de Mercado Pago?"
+#~ "Recomiéndale a tu cliente que pague con el medio de pago y dispositivo "
+#~ "que suele usar para compras online."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Add credentials to "Test Mode" or "Production Mode""
+#~ "The payment could not be processed. Please ask your client to use another "
+#~ "card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ingresa las credenciales para el "Modo Test" o el "Modo "
-#~ "Producción""
-#~ msgid "Set up store payments for Test or Production Mode"
-#~ msgstr "Configura los pagos de la tienda para el modo Test o Producción"
-#~ msgid "How would you like to handle your store checkouts?"
-#~ msgstr "¿Como quieres operar los checkouts de tu tienda?"
-#~ msgid "Activate Production Mode for Mercado Pago checkouts"
-#~ msgstr "Activar Modo Producción para checkouts Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "test mode guidelines."
-#~ msgstr "reglas del Modo Test."
+#~ "El pago no fue procesado por el banco. Pídele a tu cliente que use otro "
+#~ "medio de pago o que se contacte con el banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Mercado Pago checkouts are inactive for real payments in the Test Mode. "
-#~ "Please check the"
+#~ "The CVV is invalid. Please ask your client to review the details or use "
+#~ "another card."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Checkouts Mercado Pago están inactivos para cobros reales en el Modo de "
-#~ "Prueba. Consulta las"
-#~ msgid "Search my credentials"
-#~ msgstr "Buscar mis credenciales"
+#~ "El código de seguridad de la tarjeta es inválido. Revisá los datos que "
+#~ "ingresaste o pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With these credentials, you enable your Mercado Pago checkouts to receive "
-#~ "real payments."
+#~ "The card does not have sufficient balance. Please ask your client to use "
+#~ "another card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Con estas credenciales habilitas que tus checkouts Mercado Pago puedan "
-#~ "recibir pagos reales."
+#~ "La tarjeta no tiene límite disponible. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
+#~ "tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "What category do your products belong to? Choose the one that best "
-#~ "characterizes them (choose \"other\" if your product is too specific)."
+#~ "The card does not have enough limit. Please ask your client to use "
+#~ "another card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¿A qué categoría pertenecen tus productos? Elige la que mejor los "
-#~ "caracteriza (elige “otro” si tu producto es demasiado específico)."
-#~ msgid "Categories"
-#~ msgstr "Categrorías"
-#~ msgid "Store ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID de la tienda"
+#~ "La tarjeta no tiene fondos suficientes. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
+#~ "tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Use a number or prefix to identify orders and payments from this store."
+#~ "The CVV was entered incorrectly several times. Please ask your client to "
+#~ "use another card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Usa un número o prefijo para identificar pedidos y pagos provenientes de "
-#~ "esta tienda."
+#~ "Se ingresó varias veces mal el código de seguridad de la tarjeta. Pedile "
+#~ "a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Do not forget to enter your integrator_id as a certified Mercado Pago "
-#~ "Partner. If you don`t have it, you can %s"
+#~ "The card does not allow the number of installments entered. Please ask "
+#~ "your client to choose another installment plan or to use another card."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "No olvides ingresar tu integrator_id como Partner certificado de Mercado "
-#~ "Pago. Si no lo tienes, puedes %s"
-#~ msgid "Advanced adjustment"
-#~ msgstr "Ajustes avanzados"
-#~ msgid "We debug the information in our change file."
-#~ msgstr "Depuramos la información de nuestro archivo de cambios."
+#~ "La tarjeta no acepta la cantidad de cuotas ingresadas. Pedile a tu "
+#~ "cliente que elija otro plan de cuotas o que use otra tarjeta."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "IPN (Instant Payment Notification) is a notification of events that take "
-#~ "place on your platform and that is sent from one server to another "
-#~ "through an HTTP POST call. See more information in our guides."
+#~ "The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client "
+#~ "to ask the bank to authotize it or to use another card."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "IPN (Instant Payment Notification) es una notificación de eventos que "
-#~ "tienen lugar en su plataforma y que se envía de un servidor a otro a "
-#~ "través de una llamada HTTP POST. Vea más información en nuestras guías."
+#~ "El banco emisor de la tarjeta no autorizó el pago. Pedile a tu cliente "
+#~ "que se contacte con el banco para autorizarlo o que use otra tarjeta."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "It appears that your credentials are not properly configured. Please, "
-#~ "go to %s and configure it."
+#~ "From Mercado Pago we have detected that this payment has already been "
+#~ "made before. If that is not the case, your client may try to pay again."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Parece que sus credenciales no están configuradas correctamente. Por "
-#~ "favor, vaya a %s y configúrelo."
-#~ msgid "Market Payment Configuration"
-#~ msgstr "Mercado Pago Configuración"
+#~ "Desde Mercado Pago detectamos que este pago ya se hizo anteriormente. Si "
+#~ "no es así, tu cliente puede intentarlo de nuevo."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Check out the step-by-step of how to integrate the Mercado Pago Plugin "
-#~ "for WooCommerce in our developer website."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Revisa el paso a paso de cómo integrar el Plugin de Mercado Pago para "
-#~ "WooCommerce en nuestro sitio de desarrolladores."
-#~ msgid "Review documentation"
-#~ msgstr "Revisar documentación"
-#~ msgid "Still having problems? Contact our support team through their %s"
+#~ "The card is not active yet. Please ask your client to use another card or "
+#~ "to get in touch with the bank to activate it."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¿Sigues con problemas? Comunícate con nuestro equipo de soporte a través "
-#~ "de su %s"
-#~ msgid "contact form."
-#~ msgstr "formulario de contacto."
-#~ msgid "Set up your interest payments"
-#~ msgstr "Configura pagos"
-#~ msgid "Set up your installment and interest payments"
-#~ msgstr "Configura meses sin intereses"
-#~ msgid "At Mercado Pago you can choose the fee you pay for each purchase"
-#~ msgstr "En Mercado Pago puedes elegir la tarifa que pagas en cada venta"
+#~ "La tarjeta aún no está habilitada. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
+#~ "tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco para activarla."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "At Mercado Pago you can choose the fee you pay for each purchase and also "
-#~ "offer interest-free installments to your customer."
+#~ "The debit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client "
+#~ "that it is possible to pay with credit or to use another one."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "En Mercado Pago puedes elegir la tarifa que pagas en cada compra y "
-#~ "también ofrecer meses sin intereses a tu cliente."
-#~ msgid "Set up interest payments"
-#~ msgstr "Configurar tasas y plazos"
-#~ msgid "Set up installment and interest"
-#~ msgstr "Configurar cuotas e intereses"
+#~ "La función débito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente que "
+#~ "puede pagar con la función débito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que use "
+#~ "otra."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Test Mode Activated? Now visit your store and test the Mercado Pago "
-#~ "checkouts"
+#~ "The credit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client "
+#~ "that it is possible to pay with debit or to use another one."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¿Modo Test activado? Ahora visita tu tienda y testea los checkouts "
-#~ "Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Everything ready for the takeoff of your sales?"
-#~ msgstr "¿Todo listo para el despegue de tus ventas?"
+#~ "La función crédito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente "
+#~ "que puede pagar con la función débito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que "
+#~ "use otra."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Visit your store as usual and simulate a payment in our checkouts to make "
-#~ "sure everything is working correctly."
+#~ "The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client "
+#~ "to ask the bank to authorize it."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Visita tu tienda normalmente y simula un pago en nuestros checkouts para "
-#~ "verificar que todo esté funcionando correctamente."
+#~ "El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago. Pídele a tu cliente que se "
+#~ "comunique con el banco para autorizar el pago."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Visit your store as if you were one of your customers and check that "
-#~ "everything is fine. If you already went to Production, bring your "
-#~ "customers and increase your sales with the best online shopping "
-#~ "experience."
+#~ "The buyer does not have enough balance to make the purchase. Please ask "
+#~ "your client to deposit money to the Mercado Pago Account or to use a "
+#~ "different payment method."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Visita tu tienda como si fueras uno de tus clientes y revisa que todo "
-#~ "esté bien. Si ya saliste a Producción, trae a tus clientes y aumenta "
-#~ "tus ventas con la mejor experiencia de compra online."
-#~ msgid "%s"
-#~ msgstr "%s"
+#~ "El cliente no tiene suficiente saldo en la cuenta para realizar la "
+#~ "compra. Pídele a tu cliente que cargue saldo en Mercado Pago o que use "
+#~ "otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Your store is ready to receive payments from customers."
-#~ msgstr "Tu tienda está lista para recibir pagos de clientes."
+#~ msgid "There was an error"
+#~ msgstr "Hubo un error"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Your customers will not be able to make purchases while in Test Mode."
-#~ msgstr "Los clientes no podrán hacer compras en Modo Test."
+#~ msgid "to BRL"
+#~ msgstr "a BRL"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept payments via Pix Transfer and receive the funds instantly. Your "
-#~ "customers can pay at any time, without date or time restrictions."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta pagos a través de transferencia Pix y recibe los fondos al "
-#~ "instante. Tus clientes pueden pagar en cualquier momento, sin "
-#~ "restricciones de fecha u hora."
+#~ msgid "to CLP"
+#~ msgstr "a CLP"
-#~ msgid "Pay with PIX "
-#~ msgstr "Paga vía Pix "
+#~ msgid "to COP"
+#~ msgstr "a COP"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept cash payments within the custom checkout and expand your customers "
-#~ "purchase options."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta pagos en efectivo dentro del checkout personalizado y amplía las "
-#~ "opciones de compra de tus clientes."
+#~ msgid "Now we convert your currency"
+#~ msgstr "Ahora convertimos tu moneda"
-#~ msgid "Pay with cash"
-#~ msgstr "Paga con dinero en efectivo"
+#~ msgid "We no longer convert your currency"
+#~ msgstr "Dejamos de convertir tu moneda"
-#~ msgid "Enter your credentials and choose how to operate"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tus credenciales y elige cómo operar"
+#~ msgid "Payment method"
+#~ msgstr "Medios de pagos"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "By default, we activate the Sandbox test environment for you to test "
-#~ "before you start selling."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Por defecto, te activamos el entorno de pruebas Sandbox para que hagas "
-#~ "testeos antes de empezar a vender."
+#~ msgid "Discount coupons is"
+#~ msgstr "Cupones de descuento están"
-#~ msgid "Production Mode"
-#~ msgstr "Modo Producción"
+#~ msgid "Discount coupons"
+#~ msgstr "Cupones de descuento"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When you see that everything is going well, deactivate Sandbox, turn on "
-#~ "Production and make way for your online sales."
+#~ "Will you offer discount coupons to customers who buy with Mercado Pago?"
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Cuando veas que todo va bien, desactiva Sandbox para ir a Producción y "
-#~ "abre paso a tus ventas online."
+#~ "¿Ofrecerás cupones de descuento a los clientes que compren con Mercado "
+#~ "Pago?"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Choose “Yes” only when you’re ready to sell. Switch to “No” to activate "
-#~ "Testing mode."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Elige “Sí” sólo cuando estés listo para vender. Cambia a “No” para "
-#~ "activar el modo Pruebas."
+#~ msgid "Your document data is invalid"
+#~ msgstr "Número de documento inválido"
-#~ msgid "With these keys you can do the tests you want.."
-#~ msgstr "Con estas claves podrás hacer las pruebas que quieras."
+#~ msgid "Title in the checkout"
+#~ msgstr "Título en el checkout"
-#~ msgid "With these keys you can receive real payments from your customers."
-#~ msgstr "Con estas claves podrás recibir pagos reales de tus clientes."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Payment URL pending"
+#~ msgid "Payment URL"
+#~ msgstr "URL de pago pendiente"
-#~ msgid "Everything set up? Go to your store in Sandbox mode"
-#~ msgstr "¿Todo configurado? Ve a tu tienda en modo Sandbox"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is"
+#~ msgid "Transparent checkout for credit cards is"
+#~ msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago "
+#~| "Transparent Checkout."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Visit your store and simulate a payment to check that everything is fine."
-#~ msgstr "Visita tu tienda y simula un pago para revisar que todo esté bien."
-#~ msgid "I want to test my sales"
-#~ msgstr "Quiero testear mis ventas"
-#~ msgid "Payment refused"
-#~ msgstr "Pago rechazado"
-#~ msgid "Physical person"
-#~ msgstr "Persona Física"
-#~ msgid "Legal person"
-#~ msgstr "Persona Jurídica"
-#~ msgid "Name"
-#~ msgstr "Nome"
-#~ msgid "Social reason"
-#~ msgstr "Razón social"
-#~ msgid "Surname"
-#~ msgstr "Apellido"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your last name"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar tu apellido"
-#~ msgid "CPF"
-#~ msgstr "CPF"
-#~ msgid "Address"
-#~ msgstr "Dirección"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your address"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar tu dirección"
-#~ msgid "Number"
-#~ msgstr "Número"
-#~ msgid "You must provide your address number"
-#~ msgstr "Debe informar su número de dirección"
-#~ msgid "City"
-#~ msgstr "Ciudad"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your city"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar a tu ciudad"
-#~ msgid "State"
-#~ msgstr "Estado"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your status"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar a tu estado"
-#~ msgid "Postal Code"
-#~ msgstr "Código postal"
-#~ msgid "You must provide your zip code"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar tu código postal"
-#~ msgid "See the reasons for refusing your purchase."
-#~ msgstr "Vea las razones para rechazar su compra."
-#~ msgid "30 minutes"
-#~ msgstr "30 minutos"
-#~ msgid "New"
-#~ msgstr "Nuevo"
-#~ msgid " day"
-#~ msgstr " día"
-#~ msgid "Description for cart Checkout"
-#~ msgstr "Descripción para el Checkout en el carrito"
+#~ "By disabling it, you will disable all payment methods of this checkout."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago con tarjeta de "
+#~ "crédito en el Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Configure the payment options and accept payments with cards, ticket and "
-#~ "money of Mercado Pago account."
+#~ "By confirming your purchase, you will be redirected to your Mercado Pago "
+#~ "account."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Configura las opciones de pago a tu medida y acepta pagos con tarjetas, "
-#~ "dinero en efectivo y dinero en cuenta de Mercado Pago."
-#~ msgid "https://developers.mercadopago.com/"
-#~ msgstr "https://developers.mercadopago.com/"
-#~ msgid "https://github.com/mercadopago/cart-woocommerce"
-#~ msgstr "https://github.com/mercadopago/cart-woocommerce"
+#~ "Al confirmar tu compra, te mostraremos un código para realizar el pago."
diff --git a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_ES.mo b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_ES.mo
index be9f33e1a..ffad8b427 100644
Binary files a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_ES.mo and b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_ES.mo differ
diff --git a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_ES.po b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_ES.po
index 9f270518d..600408cd4 100644
--- a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_ES.po
+++ b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_ES.po
@@ -1,85 +1,54 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 woocommerce-mercadopago
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the woocommerce-mercadopago package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce 6.0.0\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/woocommerce-"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-05-16 21:36+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-04-10 14:38+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
-"Language: es_ES\n"
+"Language: es_AR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 3.3.1\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 3.4.2\n"
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helper-links.php:141,
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:352
-msgid "By continuing, you agree to our "
-msgstr "Al continuar, aceptas nuestros "
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helper-links.php:143,
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:354
-msgid "Terms and Conditions"
-msgstr "Términos y condiciones"
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:92
-msgid ""
-"Activate this option so that the value of the currency set in WooCommerce is "
-"compatible with the value of the currency you use in Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Activa esta opción para que el valor de la moneda configurada en WooCommerce "
-"sea compatible al valor de la moneda que usas en Mercado Pago."
-#. translators: 1: local currency 2: currency
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:478
-msgid "Now we convert your currency from %1$s to %2$s."
-msgstr "Ahora convertimos tu moneda de %1$s a %2$s."
-#. translators: 1: local currency 2: currency
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:498
-msgid "We no longer convert your currency from %1$s to %2$s."
-msgstr "Dejamos de convertir tu moneda de %1$s a %2$s."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:463,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:172
+msgid "Activate WooCommerce"
+msgstr "Activar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:519
-msgid ""
-"Attention: The currency settings you have in WooCommerce are not "
-"compatible with the currency you use in your Mercado Pago account. Please "
-"activate the currency conversion."
-msgstr ""
-"Atención: La configuración de moneda que tienes en WooCommerce no es "
-"compatible con la moneda que usas en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago. Activa la "
-"conversión de moneda."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:464,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:173
+msgid "Install WooCommerce"
+msgstr "Instalar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-configs.php:125
-msgid ""
-"Update your credentials with the Access Token and Public Key, you need them "
-"to continue receiving payments!"
-msgstr ""
-"Actualice sus credenciales con el Access Token y la Public Key, ¡los "
-"necesita para continuar recibiendo pagos!"
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:465,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:174
+msgid "See WooCommerce"
+msgstr "Ver WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-configs.php:134
-msgid ""
-"The store should have HTTPS in order to activate both Checkout Personalizado "
-"and Ticket Checkout."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:467,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:163
+msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs an active version of %s in order to work!"
msgstr ""
-"La tienda debe tener HTTPS para activar el Checkout Personalizado y el "
-"Ticket Checkout."
+"¡El módulo de Mercado Pago necesita una versión de %s activa para funcionar!"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:52
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:169
msgid ""
-"Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce requires PHP version 5.6 or later. "
+"Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce requires PHP version 7.4 or later. "
"Please update your PHP version."
msgstr ""
-"El plugin de Mercado Pago requiere la versión de PHP 5.6 o posterior. Por "
+"El plugin de Mercado Pago requiere la versión de PHP 7.4 o posterior. Por "
"favor actualice su versión de PHP."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:61
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:170
msgid "Mercado Pago Error: PHP Extension CURL is not installed."
msgstr "Error en Mercado Pago: La extensión cURL de PHP no está instalada."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:70
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:171
msgid ""
"Mercado Pago Error: PHP Extension GD is not installed. Installation of GD "
"extension is required to send QR Code Pix by email."
@@ -88,493 +57,962 @@ msgstr ""
"necesaria la instalación de la extensión GD para enviar el QR Code Pix por "
"correo electrónico."
-#. translators: %s link to WooCommerce
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:82
-msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs an active version of %s in order to work!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:175
+msgid ""
+"Please note that to receive payments via Pix at our checkout, you must have "
+"a Pix key registered in your Mercado Pago account."
msgstr ""
-"¡El módulo de Mercado Pago necesita una versión de %s activa para funcionar!"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:95
-msgid "Cancel order"
-msgstr "Cancelar orden"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:177
-msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs the SDK package to work!"
-msgstr "¡El módulo de Mercado Pago necesita el SDK para funcionar!"
+"Ten en cuenta que para recibir pagos a través de Pix en nuestro checkout, "
+"debes tener una clave Pix registrada en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:368
-msgid "The payment method is not valid or not available."
-msgstr "El medio de pago no es válido o no está disponible."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:176
+msgid "Register your Pix key at Mercado Pago."
+msgstr "Registra tu clave Pix en Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:371
-msgid "The transaction amount cannot be processed by Mercado Pago."
-msgstr "El monto de transacción no puede ser procesado por Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:177
+msgid "%s, help us improve the experience we offer"
+msgstr "%s, ayúdanos a mejorar nuestra experiencia"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:371
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:178
msgid ""
-"Possible causes: Currency not supported; Amounts below the minimum or above "
-"the maximum allowed."
+"Share your opinion with us so that we improve our product and offer the best "
+"payment solution."
msgstr ""
-"Posibles causas: Moneda no soportada; Montos por debajo del mínimo o por "
-"encima del máximo permitido."
+"Comparte tu opinión con nosotros para poder mejorar nuestro producto y "
+"ofrecerte la mejor solución de pagos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:179
+msgid "Rate the plugin"
+msgstr "Valorar el plugin"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:374
-msgid "The users are not valid."
-msgstr "Los usuários no son válidos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:180
+msgid "Enable payments via Mercado Pago account"
+msgstr "Pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:374
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:181
msgid ""
-"Possible causes: Buyer and seller have the same account in Mercado Pago; The "
-"transaction involving production and test users."
+"When you enable this function, your customers pay faster using their Mercado "
+"Pago accounts.The approval rate of these payments in your store can be "
+"25% higher compared to other payment methods."
msgstr ""
-"Posibles causas: Comprador y vendedor tienen la misma cuenta en Mercado "
-"Pago; La transacción involucrando usuários de producción y de prueba."
+"Con esta función activa, tus clientes pagan más rápido usando su cuenta de "
+"Mercado Pago.La tasa de aprobación de estos pagos en tu tienda puede "
+"ser un 25% mayor en comparación con otros medios de pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:377
-msgid "Unauthorized use of production credentials."
-msgstr "Uso no autorizado de credenciales de producción."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:182
+msgid "Activate"
+msgstr "Activar"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:377
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:183
msgid ""
-"Possible causes: Use permission in use for the credential of the seller."
+"Our plugin does not support the language you've chosen, so we've switched it "
+"to the English default. If you prefer, you can also select Spanish or "
+"Portuguese (Brazilian)."
msgstr ""
-"Posibles causas: Pendencia de permiso de uso en producción para la "
-"credencial del vendedor."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:503
-msgid "Colombia"
-msgstr "Colombia"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:505
-msgid "Argentina"
-msgstr "Argentina"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:507
-msgid "Brazil"
-msgstr "Brasil"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:509
-msgid "Chile"
-msgstr "Chile"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:511
-msgid "Mexico"
-msgstr "México"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:513
-msgid "Uruguay"
-msgstr "Uruguay"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:515
-msgid "Venezuela"
-msgstr "Venezuela"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:184
+msgid "You activated Mercado Pago’s plug-in"
+msgstr "Activaste el plugin de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:517
-msgid "Peru"
-msgstr "Peru"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:551
-msgid "Update the WooCommerce order to "
-msgstr "Actualizar la orden de WooCommerce para "
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:821,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:583
-msgid "Fill in your credentials to enable payment methods."
-msgstr "Completa tus credenciales para habilitar los medios de pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:185
+msgid ""
+"Follow the instructions below to integrate your store with Mercado Pago and "
+"start to sell."
+msgstr ""
+"Sigue las instrucciones de abajo para integrar tu tienda con Mercado Pago y "
+"empezar a vender."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:837
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:197
msgid "Set plugin"
msgstr "Configurar plugin"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:838,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:293
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:198,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:738,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:798
msgid "Payment methods"
msgstr "Medios de pagos"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:839,
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:220
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:199
msgid "Plugin manual"
msgstr "Manual del plugin"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:938
-msgid "By Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Por Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-core.php:109,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:171,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:140,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:189,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:167
-msgid "Buyer email"
-msgstr "Email del comprador"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:211
+msgid "Cancel order"
+msgstr "Cancelar orden"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:35
-msgid "No ID or TOPIC param in Request IPN"
-msgstr "No hay ID o parámetro de ASUNTO la solicitud de IPN"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:212
+msgid "Mercado Pago commission:"
+msgstr "Comisión de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:39
-msgid ""
-"Discarded notification. This notification is already processed as webhook-"
-msgstr ""
-"Notificación ignorada. Esta notificación se procesa como webhook-payment."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:213
+msgid "Represents the commission configured on plugin settings."
+msgstr "Representa la comisión configurada en la configuración del plugin."
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:54
-msgid "IPN merchant_order not found"
-msgstr "No se ha encontrado la IPN de `merchant_order`"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:214
+msgid "Mercado Pago discount:"
+msgstr "Descuento de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:60
-msgid "Not found Payments into Merchant_Order"
-msgstr "No se han encontrado pagos en Merchant_Order"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:215
+msgid "Represents the discount configured on plugin settings."
+msgstr "Representa el descuento configurado en la configuración del plugin."
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:174,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:143,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:192,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:170
-msgid "Payment type"
-msgstr "Tipo de método de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:216
+msgid "Represents the installment fee charged by Mercado Pago."
+msgstr "Representa la comisión a plazos cobrada por Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:177,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:146,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:195,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:173
-msgid "Payment method"
-msgstr "Método de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:217
+msgid "Mercado Pago Installment Fee:"
+msgstr "Cuota de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:39
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:218
msgid ""
-"Please enter your email address at the billing address to use this service"
+"Represents the total purchase plus the installment fee charged by Mercado "
msgstr ""
-"Por favor, introduzca su email en la dirección de facturación para utilizar "
-"este servicio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:41,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:42,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:277
-msgid "Checkout Pro"
-msgstr "Checkout Pro"
+"Representa el total de la compra más la comisión de fraccionamiento cobrada "
+"por Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:43
-msgid "Debit, Credit and invoice in Mercado Pago environment"
-msgstr "Débito, crédito y efectivo, en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:219
+msgid "Mercado Pago Total:"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago Total:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:51
-msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
-msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:232
+msgid "Accept"
+msgstr "Acepta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:53
-msgid "Your saved cards or money in Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Compras con tarjetas guardadas o saldo en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:233
+msgid "payments"
+msgstr "pagos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:164
-msgid "Maximum number of installments"
-msgstr "Máximo de cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:234
+msgid "safely"
+msgstr "de forma"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:166
-msgid "What is the maximum quota with which a customer can buy?"
-msgstr "¿Cuál es el máximo de cuotas con las que un cliente puede comprar?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:235
+msgid "with"
+msgstr "segura con"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:169
-msgid "1 installment"
-msgstr "1 cuota"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:236
+msgid "Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:170
-msgid "2 installments"
-msgstr "2 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:241
+msgid "Choose"
+msgstr "Elige"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:171
-msgid "3 installments"
-msgstr "3 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:242
+msgid "when you want to receive the money"
+msgstr "cuándo quieres recibir el dinero"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:172
-msgid "4 installments"
-msgstr "4 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:243
+msgid "from your sales and if you want to offer"
+msgstr "de las ventas y si quieres ofrecer"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:173
-msgid "5 installments"
-msgstr "5 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:244
+msgid "interest-free installments"
+msgstr "cuotas sin interés"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:174
-msgid "6 installments"
-msgstr "6 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:245
+msgid "to your clients."
+msgstr "a los clientes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:175
-msgid "10 installments"
-msgstr "10 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:251
+msgid "SSL"
+msgstr "SSL"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:176
-msgid "12 installments"
-msgstr "12 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:252
+msgid "Curl"
+msgstr "Curl"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:177
-msgid "15 installments"
-msgstr "15 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:253
+msgid "GD Extensions"
+msgstr "Extensiones GD"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:178
-msgid "18 installments"
-msgstr "18 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:255
+msgid "Technical requirements"
+msgstr "Requisitos técnicos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:179
-msgid "24 installments"
-msgstr "24 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:256
+msgid "Collections and installments"
+msgstr "Cobros y cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:256,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:153,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:915,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:203,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:197
-msgid "Enable the checkout"
-msgstr "Activar el checkout"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:257
+msgid "More information"
+msgstr "Más información"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:257
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:258
msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all payments from Mercado Pago Checkout at "
-"Mercado Pago website by redirect."
+"Implementation responsible for transmitting data to Mercado Pago in a secure "
+"and encrypted way."
msgstr ""
-"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago del checkout en el "
-"sitio web de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:261,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:920
-msgid "The checkout is enabled."
-msgstr "El checkout está activo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:262,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:921
-msgid "The checkout is disabled."
-msgstr "El checkout está inactivo."
+"Implementación responsable de transmitir los datos a Mercado Pago de forma "
+"segura y encriptada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:281
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:259
msgid ""
-"With Checkout Pro you sell with all the safety inside Mercado Pago "
+"It is an extension responsible for making payments via requests from the "
+"plugin to Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Pro, podrás vender con toda la seguridad, dentro de Mercado "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:298,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:269
-msgid "Advanced settings"
-msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:311
-msgid "Payment experience"
-msgstr "Experiencia de pago"
+"Es una extensión encargada de realizar los pagos a través de requests del "
+"plugin a Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:313
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:260
msgid ""
-"Define what payment experience your customers will have, whether inside or "
-"outside your store."
+"These extensions are responsible for the implementation and operation of Pix "
+"in your store."
msgstr ""
-"Define qué experiencia de pago tendrán tus clientes, si dentro o fuera de tu "
+"Extensiones responsables de la aplicación y el funcionamiento de Pix en su "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:316
-msgid "Redirect"
-msgstr "Redirect"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:262
+msgid "Check our documentation to learn more about integrating our plug-in."
+msgstr ""
+"Revisa nuestras documentaciones para saber más sobre la integración de "
+"nuestro plugin."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:317
-msgid "Modal"
-msgstr "Modal"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:263
+msgid "Set deadlines and fees"
+msgstr "Ajustar plazos y tasas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:333
-msgid ""
-"Choose the URL that we will show your customers when they finish their "
-msgstr "Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando terminen su compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:264
+msgid "Go to documentation"
+msgstr "Ir a la documentación"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:331,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:351,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:372
-msgid "This seems to be an invalid URL."
-msgstr "Esto parece ser una URL no válida."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:277
+msgid "Public Key"
+msgstr "Public Key"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:336
-msgid "Success URL"
-msgstr "URL de éxito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:278
+msgid "Access Token"
+msgstr "Access Token"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:353
-msgid ""
-"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when we refuse their "
-"purchase. Make sure it includes a message appropriate to the situation and "
-"give them useful information so they can solve it."
-msgstr ""
-"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando rechacemos su compra. "
-"Asegúrate de incluir un mensaje adecuado a la situación y dales información "
-"útil para que puedan solucionarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:279
+msgid "1. Enter your credentials to integrate your store with Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "1. Ingresa tus credenciales para integrar tu tienda con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:356
-msgid "Payment URL rejected"
-msgstr "URL de pago rechazado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:280
+msgid "Production credentials"
+msgstr "Credenciales de producción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:281
+msgid "Test credentials"
+msgstr "Credenciales de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:374
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:282
+msgid "To start selling, "
+msgstr "Para empezar a vender, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:283
msgid ""
-"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when they have a payment "
-"pending approval."
+"in the fields below. If you don’t have credentials yet, you’ll have to "
+"create them from this link."
msgstr ""
-"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando tengan un pago pendiente "
-"de aprobación."
+"en los campos de abajo. Si todavía no tienes credenciales, deberás crearlas "
+"en ese mismo enlace."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:377
-msgid "Payment URL pending"
-msgstr "URL de pago pendiente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:284
+msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts for test purchases in the store."
+msgstr ""
+"Habilita a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para pruebas de compras en la "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:391
-msgid "Enable the payment methods available to your clients."
-msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles para tus clientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:285
+msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts to receive real payments in the store."
+msgstr ""
+"Habilita a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para recibir pagos reales en tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:392
-msgid "Choose the payment methods you accept in your store"
-msgstr "Elige los medios de pago que se aceptan en la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:286
+msgid "Paste your Public Key here"
+msgstr "Pega aquí tu Public Key"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:396
-msgid "Credit Cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:287
+msgid "Paste your Access Token here"
+msgstr "Pega aquí tu Access Token"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:400
-msgid "Debit Cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:288,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:342
+msgid "Save and continue"
+msgstr "Guardar y continuar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:404
-msgid "Other Payment Methods"
-msgstr "Otros medios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:289
+msgid ""
+"You have to enter your production credentials to start selling with Mercado "
+msgstr ""
+"Debes ingresar tus credenciales de producción para empezar a vender con "
+"Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:454
-msgid "Return to the store"
-msgstr "Volver a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:290
+msgid "Enter credentials"
+msgstr "Introducir credenciales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:455
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:291
+msgid "Activate your credentials to be able to sell"
+msgstr "Activa tus credenciales para poder vender"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:292
msgid ""
-"Do you want your customer to automatically return to the store after payment?"
+"Credentials are codes that you must enter to enable sales. Go below on "
+"Activate Credentials. On the next screen, use again the Activate Credentials "
+"button and fill in the fields with the requested information."
msgstr ""
-"¿Quieres que tu cliente vuelva automáticamente a la tienda después del pago?"
+"Las credenciales son códigos que debes ingresar para habilitar las ventas. "
+"Vaya más abajo en Activar credenciales. En la siguiente pantalla, utilice "
+"nuevamente el botón Activar Credenciales y complete los campos con la "
+"información solicitada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:459
-msgid "The buyer will be automatically redirected to the store."
-msgstr "El comprador será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:293
+msgid "Activate credentials"
+msgstr "Activar credenciales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:460
-msgid "The buyer will not be automatically redirected to the store."
-msgstr "El comprador no será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:294
+msgid "copy and paste your production credentials "
+msgstr "copia y pega tus credenciales de producción "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:485
-msgid "Available payment methods"
-msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:307
+msgid "Add the URL to receive payments notifications."
+msgstr "Ingresa la URL para recibir notificaciones de pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:535,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:521,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:426,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:411,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:698,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:418,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:404,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:434,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:419,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:174,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:172
-msgid "discount of"
-msgstr "descuento de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:308
+msgid "Find out more information in the"
+msgstr "Consulta más información en los"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:541,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:527,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:432,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:417,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:704,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:691,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:424,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:410,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:440,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:425,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:176
-msgid "fee of"
-msgstr "comisión de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:310
+msgid "guides"
+msgstr "manuales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:641,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:667,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:719
-msgid "Easy login"
-msgstr "Ingresa con facilidad"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:315
+msgid ""
+"If you are a Mercado Pago Certified Partner, make sure to add your "
+msgstr ""
+"Si eres Partner certificado de Mercado Pago, recuerda ingresar tu "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:642,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:668,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:720
-msgid "Log in with the same email and password you use in Mercado Libre."
-msgstr "Inicia sesión con tu mismo e-mail y contraseña de Mercado Libre."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:316
+msgid "If you do not have the code, please"
+msgstr "Si no tienes el código,"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:649,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:675,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:693,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:727
-msgid "Quick payments"
-msgstr "Paga rápido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:318
+msgid "request it now"
+msgstr "solicítalo ahora"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:650
-msgid "Use your saved cards, Pix or available balance."
-msgstr "Usa tus tarjetas guardadas, Pix o saldo disponible."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:322
+msgid "2. Customize your business’ information"
+msgstr "2. Personaliza la información de tu negocio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:657,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:683
-msgid "Protected purchases"
-msgstr "Protege tu compra"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:323
+msgid "Your store information"
+msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:658,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:684
-msgid "Get your money back in case you don't receive your product."
-msgstr "Recupera tu dinero si no recibes el producto."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:324
+msgid "Advanced integration options (optional)"
+msgstr "Opciones avanzadas de integración (opcional)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:676
-msgid "Use your available Mercado Pago Wallet balance or saved cards."
-msgstr "Usa tu saldo disponible en Mercado Pago Wallet o tarjetas guardadas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:325
+msgid "Debug and Log Mode"
+msgstr "Modo debug y log"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:694,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:728
-msgid "Use your available money or saved cards."
-msgstr "Usa tu dinero disponible o tarjetas guardadas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:326
+msgid ""
+"Fill out the following details to have a better experience and offer your "
+"customers more information."
+msgstr ""
+"Completa los siguientes datos para tener una mejor experiencia y ofrecerle "
+"más información a tus clientes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:701,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:735
-msgid "Installments option"
-msgstr "Accede a cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:327
+msgid "Name of your store in your client's invoice"
+msgstr "Nombre de tu tienda en la factura de los clientes"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:702
-msgid "Pay with or without a credit card."
-msgstr "Paga con o sin tarjeta de crédito."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:328
+msgid "Identification in Activities of Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Identificación en Actividad de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:709
-msgid "Reliable purchases"
-msgstr "Compra con confianza"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:329
+msgid ""
+"For further integration of your store with Mercado Pago (IPN, Certified "
+"Partners, Debug Mode)"
+msgstr ""
+"Para mayor integración de tu tienda con Mercado Pago (IPN, Socios "
+"Certificados, Modo Debug)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:710
-msgid "Get help if you have a problem with your purchase."
-msgstr "Recibe ayuda si tienes algún problema con tu compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:330
+msgid "Store category"
+msgstr "Categoría de la tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:736
-msgid "Interest-free installments with selected banks."
-msgstr "Cuotas sin interés con bancos seleccionados."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:331
+msgid "URL for IPN"
+msgstr "URL para IPN"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:332
+msgid "Integrator ID"
+msgstr "Integrator ID"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:333
+msgid "We record your store's actions in order to provide a better assistance."
+msgstr "Grabamos las aciones de tu tienda para brindar un mejor soporte."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:334
+msgid "Ex: Mary's Store"
+msgstr "Ej.: Tienda de María"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:335
+msgid "Ex: Mary Store"
+msgstr "Ej.: TiendaMaría"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:336,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1253
+msgid "Select"
+msgstr "Seleccionar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:337
+msgid "Ex: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+msgstr "Ej.: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:338
+msgid "Add plugin default params"
+msgstr "Agregar parámetros default del plugin"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:339
+msgid "Ex: 14987126498"
+msgstr "Ej.: 14987126498"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:340
+msgid "Show advanced options"
+msgstr "Ver opciones avanzadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:341
+msgid "Hide advanced options"
+msgstr "Esconder opciones avanzadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:343
+msgid ""
+"If this field is empty, the purchase will be identified as Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Si el campo queda vacío, la compra del cliente se identificará como Mercado "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:344
+msgid "In Activities, you will view this term before the order number"
+msgstr "En Actividad, verás el término ingresado antes del número o del pedido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:345
+msgid ""
+"Select \"Other categories\" if you do not find the appropriate category."
+msgstr "Seleciona ”Other categories” si no encuentras una categoría adecuada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:346
+msgid "request it now."
+msgstr "solicítalo ahora."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:360
+msgid "3. Activate and set up payment methods"
+msgstr "3. Activa y configura los medios de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:361
+msgid ""
+"Select the payment method you want to appear in your store to activate and "
+"set it up."
+msgstr ""
+"Selecciona el medio de pago que quieres que aparezca en tu tienda para "
+"activarlo y configurarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:362
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Configurar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:363
+msgid "Continue"
+msgstr "Continuar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:364
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Activado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:365
+msgid "Disabled"
+msgstr "Inactivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:366
+msgid "Configure your credentials to enable Mercado Pago payment methods."
+msgstr ""
+"Completa tus credenciales para habilitar los medios de pago Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:379,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:385
+msgid "The checkout is"
+msgstr "El checkout está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:380,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:392,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:508,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:520,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:532,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:599,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:611,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:623,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:700,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:762,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:822,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:834
+msgid "enabled"
+msgstr "activo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:386,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:398,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:514,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:526,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:538,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:605,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:617,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:629,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:706,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:768,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:828,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:840
+msgid "disabled"
+msgstr "inactivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:391,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:397,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:519,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:525,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:610,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:616,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:699,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:705,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:761,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:767,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:833,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:839
+msgid "Currency conversion is"
+msgstr "Conversión de moneda está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:403,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:409
+msgid "The buyer"
+msgstr "El comprador"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:404
+msgid "will be automatically redirected to the store"
+msgstr "será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:410
+msgid "will not be automatically redirected to the store"
+msgstr "no será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:416,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:422,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:634,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:640
+msgid "Pending payments"
+msgstr "Los pagos pendientes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:417,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:635
+msgid "will be automatically declined"
+msgstr "se rechazarán automaticamente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:423,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:641
+msgid "will not be automatically declined"
+msgstr "no se rechazarán automaticamente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:427,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:442
+msgid "Your saved cards or money available in Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:428,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:430
+msgid "Your clients finalize their payments in Mercado Pago."
+msgstr "Tus clientes finalizan sus pagos en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:429
+msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:431
+msgid "Checkout Pro"
+msgstr "Checkout Pro"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:432
+msgid ""
+"With Checkout Pro you sell with all the safety inside Mercado Pago "
+msgstr ""
+"Con el Checkout Pro, podrás vender con toda la seguridad, dentro de Mercado "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:433,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:548,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:715,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:777,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:858
+msgid "Mercado Pago plugin general settings"
+msgstr "Configuraciones generales del plugin de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:434,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:549,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:652,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:716,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:778,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:859
+msgid ""
+"Set the deadlines and fees, test your store or access the Plugin manual."
+msgstr "Ajusta tasas y plazos, testea tu tienda o accede al manual del plugin."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:435,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:550,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:653,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:717,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:779,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:860
+msgid "Go to Settings"
+msgstr "Ir a Configuraciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:436,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:654,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:861
+msgid "Enable the checkout"
+msgstr "Activar el checkout"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:437
+msgid ""
+"By disabling it, you will disable all payments from Mercado Pago Checkout at "
+"Mercado Pago website by redirect."
+msgstr ""
+"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago del checkout en el "
+"sitio web de Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:440,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:559,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:658,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:722,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:784,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:865
+msgid "Title in the store Checkout"
+msgstr "Título en el checkout de la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:441,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:659,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:723,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:785,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:866
+msgid "Change the display text in Checkout, maximum characters: 85"
+msgstr "Puedes cambiar el título dentro tu tienda. Caracteres máximos: 85"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:443,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:562,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:661,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:725,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:787,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:868
+msgid "The text inserted here will not be translated to other languages"
+msgstr "El texto insertado aquí no se traducirá a otros idiomas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:444,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:563,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:665,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:726,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:788,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:882
+msgid "Convert Currency"
+msgstr "Convertir moneda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:445,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:564,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:666,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:727,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:789,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:883
+msgid ""
+"Activate this option so that the value of the currency set in WooCommerce is "
+"compatible with the value of the currency you use in Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Activa esta opción para que el valor de la moneda configurada en WooCommerce "
+"sea compatible al valor de la moneda que usas en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:448
+msgid "Choose the payment methods you accept in your store"
+msgstr "Elige los medios de pago que se aceptan en la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:449
+msgid "Enable the payment methods available to your clients."
+msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles para tus clientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:450
+msgid "Credit Cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:451
+msgid "Debit Cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:452
+msgid "Other Payment Methods"
+msgstr "Otros medios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:453
+msgid "Maximum number of installments"
+msgstr "Máximo de cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:454
+msgid "What is the maximum quota with which a customer can buy?"
+msgstr "¿Cuál es el máximo de cuotas con las que un cliente puede comprar?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:455
+msgid "1 installment"
+msgstr "1 cuota"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:456
+msgid "2 installments"
+msgstr "2 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:457
+msgid "3 installments"
+msgstr "3 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:458
+msgid "4 installments"
+msgstr "4 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:459
+msgid "5 installments"
+msgstr "5 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:460
+msgid "6 installments"
+msgstr "6 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:461
+msgid "10 installments"
+msgstr "10 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:462
+msgid "12 installments"
+msgstr "12 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:463
+msgid "15 installments"
+msgstr "15 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:464
+msgid "18 installments"
+msgstr "18 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:465
+msgid "24 installments"
+msgstr "24 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:466,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:577
+msgid "Advanced settings"
+msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:467,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:578,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:675,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:733,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:793,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:890
+msgid ""
+"Edit these advanced fields only when you want to modify the preset values."
+msgstr ""
+"Edita estos campos avanzados solo cuando quieras modificar los valores "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:468
+msgid "Payment experience"
+msgstr "Experiencia de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:469
+msgid ""
+"Define what payment experience your customers will have, whether inside or "
+"outside your store."
+msgstr ""
+"Define qué experiencia de pago tendrán tus clientes, si dentro o fuera de tu "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:470
+msgid "Redirect"
+msgstr "Redirect"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:471
+msgid "Modal"
+msgstr "Modal"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:472
+msgid "Return to the store"
+msgstr "Volver a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:473
+msgid ""
+"Do you want your customer to automatically return to the store after payment?"
+msgstr ""
+"¿Quieres que tu cliente vuelva automáticamente a la tienda después del pago?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:30,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:31,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:245
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:476
+msgid "Success URL"
+msgstr "URL de éxito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:477
+msgid ""
+"Choose the URL that we will show your customers when they finish their "
+msgstr "Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando terminen su compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:478
+msgid "Payment URL rejected"
+msgstr "URL de pago rechazado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:479
+msgid ""
+"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when we refuse their "
+"purchase. Make sure it includes a message appropriate to the situation and "
+"give them useful information so they can solve it."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando rechacemos su compra. "
+"Asegúrate de incluir un mensaje adecuado a la situación y dales información "
+"útil para que puedan solucionarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:480
+msgid "Payment URL pending"
+msgstr "URL de pago pendiente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:481
+msgid ""
+"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when they have a payment "
+"pending approval."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando tengan un pago pendiente "
+"de aprobación."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:482,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:676
+msgid "Automatic decline of payments without instant approval"
+msgstr "Rechazo automático de pagos sin aprobación instantanea"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:483,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:677
+msgid ""
+"Enable it if you want to automatically decline payments that are not "
+"instantly approved by banks or other institutions."
+msgstr ""
+"Actívalo si quieres rechazar automáticamente los pagos que no son aprobados "
+"instantáneamente por bancos u otros compradores."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:484
+msgid "Debit, Credit and Invoice in Mercado Pago environment."
+msgstr "Débito, crédito y efectivo, en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:487,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:579,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:680,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:742,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:802,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:891
+msgid "Discount in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
+msgstr "Descuento en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:488,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:580,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:681,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:743,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:803,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:892
+msgid ""
+"Choose a percentage value that you want to discount your customers for "
+"paying with Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige un valor porcentual que quieras descontar a tus clientes por pagar con "
+"Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:489,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:492,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:581,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:584,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:682,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:685,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:744,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:747,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:804,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:807,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:893,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:896
+msgid "Activate and show this information on Mercado Pago Checkout"
+msgstr "Activar y mostrar esa información en el checkout Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:490,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:582,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:683,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:745,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:805,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:894
+msgid "Commission in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
+msgstr "Comisiones en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:491,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:583,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:684,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:746,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:806,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:895
+msgid ""
+"Choose an additional percentage value that you want to charge as commission "
+"to your customers for paying with Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige un valor porcentual adicional que quieras cobrar como comisión a tus "
+"clientes por pagar con Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:493
+msgid "This seems to be an invalid URL"
+msgstr "Esto parece ser una URL no válida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:507,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:513
+msgid "Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is"
+msgstr "“Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago” está "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:531,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:537
+msgid "The installments without card component is"
+msgstr "El componente “Compra en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta” está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:542,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:546
msgid "Installments without card"
msgstr "Financiación sin tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:32
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:543,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:545
msgid "Customers who buy on spot and pay later in up to 12 installments"
msgstr "Tus clientes pueden comprar en hasta 12 pagos mensuales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:40
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:544
msgid "Mercado Pago - Installments without card"
-msgstr "Mercado Pago - Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Financiación sin tarjeta de crédito "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:42
-msgid "Checkout without card"
-msgstr "Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:547
+msgid ""
+"Reach millions of buyers by offering Mercado Credito as a payment method. "
+"Our flexible payment options give your customers the possibility to buy "
+"today whatever they want in up to 12 installments without the need to use a "
+"credit card. For your business, the approval of the purchase is immediate "
+"and guaranteed."
+msgstr ""
+"Llega a millones de compradores ofreciéndoles Mercado Crédito como medio de "
+"pago. Nuestras opciones de pago flexibles brindan a tus clientes la "
+"posibilidad de comprar lo que quieren hoy en hasta 12 cuotas sin la "
+"necesidad de utilizar una tarjeta. Para tu negocio, la aprobación de la "
+"compra es inmediata y está garantizada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:182
-msgid "Activate installments without card in your store checkout "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:551
+msgid "Activate installments without card in your store checkout"
msgstr "Activar la opción de financiación sin tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:183
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:552
msgid ""
"Offer the option to pay in installments without card directly from your "
"store's checkout."
@@ -582,116 +1020,114 @@ msgstr ""
"Ofrece a tus clientes la opción de financiar su compra en hasta 12 pagos "
"mensuales, directo desde el checkout de tu tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:187
-msgid ""
-"Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is active"
-msgstr "“Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago” está activo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:188
-msgid ""
-"Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is inactive"
-msgstr "“Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago” está inactivo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:205
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:555
msgid "Checkout visualization"
msgstr "Visualización en el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:206,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:367
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:556,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:576
msgid "Check below how this feature will be displayed to your customers:"
msgstr "A continuación verás cómo este recurso aparecerá para tus clientes:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:207
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:557
msgid "Checkout Preview"
msgstr "Visualización en el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:208
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:558
msgid "PREVIEW"
msgstr "DEMO"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:249
-msgid ""
-"Reach millions of buyers by offering Mercado Credito as a payment method. "
-"Our flexible payment options give your customers the possibility to buy "
-"today whatever they want in up to 12 installments without the need to use a "
-"credit card."
-msgstr ""
-"Llega a millones de compradores con bajo acceso a financiación ofreciéndoles "
-"Mercado Crédito como medio de pago. Nuestras opciones de pago flexibles "
-"brindan a tus clientes la posibilidad de comprar lo que quieren en hasta "
-"12 pagos mensuales sin necesidad de utilizar una tarjeta de crédito. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:560
+msgid "It is possible to edit the title. Maximum of 85 characters."
+msgstr "Puedes cambiar el título dentro tu tienda. Caracteres máximos: 85."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:252
-msgid ""
-"For your business, the approval of the purchase is immediate and guaranteed."
-msgstr ""
-"Para tu negocio, la aprobación de la compra es inmediata y está garantizada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:561
+msgid "Checkout without card"
+msgstr "Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:311
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:567
msgid ""
"Inform your customers about the option of paying in installments without card"
msgstr ""
"Informa a tus clientes la posibilidad de financiar sus compras en hasta 12 "
"pagos sin tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:314
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:568
msgid ""
-"By activating the installments without card component, you increase "
-"your chances of selling."
-msgstr ""
-"Al activar el componente de financiación en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta de "
-"crédito, aumentarás tus posibilidades de venta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:316
-msgid "The installments without card component is active."
+"By activating the installments without card component, you increase your "
+"chances of selling."
msgstr ""
-"El componente “Compra en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta” está activo."
+"Al activar el componente de financiación en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta de "
+"crédito, aumentarás tus posibilidades de venta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:317
-msgid "The installments without card component is inactive."
-msgstr ""
-"El componente “Compra en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta” está inactivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:355,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:365
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:571
msgid "Banner on the product page | Computer version"
msgstr "Componente en la página del producto | Versión para computadora"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:356
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:572
msgid "Banner on the product page | Cellphone version"
msgstr "Componente en la página del producto | Versión para celular"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:363
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:573
msgid "Computer"
msgstr "Computadora"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:364
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:574
msgid "Mobile"
msgstr "Celular"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:366
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:575
msgid "Component visualization"
msgstr "Visualización del componente"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:41,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:42,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:52
-msgid "Debit and Credit"
-msgstr "Débito e crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:43,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:36,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:36
-msgid "Transparent Checkout in your store environment"
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente, en tu tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:598,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:604
+msgid "Transparent Checkout for credit cards is"
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente de las tarjetas de crédito está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:622,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:628
+msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are"
+msgstr "Los pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago están"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:645,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:660
+msgid "Credit and debit cards"
+msgstr "Tarjeta de crédito y débito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:646,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:648,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:711,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:773,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:853,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:855
+msgid "Payments without leaving your store with our customizable checkout"
+msgstr "Pagos sin salir de tu tienda con nuestro checkout personalizable."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:647,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:712,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:774,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:854
+msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout API"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout API"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:649
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Credit card"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Tarjeta de Crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:650
+msgid ""
+"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
+"without redirection and with the security from Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Con el Checkout Transparente, puedes vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
+"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:51,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:44,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:44
-msgid "Mercado pago - Customized Checkout"
-msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Personalizado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:651
+msgid "Mercado Pago Plugin general settings"
+msgstr "Configuraciones generales del plugin de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:154
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:655
msgid ""
"By disabling it, you will disable all credit cards payments from Mercado "
"Pago Transparent Checkout."
@@ -699,21 +1135,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago con tarjeta de crédito "
"en el Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:158
-msgid "Transparent Checkout for credit cards is enabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El Checkout Transparente de las tarjetas de crédito está activado."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:159
-msgid "Transparent checkout for credit cards is disabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El checkout transparente de las tarjetas de crédito está desactivado."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:191
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:662
msgid "Installments Fees"
msgstr "Tasas de pago en cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:192
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:663
msgid ""
"Set installment fees and whether they will be charged from the store or from "
"the buyer."
@@ -721,31 +1147,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Configura las tasas de las cuotas y si se las cobrarán a la tienda o al "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:193
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:664
msgid "Set fees"
msgstr "Configurar tasas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:218
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Credit card "
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Tarjeta de Crédito "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:222
-msgid ""
-"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
-"without redirection and with the security from Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Transparente, puedes vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
-"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:240
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the personalized payment experience"
-msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:254
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:669
msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago account"
msgstr "Pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:255
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:670
msgid ""
"Your customers pay faster with saved cards, money balance or other available "
"methods in their Mercado Pago accounts."
@@ -753,387 +1163,254 @@ msgstr ""
"Tus clientes pagan más rápido con tarjetas guardadas, dinero disponible o "
"con otros medios disponibles en sus cuentas de MP."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:259
-msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are active."
-msgstr "Los pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago están activos."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:260
-msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are inactive."
-msgstr ""
-"Los pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago están deshabilitados."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:279
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:673
msgid "Check an example of how it will appear in your store:"
msgstr "Conoce un ejemplo de cómo aparecerá en la tienda:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:310
-msgid "That’s it, payment accepted!"
-msgstr "Listo, ¡aceptamos tu pago!"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:312
-msgid ""
-"We are processing your payment. In less than an hour we will send you the "
-"result by email."
-msgstr ""
-"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de una hora le enviaremos el resultado "
-"por correo electrónico."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:314
-msgid ""
-"We are processing your payment. In less than 2 days we will send you by "
-"email if the payment has been approved or if additional information is "
-msgstr ""
-"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de 2 días le enviaremos por correo "
-"electrónico si se ha aprobado el pago o si se necesita información adicional."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:316
-msgid "Check the card number."
-msgstr "Compruebe el número de tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:318
-msgid "Check the expiration date."
-msgstr "Compruebe la fecha de expiración."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:320
-msgid "Check the information provided."
-msgstr "Compruebe la información informada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:322
-msgid "Check the informed security code."
-msgstr "Compruebe el código de seguridad informado."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:325
-msgid "Your payment cannot be processed."
-msgstr "No se puede procesar su pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:327
-msgid "You must authorize payments for your orders."
-msgstr "Usted debe autorizar los pagos de sus órdenes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:329
-msgid ""
-"Contact your card issuer to activate it. The phone is on the back of your "
-msgstr ""
-"Póngase en contacto con el emisor de su tarjeta para activarla. El teléfono "
-"se encuentra en la parte posterior de su tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:331
-msgid ""
-"You have already made a payment of this amount. If you have to pay again, "
-"use another card or other method of payment."
-msgstr ""
-"Usted ya realizó un pago de este importe. Si tiene que pagar de nuevo, "
-"utilizar otra tarjeta u otro medio de pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:333
-msgid ""
-"Your payment was declined. Please select another payment method. It is "
-"recommended in cash."
-msgstr ""
-"Su pago fue rechazado. Por favor seleccione otro medio de pago. Se "
-"recomienda en efectivo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:674
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the personalized payment experience"
+msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:335
-msgid "Your payment does not have sufficient funds."
-msgstr "Su metodo de pago no tiene fondos suficientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:710,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:724
+msgid "Invoice"
+msgstr "Efectivo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:337
-msgid "Payment cannot process the selected fee."
-msgstr "El pago no puede procesar la cuota seleccionada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:713
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Invoice or Loterica"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Efectivo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:339
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:714,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:776,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:857
msgid ""
-"You have reached the limit of allowed attempts. Choose another card or other "
-"payment method."
-msgstr ""
-"Has alcanzado el límite de intentos permitidos. Elija otra tarjeta u otro "
-"medio de pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:341,
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:204
-msgid "This payment method cannot process your payment."
-msgstr "Este medio de pago no puede procesar su pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:396
-msgid "Credit cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:397
-msgid "Up to "
-msgstr "Hasta "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:397
-msgid " installments"
-msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:404
-msgid "Debit cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:447,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:448,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:480,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:481,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:401,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:402,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:562,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:563
-msgid "A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Please, try again."
+"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
+"without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Por favor, intente otra "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:577
-msgid "See your order form"
-msgstr "Ver su hoja de pedido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:588
-msgid "Your payment was declined. You can try again."
-msgstr "Su pago fue rechazado. Puede intentarlo de nuevo."
+"Con el Checkout Transparente, podrás vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
+"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:595,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:95,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:93
-msgid "Click to try again"
-msgstr "Haga clic para intentarlo de nuevo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:718,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:780
+msgid "Enable the Checkout"
+msgstr "Activar el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:617,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:618
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:719
msgid ""
-"A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have "
-"correctly filled all information in the checkout form?"
+"By disabling it, you will disable all invoice payments from Mercado Pago "
+"Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Está seguro de haber "
-"cargado la información en el formulario?"
+"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago en efectivo en el "
+"Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:642
-msgid "Represents the installment fee charged by Mercado Pago."
-msgstr "Representa la tarifa de cuota que cobra Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:720
+msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is enabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos en efectivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:643
-msgid "Mercado Pago Installment Fee:"
-msgstr "Tarifa de cuotas de Mercado Pago:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:721
+msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is disabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos en efectivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:648
-msgid ""
-"Represents the total purchase plus the installment fee charged by Mercado "
-msgstr ""
-"Representa el total de la compra más la tarifa de cuota que cobra Mercado "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:730
+msgid "Payment Due"
+msgstr "Fecha de pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:649
-msgid "Mercado Pago Total:"
-msgstr "Total en Mercado Pago:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:731
+msgid "In how many days will cash payments expire."
+msgstr "En cuántos días vencerán los pagos en efectivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:715
-msgid "Configure your credentials to enable Mercado Pago payment methods."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:732
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the cash payment experience"
msgstr ""
-"Completa tus credenciales para habilitar los medios de pago Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:773
-msgid "Title in the store Checkout"
-msgstr "Título en el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:775
-msgid "Change the display text in Checkout, maximum characters: 85"
-msgstr "Puedes cambiar el título dentro tu tienda. Caracteres máximos: 85"
+"Configuração avançada da experiência de pagamento via boleto e em lotéricas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:777
-msgid "The text inserted here will not be translated to other languages"
-msgstr "El texto insertado aquí no se traducirá a otros idiomas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:734,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:794
+msgid "Reduce inventory"
+msgstr "Reducir inventario"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:791
-msgid "Description"
-msgstr "Descripción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:735,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:795
+msgid ""
+"Activates inventory reduction during the creation of an order, whether or "
+"not the final payment is credited. Disable this option to reduce it only "
+"when payments are approved."
+msgstr ""
+"Activa la reducción del inventario durante la creación de un pedido, se "
+"acredite o no el pago final. Desactiva esta opción para reducirlo solo "
+"cuando los pagos estén aprobados."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:828,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:840,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:347
-msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
-msgstr "¡Importante! Para vender debe introducir sus credenciales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:736,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:796
+msgid "Reduce inventory is enabled."
+msgstr "Reducir inventario está activo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:829
-msgid "You must enter production credentials."
-msgstr "Debe introducir las credenciales de producción."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:737,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:797
+msgid "Reduce inventory is disabled."
+msgstr "Reducir inventario está inactivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:830
-msgid "Enter credentials"
-msgstr "Introducir credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:739,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:799
+msgid "Enable the available payment methods"
+msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:840
-msgid "Mercado Pago Plugin general settings"
-msgstr "Configuraciones generales del plugin de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:740,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:800
+msgid "Choose the available payment methods in your store."
+msgstr "Elige los medios de pago que se aceptan en la tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:841
-msgid ""
-"Set the deadlines and fees, test your store or access the Plugin manual."
-msgstr "Ajusta tasas y plazos, testea tu tienda o accede al manual del plugin."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:741,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:801
+msgid "All payment methods"
+msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:842
-msgid "Go to Settings"
-msgstr "Ir a Configuraciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:772,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:786
+msgid "PSE"
+msgstr "PSE"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:866
-msgid "Activate your credentials to be able to sell"
-msgstr "Activa tus credenciales para poder vender"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:775
+msgid "Transparent Checkout PSE"
+msgstr "Pago transparente PSE"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:867
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:781
msgid ""
-"Credentials are codes that you must enter to enable sales. Go below on "
-"Activate Credentials. On the next screen, use again the Activate Credentials "
-"button and fill in the fields with the requested information."
+"By deactivating it, you will disable PSE payments from Mercado Pago "
+"Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-"Las credenciales son contraseñas que debes integrar para poder vender. "
-"Dirígete a Activar credenciales. En la siguiente pantalla, ve de nuevo al "
-"botón Activar credenciales y completa los campos con los datos solicitados."
+"Al desactivarlo, desactivará los pagos PSE de Mercado Pago Transparente "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:868
-msgid "Activate credentials"
-msgstr "Activar credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:782
+msgid "The transparent checkout for PSE is enabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos PSE."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:916
-msgid "By disabling it, you will disable all payment methods of this checkout."
-msgstr "Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago del checkout."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:783
+msgid "The transparent checkout for PSE is disabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos PSE."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1029
-msgid "Basic Configuration"
-msgstr "Configuración Básica"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:792
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the PSE payment experience"
+msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia de pago PSE"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1042
-msgid "Discount coupons"
-msgstr "Cupones de descuento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:821,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:827
+msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is"
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1045
-msgid "Will you offer discount coupons to customers who buy with Mercado Pago?"
-msgstr ""
-"¿Ofrecerás cupones de descuento a los clientes que compren con Mercado Pago?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:845
+msgid "Go to the"
+msgstr "Ve al área"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1047
-msgid "Discount coupons is active."
-msgstr "Cupones de descuento están activos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:846
+msgid "Your Profile"
+msgstr "Tu Perfil"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1048
-msgid "Discount coupons is disabled."
-msgstr "Cupones de descuento están inactivos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:847
+msgid "area and choose the"
+msgstr "y elige la sección"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1060
-msgid "Automatic decline of payments without instant approval"
-msgstr "Rechazo automático de pagos sin aprobación instantanea"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:848
+msgid "Your Pix Keys section"
+msgstr "Tus claves Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:852,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:867
+msgid "Pix"
+msgstr "Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1061
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:856
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Pix"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:862
msgid ""
-"Enable it if you want to automatically decline payments that are not "
-"instantly approved by banks or other institutions. "
+"By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago "
+"Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-"Actívalo si quieres rechazar automáticamente los pagos que no son aprobados "
-"instantáneamente por bancos u otros compradores. "
+"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago con tarjeta de crédito "
+"en el Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1065
-msgid "Pending payments will be automatically declined."
-msgstr "Los pagos pendientes se rechazarán automaticamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:869
+msgid "Expiration for payments via Pix"
+msgstr "Vencimiento para pagos con Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1066
-msgid "Pending payments will not be automatically declined."
-msgstr "Los pagos pendientes no se rechazarán automaticamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:870
+msgid "Set the limit in minutes for your clients to pay via Pix."
+msgstr ""
+"Define el límite de minutos para que tus clientes puedan pagar con Pix."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1078
-msgid "Discount in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
-msgstr "Descuento en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:871
+msgid "15 minutes"
+msgstr "15 minutos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1081
-msgid ""
-"Choose a percentage value that you want to discount your customers for "
-"paying with Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Elige un valor porcentual que quieras descontar a tus clientes por pagar con "
-"Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:872
+msgid "30 minutes (recommended)"
+msgstr "30 minutos (recomendado)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1082,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1103
-msgid "Activate and show this information on Mercado Pago Checkout"
-msgstr "Activar y mostrar esa información en el checkout Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:873
+msgid "60 minutes"
+msgstr "60 minutos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1099
-msgid "Commission in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
-msgstr "Comisiones en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:874
+msgid "12 hours"
+msgstr "12 horas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1102
-msgid ""
-"Choose an additional percentage value that you want to charge as commission "
-"to your customers for paying with Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Elige un valor porcentual adicional que quieras cobrar como comisión a tus "
-"clientes por pagar con Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:875
+msgid "24 hours"
+msgstr "24 horas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1139
-msgid "Convert Currency"
-msgstr "Convertir moneda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:876
+msgid "2 days"
+msgstr "2 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1144
-msgid "Currency convertion is enabled."
-msgstr "Conversión de moneda está activa."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:877
+msgid "3 days"
+msgstr "3 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1145
-msgid "Currency convertion is disabled."
-msgstr "Conversión de moneda está inactiva."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:878
+msgid "4 days"
+msgstr "4 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1262
-msgid ""
-"Edit these advanced fields only when you want to modify the preset values."
-msgstr ""
-"Edita estos campos avanzados solo cuando quieras modificar los valores "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:879
+msgid "5 days"
+msgstr "5 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:34,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:35,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:45
-msgid "Pix"
-msgstr "Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:880
+msgid "6 days"
+msgstr "6 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:881
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr "7 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:886
+msgid "Would you like to know how Pix works?"
+msgstr "¿Quieres saber cómo funciona Pix?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:204
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:887
msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago "
-"Transparent Checkout."
-msgstr ""
-"Al desactivar, desabilitarás lo medios de pago con Pix en el Checkout "
-"Transparente de Mercado Pago."
+"We have a dedicated page where we explain how it works and its advantages."
+msgstr "Creamos una página que explica su funcionamiento y sus vantajas."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:208
-msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is enabled."
-msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos por Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:888
+msgid "Find out more about Pix"
+msgstr "Saber más sobre Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:209
-msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is disabled."
-msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos por Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:889
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the Pix experience"
+msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:224
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:897
msgid "To activate Pix, you must have a key registered in Mercado Pago."
msgstr "Para activar el Pix, debes tener una clave registrada en Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:225
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:898
msgid "Download the Mercado Pago app on your cell phone."
msgstr "Descarga la app de Mercado Pago en tu móvil."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:226
-msgid "Go to the "
-msgstr "Ve al área "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:227
-msgid "area and choose the "
-msgstr "y elige la sección "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:228
-msgid "Your Profile "
-msgstr "Tu Perfil "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:229
-msgid "Your Pix Keys section."
-msgstr "Tus claves Pix."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:230
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:900
msgid ""
"Choose which data to register as Pix keys. After registering, you can set up "
"Pix in your checkout."
@@ -1141,7 +1418,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Elige qué datos registrar como claves PIX. Luego de registrarte, podrás "
"configurar el Pix en tu checkout."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:231
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:901
msgid ""
"Remember that, for the time being, the Central Bank of Brazil is open Monday "
"through Friday, from 9am to 6pm."
@@ -1149,7 +1426,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Recuerda que, por el momento, el Banco Central de Brasil está abierto de "
"lunes a viernes, de 9 a 18 horas."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:902
msgid ""
"If you requested your registration outside these hours, we will confirm it "
"within the next business day."
@@ -1157,12 +1434,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Si has solicitado tu registro fuera de este horario, te lo confirmaremos en "
"el siguiente día hábil."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:233,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:328
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:903
msgid "Learn more about Pix"
msgstr "Más información sobre Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:234
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:904
msgid ""
"If you have already registered a Pix key at Mercado Pago and cannot activate "
"Pix in the checkout, "
@@ -1170,285 +1446,271 @@ msgstr ""
"Si ya has registrado una clave Pix en Mercado Pago y no puedes activar Pix "
"en el checkout, "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:235
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:905
msgid "click here."
msgstr "haz clic aquí."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:260
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Pix"
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:919
+msgid "To enable test mode"
+msgstr "Para activar el modo de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:264
-msgid ""
-"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
-"without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago. "
-msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Transparente, podrás vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
-"redireccionamientos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:921
+msgid "copy your test credentials"
+msgstr "copia tus credenciales de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:281
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the Pix experience"
-msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:922
+msgid "and paste them above in section 1 of this page"
+msgstr "y pégalas en la sección 1 de esta página"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:294
-msgid "15 minutes"
-msgstr "15 minutos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:927
+msgid "Create your"
+msgstr "Crea tu"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:295
-msgid "30 minutes (recommended)"
-msgstr "30 minutos (recomendado)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:929
+msgid "test user"
+msgstr "usuario de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:296
-msgid "60 minutes"
-msgstr "60 minutes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:930
+msgid ""
+"(Optional. Can be used in Production Mode and Test Mode, to test payments)"
+msgstr ""
+"(Opcional. Se puede utilizar en modo de producción y en modo de prueba, para "
+"probar los pagos)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:297
-msgid "12 hours"
-msgstr "12 horas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:936
+msgid "Use our test cards"
+msgstr "Utiliza nuestras tarjetas de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:298
-msgid "24 hours"
-msgstr "24 horas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:937
+msgid "never use real cards"
+msgstr "nunca utilices tarjetas reales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:299
-msgid "2 days"
-msgstr "2 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:943
+msgid "Visit your store"
+msgstr "Visita tu tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:300
-msgid "3 days"
-msgstr "3 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:944
+msgid "to test purchases"
+msgstr "para testear compras"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:301
-msgid "4 days"
-msgstr "4 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:948
+msgid "4. Test your store before you start to sell"
+msgstr "4. Testea tu tienda antes de empezar a vender"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:302
-msgid "5 days"
-msgstr "5 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:949
+msgid "Choose how you want to operate your store:"
+msgstr "Elige cómo quieres operar tu tienda:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:303
-msgid "6 days"
-msgstr "6 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:950
+msgid "Test Mode"
+msgstr "Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:304
-msgid "7 days"
-msgstr "7 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:951
+msgid "Sale Mode (Production)"
+msgstr "Modo Ventas (Producción)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:308
-msgid "Expiration for payments via Pix"
-msgstr "Vencimiento para pagos con Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:952
+msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Production Mode"
+msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Produción"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:310
-msgid "Set the limit in minutes for your clients to pay via Pix."
-msgstr ""
-"Define el límite de minutos para que tus clientes puedan pagar con Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:953
+msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:325
-msgid "Want to learn how Pix works?"
-msgstr "¿Quieres saber cómo funciona el Pix?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:954
+msgid "Enter test credentials"
+msgstr "Ingresa las credenciales de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:326
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:955
msgid ""
-"We have created a page to explain how this new payment method works and its "
+"Select “Test Mode” if you want to try the payment experience before you "
+"start to sell or “Sales Mode” (Production) to start now."
msgstr ""
-"Creamos una página para explicar cómo funciona este nuevo medio de pago y "
-"sus ventajas."
+"Selecciona Modo Test si deseas probar la experiencia de pago antes de "
+"empezar a vender o Modo Ventas (Producción) para empezar a vender ahora."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:347
-msgid "Would you like to know how Pix works?"
-msgstr "¿Quieres saber cómo funciona Pix?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:956
+msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts disabled for real collections."
+msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago inactivos para cobros reales."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:348
-msgid ""
-"We have a dedicated page where we explain how it works and its advantages."
-msgstr "Creamos una página que explica su funcionamiento y sus vantajas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:957
+msgid "Test Mode rules."
+msgstr "Reglas del modo test."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:349
-msgid "Find out more about Pix"
-msgstr "Saber más sobre Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:958
+msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts enabled for real collections."
+msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago activos para cobros reales."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:493
-msgid "A problem occurred when processing your payment. Please try again."
-msgstr ""
-"Un problema se produjo al procesar su pago. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:959
+msgid "The clients can make real purchases in your store."
+msgstr "Los clientes pueden hacer compras reales en tu tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:478,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:547
-msgid ""
-"A problem occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have "
-"correctly filled in all the information on the checkout form?"
-msgstr ""
-"Un problema se produjo al procesar su pago. ¿Esta seguro que ha rellenado "
-"correctamente toda la información en el formulario de checkout?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:964
+msgid "Store in sale mode (Production)"
+msgstr "Tienda en Modo Ventas (Producción)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:456,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:522
-msgid "The customer has not paid yet."
-msgstr "El cliente no ha pagado todavía."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:965
+msgid "Store under test"
+msgstr "Tienda en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:966
+msgid "Save changes"
+msgstr "Guardar cambios"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:461
-msgid "Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase."
-msgstr "Ahora sólo tiene que pagar con Pix para finalizar su compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:978
+msgid "Store business fields are valid"
+msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda son válidos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:462
-msgid ""
-"Scan the QR code below or copy and paste the code into your bank's "
-msgstr ""
-"Escanee el código QR a continuación o copie y pegue el código en la "
-"aplicación de su banco."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:979
+msgid "Store business fields could not be validated"
+msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda no se pudieron validar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:563
-msgid ""
-"Please note that to receive payments via Pix at our checkout, you must have "
-"a Pix key registered in your Mercado Pago account."
-msgstr ""
-"Ten en cuenta que para recibir pagos a través de Pix en nuestro checkout, "
-"debes tener una clave Pix registrada en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:980
+msgid "At least one payment method is enabled"
+msgstr "Al menos un método de pago está habilitado"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:564
-msgid "Register your Pix key at Mercado Pago."
-msgstr "Registra tu clave Pix en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:981
+msgid "No payment method enabled"
+msgstr "Ningún método de pago habilitado"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:614,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:148
-msgid "Code valid for "
-msgstr "Código válido por "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:982
+msgid "Credentials fields are valid"
+msgstr "Los campos de la credencial son válidos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:34,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:35,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:45
-msgid "Invoice"
-msgstr "Efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:983
+msgid "Credentials fields could not be validated"
+msgstr "No se pudieron validar los campos de credenciales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:198
-msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all invoice payments from Mercado Pago "
-"Transparent Checkout."
-msgstr ""
-"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago en efectivo en el "
-"Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:995
+msgid "Valid Public Key"
+msgstr "Public key válida"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:202
-msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is enabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos en efectivo o en "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:996
+msgid "Invalid Public Key"
+msgstr "Public key no válida"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:203
-msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is disabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos en efectivo o en "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:997
+msgid "Valid Access Token"
+msgstr "Access token válido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:218
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Invoice or Loterica"
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:998
+msgid "Invalid Access Token"
+msgstr "Access token no válido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:222
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1010
+msgid "Credentials were updated"
+msgstr "Se actualizaron las credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1011
msgid ""
-"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
-"without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago."
+"Your store has exited Test Mode and is making real sales in Production Mode."
msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Transparente, podrás vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
-"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
+"Ahora su tienda está fuera del modo de prueba y está realizando ventas "
+"reales en el modo de producción."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:239
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the cash payment experience"
-msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia de pago en efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1012
+msgid "To test the store, re-enter both test credentials."
+msgstr "Para probar la tienda, vuelva a ingresar ambas credenciales de prueba."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:252
-msgid "Reduce inventory"
-msgstr "Reducir inventario"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1013
+msgid "Invalid credentials"
+msgstr "Credenciales no válidas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:255
-msgid ""
-"Activates inventory reduction during the creation of an order, whether or "
-"not the final payment is credited. Disable this option to reduce it only "
-"when payments are approved."
-msgstr ""
-"Activa la reducción del inventario durante la creación de un pedido, se "
-"acredite o no el pago final. Desactiva esta opción para reducirlo solo "
-"cuando los pagos estén aprobados."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1014
+msgid "See our manual to learn"
+msgstr "Consulte nuestro manual para saber"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:257
-msgid "Reduce inventory is enabled."
-msgstr "Reducir inventario está activo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1015
+msgid "how to enter the credentials the right way."
+msgstr "como ingresar las credenciales de forma correcta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:258
-msgid "Reduce inventory is disabled."
-msgstr "Reducir inventario está inactivo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1016
+msgid " for test mode"
+msgstr " para el modo de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:270
-msgid "Payment Due"
-msgstr "Vencimiento del pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1028
+msgid "Store information is valid"
+msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:272
-msgid "In how many days will cash payments expire."
-msgstr "En cuántos días caducarán los pagos en efectivo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1041
+msgid "Attention:"
+msgstr "Atención:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:292
-msgid "Enable the available payment methods"
-msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1042
+msgid ""
+"The currency settings you have in WooCommerce are not compatible with the "
+"currency you use in your Mercado Pago account. Please activate the currency "
+msgstr ""
+"La configuración de moneda que tienes en WooCommerce no es compatible con la "
+"moneda que usas en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago. Activa la conversión de moneda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:294
-msgid "Choose the available payment methods in your store."
-msgstr "Selecciona los medios de pago disponibles en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1045
+msgid "We are converting your currency from: "
+msgstr "Ahora convertimos tu moneda de: "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:298
-msgid "All payment methods"
-msgstr "Todos los medios de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1061
+msgid "to "
+msgstr "a "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1072
+msgid "Payment status on Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Estado de pago en el Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:458,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:486
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1073
msgid ""
-"There was a problem processing your payment. Are you sure you have correctly "
-"filled out all the information on the payment form?"
+"This is the payment status of your Mercado Pago Activities. To check the "
+"order status, please refer to Order details."
msgstr ""
-"Se produjo un problema al procesar su pago. ¿Está seguro de que ha llenado "
-"correctamente toda la información en el formulario de pago?"
+"Este es el estado del pago de las Actividades de tu Mercado Pago. Para "
+"consultar el estado del pedido, consulta en Detalles del Pedido."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:451,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:479
-msgid "Your document data is invalid"
-msgstr "Los datos de su documento no son válidos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1074,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1076
+msgid "View purchase details at Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Ver detalles de compra en Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:527
-msgid "To print the ticket again click"
-msgstr "Para imprimir nuevamente el ticket hace clic"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1075,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1077,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1079
+msgid "Sync order status"
+msgstr "Sincronizar el estado del pedido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:530
-msgid "here"
-msgstr "aquí"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1078
+msgid "Consult the reasons for refusal"
+msgstr "Consultar motivos de rechazo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:659
-msgid " and "
-msgstr " y "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1080
+msgid "Order update successfully. This page will be reloaded..."
+msgstr "Actualización del pedido con éxito. Esta página será recargada…"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1081
+msgid "Unable to update order:"
+msgstr "No se puede actualizar el pedido:"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:113
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1082
msgid "Payment made"
msgstr "Pago realizado"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:114
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1083
msgid "Payment made by the buyer and already credited in the account."
msgstr ""
"El pago realizado por el comprador y que ya está acreditado en la cuenta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:117
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1084
msgid "Call resolved"
msgstr "Llamado resuelto"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:118,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:218
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1085,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1135
msgid "Please contact Mercado Pago for further details."
msgstr "Contacta a Mercado Pago para saber más detalles."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:121
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1086
msgid "Payment refunded"
msgstr "Pago devuelto"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:122
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1087
msgid ""
"Your refund request has been made. Please contact Mercado Pago for further "
@@ -1456,59 +1718,59 @@ msgstr ""
"Tu pedido de reebolso ya fue realizado. Contacta a Mercado Pago para saber "
"más detalles."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:125,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:129
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1088,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1090
msgid "Payment returned"
msgstr "Pago devuelto"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:126
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1089
msgid "The payment has been returned to the client."
msgstr "El pago ya fue devuelto al cliente."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:130
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1091
msgid "The payment has been partially returned to the client."
msgstr "El pago ya fue devuelto parcialmente al cliente."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:133
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1092
msgid "Payment canceled"
msgstr "Pago cancelado"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:134
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1093
msgid "The payment has been successfully canceled."
msgstr "El pago fue cancelado con éxito."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:137
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1094
msgid "Purchase canceled"
msgstr "Compra cancelada"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:138
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1095
msgid "The payment has been canceled by the customer."
msgstr "El pago fue cancelado por el cliente."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:141,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:145,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:149,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:153,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:157,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:173,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:177,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:181,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:185,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:189,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:193,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:197,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:307
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1096,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1098,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1100,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1102,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1104,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1112,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1114,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1116,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1118,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1120,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1122,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1124,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1179
msgid "Pending payment"
msgstr "Cobro pendiente"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:142,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:146,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:150,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:154
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1097,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1099,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1101,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1103
msgid "Awaiting payment from the buyer."
msgstr "Esperando el pago del comprador."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:158
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1105
msgid ""
"We are veryfing the payment. We will notify you by email in up to 6 hours if "
"everything is fine so that you can deliver the product or provide the "
@@ -1517,72 +1779,48 @@ msgstr ""
"Estamos revisando el pago. En menos de 6 horas te avisaremos por e-mail si "
"está todo bien para que puedas entregar el producto o brindar el servicio."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:161,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:201,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:205,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:209,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:213,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:225,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:229,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:233,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:237,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:241,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:245,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:249,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:255,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:259,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:263,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:267,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:271,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:275,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:279,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:283,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:287,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:291,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:295,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:299,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:303,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:315,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:321,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:325
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1106,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1130,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1146,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1165,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1169,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1171,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1173,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1177
msgid "Declined payment"
msgstr "Cobro rechazado"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:162,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:206,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:210,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:214,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:226,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:246,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:256
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1107,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1131
msgid ""
"The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please ask your client to use "
"another card or to get in touch with the bank."
msgstr ""
"El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago. Pedile a tu cliente que use "
-"otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
+"“otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:165
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1108
msgid "Payment authorized. Awaiting capture."
msgstr "Pago autorizado. Esperando captura."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:166
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1109
msgid ""
"The payment has been authorized on the client's card. Please capture the "
msgstr ""
"Ya se autorizó el pago en la tarjeta del cliente. Haz la captura del pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:169
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1110
msgid "Payment in process"
msgstr "Pago en proceso"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:170,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:190
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1111,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1121
msgid "Please wait or contact Mercado Pago for further details"
msgstr "Espera o contacta a Mercado Pago para saber más detalles"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:174
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1113
msgid ""
"The bank is reviewing the payment. As soon as we have their confirmation, we "
"will notify you via email so that you can deliver the product or provide the "
@@ -1591,1438 +1829,928 @@ msgstr ""
"El banco está revisando el pago. Te avisaremos por e-mail cuando esté "
"confirmado para que puedas entregar el producto o brindar el servicio."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:178,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:182,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:186
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1115,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1117,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1119
msgid "Awaiting payment information validation."
-msgstr "Esperando validación de los datos de pago.."
+msgstr "Esperando validación de los datos de pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:194
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1123
msgid "Waiting for the buyer."
msgstr "Esperando al comprador."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:198
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1125
msgid "Waiting for the card issuer."
-msgstr "Espererando al emisor de la tarjeta.."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:202
-msgid ""
-"The payment could not be processed. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"El pago no fue procesado por el banco. Pídele a tu cliente que use otro "
-"medio de pago o que se contacte con el banco."
+msgstr "Espererando al emisor de la tarjeta."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1126,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1128,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1132,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1153,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1175
+msgid "The card issuing bank declined the payment"
+msgstr "El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1127,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1129,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1133,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1154,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1176
+msgid ""
+"Please recommend your customer to pay with another payment method or to "
+"contact their bank."
+msgstr ""
+"Recomiéndale a tu cliente que pague con otro medio de pago o que se "
+"comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:217
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1134
msgid "Mercado Pago did not process the payment"
msgstr "Mercado Pago no procesó el pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:221,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:311
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1136,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1181
msgid "Expired payment deadline"
msgstr "Venció el plazo para el pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:222,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:312
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1137,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1182
msgid "The client did not pay within the time limit."
-msgstr "El cliente no pagó dentro del límite de tiempo.."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:230
-msgid ""
-"The CVV is invalid. Please ask your client to review the details or use "
-"another card."
-msgstr ""
-"El código de seguridad de la tarjeta es inválido. Revisá los datos que "
-"ingresaste o pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:234
-msgid ""
-"The card is expired. Please ask your client to use another card or to "
-"contact the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta está vencida. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se "
-"comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:238,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:284,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:288
-msgid ""
-"This payment was declined because it did not pass Mercado Pago security "
-"controls. Please ask your client to use another card."
-msgstr ""
-"Rechazamos este pago porque no pasó los controles de seguridad de Mercado "
-"Pago. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:242,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:280
-msgid ""
-"The buyer is suspended in our platform. Your client must contact us to check "
-"what happened."
-msgstr ""
-"El comprador está suspendido en Mercado Pago. Tu cliente debe comunicarse "
-"con nosotros para ver qué pasó."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:251
-msgid ""
-"The card does not have enough limit. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta no tiene límite disponible. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:252
-msgid ""
-"The card does not have sufficient balance. Please ask your client to use "
-"another card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta no tiene fondos suficientes. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:260
-msgid ""
-"The CVV was entered incorrectly several times. Please ask your client to use "
-"another card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ingresó varias veces mal el código de seguridad de la tarjeta. Pedile a "
-"tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:264
-msgid ""
-"The card does not allow the number of installments entered. Please ask your "
-"client to choose another installment plan or to use another card."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta no acepta la cantidad de cuotas ingresadas. Pedile a tu cliente "
-"que elija otro plan de cuotas o que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:268
-msgid ""
-"The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client to "
-"ask the bank to authotize it or to use another card."
-msgstr ""
-"El banco emisor de la tarjeta no autorizó el pago. Pedile a tu cliente que "
-"se contacte con el banco para autorizarlo o que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:272
-msgid ""
-"From Mercado Pago we have detected that this payment has already been made "
-"before. If that is not the case, your client may try to pay again."
-msgstr ""
-"Desde Mercado Pago detectamos que este pago ya se hizo anteriormente. Si no "
-"es así, tu cliente puede intentarlo de nuevo."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:276
-msgid ""
-"The card is not active yet. Please ask your client to use another card or to "
-"get in touch with the bank to activate it."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta aún no está habilitada. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta "
-"o que se comunique con su banco para activarla."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:292
-msgid ""
-"The amount exceeded the card limit. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:296,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:300,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:304
-msgid ""
-"Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the card "
-msgstr ""
-"Pídele a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con el emisor de "
-"la tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:308
-msgid ""
-"The amount exceeded the card's limit. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:317
-msgid ""
-"The credit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client "
-"that it is possible to pay with debit or to use another one."
-msgstr ""
-"La función crédito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente que "
-"puede pagar con la función débito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que use otra."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:318
-msgid ""
-"The debit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client that "
-"it is possible to pay with credit or to use another one."
-msgstr ""
-"La función débito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente que "
-"puede pagar con la función crédito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que use otra."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:322
-msgid ""
-"The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client to "
-"ask the bank to authorize it."
-msgstr ""
-"El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago. Pídele a tu cliente que se "
-"comunique con el banco para autorizar el pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:326
-msgid ""
-"The buyer does not have enough balance to make the purchase. Please ask your "
-"client to deposit money to the Mercado Pago Account or to use a different "
-"payment method."
-msgstr ""
-"El cliente no tiene suficiente saldo en la cuenta para realizar la compra. "
-"Pídele a tu cliente que cargue saldo en Mercado Pago o que use otro medio de "
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:329
-msgid "There was an error"
-msgstr "Hubo un error"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:330
-msgid "The transaction could not be completed."
-msgstr "No fue posible completar la transacción."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:413
-msgid "Payment status on Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Estado de pago en el Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:473,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:485
-msgid "View purchase details at Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Ver detalles de compra en Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:474,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:486,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:498
-msgid "Sync order status"
-msgstr "Sincronizar el estado del pedido"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:497
-msgid "Check the reasons why the purchase was declined."
-msgstr "Consulta los motivos del rechazo de tu compra."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:606
-msgid "Order update successfully. This page will be reloaded..."
-msgstr "Actualización del pedido con éxito. Esta página será recargada…"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:610
-msgid "Unable to update order: "
-msgstr "No se puede actualizar el pedido: "
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:126
-msgid "See WooCommerce"
-msgstr "Ver WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:124
-msgid "Install WooCommerce"
-msgstr "Instalar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:121
-msgid "Activate WooCommerce"
-msgstr "Activar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:137
-msgid "do you have a minute to share your experience with our plugin?"
-msgstr "¿tienes un minuto para compartir tu experiencia con nuestro plugin?"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:140
-msgid ""
-"Your opinion is very important so that we can offer you the best possible "
-"payment solution and continue to improve."
-msgstr ""
-"Tu opinión es muy importante para poder ofrecerte la mejor solución de pagos "
-"posible y seguir mejorando."
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:149
-msgid "Rate the plugin"
-msgstr "Valorar el plugin"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:151
-msgid "Enable payments via Mercado Pago account"
-msgstr "Pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:154
-msgid ""
-"When you enable this function, your customers pay faster using their Mercado "
-"Pago accounts.The approval rate of these payments in your store can be "
-"25% higher compared to other payment methods."
-msgstr ""
-"Con esta función activa, tus clientes pagan más rápido usando su cuenta de "
-"Mercado Pago.La tasa de aprobación de estos pagos en tu tienda puede "
-"ser un 25% mayor en comparación con otros medios de pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:163
-msgid "Activate"
-msgstr "Activar"
-#: ../../includes/admin/views/html-admin-alert-frame.php:34,
-#: ../../includes/admin/views/html-admin-alert-woocommerce-miss.php:30
-msgid "Discard"
-msgstr "Descartar"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:141
-msgid "Mercado Pago Settings"
-msgstr "Configuración de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:196
-msgid "Accept "
-msgstr "Acepta "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:197
-msgid "payments on the spot "
-msgstr "pagos al instante "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:198
-msgid "with"
-msgstr "con toda"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:199
-msgid "the "
-msgstr "la "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:200
-msgid "security "
-msgstr "seguridad "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:201
-msgid "from Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:202
-msgid "Technical requirements"
-msgstr "Requisitos técnicos"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:203
-msgid "SSL"
-msgstr "SSL"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:204
-msgid "GD Extensions"
-msgstr "Extensiones GD"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:205
-msgid "Curl"
-msgstr "Curl"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:206
-msgid ""
-"Implementation responsible for transmitting data to Mercado Pago in a secure "
-"and encrypted way."
-msgstr ""
-"Implementación responsable de transmitir los datos a Mercado Pago de forma "
-"segura y encriptada."
+msgstr "El cliente no pagó dentro del límite de tiempo."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:207
-msgid ""
-"These extensions are responsible for the implementation and operation of Pix "
-"in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"Extensiones responsables de la aplicación y el funcionamiento de Pix en su "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1138,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1140,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1142,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1183
+msgid "Your customer entered one or more incorrect card details"
+msgstr "Tu cliente ingresó uno o más datos de la tarjeta de forma incorrecta"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:208
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1139,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1141,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1143,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1184,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1185
msgid ""
-"It is an extension responsible for making payments via requests from the "
-"plugin to Mercado Pago."
+"Please ask them to enter to enter them again exactly as they appear on the "
+"card or on their bank app to complete the payment."
msgstr ""
-"Es una extensión encargada de realizar los pagos a través de requests del "
-"plugin a Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:209
-msgid "Collections and installments"
-msgstr "Cobros y cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:210
-msgid "Choose "
-msgstr "Elige "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:211
-msgid "when you want to receive the money "
-msgstr "cuándo quieres recibir el dinero "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:212
-msgid "from your sales and if you want to offer "
-msgstr "de las ventas y si quieres ofrecer "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:213
-msgid "interest-free installments "
-msgstr "cuotas sin interés"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:214
-msgid "to your clients."
-msgstr "a los clientes."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:215
-msgid "Set deadlines and fees"
-msgstr "Ajustar plazos y tasas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:216,
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:124
-msgid "Questions? "
-msgstr "¿Tienes dudas?"
+"Pídele que vuelva a ingresarlos tal como figuran en la tarjeta o en la app "
+"de su banco para finalizar el pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:217
-msgid "Review the step-by-step of "
-msgstr "Revisa el paso a paso de "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1144,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1167
+msgid "We protected you from a suspicious payment"
+msgstr "Te protegimos de un pago sospechoso"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:218
-msgid "how to integrate the Mercado Pago Plugin "
-msgstr "cómo integrar el Plugin de Mercado Pago "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1145
+msgid "For safety reasons, this transaction cannot be completed."
+msgstr "Por motivos de seguridad, esta transacción no podrá ser finalizada."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:219
-msgid "on our webiste for developers."
-msgstr "en nuestro sitio de desarrolladores."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1147,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1166
+msgid ""
+"The buyer is suspended in our platform. Your client must contact us to check "
+"what happened."
+msgstr ""
+"El comprador está suspendido en Mercado Pago. Tu cliente debe comunicarse "
+"con nosotros para ver qué pasó."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:231
-msgid "1. Integrate your store with Mercado Pago "
-msgstr "1. Integra la tienda a Mercado Pago "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1148
+msgid "For safety reasons, the card issuing bank declined the payment"
+msgstr "Por seguridad, el banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1149,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1168
msgid ""
-"To enable orders, you must create and activate production credentials in "
-"your Mercado Pago Account. "
+"Recommend your customer to pay with their usual payment method and device "
+"for online purchases."
msgstr ""
-"Para habilitar las ventas, debes crear y activar las credenciales de "
-"producción en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago. "
+"Recomiéndale a tu cliente que pague con el medio de pago y dispositivo que "
+"suele usar para compras online."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:233
-msgid "Copy and paste the credentials below."
-msgstr "Copia y pega tus credenciales a continuación."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1150
+msgid "Your customer's credit card has no available limit"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de crédito de tu cliente no tiene límite disponible"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:234
-msgid "Check credentials"
-msgstr "Consultar credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1151,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1152,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1156
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to pay with another card or to choose another payment method."
+msgstr "Pídele que pague con otra tarjeta o que elija otro medio de pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:235
-msgid "Test credentials "
-msgstr "Credenciales de prueba "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1155
+msgid "Your customer reached the limit of payment attempts with this card"
+msgstr "Tu cliente alcanzó el límite de intentos de pago con la tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:236
-msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts for test purchases in the store."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1157
+msgid ""
+"Your customer's card does not accept the number of installments selected"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de tu cliente no acepta la cantidad de pagos que seleccionó"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1158
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to choose a different number of installments or to pay with "
+"another method."
msgstr ""
-"Habilitan a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para pruebas de compras en la "
+"Pídele que elija una cantidad de pagos diferente o que use con otro medio."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:237
-msgid "Public key"
-msgstr "Public key"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1159,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1186
+msgid "Your customer needs to authorize the payment through their bank"
+msgstr "Tu cliente necesita autorizar el pago con su banco"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:238
-msgid "Access Token"
-msgstr "Access Token"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1160,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1187
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to call the telephone number on their card or to pay with "
+"another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Pídele que llame al teléfono que está en la tarjeta o que pague con otro "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:239
-msgid "Production credentials"
-msgstr "Credenciales de producción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1161
+msgid ""
+"The payment was declined because your customer already paid for this purchase"
+msgstr "El pago fue rechazado porque tu cliente ya pagó esta compra"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:240
-msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts to receive real payments in the store."
-msgstr ""
-"Habilitan a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para recibir pagos reales en "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1162
+msgid "Check your approved payments to verify it."
+msgstr "Revisa tu cobros aprobados para verificarlo."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:241
-msgid "Paste your Public Key here"
-msgstr "Pega aquí tu Public Key"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1163
+msgid "Your customer's card was is not activated yet"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de tu cliente aún no está habilitada"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:242
-msgid "Paste your Access Token here"
-msgstr "Pega aquí tu Access Token"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1164
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to contact their bank by calling the number on the back of "
+"their card or to pay with another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Pídele que se comunique con su banco al número que está en el dorso de la "
+"tarjeta o que pague con otro medio."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:243,
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:280
-msgid "Save and continue"
-msgstr "Guardar y continuar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1170
+msgid ""
+"This payment was declined because it did not pass Mercado Pago security "
+"controls. Please ask your client to use another card."
+msgstr ""
+"Rechazamos este pago porque no pasó los controles de seguridad de Mercado "
+"Pago. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:254
-msgid "2. Customize your business"
-msgstr "2. Personaliza tu negocio"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1172
+msgid ""
+"The amount exceeded the card limit. Please ask your client to use another "
+"card or to get in touch with the bank."
+msgstr ""
+"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
+"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:255
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1174,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1178
msgid ""
-"Fill out the following information to have a better experience and offer "
-"more information to your clients"
+"Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the card "
msgstr ""
-"Completa los siguientes datos para tener una mejor experiencia y ofrecer más "
-"información a los clientes"
+"Pídele a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con el emisor de "
+"la tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:256
-msgid "Your store information"
-msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1180
+msgid ""
+"The amount exceeded the card's limit. Please ask your client to use another "
+"card or to get in touch with the bank."
+msgstr ""
+"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
+"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:257
-msgid "Name of your store in your client's invoice"
-msgstr "Nombre de tu tienda en la factura de los clientes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1188
+msgid "Your customer's debit card has insufficient funds"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de débito de tu cliente no tiene saldo suficiente"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:258
-msgid "Eg: Mary's store"
-msgstr "Ej.: TiendaMaría"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1189
+msgid ""
+"Please recommend your customer to pay with another card or to choose another "
+"payment method."
+msgstr "Pídele que pague con otra tarjeta o que elige otro medio de pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1190
+msgid "Something went wrong and the payment was declined"
+msgstr "El pago fue rechazado porque hubo un error"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:259
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1191
msgid ""
-"If this field is empty, the purchase will be identified as Mercado Pago."
+"Please recommend you customer to try again or to pay with another payment "
msgstr ""
-"Si el campo queda vacío, la compra del cliente se identificará como Mercado "
+"Recomiéndale a tu cliente que intente nuevamente o pague con otro medio de "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:260
-msgid "Identification in Activities of Mercad Pago"
-msgstr "Identificación en Actividad de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1204
+msgid "Any questions?"
+msgstr "¿Tienes dudas? "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:261
-msgid "Eg: Marystore"
-msgstr "Ej.: Tienda de María"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1205
+msgid "Please check the"
+msgstr "Revisa las"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:262
-msgid "In Activities, you will view this term before the order number"
-msgstr "En Actividad verás el término ingresado antes del número o del pedido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1206,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1222
+msgid "FAQs"
+msgstr "preguntas frecuentes"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:263
-msgid "Store category"
-msgstr "Categoría de la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1207
+msgid "on the dev website."
+msgstr "en el sitio para desarrolladores."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:264
-msgid "Select"
-msgstr "Seleccionar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1220
+msgid "Check our"
+msgstr "Revisa las"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:265
-msgid "Select ”Other” if you do not find the appropriate category."
-msgstr "Seleciona ”Otro” si no encuentras una categoría adecuada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1223
+msgid "or open a ticket to contact the Mercado Pago team."
+msgstr ""
+"o abre un ticket para entrar en contacto con el equipo de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:266
-msgid "Advanced integration options (optional)"
-msgstr "Opciones avanzadas de integración (opcional)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1228
+msgid "1. Go to the dev website and open a"
+msgstr "1. Ingresa al sitio para desarrolladores y abre un"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:267
-msgid ""
-"For further integration of your store with Mercado Pago (IPN, Certified "
-"Partners, Debug Mode)"
-msgstr ""
-"Para mayor integración de tu tienda con Mercado Pago (IPN, Socios "
-"Certificados, Modo Debug)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1230
+msgid "ticket"
+msgstr "ticket"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:268
-msgid "View advanced options"
-msgstr "Ver opciones avanzadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1231
+msgid "in the Support section."
+msgstr "en la sección de Soporte."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:269
-msgid "URL for IPN "
-msgstr "URL para IPN "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1236
+msgid "4. Download the"
+msgstr "4. Descarga el"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:270
-msgid "Eg: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
-msgstr "Ej.: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1237
+msgid "error history"
+msgstr "historial de errores "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:271
-msgid ""
-"Add the URL to receive payments notifications. Find out more information in "
-"the "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1238
+msgid "and share it with the Mercado Pago team when asked for it."
msgstr ""
-"Ingresa la URL para recibir notificaciones de pago. Consulta más información "
-"en los "
+"y compártelo con el equipo de Mercado Pago cuando se te sea solicitado."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:272
-msgid "guides."
-msgstr "manuales."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:273
-msgid "Add plugin default params"
-msgstr "Agregar parámetros default del plugin"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1242
+msgid "Do you need help?"
+msgstr "¿Necesitas ayuda?"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:274
-msgid "integrator_id"
-msgstr "integrator_id"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1243
+msgid "How to open a ticket:"
+msgstr "Cómo abrir un ticket:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:275
-msgid "Eg: 14987126498"
-msgstr "Ej.: 14987126498"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1245
+msgid "2. Fill out the form with your store details."
+msgstr "2. Completa el formulario con los datos de tu tienda."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:276
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1246
msgid ""
-"If you are a Mercado Pago Certified Partner, make sure to add your "
-"integrator_id. If you do not have the code, please "
+"3. Copy and paste the following details when asked for the the technical "
msgstr ""
-"Si eres Partner certificado de Mercado Pago, recuerda ingresar tu "
-"integrator_id. Si no tienes el código, "
+"3. Copia y pega los siguientes datos cuando se te pida la información "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:277
-msgid "request it now. "
-msgstr "solicítalo ahora. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1249
+msgid "Version:"
+msgstr "Versión"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:278
-msgid "Debug and Log Mode"
-msgstr "Modo debug y log"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:279
-msgid "We record your store's actions in order to provide a better assistance."
-msgstr "Grabamos las aciones de tu tienda para brindar un mejor soporte."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1250
+msgid "History of errors"
+msgstr "Historial de errores"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:291
-msgid "3. Set payment methods"
-msgstr "3. Configura los medios de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1251
+msgid ""
+"Select the files you want to share with our team and click on Download. This "
+"information will be requested by e-mail if necessary."
+msgstr ""
+"Selecciona los archivos que quieras compartir con nuestro equipo y haz clic "
+"en “Descargar”. Esta información se te solicitará por e-mail al momento de "
+"ser necesario."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:292
-msgid "To view more options, please select a payment method below"
-msgstr "Selecciona uno de los siguientes medios de pago para ver más opciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1254
+msgid "Source"
+msgstr "Origen"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:293
-msgid "Settings"
-msgstr "Configurar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1255
+msgid "File date"
+msgstr "Fecha de creación"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:294
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Continuar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1256
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Descargar"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:305
-msgid "4. Test your store before you sell"
-msgstr "4. Testea tu tienda antes de vender"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1257
+msgid "Next Page"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:306
-msgid ""
-"Test the experience in Test Mode and then enable the Sale Mode (Production) "
-"to sell."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1258
+msgid "Previous page"
msgstr ""
-"Testea la experiencia en Modo Test. Luego activa el Modo Ventas (Producción) "
-"para realizar ventas."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:307
-msgid "Choose how you want to operate your store:"
-msgstr "Elige cómo quieres operar tu tienda:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1259
+msgid "The plugin has not yet recorded any logs in your store."
+msgstr "El plugin aún no ha registrado ningún registro en su tienda."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:308
-msgid "Test Mode"
-msgstr "Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:103
+msgid "discount of"
+msgstr "descuento de"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:309
-msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts disabled for real collections. "
-msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago inactivos para cobros reales. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:104
+msgid "fee of"
+msgstr "comisión de"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:310
-msgid "Test Mode rules."
-msgstr "Reglas del modo test."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:105
+msgid "and"
+msgstr "y"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:311
-msgid "Sale Mode (Production)"
-msgstr "Modo Ventas (Producción)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:106
+msgid "Shipping service used by the store."
+msgstr "Servicio de envío utilizado por la tienda."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:312
-msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts enabled for real collections."
-msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago activos para cobros reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:107
+msgid "Discount provided by store"
+msgstr "Descuento proporcionado por la tienda"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:313
-msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Production Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Produción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:108
+msgid "Mercado Pago Discount"
+msgstr "Descuento de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:314
-msgid "The clients can make real purchases in your store."
-msgstr "Los clientes pueden hacer compras reales en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:109
+msgid "Mercado Pago Commission"
+msgstr "Comisión de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:315
-msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:121
+msgid "Checkout Pro in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Checkout Pro en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:122,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:180,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:214
+msgid "Use Mercado Pago's payment methods without real charges. "
+msgstr "Utiliza los medios de Mercado Pago sin cobros reales. "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:316
-msgid "Create your "
-msgstr "Crea tu "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:123,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:181,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:215,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:336,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:364
+msgid "See the rules for the test mode."
+msgstr "Consulte las reglas para el modo test."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:317
-msgid "test user "
-msgstr "usuario de prueba "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:124
+msgid "Log in to Mercado Pago and earn benefits"
+msgstr "Inicia sesión en Mercado Pago y obtén beneficios"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:318
-msgid ""
-"(Optional. Can be used in Production Mode and Test Mode, to test payments)."
-msgstr ""
-"(Opcional. Se puede utilizar en modo de producción y en modo de prueba, para "
-"probar los pagos)."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:125
+msgid "Easy login"
+msgstr "Ingresa con facilidad"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:319
-msgid "Use our test cards, "
-msgstr "Utiliza nuestras tarjetas de prueba, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:126
+msgid "Log in with the same email and password you use in Mercado Libre."
+msgstr "Inicia sesión con tu mismo e-mail y contraseña de Mercado Libre."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:320
-msgid "never use real cards. "
-msgstr "nunca utilices tarjetas reales. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:127
+msgid "Blue phone image"
+msgstr "Imagen de teléfono azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:321
-msgid "Visit your store "
-msgstr "Visita tu tienda "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:128
+msgid "Quick payments"
+msgstr "Paga rápido"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:322
-msgid "to test purchases"
-msgstr "para testear compras"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:129
+msgid "Use your saved cards, Pix or available balance."
+msgstr "Usa tus tarjetas guardadas, Pix o saldo disponible."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:323
-msgid "Save changes"
-msgstr "Guardar cambios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:130
+msgid "Use your available Mercado Pago Wallet balance or saved cards."
+msgstr "Usa tu saldo disponible en Mercado Pago Wallet o tarjetas guardadas."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:324
-msgid "Store under test"
-msgstr "Tienda en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:131
+msgid "Use your available money or saved cards."
+msgstr "Usa tu dinero disponible o tarjetas guardadas."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:325
-msgid "Store in sale mode (Production)"
-msgstr "Tienda en Modo Ventas (Producción)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:132
+msgid "Blue wallet image"
+msgstr "Imagen de billetera azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:326
-msgid "Enter test credentials"
-msgstr "Ingresa las credenciales de prueba"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:133
+msgid "Protected purchases"
+msgstr "Protege tu compra"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:327
-msgid "To enable test mode, "
-msgstr "Para activar el modo de prueba, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:134
+msgid "Reliable purchases"
+msgstr "Compra con confianza"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:328
-msgid "copy your test credentials "
-msgstr "copia tus credenciales de prueba "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:135
+msgid "Get your money back in case you don't receive your product."
+msgstr "Recupera tu dinero si no recibes el producto."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:329
-msgid "and paste them above in section 1 of this page."
-msgstr "y pégalas en la sección 1 de esta página."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:136
+msgid "Get help if you have a problem with your purchase."
+msgstr "Recibe ayuda si tienes algún problema con tu compra."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:366
-msgid "Invalid Access Token"
-msgstr "Access token no válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:137
+msgid "Blue protection image"
+msgstr "Imagen de protección azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:368
-msgid "Valid Access Token"
-msgstr "Access token válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:138
+msgid "Installments option"
+msgstr "Accede a cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:374
-msgid "Invalid Public Key"
-msgstr "Public key no válida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:139
+msgid "Pay with or without a credit card."
+msgstr "Paga con o sin tarjeta de crédito."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:376
-msgid "Valid Public Key"
-msgstr "Public key válida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:140
+msgid "Interest-free installments with selected banks."
+msgstr "Cuotas sin interés con bancos seleccionados."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:379
-msgid "Credentials must be valid"
-msgstr "Las credenciales deben ser válidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:141
+msgid "Blue phone installments image"
+msgstr "Imagen de cuotas de teléfono azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:429
-msgid "Credentials were updated"
-msgstr "Se actualizaron las credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:142
+msgid "Available payment methods"
+msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:421
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:143,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:186
msgid ""
-"Your store has exited Test Mode and is making real sales in Production Mode."
+"By continuing, you will be taken to Mercado Pago to safely complete your "
msgstr ""
-"Ahora su tienda está fuera del modo de prueba y está realizando ventas "
-"reales en el modo de producción."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:422
-msgid "To test the store, re-enter both test credentials."
-msgstr "Para probar la tienda, vuelva a ingresar ambas credenciales de prueba."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:435
-msgid "Invalid credentials"
-msgstr "Credenciales no válidas"
+"Al continuar, te llevaremos a Mercado Pago para completar tu compra de forma "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:436
-msgid "See our manual to learn "
-msgstr "Consulte nuestro manual para saber "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:144,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:187
+msgid "Checkout Pro redirect info image"
+msgstr "Imagen de redirección de Checkout Pro"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:437
-msgid "how to enter the credentials the right way."
-msgstr "como ingresar las credenciales de forma correcta."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:145,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:188,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:239,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:281,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:342,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:374
+msgid "By continuing, you agree with our"
+msgstr "Al continuar, aceptas nuestros"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:497
-msgid "Store information is valid"
-msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:146,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:189,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:240,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:282,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:343,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:375
+msgid "Terms and conditions"
+msgstr "Términos y condiciones"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:527
-msgid "Mercado Pago's Payment Methods in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:147,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:218,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:263
+msgid "Pay with Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Pagar con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:528
-msgid "Mercado Pago's Payment Methods in Production Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Produción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:148,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:264
+msgid "Cancel & Clear Cart"
+msgstr "Cancelar & Limpiar carrito"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:521
-msgid "Invalid credentials for test mode"
-msgstr "Credenciales inválidas para el modo de prueba"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:161
+msgid "Log in"
+msgstr "Inicia sesión"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:603
-msgid "Enabled"
-msgstr "Activado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:162
+msgid ""
+"or create an account in Mercado Pago. If you use Mercado Libre, you already "
+"have one!"
+msgstr ""
+"o crea una cuenta en Mercado Pago. Si utilizas Mercado Libre, ¡ya tienes una!"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:604
-msgid "Disabled"
-msgstr "Inactivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:167
+msgid "Know your available limit in Mercado Crédito and"
+msgstr "Conoce tu límite disponible en Mercado Crédito y"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:632
-msgid "Valid Credentials"
-msgstr "Credenciales válidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:168
+msgid "choose how many installments"
+msgstr "elige en cuántas cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:635
-msgid "Credentials couldn't be validated"
-msgstr "No se pudieron validar las credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:169
+msgid "you want to pay"
+msgstr "quieres pagar"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:658
-msgid "Store business fields are valid"
-msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda son válidos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:174
+msgid "Pay the installments as you prefer:"
+msgstr "Paga las cuotas como prefieras:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:661
-msgid "Store business fields couldn't be validated"
-msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda no se pudieron validar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:175
+msgid "with money in your account, card of from the Mercado Pago app"
+msgstr "con dinero, tarjeta o directo desde la app de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:684
-msgid "At least one paymet method is enabled"
-msgstr "Al menos un método de pago está habilitado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:179
+msgid "No card installments in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Mensualidades sin tarjeta en Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:687
-msgid "No payment method enabled"
-msgstr "No se habilitó ningún método de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:182
+msgid "How to use it?"
+msgstr "¿Cómo usar?"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:77
-msgid "Payment approved."
-msgstr "Pago aprobado."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:190
+msgid "Pay in"
+msgstr "Compra en hasta"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:131,
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:135
-msgid "Waiting for the Pix payment."
-msgstr "Esperando el pago de Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:191
+msgid "installments"
+msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:148,
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:152
-msgid "Waiting for the ticket payment."
-msgstr "Esperando el pago del boleto."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:192
+msgid "with Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:160
-msgid "The customer has not made the payment yet."
-msgstr "El cliente todavía no efectuó el pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:193
+msgid "Read more"
+msgstr "Leer más"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:179
-msgid "Payment is pending review."
-msgstr "El pago está pendiente de revisión."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:194
+msgid "Buy now and pay in installments with no card later!"
+msgstr "¡Compra ahora y paga después!"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:196
-msgid "Payment was declined. The customer can try again."
-msgstr "El pago fue rechazado. El cliente puede intentar nuevamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:195
+msgid "100% online, without paperwork or monthly fees"
+msgstr "Compra en hasta 12 pagos mensuales sin usar tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:211
-msgid "Payment was returned to the customer."
-msgstr "El pago fue devuelto al cliente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:196
+msgid "You can apply for your line of credit 100% online and securely."
+msgstr "Puedes solicitar tu línea de crédito 100% online y de forma segura."
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:225
-msgid "Payment was canceled."
-msgstr "El pago fue cancelado."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:197
+msgid "Do everything from the Mercado Pago app!"
+msgstr "Sin trámites. ¡Haz todo desde la app de Mercado Pago!"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:240,
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:252
-msgid ""
-"The payment is in mediation or the purchase was unknown by the customer."
-msgstr "El pago esta en mediación o la compra fue desconocida por el cliente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:198
+msgid "No maintenance fees or additional costs."
+msgstr "Sin tasas de mantenimiento ni costos adicionales."
-#. translators: 1: payment_id 2: status
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:318
-msgid ""
-"Mercado Pago: The payment %1$s was notified by Mercado Pago with status %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Mercado Pago: El pago %1$s fue notificado por Mercado Pago con estado %2$s."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:199
+msgid "Questions? "
+msgstr "¿Dudas? "
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:371
-msgid "Shipping service used by the store."
-msgstr "Servicio de envío utilizado por la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:200
+msgid "Check our FAQ"
+msgstr "Consulta nuestra FAQ"
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:562,
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:563
-msgid "Discount provided by store"
-msgstr "Descuento proporcionado por la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:201
+msgid ". Credit subject to approval."
+msgstr ". Crédito sujeto a aprobación."
-#. translators: %s coupon
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:130
-msgid "Discount for coupon %s"
-msgstr "Descuento para el cupón %s"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:213
+msgid "Checkout Custom in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Tarjeta de crédito en Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:172
-msgid " and fee of"
-msgstr " y comisión de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:216
+msgid "Pay with saved cards"
+msgstr "Paga con tarjetas guardadas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:547
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:217
msgid ""
-"Public Key production credential is invalid. Review the field to "
-"receive real payments."
+"Do you have a Mercado Libre account? Then use the same email and password to "
+"pay faster with Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Public Key es inválida. Revísala para "
-"poder recibir pagos reales."
+"¿Tienes una cuenta de Mercado Libre? Usa el mismo e-mail y contraseña para "
+"pagar más rápido con Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:556
-msgid ""
-"Public Key test credential is invalid. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Public Key es inválida. Revísala para poder "
-"realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:219
+msgid "With which card can you pay?"
+msgstr "¿Con qué tarjeta puedes pagar?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:565
-msgid ""
-"Access Token production credential is invalid. Remember that it must "
-"be complete to receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Access Token es inválida. Revísala para "
-"poder recibir pagos reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:220,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:224
+msgid "See current promotions"
+msgstr "Ver promociones vigentes"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:574
-msgid ""
-"Access Token test credential is invalid. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Access Token es inválida. Revísala para poder "
-"realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:221
+msgid "Credit cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:592
-msgid ""
-"Public Key test credential is blank. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Public Key está en blanco. Revísala para "
-"poder realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:222
+msgid "Up to 12 installments"
+msgstr "Hasta 12 cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:601
-msgid ""
-"Public Key production credential is blank. Review the field to "
-"receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Public Key está en blanco. Revísala "
-"para poder recibir pagos reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:223
+msgid "Debit cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:610
-msgid ""
-"Access Token test credential is blank. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Access Token está en blanco. Revísala para "
-"poder realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:225
+msgid "Fill in your card details"
+msgstr "Completa los datos de tu tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:619
-msgid ""
-"Access Token production credential is blank. Remember that it must be "
-"complete to receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Access Token está en blanco. Revísala "
-"para poder recibir pagos reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:226
+msgid "Card number"
+msgstr "Número de Tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:92,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:90
-msgid ""
-"There was an error processing your payment. Please try again or contact us "
-"for Assistance."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ha producido un error en el procesamiento de su pago. Por favor, "
-"inténtelo de nuevo o póngase en contacto con nosotros para Asistencia."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:227,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:229,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:231,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:233
+msgid "Required data"
+msgstr "Datos obligatorios"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:84,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:82,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:45,
-#: ../../templates/receipt/custom-checkout.php:41
-msgid "Pay with Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Pagar con Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:228
+msgid "Holder name as it appears on the card"
+msgstr "Nombre del titular como aparece en la tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:86,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:84,
-#: ../../templates/receipt/custom-checkout.php:44
-msgid "Cancel & Clear Cart"
-msgstr "Cancelar & Limpiar carrito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:230
+msgid "Expiration"
+msgstr "Vencimiento"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:143,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:73,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:82
-msgid "Apply"
-msgstr "Aplicar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:144,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:74,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:83
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Retirar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:145,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:75,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:84
-msgid "Please, inform your coupon code"
-msgstr "Por favor, informe su código de cupón"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:146,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:76,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:85
-msgid "To choose"
-msgstr "Elegir"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:147,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:77,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:86
-msgid "Other bank"
-msgstr "Otro banco"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:148,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:78,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:87
-msgid "You will save"
-msgstr "Salvarás"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:149,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:79,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:88
-msgid "with discount of"
-msgstr "con descuento de"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:150,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:80,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:89
-msgid "Total of your purchase:"
-msgstr "Total de su compra:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:151,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:81,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:90
-msgid "Total of your purchase with discount:"
-msgstr "Total de su compra con descuento:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:152,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:82,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:91
-msgid "*After payment approval"
-msgstr "*Tras la aprobación del pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:153,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:83,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:92
-msgid "Terms and conditions of use"
-msgstr "Términos y condiciones de uso"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:154,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:172
-msgid "No fee"
-msgstr "Sin interés"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:232
+msgid "Security Code"
+msgstr "Código de seguridad"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:155,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:173
-msgid "More options"
-msgstr "Más opciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:234,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:337,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:365
+msgid "Holder document"
+msgstr "Documento del titular"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:163
-msgid "mm/yy"
-msgstr "mm/aa"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:235,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:338,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:366
+msgid "Invalid document"
+msgstr "Número de documento no válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:236,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:238
+msgid "Select the number of installments"
+msgstr "Selecciona la cantidad de cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:164,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:134
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:237,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:242
msgid "Issuer"
msgstr "Banco"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:165
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:241
+msgid "mm/yy"
+msgstr "mm/aa"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:243
msgid "Installments"
-msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
+msgstr "Cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:168
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:244
msgid "on the back"
msgstr "del dorso"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:169
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:245
msgid "on the front"
msgstr "del frente"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:171
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:246
msgid "digits"
msgstr "dígitos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:174
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:247
+msgid "No fee"
+msgstr "Sin interés"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:248
+msgid "More options"
+msgstr "Más opciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:249
msgid "If interest is applicable, it will be charged by your bank."
msgstr "Si corresponden intereses, serán aplicados por tu banco."
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:175
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:250
msgid "Interest"
msgstr "Intereses"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:178
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:251
msgid "Card number is required"
msgstr "Número de tarjeta obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:179
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:252
msgid "Card number invalid"
msgstr "Número de tarjeta inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:182
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:253
msgid "Holder name is required"
msgstr "Nombre del titular obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:183
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:254
msgid "Holder name invalid"
msgstr "Nombre del titular inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:186,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:188
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:255,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:257
msgid "Expiration date invalid"
msgstr "Fecha de vencimiento inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:187
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:256
msgid "Expiration date incomplete"
msgstr "Fecha de vencimiento obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:191
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:258
msgid "Security code is required"
msgstr "Código de seguridad obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:192
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:259
msgid "Security code incomplete"
msgstr "Código de seguridad incompleto"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:230
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:260
msgid "Cost of installments"
msgstr "Coste de las cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:231
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:261
msgid "Total with installments"
msgstr "Total con cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:262
msgid "installments of"
msgstr "cuotas de"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:139
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:276
+msgid "Pix in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Pix en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:277
+msgid ""
+"You can test the flow to generate a code, but you cannot finalize the "
+msgstr ""
+"Es posible probar el flujo para generar una factura, pero no es posible "
+"finalizar el pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:278
+msgid "Pay instantly"
+msgstr "Pago instantáneo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:279
+msgid ""
+"By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Al confirmar tu compra, te mostraremos un código para realizar el pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:280
+msgid "Pix logo"
+msgstr "Pix logo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:283,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:292
+msgid "Code valid for "
+msgstr "Código válido por "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:284
msgid "Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase"
msgstr "Ahora sólo tiene que pagar con Pix para finalizar su compra"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:140
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:285
msgid "How to pay with Pix:"
msgstr "Cómo pagar con Pix:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:141
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:286
msgid "Go to your bank's app or website"
msgstr "Entra en la app o en la página web de tu banco"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:142
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:287
msgid "Search for the option to pay with Pix"
msgstr "Busca la opción de pagar con Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:143
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:288
msgid "Scan the QR code or Pix code"
msgstr "Escanea el código QR o el código Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:144
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:289
msgid "Done! You will see the payment confirmation"
msgstr "Listo. Verás la confirmación del pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:145
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:290
msgid "Value: "
msgstr "Valor: "
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:147
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:291
msgid "Scan the QR code:"
msgstr "Escanea el código QR:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:150
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:293
msgid "If you prefer, you can pay by copying and pasting the following code"
msgstr "Si lo prefieres, puedes pagar copiando y pegando el siguiente código"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:152
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:294
msgid "Copy code"
msgstr "Copiar código"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:112
-msgid "Pay in"
-msgstr "Compra en hasta"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:113
-msgid "installments"
-msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:114
-msgid "with Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:115
-msgid "Read more"
-msgstr "Saber más"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:116
-msgid "Buy now and pay in installments with no card later!"
-msgstr "¡Compra ahora y paga después!"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:117
-msgid "100% online,"
-msgstr "Compra en hasta"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:118
-msgid "without paperwork or monthly fees"
-msgstr "12 pagos mensuales sin usar tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:119
-msgid "When paying, choose"
-msgstr "Puedes solicitar "
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:120
-msgid ". Login to your account or create one in a few steps."
-msgstr "tu línea de crédito 100% online y de forma segura."
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:121
-msgid "Search for"
-msgstr "Sin trámites."
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:122
-msgid ""
-"among the options, select it and choose in how many installments you would "
-"like to pay."
-msgstr " ¡Haz todo desde la app de Mercado Pago!"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:123
-msgid "Pay your installments monthly as you wish, in the Mercado Pago app."
-msgstr "Sin tasas de mantenimiento ni costos adicionales."
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:126
-msgid "Check our FAQ"
-msgstr "Consulta nuestra FAQ"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:127
-msgid ". Credit subject to approval."
-msgstr ". Crédito sujeto a aprobación."
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:182,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:634,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:682,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:727,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:986
-msgid "Response from cache"
-msgstr "Respuesta de la caché"
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:1000
-msgid "Response from API"
-msgstr "Respuesta de la API"
-#. translators: 1: total_time currency 2: url
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/rest-client/class-mp-rest-client-abstract.php:179
-msgid "Took %1$s seconds to transfer a request to %2$s"
-msgstr "Se han tardado %1$s segundos para transferir una solicitud a %2$s"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:24
-msgid "Checkout Pro in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Checkout Pro en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:25,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:25
-msgid "Use Mercado Pago's payment methods without real charges. "
-msgstr "Utiliza los medios de Mercado Pago sin cobros reales. "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:26,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:26,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:26
-msgid "See the rules for the test mode."
-msgstr "Consulte las reglas para el modo test."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:35
-msgid "Log in to Mercado Pago and earn benefits"
-msgstr "Inicia sesión en Mercado Pago y obtén beneficios"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:54
-msgid ""
-"By continuing, you will be taken to Mercado Pago to safely complete your "
-msgstr ""
-"Al continuar, te llevaremos a Mercado Pago para completar tu compra de forma "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:56,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:47
-msgid "Checkout Pro redirect info image"
-msgstr "Imagen de redirección de Checkout Pro"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:66,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:56,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:169,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:31,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:96
-msgid "By continuing, you agree with our"
-msgstr "Al continuar, aceptas nuestros"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:67,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:57,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:170,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:31,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:97
-msgid "Terms and conditions"
-msgstr "Términos y condiciones"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:24
-msgid "No card installments in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Mensualidades sin tarjeta en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:34
-msgid "How to use it?"
-msgstr "¿Cómo usar?"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:37
-msgid ""
-"Log in or create an account in Mercado Pago. If you use Mercado "
-"Libre, you already have one!"
-msgstr ""
-"Inicia sesión o crea una cuenta en Mercado Pago. Si has usado Mercado "
-"Libre para comprar, ¡ya tienes una!"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:38
-msgid ""
-"Know your available limit in Mercado Crédito and choose how many "
-"installments you want to pay."
-msgstr ""
-"Conoce el límite disponible de tu línea de crédito y elige el plazo en "
-"el que quieres pagar tu compra."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:39
-msgid ""
-"Pay the installments as you prefer: with money in your account, card of "
-"from the Mercado Pago app."
-msgstr ""
-"Paga mes a mes con el medio de pago que prefieras. ¡Todo desde la app "
-"de Mercado Pago!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:295,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:349,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:373
+msgid "Mercado Pago: The customer has not paid yet."
+msgstr "Mercado Pago: El cliente no ha pagado todavía."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:46
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:296
msgid ""
-"By confirming your purchase, you will be redirected to your Mercado Pago "
+"Mercado Pago: Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase."
msgstr ""
-"Al continuar, te llevaremos a Mercado Pago para completar tu compra de forma "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:23
-msgid "Checkout Custom in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Tarjeta de crédito en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:24
-msgid "Use Mercado Pago means without real charges."
-msgstr "Utiliza los medios de Mercado Pago sin cobros reales."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:25
-msgid "See test mode rules."
-msgstr "Ver las reglas del Modo Test."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:36
-msgid "Pay with saved cards"
-msgstr "Paga con tarjetas guardadas"
+"Mercado Pago: Ahora sólo tiene que pagar con Pix para finalizar su compra."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:40
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:297
msgid ""
-"Do you have a Mercado Libre account? Then use the same email and password to "
-"pay faster with Mercado Pago."
+"Scan the QR code below or copy and paste the code into your bank's "
msgstr ""
-"¿Tienes una cuenta de Mercado Libre? Usa el mismo e-mail y contraseña para "
-"pagar más rápido \n"
-"con Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:57
-msgid "With which card can you pay?"
-msgstr "¿Con qué tarjeta puedes pagar?"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:70
-msgid "See current promotions"
-msgstr "Ver promociones vigentes"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:78
-msgid "Fill in your card details"
-msgstr "Completa los datos de tu tarjeta"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:80
-msgid "Card number"
-msgstr "Número de Tarjeta"
+"Escanee el código QR a continuación o copie y pegue el código en la "
+"aplicación de su banco."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:82,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:89,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:98,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:106
-msgid "Required data"
-msgstr "Datos obligatorios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:298
+msgid "30 minutes"
+msgstr "30 minutos"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:87
-msgid "Holder name as it appears on the card"
-msgstr "Nombre del titular como aparece en la tarjeta"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:310
+msgid "Payment approved."
+msgstr "Pago aprobado."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:95
-msgid "Expiration"
-msgstr "Vencimiento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:311
+msgid "Waiting for the Pix payment."
+msgstr "Esperando el pago de Pix."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:103
-msgid "Security Code"
-msgstr "Código de seguridad"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:312
+msgid "Waiting for the ticket payment."
+msgstr "Esperando el pago del boleto."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:113,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:36,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:53
-msgid "Holder document"
-msgstr "Documento del titular"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:313
+msgid "The customer has not made the payment yet."
+msgstr "El cliente todavía no efectuó el pago."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:114,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:37,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:54
-msgid "Invalid document"
-msgstr "Número de documento no válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:314
+msgid "Payment is pending review."
+msgstr "El pago está pendiente de revisión."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:129,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:145
-msgid "Select the number of installments"
-msgstr "Selecciona la cantidad de cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:315
+msgid "Payment was declined. The customer can try again."
+msgstr "El pago fue rechazado. El cliente puede intentar nuevamente."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:22
-msgid "Pix in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Pix en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:316
+msgid "Payment was returned to the customer."
+msgstr "El pago fue devuelto al cliente."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:22
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:317
msgid ""
-"You can test the flow to generate a code, but you cannot finalize the "
+"The payment was partially returned to the customer. the amount refunded "
+"was : "
msgstr ""
-"Es posible probar el flujo para generar una factura, pero no es posible "
-"finalizar el pago."
+"El pago se devolvió parcialmente al cliente. El montante reembolsado fue "
+"de : "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
-msgid "Pay instantly"
-msgstr "Pago instantáneo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:318
+msgid "Payment was canceled."
+msgstr "El pago fue cancelado."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:319,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:320
msgid ""
-"By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
-msgstr ""
-"Al confirmar tu compra, te mostraremos un código para realizar el pago."
+"The payment is in mediation or the purchase was unknown by the customer."
+msgstr "El pago esta en mediación o la compra fue desconocida por el cliente."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
-msgid "Pix logo"
-msgstr "Pix logo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:321
+msgid "The payment"
+msgstr "El pago"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:24
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:322
+msgid "was notified by Mercado Pago with status"
+msgstr "fue notificado por Mercado Pago con estado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:334
msgid "Offline Methods in Test Mode"
msgstr "Facturas en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:25
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:335
msgid ""
"You can test the flow to generate an invoice, but you cannot finalize the "
-"payment. "
msgstr ""
"Es posible testear el flujo para generar una factura, pero no es posible "
-"finalizar el pago. "
+"finalizar el pago."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:68
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:339,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:367
msgid "Select where you want to pay"
msgstr "Selecciona el punto de pago donde quieres pagar"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:73
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:340,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:368
msgid "more options"
msgstr "más opciones"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:78
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:341
msgid "Select a payment method"
msgstr "Seleccione una opción de pago"
-#: ../../templates/order/payment-status-metabox-content.php:30
-msgid ""
-"This is the payment status of your Mercado Pago Activities. To check the "
-"order status, please refer to Order details."
-msgstr ""
-"Este es el estado del pago de las Actividades de tu Mercado Pago. Para "
-"consultar el estado del pedido, consulta en Detalles del Pedido."
-#: ../../templates/order-received/show-ticket.php:19
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:344
msgid ""
"Great, we processed your purchase order. Complete the payment with ticket so "
"that we finish approving it."
@@ -3030,789 +2758,601 @@ msgstr ""
"Excelente, procesamos tu orden de compra. Completa el pago con ticket para "
"que terminemos de aprobarla."
-#: ../../templates/order-received/show-ticket.php:23
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:345
msgid "Print ticket"
msgstr "Imprimir ticket"
-#~ msgid "Fee"
-#~ msgstr "Tasa"
-#~ msgid "How does it work?"
-#~ msgstr "¿Cómo funciona?"
-#~ msgid "Checkout visualization:"
-#~ msgstr "Visualización en el checkout:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:346
+msgid " and "
+msgstr " e "
-#~ msgid "Check below how this feature will be displayed to your customers."
-#~ msgstr "A continuación verás cómo este recurso aparecerá para tus clientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:347
+msgid "To print the ticket again click"
+msgstr "Para reimprimir o boleto clique"
-#~ msgid "Banner visualization"
-#~ msgstr "Visualización del componente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:348
+msgid "here"
+msgstr "aqui"
-#~ msgid "Check the example of how it will appear in the store:"
-#~ msgstr "Consulta el ejemplo de cómo aparecerá en la tienda:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:362
+msgid "Checkout PSE in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Checkout PSE en Modo Test"
-#~ msgid "Bank Transfer"
-#~ msgstr "Transferencia bancaria"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:363
+msgid "You can test the flow to generate a payment with PSE"
+msgstr "Puede probar el flujo para generar un pago con PSE"
-#~ msgid "Payment by cash"
-#~ msgstr "Pagos en efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:369
+msgid "Person type "
+msgstr "Tipo de persona "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If you already have a Mercado Libre account, use the same email and "
-#~ "password"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si ya tienes una cuenta de Mercado Libre, usa el mismo mail y contraseña"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:370
+msgid "Financial institution"
+msgstr "Institución financiera"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When you confirm your purchase, we will redirect you to your Mercado Pago "
-#~ "account"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Cuando confirmes tu compra, te redireccionaremos a tu cuenta de Mercado "
-#~ "Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:371
+msgid "Select the financial institution"
+msgstr "Seleccione la entidad financiera"
-#~ msgid "Payment with Mercado Credito"
-#~ msgstr "Pagos con Mercado Crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:372
+msgid "Select the institution"
+msgstr "Seleccione la institución"
-#~ msgid "New!"
-#~ msgstr "¡Nuevo!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:387
+msgid "A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Please, try again."
+msgstr ""
+"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Por favor, intente otra "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With Mercado Credito, clients can pay "
-#~ "in installments with no card, by transfers, invoice or money available "
-#~ "in their Mercado Pago account. By activating the no-card "
-#~ "installments banner, you will increase your chances of selling."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Con Mercado Crédito, los clientes "
-#~ "pagan en cuotas sin tarjeta, por transferencia, tarjeta de débito, "
-#~ "efectivo o dinero disponible en la cuenta de Mercado Pago. Al "
-#~ "activar el componente de cuotas sin tarjeta, aumentarás tus chances "
-#~ "de vender. Para saber más, ingresá a documentación."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:388
+msgid ""
+"A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have "
+"correctly filled all information in the checkout form?"
+msgstr ""
+"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Está seguro de haber "
+"cargado la información en el formulario?"
-#~ msgid "The no-card installments banner is disabled."
-#~ msgstr "El componente de cuotas sin tarjeta está desactivado ."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:389
+msgid "See your order form"
+msgstr "Ver su hoja de pedido"
-#~ msgid "Earn more points and have exclusive benefits in Mercado Puntos"
-#~ msgstr "Gana más puntos y ventajas exclusivas en Mercado Puntos "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:390
+msgid "Your payment was declined. You can try again."
+msgstr "Su pago fue rechazado. Puede intentarlo de nuevo."
-#~ msgid "Error loading form."
-#~ msgstr "Error al cargar el formulario."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:391
+msgid "Click to try again"
+msgstr "Haga clic para intentarlo de nuevo"
-#~ msgid "Please refresh the page to try again."
-#~ msgstr "Actualice la página para volver a intentarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:392
+msgid "That's it, payment accepted!"
+msgstr "Listo, ¡aceptamos tu pago!"
-#~ msgid "Refresh page"
-#~ msgstr "Actualizar página"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:393
+msgid ""
+"We are processing your payment. In less than an hour we will send you the "
+"result by email."
+msgstr ""
+"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de una hora le enviaremos el resultado "
+"por correo electrónico."
-#~ msgid "Type of topic IPN invalid, need to be merchant_order"
-#~ msgstr "El tipo de asunto de la IPN no es válido, debe ser `merchant_order`"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:394
+msgid ""
+"We are processing your payment. In less than 2 days we will send you by "
+"email if the payment has been approved or if additional information is "
+msgstr ""
+"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de 2 días le enviaremos por correo "
+"electrónico si se ha aprobado el pago o si se necesita información adicional."
-#~ msgid "Click here to see more details..."
-#~ msgstr "Haga clic aquí para ver más detalles…"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:395
+msgid "Check the card number."
+msgstr "Compruebe el número de tarjeta."
-#~ msgid "Purchases with saved cards or money in Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Compras con tarjetas guardadas o saldo en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:396
+msgid "Check the expiration date."
+msgstr "Compruebe la fecha de expiración."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Feature for those who have a saved card or money in Mercado Pago to buy "
-#~ "without having to fill in details."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Es una funcionalidade para quienes tienen tarjetas guardadas o saldo en "
-#~ "Mercado Pago puedan comprar sin la necesidad de completar datos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:397
+msgid "Check the information provided."
+msgstr "Compruebe la información informada."
-#~ msgid "The feature for payments with saved cards is active."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La funcionalidad para pagos con tarjetas guardadas está activa"
-#~ "b>."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:398
+msgid "Check the informed security code."
+msgstr "Compruebe el código de seguridad informado."
-#~ msgid "The feature for payments with saved cards is inactive."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La funcionalidad para pagos con tarjetas guardadas está "
-#~ "inactiva."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:399,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:400
+msgid "Your payment cannot be processed."
+msgstr "No se puede procesar su pago."
-#~ msgid "You can see how the feature is in your store Checkout below:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "A continuación, cómo es la funcionalidad en el checkout de la tienda:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:401
+msgid "You must authorize payments for your orders."
+msgstr "Usted debe autorizar los pagos de sus órdenes."
-#~ msgid "Mercado Pago customers can now pay with stored cards."
-#~ msgstr "Clientes de Mercado Pago ahora pueden pagar con tarjetas guardadas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:402
+msgid ""
+"Contact your card issuer to activate it. The phone is on the back of your "
+msgstr ""
+"Póngase en contacto con el emisor de su tarjeta para activarla. El teléfono "
+"se encuentra en la parte posterior de su tarjeta."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The function Saved card payments is enabled. With this setting, "
-#~ "customers using Mercado Pago can purchase without having to fill in "
-#~ "payment details. You can control this option in the settings."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La función Pago con tarjetas guardadas de Mercado Pago está habilitada. "
-#~ "Ahora los clientes que utilizan Mercado pago pueden comprar sin tener que "
-#~ "completar los datos de la tarjeta. Puedes controlar esta opción en "
-#~ "configuración."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:403
+msgid ""
+"You have already made a payment of this amount. If you have to pay again, "
+"use another card or other method of payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Usted ya realizó un pago de este importe. Si tiene que pagar de nuevo, "
+"utilizar otra tarjeta u otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Go to settings"
-#~ msgstr "Ir a la configuración"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:404
+msgid ""
+"Your payment was declined. Please select another payment method. It is "
+"recommended in cash."
+msgstr "Su pago fue rechazado. Puede intentarlo de nuevo."
-#~ msgid "No need to fill out details"
-#~ msgstr "Sin cargar datos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:405
+msgid "Your payment does not have sufficient funds."
+msgstr "Su metodo de pago no tiene fondos suficientes."
-#~ msgid "Installments available"
-#~ msgstr "Cuotas disponibles"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:406
+msgid "Payment cannot process the selected fee."
+msgstr "El pago no puede procesar la cuota seleccionada."
-#~ msgid "Pay faster with your saved cards and without completing data."
-#~ msgstr "Paga más rápido con tus tarjetas guardadas y sin completar datos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:407
+msgid ""
+"You have reached the limit of allowed attempts. Choose another card or other "
+"payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Has alcanzado el límite de intentos permitidos. Elija otra tarjeta u otro "
+"medio de pago."
-#, fuzzy
-#~| msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
-#~ msgid "Important! To sell, you must enter your credentials."
-#~ msgstr "¡Importante! Para vender debe introducir sus credenciales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:408
+msgid ""
+"Invalid transaction attempt You are trying to perform a "
+"productive transaction using test credentials, or test transaction using "
+"productive credentials. Please ensure that you are using the correct "
+"environment settings for the desired action."
+msgstr ""
+"Intento de transacción no válido Está intentando "
+"realizar una transacción productiva con credenciales de prueba o una "
+"transacción de prueba con credenciales productivas. Asegúrese de que está "
+"utilizando la configuración de credenciales correcta para la acción deseada."
-#~ msgid "Go to step-by-step"
-#~ msgstr "Ir al paso a paso"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:409
+msgid ""
+"Invalid transaction attempt It is not possible to pay "
+"with the email address entered. Please enter another e-mail address."
+msgstr ""
+"Intento de transacción no válido No es posible pagar con "
+"el email introducido. Por favor, introduzca otro email."
-#~ msgid "Update failed, invalid Credentials"
-#~ msgstr "Actualización fallida, credenciales no válidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:410
+msgid "This payment method cannot process your payment."
+msgstr "Este medio de pago no puede procesar su pago."
-#~ msgid "Up to 24 installments"
-#~ msgstr "Hasta 24 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:422
+msgid ""
+"Your bank needs you to authorize the payment Please call "
+"the telephone number on your card or pay with another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu banco necesita que autorices el pago Llama al "
+"teléfono que está en la tarjeta o paga con otro medio."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Important! Do not forget to add the credentials and details of your store."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¡Importante! No olvides ingresar las credenciales y datos de la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:423,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:424
+msgid ""
+"For safety reasons, your payment was declined We "
+"recommended paying with your usual payment method and device for online "
+msgstr ""
+"Por motivos de seguridad, tu pago fue rechazado Te recomendamos "
+"pagar con el medio de pago y dispositivo que sueles usar para compras online."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Before setting up payments, follow the step-by-step to start selling."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Antes de configurar los pagos, haz el paso a paso para comenzar a vender."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:425,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:426,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:427,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:428
+msgid ""
+"One or more card details were entered incorrecctly"
+"strong> Please enter them again as they appear on the card to complete "
+"the payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Ingresaste uno o más datos de tu tarjeta de forma incorrecta"
+"strong> Vuelve a ingresarlos tal como figuran en la tarjeta para "
+"finalizar el pago."
-#~ msgid "To enable and test sales, you must copy and paste your "
-#~ msgstr "Para habilitar y testear las ventas, tienes que copiar y pegar "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:429
+msgid ""
+"Your credit card has no available limit Please pay using "
+"another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu tarjeta de crédito no tiene límite disponible Paga "
+"con otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Mandatory data"
-#~ msgstr "Campo obligatorio"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:430
+msgid ""
+"Your debit card has insufficient founds Please pay using "
+"another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu tarjeta de débito no tiene saldo suficiente Paga con "
+"otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Use the test-specific cards that are in the"
-#~ msgstr "Utiliza las tarjetas específicas para testear que estén bajo las"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:431
+msgid ""
+"Your card does not accept the number of installments selected"
+"strong> Please choose a different number of installments or use a "
+"different payment method ."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu tarjeta no acepta la cantidad de pagos que seleccionaste"
+"strong> Elige una cantidad de pagos diferente o use otro medio."
-#~ msgid "Until"
-#~ msgstr "Hasta"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:432
+msgid ""
+"You need to activate your card Please contact your bank "
+"by calling the number on the back of your card or choose another payment "
+msgstr ""
+"Necesitas habilitar tu tarjeta Comunícate con tu banco "
+"llamando al número que está al dorso de la tarjeta o elige otro medio de "
-#~ msgid "installment"
-#~ msgstr "cuota"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:433
+msgid ""
+"You reached the limit of payment attempts with this card"
+"strong> Please pay using another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Alcanzaste el límite de intentos de pago con esta tarjeta"
+"strong> Paga con otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "We take you to our site to complete the payment"
-#~ msgstr "Te llevamos a nuestro sitio para completar el pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:434
+msgid ""
+"Your payment was declined because you already paid for this "
+"purchase Check your card transactions to verify it."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu pago fue rechazado porque ya pagaste esta compra"
+"strong> Revisa los consumos de tu tarjeta para verificarlo."
-#~ msgid "Enter your discount coupon"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tu cupón de descuento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:435,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:436,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:437
+msgid ""
+"The card issuing bank declined the payment We "
+"recommended paying with another payment method or contact your bank."
+msgstr ""
+"El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó tu pago Te "
+"recomendamos pagar con otro medio de pago o comunicarte con tu banco."
-#~ msgid "Enter your coupon"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tu cupón"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:438
+msgid ""
+"For safety reasons, the card issuing bank declined the payment"
+"strong> We recommended paying with your usual payment method and device "
+"for online purchases."
+msgstr ""
+"Por motivos de seguridad, el banco de la tarjeta rechazó el pago"
+"b> Te recomendamos pagar con el medio de pago y dispositivo que sueles "
+"usar para compras online."
-#~ msgid "The code you entered is incorrect"
-#~ msgstr "El código que ingresaste es incorrecto"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:439
+msgid ""
+"Your payment was declined because something went wrong"
+"strong> We recommended trying again or paying with another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu pago fue rechazado porque hube un error Te "
+"recomendamos intentar nuevamente o pagar con otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Invalid Card Number"
-#~ msgstr "Numero de tarjeta invalido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:451
+msgid "We are taking you to validate the card"
+msgstr "Te estamos llevando a validar la tarjeta"
-#~ msgid "Name and surname of the cardholder"
-#~ msgstr "Nombre y apellido del titular de la tarjeta"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:452
+msgid "with your bank"
+msgstr "con tu banco"
-#~ msgid "Invalid Expiration Date"
-#~ msgstr "Fecha de expiracion inválida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:453
+msgid "We need to confirm that you are the cardholder."
+msgstr "Necesitamos confirmar que eres titular de la tarjeta."
-#~ msgid "Last 3 numbers on the back"
-#~ msgstr "Últimos 3 números en el reverso"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:454
+msgid "We are receiving the response from your bank"
+msgstr "Estamos recibiendo la respuesta de tu banco"
-#~ msgid "In how many installments do you want to pay"
-#~ msgstr "En cuántas cuotas quieres pagar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:455
+msgid "Complete the bank validation so your payment can be approved"
+msgstr "Completa la validación del banco para aprobar tu pago"
-#~ msgid "Converted payment of"
-#~ msgstr "Pago convertido de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:456
+msgid ""
+"Please keep this page open. If you close it, you will not be able to resume "
+"the validation."
+msgstr ""
+"Mantén abierta esta pantalla. Si la cierras, no podrás retomar la validación."
-#~ msgid "for"
-#~ msgstr "para"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:457
+msgid ""
+"For safety reasons, your payment was declined We recommend paying "
+"with your usual payment method and device for online purchases."
+msgstr ""
+"Por motivos de seguridad, tu pago fue rechazado Te recomendamos "
+"pagar con el medio de pago y dispositivo que sueles usar para compras online."
-#~ msgid "Enter your document number"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tu número de documento"
+#~ msgid "How does it work?"
+#~ msgstr "¿Cómo funciona?"
-#~ msgid "Type"
-#~ msgstr "Tipo"
+#~ msgid "When paying, choose"
+#~ msgstr "Al pagar elegí"
-#~ msgid "Document number"
-#~ msgstr "Número de documento"
+#~ msgid ". Login to your account or create one in a few steps."
+#~ msgstr ". Podrás ingresar con tu cuenta o crear una en pocos pasos."
-#~ msgid "Only numbers"
-#~ msgstr "Sólo números"
+#~ msgid "Search for"
+#~ msgstr "Busca"
-#~ msgid "Obligatory field"
-#~ msgstr "Campo obligatorio"
+#~ msgid "Mercado Credito"
+#~ msgstr "Mercado Crédito"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When you finish the order, you will see the code to complete the payment."
-#~ msgstr "Cuando termines el pedido, verás el código para completar el pago."
-#~ msgid "CI"
-#~ msgstr "CI"
-#~ msgid "You must provide your document number"
-#~ msgstr "Debe informar su número de documento"
-#~ msgid "Complete all fields, they are mandatory."
-#~ msgstr "Complete todos los campos, son obligatorios."
-#~ msgid "Select the issuer with whom you want to process the payment"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona el emisor con el que quieras procesar el pago"
-#~ msgid "Lottery"
-#~ msgstr "Lotéricas"
-#~ msgid "CPF/CNPJ"
-#~ msgstr "CPF/CNPJ"
-#~ msgid "Enable or inactivate the payments via Pix"
-#~ msgstr "Activar o desactivar pagos por Pix"
-#~ msgid "If you change the display text, no translation will be available"
+#~ "among the options, select it and choose in how many installments you "
+#~ "would like to pay."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si cambia el texto de la pantalla Checkout, no habrá traducción disponible"
+#~ "entre las opciones, selecciónalo y elegí en cuántas cuotas quieres pagar."
-#~ msgid "Approve your account, it will only take a few minutes"
-#~ msgstr "Homologa tu cuenta, solo te llevará unos minutos"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Complete this process to secure your customers data and comply with the "
-#~ "regulations and legal provisions of each country."
+#~ msgid "Pay your installments monthly as you wish, in the Mercado Pago app."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Complete este proceso para proteger los datos de sus clientes y cumplir "
-#~ "con las regulaciones y disposiciones legales de cada país."
-#~ msgid "Homologate account in Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Homologar cuenta en Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "No"
-#~ msgstr "No"
+#~ "Pagá mes a mes tus cuotas como prefieras, desde la app de Mercado Pago."
-#~ msgid "Yes"
-#~ msgstr "Sí"
+#~ msgid "Review the step-by-step of"
+#~ msgstr "Revisa el paso a paso de"
-#~ msgid "Set up"
-#~ msgstr "Ajustes"
+#~ msgid "on our website for developers."
+#~ msgstr "en nuestro sitio de desarrolladores."
-#~ msgid "Your opinion helps us get better"
-#~ msgstr "Tu opinión nos ayuda a mejorar"
-#~ msgid "Guides and Documentation"
-#~ msgstr "Guías y documentación"
-#~ msgid "Report Problem"
-#~ msgstr "Informar problema"
-#~ msgid "Accept all method of payment and take your charges to another level"
-#~ msgstr "Acepta todos los medios de pago y lleva tus cobros a otro nivel"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Turn your online store into your customers preferred payment gateway. "
-#~ "Choose if the final payment experience will be inside or outside your "
-#~ "store."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Convierte tu tienda online en la pasarela de pagos preferida de tus "
-#~ "clientes. Elige si la experiencia de pago final será dentro o fuera de tu "
-#~ "tienda."
-#~ msgid "Configure Mercado Pago for WooCommerce"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresá la información de tu negocio"
+#~ msgid "Questions?"
+#~ msgstr "¿Dudas?"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Enable the experience of the Checkout Pro in your online store, select "
-#~ "the means of payment available to your customers and define the "
-#~ "maximum fees in which they can pay you."
+#~ "To enable orders, you must create and activate production credentials in "
+#~ "your Mercado Pago Account."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Habilita la experiencia del Checkout Pro en tu tienda online, selecciona "
-#~ "los medios de pago disponibles para tus clientes y define el máximo "
-#~ "de cuotas en el que podrán pagarte."
-#~ msgid "Set payment preferences in your store"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago en tu tienda"
+#~ "Para habilitar las ventas, debes crear y activar las credenciales de "
+#~ "producción en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago."
-#~ msgid "Select offline payments"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona medios de pago presenciales"
+#~ msgid "Check credentials"
+#~ msgstr "Consultar credenciales"
-#~ msgid "Select debit cards"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona tarjetas de débito"
-#~ msgid "Select credit cards"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona tarjetas de crédito"
-#~ msgid "Checkout of payments with debit and credit cards %s"
-#~ msgstr "Checkout de pagos con tarjetas de débito y crédito %s"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept payments instantly and maximize the conversion of your business"
-#~ msgstr "Acepta pagos al instante y maximiza la conversión de tu negocio"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Turn your online store into a secure and easy-to-use payment gateway for "
-#~ "your customers. With personalized checkout your customers pay without "
-#~ "leaving your store!"
+#~ msgid "To view more options, please select a payment method below"
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Convierte tu tienda online en una pasarela de pagos segura y fácil de "
-#~ "usar para tus clientes. Con el checkout personalizado tus clientes pagan "
-#~ "¡sin salir de tu tienda!"
-#~ msgid "Set up the payment experience in your store"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresá la información de tu negocio"
-#~ msgid "Configure the personalized payment experience in your store"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago en tu tienda"
-#~ msgid "%s, it only takes a few minutes"
-#~ msgstr "%s, solo te llevará unos minutos"
-#~ msgid "Approve your account"
-#~ msgstr "Homologa tu cuenta"
-#~ msgid "Title"
-#~ msgstr "Título"
+#~ "Selecciona uno de los siguientes medios de pago para ver más opciones"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Credentials are the keys we provide you to integrate quickly and "
-#~ "securely. You must have a %s in Mercado Pago to obtain and collect them "
-#~ " on your website. You do not need to know how to design or program to "
-#~ "do it"
+#~ "Test the experience in Test Mode and then enable the Sale Mode "
+#~ "(Production) to sell."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Las credenciales son las claves que te proporcionamos para que integres "
-#~ "de forma rápida y segura. Debes tener una %s en Mercado Pago para "
-#~ "obtenerlas y cobrar en tu sitio web. No necesitas saber diseñar o "
-#~ "programar para hacerlo"
-#~ msgid "approved account"
-#~ msgstr "cuenta homologada"
-#~ msgid "Select your country"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona tu país"
-#~ msgid "Select the country in which you operate with Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona el país en el que operas con Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Activate the Mercado Pago experience at the checkout of your store."
-#~ msgstr "Activa la experiencia de Mercado Pago en el checkout de tu tienda."
-#~ msgid "Binary mode"
-#~ msgstr "Modo binario"
+#~ "Testea la experiencia en Modo Test. Luego activa el Modo Ventas "
+#~ "(Producción) para realizar ventas."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept and reject payments automatically. Do you want us to activate it?"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta y rechaza pagos de forma automática. ¿Quieres que lo activemos?"
+#~ msgid "Do you have a minute to share your experience with our plugin?"
+#~ msgstr "¿tienes un minuto para compartir tu experiencia con nuestro plugin?"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If you activate binary mode you will not be able to leave pending "
-#~ "payments. This can affect fraud prevention. Leave it idle to be backed by "
-#~ "our own tool."
+#~ "Your opinion is very important so that we can offer you the best possible "
+#~ "payment solution and continue to improve."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si activa el modo binario no podrá dejar pagos pendientes. Esto puede "
-#~ "afectar la prevención del fraude. Déjelo inactivo para que sea respaldado "
-#~ "por nuestra propia herramienta."
-#~ msgid "Discounts per purchase with Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Descuentos por compra con Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Commission for purchase with Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Comisión por compra con Mercado Pago"
+#~ "Tu opinión es muy importante para que podamos ofrecerte la mejor solución "
+#~ "de pago posible y seguir mejorando."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept payments at any time of the day and expand your purchase options!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¡Acepte pagos en cualquier momento del día y amplíe sus opciones de "
-#~ "compra!"
+#~ msgid "You must enter"
+#~ msgstr "Debe introducir"
-#~ msgid "Offer this new payment option to your customers."
-#~ msgstr "Ofrezca esta nueva opción de pago a sus clientes."
+#~ msgid "production credentials"
+#~ msgstr "las credenciales de producción"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Enable and set up Pix as a payment method for your customers in the "
-#~ "Mercado Pago checkout."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Habilita y configura Pix como método de pago para tus clientes en el "
-#~ "checkout de Mercado Pago."
+#~ msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
+#~ msgstr "¡Importante! Para vender debe introducir sus credenciales."
-#~ msgid "Set up the payment via Pix experience"
-#~ msgstr "Configura la experiencia de pago a través de Pix"
+#~ msgid "Debit, Credit and invoice in Mercado Pago environment"
+#~ msgstr "Débito, crédito y efectivo, en Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Checkout of payments with cash %s"
-#~ msgstr "Paga con dinero en efectivo"
+#~ msgid "Debit and Credit"
+#~ msgstr "Débito e crédito"
-#~ msgid "Accept face-to-face payments, do not leave anyone out!"
-#~ msgstr "Acepta pagos presenciales ¡no dejes a nadie afuera!"
+#~ msgid "Transparent Checkout in your store environment"
+#~ msgstr "Checkout Transparente en tu tienda"
-#~ msgid "Include this preferred purchase option by some customers."
-#~ msgstr "Incluye esta opción de compra preferida por algunos clientes."
+#~ msgid "Mercado pago - Customized Checkout"
+#~ msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Personalizado"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Enable Mercado Pago for cash payments in your store and select the "
-#~ "options available to your customers."
+#~ "Unfortunately, the language configured in your WordPress is not "
+#~ "compatible with our plugin. For the best experience, please switch to a "
+#~ "supported language."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Habilita Mercado Pago para pagos en efectivo en tu tienda y "
-#~ "selecciona las opciones disponibles para tus clientes."
+#~ "Lamentablemente, el idioma configurado en tu WordPress no es compatible "
+#~ "con nuestro plugin. Para disfrutar de la mejor experiencia, cambia a un "
+#~ "idioma compatible."
-#~ msgid "Set payment preferences with cash"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago con dinero en efectivo"
+#~ msgid "payments on the spot"
+#~ msgstr "pagos al instante"
-#~ msgid "Store mode was updated"
-#~ msgstr "Se actualizó el modo de la tienda"
+#~ msgid "the"
+#~ msgstr "toda la"
-#~ msgid "Couldn't find a valid payment method"
-#~ msgstr "No se pudo encontrar un método de pago válido"
+#~ msgid "security"
+#~ msgstr "seguridad"
-#~ msgid "Invoice and Loterica"
-#~ msgstr "Efectivo "
+#~ msgid "from Mercado Pago"
+#~ msgstr "de Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "It offers all means of payment: credit and debit cards, cash and account "
-#~ "money. Your customers choose whether they pay as guests or from their "
-#~ "Mercado Pago account."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ofrece todos los medios de pago: tarjetas de crédito y débito, dinero en "
-#~ "efectivo y dinero en cuenta. Tus clientes eligen si pagan como invitados "
-#~ "o desde su cuenta de Mercado Pago."
+#~ msgid "Check the reasons why the purchase was declined"
+#~ msgstr "Consulta los motivos del rechazo de tu compra"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept card payments on your website with the best possible financing and "
-#~ "maximize the conversion of your business. With personalized checkout your "
-#~ "customers pay without leaving your store!"
+#~ "Recommend your costumer to pay with their usual payment method and device "
+#~ "for online purchases."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta pagos con tarjeta en tu sitio web con la mejor financiación "
-#~ "posible y maximiza la conversión de tu negocio. Con el checkout "
-#~ "personalizado tus clientes pagan ¡sin salir de tu tienda!"
-#~ msgid "Follow these steps to activate Mercado Pago in your store:"
-#~ msgstr "Sigue estos pasos para activar Mercado Pago en tu tienda:"
-#~ msgid "Upload your credentials"
-#~ msgstr "Carga tus credenciales"
-#~ msgid "depending on the country in which you are registered."
-#~ msgstr "depending on the country in which you are registered."
-#~ msgid "to be able to charge."
-#~ msgstr "para poder cobrar."
-#~ msgid "Add the basic information of your business"
-#~ msgstr "Añade la información básica de tu negocio"
-#~ msgid "in the plugin configuration."
-#~ msgstr "en la configuración del plugin."
-#~ msgid "Configure the payment preferences"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago"
-#~ msgid "In which country does your Mercado Pago account operate?"
-#~ msgstr "¿En qué país opera tu cuenta de Mercado Pago?"
+#~ "Recomiéndale a tu cliente que pague con el medio de pago y dispositivo "
+#~ "que suele usar para compras online."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Add credentials to "Test Mode" or "Production Mode""
+#~ "The payment could not be processed. Please ask your client to use another "
+#~ "card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ingresa las credenciales para el "Modo Test" o el "Modo "
-#~ "Producción""
-#~ msgid "Set up store payments for Test or Production Mode"
-#~ msgstr "Configura los pagos de la tienda para el modo Test o Producción"
-#~ msgid "How would you like to handle your store checkouts?"
-#~ msgstr "¿Como quieres operar los checkouts de tu tienda?"
-#~ msgid "Activate Production Mode for Mercado Pago checkouts"
-#~ msgstr "Activar Modo Producción para checkouts Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "test mode guidelines."
-#~ msgstr "reglas del Modo Test."
+#~ "El pago no fue procesado por el banco. Pídele a tu cliente que use otro "
+#~ "medio de pago o que se contacte con el banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Mercado Pago checkouts are inactive for real payments in the Test Mode. "
-#~ "Please check the"
+#~ "The CVV is invalid. Please ask your client to review the details or use "
+#~ "another card."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Checkouts Mercado Pago están inactivos para cobros reales en el Modo de "
-#~ "Prueba. Consulta las"
-#~ msgid "Search my credentials"
-#~ msgstr "Buscar mis credenciales"
+#~ "El código de seguridad de la tarjeta es inválido. Revisá los datos que "
+#~ "ingresaste o pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With these credentials, you enable your Mercado Pago checkouts to receive "
-#~ "real payments."
+#~ "The card does not have sufficient balance. Please ask your client to use "
+#~ "another card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Con estas credenciales habilitas que tus checkouts Mercado Pago puedan "
-#~ "recibir pagos reales."
+#~ "La tarjeta no tiene límite disponible. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
+#~ "tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "What category do your products belong to? Choose the one that best "
-#~ "characterizes them (choose \"other\" if your product is too specific)."
+#~ "The card does not have enough limit. Please ask your client to use "
+#~ "another card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¿A qué categoría pertenecen tus productos? Elige la que mejor los "
-#~ "caracteriza (elige “otro” si tu producto es demasiado específico)."
-#~ msgid "Categories"
-#~ msgstr "Categrorías"
-#~ msgid "Store ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID de la tienda"
+#~ "La tarjeta no tiene fondos suficientes. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
+#~ "tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Use a number or prefix to identify orders and payments from this store."
+#~ "The CVV was entered incorrectly several times. Please ask your client to "
+#~ "use another card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Usa un número o prefijo para identificar pedidos y pagos provenientes de "
-#~ "esta tienda."
+#~ "Se ingresó varias veces mal el código de seguridad de la tarjeta. Pedile "
+#~ "a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Do not forget to enter your integrator_id as a certified Mercado Pago "
-#~ "Partner. If you don`t have it, you can %s"
+#~ "The card does not allow the number of installments entered. Please ask "
+#~ "your client to choose another installment plan or to use another card."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "No olvides ingresar tu integrator_id como Partner certificado de Mercado "
-#~ "Pago. Si no lo tienes, puedes %s"
-#~ msgid "Advanced adjustment"
-#~ msgstr "Ajustes avanzados"
-#~ msgid "We debug the information in our change file."
-#~ msgstr "Depuramos la información de nuestro archivo de cambios."
+#~ "La tarjeta no acepta la cantidad de cuotas ingresadas. Pedile a tu "
+#~ "cliente que elija otro plan de cuotas o que use otra tarjeta."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "IPN (Instant Payment Notification) is a notification of events that take "
-#~ "place on your platform and that is sent from one server to another "
-#~ "through an HTTP POST call. See more information in our guides."
+#~ "The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client "
+#~ "to ask the bank to authotize it or to use another card."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "IPN (Instant Payment Notification) es una notificación de eventos que "
-#~ "tienen lugar en su plataforma y que se envía de un servidor a otro a "
-#~ "través de una llamada HTTP POST. Vea más información en nuestras guías."
+#~ "El banco emisor de la tarjeta no autorizó el pago. Pedile a tu cliente "
+#~ "que se contacte con el banco para autorizarlo o que use otra tarjeta."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "It appears that your credentials are not properly configured. Please, "
-#~ "go to %s and configure it."
+#~ "From Mercado Pago we have detected that this payment has already been "
+#~ "made before. If that is not the case, your client may try to pay again."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Parece que sus credenciales no están configuradas correctamente. Por "
-#~ "favor, vaya a %s y configúrelo."
-#~ msgid "Market Payment Configuration"
-#~ msgstr "Mercado Pago Configuración"
+#~ "Desde Mercado Pago detectamos que este pago ya se hizo anteriormente. Si "
+#~ "no es así, tu cliente puede intentarlo de nuevo."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Check out the step-by-step of how to integrate the Mercado Pago Plugin "
-#~ "for WooCommerce in our developer website."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Revisa el paso a paso de cómo integrar el Plugin de Mercado Pago para "
-#~ "WooCommerce en nuestro sitio de desarrolladores."
-#~ msgid "Review documentation"
-#~ msgstr "Revisar documentación"
-#~ msgid "Still having problems? Contact our support team through their %s"
+#~ "The card is not active yet. Please ask your client to use another card or "
+#~ "to get in touch with the bank to activate it."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¿Sigues con problemas? Comunícate con nuestro equipo de soporte a través "
-#~ "de su %s"
-#~ msgid "contact form."
-#~ msgstr "formulario de contacto."
-#~ msgid "Set up your interest payments"
-#~ msgstr "Configura pagos"
-#~ msgid "Set up your installment and interest payments"
-#~ msgstr "Configura meses sin intereses"
-#~ msgid "At Mercado Pago you can choose the fee you pay for each purchase"
-#~ msgstr "En Mercado Pago puedes elegir la tarifa que pagas en cada venta"
+#~ "La tarjeta aún no está habilitada. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
+#~ "tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco para activarla."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "At Mercado Pago you can choose the fee you pay for each purchase and also "
-#~ "offer interest-free installments to your customer."
+#~ "The debit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client "
+#~ "that it is possible to pay with credit or to use another one."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "En Mercado Pago puedes elegir la tarifa que pagas en cada compra y "
-#~ "también ofrecer meses sin intereses a tu cliente."
-#~ msgid "Set up interest payments"
-#~ msgstr "Configurar tasas y plazos"
-#~ msgid "Set up installment and interest"
-#~ msgstr "Configurar cuotas e intereses"
+#~ "La función débito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente que "
+#~ "puede pagar con la función débito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que use "
+#~ "otra."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Test Mode Activated? Now visit your store and test the Mercado Pago "
-#~ "checkouts"
+#~ "The credit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client "
+#~ "that it is possible to pay with debit or to use another one."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¿Modo Test activado? Ahora visita tu tienda y testea los checkouts "
-#~ "Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Everything ready for the takeoff of your sales?"
-#~ msgstr "¿Todo listo para el despegue de tus ventas?"
+#~ "La función crédito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente "
+#~ "que puede pagar con la función débito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que "
+#~ "use otra."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Visit your store as usual and simulate a payment in our checkouts to make "
-#~ "sure everything is working correctly."
+#~ "The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client "
+#~ "to ask the bank to authorize it."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Visita tu tienda normalmente y simula un pago en nuestros checkouts para "
-#~ "verificar que todo esté funcionando correctamente."
+#~ "El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago. Pídele a tu cliente que se "
+#~ "comunique con el banco para autorizar el pago."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Visit your store as if you were one of your customers and check that "
-#~ "everything is fine. If you already went to Production, bring your "
-#~ "customers and increase your sales with the best online shopping "
-#~ "experience."
+#~ "The buyer does not have enough balance to make the purchase. Please ask "
+#~ "your client to deposit money to the Mercado Pago Account or to use a "
+#~ "different payment method."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Visita tu tienda como si fueras uno de tus clientes y revisa que todo "
-#~ "esté bien. Si ya saliste a Producción, trae a tus clientes y aumenta "
-#~ "tus ventas con la mejor experiencia de compra online."
-#~ msgid "%s"
-#~ msgstr "%s"
+#~ "El cliente no tiene suficiente saldo en la cuenta para realizar la "
+#~ "compra. Pídele a tu cliente que cargue saldo en Mercado Pago o que use "
+#~ "otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Your store is ready to receive payments from customers."
-#~ msgstr "Tu tienda está lista para recibir pagos de clientes."
+#~ msgid "There was an error"
+#~ msgstr "Hubo un error"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Your customers will not be able to make purchases while in Test Mode."
-#~ msgstr "Los clientes no podrán hacer compras en Modo Test."
+#~ msgid "to BRL"
+#~ msgstr "a BRL"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept payments via Pix Transfer and receive the funds instantly. Your "
-#~ "customers can pay at any time, without date or time restrictions."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta pagos a través de transferencia Pix y recibe los fondos al "
-#~ "instante. Tus clientes pueden pagar en cualquier momento, sin "
-#~ "restricciones de fecha u hora."
+#~ msgid "to CLP"
+#~ msgstr "a CLP"
-#~ msgid "Pay with PIX "
-#~ msgstr "Paga vía Pix "
+#~ msgid "to COP"
+#~ msgstr "a COP"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept cash payments within the custom checkout and expand your customers "
-#~ "purchase options."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta pagos en efectivo dentro del checkout personalizado y amplía las "
-#~ "opciones de compra de tus clientes."
+#~ msgid "Now we convert your currency"
+#~ msgstr "Ahora convertimos tu moneda"
-#~ msgid "Pay with cash"
-#~ msgstr "Paga con dinero en efectivo"
+#~ msgid "We no longer convert your currency"
+#~ msgstr "Dejamos de convertir tu moneda"
-#~ msgid "Enter your credentials and choose how to operate"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tus credenciales y elige cómo operar"
+#~ msgid "Payment method"
+#~ msgstr "Medios de pagos"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "By default, we activate the Sandbox test environment for you to test "
-#~ "before you start selling."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Por defecto, te activamos el entorno de pruebas Sandbox para que hagas "
-#~ "testeos antes de empezar a vender."
+#~ msgid "Discount coupons is"
+#~ msgstr "Cupones de descuento están"
-#~ msgid "Production Mode"
-#~ msgstr "Modo Producción"
+#~ msgid "Discount coupons"
+#~ msgstr "Cupones de descuento"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When you see that everything is going well, deactivate Sandbox, turn on "
-#~ "Production and make way for your online sales."
+#~ "Will you offer discount coupons to customers who buy with Mercado Pago?"
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Cuando veas que todo va bien, desactiva Sandbox para ir a Producción y "
-#~ "abre paso a tus ventas online."
+#~ "¿Ofrecerás cupones de descuento a los clientes que compren con Mercado "
+#~ "Pago?"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Choose “Yes” only when you’re ready to sell. Switch to “No” to activate "
-#~ "Testing mode."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Elige “Sí” sólo cuando estés listo para vender. Cambia a “No” para "
-#~ "activar el modo Pruebas."
+#~ msgid "Your document data is invalid"
+#~ msgstr "Número de documento inválido"
-#~ msgid "With these keys you can do the tests you want.."
-#~ msgstr "Con estas claves podrás hacer las pruebas que quieras."
+#~ msgid "Title in the checkout"
+#~ msgstr "Título en el checkout"
-#~ msgid "With these keys you can receive real payments from your customers."
-#~ msgstr "Con estas claves podrás recibir pagos reales de tus clientes."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Payment URL pending"
+#~ msgid "Payment URL"
+#~ msgstr "URL de pago pendiente"
-#~ msgid "Everything set up? Go to your store in Sandbox mode"
-#~ msgstr "¿Todo configurado? Ve a tu tienda en modo Sandbox"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is"
+#~ msgid "Transparent checkout for credit cards is"
+#~ msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago "
+#~| "Transparent Checkout."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Visit your store and simulate a payment to check that everything is fine."
-#~ msgstr "Visita tu tienda y simula un pago para revisar que todo esté bien."
-#~ msgid "I want to test my sales"
-#~ msgstr "Quiero testear mis ventas"
-#~ msgid "Payment refused"
-#~ msgstr "Pago rechazado"
-#~ msgid "Physical person"
-#~ msgstr "Persona Física"
-#~ msgid "Legal person"
-#~ msgstr "Persona Jurídica"
-#~ msgid "Name"
-#~ msgstr "Nome"
-#~ msgid "Social reason"
-#~ msgstr "Razón social"
-#~ msgid "Surname"
-#~ msgstr "Apellido"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your last name"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar tu apellido"
-#~ msgid "CPF"
-#~ msgstr "CPF"
-#~ msgid "Address"
-#~ msgstr "Dirección"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your address"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar tu dirección"
-#~ msgid "Number"
-#~ msgstr "Número"
-#~ msgid "You must provide your address number"
-#~ msgstr "Debe informar su número de dirección"
-#~ msgid "City"
-#~ msgstr "Ciudad"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your city"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar a tu ciudad"
-#~ msgid "State"
-#~ msgstr "Estado"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your status"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar a tu estado"
-#~ msgid "Postal Code"
-#~ msgstr "Código postal"
-#~ msgid "You must provide your zip code"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar tu código postal"
-#~ msgid "See the reasons for refusing your purchase."
-#~ msgstr "Vea las razones para rechazar su compra."
-#~ msgid "30 minutes"
-#~ msgstr "30 minutos"
-#~ msgid "New"
-#~ msgstr "Nuevo"
-#~ msgid " day"
-#~ msgstr " día"
-#~ msgid "Description for cart Checkout"
-#~ msgstr "Descripción para el Checkout en el carrito"
+#~ "By disabling it, you will disable all payment methods of this checkout."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago con tarjeta de "
+#~ "crédito en el Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Configure the payment options and accept payments with cards, ticket and "
-#~ "money of Mercado Pago account."
+#~ "By confirming your purchase, you will be redirected to your Mercado Pago "
+#~ "account."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Configura las opciones de pago a tu medida y acepta pagos con tarjetas, "
-#~ "dinero en efectivo y dinero en cuenta de Mercado Pago."
-#~ msgid "https://developers.mercadopago.com/"
-#~ msgstr "https://developers.mercadopago.com/"
-#~ msgid "https://github.com/mercadopago/cart-woocommerce"
-#~ msgstr "https://github.com/mercadopago/cart-woocommerce"
+#~ "Al confirmar tu compra, te mostraremos un código para realizar el pago."
diff --git a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_MX.mo b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_MX.mo
index be9f33e1a..b1f7a85d9 100644
Binary files a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_MX.mo and b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_MX.mo differ
diff --git a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_MX.po b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_MX.po
index 9f270518d..600408cd4 100644
--- a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_MX.po
+++ b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_MX.po
@@ -1,85 +1,54 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 woocommerce-mercadopago
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the woocommerce-mercadopago package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce 6.0.0\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/woocommerce-"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-05-16 21:36+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-04-10 14:38+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
-"Language: es_ES\n"
+"Language: es_AR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 3.3.1\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 3.4.2\n"
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helper-links.php:141,
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:352
-msgid "By continuing, you agree to our "
-msgstr "Al continuar, aceptas nuestros "
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helper-links.php:143,
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:354
-msgid "Terms and Conditions"
-msgstr "Términos y condiciones"
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:92
-msgid ""
-"Activate this option so that the value of the currency set in WooCommerce is "
-"compatible with the value of the currency you use in Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Activa esta opción para que el valor de la moneda configurada en WooCommerce "
-"sea compatible al valor de la moneda que usas en Mercado Pago."
-#. translators: 1: local currency 2: currency
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:478
-msgid "Now we convert your currency from %1$s to %2$s."
-msgstr "Ahora convertimos tu moneda de %1$s a %2$s."
-#. translators: 1: local currency 2: currency
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:498
-msgid "We no longer convert your currency from %1$s to %2$s."
-msgstr "Dejamos de convertir tu moneda de %1$s a %2$s."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:463,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:172
+msgid "Activate WooCommerce"
+msgstr "Activar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:519
-msgid ""
-"Attention: The currency settings you have in WooCommerce are not "
-"compatible with the currency you use in your Mercado Pago account. Please "
-"activate the currency conversion."
-msgstr ""
-"Atención: La configuración de moneda que tienes en WooCommerce no es "
-"compatible con la moneda que usas en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago. Activa la "
-"conversión de moneda."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:464,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:173
+msgid "Install WooCommerce"
+msgstr "Instalar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-configs.php:125
-msgid ""
-"Update your credentials with the Access Token and Public Key, you need them "
-"to continue receiving payments!"
-msgstr ""
-"Actualice sus credenciales con el Access Token y la Public Key, ¡los "
-"necesita para continuar recibiendo pagos!"
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:465,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:174
+msgid "See WooCommerce"
+msgstr "Ver WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-configs.php:134
-msgid ""
-"The store should have HTTPS in order to activate both Checkout Personalizado "
-"and Ticket Checkout."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:467,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:163
+msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs an active version of %s in order to work!"
msgstr ""
-"La tienda debe tener HTTPS para activar el Checkout Personalizado y el "
-"Ticket Checkout."
+"¡El módulo de Mercado Pago necesita una versión de %s activa para funcionar!"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:52
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:169
msgid ""
-"Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce requires PHP version 5.6 or later. "
+"Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce requires PHP version 7.4 or later. "
"Please update your PHP version."
msgstr ""
-"El plugin de Mercado Pago requiere la versión de PHP 5.6 o posterior. Por "
+"El plugin de Mercado Pago requiere la versión de PHP 7.4 o posterior. Por "
"favor actualice su versión de PHP."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:61
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:170
msgid "Mercado Pago Error: PHP Extension CURL is not installed."
msgstr "Error en Mercado Pago: La extensión cURL de PHP no está instalada."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:70
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:171
msgid ""
"Mercado Pago Error: PHP Extension GD is not installed. Installation of GD "
"extension is required to send QR Code Pix by email."
@@ -88,493 +57,962 @@ msgstr ""
"necesaria la instalación de la extensión GD para enviar el QR Code Pix por "
"correo electrónico."
-#. translators: %s link to WooCommerce
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:82
-msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs an active version of %s in order to work!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:175
+msgid ""
+"Please note that to receive payments via Pix at our checkout, you must have "
+"a Pix key registered in your Mercado Pago account."
msgstr ""
-"¡El módulo de Mercado Pago necesita una versión de %s activa para funcionar!"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:95
-msgid "Cancel order"
-msgstr "Cancelar orden"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:177
-msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs the SDK package to work!"
-msgstr "¡El módulo de Mercado Pago necesita el SDK para funcionar!"
+"Ten en cuenta que para recibir pagos a través de Pix en nuestro checkout, "
+"debes tener una clave Pix registrada en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:368
-msgid "The payment method is not valid or not available."
-msgstr "El medio de pago no es válido o no está disponible."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:176
+msgid "Register your Pix key at Mercado Pago."
+msgstr "Registra tu clave Pix en Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:371
-msgid "The transaction amount cannot be processed by Mercado Pago."
-msgstr "El monto de transacción no puede ser procesado por Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:177
+msgid "%s, help us improve the experience we offer"
+msgstr "%s, ayúdanos a mejorar nuestra experiencia"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:371
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:178
msgid ""
-"Possible causes: Currency not supported; Amounts below the minimum or above "
-"the maximum allowed."
+"Share your opinion with us so that we improve our product and offer the best "
+"payment solution."
msgstr ""
-"Posibles causas: Moneda no soportada; Montos por debajo del mínimo o por "
-"encima del máximo permitido."
+"Comparte tu opinión con nosotros para poder mejorar nuestro producto y "
+"ofrecerte la mejor solución de pagos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:179
+msgid "Rate the plugin"
+msgstr "Valorar el plugin"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:374
-msgid "The users are not valid."
-msgstr "Los usuários no son válidos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:180
+msgid "Enable payments via Mercado Pago account"
+msgstr "Pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:374
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:181
msgid ""
-"Possible causes: Buyer and seller have the same account in Mercado Pago; The "
-"transaction involving production and test users."
+"When you enable this function, your customers pay faster using their Mercado "
+"Pago accounts.The approval rate of these payments in your store can be "
+"25% higher compared to other payment methods."
msgstr ""
-"Posibles causas: Comprador y vendedor tienen la misma cuenta en Mercado "
-"Pago; La transacción involucrando usuários de producción y de prueba."
+"Con esta función activa, tus clientes pagan más rápido usando su cuenta de "
+"Mercado Pago.La tasa de aprobación de estos pagos en tu tienda puede "
+"ser un 25% mayor en comparación con otros medios de pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:377
-msgid "Unauthorized use of production credentials."
-msgstr "Uso no autorizado de credenciales de producción."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:182
+msgid "Activate"
+msgstr "Activar"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:377
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:183
msgid ""
-"Possible causes: Use permission in use for the credential of the seller."
+"Our plugin does not support the language you've chosen, so we've switched it "
+"to the English default. If you prefer, you can also select Spanish or "
+"Portuguese (Brazilian)."
msgstr ""
-"Posibles causas: Pendencia de permiso de uso en producción para la "
-"credencial del vendedor."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:503
-msgid "Colombia"
-msgstr "Colombia"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:505
-msgid "Argentina"
-msgstr "Argentina"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:507
-msgid "Brazil"
-msgstr "Brasil"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:509
-msgid "Chile"
-msgstr "Chile"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:511
-msgid "Mexico"
-msgstr "México"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:513
-msgid "Uruguay"
-msgstr "Uruguay"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:515
-msgid "Venezuela"
-msgstr "Venezuela"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:184
+msgid "You activated Mercado Pago’s plug-in"
+msgstr "Activaste el plugin de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:517
-msgid "Peru"
-msgstr "Peru"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:551
-msgid "Update the WooCommerce order to "
-msgstr "Actualizar la orden de WooCommerce para "
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:821,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:583
-msgid "Fill in your credentials to enable payment methods."
-msgstr "Completa tus credenciales para habilitar los medios de pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:185
+msgid ""
+"Follow the instructions below to integrate your store with Mercado Pago and "
+"start to sell."
+msgstr ""
+"Sigue las instrucciones de abajo para integrar tu tienda con Mercado Pago y "
+"empezar a vender."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:837
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:197
msgid "Set plugin"
msgstr "Configurar plugin"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:838,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:293
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:198,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:738,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:798
msgid "Payment methods"
msgstr "Medios de pagos"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:839,
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:220
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:199
msgid "Plugin manual"
msgstr "Manual del plugin"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:938
-msgid "By Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Por Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-core.php:109,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:171,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:140,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:189,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:167
-msgid "Buyer email"
-msgstr "Email del comprador"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:211
+msgid "Cancel order"
+msgstr "Cancelar orden"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:35
-msgid "No ID or TOPIC param in Request IPN"
-msgstr "No hay ID o parámetro de ASUNTO la solicitud de IPN"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:212
+msgid "Mercado Pago commission:"
+msgstr "Comisión de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:39
-msgid ""
-"Discarded notification. This notification is already processed as webhook-"
-msgstr ""
-"Notificación ignorada. Esta notificación se procesa como webhook-payment."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:213
+msgid "Represents the commission configured on plugin settings."
+msgstr "Representa la comisión configurada en la configuración del plugin."
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:54
-msgid "IPN merchant_order not found"
-msgstr "No se ha encontrado la IPN de `merchant_order`"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:214
+msgid "Mercado Pago discount:"
+msgstr "Descuento de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:60
-msgid "Not found Payments into Merchant_Order"
-msgstr "No se han encontrado pagos en Merchant_Order"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:215
+msgid "Represents the discount configured on plugin settings."
+msgstr "Representa el descuento configurado en la configuración del plugin."
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:174,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:143,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:192,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:170
-msgid "Payment type"
-msgstr "Tipo de método de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:216
+msgid "Represents the installment fee charged by Mercado Pago."
+msgstr "Representa la comisión a plazos cobrada por Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:177,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:146,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:195,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:173
-msgid "Payment method"
-msgstr "Método de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:217
+msgid "Mercado Pago Installment Fee:"
+msgstr "Cuota de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:39
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:218
msgid ""
-"Please enter your email address at the billing address to use this service"
+"Represents the total purchase plus the installment fee charged by Mercado "
msgstr ""
-"Por favor, introduzca su email en la dirección de facturación para utilizar "
-"este servicio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:41,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:42,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:277
-msgid "Checkout Pro"
-msgstr "Checkout Pro"
+"Representa el total de la compra más la comisión de fraccionamiento cobrada "
+"por Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:43
-msgid "Debit, Credit and invoice in Mercado Pago environment"
-msgstr "Débito, crédito y efectivo, en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:219
+msgid "Mercado Pago Total:"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago Total:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:51
-msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
-msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:232
+msgid "Accept"
+msgstr "Acepta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:53
-msgid "Your saved cards or money in Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Compras con tarjetas guardadas o saldo en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:233
+msgid "payments"
+msgstr "pagos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:164
-msgid "Maximum number of installments"
-msgstr "Máximo de cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:234
+msgid "safely"
+msgstr "de forma"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:166
-msgid "What is the maximum quota with which a customer can buy?"
-msgstr "¿Cuál es el máximo de cuotas con las que un cliente puede comprar?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:235
+msgid "with"
+msgstr "segura con"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:169
-msgid "1 installment"
-msgstr "1 cuota"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:236
+msgid "Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:170
-msgid "2 installments"
-msgstr "2 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:241
+msgid "Choose"
+msgstr "Elige"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:171
-msgid "3 installments"
-msgstr "3 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:242
+msgid "when you want to receive the money"
+msgstr "cuándo quieres recibir el dinero"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:172
-msgid "4 installments"
-msgstr "4 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:243
+msgid "from your sales and if you want to offer"
+msgstr "de las ventas y si quieres ofrecer"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:173
-msgid "5 installments"
-msgstr "5 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:244
+msgid "interest-free installments"
+msgstr "cuotas sin interés"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:174
-msgid "6 installments"
-msgstr "6 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:245
+msgid "to your clients."
+msgstr "a los clientes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:175
-msgid "10 installments"
-msgstr "10 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:251
+msgid "SSL"
+msgstr "SSL"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:176
-msgid "12 installments"
-msgstr "12 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:252
+msgid "Curl"
+msgstr "Curl"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:177
-msgid "15 installments"
-msgstr "15 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:253
+msgid "GD Extensions"
+msgstr "Extensiones GD"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:178
-msgid "18 installments"
-msgstr "18 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:255
+msgid "Technical requirements"
+msgstr "Requisitos técnicos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:179
-msgid "24 installments"
-msgstr "24 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:256
+msgid "Collections and installments"
+msgstr "Cobros y cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:256,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:153,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:915,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:203,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:197
-msgid "Enable the checkout"
-msgstr "Activar el checkout"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:257
+msgid "More information"
+msgstr "Más información"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:257
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:258
msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all payments from Mercado Pago Checkout at "
-"Mercado Pago website by redirect."
+"Implementation responsible for transmitting data to Mercado Pago in a secure "
+"and encrypted way."
msgstr ""
-"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago del checkout en el "
-"sitio web de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:261,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:920
-msgid "The checkout is enabled."
-msgstr "El checkout está activo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:262,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:921
-msgid "The checkout is disabled."
-msgstr "El checkout está inactivo."
+"Implementación responsable de transmitir los datos a Mercado Pago de forma "
+"segura y encriptada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:281
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:259
msgid ""
-"With Checkout Pro you sell with all the safety inside Mercado Pago "
+"It is an extension responsible for making payments via requests from the "
+"plugin to Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Pro, podrás vender con toda la seguridad, dentro de Mercado "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:298,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:269
-msgid "Advanced settings"
-msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:311
-msgid "Payment experience"
-msgstr "Experiencia de pago"
+"Es una extensión encargada de realizar los pagos a través de requests del "
+"plugin a Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:313
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:260
msgid ""
-"Define what payment experience your customers will have, whether inside or "
-"outside your store."
+"These extensions are responsible for the implementation and operation of Pix "
+"in your store."
msgstr ""
-"Define qué experiencia de pago tendrán tus clientes, si dentro o fuera de tu "
+"Extensiones responsables de la aplicación y el funcionamiento de Pix en su "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:316
-msgid "Redirect"
-msgstr "Redirect"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:262
+msgid "Check our documentation to learn more about integrating our plug-in."
+msgstr ""
+"Revisa nuestras documentaciones para saber más sobre la integración de "
+"nuestro plugin."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:317
-msgid "Modal"
-msgstr "Modal"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:263
+msgid "Set deadlines and fees"
+msgstr "Ajustar plazos y tasas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:333
-msgid ""
-"Choose the URL that we will show your customers when they finish their "
-msgstr "Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando terminen su compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:264
+msgid "Go to documentation"
+msgstr "Ir a la documentación"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:331,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:351,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:372
-msgid "This seems to be an invalid URL."
-msgstr "Esto parece ser una URL no válida."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:277
+msgid "Public Key"
+msgstr "Public Key"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:336
-msgid "Success URL"
-msgstr "URL de éxito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:278
+msgid "Access Token"
+msgstr "Access Token"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:353
-msgid ""
-"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when we refuse their "
-"purchase. Make sure it includes a message appropriate to the situation and "
-"give them useful information so they can solve it."
-msgstr ""
-"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando rechacemos su compra. "
-"Asegúrate de incluir un mensaje adecuado a la situación y dales información "
-"útil para que puedan solucionarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:279
+msgid "1. Enter your credentials to integrate your store with Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "1. Ingresa tus credenciales para integrar tu tienda con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:356
-msgid "Payment URL rejected"
-msgstr "URL de pago rechazado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:280
+msgid "Production credentials"
+msgstr "Credenciales de producción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:281
+msgid "Test credentials"
+msgstr "Credenciales de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:374
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:282
+msgid "To start selling, "
+msgstr "Para empezar a vender, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:283
msgid ""
-"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when they have a payment "
-"pending approval."
+"in the fields below. If you don’t have credentials yet, you’ll have to "
+"create them from this link."
msgstr ""
-"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando tengan un pago pendiente "
-"de aprobación."
+"en los campos de abajo. Si todavía no tienes credenciales, deberás crearlas "
+"en ese mismo enlace."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:377
-msgid "Payment URL pending"
-msgstr "URL de pago pendiente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:284
+msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts for test purchases in the store."
+msgstr ""
+"Habilita a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para pruebas de compras en la "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:391
-msgid "Enable the payment methods available to your clients."
-msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles para tus clientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:285
+msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts to receive real payments in the store."
+msgstr ""
+"Habilita a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para recibir pagos reales en tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:392
-msgid "Choose the payment methods you accept in your store"
-msgstr "Elige los medios de pago que se aceptan en la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:286
+msgid "Paste your Public Key here"
+msgstr "Pega aquí tu Public Key"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:396
-msgid "Credit Cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:287
+msgid "Paste your Access Token here"
+msgstr "Pega aquí tu Access Token"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:400
-msgid "Debit Cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:288,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:342
+msgid "Save and continue"
+msgstr "Guardar y continuar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:404
-msgid "Other Payment Methods"
-msgstr "Otros medios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:289
+msgid ""
+"You have to enter your production credentials to start selling with Mercado "
+msgstr ""
+"Debes ingresar tus credenciales de producción para empezar a vender con "
+"Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:454
-msgid "Return to the store"
-msgstr "Volver a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:290
+msgid "Enter credentials"
+msgstr "Introducir credenciales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:455
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:291
+msgid "Activate your credentials to be able to sell"
+msgstr "Activa tus credenciales para poder vender"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:292
msgid ""
-"Do you want your customer to automatically return to the store after payment?"
+"Credentials are codes that you must enter to enable sales. Go below on "
+"Activate Credentials. On the next screen, use again the Activate Credentials "
+"button and fill in the fields with the requested information."
msgstr ""
-"¿Quieres que tu cliente vuelva automáticamente a la tienda después del pago?"
+"Las credenciales son códigos que debes ingresar para habilitar las ventas. "
+"Vaya más abajo en Activar credenciales. En la siguiente pantalla, utilice "
+"nuevamente el botón Activar Credenciales y complete los campos con la "
+"información solicitada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:459
-msgid "The buyer will be automatically redirected to the store."
-msgstr "El comprador será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:293
+msgid "Activate credentials"
+msgstr "Activar credenciales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:460
-msgid "The buyer will not be automatically redirected to the store."
-msgstr "El comprador no será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:294
+msgid "copy and paste your production credentials "
+msgstr "copia y pega tus credenciales de producción "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:485
-msgid "Available payment methods"
-msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:307
+msgid "Add the URL to receive payments notifications."
+msgstr "Ingresa la URL para recibir notificaciones de pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:535,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:521,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:426,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:411,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:698,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:418,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:404,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:434,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:419,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:174,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:172
-msgid "discount of"
-msgstr "descuento de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:308
+msgid "Find out more information in the"
+msgstr "Consulta más información en los"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:541,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:527,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:432,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:417,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:704,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:691,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:424,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:410,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:440,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:425,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:176
-msgid "fee of"
-msgstr "comisión de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:310
+msgid "guides"
+msgstr "manuales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:641,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:667,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:719
-msgid "Easy login"
-msgstr "Ingresa con facilidad"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:315
+msgid ""
+"If you are a Mercado Pago Certified Partner, make sure to add your "
+msgstr ""
+"Si eres Partner certificado de Mercado Pago, recuerda ingresar tu "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:642,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:668,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:720
-msgid "Log in with the same email and password you use in Mercado Libre."
-msgstr "Inicia sesión con tu mismo e-mail y contraseña de Mercado Libre."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:316
+msgid "If you do not have the code, please"
+msgstr "Si no tienes el código,"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:649,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:675,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:693,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:727
-msgid "Quick payments"
-msgstr "Paga rápido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:318
+msgid "request it now"
+msgstr "solicítalo ahora"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:650
-msgid "Use your saved cards, Pix or available balance."
-msgstr "Usa tus tarjetas guardadas, Pix o saldo disponible."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:322
+msgid "2. Customize your business’ information"
+msgstr "2. Personaliza la información de tu negocio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:657,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:683
-msgid "Protected purchases"
-msgstr "Protege tu compra"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:323
+msgid "Your store information"
+msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:658,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:684
-msgid "Get your money back in case you don't receive your product."
-msgstr "Recupera tu dinero si no recibes el producto."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:324
+msgid "Advanced integration options (optional)"
+msgstr "Opciones avanzadas de integración (opcional)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:676
-msgid "Use your available Mercado Pago Wallet balance or saved cards."
-msgstr "Usa tu saldo disponible en Mercado Pago Wallet o tarjetas guardadas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:325
+msgid "Debug and Log Mode"
+msgstr "Modo debug y log"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:694,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:728
-msgid "Use your available money or saved cards."
-msgstr "Usa tu dinero disponible o tarjetas guardadas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:326
+msgid ""
+"Fill out the following details to have a better experience and offer your "
+"customers more information."
+msgstr ""
+"Completa los siguientes datos para tener una mejor experiencia y ofrecerle "
+"más información a tus clientes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:701,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:735
-msgid "Installments option"
-msgstr "Accede a cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:327
+msgid "Name of your store in your client's invoice"
+msgstr "Nombre de tu tienda en la factura de los clientes"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:702
-msgid "Pay with or without a credit card."
-msgstr "Paga con o sin tarjeta de crédito."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:328
+msgid "Identification in Activities of Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Identificación en Actividad de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:709
-msgid "Reliable purchases"
-msgstr "Compra con confianza"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:329
+msgid ""
+"For further integration of your store with Mercado Pago (IPN, Certified "
+"Partners, Debug Mode)"
+msgstr ""
+"Para mayor integración de tu tienda con Mercado Pago (IPN, Socios "
+"Certificados, Modo Debug)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:710
-msgid "Get help if you have a problem with your purchase."
-msgstr "Recibe ayuda si tienes algún problema con tu compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:330
+msgid "Store category"
+msgstr "Categoría de la tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:736
-msgid "Interest-free installments with selected banks."
-msgstr "Cuotas sin interés con bancos seleccionados."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:331
+msgid "URL for IPN"
+msgstr "URL para IPN"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:332
+msgid "Integrator ID"
+msgstr "Integrator ID"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:333
+msgid "We record your store's actions in order to provide a better assistance."
+msgstr "Grabamos las aciones de tu tienda para brindar un mejor soporte."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:334
+msgid "Ex: Mary's Store"
+msgstr "Ej.: Tienda de María"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:335
+msgid "Ex: Mary Store"
+msgstr "Ej.: TiendaMaría"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:336,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1253
+msgid "Select"
+msgstr "Seleccionar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:337
+msgid "Ex: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+msgstr "Ej.: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:338
+msgid "Add plugin default params"
+msgstr "Agregar parámetros default del plugin"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:339
+msgid "Ex: 14987126498"
+msgstr "Ej.: 14987126498"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:340
+msgid "Show advanced options"
+msgstr "Ver opciones avanzadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:341
+msgid "Hide advanced options"
+msgstr "Esconder opciones avanzadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:343
+msgid ""
+"If this field is empty, the purchase will be identified as Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Si el campo queda vacío, la compra del cliente se identificará como Mercado "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:344
+msgid "In Activities, you will view this term before the order number"
+msgstr "En Actividad, verás el término ingresado antes del número o del pedido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:345
+msgid ""
+"Select \"Other categories\" if you do not find the appropriate category."
+msgstr "Seleciona ”Other categories” si no encuentras una categoría adecuada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:346
+msgid "request it now."
+msgstr "solicítalo ahora."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:360
+msgid "3. Activate and set up payment methods"
+msgstr "3. Activa y configura los medios de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:361
+msgid ""
+"Select the payment method you want to appear in your store to activate and "
+"set it up."
+msgstr ""
+"Selecciona el medio de pago que quieres que aparezca en tu tienda para "
+"activarlo y configurarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:362
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Configurar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:363
+msgid "Continue"
+msgstr "Continuar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:364
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Activado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:365
+msgid "Disabled"
+msgstr "Inactivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:366
+msgid "Configure your credentials to enable Mercado Pago payment methods."
+msgstr ""
+"Completa tus credenciales para habilitar los medios de pago Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:379,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:385
+msgid "The checkout is"
+msgstr "El checkout está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:380,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:392,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:508,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:520,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:532,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:599,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:611,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:623,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:700,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:762,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:822,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:834
+msgid "enabled"
+msgstr "activo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:386,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:398,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:514,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:526,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:538,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:605,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:617,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:629,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:706,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:768,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:828,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:840
+msgid "disabled"
+msgstr "inactivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:391,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:397,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:519,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:525,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:610,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:616,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:699,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:705,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:761,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:767,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:833,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:839
+msgid "Currency conversion is"
+msgstr "Conversión de moneda está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:403,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:409
+msgid "The buyer"
+msgstr "El comprador"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:404
+msgid "will be automatically redirected to the store"
+msgstr "será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:410
+msgid "will not be automatically redirected to the store"
+msgstr "no será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:416,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:422,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:634,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:640
+msgid "Pending payments"
+msgstr "Los pagos pendientes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:417,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:635
+msgid "will be automatically declined"
+msgstr "se rechazarán automaticamente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:423,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:641
+msgid "will not be automatically declined"
+msgstr "no se rechazarán automaticamente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:427,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:442
+msgid "Your saved cards or money available in Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:428,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:430
+msgid "Your clients finalize their payments in Mercado Pago."
+msgstr "Tus clientes finalizan sus pagos en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:429
+msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:431
+msgid "Checkout Pro"
+msgstr "Checkout Pro"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:432
+msgid ""
+"With Checkout Pro you sell with all the safety inside Mercado Pago "
+msgstr ""
+"Con el Checkout Pro, podrás vender con toda la seguridad, dentro de Mercado "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:433,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:548,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:715,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:777,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:858
+msgid "Mercado Pago plugin general settings"
+msgstr "Configuraciones generales del plugin de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:434,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:549,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:652,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:716,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:778,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:859
+msgid ""
+"Set the deadlines and fees, test your store or access the Plugin manual."
+msgstr "Ajusta tasas y plazos, testea tu tienda o accede al manual del plugin."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:435,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:550,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:653,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:717,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:779,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:860
+msgid "Go to Settings"
+msgstr "Ir a Configuraciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:436,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:654,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:861
+msgid "Enable the checkout"
+msgstr "Activar el checkout"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:437
+msgid ""
+"By disabling it, you will disable all payments from Mercado Pago Checkout at "
+"Mercado Pago website by redirect."
+msgstr ""
+"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago del checkout en el "
+"sitio web de Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:440,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:559,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:658,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:722,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:784,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:865
+msgid "Title in the store Checkout"
+msgstr "Título en el checkout de la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:441,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:659,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:723,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:785,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:866
+msgid "Change the display text in Checkout, maximum characters: 85"
+msgstr "Puedes cambiar el título dentro tu tienda. Caracteres máximos: 85"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:443,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:562,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:661,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:725,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:787,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:868
+msgid "The text inserted here will not be translated to other languages"
+msgstr "El texto insertado aquí no se traducirá a otros idiomas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:444,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:563,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:665,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:726,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:788,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:882
+msgid "Convert Currency"
+msgstr "Convertir moneda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:445,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:564,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:666,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:727,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:789,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:883
+msgid ""
+"Activate this option so that the value of the currency set in WooCommerce is "
+"compatible with the value of the currency you use in Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Activa esta opción para que el valor de la moneda configurada en WooCommerce "
+"sea compatible al valor de la moneda que usas en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:448
+msgid "Choose the payment methods you accept in your store"
+msgstr "Elige los medios de pago que se aceptan en la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:449
+msgid "Enable the payment methods available to your clients."
+msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles para tus clientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:450
+msgid "Credit Cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:451
+msgid "Debit Cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:452
+msgid "Other Payment Methods"
+msgstr "Otros medios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:453
+msgid "Maximum number of installments"
+msgstr "Máximo de cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:454
+msgid "What is the maximum quota with which a customer can buy?"
+msgstr "¿Cuál es el máximo de cuotas con las que un cliente puede comprar?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:455
+msgid "1 installment"
+msgstr "1 cuota"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:456
+msgid "2 installments"
+msgstr "2 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:457
+msgid "3 installments"
+msgstr "3 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:458
+msgid "4 installments"
+msgstr "4 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:459
+msgid "5 installments"
+msgstr "5 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:460
+msgid "6 installments"
+msgstr "6 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:461
+msgid "10 installments"
+msgstr "10 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:462
+msgid "12 installments"
+msgstr "12 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:463
+msgid "15 installments"
+msgstr "15 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:464
+msgid "18 installments"
+msgstr "18 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:465
+msgid "24 installments"
+msgstr "24 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:466,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:577
+msgid "Advanced settings"
+msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:467,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:578,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:675,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:733,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:793,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:890
+msgid ""
+"Edit these advanced fields only when you want to modify the preset values."
+msgstr ""
+"Edita estos campos avanzados solo cuando quieras modificar los valores "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:468
+msgid "Payment experience"
+msgstr "Experiencia de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:469
+msgid ""
+"Define what payment experience your customers will have, whether inside or "
+"outside your store."
+msgstr ""
+"Define qué experiencia de pago tendrán tus clientes, si dentro o fuera de tu "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:470
+msgid "Redirect"
+msgstr "Redirect"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:471
+msgid "Modal"
+msgstr "Modal"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:472
+msgid "Return to the store"
+msgstr "Volver a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:473
+msgid ""
+"Do you want your customer to automatically return to the store after payment?"
+msgstr ""
+"¿Quieres que tu cliente vuelva automáticamente a la tienda después del pago?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:30,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:31,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:245
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:476
+msgid "Success URL"
+msgstr "URL de éxito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:477
+msgid ""
+"Choose the URL that we will show your customers when they finish their "
+msgstr "Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando terminen su compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:478
+msgid "Payment URL rejected"
+msgstr "URL de pago rechazado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:479
+msgid ""
+"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when we refuse their "
+"purchase. Make sure it includes a message appropriate to the situation and "
+"give them useful information so they can solve it."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando rechacemos su compra. "
+"Asegúrate de incluir un mensaje adecuado a la situación y dales información "
+"útil para que puedan solucionarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:480
+msgid "Payment URL pending"
+msgstr "URL de pago pendiente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:481
+msgid ""
+"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when they have a payment "
+"pending approval."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando tengan un pago pendiente "
+"de aprobación."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:482,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:676
+msgid "Automatic decline of payments without instant approval"
+msgstr "Rechazo automático de pagos sin aprobación instantanea"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:483,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:677
+msgid ""
+"Enable it if you want to automatically decline payments that are not "
+"instantly approved by banks or other institutions."
+msgstr ""
+"Actívalo si quieres rechazar automáticamente los pagos que no son aprobados "
+"instantáneamente por bancos u otros compradores."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:484
+msgid "Debit, Credit and Invoice in Mercado Pago environment."
+msgstr "Débito, crédito y efectivo, en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:487,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:579,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:680,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:742,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:802,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:891
+msgid "Discount in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
+msgstr "Descuento en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:488,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:580,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:681,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:743,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:803,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:892
+msgid ""
+"Choose a percentage value that you want to discount your customers for "
+"paying with Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige un valor porcentual que quieras descontar a tus clientes por pagar con "
+"Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:489,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:492,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:581,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:584,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:682,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:685,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:744,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:747,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:804,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:807,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:893,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:896
+msgid "Activate and show this information on Mercado Pago Checkout"
+msgstr "Activar y mostrar esa información en el checkout Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:490,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:582,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:683,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:745,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:805,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:894
+msgid "Commission in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
+msgstr "Comisiones en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:491,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:583,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:684,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:746,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:806,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:895
+msgid ""
+"Choose an additional percentage value that you want to charge as commission "
+"to your customers for paying with Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige un valor porcentual adicional que quieras cobrar como comisión a tus "
+"clientes por pagar con Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:493
+msgid "This seems to be an invalid URL"
+msgstr "Esto parece ser una URL no válida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:507,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:513
+msgid "Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is"
+msgstr "“Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago” está "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:531,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:537
+msgid "The installments without card component is"
+msgstr "El componente “Compra en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta” está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:542,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:546
msgid "Installments without card"
msgstr "Financiación sin tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:32
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:543,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:545
msgid "Customers who buy on spot and pay later in up to 12 installments"
msgstr "Tus clientes pueden comprar en hasta 12 pagos mensuales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:40
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:544
msgid "Mercado Pago - Installments without card"
-msgstr "Mercado Pago - Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Financiación sin tarjeta de crédito "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:42
-msgid "Checkout without card"
-msgstr "Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:547
+msgid ""
+"Reach millions of buyers by offering Mercado Credito as a payment method. "
+"Our flexible payment options give your customers the possibility to buy "
+"today whatever they want in up to 12 installments without the need to use a "
+"credit card. For your business, the approval of the purchase is immediate "
+"and guaranteed."
+msgstr ""
+"Llega a millones de compradores ofreciéndoles Mercado Crédito como medio de "
+"pago. Nuestras opciones de pago flexibles brindan a tus clientes la "
+"posibilidad de comprar lo que quieren hoy en hasta 12 cuotas sin la "
+"necesidad de utilizar una tarjeta. Para tu negocio, la aprobación de la "
+"compra es inmediata y está garantizada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:182
-msgid "Activate installments without card in your store checkout "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:551
+msgid "Activate installments without card in your store checkout"
msgstr "Activar la opción de financiación sin tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:183
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:552
msgid ""
"Offer the option to pay in installments without card directly from your "
"store's checkout."
@@ -582,116 +1020,114 @@ msgstr ""
"Ofrece a tus clientes la opción de financiar su compra en hasta 12 pagos "
"mensuales, directo desde el checkout de tu tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:187
-msgid ""
-"Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is active"
-msgstr "“Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago” está activo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:188
-msgid ""
-"Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is inactive"
-msgstr "“Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago” está inactivo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:205
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:555
msgid "Checkout visualization"
msgstr "Visualización en el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:206,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:367
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:556,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:576
msgid "Check below how this feature will be displayed to your customers:"
msgstr "A continuación verás cómo este recurso aparecerá para tus clientes:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:207
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:557
msgid "Checkout Preview"
msgstr "Visualización en el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:208
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:558
msgid "PREVIEW"
msgstr "DEMO"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:249
-msgid ""
-"Reach millions of buyers by offering Mercado Credito as a payment method. "
-"Our flexible payment options give your customers the possibility to buy "
-"today whatever they want in up to 12 installments without the need to use a "
-"credit card."
-msgstr ""
-"Llega a millones de compradores con bajo acceso a financiación ofreciéndoles "
-"Mercado Crédito como medio de pago. Nuestras opciones de pago flexibles "
-"brindan a tus clientes la posibilidad de comprar lo que quieren en hasta "
-"12 pagos mensuales sin necesidad de utilizar una tarjeta de crédito. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:560
+msgid "It is possible to edit the title. Maximum of 85 characters."
+msgstr "Puedes cambiar el título dentro tu tienda. Caracteres máximos: 85."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:252
-msgid ""
-"For your business, the approval of the purchase is immediate and guaranteed."
-msgstr ""
-"Para tu negocio, la aprobación de la compra es inmediata y está garantizada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:561
+msgid "Checkout without card"
+msgstr "Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:311
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:567
msgid ""
"Inform your customers about the option of paying in installments without card"
msgstr ""
"Informa a tus clientes la posibilidad de financiar sus compras en hasta 12 "
"pagos sin tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:314
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:568
msgid ""
-"By activating the installments without card component, you increase "
-"your chances of selling."
-msgstr ""
-"Al activar el componente de financiación en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta de "
-"crédito, aumentarás tus posibilidades de venta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:316
-msgid "The installments without card component is active."
+"By activating the installments without card component, you increase your "
+"chances of selling."
msgstr ""
-"El componente “Compra en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta” está activo."
+"Al activar el componente de financiación en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta de "
+"crédito, aumentarás tus posibilidades de venta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:317
-msgid "The installments without card component is inactive."
-msgstr ""
-"El componente “Compra en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta” está inactivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:355,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:365
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:571
msgid "Banner on the product page | Computer version"
msgstr "Componente en la página del producto | Versión para computadora"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:356
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:572
msgid "Banner on the product page | Cellphone version"
msgstr "Componente en la página del producto | Versión para celular"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:363
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:573
msgid "Computer"
msgstr "Computadora"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:364
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:574
msgid "Mobile"
msgstr "Celular"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:366
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:575
msgid "Component visualization"
msgstr "Visualización del componente"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:41,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:42,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:52
-msgid "Debit and Credit"
-msgstr "Débito e crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:43,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:36,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:36
-msgid "Transparent Checkout in your store environment"
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente, en tu tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:598,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:604
+msgid "Transparent Checkout for credit cards is"
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente de las tarjetas de crédito está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:622,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:628
+msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are"
+msgstr "Los pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago están"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:645,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:660
+msgid "Credit and debit cards"
+msgstr "Tarjeta de crédito y débito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:646,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:648,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:711,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:773,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:853,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:855
+msgid "Payments without leaving your store with our customizable checkout"
+msgstr "Pagos sin salir de tu tienda con nuestro checkout personalizable."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:647,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:712,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:774,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:854
+msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout API"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout API"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:649
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Credit card"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Tarjeta de Crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:650
+msgid ""
+"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
+"without redirection and with the security from Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Con el Checkout Transparente, puedes vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
+"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:51,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:44,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:44
-msgid "Mercado pago - Customized Checkout"
-msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Personalizado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:651
+msgid "Mercado Pago Plugin general settings"
+msgstr "Configuraciones generales del plugin de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:154
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:655
msgid ""
"By disabling it, you will disable all credit cards payments from Mercado "
"Pago Transparent Checkout."
@@ -699,21 +1135,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago con tarjeta de crédito "
"en el Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:158
-msgid "Transparent Checkout for credit cards is enabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El Checkout Transparente de las tarjetas de crédito está activado."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:159
-msgid "Transparent checkout for credit cards is disabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El checkout transparente de las tarjetas de crédito está desactivado."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:191
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:662
msgid "Installments Fees"
msgstr "Tasas de pago en cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:192
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:663
msgid ""
"Set installment fees and whether they will be charged from the store or from "
"the buyer."
@@ -721,31 +1147,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Configura las tasas de las cuotas y si se las cobrarán a la tienda o al "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:193
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:664
msgid "Set fees"
msgstr "Configurar tasas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:218
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Credit card "
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Tarjeta de Crédito "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:222
-msgid ""
-"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
-"without redirection and with the security from Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Transparente, puedes vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
-"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:240
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the personalized payment experience"
-msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:254
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:669
msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago account"
msgstr "Pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:255
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:670
msgid ""
"Your customers pay faster with saved cards, money balance or other available "
"methods in their Mercado Pago accounts."
@@ -753,387 +1163,254 @@ msgstr ""
"Tus clientes pagan más rápido con tarjetas guardadas, dinero disponible o "
"con otros medios disponibles en sus cuentas de MP."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:259
-msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are active."
-msgstr "Los pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago están activos."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:260
-msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are inactive."
-msgstr ""
-"Los pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago están deshabilitados."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:279
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:673
msgid "Check an example of how it will appear in your store:"
msgstr "Conoce un ejemplo de cómo aparecerá en la tienda:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:310
-msgid "That’s it, payment accepted!"
-msgstr "Listo, ¡aceptamos tu pago!"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:312
-msgid ""
-"We are processing your payment. In less than an hour we will send you the "
-"result by email."
-msgstr ""
-"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de una hora le enviaremos el resultado "
-"por correo electrónico."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:314
-msgid ""
-"We are processing your payment. In less than 2 days we will send you by "
-"email if the payment has been approved or if additional information is "
-msgstr ""
-"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de 2 días le enviaremos por correo "
-"electrónico si se ha aprobado el pago o si se necesita información adicional."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:316
-msgid "Check the card number."
-msgstr "Compruebe el número de tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:318
-msgid "Check the expiration date."
-msgstr "Compruebe la fecha de expiración."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:320
-msgid "Check the information provided."
-msgstr "Compruebe la información informada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:322
-msgid "Check the informed security code."
-msgstr "Compruebe el código de seguridad informado."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:325
-msgid "Your payment cannot be processed."
-msgstr "No se puede procesar su pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:327
-msgid "You must authorize payments for your orders."
-msgstr "Usted debe autorizar los pagos de sus órdenes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:329
-msgid ""
-"Contact your card issuer to activate it. The phone is on the back of your "
-msgstr ""
-"Póngase en contacto con el emisor de su tarjeta para activarla. El teléfono "
-"se encuentra en la parte posterior de su tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:331
-msgid ""
-"You have already made a payment of this amount. If you have to pay again, "
-"use another card or other method of payment."
-msgstr ""
-"Usted ya realizó un pago de este importe. Si tiene que pagar de nuevo, "
-"utilizar otra tarjeta u otro medio de pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:333
-msgid ""
-"Your payment was declined. Please select another payment method. It is "
-"recommended in cash."
-msgstr ""
-"Su pago fue rechazado. Por favor seleccione otro medio de pago. Se "
-"recomienda en efectivo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:674
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the personalized payment experience"
+msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:335
-msgid "Your payment does not have sufficient funds."
-msgstr "Su metodo de pago no tiene fondos suficientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:710,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:724
+msgid "Invoice"
+msgstr "Efectivo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:337
-msgid "Payment cannot process the selected fee."
-msgstr "El pago no puede procesar la cuota seleccionada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:713
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Invoice or Loterica"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Efectivo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:339
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:714,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:776,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:857
msgid ""
-"You have reached the limit of allowed attempts. Choose another card or other "
-"payment method."
-msgstr ""
-"Has alcanzado el límite de intentos permitidos. Elija otra tarjeta u otro "
-"medio de pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:341,
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:204
-msgid "This payment method cannot process your payment."
-msgstr "Este medio de pago no puede procesar su pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:396
-msgid "Credit cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:397
-msgid "Up to "
-msgstr "Hasta "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:397
-msgid " installments"
-msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:404
-msgid "Debit cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:447,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:448,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:480,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:481,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:401,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:402,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:562,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:563
-msgid "A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Please, try again."
+"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
+"without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Por favor, intente otra "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:577
-msgid "See your order form"
-msgstr "Ver su hoja de pedido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:588
-msgid "Your payment was declined. You can try again."
-msgstr "Su pago fue rechazado. Puede intentarlo de nuevo."
+"Con el Checkout Transparente, podrás vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
+"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:595,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:95,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:93
-msgid "Click to try again"
-msgstr "Haga clic para intentarlo de nuevo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:718,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:780
+msgid "Enable the Checkout"
+msgstr "Activar el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:617,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:618
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:719
msgid ""
-"A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have "
-"correctly filled all information in the checkout form?"
+"By disabling it, you will disable all invoice payments from Mercado Pago "
+"Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Está seguro de haber "
-"cargado la información en el formulario?"
+"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago en efectivo en el "
+"Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:642
-msgid "Represents the installment fee charged by Mercado Pago."
-msgstr "Representa la tarifa de cuota que cobra Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:720
+msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is enabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos en efectivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:643
-msgid "Mercado Pago Installment Fee:"
-msgstr "Tarifa de cuotas de Mercado Pago:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:721
+msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is disabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos en efectivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:648
-msgid ""
-"Represents the total purchase plus the installment fee charged by Mercado "
-msgstr ""
-"Representa el total de la compra más la tarifa de cuota que cobra Mercado "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:730
+msgid "Payment Due"
+msgstr "Fecha de pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:649
-msgid "Mercado Pago Total:"
-msgstr "Total en Mercado Pago:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:731
+msgid "In how many days will cash payments expire."
+msgstr "En cuántos días vencerán los pagos en efectivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:715
-msgid "Configure your credentials to enable Mercado Pago payment methods."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:732
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the cash payment experience"
msgstr ""
-"Completa tus credenciales para habilitar los medios de pago Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:773
-msgid "Title in the store Checkout"
-msgstr "Título en el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:775
-msgid "Change the display text in Checkout, maximum characters: 85"
-msgstr "Puedes cambiar el título dentro tu tienda. Caracteres máximos: 85"
+"Configuração avançada da experiência de pagamento via boleto e em lotéricas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:777
-msgid "The text inserted here will not be translated to other languages"
-msgstr "El texto insertado aquí no se traducirá a otros idiomas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:734,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:794
+msgid "Reduce inventory"
+msgstr "Reducir inventario"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:791
-msgid "Description"
-msgstr "Descripción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:735,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:795
+msgid ""
+"Activates inventory reduction during the creation of an order, whether or "
+"not the final payment is credited. Disable this option to reduce it only "
+"when payments are approved."
+msgstr ""
+"Activa la reducción del inventario durante la creación de un pedido, se "
+"acredite o no el pago final. Desactiva esta opción para reducirlo solo "
+"cuando los pagos estén aprobados."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:828,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:840,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:347
-msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
-msgstr "¡Importante! Para vender debe introducir sus credenciales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:736,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:796
+msgid "Reduce inventory is enabled."
+msgstr "Reducir inventario está activo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:829
-msgid "You must enter production credentials."
-msgstr "Debe introducir las credenciales de producción."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:737,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:797
+msgid "Reduce inventory is disabled."
+msgstr "Reducir inventario está inactivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:830
-msgid "Enter credentials"
-msgstr "Introducir credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:739,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:799
+msgid "Enable the available payment methods"
+msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:840
-msgid "Mercado Pago Plugin general settings"
-msgstr "Configuraciones generales del plugin de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:740,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:800
+msgid "Choose the available payment methods in your store."
+msgstr "Elige los medios de pago que se aceptan en la tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:841
-msgid ""
-"Set the deadlines and fees, test your store or access the Plugin manual."
-msgstr "Ajusta tasas y plazos, testea tu tienda o accede al manual del plugin."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:741,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:801
+msgid "All payment methods"
+msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:842
-msgid "Go to Settings"
-msgstr "Ir a Configuraciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:772,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:786
+msgid "PSE"
+msgstr "PSE"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:866
-msgid "Activate your credentials to be able to sell"
-msgstr "Activa tus credenciales para poder vender"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:775
+msgid "Transparent Checkout PSE"
+msgstr "Pago transparente PSE"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:867
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:781
msgid ""
-"Credentials are codes that you must enter to enable sales. Go below on "
-"Activate Credentials. On the next screen, use again the Activate Credentials "
-"button and fill in the fields with the requested information."
+"By deactivating it, you will disable PSE payments from Mercado Pago "
+"Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-"Las credenciales son contraseñas que debes integrar para poder vender. "
-"Dirígete a Activar credenciales. En la siguiente pantalla, ve de nuevo al "
-"botón Activar credenciales y completa los campos con los datos solicitados."
+"Al desactivarlo, desactivará los pagos PSE de Mercado Pago Transparente "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:868
-msgid "Activate credentials"
-msgstr "Activar credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:782
+msgid "The transparent checkout for PSE is enabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos PSE."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:916
-msgid "By disabling it, you will disable all payment methods of this checkout."
-msgstr "Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago del checkout."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:783
+msgid "The transparent checkout for PSE is disabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos PSE."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1029
-msgid "Basic Configuration"
-msgstr "Configuración Básica"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:792
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the PSE payment experience"
+msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia de pago PSE"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1042
-msgid "Discount coupons"
-msgstr "Cupones de descuento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:821,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:827
+msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is"
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1045
-msgid "Will you offer discount coupons to customers who buy with Mercado Pago?"
-msgstr ""
-"¿Ofrecerás cupones de descuento a los clientes que compren con Mercado Pago?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:845
+msgid "Go to the"
+msgstr "Ve al área"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1047
-msgid "Discount coupons is active."
-msgstr "Cupones de descuento están activos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:846
+msgid "Your Profile"
+msgstr "Tu Perfil"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1048
-msgid "Discount coupons is disabled."
-msgstr "Cupones de descuento están inactivos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:847
+msgid "area and choose the"
+msgstr "y elige la sección"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1060
-msgid "Automatic decline of payments without instant approval"
-msgstr "Rechazo automático de pagos sin aprobación instantanea"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:848
+msgid "Your Pix Keys section"
+msgstr "Tus claves Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:852,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:867
+msgid "Pix"
+msgstr "Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1061
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:856
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Pix"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:862
msgid ""
-"Enable it if you want to automatically decline payments that are not "
-"instantly approved by banks or other institutions. "
+"By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago "
+"Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-"Actívalo si quieres rechazar automáticamente los pagos que no son aprobados "
-"instantáneamente por bancos u otros compradores. "
+"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago con tarjeta de crédito "
+"en el Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1065
-msgid "Pending payments will be automatically declined."
-msgstr "Los pagos pendientes se rechazarán automaticamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:869
+msgid "Expiration for payments via Pix"
+msgstr "Vencimiento para pagos con Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1066
-msgid "Pending payments will not be automatically declined."
-msgstr "Los pagos pendientes no se rechazarán automaticamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:870
+msgid "Set the limit in minutes for your clients to pay via Pix."
+msgstr ""
+"Define el límite de minutos para que tus clientes puedan pagar con Pix."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1078
-msgid "Discount in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
-msgstr "Descuento en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:871
+msgid "15 minutes"
+msgstr "15 minutos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1081
-msgid ""
-"Choose a percentage value that you want to discount your customers for "
-"paying with Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Elige un valor porcentual que quieras descontar a tus clientes por pagar con "
-"Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:872
+msgid "30 minutes (recommended)"
+msgstr "30 minutos (recomendado)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1082,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1103
-msgid "Activate and show this information on Mercado Pago Checkout"
-msgstr "Activar y mostrar esa información en el checkout Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:873
+msgid "60 minutes"
+msgstr "60 minutos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1099
-msgid "Commission in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
-msgstr "Comisiones en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:874
+msgid "12 hours"
+msgstr "12 horas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1102
-msgid ""
-"Choose an additional percentage value that you want to charge as commission "
-"to your customers for paying with Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Elige un valor porcentual adicional que quieras cobrar como comisión a tus "
-"clientes por pagar con Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:875
+msgid "24 hours"
+msgstr "24 horas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1139
-msgid "Convert Currency"
-msgstr "Convertir moneda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:876
+msgid "2 days"
+msgstr "2 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1144
-msgid "Currency convertion is enabled."
-msgstr "Conversión de moneda está activa."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:877
+msgid "3 days"
+msgstr "3 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1145
-msgid "Currency convertion is disabled."
-msgstr "Conversión de moneda está inactiva."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:878
+msgid "4 days"
+msgstr "4 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1262
-msgid ""
-"Edit these advanced fields only when you want to modify the preset values."
-msgstr ""
-"Edita estos campos avanzados solo cuando quieras modificar los valores "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:879
+msgid "5 days"
+msgstr "5 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:34,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:35,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:45
-msgid "Pix"
-msgstr "Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:880
+msgid "6 days"
+msgstr "6 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:881
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr "7 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:886
+msgid "Would you like to know how Pix works?"
+msgstr "¿Quieres saber cómo funciona Pix?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:204
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:887
msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago "
-"Transparent Checkout."
-msgstr ""
-"Al desactivar, desabilitarás lo medios de pago con Pix en el Checkout "
-"Transparente de Mercado Pago."
+"We have a dedicated page where we explain how it works and its advantages."
+msgstr "Creamos una página que explica su funcionamiento y sus vantajas."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:208
-msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is enabled."
-msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos por Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:888
+msgid "Find out more about Pix"
+msgstr "Saber más sobre Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:209
-msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is disabled."
-msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos por Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:889
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the Pix experience"
+msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:224
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:897
msgid "To activate Pix, you must have a key registered in Mercado Pago."
msgstr "Para activar el Pix, debes tener una clave registrada en Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:225
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:898
msgid "Download the Mercado Pago app on your cell phone."
msgstr "Descarga la app de Mercado Pago en tu móvil."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:226
-msgid "Go to the "
-msgstr "Ve al área "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:227
-msgid "area and choose the "
-msgstr "y elige la sección "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:228
-msgid "Your Profile "
-msgstr "Tu Perfil "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:229
-msgid "Your Pix Keys section."
-msgstr "Tus claves Pix."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:230
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:900
msgid ""
"Choose which data to register as Pix keys. After registering, you can set up "
"Pix in your checkout."
@@ -1141,7 +1418,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Elige qué datos registrar como claves PIX. Luego de registrarte, podrás "
"configurar el Pix en tu checkout."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:231
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:901
msgid ""
"Remember that, for the time being, the Central Bank of Brazil is open Monday "
"through Friday, from 9am to 6pm."
@@ -1149,7 +1426,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Recuerda que, por el momento, el Banco Central de Brasil está abierto de "
"lunes a viernes, de 9 a 18 horas."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:902
msgid ""
"If you requested your registration outside these hours, we will confirm it "
"within the next business day."
@@ -1157,12 +1434,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Si has solicitado tu registro fuera de este horario, te lo confirmaremos en "
"el siguiente día hábil."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:233,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:328
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:903
msgid "Learn more about Pix"
msgstr "Más información sobre Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:234
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:904
msgid ""
"If you have already registered a Pix key at Mercado Pago and cannot activate "
"Pix in the checkout, "
@@ -1170,285 +1446,271 @@ msgstr ""
"Si ya has registrado una clave Pix en Mercado Pago y no puedes activar Pix "
"en el checkout, "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:235
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:905
msgid "click here."
msgstr "haz clic aquí."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:260
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Pix"
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:919
+msgid "To enable test mode"
+msgstr "Para activar el modo de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:264
-msgid ""
-"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
-"without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago. "
-msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Transparente, podrás vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
-"redireccionamientos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:921
+msgid "copy your test credentials"
+msgstr "copia tus credenciales de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:281
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the Pix experience"
-msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:922
+msgid "and paste them above in section 1 of this page"
+msgstr "y pégalas en la sección 1 de esta página"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:294
-msgid "15 minutes"
-msgstr "15 minutos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:927
+msgid "Create your"
+msgstr "Crea tu"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:295
-msgid "30 minutes (recommended)"
-msgstr "30 minutos (recomendado)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:929
+msgid "test user"
+msgstr "usuario de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:296
-msgid "60 minutes"
-msgstr "60 minutes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:930
+msgid ""
+"(Optional. Can be used in Production Mode and Test Mode, to test payments)"
+msgstr ""
+"(Opcional. Se puede utilizar en modo de producción y en modo de prueba, para "
+"probar los pagos)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:297
-msgid "12 hours"
-msgstr "12 horas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:936
+msgid "Use our test cards"
+msgstr "Utiliza nuestras tarjetas de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:298
-msgid "24 hours"
-msgstr "24 horas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:937
+msgid "never use real cards"
+msgstr "nunca utilices tarjetas reales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:299
-msgid "2 days"
-msgstr "2 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:943
+msgid "Visit your store"
+msgstr "Visita tu tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:300
-msgid "3 days"
-msgstr "3 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:944
+msgid "to test purchases"
+msgstr "para testear compras"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:301
-msgid "4 days"
-msgstr "4 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:948
+msgid "4. Test your store before you start to sell"
+msgstr "4. Testea tu tienda antes de empezar a vender"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:302
-msgid "5 days"
-msgstr "5 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:949
+msgid "Choose how you want to operate your store:"
+msgstr "Elige cómo quieres operar tu tienda:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:303
-msgid "6 days"
-msgstr "6 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:950
+msgid "Test Mode"
+msgstr "Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:304
-msgid "7 days"
-msgstr "7 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:951
+msgid "Sale Mode (Production)"
+msgstr "Modo Ventas (Producción)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:308
-msgid "Expiration for payments via Pix"
-msgstr "Vencimiento para pagos con Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:952
+msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Production Mode"
+msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Produción"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:310
-msgid "Set the limit in minutes for your clients to pay via Pix."
-msgstr ""
-"Define el límite de minutos para que tus clientes puedan pagar con Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:953
+msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:325
-msgid "Want to learn how Pix works?"
-msgstr "¿Quieres saber cómo funciona el Pix?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:954
+msgid "Enter test credentials"
+msgstr "Ingresa las credenciales de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:326
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:955
msgid ""
-"We have created a page to explain how this new payment method works and its "
+"Select “Test Mode” if you want to try the payment experience before you "
+"start to sell or “Sales Mode” (Production) to start now."
msgstr ""
-"Creamos una página para explicar cómo funciona este nuevo medio de pago y "
-"sus ventajas."
+"Selecciona Modo Test si deseas probar la experiencia de pago antes de "
+"empezar a vender o Modo Ventas (Producción) para empezar a vender ahora."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:347
-msgid "Would you like to know how Pix works?"
-msgstr "¿Quieres saber cómo funciona Pix?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:956
+msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts disabled for real collections."
+msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago inactivos para cobros reales."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:348
-msgid ""
-"We have a dedicated page where we explain how it works and its advantages."
-msgstr "Creamos una página que explica su funcionamiento y sus vantajas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:957
+msgid "Test Mode rules."
+msgstr "Reglas del modo test."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:349
-msgid "Find out more about Pix"
-msgstr "Saber más sobre Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:958
+msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts enabled for real collections."
+msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago activos para cobros reales."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:493
-msgid "A problem occurred when processing your payment. Please try again."
-msgstr ""
-"Un problema se produjo al procesar su pago. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:959
+msgid "The clients can make real purchases in your store."
+msgstr "Los clientes pueden hacer compras reales en tu tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:478,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:547
-msgid ""
-"A problem occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have "
-"correctly filled in all the information on the checkout form?"
-msgstr ""
-"Un problema se produjo al procesar su pago. ¿Esta seguro que ha rellenado "
-"correctamente toda la información en el formulario de checkout?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:964
+msgid "Store in sale mode (Production)"
+msgstr "Tienda en Modo Ventas (Producción)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:456,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:522
-msgid "The customer has not paid yet."
-msgstr "El cliente no ha pagado todavía."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:965
+msgid "Store under test"
+msgstr "Tienda en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:966
+msgid "Save changes"
+msgstr "Guardar cambios"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:461
-msgid "Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase."
-msgstr "Ahora sólo tiene que pagar con Pix para finalizar su compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:978
+msgid "Store business fields are valid"
+msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda son válidos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:462
-msgid ""
-"Scan the QR code below or copy and paste the code into your bank's "
-msgstr ""
-"Escanee el código QR a continuación o copie y pegue el código en la "
-"aplicación de su banco."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:979
+msgid "Store business fields could not be validated"
+msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda no se pudieron validar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:563
-msgid ""
-"Please note that to receive payments via Pix at our checkout, you must have "
-"a Pix key registered in your Mercado Pago account."
-msgstr ""
-"Ten en cuenta que para recibir pagos a través de Pix en nuestro checkout, "
-"debes tener una clave Pix registrada en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:980
+msgid "At least one payment method is enabled"
+msgstr "Al menos un método de pago está habilitado"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:564
-msgid "Register your Pix key at Mercado Pago."
-msgstr "Registra tu clave Pix en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:981
+msgid "No payment method enabled"
+msgstr "Ningún método de pago habilitado"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:614,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:148
-msgid "Code valid for "
-msgstr "Código válido por "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:982
+msgid "Credentials fields are valid"
+msgstr "Los campos de la credencial son válidos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:34,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:35,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:45
-msgid "Invoice"
-msgstr "Efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:983
+msgid "Credentials fields could not be validated"
+msgstr "No se pudieron validar los campos de credenciales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:198
-msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all invoice payments from Mercado Pago "
-"Transparent Checkout."
-msgstr ""
-"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago en efectivo en el "
-"Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:995
+msgid "Valid Public Key"
+msgstr "Public key válida"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:202
-msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is enabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos en efectivo o en "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:996
+msgid "Invalid Public Key"
+msgstr "Public key no válida"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:203
-msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is disabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos en efectivo o en "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:997
+msgid "Valid Access Token"
+msgstr "Access token válido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:218
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Invoice or Loterica"
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:998
+msgid "Invalid Access Token"
+msgstr "Access token no válido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:222
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1010
+msgid "Credentials were updated"
+msgstr "Se actualizaron las credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1011
msgid ""
-"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
-"without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago."
+"Your store has exited Test Mode and is making real sales in Production Mode."
msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Transparente, podrás vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
-"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
+"Ahora su tienda está fuera del modo de prueba y está realizando ventas "
+"reales en el modo de producción."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:239
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the cash payment experience"
-msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia de pago en efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1012
+msgid "To test the store, re-enter both test credentials."
+msgstr "Para probar la tienda, vuelva a ingresar ambas credenciales de prueba."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:252
-msgid "Reduce inventory"
-msgstr "Reducir inventario"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1013
+msgid "Invalid credentials"
+msgstr "Credenciales no válidas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:255
-msgid ""
-"Activates inventory reduction during the creation of an order, whether or "
-"not the final payment is credited. Disable this option to reduce it only "
-"when payments are approved."
-msgstr ""
-"Activa la reducción del inventario durante la creación de un pedido, se "
-"acredite o no el pago final. Desactiva esta opción para reducirlo solo "
-"cuando los pagos estén aprobados."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1014
+msgid "See our manual to learn"
+msgstr "Consulte nuestro manual para saber"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:257
-msgid "Reduce inventory is enabled."
-msgstr "Reducir inventario está activo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1015
+msgid "how to enter the credentials the right way."
+msgstr "como ingresar las credenciales de forma correcta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:258
-msgid "Reduce inventory is disabled."
-msgstr "Reducir inventario está inactivo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1016
+msgid " for test mode"
+msgstr " para el modo de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:270
-msgid "Payment Due"
-msgstr "Vencimiento del pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1028
+msgid "Store information is valid"
+msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:272
-msgid "In how many days will cash payments expire."
-msgstr "En cuántos días caducarán los pagos en efectivo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1041
+msgid "Attention:"
+msgstr "Atención:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:292
-msgid "Enable the available payment methods"
-msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1042
+msgid ""
+"The currency settings you have in WooCommerce are not compatible with the "
+"currency you use in your Mercado Pago account. Please activate the currency "
+msgstr ""
+"La configuración de moneda que tienes en WooCommerce no es compatible con la "
+"moneda que usas en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago. Activa la conversión de moneda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:294
-msgid "Choose the available payment methods in your store."
-msgstr "Selecciona los medios de pago disponibles en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1045
+msgid "We are converting your currency from: "
+msgstr "Ahora convertimos tu moneda de: "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:298
-msgid "All payment methods"
-msgstr "Todos los medios de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1061
+msgid "to "
+msgstr "a "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1072
+msgid "Payment status on Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Estado de pago en el Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:458,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:486
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1073
msgid ""
-"There was a problem processing your payment. Are you sure you have correctly "
-"filled out all the information on the payment form?"
+"This is the payment status of your Mercado Pago Activities. To check the "
+"order status, please refer to Order details."
msgstr ""
-"Se produjo un problema al procesar su pago. ¿Está seguro de que ha llenado "
-"correctamente toda la información en el formulario de pago?"
+"Este es el estado del pago de las Actividades de tu Mercado Pago. Para "
+"consultar el estado del pedido, consulta en Detalles del Pedido."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:451,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:479
-msgid "Your document data is invalid"
-msgstr "Los datos de su documento no son válidos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1074,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1076
+msgid "View purchase details at Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Ver detalles de compra en Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:527
-msgid "To print the ticket again click"
-msgstr "Para imprimir nuevamente el ticket hace clic"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1075,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1077,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1079
+msgid "Sync order status"
+msgstr "Sincronizar el estado del pedido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:530
-msgid "here"
-msgstr "aquí"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1078
+msgid "Consult the reasons for refusal"
+msgstr "Consultar motivos de rechazo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:659
-msgid " and "
-msgstr " y "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1080
+msgid "Order update successfully. This page will be reloaded..."
+msgstr "Actualización del pedido con éxito. Esta página será recargada…"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1081
+msgid "Unable to update order:"
+msgstr "No se puede actualizar el pedido:"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:113
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1082
msgid "Payment made"
msgstr "Pago realizado"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:114
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1083
msgid "Payment made by the buyer and already credited in the account."
msgstr ""
"El pago realizado por el comprador y que ya está acreditado en la cuenta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:117
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1084
msgid "Call resolved"
msgstr "Llamado resuelto"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:118,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:218
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1085,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1135
msgid "Please contact Mercado Pago for further details."
msgstr "Contacta a Mercado Pago para saber más detalles."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:121
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1086
msgid "Payment refunded"
msgstr "Pago devuelto"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:122
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1087
msgid ""
"Your refund request has been made. Please contact Mercado Pago for further "
@@ -1456,59 +1718,59 @@ msgstr ""
"Tu pedido de reebolso ya fue realizado. Contacta a Mercado Pago para saber "
"más detalles."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:125,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:129
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1088,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1090
msgid "Payment returned"
msgstr "Pago devuelto"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:126
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1089
msgid "The payment has been returned to the client."
msgstr "El pago ya fue devuelto al cliente."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:130
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1091
msgid "The payment has been partially returned to the client."
msgstr "El pago ya fue devuelto parcialmente al cliente."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:133
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1092
msgid "Payment canceled"
msgstr "Pago cancelado"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:134
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1093
msgid "The payment has been successfully canceled."
msgstr "El pago fue cancelado con éxito."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:137
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1094
msgid "Purchase canceled"
msgstr "Compra cancelada"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:138
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1095
msgid "The payment has been canceled by the customer."
msgstr "El pago fue cancelado por el cliente."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:141,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:145,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:149,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:153,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:157,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:173,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:177,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:181,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:185,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:189,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:193,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:197,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:307
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1096,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1098,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1100,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1102,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1104,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1112,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1114,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1116,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1118,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1120,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1122,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1124,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1179
msgid "Pending payment"
msgstr "Cobro pendiente"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:142,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:146,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:150,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:154
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1097,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1099,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1101,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1103
msgid "Awaiting payment from the buyer."
msgstr "Esperando el pago del comprador."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:158
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1105
msgid ""
"We are veryfing the payment. We will notify you by email in up to 6 hours if "
"everything is fine so that you can deliver the product or provide the "
@@ -1517,72 +1779,48 @@ msgstr ""
"Estamos revisando el pago. En menos de 6 horas te avisaremos por e-mail si "
"está todo bien para que puedas entregar el producto o brindar el servicio."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:161,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:201,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:205,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:209,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:213,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:225,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:229,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:233,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:237,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:241,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:245,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:249,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:255,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:259,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:263,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:267,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:271,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:275,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:279,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:283,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:287,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:291,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:295,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:299,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:303,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:315,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:321,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:325
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1106,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1130,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1146,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1165,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1169,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1171,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1173,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1177
msgid "Declined payment"
msgstr "Cobro rechazado"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:162,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:206,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:210,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:214,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:226,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:246,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:256
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1107,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1131
msgid ""
"The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please ask your client to use "
"another card or to get in touch with the bank."
msgstr ""
"El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago. Pedile a tu cliente que use "
-"otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
+"“otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:165
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1108
msgid "Payment authorized. Awaiting capture."
msgstr "Pago autorizado. Esperando captura."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:166
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1109
msgid ""
"The payment has been authorized on the client's card. Please capture the "
msgstr ""
"Ya se autorizó el pago en la tarjeta del cliente. Haz la captura del pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:169
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1110
msgid "Payment in process"
msgstr "Pago en proceso"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:170,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:190
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1111,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1121
msgid "Please wait or contact Mercado Pago for further details"
msgstr "Espera o contacta a Mercado Pago para saber más detalles"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:174
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1113
msgid ""
"The bank is reviewing the payment. As soon as we have their confirmation, we "
"will notify you via email so that you can deliver the product or provide the "
@@ -1591,1438 +1829,928 @@ msgstr ""
"El banco está revisando el pago. Te avisaremos por e-mail cuando esté "
"confirmado para que puedas entregar el producto o brindar el servicio."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:178,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:182,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:186
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1115,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1117,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1119
msgid "Awaiting payment information validation."
-msgstr "Esperando validación de los datos de pago.."
+msgstr "Esperando validación de los datos de pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:194
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1123
msgid "Waiting for the buyer."
msgstr "Esperando al comprador."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:198
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1125
msgid "Waiting for the card issuer."
-msgstr "Espererando al emisor de la tarjeta.."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:202
-msgid ""
-"The payment could not be processed. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"El pago no fue procesado por el banco. Pídele a tu cliente que use otro "
-"medio de pago o que se contacte con el banco."
+msgstr "Espererando al emisor de la tarjeta."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1126,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1128,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1132,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1153,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1175
+msgid "The card issuing bank declined the payment"
+msgstr "El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1127,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1129,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1133,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1154,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1176
+msgid ""
+"Please recommend your customer to pay with another payment method or to "
+"contact their bank."
+msgstr ""
+"Recomiéndale a tu cliente que pague con otro medio de pago o que se "
+"comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:217
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1134
msgid "Mercado Pago did not process the payment"
msgstr "Mercado Pago no procesó el pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:221,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:311
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1136,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1181
msgid "Expired payment deadline"
msgstr "Venció el plazo para el pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:222,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:312
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1137,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1182
msgid "The client did not pay within the time limit."
-msgstr "El cliente no pagó dentro del límite de tiempo.."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:230
-msgid ""
-"The CVV is invalid. Please ask your client to review the details or use "
-"another card."
-msgstr ""
-"El código de seguridad de la tarjeta es inválido. Revisá los datos que "
-"ingresaste o pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:234
-msgid ""
-"The card is expired. Please ask your client to use another card or to "
-"contact the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta está vencida. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se "
-"comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:238,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:284,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:288
-msgid ""
-"This payment was declined because it did not pass Mercado Pago security "
-"controls. Please ask your client to use another card."
-msgstr ""
-"Rechazamos este pago porque no pasó los controles de seguridad de Mercado "
-"Pago. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:242,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:280
-msgid ""
-"The buyer is suspended in our platform. Your client must contact us to check "
-"what happened."
-msgstr ""
-"El comprador está suspendido en Mercado Pago. Tu cliente debe comunicarse "
-"con nosotros para ver qué pasó."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:251
-msgid ""
-"The card does not have enough limit. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta no tiene límite disponible. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:252
-msgid ""
-"The card does not have sufficient balance. Please ask your client to use "
-"another card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta no tiene fondos suficientes. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:260
-msgid ""
-"The CVV was entered incorrectly several times. Please ask your client to use "
-"another card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ingresó varias veces mal el código de seguridad de la tarjeta. Pedile a "
-"tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:264
-msgid ""
-"The card does not allow the number of installments entered. Please ask your "
-"client to choose another installment plan or to use another card."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta no acepta la cantidad de cuotas ingresadas. Pedile a tu cliente "
-"que elija otro plan de cuotas o que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:268
-msgid ""
-"The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client to "
-"ask the bank to authotize it or to use another card."
-msgstr ""
-"El banco emisor de la tarjeta no autorizó el pago. Pedile a tu cliente que "
-"se contacte con el banco para autorizarlo o que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:272
-msgid ""
-"From Mercado Pago we have detected that this payment has already been made "
-"before. If that is not the case, your client may try to pay again."
-msgstr ""
-"Desde Mercado Pago detectamos que este pago ya se hizo anteriormente. Si no "
-"es así, tu cliente puede intentarlo de nuevo."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:276
-msgid ""
-"The card is not active yet. Please ask your client to use another card or to "
-"get in touch with the bank to activate it."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta aún no está habilitada. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta "
-"o que se comunique con su banco para activarla."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:292
-msgid ""
-"The amount exceeded the card limit. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:296,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:300,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:304
-msgid ""
-"Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the card "
-msgstr ""
-"Pídele a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con el emisor de "
-"la tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:308
-msgid ""
-"The amount exceeded the card's limit. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:317
-msgid ""
-"The credit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client "
-"that it is possible to pay with debit or to use another one."
-msgstr ""
-"La función crédito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente que "
-"puede pagar con la función débito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que use otra."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:318
-msgid ""
-"The debit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client that "
-"it is possible to pay with credit or to use another one."
-msgstr ""
-"La función débito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente que "
-"puede pagar con la función crédito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que use otra."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:322
-msgid ""
-"The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client to "
-"ask the bank to authorize it."
-msgstr ""
-"El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago. Pídele a tu cliente que se "
-"comunique con el banco para autorizar el pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:326
-msgid ""
-"The buyer does not have enough balance to make the purchase. Please ask your "
-"client to deposit money to the Mercado Pago Account or to use a different "
-"payment method."
-msgstr ""
-"El cliente no tiene suficiente saldo en la cuenta para realizar la compra. "
-"Pídele a tu cliente que cargue saldo en Mercado Pago o que use otro medio de "
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:329
-msgid "There was an error"
-msgstr "Hubo un error"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:330
-msgid "The transaction could not be completed."
-msgstr "No fue posible completar la transacción."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:413
-msgid "Payment status on Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Estado de pago en el Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:473,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:485
-msgid "View purchase details at Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Ver detalles de compra en Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:474,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:486,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:498
-msgid "Sync order status"
-msgstr "Sincronizar el estado del pedido"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:497
-msgid "Check the reasons why the purchase was declined."
-msgstr "Consulta los motivos del rechazo de tu compra."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:606
-msgid "Order update successfully. This page will be reloaded..."
-msgstr "Actualización del pedido con éxito. Esta página será recargada…"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:610
-msgid "Unable to update order: "
-msgstr "No se puede actualizar el pedido: "
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:126
-msgid "See WooCommerce"
-msgstr "Ver WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:124
-msgid "Install WooCommerce"
-msgstr "Instalar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:121
-msgid "Activate WooCommerce"
-msgstr "Activar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:137
-msgid "do you have a minute to share your experience with our plugin?"
-msgstr "¿tienes un minuto para compartir tu experiencia con nuestro plugin?"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:140
-msgid ""
-"Your opinion is very important so that we can offer you the best possible "
-"payment solution and continue to improve."
-msgstr ""
-"Tu opinión es muy importante para poder ofrecerte la mejor solución de pagos "
-"posible y seguir mejorando."
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:149
-msgid "Rate the plugin"
-msgstr "Valorar el plugin"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:151
-msgid "Enable payments via Mercado Pago account"
-msgstr "Pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:154
-msgid ""
-"When you enable this function, your customers pay faster using their Mercado "
-"Pago accounts.The approval rate of these payments in your store can be "
-"25% higher compared to other payment methods."
-msgstr ""
-"Con esta función activa, tus clientes pagan más rápido usando su cuenta de "
-"Mercado Pago.La tasa de aprobación de estos pagos en tu tienda puede "
-"ser un 25% mayor en comparación con otros medios de pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:163
-msgid "Activate"
-msgstr "Activar"
-#: ../../includes/admin/views/html-admin-alert-frame.php:34,
-#: ../../includes/admin/views/html-admin-alert-woocommerce-miss.php:30
-msgid "Discard"
-msgstr "Descartar"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:141
-msgid "Mercado Pago Settings"
-msgstr "Configuración de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:196
-msgid "Accept "
-msgstr "Acepta "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:197
-msgid "payments on the spot "
-msgstr "pagos al instante "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:198
-msgid "with"
-msgstr "con toda"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:199
-msgid "the "
-msgstr "la "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:200
-msgid "security "
-msgstr "seguridad "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:201
-msgid "from Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:202
-msgid "Technical requirements"
-msgstr "Requisitos técnicos"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:203
-msgid "SSL"
-msgstr "SSL"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:204
-msgid "GD Extensions"
-msgstr "Extensiones GD"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:205
-msgid "Curl"
-msgstr "Curl"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:206
-msgid ""
-"Implementation responsible for transmitting data to Mercado Pago in a secure "
-"and encrypted way."
-msgstr ""
-"Implementación responsable de transmitir los datos a Mercado Pago de forma "
-"segura y encriptada."
+msgstr "El cliente no pagó dentro del límite de tiempo."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:207
-msgid ""
-"These extensions are responsible for the implementation and operation of Pix "
-"in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"Extensiones responsables de la aplicación y el funcionamiento de Pix en su "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1138,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1140,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1142,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1183
+msgid "Your customer entered one or more incorrect card details"
+msgstr "Tu cliente ingresó uno o más datos de la tarjeta de forma incorrecta"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:208
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1139,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1141,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1143,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1184,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1185
msgid ""
-"It is an extension responsible for making payments via requests from the "
-"plugin to Mercado Pago."
+"Please ask them to enter to enter them again exactly as they appear on the "
+"card or on their bank app to complete the payment."
msgstr ""
-"Es una extensión encargada de realizar los pagos a través de requests del "
-"plugin a Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:209
-msgid "Collections and installments"
-msgstr "Cobros y cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:210
-msgid "Choose "
-msgstr "Elige "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:211
-msgid "when you want to receive the money "
-msgstr "cuándo quieres recibir el dinero "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:212
-msgid "from your sales and if you want to offer "
-msgstr "de las ventas y si quieres ofrecer "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:213
-msgid "interest-free installments "
-msgstr "cuotas sin interés"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:214
-msgid "to your clients."
-msgstr "a los clientes."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:215
-msgid "Set deadlines and fees"
-msgstr "Ajustar plazos y tasas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:216,
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:124
-msgid "Questions? "
-msgstr "¿Tienes dudas?"
+"Pídele que vuelva a ingresarlos tal como figuran en la tarjeta o en la app "
+"de su banco para finalizar el pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:217
-msgid "Review the step-by-step of "
-msgstr "Revisa el paso a paso de "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1144,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1167
+msgid "We protected you from a suspicious payment"
+msgstr "Te protegimos de un pago sospechoso"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:218
-msgid "how to integrate the Mercado Pago Plugin "
-msgstr "cómo integrar el Plugin de Mercado Pago "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1145
+msgid "For safety reasons, this transaction cannot be completed."
+msgstr "Por motivos de seguridad, esta transacción no podrá ser finalizada."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:219
-msgid "on our webiste for developers."
-msgstr "en nuestro sitio de desarrolladores."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1147,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1166
+msgid ""
+"The buyer is suspended in our platform. Your client must contact us to check "
+"what happened."
+msgstr ""
+"El comprador está suspendido en Mercado Pago. Tu cliente debe comunicarse "
+"con nosotros para ver qué pasó."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:231
-msgid "1. Integrate your store with Mercado Pago "
-msgstr "1. Integra la tienda a Mercado Pago "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1148
+msgid "For safety reasons, the card issuing bank declined the payment"
+msgstr "Por seguridad, el banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1149,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1168
msgid ""
-"To enable orders, you must create and activate production credentials in "
-"your Mercado Pago Account. "
+"Recommend your customer to pay with their usual payment method and device "
+"for online purchases."
msgstr ""
-"Para habilitar las ventas, debes crear y activar las credenciales de "
-"producción en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago. "
+"Recomiéndale a tu cliente que pague con el medio de pago y dispositivo que "
+"suele usar para compras online."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:233
-msgid "Copy and paste the credentials below."
-msgstr "Copia y pega tus credenciales a continuación."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1150
+msgid "Your customer's credit card has no available limit"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de crédito de tu cliente no tiene límite disponible"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:234
-msgid "Check credentials"
-msgstr "Consultar credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1151,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1152,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1156
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to pay with another card or to choose another payment method."
+msgstr "Pídele que pague con otra tarjeta o que elija otro medio de pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:235
-msgid "Test credentials "
-msgstr "Credenciales de prueba "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1155
+msgid "Your customer reached the limit of payment attempts with this card"
+msgstr "Tu cliente alcanzó el límite de intentos de pago con la tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:236
-msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts for test purchases in the store."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1157
+msgid ""
+"Your customer's card does not accept the number of installments selected"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de tu cliente no acepta la cantidad de pagos que seleccionó"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1158
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to choose a different number of installments or to pay with "
+"another method."
msgstr ""
-"Habilitan a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para pruebas de compras en la "
+"Pídele que elija una cantidad de pagos diferente o que use con otro medio."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:237
-msgid "Public key"
-msgstr "Public key"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1159,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1186
+msgid "Your customer needs to authorize the payment through their bank"
+msgstr "Tu cliente necesita autorizar el pago con su banco"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:238
-msgid "Access Token"
-msgstr "Access Token"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1160,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1187
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to call the telephone number on their card or to pay with "
+"another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Pídele que llame al teléfono que está en la tarjeta o que pague con otro "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:239
-msgid "Production credentials"
-msgstr "Credenciales de producción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1161
+msgid ""
+"The payment was declined because your customer already paid for this purchase"
+msgstr "El pago fue rechazado porque tu cliente ya pagó esta compra"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:240
-msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts to receive real payments in the store."
-msgstr ""
-"Habilitan a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para recibir pagos reales en "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1162
+msgid "Check your approved payments to verify it."
+msgstr "Revisa tu cobros aprobados para verificarlo."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:241
-msgid "Paste your Public Key here"
-msgstr "Pega aquí tu Public Key"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1163
+msgid "Your customer's card was is not activated yet"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de tu cliente aún no está habilitada"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:242
-msgid "Paste your Access Token here"
-msgstr "Pega aquí tu Access Token"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1164
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to contact their bank by calling the number on the back of "
+"their card or to pay with another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Pídele que se comunique con su banco al número que está en el dorso de la "
+"tarjeta o que pague con otro medio."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:243,
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:280
-msgid "Save and continue"
-msgstr "Guardar y continuar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1170
+msgid ""
+"This payment was declined because it did not pass Mercado Pago security "
+"controls. Please ask your client to use another card."
+msgstr ""
+"Rechazamos este pago porque no pasó los controles de seguridad de Mercado "
+"Pago. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:254
-msgid "2. Customize your business"
-msgstr "2. Personaliza tu negocio"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1172
+msgid ""
+"The amount exceeded the card limit. Please ask your client to use another "
+"card or to get in touch with the bank."
+msgstr ""
+"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
+"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:255
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1174,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1178
msgid ""
-"Fill out the following information to have a better experience and offer "
-"more information to your clients"
+"Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the card "
msgstr ""
-"Completa los siguientes datos para tener una mejor experiencia y ofrecer más "
-"información a los clientes"
+"Pídele a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con el emisor de "
+"la tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:256
-msgid "Your store information"
-msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1180
+msgid ""
+"The amount exceeded the card's limit. Please ask your client to use another "
+"card or to get in touch with the bank."
+msgstr ""
+"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
+"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:257
-msgid "Name of your store in your client's invoice"
-msgstr "Nombre de tu tienda en la factura de los clientes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1188
+msgid "Your customer's debit card has insufficient funds"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de débito de tu cliente no tiene saldo suficiente"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:258
-msgid "Eg: Mary's store"
-msgstr "Ej.: TiendaMaría"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1189
+msgid ""
+"Please recommend your customer to pay with another card or to choose another "
+"payment method."
+msgstr "Pídele que pague con otra tarjeta o que elige otro medio de pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1190
+msgid "Something went wrong and the payment was declined"
+msgstr "El pago fue rechazado porque hubo un error"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:259
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1191
msgid ""
-"If this field is empty, the purchase will be identified as Mercado Pago."
+"Please recommend you customer to try again or to pay with another payment "
msgstr ""
-"Si el campo queda vacío, la compra del cliente se identificará como Mercado "
+"Recomiéndale a tu cliente que intente nuevamente o pague con otro medio de "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:260
-msgid "Identification in Activities of Mercad Pago"
-msgstr "Identificación en Actividad de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1204
+msgid "Any questions?"
+msgstr "¿Tienes dudas? "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:261
-msgid "Eg: Marystore"
-msgstr "Ej.: Tienda de María"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1205
+msgid "Please check the"
+msgstr "Revisa las"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:262
-msgid "In Activities, you will view this term before the order number"
-msgstr "En Actividad verás el término ingresado antes del número o del pedido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1206,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1222
+msgid "FAQs"
+msgstr "preguntas frecuentes"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:263
-msgid "Store category"
-msgstr "Categoría de la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1207
+msgid "on the dev website."
+msgstr "en el sitio para desarrolladores."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:264
-msgid "Select"
-msgstr "Seleccionar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1220
+msgid "Check our"
+msgstr "Revisa las"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:265
-msgid "Select ”Other” if you do not find the appropriate category."
-msgstr "Seleciona ”Otro” si no encuentras una categoría adecuada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1223
+msgid "or open a ticket to contact the Mercado Pago team."
+msgstr ""
+"o abre un ticket para entrar en contacto con el equipo de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:266
-msgid "Advanced integration options (optional)"
-msgstr "Opciones avanzadas de integración (opcional)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1228
+msgid "1. Go to the dev website and open a"
+msgstr "1. Ingresa al sitio para desarrolladores y abre un"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:267
-msgid ""
-"For further integration of your store with Mercado Pago (IPN, Certified "
-"Partners, Debug Mode)"
-msgstr ""
-"Para mayor integración de tu tienda con Mercado Pago (IPN, Socios "
-"Certificados, Modo Debug)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1230
+msgid "ticket"
+msgstr "ticket"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:268
-msgid "View advanced options"
-msgstr "Ver opciones avanzadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1231
+msgid "in the Support section."
+msgstr "en la sección de Soporte."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:269
-msgid "URL for IPN "
-msgstr "URL para IPN "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1236
+msgid "4. Download the"
+msgstr "4. Descarga el"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:270
-msgid "Eg: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
-msgstr "Ej.: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1237
+msgid "error history"
+msgstr "historial de errores "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:271
-msgid ""
-"Add the URL to receive payments notifications. Find out more information in "
-"the "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1238
+msgid "and share it with the Mercado Pago team when asked for it."
msgstr ""
-"Ingresa la URL para recibir notificaciones de pago. Consulta más información "
-"en los "
+"y compártelo con el equipo de Mercado Pago cuando se te sea solicitado."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:272
-msgid "guides."
-msgstr "manuales."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:273
-msgid "Add plugin default params"
-msgstr "Agregar parámetros default del plugin"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1242
+msgid "Do you need help?"
+msgstr "¿Necesitas ayuda?"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:274
-msgid "integrator_id"
-msgstr "integrator_id"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1243
+msgid "How to open a ticket:"
+msgstr "Cómo abrir un ticket:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:275
-msgid "Eg: 14987126498"
-msgstr "Ej.: 14987126498"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1245
+msgid "2. Fill out the form with your store details."
+msgstr "2. Completa el formulario con los datos de tu tienda."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:276
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1246
msgid ""
-"If you are a Mercado Pago Certified Partner, make sure to add your "
-"integrator_id. If you do not have the code, please "
+"3. Copy and paste the following details when asked for the the technical "
msgstr ""
-"Si eres Partner certificado de Mercado Pago, recuerda ingresar tu "
-"integrator_id. Si no tienes el código, "
+"3. Copia y pega los siguientes datos cuando se te pida la información "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:277
-msgid "request it now. "
-msgstr "solicítalo ahora. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1249
+msgid "Version:"
+msgstr "Versión"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:278
-msgid "Debug and Log Mode"
-msgstr "Modo debug y log"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:279
-msgid "We record your store's actions in order to provide a better assistance."
-msgstr "Grabamos las aciones de tu tienda para brindar un mejor soporte."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1250
+msgid "History of errors"
+msgstr "Historial de errores"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:291
-msgid "3. Set payment methods"
-msgstr "3. Configura los medios de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1251
+msgid ""
+"Select the files you want to share with our team and click on Download. This "
+"information will be requested by e-mail if necessary."
+msgstr ""
+"Selecciona los archivos que quieras compartir con nuestro equipo y haz clic "
+"en “Descargar”. Esta información se te solicitará por e-mail al momento de "
+"ser necesario."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:292
-msgid "To view more options, please select a payment method below"
-msgstr "Selecciona uno de los siguientes medios de pago para ver más opciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1254
+msgid "Source"
+msgstr "Origen"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:293
-msgid "Settings"
-msgstr "Configurar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1255
+msgid "File date"
+msgstr "Fecha de creación"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:294
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Continuar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1256
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Descargar"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:305
-msgid "4. Test your store before you sell"
-msgstr "4. Testea tu tienda antes de vender"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1257
+msgid "Next Page"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:306
-msgid ""
-"Test the experience in Test Mode and then enable the Sale Mode (Production) "
-"to sell."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1258
+msgid "Previous page"
msgstr ""
-"Testea la experiencia en Modo Test. Luego activa el Modo Ventas (Producción) "
-"para realizar ventas."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:307
-msgid "Choose how you want to operate your store:"
-msgstr "Elige cómo quieres operar tu tienda:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1259
+msgid "The plugin has not yet recorded any logs in your store."
+msgstr "El plugin aún no ha registrado ningún registro en su tienda."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:308
-msgid "Test Mode"
-msgstr "Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:103
+msgid "discount of"
+msgstr "descuento de"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:309
-msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts disabled for real collections. "
-msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago inactivos para cobros reales. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:104
+msgid "fee of"
+msgstr "comisión de"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:310
-msgid "Test Mode rules."
-msgstr "Reglas del modo test."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:105
+msgid "and"
+msgstr "y"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:311
-msgid "Sale Mode (Production)"
-msgstr "Modo Ventas (Producción)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:106
+msgid "Shipping service used by the store."
+msgstr "Servicio de envío utilizado por la tienda."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:312
-msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts enabled for real collections."
-msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago activos para cobros reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:107
+msgid "Discount provided by store"
+msgstr "Descuento proporcionado por la tienda"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:313
-msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Production Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Produción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:108
+msgid "Mercado Pago Discount"
+msgstr "Descuento de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:314
-msgid "The clients can make real purchases in your store."
-msgstr "Los clientes pueden hacer compras reales en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:109
+msgid "Mercado Pago Commission"
+msgstr "Comisión de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:315
-msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:121
+msgid "Checkout Pro in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Checkout Pro en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:122,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:180,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:214
+msgid "Use Mercado Pago's payment methods without real charges. "
+msgstr "Utiliza los medios de Mercado Pago sin cobros reales. "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:316
-msgid "Create your "
-msgstr "Crea tu "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:123,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:181,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:215,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:336,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:364
+msgid "See the rules for the test mode."
+msgstr "Consulte las reglas para el modo test."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:317
-msgid "test user "
-msgstr "usuario de prueba "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:124
+msgid "Log in to Mercado Pago and earn benefits"
+msgstr "Inicia sesión en Mercado Pago y obtén beneficios"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:318
-msgid ""
-"(Optional. Can be used in Production Mode and Test Mode, to test payments)."
-msgstr ""
-"(Opcional. Se puede utilizar en modo de producción y en modo de prueba, para "
-"probar los pagos)."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:125
+msgid "Easy login"
+msgstr "Ingresa con facilidad"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:319
-msgid "Use our test cards, "
-msgstr "Utiliza nuestras tarjetas de prueba, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:126
+msgid "Log in with the same email and password you use in Mercado Libre."
+msgstr "Inicia sesión con tu mismo e-mail y contraseña de Mercado Libre."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:320
-msgid "never use real cards. "
-msgstr "nunca utilices tarjetas reales. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:127
+msgid "Blue phone image"
+msgstr "Imagen de teléfono azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:321
-msgid "Visit your store "
-msgstr "Visita tu tienda "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:128
+msgid "Quick payments"
+msgstr "Paga rápido"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:322
-msgid "to test purchases"
-msgstr "para testear compras"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:129
+msgid "Use your saved cards, Pix or available balance."
+msgstr "Usa tus tarjetas guardadas, Pix o saldo disponible."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:323
-msgid "Save changes"
-msgstr "Guardar cambios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:130
+msgid "Use your available Mercado Pago Wallet balance or saved cards."
+msgstr "Usa tu saldo disponible en Mercado Pago Wallet o tarjetas guardadas."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:324
-msgid "Store under test"
-msgstr "Tienda en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:131
+msgid "Use your available money or saved cards."
+msgstr "Usa tu dinero disponible o tarjetas guardadas."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:325
-msgid "Store in sale mode (Production)"
-msgstr "Tienda en Modo Ventas (Producción)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:132
+msgid "Blue wallet image"
+msgstr "Imagen de billetera azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:326
-msgid "Enter test credentials"
-msgstr "Ingresa las credenciales de prueba"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:133
+msgid "Protected purchases"
+msgstr "Protege tu compra"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:327
-msgid "To enable test mode, "
-msgstr "Para activar el modo de prueba, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:134
+msgid "Reliable purchases"
+msgstr "Compra con confianza"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:328
-msgid "copy your test credentials "
-msgstr "copia tus credenciales de prueba "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:135
+msgid "Get your money back in case you don't receive your product."
+msgstr "Recupera tu dinero si no recibes el producto."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:329
-msgid "and paste them above in section 1 of this page."
-msgstr "y pégalas en la sección 1 de esta página."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:136
+msgid "Get help if you have a problem with your purchase."
+msgstr "Recibe ayuda si tienes algún problema con tu compra."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:366
-msgid "Invalid Access Token"
-msgstr "Access token no válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:137
+msgid "Blue protection image"
+msgstr "Imagen de protección azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:368
-msgid "Valid Access Token"
-msgstr "Access token válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:138
+msgid "Installments option"
+msgstr "Accede a cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:374
-msgid "Invalid Public Key"
-msgstr "Public key no válida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:139
+msgid "Pay with or without a credit card."
+msgstr "Paga con o sin tarjeta de crédito."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:376
-msgid "Valid Public Key"
-msgstr "Public key válida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:140
+msgid "Interest-free installments with selected banks."
+msgstr "Cuotas sin interés con bancos seleccionados."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:379
-msgid "Credentials must be valid"
-msgstr "Las credenciales deben ser válidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:141
+msgid "Blue phone installments image"
+msgstr "Imagen de cuotas de teléfono azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:429
-msgid "Credentials were updated"
-msgstr "Se actualizaron las credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:142
+msgid "Available payment methods"
+msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:421
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:143,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:186
msgid ""
-"Your store has exited Test Mode and is making real sales in Production Mode."
+"By continuing, you will be taken to Mercado Pago to safely complete your "
msgstr ""
-"Ahora su tienda está fuera del modo de prueba y está realizando ventas "
-"reales en el modo de producción."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:422
-msgid "To test the store, re-enter both test credentials."
-msgstr "Para probar la tienda, vuelva a ingresar ambas credenciales de prueba."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:435
-msgid "Invalid credentials"
-msgstr "Credenciales no válidas"
+"Al continuar, te llevaremos a Mercado Pago para completar tu compra de forma "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:436
-msgid "See our manual to learn "
-msgstr "Consulte nuestro manual para saber "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:144,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:187
+msgid "Checkout Pro redirect info image"
+msgstr "Imagen de redirección de Checkout Pro"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:437
-msgid "how to enter the credentials the right way."
-msgstr "como ingresar las credenciales de forma correcta."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:145,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:188,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:239,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:281,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:342,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:374
+msgid "By continuing, you agree with our"
+msgstr "Al continuar, aceptas nuestros"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:497
-msgid "Store information is valid"
-msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:146,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:189,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:240,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:282,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:343,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:375
+msgid "Terms and conditions"
+msgstr "Términos y condiciones"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:527
-msgid "Mercado Pago's Payment Methods in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:147,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:218,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:263
+msgid "Pay with Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Pagar con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:528
-msgid "Mercado Pago's Payment Methods in Production Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Produción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:148,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:264
+msgid "Cancel & Clear Cart"
+msgstr "Cancelar & Limpiar carrito"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:521
-msgid "Invalid credentials for test mode"
-msgstr "Credenciales inválidas para el modo de prueba"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:161
+msgid "Log in"
+msgstr "Inicia sesión"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:603
-msgid "Enabled"
-msgstr "Activado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:162
+msgid ""
+"or create an account in Mercado Pago. If you use Mercado Libre, you already "
+"have one!"
+msgstr ""
+"o crea una cuenta en Mercado Pago. Si utilizas Mercado Libre, ¡ya tienes una!"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:604
-msgid "Disabled"
-msgstr "Inactivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:167
+msgid "Know your available limit in Mercado Crédito and"
+msgstr "Conoce tu límite disponible en Mercado Crédito y"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:632
-msgid "Valid Credentials"
-msgstr "Credenciales válidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:168
+msgid "choose how many installments"
+msgstr "elige en cuántas cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:635
-msgid "Credentials couldn't be validated"
-msgstr "No se pudieron validar las credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:169
+msgid "you want to pay"
+msgstr "quieres pagar"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:658
-msgid "Store business fields are valid"
-msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda son válidos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:174
+msgid "Pay the installments as you prefer:"
+msgstr "Paga las cuotas como prefieras:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:661
-msgid "Store business fields couldn't be validated"
-msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda no se pudieron validar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:175
+msgid "with money in your account, card of from the Mercado Pago app"
+msgstr "con dinero, tarjeta o directo desde la app de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:684
-msgid "At least one paymet method is enabled"
-msgstr "Al menos un método de pago está habilitado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:179
+msgid "No card installments in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Mensualidades sin tarjeta en Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:687
-msgid "No payment method enabled"
-msgstr "No se habilitó ningún método de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:182
+msgid "How to use it?"
+msgstr "¿Cómo usar?"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:77
-msgid "Payment approved."
-msgstr "Pago aprobado."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:190
+msgid "Pay in"
+msgstr "Compra en hasta"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:131,
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:135
-msgid "Waiting for the Pix payment."
-msgstr "Esperando el pago de Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:191
+msgid "installments"
+msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:148,
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:152
-msgid "Waiting for the ticket payment."
-msgstr "Esperando el pago del boleto."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:192
+msgid "with Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:160
-msgid "The customer has not made the payment yet."
-msgstr "El cliente todavía no efectuó el pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:193
+msgid "Read more"
+msgstr "Leer más"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:179
-msgid "Payment is pending review."
-msgstr "El pago está pendiente de revisión."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:194
+msgid "Buy now and pay in installments with no card later!"
+msgstr "¡Compra ahora y paga después!"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:196
-msgid "Payment was declined. The customer can try again."
-msgstr "El pago fue rechazado. El cliente puede intentar nuevamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:195
+msgid "100% online, without paperwork or monthly fees"
+msgstr "Compra en hasta 12 pagos mensuales sin usar tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:211
-msgid "Payment was returned to the customer."
-msgstr "El pago fue devuelto al cliente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:196
+msgid "You can apply for your line of credit 100% online and securely."
+msgstr "Puedes solicitar tu línea de crédito 100% online y de forma segura."
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:225
-msgid "Payment was canceled."
-msgstr "El pago fue cancelado."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:197
+msgid "Do everything from the Mercado Pago app!"
+msgstr "Sin trámites. ¡Haz todo desde la app de Mercado Pago!"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:240,
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:252
-msgid ""
-"The payment is in mediation or the purchase was unknown by the customer."
-msgstr "El pago esta en mediación o la compra fue desconocida por el cliente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:198
+msgid "No maintenance fees or additional costs."
+msgstr "Sin tasas de mantenimiento ni costos adicionales."
-#. translators: 1: payment_id 2: status
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:318
-msgid ""
-"Mercado Pago: The payment %1$s was notified by Mercado Pago with status %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Mercado Pago: El pago %1$s fue notificado por Mercado Pago con estado %2$s."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:199
+msgid "Questions? "
+msgstr "¿Dudas? "
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:371
-msgid "Shipping service used by the store."
-msgstr "Servicio de envío utilizado por la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:200
+msgid "Check our FAQ"
+msgstr "Consulta nuestra FAQ"
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:562,
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:563
-msgid "Discount provided by store"
-msgstr "Descuento proporcionado por la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:201
+msgid ". Credit subject to approval."
+msgstr ". Crédito sujeto a aprobación."
-#. translators: %s coupon
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:130
-msgid "Discount for coupon %s"
-msgstr "Descuento para el cupón %s"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:213
+msgid "Checkout Custom in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Tarjeta de crédito en Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:172
-msgid " and fee of"
-msgstr " y comisión de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:216
+msgid "Pay with saved cards"
+msgstr "Paga con tarjetas guardadas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:547
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:217
msgid ""
-"Public Key production credential is invalid. Review the field to "
-"receive real payments."
+"Do you have a Mercado Libre account? Then use the same email and password to "
+"pay faster with Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Public Key es inválida. Revísala para "
-"poder recibir pagos reales."
+"¿Tienes una cuenta de Mercado Libre? Usa el mismo e-mail y contraseña para "
+"pagar más rápido con Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:556
-msgid ""
-"Public Key test credential is invalid. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Public Key es inválida. Revísala para poder "
-"realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:219
+msgid "With which card can you pay?"
+msgstr "¿Con qué tarjeta puedes pagar?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:565
-msgid ""
-"Access Token production credential is invalid. Remember that it must "
-"be complete to receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Access Token es inválida. Revísala para "
-"poder recibir pagos reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:220,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:224
+msgid "See current promotions"
+msgstr "Ver promociones vigentes"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:574
-msgid ""
-"Access Token test credential is invalid. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Access Token es inválida. Revísala para poder "
-"realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:221
+msgid "Credit cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:592
-msgid ""
-"Public Key test credential is blank. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Public Key está en blanco. Revísala para "
-"poder realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:222
+msgid "Up to 12 installments"
+msgstr "Hasta 12 cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:601
-msgid ""
-"Public Key production credential is blank. Review the field to "
-"receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Public Key está en blanco. Revísala "
-"para poder recibir pagos reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:223
+msgid "Debit cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:610
-msgid ""
-"Access Token test credential is blank. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Access Token está en blanco. Revísala para "
-"poder realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:225
+msgid "Fill in your card details"
+msgstr "Completa los datos de tu tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:619
-msgid ""
-"Access Token production credential is blank. Remember that it must be "
-"complete to receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Access Token está en blanco. Revísala "
-"para poder recibir pagos reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:226
+msgid "Card number"
+msgstr "Número de Tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:92,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:90
-msgid ""
-"There was an error processing your payment. Please try again or contact us "
-"for Assistance."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ha producido un error en el procesamiento de su pago. Por favor, "
-"inténtelo de nuevo o póngase en contacto con nosotros para Asistencia."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:227,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:229,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:231,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:233
+msgid "Required data"
+msgstr "Datos obligatorios"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:84,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:82,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:45,
-#: ../../templates/receipt/custom-checkout.php:41
-msgid "Pay with Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Pagar con Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:228
+msgid "Holder name as it appears on the card"
+msgstr "Nombre del titular como aparece en la tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:86,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:84,
-#: ../../templates/receipt/custom-checkout.php:44
-msgid "Cancel & Clear Cart"
-msgstr "Cancelar & Limpiar carrito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:230
+msgid "Expiration"
+msgstr "Vencimiento"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:143,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:73,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:82
-msgid "Apply"
-msgstr "Aplicar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:144,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:74,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:83
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Retirar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:145,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:75,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:84
-msgid "Please, inform your coupon code"
-msgstr "Por favor, informe su código de cupón"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:146,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:76,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:85
-msgid "To choose"
-msgstr "Elegir"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:147,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:77,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:86
-msgid "Other bank"
-msgstr "Otro banco"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:148,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:78,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:87
-msgid "You will save"
-msgstr "Salvarás"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:149,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:79,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:88
-msgid "with discount of"
-msgstr "con descuento de"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:150,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:80,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:89
-msgid "Total of your purchase:"
-msgstr "Total de su compra:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:151,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:81,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:90
-msgid "Total of your purchase with discount:"
-msgstr "Total de su compra con descuento:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:152,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:82,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:91
-msgid "*After payment approval"
-msgstr "*Tras la aprobación del pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:153,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:83,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:92
-msgid "Terms and conditions of use"
-msgstr "Términos y condiciones de uso"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:154,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:172
-msgid "No fee"
-msgstr "Sin interés"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:232
+msgid "Security Code"
+msgstr "Código de seguridad"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:155,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:173
-msgid "More options"
-msgstr "Más opciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:234,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:337,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:365
+msgid "Holder document"
+msgstr "Documento del titular"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:163
-msgid "mm/yy"
-msgstr "mm/aa"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:235,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:338,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:366
+msgid "Invalid document"
+msgstr "Número de documento no válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:236,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:238
+msgid "Select the number of installments"
+msgstr "Selecciona la cantidad de cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:164,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:134
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:237,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:242
msgid "Issuer"
msgstr "Banco"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:165
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:241
+msgid "mm/yy"
+msgstr "mm/aa"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:243
msgid "Installments"
-msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
+msgstr "Cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:168
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:244
msgid "on the back"
msgstr "del dorso"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:169
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:245
msgid "on the front"
msgstr "del frente"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:171
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:246
msgid "digits"
msgstr "dígitos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:174
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:247
+msgid "No fee"
+msgstr "Sin interés"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:248
+msgid "More options"
+msgstr "Más opciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:249
msgid "If interest is applicable, it will be charged by your bank."
msgstr "Si corresponden intereses, serán aplicados por tu banco."
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:175
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:250
msgid "Interest"
msgstr "Intereses"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:178
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:251
msgid "Card number is required"
msgstr "Número de tarjeta obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:179
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:252
msgid "Card number invalid"
msgstr "Número de tarjeta inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:182
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:253
msgid "Holder name is required"
msgstr "Nombre del titular obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:183
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:254
msgid "Holder name invalid"
msgstr "Nombre del titular inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:186,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:188
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:255,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:257
msgid "Expiration date invalid"
msgstr "Fecha de vencimiento inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:187
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:256
msgid "Expiration date incomplete"
msgstr "Fecha de vencimiento obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:191
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:258
msgid "Security code is required"
msgstr "Código de seguridad obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:192
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:259
msgid "Security code incomplete"
msgstr "Código de seguridad incompleto"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:230
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:260
msgid "Cost of installments"
msgstr "Coste de las cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:231
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:261
msgid "Total with installments"
msgstr "Total con cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:262
msgid "installments of"
msgstr "cuotas de"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:139
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:276
+msgid "Pix in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Pix en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:277
+msgid ""
+"You can test the flow to generate a code, but you cannot finalize the "
+msgstr ""
+"Es posible probar el flujo para generar una factura, pero no es posible "
+"finalizar el pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:278
+msgid "Pay instantly"
+msgstr "Pago instantáneo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:279
+msgid ""
+"By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Al confirmar tu compra, te mostraremos un código para realizar el pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:280
+msgid "Pix logo"
+msgstr "Pix logo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:283,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:292
+msgid "Code valid for "
+msgstr "Código válido por "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:284
msgid "Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase"
msgstr "Ahora sólo tiene que pagar con Pix para finalizar su compra"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:140
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:285
msgid "How to pay with Pix:"
msgstr "Cómo pagar con Pix:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:141
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:286
msgid "Go to your bank's app or website"
msgstr "Entra en la app o en la página web de tu banco"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:142
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:287
msgid "Search for the option to pay with Pix"
msgstr "Busca la opción de pagar con Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:143
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:288
msgid "Scan the QR code or Pix code"
msgstr "Escanea el código QR o el código Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:144
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:289
msgid "Done! You will see the payment confirmation"
msgstr "Listo. Verás la confirmación del pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:145
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:290
msgid "Value: "
msgstr "Valor: "
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:147
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:291
msgid "Scan the QR code:"
msgstr "Escanea el código QR:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:150
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:293
msgid "If you prefer, you can pay by copying and pasting the following code"
msgstr "Si lo prefieres, puedes pagar copiando y pegando el siguiente código"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:152
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:294
msgid "Copy code"
msgstr "Copiar código"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:112
-msgid "Pay in"
-msgstr "Compra en hasta"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:113
-msgid "installments"
-msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:114
-msgid "with Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:115
-msgid "Read more"
-msgstr "Saber más"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:116
-msgid "Buy now and pay in installments with no card later!"
-msgstr "¡Compra ahora y paga después!"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:117
-msgid "100% online,"
-msgstr "Compra en hasta"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:118
-msgid "without paperwork or monthly fees"
-msgstr "12 pagos mensuales sin usar tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:119
-msgid "When paying, choose"
-msgstr "Puedes solicitar "
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:120
-msgid ". Login to your account or create one in a few steps."
-msgstr "tu línea de crédito 100% online y de forma segura."
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:121
-msgid "Search for"
-msgstr "Sin trámites."
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:122
-msgid ""
-"among the options, select it and choose in how many installments you would "
-"like to pay."
-msgstr " ¡Haz todo desde la app de Mercado Pago!"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:123
-msgid "Pay your installments monthly as you wish, in the Mercado Pago app."
-msgstr "Sin tasas de mantenimiento ni costos adicionales."
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:126
-msgid "Check our FAQ"
-msgstr "Consulta nuestra FAQ"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:127
-msgid ". Credit subject to approval."
-msgstr ". Crédito sujeto a aprobación."
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:182,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:634,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:682,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:727,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:986
-msgid "Response from cache"
-msgstr "Respuesta de la caché"
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:1000
-msgid "Response from API"
-msgstr "Respuesta de la API"
-#. translators: 1: total_time currency 2: url
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/rest-client/class-mp-rest-client-abstract.php:179
-msgid "Took %1$s seconds to transfer a request to %2$s"
-msgstr "Se han tardado %1$s segundos para transferir una solicitud a %2$s"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:24
-msgid "Checkout Pro in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Checkout Pro en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:25,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:25
-msgid "Use Mercado Pago's payment methods without real charges. "
-msgstr "Utiliza los medios de Mercado Pago sin cobros reales. "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:26,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:26,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:26
-msgid "See the rules for the test mode."
-msgstr "Consulte las reglas para el modo test."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:35
-msgid "Log in to Mercado Pago and earn benefits"
-msgstr "Inicia sesión en Mercado Pago y obtén beneficios"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:54
-msgid ""
-"By continuing, you will be taken to Mercado Pago to safely complete your "
-msgstr ""
-"Al continuar, te llevaremos a Mercado Pago para completar tu compra de forma "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:56,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:47
-msgid "Checkout Pro redirect info image"
-msgstr "Imagen de redirección de Checkout Pro"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:66,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:56,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:169,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:31,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:96
-msgid "By continuing, you agree with our"
-msgstr "Al continuar, aceptas nuestros"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:67,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:57,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:170,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:31,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:97
-msgid "Terms and conditions"
-msgstr "Términos y condiciones"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:24
-msgid "No card installments in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Mensualidades sin tarjeta en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:34
-msgid "How to use it?"
-msgstr "¿Cómo usar?"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:37
-msgid ""
-"Log in or create an account in Mercado Pago. If you use Mercado "
-"Libre, you already have one!"
-msgstr ""
-"Inicia sesión o crea una cuenta en Mercado Pago. Si has usado Mercado "
-"Libre para comprar, ¡ya tienes una!"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:38
-msgid ""
-"Know your available limit in Mercado Crédito and choose how many "
-"installments you want to pay."
-msgstr ""
-"Conoce el límite disponible de tu línea de crédito y elige el plazo en "
-"el que quieres pagar tu compra."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:39
-msgid ""
-"Pay the installments as you prefer: with money in your account, card of "
-"from the Mercado Pago app."
-msgstr ""
-"Paga mes a mes con el medio de pago que prefieras. ¡Todo desde la app "
-"de Mercado Pago!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:295,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:349,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:373
+msgid "Mercado Pago: The customer has not paid yet."
+msgstr "Mercado Pago: El cliente no ha pagado todavía."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:46
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:296
msgid ""
-"By confirming your purchase, you will be redirected to your Mercado Pago "
+"Mercado Pago: Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase."
msgstr ""
-"Al continuar, te llevaremos a Mercado Pago para completar tu compra de forma "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:23
-msgid "Checkout Custom in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Tarjeta de crédito en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:24
-msgid "Use Mercado Pago means without real charges."
-msgstr "Utiliza los medios de Mercado Pago sin cobros reales."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:25
-msgid "See test mode rules."
-msgstr "Ver las reglas del Modo Test."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:36
-msgid "Pay with saved cards"
-msgstr "Paga con tarjetas guardadas"
+"Mercado Pago: Ahora sólo tiene que pagar con Pix para finalizar su compra."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:40
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:297
msgid ""
-"Do you have a Mercado Libre account? Then use the same email and password to "
-"pay faster with Mercado Pago."
+"Scan the QR code below or copy and paste the code into your bank's "
msgstr ""
-"¿Tienes una cuenta de Mercado Libre? Usa el mismo e-mail y contraseña para "
-"pagar más rápido \n"
-"con Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:57
-msgid "With which card can you pay?"
-msgstr "¿Con qué tarjeta puedes pagar?"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:70
-msgid "See current promotions"
-msgstr "Ver promociones vigentes"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:78
-msgid "Fill in your card details"
-msgstr "Completa los datos de tu tarjeta"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:80
-msgid "Card number"
-msgstr "Número de Tarjeta"
+"Escanee el código QR a continuación o copie y pegue el código en la "
+"aplicación de su banco."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:82,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:89,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:98,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:106
-msgid "Required data"
-msgstr "Datos obligatorios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:298
+msgid "30 minutes"
+msgstr "30 minutos"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:87
-msgid "Holder name as it appears on the card"
-msgstr "Nombre del titular como aparece en la tarjeta"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:310
+msgid "Payment approved."
+msgstr "Pago aprobado."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:95
-msgid "Expiration"
-msgstr "Vencimiento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:311
+msgid "Waiting for the Pix payment."
+msgstr "Esperando el pago de Pix."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:103
-msgid "Security Code"
-msgstr "Código de seguridad"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:312
+msgid "Waiting for the ticket payment."
+msgstr "Esperando el pago del boleto."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:113,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:36,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:53
-msgid "Holder document"
-msgstr "Documento del titular"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:313
+msgid "The customer has not made the payment yet."
+msgstr "El cliente todavía no efectuó el pago."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:114,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:37,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:54
-msgid "Invalid document"
-msgstr "Número de documento no válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:314
+msgid "Payment is pending review."
+msgstr "El pago está pendiente de revisión."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:129,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:145
-msgid "Select the number of installments"
-msgstr "Selecciona la cantidad de cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:315
+msgid "Payment was declined. The customer can try again."
+msgstr "El pago fue rechazado. El cliente puede intentar nuevamente."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:22
-msgid "Pix in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Pix en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:316
+msgid "Payment was returned to the customer."
+msgstr "El pago fue devuelto al cliente."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:22
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:317
msgid ""
-"You can test the flow to generate a code, but you cannot finalize the "
+"The payment was partially returned to the customer. the amount refunded "
+"was : "
msgstr ""
-"Es posible probar el flujo para generar una factura, pero no es posible "
-"finalizar el pago."
+"El pago se devolvió parcialmente al cliente. El montante reembolsado fue "
+"de : "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
-msgid "Pay instantly"
-msgstr "Pago instantáneo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:318
+msgid "Payment was canceled."
+msgstr "El pago fue cancelado."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:319,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:320
msgid ""
-"By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
-msgstr ""
-"Al confirmar tu compra, te mostraremos un código para realizar el pago."
+"The payment is in mediation or the purchase was unknown by the customer."
+msgstr "El pago esta en mediación o la compra fue desconocida por el cliente."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
-msgid "Pix logo"
-msgstr "Pix logo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:321
+msgid "The payment"
+msgstr "El pago"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:24
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:322
+msgid "was notified by Mercado Pago with status"
+msgstr "fue notificado por Mercado Pago con estado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:334
msgid "Offline Methods in Test Mode"
msgstr "Facturas en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:25
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:335
msgid ""
"You can test the flow to generate an invoice, but you cannot finalize the "
-"payment. "
msgstr ""
"Es posible testear el flujo para generar una factura, pero no es posible "
-"finalizar el pago. "
+"finalizar el pago."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:68
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:339,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:367
msgid "Select where you want to pay"
msgstr "Selecciona el punto de pago donde quieres pagar"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:73
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:340,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:368
msgid "more options"
msgstr "más opciones"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:78
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:341
msgid "Select a payment method"
msgstr "Seleccione una opción de pago"
-#: ../../templates/order/payment-status-metabox-content.php:30
-msgid ""
-"This is the payment status of your Mercado Pago Activities. To check the "
-"order status, please refer to Order details."
-msgstr ""
-"Este es el estado del pago de las Actividades de tu Mercado Pago. Para "
-"consultar el estado del pedido, consulta en Detalles del Pedido."
-#: ../../templates/order-received/show-ticket.php:19
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:344
msgid ""
"Great, we processed your purchase order. Complete the payment with ticket so "
"that we finish approving it."
@@ -3030,789 +2758,601 @@ msgstr ""
"Excelente, procesamos tu orden de compra. Completa el pago con ticket para "
"que terminemos de aprobarla."
-#: ../../templates/order-received/show-ticket.php:23
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:345
msgid "Print ticket"
msgstr "Imprimir ticket"
-#~ msgid "Fee"
-#~ msgstr "Tasa"
-#~ msgid "How does it work?"
-#~ msgstr "¿Cómo funciona?"
-#~ msgid "Checkout visualization:"
-#~ msgstr "Visualización en el checkout:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:346
+msgid " and "
+msgstr " e "
-#~ msgid "Check below how this feature will be displayed to your customers."
-#~ msgstr "A continuación verás cómo este recurso aparecerá para tus clientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:347
+msgid "To print the ticket again click"
+msgstr "Para reimprimir o boleto clique"
-#~ msgid "Banner visualization"
-#~ msgstr "Visualización del componente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:348
+msgid "here"
+msgstr "aqui"
-#~ msgid "Check the example of how it will appear in the store:"
-#~ msgstr "Consulta el ejemplo de cómo aparecerá en la tienda:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:362
+msgid "Checkout PSE in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Checkout PSE en Modo Test"
-#~ msgid "Bank Transfer"
-#~ msgstr "Transferencia bancaria"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:363
+msgid "You can test the flow to generate a payment with PSE"
+msgstr "Puede probar el flujo para generar un pago con PSE"
-#~ msgid "Payment by cash"
-#~ msgstr "Pagos en efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:369
+msgid "Person type "
+msgstr "Tipo de persona "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If you already have a Mercado Libre account, use the same email and "
-#~ "password"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si ya tienes una cuenta de Mercado Libre, usa el mismo mail y contraseña"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:370
+msgid "Financial institution"
+msgstr "Institución financiera"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When you confirm your purchase, we will redirect you to your Mercado Pago "
-#~ "account"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Cuando confirmes tu compra, te redireccionaremos a tu cuenta de Mercado "
-#~ "Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:371
+msgid "Select the financial institution"
+msgstr "Seleccione la entidad financiera"
-#~ msgid "Payment with Mercado Credito"
-#~ msgstr "Pagos con Mercado Crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:372
+msgid "Select the institution"
+msgstr "Seleccione la institución"
-#~ msgid "New!"
-#~ msgstr "¡Nuevo!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:387
+msgid "A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Please, try again."
+msgstr ""
+"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Por favor, intente otra "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With Mercado Credito, clients can pay "
-#~ "in installments with no card, by transfers, invoice or money available "
-#~ "in their Mercado Pago account. By activating the no-card "
-#~ "installments banner, you will increase your chances of selling."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Con Mercado Crédito, los clientes "
-#~ "pagan en cuotas sin tarjeta, por transferencia, tarjeta de débito, "
-#~ "efectivo o dinero disponible en la cuenta de Mercado Pago. Al "
-#~ "activar el componente de cuotas sin tarjeta, aumentarás tus chances "
-#~ "de vender. Para saber más, ingresá a documentación."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:388
+msgid ""
+"A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have "
+"correctly filled all information in the checkout form?"
+msgstr ""
+"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Está seguro de haber "
+"cargado la información en el formulario?"
-#~ msgid "The no-card installments banner is disabled."
-#~ msgstr "El componente de cuotas sin tarjeta está desactivado ."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:389
+msgid "See your order form"
+msgstr "Ver su hoja de pedido"
-#~ msgid "Earn more points and have exclusive benefits in Mercado Puntos"
-#~ msgstr "Gana más puntos y ventajas exclusivas en Mercado Puntos "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:390
+msgid "Your payment was declined. You can try again."
+msgstr "Su pago fue rechazado. Puede intentarlo de nuevo."
-#~ msgid "Error loading form."
-#~ msgstr "Error al cargar el formulario."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:391
+msgid "Click to try again"
+msgstr "Haga clic para intentarlo de nuevo"
-#~ msgid "Please refresh the page to try again."
-#~ msgstr "Actualice la página para volver a intentarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:392
+msgid "That's it, payment accepted!"
+msgstr "Listo, ¡aceptamos tu pago!"
-#~ msgid "Refresh page"
-#~ msgstr "Actualizar página"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:393
+msgid ""
+"We are processing your payment. In less than an hour we will send you the "
+"result by email."
+msgstr ""
+"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de una hora le enviaremos el resultado "
+"por correo electrónico."
-#~ msgid "Type of topic IPN invalid, need to be merchant_order"
-#~ msgstr "El tipo de asunto de la IPN no es válido, debe ser `merchant_order`"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:394
+msgid ""
+"We are processing your payment. In less than 2 days we will send you by "
+"email if the payment has been approved or if additional information is "
+msgstr ""
+"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de 2 días le enviaremos por correo "
+"electrónico si se ha aprobado el pago o si se necesita información adicional."
-#~ msgid "Click here to see more details..."
-#~ msgstr "Haga clic aquí para ver más detalles…"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:395
+msgid "Check the card number."
+msgstr "Compruebe el número de tarjeta."
-#~ msgid "Purchases with saved cards or money in Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Compras con tarjetas guardadas o saldo en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:396
+msgid "Check the expiration date."
+msgstr "Compruebe la fecha de expiración."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Feature for those who have a saved card or money in Mercado Pago to buy "
-#~ "without having to fill in details."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Es una funcionalidade para quienes tienen tarjetas guardadas o saldo en "
-#~ "Mercado Pago puedan comprar sin la necesidad de completar datos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:397
+msgid "Check the information provided."
+msgstr "Compruebe la información informada."
-#~ msgid "The feature for payments with saved cards is active."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La funcionalidad para pagos con tarjetas guardadas está activa"
-#~ "b>."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:398
+msgid "Check the informed security code."
+msgstr "Compruebe el código de seguridad informado."
-#~ msgid "The feature for payments with saved cards is inactive."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La funcionalidad para pagos con tarjetas guardadas está "
-#~ "inactiva."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:399,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:400
+msgid "Your payment cannot be processed."
+msgstr "No se puede procesar su pago."
-#~ msgid "You can see how the feature is in your store Checkout below:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "A continuación, cómo es la funcionalidad en el checkout de la tienda:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:401
+msgid "You must authorize payments for your orders."
+msgstr "Usted debe autorizar los pagos de sus órdenes."
-#~ msgid "Mercado Pago customers can now pay with stored cards."
-#~ msgstr "Clientes de Mercado Pago ahora pueden pagar con tarjetas guardadas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:402
+msgid ""
+"Contact your card issuer to activate it. The phone is on the back of your "
+msgstr ""
+"Póngase en contacto con el emisor de su tarjeta para activarla. El teléfono "
+"se encuentra en la parte posterior de su tarjeta."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The function Saved card payments is enabled. With this setting, "
-#~ "customers using Mercado Pago can purchase without having to fill in "
-#~ "payment details. You can control this option in the settings."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La función Pago con tarjetas guardadas de Mercado Pago está habilitada. "
-#~ "Ahora los clientes que utilizan Mercado pago pueden comprar sin tener que "
-#~ "completar los datos de la tarjeta. Puedes controlar esta opción en "
-#~ "configuración."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:403
+msgid ""
+"You have already made a payment of this amount. If you have to pay again, "
+"use another card or other method of payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Usted ya realizó un pago de este importe. Si tiene que pagar de nuevo, "
+"utilizar otra tarjeta u otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Go to settings"
-#~ msgstr "Ir a la configuración"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:404
+msgid ""
+"Your payment was declined. Please select another payment method. It is "
+"recommended in cash."
+msgstr "Su pago fue rechazado. Puede intentarlo de nuevo."
-#~ msgid "No need to fill out details"
-#~ msgstr "Sin cargar datos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:405
+msgid "Your payment does not have sufficient funds."
+msgstr "Su metodo de pago no tiene fondos suficientes."
-#~ msgid "Installments available"
-#~ msgstr "Cuotas disponibles"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:406
+msgid "Payment cannot process the selected fee."
+msgstr "El pago no puede procesar la cuota seleccionada."
-#~ msgid "Pay faster with your saved cards and without completing data."
-#~ msgstr "Paga más rápido con tus tarjetas guardadas y sin completar datos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:407
+msgid ""
+"You have reached the limit of allowed attempts. Choose another card or other "
+"payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Has alcanzado el límite de intentos permitidos. Elija otra tarjeta u otro "
+"medio de pago."
-#, fuzzy
-#~| msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
-#~ msgid "Important! To sell, you must enter your credentials."
-#~ msgstr "¡Importante! Para vender debe introducir sus credenciales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:408
+msgid ""
+"Invalid transaction attempt You are trying to perform a "
+"productive transaction using test credentials, or test transaction using "
+"productive credentials. Please ensure that you are using the correct "
+"environment settings for the desired action."
+msgstr ""
+"Intento de transacción no válido Está intentando "
+"realizar una transacción productiva con credenciales de prueba o una "
+"transacción de prueba con credenciales productivas. Asegúrese de que está "
+"utilizando la configuración de credenciales correcta para la acción deseada."
-#~ msgid "Go to step-by-step"
-#~ msgstr "Ir al paso a paso"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:409
+msgid ""
+"Invalid transaction attempt It is not possible to pay "
+"with the email address entered. Please enter another e-mail address."
+msgstr ""
+"Intento de transacción no válido No es posible pagar con "
+"el email introducido. Por favor, introduzca otro email."
-#~ msgid "Update failed, invalid Credentials"
-#~ msgstr "Actualización fallida, credenciales no válidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:410
+msgid "This payment method cannot process your payment."
+msgstr "Este medio de pago no puede procesar su pago."
-#~ msgid "Up to 24 installments"
-#~ msgstr "Hasta 24 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:422
+msgid ""
+"Your bank needs you to authorize the payment Please call "
+"the telephone number on your card or pay with another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu banco necesita que autorices el pago Llama al "
+"teléfono que está en la tarjeta o paga con otro medio."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Important! Do not forget to add the credentials and details of your store."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¡Importante! No olvides ingresar las credenciales y datos de la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:423,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:424
+msgid ""
+"For safety reasons, your payment was declined We "
+"recommended paying with your usual payment method and device for online "
+msgstr ""
+"Por motivos de seguridad, tu pago fue rechazado Te recomendamos "
+"pagar con el medio de pago y dispositivo que sueles usar para compras online."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Before setting up payments, follow the step-by-step to start selling."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Antes de configurar los pagos, haz el paso a paso para comenzar a vender."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:425,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:426,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:427,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:428
+msgid ""
+"One or more card details were entered incorrecctly"
+"strong> Please enter them again as they appear on the card to complete "
+"the payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Ingresaste uno o más datos de tu tarjeta de forma incorrecta"
+"strong> Vuelve a ingresarlos tal como figuran en la tarjeta para "
+"finalizar el pago."
-#~ msgid "To enable and test sales, you must copy and paste your "
-#~ msgstr "Para habilitar y testear las ventas, tienes que copiar y pegar "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:429
+msgid ""
+"Your credit card has no available limit Please pay using "
+"another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu tarjeta de crédito no tiene límite disponible Paga "
+"con otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Mandatory data"
-#~ msgstr "Campo obligatorio"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:430
+msgid ""
+"Your debit card has insufficient founds Please pay using "
+"another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu tarjeta de débito no tiene saldo suficiente Paga con "
+"otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Use the test-specific cards that are in the"
-#~ msgstr "Utiliza las tarjetas específicas para testear que estén bajo las"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:431
+msgid ""
+"Your card does not accept the number of installments selected"
+"strong> Please choose a different number of installments or use a "
+"different payment method ."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu tarjeta no acepta la cantidad de pagos que seleccionaste"
+"strong> Elige una cantidad de pagos diferente o use otro medio."
-#~ msgid "Until"
-#~ msgstr "Hasta"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:432
+msgid ""
+"You need to activate your card Please contact your bank "
+"by calling the number on the back of your card or choose another payment "
+msgstr ""
+"Necesitas habilitar tu tarjeta Comunícate con tu banco "
+"llamando al número que está al dorso de la tarjeta o elige otro medio de "
-#~ msgid "installment"
-#~ msgstr "cuota"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:433
+msgid ""
+"You reached the limit of payment attempts with this card"
+"strong> Please pay using another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Alcanzaste el límite de intentos de pago con esta tarjeta"
+"strong> Paga con otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "We take you to our site to complete the payment"
-#~ msgstr "Te llevamos a nuestro sitio para completar el pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:434
+msgid ""
+"Your payment was declined because you already paid for this "
+"purchase Check your card transactions to verify it."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu pago fue rechazado porque ya pagaste esta compra"
+"strong> Revisa los consumos de tu tarjeta para verificarlo."
-#~ msgid "Enter your discount coupon"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tu cupón de descuento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:435,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:436,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:437
+msgid ""
+"The card issuing bank declined the payment We "
+"recommended paying with another payment method or contact your bank."
+msgstr ""
+"El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó tu pago Te "
+"recomendamos pagar con otro medio de pago o comunicarte con tu banco."
-#~ msgid "Enter your coupon"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tu cupón"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:438
+msgid ""
+"For safety reasons, the card issuing bank declined the payment"
+"strong> We recommended paying with your usual payment method and device "
+"for online purchases."
+msgstr ""
+"Por motivos de seguridad, el banco de la tarjeta rechazó el pago"
+"b> Te recomendamos pagar con el medio de pago y dispositivo que sueles "
+"usar para compras online."
-#~ msgid "The code you entered is incorrect"
-#~ msgstr "El código que ingresaste es incorrecto"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:439
+msgid ""
+"Your payment was declined because something went wrong"
+"strong> We recommended trying again or paying with another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu pago fue rechazado porque hube un error Te "
+"recomendamos intentar nuevamente o pagar con otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Invalid Card Number"
-#~ msgstr "Numero de tarjeta invalido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:451
+msgid "We are taking you to validate the card"
+msgstr "Te estamos llevando a validar la tarjeta"
-#~ msgid "Name and surname of the cardholder"
-#~ msgstr "Nombre y apellido del titular de la tarjeta"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:452
+msgid "with your bank"
+msgstr "con tu banco"
-#~ msgid "Invalid Expiration Date"
-#~ msgstr "Fecha de expiracion inválida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:453
+msgid "We need to confirm that you are the cardholder."
+msgstr "Necesitamos confirmar que eres titular de la tarjeta."
-#~ msgid "Last 3 numbers on the back"
-#~ msgstr "Últimos 3 números en el reverso"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:454
+msgid "We are receiving the response from your bank"
+msgstr "Estamos recibiendo la respuesta de tu banco"
-#~ msgid "In how many installments do you want to pay"
-#~ msgstr "En cuántas cuotas quieres pagar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:455
+msgid "Complete the bank validation so your payment can be approved"
+msgstr "Completa la validación del banco para aprobar tu pago"
-#~ msgid "Converted payment of"
-#~ msgstr "Pago convertido de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:456
+msgid ""
+"Please keep this page open. If you close it, you will not be able to resume "
+"the validation."
+msgstr ""
+"Mantén abierta esta pantalla. Si la cierras, no podrás retomar la validación."
-#~ msgid "for"
-#~ msgstr "para"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:457
+msgid ""
+"For safety reasons, your payment was declined We recommend paying "
+"with your usual payment method and device for online purchases."
+msgstr ""
+"Por motivos de seguridad, tu pago fue rechazado Te recomendamos "
+"pagar con el medio de pago y dispositivo que sueles usar para compras online."
-#~ msgid "Enter your document number"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tu número de documento"
+#~ msgid "How does it work?"
+#~ msgstr "¿Cómo funciona?"
-#~ msgid "Type"
-#~ msgstr "Tipo"
+#~ msgid "When paying, choose"
+#~ msgstr "Al pagar elegí"
-#~ msgid "Document number"
-#~ msgstr "Número de documento"
+#~ msgid ". Login to your account or create one in a few steps."
+#~ msgstr ". Podrás ingresar con tu cuenta o crear una en pocos pasos."
-#~ msgid "Only numbers"
-#~ msgstr "Sólo números"
+#~ msgid "Search for"
+#~ msgstr "Busca"
-#~ msgid "Obligatory field"
-#~ msgstr "Campo obligatorio"
+#~ msgid "Mercado Credito"
+#~ msgstr "Mercado Crédito"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When you finish the order, you will see the code to complete the payment."
-#~ msgstr "Cuando termines el pedido, verás el código para completar el pago."
-#~ msgid "CI"
-#~ msgstr "CI"
-#~ msgid "You must provide your document number"
-#~ msgstr "Debe informar su número de documento"
-#~ msgid "Complete all fields, they are mandatory."
-#~ msgstr "Complete todos los campos, son obligatorios."
-#~ msgid "Select the issuer with whom you want to process the payment"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona el emisor con el que quieras procesar el pago"
-#~ msgid "Lottery"
-#~ msgstr "Lotéricas"
-#~ msgid "CPF/CNPJ"
-#~ msgstr "CPF/CNPJ"
-#~ msgid "Enable or inactivate the payments via Pix"
-#~ msgstr "Activar o desactivar pagos por Pix"
-#~ msgid "If you change the display text, no translation will be available"
+#~ "among the options, select it and choose in how many installments you "
+#~ "would like to pay."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si cambia el texto de la pantalla Checkout, no habrá traducción disponible"
+#~ "entre las opciones, selecciónalo y elegí en cuántas cuotas quieres pagar."
-#~ msgid "Approve your account, it will only take a few minutes"
-#~ msgstr "Homologa tu cuenta, solo te llevará unos minutos"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Complete this process to secure your customers data and comply with the "
-#~ "regulations and legal provisions of each country."
+#~ msgid "Pay your installments monthly as you wish, in the Mercado Pago app."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Complete este proceso para proteger los datos de sus clientes y cumplir "
-#~ "con las regulaciones y disposiciones legales de cada país."
-#~ msgid "Homologate account in Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Homologar cuenta en Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "No"
-#~ msgstr "No"
+#~ "Pagá mes a mes tus cuotas como prefieras, desde la app de Mercado Pago."
-#~ msgid "Yes"
-#~ msgstr "Sí"
+#~ msgid "Review the step-by-step of"
+#~ msgstr "Revisa el paso a paso de"
-#~ msgid "Set up"
-#~ msgstr "Ajustes"
+#~ msgid "on our website for developers."
+#~ msgstr "en nuestro sitio de desarrolladores."
-#~ msgid "Your opinion helps us get better"
-#~ msgstr "Tu opinión nos ayuda a mejorar"
-#~ msgid "Guides and Documentation"
-#~ msgstr "Guías y documentación"
-#~ msgid "Report Problem"
-#~ msgstr "Informar problema"
-#~ msgid "Accept all method of payment and take your charges to another level"
-#~ msgstr "Acepta todos los medios de pago y lleva tus cobros a otro nivel"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Turn your online store into your customers preferred payment gateway. "
-#~ "Choose if the final payment experience will be inside or outside your "
-#~ "store."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Convierte tu tienda online en la pasarela de pagos preferida de tus "
-#~ "clientes. Elige si la experiencia de pago final será dentro o fuera de tu "
-#~ "tienda."
-#~ msgid "Configure Mercado Pago for WooCommerce"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresá la información de tu negocio"
+#~ msgid "Questions?"
+#~ msgstr "¿Dudas?"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Enable the experience of the Checkout Pro in your online store, select "
-#~ "the means of payment available to your customers and define the "
-#~ "maximum fees in which they can pay you."
+#~ "To enable orders, you must create and activate production credentials in "
+#~ "your Mercado Pago Account."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Habilita la experiencia del Checkout Pro en tu tienda online, selecciona "
-#~ "los medios de pago disponibles para tus clientes y define el máximo "
-#~ "de cuotas en el que podrán pagarte."
-#~ msgid "Set payment preferences in your store"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago en tu tienda"
+#~ "Para habilitar las ventas, debes crear y activar las credenciales de "
+#~ "producción en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago."
-#~ msgid "Select offline payments"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona medios de pago presenciales"
+#~ msgid "Check credentials"
+#~ msgstr "Consultar credenciales"
-#~ msgid "Select debit cards"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona tarjetas de débito"
-#~ msgid "Select credit cards"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona tarjetas de crédito"
-#~ msgid "Checkout of payments with debit and credit cards %s"
-#~ msgstr "Checkout de pagos con tarjetas de débito y crédito %s"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept payments instantly and maximize the conversion of your business"
-#~ msgstr "Acepta pagos al instante y maximiza la conversión de tu negocio"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Turn your online store into a secure and easy-to-use payment gateway for "
-#~ "your customers. With personalized checkout your customers pay without "
-#~ "leaving your store!"
+#~ msgid "To view more options, please select a payment method below"
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Convierte tu tienda online en una pasarela de pagos segura y fácil de "
-#~ "usar para tus clientes. Con el checkout personalizado tus clientes pagan "
-#~ "¡sin salir de tu tienda!"
-#~ msgid "Set up the payment experience in your store"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresá la información de tu negocio"
-#~ msgid "Configure the personalized payment experience in your store"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago en tu tienda"
-#~ msgid "%s, it only takes a few minutes"
-#~ msgstr "%s, solo te llevará unos minutos"
-#~ msgid "Approve your account"
-#~ msgstr "Homologa tu cuenta"
-#~ msgid "Title"
-#~ msgstr "Título"
+#~ "Selecciona uno de los siguientes medios de pago para ver más opciones"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Credentials are the keys we provide you to integrate quickly and "
-#~ "securely. You must have a %s in Mercado Pago to obtain and collect them "
-#~ " on your website. You do not need to know how to design or program to "
-#~ "do it"
+#~ "Test the experience in Test Mode and then enable the Sale Mode "
+#~ "(Production) to sell."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Las credenciales son las claves que te proporcionamos para que integres "
-#~ "de forma rápida y segura. Debes tener una %s en Mercado Pago para "
-#~ "obtenerlas y cobrar en tu sitio web. No necesitas saber diseñar o "
-#~ "programar para hacerlo"
-#~ msgid "approved account"
-#~ msgstr "cuenta homologada"
-#~ msgid "Select your country"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona tu país"
-#~ msgid "Select the country in which you operate with Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona el país en el que operas con Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Activate the Mercado Pago experience at the checkout of your store."
-#~ msgstr "Activa la experiencia de Mercado Pago en el checkout de tu tienda."
-#~ msgid "Binary mode"
-#~ msgstr "Modo binario"
+#~ "Testea la experiencia en Modo Test. Luego activa el Modo Ventas "
+#~ "(Producción) para realizar ventas."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept and reject payments automatically. Do you want us to activate it?"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta y rechaza pagos de forma automática. ¿Quieres que lo activemos?"
+#~ msgid "Do you have a minute to share your experience with our plugin?"
+#~ msgstr "¿tienes un minuto para compartir tu experiencia con nuestro plugin?"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If you activate binary mode you will not be able to leave pending "
-#~ "payments. This can affect fraud prevention. Leave it idle to be backed by "
-#~ "our own tool."
+#~ "Your opinion is very important so that we can offer you the best possible "
+#~ "payment solution and continue to improve."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si activa el modo binario no podrá dejar pagos pendientes. Esto puede "
-#~ "afectar la prevención del fraude. Déjelo inactivo para que sea respaldado "
-#~ "por nuestra propia herramienta."
-#~ msgid "Discounts per purchase with Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Descuentos por compra con Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Commission for purchase with Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Comisión por compra con Mercado Pago"
+#~ "Tu opinión es muy importante para que podamos ofrecerte la mejor solución "
+#~ "de pago posible y seguir mejorando."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept payments at any time of the day and expand your purchase options!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¡Acepte pagos en cualquier momento del día y amplíe sus opciones de "
-#~ "compra!"
+#~ msgid "You must enter"
+#~ msgstr "Debe introducir"
-#~ msgid "Offer this new payment option to your customers."
-#~ msgstr "Ofrezca esta nueva opción de pago a sus clientes."
+#~ msgid "production credentials"
+#~ msgstr "las credenciales de producción"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Enable and set up Pix as a payment method for your customers in the "
-#~ "Mercado Pago checkout."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Habilita y configura Pix como método de pago para tus clientes en el "
-#~ "checkout de Mercado Pago."
+#~ msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
+#~ msgstr "¡Importante! Para vender debe introducir sus credenciales."
-#~ msgid "Set up the payment via Pix experience"
-#~ msgstr "Configura la experiencia de pago a través de Pix"
+#~ msgid "Debit, Credit and invoice in Mercado Pago environment"
+#~ msgstr "Débito, crédito y efectivo, en Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Checkout of payments with cash %s"
-#~ msgstr "Paga con dinero en efectivo"
+#~ msgid "Debit and Credit"
+#~ msgstr "Débito e crédito"
-#~ msgid "Accept face-to-face payments, do not leave anyone out!"
-#~ msgstr "Acepta pagos presenciales ¡no dejes a nadie afuera!"
+#~ msgid "Transparent Checkout in your store environment"
+#~ msgstr "Checkout Transparente en tu tienda"
-#~ msgid "Include this preferred purchase option by some customers."
-#~ msgstr "Incluye esta opción de compra preferida por algunos clientes."
+#~ msgid "Mercado pago - Customized Checkout"
+#~ msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Personalizado"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Enable Mercado Pago for cash payments in your store and select the "
-#~ "options available to your customers."
+#~ "Unfortunately, the language configured in your WordPress is not "
+#~ "compatible with our plugin. For the best experience, please switch to a "
+#~ "supported language."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Habilita Mercado Pago para pagos en efectivo en tu tienda y "
-#~ "selecciona las opciones disponibles para tus clientes."
+#~ "Lamentablemente, el idioma configurado en tu WordPress no es compatible "
+#~ "con nuestro plugin. Para disfrutar de la mejor experiencia, cambia a un "
+#~ "idioma compatible."
-#~ msgid "Set payment preferences with cash"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago con dinero en efectivo"
+#~ msgid "payments on the spot"
+#~ msgstr "pagos al instante"
-#~ msgid "Store mode was updated"
-#~ msgstr "Se actualizó el modo de la tienda"
+#~ msgid "the"
+#~ msgstr "toda la"
-#~ msgid "Couldn't find a valid payment method"
-#~ msgstr "No se pudo encontrar un método de pago válido"
+#~ msgid "security"
+#~ msgstr "seguridad"
-#~ msgid "Invoice and Loterica"
-#~ msgstr "Efectivo "
+#~ msgid "from Mercado Pago"
+#~ msgstr "de Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "It offers all means of payment: credit and debit cards, cash and account "
-#~ "money. Your customers choose whether they pay as guests or from their "
-#~ "Mercado Pago account."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ofrece todos los medios de pago: tarjetas de crédito y débito, dinero en "
-#~ "efectivo y dinero en cuenta. Tus clientes eligen si pagan como invitados "
-#~ "o desde su cuenta de Mercado Pago."
+#~ msgid "Check the reasons why the purchase was declined"
+#~ msgstr "Consulta los motivos del rechazo de tu compra"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept card payments on your website with the best possible financing and "
-#~ "maximize the conversion of your business. With personalized checkout your "
-#~ "customers pay without leaving your store!"
+#~ "Recommend your costumer to pay with their usual payment method and device "
+#~ "for online purchases."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta pagos con tarjeta en tu sitio web con la mejor financiación "
-#~ "posible y maximiza la conversión de tu negocio. Con el checkout "
-#~ "personalizado tus clientes pagan ¡sin salir de tu tienda!"
-#~ msgid "Follow these steps to activate Mercado Pago in your store:"
-#~ msgstr "Sigue estos pasos para activar Mercado Pago en tu tienda:"
-#~ msgid "Upload your credentials"
-#~ msgstr "Carga tus credenciales"
-#~ msgid "depending on the country in which you are registered."
-#~ msgstr "depending on the country in which you are registered."
-#~ msgid "to be able to charge."
-#~ msgstr "para poder cobrar."
-#~ msgid "Add the basic information of your business"
-#~ msgstr "Añade la información básica de tu negocio"
-#~ msgid "in the plugin configuration."
-#~ msgstr "en la configuración del plugin."
-#~ msgid "Configure the payment preferences"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago"
-#~ msgid "In which country does your Mercado Pago account operate?"
-#~ msgstr "¿En qué país opera tu cuenta de Mercado Pago?"
+#~ "Recomiéndale a tu cliente que pague con el medio de pago y dispositivo "
+#~ "que suele usar para compras online."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Add credentials to "Test Mode" or "Production Mode""
+#~ "The payment could not be processed. Please ask your client to use another "
+#~ "card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ingresa las credenciales para el "Modo Test" o el "Modo "
-#~ "Producción""
-#~ msgid "Set up store payments for Test or Production Mode"
-#~ msgstr "Configura los pagos de la tienda para el modo Test o Producción"
-#~ msgid "How would you like to handle your store checkouts?"
-#~ msgstr "¿Como quieres operar los checkouts de tu tienda?"
-#~ msgid "Activate Production Mode for Mercado Pago checkouts"
-#~ msgstr "Activar Modo Producción para checkouts Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "test mode guidelines."
-#~ msgstr "reglas del Modo Test."
+#~ "El pago no fue procesado por el banco. Pídele a tu cliente que use otro "
+#~ "medio de pago o que se contacte con el banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Mercado Pago checkouts are inactive for real payments in the Test Mode. "
-#~ "Please check the"
+#~ "The CVV is invalid. Please ask your client to review the details or use "
+#~ "another card."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Checkouts Mercado Pago están inactivos para cobros reales en el Modo de "
-#~ "Prueba. Consulta las"
-#~ msgid "Search my credentials"
-#~ msgstr "Buscar mis credenciales"
+#~ "El código de seguridad de la tarjeta es inválido. Revisá los datos que "
+#~ "ingresaste o pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With these credentials, you enable your Mercado Pago checkouts to receive "
-#~ "real payments."
+#~ "The card does not have sufficient balance. Please ask your client to use "
+#~ "another card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Con estas credenciales habilitas que tus checkouts Mercado Pago puedan "
-#~ "recibir pagos reales."
+#~ "La tarjeta no tiene límite disponible. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
+#~ "tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "What category do your products belong to? Choose the one that best "
-#~ "characterizes them (choose \"other\" if your product is too specific)."
+#~ "The card does not have enough limit. Please ask your client to use "
+#~ "another card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¿A qué categoría pertenecen tus productos? Elige la que mejor los "
-#~ "caracteriza (elige “otro” si tu producto es demasiado específico)."
-#~ msgid "Categories"
-#~ msgstr "Categrorías"
-#~ msgid "Store ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID de la tienda"
+#~ "La tarjeta no tiene fondos suficientes. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
+#~ "tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Use a number or prefix to identify orders and payments from this store."
+#~ "The CVV was entered incorrectly several times. Please ask your client to "
+#~ "use another card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Usa un número o prefijo para identificar pedidos y pagos provenientes de "
-#~ "esta tienda."
+#~ "Se ingresó varias veces mal el código de seguridad de la tarjeta. Pedile "
+#~ "a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Do not forget to enter your integrator_id as a certified Mercado Pago "
-#~ "Partner. If you don`t have it, you can %s"
+#~ "The card does not allow the number of installments entered. Please ask "
+#~ "your client to choose another installment plan or to use another card."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "No olvides ingresar tu integrator_id como Partner certificado de Mercado "
-#~ "Pago. Si no lo tienes, puedes %s"
-#~ msgid "Advanced adjustment"
-#~ msgstr "Ajustes avanzados"
-#~ msgid "We debug the information in our change file."
-#~ msgstr "Depuramos la información de nuestro archivo de cambios."
+#~ "La tarjeta no acepta la cantidad de cuotas ingresadas. Pedile a tu "
+#~ "cliente que elija otro plan de cuotas o que use otra tarjeta."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "IPN (Instant Payment Notification) is a notification of events that take "
-#~ "place on your platform and that is sent from one server to another "
-#~ "through an HTTP POST call. See more information in our guides."
+#~ "The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client "
+#~ "to ask the bank to authotize it or to use another card."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "IPN (Instant Payment Notification) es una notificación de eventos que "
-#~ "tienen lugar en su plataforma y que se envía de un servidor a otro a "
-#~ "través de una llamada HTTP POST. Vea más información en nuestras guías."
+#~ "El banco emisor de la tarjeta no autorizó el pago. Pedile a tu cliente "
+#~ "que se contacte con el banco para autorizarlo o que use otra tarjeta."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "It appears that your credentials are not properly configured. Please, "
-#~ "go to %s and configure it."
+#~ "From Mercado Pago we have detected that this payment has already been "
+#~ "made before. If that is not the case, your client may try to pay again."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Parece que sus credenciales no están configuradas correctamente. Por "
-#~ "favor, vaya a %s y configúrelo."
-#~ msgid "Market Payment Configuration"
-#~ msgstr "Mercado Pago Configuración"
+#~ "Desde Mercado Pago detectamos que este pago ya se hizo anteriormente. Si "
+#~ "no es así, tu cliente puede intentarlo de nuevo."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Check out the step-by-step of how to integrate the Mercado Pago Plugin "
-#~ "for WooCommerce in our developer website."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Revisa el paso a paso de cómo integrar el Plugin de Mercado Pago para "
-#~ "WooCommerce en nuestro sitio de desarrolladores."
-#~ msgid "Review documentation"
-#~ msgstr "Revisar documentación"
-#~ msgid "Still having problems? Contact our support team through their %s"
+#~ "The card is not active yet. Please ask your client to use another card or "
+#~ "to get in touch with the bank to activate it."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¿Sigues con problemas? Comunícate con nuestro equipo de soporte a través "
-#~ "de su %s"
-#~ msgid "contact form."
-#~ msgstr "formulario de contacto."
-#~ msgid "Set up your interest payments"
-#~ msgstr "Configura pagos"
-#~ msgid "Set up your installment and interest payments"
-#~ msgstr "Configura meses sin intereses"
-#~ msgid "At Mercado Pago you can choose the fee you pay for each purchase"
-#~ msgstr "En Mercado Pago puedes elegir la tarifa que pagas en cada venta"
+#~ "La tarjeta aún no está habilitada. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
+#~ "tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco para activarla."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "At Mercado Pago you can choose the fee you pay for each purchase and also "
-#~ "offer interest-free installments to your customer."
+#~ "The debit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client "
+#~ "that it is possible to pay with credit or to use another one."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "En Mercado Pago puedes elegir la tarifa que pagas en cada compra y "
-#~ "también ofrecer meses sin intereses a tu cliente."
-#~ msgid "Set up interest payments"
-#~ msgstr "Configurar tasas y plazos"
-#~ msgid "Set up installment and interest"
-#~ msgstr "Configurar cuotas e intereses"
+#~ "La función débito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente que "
+#~ "puede pagar con la función débito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que use "
+#~ "otra."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Test Mode Activated? Now visit your store and test the Mercado Pago "
-#~ "checkouts"
+#~ "The credit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client "
+#~ "that it is possible to pay with debit or to use another one."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¿Modo Test activado? Ahora visita tu tienda y testea los checkouts "
-#~ "Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Everything ready for the takeoff of your sales?"
-#~ msgstr "¿Todo listo para el despegue de tus ventas?"
+#~ "La función crédito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente "
+#~ "que puede pagar con la función débito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que "
+#~ "use otra."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Visit your store as usual and simulate a payment in our checkouts to make "
-#~ "sure everything is working correctly."
+#~ "The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client "
+#~ "to ask the bank to authorize it."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Visita tu tienda normalmente y simula un pago en nuestros checkouts para "
-#~ "verificar que todo esté funcionando correctamente."
+#~ "El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago. Pídele a tu cliente que se "
+#~ "comunique con el banco para autorizar el pago."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Visit your store as if you were one of your customers and check that "
-#~ "everything is fine. If you already went to Production, bring your "
-#~ "customers and increase your sales with the best online shopping "
-#~ "experience."
+#~ "The buyer does not have enough balance to make the purchase. Please ask "
+#~ "your client to deposit money to the Mercado Pago Account or to use a "
+#~ "different payment method."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Visita tu tienda como si fueras uno de tus clientes y revisa que todo "
-#~ "esté bien. Si ya saliste a Producción, trae a tus clientes y aumenta "
-#~ "tus ventas con la mejor experiencia de compra online."
-#~ msgid "%s"
-#~ msgstr "%s"
+#~ "El cliente no tiene suficiente saldo en la cuenta para realizar la "
+#~ "compra. Pídele a tu cliente que cargue saldo en Mercado Pago o que use "
+#~ "otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Your store is ready to receive payments from customers."
-#~ msgstr "Tu tienda está lista para recibir pagos de clientes."
+#~ msgid "There was an error"
+#~ msgstr "Hubo un error"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Your customers will not be able to make purchases while in Test Mode."
-#~ msgstr "Los clientes no podrán hacer compras en Modo Test."
+#~ msgid "to BRL"
+#~ msgstr "a BRL"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept payments via Pix Transfer and receive the funds instantly. Your "
-#~ "customers can pay at any time, without date or time restrictions."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta pagos a través de transferencia Pix y recibe los fondos al "
-#~ "instante. Tus clientes pueden pagar en cualquier momento, sin "
-#~ "restricciones de fecha u hora."
+#~ msgid "to CLP"
+#~ msgstr "a CLP"
-#~ msgid "Pay with PIX "
-#~ msgstr "Paga vía Pix "
+#~ msgid "to COP"
+#~ msgstr "a COP"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept cash payments within the custom checkout and expand your customers "
-#~ "purchase options."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta pagos en efectivo dentro del checkout personalizado y amplía las "
-#~ "opciones de compra de tus clientes."
+#~ msgid "Now we convert your currency"
+#~ msgstr "Ahora convertimos tu moneda"
-#~ msgid "Pay with cash"
-#~ msgstr "Paga con dinero en efectivo"
+#~ msgid "We no longer convert your currency"
+#~ msgstr "Dejamos de convertir tu moneda"
-#~ msgid "Enter your credentials and choose how to operate"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tus credenciales y elige cómo operar"
+#~ msgid "Payment method"
+#~ msgstr "Medios de pagos"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "By default, we activate the Sandbox test environment for you to test "
-#~ "before you start selling."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Por defecto, te activamos el entorno de pruebas Sandbox para que hagas "
-#~ "testeos antes de empezar a vender."
+#~ msgid "Discount coupons is"
+#~ msgstr "Cupones de descuento están"
-#~ msgid "Production Mode"
-#~ msgstr "Modo Producción"
+#~ msgid "Discount coupons"
+#~ msgstr "Cupones de descuento"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When you see that everything is going well, deactivate Sandbox, turn on "
-#~ "Production and make way for your online sales."
+#~ "Will you offer discount coupons to customers who buy with Mercado Pago?"
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Cuando veas que todo va bien, desactiva Sandbox para ir a Producción y "
-#~ "abre paso a tus ventas online."
+#~ "¿Ofrecerás cupones de descuento a los clientes que compren con Mercado "
+#~ "Pago?"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Choose “Yes” only when you’re ready to sell. Switch to “No” to activate "
-#~ "Testing mode."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Elige “Sí” sólo cuando estés listo para vender. Cambia a “No” para "
-#~ "activar el modo Pruebas."
+#~ msgid "Your document data is invalid"
+#~ msgstr "Número de documento inválido"
-#~ msgid "With these keys you can do the tests you want.."
-#~ msgstr "Con estas claves podrás hacer las pruebas que quieras."
+#~ msgid "Title in the checkout"
+#~ msgstr "Título en el checkout"
-#~ msgid "With these keys you can receive real payments from your customers."
-#~ msgstr "Con estas claves podrás recibir pagos reales de tus clientes."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Payment URL pending"
+#~ msgid "Payment URL"
+#~ msgstr "URL de pago pendiente"
-#~ msgid "Everything set up? Go to your store in Sandbox mode"
-#~ msgstr "¿Todo configurado? Ve a tu tienda en modo Sandbox"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is"
+#~ msgid "Transparent checkout for credit cards is"
+#~ msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago "
+#~| "Transparent Checkout."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Visit your store and simulate a payment to check that everything is fine."
-#~ msgstr "Visita tu tienda y simula un pago para revisar que todo esté bien."
-#~ msgid "I want to test my sales"
-#~ msgstr "Quiero testear mis ventas"
-#~ msgid "Payment refused"
-#~ msgstr "Pago rechazado"
-#~ msgid "Physical person"
-#~ msgstr "Persona Física"
-#~ msgid "Legal person"
-#~ msgstr "Persona Jurídica"
-#~ msgid "Name"
-#~ msgstr "Nome"
-#~ msgid "Social reason"
-#~ msgstr "Razón social"
-#~ msgid "Surname"
-#~ msgstr "Apellido"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your last name"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar tu apellido"
-#~ msgid "CPF"
-#~ msgstr "CPF"
-#~ msgid "Address"
-#~ msgstr "Dirección"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your address"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar tu dirección"
-#~ msgid "Number"
-#~ msgstr "Número"
-#~ msgid "You must provide your address number"
-#~ msgstr "Debe informar su número de dirección"
-#~ msgid "City"
-#~ msgstr "Ciudad"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your city"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar a tu ciudad"
-#~ msgid "State"
-#~ msgstr "Estado"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your status"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar a tu estado"
-#~ msgid "Postal Code"
-#~ msgstr "Código postal"
-#~ msgid "You must provide your zip code"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar tu código postal"
-#~ msgid "See the reasons for refusing your purchase."
-#~ msgstr "Vea las razones para rechazar su compra."
-#~ msgid "30 minutes"
-#~ msgstr "30 minutos"
-#~ msgid "New"
-#~ msgstr "Nuevo"
-#~ msgid " day"
-#~ msgstr " día"
-#~ msgid "Description for cart Checkout"
-#~ msgstr "Descripción para el Checkout en el carrito"
+#~ "By disabling it, you will disable all payment methods of this checkout."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago con tarjeta de "
+#~ "crédito en el Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Configure the payment options and accept payments with cards, ticket and "
-#~ "money of Mercado Pago account."
+#~ "By confirming your purchase, you will be redirected to your Mercado Pago "
+#~ "account."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Configura las opciones de pago a tu medida y acepta pagos con tarjetas, "
-#~ "dinero en efectivo y dinero en cuenta de Mercado Pago."
-#~ msgid "https://developers.mercadopago.com/"
-#~ msgstr "https://developers.mercadopago.com/"
-#~ msgid "https://github.com/mercadopago/cart-woocommerce"
-#~ msgstr "https://github.com/mercadopago/cart-woocommerce"
+#~ "Al confirmar tu compra, te mostraremos un código para realizar el pago."
diff --git a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_PE.mo b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_PE.mo
index be9f33e1a..b1f7a85d9 100644
Binary files a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_PE.mo and b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_PE.mo differ
diff --git a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_PE.po b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_PE.po
index 9f270518d..600408cd4 100644
--- a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_PE.po
+++ b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_PE.po
@@ -1,85 +1,54 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 woocommerce-mercadopago
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the woocommerce-mercadopago package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce 6.0.0\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/woocommerce-"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-05-16 21:36+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-04-10 14:38+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
-"Language: es_ES\n"
+"Language: es_AR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 3.3.1\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 3.4.2\n"
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helper-links.php:141,
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:352
-msgid "By continuing, you agree to our "
-msgstr "Al continuar, aceptas nuestros "
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helper-links.php:143,
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:354
-msgid "Terms and Conditions"
-msgstr "Términos y condiciones"
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:92
-msgid ""
-"Activate this option so that the value of the currency set in WooCommerce is "
-"compatible with the value of the currency you use in Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Activa esta opción para que el valor de la moneda configurada en WooCommerce "
-"sea compatible al valor de la moneda que usas en Mercado Pago."
-#. translators: 1: local currency 2: currency
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:478
-msgid "Now we convert your currency from %1$s to %2$s."
-msgstr "Ahora convertimos tu moneda de %1$s a %2$s."
-#. translators: 1: local currency 2: currency
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:498
-msgid "We no longer convert your currency from %1$s to %2$s."
-msgstr "Dejamos de convertir tu moneda de %1$s a %2$s."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:463,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:172
+msgid "Activate WooCommerce"
+msgstr "Activar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:519
-msgid ""
-"Attention: The currency settings you have in WooCommerce are not "
-"compatible with the currency you use in your Mercado Pago account. Please "
-"activate the currency conversion."
-msgstr ""
-"Atención: La configuración de moneda que tienes en WooCommerce no es "
-"compatible con la moneda que usas en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago. Activa la "
-"conversión de moneda."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:464,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:173
+msgid "Install WooCommerce"
+msgstr "Instalar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-configs.php:125
-msgid ""
-"Update your credentials with the Access Token and Public Key, you need them "
-"to continue receiving payments!"
-msgstr ""
-"Actualice sus credenciales con el Access Token y la Public Key, ¡los "
-"necesita para continuar recibiendo pagos!"
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:465,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:174
+msgid "See WooCommerce"
+msgstr "Ver WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-configs.php:134
-msgid ""
-"The store should have HTTPS in order to activate both Checkout Personalizado "
-"and Ticket Checkout."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:467,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:163
+msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs an active version of %s in order to work!"
msgstr ""
-"La tienda debe tener HTTPS para activar el Checkout Personalizado y el "
-"Ticket Checkout."
+"¡El módulo de Mercado Pago necesita una versión de %s activa para funcionar!"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:52
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:169
msgid ""
-"Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce requires PHP version 5.6 or later. "
+"Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce requires PHP version 7.4 or later. "
"Please update your PHP version."
msgstr ""
-"El plugin de Mercado Pago requiere la versión de PHP 5.6 o posterior. Por "
+"El plugin de Mercado Pago requiere la versión de PHP 7.4 o posterior. Por "
"favor actualice su versión de PHP."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:61
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:170
msgid "Mercado Pago Error: PHP Extension CURL is not installed."
msgstr "Error en Mercado Pago: La extensión cURL de PHP no está instalada."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:70
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:171
msgid ""
"Mercado Pago Error: PHP Extension GD is not installed. Installation of GD "
"extension is required to send QR Code Pix by email."
@@ -88,493 +57,962 @@ msgstr ""
"necesaria la instalación de la extensión GD para enviar el QR Code Pix por "
"correo electrónico."
-#. translators: %s link to WooCommerce
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:82
-msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs an active version of %s in order to work!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:175
+msgid ""
+"Please note that to receive payments via Pix at our checkout, you must have "
+"a Pix key registered in your Mercado Pago account."
msgstr ""
-"¡El módulo de Mercado Pago necesita una versión de %s activa para funcionar!"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:95
-msgid "Cancel order"
-msgstr "Cancelar orden"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:177
-msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs the SDK package to work!"
-msgstr "¡El módulo de Mercado Pago necesita el SDK para funcionar!"
+"Ten en cuenta que para recibir pagos a través de Pix en nuestro checkout, "
+"debes tener una clave Pix registrada en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:368
-msgid "The payment method is not valid or not available."
-msgstr "El medio de pago no es válido o no está disponible."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:176
+msgid "Register your Pix key at Mercado Pago."
+msgstr "Registra tu clave Pix en Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:371
-msgid "The transaction amount cannot be processed by Mercado Pago."
-msgstr "El monto de transacción no puede ser procesado por Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:177
+msgid "%s, help us improve the experience we offer"
+msgstr "%s, ayúdanos a mejorar nuestra experiencia"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:371
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:178
msgid ""
-"Possible causes: Currency not supported; Amounts below the minimum or above "
-"the maximum allowed."
+"Share your opinion with us so that we improve our product and offer the best "
+"payment solution."
msgstr ""
-"Posibles causas: Moneda no soportada; Montos por debajo del mínimo o por "
-"encima del máximo permitido."
+"Comparte tu opinión con nosotros para poder mejorar nuestro producto y "
+"ofrecerte la mejor solución de pagos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:179
+msgid "Rate the plugin"
+msgstr "Valorar el plugin"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:374
-msgid "The users are not valid."
-msgstr "Los usuários no son válidos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:180
+msgid "Enable payments via Mercado Pago account"
+msgstr "Pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:374
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:181
msgid ""
-"Possible causes: Buyer and seller have the same account in Mercado Pago; The "
-"transaction involving production and test users."
+"When you enable this function, your customers pay faster using their Mercado "
+"Pago accounts.The approval rate of these payments in your store can be "
+"25% higher compared to other payment methods."
msgstr ""
-"Posibles causas: Comprador y vendedor tienen la misma cuenta en Mercado "
-"Pago; La transacción involucrando usuários de producción y de prueba."
+"Con esta función activa, tus clientes pagan más rápido usando su cuenta de "
+"Mercado Pago.La tasa de aprobación de estos pagos en tu tienda puede "
+"ser un 25% mayor en comparación con otros medios de pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:377
-msgid "Unauthorized use of production credentials."
-msgstr "Uso no autorizado de credenciales de producción."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:182
+msgid "Activate"
+msgstr "Activar"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:377
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:183
msgid ""
-"Possible causes: Use permission in use for the credential of the seller."
+"Our plugin does not support the language you've chosen, so we've switched it "
+"to the English default. If you prefer, you can also select Spanish or "
+"Portuguese (Brazilian)."
msgstr ""
-"Posibles causas: Pendencia de permiso de uso en producción para la "
-"credencial del vendedor."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:503
-msgid "Colombia"
-msgstr "Colombia"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:505
-msgid "Argentina"
-msgstr "Argentina"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:507
-msgid "Brazil"
-msgstr "Brasil"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:509
-msgid "Chile"
-msgstr "Chile"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:511
-msgid "Mexico"
-msgstr "México"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:513
-msgid "Uruguay"
-msgstr "Uruguay"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:515
-msgid "Venezuela"
-msgstr "Venezuela"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:184
+msgid "You activated Mercado Pago’s plug-in"
+msgstr "Activaste el plugin de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:517
-msgid "Peru"
-msgstr "Peru"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:551
-msgid "Update the WooCommerce order to "
-msgstr "Actualizar la orden de WooCommerce para "
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:821,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:583
-msgid "Fill in your credentials to enable payment methods."
-msgstr "Completa tus credenciales para habilitar los medios de pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:185
+msgid ""
+"Follow the instructions below to integrate your store with Mercado Pago and "
+"start to sell."
+msgstr ""
+"Sigue las instrucciones de abajo para integrar tu tienda con Mercado Pago y "
+"empezar a vender."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:837
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:197
msgid "Set plugin"
msgstr "Configurar plugin"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:838,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:293
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:198,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:738,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:798
msgid "Payment methods"
msgstr "Medios de pagos"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:839,
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:220
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:199
msgid "Plugin manual"
msgstr "Manual del plugin"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:938
-msgid "By Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Por Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-core.php:109,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:171,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:140,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:189,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:167
-msgid "Buyer email"
-msgstr "Email del comprador"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:211
+msgid "Cancel order"
+msgstr "Cancelar orden"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:35
-msgid "No ID or TOPIC param in Request IPN"
-msgstr "No hay ID o parámetro de ASUNTO la solicitud de IPN"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:212
+msgid "Mercado Pago commission:"
+msgstr "Comisión de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:39
-msgid ""
-"Discarded notification. This notification is already processed as webhook-"
-msgstr ""
-"Notificación ignorada. Esta notificación se procesa como webhook-payment."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:213
+msgid "Represents the commission configured on plugin settings."
+msgstr "Representa la comisión configurada en la configuración del plugin."
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:54
-msgid "IPN merchant_order not found"
-msgstr "No se ha encontrado la IPN de `merchant_order`"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:214
+msgid "Mercado Pago discount:"
+msgstr "Descuento de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:60
-msgid "Not found Payments into Merchant_Order"
-msgstr "No se han encontrado pagos en Merchant_Order"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:215
+msgid "Represents the discount configured on plugin settings."
+msgstr "Representa el descuento configurado en la configuración del plugin."
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:174,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:143,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:192,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:170
-msgid "Payment type"
-msgstr "Tipo de método de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:216
+msgid "Represents the installment fee charged by Mercado Pago."
+msgstr "Representa la comisión a plazos cobrada por Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:177,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:146,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:195,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:173
-msgid "Payment method"
-msgstr "Método de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:217
+msgid "Mercado Pago Installment Fee:"
+msgstr "Cuota de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:39
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:218
msgid ""
-"Please enter your email address at the billing address to use this service"
+"Represents the total purchase plus the installment fee charged by Mercado "
msgstr ""
-"Por favor, introduzca su email en la dirección de facturación para utilizar "
-"este servicio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:41,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:42,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:277
-msgid "Checkout Pro"
-msgstr "Checkout Pro"
+"Representa el total de la compra más la comisión de fraccionamiento cobrada "
+"por Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:43
-msgid "Debit, Credit and invoice in Mercado Pago environment"
-msgstr "Débito, crédito y efectivo, en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:219
+msgid "Mercado Pago Total:"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago Total:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:51
-msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
-msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:232
+msgid "Accept"
+msgstr "Acepta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:53
-msgid "Your saved cards or money in Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Compras con tarjetas guardadas o saldo en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:233
+msgid "payments"
+msgstr "pagos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:164
-msgid "Maximum number of installments"
-msgstr "Máximo de cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:234
+msgid "safely"
+msgstr "de forma"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:166
-msgid "What is the maximum quota with which a customer can buy?"
-msgstr "¿Cuál es el máximo de cuotas con las que un cliente puede comprar?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:235
+msgid "with"
+msgstr "segura con"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:169
-msgid "1 installment"
-msgstr "1 cuota"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:236
+msgid "Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:170
-msgid "2 installments"
-msgstr "2 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:241
+msgid "Choose"
+msgstr "Elige"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:171
-msgid "3 installments"
-msgstr "3 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:242
+msgid "when you want to receive the money"
+msgstr "cuándo quieres recibir el dinero"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:172
-msgid "4 installments"
-msgstr "4 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:243
+msgid "from your sales and if you want to offer"
+msgstr "de las ventas y si quieres ofrecer"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:173
-msgid "5 installments"
-msgstr "5 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:244
+msgid "interest-free installments"
+msgstr "cuotas sin interés"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:174
-msgid "6 installments"
-msgstr "6 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:245
+msgid "to your clients."
+msgstr "a los clientes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:175
-msgid "10 installments"
-msgstr "10 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:251
+msgid "SSL"
+msgstr "SSL"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:176
-msgid "12 installments"
-msgstr "12 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:252
+msgid "Curl"
+msgstr "Curl"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:177
-msgid "15 installments"
-msgstr "15 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:253
+msgid "GD Extensions"
+msgstr "Extensiones GD"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:178
-msgid "18 installments"
-msgstr "18 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:255
+msgid "Technical requirements"
+msgstr "Requisitos técnicos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:179
-msgid "24 installments"
-msgstr "24 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:256
+msgid "Collections and installments"
+msgstr "Cobros y cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:256,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:153,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:915,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:203,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:197
-msgid "Enable the checkout"
-msgstr "Activar el checkout"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:257
+msgid "More information"
+msgstr "Más información"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:257
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:258
msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all payments from Mercado Pago Checkout at "
-"Mercado Pago website by redirect."
+"Implementation responsible for transmitting data to Mercado Pago in a secure "
+"and encrypted way."
msgstr ""
-"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago del checkout en el "
-"sitio web de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:261,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:920
-msgid "The checkout is enabled."
-msgstr "El checkout está activo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:262,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:921
-msgid "The checkout is disabled."
-msgstr "El checkout está inactivo."
+"Implementación responsable de transmitir los datos a Mercado Pago de forma "
+"segura y encriptada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:281
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:259
msgid ""
-"With Checkout Pro you sell with all the safety inside Mercado Pago "
+"It is an extension responsible for making payments via requests from the "
+"plugin to Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Pro, podrás vender con toda la seguridad, dentro de Mercado "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:298,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:269
-msgid "Advanced settings"
-msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:311
-msgid "Payment experience"
-msgstr "Experiencia de pago"
+"Es una extensión encargada de realizar los pagos a través de requests del "
+"plugin a Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:313
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:260
msgid ""
-"Define what payment experience your customers will have, whether inside or "
-"outside your store."
+"These extensions are responsible for the implementation and operation of Pix "
+"in your store."
msgstr ""
-"Define qué experiencia de pago tendrán tus clientes, si dentro o fuera de tu "
+"Extensiones responsables de la aplicación y el funcionamiento de Pix en su "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:316
-msgid "Redirect"
-msgstr "Redirect"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:262
+msgid "Check our documentation to learn more about integrating our plug-in."
+msgstr ""
+"Revisa nuestras documentaciones para saber más sobre la integración de "
+"nuestro plugin."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:317
-msgid "Modal"
-msgstr "Modal"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:263
+msgid "Set deadlines and fees"
+msgstr "Ajustar plazos y tasas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:333
-msgid ""
-"Choose the URL that we will show your customers when they finish their "
-msgstr "Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando terminen su compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:264
+msgid "Go to documentation"
+msgstr "Ir a la documentación"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:331,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:351,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:372
-msgid "This seems to be an invalid URL."
-msgstr "Esto parece ser una URL no válida."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:277
+msgid "Public Key"
+msgstr "Public Key"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:336
-msgid "Success URL"
-msgstr "URL de éxito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:278
+msgid "Access Token"
+msgstr "Access Token"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:353
-msgid ""
-"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when we refuse their "
-"purchase. Make sure it includes a message appropriate to the situation and "
-"give them useful information so they can solve it."
-msgstr ""
-"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando rechacemos su compra. "
-"Asegúrate de incluir un mensaje adecuado a la situación y dales información "
-"útil para que puedan solucionarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:279
+msgid "1. Enter your credentials to integrate your store with Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "1. Ingresa tus credenciales para integrar tu tienda con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:356
-msgid "Payment URL rejected"
-msgstr "URL de pago rechazado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:280
+msgid "Production credentials"
+msgstr "Credenciales de producción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:281
+msgid "Test credentials"
+msgstr "Credenciales de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:374
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:282
+msgid "To start selling, "
+msgstr "Para empezar a vender, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:283
msgid ""
-"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when they have a payment "
-"pending approval."
+"in the fields below. If you don’t have credentials yet, you’ll have to "
+"create them from this link."
msgstr ""
-"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando tengan un pago pendiente "
-"de aprobación."
+"en los campos de abajo. Si todavía no tienes credenciales, deberás crearlas "
+"en ese mismo enlace."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:377
-msgid "Payment URL pending"
-msgstr "URL de pago pendiente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:284
+msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts for test purchases in the store."
+msgstr ""
+"Habilita a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para pruebas de compras en la "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:391
-msgid "Enable the payment methods available to your clients."
-msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles para tus clientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:285
+msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts to receive real payments in the store."
+msgstr ""
+"Habilita a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para recibir pagos reales en tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:392
-msgid "Choose the payment methods you accept in your store"
-msgstr "Elige los medios de pago que se aceptan en la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:286
+msgid "Paste your Public Key here"
+msgstr "Pega aquí tu Public Key"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:396
-msgid "Credit Cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:287
+msgid "Paste your Access Token here"
+msgstr "Pega aquí tu Access Token"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:400
-msgid "Debit Cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:288,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:342
+msgid "Save and continue"
+msgstr "Guardar y continuar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:404
-msgid "Other Payment Methods"
-msgstr "Otros medios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:289
+msgid ""
+"You have to enter your production credentials to start selling with Mercado "
+msgstr ""
+"Debes ingresar tus credenciales de producción para empezar a vender con "
+"Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:454
-msgid "Return to the store"
-msgstr "Volver a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:290
+msgid "Enter credentials"
+msgstr "Introducir credenciales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:455
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:291
+msgid "Activate your credentials to be able to sell"
+msgstr "Activa tus credenciales para poder vender"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:292
msgid ""
-"Do you want your customer to automatically return to the store after payment?"
+"Credentials are codes that you must enter to enable sales. Go below on "
+"Activate Credentials. On the next screen, use again the Activate Credentials "
+"button and fill in the fields with the requested information."
msgstr ""
-"¿Quieres que tu cliente vuelva automáticamente a la tienda después del pago?"
+"Las credenciales son códigos que debes ingresar para habilitar las ventas. "
+"Vaya más abajo en Activar credenciales. En la siguiente pantalla, utilice "
+"nuevamente el botón Activar Credenciales y complete los campos con la "
+"información solicitada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:459
-msgid "The buyer will be automatically redirected to the store."
-msgstr "El comprador será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:293
+msgid "Activate credentials"
+msgstr "Activar credenciales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:460
-msgid "The buyer will not be automatically redirected to the store."
-msgstr "El comprador no será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:294
+msgid "copy and paste your production credentials "
+msgstr "copia y pega tus credenciales de producción "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:485
-msgid "Available payment methods"
-msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:307
+msgid "Add the URL to receive payments notifications."
+msgstr "Ingresa la URL para recibir notificaciones de pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:535,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:521,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:426,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:411,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:698,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:418,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:404,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:434,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:419,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:174,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:172
-msgid "discount of"
-msgstr "descuento de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:308
+msgid "Find out more information in the"
+msgstr "Consulta más información en los"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:541,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:527,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:432,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:417,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:704,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:691,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:424,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:410,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:440,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:425,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:176
-msgid "fee of"
-msgstr "comisión de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:310
+msgid "guides"
+msgstr "manuales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:641,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:667,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:719
-msgid "Easy login"
-msgstr "Ingresa con facilidad"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:315
+msgid ""
+"If you are a Mercado Pago Certified Partner, make sure to add your "
+msgstr ""
+"Si eres Partner certificado de Mercado Pago, recuerda ingresar tu "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:642,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:668,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:720
-msgid "Log in with the same email and password you use in Mercado Libre."
-msgstr "Inicia sesión con tu mismo e-mail y contraseña de Mercado Libre."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:316
+msgid "If you do not have the code, please"
+msgstr "Si no tienes el código,"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:649,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:675,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:693,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:727
-msgid "Quick payments"
-msgstr "Paga rápido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:318
+msgid "request it now"
+msgstr "solicítalo ahora"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:650
-msgid "Use your saved cards, Pix or available balance."
-msgstr "Usa tus tarjetas guardadas, Pix o saldo disponible."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:322
+msgid "2. Customize your business’ information"
+msgstr "2. Personaliza la información de tu negocio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:657,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:683
-msgid "Protected purchases"
-msgstr "Protege tu compra"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:323
+msgid "Your store information"
+msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:658,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:684
-msgid "Get your money back in case you don't receive your product."
-msgstr "Recupera tu dinero si no recibes el producto."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:324
+msgid "Advanced integration options (optional)"
+msgstr "Opciones avanzadas de integración (opcional)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:676
-msgid "Use your available Mercado Pago Wallet balance or saved cards."
-msgstr "Usa tu saldo disponible en Mercado Pago Wallet o tarjetas guardadas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:325
+msgid "Debug and Log Mode"
+msgstr "Modo debug y log"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:694,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:728
-msgid "Use your available money or saved cards."
-msgstr "Usa tu dinero disponible o tarjetas guardadas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:326
+msgid ""
+"Fill out the following details to have a better experience and offer your "
+"customers more information."
+msgstr ""
+"Completa los siguientes datos para tener una mejor experiencia y ofrecerle "
+"más información a tus clientes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:701,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:735
-msgid "Installments option"
-msgstr "Accede a cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:327
+msgid "Name of your store in your client's invoice"
+msgstr "Nombre de tu tienda en la factura de los clientes"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:702
-msgid "Pay with or without a credit card."
-msgstr "Paga con o sin tarjeta de crédito."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:328
+msgid "Identification in Activities of Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Identificación en Actividad de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:709
-msgid "Reliable purchases"
-msgstr "Compra con confianza"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:329
+msgid ""
+"For further integration of your store with Mercado Pago (IPN, Certified "
+"Partners, Debug Mode)"
+msgstr ""
+"Para mayor integración de tu tienda con Mercado Pago (IPN, Socios "
+"Certificados, Modo Debug)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:710
-msgid "Get help if you have a problem with your purchase."
-msgstr "Recibe ayuda si tienes algún problema con tu compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:330
+msgid "Store category"
+msgstr "Categoría de la tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:736
-msgid "Interest-free installments with selected banks."
-msgstr "Cuotas sin interés con bancos seleccionados."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:331
+msgid "URL for IPN"
+msgstr "URL para IPN"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:332
+msgid "Integrator ID"
+msgstr "Integrator ID"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:333
+msgid "We record your store's actions in order to provide a better assistance."
+msgstr "Grabamos las aciones de tu tienda para brindar un mejor soporte."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:334
+msgid "Ex: Mary's Store"
+msgstr "Ej.: Tienda de María"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:335
+msgid "Ex: Mary Store"
+msgstr "Ej.: TiendaMaría"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:336,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1253
+msgid "Select"
+msgstr "Seleccionar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:337
+msgid "Ex: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+msgstr "Ej.: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:338
+msgid "Add plugin default params"
+msgstr "Agregar parámetros default del plugin"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:339
+msgid "Ex: 14987126498"
+msgstr "Ej.: 14987126498"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:340
+msgid "Show advanced options"
+msgstr "Ver opciones avanzadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:341
+msgid "Hide advanced options"
+msgstr "Esconder opciones avanzadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:343
+msgid ""
+"If this field is empty, the purchase will be identified as Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Si el campo queda vacío, la compra del cliente se identificará como Mercado "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:344
+msgid "In Activities, you will view this term before the order number"
+msgstr "En Actividad, verás el término ingresado antes del número o del pedido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:345
+msgid ""
+"Select \"Other categories\" if you do not find the appropriate category."
+msgstr "Seleciona ”Other categories” si no encuentras una categoría adecuada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:346
+msgid "request it now."
+msgstr "solicítalo ahora."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:360
+msgid "3. Activate and set up payment methods"
+msgstr "3. Activa y configura los medios de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:361
+msgid ""
+"Select the payment method you want to appear in your store to activate and "
+"set it up."
+msgstr ""
+"Selecciona el medio de pago que quieres que aparezca en tu tienda para "
+"activarlo y configurarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:362
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Configurar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:363
+msgid "Continue"
+msgstr "Continuar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:364
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Activado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:365
+msgid "Disabled"
+msgstr "Inactivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:366
+msgid "Configure your credentials to enable Mercado Pago payment methods."
+msgstr ""
+"Completa tus credenciales para habilitar los medios de pago Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:379,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:385
+msgid "The checkout is"
+msgstr "El checkout está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:380,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:392,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:508,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:520,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:532,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:599,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:611,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:623,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:700,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:762,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:822,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:834
+msgid "enabled"
+msgstr "activo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:386,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:398,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:514,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:526,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:538,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:605,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:617,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:629,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:706,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:768,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:828,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:840
+msgid "disabled"
+msgstr "inactivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:391,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:397,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:519,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:525,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:610,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:616,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:699,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:705,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:761,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:767,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:833,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:839
+msgid "Currency conversion is"
+msgstr "Conversión de moneda está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:403,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:409
+msgid "The buyer"
+msgstr "El comprador"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:404
+msgid "will be automatically redirected to the store"
+msgstr "será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:410
+msgid "will not be automatically redirected to the store"
+msgstr "no será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:416,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:422,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:634,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:640
+msgid "Pending payments"
+msgstr "Los pagos pendientes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:417,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:635
+msgid "will be automatically declined"
+msgstr "se rechazarán automaticamente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:423,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:641
+msgid "will not be automatically declined"
+msgstr "no se rechazarán automaticamente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:427,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:442
+msgid "Your saved cards or money available in Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:428,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:430
+msgid "Your clients finalize their payments in Mercado Pago."
+msgstr "Tus clientes finalizan sus pagos en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:429
+msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:431
+msgid "Checkout Pro"
+msgstr "Checkout Pro"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:432
+msgid ""
+"With Checkout Pro you sell with all the safety inside Mercado Pago "
+msgstr ""
+"Con el Checkout Pro, podrás vender con toda la seguridad, dentro de Mercado "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:433,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:548,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:715,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:777,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:858
+msgid "Mercado Pago plugin general settings"
+msgstr "Configuraciones generales del plugin de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:434,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:549,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:652,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:716,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:778,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:859
+msgid ""
+"Set the deadlines and fees, test your store or access the Plugin manual."
+msgstr "Ajusta tasas y plazos, testea tu tienda o accede al manual del plugin."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:435,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:550,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:653,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:717,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:779,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:860
+msgid "Go to Settings"
+msgstr "Ir a Configuraciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:436,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:654,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:861
+msgid "Enable the checkout"
+msgstr "Activar el checkout"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:437
+msgid ""
+"By disabling it, you will disable all payments from Mercado Pago Checkout at "
+"Mercado Pago website by redirect."
+msgstr ""
+"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago del checkout en el "
+"sitio web de Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:440,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:559,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:658,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:722,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:784,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:865
+msgid "Title in the store Checkout"
+msgstr "Título en el checkout de la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:441,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:659,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:723,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:785,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:866
+msgid "Change the display text in Checkout, maximum characters: 85"
+msgstr "Puedes cambiar el título dentro tu tienda. Caracteres máximos: 85"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:443,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:562,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:661,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:725,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:787,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:868
+msgid "The text inserted here will not be translated to other languages"
+msgstr "El texto insertado aquí no se traducirá a otros idiomas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:444,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:563,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:665,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:726,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:788,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:882
+msgid "Convert Currency"
+msgstr "Convertir moneda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:445,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:564,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:666,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:727,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:789,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:883
+msgid ""
+"Activate this option so that the value of the currency set in WooCommerce is "
+"compatible with the value of the currency you use in Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Activa esta opción para que el valor de la moneda configurada en WooCommerce "
+"sea compatible al valor de la moneda que usas en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:448
+msgid "Choose the payment methods you accept in your store"
+msgstr "Elige los medios de pago que se aceptan en la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:449
+msgid "Enable the payment methods available to your clients."
+msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles para tus clientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:450
+msgid "Credit Cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:451
+msgid "Debit Cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:452
+msgid "Other Payment Methods"
+msgstr "Otros medios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:453
+msgid "Maximum number of installments"
+msgstr "Máximo de cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:454
+msgid "What is the maximum quota with which a customer can buy?"
+msgstr "¿Cuál es el máximo de cuotas con las que un cliente puede comprar?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:455
+msgid "1 installment"
+msgstr "1 cuota"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:456
+msgid "2 installments"
+msgstr "2 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:457
+msgid "3 installments"
+msgstr "3 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:458
+msgid "4 installments"
+msgstr "4 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:459
+msgid "5 installments"
+msgstr "5 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:460
+msgid "6 installments"
+msgstr "6 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:461
+msgid "10 installments"
+msgstr "10 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:462
+msgid "12 installments"
+msgstr "12 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:463
+msgid "15 installments"
+msgstr "15 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:464
+msgid "18 installments"
+msgstr "18 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:465
+msgid "24 installments"
+msgstr "24 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:466,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:577
+msgid "Advanced settings"
+msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:467,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:578,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:675,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:733,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:793,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:890
+msgid ""
+"Edit these advanced fields only when you want to modify the preset values."
+msgstr ""
+"Edita estos campos avanzados solo cuando quieras modificar los valores "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:468
+msgid "Payment experience"
+msgstr "Experiencia de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:469
+msgid ""
+"Define what payment experience your customers will have, whether inside or "
+"outside your store."
+msgstr ""
+"Define qué experiencia de pago tendrán tus clientes, si dentro o fuera de tu "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:470
+msgid "Redirect"
+msgstr "Redirect"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:471
+msgid "Modal"
+msgstr "Modal"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:472
+msgid "Return to the store"
+msgstr "Volver a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:473
+msgid ""
+"Do you want your customer to automatically return to the store after payment?"
+msgstr ""
+"¿Quieres que tu cliente vuelva automáticamente a la tienda después del pago?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:30,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:31,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:245
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:476
+msgid "Success URL"
+msgstr "URL de éxito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:477
+msgid ""
+"Choose the URL that we will show your customers when they finish their "
+msgstr "Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando terminen su compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:478
+msgid "Payment URL rejected"
+msgstr "URL de pago rechazado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:479
+msgid ""
+"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when we refuse their "
+"purchase. Make sure it includes a message appropriate to the situation and "
+"give them useful information so they can solve it."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando rechacemos su compra. "
+"Asegúrate de incluir un mensaje adecuado a la situación y dales información "
+"útil para que puedan solucionarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:480
+msgid "Payment URL pending"
+msgstr "URL de pago pendiente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:481
+msgid ""
+"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when they have a payment "
+"pending approval."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando tengan un pago pendiente "
+"de aprobación."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:482,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:676
+msgid "Automatic decline of payments without instant approval"
+msgstr "Rechazo automático de pagos sin aprobación instantanea"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:483,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:677
+msgid ""
+"Enable it if you want to automatically decline payments that are not "
+"instantly approved by banks or other institutions."
+msgstr ""
+"Actívalo si quieres rechazar automáticamente los pagos que no son aprobados "
+"instantáneamente por bancos u otros compradores."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:484
+msgid "Debit, Credit and Invoice in Mercado Pago environment."
+msgstr "Débito, crédito y efectivo, en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:487,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:579,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:680,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:742,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:802,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:891
+msgid "Discount in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
+msgstr "Descuento en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:488,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:580,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:681,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:743,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:803,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:892
+msgid ""
+"Choose a percentage value that you want to discount your customers for "
+"paying with Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige un valor porcentual que quieras descontar a tus clientes por pagar con "
+"Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:489,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:492,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:581,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:584,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:682,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:685,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:744,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:747,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:804,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:807,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:893,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:896
+msgid "Activate and show this information on Mercado Pago Checkout"
+msgstr "Activar y mostrar esa información en el checkout Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:490,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:582,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:683,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:745,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:805,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:894
+msgid "Commission in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
+msgstr "Comisiones en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:491,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:583,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:684,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:746,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:806,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:895
+msgid ""
+"Choose an additional percentage value that you want to charge as commission "
+"to your customers for paying with Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige un valor porcentual adicional que quieras cobrar como comisión a tus "
+"clientes por pagar con Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:493
+msgid "This seems to be an invalid URL"
+msgstr "Esto parece ser una URL no válida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:507,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:513
+msgid "Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is"
+msgstr "“Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago” está "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:531,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:537
+msgid "The installments without card component is"
+msgstr "El componente “Compra en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta” está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:542,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:546
msgid "Installments without card"
msgstr "Financiación sin tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:32
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:543,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:545
msgid "Customers who buy on spot and pay later in up to 12 installments"
msgstr "Tus clientes pueden comprar en hasta 12 pagos mensuales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:40
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:544
msgid "Mercado Pago - Installments without card"
-msgstr "Mercado Pago - Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Financiación sin tarjeta de crédito "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:42
-msgid "Checkout without card"
-msgstr "Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:547
+msgid ""
+"Reach millions of buyers by offering Mercado Credito as a payment method. "
+"Our flexible payment options give your customers the possibility to buy "
+"today whatever they want in up to 12 installments without the need to use a "
+"credit card. For your business, the approval of the purchase is immediate "
+"and guaranteed."
+msgstr ""
+"Llega a millones de compradores ofreciéndoles Mercado Crédito como medio de "
+"pago. Nuestras opciones de pago flexibles brindan a tus clientes la "
+"posibilidad de comprar lo que quieren hoy en hasta 12 cuotas sin la "
+"necesidad de utilizar una tarjeta. Para tu negocio, la aprobación de la "
+"compra es inmediata y está garantizada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:182
-msgid "Activate installments without card in your store checkout "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:551
+msgid "Activate installments without card in your store checkout"
msgstr "Activar la opción de financiación sin tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:183
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:552
msgid ""
"Offer the option to pay in installments without card directly from your "
"store's checkout."
@@ -582,116 +1020,114 @@ msgstr ""
"Ofrece a tus clientes la opción de financiar su compra en hasta 12 pagos "
"mensuales, directo desde el checkout de tu tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:187
-msgid ""
-"Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is active"
-msgstr "“Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago” está activo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:188
-msgid ""
-"Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is inactive"
-msgstr "“Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago” está inactivo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:205
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:555
msgid "Checkout visualization"
msgstr "Visualización en el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:206,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:367
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:556,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:576
msgid "Check below how this feature will be displayed to your customers:"
msgstr "A continuación verás cómo este recurso aparecerá para tus clientes:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:207
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:557
msgid "Checkout Preview"
msgstr "Visualización en el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:208
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:558
msgid "PREVIEW"
msgstr "DEMO"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:249
-msgid ""
-"Reach millions of buyers by offering Mercado Credito as a payment method. "
-"Our flexible payment options give your customers the possibility to buy "
-"today whatever they want in up to 12 installments without the need to use a "
-"credit card."
-msgstr ""
-"Llega a millones de compradores con bajo acceso a financiación ofreciéndoles "
-"Mercado Crédito como medio de pago. Nuestras opciones de pago flexibles "
-"brindan a tus clientes la posibilidad de comprar lo que quieren en hasta "
-"12 pagos mensuales sin necesidad de utilizar una tarjeta de crédito. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:560
+msgid "It is possible to edit the title. Maximum of 85 characters."
+msgstr "Puedes cambiar el título dentro tu tienda. Caracteres máximos: 85."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:252
-msgid ""
-"For your business, the approval of the purchase is immediate and guaranteed."
-msgstr ""
-"Para tu negocio, la aprobación de la compra es inmediata y está garantizada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:561
+msgid "Checkout without card"
+msgstr "Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:311
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:567
msgid ""
"Inform your customers about the option of paying in installments without card"
msgstr ""
"Informa a tus clientes la posibilidad de financiar sus compras en hasta 12 "
"pagos sin tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:314
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:568
msgid ""
-"By activating the installments without card component, you increase "
-"your chances of selling."
-msgstr ""
-"Al activar el componente de financiación en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta de "
-"crédito, aumentarás tus posibilidades de venta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:316
-msgid "The installments without card component is active."
+"By activating the installments without card component, you increase your "
+"chances of selling."
msgstr ""
-"El componente “Compra en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta” está activo."
+"Al activar el componente de financiación en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta de "
+"crédito, aumentarás tus posibilidades de venta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:317
-msgid "The installments without card component is inactive."
-msgstr ""
-"El componente “Compra en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta” está inactivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:355,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:365
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:571
msgid "Banner on the product page | Computer version"
msgstr "Componente en la página del producto | Versión para computadora"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:356
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:572
msgid "Banner on the product page | Cellphone version"
msgstr "Componente en la página del producto | Versión para celular"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:363
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:573
msgid "Computer"
msgstr "Computadora"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:364
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:574
msgid "Mobile"
msgstr "Celular"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:366
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:575
msgid "Component visualization"
msgstr "Visualización del componente"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:41,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:42,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:52
-msgid "Debit and Credit"
-msgstr "Débito e crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:43,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:36,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:36
-msgid "Transparent Checkout in your store environment"
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente, en tu tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:598,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:604
+msgid "Transparent Checkout for credit cards is"
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente de las tarjetas de crédito está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:622,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:628
+msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are"
+msgstr "Los pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago están"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:645,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:660
+msgid "Credit and debit cards"
+msgstr "Tarjeta de crédito y débito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:646,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:648,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:711,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:773,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:853,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:855
+msgid "Payments without leaving your store with our customizable checkout"
+msgstr "Pagos sin salir de tu tienda con nuestro checkout personalizable."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:647,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:712,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:774,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:854
+msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout API"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout API"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:649
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Credit card"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Tarjeta de Crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:650
+msgid ""
+"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
+"without redirection and with the security from Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Con el Checkout Transparente, puedes vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
+"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:51,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:44,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:44
-msgid "Mercado pago - Customized Checkout"
-msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Personalizado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:651
+msgid "Mercado Pago Plugin general settings"
+msgstr "Configuraciones generales del plugin de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:154
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:655
msgid ""
"By disabling it, you will disable all credit cards payments from Mercado "
"Pago Transparent Checkout."
@@ -699,21 +1135,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago con tarjeta de crédito "
"en el Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:158
-msgid "Transparent Checkout for credit cards is enabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El Checkout Transparente de las tarjetas de crédito está activado."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:159
-msgid "Transparent checkout for credit cards is disabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El checkout transparente de las tarjetas de crédito está desactivado."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:191
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:662
msgid "Installments Fees"
msgstr "Tasas de pago en cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:192
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:663
msgid ""
"Set installment fees and whether they will be charged from the store or from "
"the buyer."
@@ -721,31 +1147,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Configura las tasas de las cuotas y si se las cobrarán a la tienda o al "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:193
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:664
msgid "Set fees"
msgstr "Configurar tasas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:218
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Credit card "
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Tarjeta de Crédito "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:222
-msgid ""
-"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
-"without redirection and with the security from Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Transparente, puedes vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
-"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:240
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the personalized payment experience"
-msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:254
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:669
msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago account"
msgstr "Pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:255
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:670
msgid ""
"Your customers pay faster with saved cards, money balance or other available "
"methods in their Mercado Pago accounts."
@@ -753,387 +1163,254 @@ msgstr ""
"Tus clientes pagan más rápido con tarjetas guardadas, dinero disponible o "
"con otros medios disponibles en sus cuentas de MP."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:259
-msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are active."
-msgstr "Los pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago están activos."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:260
-msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are inactive."
-msgstr ""
-"Los pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago están deshabilitados."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:279
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:673
msgid "Check an example of how it will appear in your store:"
msgstr "Conoce un ejemplo de cómo aparecerá en la tienda:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:310
-msgid "That’s it, payment accepted!"
-msgstr "Listo, ¡aceptamos tu pago!"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:312
-msgid ""
-"We are processing your payment. In less than an hour we will send you the "
-"result by email."
-msgstr ""
-"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de una hora le enviaremos el resultado "
-"por correo electrónico."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:314
-msgid ""
-"We are processing your payment. In less than 2 days we will send you by "
-"email if the payment has been approved or if additional information is "
-msgstr ""
-"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de 2 días le enviaremos por correo "
-"electrónico si se ha aprobado el pago o si se necesita información adicional."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:316
-msgid "Check the card number."
-msgstr "Compruebe el número de tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:318
-msgid "Check the expiration date."
-msgstr "Compruebe la fecha de expiración."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:320
-msgid "Check the information provided."
-msgstr "Compruebe la información informada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:322
-msgid "Check the informed security code."
-msgstr "Compruebe el código de seguridad informado."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:325
-msgid "Your payment cannot be processed."
-msgstr "No se puede procesar su pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:327
-msgid "You must authorize payments for your orders."
-msgstr "Usted debe autorizar los pagos de sus órdenes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:329
-msgid ""
-"Contact your card issuer to activate it. The phone is on the back of your "
-msgstr ""
-"Póngase en contacto con el emisor de su tarjeta para activarla. El teléfono "
-"se encuentra en la parte posterior de su tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:331
-msgid ""
-"You have already made a payment of this amount. If you have to pay again, "
-"use another card or other method of payment."
-msgstr ""
-"Usted ya realizó un pago de este importe. Si tiene que pagar de nuevo, "
-"utilizar otra tarjeta u otro medio de pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:333
-msgid ""
-"Your payment was declined. Please select another payment method. It is "
-"recommended in cash."
-msgstr ""
-"Su pago fue rechazado. Por favor seleccione otro medio de pago. Se "
-"recomienda en efectivo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:674
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the personalized payment experience"
+msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:335
-msgid "Your payment does not have sufficient funds."
-msgstr "Su metodo de pago no tiene fondos suficientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:710,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:724
+msgid "Invoice"
+msgstr "Efectivo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:337
-msgid "Payment cannot process the selected fee."
-msgstr "El pago no puede procesar la cuota seleccionada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:713
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Invoice or Loterica"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Efectivo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:339
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:714,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:776,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:857
msgid ""
-"You have reached the limit of allowed attempts. Choose another card or other "
-"payment method."
-msgstr ""
-"Has alcanzado el límite de intentos permitidos. Elija otra tarjeta u otro "
-"medio de pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:341,
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:204
-msgid "This payment method cannot process your payment."
-msgstr "Este medio de pago no puede procesar su pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:396
-msgid "Credit cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:397
-msgid "Up to "
-msgstr "Hasta "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:397
-msgid " installments"
-msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:404
-msgid "Debit cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:447,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:448,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:480,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:481,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:401,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:402,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:562,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:563
-msgid "A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Please, try again."
+"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
+"without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Por favor, intente otra "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:577
-msgid "See your order form"
-msgstr "Ver su hoja de pedido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:588
-msgid "Your payment was declined. You can try again."
-msgstr "Su pago fue rechazado. Puede intentarlo de nuevo."
+"Con el Checkout Transparente, podrás vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
+"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:595,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:95,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:93
-msgid "Click to try again"
-msgstr "Haga clic para intentarlo de nuevo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:718,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:780
+msgid "Enable the Checkout"
+msgstr "Activar el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:617,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:618
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:719
msgid ""
-"A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have "
-"correctly filled all information in the checkout form?"
+"By disabling it, you will disable all invoice payments from Mercado Pago "
+"Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Está seguro de haber "
-"cargado la información en el formulario?"
+"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago en efectivo en el "
+"Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:642
-msgid "Represents the installment fee charged by Mercado Pago."
-msgstr "Representa la tarifa de cuota que cobra Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:720
+msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is enabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos en efectivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:643
-msgid "Mercado Pago Installment Fee:"
-msgstr "Tarifa de cuotas de Mercado Pago:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:721
+msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is disabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos en efectivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:648
-msgid ""
-"Represents the total purchase plus the installment fee charged by Mercado "
-msgstr ""
-"Representa el total de la compra más la tarifa de cuota que cobra Mercado "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:730
+msgid "Payment Due"
+msgstr "Fecha de pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:649
-msgid "Mercado Pago Total:"
-msgstr "Total en Mercado Pago:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:731
+msgid "In how many days will cash payments expire."
+msgstr "En cuántos días vencerán los pagos en efectivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:715
-msgid "Configure your credentials to enable Mercado Pago payment methods."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:732
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the cash payment experience"
msgstr ""
-"Completa tus credenciales para habilitar los medios de pago Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:773
-msgid "Title in the store Checkout"
-msgstr "Título en el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:775
-msgid "Change the display text in Checkout, maximum characters: 85"
-msgstr "Puedes cambiar el título dentro tu tienda. Caracteres máximos: 85"
+"Configuração avançada da experiência de pagamento via boleto e em lotéricas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:777
-msgid "The text inserted here will not be translated to other languages"
-msgstr "El texto insertado aquí no se traducirá a otros idiomas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:734,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:794
+msgid "Reduce inventory"
+msgstr "Reducir inventario"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:791
-msgid "Description"
-msgstr "Descripción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:735,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:795
+msgid ""
+"Activates inventory reduction during the creation of an order, whether or "
+"not the final payment is credited. Disable this option to reduce it only "
+"when payments are approved."
+msgstr ""
+"Activa la reducción del inventario durante la creación de un pedido, se "
+"acredite o no el pago final. Desactiva esta opción para reducirlo solo "
+"cuando los pagos estén aprobados."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:828,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:840,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:347
-msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
-msgstr "¡Importante! Para vender debe introducir sus credenciales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:736,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:796
+msgid "Reduce inventory is enabled."
+msgstr "Reducir inventario está activo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:829
-msgid "You must enter production credentials."
-msgstr "Debe introducir las credenciales de producción."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:737,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:797
+msgid "Reduce inventory is disabled."
+msgstr "Reducir inventario está inactivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:830
-msgid "Enter credentials"
-msgstr "Introducir credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:739,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:799
+msgid "Enable the available payment methods"
+msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:840
-msgid "Mercado Pago Plugin general settings"
-msgstr "Configuraciones generales del plugin de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:740,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:800
+msgid "Choose the available payment methods in your store."
+msgstr "Elige los medios de pago que se aceptan en la tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:841
-msgid ""
-"Set the deadlines and fees, test your store or access the Plugin manual."
-msgstr "Ajusta tasas y plazos, testea tu tienda o accede al manual del plugin."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:741,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:801
+msgid "All payment methods"
+msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:842
-msgid "Go to Settings"
-msgstr "Ir a Configuraciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:772,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:786
+msgid "PSE"
+msgstr "PSE"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:866
-msgid "Activate your credentials to be able to sell"
-msgstr "Activa tus credenciales para poder vender"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:775
+msgid "Transparent Checkout PSE"
+msgstr "Pago transparente PSE"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:867
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:781
msgid ""
-"Credentials are codes that you must enter to enable sales. Go below on "
-"Activate Credentials. On the next screen, use again the Activate Credentials "
-"button and fill in the fields with the requested information."
+"By deactivating it, you will disable PSE payments from Mercado Pago "
+"Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-"Las credenciales son contraseñas que debes integrar para poder vender. "
-"Dirígete a Activar credenciales. En la siguiente pantalla, ve de nuevo al "
-"botón Activar credenciales y completa los campos con los datos solicitados."
+"Al desactivarlo, desactivará los pagos PSE de Mercado Pago Transparente "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:868
-msgid "Activate credentials"
-msgstr "Activar credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:782
+msgid "The transparent checkout for PSE is enabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos PSE."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:916
-msgid "By disabling it, you will disable all payment methods of this checkout."
-msgstr "Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago del checkout."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:783
+msgid "The transparent checkout for PSE is disabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos PSE."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1029
-msgid "Basic Configuration"
-msgstr "Configuración Básica"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:792
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the PSE payment experience"
+msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia de pago PSE"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1042
-msgid "Discount coupons"
-msgstr "Cupones de descuento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:821,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:827
+msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is"
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1045
-msgid "Will you offer discount coupons to customers who buy with Mercado Pago?"
-msgstr ""
-"¿Ofrecerás cupones de descuento a los clientes que compren con Mercado Pago?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:845
+msgid "Go to the"
+msgstr "Ve al área"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1047
-msgid "Discount coupons is active."
-msgstr "Cupones de descuento están activos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:846
+msgid "Your Profile"
+msgstr "Tu Perfil"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1048
-msgid "Discount coupons is disabled."
-msgstr "Cupones de descuento están inactivos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:847
+msgid "area and choose the"
+msgstr "y elige la sección"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1060
-msgid "Automatic decline of payments without instant approval"
-msgstr "Rechazo automático de pagos sin aprobación instantanea"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:848
+msgid "Your Pix Keys section"
+msgstr "Tus claves Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:852,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:867
+msgid "Pix"
+msgstr "Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1061
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:856
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Pix"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:862
msgid ""
-"Enable it if you want to automatically decline payments that are not "
-"instantly approved by banks or other institutions. "
+"By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago "
+"Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-"Actívalo si quieres rechazar automáticamente los pagos que no son aprobados "
-"instantáneamente por bancos u otros compradores. "
+"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago con tarjeta de crédito "
+"en el Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1065
-msgid "Pending payments will be automatically declined."
-msgstr "Los pagos pendientes se rechazarán automaticamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:869
+msgid "Expiration for payments via Pix"
+msgstr "Vencimiento para pagos con Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1066
-msgid "Pending payments will not be automatically declined."
-msgstr "Los pagos pendientes no se rechazarán automaticamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:870
+msgid "Set the limit in minutes for your clients to pay via Pix."
+msgstr ""
+"Define el límite de minutos para que tus clientes puedan pagar con Pix."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1078
-msgid "Discount in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
-msgstr "Descuento en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:871
+msgid "15 minutes"
+msgstr "15 minutos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1081
-msgid ""
-"Choose a percentage value that you want to discount your customers for "
-"paying with Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Elige un valor porcentual que quieras descontar a tus clientes por pagar con "
-"Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:872
+msgid "30 minutes (recommended)"
+msgstr "30 minutos (recomendado)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1082,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1103
-msgid "Activate and show this information on Mercado Pago Checkout"
-msgstr "Activar y mostrar esa información en el checkout Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:873
+msgid "60 minutes"
+msgstr "60 minutos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1099
-msgid "Commission in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
-msgstr "Comisiones en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:874
+msgid "12 hours"
+msgstr "12 horas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1102
-msgid ""
-"Choose an additional percentage value that you want to charge as commission "
-"to your customers for paying with Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Elige un valor porcentual adicional que quieras cobrar como comisión a tus "
-"clientes por pagar con Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:875
+msgid "24 hours"
+msgstr "24 horas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1139
-msgid "Convert Currency"
-msgstr "Convertir moneda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:876
+msgid "2 days"
+msgstr "2 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1144
-msgid "Currency convertion is enabled."
-msgstr "Conversión de moneda está activa."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:877
+msgid "3 days"
+msgstr "3 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1145
-msgid "Currency convertion is disabled."
-msgstr "Conversión de moneda está inactiva."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:878
+msgid "4 days"
+msgstr "4 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1262
-msgid ""
-"Edit these advanced fields only when you want to modify the preset values."
-msgstr ""
-"Edita estos campos avanzados solo cuando quieras modificar los valores "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:879
+msgid "5 days"
+msgstr "5 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:34,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:35,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:45
-msgid "Pix"
-msgstr "Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:880
+msgid "6 days"
+msgstr "6 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:881
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr "7 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:886
+msgid "Would you like to know how Pix works?"
+msgstr "¿Quieres saber cómo funciona Pix?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:204
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:887
msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago "
-"Transparent Checkout."
-msgstr ""
-"Al desactivar, desabilitarás lo medios de pago con Pix en el Checkout "
-"Transparente de Mercado Pago."
+"We have a dedicated page where we explain how it works and its advantages."
+msgstr "Creamos una página que explica su funcionamiento y sus vantajas."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:208
-msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is enabled."
-msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos por Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:888
+msgid "Find out more about Pix"
+msgstr "Saber más sobre Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:209
-msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is disabled."
-msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos por Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:889
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the Pix experience"
+msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:224
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:897
msgid "To activate Pix, you must have a key registered in Mercado Pago."
msgstr "Para activar el Pix, debes tener una clave registrada en Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:225
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:898
msgid "Download the Mercado Pago app on your cell phone."
msgstr "Descarga la app de Mercado Pago en tu móvil."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:226
-msgid "Go to the "
-msgstr "Ve al área "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:227
-msgid "area and choose the "
-msgstr "y elige la sección "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:228
-msgid "Your Profile "
-msgstr "Tu Perfil "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:229
-msgid "Your Pix Keys section."
-msgstr "Tus claves Pix."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:230
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:900
msgid ""
"Choose which data to register as Pix keys. After registering, you can set up "
"Pix in your checkout."
@@ -1141,7 +1418,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Elige qué datos registrar como claves PIX. Luego de registrarte, podrás "
"configurar el Pix en tu checkout."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:231
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:901
msgid ""
"Remember that, for the time being, the Central Bank of Brazil is open Monday "
"through Friday, from 9am to 6pm."
@@ -1149,7 +1426,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Recuerda que, por el momento, el Banco Central de Brasil está abierto de "
"lunes a viernes, de 9 a 18 horas."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:902
msgid ""
"If you requested your registration outside these hours, we will confirm it "
"within the next business day."
@@ -1157,12 +1434,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Si has solicitado tu registro fuera de este horario, te lo confirmaremos en "
"el siguiente día hábil."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:233,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:328
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:903
msgid "Learn more about Pix"
msgstr "Más información sobre Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:234
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:904
msgid ""
"If you have already registered a Pix key at Mercado Pago and cannot activate "
"Pix in the checkout, "
@@ -1170,285 +1446,271 @@ msgstr ""
"Si ya has registrado una clave Pix en Mercado Pago y no puedes activar Pix "
"en el checkout, "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:235
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:905
msgid "click here."
msgstr "haz clic aquí."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:260
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Pix"
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:919
+msgid "To enable test mode"
+msgstr "Para activar el modo de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:264
-msgid ""
-"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
-"without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago. "
-msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Transparente, podrás vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
-"redireccionamientos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:921
+msgid "copy your test credentials"
+msgstr "copia tus credenciales de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:281
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the Pix experience"
-msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:922
+msgid "and paste them above in section 1 of this page"
+msgstr "y pégalas en la sección 1 de esta página"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:294
-msgid "15 minutes"
-msgstr "15 minutos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:927
+msgid "Create your"
+msgstr "Crea tu"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:295
-msgid "30 minutes (recommended)"
-msgstr "30 minutos (recomendado)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:929
+msgid "test user"
+msgstr "usuario de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:296
-msgid "60 minutes"
-msgstr "60 minutes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:930
+msgid ""
+"(Optional. Can be used in Production Mode and Test Mode, to test payments)"
+msgstr ""
+"(Opcional. Se puede utilizar en modo de producción y en modo de prueba, para "
+"probar los pagos)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:297
-msgid "12 hours"
-msgstr "12 horas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:936
+msgid "Use our test cards"
+msgstr "Utiliza nuestras tarjetas de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:298
-msgid "24 hours"
-msgstr "24 horas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:937
+msgid "never use real cards"
+msgstr "nunca utilices tarjetas reales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:299
-msgid "2 days"
-msgstr "2 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:943
+msgid "Visit your store"
+msgstr "Visita tu tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:300
-msgid "3 days"
-msgstr "3 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:944
+msgid "to test purchases"
+msgstr "para testear compras"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:301
-msgid "4 days"
-msgstr "4 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:948
+msgid "4. Test your store before you start to sell"
+msgstr "4. Testea tu tienda antes de empezar a vender"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:302
-msgid "5 days"
-msgstr "5 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:949
+msgid "Choose how you want to operate your store:"
+msgstr "Elige cómo quieres operar tu tienda:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:303
-msgid "6 days"
-msgstr "6 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:950
+msgid "Test Mode"
+msgstr "Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:304
-msgid "7 days"
-msgstr "7 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:951
+msgid "Sale Mode (Production)"
+msgstr "Modo Ventas (Producción)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:308
-msgid "Expiration for payments via Pix"
-msgstr "Vencimiento para pagos con Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:952
+msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Production Mode"
+msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Produción"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:310
-msgid "Set the limit in minutes for your clients to pay via Pix."
-msgstr ""
-"Define el límite de minutos para que tus clientes puedan pagar con Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:953
+msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:325
-msgid "Want to learn how Pix works?"
-msgstr "¿Quieres saber cómo funciona el Pix?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:954
+msgid "Enter test credentials"
+msgstr "Ingresa las credenciales de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:326
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:955
msgid ""
-"We have created a page to explain how this new payment method works and its "
+"Select “Test Mode” if you want to try the payment experience before you "
+"start to sell or “Sales Mode” (Production) to start now."
msgstr ""
-"Creamos una página para explicar cómo funciona este nuevo medio de pago y "
-"sus ventajas."
+"Selecciona Modo Test si deseas probar la experiencia de pago antes de "
+"empezar a vender o Modo Ventas (Producción) para empezar a vender ahora."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:347
-msgid "Would you like to know how Pix works?"
-msgstr "¿Quieres saber cómo funciona Pix?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:956
+msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts disabled for real collections."
+msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago inactivos para cobros reales."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:348
-msgid ""
-"We have a dedicated page where we explain how it works and its advantages."
-msgstr "Creamos una página que explica su funcionamiento y sus vantajas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:957
+msgid "Test Mode rules."
+msgstr "Reglas del modo test."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:349
-msgid "Find out more about Pix"
-msgstr "Saber más sobre Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:958
+msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts enabled for real collections."
+msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago activos para cobros reales."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:493
-msgid "A problem occurred when processing your payment. Please try again."
-msgstr ""
-"Un problema se produjo al procesar su pago. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:959
+msgid "The clients can make real purchases in your store."
+msgstr "Los clientes pueden hacer compras reales en tu tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:478,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:547
-msgid ""
-"A problem occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have "
-"correctly filled in all the information on the checkout form?"
-msgstr ""
-"Un problema se produjo al procesar su pago. ¿Esta seguro que ha rellenado "
-"correctamente toda la información en el formulario de checkout?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:964
+msgid "Store in sale mode (Production)"
+msgstr "Tienda en Modo Ventas (Producción)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:456,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:522
-msgid "The customer has not paid yet."
-msgstr "El cliente no ha pagado todavía."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:965
+msgid "Store under test"
+msgstr "Tienda en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:966
+msgid "Save changes"
+msgstr "Guardar cambios"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:461
-msgid "Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase."
-msgstr "Ahora sólo tiene que pagar con Pix para finalizar su compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:978
+msgid "Store business fields are valid"
+msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda son válidos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:462
-msgid ""
-"Scan the QR code below or copy and paste the code into your bank's "
-msgstr ""
-"Escanee el código QR a continuación o copie y pegue el código en la "
-"aplicación de su banco."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:979
+msgid "Store business fields could not be validated"
+msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda no se pudieron validar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:563
-msgid ""
-"Please note that to receive payments via Pix at our checkout, you must have "
-"a Pix key registered in your Mercado Pago account."
-msgstr ""
-"Ten en cuenta que para recibir pagos a través de Pix en nuestro checkout, "
-"debes tener una clave Pix registrada en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:980
+msgid "At least one payment method is enabled"
+msgstr "Al menos un método de pago está habilitado"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:564
-msgid "Register your Pix key at Mercado Pago."
-msgstr "Registra tu clave Pix en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:981
+msgid "No payment method enabled"
+msgstr "Ningún método de pago habilitado"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:614,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:148
-msgid "Code valid for "
-msgstr "Código válido por "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:982
+msgid "Credentials fields are valid"
+msgstr "Los campos de la credencial son válidos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:34,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:35,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:45
-msgid "Invoice"
-msgstr "Efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:983
+msgid "Credentials fields could not be validated"
+msgstr "No se pudieron validar los campos de credenciales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:198
-msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all invoice payments from Mercado Pago "
-"Transparent Checkout."
-msgstr ""
-"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago en efectivo en el "
-"Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:995
+msgid "Valid Public Key"
+msgstr "Public key válida"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:202
-msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is enabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos en efectivo o en "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:996
+msgid "Invalid Public Key"
+msgstr "Public key no válida"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:203
-msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is disabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos en efectivo o en "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:997
+msgid "Valid Access Token"
+msgstr "Access token válido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:218
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Invoice or Loterica"
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:998
+msgid "Invalid Access Token"
+msgstr "Access token no válido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:222
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1010
+msgid "Credentials were updated"
+msgstr "Se actualizaron las credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1011
msgid ""
-"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
-"without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago."
+"Your store has exited Test Mode and is making real sales in Production Mode."
msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Transparente, podrás vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
-"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
+"Ahora su tienda está fuera del modo de prueba y está realizando ventas "
+"reales en el modo de producción."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:239
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the cash payment experience"
-msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia de pago en efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1012
+msgid "To test the store, re-enter both test credentials."
+msgstr "Para probar la tienda, vuelva a ingresar ambas credenciales de prueba."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:252
-msgid "Reduce inventory"
-msgstr "Reducir inventario"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1013
+msgid "Invalid credentials"
+msgstr "Credenciales no válidas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:255
-msgid ""
-"Activates inventory reduction during the creation of an order, whether or "
-"not the final payment is credited. Disable this option to reduce it only "
-"when payments are approved."
-msgstr ""
-"Activa la reducción del inventario durante la creación de un pedido, se "
-"acredite o no el pago final. Desactiva esta opción para reducirlo solo "
-"cuando los pagos estén aprobados."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1014
+msgid "See our manual to learn"
+msgstr "Consulte nuestro manual para saber"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:257
-msgid "Reduce inventory is enabled."
-msgstr "Reducir inventario está activo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1015
+msgid "how to enter the credentials the right way."
+msgstr "como ingresar las credenciales de forma correcta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:258
-msgid "Reduce inventory is disabled."
-msgstr "Reducir inventario está inactivo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1016
+msgid " for test mode"
+msgstr " para el modo de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:270
-msgid "Payment Due"
-msgstr "Vencimiento del pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1028
+msgid "Store information is valid"
+msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:272
-msgid "In how many days will cash payments expire."
-msgstr "En cuántos días caducarán los pagos en efectivo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1041
+msgid "Attention:"
+msgstr "Atención:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:292
-msgid "Enable the available payment methods"
-msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1042
+msgid ""
+"The currency settings you have in WooCommerce are not compatible with the "
+"currency you use in your Mercado Pago account. Please activate the currency "
+msgstr ""
+"La configuración de moneda que tienes en WooCommerce no es compatible con la "
+"moneda que usas en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago. Activa la conversión de moneda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:294
-msgid "Choose the available payment methods in your store."
-msgstr "Selecciona los medios de pago disponibles en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1045
+msgid "We are converting your currency from: "
+msgstr "Ahora convertimos tu moneda de: "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:298
-msgid "All payment methods"
-msgstr "Todos los medios de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1061
+msgid "to "
+msgstr "a "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1072
+msgid "Payment status on Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Estado de pago en el Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:458,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:486
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1073
msgid ""
-"There was a problem processing your payment. Are you sure you have correctly "
-"filled out all the information on the payment form?"
+"This is the payment status of your Mercado Pago Activities. To check the "
+"order status, please refer to Order details."
msgstr ""
-"Se produjo un problema al procesar su pago. ¿Está seguro de que ha llenado "
-"correctamente toda la información en el formulario de pago?"
+"Este es el estado del pago de las Actividades de tu Mercado Pago. Para "
+"consultar el estado del pedido, consulta en Detalles del Pedido."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:451,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:479
-msgid "Your document data is invalid"
-msgstr "Los datos de su documento no son válidos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1074,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1076
+msgid "View purchase details at Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Ver detalles de compra en Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:527
-msgid "To print the ticket again click"
-msgstr "Para imprimir nuevamente el ticket hace clic"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1075,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1077,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1079
+msgid "Sync order status"
+msgstr "Sincronizar el estado del pedido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:530
-msgid "here"
-msgstr "aquí"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1078
+msgid "Consult the reasons for refusal"
+msgstr "Consultar motivos de rechazo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:659
-msgid " and "
-msgstr " y "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1080
+msgid "Order update successfully. This page will be reloaded..."
+msgstr "Actualización del pedido con éxito. Esta página será recargada…"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1081
+msgid "Unable to update order:"
+msgstr "No se puede actualizar el pedido:"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:113
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1082
msgid "Payment made"
msgstr "Pago realizado"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:114
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1083
msgid "Payment made by the buyer and already credited in the account."
msgstr ""
"El pago realizado por el comprador y que ya está acreditado en la cuenta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:117
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1084
msgid "Call resolved"
msgstr "Llamado resuelto"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:118,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:218
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1085,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1135
msgid "Please contact Mercado Pago for further details."
msgstr "Contacta a Mercado Pago para saber más detalles."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:121
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1086
msgid "Payment refunded"
msgstr "Pago devuelto"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:122
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1087
msgid ""
"Your refund request has been made. Please contact Mercado Pago for further "
@@ -1456,59 +1718,59 @@ msgstr ""
"Tu pedido de reebolso ya fue realizado. Contacta a Mercado Pago para saber "
"más detalles."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:125,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:129
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1088,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1090
msgid "Payment returned"
msgstr "Pago devuelto"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:126
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1089
msgid "The payment has been returned to the client."
msgstr "El pago ya fue devuelto al cliente."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:130
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1091
msgid "The payment has been partially returned to the client."
msgstr "El pago ya fue devuelto parcialmente al cliente."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:133
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1092
msgid "Payment canceled"
msgstr "Pago cancelado"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:134
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1093
msgid "The payment has been successfully canceled."
msgstr "El pago fue cancelado con éxito."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:137
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1094
msgid "Purchase canceled"
msgstr "Compra cancelada"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:138
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1095
msgid "The payment has been canceled by the customer."
msgstr "El pago fue cancelado por el cliente."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:141,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:145,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:149,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:153,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:157,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:173,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:177,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:181,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:185,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:189,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:193,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:197,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:307
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1096,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1098,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1100,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1102,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1104,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1112,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1114,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1116,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1118,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1120,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1122,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1124,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1179
msgid "Pending payment"
msgstr "Cobro pendiente"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:142,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:146,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:150,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:154
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1097,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1099,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1101,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1103
msgid "Awaiting payment from the buyer."
msgstr "Esperando el pago del comprador."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:158
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1105
msgid ""
"We are veryfing the payment. We will notify you by email in up to 6 hours if "
"everything is fine so that you can deliver the product or provide the "
@@ -1517,72 +1779,48 @@ msgstr ""
"Estamos revisando el pago. En menos de 6 horas te avisaremos por e-mail si "
"está todo bien para que puedas entregar el producto o brindar el servicio."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:161,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:201,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:205,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:209,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:213,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:225,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:229,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:233,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:237,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:241,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:245,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:249,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:255,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:259,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:263,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:267,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:271,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:275,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:279,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:283,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:287,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:291,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:295,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:299,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:303,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:315,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:321,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:325
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1106,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1130,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1146,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1165,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1169,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1171,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1173,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1177
msgid "Declined payment"
msgstr "Cobro rechazado"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:162,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:206,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:210,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:214,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:226,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:246,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:256
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1107,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1131
msgid ""
"The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please ask your client to use "
"another card or to get in touch with the bank."
msgstr ""
"El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago. Pedile a tu cliente que use "
-"otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
+"“otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:165
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1108
msgid "Payment authorized. Awaiting capture."
msgstr "Pago autorizado. Esperando captura."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:166
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1109
msgid ""
"The payment has been authorized on the client's card. Please capture the "
msgstr ""
"Ya se autorizó el pago en la tarjeta del cliente. Haz la captura del pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:169
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1110
msgid "Payment in process"
msgstr "Pago en proceso"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:170,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:190
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1111,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1121
msgid "Please wait or contact Mercado Pago for further details"
msgstr "Espera o contacta a Mercado Pago para saber más detalles"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:174
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1113
msgid ""
"The bank is reviewing the payment. As soon as we have their confirmation, we "
"will notify you via email so that you can deliver the product or provide the "
@@ -1591,1438 +1829,928 @@ msgstr ""
"El banco está revisando el pago. Te avisaremos por e-mail cuando esté "
"confirmado para que puedas entregar el producto o brindar el servicio."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:178,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:182,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:186
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1115,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1117,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1119
msgid "Awaiting payment information validation."
-msgstr "Esperando validación de los datos de pago.."
+msgstr "Esperando validación de los datos de pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:194
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1123
msgid "Waiting for the buyer."
msgstr "Esperando al comprador."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:198
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1125
msgid "Waiting for the card issuer."
-msgstr "Espererando al emisor de la tarjeta.."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:202
-msgid ""
-"The payment could not be processed. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"El pago no fue procesado por el banco. Pídele a tu cliente que use otro "
-"medio de pago o que se contacte con el banco."
+msgstr "Espererando al emisor de la tarjeta."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1126,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1128,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1132,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1153,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1175
+msgid "The card issuing bank declined the payment"
+msgstr "El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1127,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1129,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1133,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1154,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1176
+msgid ""
+"Please recommend your customer to pay with another payment method or to "
+"contact their bank."
+msgstr ""
+"Recomiéndale a tu cliente que pague con otro medio de pago o que se "
+"comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:217
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1134
msgid "Mercado Pago did not process the payment"
msgstr "Mercado Pago no procesó el pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:221,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:311
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1136,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1181
msgid "Expired payment deadline"
msgstr "Venció el plazo para el pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:222,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:312
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1137,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1182
msgid "The client did not pay within the time limit."
-msgstr "El cliente no pagó dentro del límite de tiempo.."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:230
-msgid ""
-"The CVV is invalid. Please ask your client to review the details or use "
-"another card."
-msgstr ""
-"El código de seguridad de la tarjeta es inválido. Revisá los datos que "
-"ingresaste o pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:234
-msgid ""
-"The card is expired. Please ask your client to use another card or to "
-"contact the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta está vencida. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se "
-"comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:238,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:284,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:288
-msgid ""
-"This payment was declined because it did not pass Mercado Pago security "
-"controls. Please ask your client to use another card."
-msgstr ""
-"Rechazamos este pago porque no pasó los controles de seguridad de Mercado "
-"Pago. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:242,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:280
-msgid ""
-"The buyer is suspended in our platform. Your client must contact us to check "
-"what happened."
-msgstr ""
-"El comprador está suspendido en Mercado Pago. Tu cliente debe comunicarse "
-"con nosotros para ver qué pasó."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:251
-msgid ""
-"The card does not have enough limit. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta no tiene límite disponible. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:252
-msgid ""
-"The card does not have sufficient balance. Please ask your client to use "
-"another card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta no tiene fondos suficientes. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:260
-msgid ""
-"The CVV was entered incorrectly several times. Please ask your client to use "
-"another card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ingresó varias veces mal el código de seguridad de la tarjeta. Pedile a "
-"tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:264
-msgid ""
-"The card does not allow the number of installments entered. Please ask your "
-"client to choose another installment plan or to use another card."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta no acepta la cantidad de cuotas ingresadas. Pedile a tu cliente "
-"que elija otro plan de cuotas o que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:268
-msgid ""
-"The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client to "
-"ask the bank to authotize it or to use another card."
-msgstr ""
-"El banco emisor de la tarjeta no autorizó el pago. Pedile a tu cliente que "
-"se contacte con el banco para autorizarlo o que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:272
-msgid ""
-"From Mercado Pago we have detected that this payment has already been made "
-"before. If that is not the case, your client may try to pay again."
-msgstr ""
-"Desde Mercado Pago detectamos que este pago ya se hizo anteriormente. Si no "
-"es así, tu cliente puede intentarlo de nuevo."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:276
-msgid ""
-"The card is not active yet. Please ask your client to use another card or to "
-"get in touch with the bank to activate it."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta aún no está habilitada. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta "
-"o que se comunique con su banco para activarla."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:292
-msgid ""
-"The amount exceeded the card limit. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:296,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:300,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:304
-msgid ""
-"Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the card "
-msgstr ""
-"Pídele a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con el emisor de "
-"la tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:308
-msgid ""
-"The amount exceeded the card's limit. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:317
-msgid ""
-"The credit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client "
-"that it is possible to pay with debit or to use another one."
-msgstr ""
-"La función crédito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente que "
-"puede pagar con la función débito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que use otra."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:318
-msgid ""
-"The debit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client that "
-"it is possible to pay with credit or to use another one."
-msgstr ""
-"La función débito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente que "
-"puede pagar con la función crédito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que use otra."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:322
-msgid ""
-"The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client to "
-"ask the bank to authorize it."
-msgstr ""
-"El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago. Pídele a tu cliente que se "
-"comunique con el banco para autorizar el pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:326
-msgid ""
-"The buyer does not have enough balance to make the purchase. Please ask your "
-"client to deposit money to the Mercado Pago Account or to use a different "
-"payment method."
-msgstr ""
-"El cliente no tiene suficiente saldo en la cuenta para realizar la compra. "
-"Pídele a tu cliente que cargue saldo en Mercado Pago o que use otro medio de "
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:329
-msgid "There was an error"
-msgstr "Hubo un error"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:330
-msgid "The transaction could not be completed."
-msgstr "No fue posible completar la transacción."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:413
-msgid "Payment status on Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Estado de pago en el Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:473,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:485
-msgid "View purchase details at Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Ver detalles de compra en Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:474,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:486,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:498
-msgid "Sync order status"
-msgstr "Sincronizar el estado del pedido"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:497
-msgid "Check the reasons why the purchase was declined."
-msgstr "Consulta los motivos del rechazo de tu compra."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:606
-msgid "Order update successfully. This page will be reloaded..."
-msgstr "Actualización del pedido con éxito. Esta página será recargada…"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:610
-msgid "Unable to update order: "
-msgstr "No se puede actualizar el pedido: "
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:126
-msgid "See WooCommerce"
-msgstr "Ver WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:124
-msgid "Install WooCommerce"
-msgstr "Instalar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:121
-msgid "Activate WooCommerce"
-msgstr "Activar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:137
-msgid "do you have a minute to share your experience with our plugin?"
-msgstr "¿tienes un minuto para compartir tu experiencia con nuestro plugin?"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:140
-msgid ""
-"Your opinion is very important so that we can offer you the best possible "
-"payment solution and continue to improve."
-msgstr ""
-"Tu opinión es muy importante para poder ofrecerte la mejor solución de pagos "
-"posible y seguir mejorando."
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:149
-msgid "Rate the plugin"
-msgstr "Valorar el plugin"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:151
-msgid "Enable payments via Mercado Pago account"
-msgstr "Pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:154
-msgid ""
-"When you enable this function, your customers pay faster using their Mercado "
-"Pago accounts.The approval rate of these payments in your store can be "
-"25% higher compared to other payment methods."
-msgstr ""
-"Con esta función activa, tus clientes pagan más rápido usando su cuenta de "
-"Mercado Pago.La tasa de aprobación de estos pagos en tu tienda puede "
-"ser un 25% mayor en comparación con otros medios de pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:163
-msgid "Activate"
-msgstr "Activar"
-#: ../../includes/admin/views/html-admin-alert-frame.php:34,
-#: ../../includes/admin/views/html-admin-alert-woocommerce-miss.php:30
-msgid "Discard"
-msgstr "Descartar"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:141
-msgid "Mercado Pago Settings"
-msgstr "Configuración de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:196
-msgid "Accept "
-msgstr "Acepta "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:197
-msgid "payments on the spot "
-msgstr "pagos al instante "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:198
-msgid "with"
-msgstr "con toda"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:199
-msgid "the "
-msgstr "la "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:200
-msgid "security "
-msgstr "seguridad "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:201
-msgid "from Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:202
-msgid "Technical requirements"
-msgstr "Requisitos técnicos"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:203
-msgid "SSL"
-msgstr "SSL"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:204
-msgid "GD Extensions"
-msgstr "Extensiones GD"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:205
-msgid "Curl"
-msgstr "Curl"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:206
-msgid ""
-"Implementation responsible for transmitting data to Mercado Pago in a secure "
-"and encrypted way."
-msgstr ""
-"Implementación responsable de transmitir los datos a Mercado Pago de forma "
-"segura y encriptada."
+msgstr "El cliente no pagó dentro del límite de tiempo."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:207
-msgid ""
-"These extensions are responsible for the implementation and operation of Pix "
-"in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"Extensiones responsables de la aplicación y el funcionamiento de Pix en su "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1138,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1140,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1142,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1183
+msgid "Your customer entered one or more incorrect card details"
+msgstr "Tu cliente ingresó uno o más datos de la tarjeta de forma incorrecta"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:208
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1139,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1141,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1143,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1184,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1185
msgid ""
-"It is an extension responsible for making payments via requests from the "
-"plugin to Mercado Pago."
+"Please ask them to enter to enter them again exactly as they appear on the "
+"card or on their bank app to complete the payment."
msgstr ""
-"Es una extensión encargada de realizar los pagos a través de requests del "
-"plugin a Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:209
-msgid "Collections and installments"
-msgstr "Cobros y cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:210
-msgid "Choose "
-msgstr "Elige "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:211
-msgid "when you want to receive the money "
-msgstr "cuándo quieres recibir el dinero "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:212
-msgid "from your sales and if you want to offer "
-msgstr "de las ventas y si quieres ofrecer "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:213
-msgid "interest-free installments "
-msgstr "cuotas sin interés"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:214
-msgid "to your clients."
-msgstr "a los clientes."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:215
-msgid "Set deadlines and fees"
-msgstr "Ajustar plazos y tasas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:216,
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:124
-msgid "Questions? "
-msgstr "¿Tienes dudas?"
+"Pídele que vuelva a ingresarlos tal como figuran en la tarjeta o en la app "
+"de su banco para finalizar el pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:217
-msgid "Review the step-by-step of "
-msgstr "Revisa el paso a paso de "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1144,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1167
+msgid "We protected you from a suspicious payment"
+msgstr "Te protegimos de un pago sospechoso"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:218
-msgid "how to integrate the Mercado Pago Plugin "
-msgstr "cómo integrar el Plugin de Mercado Pago "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1145
+msgid "For safety reasons, this transaction cannot be completed."
+msgstr "Por motivos de seguridad, esta transacción no podrá ser finalizada."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:219
-msgid "on our webiste for developers."
-msgstr "en nuestro sitio de desarrolladores."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1147,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1166
+msgid ""
+"The buyer is suspended in our platform. Your client must contact us to check "
+"what happened."
+msgstr ""
+"El comprador está suspendido en Mercado Pago. Tu cliente debe comunicarse "
+"con nosotros para ver qué pasó."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:231
-msgid "1. Integrate your store with Mercado Pago "
-msgstr "1. Integra la tienda a Mercado Pago "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1148
+msgid "For safety reasons, the card issuing bank declined the payment"
+msgstr "Por seguridad, el banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1149,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1168
msgid ""
-"To enable orders, you must create and activate production credentials in "
-"your Mercado Pago Account. "
+"Recommend your customer to pay with their usual payment method and device "
+"for online purchases."
msgstr ""
-"Para habilitar las ventas, debes crear y activar las credenciales de "
-"producción en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago. "
+"Recomiéndale a tu cliente que pague con el medio de pago y dispositivo que "
+"suele usar para compras online."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:233
-msgid "Copy and paste the credentials below."
-msgstr "Copia y pega tus credenciales a continuación."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1150
+msgid "Your customer's credit card has no available limit"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de crédito de tu cliente no tiene límite disponible"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:234
-msgid "Check credentials"
-msgstr "Consultar credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1151,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1152,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1156
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to pay with another card or to choose another payment method."
+msgstr "Pídele que pague con otra tarjeta o que elija otro medio de pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:235
-msgid "Test credentials "
-msgstr "Credenciales de prueba "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1155
+msgid "Your customer reached the limit of payment attempts with this card"
+msgstr "Tu cliente alcanzó el límite de intentos de pago con la tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:236
-msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts for test purchases in the store."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1157
+msgid ""
+"Your customer's card does not accept the number of installments selected"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de tu cliente no acepta la cantidad de pagos que seleccionó"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1158
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to choose a different number of installments or to pay with "
+"another method."
msgstr ""
-"Habilitan a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para pruebas de compras en la "
+"Pídele que elija una cantidad de pagos diferente o que use con otro medio."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:237
-msgid "Public key"
-msgstr "Public key"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1159,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1186
+msgid "Your customer needs to authorize the payment through their bank"
+msgstr "Tu cliente necesita autorizar el pago con su banco"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:238
-msgid "Access Token"
-msgstr "Access Token"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1160,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1187
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to call the telephone number on their card or to pay with "
+"another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Pídele que llame al teléfono que está en la tarjeta o que pague con otro "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:239
-msgid "Production credentials"
-msgstr "Credenciales de producción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1161
+msgid ""
+"The payment was declined because your customer already paid for this purchase"
+msgstr "El pago fue rechazado porque tu cliente ya pagó esta compra"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:240
-msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts to receive real payments in the store."
-msgstr ""
-"Habilitan a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para recibir pagos reales en "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1162
+msgid "Check your approved payments to verify it."
+msgstr "Revisa tu cobros aprobados para verificarlo."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:241
-msgid "Paste your Public Key here"
-msgstr "Pega aquí tu Public Key"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1163
+msgid "Your customer's card was is not activated yet"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de tu cliente aún no está habilitada"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:242
-msgid "Paste your Access Token here"
-msgstr "Pega aquí tu Access Token"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1164
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to contact their bank by calling the number on the back of "
+"their card or to pay with another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Pídele que se comunique con su banco al número que está en el dorso de la "
+"tarjeta o que pague con otro medio."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:243,
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:280
-msgid "Save and continue"
-msgstr "Guardar y continuar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1170
+msgid ""
+"This payment was declined because it did not pass Mercado Pago security "
+"controls. Please ask your client to use another card."
+msgstr ""
+"Rechazamos este pago porque no pasó los controles de seguridad de Mercado "
+"Pago. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:254
-msgid "2. Customize your business"
-msgstr "2. Personaliza tu negocio"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1172
+msgid ""
+"The amount exceeded the card limit. Please ask your client to use another "
+"card or to get in touch with the bank."
+msgstr ""
+"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
+"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:255
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1174,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1178
msgid ""
-"Fill out the following information to have a better experience and offer "
-"more information to your clients"
+"Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the card "
msgstr ""
-"Completa los siguientes datos para tener una mejor experiencia y ofrecer más "
-"información a los clientes"
+"Pídele a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con el emisor de "
+"la tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:256
-msgid "Your store information"
-msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1180
+msgid ""
+"The amount exceeded the card's limit. Please ask your client to use another "
+"card or to get in touch with the bank."
+msgstr ""
+"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
+"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:257
-msgid "Name of your store in your client's invoice"
-msgstr "Nombre de tu tienda en la factura de los clientes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1188
+msgid "Your customer's debit card has insufficient funds"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de débito de tu cliente no tiene saldo suficiente"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:258
-msgid "Eg: Mary's store"
-msgstr "Ej.: TiendaMaría"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1189
+msgid ""
+"Please recommend your customer to pay with another card or to choose another "
+"payment method."
+msgstr "Pídele que pague con otra tarjeta o que elige otro medio de pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1190
+msgid "Something went wrong and the payment was declined"
+msgstr "El pago fue rechazado porque hubo un error"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:259
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1191
msgid ""
-"If this field is empty, the purchase will be identified as Mercado Pago."
+"Please recommend you customer to try again or to pay with another payment "
msgstr ""
-"Si el campo queda vacío, la compra del cliente se identificará como Mercado "
+"Recomiéndale a tu cliente que intente nuevamente o pague con otro medio de "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:260
-msgid "Identification in Activities of Mercad Pago"
-msgstr "Identificación en Actividad de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1204
+msgid "Any questions?"
+msgstr "¿Tienes dudas? "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:261
-msgid "Eg: Marystore"
-msgstr "Ej.: Tienda de María"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1205
+msgid "Please check the"
+msgstr "Revisa las"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:262
-msgid "In Activities, you will view this term before the order number"
-msgstr "En Actividad verás el término ingresado antes del número o del pedido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1206,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1222
+msgid "FAQs"
+msgstr "preguntas frecuentes"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:263
-msgid "Store category"
-msgstr "Categoría de la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1207
+msgid "on the dev website."
+msgstr "en el sitio para desarrolladores."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:264
-msgid "Select"
-msgstr "Seleccionar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1220
+msgid "Check our"
+msgstr "Revisa las"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:265
-msgid "Select ”Other” if you do not find the appropriate category."
-msgstr "Seleciona ”Otro” si no encuentras una categoría adecuada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1223
+msgid "or open a ticket to contact the Mercado Pago team."
+msgstr ""
+"o abre un ticket para entrar en contacto con el equipo de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:266
-msgid "Advanced integration options (optional)"
-msgstr "Opciones avanzadas de integración (opcional)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1228
+msgid "1. Go to the dev website and open a"
+msgstr "1. Ingresa al sitio para desarrolladores y abre un"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:267
-msgid ""
-"For further integration of your store with Mercado Pago (IPN, Certified "
-"Partners, Debug Mode)"
-msgstr ""
-"Para mayor integración de tu tienda con Mercado Pago (IPN, Socios "
-"Certificados, Modo Debug)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1230
+msgid "ticket"
+msgstr "ticket"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:268
-msgid "View advanced options"
-msgstr "Ver opciones avanzadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1231
+msgid "in the Support section."
+msgstr "en la sección de Soporte."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:269
-msgid "URL for IPN "
-msgstr "URL para IPN "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1236
+msgid "4. Download the"
+msgstr "4. Descarga el"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:270
-msgid "Eg: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
-msgstr "Ej.: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1237
+msgid "error history"
+msgstr "historial de errores "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:271
-msgid ""
-"Add the URL to receive payments notifications. Find out more information in "
-"the "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1238
+msgid "and share it with the Mercado Pago team when asked for it."
msgstr ""
-"Ingresa la URL para recibir notificaciones de pago. Consulta más información "
-"en los "
+"y compártelo con el equipo de Mercado Pago cuando se te sea solicitado."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:272
-msgid "guides."
-msgstr "manuales."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:273
-msgid "Add plugin default params"
-msgstr "Agregar parámetros default del plugin"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1242
+msgid "Do you need help?"
+msgstr "¿Necesitas ayuda?"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:274
-msgid "integrator_id"
-msgstr "integrator_id"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1243
+msgid "How to open a ticket:"
+msgstr "Cómo abrir un ticket:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:275
-msgid "Eg: 14987126498"
-msgstr "Ej.: 14987126498"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1245
+msgid "2. Fill out the form with your store details."
+msgstr "2. Completa el formulario con los datos de tu tienda."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:276
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1246
msgid ""
-"If you are a Mercado Pago Certified Partner, make sure to add your "
-"integrator_id. If you do not have the code, please "
+"3. Copy and paste the following details when asked for the the technical "
msgstr ""
-"Si eres Partner certificado de Mercado Pago, recuerda ingresar tu "
-"integrator_id. Si no tienes el código, "
+"3. Copia y pega los siguientes datos cuando se te pida la información "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:277
-msgid "request it now. "
-msgstr "solicítalo ahora. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1249
+msgid "Version:"
+msgstr "Versión"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:278
-msgid "Debug and Log Mode"
-msgstr "Modo debug y log"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:279
-msgid "We record your store's actions in order to provide a better assistance."
-msgstr "Grabamos las aciones de tu tienda para brindar un mejor soporte."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1250
+msgid "History of errors"
+msgstr "Historial de errores"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:291
-msgid "3. Set payment methods"
-msgstr "3. Configura los medios de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1251
+msgid ""
+"Select the files you want to share with our team and click on Download. This "
+"information will be requested by e-mail if necessary."
+msgstr ""
+"Selecciona los archivos que quieras compartir con nuestro equipo y haz clic "
+"en “Descargar”. Esta información se te solicitará por e-mail al momento de "
+"ser necesario."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:292
-msgid "To view more options, please select a payment method below"
-msgstr "Selecciona uno de los siguientes medios de pago para ver más opciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1254
+msgid "Source"
+msgstr "Origen"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:293
-msgid "Settings"
-msgstr "Configurar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1255
+msgid "File date"
+msgstr "Fecha de creación"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:294
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Continuar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1256
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Descargar"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:305
-msgid "4. Test your store before you sell"
-msgstr "4. Testea tu tienda antes de vender"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1257
+msgid "Next Page"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:306
-msgid ""
-"Test the experience in Test Mode and then enable the Sale Mode (Production) "
-"to sell."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1258
+msgid "Previous page"
msgstr ""
-"Testea la experiencia en Modo Test. Luego activa el Modo Ventas (Producción) "
-"para realizar ventas."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:307
-msgid "Choose how you want to operate your store:"
-msgstr "Elige cómo quieres operar tu tienda:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1259
+msgid "The plugin has not yet recorded any logs in your store."
+msgstr "El plugin aún no ha registrado ningún registro en su tienda."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:308
-msgid "Test Mode"
-msgstr "Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:103
+msgid "discount of"
+msgstr "descuento de"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:309
-msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts disabled for real collections. "
-msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago inactivos para cobros reales. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:104
+msgid "fee of"
+msgstr "comisión de"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:310
-msgid "Test Mode rules."
-msgstr "Reglas del modo test."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:105
+msgid "and"
+msgstr "y"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:311
-msgid "Sale Mode (Production)"
-msgstr "Modo Ventas (Producción)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:106
+msgid "Shipping service used by the store."
+msgstr "Servicio de envío utilizado por la tienda."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:312
-msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts enabled for real collections."
-msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago activos para cobros reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:107
+msgid "Discount provided by store"
+msgstr "Descuento proporcionado por la tienda"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:313
-msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Production Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Produción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:108
+msgid "Mercado Pago Discount"
+msgstr "Descuento de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:314
-msgid "The clients can make real purchases in your store."
-msgstr "Los clientes pueden hacer compras reales en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:109
+msgid "Mercado Pago Commission"
+msgstr "Comisión de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:315
-msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:121
+msgid "Checkout Pro in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Checkout Pro en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:122,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:180,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:214
+msgid "Use Mercado Pago's payment methods without real charges. "
+msgstr "Utiliza los medios de Mercado Pago sin cobros reales. "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:316
-msgid "Create your "
-msgstr "Crea tu "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:123,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:181,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:215,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:336,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:364
+msgid "See the rules for the test mode."
+msgstr "Consulte las reglas para el modo test."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:317
-msgid "test user "
-msgstr "usuario de prueba "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:124
+msgid "Log in to Mercado Pago and earn benefits"
+msgstr "Inicia sesión en Mercado Pago y obtén beneficios"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:318
-msgid ""
-"(Optional. Can be used in Production Mode and Test Mode, to test payments)."
-msgstr ""
-"(Opcional. Se puede utilizar en modo de producción y en modo de prueba, para "
-"probar los pagos)."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:125
+msgid "Easy login"
+msgstr "Ingresa con facilidad"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:319
-msgid "Use our test cards, "
-msgstr "Utiliza nuestras tarjetas de prueba, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:126
+msgid "Log in with the same email and password you use in Mercado Libre."
+msgstr "Inicia sesión con tu mismo e-mail y contraseña de Mercado Libre."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:320
-msgid "never use real cards. "
-msgstr "nunca utilices tarjetas reales. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:127
+msgid "Blue phone image"
+msgstr "Imagen de teléfono azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:321
-msgid "Visit your store "
-msgstr "Visita tu tienda "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:128
+msgid "Quick payments"
+msgstr "Paga rápido"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:322
-msgid "to test purchases"
-msgstr "para testear compras"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:129
+msgid "Use your saved cards, Pix or available balance."
+msgstr "Usa tus tarjetas guardadas, Pix o saldo disponible."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:323
-msgid "Save changes"
-msgstr "Guardar cambios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:130
+msgid "Use your available Mercado Pago Wallet balance or saved cards."
+msgstr "Usa tu saldo disponible en Mercado Pago Wallet o tarjetas guardadas."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:324
-msgid "Store under test"
-msgstr "Tienda en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:131
+msgid "Use your available money or saved cards."
+msgstr "Usa tu dinero disponible o tarjetas guardadas."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:325
-msgid "Store in sale mode (Production)"
-msgstr "Tienda en Modo Ventas (Producción)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:132
+msgid "Blue wallet image"
+msgstr "Imagen de billetera azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:326
-msgid "Enter test credentials"
-msgstr "Ingresa las credenciales de prueba"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:133
+msgid "Protected purchases"
+msgstr "Protege tu compra"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:327
-msgid "To enable test mode, "
-msgstr "Para activar el modo de prueba, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:134
+msgid "Reliable purchases"
+msgstr "Compra con confianza"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:328
-msgid "copy your test credentials "
-msgstr "copia tus credenciales de prueba "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:135
+msgid "Get your money back in case you don't receive your product."
+msgstr "Recupera tu dinero si no recibes el producto."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:329
-msgid "and paste them above in section 1 of this page."
-msgstr "y pégalas en la sección 1 de esta página."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:136
+msgid "Get help if you have a problem with your purchase."
+msgstr "Recibe ayuda si tienes algún problema con tu compra."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:366
-msgid "Invalid Access Token"
-msgstr "Access token no válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:137
+msgid "Blue protection image"
+msgstr "Imagen de protección azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:368
-msgid "Valid Access Token"
-msgstr "Access token válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:138
+msgid "Installments option"
+msgstr "Accede a cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:374
-msgid "Invalid Public Key"
-msgstr "Public key no válida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:139
+msgid "Pay with or without a credit card."
+msgstr "Paga con o sin tarjeta de crédito."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:376
-msgid "Valid Public Key"
-msgstr "Public key válida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:140
+msgid "Interest-free installments with selected banks."
+msgstr "Cuotas sin interés con bancos seleccionados."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:379
-msgid "Credentials must be valid"
-msgstr "Las credenciales deben ser válidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:141
+msgid "Blue phone installments image"
+msgstr "Imagen de cuotas de teléfono azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:429
-msgid "Credentials were updated"
-msgstr "Se actualizaron las credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:142
+msgid "Available payment methods"
+msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:421
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:143,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:186
msgid ""
-"Your store has exited Test Mode and is making real sales in Production Mode."
+"By continuing, you will be taken to Mercado Pago to safely complete your "
msgstr ""
-"Ahora su tienda está fuera del modo de prueba y está realizando ventas "
-"reales en el modo de producción."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:422
-msgid "To test the store, re-enter both test credentials."
-msgstr "Para probar la tienda, vuelva a ingresar ambas credenciales de prueba."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:435
-msgid "Invalid credentials"
-msgstr "Credenciales no válidas"
+"Al continuar, te llevaremos a Mercado Pago para completar tu compra de forma "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:436
-msgid "See our manual to learn "
-msgstr "Consulte nuestro manual para saber "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:144,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:187
+msgid "Checkout Pro redirect info image"
+msgstr "Imagen de redirección de Checkout Pro"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:437
-msgid "how to enter the credentials the right way."
-msgstr "como ingresar las credenciales de forma correcta."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:145,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:188,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:239,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:281,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:342,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:374
+msgid "By continuing, you agree with our"
+msgstr "Al continuar, aceptas nuestros"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:497
-msgid "Store information is valid"
-msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:146,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:189,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:240,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:282,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:343,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:375
+msgid "Terms and conditions"
+msgstr "Términos y condiciones"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:527
-msgid "Mercado Pago's Payment Methods in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:147,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:218,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:263
+msgid "Pay with Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Pagar con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:528
-msgid "Mercado Pago's Payment Methods in Production Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Produción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:148,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:264
+msgid "Cancel & Clear Cart"
+msgstr "Cancelar & Limpiar carrito"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:521
-msgid "Invalid credentials for test mode"
-msgstr "Credenciales inválidas para el modo de prueba"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:161
+msgid "Log in"
+msgstr "Inicia sesión"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:603
-msgid "Enabled"
-msgstr "Activado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:162
+msgid ""
+"or create an account in Mercado Pago. If you use Mercado Libre, you already "
+"have one!"
+msgstr ""
+"o crea una cuenta en Mercado Pago. Si utilizas Mercado Libre, ¡ya tienes una!"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:604
-msgid "Disabled"
-msgstr "Inactivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:167
+msgid "Know your available limit in Mercado Crédito and"
+msgstr "Conoce tu límite disponible en Mercado Crédito y"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:632
-msgid "Valid Credentials"
-msgstr "Credenciales válidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:168
+msgid "choose how many installments"
+msgstr "elige en cuántas cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:635
-msgid "Credentials couldn't be validated"
-msgstr "No se pudieron validar las credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:169
+msgid "you want to pay"
+msgstr "quieres pagar"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:658
-msgid "Store business fields are valid"
-msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda son válidos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:174
+msgid "Pay the installments as you prefer:"
+msgstr "Paga las cuotas como prefieras:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:661
-msgid "Store business fields couldn't be validated"
-msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda no se pudieron validar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:175
+msgid "with money in your account, card of from the Mercado Pago app"
+msgstr "con dinero, tarjeta o directo desde la app de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:684
-msgid "At least one paymet method is enabled"
-msgstr "Al menos un método de pago está habilitado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:179
+msgid "No card installments in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Mensualidades sin tarjeta en Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:687
-msgid "No payment method enabled"
-msgstr "No se habilitó ningún método de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:182
+msgid "How to use it?"
+msgstr "¿Cómo usar?"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:77
-msgid "Payment approved."
-msgstr "Pago aprobado."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:190
+msgid "Pay in"
+msgstr "Compra en hasta"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:131,
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:135
-msgid "Waiting for the Pix payment."
-msgstr "Esperando el pago de Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:191
+msgid "installments"
+msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:148,
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:152
-msgid "Waiting for the ticket payment."
-msgstr "Esperando el pago del boleto."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:192
+msgid "with Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:160
-msgid "The customer has not made the payment yet."
-msgstr "El cliente todavía no efectuó el pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:193
+msgid "Read more"
+msgstr "Leer más"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:179
-msgid "Payment is pending review."
-msgstr "El pago está pendiente de revisión."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:194
+msgid "Buy now and pay in installments with no card later!"
+msgstr "¡Compra ahora y paga después!"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:196
-msgid "Payment was declined. The customer can try again."
-msgstr "El pago fue rechazado. El cliente puede intentar nuevamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:195
+msgid "100% online, without paperwork or monthly fees"
+msgstr "Compra en hasta 12 pagos mensuales sin usar tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:211
-msgid "Payment was returned to the customer."
-msgstr "El pago fue devuelto al cliente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:196
+msgid "You can apply for your line of credit 100% online and securely."
+msgstr "Puedes solicitar tu línea de crédito 100% online y de forma segura."
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:225
-msgid "Payment was canceled."
-msgstr "El pago fue cancelado."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:197
+msgid "Do everything from the Mercado Pago app!"
+msgstr "Sin trámites. ¡Haz todo desde la app de Mercado Pago!"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:240,
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:252
-msgid ""
-"The payment is in mediation or the purchase was unknown by the customer."
-msgstr "El pago esta en mediación o la compra fue desconocida por el cliente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:198
+msgid "No maintenance fees or additional costs."
+msgstr "Sin tasas de mantenimiento ni costos adicionales."
-#. translators: 1: payment_id 2: status
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:318
-msgid ""
-"Mercado Pago: The payment %1$s was notified by Mercado Pago with status %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Mercado Pago: El pago %1$s fue notificado por Mercado Pago con estado %2$s."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:199
+msgid "Questions? "
+msgstr "¿Dudas? "
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:371
-msgid "Shipping service used by the store."
-msgstr "Servicio de envío utilizado por la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:200
+msgid "Check our FAQ"
+msgstr "Consulta nuestra FAQ"
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:562,
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:563
-msgid "Discount provided by store"
-msgstr "Descuento proporcionado por la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:201
+msgid ". Credit subject to approval."
+msgstr ". Crédito sujeto a aprobación."
-#. translators: %s coupon
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:130
-msgid "Discount for coupon %s"
-msgstr "Descuento para el cupón %s"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:213
+msgid "Checkout Custom in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Tarjeta de crédito en Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:172
-msgid " and fee of"
-msgstr " y comisión de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:216
+msgid "Pay with saved cards"
+msgstr "Paga con tarjetas guardadas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:547
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:217
msgid ""
-"Public Key production credential is invalid. Review the field to "
-"receive real payments."
+"Do you have a Mercado Libre account? Then use the same email and password to "
+"pay faster with Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Public Key es inválida. Revísala para "
-"poder recibir pagos reales."
+"¿Tienes una cuenta de Mercado Libre? Usa el mismo e-mail y contraseña para "
+"pagar más rápido con Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:556
-msgid ""
-"Public Key test credential is invalid. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Public Key es inválida. Revísala para poder "
-"realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:219
+msgid "With which card can you pay?"
+msgstr "¿Con qué tarjeta puedes pagar?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:565
-msgid ""
-"Access Token production credential is invalid. Remember that it must "
-"be complete to receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Access Token es inválida. Revísala para "
-"poder recibir pagos reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:220,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:224
+msgid "See current promotions"
+msgstr "Ver promociones vigentes"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:574
-msgid ""
-"Access Token test credential is invalid. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Access Token es inválida. Revísala para poder "
-"realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:221
+msgid "Credit cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:592
-msgid ""
-"Public Key test credential is blank. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Public Key está en blanco. Revísala para "
-"poder realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:222
+msgid "Up to 12 installments"
+msgstr "Hasta 12 cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:601
-msgid ""
-"Public Key production credential is blank. Review the field to "
-"receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Public Key está en blanco. Revísala "
-"para poder recibir pagos reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:223
+msgid "Debit cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:610
-msgid ""
-"Access Token test credential is blank. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Access Token está en blanco. Revísala para "
-"poder realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:225
+msgid "Fill in your card details"
+msgstr "Completa los datos de tu tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:619
-msgid ""
-"Access Token production credential is blank. Remember that it must be "
-"complete to receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Access Token está en blanco. Revísala "
-"para poder recibir pagos reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:226
+msgid "Card number"
+msgstr "Número de Tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:92,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:90
-msgid ""
-"There was an error processing your payment. Please try again or contact us "
-"for Assistance."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ha producido un error en el procesamiento de su pago. Por favor, "
-"inténtelo de nuevo o póngase en contacto con nosotros para Asistencia."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:227,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:229,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:231,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:233
+msgid "Required data"
+msgstr "Datos obligatorios"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:84,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:82,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:45,
-#: ../../templates/receipt/custom-checkout.php:41
-msgid "Pay with Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Pagar con Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:228
+msgid "Holder name as it appears on the card"
+msgstr "Nombre del titular como aparece en la tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:86,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:84,
-#: ../../templates/receipt/custom-checkout.php:44
-msgid "Cancel & Clear Cart"
-msgstr "Cancelar & Limpiar carrito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:230
+msgid "Expiration"
+msgstr "Vencimiento"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:143,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:73,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:82
-msgid "Apply"
-msgstr "Aplicar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:144,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:74,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:83
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Retirar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:145,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:75,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:84
-msgid "Please, inform your coupon code"
-msgstr "Por favor, informe su código de cupón"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:146,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:76,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:85
-msgid "To choose"
-msgstr "Elegir"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:147,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:77,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:86
-msgid "Other bank"
-msgstr "Otro banco"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:148,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:78,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:87
-msgid "You will save"
-msgstr "Salvarás"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:149,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:79,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:88
-msgid "with discount of"
-msgstr "con descuento de"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:150,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:80,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:89
-msgid "Total of your purchase:"
-msgstr "Total de su compra:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:151,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:81,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:90
-msgid "Total of your purchase with discount:"
-msgstr "Total de su compra con descuento:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:152,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:82,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:91
-msgid "*After payment approval"
-msgstr "*Tras la aprobación del pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:153,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:83,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:92
-msgid "Terms and conditions of use"
-msgstr "Términos y condiciones de uso"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:154,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:172
-msgid "No fee"
-msgstr "Sin interés"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:232
+msgid "Security Code"
+msgstr "Código de seguridad"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:155,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:173
-msgid "More options"
-msgstr "Más opciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:234,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:337,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:365
+msgid "Holder document"
+msgstr "Documento del titular"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:163
-msgid "mm/yy"
-msgstr "mm/aa"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:235,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:338,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:366
+msgid "Invalid document"
+msgstr "Número de documento no válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:236,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:238
+msgid "Select the number of installments"
+msgstr "Selecciona la cantidad de cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:164,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:134
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:237,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:242
msgid "Issuer"
msgstr "Banco"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:165
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:241
+msgid "mm/yy"
+msgstr "mm/aa"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:243
msgid "Installments"
-msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
+msgstr "Cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:168
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:244
msgid "on the back"
msgstr "del dorso"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:169
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:245
msgid "on the front"
msgstr "del frente"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:171
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:246
msgid "digits"
msgstr "dígitos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:174
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:247
+msgid "No fee"
+msgstr "Sin interés"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:248
+msgid "More options"
+msgstr "Más opciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:249
msgid "If interest is applicable, it will be charged by your bank."
msgstr "Si corresponden intereses, serán aplicados por tu banco."
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:175
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:250
msgid "Interest"
msgstr "Intereses"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:178
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:251
msgid "Card number is required"
msgstr "Número de tarjeta obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:179
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:252
msgid "Card number invalid"
msgstr "Número de tarjeta inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:182
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:253
msgid "Holder name is required"
msgstr "Nombre del titular obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:183
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:254
msgid "Holder name invalid"
msgstr "Nombre del titular inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:186,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:188
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:255,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:257
msgid "Expiration date invalid"
msgstr "Fecha de vencimiento inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:187
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:256
msgid "Expiration date incomplete"
msgstr "Fecha de vencimiento obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:191
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:258
msgid "Security code is required"
msgstr "Código de seguridad obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:192
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:259
msgid "Security code incomplete"
msgstr "Código de seguridad incompleto"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:230
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:260
msgid "Cost of installments"
msgstr "Coste de las cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:231
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:261
msgid "Total with installments"
msgstr "Total con cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:262
msgid "installments of"
msgstr "cuotas de"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:139
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:276
+msgid "Pix in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Pix en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:277
+msgid ""
+"You can test the flow to generate a code, but you cannot finalize the "
+msgstr ""
+"Es posible probar el flujo para generar una factura, pero no es posible "
+"finalizar el pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:278
+msgid "Pay instantly"
+msgstr "Pago instantáneo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:279
+msgid ""
+"By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Al confirmar tu compra, te mostraremos un código para realizar el pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:280
+msgid "Pix logo"
+msgstr "Pix logo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:283,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:292
+msgid "Code valid for "
+msgstr "Código válido por "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:284
msgid "Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase"
msgstr "Ahora sólo tiene que pagar con Pix para finalizar su compra"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:140
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:285
msgid "How to pay with Pix:"
msgstr "Cómo pagar con Pix:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:141
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:286
msgid "Go to your bank's app or website"
msgstr "Entra en la app o en la página web de tu banco"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:142
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:287
msgid "Search for the option to pay with Pix"
msgstr "Busca la opción de pagar con Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:143
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:288
msgid "Scan the QR code or Pix code"
msgstr "Escanea el código QR o el código Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:144
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:289
msgid "Done! You will see the payment confirmation"
msgstr "Listo. Verás la confirmación del pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:145
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:290
msgid "Value: "
msgstr "Valor: "
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:147
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:291
msgid "Scan the QR code:"
msgstr "Escanea el código QR:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:150
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:293
msgid "If you prefer, you can pay by copying and pasting the following code"
msgstr "Si lo prefieres, puedes pagar copiando y pegando el siguiente código"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:152
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:294
msgid "Copy code"
msgstr "Copiar código"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:112
-msgid "Pay in"
-msgstr "Compra en hasta"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:113
-msgid "installments"
-msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:114
-msgid "with Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:115
-msgid "Read more"
-msgstr "Saber más"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:116
-msgid "Buy now and pay in installments with no card later!"
-msgstr "¡Compra ahora y paga después!"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:117
-msgid "100% online,"
-msgstr "Compra en hasta"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:118
-msgid "without paperwork or monthly fees"
-msgstr "12 pagos mensuales sin usar tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:119
-msgid "When paying, choose"
-msgstr "Puedes solicitar "
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:120
-msgid ". Login to your account or create one in a few steps."
-msgstr "tu línea de crédito 100% online y de forma segura."
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:121
-msgid "Search for"
-msgstr "Sin trámites."
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:122
-msgid ""
-"among the options, select it and choose in how many installments you would "
-"like to pay."
-msgstr " ¡Haz todo desde la app de Mercado Pago!"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:123
-msgid "Pay your installments monthly as you wish, in the Mercado Pago app."
-msgstr "Sin tasas de mantenimiento ni costos adicionales."
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:126
-msgid "Check our FAQ"
-msgstr "Consulta nuestra FAQ"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:127
-msgid ". Credit subject to approval."
-msgstr ". Crédito sujeto a aprobación."
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:182,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:634,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:682,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:727,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:986
-msgid "Response from cache"
-msgstr "Respuesta de la caché"
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:1000
-msgid "Response from API"
-msgstr "Respuesta de la API"
-#. translators: 1: total_time currency 2: url
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/rest-client/class-mp-rest-client-abstract.php:179
-msgid "Took %1$s seconds to transfer a request to %2$s"
-msgstr "Se han tardado %1$s segundos para transferir una solicitud a %2$s"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:24
-msgid "Checkout Pro in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Checkout Pro en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:25,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:25
-msgid "Use Mercado Pago's payment methods without real charges. "
-msgstr "Utiliza los medios de Mercado Pago sin cobros reales. "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:26,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:26,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:26
-msgid "See the rules for the test mode."
-msgstr "Consulte las reglas para el modo test."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:35
-msgid "Log in to Mercado Pago and earn benefits"
-msgstr "Inicia sesión en Mercado Pago y obtén beneficios"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:54
-msgid ""
-"By continuing, you will be taken to Mercado Pago to safely complete your "
-msgstr ""
-"Al continuar, te llevaremos a Mercado Pago para completar tu compra de forma "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:56,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:47
-msgid "Checkout Pro redirect info image"
-msgstr "Imagen de redirección de Checkout Pro"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:66,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:56,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:169,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:31,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:96
-msgid "By continuing, you agree with our"
-msgstr "Al continuar, aceptas nuestros"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:67,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:57,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:170,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:31,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:97
-msgid "Terms and conditions"
-msgstr "Términos y condiciones"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:24
-msgid "No card installments in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Mensualidades sin tarjeta en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:34
-msgid "How to use it?"
-msgstr "¿Cómo usar?"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:37
-msgid ""
-"Log in or create an account in Mercado Pago. If you use Mercado "
-"Libre, you already have one!"
-msgstr ""
-"Inicia sesión o crea una cuenta en Mercado Pago. Si has usado Mercado "
-"Libre para comprar, ¡ya tienes una!"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:38
-msgid ""
-"Know your available limit in Mercado Crédito and choose how many "
-"installments you want to pay."
-msgstr ""
-"Conoce el límite disponible de tu línea de crédito y elige el plazo en "
-"el que quieres pagar tu compra."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:39
-msgid ""
-"Pay the installments as you prefer: with money in your account, card of "
-"from the Mercado Pago app."
-msgstr ""
-"Paga mes a mes con el medio de pago que prefieras. ¡Todo desde la app "
-"de Mercado Pago!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:295,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:349,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:373
+msgid "Mercado Pago: The customer has not paid yet."
+msgstr "Mercado Pago: El cliente no ha pagado todavía."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:46
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:296
msgid ""
-"By confirming your purchase, you will be redirected to your Mercado Pago "
+"Mercado Pago: Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase."
msgstr ""
-"Al continuar, te llevaremos a Mercado Pago para completar tu compra de forma "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:23
-msgid "Checkout Custom in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Tarjeta de crédito en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:24
-msgid "Use Mercado Pago means without real charges."
-msgstr "Utiliza los medios de Mercado Pago sin cobros reales."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:25
-msgid "See test mode rules."
-msgstr "Ver las reglas del Modo Test."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:36
-msgid "Pay with saved cards"
-msgstr "Paga con tarjetas guardadas"
+"Mercado Pago: Ahora sólo tiene que pagar con Pix para finalizar su compra."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:40
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:297
msgid ""
-"Do you have a Mercado Libre account? Then use the same email and password to "
-"pay faster with Mercado Pago."
+"Scan the QR code below or copy and paste the code into your bank's "
msgstr ""
-"¿Tienes una cuenta de Mercado Libre? Usa el mismo e-mail y contraseña para "
-"pagar más rápido \n"
-"con Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:57
-msgid "With which card can you pay?"
-msgstr "¿Con qué tarjeta puedes pagar?"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:70
-msgid "See current promotions"
-msgstr "Ver promociones vigentes"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:78
-msgid "Fill in your card details"
-msgstr "Completa los datos de tu tarjeta"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:80
-msgid "Card number"
-msgstr "Número de Tarjeta"
+"Escanee el código QR a continuación o copie y pegue el código en la "
+"aplicación de su banco."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:82,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:89,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:98,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:106
-msgid "Required data"
-msgstr "Datos obligatorios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:298
+msgid "30 minutes"
+msgstr "30 minutos"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:87
-msgid "Holder name as it appears on the card"
-msgstr "Nombre del titular como aparece en la tarjeta"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:310
+msgid "Payment approved."
+msgstr "Pago aprobado."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:95
-msgid "Expiration"
-msgstr "Vencimiento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:311
+msgid "Waiting for the Pix payment."
+msgstr "Esperando el pago de Pix."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:103
-msgid "Security Code"
-msgstr "Código de seguridad"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:312
+msgid "Waiting for the ticket payment."
+msgstr "Esperando el pago del boleto."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:113,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:36,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:53
-msgid "Holder document"
-msgstr "Documento del titular"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:313
+msgid "The customer has not made the payment yet."
+msgstr "El cliente todavía no efectuó el pago."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:114,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:37,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:54
-msgid "Invalid document"
-msgstr "Número de documento no válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:314
+msgid "Payment is pending review."
+msgstr "El pago está pendiente de revisión."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:129,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:145
-msgid "Select the number of installments"
-msgstr "Selecciona la cantidad de cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:315
+msgid "Payment was declined. The customer can try again."
+msgstr "El pago fue rechazado. El cliente puede intentar nuevamente."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:22
-msgid "Pix in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Pix en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:316
+msgid "Payment was returned to the customer."
+msgstr "El pago fue devuelto al cliente."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:22
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:317
msgid ""
-"You can test the flow to generate a code, but you cannot finalize the "
+"The payment was partially returned to the customer. the amount refunded "
+"was : "
msgstr ""
-"Es posible probar el flujo para generar una factura, pero no es posible "
-"finalizar el pago."
+"El pago se devolvió parcialmente al cliente. El montante reembolsado fue "
+"de : "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
-msgid "Pay instantly"
-msgstr "Pago instantáneo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:318
+msgid "Payment was canceled."
+msgstr "El pago fue cancelado."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:319,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:320
msgid ""
-"By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
-msgstr ""
-"Al confirmar tu compra, te mostraremos un código para realizar el pago."
+"The payment is in mediation or the purchase was unknown by the customer."
+msgstr "El pago esta en mediación o la compra fue desconocida por el cliente."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
-msgid "Pix logo"
-msgstr "Pix logo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:321
+msgid "The payment"
+msgstr "El pago"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:24
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:322
+msgid "was notified by Mercado Pago with status"
+msgstr "fue notificado por Mercado Pago con estado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:334
msgid "Offline Methods in Test Mode"
msgstr "Facturas en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:25
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:335
msgid ""
"You can test the flow to generate an invoice, but you cannot finalize the "
-"payment. "
msgstr ""
"Es posible testear el flujo para generar una factura, pero no es posible "
-"finalizar el pago. "
+"finalizar el pago."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:68
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:339,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:367
msgid "Select where you want to pay"
msgstr "Selecciona el punto de pago donde quieres pagar"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:73
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:340,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:368
msgid "more options"
msgstr "más opciones"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:78
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:341
msgid "Select a payment method"
msgstr "Seleccione una opción de pago"
-#: ../../templates/order/payment-status-metabox-content.php:30
-msgid ""
-"This is the payment status of your Mercado Pago Activities. To check the "
-"order status, please refer to Order details."
-msgstr ""
-"Este es el estado del pago de las Actividades de tu Mercado Pago. Para "
-"consultar el estado del pedido, consulta en Detalles del Pedido."
-#: ../../templates/order-received/show-ticket.php:19
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:344
msgid ""
"Great, we processed your purchase order. Complete the payment with ticket so "
"that we finish approving it."
@@ -3030,789 +2758,601 @@ msgstr ""
"Excelente, procesamos tu orden de compra. Completa el pago con ticket para "
"que terminemos de aprobarla."
-#: ../../templates/order-received/show-ticket.php:23
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:345
msgid "Print ticket"
msgstr "Imprimir ticket"
-#~ msgid "Fee"
-#~ msgstr "Tasa"
-#~ msgid "How does it work?"
-#~ msgstr "¿Cómo funciona?"
-#~ msgid "Checkout visualization:"
-#~ msgstr "Visualización en el checkout:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:346
+msgid " and "
+msgstr " e "
-#~ msgid "Check below how this feature will be displayed to your customers."
-#~ msgstr "A continuación verás cómo este recurso aparecerá para tus clientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:347
+msgid "To print the ticket again click"
+msgstr "Para reimprimir o boleto clique"
-#~ msgid "Banner visualization"
-#~ msgstr "Visualización del componente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:348
+msgid "here"
+msgstr "aqui"
-#~ msgid "Check the example of how it will appear in the store:"
-#~ msgstr "Consulta el ejemplo de cómo aparecerá en la tienda:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:362
+msgid "Checkout PSE in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Checkout PSE en Modo Test"
-#~ msgid "Bank Transfer"
-#~ msgstr "Transferencia bancaria"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:363
+msgid "You can test the flow to generate a payment with PSE"
+msgstr "Puede probar el flujo para generar un pago con PSE"
-#~ msgid "Payment by cash"
-#~ msgstr "Pagos en efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:369
+msgid "Person type "
+msgstr "Tipo de persona "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If you already have a Mercado Libre account, use the same email and "
-#~ "password"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si ya tienes una cuenta de Mercado Libre, usa el mismo mail y contraseña"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:370
+msgid "Financial institution"
+msgstr "Institución financiera"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When you confirm your purchase, we will redirect you to your Mercado Pago "
-#~ "account"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Cuando confirmes tu compra, te redireccionaremos a tu cuenta de Mercado "
-#~ "Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:371
+msgid "Select the financial institution"
+msgstr "Seleccione la entidad financiera"
-#~ msgid "Payment with Mercado Credito"
-#~ msgstr "Pagos con Mercado Crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:372
+msgid "Select the institution"
+msgstr "Seleccione la institución"
-#~ msgid "New!"
-#~ msgstr "¡Nuevo!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:387
+msgid "A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Please, try again."
+msgstr ""
+"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Por favor, intente otra "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With Mercado Credito, clients can pay "
-#~ "in installments with no card, by transfers, invoice or money available "
-#~ "in their Mercado Pago account. By activating the no-card "
-#~ "installments banner, you will increase your chances of selling."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Con Mercado Crédito, los clientes "
-#~ "pagan en cuotas sin tarjeta, por transferencia, tarjeta de débito, "
-#~ "efectivo o dinero disponible en la cuenta de Mercado Pago. Al "
-#~ "activar el componente de cuotas sin tarjeta, aumentarás tus chances "
-#~ "de vender. Para saber más, ingresá a documentación."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:388
+msgid ""
+"A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have "
+"correctly filled all information in the checkout form?"
+msgstr ""
+"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Está seguro de haber "
+"cargado la información en el formulario?"
-#~ msgid "The no-card installments banner is disabled."
-#~ msgstr "El componente de cuotas sin tarjeta está desactivado ."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:389
+msgid "See your order form"
+msgstr "Ver su hoja de pedido"
-#~ msgid "Earn more points and have exclusive benefits in Mercado Puntos"
-#~ msgstr "Gana más puntos y ventajas exclusivas en Mercado Puntos "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:390
+msgid "Your payment was declined. You can try again."
+msgstr "Su pago fue rechazado. Puede intentarlo de nuevo."
-#~ msgid "Error loading form."
-#~ msgstr "Error al cargar el formulario."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:391
+msgid "Click to try again"
+msgstr "Haga clic para intentarlo de nuevo"
-#~ msgid "Please refresh the page to try again."
-#~ msgstr "Actualice la página para volver a intentarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:392
+msgid "That's it, payment accepted!"
+msgstr "Listo, ¡aceptamos tu pago!"
-#~ msgid "Refresh page"
-#~ msgstr "Actualizar página"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:393
+msgid ""
+"We are processing your payment. In less than an hour we will send you the "
+"result by email."
+msgstr ""
+"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de una hora le enviaremos el resultado "
+"por correo electrónico."
-#~ msgid "Type of topic IPN invalid, need to be merchant_order"
-#~ msgstr "El tipo de asunto de la IPN no es válido, debe ser `merchant_order`"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:394
+msgid ""
+"We are processing your payment. In less than 2 days we will send you by "
+"email if the payment has been approved or if additional information is "
+msgstr ""
+"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de 2 días le enviaremos por correo "
+"electrónico si se ha aprobado el pago o si se necesita información adicional."
-#~ msgid "Click here to see more details..."
-#~ msgstr "Haga clic aquí para ver más detalles…"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:395
+msgid "Check the card number."
+msgstr "Compruebe el número de tarjeta."
-#~ msgid "Purchases with saved cards or money in Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Compras con tarjetas guardadas o saldo en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:396
+msgid "Check the expiration date."
+msgstr "Compruebe la fecha de expiración."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Feature for those who have a saved card or money in Mercado Pago to buy "
-#~ "without having to fill in details."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Es una funcionalidade para quienes tienen tarjetas guardadas o saldo en "
-#~ "Mercado Pago puedan comprar sin la necesidad de completar datos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:397
+msgid "Check the information provided."
+msgstr "Compruebe la información informada."
-#~ msgid "The feature for payments with saved cards is active."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La funcionalidad para pagos con tarjetas guardadas está activa"
-#~ "b>."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:398
+msgid "Check the informed security code."
+msgstr "Compruebe el código de seguridad informado."
-#~ msgid "The feature for payments with saved cards is inactive."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La funcionalidad para pagos con tarjetas guardadas está "
-#~ "inactiva."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:399,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:400
+msgid "Your payment cannot be processed."
+msgstr "No se puede procesar su pago."
-#~ msgid "You can see how the feature is in your store Checkout below:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "A continuación, cómo es la funcionalidad en el checkout de la tienda:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:401
+msgid "You must authorize payments for your orders."
+msgstr "Usted debe autorizar los pagos de sus órdenes."
-#~ msgid "Mercado Pago customers can now pay with stored cards."
-#~ msgstr "Clientes de Mercado Pago ahora pueden pagar con tarjetas guardadas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:402
+msgid ""
+"Contact your card issuer to activate it. The phone is on the back of your "
+msgstr ""
+"Póngase en contacto con el emisor de su tarjeta para activarla. El teléfono "
+"se encuentra en la parte posterior de su tarjeta."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The function Saved card payments is enabled. With this setting, "
-#~ "customers using Mercado Pago can purchase without having to fill in "
-#~ "payment details. You can control this option in the settings."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La función Pago con tarjetas guardadas de Mercado Pago está habilitada. "
-#~ "Ahora los clientes que utilizan Mercado pago pueden comprar sin tener que "
-#~ "completar los datos de la tarjeta. Puedes controlar esta opción en "
-#~ "configuración."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:403
+msgid ""
+"You have already made a payment of this amount. If you have to pay again, "
+"use another card or other method of payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Usted ya realizó un pago de este importe. Si tiene que pagar de nuevo, "
+"utilizar otra tarjeta u otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Go to settings"
-#~ msgstr "Ir a la configuración"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:404
+msgid ""
+"Your payment was declined. Please select another payment method. It is "
+"recommended in cash."
+msgstr "Su pago fue rechazado. Puede intentarlo de nuevo."
-#~ msgid "No need to fill out details"
-#~ msgstr "Sin cargar datos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:405
+msgid "Your payment does not have sufficient funds."
+msgstr "Su metodo de pago no tiene fondos suficientes."
-#~ msgid "Installments available"
-#~ msgstr "Cuotas disponibles"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:406
+msgid "Payment cannot process the selected fee."
+msgstr "El pago no puede procesar la cuota seleccionada."
-#~ msgid "Pay faster with your saved cards and without completing data."
-#~ msgstr "Paga más rápido con tus tarjetas guardadas y sin completar datos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:407
+msgid ""
+"You have reached the limit of allowed attempts. Choose another card or other "
+"payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Has alcanzado el límite de intentos permitidos. Elija otra tarjeta u otro "
+"medio de pago."
-#, fuzzy
-#~| msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
-#~ msgid "Important! To sell, you must enter your credentials."
-#~ msgstr "¡Importante! Para vender debe introducir sus credenciales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:408
+msgid ""
+"Invalid transaction attempt You are trying to perform a "
+"productive transaction using test credentials, or test transaction using "
+"productive credentials. Please ensure that you are using the correct "
+"environment settings for the desired action."
+msgstr ""
+"Intento de transacción no válido Está intentando "
+"realizar una transacción productiva con credenciales de prueba o una "
+"transacción de prueba con credenciales productivas. Asegúrese de que está "
+"utilizando la configuración de credenciales correcta para la acción deseada."
-#~ msgid "Go to step-by-step"
-#~ msgstr "Ir al paso a paso"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:409
+msgid ""
+"Invalid transaction attempt It is not possible to pay "
+"with the email address entered. Please enter another e-mail address."
+msgstr ""
+"Intento de transacción no válido No es posible pagar con "
+"el email introducido. Por favor, introduzca otro email."
-#~ msgid "Update failed, invalid Credentials"
-#~ msgstr "Actualización fallida, credenciales no válidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:410
+msgid "This payment method cannot process your payment."
+msgstr "Este medio de pago no puede procesar su pago."
-#~ msgid "Up to 24 installments"
-#~ msgstr "Hasta 24 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:422
+msgid ""
+"Your bank needs you to authorize the payment Please call "
+"the telephone number on your card or pay with another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu banco necesita que autorices el pago Llama al "
+"teléfono que está en la tarjeta o paga con otro medio."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Important! Do not forget to add the credentials and details of your store."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¡Importante! No olvides ingresar las credenciales y datos de la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:423,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:424
+msgid ""
+"For safety reasons, your payment was declined We "
+"recommended paying with your usual payment method and device for online "
+msgstr ""
+"Por motivos de seguridad, tu pago fue rechazado Te recomendamos "
+"pagar con el medio de pago y dispositivo que sueles usar para compras online."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Before setting up payments, follow the step-by-step to start selling."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Antes de configurar los pagos, haz el paso a paso para comenzar a vender."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:425,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:426,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:427,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:428
+msgid ""
+"One or more card details were entered incorrecctly"
+"strong> Please enter them again as they appear on the card to complete "
+"the payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Ingresaste uno o más datos de tu tarjeta de forma incorrecta"
+"strong> Vuelve a ingresarlos tal como figuran en la tarjeta para "
+"finalizar el pago."
-#~ msgid "To enable and test sales, you must copy and paste your "
-#~ msgstr "Para habilitar y testear las ventas, tienes que copiar y pegar "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:429
+msgid ""
+"Your credit card has no available limit Please pay using "
+"another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu tarjeta de crédito no tiene límite disponible Paga "
+"con otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Mandatory data"
-#~ msgstr "Campo obligatorio"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:430
+msgid ""
+"Your debit card has insufficient founds Please pay using "
+"another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu tarjeta de débito no tiene saldo suficiente Paga con "
+"otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Use the test-specific cards that are in the"
-#~ msgstr "Utiliza las tarjetas específicas para testear que estén bajo las"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:431
+msgid ""
+"Your card does not accept the number of installments selected"
+"strong> Please choose a different number of installments or use a "
+"different payment method ."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu tarjeta no acepta la cantidad de pagos que seleccionaste"
+"strong> Elige una cantidad de pagos diferente o use otro medio."
-#~ msgid "Until"
-#~ msgstr "Hasta"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:432
+msgid ""
+"You need to activate your card Please contact your bank "
+"by calling the number on the back of your card or choose another payment "
+msgstr ""
+"Necesitas habilitar tu tarjeta Comunícate con tu banco "
+"llamando al número que está al dorso de la tarjeta o elige otro medio de "
-#~ msgid "installment"
-#~ msgstr "cuota"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:433
+msgid ""
+"You reached the limit of payment attempts with this card"
+"strong> Please pay using another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Alcanzaste el límite de intentos de pago con esta tarjeta"
+"strong> Paga con otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "We take you to our site to complete the payment"
-#~ msgstr "Te llevamos a nuestro sitio para completar el pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:434
+msgid ""
+"Your payment was declined because you already paid for this "
+"purchase Check your card transactions to verify it."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu pago fue rechazado porque ya pagaste esta compra"
+"strong> Revisa los consumos de tu tarjeta para verificarlo."
-#~ msgid "Enter your discount coupon"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tu cupón de descuento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:435,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:436,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:437
+msgid ""
+"The card issuing bank declined the payment We "
+"recommended paying with another payment method or contact your bank."
+msgstr ""
+"El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó tu pago Te "
+"recomendamos pagar con otro medio de pago o comunicarte con tu banco."
-#~ msgid "Enter your coupon"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tu cupón"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:438
+msgid ""
+"For safety reasons, the card issuing bank declined the payment"
+"strong> We recommended paying with your usual payment method and device "
+"for online purchases."
+msgstr ""
+"Por motivos de seguridad, el banco de la tarjeta rechazó el pago"
+"b> Te recomendamos pagar con el medio de pago y dispositivo que sueles "
+"usar para compras online."
-#~ msgid "The code you entered is incorrect"
-#~ msgstr "El código que ingresaste es incorrecto"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:439
+msgid ""
+"Your payment was declined because something went wrong"
+"strong> We recommended trying again or paying with another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu pago fue rechazado porque hube un error Te "
+"recomendamos intentar nuevamente o pagar con otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Invalid Card Number"
-#~ msgstr "Numero de tarjeta invalido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:451
+msgid "We are taking you to validate the card"
+msgstr "Te estamos llevando a validar la tarjeta"
-#~ msgid "Name and surname of the cardholder"
-#~ msgstr "Nombre y apellido del titular de la tarjeta"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:452
+msgid "with your bank"
+msgstr "con tu banco"
-#~ msgid "Invalid Expiration Date"
-#~ msgstr "Fecha de expiracion inválida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:453
+msgid "We need to confirm that you are the cardholder."
+msgstr "Necesitamos confirmar que eres titular de la tarjeta."
-#~ msgid "Last 3 numbers on the back"
-#~ msgstr "Últimos 3 números en el reverso"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:454
+msgid "We are receiving the response from your bank"
+msgstr "Estamos recibiendo la respuesta de tu banco"
-#~ msgid "In how many installments do you want to pay"
-#~ msgstr "En cuántas cuotas quieres pagar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:455
+msgid "Complete the bank validation so your payment can be approved"
+msgstr "Completa la validación del banco para aprobar tu pago"
-#~ msgid "Converted payment of"
-#~ msgstr "Pago convertido de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:456
+msgid ""
+"Please keep this page open. If you close it, you will not be able to resume "
+"the validation."
+msgstr ""
+"Mantén abierta esta pantalla. Si la cierras, no podrás retomar la validación."
-#~ msgid "for"
-#~ msgstr "para"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:457
+msgid ""
+"For safety reasons, your payment was declined We recommend paying "
+"with your usual payment method and device for online purchases."
+msgstr ""
+"Por motivos de seguridad, tu pago fue rechazado Te recomendamos "
+"pagar con el medio de pago y dispositivo que sueles usar para compras online."
-#~ msgid "Enter your document number"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tu número de documento"
+#~ msgid "How does it work?"
+#~ msgstr "¿Cómo funciona?"
-#~ msgid "Type"
-#~ msgstr "Tipo"
+#~ msgid "When paying, choose"
+#~ msgstr "Al pagar elegí"
-#~ msgid "Document number"
-#~ msgstr "Número de documento"
+#~ msgid ". Login to your account or create one in a few steps."
+#~ msgstr ". Podrás ingresar con tu cuenta o crear una en pocos pasos."
-#~ msgid "Only numbers"
-#~ msgstr "Sólo números"
+#~ msgid "Search for"
+#~ msgstr "Busca"
-#~ msgid "Obligatory field"
-#~ msgstr "Campo obligatorio"
+#~ msgid "Mercado Credito"
+#~ msgstr "Mercado Crédito"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When you finish the order, you will see the code to complete the payment."
-#~ msgstr "Cuando termines el pedido, verás el código para completar el pago."
-#~ msgid "CI"
-#~ msgstr "CI"
-#~ msgid "You must provide your document number"
-#~ msgstr "Debe informar su número de documento"
-#~ msgid "Complete all fields, they are mandatory."
-#~ msgstr "Complete todos los campos, son obligatorios."
-#~ msgid "Select the issuer with whom you want to process the payment"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona el emisor con el que quieras procesar el pago"
-#~ msgid "Lottery"
-#~ msgstr "Lotéricas"
-#~ msgid "CPF/CNPJ"
-#~ msgstr "CPF/CNPJ"
-#~ msgid "Enable or inactivate the payments via Pix"
-#~ msgstr "Activar o desactivar pagos por Pix"
-#~ msgid "If you change the display text, no translation will be available"
+#~ "among the options, select it and choose in how many installments you "
+#~ "would like to pay."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si cambia el texto de la pantalla Checkout, no habrá traducción disponible"
+#~ "entre las opciones, selecciónalo y elegí en cuántas cuotas quieres pagar."
-#~ msgid "Approve your account, it will only take a few minutes"
-#~ msgstr "Homologa tu cuenta, solo te llevará unos minutos"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Complete this process to secure your customers data and comply with the "
-#~ "regulations and legal provisions of each country."
+#~ msgid "Pay your installments monthly as you wish, in the Mercado Pago app."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Complete este proceso para proteger los datos de sus clientes y cumplir "
-#~ "con las regulaciones y disposiciones legales de cada país."
-#~ msgid "Homologate account in Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Homologar cuenta en Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "No"
-#~ msgstr "No"
+#~ "Pagá mes a mes tus cuotas como prefieras, desde la app de Mercado Pago."
-#~ msgid "Yes"
-#~ msgstr "Sí"
+#~ msgid "Review the step-by-step of"
+#~ msgstr "Revisa el paso a paso de"
-#~ msgid "Set up"
-#~ msgstr "Ajustes"
+#~ msgid "on our website for developers."
+#~ msgstr "en nuestro sitio de desarrolladores."
-#~ msgid "Your opinion helps us get better"
-#~ msgstr "Tu opinión nos ayuda a mejorar"
-#~ msgid "Guides and Documentation"
-#~ msgstr "Guías y documentación"
-#~ msgid "Report Problem"
-#~ msgstr "Informar problema"
-#~ msgid "Accept all method of payment and take your charges to another level"
-#~ msgstr "Acepta todos los medios de pago y lleva tus cobros a otro nivel"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Turn your online store into your customers preferred payment gateway. "
-#~ "Choose if the final payment experience will be inside or outside your "
-#~ "store."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Convierte tu tienda online en la pasarela de pagos preferida de tus "
-#~ "clientes. Elige si la experiencia de pago final será dentro o fuera de tu "
-#~ "tienda."
-#~ msgid "Configure Mercado Pago for WooCommerce"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresá la información de tu negocio"
+#~ msgid "Questions?"
+#~ msgstr "¿Dudas?"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Enable the experience of the Checkout Pro in your online store, select "
-#~ "the means of payment available to your customers and define the "
-#~ "maximum fees in which they can pay you."
+#~ "To enable orders, you must create and activate production credentials in "
+#~ "your Mercado Pago Account."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Habilita la experiencia del Checkout Pro en tu tienda online, selecciona "
-#~ "los medios de pago disponibles para tus clientes y define el máximo "
-#~ "de cuotas en el que podrán pagarte."
-#~ msgid "Set payment preferences in your store"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago en tu tienda"
+#~ "Para habilitar las ventas, debes crear y activar las credenciales de "
+#~ "producción en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago."
-#~ msgid "Select offline payments"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona medios de pago presenciales"
+#~ msgid "Check credentials"
+#~ msgstr "Consultar credenciales"
-#~ msgid "Select debit cards"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona tarjetas de débito"
-#~ msgid "Select credit cards"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona tarjetas de crédito"
-#~ msgid "Checkout of payments with debit and credit cards %s"
-#~ msgstr "Checkout de pagos con tarjetas de débito y crédito %s"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept payments instantly and maximize the conversion of your business"
-#~ msgstr "Acepta pagos al instante y maximiza la conversión de tu negocio"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Turn your online store into a secure and easy-to-use payment gateway for "
-#~ "your customers. With personalized checkout your customers pay without "
-#~ "leaving your store!"
+#~ msgid "To view more options, please select a payment method below"
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Convierte tu tienda online en una pasarela de pagos segura y fácil de "
-#~ "usar para tus clientes. Con el checkout personalizado tus clientes pagan "
-#~ "¡sin salir de tu tienda!"
-#~ msgid "Set up the payment experience in your store"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresá la información de tu negocio"
-#~ msgid "Configure the personalized payment experience in your store"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago en tu tienda"
-#~ msgid "%s, it only takes a few minutes"
-#~ msgstr "%s, solo te llevará unos minutos"
-#~ msgid "Approve your account"
-#~ msgstr "Homologa tu cuenta"
-#~ msgid "Title"
-#~ msgstr "Título"
+#~ "Selecciona uno de los siguientes medios de pago para ver más opciones"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Credentials are the keys we provide you to integrate quickly and "
-#~ "securely. You must have a %s in Mercado Pago to obtain and collect them "
-#~ " on your website. You do not need to know how to design or program to "
-#~ "do it"
+#~ "Test the experience in Test Mode and then enable the Sale Mode "
+#~ "(Production) to sell."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Las credenciales son las claves que te proporcionamos para que integres "
-#~ "de forma rápida y segura. Debes tener una %s en Mercado Pago para "
-#~ "obtenerlas y cobrar en tu sitio web. No necesitas saber diseñar o "
-#~ "programar para hacerlo"
-#~ msgid "approved account"
-#~ msgstr "cuenta homologada"
-#~ msgid "Select your country"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona tu país"
-#~ msgid "Select the country in which you operate with Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona el país en el que operas con Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Activate the Mercado Pago experience at the checkout of your store."
-#~ msgstr "Activa la experiencia de Mercado Pago en el checkout de tu tienda."
-#~ msgid "Binary mode"
-#~ msgstr "Modo binario"
+#~ "Testea la experiencia en Modo Test. Luego activa el Modo Ventas "
+#~ "(Producción) para realizar ventas."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept and reject payments automatically. Do you want us to activate it?"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta y rechaza pagos de forma automática. ¿Quieres que lo activemos?"
+#~ msgid "Do you have a minute to share your experience with our plugin?"
+#~ msgstr "¿tienes un minuto para compartir tu experiencia con nuestro plugin?"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If you activate binary mode you will not be able to leave pending "
-#~ "payments. This can affect fraud prevention. Leave it idle to be backed by "
-#~ "our own tool."
+#~ "Your opinion is very important so that we can offer you the best possible "
+#~ "payment solution and continue to improve."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si activa el modo binario no podrá dejar pagos pendientes. Esto puede "
-#~ "afectar la prevención del fraude. Déjelo inactivo para que sea respaldado "
-#~ "por nuestra propia herramienta."
-#~ msgid "Discounts per purchase with Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Descuentos por compra con Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Commission for purchase with Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Comisión por compra con Mercado Pago"
+#~ "Tu opinión es muy importante para que podamos ofrecerte la mejor solución "
+#~ "de pago posible y seguir mejorando."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept payments at any time of the day and expand your purchase options!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¡Acepte pagos en cualquier momento del día y amplíe sus opciones de "
-#~ "compra!"
+#~ msgid "You must enter"
+#~ msgstr "Debe introducir"
-#~ msgid "Offer this new payment option to your customers."
-#~ msgstr "Ofrezca esta nueva opción de pago a sus clientes."
+#~ msgid "production credentials"
+#~ msgstr "las credenciales de producción"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Enable and set up Pix as a payment method for your customers in the "
-#~ "Mercado Pago checkout."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Habilita y configura Pix como método de pago para tus clientes en el "
-#~ "checkout de Mercado Pago."
+#~ msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
+#~ msgstr "¡Importante! Para vender debe introducir sus credenciales."
-#~ msgid "Set up the payment via Pix experience"
-#~ msgstr "Configura la experiencia de pago a través de Pix"
+#~ msgid "Debit, Credit and invoice in Mercado Pago environment"
+#~ msgstr "Débito, crédito y efectivo, en Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Checkout of payments with cash %s"
-#~ msgstr "Paga con dinero en efectivo"
+#~ msgid "Debit and Credit"
+#~ msgstr "Débito e crédito"
-#~ msgid "Accept face-to-face payments, do not leave anyone out!"
-#~ msgstr "Acepta pagos presenciales ¡no dejes a nadie afuera!"
+#~ msgid "Transparent Checkout in your store environment"
+#~ msgstr "Checkout Transparente en tu tienda"
-#~ msgid "Include this preferred purchase option by some customers."
-#~ msgstr "Incluye esta opción de compra preferida por algunos clientes."
+#~ msgid "Mercado pago - Customized Checkout"
+#~ msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Personalizado"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Enable Mercado Pago for cash payments in your store and select the "
-#~ "options available to your customers."
+#~ "Unfortunately, the language configured in your WordPress is not "
+#~ "compatible with our plugin. For the best experience, please switch to a "
+#~ "supported language."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Habilita Mercado Pago para pagos en efectivo en tu tienda y "
-#~ "selecciona las opciones disponibles para tus clientes."
+#~ "Lamentablemente, el idioma configurado en tu WordPress no es compatible "
+#~ "con nuestro plugin. Para disfrutar de la mejor experiencia, cambia a un "
+#~ "idioma compatible."
-#~ msgid "Set payment preferences with cash"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago con dinero en efectivo"
+#~ msgid "payments on the spot"
+#~ msgstr "pagos al instante"
-#~ msgid "Store mode was updated"
-#~ msgstr "Se actualizó el modo de la tienda"
+#~ msgid "the"
+#~ msgstr "toda la"
-#~ msgid "Couldn't find a valid payment method"
-#~ msgstr "No se pudo encontrar un método de pago válido"
+#~ msgid "security"
+#~ msgstr "seguridad"
-#~ msgid "Invoice and Loterica"
-#~ msgstr "Efectivo "
+#~ msgid "from Mercado Pago"
+#~ msgstr "de Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "It offers all means of payment: credit and debit cards, cash and account "
-#~ "money. Your customers choose whether they pay as guests or from their "
-#~ "Mercado Pago account."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ofrece todos los medios de pago: tarjetas de crédito y débito, dinero en "
-#~ "efectivo y dinero en cuenta. Tus clientes eligen si pagan como invitados "
-#~ "o desde su cuenta de Mercado Pago."
+#~ msgid "Check the reasons why the purchase was declined"
+#~ msgstr "Consulta los motivos del rechazo de tu compra"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept card payments on your website with the best possible financing and "
-#~ "maximize the conversion of your business. With personalized checkout your "
-#~ "customers pay without leaving your store!"
+#~ "Recommend your costumer to pay with their usual payment method and device "
+#~ "for online purchases."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta pagos con tarjeta en tu sitio web con la mejor financiación "
-#~ "posible y maximiza la conversión de tu negocio. Con el checkout "
-#~ "personalizado tus clientes pagan ¡sin salir de tu tienda!"
-#~ msgid "Follow these steps to activate Mercado Pago in your store:"
-#~ msgstr "Sigue estos pasos para activar Mercado Pago en tu tienda:"
-#~ msgid "Upload your credentials"
-#~ msgstr "Carga tus credenciales"
-#~ msgid "depending on the country in which you are registered."
-#~ msgstr "depending on the country in which you are registered."
-#~ msgid "to be able to charge."
-#~ msgstr "para poder cobrar."
-#~ msgid "Add the basic information of your business"
-#~ msgstr "Añade la información básica de tu negocio"
-#~ msgid "in the plugin configuration."
-#~ msgstr "en la configuración del plugin."
-#~ msgid "Configure the payment preferences"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago"
-#~ msgid "In which country does your Mercado Pago account operate?"
-#~ msgstr "¿En qué país opera tu cuenta de Mercado Pago?"
+#~ "Recomiéndale a tu cliente que pague con el medio de pago y dispositivo "
+#~ "que suele usar para compras online."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Add credentials to "Test Mode" or "Production Mode""
+#~ "The payment could not be processed. Please ask your client to use another "
+#~ "card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ingresa las credenciales para el "Modo Test" o el "Modo "
-#~ "Producción""
-#~ msgid "Set up store payments for Test or Production Mode"
-#~ msgstr "Configura los pagos de la tienda para el modo Test o Producción"
-#~ msgid "How would you like to handle your store checkouts?"
-#~ msgstr "¿Como quieres operar los checkouts de tu tienda?"
-#~ msgid "Activate Production Mode for Mercado Pago checkouts"
-#~ msgstr "Activar Modo Producción para checkouts Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "test mode guidelines."
-#~ msgstr "reglas del Modo Test."
+#~ "El pago no fue procesado por el banco. Pídele a tu cliente que use otro "
+#~ "medio de pago o que se contacte con el banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Mercado Pago checkouts are inactive for real payments in the Test Mode. "
-#~ "Please check the"
+#~ "The CVV is invalid. Please ask your client to review the details or use "
+#~ "another card."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Checkouts Mercado Pago están inactivos para cobros reales en el Modo de "
-#~ "Prueba. Consulta las"
-#~ msgid "Search my credentials"
-#~ msgstr "Buscar mis credenciales"
+#~ "El código de seguridad de la tarjeta es inválido. Revisá los datos que "
+#~ "ingresaste o pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With these credentials, you enable your Mercado Pago checkouts to receive "
-#~ "real payments."
+#~ "The card does not have sufficient balance. Please ask your client to use "
+#~ "another card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Con estas credenciales habilitas que tus checkouts Mercado Pago puedan "
-#~ "recibir pagos reales."
+#~ "La tarjeta no tiene límite disponible. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
+#~ "tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "What category do your products belong to? Choose the one that best "
-#~ "characterizes them (choose \"other\" if your product is too specific)."
+#~ "The card does not have enough limit. Please ask your client to use "
+#~ "another card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¿A qué categoría pertenecen tus productos? Elige la que mejor los "
-#~ "caracteriza (elige “otro” si tu producto es demasiado específico)."
-#~ msgid "Categories"
-#~ msgstr "Categrorías"
-#~ msgid "Store ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID de la tienda"
+#~ "La tarjeta no tiene fondos suficientes. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
+#~ "tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Use a number or prefix to identify orders and payments from this store."
+#~ "The CVV was entered incorrectly several times. Please ask your client to "
+#~ "use another card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Usa un número o prefijo para identificar pedidos y pagos provenientes de "
-#~ "esta tienda."
+#~ "Se ingresó varias veces mal el código de seguridad de la tarjeta. Pedile "
+#~ "a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Do not forget to enter your integrator_id as a certified Mercado Pago "
-#~ "Partner. If you don`t have it, you can %s"
+#~ "The card does not allow the number of installments entered. Please ask "
+#~ "your client to choose another installment plan or to use another card."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "No olvides ingresar tu integrator_id como Partner certificado de Mercado "
-#~ "Pago. Si no lo tienes, puedes %s"
-#~ msgid "Advanced adjustment"
-#~ msgstr "Ajustes avanzados"
-#~ msgid "We debug the information in our change file."
-#~ msgstr "Depuramos la información de nuestro archivo de cambios."
+#~ "La tarjeta no acepta la cantidad de cuotas ingresadas. Pedile a tu "
+#~ "cliente que elija otro plan de cuotas o que use otra tarjeta."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "IPN (Instant Payment Notification) is a notification of events that take "
-#~ "place on your platform and that is sent from one server to another "
-#~ "through an HTTP POST call. See more information in our guides."
+#~ "The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client "
+#~ "to ask the bank to authotize it or to use another card."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "IPN (Instant Payment Notification) es una notificación de eventos que "
-#~ "tienen lugar en su plataforma y que se envía de un servidor a otro a "
-#~ "través de una llamada HTTP POST. Vea más información en nuestras guías."
+#~ "El banco emisor de la tarjeta no autorizó el pago. Pedile a tu cliente "
+#~ "que se contacte con el banco para autorizarlo o que use otra tarjeta."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "It appears that your credentials are not properly configured. Please, "
-#~ "go to %s and configure it."
+#~ "From Mercado Pago we have detected that this payment has already been "
+#~ "made before. If that is not the case, your client may try to pay again."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Parece que sus credenciales no están configuradas correctamente. Por "
-#~ "favor, vaya a %s y configúrelo."
-#~ msgid "Market Payment Configuration"
-#~ msgstr "Mercado Pago Configuración"
+#~ "Desde Mercado Pago detectamos que este pago ya se hizo anteriormente. Si "
+#~ "no es así, tu cliente puede intentarlo de nuevo."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Check out the step-by-step of how to integrate the Mercado Pago Plugin "
-#~ "for WooCommerce in our developer website."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Revisa el paso a paso de cómo integrar el Plugin de Mercado Pago para "
-#~ "WooCommerce en nuestro sitio de desarrolladores."
-#~ msgid "Review documentation"
-#~ msgstr "Revisar documentación"
-#~ msgid "Still having problems? Contact our support team through their %s"
+#~ "The card is not active yet. Please ask your client to use another card or "
+#~ "to get in touch with the bank to activate it."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¿Sigues con problemas? Comunícate con nuestro equipo de soporte a través "
-#~ "de su %s"
-#~ msgid "contact form."
-#~ msgstr "formulario de contacto."
-#~ msgid "Set up your interest payments"
-#~ msgstr "Configura pagos"
-#~ msgid "Set up your installment and interest payments"
-#~ msgstr "Configura meses sin intereses"
-#~ msgid "At Mercado Pago you can choose the fee you pay for each purchase"
-#~ msgstr "En Mercado Pago puedes elegir la tarifa que pagas en cada venta"
+#~ "La tarjeta aún no está habilitada. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
+#~ "tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco para activarla."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "At Mercado Pago you can choose the fee you pay for each purchase and also "
-#~ "offer interest-free installments to your customer."
+#~ "The debit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client "
+#~ "that it is possible to pay with credit or to use another one."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "En Mercado Pago puedes elegir la tarifa que pagas en cada compra y "
-#~ "también ofrecer meses sin intereses a tu cliente."
-#~ msgid "Set up interest payments"
-#~ msgstr "Configurar tasas y plazos"
-#~ msgid "Set up installment and interest"
-#~ msgstr "Configurar cuotas e intereses"
+#~ "La función débito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente que "
+#~ "puede pagar con la función débito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que use "
+#~ "otra."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Test Mode Activated? Now visit your store and test the Mercado Pago "
-#~ "checkouts"
+#~ "The credit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client "
+#~ "that it is possible to pay with debit or to use another one."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¿Modo Test activado? Ahora visita tu tienda y testea los checkouts "
-#~ "Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Everything ready for the takeoff of your sales?"
-#~ msgstr "¿Todo listo para el despegue de tus ventas?"
+#~ "La función crédito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente "
+#~ "que puede pagar con la función débito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que "
+#~ "use otra."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Visit your store as usual and simulate a payment in our checkouts to make "
-#~ "sure everything is working correctly."
+#~ "The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client "
+#~ "to ask the bank to authorize it."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Visita tu tienda normalmente y simula un pago en nuestros checkouts para "
-#~ "verificar que todo esté funcionando correctamente."
+#~ "El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago. Pídele a tu cliente que se "
+#~ "comunique con el banco para autorizar el pago."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Visit your store as if you were one of your customers and check that "
-#~ "everything is fine. If you already went to Production, bring your "
-#~ "customers and increase your sales with the best online shopping "
-#~ "experience."
+#~ "The buyer does not have enough balance to make the purchase. Please ask "
+#~ "your client to deposit money to the Mercado Pago Account or to use a "
+#~ "different payment method."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Visita tu tienda como si fueras uno de tus clientes y revisa que todo "
-#~ "esté bien. Si ya saliste a Producción, trae a tus clientes y aumenta "
-#~ "tus ventas con la mejor experiencia de compra online."
-#~ msgid "%s"
-#~ msgstr "%s"
+#~ "El cliente no tiene suficiente saldo en la cuenta para realizar la "
+#~ "compra. Pídele a tu cliente que cargue saldo en Mercado Pago o que use "
+#~ "otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Your store is ready to receive payments from customers."
-#~ msgstr "Tu tienda está lista para recibir pagos de clientes."
+#~ msgid "There was an error"
+#~ msgstr "Hubo un error"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Your customers will not be able to make purchases while in Test Mode."
-#~ msgstr "Los clientes no podrán hacer compras en Modo Test."
+#~ msgid "to BRL"
+#~ msgstr "a BRL"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept payments via Pix Transfer and receive the funds instantly. Your "
-#~ "customers can pay at any time, without date or time restrictions."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta pagos a través de transferencia Pix y recibe los fondos al "
-#~ "instante. Tus clientes pueden pagar en cualquier momento, sin "
-#~ "restricciones de fecha u hora."
+#~ msgid "to CLP"
+#~ msgstr "a CLP"
-#~ msgid "Pay with PIX "
-#~ msgstr "Paga vía Pix "
+#~ msgid "to COP"
+#~ msgstr "a COP"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept cash payments within the custom checkout and expand your customers "
-#~ "purchase options."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta pagos en efectivo dentro del checkout personalizado y amplía las "
-#~ "opciones de compra de tus clientes."
+#~ msgid "Now we convert your currency"
+#~ msgstr "Ahora convertimos tu moneda"
-#~ msgid "Pay with cash"
-#~ msgstr "Paga con dinero en efectivo"
+#~ msgid "We no longer convert your currency"
+#~ msgstr "Dejamos de convertir tu moneda"
-#~ msgid "Enter your credentials and choose how to operate"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tus credenciales y elige cómo operar"
+#~ msgid "Payment method"
+#~ msgstr "Medios de pagos"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "By default, we activate the Sandbox test environment for you to test "
-#~ "before you start selling."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Por defecto, te activamos el entorno de pruebas Sandbox para que hagas "
-#~ "testeos antes de empezar a vender."
+#~ msgid "Discount coupons is"
+#~ msgstr "Cupones de descuento están"
-#~ msgid "Production Mode"
-#~ msgstr "Modo Producción"
+#~ msgid "Discount coupons"
+#~ msgstr "Cupones de descuento"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When you see that everything is going well, deactivate Sandbox, turn on "
-#~ "Production and make way for your online sales."
+#~ "Will you offer discount coupons to customers who buy with Mercado Pago?"
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Cuando veas que todo va bien, desactiva Sandbox para ir a Producción y "
-#~ "abre paso a tus ventas online."
+#~ "¿Ofrecerás cupones de descuento a los clientes que compren con Mercado "
+#~ "Pago?"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Choose “Yes” only when you’re ready to sell. Switch to “No” to activate "
-#~ "Testing mode."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Elige “Sí” sólo cuando estés listo para vender. Cambia a “No” para "
-#~ "activar el modo Pruebas."
+#~ msgid "Your document data is invalid"
+#~ msgstr "Número de documento inválido"
-#~ msgid "With these keys you can do the tests you want.."
-#~ msgstr "Con estas claves podrás hacer las pruebas que quieras."
+#~ msgid "Title in the checkout"
+#~ msgstr "Título en el checkout"
-#~ msgid "With these keys you can receive real payments from your customers."
-#~ msgstr "Con estas claves podrás recibir pagos reales de tus clientes."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Payment URL pending"
+#~ msgid "Payment URL"
+#~ msgstr "URL de pago pendiente"
-#~ msgid "Everything set up? Go to your store in Sandbox mode"
-#~ msgstr "¿Todo configurado? Ve a tu tienda en modo Sandbox"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is"
+#~ msgid "Transparent checkout for credit cards is"
+#~ msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago "
+#~| "Transparent Checkout."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Visit your store and simulate a payment to check that everything is fine."
-#~ msgstr "Visita tu tienda y simula un pago para revisar que todo esté bien."
-#~ msgid "I want to test my sales"
-#~ msgstr "Quiero testear mis ventas"
-#~ msgid "Payment refused"
-#~ msgstr "Pago rechazado"
-#~ msgid "Physical person"
-#~ msgstr "Persona Física"
-#~ msgid "Legal person"
-#~ msgstr "Persona Jurídica"
-#~ msgid "Name"
-#~ msgstr "Nome"
-#~ msgid "Social reason"
-#~ msgstr "Razón social"
-#~ msgid "Surname"
-#~ msgstr "Apellido"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your last name"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar tu apellido"
-#~ msgid "CPF"
-#~ msgstr "CPF"
-#~ msgid "Address"
-#~ msgstr "Dirección"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your address"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar tu dirección"
-#~ msgid "Number"
-#~ msgstr "Número"
-#~ msgid "You must provide your address number"
-#~ msgstr "Debe informar su número de dirección"
-#~ msgid "City"
-#~ msgstr "Ciudad"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your city"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar a tu ciudad"
-#~ msgid "State"
-#~ msgstr "Estado"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your status"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar a tu estado"
-#~ msgid "Postal Code"
-#~ msgstr "Código postal"
-#~ msgid "You must provide your zip code"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar tu código postal"
-#~ msgid "See the reasons for refusing your purchase."
-#~ msgstr "Vea las razones para rechazar su compra."
-#~ msgid "30 minutes"
-#~ msgstr "30 minutos"
-#~ msgid "New"
-#~ msgstr "Nuevo"
-#~ msgid " day"
-#~ msgstr " día"
-#~ msgid "Description for cart Checkout"
-#~ msgstr "Descripción para el Checkout en el carrito"
+#~ "By disabling it, you will disable all payment methods of this checkout."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago con tarjeta de "
+#~ "crédito en el Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Configure the payment options and accept payments with cards, ticket and "
-#~ "money of Mercado Pago account."
+#~ "By confirming your purchase, you will be redirected to your Mercado Pago "
+#~ "account."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Configura las opciones de pago a tu medida y acepta pagos con tarjetas, "
-#~ "dinero en efectivo y dinero en cuenta de Mercado Pago."
-#~ msgid "https://developers.mercadopago.com/"
-#~ msgstr "https://developers.mercadopago.com/"
-#~ msgid "https://github.com/mercadopago/cart-woocommerce"
-#~ msgstr "https://github.com/mercadopago/cart-woocommerce"
+#~ "Al confirmar tu compra, te mostraremos un código para realizar el pago."
diff --git a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_UY.mo b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_UY.mo
index be9f33e1a..b1f7a85d9 100644
Binary files a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_UY.mo and b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_UY.mo differ
diff --git a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_UY.po b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_UY.po
index 9f270518d..600408cd4 100644
--- a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_UY.po
+++ b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_UY.po
@@ -1,85 +1,54 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 woocommerce-mercadopago
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the woocommerce-mercadopago package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce 6.0.0\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/woocommerce-"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-05-16 21:36+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-04-10 14:38+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
-"Language: es_ES\n"
+"Language: es_AR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 3.3.1\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 3.4.2\n"
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helper-links.php:141,
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:352
-msgid "By continuing, you agree to our "
-msgstr "Al continuar, aceptas nuestros "
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helper-links.php:143,
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:354
-msgid "Terms and Conditions"
-msgstr "Términos y condiciones"
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:92
-msgid ""
-"Activate this option so that the value of the currency set in WooCommerce is "
-"compatible with the value of the currency you use in Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Activa esta opción para que el valor de la moneda configurada en WooCommerce "
-"sea compatible al valor de la moneda que usas en Mercado Pago."
-#. translators: 1: local currency 2: currency
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:478
-msgid "Now we convert your currency from %1$s to %2$s."
-msgstr "Ahora convertimos tu moneda de %1$s a %2$s."
-#. translators: 1: local currency 2: currency
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:498
-msgid "We no longer convert your currency from %1$s to %2$s."
-msgstr "Dejamos de convertir tu moneda de %1$s a %2$s."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:463,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:172
+msgid "Activate WooCommerce"
+msgstr "Activar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:519
-msgid ""
-"Attention: The currency settings you have in WooCommerce are not "
-"compatible with the currency you use in your Mercado Pago account. Please "
-"activate the currency conversion."
-msgstr ""
-"Atención: La configuración de moneda que tienes en WooCommerce no es "
-"compatible con la moneda que usas en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago. Activa la "
-"conversión de moneda."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:464,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:173
+msgid "Install WooCommerce"
+msgstr "Instalar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-configs.php:125
-msgid ""
-"Update your credentials with the Access Token and Public Key, you need them "
-"to continue receiving payments!"
-msgstr ""
-"Actualice sus credenciales con el Access Token y la Public Key, ¡los "
-"necesita para continuar recibiendo pagos!"
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:465,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:174
+msgid "See WooCommerce"
+msgstr "Ver WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-configs.php:134
-msgid ""
-"The store should have HTTPS in order to activate both Checkout Personalizado "
-"and Ticket Checkout."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:467,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:163
+msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs an active version of %s in order to work!"
msgstr ""
-"La tienda debe tener HTTPS para activar el Checkout Personalizado y el "
-"Ticket Checkout."
+"¡El módulo de Mercado Pago necesita una versión de %s activa para funcionar!"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:52
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:169
msgid ""
-"Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce requires PHP version 5.6 or later. "
+"Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce requires PHP version 7.4 or later. "
"Please update your PHP version."
msgstr ""
-"El plugin de Mercado Pago requiere la versión de PHP 5.6 o posterior. Por "
+"El plugin de Mercado Pago requiere la versión de PHP 7.4 o posterior. Por "
"favor actualice su versión de PHP."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:61
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:170
msgid "Mercado Pago Error: PHP Extension CURL is not installed."
msgstr "Error en Mercado Pago: La extensión cURL de PHP no está instalada."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:70
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:171
msgid ""
"Mercado Pago Error: PHP Extension GD is not installed. Installation of GD "
"extension is required to send QR Code Pix by email."
@@ -88,493 +57,962 @@ msgstr ""
"necesaria la instalación de la extensión GD para enviar el QR Code Pix por "
"correo electrónico."
-#. translators: %s link to WooCommerce
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:82
-msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs an active version of %s in order to work!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:175
+msgid ""
+"Please note that to receive payments via Pix at our checkout, you must have "
+"a Pix key registered in your Mercado Pago account."
msgstr ""
-"¡El módulo de Mercado Pago necesita una versión de %s activa para funcionar!"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:95
-msgid "Cancel order"
-msgstr "Cancelar orden"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:177
-msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs the SDK package to work!"
-msgstr "¡El módulo de Mercado Pago necesita el SDK para funcionar!"
+"Ten en cuenta que para recibir pagos a través de Pix en nuestro checkout, "
+"debes tener una clave Pix registrada en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:368
-msgid "The payment method is not valid or not available."
-msgstr "El medio de pago no es válido o no está disponible."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:176
+msgid "Register your Pix key at Mercado Pago."
+msgstr "Registra tu clave Pix en Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:371
-msgid "The transaction amount cannot be processed by Mercado Pago."
-msgstr "El monto de transacción no puede ser procesado por Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:177
+msgid "%s, help us improve the experience we offer"
+msgstr "%s, ayúdanos a mejorar nuestra experiencia"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:371
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:178
msgid ""
-"Possible causes: Currency not supported; Amounts below the minimum or above "
-"the maximum allowed."
+"Share your opinion with us so that we improve our product and offer the best "
+"payment solution."
msgstr ""
-"Posibles causas: Moneda no soportada; Montos por debajo del mínimo o por "
-"encima del máximo permitido."
+"Comparte tu opinión con nosotros para poder mejorar nuestro producto y "
+"ofrecerte la mejor solución de pagos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:179
+msgid "Rate the plugin"
+msgstr "Valorar el plugin"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:374
-msgid "The users are not valid."
-msgstr "Los usuários no son válidos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:180
+msgid "Enable payments via Mercado Pago account"
+msgstr "Pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:374
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:181
msgid ""
-"Possible causes: Buyer and seller have the same account in Mercado Pago; The "
-"transaction involving production and test users."
+"When you enable this function, your customers pay faster using their Mercado "
+"Pago accounts.The approval rate of these payments in your store can be "
+"25% higher compared to other payment methods."
msgstr ""
-"Posibles causas: Comprador y vendedor tienen la misma cuenta en Mercado "
-"Pago; La transacción involucrando usuários de producción y de prueba."
+"Con esta función activa, tus clientes pagan más rápido usando su cuenta de "
+"Mercado Pago.La tasa de aprobación de estos pagos en tu tienda puede "
+"ser un 25% mayor en comparación con otros medios de pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:377
-msgid "Unauthorized use of production credentials."
-msgstr "Uso no autorizado de credenciales de producción."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:182
+msgid "Activate"
+msgstr "Activar"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:377
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:183
msgid ""
-"Possible causes: Use permission in use for the credential of the seller."
+"Our plugin does not support the language you've chosen, so we've switched it "
+"to the English default. If you prefer, you can also select Spanish or "
+"Portuguese (Brazilian)."
msgstr ""
-"Posibles causas: Pendencia de permiso de uso en producción para la "
-"credencial del vendedor."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:503
-msgid "Colombia"
-msgstr "Colombia"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:505
-msgid "Argentina"
-msgstr "Argentina"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:507
-msgid "Brazil"
-msgstr "Brasil"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:509
-msgid "Chile"
-msgstr "Chile"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:511
-msgid "Mexico"
-msgstr "México"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:513
-msgid "Uruguay"
-msgstr "Uruguay"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:515
-msgid "Venezuela"
-msgstr "Venezuela"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:184
+msgid "You activated Mercado Pago’s plug-in"
+msgstr "Activaste el plugin de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:517
-msgid "Peru"
-msgstr "Peru"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:551
-msgid "Update the WooCommerce order to "
-msgstr "Actualizar la orden de WooCommerce para "
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:821,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:583
-msgid "Fill in your credentials to enable payment methods."
-msgstr "Completa tus credenciales para habilitar los medios de pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:185
+msgid ""
+"Follow the instructions below to integrate your store with Mercado Pago and "
+"start to sell."
+msgstr ""
+"Sigue las instrucciones de abajo para integrar tu tienda con Mercado Pago y "
+"empezar a vender."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:837
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:197
msgid "Set plugin"
msgstr "Configurar plugin"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:838,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:293
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:198,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:738,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:798
msgid "Payment methods"
msgstr "Medios de pagos"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:839,
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:220
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:199
msgid "Plugin manual"
msgstr "Manual del plugin"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:938
-msgid "By Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Por Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-core.php:109,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:171,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:140,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:189,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:167
-msgid "Buyer email"
-msgstr "Email del comprador"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:211
+msgid "Cancel order"
+msgstr "Cancelar orden"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:35
-msgid "No ID or TOPIC param in Request IPN"
-msgstr "No hay ID o parámetro de ASUNTO la solicitud de IPN"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:212
+msgid "Mercado Pago commission:"
+msgstr "Comisión de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:39
-msgid ""
-"Discarded notification. This notification is already processed as webhook-"
-msgstr ""
-"Notificación ignorada. Esta notificación se procesa como webhook-payment."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:213
+msgid "Represents the commission configured on plugin settings."
+msgstr "Representa la comisión configurada en la configuración del plugin."
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:54
-msgid "IPN merchant_order not found"
-msgstr "No se ha encontrado la IPN de `merchant_order`"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:214
+msgid "Mercado Pago discount:"
+msgstr "Descuento de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:60
-msgid "Not found Payments into Merchant_Order"
-msgstr "No se han encontrado pagos en Merchant_Order"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:215
+msgid "Represents the discount configured on plugin settings."
+msgstr "Representa el descuento configurado en la configuración del plugin."
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:174,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:143,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:192,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:170
-msgid "Payment type"
-msgstr "Tipo de método de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:216
+msgid "Represents the installment fee charged by Mercado Pago."
+msgstr "Representa la comisión a plazos cobrada por Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:177,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:146,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:195,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:173
-msgid "Payment method"
-msgstr "Método de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:217
+msgid "Mercado Pago Installment Fee:"
+msgstr "Cuota de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:39
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:218
msgid ""
-"Please enter your email address at the billing address to use this service"
+"Represents the total purchase plus the installment fee charged by Mercado "
msgstr ""
-"Por favor, introduzca su email en la dirección de facturación para utilizar "
-"este servicio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:41,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:42,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:277
-msgid "Checkout Pro"
-msgstr "Checkout Pro"
+"Representa el total de la compra más la comisión de fraccionamiento cobrada "
+"por Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:43
-msgid "Debit, Credit and invoice in Mercado Pago environment"
-msgstr "Débito, crédito y efectivo, en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:219
+msgid "Mercado Pago Total:"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago Total:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:51
-msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
-msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:232
+msgid "Accept"
+msgstr "Acepta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:53
-msgid "Your saved cards or money in Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Compras con tarjetas guardadas o saldo en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:233
+msgid "payments"
+msgstr "pagos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:164
-msgid "Maximum number of installments"
-msgstr "Máximo de cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:234
+msgid "safely"
+msgstr "de forma"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:166
-msgid "What is the maximum quota with which a customer can buy?"
-msgstr "¿Cuál es el máximo de cuotas con las que un cliente puede comprar?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:235
+msgid "with"
+msgstr "segura con"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:169
-msgid "1 installment"
-msgstr "1 cuota"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:236
+msgid "Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:170
-msgid "2 installments"
-msgstr "2 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:241
+msgid "Choose"
+msgstr "Elige"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:171
-msgid "3 installments"
-msgstr "3 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:242
+msgid "when you want to receive the money"
+msgstr "cuándo quieres recibir el dinero"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:172
-msgid "4 installments"
-msgstr "4 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:243
+msgid "from your sales and if you want to offer"
+msgstr "de las ventas y si quieres ofrecer"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:173
-msgid "5 installments"
-msgstr "5 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:244
+msgid "interest-free installments"
+msgstr "cuotas sin interés"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:174
-msgid "6 installments"
-msgstr "6 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:245
+msgid "to your clients."
+msgstr "a los clientes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:175
-msgid "10 installments"
-msgstr "10 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:251
+msgid "SSL"
+msgstr "SSL"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:176
-msgid "12 installments"
-msgstr "12 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:252
+msgid "Curl"
+msgstr "Curl"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:177
-msgid "15 installments"
-msgstr "15 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:253
+msgid "GD Extensions"
+msgstr "Extensiones GD"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:178
-msgid "18 installments"
-msgstr "18 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:255
+msgid "Technical requirements"
+msgstr "Requisitos técnicos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:179
-msgid "24 installments"
-msgstr "24 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:256
+msgid "Collections and installments"
+msgstr "Cobros y cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:256,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:153,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:915,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:203,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:197
-msgid "Enable the checkout"
-msgstr "Activar el checkout"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:257
+msgid "More information"
+msgstr "Más información"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:257
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:258
msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all payments from Mercado Pago Checkout at "
-"Mercado Pago website by redirect."
+"Implementation responsible for transmitting data to Mercado Pago in a secure "
+"and encrypted way."
msgstr ""
-"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago del checkout en el "
-"sitio web de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:261,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:920
-msgid "The checkout is enabled."
-msgstr "El checkout está activo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:262,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:921
-msgid "The checkout is disabled."
-msgstr "El checkout está inactivo."
+"Implementación responsable de transmitir los datos a Mercado Pago de forma "
+"segura y encriptada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:281
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:259
msgid ""
-"With Checkout Pro you sell with all the safety inside Mercado Pago "
+"It is an extension responsible for making payments via requests from the "
+"plugin to Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Pro, podrás vender con toda la seguridad, dentro de Mercado "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:298,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:269
-msgid "Advanced settings"
-msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:311
-msgid "Payment experience"
-msgstr "Experiencia de pago"
+"Es una extensión encargada de realizar los pagos a través de requests del "
+"plugin a Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:313
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:260
msgid ""
-"Define what payment experience your customers will have, whether inside or "
-"outside your store."
+"These extensions are responsible for the implementation and operation of Pix "
+"in your store."
msgstr ""
-"Define qué experiencia de pago tendrán tus clientes, si dentro o fuera de tu "
+"Extensiones responsables de la aplicación y el funcionamiento de Pix en su "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:316
-msgid "Redirect"
-msgstr "Redirect"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:262
+msgid "Check our documentation to learn more about integrating our plug-in."
+msgstr ""
+"Revisa nuestras documentaciones para saber más sobre la integración de "
+"nuestro plugin."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:317
-msgid "Modal"
-msgstr "Modal"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:263
+msgid "Set deadlines and fees"
+msgstr "Ajustar plazos y tasas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:333
-msgid ""
-"Choose the URL that we will show your customers when they finish their "
-msgstr "Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando terminen su compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:264
+msgid "Go to documentation"
+msgstr "Ir a la documentación"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:331,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:351,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:372
-msgid "This seems to be an invalid URL."
-msgstr "Esto parece ser una URL no válida."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:277
+msgid "Public Key"
+msgstr "Public Key"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:336
-msgid "Success URL"
-msgstr "URL de éxito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:278
+msgid "Access Token"
+msgstr "Access Token"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:353
-msgid ""
-"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when we refuse their "
-"purchase. Make sure it includes a message appropriate to the situation and "
-"give them useful information so they can solve it."
-msgstr ""
-"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando rechacemos su compra. "
-"Asegúrate de incluir un mensaje adecuado a la situación y dales información "
-"útil para que puedan solucionarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:279
+msgid "1. Enter your credentials to integrate your store with Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "1. Ingresa tus credenciales para integrar tu tienda con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:356
-msgid "Payment URL rejected"
-msgstr "URL de pago rechazado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:280
+msgid "Production credentials"
+msgstr "Credenciales de producción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:281
+msgid "Test credentials"
+msgstr "Credenciales de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:374
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:282
+msgid "To start selling, "
+msgstr "Para empezar a vender, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:283
msgid ""
-"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when they have a payment "
-"pending approval."
+"in the fields below. If you don’t have credentials yet, you’ll have to "
+"create them from this link."
msgstr ""
-"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando tengan un pago pendiente "
-"de aprobación."
+"en los campos de abajo. Si todavía no tienes credenciales, deberás crearlas "
+"en ese mismo enlace."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:377
-msgid "Payment URL pending"
-msgstr "URL de pago pendiente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:284
+msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts for test purchases in the store."
+msgstr ""
+"Habilita a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para pruebas de compras en la "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:391
-msgid "Enable the payment methods available to your clients."
-msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles para tus clientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:285
+msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts to receive real payments in the store."
+msgstr ""
+"Habilita a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para recibir pagos reales en tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:392
-msgid "Choose the payment methods you accept in your store"
-msgstr "Elige los medios de pago que se aceptan en la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:286
+msgid "Paste your Public Key here"
+msgstr "Pega aquí tu Public Key"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:396
-msgid "Credit Cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:287
+msgid "Paste your Access Token here"
+msgstr "Pega aquí tu Access Token"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:400
-msgid "Debit Cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:288,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:342
+msgid "Save and continue"
+msgstr "Guardar y continuar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:404
-msgid "Other Payment Methods"
-msgstr "Otros medios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:289
+msgid ""
+"You have to enter your production credentials to start selling with Mercado "
+msgstr ""
+"Debes ingresar tus credenciales de producción para empezar a vender con "
+"Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:454
-msgid "Return to the store"
-msgstr "Volver a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:290
+msgid "Enter credentials"
+msgstr "Introducir credenciales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:455
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:291
+msgid "Activate your credentials to be able to sell"
+msgstr "Activa tus credenciales para poder vender"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:292
msgid ""
-"Do you want your customer to automatically return to the store after payment?"
+"Credentials are codes that you must enter to enable sales. Go below on "
+"Activate Credentials. On the next screen, use again the Activate Credentials "
+"button and fill in the fields with the requested information."
msgstr ""
-"¿Quieres que tu cliente vuelva automáticamente a la tienda después del pago?"
+"Las credenciales son códigos que debes ingresar para habilitar las ventas. "
+"Vaya más abajo en Activar credenciales. En la siguiente pantalla, utilice "
+"nuevamente el botón Activar Credenciales y complete los campos con la "
+"información solicitada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:459
-msgid "The buyer will be automatically redirected to the store."
-msgstr "El comprador será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:293
+msgid "Activate credentials"
+msgstr "Activar credenciales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:460
-msgid "The buyer will not be automatically redirected to the store."
-msgstr "El comprador no será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:294
+msgid "copy and paste your production credentials "
+msgstr "copia y pega tus credenciales de producción "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:485
-msgid "Available payment methods"
-msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:307
+msgid "Add the URL to receive payments notifications."
+msgstr "Ingresa la URL para recibir notificaciones de pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:535,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:521,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:426,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:411,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:698,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:418,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:404,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:434,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:419,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:174,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:172
-msgid "discount of"
-msgstr "descuento de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:308
+msgid "Find out more information in the"
+msgstr "Consulta más información en los"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:541,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:527,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:432,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:417,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:704,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:691,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:424,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:410,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:440,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:425,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:176
-msgid "fee of"
-msgstr "comisión de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:310
+msgid "guides"
+msgstr "manuales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:641,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:667,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:719
-msgid "Easy login"
-msgstr "Ingresa con facilidad"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:315
+msgid ""
+"If you are a Mercado Pago Certified Partner, make sure to add your "
+msgstr ""
+"Si eres Partner certificado de Mercado Pago, recuerda ingresar tu "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:642,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:668,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:720
-msgid "Log in with the same email and password you use in Mercado Libre."
-msgstr "Inicia sesión con tu mismo e-mail y contraseña de Mercado Libre."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:316
+msgid "If you do not have the code, please"
+msgstr "Si no tienes el código,"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:649,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:675,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:693,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:727
-msgid "Quick payments"
-msgstr "Paga rápido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:318
+msgid "request it now"
+msgstr "solicítalo ahora"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:650
-msgid "Use your saved cards, Pix or available balance."
-msgstr "Usa tus tarjetas guardadas, Pix o saldo disponible."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:322
+msgid "2. Customize your business’ information"
+msgstr "2. Personaliza la información de tu negocio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:657,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:683
-msgid "Protected purchases"
-msgstr "Protege tu compra"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:323
+msgid "Your store information"
+msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:658,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:684
-msgid "Get your money back in case you don't receive your product."
-msgstr "Recupera tu dinero si no recibes el producto."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:324
+msgid "Advanced integration options (optional)"
+msgstr "Opciones avanzadas de integración (opcional)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:676
-msgid "Use your available Mercado Pago Wallet balance or saved cards."
-msgstr "Usa tu saldo disponible en Mercado Pago Wallet o tarjetas guardadas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:325
+msgid "Debug and Log Mode"
+msgstr "Modo debug y log"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:694,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:728
-msgid "Use your available money or saved cards."
-msgstr "Usa tu dinero disponible o tarjetas guardadas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:326
+msgid ""
+"Fill out the following details to have a better experience and offer your "
+"customers more information."
+msgstr ""
+"Completa los siguientes datos para tener una mejor experiencia y ofrecerle "
+"más información a tus clientes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:701,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:735
-msgid "Installments option"
-msgstr "Accede a cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:327
+msgid "Name of your store in your client's invoice"
+msgstr "Nombre de tu tienda en la factura de los clientes"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:702
-msgid "Pay with or without a credit card."
-msgstr "Paga con o sin tarjeta de crédito."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:328
+msgid "Identification in Activities of Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Identificación en Actividad de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:709
-msgid "Reliable purchases"
-msgstr "Compra con confianza"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:329
+msgid ""
+"For further integration of your store with Mercado Pago (IPN, Certified "
+"Partners, Debug Mode)"
+msgstr ""
+"Para mayor integración de tu tienda con Mercado Pago (IPN, Socios "
+"Certificados, Modo Debug)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:710
-msgid "Get help if you have a problem with your purchase."
-msgstr "Recibe ayuda si tienes algún problema con tu compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:330
+msgid "Store category"
+msgstr "Categoría de la tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:736
-msgid "Interest-free installments with selected banks."
-msgstr "Cuotas sin interés con bancos seleccionados."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:331
+msgid "URL for IPN"
+msgstr "URL para IPN"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:332
+msgid "Integrator ID"
+msgstr "Integrator ID"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:333
+msgid "We record your store's actions in order to provide a better assistance."
+msgstr "Grabamos las aciones de tu tienda para brindar un mejor soporte."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:334
+msgid "Ex: Mary's Store"
+msgstr "Ej.: Tienda de María"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:335
+msgid "Ex: Mary Store"
+msgstr "Ej.: TiendaMaría"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:336,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1253
+msgid "Select"
+msgstr "Seleccionar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:337
+msgid "Ex: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+msgstr "Ej.: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:338
+msgid "Add plugin default params"
+msgstr "Agregar parámetros default del plugin"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:339
+msgid "Ex: 14987126498"
+msgstr "Ej.: 14987126498"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:340
+msgid "Show advanced options"
+msgstr "Ver opciones avanzadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:341
+msgid "Hide advanced options"
+msgstr "Esconder opciones avanzadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:343
+msgid ""
+"If this field is empty, the purchase will be identified as Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Si el campo queda vacío, la compra del cliente se identificará como Mercado "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:344
+msgid "In Activities, you will view this term before the order number"
+msgstr "En Actividad, verás el término ingresado antes del número o del pedido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:345
+msgid ""
+"Select \"Other categories\" if you do not find the appropriate category."
+msgstr "Seleciona ”Other categories” si no encuentras una categoría adecuada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:346
+msgid "request it now."
+msgstr "solicítalo ahora."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:360
+msgid "3. Activate and set up payment methods"
+msgstr "3. Activa y configura los medios de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:361
+msgid ""
+"Select the payment method you want to appear in your store to activate and "
+"set it up."
+msgstr ""
+"Selecciona el medio de pago que quieres que aparezca en tu tienda para "
+"activarlo y configurarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:362
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Configurar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:363
+msgid "Continue"
+msgstr "Continuar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:364
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Activado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:365
+msgid "Disabled"
+msgstr "Inactivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:366
+msgid "Configure your credentials to enable Mercado Pago payment methods."
+msgstr ""
+"Completa tus credenciales para habilitar los medios de pago Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:379,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:385
+msgid "The checkout is"
+msgstr "El checkout está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:380,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:392,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:508,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:520,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:532,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:599,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:611,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:623,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:700,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:762,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:822,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:834
+msgid "enabled"
+msgstr "activo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:386,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:398,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:514,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:526,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:538,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:605,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:617,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:629,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:706,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:768,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:828,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:840
+msgid "disabled"
+msgstr "inactivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:391,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:397,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:519,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:525,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:610,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:616,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:699,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:705,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:761,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:767,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:833,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:839
+msgid "Currency conversion is"
+msgstr "Conversión de moneda está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:403,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:409
+msgid "The buyer"
+msgstr "El comprador"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:404
+msgid "will be automatically redirected to the store"
+msgstr "será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:410
+msgid "will not be automatically redirected to the store"
+msgstr "no será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:416,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:422,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:634,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:640
+msgid "Pending payments"
+msgstr "Los pagos pendientes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:417,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:635
+msgid "will be automatically declined"
+msgstr "se rechazarán automaticamente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:423,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:641
+msgid "will not be automatically declined"
+msgstr "no se rechazarán automaticamente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:427,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:442
+msgid "Your saved cards or money available in Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:428,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:430
+msgid "Your clients finalize their payments in Mercado Pago."
+msgstr "Tus clientes finalizan sus pagos en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:429
+msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:431
+msgid "Checkout Pro"
+msgstr "Checkout Pro"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:432
+msgid ""
+"With Checkout Pro you sell with all the safety inside Mercado Pago "
+msgstr ""
+"Con el Checkout Pro, podrás vender con toda la seguridad, dentro de Mercado "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:433,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:548,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:715,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:777,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:858
+msgid "Mercado Pago plugin general settings"
+msgstr "Configuraciones generales del plugin de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:434,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:549,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:652,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:716,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:778,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:859
+msgid ""
+"Set the deadlines and fees, test your store or access the Plugin manual."
+msgstr "Ajusta tasas y plazos, testea tu tienda o accede al manual del plugin."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:435,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:550,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:653,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:717,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:779,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:860
+msgid "Go to Settings"
+msgstr "Ir a Configuraciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:436,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:654,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:861
+msgid "Enable the checkout"
+msgstr "Activar el checkout"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:437
+msgid ""
+"By disabling it, you will disable all payments from Mercado Pago Checkout at "
+"Mercado Pago website by redirect."
+msgstr ""
+"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago del checkout en el "
+"sitio web de Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:440,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:559,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:658,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:722,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:784,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:865
+msgid "Title in the store Checkout"
+msgstr "Título en el checkout de la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:441,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:659,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:723,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:785,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:866
+msgid "Change the display text in Checkout, maximum characters: 85"
+msgstr "Puedes cambiar el título dentro tu tienda. Caracteres máximos: 85"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:443,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:562,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:661,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:725,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:787,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:868
+msgid "The text inserted here will not be translated to other languages"
+msgstr "El texto insertado aquí no se traducirá a otros idiomas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:444,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:563,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:665,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:726,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:788,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:882
+msgid "Convert Currency"
+msgstr "Convertir moneda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:445,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:564,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:666,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:727,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:789,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:883
+msgid ""
+"Activate this option so that the value of the currency set in WooCommerce is "
+"compatible with the value of the currency you use in Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Activa esta opción para que el valor de la moneda configurada en WooCommerce "
+"sea compatible al valor de la moneda que usas en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:448
+msgid "Choose the payment methods you accept in your store"
+msgstr "Elige los medios de pago que se aceptan en la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:449
+msgid "Enable the payment methods available to your clients."
+msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles para tus clientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:450
+msgid "Credit Cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:451
+msgid "Debit Cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:452
+msgid "Other Payment Methods"
+msgstr "Otros medios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:453
+msgid "Maximum number of installments"
+msgstr "Máximo de cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:454
+msgid "What is the maximum quota with which a customer can buy?"
+msgstr "¿Cuál es el máximo de cuotas con las que un cliente puede comprar?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:455
+msgid "1 installment"
+msgstr "1 cuota"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:456
+msgid "2 installments"
+msgstr "2 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:457
+msgid "3 installments"
+msgstr "3 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:458
+msgid "4 installments"
+msgstr "4 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:459
+msgid "5 installments"
+msgstr "5 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:460
+msgid "6 installments"
+msgstr "6 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:461
+msgid "10 installments"
+msgstr "10 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:462
+msgid "12 installments"
+msgstr "12 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:463
+msgid "15 installments"
+msgstr "15 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:464
+msgid "18 installments"
+msgstr "18 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:465
+msgid "24 installments"
+msgstr "24 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:466,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:577
+msgid "Advanced settings"
+msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:467,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:578,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:675,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:733,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:793,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:890
+msgid ""
+"Edit these advanced fields only when you want to modify the preset values."
+msgstr ""
+"Edita estos campos avanzados solo cuando quieras modificar los valores "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:468
+msgid "Payment experience"
+msgstr "Experiencia de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:469
+msgid ""
+"Define what payment experience your customers will have, whether inside or "
+"outside your store."
+msgstr ""
+"Define qué experiencia de pago tendrán tus clientes, si dentro o fuera de tu "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:470
+msgid "Redirect"
+msgstr "Redirect"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:471
+msgid "Modal"
+msgstr "Modal"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:472
+msgid "Return to the store"
+msgstr "Volver a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:473
+msgid ""
+"Do you want your customer to automatically return to the store after payment?"
+msgstr ""
+"¿Quieres que tu cliente vuelva automáticamente a la tienda después del pago?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:30,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:31,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:245
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:476
+msgid "Success URL"
+msgstr "URL de éxito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:477
+msgid ""
+"Choose the URL that we will show your customers when they finish their "
+msgstr "Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando terminen su compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:478
+msgid "Payment URL rejected"
+msgstr "URL de pago rechazado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:479
+msgid ""
+"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when we refuse their "
+"purchase. Make sure it includes a message appropriate to the situation and "
+"give them useful information so they can solve it."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando rechacemos su compra. "
+"Asegúrate de incluir un mensaje adecuado a la situación y dales información "
+"útil para que puedan solucionarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:480
+msgid "Payment URL pending"
+msgstr "URL de pago pendiente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:481
+msgid ""
+"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when they have a payment "
+"pending approval."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando tengan un pago pendiente "
+"de aprobación."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:482,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:676
+msgid "Automatic decline of payments without instant approval"
+msgstr "Rechazo automático de pagos sin aprobación instantanea"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:483,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:677
+msgid ""
+"Enable it if you want to automatically decline payments that are not "
+"instantly approved by banks or other institutions."
+msgstr ""
+"Actívalo si quieres rechazar automáticamente los pagos que no son aprobados "
+"instantáneamente por bancos u otros compradores."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:484
+msgid "Debit, Credit and Invoice in Mercado Pago environment."
+msgstr "Débito, crédito y efectivo, en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:487,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:579,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:680,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:742,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:802,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:891
+msgid "Discount in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
+msgstr "Descuento en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:488,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:580,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:681,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:743,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:803,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:892
+msgid ""
+"Choose a percentage value that you want to discount your customers for "
+"paying with Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige un valor porcentual que quieras descontar a tus clientes por pagar con "
+"Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:489,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:492,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:581,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:584,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:682,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:685,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:744,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:747,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:804,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:807,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:893,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:896
+msgid "Activate and show this information on Mercado Pago Checkout"
+msgstr "Activar y mostrar esa información en el checkout Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:490,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:582,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:683,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:745,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:805,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:894
+msgid "Commission in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
+msgstr "Comisiones en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:491,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:583,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:684,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:746,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:806,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:895
+msgid ""
+"Choose an additional percentage value that you want to charge as commission "
+"to your customers for paying with Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige un valor porcentual adicional que quieras cobrar como comisión a tus "
+"clientes por pagar con Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:493
+msgid "This seems to be an invalid URL"
+msgstr "Esto parece ser una URL no válida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:507,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:513
+msgid "Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is"
+msgstr "“Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago” está "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:531,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:537
+msgid "The installments without card component is"
+msgstr "El componente “Compra en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta” está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:542,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:546
msgid "Installments without card"
msgstr "Financiación sin tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:32
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:543,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:545
msgid "Customers who buy on spot and pay later in up to 12 installments"
msgstr "Tus clientes pueden comprar en hasta 12 pagos mensuales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:40
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:544
msgid "Mercado Pago - Installments without card"
-msgstr "Mercado Pago - Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Financiación sin tarjeta de crédito "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:42
-msgid "Checkout without card"
-msgstr "Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:547
+msgid ""
+"Reach millions of buyers by offering Mercado Credito as a payment method. "
+"Our flexible payment options give your customers the possibility to buy "
+"today whatever they want in up to 12 installments without the need to use a "
+"credit card. For your business, the approval of the purchase is immediate "
+"and guaranteed."
+msgstr ""
+"Llega a millones de compradores ofreciéndoles Mercado Crédito como medio de "
+"pago. Nuestras opciones de pago flexibles brindan a tus clientes la "
+"posibilidad de comprar lo que quieren hoy en hasta 12 cuotas sin la "
+"necesidad de utilizar una tarjeta. Para tu negocio, la aprobación de la "
+"compra es inmediata y está garantizada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:182
-msgid "Activate installments without card in your store checkout "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:551
+msgid "Activate installments without card in your store checkout"
msgstr "Activar la opción de financiación sin tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:183
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:552
msgid ""
"Offer the option to pay in installments without card directly from your "
"store's checkout."
@@ -582,116 +1020,114 @@ msgstr ""
"Ofrece a tus clientes la opción de financiar su compra en hasta 12 pagos "
"mensuales, directo desde el checkout de tu tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:187
-msgid ""
-"Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is active"
-msgstr "“Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago” está activo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:188
-msgid ""
-"Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is inactive"
-msgstr "“Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago” está inactivo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:205
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:555
msgid "Checkout visualization"
msgstr "Visualización en el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:206,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:367
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:556,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:576
msgid "Check below how this feature will be displayed to your customers:"
msgstr "A continuación verás cómo este recurso aparecerá para tus clientes:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:207
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:557
msgid "Checkout Preview"
msgstr "Visualización en el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:208
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:558
msgid "PREVIEW"
msgstr "DEMO"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:249
-msgid ""
-"Reach millions of buyers by offering Mercado Credito as a payment method. "
-"Our flexible payment options give your customers the possibility to buy "
-"today whatever they want in up to 12 installments without the need to use a "
-"credit card."
-msgstr ""
-"Llega a millones de compradores con bajo acceso a financiación ofreciéndoles "
-"Mercado Crédito como medio de pago. Nuestras opciones de pago flexibles "
-"brindan a tus clientes la posibilidad de comprar lo que quieren en hasta "
-"12 pagos mensuales sin necesidad de utilizar una tarjeta de crédito. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:560
+msgid "It is possible to edit the title. Maximum of 85 characters."
+msgstr "Puedes cambiar el título dentro tu tienda. Caracteres máximos: 85."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:252
-msgid ""
-"For your business, the approval of the purchase is immediate and guaranteed."
-msgstr ""
-"Para tu negocio, la aprobación de la compra es inmediata y está garantizada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:561
+msgid "Checkout without card"
+msgstr "Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:311
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:567
msgid ""
"Inform your customers about the option of paying in installments without card"
msgstr ""
"Informa a tus clientes la posibilidad de financiar sus compras en hasta 12 "
"pagos sin tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:314
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:568
msgid ""
-"By activating the installments without card component, you increase "
-"your chances of selling."
-msgstr ""
-"Al activar el componente de financiación en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta de "
-"crédito, aumentarás tus posibilidades de venta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:316
-msgid "The installments without card component is active."
+"By activating the installments without card component, you increase your "
+"chances of selling."
msgstr ""
-"El componente “Compra en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta” está activo."
+"Al activar el componente de financiación en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta de "
+"crédito, aumentarás tus posibilidades de venta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:317
-msgid "The installments without card component is inactive."
-msgstr ""
-"El componente “Compra en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta” está inactivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:355,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:365
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:571
msgid "Banner on the product page | Computer version"
msgstr "Componente en la página del producto | Versión para computadora"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:356
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:572
msgid "Banner on the product page | Cellphone version"
msgstr "Componente en la página del producto | Versión para celular"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:363
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:573
msgid "Computer"
msgstr "Computadora"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:364
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:574
msgid "Mobile"
msgstr "Celular"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:366
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:575
msgid "Component visualization"
msgstr "Visualización del componente"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:41,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:42,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:52
-msgid "Debit and Credit"
-msgstr "Débito e crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:43,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:36,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:36
-msgid "Transparent Checkout in your store environment"
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente, en tu tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:598,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:604
+msgid "Transparent Checkout for credit cards is"
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente de las tarjetas de crédito está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:622,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:628
+msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are"
+msgstr "Los pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago están"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:645,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:660
+msgid "Credit and debit cards"
+msgstr "Tarjeta de crédito y débito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:646,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:648,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:711,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:773,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:853,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:855
+msgid "Payments without leaving your store with our customizable checkout"
+msgstr "Pagos sin salir de tu tienda con nuestro checkout personalizable."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:647,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:712,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:774,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:854
+msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout API"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout API"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:649
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Credit card"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Tarjeta de Crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:650
+msgid ""
+"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
+"without redirection and with the security from Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Con el Checkout Transparente, puedes vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
+"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:51,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:44,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:44
-msgid "Mercado pago - Customized Checkout"
-msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Personalizado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:651
+msgid "Mercado Pago Plugin general settings"
+msgstr "Configuraciones generales del plugin de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:154
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:655
msgid ""
"By disabling it, you will disable all credit cards payments from Mercado "
"Pago Transparent Checkout."
@@ -699,21 +1135,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago con tarjeta de crédito "
"en el Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:158
-msgid "Transparent Checkout for credit cards is enabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El Checkout Transparente de las tarjetas de crédito está activado."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:159
-msgid "Transparent checkout for credit cards is disabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El checkout transparente de las tarjetas de crédito está desactivado."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:191
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:662
msgid "Installments Fees"
msgstr "Tasas de pago en cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:192
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:663
msgid ""
"Set installment fees and whether they will be charged from the store or from "
"the buyer."
@@ -721,31 +1147,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Configura las tasas de las cuotas y si se las cobrarán a la tienda o al "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:193
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:664
msgid "Set fees"
msgstr "Configurar tasas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:218
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Credit card "
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Tarjeta de Crédito "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:222
-msgid ""
-"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
-"without redirection and with the security from Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Transparente, puedes vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
-"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:240
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the personalized payment experience"
-msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:254
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:669
msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago account"
msgstr "Pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:255
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:670
msgid ""
"Your customers pay faster with saved cards, money balance or other available "
"methods in their Mercado Pago accounts."
@@ -753,387 +1163,254 @@ msgstr ""
"Tus clientes pagan más rápido con tarjetas guardadas, dinero disponible o "
"con otros medios disponibles en sus cuentas de MP."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:259
-msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are active."
-msgstr "Los pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago están activos."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:260
-msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are inactive."
-msgstr ""
-"Los pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago están deshabilitados."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:279
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:673
msgid "Check an example of how it will appear in your store:"
msgstr "Conoce un ejemplo de cómo aparecerá en la tienda:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:310
-msgid "That’s it, payment accepted!"
-msgstr "Listo, ¡aceptamos tu pago!"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:312
-msgid ""
-"We are processing your payment. In less than an hour we will send you the "
-"result by email."
-msgstr ""
-"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de una hora le enviaremos el resultado "
-"por correo electrónico."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:314
-msgid ""
-"We are processing your payment. In less than 2 days we will send you by "
-"email if the payment has been approved or if additional information is "
-msgstr ""
-"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de 2 días le enviaremos por correo "
-"electrónico si se ha aprobado el pago o si se necesita información adicional."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:316
-msgid "Check the card number."
-msgstr "Compruebe el número de tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:318
-msgid "Check the expiration date."
-msgstr "Compruebe la fecha de expiración."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:320
-msgid "Check the information provided."
-msgstr "Compruebe la información informada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:322
-msgid "Check the informed security code."
-msgstr "Compruebe el código de seguridad informado."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:325
-msgid "Your payment cannot be processed."
-msgstr "No se puede procesar su pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:327
-msgid "You must authorize payments for your orders."
-msgstr "Usted debe autorizar los pagos de sus órdenes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:329
-msgid ""
-"Contact your card issuer to activate it. The phone is on the back of your "
-msgstr ""
-"Póngase en contacto con el emisor de su tarjeta para activarla. El teléfono "
-"se encuentra en la parte posterior de su tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:331
-msgid ""
-"You have already made a payment of this amount. If you have to pay again, "
-"use another card or other method of payment."
-msgstr ""
-"Usted ya realizó un pago de este importe. Si tiene que pagar de nuevo, "
-"utilizar otra tarjeta u otro medio de pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:333
-msgid ""
-"Your payment was declined. Please select another payment method. It is "
-"recommended in cash."
-msgstr ""
-"Su pago fue rechazado. Por favor seleccione otro medio de pago. Se "
-"recomienda en efectivo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:674
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the personalized payment experience"
+msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:335
-msgid "Your payment does not have sufficient funds."
-msgstr "Su metodo de pago no tiene fondos suficientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:710,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:724
+msgid "Invoice"
+msgstr "Efectivo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:337
-msgid "Payment cannot process the selected fee."
-msgstr "El pago no puede procesar la cuota seleccionada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:713
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Invoice or Loterica"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Efectivo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:339
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:714,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:776,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:857
msgid ""
-"You have reached the limit of allowed attempts. Choose another card or other "
-"payment method."
-msgstr ""
-"Has alcanzado el límite de intentos permitidos. Elija otra tarjeta u otro "
-"medio de pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:341,
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:204
-msgid "This payment method cannot process your payment."
-msgstr "Este medio de pago no puede procesar su pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:396
-msgid "Credit cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:397
-msgid "Up to "
-msgstr "Hasta "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:397
-msgid " installments"
-msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:404
-msgid "Debit cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:447,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:448,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:480,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:481,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:401,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:402,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:562,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:563
-msgid "A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Please, try again."
+"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
+"without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Por favor, intente otra "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:577
-msgid "See your order form"
-msgstr "Ver su hoja de pedido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:588
-msgid "Your payment was declined. You can try again."
-msgstr "Su pago fue rechazado. Puede intentarlo de nuevo."
+"Con el Checkout Transparente, podrás vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
+"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:595,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:95,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:93
-msgid "Click to try again"
-msgstr "Haga clic para intentarlo de nuevo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:718,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:780
+msgid "Enable the Checkout"
+msgstr "Activar el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:617,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:618
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:719
msgid ""
-"A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have "
-"correctly filled all information in the checkout form?"
+"By disabling it, you will disable all invoice payments from Mercado Pago "
+"Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Está seguro de haber "
-"cargado la información en el formulario?"
+"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago en efectivo en el "
+"Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:642
-msgid "Represents the installment fee charged by Mercado Pago."
-msgstr "Representa la tarifa de cuota que cobra Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:720
+msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is enabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos en efectivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:643
-msgid "Mercado Pago Installment Fee:"
-msgstr "Tarifa de cuotas de Mercado Pago:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:721
+msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is disabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos en efectivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:648
-msgid ""
-"Represents the total purchase plus the installment fee charged by Mercado "
-msgstr ""
-"Representa el total de la compra más la tarifa de cuota que cobra Mercado "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:730
+msgid "Payment Due"
+msgstr "Fecha de pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:649
-msgid "Mercado Pago Total:"
-msgstr "Total en Mercado Pago:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:731
+msgid "In how many days will cash payments expire."
+msgstr "En cuántos días vencerán los pagos en efectivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:715
-msgid "Configure your credentials to enable Mercado Pago payment methods."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:732
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the cash payment experience"
msgstr ""
-"Completa tus credenciales para habilitar los medios de pago Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:773
-msgid "Title in the store Checkout"
-msgstr "Título en el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:775
-msgid "Change the display text in Checkout, maximum characters: 85"
-msgstr "Puedes cambiar el título dentro tu tienda. Caracteres máximos: 85"
+"Configuração avançada da experiência de pagamento via boleto e em lotéricas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:777
-msgid "The text inserted here will not be translated to other languages"
-msgstr "El texto insertado aquí no se traducirá a otros idiomas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:734,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:794
+msgid "Reduce inventory"
+msgstr "Reducir inventario"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:791
-msgid "Description"
-msgstr "Descripción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:735,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:795
+msgid ""
+"Activates inventory reduction during the creation of an order, whether or "
+"not the final payment is credited. Disable this option to reduce it only "
+"when payments are approved."
+msgstr ""
+"Activa la reducción del inventario durante la creación de un pedido, se "
+"acredite o no el pago final. Desactiva esta opción para reducirlo solo "
+"cuando los pagos estén aprobados."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:828,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:840,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:347
-msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
-msgstr "¡Importante! Para vender debe introducir sus credenciales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:736,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:796
+msgid "Reduce inventory is enabled."
+msgstr "Reducir inventario está activo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:829
-msgid "You must enter production credentials."
-msgstr "Debe introducir las credenciales de producción."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:737,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:797
+msgid "Reduce inventory is disabled."
+msgstr "Reducir inventario está inactivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:830
-msgid "Enter credentials"
-msgstr "Introducir credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:739,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:799
+msgid "Enable the available payment methods"
+msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:840
-msgid "Mercado Pago Plugin general settings"
-msgstr "Configuraciones generales del plugin de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:740,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:800
+msgid "Choose the available payment methods in your store."
+msgstr "Elige los medios de pago que se aceptan en la tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:841
-msgid ""
-"Set the deadlines and fees, test your store or access the Plugin manual."
-msgstr "Ajusta tasas y plazos, testea tu tienda o accede al manual del plugin."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:741,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:801
+msgid "All payment methods"
+msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:842
-msgid "Go to Settings"
-msgstr "Ir a Configuraciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:772,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:786
+msgid "PSE"
+msgstr "PSE"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:866
-msgid "Activate your credentials to be able to sell"
-msgstr "Activa tus credenciales para poder vender"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:775
+msgid "Transparent Checkout PSE"
+msgstr "Pago transparente PSE"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:867
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:781
msgid ""
-"Credentials are codes that you must enter to enable sales. Go below on "
-"Activate Credentials. On the next screen, use again the Activate Credentials "
-"button and fill in the fields with the requested information."
+"By deactivating it, you will disable PSE payments from Mercado Pago "
+"Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-"Las credenciales son contraseñas que debes integrar para poder vender. "
-"Dirígete a Activar credenciales. En la siguiente pantalla, ve de nuevo al "
-"botón Activar credenciales y completa los campos con los datos solicitados."
+"Al desactivarlo, desactivará los pagos PSE de Mercado Pago Transparente "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:868
-msgid "Activate credentials"
-msgstr "Activar credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:782
+msgid "The transparent checkout for PSE is enabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos PSE."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:916
-msgid "By disabling it, you will disable all payment methods of this checkout."
-msgstr "Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago del checkout."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:783
+msgid "The transparent checkout for PSE is disabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos PSE."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1029
-msgid "Basic Configuration"
-msgstr "Configuración Básica"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:792
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the PSE payment experience"
+msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia de pago PSE"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1042
-msgid "Discount coupons"
-msgstr "Cupones de descuento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:821,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:827
+msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is"
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1045
-msgid "Will you offer discount coupons to customers who buy with Mercado Pago?"
-msgstr ""
-"¿Ofrecerás cupones de descuento a los clientes que compren con Mercado Pago?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:845
+msgid "Go to the"
+msgstr "Ve al área"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1047
-msgid "Discount coupons is active."
-msgstr "Cupones de descuento están activos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:846
+msgid "Your Profile"
+msgstr "Tu Perfil"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1048
-msgid "Discount coupons is disabled."
-msgstr "Cupones de descuento están inactivos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:847
+msgid "area and choose the"
+msgstr "y elige la sección"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1060
-msgid "Automatic decline of payments without instant approval"
-msgstr "Rechazo automático de pagos sin aprobación instantanea"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:848
+msgid "Your Pix Keys section"
+msgstr "Tus claves Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:852,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:867
+msgid "Pix"
+msgstr "Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1061
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:856
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Pix"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:862
msgid ""
-"Enable it if you want to automatically decline payments that are not "
-"instantly approved by banks or other institutions. "
+"By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago "
+"Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-"Actívalo si quieres rechazar automáticamente los pagos que no son aprobados "
-"instantáneamente por bancos u otros compradores. "
+"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago con tarjeta de crédito "
+"en el Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1065
-msgid "Pending payments will be automatically declined."
-msgstr "Los pagos pendientes se rechazarán automaticamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:869
+msgid "Expiration for payments via Pix"
+msgstr "Vencimiento para pagos con Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1066
-msgid "Pending payments will not be automatically declined."
-msgstr "Los pagos pendientes no se rechazarán automaticamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:870
+msgid "Set the limit in minutes for your clients to pay via Pix."
+msgstr ""
+"Define el límite de minutos para que tus clientes puedan pagar con Pix."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1078
-msgid "Discount in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
-msgstr "Descuento en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:871
+msgid "15 minutes"
+msgstr "15 minutos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1081
-msgid ""
-"Choose a percentage value that you want to discount your customers for "
-"paying with Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Elige un valor porcentual que quieras descontar a tus clientes por pagar con "
-"Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:872
+msgid "30 minutes (recommended)"
+msgstr "30 minutos (recomendado)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1082,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1103
-msgid "Activate and show this information on Mercado Pago Checkout"
-msgstr "Activar y mostrar esa información en el checkout Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:873
+msgid "60 minutes"
+msgstr "60 minutos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1099
-msgid "Commission in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
-msgstr "Comisiones en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:874
+msgid "12 hours"
+msgstr "12 horas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1102
-msgid ""
-"Choose an additional percentage value that you want to charge as commission "
-"to your customers for paying with Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Elige un valor porcentual adicional que quieras cobrar como comisión a tus "
-"clientes por pagar con Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:875
+msgid "24 hours"
+msgstr "24 horas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1139
-msgid "Convert Currency"
-msgstr "Convertir moneda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:876
+msgid "2 days"
+msgstr "2 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1144
-msgid "Currency convertion is enabled."
-msgstr "Conversión de moneda está activa."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:877
+msgid "3 days"
+msgstr "3 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1145
-msgid "Currency convertion is disabled."
-msgstr "Conversión de moneda está inactiva."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:878
+msgid "4 days"
+msgstr "4 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1262
-msgid ""
-"Edit these advanced fields only when you want to modify the preset values."
-msgstr ""
-"Edita estos campos avanzados solo cuando quieras modificar los valores "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:879
+msgid "5 days"
+msgstr "5 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:34,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:35,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:45
-msgid "Pix"
-msgstr "Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:880
+msgid "6 days"
+msgstr "6 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:881
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr "7 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:886
+msgid "Would you like to know how Pix works?"
+msgstr "¿Quieres saber cómo funciona Pix?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:204
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:887
msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago "
-"Transparent Checkout."
-msgstr ""
-"Al desactivar, desabilitarás lo medios de pago con Pix en el Checkout "
-"Transparente de Mercado Pago."
+"We have a dedicated page where we explain how it works and its advantages."
+msgstr "Creamos una página que explica su funcionamiento y sus vantajas."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:208
-msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is enabled."
-msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos por Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:888
+msgid "Find out more about Pix"
+msgstr "Saber más sobre Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:209
-msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is disabled."
-msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos por Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:889
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the Pix experience"
+msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:224
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:897
msgid "To activate Pix, you must have a key registered in Mercado Pago."
msgstr "Para activar el Pix, debes tener una clave registrada en Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:225
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:898
msgid "Download the Mercado Pago app on your cell phone."
msgstr "Descarga la app de Mercado Pago en tu móvil."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:226
-msgid "Go to the "
-msgstr "Ve al área "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:227
-msgid "area and choose the "
-msgstr "y elige la sección "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:228
-msgid "Your Profile "
-msgstr "Tu Perfil "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:229
-msgid "Your Pix Keys section."
-msgstr "Tus claves Pix."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:230
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:900
msgid ""
"Choose which data to register as Pix keys. After registering, you can set up "
"Pix in your checkout."
@@ -1141,7 +1418,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Elige qué datos registrar como claves PIX. Luego de registrarte, podrás "
"configurar el Pix en tu checkout."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:231
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:901
msgid ""
"Remember that, for the time being, the Central Bank of Brazil is open Monday "
"through Friday, from 9am to 6pm."
@@ -1149,7 +1426,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Recuerda que, por el momento, el Banco Central de Brasil está abierto de "
"lunes a viernes, de 9 a 18 horas."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:902
msgid ""
"If you requested your registration outside these hours, we will confirm it "
"within the next business day."
@@ -1157,12 +1434,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Si has solicitado tu registro fuera de este horario, te lo confirmaremos en "
"el siguiente día hábil."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:233,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:328
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:903
msgid "Learn more about Pix"
msgstr "Más información sobre Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:234
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:904
msgid ""
"If you have already registered a Pix key at Mercado Pago and cannot activate "
"Pix in the checkout, "
@@ -1170,285 +1446,271 @@ msgstr ""
"Si ya has registrado una clave Pix en Mercado Pago y no puedes activar Pix "
"en el checkout, "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:235
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:905
msgid "click here."
msgstr "haz clic aquí."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:260
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Pix"
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:919
+msgid "To enable test mode"
+msgstr "Para activar el modo de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:264
-msgid ""
-"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
-"without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago. "
-msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Transparente, podrás vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
-"redireccionamientos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:921
+msgid "copy your test credentials"
+msgstr "copia tus credenciales de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:281
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the Pix experience"
-msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:922
+msgid "and paste them above in section 1 of this page"
+msgstr "y pégalas en la sección 1 de esta página"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:294
-msgid "15 minutes"
-msgstr "15 minutos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:927
+msgid "Create your"
+msgstr "Crea tu"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:295
-msgid "30 minutes (recommended)"
-msgstr "30 minutos (recomendado)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:929
+msgid "test user"
+msgstr "usuario de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:296
-msgid "60 minutes"
-msgstr "60 minutes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:930
+msgid ""
+"(Optional. Can be used in Production Mode and Test Mode, to test payments)"
+msgstr ""
+"(Opcional. Se puede utilizar en modo de producción y en modo de prueba, para "
+"probar los pagos)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:297
-msgid "12 hours"
-msgstr "12 horas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:936
+msgid "Use our test cards"
+msgstr "Utiliza nuestras tarjetas de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:298
-msgid "24 hours"
-msgstr "24 horas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:937
+msgid "never use real cards"
+msgstr "nunca utilices tarjetas reales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:299
-msgid "2 days"
-msgstr "2 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:943
+msgid "Visit your store"
+msgstr "Visita tu tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:300
-msgid "3 days"
-msgstr "3 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:944
+msgid "to test purchases"
+msgstr "para testear compras"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:301
-msgid "4 days"
-msgstr "4 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:948
+msgid "4. Test your store before you start to sell"
+msgstr "4. Testea tu tienda antes de empezar a vender"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:302
-msgid "5 days"
-msgstr "5 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:949
+msgid "Choose how you want to operate your store:"
+msgstr "Elige cómo quieres operar tu tienda:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:303
-msgid "6 days"
-msgstr "6 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:950
+msgid "Test Mode"
+msgstr "Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:304
-msgid "7 days"
-msgstr "7 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:951
+msgid "Sale Mode (Production)"
+msgstr "Modo Ventas (Producción)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:308
-msgid "Expiration for payments via Pix"
-msgstr "Vencimiento para pagos con Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:952
+msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Production Mode"
+msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Produción"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:310
-msgid "Set the limit in minutes for your clients to pay via Pix."
-msgstr ""
-"Define el límite de minutos para que tus clientes puedan pagar con Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:953
+msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:325
-msgid "Want to learn how Pix works?"
-msgstr "¿Quieres saber cómo funciona el Pix?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:954
+msgid "Enter test credentials"
+msgstr "Ingresa las credenciales de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:326
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:955
msgid ""
-"We have created a page to explain how this new payment method works and its "
+"Select “Test Mode” if you want to try the payment experience before you "
+"start to sell or “Sales Mode” (Production) to start now."
msgstr ""
-"Creamos una página para explicar cómo funciona este nuevo medio de pago y "
-"sus ventajas."
+"Selecciona Modo Test si deseas probar la experiencia de pago antes de "
+"empezar a vender o Modo Ventas (Producción) para empezar a vender ahora."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:347
-msgid "Would you like to know how Pix works?"
-msgstr "¿Quieres saber cómo funciona Pix?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:956
+msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts disabled for real collections."
+msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago inactivos para cobros reales."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:348
-msgid ""
-"We have a dedicated page where we explain how it works and its advantages."
-msgstr "Creamos una página que explica su funcionamiento y sus vantajas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:957
+msgid "Test Mode rules."
+msgstr "Reglas del modo test."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:349
-msgid "Find out more about Pix"
-msgstr "Saber más sobre Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:958
+msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts enabled for real collections."
+msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago activos para cobros reales."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:493
-msgid "A problem occurred when processing your payment. Please try again."
-msgstr ""
-"Un problema se produjo al procesar su pago. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:959
+msgid "The clients can make real purchases in your store."
+msgstr "Los clientes pueden hacer compras reales en tu tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:478,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:547
-msgid ""
-"A problem occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have "
-"correctly filled in all the information on the checkout form?"
-msgstr ""
-"Un problema se produjo al procesar su pago. ¿Esta seguro que ha rellenado "
-"correctamente toda la información en el formulario de checkout?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:964
+msgid "Store in sale mode (Production)"
+msgstr "Tienda en Modo Ventas (Producción)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:456,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:522
-msgid "The customer has not paid yet."
-msgstr "El cliente no ha pagado todavía."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:965
+msgid "Store under test"
+msgstr "Tienda en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:966
+msgid "Save changes"
+msgstr "Guardar cambios"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:461
-msgid "Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase."
-msgstr "Ahora sólo tiene que pagar con Pix para finalizar su compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:978
+msgid "Store business fields are valid"
+msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda son válidos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:462
-msgid ""
-"Scan the QR code below or copy and paste the code into your bank's "
-msgstr ""
-"Escanee el código QR a continuación o copie y pegue el código en la "
-"aplicación de su banco."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:979
+msgid "Store business fields could not be validated"
+msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda no se pudieron validar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:563
-msgid ""
-"Please note that to receive payments via Pix at our checkout, you must have "
-"a Pix key registered in your Mercado Pago account."
-msgstr ""
-"Ten en cuenta que para recibir pagos a través de Pix en nuestro checkout, "
-"debes tener una clave Pix registrada en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:980
+msgid "At least one payment method is enabled"
+msgstr "Al menos un método de pago está habilitado"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:564
-msgid "Register your Pix key at Mercado Pago."
-msgstr "Registra tu clave Pix en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:981
+msgid "No payment method enabled"
+msgstr "Ningún método de pago habilitado"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:614,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:148
-msgid "Code valid for "
-msgstr "Código válido por "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:982
+msgid "Credentials fields are valid"
+msgstr "Los campos de la credencial son válidos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:34,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:35,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:45
-msgid "Invoice"
-msgstr "Efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:983
+msgid "Credentials fields could not be validated"
+msgstr "No se pudieron validar los campos de credenciales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:198
-msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all invoice payments from Mercado Pago "
-"Transparent Checkout."
-msgstr ""
-"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago en efectivo en el "
-"Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:995
+msgid "Valid Public Key"
+msgstr "Public key válida"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:202
-msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is enabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos en efectivo o en "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:996
+msgid "Invalid Public Key"
+msgstr "Public key no válida"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:203
-msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is disabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos en efectivo o en "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:997
+msgid "Valid Access Token"
+msgstr "Access token válido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:218
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Invoice or Loterica"
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:998
+msgid "Invalid Access Token"
+msgstr "Access token no válido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:222
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1010
+msgid "Credentials were updated"
+msgstr "Se actualizaron las credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1011
msgid ""
-"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
-"without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago."
+"Your store has exited Test Mode and is making real sales in Production Mode."
msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Transparente, podrás vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
-"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
+"Ahora su tienda está fuera del modo de prueba y está realizando ventas "
+"reales en el modo de producción."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:239
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the cash payment experience"
-msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia de pago en efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1012
+msgid "To test the store, re-enter both test credentials."
+msgstr "Para probar la tienda, vuelva a ingresar ambas credenciales de prueba."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:252
-msgid "Reduce inventory"
-msgstr "Reducir inventario"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1013
+msgid "Invalid credentials"
+msgstr "Credenciales no válidas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:255
-msgid ""
-"Activates inventory reduction during the creation of an order, whether or "
-"not the final payment is credited. Disable this option to reduce it only "
-"when payments are approved."
-msgstr ""
-"Activa la reducción del inventario durante la creación de un pedido, se "
-"acredite o no el pago final. Desactiva esta opción para reducirlo solo "
-"cuando los pagos estén aprobados."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1014
+msgid "See our manual to learn"
+msgstr "Consulte nuestro manual para saber"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:257
-msgid "Reduce inventory is enabled."
-msgstr "Reducir inventario está activo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1015
+msgid "how to enter the credentials the right way."
+msgstr "como ingresar las credenciales de forma correcta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:258
-msgid "Reduce inventory is disabled."
-msgstr "Reducir inventario está inactivo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1016
+msgid " for test mode"
+msgstr " para el modo de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:270
-msgid "Payment Due"
-msgstr "Vencimiento del pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1028
+msgid "Store information is valid"
+msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:272
-msgid "In how many days will cash payments expire."
-msgstr "En cuántos días caducarán los pagos en efectivo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1041
+msgid "Attention:"
+msgstr "Atención:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:292
-msgid "Enable the available payment methods"
-msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1042
+msgid ""
+"The currency settings you have in WooCommerce are not compatible with the "
+"currency you use in your Mercado Pago account. Please activate the currency "
+msgstr ""
+"La configuración de moneda que tienes en WooCommerce no es compatible con la "
+"moneda que usas en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago. Activa la conversión de moneda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:294
-msgid "Choose the available payment methods in your store."
-msgstr "Selecciona los medios de pago disponibles en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1045
+msgid "We are converting your currency from: "
+msgstr "Ahora convertimos tu moneda de: "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:298
-msgid "All payment methods"
-msgstr "Todos los medios de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1061
+msgid "to "
+msgstr "a "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1072
+msgid "Payment status on Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Estado de pago en el Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:458,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:486
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1073
msgid ""
-"There was a problem processing your payment. Are you sure you have correctly "
-"filled out all the information on the payment form?"
+"This is the payment status of your Mercado Pago Activities. To check the "
+"order status, please refer to Order details."
msgstr ""
-"Se produjo un problema al procesar su pago. ¿Está seguro de que ha llenado "
-"correctamente toda la información en el formulario de pago?"
+"Este es el estado del pago de las Actividades de tu Mercado Pago. Para "
+"consultar el estado del pedido, consulta en Detalles del Pedido."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:451,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:479
-msgid "Your document data is invalid"
-msgstr "Los datos de su documento no son válidos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1074,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1076
+msgid "View purchase details at Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Ver detalles de compra en Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:527
-msgid "To print the ticket again click"
-msgstr "Para imprimir nuevamente el ticket hace clic"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1075,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1077,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1079
+msgid "Sync order status"
+msgstr "Sincronizar el estado del pedido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:530
-msgid "here"
-msgstr "aquí"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1078
+msgid "Consult the reasons for refusal"
+msgstr "Consultar motivos de rechazo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:659
-msgid " and "
-msgstr " y "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1080
+msgid "Order update successfully. This page will be reloaded..."
+msgstr "Actualización del pedido con éxito. Esta página será recargada…"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1081
+msgid "Unable to update order:"
+msgstr "No se puede actualizar el pedido:"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:113
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1082
msgid "Payment made"
msgstr "Pago realizado"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:114
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1083
msgid "Payment made by the buyer and already credited in the account."
msgstr ""
"El pago realizado por el comprador y que ya está acreditado en la cuenta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:117
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1084
msgid "Call resolved"
msgstr "Llamado resuelto"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:118,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:218
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1085,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1135
msgid "Please contact Mercado Pago for further details."
msgstr "Contacta a Mercado Pago para saber más detalles."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:121
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1086
msgid "Payment refunded"
msgstr "Pago devuelto"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:122
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1087
msgid ""
"Your refund request has been made. Please contact Mercado Pago for further "
@@ -1456,59 +1718,59 @@ msgstr ""
"Tu pedido de reebolso ya fue realizado. Contacta a Mercado Pago para saber "
"más detalles."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:125,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:129
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1088,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1090
msgid "Payment returned"
msgstr "Pago devuelto"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:126
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1089
msgid "The payment has been returned to the client."
msgstr "El pago ya fue devuelto al cliente."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:130
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1091
msgid "The payment has been partially returned to the client."
msgstr "El pago ya fue devuelto parcialmente al cliente."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:133
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1092
msgid "Payment canceled"
msgstr "Pago cancelado"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:134
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1093
msgid "The payment has been successfully canceled."
msgstr "El pago fue cancelado con éxito."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:137
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1094
msgid "Purchase canceled"
msgstr "Compra cancelada"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:138
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1095
msgid "The payment has been canceled by the customer."
msgstr "El pago fue cancelado por el cliente."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:141,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:145,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:149,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:153,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:157,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:173,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:177,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:181,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:185,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:189,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:193,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:197,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:307
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1096,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1098,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1100,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1102,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1104,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1112,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1114,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1116,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1118,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1120,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1122,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1124,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1179
msgid "Pending payment"
msgstr "Cobro pendiente"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:142,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:146,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:150,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:154
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1097,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1099,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1101,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1103
msgid "Awaiting payment from the buyer."
msgstr "Esperando el pago del comprador."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:158
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1105
msgid ""
"We are veryfing the payment. We will notify you by email in up to 6 hours if "
"everything is fine so that you can deliver the product or provide the "
@@ -1517,72 +1779,48 @@ msgstr ""
"Estamos revisando el pago. En menos de 6 horas te avisaremos por e-mail si "
"está todo bien para que puedas entregar el producto o brindar el servicio."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:161,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:201,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:205,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:209,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:213,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:225,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:229,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:233,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:237,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:241,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:245,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:249,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:255,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:259,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:263,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:267,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:271,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:275,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:279,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:283,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:287,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:291,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:295,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:299,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:303,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:315,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:321,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:325
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1106,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1130,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1146,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1165,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1169,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1171,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1173,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1177
msgid "Declined payment"
msgstr "Cobro rechazado"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:162,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:206,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:210,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:214,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:226,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:246,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:256
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1107,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1131
msgid ""
"The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please ask your client to use "
"another card or to get in touch with the bank."
msgstr ""
"El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago. Pedile a tu cliente que use "
-"otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
+"“otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:165
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1108
msgid "Payment authorized. Awaiting capture."
msgstr "Pago autorizado. Esperando captura."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:166
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1109
msgid ""
"The payment has been authorized on the client's card. Please capture the "
msgstr ""
"Ya se autorizó el pago en la tarjeta del cliente. Haz la captura del pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:169
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1110
msgid "Payment in process"
msgstr "Pago en proceso"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:170,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:190
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1111,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1121
msgid "Please wait or contact Mercado Pago for further details"
msgstr "Espera o contacta a Mercado Pago para saber más detalles"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:174
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1113
msgid ""
"The bank is reviewing the payment. As soon as we have their confirmation, we "
"will notify you via email so that you can deliver the product or provide the "
@@ -1591,1438 +1829,928 @@ msgstr ""
"El banco está revisando el pago. Te avisaremos por e-mail cuando esté "
"confirmado para que puedas entregar el producto o brindar el servicio."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:178,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:182,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:186
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1115,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1117,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1119
msgid "Awaiting payment information validation."
-msgstr "Esperando validación de los datos de pago.."
+msgstr "Esperando validación de los datos de pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:194
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1123
msgid "Waiting for the buyer."
msgstr "Esperando al comprador."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:198
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1125
msgid "Waiting for the card issuer."
-msgstr "Espererando al emisor de la tarjeta.."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:202
-msgid ""
-"The payment could not be processed. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"El pago no fue procesado por el banco. Pídele a tu cliente que use otro "
-"medio de pago o que se contacte con el banco."
+msgstr "Espererando al emisor de la tarjeta."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1126,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1128,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1132,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1153,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1175
+msgid "The card issuing bank declined the payment"
+msgstr "El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1127,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1129,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1133,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1154,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1176
+msgid ""
+"Please recommend your customer to pay with another payment method or to "
+"contact their bank."
+msgstr ""
+"Recomiéndale a tu cliente que pague con otro medio de pago o que se "
+"comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:217
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1134
msgid "Mercado Pago did not process the payment"
msgstr "Mercado Pago no procesó el pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:221,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:311
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1136,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1181
msgid "Expired payment deadline"
msgstr "Venció el plazo para el pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:222,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:312
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1137,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1182
msgid "The client did not pay within the time limit."
-msgstr "El cliente no pagó dentro del límite de tiempo.."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:230
-msgid ""
-"The CVV is invalid. Please ask your client to review the details or use "
-"another card."
-msgstr ""
-"El código de seguridad de la tarjeta es inválido. Revisá los datos que "
-"ingresaste o pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:234
-msgid ""
-"The card is expired. Please ask your client to use another card or to "
-"contact the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta está vencida. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se "
-"comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:238,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:284,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:288
-msgid ""
-"This payment was declined because it did not pass Mercado Pago security "
-"controls. Please ask your client to use another card."
-msgstr ""
-"Rechazamos este pago porque no pasó los controles de seguridad de Mercado "
-"Pago. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:242,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:280
-msgid ""
-"The buyer is suspended in our platform. Your client must contact us to check "
-"what happened."
-msgstr ""
-"El comprador está suspendido en Mercado Pago. Tu cliente debe comunicarse "
-"con nosotros para ver qué pasó."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:251
-msgid ""
-"The card does not have enough limit. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta no tiene límite disponible. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:252
-msgid ""
-"The card does not have sufficient balance. Please ask your client to use "
-"another card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta no tiene fondos suficientes. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:260
-msgid ""
-"The CVV was entered incorrectly several times. Please ask your client to use "
-"another card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ingresó varias veces mal el código de seguridad de la tarjeta. Pedile a "
-"tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:264
-msgid ""
-"The card does not allow the number of installments entered. Please ask your "
-"client to choose another installment plan or to use another card."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta no acepta la cantidad de cuotas ingresadas. Pedile a tu cliente "
-"que elija otro plan de cuotas o que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:268
-msgid ""
-"The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client to "
-"ask the bank to authotize it or to use another card."
-msgstr ""
-"El banco emisor de la tarjeta no autorizó el pago. Pedile a tu cliente que "
-"se contacte con el banco para autorizarlo o que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:272
-msgid ""
-"From Mercado Pago we have detected that this payment has already been made "
-"before. If that is not the case, your client may try to pay again."
-msgstr ""
-"Desde Mercado Pago detectamos que este pago ya se hizo anteriormente. Si no "
-"es así, tu cliente puede intentarlo de nuevo."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:276
-msgid ""
-"The card is not active yet. Please ask your client to use another card or to "
-"get in touch with the bank to activate it."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta aún no está habilitada. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta "
-"o que se comunique con su banco para activarla."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:292
-msgid ""
-"The amount exceeded the card limit. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:296,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:300,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:304
-msgid ""
-"Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the card "
-msgstr ""
-"Pídele a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con el emisor de "
-"la tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:308
-msgid ""
-"The amount exceeded the card's limit. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:317
-msgid ""
-"The credit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client "
-"that it is possible to pay with debit or to use another one."
-msgstr ""
-"La función crédito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente que "
-"puede pagar con la función débito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que use otra."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:318
-msgid ""
-"The debit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client that "
-"it is possible to pay with credit or to use another one."
-msgstr ""
-"La función débito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente que "
-"puede pagar con la función crédito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que use otra."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:322
-msgid ""
-"The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client to "
-"ask the bank to authorize it."
-msgstr ""
-"El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago. Pídele a tu cliente que se "
-"comunique con el banco para autorizar el pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:326
-msgid ""
-"The buyer does not have enough balance to make the purchase. Please ask your "
-"client to deposit money to the Mercado Pago Account or to use a different "
-"payment method."
-msgstr ""
-"El cliente no tiene suficiente saldo en la cuenta para realizar la compra. "
-"Pídele a tu cliente que cargue saldo en Mercado Pago o que use otro medio de "
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:329
-msgid "There was an error"
-msgstr "Hubo un error"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:330
-msgid "The transaction could not be completed."
-msgstr "No fue posible completar la transacción."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:413
-msgid "Payment status on Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Estado de pago en el Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:473,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:485
-msgid "View purchase details at Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Ver detalles de compra en Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:474,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:486,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:498
-msgid "Sync order status"
-msgstr "Sincronizar el estado del pedido"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:497
-msgid "Check the reasons why the purchase was declined."
-msgstr "Consulta los motivos del rechazo de tu compra."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:606
-msgid "Order update successfully. This page will be reloaded..."
-msgstr "Actualización del pedido con éxito. Esta página será recargada…"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:610
-msgid "Unable to update order: "
-msgstr "No se puede actualizar el pedido: "
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:126
-msgid "See WooCommerce"
-msgstr "Ver WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:124
-msgid "Install WooCommerce"
-msgstr "Instalar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:121
-msgid "Activate WooCommerce"
-msgstr "Activar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:137
-msgid "do you have a minute to share your experience with our plugin?"
-msgstr "¿tienes un minuto para compartir tu experiencia con nuestro plugin?"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:140
-msgid ""
-"Your opinion is very important so that we can offer you the best possible "
-"payment solution and continue to improve."
-msgstr ""
-"Tu opinión es muy importante para poder ofrecerte la mejor solución de pagos "
-"posible y seguir mejorando."
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:149
-msgid "Rate the plugin"
-msgstr "Valorar el plugin"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:151
-msgid "Enable payments via Mercado Pago account"
-msgstr "Pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:154
-msgid ""
-"When you enable this function, your customers pay faster using their Mercado "
-"Pago accounts.The approval rate of these payments in your store can be "
-"25% higher compared to other payment methods."
-msgstr ""
-"Con esta función activa, tus clientes pagan más rápido usando su cuenta de "
-"Mercado Pago.La tasa de aprobación de estos pagos en tu tienda puede "
-"ser un 25% mayor en comparación con otros medios de pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:163
-msgid "Activate"
-msgstr "Activar"
-#: ../../includes/admin/views/html-admin-alert-frame.php:34,
-#: ../../includes/admin/views/html-admin-alert-woocommerce-miss.php:30
-msgid "Discard"
-msgstr "Descartar"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:141
-msgid "Mercado Pago Settings"
-msgstr "Configuración de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:196
-msgid "Accept "
-msgstr "Acepta "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:197
-msgid "payments on the spot "
-msgstr "pagos al instante "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:198
-msgid "with"
-msgstr "con toda"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:199
-msgid "the "
-msgstr "la "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:200
-msgid "security "
-msgstr "seguridad "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:201
-msgid "from Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:202
-msgid "Technical requirements"
-msgstr "Requisitos técnicos"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:203
-msgid "SSL"
-msgstr "SSL"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:204
-msgid "GD Extensions"
-msgstr "Extensiones GD"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:205
-msgid "Curl"
-msgstr "Curl"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:206
-msgid ""
-"Implementation responsible for transmitting data to Mercado Pago in a secure "
-"and encrypted way."
-msgstr ""
-"Implementación responsable de transmitir los datos a Mercado Pago de forma "
-"segura y encriptada."
+msgstr "El cliente no pagó dentro del límite de tiempo."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:207
-msgid ""
-"These extensions are responsible for the implementation and operation of Pix "
-"in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"Extensiones responsables de la aplicación y el funcionamiento de Pix en su "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1138,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1140,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1142,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1183
+msgid "Your customer entered one or more incorrect card details"
+msgstr "Tu cliente ingresó uno o más datos de la tarjeta de forma incorrecta"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:208
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1139,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1141,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1143,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1184,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1185
msgid ""
-"It is an extension responsible for making payments via requests from the "
-"plugin to Mercado Pago."
+"Please ask them to enter to enter them again exactly as they appear on the "
+"card or on their bank app to complete the payment."
msgstr ""
-"Es una extensión encargada de realizar los pagos a través de requests del "
-"plugin a Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:209
-msgid "Collections and installments"
-msgstr "Cobros y cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:210
-msgid "Choose "
-msgstr "Elige "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:211
-msgid "when you want to receive the money "
-msgstr "cuándo quieres recibir el dinero "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:212
-msgid "from your sales and if you want to offer "
-msgstr "de las ventas y si quieres ofrecer "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:213
-msgid "interest-free installments "
-msgstr "cuotas sin interés"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:214
-msgid "to your clients."
-msgstr "a los clientes."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:215
-msgid "Set deadlines and fees"
-msgstr "Ajustar plazos y tasas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:216,
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:124
-msgid "Questions? "
-msgstr "¿Tienes dudas?"
+"Pídele que vuelva a ingresarlos tal como figuran en la tarjeta o en la app "
+"de su banco para finalizar el pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:217
-msgid "Review the step-by-step of "
-msgstr "Revisa el paso a paso de "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1144,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1167
+msgid "We protected you from a suspicious payment"
+msgstr "Te protegimos de un pago sospechoso"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:218
-msgid "how to integrate the Mercado Pago Plugin "
-msgstr "cómo integrar el Plugin de Mercado Pago "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1145
+msgid "For safety reasons, this transaction cannot be completed."
+msgstr "Por motivos de seguridad, esta transacción no podrá ser finalizada."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:219
-msgid "on our webiste for developers."
-msgstr "en nuestro sitio de desarrolladores."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1147,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1166
+msgid ""
+"The buyer is suspended in our platform. Your client must contact us to check "
+"what happened."
+msgstr ""
+"El comprador está suspendido en Mercado Pago. Tu cliente debe comunicarse "
+"con nosotros para ver qué pasó."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:231
-msgid "1. Integrate your store with Mercado Pago "
-msgstr "1. Integra la tienda a Mercado Pago "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1148
+msgid "For safety reasons, the card issuing bank declined the payment"
+msgstr "Por seguridad, el banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1149,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1168
msgid ""
-"To enable orders, you must create and activate production credentials in "
-"your Mercado Pago Account. "
+"Recommend your customer to pay with their usual payment method and device "
+"for online purchases."
msgstr ""
-"Para habilitar las ventas, debes crear y activar las credenciales de "
-"producción en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago. "
+"Recomiéndale a tu cliente que pague con el medio de pago y dispositivo que "
+"suele usar para compras online."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:233
-msgid "Copy and paste the credentials below."
-msgstr "Copia y pega tus credenciales a continuación."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1150
+msgid "Your customer's credit card has no available limit"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de crédito de tu cliente no tiene límite disponible"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:234
-msgid "Check credentials"
-msgstr "Consultar credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1151,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1152,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1156
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to pay with another card or to choose another payment method."
+msgstr "Pídele que pague con otra tarjeta o que elija otro medio de pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:235
-msgid "Test credentials "
-msgstr "Credenciales de prueba "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1155
+msgid "Your customer reached the limit of payment attempts with this card"
+msgstr "Tu cliente alcanzó el límite de intentos de pago con la tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:236
-msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts for test purchases in the store."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1157
+msgid ""
+"Your customer's card does not accept the number of installments selected"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de tu cliente no acepta la cantidad de pagos que seleccionó"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1158
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to choose a different number of installments or to pay with "
+"another method."
msgstr ""
-"Habilitan a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para pruebas de compras en la "
+"Pídele que elija una cantidad de pagos diferente o que use con otro medio."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:237
-msgid "Public key"
-msgstr "Public key"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1159,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1186
+msgid "Your customer needs to authorize the payment through their bank"
+msgstr "Tu cliente necesita autorizar el pago con su banco"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:238
-msgid "Access Token"
-msgstr "Access Token"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1160,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1187
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to call the telephone number on their card or to pay with "
+"another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Pídele que llame al teléfono que está en la tarjeta o que pague con otro "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:239
-msgid "Production credentials"
-msgstr "Credenciales de producción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1161
+msgid ""
+"The payment was declined because your customer already paid for this purchase"
+msgstr "El pago fue rechazado porque tu cliente ya pagó esta compra"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:240
-msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts to receive real payments in the store."
-msgstr ""
-"Habilitan a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para recibir pagos reales en "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1162
+msgid "Check your approved payments to verify it."
+msgstr "Revisa tu cobros aprobados para verificarlo."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:241
-msgid "Paste your Public Key here"
-msgstr "Pega aquí tu Public Key"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1163
+msgid "Your customer's card was is not activated yet"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de tu cliente aún no está habilitada"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:242
-msgid "Paste your Access Token here"
-msgstr "Pega aquí tu Access Token"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1164
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to contact their bank by calling the number on the back of "
+"their card or to pay with another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Pídele que se comunique con su banco al número que está en el dorso de la "
+"tarjeta o que pague con otro medio."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:243,
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:280
-msgid "Save and continue"
-msgstr "Guardar y continuar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1170
+msgid ""
+"This payment was declined because it did not pass Mercado Pago security "
+"controls. Please ask your client to use another card."
+msgstr ""
+"Rechazamos este pago porque no pasó los controles de seguridad de Mercado "
+"Pago. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:254
-msgid "2. Customize your business"
-msgstr "2. Personaliza tu negocio"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1172
+msgid ""
+"The amount exceeded the card limit. Please ask your client to use another "
+"card or to get in touch with the bank."
+msgstr ""
+"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
+"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:255
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1174,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1178
msgid ""
-"Fill out the following information to have a better experience and offer "
-"more information to your clients"
+"Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the card "
msgstr ""
-"Completa los siguientes datos para tener una mejor experiencia y ofrecer más "
-"información a los clientes"
+"Pídele a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con el emisor de "
+"la tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:256
-msgid "Your store information"
-msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1180
+msgid ""
+"The amount exceeded the card's limit. Please ask your client to use another "
+"card or to get in touch with the bank."
+msgstr ""
+"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
+"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:257
-msgid "Name of your store in your client's invoice"
-msgstr "Nombre de tu tienda en la factura de los clientes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1188
+msgid "Your customer's debit card has insufficient funds"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de débito de tu cliente no tiene saldo suficiente"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:258
-msgid "Eg: Mary's store"
-msgstr "Ej.: TiendaMaría"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1189
+msgid ""
+"Please recommend your customer to pay with another card or to choose another "
+"payment method."
+msgstr "Pídele que pague con otra tarjeta o que elige otro medio de pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1190
+msgid "Something went wrong and the payment was declined"
+msgstr "El pago fue rechazado porque hubo un error"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:259
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1191
msgid ""
-"If this field is empty, the purchase will be identified as Mercado Pago."
+"Please recommend you customer to try again or to pay with another payment "
msgstr ""
-"Si el campo queda vacío, la compra del cliente se identificará como Mercado "
+"Recomiéndale a tu cliente que intente nuevamente o pague con otro medio de "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:260
-msgid "Identification in Activities of Mercad Pago"
-msgstr "Identificación en Actividad de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1204
+msgid "Any questions?"
+msgstr "¿Tienes dudas? "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:261
-msgid "Eg: Marystore"
-msgstr "Ej.: Tienda de María"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1205
+msgid "Please check the"
+msgstr "Revisa las"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:262
-msgid "In Activities, you will view this term before the order number"
-msgstr "En Actividad verás el término ingresado antes del número o del pedido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1206,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1222
+msgid "FAQs"
+msgstr "preguntas frecuentes"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:263
-msgid "Store category"
-msgstr "Categoría de la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1207
+msgid "on the dev website."
+msgstr "en el sitio para desarrolladores."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:264
-msgid "Select"
-msgstr "Seleccionar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1220
+msgid "Check our"
+msgstr "Revisa las"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:265
-msgid "Select ”Other” if you do not find the appropriate category."
-msgstr "Seleciona ”Otro” si no encuentras una categoría adecuada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1223
+msgid "or open a ticket to contact the Mercado Pago team."
+msgstr ""
+"o abre un ticket para entrar en contacto con el equipo de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:266
-msgid "Advanced integration options (optional)"
-msgstr "Opciones avanzadas de integración (opcional)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1228
+msgid "1. Go to the dev website and open a"
+msgstr "1. Ingresa al sitio para desarrolladores y abre un"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:267
-msgid ""
-"For further integration of your store with Mercado Pago (IPN, Certified "
-"Partners, Debug Mode)"
-msgstr ""
-"Para mayor integración de tu tienda con Mercado Pago (IPN, Socios "
-"Certificados, Modo Debug)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1230
+msgid "ticket"
+msgstr "ticket"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:268
-msgid "View advanced options"
-msgstr "Ver opciones avanzadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1231
+msgid "in the Support section."
+msgstr "en la sección de Soporte."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:269
-msgid "URL for IPN "
-msgstr "URL para IPN "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1236
+msgid "4. Download the"
+msgstr "4. Descarga el"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:270
-msgid "Eg: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
-msgstr "Ej.: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1237
+msgid "error history"
+msgstr "historial de errores "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:271
-msgid ""
-"Add the URL to receive payments notifications. Find out more information in "
-"the "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1238
+msgid "and share it with the Mercado Pago team when asked for it."
msgstr ""
-"Ingresa la URL para recibir notificaciones de pago. Consulta más información "
-"en los "
+"y compártelo con el equipo de Mercado Pago cuando se te sea solicitado."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:272
-msgid "guides."
-msgstr "manuales."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:273
-msgid "Add plugin default params"
-msgstr "Agregar parámetros default del plugin"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1242
+msgid "Do you need help?"
+msgstr "¿Necesitas ayuda?"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:274
-msgid "integrator_id"
-msgstr "integrator_id"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1243
+msgid "How to open a ticket:"
+msgstr "Cómo abrir un ticket:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:275
-msgid "Eg: 14987126498"
-msgstr "Ej.: 14987126498"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1245
+msgid "2. Fill out the form with your store details."
+msgstr "2. Completa el formulario con los datos de tu tienda."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:276
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1246
msgid ""
-"If you are a Mercado Pago Certified Partner, make sure to add your "
-"integrator_id. If you do not have the code, please "
+"3. Copy and paste the following details when asked for the the technical "
msgstr ""
-"Si eres Partner certificado de Mercado Pago, recuerda ingresar tu "
-"integrator_id. Si no tienes el código, "
+"3. Copia y pega los siguientes datos cuando se te pida la información "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:277
-msgid "request it now. "
-msgstr "solicítalo ahora. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1249
+msgid "Version:"
+msgstr "Versión"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:278
-msgid "Debug and Log Mode"
-msgstr "Modo debug y log"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:279
-msgid "We record your store's actions in order to provide a better assistance."
-msgstr "Grabamos las aciones de tu tienda para brindar un mejor soporte."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1250
+msgid "History of errors"
+msgstr "Historial de errores"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:291
-msgid "3. Set payment methods"
-msgstr "3. Configura los medios de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1251
+msgid ""
+"Select the files you want to share with our team and click on Download. This "
+"information will be requested by e-mail if necessary."
+msgstr ""
+"Selecciona los archivos que quieras compartir con nuestro equipo y haz clic "
+"en “Descargar”. Esta información se te solicitará por e-mail al momento de "
+"ser necesario."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:292
-msgid "To view more options, please select a payment method below"
-msgstr "Selecciona uno de los siguientes medios de pago para ver más opciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1254
+msgid "Source"
+msgstr "Origen"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:293
-msgid "Settings"
-msgstr "Configurar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1255
+msgid "File date"
+msgstr "Fecha de creación"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:294
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Continuar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1256
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Descargar"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:305
-msgid "4. Test your store before you sell"
-msgstr "4. Testea tu tienda antes de vender"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1257
+msgid "Next Page"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:306
-msgid ""
-"Test the experience in Test Mode and then enable the Sale Mode (Production) "
-"to sell."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1258
+msgid "Previous page"
msgstr ""
-"Testea la experiencia en Modo Test. Luego activa el Modo Ventas (Producción) "
-"para realizar ventas."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:307
-msgid "Choose how you want to operate your store:"
-msgstr "Elige cómo quieres operar tu tienda:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1259
+msgid "The plugin has not yet recorded any logs in your store."
+msgstr "El plugin aún no ha registrado ningún registro en su tienda."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:308
-msgid "Test Mode"
-msgstr "Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:103
+msgid "discount of"
+msgstr "descuento de"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:309
-msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts disabled for real collections. "
-msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago inactivos para cobros reales. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:104
+msgid "fee of"
+msgstr "comisión de"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:310
-msgid "Test Mode rules."
-msgstr "Reglas del modo test."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:105
+msgid "and"
+msgstr "y"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:311
-msgid "Sale Mode (Production)"
-msgstr "Modo Ventas (Producción)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:106
+msgid "Shipping service used by the store."
+msgstr "Servicio de envío utilizado por la tienda."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:312
-msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts enabled for real collections."
-msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago activos para cobros reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:107
+msgid "Discount provided by store"
+msgstr "Descuento proporcionado por la tienda"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:313
-msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Production Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Produción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:108
+msgid "Mercado Pago Discount"
+msgstr "Descuento de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:314
-msgid "The clients can make real purchases in your store."
-msgstr "Los clientes pueden hacer compras reales en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:109
+msgid "Mercado Pago Commission"
+msgstr "Comisión de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:315
-msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:121
+msgid "Checkout Pro in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Checkout Pro en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:122,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:180,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:214
+msgid "Use Mercado Pago's payment methods without real charges. "
+msgstr "Utiliza los medios de Mercado Pago sin cobros reales. "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:316
-msgid "Create your "
-msgstr "Crea tu "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:123,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:181,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:215,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:336,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:364
+msgid "See the rules for the test mode."
+msgstr "Consulte las reglas para el modo test."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:317
-msgid "test user "
-msgstr "usuario de prueba "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:124
+msgid "Log in to Mercado Pago and earn benefits"
+msgstr "Inicia sesión en Mercado Pago y obtén beneficios"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:318
-msgid ""
-"(Optional. Can be used in Production Mode and Test Mode, to test payments)."
-msgstr ""
-"(Opcional. Se puede utilizar en modo de producción y en modo de prueba, para "
-"probar los pagos)."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:125
+msgid "Easy login"
+msgstr "Ingresa con facilidad"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:319
-msgid "Use our test cards, "
-msgstr "Utiliza nuestras tarjetas de prueba, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:126
+msgid "Log in with the same email and password you use in Mercado Libre."
+msgstr "Inicia sesión con tu mismo e-mail y contraseña de Mercado Libre."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:320
-msgid "never use real cards. "
-msgstr "nunca utilices tarjetas reales. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:127
+msgid "Blue phone image"
+msgstr "Imagen de teléfono azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:321
-msgid "Visit your store "
-msgstr "Visita tu tienda "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:128
+msgid "Quick payments"
+msgstr "Paga rápido"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:322
-msgid "to test purchases"
-msgstr "para testear compras"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:129
+msgid "Use your saved cards, Pix or available balance."
+msgstr "Usa tus tarjetas guardadas, Pix o saldo disponible."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:323
-msgid "Save changes"
-msgstr "Guardar cambios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:130
+msgid "Use your available Mercado Pago Wallet balance or saved cards."
+msgstr "Usa tu saldo disponible en Mercado Pago Wallet o tarjetas guardadas."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:324
-msgid "Store under test"
-msgstr "Tienda en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:131
+msgid "Use your available money or saved cards."
+msgstr "Usa tu dinero disponible o tarjetas guardadas."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:325
-msgid "Store in sale mode (Production)"
-msgstr "Tienda en Modo Ventas (Producción)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:132
+msgid "Blue wallet image"
+msgstr "Imagen de billetera azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:326
-msgid "Enter test credentials"
-msgstr "Ingresa las credenciales de prueba"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:133
+msgid "Protected purchases"
+msgstr "Protege tu compra"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:327
-msgid "To enable test mode, "
-msgstr "Para activar el modo de prueba, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:134
+msgid "Reliable purchases"
+msgstr "Compra con confianza"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:328
-msgid "copy your test credentials "
-msgstr "copia tus credenciales de prueba "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:135
+msgid "Get your money back in case you don't receive your product."
+msgstr "Recupera tu dinero si no recibes el producto."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:329
-msgid "and paste them above in section 1 of this page."
-msgstr "y pégalas en la sección 1 de esta página."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:136
+msgid "Get help if you have a problem with your purchase."
+msgstr "Recibe ayuda si tienes algún problema con tu compra."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:366
-msgid "Invalid Access Token"
-msgstr "Access token no válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:137
+msgid "Blue protection image"
+msgstr "Imagen de protección azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:368
-msgid "Valid Access Token"
-msgstr "Access token válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:138
+msgid "Installments option"
+msgstr "Accede a cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:374
-msgid "Invalid Public Key"
-msgstr "Public key no válida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:139
+msgid "Pay with or without a credit card."
+msgstr "Paga con o sin tarjeta de crédito."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:376
-msgid "Valid Public Key"
-msgstr "Public key válida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:140
+msgid "Interest-free installments with selected banks."
+msgstr "Cuotas sin interés con bancos seleccionados."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:379
-msgid "Credentials must be valid"
-msgstr "Las credenciales deben ser válidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:141
+msgid "Blue phone installments image"
+msgstr "Imagen de cuotas de teléfono azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:429
-msgid "Credentials were updated"
-msgstr "Se actualizaron las credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:142
+msgid "Available payment methods"
+msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:421
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:143,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:186
msgid ""
-"Your store has exited Test Mode and is making real sales in Production Mode."
+"By continuing, you will be taken to Mercado Pago to safely complete your "
msgstr ""
-"Ahora su tienda está fuera del modo de prueba y está realizando ventas "
-"reales en el modo de producción."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:422
-msgid "To test the store, re-enter both test credentials."
-msgstr "Para probar la tienda, vuelva a ingresar ambas credenciales de prueba."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:435
-msgid "Invalid credentials"
-msgstr "Credenciales no válidas"
+"Al continuar, te llevaremos a Mercado Pago para completar tu compra de forma "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:436
-msgid "See our manual to learn "
-msgstr "Consulte nuestro manual para saber "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:144,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:187
+msgid "Checkout Pro redirect info image"
+msgstr "Imagen de redirección de Checkout Pro"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:437
-msgid "how to enter the credentials the right way."
-msgstr "como ingresar las credenciales de forma correcta."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:145,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:188,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:239,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:281,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:342,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:374
+msgid "By continuing, you agree with our"
+msgstr "Al continuar, aceptas nuestros"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:497
-msgid "Store information is valid"
-msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:146,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:189,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:240,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:282,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:343,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:375
+msgid "Terms and conditions"
+msgstr "Términos y condiciones"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:527
-msgid "Mercado Pago's Payment Methods in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:147,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:218,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:263
+msgid "Pay with Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Pagar con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:528
-msgid "Mercado Pago's Payment Methods in Production Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Produción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:148,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:264
+msgid "Cancel & Clear Cart"
+msgstr "Cancelar & Limpiar carrito"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:521
-msgid "Invalid credentials for test mode"
-msgstr "Credenciales inválidas para el modo de prueba"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:161
+msgid "Log in"
+msgstr "Inicia sesión"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:603
-msgid "Enabled"
-msgstr "Activado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:162
+msgid ""
+"or create an account in Mercado Pago. If you use Mercado Libre, you already "
+"have one!"
+msgstr ""
+"o crea una cuenta en Mercado Pago. Si utilizas Mercado Libre, ¡ya tienes una!"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:604
-msgid "Disabled"
-msgstr "Inactivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:167
+msgid "Know your available limit in Mercado Crédito and"
+msgstr "Conoce tu límite disponible en Mercado Crédito y"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:632
-msgid "Valid Credentials"
-msgstr "Credenciales válidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:168
+msgid "choose how many installments"
+msgstr "elige en cuántas cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:635
-msgid "Credentials couldn't be validated"
-msgstr "No se pudieron validar las credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:169
+msgid "you want to pay"
+msgstr "quieres pagar"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:658
-msgid "Store business fields are valid"
-msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda son válidos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:174
+msgid "Pay the installments as you prefer:"
+msgstr "Paga las cuotas como prefieras:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:661
-msgid "Store business fields couldn't be validated"
-msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda no se pudieron validar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:175
+msgid "with money in your account, card of from the Mercado Pago app"
+msgstr "con dinero, tarjeta o directo desde la app de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:684
-msgid "At least one paymet method is enabled"
-msgstr "Al menos un método de pago está habilitado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:179
+msgid "No card installments in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Mensualidades sin tarjeta en Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:687
-msgid "No payment method enabled"
-msgstr "No se habilitó ningún método de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:182
+msgid "How to use it?"
+msgstr "¿Cómo usar?"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:77
-msgid "Payment approved."
-msgstr "Pago aprobado."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:190
+msgid "Pay in"
+msgstr "Compra en hasta"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:131,
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:135
-msgid "Waiting for the Pix payment."
-msgstr "Esperando el pago de Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:191
+msgid "installments"
+msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:148,
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:152
-msgid "Waiting for the ticket payment."
-msgstr "Esperando el pago del boleto."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:192
+msgid "with Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:160
-msgid "The customer has not made the payment yet."
-msgstr "El cliente todavía no efectuó el pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:193
+msgid "Read more"
+msgstr "Leer más"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:179
-msgid "Payment is pending review."
-msgstr "El pago está pendiente de revisión."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:194
+msgid "Buy now and pay in installments with no card later!"
+msgstr "¡Compra ahora y paga después!"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:196
-msgid "Payment was declined. The customer can try again."
-msgstr "El pago fue rechazado. El cliente puede intentar nuevamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:195
+msgid "100% online, without paperwork or monthly fees"
+msgstr "Compra en hasta 12 pagos mensuales sin usar tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:211
-msgid "Payment was returned to the customer."
-msgstr "El pago fue devuelto al cliente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:196
+msgid "You can apply for your line of credit 100% online and securely."
+msgstr "Puedes solicitar tu línea de crédito 100% online y de forma segura."
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:225
-msgid "Payment was canceled."
-msgstr "El pago fue cancelado."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:197
+msgid "Do everything from the Mercado Pago app!"
+msgstr "Sin trámites. ¡Haz todo desde la app de Mercado Pago!"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:240,
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:252
-msgid ""
-"The payment is in mediation or the purchase was unknown by the customer."
-msgstr "El pago esta en mediación o la compra fue desconocida por el cliente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:198
+msgid "No maintenance fees or additional costs."
+msgstr "Sin tasas de mantenimiento ni costos adicionales."
-#. translators: 1: payment_id 2: status
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:318
-msgid ""
-"Mercado Pago: The payment %1$s was notified by Mercado Pago with status %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Mercado Pago: El pago %1$s fue notificado por Mercado Pago con estado %2$s."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:199
+msgid "Questions? "
+msgstr "¿Dudas? "
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:371
-msgid "Shipping service used by the store."
-msgstr "Servicio de envío utilizado por la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:200
+msgid "Check our FAQ"
+msgstr "Consulta nuestra FAQ"
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:562,
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:563
-msgid "Discount provided by store"
-msgstr "Descuento proporcionado por la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:201
+msgid ". Credit subject to approval."
+msgstr ". Crédito sujeto a aprobación."
-#. translators: %s coupon
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:130
-msgid "Discount for coupon %s"
-msgstr "Descuento para el cupón %s"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:213
+msgid "Checkout Custom in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Tarjeta de crédito en Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:172
-msgid " and fee of"
-msgstr " y comisión de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:216
+msgid "Pay with saved cards"
+msgstr "Paga con tarjetas guardadas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:547
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:217
msgid ""
-"Public Key production credential is invalid. Review the field to "
-"receive real payments."
+"Do you have a Mercado Libre account? Then use the same email and password to "
+"pay faster with Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Public Key es inválida. Revísala para "
-"poder recibir pagos reales."
+"¿Tienes una cuenta de Mercado Libre? Usa el mismo e-mail y contraseña para "
+"pagar más rápido con Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:556
-msgid ""
-"Public Key test credential is invalid. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Public Key es inválida. Revísala para poder "
-"realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:219
+msgid "With which card can you pay?"
+msgstr "¿Con qué tarjeta puedes pagar?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:565
-msgid ""
-"Access Token production credential is invalid. Remember that it must "
-"be complete to receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Access Token es inválida. Revísala para "
-"poder recibir pagos reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:220,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:224
+msgid "See current promotions"
+msgstr "Ver promociones vigentes"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:574
-msgid ""
-"Access Token test credential is invalid. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Access Token es inválida. Revísala para poder "
-"realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:221
+msgid "Credit cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:592
-msgid ""
-"Public Key test credential is blank. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Public Key está en blanco. Revísala para "
-"poder realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:222
+msgid "Up to 12 installments"
+msgstr "Hasta 12 cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:601
-msgid ""
-"Public Key production credential is blank. Review the field to "
-"receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Public Key está en blanco. Revísala "
-"para poder recibir pagos reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:223
+msgid "Debit cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:610
-msgid ""
-"Access Token test credential is blank. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Access Token está en blanco. Revísala para "
-"poder realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:225
+msgid "Fill in your card details"
+msgstr "Completa los datos de tu tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:619
-msgid ""
-"Access Token production credential is blank. Remember that it must be "
-"complete to receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Access Token está en blanco. Revísala "
-"para poder recibir pagos reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:226
+msgid "Card number"
+msgstr "Número de Tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:92,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:90
-msgid ""
-"There was an error processing your payment. Please try again or contact us "
-"for Assistance."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ha producido un error en el procesamiento de su pago. Por favor, "
-"inténtelo de nuevo o póngase en contacto con nosotros para Asistencia."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:227,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:229,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:231,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:233
+msgid "Required data"
+msgstr "Datos obligatorios"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:84,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:82,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:45,
-#: ../../templates/receipt/custom-checkout.php:41
-msgid "Pay with Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Pagar con Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:228
+msgid "Holder name as it appears on the card"
+msgstr "Nombre del titular como aparece en la tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:86,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:84,
-#: ../../templates/receipt/custom-checkout.php:44
-msgid "Cancel & Clear Cart"
-msgstr "Cancelar & Limpiar carrito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:230
+msgid "Expiration"
+msgstr "Vencimiento"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:143,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:73,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:82
-msgid "Apply"
-msgstr "Aplicar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:144,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:74,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:83
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Retirar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:145,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:75,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:84
-msgid "Please, inform your coupon code"
-msgstr "Por favor, informe su código de cupón"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:146,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:76,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:85
-msgid "To choose"
-msgstr "Elegir"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:147,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:77,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:86
-msgid "Other bank"
-msgstr "Otro banco"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:148,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:78,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:87
-msgid "You will save"
-msgstr "Salvarás"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:149,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:79,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:88
-msgid "with discount of"
-msgstr "con descuento de"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:150,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:80,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:89
-msgid "Total of your purchase:"
-msgstr "Total de su compra:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:151,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:81,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:90
-msgid "Total of your purchase with discount:"
-msgstr "Total de su compra con descuento:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:152,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:82,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:91
-msgid "*After payment approval"
-msgstr "*Tras la aprobación del pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:153,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:83,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:92
-msgid "Terms and conditions of use"
-msgstr "Términos y condiciones de uso"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:154,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:172
-msgid "No fee"
-msgstr "Sin interés"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:232
+msgid "Security Code"
+msgstr "Código de seguridad"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:155,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:173
-msgid "More options"
-msgstr "Más opciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:234,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:337,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:365
+msgid "Holder document"
+msgstr "Documento del titular"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:163
-msgid "mm/yy"
-msgstr "mm/aa"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:235,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:338,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:366
+msgid "Invalid document"
+msgstr "Número de documento no válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:236,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:238
+msgid "Select the number of installments"
+msgstr "Selecciona la cantidad de cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:164,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:134
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:237,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:242
msgid "Issuer"
msgstr "Banco"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:165
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:241
+msgid "mm/yy"
+msgstr "mm/aa"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:243
msgid "Installments"
-msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
+msgstr "Cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:168
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:244
msgid "on the back"
msgstr "del dorso"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:169
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:245
msgid "on the front"
msgstr "del frente"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:171
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:246
msgid "digits"
msgstr "dígitos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:174
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:247
+msgid "No fee"
+msgstr "Sin interés"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:248
+msgid "More options"
+msgstr "Más opciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:249
msgid "If interest is applicable, it will be charged by your bank."
msgstr "Si corresponden intereses, serán aplicados por tu banco."
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:175
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:250
msgid "Interest"
msgstr "Intereses"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:178
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:251
msgid "Card number is required"
msgstr "Número de tarjeta obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:179
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:252
msgid "Card number invalid"
msgstr "Número de tarjeta inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:182
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:253
msgid "Holder name is required"
msgstr "Nombre del titular obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:183
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:254
msgid "Holder name invalid"
msgstr "Nombre del titular inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:186,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:188
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:255,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:257
msgid "Expiration date invalid"
msgstr "Fecha de vencimiento inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:187
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:256
msgid "Expiration date incomplete"
msgstr "Fecha de vencimiento obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:191
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:258
msgid "Security code is required"
msgstr "Código de seguridad obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:192
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:259
msgid "Security code incomplete"
msgstr "Código de seguridad incompleto"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:230
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:260
msgid "Cost of installments"
msgstr "Coste de las cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:231
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:261
msgid "Total with installments"
msgstr "Total con cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:262
msgid "installments of"
msgstr "cuotas de"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:139
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:276
+msgid "Pix in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Pix en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:277
+msgid ""
+"You can test the flow to generate a code, but you cannot finalize the "
+msgstr ""
+"Es posible probar el flujo para generar una factura, pero no es posible "
+"finalizar el pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:278
+msgid "Pay instantly"
+msgstr "Pago instantáneo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:279
+msgid ""
+"By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Al confirmar tu compra, te mostraremos un código para realizar el pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:280
+msgid "Pix logo"
+msgstr "Pix logo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:283,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:292
+msgid "Code valid for "
+msgstr "Código válido por "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:284
msgid "Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase"
msgstr "Ahora sólo tiene que pagar con Pix para finalizar su compra"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:140
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:285
msgid "How to pay with Pix:"
msgstr "Cómo pagar con Pix:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:141
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:286
msgid "Go to your bank's app or website"
msgstr "Entra en la app o en la página web de tu banco"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:142
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:287
msgid "Search for the option to pay with Pix"
msgstr "Busca la opción de pagar con Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:143
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:288
msgid "Scan the QR code or Pix code"
msgstr "Escanea el código QR o el código Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:144
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:289
msgid "Done! You will see the payment confirmation"
msgstr "Listo. Verás la confirmación del pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:145
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:290
msgid "Value: "
msgstr "Valor: "
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:147
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:291
msgid "Scan the QR code:"
msgstr "Escanea el código QR:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:150
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:293
msgid "If you prefer, you can pay by copying and pasting the following code"
msgstr "Si lo prefieres, puedes pagar copiando y pegando el siguiente código"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:152
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:294
msgid "Copy code"
msgstr "Copiar código"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:112
-msgid "Pay in"
-msgstr "Compra en hasta"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:113
-msgid "installments"
-msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:114
-msgid "with Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:115
-msgid "Read more"
-msgstr "Saber más"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:116
-msgid "Buy now and pay in installments with no card later!"
-msgstr "¡Compra ahora y paga después!"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:117
-msgid "100% online,"
-msgstr "Compra en hasta"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:118
-msgid "without paperwork or monthly fees"
-msgstr "12 pagos mensuales sin usar tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:119
-msgid "When paying, choose"
-msgstr "Puedes solicitar "
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:120
-msgid ". Login to your account or create one in a few steps."
-msgstr "tu línea de crédito 100% online y de forma segura."
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:121
-msgid "Search for"
-msgstr "Sin trámites."
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:122
-msgid ""
-"among the options, select it and choose in how many installments you would "
-"like to pay."
-msgstr " ¡Haz todo desde la app de Mercado Pago!"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:123
-msgid "Pay your installments monthly as you wish, in the Mercado Pago app."
-msgstr "Sin tasas de mantenimiento ni costos adicionales."
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:126
-msgid "Check our FAQ"
-msgstr "Consulta nuestra FAQ"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:127
-msgid ". Credit subject to approval."
-msgstr ". Crédito sujeto a aprobación."
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:182,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:634,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:682,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:727,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:986
-msgid "Response from cache"
-msgstr "Respuesta de la caché"
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:1000
-msgid "Response from API"
-msgstr "Respuesta de la API"
-#. translators: 1: total_time currency 2: url
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/rest-client/class-mp-rest-client-abstract.php:179
-msgid "Took %1$s seconds to transfer a request to %2$s"
-msgstr "Se han tardado %1$s segundos para transferir una solicitud a %2$s"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:24
-msgid "Checkout Pro in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Checkout Pro en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:25,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:25
-msgid "Use Mercado Pago's payment methods without real charges. "
-msgstr "Utiliza los medios de Mercado Pago sin cobros reales. "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:26,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:26,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:26
-msgid "See the rules for the test mode."
-msgstr "Consulte las reglas para el modo test."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:35
-msgid "Log in to Mercado Pago and earn benefits"
-msgstr "Inicia sesión en Mercado Pago y obtén beneficios"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:54
-msgid ""
-"By continuing, you will be taken to Mercado Pago to safely complete your "
-msgstr ""
-"Al continuar, te llevaremos a Mercado Pago para completar tu compra de forma "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:56,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:47
-msgid "Checkout Pro redirect info image"
-msgstr "Imagen de redirección de Checkout Pro"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:66,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:56,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:169,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:31,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:96
-msgid "By continuing, you agree with our"
-msgstr "Al continuar, aceptas nuestros"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:67,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:57,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:170,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:31,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:97
-msgid "Terms and conditions"
-msgstr "Términos y condiciones"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:24
-msgid "No card installments in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Mensualidades sin tarjeta en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:34
-msgid "How to use it?"
-msgstr "¿Cómo usar?"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:37
-msgid ""
-"Log in or create an account in Mercado Pago. If you use Mercado "
-"Libre, you already have one!"
-msgstr ""
-"Inicia sesión o crea una cuenta en Mercado Pago. Si has usado Mercado "
-"Libre para comprar, ¡ya tienes una!"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:38
-msgid ""
-"Know your available limit in Mercado Crédito and choose how many "
-"installments you want to pay."
-msgstr ""
-"Conoce el límite disponible de tu línea de crédito y elige el plazo en "
-"el que quieres pagar tu compra."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:39
-msgid ""
-"Pay the installments as you prefer: with money in your account, card of "
-"from the Mercado Pago app."
-msgstr ""
-"Paga mes a mes con el medio de pago que prefieras. ¡Todo desde la app "
-"de Mercado Pago!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:295,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:349,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:373
+msgid "Mercado Pago: The customer has not paid yet."
+msgstr "Mercado Pago: El cliente no ha pagado todavía."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:46
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:296
msgid ""
-"By confirming your purchase, you will be redirected to your Mercado Pago "
+"Mercado Pago: Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase."
msgstr ""
-"Al continuar, te llevaremos a Mercado Pago para completar tu compra de forma "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:23
-msgid "Checkout Custom in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Tarjeta de crédito en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:24
-msgid "Use Mercado Pago means without real charges."
-msgstr "Utiliza los medios de Mercado Pago sin cobros reales."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:25
-msgid "See test mode rules."
-msgstr "Ver las reglas del Modo Test."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:36
-msgid "Pay with saved cards"
-msgstr "Paga con tarjetas guardadas"
+"Mercado Pago: Ahora sólo tiene que pagar con Pix para finalizar su compra."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:40
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:297
msgid ""
-"Do you have a Mercado Libre account? Then use the same email and password to "
-"pay faster with Mercado Pago."
+"Scan the QR code below or copy and paste the code into your bank's "
msgstr ""
-"¿Tienes una cuenta de Mercado Libre? Usa el mismo e-mail y contraseña para "
-"pagar más rápido \n"
-"con Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:57
-msgid "With which card can you pay?"
-msgstr "¿Con qué tarjeta puedes pagar?"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:70
-msgid "See current promotions"
-msgstr "Ver promociones vigentes"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:78
-msgid "Fill in your card details"
-msgstr "Completa los datos de tu tarjeta"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:80
-msgid "Card number"
-msgstr "Número de Tarjeta"
+"Escanee el código QR a continuación o copie y pegue el código en la "
+"aplicación de su banco."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:82,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:89,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:98,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:106
-msgid "Required data"
-msgstr "Datos obligatorios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:298
+msgid "30 minutes"
+msgstr "30 minutos"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:87
-msgid "Holder name as it appears on the card"
-msgstr "Nombre del titular como aparece en la tarjeta"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:310
+msgid "Payment approved."
+msgstr "Pago aprobado."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:95
-msgid "Expiration"
-msgstr "Vencimiento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:311
+msgid "Waiting for the Pix payment."
+msgstr "Esperando el pago de Pix."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:103
-msgid "Security Code"
-msgstr "Código de seguridad"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:312
+msgid "Waiting for the ticket payment."
+msgstr "Esperando el pago del boleto."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:113,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:36,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:53
-msgid "Holder document"
-msgstr "Documento del titular"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:313
+msgid "The customer has not made the payment yet."
+msgstr "El cliente todavía no efectuó el pago."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:114,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:37,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:54
-msgid "Invalid document"
-msgstr "Número de documento no válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:314
+msgid "Payment is pending review."
+msgstr "El pago está pendiente de revisión."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:129,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:145
-msgid "Select the number of installments"
-msgstr "Selecciona la cantidad de cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:315
+msgid "Payment was declined. The customer can try again."
+msgstr "El pago fue rechazado. El cliente puede intentar nuevamente."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:22
-msgid "Pix in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Pix en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:316
+msgid "Payment was returned to the customer."
+msgstr "El pago fue devuelto al cliente."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:22
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:317
msgid ""
-"You can test the flow to generate a code, but you cannot finalize the "
+"The payment was partially returned to the customer. the amount refunded "
+"was : "
msgstr ""
-"Es posible probar el flujo para generar una factura, pero no es posible "
-"finalizar el pago."
+"El pago se devolvió parcialmente al cliente. El montante reembolsado fue "
+"de : "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
-msgid "Pay instantly"
-msgstr "Pago instantáneo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:318
+msgid "Payment was canceled."
+msgstr "El pago fue cancelado."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:319,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:320
msgid ""
-"By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
-msgstr ""
-"Al confirmar tu compra, te mostraremos un código para realizar el pago."
+"The payment is in mediation or the purchase was unknown by the customer."
+msgstr "El pago esta en mediación o la compra fue desconocida por el cliente."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
-msgid "Pix logo"
-msgstr "Pix logo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:321
+msgid "The payment"
+msgstr "El pago"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:24
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:322
+msgid "was notified by Mercado Pago with status"
+msgstr "fue notificado por Mercado Pago con estado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:334
msgid "Offline Methods in Test Mode"
msgstr "Facturas en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:25
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:335
msgid ""
"You can test the flow to generate an invoice, but you cannot finalize the "
-"payment. "
msgstr ""
"Es posible testear el flujo para generar una factura, pero no es posible "
-"finalizar el pago. "
+"finalizar el pago."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:68
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:339,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:367
msgid "Select where you want to pay"
msgstr "Selecciona el punto de pago donde quieres pagar"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:73
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:340,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:368
msgid "more options"
msgstr "más opciones"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:78
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:341
msgid "Select a payment method"
msgstr "Seleccione una opción de pago"
-#: ../../templates/order/payment-status-metabox-content.php:30
-msgid ""
-"This is the payment status of your Mercado Pago Activities. To check the "
-"order status, please refer to Order details."
-msgstr ""
-"Este es el estado del pago de las Actividades de tu Mercado Pago. Para "
-"consultar el estado del pedido, consulta en Detalles del Pedido."
-#: ../../templates/order-received/show-ticket.php:19
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:344
msgid ""
"Great, we processed your purchase order. Complete the payment with ticket so "
"that we finish approving it."
@@ -3030,789 +2758,601 @@ msgstr ""
"Excelente, procesamos tu orden de compra. Completa el pago con ticket para "
"que terminemos de aprobarla."
-#: ../../templates/order-received/show-ticket.php:23
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:345
msgid "Print ticket"
msgstr "Imprimir ticket"
-#~ msgid "Fee"
-#~ msgstr "Tasa"
-#~ msgid "How does it work?"
-#~ msgstr "¿Cómo funciona?"
-#~ msgid "Checkout visualization:"
-#~ msgstr "Visualización en el checkout:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:346
+msgid " and "
+msgstr " e "
-#~ msgid "Check below how this feature will be displayed to your customers."
-#~ msgstr "A continuación verás cómo este recurso aparecerá para tus clientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:347
+msgid "To print the ticket again click"
+msgstr "Para reimprimir o boleto clique"
-#~ msgid "Banner visualization"
-#~ msgstr "Visualización del componente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:348
+msgid "here"
+msgstr "aqui"
-#~ msgid "Check the example of how it will appear in the store:"
-#~ msgstr "Consulta el ejemplo de cómo aparecerá en la tienda:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:362
+msgid "Checkout PSE in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Checkout PSE en Modo Test"
-#~ msgid "Bank Transfer"
-#~ msgstr "Transferencia bancaria"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:363
+msgid "You can test the flow to generate a payment with PSE"
+msgstr "Puede probar el flujo para generar un pago con PSE"
-#~ msgid "Payment by cash"
-#~ msgstr "Pagos en efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:369
+msgid "Person type "
+msgstr "Tipo de persona "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If you already have a Mercado Libre account, use the same email and "
-#~ "password"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si ya tienes una cuenta de Mercado Libre, usa el mismo mail y contraseña"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:370
+msgid "Financial institution"
+msgstr "Institución financiera"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When you confirm your purchase, we will redirect you to your Mercado Pago "
-#~ "account"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Cuando confirmes tu compra, te redireccionaremos a tu cuenta de Mercado "
-#~ "Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:371
+msgid "Select the financial institution"
+msgstr "Seleccione la entidad financiera"
-#~ msgid "Payment with Mercado Credito"
-#~ msgstr "Pagos con Mercado Crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:372
+msgid "Select the institution"
+msgstr "Seleccione la institución"
-#~ msgid "New!"
-#~ msgstr "¡Nuevo!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:387
+msgid "A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Please, try again."
+msgstr ""
+"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Por favor, intente otra "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With Mercado Credito, clients can pay "
-#~ "in installments with no card, by transfers, invoice or money available "
-#~ "in their Mercado Pago account. By activating the no-card "
-#~ "installments banner, you will increase your chances of selling."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Con Mercado Crédito, los clientes "
-#~ "pagan en cuotas sin tarjeta, por transferencia, tarjeta de débito, "
-#~ "efectivo o dinero disponible en la cuenta de Mercado Pago. Al "
-#~ "activar el componente de cuotas sin tarjeta, aumentarás tus chances "
-#~ "de vender. Para saber más, ingresá a documentación."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:388
+msgid ""
+"A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have "
+"correctly filled all information in the checkout form?"
+msgstr ""
+"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Está seguro de haber "
+"cargado la información en el formulario?"
-#~ msgid "The no-card installments banner is disabled."
-#~ msgstr "El componente de cuotas sin tarjeta está desactivado ."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:389
+msgid "See your order form"
+msgstr "Ver su hoja de pedido"
-#~ msgid "Earn more points and have exclusive benefits in Mercado Puntos"
-#~ msgstr "Gana más puntos y ventajas exclusivas en Mercado Puntos "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:390
+msgid "Your payment was declined. You can try again."
+msgstr "Su pago fue rechazado. Puede intentarlo de nuevo."
-#~ msgid "Error loading form."
-#~ msgstr "Error al cargar el formulario."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:391
+msgid "Click to try again"
+msgstr "Haga clic para intentarlo de nuevo"
-#~ msgid "Please refresh the page to try again."
-#~ msgstr "Actualice la página para volver a intentarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:392
+msgid "That's it, payment accepted!"
+msgstr "Listo, ¡aceptamos tu pago!"
-#~ msgid "Refresh page"
-#~ msgstr "Actualizar página"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:393
+msgid ""
+"We are processing your payment. In less than an hour we will send you the "
+"result by email."
+msgstr ""
+"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de una hora le enviaremos el resultado "
+"por correo electrónico."
-#~ msgid "Type of topic IPN invalid, need to be merchant_order"
-#~ msgstr "El tipo de asunto de la IPN no es válido, debe ser `merchant_order`"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:394
+msgid ""
+"We are processing your payment. In less than 2 days we will send you by "
+"email if the payment has been approved or if additional information is "
+msgstr ""
+"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de 2 días le enviaremos por correo "
+"electrónico si se ha aprobado el pago o si se necesita información adicional."
-#~ msgid "Click here to see more details..."
-#~ msgstr "Haga clic aquí para ver más detalles…"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:395
+msgid "Check the card number."
+msgstr "Compruebe el número de tarjeta."
-#~ msgid "Purchases with saved cards or money in Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Compras con tarjetas guardadas o saldo en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:396
+msgid "Check the expiration date."
+msgstr "Compruebe la fecha de expiración."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Feature for those who have a saved card or money in Mercado Pago to buy "
-#~ "without having to fill in details."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Es una funcionalidade para quienes tienen tarjetas guardadas o saldo en "
-#~ "Mercado Pago puedan comprar sin la necesidad de completar datos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:397
+msgid "Check the information provided."
+msgstr "Compruebe la información informada."
-#~ msgid "The feature for payments with saved cards is active."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La funcionalidad para pagos con tarjetas guardadas está activa"
-#~ "b>."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:398
+msgid "Check the informed security code."
+msgstr "Compruebe el código de seguridad informado."
-#~ msgid "The feature for payments with saved cards is inactive."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La funcionalidad para pagos con tarjetas guardadas está "
-#~ "inactiva."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:399,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:400
+msgid "Your payment cannot be processed."
+msgstr "No se puede procesar su pago."
-#~ msgid "You can see how the feature is in your store Checkout below:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "A continuación, cómo es la funcionalidad en el checkout de la tienda:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:401
+msgid "You must authorize payments for your orders."
+msgstr "Usted debe autorizar los pagos de sus órdenes."
-#~ msgid "Mercado Pago customers can now pay with stored cards."
-#~ msgstr "Clientes de Mercado Pago ahora pueden pagar con tarjetas guardadas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:402
+msgid ""
+"Contact your card issuer to activate it. The phone is on the back of your "
+msgstr ""
+"Póngase en contacto con el emisor de su tarjeta para activarla. El teléfono "
+"se encuentra en la parte posterior de su tarjeta."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The function Saved card payments is enabled. With this setting, "
-#~ "customers using Mercado Pago can purchase without having to fill in "
-#~ "payment details. You can control this option in the settings."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La función Pago con tarjetas guardadas de Mercado Pago está habilitada. "
-#~ "Ahora los clientes que utilizan Mercado pago pueden comprar sin tener que "
-#~ "completar los datos de la tarjeta. Puedes controlar esta opción en "
-#~ "configuración."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:403
+msgid ""
+"You have already made a payment of this amount. If you have to pay again, "
+"use another card or other method of payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Usted ya realizó un pago de este importe. Si tiene que pagar de nuevo, "
+"utilizar otra tarjeta u otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Go to settings"
-#~ msgstr "Ir a la configuración"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:404
+msgid ""
+"Your payment was declined. Please select another payment method. It is "
+"recommended in cash."
+msgstr "Su pago fue rechazado. Puede intentarlo de nuevo."
-#~ msgid "No need to fill out details"
-#~ msgstr "Sin cargar datos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:405
+msgid "Your payment does not have sufficient funds."
+msgstr "Su metodo de pago no tiene fondos suficientes."
-#~ msgid "Installments available"
-#~ msgstr "Cuotas disponibles"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:406
+msgid "Payment cannot process the selected fee."
+msgstr "El pago no puede procesar la cuota seleccionada."
-#~ msgid "Pay faster with your saved cards and without completing data."
-#~ msgstr "Paga más rápido con tus tarjetas guardadas y sin completar datos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:407
+msgid ""
+"You have reached the limit of allowed attempts. Choose another card or other "
+"payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Has alcanzado el límite de intentos permitidos. Elija otra tarjeta u otro "
+"medio de pago."
-#, fuzzy
-#~| msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
-#~ msgid "Important! To sell, you must enter your credentials."
-#~ msgstr "¡Importante! Para vender debe introducir sus credenciales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:408
+msgid ""
+"Invalid transaction attempt You are trying to perform a "
+"productive transaction using test credentials, or test transaction using "
+"productive credentials. Please ensure that you are using the correct "
+"environment settings for the desired action."
+msgstr ""
+"Intento de transacción no válido Está intentando "
+"realizar una transacción productiva con credenciales de prueba o una "
+"transacción de prueba con credenciales productivas. Asegúrese de que está "
+"utilizando la configuración de credenciales correcta para la acción deseada."
-#~ msgid "Go to step-by-step"
-#~ msgstr "Ir al paso a paso"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:409
+msgid ""
+"Invalid transaction attempt It is not possible to pay "
+"with the email address entered. Please enter another e-mail address."
+msgstr ""
+"Intento de transacción no válido No es posible pagar con "
+"el email introducido. Por favor, introduzca otro email."
-#~ msgid "Update failed, invalid Credentials"
-#~ msgstr "Actualización fallida, credenciales no válidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:410
+msgid "This payment method cannot process your payment."
+msgstr "Este medio de pago no puede procesar su pago."
-#~ msgid "Up to 24 installments"
-#~ msgstr "Hasta 24 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:422
+msgid ""
+"Your bank needs you to authorize the payment Please call "
+"the telephone number on your card or pay with another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu banco necesita que autorices el pago Llama al "
+"teléfono que está en la tarjeta o paga con otro medio."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Important! Do not forget to add the credentials and details of your store."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¡Importante! No olvides ingresar las credenciales y datos de la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:423,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:424
+msgid ""
+"For safety reasons, your payment was declined We "
+"recommended paying with your usual payment method and device for online "
+msgstr ""
+"Por motivos de seguridad, tu pago fue rechazado Te recomendamos "
+"pagar con el medio de pago y dispositivo que sueles usar para compras online."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Before setting up payments, follow the step-by-step to start selling."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Antes de configurar los pagos, haz el paso a paso para comenzar a vender."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:425,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:426,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:427,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:428
+msgid ""
+"One or more card details were entered incorrecctly"
+"strong> Please enter them again as they appear on the card to complete "
+"the payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Ingresaste uno o más datos de tu tarjeta de forma incorrecta"
+"strong> Vuelve a ingresarlos tal como figuran en la tarjeta para "
+"finalizar el pago."
-#~ msgid "To enable and test sales, you must copy and paste your "
-#~ msgstr "Para habilitar y testear las ventas, tienes que copiar y pegar "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:429
+msgid ""
+"Your credit card has no available limit Please pay using "
+"another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu tarjeta de crédito no tiene límite disponible Paga "
+"con otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Mandatory data"
-#~ msgstr "Campo obligatorio"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:430
+msgid ""
+"Your debit card has insufficient founds Please pay using "
+"another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu tarjeta de débito no tiene saldo suficiente Paga con "
+"otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Use the test-specific cards that are in the"
-#~ msgstr "Utiliza las tarjetas específicas para testear que estén bajo las"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:431
+msgid ""
+"Your card does not accept the number of installments selected"
+"strong> Please choose a different number of installments or use a "
+"different payment method ."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu tarjeta no acepta la cantidad de pagos que seleccionaste"
+"strong> Elige una cantidad de pagos diferente o use otro medio."
-#~ msgid "Until"
-#~ msgstr "Hasta"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:432
+msgid ""
+"You need to activate your card Please contact your bank "
+"by calling the number on the back of your card or choose another payment "
+msgstr ""
+"Necesitas habilitar tu tarjeta Comunícate con tu banco "
+"llamando al número que está al dorso de la tarjeta o elige otro medio de "
-#~ msgid "installment"
-#~ msgstr "cuota"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:433
+msgid ""
+"You reached the limit of payment attempts with this card"
+"strong> Please pay using another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Alcanzaste el límite de intentos de pago con esta tarjeta"
+"strong> Paga con otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "We take you to our site to complete the payment"
-#~ msgstr "Te llevamos a nuestro sitio para completar el pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:434
+msgid ""
+"Your payment was declined because you already paid for this "
+"purchase Check your card transactions to verify it."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu pago fue rechazado porque ya pagaste esta compra"
+"strong> Revisa los consumos de tu tarjeta para verificarlo."
-#~ msgid "Enter your discount coupon"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tu cupón de descuento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:435,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:436,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:437
+msgid ""
+"The card issuing bank declined the payment We "
+"recommended paying with another payment method or contact your bank."
+msgstr ""
+"El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó tu pago Te "
+"recomendamos pagar con otro medio de pago o comunicarte con tu banco."
-#~ msgid "Enter your coupon"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tu cupón"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:438
+msgid ""
+"For safety reasons, the card issuing bank declined the payment"
+"strong> We recommended paying with your usual payment method and device "
+"for online purchases."
+msgstr ""
+"Por motivos de seguridad, el banco de la tarjeta rechazó el pago"
+"b> Te recomendamos pagar con el medio de pago y dispositivo que sueles "
+"usar para compras online."
-#~ msgid "The code you entered is incorrect"
-#~ msgstr "El código que ingresaste es incorrecto"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:439
+msgid ""
+"Your payment was declined because something went wrong"
+"strong> We recommended trying again or paying with another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu pago fue rechazado porque hube un error Te "
+"recomendamos intentar nuevamente o pagar con otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Invalid Card Number"
-#~ msgstr "Numero de tarjeta invalido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:451
+msgid "We are taking you to validate the card"
+msgstr "Te estamos llevando a validar la tarjeta"
-#~ msgid "Name and surname of the cardholder"
-#~ msgstr "Nombre y apellido del titular de la tarjeta"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:452
+msgid "with your bank"
+msgstr "con tu banco"
-#~ msgid "Invalid Expiration Date"
-#~ msgstr "Fecha de expiracion inválida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:453
+msgid "We need to confirm that you are the cardholder."
+msgstr "Necesitamos confirmar que eres titular de la tarjeta."
-#~ msgid "Last 3 numbers on the back"
-#~ msgstr "Últimos 3 números en el reverso"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:454
+msgid "We are receiving the response from your bank"
+msgstr "Estamos recibiendo la respuesta de tu banco"
-#~ msgid "In how many installments do you want to pay"
-#~ msgstr "En cuántas cuotas quieres pagar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:455
+msgid "Complete the bank validation so your payment can be approved"
+msgstr "Completa la validación del banco para aprobar tu pago"
-#~ msgid "Converted payment of"
-#~ msgstr "Pago convertido de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:456
+msgid ""
+"Please keep this page open. If you close it, you will not be able to resume "
+"the validation."
+msgstr ""
+"Mantén abierta esta pantalla. Si la cierras, no podrás retomar la validación."
-#~ msgid "for"
-#~ msgstr "para"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:457
+msgid ""
+"For safety reasons, your payment was declined We recommend paying "
+"with your usual payment method and device for online purchases."
+msgstr ""
+"Por motivos de seguridad, tu pago fue rechazado Te recomendamos "
+"pagar con el medio de pago y dispositivo que sueles usar para compras online."
-#~ msgid "Enter your document number"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tu número de documento"
+#~ msgid "How does it work?"
+#~ msgstr "¿Cómo funciona?"
-#~ msgid "Type"
-#~ msgstr "Tipo"
+#~ msgid "When paying, choose"
+#~ msgstr "Al pagar elegí"
-#~ msgid "Document number"
-#~ msgstr "Número de documento"
+#~ msgid ". Login to your account or create one in a few steps."
+#~ msgstr ". Podrás ingresar con tu cuenta o crear una en pocos pasos."
-#~ msgid "Only numbers"
-#~ msgstr "Sólo números"
+#~ msgid "Search for"
+#~ msgstr "Busca"
-#~ msgid "Obligatory field"
-#~ msgstr "Campo obligatorio"
+#~ msgid "Mercado Credito"
+#~ msgstr "Mercado Crédito"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When you finish the order, you will see the code to complete the payment."
-#~ msgstr "Cuando termines el pedido, verás el código para completar el pago."
-#~ msgid "CI"
-#~ msgstr "CI"
-#~ msgid "You must provide your document number"
-#~ msgstr "Debe informar su número de documento"
-#~ msgid "Complete all fields, they are mandatory."
-#~ msgstr "Complete todos los campos, son obligatorios."
-#~ msgid "Select the issuer with whom you want to process the payment"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona el emisor con el que quieras procesar el pago"
-#~ msgid "Lottery"
-#~ msgstr "Lotéricas"
-#~ msgid "CPF/CNPJ"
-#~ msgstr "CPF/CNPJ"
-#~ msgid "Enable or inactivate the payments via Pix"
-#~ msgstr "Activar o desactivar pagos por Pix"
-#~ msgid "If you change the display text, no translation will be available"
+#~ "among the options, select it and choose in how many installments you "
+#~ "would like to pay."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si cambia el texto de la pantalla Checkout, no habrá traducción disponible"
+#~ "entre las opciones, selecciónalo y elegí en cuántas cuotas quieres pagar."
-#~ msgid "Approve your account, it will only take a few minutes"
-#~ msgstr "Homologa tu cuenta, solo te llevará unos minutos"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Complete this process to secure your customers data and comply with the "
-#~ "regulations and legal provisions of each country."
+#~ msgid "Pay your installments monthly as you wish, in the Mercado Pago app."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Complete este proceso para proteger los datos de sus clientes y cumplir "
-#~ "con las regulaciones y disposiciones legales de cada país."
-#~ msgid "Homologate account in Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Homologar cuenta en Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "No"
-#~ msgstr "No"
+#~ "Pagá mes a mes tus cuotas como prefieras, desde la app de Mercado Pago."
-#~ msgid "Yes"
-#~ msgstr "Sí"
+#~ msgid "Review the step-by-step of"
+#~ msgstr "Revisa el paso a paso de"
-#~ msgid "Set up"
-#~ msgstr "Ajustes"
+#~ msgid "on our website for developers."
+#~ msgstr "en nuestro sitio de desarrolladores."
-#~ msgid "Your opinion helps us get better"
-#~ msgstr "Tu opinión nos ayuda a mejorar"
-#~ msgid "Guides and Documentation"
-#~ msgstr "Guías y documentación"
-#~ msgid "Report Problem"
-#~ msgstr "Informar problema"
-#~ msgid "Accept all method of payment and take your charges to another level"
-#~ msgstr "Acepta todos los medios de pago y lleva tus cobros a otro nivel"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Turn your online store into your customers preferred payment gateway. "
-#~ "Choose if the final payment experience will be inside or outside your "
-#~ "store."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Convierte tu tienda online en la pasarela de pagos preferida de tus "
-#~ "clientes. Elige si la experiencia de pago final será dentro o fuera de tu "
-#~ "tienda."
-#~ msgid "Configure Mercado Pago for WooCommerce"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresá la información de tu negocio"
+#~ msgid "Questions?"
+#~ msgstr "¿Dudas?"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Enable the experience of the Checkout Pro in your online store, select "
-#~ "the means of payment available to your customers and define the "
-#~ "maximum fees in which they can pay you."
+#~ "To enable orders, you must create and activate production credentials in "
+#~ "your Mercado Pago Account."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Habilita la experiencia del Checkout Pro en tu tienda online, selecciona "
-#~ "los medios de pago disponibles para tus clientes y define el máximo "
-#~ "de cuotas en el que podrán pagarte."
-#~ msgid "Set payment preferences in your store"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago en tu tienda"
+#~ "Para habilitar las ventas, debes crear y activar las credenciales de "
+#~ "producción en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago."
-#~ msgid "Select offline payments"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona medios de pago presenciales"
+#~ msgid "Check credentials"
+#~ msgstr "Consultar credenciales"
-#~ msgid "Select debit cards"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona tarjetas de débito"
-#~ msgid "Select credit cards"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona tarjetas de crédito"
-#~ msgid "Checkout of payments with debit and credit cards %s"
-#~ msgstr "Checkout de pagos con tarjetas de débito y crédito %s"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept payments instantly and maximize the conversion of your business"
-#~ msgstr "Acepta pagos al instante y maximiza la conversión de tu negocio"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Turn your online store into a secure and easy-to-use payment gateway for "
-#~ "your customers. With personalized checkout your customers pay without "
-#~ "leaving your store!"
+#~ msgid "To view more options, please select a payment method below"
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Convierte tu tienda online en una pasarela de pagos segura y fácil de "
-#~ "usar para tus clientes. Con el checkout personalizado tus clientes pagan "
-#~ "¡sin salir de tu tienda!"
-#~ msgid "Set up the payment experience in your store"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresá la información de tu negocio"
-#~ msgid "Configure the personalized payment experience in your store"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago en tu tienda"
-#~ msgid "%s, it only takes a few minutes"
-#~ msgstr "%s, solo te llevará unos minutos"
-#~ msgid "Approve your account"
-#~ msgstr "Homologa tu cuenta"
-#~ msgid "Title"
-#~ msgstr "Título"
+#~ "Selecciona uno de los siguientes medios de pago para ver más opciones"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Credentials are the keys we provide you to integrate quickly and "
-#~ "securely. You must have a %s in Mercado Pago to obtain and collect them "
-#~ " on your website. You do not need to know how to design or program to "
-#~ "do it"
+#~ "Test the experience in Test Mode and then enable the Sale Mode "
+#~ "(Production) to sell."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Las credenciales son las claves que te proporcionamos para que integres "
-#~ "de forma rápida y segura. Debes tener una %s en Mercado Pago para "
-#~ "obtenerlas y cobrar en tu sitio web. No necesitas saber diseñar o "
-#~ "programar para hacerlo"
-#~ msgid "approved account"
-#~ msgstr "cuenta homologada"
-#~ msgid "Select your country"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona tu país"
-#~ msgid "Select the country in which you operate with Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona el país en el que operas con Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Activate the Mercado Pago experience at the checkout of your store."
-#~ msgstr "Activa la experiencia de Mercado Pago en el checkout de tu tienda."
-#~ msgid "Binary mode"
-#~ msgstr "Modo binario"
+#~ "Testea la experiencia en Modo Test. Luego activa el Modo Ventas "
+#~ "(Producción) para realizar ventas."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept and reject payments automatically. Do you want us to activate it?"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta y rechaza pagos de forma automática. ¿Quieres que lo activemos?"
+#~ msgid "Do you have a minute to share your experience with our plugin?"
+#~ msgstr "¿tienes un minuto para compartir tu experiencia con nuestro plugin?"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If you activate binary mode you will not be able to leave pending "
-#~ "payments. This can affect fraud prevention. Leave it idle to be backed by "
-#~ "our own tool."
+#~ "Your opinion is very important so that we can offer you the best possible "
+#~ "payment solution and continue to improve."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si activa el modo binario no podrá dejar pagos pendientes. Esto puede "
-#~ "afectar la prevención del fraude. Déjelo inactivo para que sea respaldado "
-#~ "por nuestra propia herramienta."
-#~ msgid "Discounts per purchase with Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Descuentos por compra con Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Commission for purchase with Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Comisión por compra con Mercado Pago"
+#~ "Tu opinión es muy importante para que podamos ofrecerte la mejor solución "
+#~ "de pago posible y seguir mejorando."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept payments at any time of the day and expand your purchase options!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¡Acepte pagos en cualquier momento del día y amplíe sus opciones de "
-#~ "compra!"
+#~ msgid "You must enter"
+#~ msgstr "Debe introducir"
-#~ msgid "Offer this new payment option to your customers."
-#~ msgstr "Ofrezca esta nueva opción de pago a sus clientes."
+#~ msgid "production credentials"
+#~ msgstr "las credenciales de producción"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Enable and set up Pix as a payment method for your customers in the "
-#~ "Mercado Pago checkout."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Habilita y configura Pix como método de pago para tus clientes en el "
-#~ "checkout de Mercado Pago."
+#~ msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
+#~ msgstr "¡Importante! Para vender debe introducir sus credenciales."
-#~ msgid "Set up the payment via Pix experience"
-#~ msgstr "Configura la experiencia de pago a través de Pix"
+#~ msgid "Debit, Credit and invoice in Mercado Pago environment"
+#~ msgstr "Débito, crédito y efectivo, en Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Checkout of payments with cash %s"
-#~ msgstr "Paga con dinero en efectivo"
+#~ msgid "Debit and Credit"
+#~ msgstr "Débito e crédito"
-#~ msgid "Accept face-to-face payments, do not leave anyone out!"
-#~ msgstr "Acepta pagos presenciales ¡no dejes a nadie afuera!"
+#~ msgid "Transparent Checkout in your store environment"
+#~ msgstr "Checkout Transparente en tu tienda"
-#~ msgid "Include this preferred purchase option by some customers."
-#~ msgstr "Incluye esta opción de compra preferida por algunos clientes."
+#~ msgid "Mercado pago - Customized Checkout"
+#~ msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Personalizado"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Enable Mercado Pago for cash payments in your store and select the "
-#~ "options available to your customers."
+#~ "Unfortunately, the language configured in your WordPress is not "
+#~ "compatible with our plugin. For the best experience, please switch to a "
+#~ "supported language."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Habilita Mercado Pago para pagos en efectivo en tu tienda y "
-#~ "selecciona las opciones disponibles para tus clientes."
+#~ "Lamentablemente, el idioma configurado en tu WordPress no es compatible "
+#~ "con nuestro plugin. Para disfrutar de la mejor experiencia, cambia a un "
+#~ "idioma compatible."
-#~ msgid "Set payment preferences with cash"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago con dinero en efectivo"
+#~ msgid "payments on the spot"
+#~ msgstr "pagos al instante"
-#~ msgid "Store mode was updated"
-#~ msgstr "Se actualizó el modo de la tienda"
+#~ msgid "the"
+#~ msgstr "toda la"
-#~ msgid "Couldn't find a valid payment method"
-#~ msgstr "No se pudo encontrar un método de pago válido"
+#~ msgid "security"
+#~ msgstr "seguridad"
-#~ msgid "Invoice and Loterica"
-#~ msgstr "Efectivo "
+#~ msgid "from Mercado Pago"
+#~ msgstr "de Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "It offers all means of payment: credit and debit cards, cash and account "
-#~ "money. Your customers choose whether they pay as guests or from their "
-#~ "Mercado Pago account."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ofrece todos los medios de pago: tarjetas de crédito y débito, dinero en "
-#~ "efectivo y dinero en cuenta. Tus clientes eligen si pagan como invitados "
-#~ "o desde su cuenta de Mercado Pago."
+#~ msgid "Check the reasons why the purchase was declined"
+#~ msgstr "Consulta los motivos del rechazo de tu compra"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept card payments on your website with the best possible financing and "
-#~ "maximize the conversion of your business. With personalized checkout your "
-#~ "customers pay without leaving your store!"
+#~ "Recommend your costumer to pay with their usual payment method and device "
+#~ "for online purchases."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta pagos con tarjeta en tu sitio web con la mejor financiación "
-#~ "posible y maximiza la conversión de tu negocio. Con el checkout "
-#~ "personalizado tus clientes pagan ¡sin salir de tu tienda!"
-#~ msgid "Follow these steps to activate Mercado Pago in your store:"
-#~ msgstr "Sigue estos pasos para activar Mercado Pago en tu tienda:"
-#~ msgid "Upload your credentials"
-#~ msgstr "Carga tus credenciales"
-#~ msgid "depending on the country in which you are registered."
-#~ msgstr "depending on the country in which you are registered."
-#~ msgid "to be able to charge."
-#~ msgstr "para poder cobrar."
-#~ msgid "Add the basic information of your business"
-#~ msgstr "Añade la información básica de tu negocio"
-#~ msgid "in the plugin configuration."
-#~ msgstr "en la configuración del plugin."
-#~ msgid "Configure the payment preferences"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago"
-#~ msgid "In which country does your Mercado Pago account operate?"
-#~ msgstr "¿En qué país opera tu cuenta de Mercado Pago?"
+#~ "Recomiéndale a tu cliente que pague con el medio de pago y dispositivo "
+#~ "que suele usar para compras online."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Add credentials to "Test Mode" or "Production Mode""
+#~ "The payment could not be processed. Please ask your client to use another "
+#~ "card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ingresa las credenciales para el "Modo Test" o el "Modo "
-#~ "Producción""
-#~ msgid "Set up store payments for Test or Production Mode"
-#~ msgstr "Configura los pagos de la tienda para el modo Test o Producción"
-#~ msgid "How would you like to handle your store checkouts?"
-#~ msgstr "¿Como quieres operar los checkouts de tu tienda?"
-#~ msgid "Activate Production Mode for Mercado Pago checkouts"
-#~ msgstr "Activar Modo Producción para checkouts Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "test mode guidelines."
-#~ msgstr "reglas del Modo Test."
+#~ "El pago no fue procesado por el banco. Pídele a tu cliente que use otro "
+#~ "medio de pago o que se contacte con el banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Mercado Pago checkouts are inactive for real payments in the Test Mode. "
-#~ "Please check the"
+#~ "The CVV is invalid. Please ask your client to review the details or use "
+#~ "another card."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Checkouts Mercado Pago están inactivos para cobros reales en el Modo de "
-#~ "Prueba. Consulta las"
-#~ msgid "Search my credentials"
-#~ msgstr "Buscar mis credenciales"
+#~ "El código de seguridad de la tarjeta es inválido. Revisá los datos que "
+#~ "ingresaste o pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With these credentials, you enable your Mercado Pago checkouts to receive "
-#~ "real payments."
+#~ "The card does not have sufficient balance. Please ask your client to use "
+#~ "another card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Con estas credenciales habilitas que tus checkouts Mercado Pago puedan "
-#~ "recibir pagos reales."
+#~ "La tarjeta no tiene límite disponible. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
+#~ "tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "What category do your products belong to? Choose the one that best "
-#~ "characterizes them (choose \"other\" if your product is too specific)."
+#~ "The card does not have enough limit. Please ask your client to use "
+#~ "another card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¿A qué categoría pertenecen tus productos? Elige la que mejor los "
-#~ "caracteriza (elige “otro” si tu producto es demasiado específico)."
-#~ msgid "Categories"
-#~ msgstr "Categrorías"
-#~ msgid "Store ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID de la tienda"
+#~ "La tarjeta no tiene fondos suficientes. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
+#~ "tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Use a number or prefix to identify orders and payments from this store."
+#~ "The CVV was entered incorrectly several times. Please ask your client to "
+#~ "use another card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Usa un número o prefijo para identificar pedidos y pagos provenientes de "
-#~ "esta tienda."
+#~ "Se ingresó varias veces mal el código de seguridad de la tarjeta. Pedile "
+#~ "a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Do not forget to enter your integrator_id as a certified Mercado Pago "
-#~ "Partner. If you don`t have it, you can %s"
+#~ "The card does not allow the number of installments entered. Please ask "
+#~ "your client to choose another installment plan or to use another card."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "No olvides ingresar tu integrator_id como Partner certificado de Mercado "
-#~ "Pago. Si no lo tienes, puedes %s"
-#~ msgid "Advanced adjustment"
-#~ msgstr "Ajustes avanzados"
-#~ msgid "We debug the information in our change file."
-#~ msgstr "Depuramos la información de nuestro archivo de cambios."
+#~ "La tarjeta no acepta la cantidad de cuotas ingresadas. Pedile a tu "
+#~ "cliente que elija otro plan de cuotas o que use otra tarjeta."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "IPN (Instant Payment Notification) is a notification of events that take "
-#~ "place on your platform and that is sent from one server to another "
-#~ "through an HTTP POST call. See more information in our guides."
+#~ "The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client "
+#~ "to ask the bank to authotize it or to use another card."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "IPN (Instant Payment Notification) es una notificación de eventos que "
-#~ "tienen lugar en su plataforma y que se envía de un servidor a otro a "
-#~ "través de una llamada HTTP POST. Vea más información en nuestras guías."
+#~ "El banco emisor de la tarjeta no autorizó el pago. Pedile a tu cliente "
+#~ "que se contacte con el banco para autorizarlo o que use otra tarjeta."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "It appears that your credentials are not properly configured. Please, "
-#~ "go to %s and configure it."
+#~ "From Mercado Pago we have detected that this payment has already been "
+#~ "made before. If that is not the case, your client may try to pay again."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Parece que sus credenciales no están configuradas correctamente. Por "
-#~ "favor, vaya a %s y configúrelo."
-#~ msgid "Market Payment Configuration"
-#~ msgstr "Mercado Pago Configuración"
+#~ "Desde Mercado Pago detectamos que este pago ya se hizo anteriormente. Si "
+#~ "no es así, tu cliente puede intentarlo de nuevo."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Check out the step-by-step of how to integrate the Mercado Pago Plugin "
-#~ "for WooCommerce in our developer website."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Revisa el paso a paso de cómo integrar el Plugin de Mercado Pago para "
-#~ "WooCommerce en nuestro sitio de desarrolladores."
-#~ msgid "Review documentation"
-#~ msgstr "Revisar documentación"
-#~ msgid "Still having problems? Contact our support team through their %s"
+#~ "The card is not active yet. Please ask your client to use another card or "
+#~ "to get in touch with the bank to activate it."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¿Sigues con problemas? Comunícate con nuestro equipo de soporte a través "
-#~ "de su %s"
-#~ msgid "contact form."
-#~ msgstr "formulario de contacto."
-#~ msgid "Set up your interest payments"
-#~ msgstr "Configura pagos"
-#~ msgid "Set up your installment and interest payments"
-#~ msgstr "Configura meses sin intereses"
-#~ msgid "At Mercado Pago you can choose the fee you pay for each purchase"
-#~ msgstr "En Mercado Pago puedes elegir la tarifa que pagas en cada venta"
+#~ "La tarjeta aún no está habilitada. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
+#~ "tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco para activarla."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "At Mercado Pago you can choose the fee you pay for each purchase and also "
-#~ "offer interest-free installments to your customer."
+#~ "The debit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client "
+#~ "that it is possible to pay with credit or to use another one."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "En Mercado Pago puedes elegir la tarifa que pagas en cada compra y "
-#~ "también ofrecer meses sin intereses a tu cliente."
-#~ msgid "Set up interest payments"
-#~ msgstr "Configurar tasas y plazos"
-#~ msgid "Set up installment and interest"
-#~ msgstr "Configurar cuotas e intereses"
+#~ "La función débito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente que "
+#~ "puede pagar con la función débito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que use "
+#~ "otra."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Test Mode Activated? Now visit your store and test the Mercado Pago "
-#~ "checkouts"
+#~ "The credit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client "
+#~ "that it is possible to pay with debit or to use another one."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¿Modo Test activado? Ahora visita tu tienda y testea los checkouts "
-#~ "Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Everything ready for the takeoff of your sales?"
-#~ msgstr "¿Todo listo para el despegue de tus ventas?"
+#~ "La función crédito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente "
+#~ "que puede pagar con la función débito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que "
+#~ "use otra."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Visit your store as usual and simulate a payment in our checkouts to make "
-#~ "sure everything is working correctly."
+#~ "The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client "
+#~ "to ask the bank to authorize it."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Visita tu tienda normalmente y simula un pago en nuestros checkouts para "
-#~ "verificar que todo esté funcionando correctamente."
+#~ "El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago. Pídele a tu cliente que se "
+#~ "comunique con el banco para autorizar el pago."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Visit your store as if you were one of your customers and check that "
-#~ "everything is fine. If you already went to Production, bring your "
-#~ "customers and increase your sales with the best online shopping "
-#~ "experience."
+#~ "The buyer does not have enough balance to make the purchase. Please ask "
+#~ "your client to deposit money to the Mercado Pago Account or to use a "
+#~ "different payment method."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Visita tu tienda como si fueras uno de tus clientes y revisa que todo "
-#~ "esté bien. Si ya saliste a Producción, trae a tus clientes y aumenta "
-#~ "tus ventas con la mejor experiencia de compra online."
-#~ msgid "%s"
-#~ msgstr "%s"
+#~ "El cliente no tiene suficiente saldo en la cuenta para realizar la "
+#~ "compra. Pídele a tu cliente que cargue saldo en Mercado Pago o que use "
+#~ "otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Your store is ready to receive payments from customers."
-#~ msgstr "Tu tienda está lista para recibir pagos de clientes."
+#~ msgid "There was an error"
+#~ msgstr "Hubo un error"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Your customers will not be able to make purchases while in Test Mode."
-#~ msgstr "Los clientes no podrán hacer compras en Modo Test."
+#~ msgid "to BRL"
+#~ msgstr "a BRL"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept payments via Pix Transfer and receive the funds instantly. Your "
-#~ "customers can pay at any time, without date or time restrictions."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta pagos a través de transferencia Pix y recibe los fondos al "
-#~ "instante. Tus clientes pueden pagar en cualquier momento, sin "
-#~ "restricciones de fecha u hora."
+#~ msgid "to CLP"
+#~ msgstr "a CLP"
-#~ msgid "Pay with PIX "
-#~ msgstr "Paga vía Pix "
+#~ msgid "to COP"
+#~ msgstr "a COP"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept cash payments within the custom checkout and expand your customers "
-#~ "purchase options."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta pagos en efectivo dentro del checkout personalizado y amplía las "
-#~ "opciones de compra de tus clientes."
+#~ msgid "Now we convert your currency"
+#~ msgstr "Ahora convertimos tu moneda"
-#~ msgid "Pay with cash"
-#~ msgstr "Paga con dinero en efectivo"
+#~ msgid "We no longer convert your currency"
+#~ msgstr "Dejamos de convertir tu moneda"
-#~ msgid "Enter your credentials and choose how to operate"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tus credenciales y elige cómo operar"
+#~ msgid "Payment method"
+#~ msgstr "Medios de pagos"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "By default, we activate the Sandbox test environment for you to test "
-#~ "before you start selling."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Por defecto, te activamos el entorno de pruebas Sandbox para que hagas "
-#~ "testeos antes de empezar a vender."
+#~ msgid "Discount coupons is"
+#~ msgstr "Cupones de descuento están"
-#~ msgid "Production Mode"
-#~ msgstr "Modo Producción"
+#~ msgid "Discount coupons"
+#~ msgstr "Cupones de descuento"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When you see that everything is going well, deactivate Sandbox, turn on "
-#~ "Production and make way for your online sales."
+#~ "Will you offer discount coupons to customers who buy with Mercado Pago?"
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Cuando veas que todo va bien, desactiva Sandbox para ir a Producción y "
-#~ "abre paso a tus ventas online."
+#~ "¿Ofrecerás cupones de descuento a los clientes que compren con Mercado "
+#~ "Pago?"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Choose “Yes” only when you’re ready to sell. Switch to “No” to activate "
-#~ "Testing mode."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Elige “Sí” sólo cuando estés listo para vender. Cambia a “No” para "
-#~ "activar el modo Pruebas."
+#~ msgid "Your document data is invalid"
+#~ msgstr "Número de documento inválido"
-#~ msgid "With these keys you can do the tests you want.."
-#~ msgstr "Con estas claves podrás hacer las pruebas que quieras."
+#~ msgid "Title in the checkout"
+#~ msgstr "Título en el checkout"
-#~ msgid "With these keys you can receive real payments from your customers."
-#~ msgstr "Con estas claves podrás recibir pagos reales de tus clientes."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Payment URL pending"
+#~ msgid "Payment URL"
+#~ msgstr "URL de pago pendiente"
-#~ msgid "Everything set up? Go to your store in Sandbox mode"
-#~ msgstr "¿Todo configurado? Ve a tu tienda en modo Sandbox"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is"
+#~ msgid "Transparent checkout for credit cards is"
+#~ msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago "
+#~| "Transparent Checkout."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Visit your store and simulate a payment to check that everything is fine."
-#~ msgstr "Visita tu tienda y simula un pago para revisar que todo esté bien."
-#~ msgid "I want to test my sales"
-#~ msgstr "Quiero testear mis ventas"
-#~ msgid "Payment refused"
-#~ msgstr "Pago rechazado"
-#~ msgid "Physical person"
-#~ msgstr "Persona Física"
-#~ msgid "Legal person"
-#~ msgstr "Persona Jurídica"
-#~ msgid "Name"
-#~ msgstr "Nome"
-#~ msgid "Social reason"
-#~ msgstr "Razón social"
-#~ msgid "Surname"
-#~ msgstr "Apellido"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your last name"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar tu apellido"
-#~ msgid "CPF"
-#~ msgstr "CPF"
-#~ msgid "Address"
-#~ msgstr "Dirección"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your address"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar tu dirección"
-#~ msgid "Number"
-#~ msgstr "Número"
-#~ msgid "You must provide your address number"
-#~ msgstr "Debe informar su número de dirección"
-#~ msgid "City"
-#~ msgstr "Ciudad"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your city"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar a tu ciudad"
-#~ msgid "State"
-#~ msgstr "Estado"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your status"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar a tu estado"
-#~ msgid "Postal Code"
-#~ msgstr "Código postal"
-#~ msgid "You must provide your zip code"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar tu código postal"
-#~ msgid "See the reasons for refusing your purchase."
-#~ msgstr "Vea las razones para rechazar su compra."
-#~ msgid "30 minutes"
-#~ msgstr "30 minutos"
-#~ msgid "New"
-#~ msgstr "Nuevo"
-#~ msgid " day"
-#~ msgstr " día"
-#~ msgid "Description for cart Checkout"
-#~ msgstr "Descripción para el Checkout en el carrito"
+#~ "By disabling it, you will disable all payment methods of this checkout."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago con tarjeta de "
+#~ "crédito en el Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Configure the payment options and accept payments with cards, ticket and "
-#~ "money of Mercado Pago account."
+#~ "By confirming your purchase, you will be redirected to your Mercado Pago "
+#~ "account."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Configura las opciones de pago a tu medida y acepta pagos con tarjetas, "
-#~ "dinero en efectivo y dinero en cuenta de Mercado Pago."
-#~ msgid "https://developers.mercadopago.com/"
-#~ msgstr "https://developers.mercadopago.com/"
-#~ msgid "https://github.com/mercadopago/cart-woocommerce"
-#~ msgstr "https://github.com/mercadopago/cart-woocommerce"
+#~ "Al confirmar tu compra, te mostraremos un código para realizar el pago."
diff --git a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_VE.mo b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_VE.mo
index be9f33e1a..b1f7a85d9 100644
Binary files a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_VE.mo and b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_VE.mo differ
diff --git a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_VE.po b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_VE.po
index 9f270518d..600408cd4 100644
--- a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_VE.po
+++ b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-es_VE.po
@@ -1,85 +1,54 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 woocommerce-mercadopago
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the woocommerce-mercadopago package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce 6.0.0\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/woocommerce-"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-05-16 21:36+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-04-10 14:38+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
-"Language: es_ES\n"
+"Language: es_AR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 3.3.1\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 3.4.2\n"
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helper-links.php:141,
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:352
-msgid "By continuing, you agree to our "
-msgstr "Al continuar, aceptas nuestros "
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helper-links.php:143,
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:354
-msgid "Terms and Conditions"
-msgstr "Términos y condiciones"
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:92
-msgid ""
-"Activate this option so that the value of the currency set in WooCommerce is "
-"compatible with the value of the currency you use in Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Activa esta opción para que el valor de la moneda configurada en WooCommerce "
-"sea compatible al valor de la moneda que usas en Mercado Pago."
-#. translators: 1: local currency 2: currency
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:478
-msgid "Now we convert your currency from %1$s to %2$s."
-msgstr "Ahora convertimos tu moneda de %1$s a %2$s."
-#. translators: 1: local currency 2: currency
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:498
-msgid "We no longer convert your currency from %1$s to %2$s."
-msgstr "Dejamos de convertir tu moneda de %1$s a %2$s."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:463,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:172
+msgid "Activate WooCommerce"
+msgstr "Activar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:519
-msgid ""
-"Attention: The currency settings you have in WooCommerce are not "
-"compatible with the currency you use in your Mercado Pago account. Please "
-"activate the currency conversion."
-msgstr ""
-"Atención: La configuración de moneda que tienes en WooCommerce no es "
-"compatible con la moneda que usas en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago. Activa la "
-"conversión de moneda."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:464,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:173
+msgid "Install WooCommerce"
+msgstr "Instalar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-configs.php:125
-msgid ""
-"Update your credentials with the Access Token and Public Key, you need them "
-"to continue receiving payments!"
-msgstr ""
-"Actualice sus credenciales con el Access Token y la Public Key, ¡los "
-"necesita para continuar recibiendo pagos!"
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:465,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:174
+msgid "See WooCommerce"
+msgstr "Ver WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-configs.php:134
-msgid ""
-"The store should have HTTPS in order to activate both Checkout Personalizado "
-"and Ticket Checkout."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:467,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:163
+msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs an active version of %s in order to work!"
msgstr ""
-"La tienda debe tener HTTPS para activar el Checkout Personalizado y el "
-"Ticket Checkout."
+"¡El módulo de Mercado Pago necesita una versión de %s activa para funcionar!"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:52
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:169
msgid ""
-"Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce requires PHP version 5.6 or later. "
+"Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce requires PHP version 7.4 or later. "
"Please update your PHP version."
msgstr ""
-"El plugin de Mercado Pago requiere la versión de PHP 5.6 o posterior. Por "
+"El plugin de Mercado Pago requiere la versión de PHP 7.4 o posterior. Por "
"favor actualice su versión de PHP."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:61
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:170
msgid "Mercado Pago Error: PHP Extension CURL is not installed."
msgstr "Error en Mercado Pago: La extensión cURL de PHP no está instalada."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:70
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:171
msgid ""
"Mercado Pago Error: PHP Extension GD is not installed. Installation of GD "
"extension is required to send QR Code Pix by email."
@@ -88,493 +57,962 @@ msgstr ""
"necesaria la instalación de la extensión GD para enviar el QR Code Pix por "
"correo electrónico."
-#. translators: %s link to WooCommerce
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:82
-msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs an active version of %s in order to work!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:175
+msgid ""
+"Please note that to receive payments via Pix at our checkout, you must have "
+"a Pix key registered in your Mercado Pago account."
msgstr ""
-"¡El módulo de Mercado Pago necesita una versión de %s activa para funcionar!"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:95
-msgid "Cancel order"
-msgstr "Cancelar orden"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:177
-msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs the SDK package to work!"
-msgstr "¡El módulo de Mercado Pago necesita el SDK para funcionar!"
+"Ten en cuenta que para recibir pagos a través de Pix en nuestro checkout, "
+"debes tener una clave Pix registrada en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:368
-msgid "The payment method is not valid or not available."
-msgstr "El medio de pago no es válido o no está disponible."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:176
+msgid "Register your Pix key at Mercado Pago."
+msgstr "Registra tu clave Pix en Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:371
-msgid "The transaction amount cannot be processed by Mercado Pago."
-msgstr "El monto de transacción no puede ser procesado por Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:177
+msgid "%s, help us improve the experience we offer"
+msgstr "%s, ayúdanos a mejorar nuestra experiencia"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:371
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:178
msgid ""
-"Possible causes: Currency not supported; Amounts below the minimum or above "
-"the maximum allowed."
+"Share your opinion with us so that we improve our product and offer the best "
+"payment solution."
msgstr ""
-"Posibles causas: Moneda no soportada; Montos por debajo del mínimo o por "
-"encima del máximo permitido."
+"Comparte tu opinión con nosotros para poder mejorar nuestro producto y "
+"ofrecerte la mejor solución de pagos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:179
+msgid "Rate the plugin"
+msgstr "Valorar el plugin"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:374
-msgid "The users are not valid."
-msgstr "Los usuários no son válidos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:180
+msgid "Enable payments via Mercado Pago account"
+msgstr "Pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:374
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:181
msgid ""
-"Possible causes: Buyer and seller have the same account in Mercado Pago; The "
-"transaction involving production and test users."
+"When you enable this function, your customers pay faster using their Mercado "
+"Pago accounts.The approval rate of these payments in your store can be "
+"25% higher compared to other payment methods."
msgstr ""
-"Posibles causas: Comprador y vendedor tienen la misma cuenta en Mercado "
-"Pago; La transacción involucrando usuários de producción y de prueba."
+"Con esta función activa, tus clientes pagan más rápido usando su cuenta de "
+"Mercado Pago.La tasa de aprobación de estos pagos en tu tienda puede "
+"ser un 25% mayor en comparación con otros medios de pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:377
-msgid "Unauthorized use of production credentials."
-msgstr "Uso no autorizado de credenciales de producción."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:182
+msgid "Activate"
+msgstr "Activar"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:377
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:183
msgid ""
-"Possible causes: Use permission in use for the credential of the seller."
+"Our plugin does not support the language you've chosen, so we've switched it "
+"to the English default. If you prefer, you can also select Spanish or "
+"Portuguese (Brazilian)."
msgstr ""
-"Posibles causas: Pendencia de permiso de uso en producción para la "
-"credencial del vendedor."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:503
-msgid "Colombia"
-msgstr "Colombia"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:505
-msgid "Argentina"
-msgstr "Argentina"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:507
-msgid "Brazil"
-msgstr "Brasil"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:509
-msgid "Chile"
-msgstr "Chile"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:511
-msgid "Mexico"
-msgstr "México"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:513
-msgid "Uruguay"
-msgstr "Uruguay"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:515
-msgid "Venezuela"
-msgstr "Venezuela"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:184
+msgid "You activated Mercado Pago’s plug-in"
+msgstr "Activaste el plugin de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:517
-msgid "Peru"
-msgstr "Peru"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:551
-msgid "Update the WooCommerce order to "
-msgstr "Actualizar la orden de WooCommerce para "
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:821,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:583
-msgid "Fill in your credentials to enable payment methods."
-msgstr "Completa tus credenciales para habilitar los medios de pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:185
+msgid ""
+"Follow the instructions below to integrate your store with Mercado Pago and "
+"start to sell."
+msgstr ""
+"Sigue las instrucciones de abajo para integrar tu tienda con Mercado Pago y "
+"empezar a vender."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:837
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:197
msgid "Set plugin"
msgstr "Configurar plugin"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:838,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:293
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:198,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:738,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:798
msgid "Payment methods"
msgstr "Medios de pagos"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:839,
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:220
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:199
msgid "Plugin manual"
msgstr "Manual del plugin"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:938
-msgid "By Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Por Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-core.php:109,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:171,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:140,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:189,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:167
-msgid "Buyer email"
-msgstr "Email del comprador"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:211
+msgid "Cancel order"
+msgstr "Cancelar orden"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:35
-msgid "No ID or TOPIC param in Request IPN"
-msgstr "No hay ID o parámetro de ASUNTO la solicitud de IPN"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:212
+msgid "Mercado Pago commission:"
+msgstr "Comisión de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:39
-msgid ""
-"Discarded notification. This notification is already processed as webhook-"
-msgstr ""
-"Notificación ignorada. Esta notificación se procesa como webhook-payment."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:213
+msgid "Represents the commission configured on plugin settings."
+msgstr "Representa la comisión configurada en la configuración del plugin."
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:54
-msgid "IPN merchant_order not found"
-msgstr "No se ha encontrado la IPN de `merchant_order`"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:214
+msgid "Mercado Pago discount:"
+msgstr "Descuento de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:60
-msgid "Not found Payments into Merchant_Order"
-msgstr "No se han encontrado pagos en Merchant_Order"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:215
+msgid "Represents the discount configured on plugin settings."
+msgstr "Representa el descuento configurado en la configuración del plugin."
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:174,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:143,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:192,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:170
-msgid "Payment type"
-msgstr "Tipo de método de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:216
+msgid "Represents the installment fee charged by Mercado Pago."
+msgstr "Representa la comisión a plazos cobrada por Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:177,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:146,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:195,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:173
-msgid "Payment method"
-msgstr "Método de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:217
+msgid "Mercado Pago Installment Fee:"
+msgstr "Cuota de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:39
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:218
msgid ""
-"Please enter your email address at the billing address to use this service"
+"Represents the total purchase plus the installment fee charged by Mercado "
msgstr ""
-"Por favor, introduzca su email en la dirección de facturación para utilizar "
-"este servicio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:41,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:42,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:277
-msgid "Checkout Pro"
-msgstr "Checkout Pro"
+"Representa el total de la compra más la comisión de fraccionamiento cobrada "
+"por Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:43
-msgid "Debit, Credit and invoice in Mercado Pago environment"
-msgstr "Débito, crédito y efectivo, en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:219
+msgid "Mercado Pago Total:"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago Total:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:51
-msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
-msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:232
+msgid "Accept"
+msgstr "Acepta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:53
-msgid "Your saved cards or money in Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Compras con tarjetas guardadas o saldo en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:233
+msgid "payments"
+msgstr "pagos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:164
-msgid "Maximum number of installments"
-msgstr "Máximo de cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:234
+msgid "safely"
+msgstr "de forma"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:166
-msgid "What is the maximum quota with which a customer can buy?"
-msgstr "¿Cuál es el máximo de cuotas con las que un cliente puede comprar?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:235
+msgid "with"
+msgstr "segura con"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:169
-msgid "1 installment"
-msgstr "1 cuota"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:236
+msgid "Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:170
-msgid "2 installments"
-msgstr "2 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:241
+msgid "Choose"
+msgstr "Elige"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:171
-msgid "3 installments"
-msgstr "3 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:242
+msgid "when you want to receive the money"
+msgstr "cuándo quieres recibir el dinero"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:172
-msgid "4 installments"
-msgstr "4 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:243
+msgid "from your sales and if you want to offer"
+msgstr "de las ventas y si quieres ofrecer"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:173
-msgid "5 installments"
-msgstr "5 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:244
+msgid "interest-free installments"
+msgstr "cuotas sin interés"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:174
-msgid "6 installments"
-msgstr "6 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:245
+msgid "to your clients."
+msgstr "a los clientes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:175
-msgid "10 installments"
-msgstr "10 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:251
+msgid "SSL"
+msgstr "SSL"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:176
-msgid "12 installments"
-msgstr "12 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:252
+msgid "Curl"
+msgstr "Curl"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:177
-msgid "15 installments"
-msgstr "15 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:253
+msgid "GD Extensions"
+msgstr "Extensiones GD"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:178
-msgid "18 installments"
-msgstr "18 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:255
+msgid "Technical requirements"
+msgstr "Requisitos técnicos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:179
-msgid "24 installments"
-msgstr "24 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:256
+msgid "Collections and installments"
+msgstr "Cobros y cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:256,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:153,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:915,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:203,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:197
-msgid "Enable the checkout"
-msgstr "Activar el checkout"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:257
+msgid "More information"
+msgstr "Más información"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:257
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:258
msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all payments from Mercado Pago Checkout at "
-"Mercado Pago website by redirect."
+"Implementation responsible for transmitting data to Mercado Pago in a secure "
+"and encrypted way."
msgstr ""
-"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago del checkout en el "
-"sitio web de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:261,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:920
-msgid "The checkout is enabled."
-msgstr "El checkout está activo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:262,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:921
-msgid "The checkout is disabled."
-msgstr "El checkout está inactivo."
+"Implementación responsable de transmitir los datos a Mercado Pago de forma "
+"segura y encriptada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:281
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:259
msgid ""
-"With Checkout Pro you sell with all the safety inside Mercado Pago "
+"It is an extension responsible for making payments via requests from the "
+"plugin to Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Pro, podrás vender con toda la seguridad, dentro de Mercado "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:298,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:269
-msgid "Advanced settings"
-msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:311
-msgid "Payment experience"
-msgstr "Experiencia de pago"
+"Es una extensión encargada de realizar los pagos a través de requests del "
+"plugin a Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:313
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:260
msgid ""
-"Define what payment experience your customers will have, whether inside or "
-"outside your store."
+"These extensions are responsible for the implementation and operation of Pix "
+"in your store."
msgstr ""
-"Define qué experiencia de pago tendrán tus clientes, si dentro o fuera de tu "
+"Extensiones responsables de la aplicación y el funcionamiento de Pix en su "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:316
-msgid "Redirect"
-msgstr "Redirect"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:262
+msgid "Check our documentation to learn more about integrating our plug-in."
+msgstr ""
+"Revisa nuestras documentaciones para saber más sobre la integración de "
+"nuestro plugin."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:317
-msgid "Modal"
-msgstr "Modal"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:263
+msgid "Set deadlines and fees"
+msgstr "Ajustar plazos y tasas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:333
-msgid ""
-"Choose the URL that we will show your customers when they finish their "
-msgstr "Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando terminen su compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:264
+msgid "Go to documentation"
+msgstr "Ir a la documentación"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:331,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:351,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:372
-msgid "This seems to be an invalid URL."
-msgstr "Esto parece ser una URL no válida."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:277
+msgid "Public Key"
+msgstr "Public Key"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:336
-msgid "Success URL"
-msgstr "URL de éxito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:278
+msgid "Access Token"
+msgstr "Access Token"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:353
-msgid ""
-"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when we refuse their "
-"purchase. Make sure it includes a message appropriate to the situation and "
-"give them useful information so they can solve it."
-msgstr ""
-"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando rechacemos su compra. "
-"Asegúrate de incluir un mensaje adecuado a la situación y dales información "
-"útil para que puedan solucionarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:279
+msgid "1. Enter your credentials to integrate your store with Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "1. Ingresa tus credenciales para integrar tu tienda con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:356
-msgid "Payment URL rejected"
-msgstr "URL de pago rechazado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:280
+msgid "Production credentials"
+msgstr "Credenciales de producción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:281
+msgid "Test credentials"
+msgstr "Credenciales de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:374
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:282
+msgid "To start selling, "
+msgstr "Para empezar a vender, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:283
msgid ""
-"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when they have a payment "
-"pending approval."
+"in the fields below. If you don’t have credentials yet, you’ll have to "
+"create them from this link."
msgstr ""
-"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando tengan un pago pendiente "
-"de aprobación."
+"en los campos de abajo. Si todavía no tienes credenciales, deberás crearlas "
+"en ese mismo enlace."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:377
-msgid "Payment URL pending"
-msgstr "URL de pago pendiente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:284
+msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts for test purchases in the store."
+msgstr ""
+"Habilita a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para pruebas de compras en la "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:391
-msgid "Enable the payment methods available to your clients."
-msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles para tus clientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:285
+msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts to receive real payments in the store."
+msgstr ""
+"Habilita a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para recibir pagos reales en tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:392
-msgid "Choose the payment methods you accept in your store"
-msgstr "Elige los medios de pago que se aceptan en la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:286
+msgid "Paste your Public Key here"
+msgstr "Pega aquí tu Public Key"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:396
-msgid "Credit Cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:287
+msgid "Paste your Access Token here"
+msgstr "Pega aquí tu Access Token"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:400
-msgid "Debit Cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:288,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:342
+msgid "Save and continue"
+msgstr "Guardar y continuar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:404
-msgid "Other Payment Methods"
-msgstr "Otros medios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:289
+msgid ""
+"You have to enter your production credentials to start selling with Mercado "
+msgstr ""
+"Debes ingresar tus credenciales de producción para empezar a vender con "
+"Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:454
-msgid "Return to the store"
-msgstr "Volver a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:290
+msgid "Enter credentials"
+msgstr "Introducir credenciales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:455
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:291
+msgid "Activate your credentials to be able to sell"
+msgstr "Activa tus credenciales para poder vender"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:292
msgid ""
-"Do you want your customer to automatically return to the store after payment?"
+"Credentials are codes that you must enter to enable sales. Go below on "
+"Activate Credentials. On the next screen, use again the Activate Credentials "
+"button and fill in the fields with the requested information."
msgstr ""
-"¿Quieres que tu cliente vuelva automáticamente a la tienda después del pago?"
+"Las credenciales son códigos que debes ingresar para habilitar las ventas. "
+"Vaya más abajo en Activar credenciales. En la siguiente pantalla, utilice "
+"nuevamente el botón Activar Credenciales y complete los campos con la "
+"información solicitada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:459
-msgid "The buyer will be automatically redirected to the store."
-msgstr "El comprador será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:293
+msgid "Activate credentials"
+msgstr "Activar credenciales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:460
-msgid "The buyer will not be automatically redirected to the store."
-msgstr "El comprador no será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:294
+msgid "copy and paste your production credentials "
+msgstr "copia y pega tus credenciales de producción "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:485
-msgid "Available payment methods"
-msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:307
+msgid "Add the URL to receive payments notifications."
+msgstr "Ingresa la URL para recibir notificaciones de pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:535,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:521,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:426,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:411,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:698,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:418,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:404,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:434,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:419,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:174,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:172
-msgid "discount of"
-msgstr "descuento de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:308
+msgid "Find out more information in the"
+msgstr "Consulta más información en los"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:541,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:527,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:432,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:417,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:704,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:691,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:424,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:410,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:440,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:425,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:176
-msgid "fee of"
-msgstr "comisión de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:310
+msgid "guides"
+msgstr "manuales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:641,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:667,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:719
-msgid "Easy login"
-msgstr "Ingresa con facilidad"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:315
+msgid ""
+"If you are a Mercado Pago Certified Partner, make sure to add your "
+msgstr ""
+"Si eres Partner certificado de Mercado Pago, recuerda ingresar tu "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:642,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:668,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:720
-msgid "Log in with the same email and password you use in Mercado Libre."
-msgstr "Inicia sesión con tu mismo e-mail y contraseña de Mercado Libre."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:316
+msgid "If you do not have the code, please"
+msgstr "Si no tienes el código,"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:649,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:675,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:693,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:727
-msgid "Quick payments"
-msgstr "Paga rápido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:318
+msgid "request it now"
+msgstr "solicítalo ahora"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:650
-msgid "Use your saved cards, Pix or available balance."
-msgstr "Usa tus tarjetas guardadas, Pix o saldo disponible."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:322
+msgid "2. Customize your business’ information"
+msgstr "2. Personaliza la información de tu negocio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:657,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:683
-msgid "Protected purchases"
-msgstr "Protege tu compra"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:323
+msgid "Your store information"
+msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:658,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:684
-msgid "Get your money back in case you don't receive your product."
-msgstr "Recupera tu dinero si no recibes el producto."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:324
+msgid "Advanced integration options (optional)"
+msgstr "Opciones avanzadas de integración (opcional)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:676
-msgid "Use your available Mercado Pago Wallet balance or saved cards."
-msgstr "Usa tu saldo disponible en Mercado Pago Wallet o tarjetas guardadas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:325
+msgid "Debug and Log Mode"
+msgstr "Modo debug y log"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:694,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:728
-msgid "Use your available money or saved cards."
-msgstr "Usa tu dinero disponible o tarjetas guardadas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:326
+msgid ""
+"Fill out the following details to have a better experience and offer your "
+"customers more information."
+msgstr ""
+"Completa los siguientes datos para tener una mejor experiencia y ofrecerle "
+"más información a tus clientes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:701,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:735
-msgid "Installments option"
-msgstr "Accede a cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:327
+msgid "Name of your store in your client's invoice"
+msgstr "Nombre de tu tienda en la factura de los clientes"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:702
-msgid "Pay with or without a credit card."
-msgstr "Paga con o sin tarjeta de crédito."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:328
+msgid "Identification in Activities of Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Identificación en Actividad de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:709
-msgid "Reliable purchases"
-msgstr "Compra con confianza"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:329
+msgid ""
+"For further integration of your store with Mercado Pago (IPN, Certified "
+"Partners, Debug Mode)"
+msgstr ""
+"Para mayor integración de tu tienda con Mercado Pago (IPN, Socios "
+"Certificados, Modo Debug)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:710
-msgid "Get help if you have a problem with your purchase."
-msgstr "Recibe ayuda si tienes algún problema con tu compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:330
+msgid "Store category"
+msgstr "Categoría de la tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:736
-msgid "Interest-free installments with selected banks."
-msgstr "Cuotas sin interés con bancos seleccionados."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:331
+msgid "URL for IPN"
+msgstr "URL para IPN"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:332
+msgid "Integrator ID"
+msgstr "Integrator ID"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:333
+msgid "We record your store's actions in order to provide a better assistance."
+msgstr "Grabamos las aciones de tu tienda para brindar un mejor soporte."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:334
+msgid "Ex: Mary's Store"
+msgstr "Ej.: Tienda de María"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:335
+msgid "Ex: Mary Store"
+msgstr "Ej.: TiendaMaría"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:336,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1253
+msgid "Select"
+msgstr "Seleccionar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:337
+msgid "Ex: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+msgstr "Ej.: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:338
+msgid "Add plugin default params"
+msgstr "Agregar parámetros default del plugin"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:339
+msgid "Ex: 14987126498"
+msgstr "Ej.: 14987126498"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:340
+msgid "Show advanced options"
+msgstr "Ver opciones avanzadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:341
+msgid "Hide advanced options"
+msgstr "Esconder opciones avanzadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:343
+msgid ""
+"If this field is empty, the purchase will be identified as Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Si el campo queda vacío, la compra del cliente se identificará como Mercado "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:344
+msgid "In Activities, you will view this term before the order number"
+msgstr "En Actividad, verás el término ingresado antes del número o del pedido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:345
+msgid ""
+"Select \"Other categories\" if you do not find the appropriate category."
+msgstr "Seleciona ”Other categories” si no encuentras una categoría adecuada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:346
+msgid "request it now."
+msgstr "solicítalo ahora."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:360
+msgid "3. Activate and set up payment methods"
+msgstr "3. Activa y configura los medios de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:361
+msgid ""
+"Select the payment method you want to appear in your store to activate and "
+"set it up."
+msgstr ""
+"Selecciona el medio de pago que quieres que aparezca en tu tienda para "
+"activarlo y configurarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:362
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Configurar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:363
+msgid "Continue"
+msgstr "Continuar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:364
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Activado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:365
+msgid "Disabled"
+msgstr "Inactivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:366
+msgid "Configure your credentials to enable Mercado Pago payment methods."
+msgstr ""
+"Completa tus credenciales para habilitar los medios de pago Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:379,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:385
+msgid "The checkout is"
+msgstr "El checkout está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:380,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:392,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:508,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:520,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:532,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:599,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:611,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:623,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:700,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:762,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:822,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:834
+msgid "enabled"
+msgstr "activo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:386,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:398,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:514,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:526,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:538,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:605,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:617,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:629,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:706,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:768,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:828,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:840
+msgid "disabled"
+msgstr "inactivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:391,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:397,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:519,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:525,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:610,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:616,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:699,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:705,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:761,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:767,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:833,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:839
+msgid "Currency conversion is"
+msgstr "Conversión de moneda está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:403,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:409
+msgid "The buyer"
+msgstr "El comprador"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:404
+msgid "will be automatically redirected to the store"
+msgstr "será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:410
+msgid "will not be automatically redirected to the store"
+msgstr "no será redirigido automáticamente a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:416,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:422,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:634,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:640
+msgid "Pending payments"
+msgstr "Los pagos pendientes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:417,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:635
+msgid "will be automatically declined"
+msgstr "se rechazarán automaticamente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:423,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:641
+msgid "will not be automatically declined"
+msgstr "no se rechazarán automaticamente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:427,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:442
+msgid "Your saved cards or money available in Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:428,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:430
+msgid "Your clients finalize their payments in Mercado Pago."
+msgstr "Tus clientes finalizan sus pagos en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:429
+msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:431
+msgid "Checkout Pro"
+msgstr "Checkout Pro"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:432
+msgid ""
+"With Checkout Pro you sell with all the safety inside Mercado Pago "
+msgstr ""
+"Con el Checkout Pro, podrás vender con toda la seguridad, dentro de Mercado "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:433,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:548,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:715,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:777,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:858
+msgid "Mercado Pago plugin general settings"
+msgstr "Configuraciones generales del plugin de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:434,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:549,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:652,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:716,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:778,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:859
+msgid ""
+"Set the deadlines and fees, test your store or access the Plugin manual."
+msgstr "Ajusta tasas y plazos, testea tu tienda o accede al manual del plugin."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:435,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:550,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:653,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:717,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:779,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:860
+msgid "Go to Settings"
+msgstr "Ir a Configuraciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:436,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:654,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:861
+msgid "Enable the checkout"
+msgstr "Activar el checkout"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:437
+msgid ""
+"By disabling it, you will disable all payments from Mercado Pago Checkout at "
+"Mercado Pago website by redirect."
+msgstr ""
+"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago del checkout en el "
+"sitio web de Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:440,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:559,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:658,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:722,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:784,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:865
+msgid "Title in the store Checkout"
+msgstr "Título en el checkout de la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:441,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:659,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:723,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:785,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:866
+msgid "Change the display text in Checkout, maximum characters: 85"
+msgstr "Puedes cambiar el título dentro tu tienda. Caracteres máximos: 85"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:443,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:562,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:661,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:725,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:787,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:868
+msgid "The text inserted here will not be translated to other languages"
+msgstr "El texto insertado aquí no se traducirá a otros idiomas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:444,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:563,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:665,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:726,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:788,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:882
+msgid "Convert Currency"
+msgstr "Convertir moneda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:445,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:564,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:666,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:727,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:789,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:883
+msgid ""
+"Activate this option so that the value of the currency set in WooCommerce is "
+"compatible with the value of the currency you use in Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Activa esta opción para que el valor de la moneda configurada en WooCommerce "
+"sea compatible al valor de la moneda que usas en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:448
+msgid "Choose the payment methods you accept in your store"
+msgstr "Elige los medios de pago que se aceptan en la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:449
+msgid "Enable the payment methods available to your clients."
+msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles para tus clientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:450
+msgid "Credit Cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:451
+msgid "Debit Cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:452
+msgid "Other Payment Methods"
+msgstr "Otros medios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:453
+msgid "Maximum number of installments"
+msgstr "Máximo de cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:454
+msgid "What is the maximum quota with which a customer can buy?"
+msgstr "¿Cuál es el máximo de cuotas con las que un cliente puede comprar?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:455
+msgid "1 installment"
+msgstr "1 cuota"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:456
+msgid "2 installments"
+msgstr "2 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:457
+msgid "3 installments"
+msgstr "3 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:458
+msgid "4 installments"
+msgstr "4 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:459
+msgid "5 installments"
+msgstr "5 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:460
+msgid "6 installments"
+msgstr "6 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:461
+msgid "10 installments"
+msgstr "10 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:462
+msgid "12 installments"
+msgstr "12 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:463
+msgid "15 installments"
+msgstr "15 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:464
+msgid "18 installments"
+msgstr "18 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:465
+msgid "24 installments"
+msgstr "24 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:466,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:577
+msgid "Advanced settings"
+msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:467,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:578,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:675,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:733,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:793,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:890
+msgid ""
+"Edit these advanced fields only when you want to modify the preset values."
+msgstr ""
+"Edita estos campos avanzados solo cuando quieras modificar los valores "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:468
+msgid "Payment experience"
+msgstr "Experiencia de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:469
+msgid ""
+"Define what payment experience your customers will have, whether inside or "
+"outside your store."
+msgstr ""
+"Define qué experiencia de pago tendrán tus clientes, si dentro o fuera de tu "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:470
+msgid "Redirect"
+msgstr "Redirect"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:471
+msgid "Modal"
+msgstr "Modal"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:472
+msgid "Return to the store"
+msgstr "Volver a la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:473
+msgid ""
+"Do you want your customer to automatically return to the store after payment?"
+msgstr ""
+"¿Quieres que tu cliente vuelva automáticamente a la tienda después del pago?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:30,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:31,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:245
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:476
+msgid "Success URL"
+msgstr "URL de éxito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:477
+msgid ""
+"Choose the URL that we will show your customers when they finish their "
+msgstr "Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando terminen su compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:478
+msgid "Payment URL rejected"
+msgstr "URL de pago rechazado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:479
+msgid ""
+"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when we refuse their "
+"purchase. Make sure it includes a message appropriate to the situation and "
+"give them useful information so they can solve it."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando rechacemos su compra. "
+"Asegúrate de incluir un mensaje adecuado a la situación y dales información "
+"útil para que puedan solucionarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:480
+msgid "Payment URL pending"
+msgstr "URL de pago pendiente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:481
+msgid ""
+"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when they have a payment "
+"pending approval."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige la URL que mostraremos a tus clientes cuando tengan un pago pendiente "
+"de aprobación."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:482,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:676
+msgid "Automatic decline of payments without instant approval"
+msgstr "Rechazo automático de pagos sin aprobación instantanea"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:483,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:677
+msgid ""
+"Enable it if you want to automatically decline payments that are not "
+"instantly approved by banks or other institutions."
+msgstr ""
+"Actívalo si quieres rechazar automáticamente los pagos que no son aprobados "
+"instantáneamente por bancos u otros compradores."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:484
+msgid "Debit, Credit and Invoice in Mercado Pago environment."
+msgstr "Débito, crédito y efectivo, en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:487,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:579,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:680,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:742,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:802,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:891
+msgid "Discount in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
+msgstr "Descuento en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:488,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:580,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:681,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:743,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:803,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:892
+msgid ""
+"Choose a percentage value that you want to discount your customers for "
+"paying with Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige un valor porcentual que quieras descontar a tus clientes por pagar con "
+"Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:489,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:492,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:581,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:584,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:682,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:685,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:744,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:747,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:804,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:807,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:893,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:896
+msgid "Activate and show this information on Mercado Pago Checkout"
+msgstr "Activar y mostrar esa información en el checkout Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:490,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:582,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:683,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:745,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:805,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:894
+msgid "Commission in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
+msgstr "Comisiones en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:491,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:583,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:684,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:746,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:806,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:895
+msgid ""
+"Choose an additional percentage value that you want to charge as commission "
+"to your customers for paying with Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Elige un valor porcentual adicional que quieras cobrar como comisión a tus "
+"clientes por pagar con Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:493
+msgid "This seems to be an invalid URL"
+msgstr "Esto parece ser una URL no válida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:507,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:513
+msgid "Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is"
+msgstr "“Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago” está "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:531,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:537
+msgid "The installments without card component is"
+msgstr "El componente “Compra en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta” está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:542,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:546
msgid "Installments without card"
msgstr "Financiación sin tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:32
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:543,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:545
msgid "Customers who buy on spot and pay later in up to 12 installments"
msgstr "Tus clientes pueden comprar en hasta 12 pagos mensuales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:40
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:544
msgid "Mercado Pago - Installments without card"
-msgstr "Mercado Pago - Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Financiación sin tarjeta de crédito "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:42
-msgid "Checkout without card"
-msgstr "Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:547
+msgid ""
+"Reach millions of buyers by offering Mercado Credito as a payment method. "
+"Our flexible payment options give your customers the possibility to buy "
+"today whatever they want in up to 12 installments without the need to use a "
+"credit card. For your business, the approval of the purchase is immediate "
+"and guaranteed."
+msgstr ""
+"Llega a millones de compradores ofreciéndoles Mercado Crédito como medio de "
+"pago. Nuestras opciones de pago flexibles brindan a tus clientes la "
+"posibilidad de comprar lo que quieren hoy en hasta 12 cuotas sin la "
+"necesidad de utilizar una tarjeta. Para tu negocio, la aprobación de la "
+"compra es inmediata y está garantizada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:182
-msgid "Activate installments without card in your store checkout "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:551
+msgid "Activate installments without card in your store checkout"
msgstr "Activar la opción de financiación sin tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:183
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:552
msgid ""
"Offer the option to pay in installments without card directly from your "
"store's checkout."
@@ -582,116 +1020,114 @@ msgstr ""
"Ofrece a tus clientes la opción de financiar su compra en hasta 12 pagos "
"mensuales, directo desde el checkout de tu tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:187
-msgid ""
-"Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is active"
-msgstr "“Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago” está activo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:188
-msgid ""
-"Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is inactive"
-msgstr "“Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago” está inactivo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:205
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:555
msgid "Checkout visualization"
msgstr "Visualización en el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:206,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:367
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:556,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:576
msgid "Check below how this feature will be displayed to your customers:"
msgstr "A continuación verás cómo este recurso aparecerá para tus clientes:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:207
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:557
msgid "Checkout Preview"
msgstr "Visualización en el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:208
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:558
msgid "PREVIEW"
msgstr "DEMO"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:249
-msgid ""
-"Reach millions of buyers by offering Mercado Credito as a payment method. "
-"Our flexible payment options give your customers the possibility to buy "
-"today whatever they want in up to 12 installments without the need to use a "
-"credit card."
-msgstr ""
-"Llega a millones de compradores con bajo acceso a financiación ofreciéndoles "
-"Mercado Crédito como medio de pago. Nuestras opciones de pago flexibles "
-"brindan a tus clientes la posibilidad de comprar lo que quieren en hasta "
-"12 pagos mensuales sin necesidad de utilizar una tarjeta de crédito. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:560
+msgid "It is possible to edit the title. Maximum of 85 characters."
+msgstr "Puedes cambiar el título dentro tu tienda. Caracteres máximos: 85."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:252
-msgid ""
-"For your business, the approval of the purchase is immediate and guaranteed."
-msgstr ""
-"Para tu negocio, la aprobación de la compra es inmediata y está garantizada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:561
+msgid "Checkout without card"
+msgstr "Hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:311
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:567
msgid ""
"Inform your customers about the option of paying in installments without card"
msgstr ""
"Informa a tus clientes la posibilidad de financiar sus compras en hasta 12 "
"pagos sin tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:314
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:568
msgid ""
-"By activating the installments without card component, you increase "
-"your chances of selling."
-msgstr ""
-"Al activar el componente de financiación en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta de "
-"crédito, aumentarás tus posibilidades de venta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:316
-msgid "The installments without card component is active."
+"By activating the installments without card component, you increase your "
+"chances of selling."
msgstr ""
-"El componente “Compra en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta” está activo."
+"Al activar el componente de financiación en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta de "
+"crédito, aumentarás tus posibilidades de venta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:317
-msgid "The installments without card component is inactive."
-msgstr ""
-"El componente “Compra en hasta 12 pagos sin tarjeta” está inactivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:355,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:365
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:571
msgid "Banner on the product page | Computer version"
msgstr "Componente en la página del producto | Versión para computadora"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:356
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:572
msgid "Banner on the product page | Cellphone version"
msgstr "Componente en la página del producto | Versión para celular"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:363
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:573
msgid "Computer"
msgstr "Computadora"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:364
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:574
msgid "Mobile"
msgstr "Celular"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:366
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:575
msgid "Component visualization"
msgstr "Visualización del componente"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:41,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:42,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:52
-msgid "Debit and Credit"
-msgstr "Débito e crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:43,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:36,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:36
-msgid "Transparent Checkout in your store environment"
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente, en tu tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:598,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:604
+msgid "Transparent Checkout for credit cards is"
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente de las tarjetas de crédito está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:622,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:628
+msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are"
+msgstr "Los pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago están"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:645,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:660
+msgid "Credit and debit cards"
+msgstr "Tarjeta de crédito y débito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:646,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:648,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:711,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:773,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:853,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:855
+msgid "Payments without leaving your store with our customizable checkout"
+msgstr "Pagos sin salir de tu tienda con nuestro checkout personalizable."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:647,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:712,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:774,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:854
+msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout API"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout API"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:649
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Credit card"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Tarjeta de Crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:650
+msgid ""
+"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
+"without redirection and with the security from Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"Con el Checkout Transparente, puedes vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
+"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:51,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:44,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:44
-msgid "Mercado pago - Customized Checkout"
-msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Personalizado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:651
+msgid "Mercado Pago Plugin general settings"
+msgstr "Configuraciones generales del plugin de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:154
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:655
msgid ""
"By disabling it, you will disable all credit cards payments from Mercado "
"Pago Transparent Checkout."
@@ -699,21 +1135,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago con tarjeta de crédito "
"en el Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:158
-msgid "Transparent Checkout for credit cards is enabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El Checkout Transparente de las tarjetas de crédito está activado."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:159
-msgid "Transparent checkout for credit cards is disabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El checkout transparente de las tarjetas de crédito está desactivado."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:191
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:662
msgid "Installments Fees"
msgstr "Tasas de pago en cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:192
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:663
msgid ""
"Set installment fees and whether they will be charged from the store or from "
"the buyer."
@@ -721,31 +1147,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Configura las tasas de las cuotas y si se las cobrarán a la tienda o al "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:193
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:664
msgid "Set fees"
msgstr "Configurar tasas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:218
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Credit card "
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Tarjeta de Crédito "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:222
-msgid ""
-"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
-"without redirection and with the security from Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Transparente, puedes vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
-"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:240
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the personalized payment experience"
-msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:254
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:669
msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago account"
msgstr "Pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:255
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:670
msgid ""
"Your customers pay faster with saved cards, money balance or other available "
"methods in their Mercado Pago accounts."
@@ -753,387 +1163,254 @@ msgstr ""
"Tus clientes pagan más rápido con tarjetas guardadas, dinero disponible o "
"con otros medios disponibles en sus cuentas de MP."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:259
-msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are active."
-msgstr "Los pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago están activos."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:260
-msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are inactive."
-msgstr ""
-"Los pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago están deshabilitados."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:279
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:673
msgid "Check an example of how it will appear in your store:"
msgstr "Conoce un ejemplo de cómo aparecerá en la tienda:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:310
-msgid "That’s it, payment accepted!"
-msgstr "Listo, ¡aceptamos tu pago!"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:312
-msgid ""
-"We are processing your payment. In less than an hour we will send you the "
-"result by email."
-msgstr ""
-"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de una hora le enviaremos el resultado "
-"por correo electrónico."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:314
-msgid ""
-"We are processing your payment. In less than 2 days we will send you by "
-"email if the payment has been approved or if additional information is "
-msgstr ""
-"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de 2 días le enviaremos por correo "
-"electrónico si se ha aprobado el pago o si se necesita información adicional."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:316
-msgid "Check the card number."
-msgstr "Compruebe el número de tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:318
-msgid "Check the expiration date."
-msgstr "Compruebe la fecha de expiración."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:320
-msgid "Check the information provided."
-msgstr "Compruebe la información informada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:322
-msgid "Check the informed security code."
-msgstr "Compruebe el código de seguridad informado."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:325
-msgid "Your payment cannot be processed."
-msgstr "No se puede procesar su pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:327
-msgid "You must authorize payments for your orders."
-msgstr "Usted debe autorizar los pagos de sus órdenes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:329
-msgid ""
-"Contact your card issuer to activate it. The phone is on the back of your "
-msgstr ""
-"Póngase en contacto con el emisor de su tarjeta para activarla. El teléfono "
-"se encuentra en la parte posterior de su tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:331
-msgid ""
-"You have already made a payment of this amount. If you have to pay again, "
-"use another card or other method of payment."
-msgstr ""
-"Usted ya realizó un pago de este importe. Si tiene que pagar de nuevo, "
-"utilizar otra tarjeta u otro medio de pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:333
-msgid ""
-"Your payment was declined. Please select another payment method. It is "
-"recommended in cash."
-msgstr ""
-"Su pago fue rechazado. Por favor seleccione otro medio de pago. Se "
-"recomienda en efectivo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:674
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the personalized payment experience"
+msgstr "Configuración Avanzada"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:335
-msgid "Your payment does not have sufficient funds."
-msgstr "Su metodo de pago no tiene fondos suficientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:710,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:724
+msgid "Invoice"
+msgstr "Efectivo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:337
-msgid "Payment cannot process the selected fee."
-msgstr "El pago no puede procesar la cuota seleccionada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:713
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Invoice or Loterica"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Efectivo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:339
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:714,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:776,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:857
msgid ""
-"You have reached the limit of allowed attempts. Choose another card or other "
-"payment method."
-msgstr ""
-"Has alcanzado el límite de intentos permitidos. Elija otra tarjeta u otro "
-"medio de pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:341,
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:204
-msgid "This payment method cannot process your payment."
-msgstr "Este medio de pago no puede procesar su pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:396
-msgid "Credit cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:397
-msgid "Up to "
-msgstr "Hasta "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:397
-msgid " installments"
-msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:404
-msgid "Debit cards"
-msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:447,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:448,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:480,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:481,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:401,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:402,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:562,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:563
-msgid "A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Please, try again."
+"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
+"without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Por favor, intente otra "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:577
-msgid "See your order form"
-msgstr "Ver su hoja de pedido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:588
-msgid "Your payment was declined. You can try again."
-msgstr "Su pago fue rechazado. Puede intentarlo de nuevo."
+"Con el Checkout Transparente, podrás vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
+"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:595,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:95,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:93
-msgid "Click to try again"
-msgstr "Haga clic para intentarlo de nuevo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:718,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:780
+msgid "Enable the Checkout"
+msgstr "Activar el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:617,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:618
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:719
msgid ""
-"A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have "
-"correctly filled all information in the checkout form?"
+"By disabling it, you will disable all invoice payments from Mercado Pago "
+"Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Está seguro de haber "
-"cargado la información en el formulario?"
+"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago en efectivo en el "
+"Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:642
-msgid "Represents the installment fee charged by Mercado Pago."
-msgstr "Representa la tarifa de cuota que cobra Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:720
+msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is enabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos en efectivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:643
-msgid "Mercado Pago Installment Fee:"
-msgstr "Tarifa de cuotas de Mercado Pago:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:721
+msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is disabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos en efectivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:648
-msgid ""
-"Represents the total purchase plus the installment fee charged by Mercado "
-msgstr ""
-"Representa el total de la compra más la tarifa de cuota que cobra Mercado "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:730
+msgid "Payment Due"
+msgstr "Fecha de pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:649
-msgid "Mercado Pago Total:"
-msgstr "Total en Mercado Pago:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:731
+msgid "In how many days will cash payments expire."
+msgstr "En cuántos días vencerán los pagos en efectivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:715
-msgid "Configure your credentials to enable Mercado Pago payment methods."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:732
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the cash payment experience"
msgstr ""
-"Completa tus credenciales para habilitar los medios de pago Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:773
-msgid "Title in the store Checkout"
-msgstr "Título en el checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:775
-msgid "Change the display text in Checkout, maximum characters: 85"
-msgstr "Puedes cambiar el título dentro tu tienda. Caracteres máximos: 85"
+"Configuração avançada da experiência de pagamento via boleto e em lotéricas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:777
-msgid "The text inserted here will not be translated to other languages"
-msgstr "El texto insertado aquí no se traducirá a otros idiomas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:734,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:794
+msgid "Reduce inventory"
+msgstr "Reducir inventario"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:791
-msgid "Description"
-msgstr "Descripción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:735,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:795
+msgid ""
+"Activates inventory reduction during the creation of an order, whether or "
+"not the final payment is credited. Disable this option to reduce it only "
+"when payments are approved."
+msgstr ""
+"Activa la reducción del inventario durante la creación de un pedido, se "
+"acredite o no el pago final. Desactiva esta opción para reducirlo solo "
+"cuando los pagos estén aprobados."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:828,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:840,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:347
-msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
-msgstr "¡Importante! Para vender debe introducir sus credenciales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:736,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:796
+msgid "Reduce inventory is enabled."
+msgstr "Reducir inventario está activo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:829
-msgid "You must enter production credentials."
-msgstr "Debe introducir las credenciales de producción."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:737,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:797
+msgid "Reduce inventory is disabled."
+msgstr "Reducir inventario está inactivo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:830
-msgid "Enter credentials"
-msgstr "Introducir credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:739,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:799
+msgid "Enable the available payment methods"
+msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:840
-msgid "Mercado Pago Plugin general settings"
-msgstr "Configuraciones generales del plugin de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:740,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:800
+msgid "Choose the available payment methods in your store."
+msgstr "Elige los medios de pago que se aceptan en la tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:841
-msgid ""
-"Set the deadlines and fees, test your store or access the Plugin manual."
-msgstr "Ajusta tasas y plazos, testea tu tienda o accede al manual del plugin."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:741,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:801
+msgid "All payment methods"
+msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:842
-msgid "Go to Settings"
-msgstr "Ir a Configuraciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:772,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:786
+msgid "PSE"
+msgstr "PSE"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:866
-msgid "Activate your credentials to be able to sell"
-msgstr "Activa tus credenciales para poder vender"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:775
+msgid "Transparent Checkout PSE"
+msgstr "Pago transparente PSE"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:867
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:781
msgid ""
-"Credentials are codes that you must enter to enable sales. Go below on "
-"Activate Credentials. On the next screen, use again the Activate Credentials "
-"button and fill in the fields with the requested information."
+"By deactivating it, you will disable PSE payments from Mercado Pago "
+"Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-"Las credenciales son contraseñas que debes integrar para poder vender. "
-"Dirígete a Activar credenciales. En la siguiente pantalla, ve de nuevo al "
-"botón Activar credenciales y completa los campos con los datos solicitados."
+"Al desactivarlo, desactivará los pagos PSE de Mercado Pago Transparente "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:868
-msgid "Activate credentials"
-msgstr "Activar credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:782
+msgid "The transparent checkout for PSE is enabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos PSE."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:916
-msgid "By disabling it, you will disable all payment methods of this checkout."
-msgstr "Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago del checkout."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:783
+msgid "The transparent checkout for PSE is disabled."
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos PSE."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1029
-msgid "Basic Configuration"
-msgstr "Configuración Básica"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:792
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the PSE payment experience"
+msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia de pago PSE"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1042
-msgid "Discount coupons"
-msgstr "Cupones de descuento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:821,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:827
+msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is"
+msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1045
-msgid "Will you offer discount coupons to customers who buy with Mercado Pago?"
-msgstr ""
-"¿Ofrecerás cupones de descuento a los clientes que compren con Mercado Pago?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:845
+msgid "Go to the"
+msgstr "Ve al área"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1047
-msgid "Discount coupons is active."
-msgstr "Cupones de descuento están activos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:846
+msgid "Your Profile"
+msgstr "Tu Perfil"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1048
-msgid "Discount coupons is disabled."
-msgstr "Cupones de descuento están inactivos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:847
+msgid "area and choose the"
+msgstr "y elige la sección"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1060
-msgid "Automatic decline of payments without instant approval"
-msgstr "Rechazo automático de pagos sin aprobación instantanea"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:848
+msgid "Your Pix Keys section"
+msgstr "Tus claves Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:852,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:867
+msgid "Pix"
+msgstr "Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1061
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:856
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Pix"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:862
msgid ""
-"Enable it if you want to automatically decline payments that are not "
-"instantly approved by banks or other institutions. "
+"By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago "
+"Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-"Actívalo si quieres rechazar automáticamente los pagos que no son aprobados "
-"instantáneamente por bancos u otros compradores. "
+"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago con tarjeta de crédito "
+"en el Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1065
-msgid "Pending payments will be automatically declined."
-msgstr "Los pagos pendientes se rechazarán automaticamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:869
+msgid "Expiration for payments via Pix"
+msgstr "Vencimiento para pagos con Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1066
-msgid "Pending payments will not be automatically declined."
-msgstr "Los pagos pendientes no se rechazarán automaticamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:870
+msgid "Set the limit in minutes for your clients to pay via Pix."
+msgstr ""
+"Define el límite de minutos para que tus clientes puedan pagar con Pix."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1078
-msgid "Discount in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
-msgstr "Descuento en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:871
+msgid "15 minutes"
+msgstr "15 minutos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1081
-msgid ""
-"Choose a percentage value that you want to discount your customers for "
-"paying with Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Elige un valor porcentual que quieras descontar a tus clientes por pagar con "
-"Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:872
+msgid "30 minutes (recommended)"
+msgstr "30 minutos (recomendado)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1082,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1103
-msgid "Activate and show this information on Mercado Pago Checkout"
-msgstr "Activar y mostrar esa información en el checkout Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:873
+msgid "60 minutes"
+msgstr "60 minutos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1099
-msgid "Commission in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
-msgstr "Comisiones en los checkouts de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:874
+msgid "12 hours"
+msgstr "12 horas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1102
-msgid ""
-"Choose an additional percentage value that you want to charge as commission "
-"to your customers for paying with Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Elige un valor porcentual adicional que quieras cobrar como comisión a tus "
-"clientes por pagar con Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:875
+msgid "24 hours"
+msgstr "24 horas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1139
-msgid "Convert Currency"
-msgstr "Convertir moneda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:876
+msgid "2 days"
+msgstr "2 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1144
-msgid "Currency convertion is enabled."
-msgstr "Conversión de moneda está activa."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:877
+msgid "3 days"
+msgstr "3 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1145
-msgid "Currency convertion is disabled."
-msgstr "Conversión de moneda está inactiva."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:878
+msgid "4 days"
+msgstr "4 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1262
-msgid ""
-"Edit these advanced fields only when you want to modify the preset values."
-msgstr ""
-"Edita estos campos avanzados solo cuando quieras modificar los valores "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:879
+msgid "5 days"
+msgstr "5 días"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:34,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:35,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:45
-msgid "Pix"
-msgstr "Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:880
+msgid "6 days"
+msgstr "6 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:881
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr "7 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:886
+msgid "Would you like to know how Pix works?"
+msgstr "¿Quieres saber cómo funciona Pix?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:204
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:887
msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago "
-"Transparent Checkout."
-msgstr ""
-"Al desactivar, desabilitarás lo medios de pago con Pix en el Checkout "
-"Transparente de Mercado Pago."
+"We have a dedicated page where we explain how it works and its advantages."
+msgstr "Creamos una página que explica su funcionamiento y sus vantajas."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:208
-msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is enabled."
-msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos por Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:888
+msgid "Find out more about Pix"
+msgstr "Saber más sobre Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:209
-msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is disabled."
-msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos por Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:889
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the Pix experience"
+msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:224
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:897
msgid "To activate Pix, you must have a key registered in Mercado Pago."
msgstr "Para activar el Pix, debes tener una clave registrada en Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:225
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:898
msgid "Download the Mercado Pago app on your cell phone."
msgstr "Descarga la app de Mercado Pago en tu móvil."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:226
-msgid "Go to the "
-msgstr "Ve al área "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:227
-msgid "area and choose the "
-msgstr "y elige la sección "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:228
-msgid "Your Profile "
-msgstr "Tu Perfil "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:229
-msgid "Your Pix Keys section."
-msgstr "Tus claves Pix."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:230
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:900
msgid ""
"Choose which data to register as Pix keys. After registering, you can set up "
"Pix in your checkout."
@@ -1141,7 +1418,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Elige qué datos registrar como claves PIX. Luego de registrarte, podrás "
"configurar el Pix en tu checkout."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:231
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:901
msgid ""
"Remember that, for the time being, the Central Bank of Brazil is open Monday "
"through Friday, from 9am to 6pm."
@@ -1149,7 +1426,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Recuerda que, por el momento, el Banco Central de Brasil está abierto de "
"lunes a viernes, de 9 a 18 horas."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:902
msgid ""
"If you requested your registration outside these hours, we will confirm it "
"within the next business day."
@@ -1157,12 +1434,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Si has solicitado tu registro fuera de este horario, te lo confirmaremos en "
"el siguiente día hábil."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:233,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:328
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:903
msgid "Learn more about Pix"
msgstr "Más información sobre Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:234
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:904
msgid ""
"If you have already registered a Pix key at Mercado Pago and cannot activate "
"Pix in the checkout, "
@@ -1170,285 +1446,271 @@ msgstr ""
"Si ya has registrado una clave Pix en Mercado Pago y no puedes activar Pix "
"en el checkout, "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:235
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:905
msgid "click here."
msgstr "haz clic aquí."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:260
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Pix"
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:919
+msgid "To enable test mode"
+msgstr "Para activar el modo de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:264
-msgid ""
-"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
-"without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago. "
-msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Transparente, podrás vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
-"redireccionamientos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:921
+msgid "copy your test credentials"
+msgstr "copia tus credenciales de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:281
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the Pix experience"
-msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:922
+msgid "and paste them above in section 1 of this page"
+msgstr "y pégalas en la sección 1 de esta página"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:294
-msgid "15 minutes"
-msgstr "15 minutos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:927
+msgid "Create your"
+msgstr "Crea tu"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:295
-msgid "30 minutes (recommended)"
-msgstr "30 minutos (recomendado)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:929
+msgid "test user"
+msgstr "usuario de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:296
-msgid "60 minutes"
-msgstr "60 minutes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:930
+msgid ""
+"(Optional. Can be used in Production Mode and Test Mode, to test payments)"
+msgstr ""
+"(Opcional. Se puede utilizar en modo de producción y en modo de prueba, para "
+"probar los pagos)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:297
-msgid "12 hours"
-msgstr "12 horas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:936
+msgid "Use our test cards"
+msgstr "Utiliza nuestras tarjetas de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:298
-msgid "24 hours"
-msgstr "24 horas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:937
+msgid "never use real cards"
+msgstr "nunca utilices tarjetas reales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:299
-msgid "2 days"
-msgstr "2 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:943
+msgid "Visit your store"
+msgstr "Visita tu tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:300
-msgid "3 days"
-msgstr "3 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:944
+msgid "to test purchases"
+msgstr "para testear compras"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:301
-msgid "4 days"
-msgstr "4 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:948
+msgid "4. Test your store before you start to sell"
+msgstr "4. Testea tu tienda antes de empezar a vender"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:302
-msgid "5 days"
-msgstr "5 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:949
+msgid "Choose how you want to operate your store:"
+msgstr "Elige cómo quieres operar tu tienda:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:303
-msgid "6 days"
-msgstr "6 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:950
+msgid "Test Mode"
+msgstr "Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:304
-msgid "7 days"
-msgstr "7 días"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:951
+msgid "Sale Mode (Production)"
+msgstr "Modo Ventas (Producción)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:308
-msgid "Expiration for payments via Pix"
-msgstr "Vencimiento para pagos con Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:952
+msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Production Mode"
+msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Produción"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:310
-msgid "Set the limit in minutes for your clients to pay via Pix."
-msgstr ""
-"Define el límite de minutos para que tus clientes puedan pagar con Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:953
+msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:325
-msgid "Want to learn how Pix works?"
-msgstr "¿Quieres saber cómo funciona el Pix?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:954
+msgid "Enter test credentials"
+msgstr "Ingresa las credenciales de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:326
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:955
msgid ""
-"We have created a page to explain how this new payment method works and its "
+"Select “Test Mode” if you want to try the payment experience before you "
+"start to sell or “Sales Mode” (Production) to start now."
msgstr ""
-"Creamos una página para explicar cómo funciona este nuevo medio de pago y "
-"sus ventajas."
+"Selecciona Modo Test si deseas probar la experiencia de pago antes de "
+"empezar a vender o Modo Ventas (Producción) para empezar a vender ahora."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:347
-msgid "Would you like to know how Pix works?"
-msgstr "¿Quieres saber cómo funciona Pix?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:956
+msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts disabled for real collections."
+msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago inactivos para cobros reales."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:348
-msgid ""
-"We have a dedicated page where we explain how it works and its advantages."
-msgstr "Creamos una página que explica su funcionamiento y sus vantajas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:957
+msgid "Test Mode rules."
+msgstr "Reglas del modo test."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:349
-msgid "Find out more about Pix"
-msgstr "Saber más sobre Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:958
+msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts enabled for real collections."
+msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago activos para cobros reales."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:493
-msgid "A problem occurred when processing your payment. Please try again."
-msgstr ""
-"Un problema se produjo al procesar su pago. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:959
+msgid "The clients can make real purchases in your store."
+msgstr "Los clientes pueden hacer compras reales en tu tienda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:478,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:547
-msgid ""
-"A problem occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have "
-"correctly filled in all the information on the checkout form?"
-msgstr ""
-"Un problema se produjo al procesar su pago. ¿Esta seguro que ha rellenado "
-"correctamente toda la información en el formulario de checkout?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:964
+msgid "Store in sale mode (Production)"
+msgstr "Tienda en Modo Ventas (Producción)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:456,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:522
-msgid "The customer has not paid yet."
-msgstr "El cliente no ha pagado todavía."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:965
+msgid "Store under test"
+msgstr "Tienda en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:966
+msgid "Save changes"
+msgstr "Guardar cambios"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:461
-msgid "Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase."
-msgstr "Ahora sólo tiene que pagar con Pix para finalizar su compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:978
+msgid "Store business fields are valid"
+msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda son válidos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:462
-msgid ""
-"Scan the QR code below or copy and paste the code into your bank's "
-msgstr ""
-"Escanee el código QR a continuación o copie y pegue el código en la "
-"aplicación de su banco."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:979
+msgid "Store business fields could not be validated"
+msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda no se pudieron validar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:563
-msgid ""
-"Please note that to receive payments via Pix at our checkout, you must have "
-"a Pix key registered in your Mercado Pago account."
-msgstr ""
-"Ten en cuenta que para recibir pagos a través de Pix en nuestro checkout, "
-"debes tener una clave Pix registrada en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:980
+msgid "At least one payment method is enabled"
+msgstr "Al menos un método de pago está habilitado"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:564
-msgid "Register your Pix key at Mercado Pago."
-msgstr "Registra tu clave Pix en Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:981
+msgid "No payment method enabled"
+msgstr "Ningún método de pago habilitado"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:614,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:148
-msgid "Code valid for "
-msgstr "Código válido por "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:982
+msgid "Credentials fields are valid"
+msgstr "Los campos de la credencial son válidos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:34,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:35,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:45
-msgid "Invoice"
-msgstr "Efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:983
+msgid "Credentials fields could not be validated"
+msgstr "No se pudieron validar los campos de credenciales"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:198
-msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all invoice payments from Mercado Pago "
-"Transparent Checkout."
-msgstr ""
-"Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago en efectivo en el "
-"Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:995
+msgid "Valid Public Key"
+msgstr "Public key válida"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:202
-msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is enabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El Checkout Transparente está activo para pagos en efectivo o en "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:996
+msgid "Invalid Public Key"
+msgstr "Public key no válida"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:203
-msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is disabled."
-msgstr ""
-"El Checkout Transparente está inactivo para pagos en efectivo o en "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:997
+msgid "Valid Access Token"
+msgstr "Access token válido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:218
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Invoice or Loterica"
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:998
+msgid "Invalid Access Token"
+msgstr "Access token no válido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:222
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1010
+msgid "Credentials were updated"
+msgstr "Se actualizaron las credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1011
msgid ""
-"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
-"without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago."
+"Your store has exited Test Mode and is making real sales in Production Mode."
msgstr ""
-"Con el Checkout Transparente, podrás vender dentro de tu tienda, sin "
-"redireccionamentos, con toda la seguridad de Mercado Pago."
+"Ahora su tienda está fuera del modo de prueba y está realizando ventas "
+"reales en el modo de producción."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:239
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the cash payment experience"
-msgstr "Configuración avanzada de la experiencia de pago en efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1012
+msgid "To test the store, re-enter both test credentials."
+msgstr "Para probar la tienda, vuelva a ingresar ambas credenciales de prueba."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:252
-msgid "Reduce inventory"
-msgstr "Reducir inventario"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1013
+msgid "Invalid credentials"
+msgstr "Credenciales no válidas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:255
-msgid ""
-"Activates inventory reduction during the creation of an order, whether or "
-"not the final payment is credited. Disable this option to reduce it only "
-"when payments are approved."
-msgstr ""
-"Activa la reducción del inventario durante la creación de un pedido, se "
-"acredite o no el pago final. Desactiva esta opción para reducirlo solo "
-"cuando los pagos estén aprobados."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1014
+msgid "See our manual to learn"
+msgstr "Consulte nuestro manual para saber"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:257
-msgid "Reduce inventory is enabled."
-msgstr "Reducir inventario está activo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1015
+msgid "how to enter the credentials the right way."
+msgstr "como ingresar las credenciales de forma correcta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:258
-msgid "Reduce inventory is disabled."
-msgstr "Reducir inventario está inactivo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1016
+msgid " for test mode"
+msgstr " para el modo de prueba"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:270
-msgid "Payment Due"
-msgstr "Vencimiento del pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1028
+msgid "Store information is valid"
+msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:272
-msgid "In how many days will cash payments expire."
-msgstr "En cuántos días caducarán los pagos en efectivo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1041
+msgid "Attention:"
+msgstr "Atención:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:292
-msgid "Enable the available payment methods"
-msgstr "Habilita los medios de pago disponibles"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1042
+msgid ""
+"The currency settings you have in WooCommerce are not compatible with the "
+"currency you use in your Mercado Pago account. Please activate the currency "
+msgstr ""
+"La configuración de moneda que tienes en WooCommerce no es compatible con la "
+"moneda que usas en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago. Activa la conversión de moneda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:294
-msgid "Choose the available payment methods in your store."
-msgstr "Selecciona los medios de pago disponibles en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1045
+msgid "We are converting your currency from: "
+msgstr "Ahora convertimos tu moneda de: "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:298
-msgid "All payment methods"
-msgstr "Todos los medios de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1061
+msgid "to "
+msgstr "a "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1072
+msgid "Payment status on Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Estado de pago en el Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:458,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:486
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1073
msgid ""
-"There was a problem processing your payment. Are you sure you have correctly "
-"filled out all the information on the payment form?"
+"This is the payment status of your Mercado Pago Activities. To check the "
+"order status, please refer to Order details."
msgstr ""
-"Se produjo un problema al procesar su pago. ¿Está seguro de que ha llenado "
-"correctamente toda la información en el formulario de pago?"
+"Este es el estado del pago de las Actividades de tu Mercado Pago. Para "
+"consultar el estado del pedido, consulta en Detalles del Pedido."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:451,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:479
-msgid "Your document data is invalid"
-msgstr "Los datos de su documento no son válidos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1074,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1076
+msgid "View purchase details at Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Ver detalles de compra en Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:527
-msgid "To print the ticket again click"
-msgstr "Para imprimir nuevamente el ticket hace clic"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1075,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1077,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1079
+msgid "Sync order status"
+msgstr "Sincronizar el estado del pedido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:530
-msgid "here"
-msgstr "aquí"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1078
+msgid "Consult the reasons for refusal"
+msgstr "Consultar motivos de rechazo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:659
-msgid " and "
-msgstr " y "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1080
+msgid "Order update successfully. This page will be reloaded..."
+msgstr "Actualización del pedido con éxito. Esta página será recargada…"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1081
+msgid "Unable to update order:"
+msgstr "No se puede actualizar el pedido:"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:113
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1082
msgid "Payment made"
msgstr "Pago realizado"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:114
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1083
msgid "Payment made by the buyer and already credited in the account."
msgstr ""
"El pago realizado por el comprador y que ya está acreditado en la cuenta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:117
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1084
msgid "Call resolved"
msgstr "Llamado resuelto"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:118,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:218
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1085,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1135
msgid "Please contact Mercado Pago for further details."
msgstr "Contacta a Mercado Pago para saber más detalles."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:121
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1086
msgid "Payment refunded"
msgstr "Pago devuelto"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:122
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1087
msgid ""
"Your refund request has been made. Please contact Mercado Pago for further "
@@ -1456,59 +1718,59 @@ msgstr ""
"Tu pedido de reebolso ya fue realizado. Contacta a Mercado Pago para saber "
"más detalles."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:125,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:129
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1088,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1090
msgid "Payment returned"
msgstr "Pago devuelto"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:126
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1089
msgid "The payment has been returned to the client."
msgstr "El pago ya fue devuelto al cliente."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:130
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1091
msgid "The payment has been partially returned to the client."
msgstr "El pago ya fue devuelto parcialmente al cliente."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:133
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1092
msgid "Payment canceled"
msgstr "Pago cancelado"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:134
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1093
msgid "The payment has been successfully canceled."
msgstr "El pago fue cancelado con éxito."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:137
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1094
msgid "Purchase canceled"
msgstr "Compra cancelada"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:138
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1095
msgid "The payment has been canceled by the customer."
msgstr "El pago fue cancelado por el cliente."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:141,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:145,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:149,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:153,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:157,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:173,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:177,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:181,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:185,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:189,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:193,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:197,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:307
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1096,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1098,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1100,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1102,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1104,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1112,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1114,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1116,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1118,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1120,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1122,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1124,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1179
msgid "Pending payment"
msgstr "Cobro pendiente"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:142,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:146,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:150,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:154
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1097,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1099,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1101,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1103
msgid "Awaiting payment from the buyer."
msgstr "Esperando el pago del comprador."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:158
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1105
msgid ""
"We are veryfing the payment. We will notify you by email in up to 6 hours if "
"everything is fine so that you can deliver the product or provide the "
@@ -1517,72 +1779,48 @@ msgstr ""
"Estamos revisando el pago. En menos de 6 horas te avisaremos por e-mail si "
"está todo bien para que puedas entregar el producto o brindar el servicio."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:161,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:201,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:205,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:209,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:213,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:225,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:229,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:233,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:237,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:241,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:245,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:249,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:255,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:259,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:263,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:267,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:271,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:275,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:279,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:283,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:287,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:291,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:295,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:299,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:303,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:315,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:321,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:325
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1106,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1130,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1146,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1165,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1169,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1171,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1173,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1177
msgid "Declined payment"
msgstr "Cobro rechazado"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:162,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:206,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:210,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:214,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:226,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:246,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:256
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1107,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1131
msgid ""
"The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please ask your client to use "
"another card or to get in touch with the bank."
msgstr ""
"El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago. Pedile a tu cliente que use "
-"otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
+"“otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:165
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1108
msgid "Payment authorized. Awaiting capture."
msgstr "Pago autorizado. Esperando captura."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:166
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1109
msgid ""
"The payment has been authorized on the client's card. Please capture the "
msgstr ""
"Ya se autorizó el pago en la tarjeta del cliente. Haz la captura del pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:169
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1110
msgid "Payment in process"
msgstr "Pago en proceso"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:170,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:190
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1111,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1121
msgid "Please wait or contact Mercado Pago for further details"
msgstr "Espera o contacta a Mercado Pago para saber más detalles"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:174
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1113
msgid ""
"The bank is reviewing the payment. As soon as we have their confirmation, we "
"will notify you via email so that you can deliver the product or provide the "
@@ -1591,1438 +1829,928 @@ msgstr ""
"El banco está revisando el pago. Te avisaremos por e-mail cuando esté "
"confirmado para que puedas entregar el producto o brindar el servicio."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:178,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:182,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:186
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1115,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1117,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1119
msgid "Awaiting payment information validation."
-msgstr "Esperando validación de los datos de pago.."
+msgstr "Esperando validación de los datos de pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:194
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1123
msgid "Waiting for the buyer."
msgstr "Esperando al comprador."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:198
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1125
msgid "Waiting for the card issuer."
-msgstr "Espererando al emisor de la tarjeta.."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:202
-msgid ""
-"The payment could not be processed. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"El pago no fue procesado por el banco. Pídele a tu cliente que use otro "
-"medio de pago o que se contacte con el banco."
+msgstr "Espererando al emisor de la tarjeta."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1126,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1128,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1132,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1153,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1175
+msgid "The card issuing bank declined the payment"
+msgstr "El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1127,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1129,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1133,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1154,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1176
+msgid ""
+"Please recommend your customer to pay with another payment method or to "
+"contact their bank."
+msgstr ""
+"Recomiéndale a tu cliente que pague con otro medio de pago o que se "
+"comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:217
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1134
msgid "Mercado Pago did not process the payment"
msgstr "Mercado Pago no procesó el pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:221,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:311
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1136,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1181
msgid "Expired payment deadline"
msgstr "Venció el plazo para el pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:222,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:312
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1137,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1182
msgid "The client did not pay within the time limit."
-msgstr "El cliente no pagó dentro del límite de tiempo.."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:230
-msgid ""
-"The CVV is invalid. Please ask your client to review the details or use "
-"another card."
-msgstr ""
-"El código de seguridad de la tarjeta es inválido. Revisá los datos que "
-"ingresaste o pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:234
-msgid ""
-"The card is expired. Please ask your client to use another card or to "
-"contact the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta está vencida. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se "
-"comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:238,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:284,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:288
-msgid ""
-"This payment was declined because it did not pass Mercado Pago security "
-"controls. Please ask your client to use another card."
-msgstr ""
-"Rechazamos este pago porque no pasó los controles de seguridad de Mercado "
-"Pago. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:242,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:280
-msgid ""
-"The buyer is suspended in our platform. Your client must contact us to check "
-"what happened."
-msgstr ""
-"El comprador está suspendido en Mercado Pago. Tu cliente debe comunicarse "
-"con nosotros para ver qué pasó."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:251
-msgid ""
-"The card does not have enough limit. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta no tiene límite disponible. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:252
-msgid ""
-"The card does not have sufficient balance. Please ask your client to use "
-"another card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta no tiene fondos suficientes. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:260
-msgid ""
-"The CVV was entered incorrectly several times. Please ask your client to use "
-"another card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ingresó varias veces mal el código de seguridad de la tarjeta. Pedile a "
-"tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:264
-msgid ""
-"The card does not allow the number of installments entered. Please ask your "
-"client to choose another installment plan or to use another card."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta no acepta la cantidad de cuotas ingresadas. Pedile a tu cliente "
-"que elija otro plan de cuotas o que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:268
-msgid ""
-"The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client to "
-"ask the bank to authotize it or to use another card."
-msgstr ""
-"El banco emisor de la tarjeta no autorizó el pago. Pedile a tu cliente que "
-"se contacte con el banco para autorizarlo o que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:272
-msgid ""
-"From Mercado Pago we have detected that this payment has already been made "
-"before. If that is not the case, your client may try to pay again."
-msgstr ""
-"Desde Mercado Pago detectamos que este pago ya se hizo anteriormente. Si no "
-"es así, tu cliente puede intentarlo de nuevo."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:276
-msgid ""
-"The card is not active yet. Please ask your client to use another card or to "
-"get in touch with the bank to activate it."
-msgstr ""
-"La tarjeta aún no está habilitada. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta "
-"o que se comunique con su banco para activarla."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:292
-msgid ""
-"The amount exceeded the card limit. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:296,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:300,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:304
-msgid ""
-"Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the card "
-msgstr ""
-"Pídele a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con el emisor de "
-"la tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:308
-msgid ""
-"The amount exceeded the card's limit. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
-"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:317
-msgid ""
-"The credit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client "
-"that it is possible to pay with debit or to use another one."
-msgstr ""
-"La función crédito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente que "
-"puede pagar con la función débito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que use otra."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:318
-msgid ""
-"The debit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client that "
-"it is possible to pay with credit or to use another one."
-msgstr ""
-"La función débito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente que "
-"puede pagar con la función crédito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que use otra."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:322
-msgid ""
-"The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client to "
-"ask the bank to authorize it."
-msgstr ""
-"El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago. Pídele a tu cliente que se "
-"comunique con el banco para autorizar el pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:326
-msgid ""
-"The buyer does not have enough balance to make the purchase. Please ask your "
-"client to deposit money to the Mercado Pago Account or to use a different "
-"payment method."
-msgstr ""
-"El cliente no tiene suficiente saldo en la cuenta para realizar la compra. "
-"Pídele a tu cliente que cargue saldo en Mercado Pago o que use otro medio de "
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:329
-msgid "There was an error"
-msgstr "Hubo un error"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:330
-msgid "The transaction could not be completed."
-msgstr "No fue posible completar la transacción."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:413
-msgid "Payment status on Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Estado de pago en el Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:473,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:485
-msgid "View purchase details at Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Ver detalles de compra en Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:474,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:486,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:498
-msgid "Sync order status"
-msgstr "Sincronizar el estado del pedido"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:497
-msgid "Check the reasons why the purchase was declined."
-msgstr "Consulta los motivos del rechazo de tu compra."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:606
-msgid "Order update successfully. This page will be reloaded..."
-msgstr "Actualización del pedido con éxito. Esta página será recargada…"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:610
-msgid "Unable to update order: "
-msgstr "No se puede actualizar el pedido: "
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:126
-msgid "See WooCommerce"
-msgstr "Ver WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:124
-msgid "Install WooCommerce"
-msgstr "Instalar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:121
-msgid "Activate WooCommerce"
-msgstr "Activar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:137
-msgid "do you have a minute to share your experience with our plugin?"
-msgstr "¿tienes un minuto para compartir tu experiencia con nuestro plugin?"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:140
-msgid ""
-"Your opinion is very important so that we can offer you the best possible "
-"payment solution and continue to improve."
-msgstr ""
-"Tu opinión es muy importante para poder ofrecerte la mejor solución de pagos "
-"posible y seguir mejorando."
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:149
-msgid "Rate the plugin"
-msgstr "Valorar el plugin"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:151
-msgid "Enable payments via Mercado Pago account"
-msgstr "Pagos a través de la cuenta de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:154
-msgid ""
-"When you enable this function, your customers pay faster using their Mercado "
-"Pago accounts.The approval rate of these payments in your store can be "
-"25% higher compared to other payment methods."
-msgstr ""
-"Con esta función activa, tus clientes pagan más rápido usando su cuenta de "
-"Mercado Pago.La tasa de aprobación de estos pagos en tu tienda puede "
-"ser un 25% mayor en comparación con otros medios de pago."
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:163
-msgid "Activate"
-msgstr "Activar"
-#: ../../includes/admin/views/html-admin-alert-frame.php:34,
-#: ../../includes/admin/views/html-admin-alert-woocommerce-miss.php:30
-msgid "Discard"
-msgstr "Descartar"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:141
-msgid "Mercado Pago Settings"
-msgstr "Configuración de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:196
-msgid "Accept "
-msgstr "Acepta "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:197
-msgid "payments on the spot "
-msgstr "pagos al instante "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:198
-msgid "with"
-msgstr "con toda"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:199
-msgid "the "
-msgstr "la "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:200
-msgid "security "
-msgstr "seguridad "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:201
-msgid "from Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:202
-msgid "Technical requirements"
-msgstr "Requisitos técnicos"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:203
-msgid "SSL"
-msgstr "SSL"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:204
-msgid "GD Extensions"
-msgstr "Extensiones GD"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:205
-msgid "Curl"
-msgstr "Curl"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:206
-msgid ""
-"Implementation responsible for transmitting data to Mercado Pago in a secure "
-"and encrypted way."
-msgstr ""
-"Implementación responsable de transmitir los datos a Mercado Pago de forma "
-"segura y encriptada."
+msgstr "El cliente no pagó dentro del límite de tiempo."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:207
-msgid ""
-"These extensions are responsible for the implementation and operation of Pix "
-"in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"Extensiones responsables de la aplicación y el funcionamiento de Pix en su "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1138,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1140,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1142,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1183
+msgid "Your customer entered one or more incorrect card details"
+msgstr "Tu cliente ingresó uno o más datos de la tarjeta de forma incorrecta"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:208
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1139,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1141,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1143,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1184,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1185
msgid ""
-"It is an extension responsible for making payments via requests from the "
-"plugin to Mercado Pago."
+"Please ask them to enter to enter them again exactly as they appear on the "
+"card or on their bank app to complete the payment."
msgstr ""
-"Es una extensión encargada de realizar los pagos a través de requests del "
-"plugin a Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:209
-msgid "Collections and installments"
-msgstr "Cobros y cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:210
-msgid "Choose "
-msgstr "Elige "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:211
-msgid "when you want to receive the money "
-msgstr "cuándo quieres recibir el dinero "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:212
-msgid "from your sales and if you want to offer "
-msgstr "de las ventas y si quieres ofrecer "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:213
-msgid "interest-free installments "
-msgstr "cuotas sin interés"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:214
-msgid "to your clients."
-msgstr "a los clientes."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:215
-msgid "Set deadlines and fees"
-msgstr "Ajustar plazos y tasas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:216,
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:124
-msgid "Questions? "
-msgstr "¿Tienes dudas?"
+"Pídele que vuelva a ingresarlos tal como figuran en la tarjeta o en la app "
+"de su banco para finalizar el pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:217
-msgid "Review the step-by-step of "
-msgstr "Revisa el paso a paso de "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1144,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1167
+msgid "We protected you from a suspicious payment"
+msgstr "Te protegimos de un pago sospechoso"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:218
-msgid "how to integrate the Mercado Pago Plugin "
-msgstr "cómo integrar el Plugin de Mercado Pago "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1145
+msgid "For safety reasons, this transaction cannot be completed."
+msgstr "Por motivos de seguridad, esta transacción no podrá ser finalizada."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:219
-msgid "on our webiste for developers."
-msgstr "en nuestro sitio de desarrolladores."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1147,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1166
+msgid ""
+"The buyer is suspended in our platform. Your client must contact us to check "
+"what happened."
+msgstr ""
+"El comprador está suspendido en Mercado Pago. Tu cliente debe comunicarse "
+"con nosotros para ver qué pasó."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:231
-msgid "1. Integrate your store with Mercado Pago "
-msgstr "1. Integra la tienda a Mercado Pago "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1148
+msgid "For safety reasons, the card issuing bank declined the payment"
+msgstr "Por seguridad, el banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1149,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1168
msgid ""
-"To enable orders, you must create and activate production credentials in "
-"your Mercado Pago Account. "
+"Recommend your customer to pay with their usual payment method and device "
+"for online purchases."
msgstr ""
-"Para habilitar las ventas, debes crear y activar las credenciales de "
-"producción en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago. "
+"Recomiéndale a tu cliente que pague con el medio de pago y dispositivo que "
+"suele usar para compras online."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:233
-msgid "Copy and paste the credentials below."
-msgstr "Copia y pega tus credenciales a continuación."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1150
+msgid "Your customer's credit card has no available limit"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de crédito de tu cliente no tiene límite disponible"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:234
-msgid "Check credentials"
-msgstr "Consultar credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1151,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1152,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1156
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to pay with another card or to choose another payment method."
+msgstr "Pídele que pague con otra tarjeta o que elija otro medio de pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:235
-msgid "Test credentials "
-msgstr "Credenciales de prueba "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1155
+msgid "Your customer reached the limit of payment attempts with this card"
+msgstr "Tu cliente alcanzó el límite de intentos de pago con la tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:236
-msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts for test purchases in the store."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1157
+msgid ""
+"Your customer's card does not accept the number of installments selected"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de tu cliente no acepta la cantidad de pagos que seleccionó"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1158
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to choose a different number of installments or to pay with "
+"another method."
msgstr ""
-"Habilitan a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para pruebas de compras en la "
+"Pídele que elija una cantidad de pagos diferente o que use con otro medio."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:237
-msgid "Public key"
-msgstr "Public key"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1159,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1186
+msgid "Your customer needs to authorize the payment through their bank"
+msgstr "Tu cliente necesita autorizar el pago con su banco"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:238
-msgid "Access Token"
-msgstr "Access Token"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1160,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1187
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to call the telephone number on their card or to pay with "
+"another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Pídele que llame al teléfono que está en la tarjeta o que pague con otro "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:239
-msgid "Production credentials"
-msgstr "Credenciales de producción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1161
+msgid ""
+"The payment was declined because your customer already paid for this purchase"
+msgstr "El pago fue rechazado porque tu cliente ya pagó esta compra"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:240
-msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts to receive real payments in the store."
-msgstr ""
-"Habilitan a los checkouts de Mercado Pago para recibir pagos reales en "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1162
+msgid "Check your approved payments to verify it."
+msgstr "Revisa tu cobros aprobados para verificarlo."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:241
-msgid "Paste your Public Key here"
-msgstr "Pega aquí tu Public Key"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1163
+msgid "Your customer's card was is not activated yet"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de tu cliente aún no está habilitada"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:242
-msgid "Paste your Access Token here"
-msgstr "Pega aquí tu Access Token"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1164
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to contact their bank by calling the number on the back of "
+"their card or to pay with another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Pídele que se comunique con su banco al número que está en el dorso de la "
+"tarjeta o que pague con otro medio."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:243,
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:280
-msgid "Save and continue"
-msgstr "Guardar y continuar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1170
+msgid ""
+"This payment was declined because it did not pass Mercado Pago security "
+"controls. Please ask your client to use another card."
+msgstr ""
+"Rechazamos este pago porque no pasó los controles de seguridad de Mercado "
+"Pago. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:254
-msgid "2. Customize your business"
-msgstr "2. Personaliza tu negocio"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1172
+msgid ""
+"The amount exceeded the card limit. Please ask your client to use another "
+"card or to get in touch with the bank."
+msgstr ""
+"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
+"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:255
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1174,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1178
msgid ""
-"Fill out the following information to have a better experience and offer "
-"more information to your clients"
+"Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the card "
msgstr ""
-"Completa los siguientes datos para tener una mejor experiencia y ofrecer más "
-"información a los clientes"
+"Pídele a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con el emisor de "
+"la tarjeta."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:256
-msgid "Your store information"
-msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1180
+msgid ""
+"The amount exceeded the card's limit. Please ask your client to use another "
+"card or to get in touch with the bank."
+msgstr ""
+"El valor excedió el límite de la tarjeta. Pídele a tu cliente que use otra "
+"tarjeta o que se comunique con el banco."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:257
-msgid "Name of your store in your client's invoice"
-msgstr "Nombre de tu tienda en la factura de los clientes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1188
+msgid "Your customer's debit card has insufficient funds"
+msgstr "La tarjeta de débito de tu cliente no tiene saldo suficiente"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:258
-msgid "Eg: Mary's store"
-msgstr "Ej.: TiendaMaría"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1189
+msgid ""
+"Please recommend your customer to pay with another card or to choose another "
+"payment method."
+msgstr "Pídele que pague con otra tarjeta o que elige otro medio de pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1190
+msgid "Something went wrong and the payment was declined"
+msgstr "El pago fue rechazado porque hubo un error"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:259
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1191
msgid ""
-"If this field is empty, the purchase will be identified as Mercado Pago."
+"Please recommend you customer to try again or to pay with another payment "
msgstr ""
-"Si el campo queda vacío, la compra del cliente se identificará como Mercado "
+"Recomiéndale a tu cliente que intente nuevamente o pague con otro medio de "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:260
-msgid "Identification in Activities of Mercad Pago"
-msgstr "Identificación en Actividad de Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1204
+msgid "Any questions?"
+msgstr "¿Tienes dudas? "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:261
-msgid "Eg: Marystore"
-msgstr "Ej.: Tienda de María"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1205
+msgid "Please check the"
+msgstr "Revisa las"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:262
-msgid "In Activities, you will view this term before the order number"
-msgstr "En Actividad verás el término ingresado antes del número o del pedido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1206,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1222
+msgid "FAQs"
+msgstr "preguntas frecuentes"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:263
-msgid "Store category"
-msgstr "Categoría de la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1207
+msgid "on the dev website."
+msgstr "en el sitio para desarrolladores."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:264
-msgid "Select"
-msgstr "Seleccionar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1220
+msgid "Check our"
+msgstr "Revisa las"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:265
-msgid "Select ”Other” if you do not find the appropriate category."
-msgstr "Seleciona ”Otro” si no encuentras una categoría adecuada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1223
+msgid "or open a ticket to contact the Mercado Pago team."
+msgstr ""
+"o abre un ticket para entrar en contacto con el equipo de Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:266
-msgid "Advanced integration options (optional)"
-msgstr "Opciones avanzadas de integración (opcional)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1228
+msgid "1. Go to the dev website and open a"
+msgstr "1. Ingresa al sitio para desarrolladores y abre un"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:267
-msgid ""
-"For further integration of your store with Mercado Pago (IPN, Certified "
-"Partners, Debug Mode)"
-msgstr ""
-"Para mayor integración de tu tienda con Mercado Pago (IPN, Socios "
-"Certificados, Modo Debug)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1230
+msgid "ticket"
+msgstr "ticket"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:268
-msgid "View advanced options"
-msgstr "Ver opciones avanzadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1231
+msgid "in the Support section."
+msgstr "en la sección de Soporte."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:269
-msgid "URL for IPN "
-msgstr "URL para IPN "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1236
+msgid "4. Download the"
+msgstr "4. Descarga el"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:270
-msgid "Eg: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
-msgstr "Ej.: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1237
+msgid "error history"
+msgstr "historial de errores "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:271
-msgid ""
-"Add the URL to receive payments notifications. Find out more information in "
-"the "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1238
+msgid "and share it with the Mercado Pago team when asked for it."
msgstr ""
-"Ingresa la URL para recibir notificaciones de pago. Consulta más información "
-"en los "
+"y compártelo con el equipo de Mercado Pago cuando se te sea solicitado."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:272
-msgid "guides."
-msgstr "manuales."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:273
-msgid "Add plugin default params"
-msgstr "Agregar parámetros default del plugin"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1242
+msgid "Do you need help?"
+msgstr "¿Necesitas ayuda?"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:274
-msgid "integrator_id"
-msgstr "integrator_id"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1243
+msgid "How to open a ticket:"
+msgstr "Cómo abrir un ticket:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:275
-msgid "Eg: 14987126498"
-msgstr "Ej.: 14987126498"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1245
+msgid "2. Fill out the form with your store details."
+msgstr "2. Completa el formulario con los datos de tu tienda."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:276
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1246
msgid ""
-"If you are a Mercado Pago Certified Partner, make sure to add your "
-"integrator_id. If you do not have the code, please "
+"3. Copy and paste the following details when asked for the the technical "
msgstr ""
-"Si eres Partner certificado de Mercado Pago, recuerda ingresar tu "
-"integrator_id. Si no tienes el código, "
+"3. Copia y pega los siguientes datos cuando se te pida la información "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:277
-msgid "request it now. "
-msgstr "solicítalo ahora. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1249
+msgid "Version:"
+msgstr "Versión"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:278
-msgid "Debug and Log Mode"
-msgstr "Modo debug y log"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:279
-msgid "We record your store's actions in order to provide a better assistance."
-msgstr "Grabamos las aciones de tu tienda para brindar un mejor soporte."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1250
+msgid "History of errors"
+msgstr "Historial de errores"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:291
-msgid "3. Set payment methods"
-msgstr "3. Configura los medios de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1251
+msgid ""
+"Select the files you want to share with our team and click on Download. This "
+"information will be requested by e-mail if necessary."
+msgstr ""
+"Selecciona los archivos que quieras compartir con nuestro equipo y haz clic "
+"en “Descargar”. Esta información se te solicitará por e-mail al momento de "
+"ser necesario."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:292
-msgid "To view more options, please select a payment method below"
-msgstr "Selecciona uno de los siguientes medios de pago para ver más opciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1254
+msgid "Source"
+msgstr "Origen"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:293
-msgid "Settings"
-msgstr "Configurar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1255
+msgid "File date"
+msgstr "Fecha de creación"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:294
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Continuar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1256
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Descargar"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:305
-msgid "4. Test your store before you sell"
-msgstr "4. Testea tu tienda antes de vender"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1257
+msgid "Next Page"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:306
-msgid ""
-"Test the experience in Test Mode and then enable the Sale Mode (Production) "
-"to sell."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1258
+msgid "Previous page"
msgstr ""
-"Testea la experiencia en Modo Test. Luego activa el Modo Ventas (Producción) "
-"para realizar ventas."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:307
-msgid "Choose how you want to operate your store:"
-msgstr "Elige cómo quieres operar tu tienda:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1259
+msgid "The plugin has not yet recorded any logs in your store."
+msgstr "El plugin aún no ha registrado ningún registro en su tienda."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:308
-msgid "Test Mode"
-msgstr "Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:103
+msgid "discount of"
+msgstr "descuento de"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:309
-msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts disabled for real collections. "
-msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago inactivos para cobros reales. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:104
+msgid "fee of"
+msgstr "comisión de"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:310
-msgid "Test Mode rules."
-msgstr "Reglas del modo test."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:105
+msgid "and"
+msgstr "y"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:311
-msgid "Sale Mode (Production)"
-msgstr "Modo Ventas (Producción)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:106
+msgid "Shipping service used by the store."
+msgstr "Servicio de envío utilizado por la tienda."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:312
-msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts enabled for real collections."
-msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago activos para cobros reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:107
+msgid "Discount provided by store"
+msgstr "Descuento proporcionado por la tienda"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:313
-msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Production Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Produción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:108
+msgid "Mercado Pago Discount"
+msgstr "Descuento de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:314
-msgid "The clients can make real purchases in your store."
-msgstr "Los clientes pueden hacer compras reales en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:109
+msgid "Mercado Pago Commission"
+msgstr "Comisión de Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:315
-msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:121
+msgid "Checkout Pro in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Checkout Pro en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:122,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:180,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:214
+msgid "Use Mercado Pago's payment methods without real charges. "
+msgstr "Utiliza los medios de Mercado Pago sin cobros reales. "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:316
-msgid "Create your "
-msgstr "Crea tu "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:123,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:181,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:215,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:336,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:364
+msgid "See the rules for the test mode."
+msgstr "Consulte las reglas para el modo test."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:317
-msgid "test user "
-msgstr "usuario de prueba "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:124
+msgid "Log in to Mercado Pago and earn benefits"
+msgstr "Inicia sesión en Mercado Pago y obtén beneficios"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:318
-msgid ""
-"(Optional. Can be used in Production Mode and Test Mode, to test payments)."
-msgstr ""
-"(Opcional. Se puede utilizar en modo de producción y en modo de prueba, para "
-"probar los pagos)."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:125
+msgid "Easy login"
+msgstr "Ingresa con facilidad"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:319
-msgid "Use our test cards, "
-msgstr "Utiliza nuestras tarjetas de prueba, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:126
+msgid "Log in with the same email and password you use in Mercado Libre."
+msgstr "Inicia sesión con tu mismo e-mail y contraseña de Mercado Libre."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:320
-msgid "never use real cards. "
-msgstr "nunca utilices tarjetas reales. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:127
+msgid "Blue phone image"
+msgstr "Imagen de teléfono azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:321
-msgid "Visit your store "
-msgstr "Visita tu tienda "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:128
+msgid "Quick payments"
+msgstr "Paga rápido"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:322
-msgid "to test purchases"
-msgstr "para testear compras"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:129
+msgid "Use your saved cards, Pix or available balance."
+msgstr "Usa tus tarjetas guardadas, Pix o saldo disponible."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:323
-msgid "Save changes"
-msgstr "Guardar cambios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:130
+msgid "Use your available Mercado Pago Wallet balance or saved cards."
+msgstr "Usa tu saldo disponible en Mercado Pago Wallet o tarjetas guardadas."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:324
-msgid "Store under test"
-msgstr "Tienda en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:131
+msgid "Use your available money or saved cards."
+msgstr "Usa tu dinero disponible o tarjetas guardadas."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:325
-msgid "Store in sale mode (Production)"
-msgstr "Tienda en Modo Ventas (Producción)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:132
+msgid "Blue wallet image"
+msgstr "Imagen de billetera azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:326
-msgid "Enter test credentials"
-msgstr "Ingresa las credenciales de prueba"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:133
+msgid "Protected purchases"
+msgstr "Protege tu compra"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:327
-msgid "To enable test mode, "
-msgstr "Para activar el modo de prueba, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:134
+msgid "Reliable purchases"
+msgstr "Compra con confianza"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:328
-msgid "copy your test credentials "
-msgstr "copia tus credenciales de prueba "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:135
+msgid "Get your money back in case you don't receive your product."
+msgstr "Recupera tu dinero si no recibes el producto."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:329
-msgid "and paste them above in section 1 of this page."
-msgstr "y pégalas en la sección 1 de esta página."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:136
+msgid "Get help if you have a problem with your purchase."
+msgstr "Recibe ayuda si tienes algún problema con tu compra."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:366
-msgid "Invalid Access Token"
-msgstr "Access token no válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:137
+msgid "Blue protection image"
+msgstr "Imagen de protección azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:368
-msgid "Valid Access Token"
-msgstr "Access token válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:138
+msgid "Installments option"
+msgstr "Accede a cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:374
-msgid "Invalid Public Key"
-msgstr "Public key no válida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:139
+msgid "Pay with or without a credit card."
+msgstr "Paga con o sin tarjeta de crédito."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:376
-msgid "Valid Public Key"
-msgstr "Public key válida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:140
+msgid "Interest-free installments with selected banks."
+msgstr "Cuotas sin interés con bancos seleccionados."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:379
-msgid "Credentials must be valid"
-msgstr "Las credenciales deben ser válidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:141
+msgid "Blue phone installments image"
+msgstr "Imagen de cuotas de teléfono azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:429
-msgid "Credentials were updated"
-msgstr "Se actualizaron las credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:142
+msgid "Available payment methods"
+msgstr "Medios de pago disponibles"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:421
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:143,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:186
msgid ""
-"Your store has exited Test Mode and is making real sales in Production Mode."
+"By continuing, you will be taken to Mercado Pago to safely complete your "
msgstr ""
-"Ahora su tienda está fuera del modo de prueba y está realizando ventas "
-"reales en el modo de producción."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:422
-msgid "To test the store, re-enter both test credentials."
-msgstr "Para probar la tienda, vuelva a ingresar ambas credenciales de prueba."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:435
-msgid "Invalid credentials"
-msgstr "Credenciales no válidas"
+"Al continuar, te llevaremos a Mercado Pago para completar tu compra de forma "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:436
-msgid "See our manual to learn "
-msgstr "Consulte nuestro manual para saber "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:144,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:187
+msgid "Checkout Pro redirect info image"
+msgstr "Imagen de redirección de Checkout Pro"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:437
-msgid "how to enter the credentials the right way."
-msgstr "como ingresar las credenciales de forma correcta."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:145,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:188,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:239,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:281,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:342,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:374
+msgid "By continuing, you agree with our"
+msgstr "Al continuar, aceptas nuestros"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:497
-msgid "Store information is valid"
-msgstr "Información sobre tu tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:146,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:189,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:240,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:282,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:343,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:375
+msgid "Terms and conditions"
+msgstr "Términos y condiciones"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:527
-msgid "Mercado Pago's Payment Methods in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:147,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:218,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:263
+msgid "Pay with Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Pagar con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:528
-msgid "Mercado Pago's Payment Methods in Production Mode"
-msgstr "Medios de pago Mercado Pago en Modo Produción"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:148,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:264
+msgid "Cancel & Clear Cart"
+msgstr "Cancelar & Limpiar carrito"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:521
-msgid "Invalid credentials for test mode"
-msgstr "Credenciales inválidas para el modo de prueba"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:161
+msgid "Log in"
+msgstr "Inicia sesión"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:603
-msgid "Enabled"
-msgstr "Activado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:162
+msgid ""
+"or create an account in Mercado Pago. If you use Mercado Libre, you already "
+"have one!"
+msgstr ""
+"o crea una cuenta en Mercado Pago. Si utilizas Mercado Libre, ¡ya tienes una!"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:604
-msgid "Disabled"
-msgstr "Inactivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:167
+msgid "Know your available limit in Mercado Crédito and"
+msgstr "Conoce tu límite disponible en Mercado Crédito y"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:632
-msgid "Valid Credentials"
-msgstr "Credenciales válidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:168
+msgid "choose how many installments"
+msgstr "elige en cuántas cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:635
-msgid "Credentials couldn't be validated"
-msgstr "No se pudieron validar las credenciales"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:169
+msgid "you want to pay"
+msgstr "quieres pagar"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:658
-msgid "Store business fields are valid"
-msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda son válidos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:174
+msgid "Pay the installments as you prefer:"
+msgstr "Paga las cuotas como prefieras:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:661
-msgid "Store business fields couldn't be validated"
-msgstr "Los campos comerciales de la tienda no se pudieron validar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:175
+msgid "with money in your account, card of from the Mercado Pago app"
+msgstr "con dinero, tarjeta o directo desde la app de Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:684
-msgid "At least one paymet method is enabled"
-msgstr "Al menos un método de pago está habilitado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:179
+msgid "No card installments in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Mensualidades sin tarjeta en Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:687
-msgid "No payment method enabled"
-msgstr "No se habilitó ningún método de pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:182
+msgid "How to use it?"
+msgstr "¿Cómo usar?"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:77
-msgid "Payment approved."
-msgstr "Pago aprobado."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:190
+msgid "Pay in"
+msgstr "Compra en hasta"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:131,
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:135
-msgid "Waiting for the Pix payment."
-msgstr "Esperando el pago de Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:191
+msgid "installments"
+msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:148,
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:152
-msgid "Waiting for the ticket payment."
-msgstr "Esperando el pago del boleto."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:192
+msgid "with Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:160
-msgid "The customer has not made the payment yet."
-msgstr "El cliente todavía no efectuó el pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:193
+msgid "Read more"
+msgstr "Leer más"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:179
-msgid "Payment is pending review."
-msgstr "El pago está pendiente de revisión."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:194
+msgid "Buy now and pay in installments with no card later!"
+msgstr "¡Compra ahora y paga después!"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:196
-msgid "Payment was declined. The customer can try again."
-msgstr "El pago fue rechazado. El cliente puede intentar nuevamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:195
+msgid "100% online, without paperwork or monthly fees"
+msgstr "Compra en hasta 12 pagos mensuales sin usar tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:211
-msgid "Payment was returned to the customer."
-msgstr "El pago fue devuelto al cliente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:196
+msgid "You can apply for your line of credit 100% online and securely."
+msgstr "Puedes solicitar tu línea de crédito 100% online y de forma segura."
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:225
-msgid "Payment was canceled."
-msgstr "El pago fue cancelado."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:197
+msgid "Do everything from the Mercado Pago app!"
+msgstr "Sin trámites. ¡Haz todo desde la app de Mercado Pago!"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:240,
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:252
-msgid ""
-"The payment is in mediation or the purchase was unknown by the customer."
-msgstr "El pago esta en mediación o la compra fue desconocida por el cliente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:198
+msgid "No maintenance fees or additional costs."
+msgstr "Sin tasas de mantenimiento ni costos adicionales."
-#. translators: 1: payment_id 2: status
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:318
-msgid ""
-"Mercado Pago: The payment %1$s was notified by Mercado Pago with status %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Mercado Pago: El pago %1$s fue notificado por Mercado Pago con estado %2$s."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:199
+msgid "Questions? "
+msgstr "¿Dudas? "
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:371
-msgid "Shipping service used by the store."
-msgstr "Servicio de envío utilizado por la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:200
+msgid "Check our FAQ"
+msgstr "Consulta nuestra FAQ"
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:562,
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:563
-msgid "Discount provided by store"
-msgstr "Descuento proporcionado por la tienda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:201
+msgid ". Credit subject to approval."
+msgstr ". Crédito sujeto a aprobación."
-#. translators: %s coupon
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:130
-msgid "Discount for coupon %s"
-msgstr "Descuento para el cupón %s"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:213
+msgid "Checkout Custom in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Tarjeta de crédito en Modo Test"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:172
-msgid " and fee of"
-msgstr " y comisión de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:216
+msgid "Pay with saved cards"
+msgstr "Paga con tarjetas guardadas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:547
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:217
msgid ""
-"Public Key production credential is invalid. Review the field to "
-"receive real payments."
+"Do you have a Mercado Libre account? Then use the same email and password to "
+"pay faster with Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Public Key es inválida. Revísala para "
-"poder recibir pagos reales."
+"¿Tienes una cuenta de Mercado Libre? Usa el mismo e-mail y contraseña para "
+"pagar más rápido con Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:556
-msgid ""
-"Public Key test credential is invalid. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Public Key es inválida. Revísala para poder "
-"realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:219
+msgid "With which card can you pay?"
+msgstr "¿Con qué tarjeta puedes pagar?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:565
-msgid ""
-"Access Token production credential is invalid. Remember that it must "
-"be complete to receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Access Token es inválida. Revísala para "
-"poder recibir pagos reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:220,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:224
+msgid "See current promotions"
+msgstr "Ver promociones vigentes"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:574
-msgid ""
-"Access Token test credential is invalid. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Access Token es inválida. Revísala para poder "
-"realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:221
+msgid "Credit cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:592
-msgid ""
-"Public Key test credential is blank. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Public Key está en blanco. Revísala para "
-"poder realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:222
+msgid "Up to 12 installments"
+msgstr "Hasta 12 cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:601
-msgid ""
-"Public Key production credential is blank. Review the field to "
-"receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Public Key está en blanco. Revísala "
-"para poder recibir pagos reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:223
+msgid "Debit cards"
+msgstr "Tarjetas de débito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:610
-msgid ""
-"Access Token test credential is blank. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial de prueba Access Token está en blanco. Revísala para "
-"poder realizar pruebas en tu tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:225
+msgid "Fill in your card details"
+msgstr "Completa los datos de tu tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:619
-msgid ""
-"Access Token production credential is blank. Remember that it must be "
-"complete to receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"La credencial para producción Access Token está en blanco. Revísala "
-"para poder recibir pagos reales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:226
+msgid "Card number"
+msgstr "Número de Tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:92,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:90
-msgid ""
-"There was an error processing your payment. Please try again or contact us "
-"for Assistance."
-msgstr ""
-"Se ha producido un error en el procesamiento de su pago. Por favor, "
-"inténtelo de nuevo o póngase en contacto con nosotros para Asistencia."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:227,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:229,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:231,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:233
+msgid "Required data"
+msgstr "Datos obligatorios"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:84,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:82,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:45,
-#: ../../templates/receipt/custom-checkout.php:41
-msgid "Pay with Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Pagar con Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:228
+msgid "Holder name as it appears on the card"
+msgstr "Nombre del titular como aparece en la tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:86,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:84,
-#: ../../templates/receipt/custom-checkout.php:44
-msgid "Cancel & Clear Cart"
-msgstr "Cancelar & Limpiar carrito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:230
+msgid "Expiration"
+msgstr "Vencimiento"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:143,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:73,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:82
-msgid "Apply"
-msgstr "Aplicar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:144,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:74,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:83
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Retirar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:145,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:75,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:84
-msgid "Please, inform your coupon code"
-msgstr "Por favor, informe su código de cupón"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:146,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:76,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:85
-msgid "To choose"
-msgstr "Elegir"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:147,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:77,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:86
-msgid "Other bank"
-msgstr "Otro banco"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:148,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:78,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:87
-msgid "You will save"
-msgstr "Salvarás"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:149,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:79,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:88
-msgid "with discount of"
-msgstr "con descuento de"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:150,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:80,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:89
-msgid "Total of your purchase:"
-msgstr "Total de su compra:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:151,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:81,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:90
-msgid "Total of your purchase with discount:"
-msgstr "Total de su compra con descuento:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:152,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:82,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:91
-msgid "*After payment approval"
-msgstr "*Tras la aprobación del pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:153,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:83,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:92
-msgid "Terms and conditions of use"
-msgstr "Términos y condiciones de uso"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:154,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:172
-msgid "No fee"
-msgstr "Sin interés"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:232
+msgid "Security Code"
+msgstr "Código de seguridad"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:155,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:173
-msgid "More options"
-msgstr "Más opciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:234,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:337,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:365
+msgid "Holder document"
+msgstr "Documento del titular"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:163
-msgid "mm/yy"
-msgstr "mm/aa"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:235,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:338,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:366
+msgid "Invalid document"
+msgstr "Número de documento no válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:236,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:238
+msgid "Select the number of installments"
+msgstr "Selecciona la cantidad de cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:164,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:134
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:237,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:242
msgid "Issuer"
msgstr "Banco"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:165
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:241
+msgid "mm/yy"
+msgstr "mm/aa"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:243
msgid "Installments"
-msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
+msgstr "Cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:168
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:244
msgid "on the back"
msgstr "del dorso"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:169
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:245
msgid "on the front"
msgstr "del frente"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:171
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:246
msgid "digits"
msgstr "dígitos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:174
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:247
+msgid "No fee"
+msgstr "Sin interés"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:248
+msgid "More options"
+msgstr "Más opciones"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:249
msgid "If interest is applicable, it will be charged by your bank."
msgstr "Si corresponden intereses, serán aplicados por tu banco."
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:175
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:250
msgid "Interest"
msgstr "Intereses"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:178
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:251
msgid "Card number is required"
msgstr "Número de tarjeta obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:179
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:252
msgid "Card number invalid"
msgstr "Número de tarjeta inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:182
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:253
msgid "Holder name is required"
msgstr "Nombre del titular obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:183
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:254
msgid "Holder name invalid"
msgstr "Nombre del titular inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:186,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:188
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:255,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:257
msgid "Expiration date invalid"
msgstr "Fecha de vencimiento inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:187
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:256
msgid "Expiration date incomplete"
msgstr "Fecha de vencimiento obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:191
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:258
msgid "Security code is required"
msgstr "Código de seguridad obligatorio"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:192
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:259
msgid "Security code incomplete"
msgstr "Código de seguridad incompleto"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:230
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:260
msgid "Cost of installments"
msgstr "Coste de las cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:231
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:261
msgid "Total with installments"
msgstr "Total con cuotas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:262
msgid "installments of"
msgstr "cuotas de"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:139
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:276
+msgid "Pix in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Pix en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:277
+msgid ""
+"You can test the flow to generate a code, but you cannot finalize the "
+msgstr ""
+"Es posible probar el flujo para generar una factura, pero no es posible "
+"finalizar el pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:278
+msgid "Pay instantly"
+msgstr "Pago instantáneo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:279
+msgid ""
+"By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Al confirmar tu compra, te mostraremos un código para realizar el pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:280
+msgid "Pix logo"
+msgstr "Pix logo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:283,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:292
+msgid "Code valid for "
+msgstr "Código válido por "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:284
msgid "Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase"
msgstr "Ahora sólo tiene que pagar con Pix para finalizar su compra"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:140
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:285
msgid "How to pay with Pix:"
msgstr "Cómo pagar con Pix:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:141
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:286
msgid "Go to your bank's app or website"
msgstr "Entra en la app o en la página web de tu banco"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:142
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:287
msgid "Search for the option to pay with Pix"
msgstr "Busca la opción de pagar con Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:143
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:288
msgid "Scan the QR code or Pix code"
msgstr "Escanea el código QR o el código Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:144
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:289
msgid "Done! You will see the payment confirmation"
msgstr "Listo. Verás la confirmación del pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:145
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:290
msgid "Value: "
msgstr "Valor: "
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:147
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:291
msgid "Scan the QR code:"
msgstr "Escanea el código QR:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:150
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:293
msgid "If you prefer, you can pay by copying and pasting the following code"
msgstr "Si lo prefieres, puedes pagar copiando y pegando el siguiente código"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:152
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:294
msgid "Copy code"
msgstr "Copiar código"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:112
-msgid "Pay in"
-msgstr "Compra en hasta"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:113
-msgid "installments"
-msgstr "12 pagos sin tarjeta"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:114
-msgid "with Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "con Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:115
-msgid "Read more"
-msgstr "Saber más"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:116
-msgid "Buy now and pay in installments with no card later!"
-msgstr "¡Compra ahora y paga después!"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:117
-msgid "100% online,"
-msgstr "Compra en hasta"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:118
-msgid "without paperwork or monthly fees"
-msgstr "12 pagos mensuales sin usar tarjeta de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:119
-msgid "When paying, choose"
-msgstr "Puedes solicitar "
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:120
-msgid ". Login to your account or create one in a few steps."
-msgstr "tu línea de crédito 100% online y de forma segura."
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:121
-msgid "Search for"
-msgstr "Sin trámites."
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:122
-msgid ""
-"among the options, select it and choose in how many installments you would "
-"like to pay."
-msgstr " ¡Haz todo desde la app de Mercado Pago!"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:123
-msgid "Pay your installments monthly as you wish, in the Mercado Pago app."
-msgstr "Sin tasas de mantenimiento ni costos adicionales."
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:126
-msgid "Check our FAQ"
-msgstr "Consulta nuestra FAQ"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:127
-msgid ". Credit subject to approval."
-msgstr ". Crédito sujeto a aprobación."
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:182,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:634,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:682,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:727,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:986
-msgid "Response from cache"
-msgstr "Respuesta de la caché"
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:1000
-msgid "Response from API"
-msgstr "Respuesta de la API"
-#. translators: 1: total_time currency 2: url
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/rest-client/class-mp-rest-client-abstract.php:179
-msgid "Took %1$s seconds to transfer a request to %2$s"
-msgstr "Se han tardado %1$s segundos para transferir una solicitud a %2$s"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:24
-msgid "Checkout Pro in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Checkout Pro en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:25,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:25
-msgid "Use Mercado Pago's payment methods without real charges. "
-msgstr "Utiliza los medios de Mercado Pago sin cobros reales. "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:26,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:26,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:26
-msgid "See the rules for the test mode."
-msgstr "Consulte las reglas para el modo test."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:35
-msgid "Log in to Mercado Pago and earn benefits"
-msgstr "Inicia sesión en Mercado Pago y obtén beneficios"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:54
-msgid ""
-"By continuing, you will be taken to Mercado Pago to safely complete your "
-msgstr ""
-"Al continuar, te llevaremos a Mercado Pago para completar tu compra de forma "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:56,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:47
-msgid "Checkout Pro redirect info image"
-msgstr "Imagen de redirección de Checkout Pro"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:66,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:56,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:169,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:31,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:96
-msgid "By continuing, you agree with our"
-msgstr "Al continuar, aceptas nuestros"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:67,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:57,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:170,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:31,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:97
-msgid "Terms and conditions"
-msgstr "Términos y condiciones"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:24
-msgid "No card installments in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Mensualidades sin tarjeta en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:34
-msgid "How to use it?"
-msgstr "¿Cómo usar?"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:37
-msgid ""
-"Log in or create an account in Mercado Pago. If you use Mercado "
-"Libre, you already have one!"
-msgstr ""
-"Inicia sesión o crea una cuenta en Mercado Pago. Si has usado Mercado "
-"Libre para comprar, ¡ya tienes una!"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:38
-msgid ""
-"Know your available limit in Mercado Crédito and choose how many "
-"installments you want to pay."
-msgstr ""
-"Conoce el límite disponible de tu línea de crédito y elige el plazo en "
-"el que quieres pagar tu compra."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:39
-msgid ""
-"Pay the installments as you prefer: with money in your account, card of "
-"from the Mercado Pago app."
-msgstr ""
-"Paga mes a mes con el medio de pago que prefieras. ¡Todo desde la app "
-"de Mercado Pago!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:295,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:349,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:373
+msgid "Mercado Pago: The customer has not paid yet."
+msgstr "Mercado Pago: El cliente no ha pagado todavía."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:46
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:296
msgid ""
-"By confirming your purchase, you will be redirected to your Mercado Pago "
+"Mercado Pago: Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase."
msgstr ""
-"Al continuar, te llevaremos a Mercado Pago para completar tu compra de forma "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:23
-msgid "Checkout Custom in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Tarjeta de crédito en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:24
-msgid "Use Mercado Pago means without real charges."
-msgstr "Utiliza los medios de Mercado Pago sin cobros reales."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:25
-msgid "See test mode rules."
-msgstr "Ver las reglas del Modo Test."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:36
-msgid "Pay with saved cards"
-msgstr "Paga con tarjetas guardadas"
+"Mercado Pago: Ahora sólo tiene que pagar con Pix para finalizar su compra."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:40
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:297
msgid ""
-"Do you have a Mercado Libre account? Then use the same email and password to "
-"pay faster with Mercado Pago."
+"Scan the QR code below or copy and paste the code into your bank's "
msgstr ""
-"¿Tienes una cuenta de Mercado Libre? Usa el mismo e-mail y contraseña para "
-"pagar más rápido \n"
-"con Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:57
-msgid "With which card can you pay?"
-msgstr "¿Con qué tarjeta puedes pagar?"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:70
-msgid "See current promotions"
-msgstr "Ver promociones vigentes"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:78
-msgid "Fill in your card details"
-msgstr "Completa los datos de tu tarjeta"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:80
-msgid "Card number"
-msgstr "Número de Tarjeta"
+"Escanee el código QR a continuación o copie y pegue el código en la "
+"aplicación de su banco."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:82,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:89,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:98,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:106
-msgid "Required data"
-msgstr "Datos obligatorios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:298
+msgid "30 minutes"
+msgstr "30 minutos"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:87
-msgid "Holder name as it appears on the card"
-msgstr "Nombre del titular como aparece en la tarjeta"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:310
+msgid "Payment approved."
+msgstr "Pago aprobado."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:95
-msgid "Expiration"
-msgstr "Vencimiento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:311
+msgid "Waiting for the Pix payment."
+msgstr "Esperando el pago de Pix."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:103
-msgid "Security Code"
-msgstr "Código de seguridad"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:312
+msgid "Waiting for the ticket payment."
+msgstr "Esperando el pago del boleto."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:113,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:36,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:53
-msgid "Holder document"
-msgstr "Documento del titular"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:313
+msgid "The customer has not made the payment yet."
+msgstr "El cliente todavía no efectuó el pago."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:114,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:37,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:54
-msgid "Invalid document"
-msgstr "Número de documento no válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:314
+msgid "Payment is pending review."
+msgstr "El pago está pendiente de revisión."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:129,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:145
-msgid "Select the number of installments"
-msgstr "Selecciona la cantidad de cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:315
+msgid "Payment was declined. The customer can try again."
+msgstr "El pago fue rechazado. El cliente puede intentar nuevamente."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:22
-msgid "Pix in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Pix en Modo Test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:316
+msgid "Payment was returned to the customer."
+msgstr "El pago fue devuelto al cliente."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:22
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:317
msgid ""
-"You can test the flow to generate a code, but you cannot finalize the "
+"The payment was partially returned to the customer. the amount refunded "
+"was : "
msgstr ""
-"Es posible probar el flujo para generar una factura, pero no es posible "
-"finalizar el pago."
+"El pago se devolvió parcialmente al cliente. El montante reembolsado fue "
+"de : "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
-msgid "Pay instantly"
-msgstr "Pago instantáneo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:318
+msgid "Payment was canceled."
+msgstr "El pago fue cancelado."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:319,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:320
msgid ""
-"By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
-msgstr ""
-"Al confirmar tu compra, te mostraremos un código para realizar el pago."
+"The payment is in mediation or the purchase was unknown by the customer."
+msgstr "El pago esta en mediación o la compra fue desconocida por el cliente."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
-msgid "Pix logo"
-msgstr "Pix logo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:321
+msgid "The payment"
+msgstr "El pago"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:24
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:322
+msgid "was notified by Mercado Pago with status"
+msgstr "fue notificado por Mercado Pago con estado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:334
msgid "Offline Methods in Test Mode"
msgstr "Facturas en Modo Test"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:25
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:335
msgid ""
"You can test the flow to generate an invoice, but you cannot finalize the "
-"payment. "
msgstr ""
"Es posible testear el flujo para generar una factura, pero no es posible "
-"finalizar el pago. "
+"finalizar el pago."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:68
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:339,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:367
msgid "Select where you want to pay"
msgstr "Selecciona el punto de pago donde quieres pagar"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:73
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:340,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:368
msgid "more options"
msgstr "más opciones"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:78
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:341
msgid "Select a payment method"
msgstr "Seleccione una opción de pago"
-#: ../../templates/order/payment-status-metabox-content.php:30
-msgid ""
-"This is the payment status of your Mercado Pago Activities. To check the "
-"order status, please refer to Order details."
-msgstr ""
-"Este es el estado del pago de las Actividades de tu Mercado Pago. Para "
-"consultar el estado del pedido, consulta en Detalles del Pedido."
-#: ../../templates/order-received/show-ticket.php:19
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:344
msgid ""
"Great, we processed your purchase order. Complete the payment with ticket so "
"that we finish approving it."
@@ -3030,789 +2758,601 @@ msgstr ""
"Excelente, procesamos tu orden de compra. Completa el pago con ticket para "
"que terminemos de aprobarla."
-#: ../../templates/order-received/show-ticket.php:23
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:345
msgid "Print ticket"
msgstr "Imprimir ticket"
-#~ msgid "Fee"
-#~ msgstr "Tasa"
-#~ msgid "How does it work?"
-#~ msgstr "¿Cómo funciona?"
-#~ msgid "Checkout visualization:"
-#~ msgstr "Visualización en el checkout:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:346
+msgid " and "
+msgstr " e "
-#~ msgid "Check below how this feature will be displayed to your customers."
-#~ msgstr "A continuación verás cómo este recurso aparecerá para tus clientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:347
+msgid "To print the ticket again click"
+msgstr "Para reimprimir o boleto clique"
-#~ msgid "Banner visualization"
-#~ msgstr "Visualización del componente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:348
+msgid "here"
+msgstr "aqui"
-#~ msgid "Check the example of how it will appear in the store:"
-#~ msgstr "Consulta el ejemplo de cómo aparecerá en la tienda:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:362
+msgid "Checkout PSE in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Checkout PSE en Modo Test"
-#~ msgid "Bank Transfer"
-#~ msgstr "Transferencia bancaria"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:363
+msgid "You can test the flow to generate a payment with PSE"
+msgstr "Puede probar el flujo para generar un pago con PSE"
-#~ msgid "Payment by cash"
-#~ msgstr "Pagos en efectivo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:369
+msgid "Person type "
+msgstr "Tipo de persona "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If you already have a Mercado Libre account, use the same email and "
-#~ "password"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si ya tienes una cuenta de Mercado Libre, usa el mismo mail y contraseña"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:370
+msgid "Financial institution"
+msgstr "Institución financiera"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When you confirm your purchase, we will redirect you to your Mercado Pago "
-#~ "account"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Cuando confirmes tu compra, te redireccionaremos a tu cuenta de Mercado "
-#~ "Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:371
+msgid "Select the financial institution"
+msgstr "Seleccione la entidad financiera"
-#~ msgid "Payment with Mercado Credito"
-#~ msgstr "Pagos con Mercado Crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:372
+msgid "Select the institution"
+msgstr "Seleccione la institución"
-#~ msgid "New!"
-#~ msgstr "¡Nuevo!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:387
+msgid "A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Please, try again."
+msgstr ""
+"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Por favor, intente otra "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With Mercado Credito, clients can pay "
-#~ "in installments with no card, by transfers, invoice or money available "
-#~ "in their Mercado Pago account. By activating the no-card "
-#~ "installments banner, you will increase your chances of selling."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Con Mercado Crédito, los clientes "
-#~ "pagan en cuotas sin tarjeta, por transferencia, tarjeta de débito, "
-#~ "efectivo o dinero disponible en la cuenta de Mercado Pago. Al "
-#~ "activar el componente de cuotas sin tarjeta, aumentarás tus chances "
-#~ "de vender. Para saber más, ingresá a documentación."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:388
+msgid ""
+"A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have "
+"correctly filled all information in the checkout form?"
+msgstr ""
+"El problemas ocurrió cuando se procesaba su pago. Está seguro de haber "
+"cargado la información en el formulario?"
-#~ msgid "The no-card installments banner is disabled."
-#~ msgstr "El componente de cuotas sin tarjeta está desactivado ."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:389
+msgid "See your order form"
+msgstr "Ver su hoja de pedido"
-#~ msgid "Earn more points and have exclusive benefits in Mercado Puntos"
-#~ msgstr "Gana más puntos y ventajas exclusivas en Mercado Puntos "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:390
+msgid "Your payment was declined. You can try again."
+msgstr "Su pago fue rechazado. Puede intentarlo de nuevo."
-#~ msgid "Error loading form."
-#~ msgstr "Error al cargar el formulario."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:391
+msgid "Click to try again"
+msgstr "Haga clic para intentarlo de nuevo"
-#~ msgid "Please refresh the page to try again."
-#~ msgstr "Actualice la página para volver a intentarlo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:392
+msgid "That's it, payment accepted!"
+msgstr "Listo, ¡aceptamos tu pago!"
-#~ msgid "Refresh page"
-#~ msgstr "Actualizar página"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:393
+msgid ""
+"We are processing your payment. In less than an hour we will send you the "
+"result by email."
+msgstr ""
+"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de una hora le enviaremos el resultado "
+"por correo electrónico."
-#~ msgid "Type of topic IPN invalid, need to be merchant_order"
-#~ msgstr "El tipo de asunto de la IPN no es válido, debe ser `merchant_order`"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:394
+msgid ""
+"We are processing your payment. In less than 2 days we will send you by "
+"email if the payment has been approved or if additional information is "
+msgstr ""
+"Estamos procesando su pago. En menos de 2 días le enviaremos por correo "
+"electrónico si se ha aprobado el pago o si se necesita información adicional."
-#~ msgid "Click here to see more details..."
-#~ msgstr "Haga clic aquí para ver más detalles…"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:395
+msgid "Check the card number."
+msgstr "Compruebe el número de tarjeta."
-#~ msgid "Purchases with saved cards or money in Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Compras con tarjetas guardadas o saldo en Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:396
+msgid "Check the expiration date."
+msgstr "Compruebe la fecha de expiración."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Feature for those who have a saved card or money in Mercado Pago to buy "
-#~ "without having to fill in details."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Es una funcionalidade para quienes tienen tarjetas guardadas o saldo en "
-#~ "Mercado Pago puedan comprar sin la necesidad de completar datos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:397
+msgid "Check the information provided."
+msgstr "Compruebe la información informada."
-#~ msgid "The feature for payments with saved cards is active."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La funcionalidad para pagos con tarjetas guardadas está activa"
-#~ "b>."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:398
+msgid "Check the informed security code."
+msgstr "Compruebe el código de seguridad informado."
-#~ msgid "The feature for payments with saved cards is inactive."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La funcionalidad para pagos con tarjetas guardadas está "
-#~ "inactiva."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:399,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:400
+msgid "Your payment cannot be processed."
+msgstr "No se puede procesar su pago."
-#~ msgid "You can see how the feature is in your store Checkout below:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "A continuación, cómo es la funcionalidad en el checkout de la tienda:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:401
+msgid "You must authorize payments for your orders."
+msgstr "Usted debe autorizar los pagos de sus órdenes."
-#~ msgid "Mercado Pago customers can now pay with stored cards."
-#~ msgstr "Clientes de Mercado Pago ahora pueden pagar con tarjetas guardadas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:402
+msgid ""
+"Contact your card issuer to activate it. The phone is on the back of your "
+msgstr ""
+"Póngase en contacto con el emisor de su tarjeta para activarla. El teléfono "
+"se encuentra en la parte posterior de su tarjeta."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The function Saved card payments is enabled. With this setting, "
-#~ "customers using Mercado Pago can purchase without having to fill in "
-#~ "payment details. You can control this option in the settings."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La función Pago con tarjetas guardadas de Mercado Pago está habilitada. "
-#~ "Ahora los clientes que utilizan Mercado pago pueden comprar sin tener que "
-#~ "completar los datos de la tarjeta. Puedes controlar esta opción en "
-#~ "configuración."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:403
+msgid ""
+"You have already made a payment of this amount. If you have to pay again, "
+"use another card or other method of payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Usted ya realizó un pago de este importe. Si tiene que pagar de nuevo, "
+"utilizar otra tarjeta u otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Go to settings"
-#~ msgstr "Ir a la configuración"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:404
+msgid ""
+"Your payment was declined. Please select another payment method. It is "
+"recommended in cash."
+msgstr "Su pago fue rechazado. Puede intentarlo de nuevo."
-#~ msgid "No need to fill out details"
-#~ msgstr "Sin cargar datos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:405
+msgid "Your payment does not have sufficient funds."
+msgstr "Su metodo de pago no tiene fondos suficientes."
-#~ msgid "Installments available"
-#~ msgstr "Cuotas disponibles"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:406
+msgid "Payment cannot process the selected fee."
+msgstr "El pago no puede procesar la cuota seleccionada."
-#~ msgid "Pay faster with your saved cards and without completing data."
-#~ msgstr "Paga más rápido con tus tarjetas guardadas y sin completar datos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:407
+msgid ""
+"You have reached the limit of allowed attempts. Choose another card or other "
+"payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Has alcanzado el límite de intentos permitidos. Elija otra tarjeta u otro "
+"medio de pago."
-#, fuzzy
-#~| msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
-#~ msgid "Important! To sell, you must enter your credentials."
-#~ msgstr "¡Importante! Para vender debe introducir sus credenciales."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:408
+msgid ""
+"Invalid transaction attempt You are trying to perform a "
+"productive transaction using test credentials, or test transaction using "
+"productive credentials. Please ensure that you are using the correct "
+"environment settings for the desired action."
+msgstr ""
+"Intento de transacción no válido Está intentando "
+"realizar una transacción productiva con credenciales de prueba o una "
+"transacción de prueba con credenciales productivas. Asegúrese de que está "
+"utilizando la configuración de credenciales correcta para la acción deseada."
-#~ msgid "Go to step-by-step"
-#~ msgstr "Ir al paso a paso"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:409
+msgid ""
+"Invalid transaction attempt It is not possible to pay "
+"with the email address entered. Please enter another e-mail address."
+msgstr ""
+"Intento de transacción no válido No es posible pagar con "
+"el email introducido. Por favor, introduzca otro email."
-#~ msgid "Update failed, invalid Credentials"
-#~ msgstr "Actualización fallida, credenciales no válidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:410
+msgid "This payment method cannot process your payment."
+msgstr "Este medio de pago no puede procesar su pago."
-#~ msgid "Up to 24 installments"
-#~ msgstr "Hasta 24 cuotas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:422
+msgid ""
+"Your bank needs you to authorize the payment Please call "
+"the telephone number on your card or pay with another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu banco necesita que autorices el pago Llama al "
+"teléfono que está en la tarjeta o paga con otro medio."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Important! Do not forget to add the credentials and details of your store."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¡Importante! No olvides ingresar las credenciales y datos de la tienda."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:423,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:424
+msgid ""
+"For safety reasons, your payment was declined We "
+"recommended paying with your usual payment method and device for online "
+msgstr ""
+"Por motivos de seguridad, tu pago fue rechazado Te recomendamos "
+"pagar con el medio de pago y dispositivo que sueles usar para compras online."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Before setting up payments, follow the step-by-step to start selling."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Antes de configurar los pagos, haz el paso a paso para comenzar a vender."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:425,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:426,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:427,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:428
+msgid ""
+"One or more card details were entered incorrecctly"
+"strong> Please enter them again as they appear on the card to complete "
+"the payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Ingresaste uno o más datos de tu tarjeta de forma incorrecta"
+"strong> Vuelve a ingresarlos tal como figuran en la tarjeta para "
+"finalizar el pago."
-#~ msgid "To enable and test sales, you must copy and paste your "
-#~ msgstr "Para habilitar y testear las ventas, tienes que copiar y pegar "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:429
+msgid ""
+"Your credit card has no available limit Please pay using "
+"another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu tarjeta de crédito no tiene límite disponible Paga "
+"con otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Mandatory data"
-#~ msgstr "Campo obligatorio"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:430
+msgid ""
+"Your debit card has insufficient founds Please pay using "
+"another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu tarjeta de débito no tiene saldo suficiente Paga con "
+"otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Use the test-specific cards that are in the"
-#~ msgstr "Utiliza las tarjetas específicas para testear que estén bajo las"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:431
+msgid ""
+"Your card does not accept the number of installments selected"
+"strong> Please choose a different number of installments or use a "
+"different payment method ."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu tarjeta no acepta la cantidad de pagos que seleccionaste"
+"strong> Elige una cantidad de pagos diferente o use otro medio."
-#~ msgid "Until"
-#~ msgstr "Hasta"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:432
+msgid ""
+"You need to activate your card Please contact your bank "
+"by calling the number on the back of your card or choose another payment "
+msgstr ""
+"Necesitas habilitar tu tarjeta Comunícate con tu banco "
+"llamando al número que está al dorso de la tarjeta o elige otro medio de "
-#~ msgid "installment"
-#~ msgstr "cuota"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:433
+msgid ""
+"You reached the limit of payment attempts with this card"
+"strong> Please pay using another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Alcanzaste el límite de intentos de pago con esta tarjeta"
+"strong> Paga con otra tarjeta o elige otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "We take you to our site to complete the payment"
-#~ msgstr "Te llevamos a nuestro sitio para completar el pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:434
+msgid ""
+"Your payment was declined because you already paid for this "
+"purchase Check your card transactions to verify it."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu pago fue rechazado porque ya pagaste esta compra"
+"strong> Revisa los consumos de tu tarjeta para verificarlo."
-#~ msgid "Enter your discount coupon"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tu cupón de descuento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:435,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:436,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:437
+msgid ""
+"The card issuing bank declined the payment We "
+"recommended paying with another payment method or contact your bank."
+msgstr ""
+"El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó tu pago Te "
+"recomendamos pagar con otro medio de pago o comunicarte con tu banco."
-#~ msgid "Enter your coupon"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tu cupón"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:438
+msgid ""
+"For safety reasons, the card issuing bank declined the payment"
+"strong> We recommended paying with your usual payment method and device "
+"for online purchases."
+msgstr ""
+"Por motivos de seguridad, el banco de la tarjeta rechazó el pago"
+"b> Te recomendamos pagar con el medio de pago y dispositivo que sueles "
+"usar para compras online."
-#~ msgid "The code you entered is incorrect"
-#~ msgstr "El código que ingresaste es incorrecto"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:439
+msgid ""
+"Your payment was declined because something went wrong"
+"strong> We recommended trying again or paying with another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu pago fue rechazado porque hube un error Te "
+"recomendamos intentar nuevamente o pagar con otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Invalid Card Number"
-#~ msgstr "Numero de tarjeta invalido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:451
+msgid "We are taking you to validate the card"
+msgstr "Te estamos llevando a validar la tarjeta"
-#~ msgid "Name and surname of the cardholder"
-#~ msgstr "Nombre y apellido del titular de la tarjeta"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:452
+msgid "with your bank"
+msgstr "con tu banco"
-#~ msgid "Invalid Expiration Date"
-#~ msgstr "Fecha de expiracion inválida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:453
+msgid "We need to confirm that you are the cardholder."
+msgstr "Necesitamos confirmar que eres titular de la tarjeta."
-#~ msgid "Last 3 numbers on the back"
-#~ msgstr "Últimos 3 números en el reverso"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:454
+msgid "We are receiving the response from your bank"
+msgstr "Estamos recibiendo la respuesta de tu banco"
-#~ msgid "In how many installments do you want to pay"
-#~ msgstr "En cuántas cuotas quieres pagar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:455
+msgid "Complete the bank validation so your payment can be approved"
+msgstr "Completa la validación del banco para aprobar tu pago"
-#~ msgid "Converted payment of"
-#~ msgstr "Pago convertido de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:456
+msgid ""
+"Please keep this page open. If you close it, you will not be able to resume "
+"the validation."
+msgstr ""
+"Mantén abierta esta pantalla. Si la cierras, no podrás retomar la validación."
-#~ msgid "for"
-#~ msgstr "para"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:457
+msgid ""
+"For safety reasons, your payment was declined We recommend paying "
+"with your usual payment method and device for online purchases."
+msgstr ""
+"Por motivos de seguridad, tu pago fue rechazado Te recomendamos "
+"pagar con el medio de pago y dispositivo que sueles usar para compras online."
-#~ msgid "Enter your document number"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tu número de documento"
+#~ msgid "How does it work?"
+#~ msgstr "¿Cómo funciona?"
-#~ msgid "Type"
-#~ msgstr "Tipo"
+#~ msgid "When paying, choose"
+#~ msgstr "Al pagar elegí"
-#~ msgid "Document number"
-#~ msgstr "Número de documento"
+#~ msgid ". Login to your account or create one in a few steps."
+#~ msgstr ". Podrás ingresar con tu cuenta o crear una en pocos pasos."
-#~ msgid "Only numbers"
-#~ msgstr "Sólo números"
+#~ msgid "Search for"
+#~ msgstr "Busca"
-#~ msgid "Obligatory field"
-#~ msgstr "Campo obligatorio"
+#~ msgid "Mercado Credito"
+#~ msgstr "Mercado Crédito"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When you finish the order, you will see the code to complete the payment."
-#~ msgstr "Cuando termines el pedido, verás el código para completar el pago."
-#~ msgid "CI"
-#~ msgstr "CI"
-#~ msgid "You must provide your document number"
-#~ msgstr "Debe informar su número de documento"
-#~ msgid "Complete all fields, they are mandatory."
-#~ msgstr "Complete todos los campos, son obligatorios."
-#~ msgid "Select the issuer with whom you want to process the payment"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona el emisor con el que quieras procesar el pago"
-#~ msgid "Lottery"
-#~ msgstr "Lotéricas"
-#~ msgid "CPF/CNPJ"
-#~ msgstr "CPF/CNPJ"
-#~ msgid "Enable or inactivate the payments via Pix"
-#~ msgstr "Activar o desactivar pagos por Pix"
-#~ msgid "If you change the display text, no translation will be available"
+#~ "among the options, select it and choose in how many installments you "
+#~ "would like to pay."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si cambia el texto de la pantalla Checkout, no habrá traducción disponible"
+#~ "entre las opciones, selecciónalo y elegí en cuántas cuotas quieres pagar."
-#~ msgid "Approve your account, it will only take a few minutes"
-#~ msgstr "Homologa tu cuenta, solo te llevará unos minutos"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Complete this process to secure your customers data and comply with the "
-#~ "regulations and legal provisions of each country."
+#~ msgid "Pay your installments monthly as you wish, in the Mercado Pago app."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Complete este proceso para proteger los datos de sus clientes y cumplir "
-#~ "con las regulaciones y disposiciones legales de cada país."
-#~ msgid "Homologate account in Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Homologar cuenta en Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "No"
-#~ msgstr "No"
+#~ "Pagá mes a mes tus cuotas como prefieras, desde la app de Mercado Pago."
-#~ msgid "Yes"
-#~ msgstr "Sí"
+#~ msgid "Review the step-by-step of"
+#~ msgstr "Revisa el paso a paso de"
-#~ msgid "Set up"
-#~ msgstr "Ajustes"
+#~ msgid "on our website for developers."
+#~ msgstr "en nuestro sitio de desarrolladores."
-#~ msgid "Your opinion helps us get better"
-#~ msgstr "Tu opinión nos ayuda a mejorar"
-#~ msgid "Guides and Documentation"
-#~ msgstr "Guías y documentación"
-#~ msgid "Report Problem"
-#~ msgstr "Informar problema"
-#~ msgid "Accept all method of payment and take your charges to another level"
-#~ msgstr "Acepta todos los medios de pago y lleva tus cobros a otro nivel"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Turn your online store into your customers preferred payment gateway. "
-#~ "Choose if the final payment experience will be inside or outside your "
-#~ "store."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Convierte tu tienda online en la pasarela de pagos preferida de tus "
-#~ "clientes. Elige si la experiencia de pago final será dentro o fuera de tu "
-#~ "tienda."
-#~ msgid "Configure Mercado Pago for WooCommerce"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresá la información de tu negocio"
+#~ msgid "Questions?"
+#~ msgstr "¿Dudas?"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Enable the experience of the Checkout Pro in your online store, select "
-#~ "the means of payment available to your customers and define the "
-#~ "maximum fees in which they can pay you."
+#~ "To enable orders, you must create and activate production credentials in "
+#~ "your Mercado Pago Account."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Habilita la experiencia del Checkout Pro en tu tienda online, selecciona "
-#~ "los medios de pago disponibles para tus clientes y define el máximo "
-#~ "de cuotas en el que podrán pagarte."
-#~ msgid "Set payment preferences in your store"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago en tu tienda"
+#~ "Para habilitar las ventas, debes crear y activar las credenciales de "
+#~ "producción en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago."
-#~ msgid "Select offline payments"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona medios de pago presenciales"
+#~ msgid "Check credentials"
+#~ msgstr "Consultar credenciales"
-#~ msgid "Select debit cards"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona tarjetas de débito"
-#~ msgid "Select credit cards"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona tarjetas de crédito"
-#~ msgid "Checkout of payments with debit and credit cards %s"
-#~ msgstr "Checkout de pagos con tarjetas de débito y crédito %s"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept payments instantly and maximize the conversion of your business"
-#~ msgstr "Acepta pagos al instante y maximiza la conversión de tu negocio"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Turn your online store into a secure and easy-to-use payment gateway for "
-#~ "your customers. With personalized checkout your customers pay without "
-#~ "leaving your store!"
+#~ msgid "To view more options, please select a payment method below"
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Convierte tu tienda online en una pasarela de pagos segura y fácil de "
-#~ "usar para tus clientes. Con el checkout personalizado tus clientes pagan "
-#~ "¡sin salir de tu tienda!"
-#~ msgid "Set up the payment experience in your store"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresá la información de tu negocio"
-#~ msgid "Configure the personalized payment experience in your store"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago en tu tienda"
-#~ msgid "%s, it only takes a few minutes"
-#~ msgstr "%s, solo te llevará unos minutos"
-#~ msgid "Approve your account"
-#~ msgstr "Homologa tu cuenta"
-#~ msgid "Title"
-#~ msgstr "Título"
+#~ "Selecciona uno de los siguientes medios de pago para ver más opciones"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Credentials are the keys we provide you to integrate quickly and "
-#~ "securely. You must have a %s in Mercado Pago to obtain and collect them "
-#~ " on your website. You do not need to know how to design or program to "
-#~ "do it"
+#~ "Test the experience in Test Mode and then enable the Sale Mode "
+#~ "(Production) to sell."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Las credenciales son las claves que te proporcionamos para que integres "
-#~ "de forma rápida y segura. Debes tener una %s en Mercado Pago para "
-#~ "obtenerlas y cobrar en tu sitio web. No necesitas saber diseñar o "
-#~ "programar para hacerlo"
-#~ msgid "approved account"
-#~ msgstr "cuenta homologada"
-#~ msgid "Select your country"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona tu país"
-#~ msgid "Select the country in which you operate with Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Selecciona el país en el que operas con Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Activate the Mercado Pago experience at the checkout of your store."
-#~ msgstr "Activa la experiencia de Mercado Pago en el checkout de tu tienda."
-#~ msgid "Binary mode"
-#~ msgstr "Modo binario"
+#~ "Testea la experiencia en Modo Test. Luego activa el Modo Ventas "
+#~ "(Producción) para realizar ventas."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept and reject payments automatically. Do you want us to activate it?"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta y rechaza pagos de forma automática. ¿Quieres que lo activemos?"
+#~ msgid "Do you have a minute to share your experience with our plugin?"
+#~ msgstr "¿tienes un minuto para compartir tu experiencia con nuestro plugin?"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If you activate binary mode you will not be able to leave pending "
-#~ "payments. This can affect fraud prevention. Leave it idle to be backed by "
-#~ "our own tool."
+#~ "Your opinion is very important so that we can offer you the best possible "
+#~ "payment solution and continue to improve."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Si activa el modo binario no podrá dejar pagos pendientes. Esto puede "
-#~ "afectar la prevención del fraude. Déjelo inactivo para que sea respaldado "
-#~ "por nuestra propia herramienta."
-#~ msgid "Discounts per purchase with Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Descuentos por compra con Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Commission for purchase with Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Comisión por compra con Mercado Pago"
+#~ "Tu opinión es muy importante para que podamos ofrecerte la mejor solución "
+#~ "de pago posible y seguir mejorando."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept payments at any time of the day and expand your purchase options!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¡Acepte pagos en cualquier momento del día y amplíe sus opciones de "
-#~ "compra!"
+#~ msgid "You must enter"
+#~ msgstr "Debe introducir"
-#~ msgid "Offer this new payment option to your customers."
-#~ msgstr "Ofrezca esta nueva opción de pago a sus clientes."
+#~ msgid "production credentials"
+#~ msgstr "las credenciales de producción"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Enable and set up Pix as a payment method for your customers in the "
-#~ "Mercado Pago checkout."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Habilita y configura Pix como método de pago para tus clientes en el "
-#~ "checkout de Mercado Pago."
+#~ msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
+#~ msgstr "¡Importante! Para vender debe introducir sus credenciales."
-#~ msgid "Set up the payment via Pix experience"
-#~ msgstr "Configura la experiencia de pago a través de Pix"
+#~ msgid "Debit, Credit and invoice in Mercado Pago environment"
+#~ msgstr "Débito, crédito y efectivo, en Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Checkout of payments with cash %s"
-#~ msgstr "Paga con dinero en efectivo"
+#~ msgid "Debit and Credit"
+#~ msgstr "Débito e crédito"
-#~ msgid "Accept face-to-face payments, do not leave anyone out!"
-#~ msgstr "Acepta pagos presenciales ¡no dejes a nadie afuera!"
+#~ msgid "Transparent Checkout in your store environment"
+#~ msgstr "Checkout Transparente en tu tienda"
-#~ msgid "Include this preferred purchase option by some customers."
-#~ msgstr "Incluye esta opción de compra preferida por algunos clientes."
+#~ msgid "Mercado pago - Customized Checkout"
+#~ msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Personalizado"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Enable Mercado Pago for cash payments in your store and select the "
-#~ "options available to your customers."
+#~ "Unfortunately, the language configured in your WordPress is not "
+#~ "compatible with our plugin. For the best experience, please switch to a "
+#~ "supported language."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Habilita Mercado Pago para pagos en efectivo en tu tienda y "
-#~ "selecciona las opciones disponibles para tus clientes."
+#~ "Lamentablemente, el idioma configurado en tu WordPress no es compatible "
+#~ "con nuestro plugin. Para disfrutar de la mejor experiencia, cambia a un "
+#~ "idioma compatible."
-#~ msgid "Set payment preferences with cash"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago con dinero en efectivo"
+#~ msgid "payments on the spot"
+#~ msgstr "pagos al instante"
-#~ msgid "Store mode was updated"
-#~ msgstr "Se actualizó el modo de la tienda"
+#~ msgid "the"
+#~ msgstr "toda la"
-#~ msgid "Couldn't find a valid payment method"
-#~ msgstr "No se pudo encontrar un método de pago válido"
+#~ msgid "security"
+#~ msgstr "seguridad"
-#~ msgid "Invoice and Loterica"
-#~ msgstr "Efectivo "
+#~ msgid "from Mercado Pago"
+#~ msgstr "de Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "It offers all means of payment: credit and debit cards, cash and account "
-#~ "money. Your customers choose whether they pay as guests or from their "
-#~ "Mercado Pago account."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ofrece todos los medios de pago: tarjetas de crédito y débito, dinero en "
-#~ "efectivo y dinero en cuenta. Tus clientes eligen si pagan como invitados "
-#~ "o desde su cuenta de Mercado Pago."
+#~ msgid "Check the reasons why the purchase was declined"
+#~ msgstr "Consulta los motivos del rechazo de tu compra"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept card payments on your website with the best possible financing and "
-#~ "maximize the conversion of your business. With personalized checkout your "
-#~ "customers pay without leaving your store!"
+#~ "Recommend your costumer to pay with their usual payment method and device "
+#~ "for online purchases."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta pagos con tarjeta en tu sitio web con la mejor financiación "
-#~ "posible y maximiza la conversión de tu negocio. Con el checkout "
-#~ "personalizado tus clientes pagan ¡sin salir de tu tienda!"
-#~ msgid "Follow these steps to activate Mercado Pago in your store:"
-#~ msgstr "Sigue estos pasos para activar Mercado Pago en tu tienda:"
-#~ msgid "Upload your credentials"
-#~ msgstr "Carga tus credenciales"
-#~ msgid "depending on the country in which you are registered."
-#~ msgstr "depending on the country in which you are registered."
-#~ msgid "to be able to charge."
-#~ msgstr "para poder cobrar."
-#~ msgid "Add the basic information of your business"
-#~ msgstr "Añade la información básica de tu negocio"
-#~ msgid "in the plugin configuration."
-#~ msgstr "en la configuración del plugin."
-#~ msgid "Configure the payment preferences"
-#~ msgstr "Configura las preferencias de pago"
-#~ msgid "In which country does your Mercado Pago account operate?"
-#~ msgstr "¿En qué país opera tu cuenta de Mercado Pago?"
+#~ "Recomiéndale a tu cliente que pague con el medio de pago y dispositivo "
+#~ "que suele usar para compras online."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Add credentials to "Test Mode" or "Production Mode""
+#~ "The payment could not be processed. Please ask your client to use another "
+#~ "card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ingresa las credenciales para el "Modo Test" o el "Modo "
-#~ "Producción""
-#~ msgid "Set up store payments for Test or Production Mode"
-#~ msgstr "Configura los pagos de la tienda para el modo Test o Producción"
-#~ msgid "How would you like to handle your store checkouts?"
-#~ msgstr "¿Como quieres operar los checkouts de tu tienda?"
-#~ msgid "Activate Production Mode for Mercado Pago checkouts"
-#~ msgstr "Activar Modo Producción para checkouts Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "test mode guidelines."
-#~ msgstr "reglas del Modo Test."
+#~ "El pago no fue procesado por el banco. Pídele a tu cliente que use otro "
+#~ "medio de pago o que se contacte con el banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Mercado Pago checkouts are inactive for real payments in the Test Mode. "
-#~ "Please check the"
+#~ "The CVV is invalid. Please ask your client to review the details or use "
+#~ "another card."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Checkouts Mercado Pago están inactivos para cobros reales en el Modo de "
-#~ "Prueba. Consulta las"
-#~ msgid "Search my credentials"
-#~ msgstr "Buscar mis credenciales"
+#~ "El código de seguridad de la tarjeta es inválido. Revisá los datos que "
+#~ "ingresaste o pedile a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With these credentials, you enable your Mercado Pago checkouts to receive "
-#~ "real payments."
+#~ "The card does not have sufficient balance. Please ask your client to use "
+#~ "another card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Con estas credenciales habilitas que tus checkouts Mercado Pago puedan "
-#~ "recibir pagos reales."
+#~ "La tarjeta no tiene límite disponible. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
+#~ "tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "What category do your products belong to? Choose the one that best "
-#~ "characterizes them (choose \"other\" if your product is too specific)."
+#~ "The card does not have enough limit. Please ask your client to use "
+#~ "another card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¿A qué categoría pertenecen tus productos? Elige la que mejor los "
-#~ "caracteriza (elige “otro” si tu producto es demasiado específico)."
-#~ msgid "Categories"
-#~ msgstr "Categrorías"
-#~ msgid "Store ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID de la tienda"
+#~ "La tarjeta no tiene fondos suficientes. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
+#~ "tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Use a number or prefix to identify orders and payments from this store."
+#~ "The CVV was entered incorrectly several times. Please ask your client to "
+#~ "use another card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Usa un número o prefijo para identificar pedidos y pagos provenientes de "
-#~ "esta tienda."
+#~ "Se ingresó varias veces mal el código de seguridad de la tarjeta. Pedile "
+#~ "a tu cliente que use otra tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Do not forget to enter your integrator_id as a certified Mercado Pago "
-#~ "Partner. If you don`t have it, you can %s"
+#~ "The card does not allow the number of installments entered. Please ask "
+#~ "your client to choose another installment plan or to use another card."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "No olvides ingresar tu integrator_id como Partner certificado de Mercado "
-#~ "Pago. Si no lo tienes, puedes %s"
-#~ msgid "Advanced adjustment"
-#~ msgstr "Ajustes avanzados"
-#~ msgid "We debug the information in our change file."
-#~ msgstr "Depuramos la información de nuestro archivo de cambios."
+#~ "La tarjeta no acepta la cantidad de cuotas ingresadas. Pedile a tu "
+#~ "cliente que elija otro plan de cuotas o que use otra tarjeta."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "IPN (Instant Payment Notification) is a notification of events that take "
-#~ "place on your platform and that is sent from one server to another "
-#~ "through an HTTP POST call. See more information in our guides."
+#~ "The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client "
+#~ "to ask the bank to authotize it or to use another card."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "IPN (Instant Payment Notification) es una notificación de eventos que "
-#~ "tienen lugar en su plataforma y que se envía de un servidor a otro a "
-#~ "través de una llamada HTTP POST. Vea más información en nuestras guías."
+#~ "El banco emisor de la tarjeta no autorizó el pago. Pedile a tu cliente "
+#~ "que se contacte con el banco para autorizarlo o que use otra tarjeta."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "It appears that your credentials are not properly configured. Please, "
-#~ "go to %s and configure it."
+#~ "From Mercado Pago we have detected that this payment has already been "
+#~ "made before. If that is not the case, your client may try to pay again."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Parece que sus credenciales no están configuradas correctamente. Por "
-#~ "favor, vaya a %s y configúrelo."
-#~ msgid "Market Payment Configuration"
-#~ msgstr "Mercado Pago Configuración"
+#~ "Desde Mercado Pago detectamos que este pago ya se hizo anteriormente. Si "
+#~ "no es así, tu cliente puede intentarlo de nuevo."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Check out the step-by-step of how to integrate the Mercado Pago Plugin "
-#~ "for WooCommerce in our developer website."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Revisa el paso a paso de cómo integrar el Plugin de Mercado Pago para "
-#~ "WooCommerce en nuestro sitio de desarrolladores."
-#~ msgid "Review documentation"
-#~ msgstr "Revisar documentación"
-#~ msgid "Still having problems? Contact our support team through their %s"
+#~ "The card is not active yet. Please ask your client to use another card or "
+#~ "to get in touch with the bank to activate it."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¿Sigues con problemas? Comunícate con nuestro equipo de soporte a través "
-#~ "de su %s"
-#~ msgid "contact form."
-#~ msgstr "formulario de contacto."
-#~ msgid "Set up your interest payments"
-#~ msgstr "Configura pagos"
-#~ msgid "Set up your installment and interest payments"
-#~ msgstr "Configura meses sin intereses"
-#~ msgid "At Mercado Pago you can choose the fee you pay for each purchase"
-#~ msgstr "En Mercado Pago puedes elegir la tarifa que pagas en cada venta"
+#~ "La tarjeta aún no está habilitada. Pedile a tu cliente que use otra "
+#~ "tarjeta o que se comunique con su banco para activarla."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "At Mercado Pago you can choose the fee you pay for each purchase and also "
-#~ "offer interest-free installments to your customer."
+#~ "The debit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client "
+#~ "that it is possible to pay with credit or to use another one."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "En Mercado Pago puedes elegir la tarifa que pagas en cada compra y "
-#~ "también ofrecer meses sin intereses a tu cliente."
-#~ msgid "Set up interest payments"
-#~ msgstr "Configurar tasas y plazos"
-#~ msgid "Set up installment and interest"
-#~ msgstr "Configurar cuotas e intereses"
+#~ "La función débito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente que "
+#~ "puede pagar con la función débito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que use "
+#~ "otra."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Test Mode Activated? Now visit your store and test the Mercado Pago "
-#~ "checkouts"
+#~ "The credit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client "
+#~ "that it is possible to pay with debit or to use another one."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "¿Modo Test activado? Ahora visita tu tienda y testea los checkouts "
-#~ "Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Everything ready for the takeoff of your sales?"
-#~ msgstr "¿Todo listo para el despegue de tus ventas?"
+#~ "La función crédito de la tarjeta está deshabilitada. Dile a tu cliente "
+#~ "que puede pagar con la función débito de la misma tarjeta o pídele que "
+#~ "use otra."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Visit your store as usual and simulate a payment in our checkouts to make "
-#~ "sure everything is working correctly."
+#~ "The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client "
+#~ "to ask the bank to authorize it."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Visita tu tienda normalmente y simula un pago en nuestros checkouts para "
-#~ "verificar que todo esté funcionando correctamente."
+#~ "El banco emisor de la tarjeta rechazó el pago. Pídele a tu cliente que se "
+#~ "comunique con el banco para autorizar el pago."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Visit your store as if you were one of your customers and check that "
-#~ "everything is fine. If you already went to Production, bring your "
-#~ "customers and increase your sales with the best online shopping "
-#~ "experience."
+#~ "The buyer does not have enough balance to make the purchase. Please ask "
+#~ "your client to deposit money to the Mercado Pago Account or to use a "
+#~ "different payment method."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Visita tu tienda como si fueras uno de tus clientes y revisa que todo "
-#~ "esté bien. Si ya saliste a Producción, trae a tus clientes y aumenta "
-#~ "tus ventas con la mejor experiencia de compra online."
-#~ msgid "%s"
-#~ msgstr "%s"
+#~ "El cliente no tiene suficiente saldo en la cuenta para realizar la "
+#~ "compra. Pídele a tu cliente que cargue saldo en Mercado Pago o que use "
+#~ "otro medio de pago."
-#~ msgid "Your store is ready to receive payments from customers."
-#~ msgstr "Tu tienda está lista para recibir pagos de clientes."
+#~ msgid "There was an error"
+#~ msgstr "Hubo un error"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Your customers will not be able to make purchases while in Test Mode."
-#~ msgstr "Los clientes no podrán hacer compras en Modo Test."
+#~ msgid "to BRL"
+#~ msgstr "a BRL"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept payments via Pix Transfer and receive the funds instantly. Your "
-#~ "customers can pay at any time, without date or time restrictions."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta pagos a través de transferencia Pix y recibe los fondos al "
-#~ "instante. Tus clientes pueden pagar en cualquier momento, sin "
-#~ "restricciones de fecha u hora."
+#~ msgid "to CLP"
+#~ msgstr "a CLP"
-#~ msgid "Pay with PIX "
-#~ msgstr "Paga vía Pix "
+#~ msgid "to COP"
+#~ msgstr "a COP"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept cash payments within the custom checkout and expand your customers "
-#~ "purchase options."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Acepta pagos en efectivo dentro del checkout personalizado y amplía las "
-#~ "opciones de compra de tus clientes."
+#~ msgid "Now we convert your currency"
+#~ msgstr "Ahora convertimos tu moneda"
-#~ msgid "Pay with cash"
-#~ msgstr "Paga con dinero en efectivo"
+#~ msgid "We no longer convert your currency"
+#~ msgstr "Dejamos de convertir tu moneda"
-#~ msgid "Enter your credentials and choose how to operate"
-#~ msgstr "Ingresa tus credenciales y elige cómo operar"
+#~ msgid "Payment method"
+#~ msgstr "Medios de pagos"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "By default, we activate the Sandbox test environment for you to test "
-#~ "before you start selling."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Por defecto, te activamos el entorno de pruebas Sandbox para que hagas "
-#~ "testeos antes de empezar a vender."
+#~ msgid "Discount coupons is"
+#~ msgstr "Cupones de descuento están"
-#~ msgid "Production Mode"
-#~ msgstr "Modo Producción"
+#~ msgid "Discount coupons"
+#~ msgstr "Cupones de descuento"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When you see that everything is going well, deactivate Sandbox, turn on "
-#~ "Production and make way for your online sales."
+#~ "Will you offer discount coupons to customers who buy with Mercado Pago?"
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Cuando veas que todo va bien, desactiva Sandbox para ir a Producción y "
-#~ "abre paso a tus ventas online."
+#~ "¿Ofrecerás cupones de descuento a los clientes que compren con Mercado "
+#~ "Pago?"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Choose “Yes” only when you’re ready to sell. Switch to “No” to activate "
-#~ "Testing mode."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Elige “Sí” sólo cuando estés listo para vender. Cambia a “No” para "
-#~ "activar el modo Pruebas."
+#~ msgid "Your document data is invalid"
+#~ msgstr "Número de documento inválido"
-#~ msgid "With these keys you can do the tests you want.."
-#~ msgstr "Con estas claves podrás hacer las pruebas que quieras."
+#~ msgid "Title in the checkout"
+#~ msgstr "Título en el checkout"
-#~ msgid "With these keys you can receive real payments from your customers."
-#~ msgstr "Con estas claves podrás recibir pagos reales de tus clientes."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Payment URL pending"
+#~ msgid "Payment URL"
+#~ msgstr "URL de pago pendiente"
-#~ msgid "Everything set up? Go to your store in Sandbox mode"
-#~ msgstr "¿Todo configurado? Ve a tu tienda en modo Sandbox"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is"
+#~ msgid "Transparent checkout for credit cards is"
+#~ msgstr "El Checkout Transparente está"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago "
+#~| "Transparent Checkout."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Visit your store and simulate a payment to check that everything is fine."
-#~ msgstr "Visita tu tienda y simula un pago para revisar que todo esté bien."
-#~ msgid "I want to test my sales"
-#~ msgstr "Quiero testear mis ventas"
-#~ msgid "Payment refused"
-#~ msgstr "Pago rechazado"
-#~ msgid "Physical person"
-#~ msgstr "Persona Física"
-#~ msgid "Legal person"
-#~ msgstr "Persona Jurídica"
-#~ msgid "Name"
-#~ msgstr "Nome"
-#~ msgid "Social reason"
-#~ msgstr "Razón social"
-#~ msgid "Surname"
-#~ msgstr "Apellido"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your last name"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar tu apellido"
-#~ msgid "CPF"
-#~ msgstr "CPF"
-#~ msgid "Address"
-#~ msgstr "Dirección"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your address"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar tu dirección"
-#~ msgid "Number"
-#~ msgstr "Número"
-#~ msgid "You must provide your address number"
-#~ msgstr "Debe informar su número de dirección"
-#~ msgid "City"
-#~ msgstr "Ciudad"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your city"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar a tu ciudad"
-#~ msgid "State"
-#~ msgstr "Estado"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your status"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar a tu estado"
-#~ msgid "Postal Code"
-#~ msgstr "Código postal"
-#~ msgid "You must provide your zip code"
-#~ msgstr "Debes informar tu código postal"
-#~ msgid "See the reasons for refusing your purchase."
-#~ msgstr "Vea las razones para rechazar su compra."
-#~ msgid "30 minutes"
-#~ msgstr "30 minutos"
-#~ msgid "New"
-#~ msgstr "Nuevo"
-#~ msgid " day"
-#~ msgstr " día"
-#~ msgid "Description for cart Checkout"
-#~ msgstr "Descripción para el Checkout en el carrito"
+#~ "By disabling it, you will disable all payment methods of this checkout."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Al desactivar, desabilitarás todos los medios de pago con tarjeta de "
+#~ "crédito en el Checkout Transparente de Mercado Pago."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Configure the payment options and accept payments with cards, ticket and "
-#~ "money of Mercado Pago account."
+#~ "By confirming your purchase, you will be redirected to your Mercado Pago "
+#~ "account."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Configura las opciones de pago a tu medida y acepta pagos con tarjetas, "
-#~ "dinero en efectivo y dinero en cuenta de Mercado Pago."
-#~ msgid "https://developers.mercadopago.com/"
-#~ msgstr "https://developers.mercadopago.com/"
-#~ msgid "https://github.com/mercadopago/cart-woocommerce"
-#~ msgstr "https://github.com/mercadopago/cart-woocommerce"
+#~ "Al confirmar tu compra, te mostraremos un código para realizar el pago."
diff --git a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-pt_BR.mo b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-pt_BR.mo
index 4165a089c..1efc09553 100644
Binary files a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-pt_BR.mo and b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-pt_BR.mo differ
diff --git a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-pt_BR.po b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-pt_BR.po
index bd94aafb0..0178eae40 100644
--- a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-pt_BR.po
+++ b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago-pt_BR.po
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 woocommerce-mercadopago
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the woocommerce-mercadopago package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce 6.0.0\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/woocommerce-"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-07-10 14:22+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-04-10 14:38+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
@@ -11,75 +13,42 @@ msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 3.3.2\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 3.4.2\n"
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helper-links.php:140,
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:352
-msgid "By continuing, you agree to our "
-msgstr "Ao continuar, você concorda com nossos "
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helper-links.php:142,
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:354
-msgid "Terms and Conditions"
-msgstr "Termos e condições"
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:92
-msgid ""
-"Activate this option so that the value of the currency set in WooCommerce is "
-"compatible with the value of the currency you use in Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Ative esta opção para que o valor da moeda configurada no WooCommerce seja "
-"compatível ao valor da moeda que você usa no Mercado Pago."
-#. translators: 1: local currency 2: currency
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:478
-msgid "Now we convert your currency from %1$s to %2$s."
-msgstr "Agora convertemos sua moeda de %1$s to %2$s."
-#. translators: 1: local currency 2: currency
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:498
-msgid "We no longer convert your currency from %1$s to %2$s."
-msgstr "Paramos de converter sua moeda de %1$s to %2$s."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:463,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:172
+msgid "Activate WooCommerce"
+msgstr "Ativar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:519
-msgid ""
-"Attention: The currency settings you have in WooCommerce are not "
-"compatible with the currency you use in your Mercado Pago account. Please "
-"activate the currency conversion."
-msgstr ""
-"Atenção: a configuração de moeda que você tem no WooCommerce não é "
-"compatível com a moeda que você usa na sua conta do Mercado Pago. Por favor, "
-"ative a conversão de moeda."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:464,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:173
+msgid "Install WooCommerce"
+msgstr "Instalar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-configs.php:125
-msgid ""
-"Update your credentials with the Access Token and Public Key, you need them "
-"to continue receiving payments!"
-msgstr ""
-"Atualize suas credenciais com o Access Token e a Public Key. Você precisa "
-"deles para continuar recebendo pagamentos!"
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:465,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:174
+msgid "See WooCommerce"
+msgstr "Veja WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-configs.php:134
-msgid ""
-"The store should have HTTPS in order to activate both Checkout Personalizado "
-"and Ticket Checkout."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:467,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:163
+msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs an active version of %s in order to work!"
msgstr ""
-"A loja deve ter HTTPS para ativar o Checkout Personalizado e o Ticket "
+"O módulo do Mercado Pago necessita de uma versão ativa de %s para funcionar!"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:52
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:169
msgid ""
-"Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce requires PHP version 5.6 or later. "
+"Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce requires PHP version 7.4 or later. "
"Please update your PHP version."
msgstr ""
-"O plugin do Mercado Pago para o WooCommerce requer o PHP versão 5.6 ou "
+"O plugin do Mercado Pago para o WooCommerce requer o PHP versão 7.4 ou "
"posterior. Por favor, atualize sua versão do PHP."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:61
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:170
msgid "Mercado Pago Error: PHP Extension CURL is not installed."
msgstr "Erro no Mercado Pago: a extensão PHP CURL não está instalada."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:70
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:171
msgid ""
"Mercado Pago Error: PHP Extension GD is not installed. Installation of GD "
"extension is required to send QR Code Pix by email."
@@ -87,1036 +56,1360 @@ msgstr ""
"Erro no Mercado Pago: A extensão PHP GD não está instalada. Instalação da "
"extensão GD é necessária para envio de QR Code Pix por e-mail."
-#. translators: %s link to WooCommerce
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:82
-msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs an active version of %s in order to work!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:175
+msgid ""
+"Please note that to receive payments via Pix at our checkout, you must have "
+"a Pix key registered in your Mercado Pago account."
msgstr ""
-"O módulo do Mercado Pago necessita de uma versão ativa de %s para funcionar!"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:95
-msgid "Cancel order"
-msgstr "Cancelar ordem"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:177
-msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs the SDK package to work!"
-msgstr "O módulo Mercado Pago necessita do SDK para funcionar!"
+"Lembre-se de que para receber pagamentos via PIX em nosso checkout, você "
+"precisa ter uma chave PIX cadastrada na sua conta Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:368
-msgid "The payment method is not valid or not available."
-msgstr "O meio de pagamento não é válido ou não está disponível."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:176
+msgid "Register your Pix key at Mercado Pago."
+msgstr "Cadastre sua chave PIX no Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:371
-msgid "The transaction amount cannot be processed by Mercado Pago."
-msgstr "O valor da transação não pode ser processado pelo Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:177
+msgid "%s, help us improve the experience we offer"
+msgstr "%s, ajude-nos a melhorar a experiência que oferecemos"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:371
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:178
msgid ""
-"Possible causes: Currency not supported; Amounts below the minimum or above "
-"the maximum allowed."
+"Share your opinion with us so that we improve our product and offer the best "
+"payment solution."
msgstr ""
-"Possíveis causas: Moeda não suportada; Valores abaixo do mínimo ou acima do "
-"máximo permitido."
+"Deixe sua opinião para podermos melhorar nosso produto e oferecermos a "
+"melhor solução de pagamentos para você. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:179
+msgid "Rate the plugin"
+msgstr "Avalie o plugin"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:374
-msgid "The users are not valid."
-msgstr "Os usuários não são válidos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:180
+msgid "Enable payments via Mercado Pago account"
+msgstr "Ative os pagamentos via conta Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:374
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:181
msgid ""
-"Possible causes: Buyer and seller have the same account in Mercado Pago; The "
-"transaction involving production and test users."
+"When you enable this function, your customers pay faster using their Mercado "
+"Pago accounts.The approval rate of these payments in your store can be "
+"25% higher compared to other payment methods."
msgstr ""
-"Possíveis causas: o comprador e o vendedor têm a mesma conta no Mercado "
-"Pago; A transação está envolvendo usuários de produção e teste."
+"Ao ativar esta função, seus clientes pagam mais rápido usando suas contas do "
+"Mercado Pago.A taxa de aprovação desses pagamentos em sua loja pode ser "
+"25% maior em comparação com outros métodos de pagamento."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:377
-msgid "Unauthorized use of production credentials."
-msgstr "Uso não autorizado de credenciais de produção."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:182
+msgid "Activate"
+msgstr "Ativar"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:377
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:183
msgid ""
-"Possible causes: Use permission in use for the credential of the seller."
+"Our plugin does not support the language you've chosen, so we've switched it "
+"to the English default. If you prefer, you can also select Spanish or "
+"Portuguese (Brazilian)."
msgstr ""
-"Possíveis causas: Pendência de permissão de uso na produção para a "
-"credencial do vendedor."
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:503
-msgid "Colombia"
-msgstr "Colombia"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:505
-msgid "Argentina"
-msgstr "Argentina"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:507
-msgid "Brazil"
-msgstr "Brasil"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:184
+msgid "You activated Mercado Pago’s plug-in"
+msgstr "Você ativou o plugin do Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:509
-msgid "Chile"
-msgstr "Chile"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:511
-msgid "Mexico"
-msgstr "México"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:513
-msgid "Uruguay"
-msgstr "Uruguai"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:515
-msgid "Venezuela"
-msgstr "Venezuela"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:517
-msgid "Peru"
-msgstr "Perú"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:551
-msgid "Update the WooCommerce order to "
-msgstr "Atualizar a ordem do WooCommerce para "
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:821,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:581
-msgid "Fill in your credentials to enable payment methods."
-msgstr "Complete suas credenciais para habilitar os meios de pagamento."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:185
+msgid ""
+"Follow the instructions below to integrate your store with Mercado Pago and "
+"start to sell."
+msgstr ""
+"Siga as instruções abaixo para integrar sua loja ao Mercado Pago e começar a "
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:837
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:197
msgid "Set plugin"
msgstr "Configurar plugin"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:838,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:293
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:198,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:738,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:798
msgid "Payment methods"
msgstr "Meios de pagamento"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:839,
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:220
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:199
msgid "Plugin manual"
msgstr "Manual do plugin"
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:938
-msgid "By Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Por Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-core.php:109,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:139,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:166
-msgid "Buyer email"
-msgstr "E-mail do comprador"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:211
+msgid "Cancel order"
+msgstr "Cancelar ordem"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:35
-msgid "No ID or TOPIC param in Request IPN"
-msgstr "Nenhum parâmetro de ID ou TOPIC na Request IPN"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:212
+msgid "Mercado Pago commission:"
+msgstr "Comissão do Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:39
-msgid ""
-"Discarded notification. This notification is already processed as webhook-"
-msgstr ""
-"Notificação descartada. Esta notificação é processada como webhook-payment."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:213
+msgid "Represents the commission configured on plugin settings."
+msgstr "Representa a comissão definida nas configurações do plugin."
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:54
-msgid "IPN merchant_order not found"
-msgstr "IPN merchant_order não encontrado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:214
+msgid "Mercado Pago discount:"
+msgstr "Desconto do Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:60
-msgid "Not found Payments into Merchant_Order"
-msgstr "Não foram encontrados pagamentos na Merchant_Order"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:215
+msgid "Represents the discount configured on plugin settings."
+msgstr "Representa o desconto definido nas configurações do plugin."
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:142,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:169
-msgid "Payment type"
-msgstr "Tipo de meio de pagamento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:216
+msgid "Represents the installment fee charged by Mercado Pago."
+msgstr "Representa a taxa de parcelamento cobrada pelo Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:145,
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:172
-msgid "Payment method"
-msgstr "Meio de pagamento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:217
+msgid "Mercado Pago Installment Fee:"
+msgstr "Taxa de prestação do Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:39
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:218
msgid ""
-"Please enter your email address at the billing address to use this service"
+"Represents the total purchase plus the installment fee charged by Mercado "
msgstr ""
-"Por favor, digite seu e-mail no endereço de faturamento para usar este "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:41,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:42,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:277
-msgid "Checkout Pro"
-msgstr "Checkout Pro"
+"Representa o total da compra mais a taxa de parcelamento cobrada pelo "
+"Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:43
-msgid "Debit, Credit and invoice in Mercado Pago environment"
-msgstr "Pix, débito, crédito e boleto, no ambiente do Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:219
+msgid "Mercado Pago Total:"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago Total:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:51
-msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
-msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:232
+msgid "Accept"
+msgstr "Aceite"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:53
-msgid "Your saved cards or money in Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Compras com cartões salvos ou saldo no Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:233
+msgid "payments"
+msgstr "pagamentos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:164
-msgid "Maximum number of installments"
-msgstr "Máximo de parcelas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:234
+msgid "safely"
+msgstr "de forma"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:166
-msgid "What is the maximum quota with which a customer can buy?"
-msgstr ""
-"Qual é o número máximo de vezes que um cliente pode parcelar sua compra?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:235
+msgid "with"
+msgstr "segura com o"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:169
-msgid "1 installment"
-msgstr "1 parcela"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:236
+msgid "Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:170
-msgid "2 installments"
-msgstr "2 parcelas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:241
+msgid "Choose"
+msgstr "Escolha"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:171
-msgid "3 installments"
-msgstr "3 parcelas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:242
+msgid "when you want to receive the money"
+msgstr "quando quer receber o dinheiro"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:172
-msgid "4 installments"
-msgstr "4 parcelas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:243
+msgid "from your sales and if you want to offer"
+msgstr "das vendas e se quer oferecer"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:173
-msgid "5 installments"
-msgstr "5 parcelas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:244
+msgid "interest-free installments"
+msgstr "parcelamento sem acréscimos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:174
-msgid "6 installments"
-msgstr "6 parcelas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:245
+msgid "to your clients."
+msgstr "aos clientes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:175
-msgid "10 installments"
-msgstr "10 parcelas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:251
+msgid "SSL"
+msgstr "SSL"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:176
-msgid "12 installments"
-msgstr "12 parcelas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:252
+msgid "Curl"
+msgstr "Curl"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:177
-msgid "15 installments"
-msgstr "15 parcelas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:253
+msgid "GD Extensions"
+msgstr "Extensões GD"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:178
-msgid "18 installments"
-msgstr "18 parcelas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:255
+msgid "Technical requirements"
+msgstr "Requisitos técnicos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:179
-msgid "24 installments"
-msgstr "24 parcelas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:256
+msgid "Collections and installments"
+msgstr "Recebimentos e parcelamento"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:256,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:153,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:928,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:203,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:197
-msgid "Enable the checkout"
-msgstr "Ativar o checkout"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:257
+msgid "More information"
+msgstr "Mais informações"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:257
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:258
msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all payments from Mercado Pago Checkout at "
-"Mercado Pago website by redirect."
+"Implementation responsible for transmitting data to Mercado Pago in a secure "
+"and encrypted way."
msgstr ""
-"Ao desativar, você desabilita todos os meios de pagamentos para o checkout "
-"com redirecionamento no site do Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:261,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:933
-msgid "The checkout is enabled."
-msgstr "O checkout está ativo."
+"Implementação responsável pela transmissão de dados para o Mercado Pago de "
+"maneira segura e criptografada."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:262,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:934
-msgid "The checkout is disabled."
-msgstr "O checkout está inativo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:259
+msgid ""
+"It is an extension responsible for making payments via requests from the "
+"plugin to Mercado Pago."
+msgstr ""
+"É uma extensão responsável pela realização de pagamentos via solicitações do "
+"plugin ao Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:281
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:260
msgid ""
-"With Checkout Pro you sell with all the safety inside Mercado Pago "
+"These extensions are responsible for the implementation and operation of Pix "
+"in your store."
msgstr ""
-"Com o Checkout Pro, você vende com toda a segurança, no ambiente do Mercado "
+"São extensões responsáveis pela implementação e funcionamento do Pix na sua "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:298,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:348
-msgid "Advanced settings"
-msgstr "Configuração Avançada"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:262
+msgid "Check our documentation to learn more about integrating our plug-in."
+msgstr ""
+"Confira a documentação para saber mais sobre a integração do nosso plugin."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:311
-msgid "Payment experience"
-msgstr "Experiência de pagamento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:263
+msgid "Set deadlines and fees"
+msgstr "Ajustar prazos e taxas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:313
-msgid ""
-"Define what payment experience your customers will have, whether inside or "
-"outside your store."
-msgstr ""
-"Defina qual experiência de pagamento seus clientes terão se dentro ou fora "
-"da sua loja."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:264
+msgid "Go to documentation"
+msgstr "Ir para documentação"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:316
-msgid "Redirect"
-msgstr "Redireciona"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:277
+msgid "Public Key"
+msgstr "Public key"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:317
-msgid "Modal"
-msgstr "Modal"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:278
+msgid "Access Token"
+msgstr "Access Token"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:333
-msgid ""
-"Choose the URL that we will show your customers when they finish their "
-msgstr ""
-"Selecione a URL que mostraremos aos seus clientes quando concluirem a compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:279
+msgid "1. Enter your credentials to integrate your store with Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "1. Insira suas credenciais para integrar sua loja ao Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:331,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:351,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:372
-msgid "This seems to be an invalid URL."
-msgstr "Esta parece ser uma URL inválida."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:280
+msgid "Production credentials"
+msgstr "Credenciais de produção"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:336
-msgid "Success URL"
-msgstr "URL de sucesso"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:281
+msgid "Test credentials"
+msgstr "Credenciais de teste"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:282
+msgid "To start selling, "
+msgstr "Para começar a vender, basta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:353
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:283
msgid ""
-"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when we refuse their "
-"purchase. Make sure it includes a message appropriate to the situation and "
-"give them useful information so they can solve it."
+"in the fields below. If you don’t have credentials yet, you’ll have to "
+"create them from this link."
msgstr ""
-"Selecione a URL que mostraremos aos seus clientes quando recusarmos a "
-"compra. Certifique-se de incluir uma mensagem adequada à situação e dê "
-"informações úteis para que eles possam solucionar a questão."
+"nos campos abaixo. Se você ainda não tiver credenciais, terá que criá-las "
+"nesse mesmo link."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:356
-msgid "Payment URL rejected"
-msgstr "URL de pagamento recusado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:284
+msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts for test purchases in the store."
+msgstr "Habilite os checkouts Mercado Pago para testes de compras na loja."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:374
-msgid ""
-"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when they have a payment "
-"pending approval."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:285
+msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts to receive real payments in the store."
msgstr ""
-"Selecione a URL que mostraremos aos seus clientes quando tiverem um "
-"pagamento pendente de aprovação."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:377
-msgid "Payment URL pending"
-msgstr "URL de pagamento pendente"
+"Habilite os checkouts Mercado Pago para receber pagamentos reais na loja."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:391
-msgid "Enable the payment methods available to your clients."
-msgstr "Habilite os meios de pagamento disponíveis para os seus clientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:286
+msgid "Paste your Public Key here"
+msgstr "Cole aqui sua Public Key"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:392
-msgid "Choose the payment methods you accept in your store"
-msgstr "Escolha os meios de pagamento aceitos na loja"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:287
+msgid "Paste your Access Token here"
+msgstr "Cole aqui seu Access Token"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:396
-msgid "Credit Cards"
-msgstr "Cartões de crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:288,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:342
+msgid "Save and continue"
+msgstr "Salvar e continuar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:400
-msgid "Debit Cards"
-msgstr "Cartões de débito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:289
+msgid ""
+"You have to enter your production credentials to start selling with Mercado "
+msgstr ""
+"Você precisa inserir suas credenciais de produção para começar a vender com "
+"o Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:404
-msgid "Other Payment Methods"
-msgstr "Outros meios"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:290
+msgid "Enter credentials"
+msgstr "Inserir credenciais"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:454
-msgid "Return to the store"
-msgstr "Voltar à loja"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:291
+msgid "Activate your credentials to be able to sell"
+msgstr "Ative suas credenciais para poder vender"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:455
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:292
msgid ""
-"Do you want your customer to automatically return to the store after payment?"
+"Credentials are codes that you must enter to enable sales. Go below on "
+"Activate Credentials. On the next screen, use again the Activate Credentials "
+"button and fill in the fields with the requested information."
msgstr ""
-"Deseja que seu cliente retorne automaticamente à loja após o pagamento?"
+"Credenciais são códigos que você deve inserir para ativar as vendas. Vá "
+"abaixo em Ativar Credenciais. Na próxima tela, utilize novamente o botão "
+"Ativar Credenciais e preencha os campos com as informações solicitadas."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:459
-msgid "The buyer will be automatically redirected to the store."
-msgstr "O comprador será redirecionado automaticamente à loja."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:293
+msgid "Activate credentials"
+msgstr "Ativar credenciais"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:460
-msgid "The buyer will not be automatically redirected to the store."
-msgstr "O comprador não será redirecionado automaticamente à loja."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:294
+msgid "copy and paste your production credentials "
+msgstr "copiar e colar suas credenciais de produção"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:485
-msgid "Available payment methods"
-msgstr "Meios de pagamento disponíveis"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:307
+msgid "Add the URL to receive payments notifications."
+msgstr "Insira a URL para receber notificações de pagamento."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:520,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:441,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:403,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:418,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:174,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:172
-msgid "discount of"
-msgstr "desconto de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:308
+msgid "Find out more information in the"
+msgstr "Confira mais informações nos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:526,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:447,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:683,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:409,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:424,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:176
-msgid "fee of"
-msgstr "taxa de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:310
+msgid "guides"
+msgstr "manuais"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:626,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:652,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:704
-msgid "Easy login"
-msgstr "Entre fácil"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:315
+msgid ""
+"If you are a Mercado Pago Certified Partner, make sure to add your "
+msgstr ""
+"Se você é Parceiro certificado do Mercado Pago, não esqueça de inserir seu "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:627,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:653,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:705
-msgid "Log in with the same email and password you use in Mercado Libre."
-msgstr "Inicie sessão com seu mesmo e-mail e senha do Mercado Livre."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:316
+msgid "If you do not have the code, please"
+msgstr "Se você não possui o código, por favor"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:634,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:660,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:678,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:712
-msgid "Quick payments"
-msgstr "Pague rápido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:318
+msgid "request it now"
+msgstr "solicite agora"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:635
-msgid "Use your saved cards, Pix or available balance."
-msgstr "Use seus cartões salvos, Pix ou saldo disponível."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:322
+msgid "2. Customize your business’ information"
+msgstr "2. Personalize as informações da sua loja"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:642,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:668
-msgid "Protected purchases"
-msgstr "Proteja sua compra"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:323
+msgid "Your store information"
+msgstr "Informações sobre sua loja"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:643,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:669
-msgid "Get your money back in case you don't receive your product."
-msgstr "Receba o dinheiro de volta se você não receber o produto."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:324
+msgid "Advanced integration options (optional)"
+msgstr "Opções avançadas de integração (opcional)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:661
-msgid "Use your available Mercado Pago Wallet balance or saved cards."
-msgstr "Use seu saldo disponível no Mercado Pago Wallet ou cartões salvos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:325
+msgid "Debug and Log Mode"
+msgstr "Modo debug e log"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:679,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:713
-msgid "Use your available money or saved cards."
-msgstr "Use seu dinheiro disponível e cartões salvos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:326
+msgid ""
+"Fill out the following details to have a better experience and offer your "
+"customers more information."
+msgstr ""
+"Preencha os dados a seguir para oferecer uma experiência melhor e dê mais "
+"informações aos seus clientes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:686,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:720
-msgid "Installments option"
-msgstr "Use parcelas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:327
+msgid "Name of your store in your client's invoice"
+msgstr "Nome da sua loja na fatura dos clientes"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:687
-msgid "Pay with or without a credit card."
-msgstr "Pague com ou sem cartão de crédito."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:328
+msgid "Identification in Activities of Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Identificação em Atividades do Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:694
-msgid "Reliable purchases"
-msgstr "Compre com confiança"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:329
+msgid ""
+"For further integration of your store with Mercado Pago (IPN, Certified "
+"Partners, Debug Mode)"
+msgstr ""
+"Para mais integração da sua loja com o Mercado Pago (IPN, Parceiros "
+"Certificados, Modo Debug)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:695
-msgid "Get help if you have a problem with your purchase."
-msgstr "Receba ajuda se tiver algum problema com sua compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:330
+msgid "Store category"
+msgstr "Categoria da loja"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:721
-msgid "Interest-free installments with selected banks."
-msgstr "Parcelas sem juros em bancos selecionados."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:331
+msgid "URL for IPN"
+msgstr "URL para IPN"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:42,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:43,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:324
-msgid "Installments without card"
-msgstr "Parcelado sem cartão"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:332
+msgid "Integrator ID"
+msgstr "Integrator ID"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:44
-msgid "Customers who buy on spot and pay later in up to 12 installments"
-msgstr "Clientes compram na hora e pagam depois em até 12x"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:333
+msgid "We record your store's actions in order to provide a better assistance."
+msgstr "Gravamos ações da sua loja para proporcionar melhor suporte."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:54
-msgid "Mercado Pago - Installments without card"
-msgstr "Mercado Pago - Parcelamento sem cartão"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:334
+msgid "Ex: Mary's Store"
+msgstr "Ex.: Loja da Maria"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:56
-msgid "Checkout without card"
-msgstr "Parcelado sem cartão com Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:335
+msgid "Ex: Mary Store"
+msgstr "Ex.: LojaMaria"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:112,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:288
-msgid "Banner on the product page | Computer version"
-msgstr "Informativo na página do produto | Versão para computador"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:336,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1253
+msgid "Select"
+msgstr "Selecionar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:113
-msgid "Banner on the product page | Cellphone version"
-msgstr "Informativo na página do produto | Versão para celular"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:337
+msgid "Ex: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+msgstr "Ex.: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:338
+msgid "Add plugin default params"
+msgstr "Adicionar parâmetros padrão do plugin"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:339
+msgid "Ex: 14987126498"
+msgstr "Ex.: 14987126498"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:340
+msgid "Show advanced options"
+msgstr "Ver opções avançadas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:249
-msgid "Activate installments without card in your store checkout "
-msgstr "Ativar parcelamento sem cartão no checkout da loja "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:341
+msgid "Hide advanced options"
+msgstr "Esconder opções avançadas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:250
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:343
msgid ""
-"Offer the option to pay in installments without card directly from your "
-"store's checkout."
+"If this field is empty, the purchase will be identified as Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"Ofereça a opção de pagamento parcelado sem cartão através do checkout da sua "
+"Se o campo estiver vazio, a compra do cliente será identificada como Mercado "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:254
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:344
+msgid "In Activities, you will view this term before the order number"
+msgstr "Nas Ativades você verá o termo inserido antes do número do pedido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:345
msgid ""
-"Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is active"
-msgstr "Parcelamento sem cartão no checkout da loja está ativo"
+"Select \"Other categories\" if you do not find the appropriate category."
+msgstr "Selecione ”Other categories” caso não encontre uma categoria adequada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:346
+msgid "request it now."
+msgstr "solicite agora."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:255
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:360
+msgid "3. Activate and set up payment methods"
+msgstr "3. Ative e configure os meios de pagamento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:361
msgid ""
-"Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is inactive"
-msgstr "Parcelamento sem cartão no checkout da loja está desativado"
+"Select the payment method you want to appear in your store to activate and "
+"set it up."
+msgstr ""
+"Selecione o meio de pagamento que você quer que seja mostrado na sua loja "
+"para ativá-lo e configurá-lo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:273
-msgid "Checkout visualization"
-msgstr "Visualização no checkout"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:362
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Configurar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:274,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:290
-msgid "Check below how this feature will be displayed to your customers:"
-msgstr "Confira como aparecerá este recurso para seus clientes:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:363
+msgid "Continue"
+msgstr "Continuar"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:275
-msgid "Checkout Preview"
-msgstr "Visualização no checkout"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:364
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Ativado"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:276
-msgid "PREVIEW"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:365
+msgid "Disabled"
+msgstr "Inativo"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:286
-msgid "Computer"
-msgstr "Computador"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:366
+msgid "Configure your credentials to enable Mercado Pago payment methods."
+msgstr ""
+"Configure suas credenciais para ativar os métodos de pagamento do Mercado "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:287
-msgid "Mobile"
-msgstr "Celular"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:379,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:385
+msgid "The checkout is"
+msgstr "O checkout está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:380,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:392,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:508,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:520,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:532,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:599,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:611,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:623,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:700,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:762,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:822,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:834
+msgid "enabled"
+msgstr "ativo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:386,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:398,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:514,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:526,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:538,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:605,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:617,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:629,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:706,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:768,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:828,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:840
+msgid "disabled"
+msgstr "inativo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:391,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:397,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:519,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:525,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:610,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:616,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:699,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:705,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:761,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:767,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:833,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:839
+msgid "Currency conversion is"
+msgstr "Conversão de moeda está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:403,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:409
+msgid "The buyer"
+msgstr "O comprador"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:404
+msgid "will be automatically redirected to the store"
+msgstr "será redirecionado automaticamente à loja"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:410
+msgid "will not be automatically redirected to the store"
+msgstr "não será redirecionado automaticamente à loja"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:416,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:422,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:634,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:640
+msgid "Pending payments"
+msgstr "Pagamentos pendentes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:417,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:635
+msgid "will be automatically declined"
+msgstr "serão recusados automaticamente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:423,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:641
+msgid "will not be automatically declined"
+msgstr "não serão recusados automaticamente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:427,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:442
+msgid "Your saved cards or money available in Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Seus cartões salvos ou dinheiro no Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:428,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:430
+msgid "Your clients finalize their payments in Mercado Pago."
+msgstr "Seus clientes concluem o pagamento no Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:429
+msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:289
-msgid "Component visualization"
-msgstr "Visualização do componente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:431
+msgid "Checkout Pro"
+msgstr "Checkout Pro"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:328
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:432
msgid ""
-"Reach millions of buyers by offering Mercado Credito as a payment method. "
-"Our flexible payment options give your customers the possibility to buy "
-"today whatever they want in up to 12 installments without the need to use a "
-"credit card."
+"With Checkout Pro you sell with all the safety inside Mercado Pago "
msgstr ""
-"Alcance milhares de compradores oferecendo Mercado Crédito como meio de "
-"pagamento. Em um cenário competitivo e com o comércio on-line crescendo cada "
-"vez mais, utilize nossas opções de pagamento flexíveis, dando aos seus "
-"clientes a possibilidade de comprar o que querem hoje em até 12x sem ter que "
-"usar cartão."
+"Com o Checkout Pro, você vende com toda a segurança, no ambiente do Mercado "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:433,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:548,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:715,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:777,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:858
+msgid "Mercado Pago plugin general settings"
+msgstr "Configurações gerais do plugin do Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:331
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:434,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:549,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:652,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:716,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:778,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:859
msgid ""
-"For your business, the approval of the purchase is immediate and guaranteed."
-msgstr "Para o seu negócio, a aprovação da compra é imediata e está garantida."
+"Set the deadlines and fees, test your store or access the Plugin manual."
+msgstr "Ajuste taxas e prazos, teste sua loja ou acesso o manual do plugin."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:435,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:550,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:653,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:717,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:779,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:860
+msgid "Go to Settings"
+msgstr "Ir para configurações"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:436,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:654,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:861
+msgid "Enable the checkout"
+msgstr "Ativar o checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:394
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:437
msgid ""
-"Inform your customers about the option of paying in installments without card"
-msgstr "Informe aos seus clientes sobre a opção de parcelamento sem cartão"
+"By disabling it, you will disable all payments from Mercado Pago Checkout at "
+"Mercado Pago website by redirect."
+msgstr ""
+"Ao desativar, você desabilita todos os meios de pagamentos para o checkout "
+"com redirecionamento no site do Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:440,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:559,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:658,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:722,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:784,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:865
+msgid "Title in the store Checkout"
+msgstr "Título no checkout da loja"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:441,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:659,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:723,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:785,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:866
+msgid "Change the display text in Checkout, maximum characters: 85"
+msgstr ""
+"É possível modificar o título dentro da sua loja. Caracteres máximos: 85"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:443,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:562,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:661,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:725,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:787,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:868
+msgid "The text inserted here will not be translated to other languages"
+msgstr "O texto inserido aqui não será traduzido para outras línguas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:444,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:563,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:665,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:726,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:788,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:882
+msgid "Convert Currency"
+msgstr "Converter moeda"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:397
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:445,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:564,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:666,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:727,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:789,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:883
msgid ""
-"By activating the installments without card component, you increase "
-"your chances of selling."
+"Activate this option so that the value of the currency set in WooCommerce is "
+"compatible with the value of the currency you use in Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"Ativando o componente de parcelamento sem cartão, você aumentará suas "
-"possibilidades de venda. "
+"Ative esta opção para que o valor da moeda configurada no WooCommerce seja "
+"compatível ao valor da moeda que você usa no Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:448
+msgid "Choose the payment methods you accept in your store"
+msgstr "Escolha os meios de pagamento aceitos na loja"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:399
-msgid "The installments without card component is active."
-msgstr "O componente de parcelamento sem cartão está ativo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:449
+msgid "Enable the payment methods available to your clients."
+msgstr "Habilite os meios de pagamento disponíveis para os seus clientes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:400
-msgid "The installments without card component is inactive."
-msgstr "O componente de parcelamento sem cartão está desativado."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:450
+msgid "Credit Cards"
+msgstr "Cartões de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:41,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:42,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:52
-msgid "Debit and Credit"
-msgstr "Débito e crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:451
+msgid "Debit Cards"
+msgstr "Cartões de débito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:43,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:36,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:36
-msgid "Transparent Checkout in your store environment"
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente, no ambiente da sua loja"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:452
+msgid "Other Payment Methods"
+msgstr "Outros meios"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:51,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:44,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:44
-msgid "Mercado pago - Customized Checkout"
-msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout personalizado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:453
+msgid "Maximum number of installments"
+msgstr "Máximo de parcelas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:154
-msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all credit cards payments from Mercado "
-"Pago Transparent Checkout."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:454
+msgid "What is the maximum quota with which a customer can buy?"
msgstr ""
-"Ao desativar, você desabilita todos os meios de pagamento de cartão de "
-"crédito no Checkout Transparente Mercado Pago."
+"Qual é o número máximo de vezes que um cliente pode parcelar sua compra?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:455
+msgid "1 installment"
+msgstr "1 parcela"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:456
+msgid "2 installments"
+msgstr "2 parcelas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:457
+msgid "3 installments"
+msgstr "3 parcelas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:458
+msgid "4 installments"
+msgstr "4 parcelas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:459
+msgid "5 installments"
+msgstr "5 parcelas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:460
+msgid "6 installments"
+msgstr "6 parcelas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:461
+msgid "10 installments"
+msgstr "10 parcelas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:462
+msgid "12 installments"
+msgstr "12 parcelas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:463
+msgid "15 installments"
+msgstr "15 parcelas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:464
+msgid "18 installments"
+msgstr "18 parcelas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:465
+msgid "24 installments"
+msgstr "24 parcelas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:158
-msgid "Transparent Checkout for credit cards is enabled."
-msgstr "O Checkout Transparente para cartões de crédito está ativado."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:466,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:577
+msgid "Advanced settings"
+msgstr "Configuração Avançada"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:159
-msgid "Transparent checkout for credit cards is disabled."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:467,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:578,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:675,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:733,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:793,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:890
+msgid ""
+"Edit these advanced fields only when you want to modify the preset values."
msgstr ""
-"O checkout transparente para cartões de crédito está desativado."
+"Edite estes campos avançados da experiência de pagamento somente quando "
+"quiser alterar os valores pré-definidos."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:184
-msgid "Installments Fees"
-msgstr "Taxas de parcelamento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:468
+msgid "Payment experience"
+msgstr "Experiência de pagamento"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:185
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:469
msgid ""
-"Set installment fees and whether they will be charged from the store or from "
-"the buyer."
+"Define what payment experience your customers will have, whether inside or "
+"outside your store."
msgstr ""
-"Configure as taxas de parcelamento e se elas serão cobradas da loja ou do "
+"Defina qual experiência de pagamento seus clientes terão se dentro ou fora "
+"da sua loja."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:186
-msgid "Set fees"
-msgstr "Configurar taxas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:470
+msgid "Redirect"
+msgstr "Redirect"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:211
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Credit card "
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Cartão de Crédito "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:471
+msgid "Modal"
+msgstr "Modal"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:215
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:472
+msgid "Return to the store"
+msgstr "Voltar à loja"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:473
msgid ""
-"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
-"without redirection and with the security from Mercado Pago."
+"Do you want your customer to automatically return to the store after payment?"
msgstr ""
-"Com o Checkout Transparente, você consegue vender dentro do ambiente da sua "
-"loja, sem redirecionamento, com toda a segurança do Mercado Pago."
+"Deseja que seu cliente retorne automaticamente à loja após o pagamento?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:233
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the personalized payment experience"
-msgstr "Configuração Avançada"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:476
+msgid "Success URL"
+msgstr "URL de sucesso"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:247
-msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago account"
-msgstr "Pagamentos via conta Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:477
+msgid ""
+"Choose the URL that we will show your customers when they finish their "
+msgstr ""
+"Selecione a URL que mostraremos aos seus clientes quando concluirem a compra."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:248
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:478
+msgid "Payment URL rejected"
+msgstr "URL de pagamento recusado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:479
msgid ""
-"Your customers pay faster with saved cards, money balance or other available "
-"methods in their Mercado Pago accounts."
+"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when we refuse their "
+"purchase. Make sure it includes a message appropriate to the situation and "
+"give them useful information so they can solve it."
msgstr ""
-"Seus clientes pagam mais rapidamente com cartões salvos, saldo ou outros "
-"meios disponíveis nas contas MP deles."
+"Selecione a URL que mostraremos aos seus clientes quando recusarmos a "
+"compra. Certifique-se de incluir uma mensagem adequada à situação e dê "
+"informações úteis para que eles possam solucionar a questão."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:252
-msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are active."
-msgstr "Pagamentos via conta Mercado Pago estão ativos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:480
+msgid "Payment URL pending"
+msgstr "URL de pagamento pendente"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:253
-msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are inactive."
-msgstr "Pagamentos via conta Mercado Pago estão desativados."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:481
+msgid ""
+"Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when they have a payment "
+"pending approval."
+msgstr ""
+"Selecione a URL que mostraremos aos seus clientes quando tiverem um "
+"pagamento pendente de aprovação."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:272
-msgid "Check an example of how it will appear in your store:"
-msgstr "Confira um exemplo de como vai aparecer na loja:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:482,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:676
+msgid "Automatic decline of payments without instant approval"
+msgstr "Recusa automática de pagamentos sem aprovação instantânea"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:303
-msgid "That’s it, payment accepted!"
-msgstr "Pronto, aceitamos seu pagamento!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:483,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:677
+msgid ""
+"Enable it if you want to automatically decline payments that are not "
+"instantly approved by banks or other institutions."
+msgstr ""
+"Ative se quiser recusar automaticamente pagamentos que não são aprovados "
+"instantaneamente por bancos ou outros adquirentes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:484
+msgid "Debit, Credit and Invoice in Mercado Pago environment."
+msgstr "Pix, débito, crédito e boleto, no ambiente do Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:487,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:579,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:680,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:742,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:802,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:891
+msgid "Discount in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
+msgstr "Desconto nos checkouts Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:305
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:488,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:580,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:681,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:743,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:803,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:892
msgid ""
-"We are processing your payment. In less than an hour we will send you the "
-"result by email."
+"Choose a percentage value that you want to discount your customers for "
+"paying with Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"Estamos processando seu pagamento. Em menos de uma hora você será notificado "
-"por email."
+"Selecione um valor percentual que quiser descontar para seus clientes por "
+"pagar com Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:307
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:489,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:492,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:581,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:584,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:682,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:685,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:744,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:747,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:804,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:807,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:893,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:896
+msgid "Activate and show this information on Mercado Pago Checkout"
+msgstr "Ativar e mostrar essa informação no checkout Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:490,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:582,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:683,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:745,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:805,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:894
+msgid "Commission in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
+msgstr "Comissão nos checkouts Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:491,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:583,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:684,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:746,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:806,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:895
msgid ""
-"We are processing your payment. In less than 2 days we will send you by "
-"email if the payment has been approved or if additional information is "
+"Choose an additional percentage value that you want to charge as commission "
+"to your customers for paying with Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"Estamos processando seu pagamento. Em menos de 2 dias úteis você será "
-"notificado por email se o pagamento foi aprovado ou se são necessárias "
-"informações adicionais."
+"Selecione um valor percentual adicional que quiser cobrar como tarifa dos "
+"seus clientes por pagar com Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:309
-msgid "Check the card number."
-msgstr "Verifique o número do cartão."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:493
+msgid "This seems to be an invalid URL"
+msgstr "Esta parece ser uma URL inválida"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:311
-msgid "Check the expiration date."
-msgstr "Verifique a data de expiração."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:507,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:513
+msgid "Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is"
+msgstr "Parcelamento sem cartão no checkout da loja está"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:313
-msgid "Check the information provided."
-msgstr "Verifique as informações preenchidas."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:531,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:537
+msgid "The installments without card component is"
+msgstr "O componente de parcelamento sem cartão está"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:315
-msgid "Check the informed security code."
-msgstr "Verifique o código de segurança informado."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:542,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:546
+msgid "Installments without card"
+msgstr "Parcelado sem cartão"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:318
-msgid "Your payment cannot be processed."
-msgstr "Não foi possível processar seu pagamento."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:543,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:545
+msgid "Customers who buy on spot and pay later in up to 12 installments"
+msgstr "Clientes compram na hora e pagam depois em até 12x"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:320
-msgid "You must authorize payments for your orders."
-msgstr "Você deve autorizar o pagamento dos seus pedidos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:544
+msgid "Mercado Pago - Installments without card"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago - Parcelamento sem cartão"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:322
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:547
msgid ""
-"Contact your card issuer to activate it. The phone is on the back of your "
+"Reach millions of buyers by offering Mercado Credito as a payment method. "
+"Our flexible payment options give your customers the possibility to buy "
+"today whatever they want in up to 12 installments without the need to use a "
+"credit card. For your business, the approval of the purchase is immediate "
+"and guaranteed."
msgstr ""
-"Contacte o emissor de seu cartão para ativá-lo. O telefone está no verso do "
-"seu cartão."
+"Alcance milhares de compradores oferecendo Mercado Crédito como meio de "
+"pagamento. Em um cenário competitivo e com o comércio on-line crescendo cada "
+"vez mais, utilize nossas opções de pagamento flexíveis, dando aos seus "
+"clientes a possibilidade de comprar o que querem hoje em até 12x sem ter que "
+"usar cartão. Para o seu negócio, a aprovação da compra é imediata e está "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:324
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:551
+msgid "Activate installments without card in your store checkout"
+msgstr "Ativar parcelamento sem cartão no checkout da loja"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:552
msgid ""
-"You have already made a payment of this amount. If you have to pay again, "
-"use another card or other method of payment."
+"Offer the option to pay in installments without card directly from your "
+"store's checkout."
msgstr ""
-"Você já realizou o pagamento para esse valor. Se precisa pagar novamente, "
-"use outro cartão ou outro método de pagamento."
+"Ofereça a opção de pagamento parcelado sem cartão através do checkout da sua "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:326
-msgid ""
-"Your payment was declined. Please select another payment method. It is "
-"recommended in cash."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:555
+msgid "Checkout visualization"
+msgstr "Visualização no checkout"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:556,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:576
+msgid "Check below how this feature will be displayed to your customers:"
+msgstr "Confira como aparecerá este recurso para seus clientes:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:557
+msgid "Checkout Preview"
+msgstr "Visualização no checkout"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:558
+msgid "PREVIEW"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:560
+msgid "It is possible to edit the title. Maximum of 85 characters."
msgstr ""
-"Seu pagamento foi rejeitado. Escolha outro método de pagamento. Recomenda-se "
+"É possível modificar o título dentro da sua loja. Caracteres máximos: 85."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:328
-msgid "Your payment does not have sufficient funds."
-msgstr "Seu pagamento não possui saldo suficiente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:561
+msgid "Checkout without card"
+msgstr "Parcelado sem cartão com Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:330
-msgid "Payment cannot process the selected fee."
-msgstr "Seu pagamento não pode processar o parcelamento selecionado."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:567
+msgid ""
+"Inform your customers about the option of paying in installments without card"
+msgstr "Informe aos seus clientes sobre a opção de parcelamento sem cartão"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:332
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:568
msgid ""
-"You have reached the limit of allowed attempts. Choose another card or other "
-"payment method."
+"By activating the installments without card component, you increase your "
+"chances of selling."
msgstr ""
-"Você atingiu o limite de tentativas permitidas. Escolha outro cartão ou "
-"outro método de pagamento."
+"Ativando o componente de parcelamento sem cartão, você aumentará suas "
+"possibilidades de venda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:334,
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:204
-msgid "This payment method cannot process your payment."
-msgstr "Este método de pagamento não pôde processar o seu pagamento."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:571
+msgid "Banner on the product page | Computer version"
+msgstr "Informativo na página do produto | Versão para computador"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:389
-msgid "Credit cards"
-msgstr "Cartões de crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:572
+msgid "Banner on the product page | Cellphone version"
+msgstr "Informativo na página do produto | Versão para celular"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:390
-msgid "Up to "
-msgstr "ATÉ "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:573
+msgid "Computer"
+msgstr "Computador"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:390
-msgid " installments"
-msgstr " x"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:574
+msgid "Mobile"
+msgstr "Celular"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:397
-msgid "Debit cards"
-msgstr "Cartões de débito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:575
+msgid "Component visualization"
+msgstr "Visualização do componente"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:440,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:441,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:473,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:474,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:401,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:402,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:543,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:544
-msgid "A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Please, try again."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:598,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:604
+msgid "Transparent Checkout for credit cards is"
+msgstr "O Checkout Transparente para cartões de crédito está"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:622,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:628
+msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are"
+msgstr "Pagamentos via conta Mercado Pago estão"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:645,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:660
+msgid "Credit and debit cards"
+msgstr "Cartão de crédito e débito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:646,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:648,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:711,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:773,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:853,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:855
+msgid "Payments without leaving your store with our customizable checkout"
+msgstr "Pagamentos sem sair da sua loja com nosso checkout customizável"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:647,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:712,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:774,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:854
+msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout API"
+msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout Transparente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:649
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Credit card"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Cartão de Crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:650
+msgid ""
+"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
+"without redirection and with the security from Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"Ocorreu um problema ao processar seu pagamento. Por favor, tente novamente."
+"Com o Checkout Transparente, você consegue vender dentro do ambiente da sua "
+"loja, sem redirecionamento, com toda a segurança do Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:570
-msgid "See your order form"
-msgstr "Ver o resumo do pedido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:651
+msgid "Mercado Pago Plugin general settings"
+msgstr "Configurações gerais do plugin do Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:581
-msgid "Your payment was declined. You can try again."
-msgstr "Seu pagamento foi rejeitado. Você pode tentar novamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:655
+msgid ""
+"By disabling it, you will disable all credit cards payments from Mercado "
+"Pago Transparent Checkout."
+msgstr ""
+"Ao desativar, você desabilita todos os meios de pagamento de cartão de "
+"crédito no Checkout Transparente Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:588,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:95,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:93
-msgid "Click to try again"
-msgstr "Clique para tentar novamente"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:662
+msgid "Installments Fees"
+msgstr "Taxas de parcelamento"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:610,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:611
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:663
msgid ""
-"A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have "
-"correctly filled all information in the checkout form?"
+"Set installment fees and whether they will be charged from the store or from "
+"the buyer."
msgstr ""
-"Ocorreu um problema ao processar seu pagamento. Tem certeza de que preencheu "
-"corretamente todas as informações no formulário de checkout?"
+"Configure as taxas de parcelamento e se elas serão cobradas da loja ou do "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:635
-msgid "Represents the installment fee charged by Mercado Pago."
-msgstr "Representa a taxa de parcelamento cobrada pelo Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:664
+msgid "Set fees"
+msgstr "Configurar taxas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:636
-msgid "Mercado Pago Installment Fee:"
-msgstr "Taxa de Parcelamento do Mercado Pago:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:669
+msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago account"
+msgstr "Pagamentos via conta Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:641
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:670
msgid ""
-"Represents the total purchase plus the installment fee charged by Mercado "
+"Your customers pay faster with saved cards, money balance or other available "
+"methods in their Mercado Pago accounts."
msgstr ""
-"Representa a soma do total do pedido e da taxa de parcelamento cobrada pelo "
-"Mercado Pago."
+"Seus clientes pagam mais rapidamente com cartões salvos, saldo ou outros "
+"meios disponíveis nas contas MP deles."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:642
-msgid "Mercado Pago Total:"
-msgstr "Total no Mercado Pago:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:673
+msgid "Check an example of how it will appear in your store:"
+msgstr "Confira um exemplo de como vai aparecer na loja:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:715
-msgid "Configure your credentials to enable Mercado Pago payment methods."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:674
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the personalized payment experience"
+msgstr "Configuração Avançada"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:710,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:724
+msgid "Invoice"
+msgstr "Boleto e lotérica"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:713
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Invoice or Loterica"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Boleto ou lotérica"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:714,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:776,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:857
+msgid ""
+"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
+"without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"Complete suas credenciais para habilitar os meios de pagamento Mercado Pago."
+"Com o Checkout Transparente, você consegue vender dentro do ambiente da sua "
+"loja, sem redirecionamento, com toda a segurança do Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:786
-msgid "Title in the store Checkout"
-msgstr "Título no checkout da loja"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:718,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:780
+msgid "Enable the Checkout"
+msgstr "Ativar o checkout"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:788
-msgid "Change the display text in Checkout, maximum characters: 85"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:719
+msgid ""
+"By disabling it, you will disable all invoice payments from Mercado Pago "
+"Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-"É possível modificar o título dentro da sua loja. Caracteres máximos: 85"
+"Ao desativar, você desabilita pagamentos por boleto e lotérica no Checkout "
+"Transparente Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:720
+msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is enabled."
+msgstr "O checkout transparente para boletos está ativo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:721
+msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is disabled."
+msgstr "O checkout transparente para boletos está inativo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:730
+msgid "Payment Due"
+msgstr "Vencimento do pagamento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:731
+msgid "In how many days will cash payments expire."
+msgstr "Em quantos dias os pagamentos via boleto e em lotéricas vencerão."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:732
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the cash payment experience"
+msgstr ""
+"Configuração avançada da experiência de pagamento via boleto e em lotéricas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:790
-msgid "The text inserted here will not be translated to other languages"
-msgstr "O texto inserido aqui não será traduzido para outras línguas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:734,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:794
+msgid "Reduce inventory"
+msgstr "Reduzir inventário"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:804
-msgid "Description"
-msgstr "Descrição"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:735,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:795
+msgid ""
+"Activates inventory reduction during the creation of an order, whether or "
+"not the final payment is credited. Disable this option to reduce it only "
+"when payments are approved."
+msgstr ""
+"Ative a redução de inventário durante a criação de um pedido, seja o "
+"pagamento aprovado ou não. Desative esta opção para reduzi-lo somente quando "
+"os pagamentos estiverem aprovados."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:841,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:853,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:347
-msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
-msgstr "Importante! Para vender você deve inserir suas credenciais."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:736,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:796
+msgid "Reduce inventory is enabled."
+msgstr "Reduzir inventário está ativo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:842
-msgid "You must enter production credentials."
-msgstr "É necessário inserir as credenciais de produção."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:737,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:797
+msgid "Reduce inventory is disabled."
+msgstr "Reduzir inventário está inativo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:843
-msgid "Enter credentials"
-msgstr "Inserir credenciais"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:739,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:799
+msgid "Enable the available payment methods"
+msgstr "Habilite os meios de pagamento disponíveis"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:853
-msgid "Mercado Pago Plugin general settings"
-msgstr "Configurações gerais do plugin do Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:740,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:800
+msgid "Choose the available payment methods in your store."
+msgstr "Habilite os meios de pagamento disponíveis para seus clientes."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:854
-msgid ""
-"Set the deadlines and fees, test your store or access the Plugin manual."
-msgstr "Ajuste taxas e prazos, teste sua loja ou acesso o manual do plugin."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:741,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:801
+msgid "All payment methods"
+msgstr "Todos os meios de pagamento"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:855
-msgid "Go to Settings"
-msgstr "Ir para Configurações"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:772,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:786
+msgid "PSE"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:879
-msgid "Activate your credentials to be able to sell"
-msgstr "Ative suas credenciais para conseguir vender"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:775
+msgid "Transparent Checkout PSE"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente PSE"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:880
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:781
msgid ""
-"Credentials are codes that you must enter to enable sales. Go below on "
-"Activate Credentials. On the next screen, use again the Activate Credentials "
-"button and fill in the fields with the requested information."
+"By deactivating it, you will disable PSE payments from Mercado Pago "
+"Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-"Credenciais são senhas que você deve integrar para habilitar vendas. Vá "
-"abaixo em Ativar credencias. Na tela seguinte, vá novamente no botão Ativar "
-"credenciais e preencha os campos com os dados pedidos."
+"Ao desativar, você desabilita pagamentos por PSE no Checkout Transparente "
+"Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:881
-msgid "Activate credentials"
-msgstr "Ativar credenciais"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:782
+msgid "The transparent checkout for PSE is enabled."
+msgstr "O checkout transparente para PSE está ativo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:929
-msgid "By disabling it, you will disable all payment methods of this checkout."
-msgstr ""
-"Ao desativar, você desabilita todos os meios de pagamento deste checkout."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:783
+msgid "The transparent checkout for PSE is disabled."
+msgstr "O checkout transparente para PSE está inativo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:989
-msgid "Basic Configuration"
-msgstr "Configuração Básica"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:792
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the PSE payment experience"
+msgstr "Configuração avançada da experiência de pagamento via PSE"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1002
-msgid "Discount coupons"
-msgstr "Cupons de desconto"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:821,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:827
+msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is"
+msgstr "O checkout transparente para pagamentos com Pix está"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1005
-msgid "Will you offer discount coupons to customers who buy with Mercado Pago?"
-msgstr ""
-"Você vai oferecer cupons de desconto para os clientes que comprarem com "
-"Mercado Pago?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:845
+msgid "Go to the"
+msgstr "Acesse a área"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1007
-msgid "Discount coupons is active."
-msgstr "Cupons de desconto estão habilitados."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:846
+msgid "Your Profile"
+msgstr "Seu Perfil"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1008
-msgid "Discount coupons is disabled."
-msgstr "Cupons de desconto estão desabilitados."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:847
+msgid "area and choose the"
+msgstr "e escolha a seção"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1020
-msgid "Automatic decline of payments without instant approval"
-msgstr "Recusa automática de pagamentos sem aprovação instantânea"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:848
+msgid "Your Pix Keys section"
+msgstr "Suas chaves Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:852,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:867
+msgid "Pix"
+msgstr "Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:856
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Pix"
+msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1021
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:862
msgid ""
-"Enable it if you want to automatically decline payments that are not "
-"instantly approved by banks or other institutions. "
+"By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago "
+"Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-"Ative se quiser recusar automaticamente pagamentos que não são aprovados "
-"instantaneamente por bancos ou outros adquirentes. "
+"Ao desativar, você desabilita pagamentos por Pix no Checkout Transparente "
+"Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1025
-msgid "Pending payments will be automatically declined."
-msgstr "Pagamentos pendentes serão recusados automaticamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:869
+msgid "Expiration for payments via Pix"
+msgstr "Vencimento para pagamentos com Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1026
-msgid "Pending payments will not be automatically declined."
-msgstr "Pagamentos pendentes não serão recusados automaticamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:870
+msgid "Set the limit in minutes for your clients to pay via Pix."
+msgstr "Defina o limite de minutos para seus clientes poderem pagar com Pix."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1038
-msgid "Discount in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
-msgstr "Desconto nos checkouts Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:871
+msgid "15 minutes"
+msgstr "15 minutos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1041
-msgid ""
-"Choose a percentage value that you want to discount your customers for "
-"paying with Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Selecione um valor percentual que quiser descontar para seus clientes por "
-"pagar com Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:872
+msgid "30 minutes (recommended)"
+msgstr "30 minutos (recomendado)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1042,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1063
-msgid "Activate and show this information on Mercado Pago Checkout"
-msgstr "Ativar e mostrar essa informação no checkout Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:873
+msgid "60 minutes"
+msgstr "60 minutos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1059
-msgid "Commission in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
-msgstr "Comissão nos checkouts Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:874
+msgid "12 hours"
+msgstr "12 horas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1062
-msgid ""
-"Choose an additional percentage value that you want to charge as commission "
-"to your customers for paying with Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Selecione um valor percentual adicional que quiser cobrar como tarifa dos "
-"seus clientes por pagar com Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:875
+msgid "24 hours"
+msgstr "24 horas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1083
-msgid "Convert Currency"
-msgstr "Converter moeda"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:876
+msgid "2 days"
+msgstr "2 dias"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1088
-msgid "Currency convertion is enabled."
-msgstr "Conversão de moeda está ativa."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:877
+msgid "3 days"
+msgstr "3 dias"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1089
-msgid "Currency convertion is disabled."
-msgstr "Conversão de moeda está inativa."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:878
+msgid "4 days"
+msgstr "4 dias"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1206
-msgid ""
-"Edit these advanced fields only when you want to modify the preset values."
-msgstr ""
-"Edite estes campos avançados da experiência de pagamento somente quando "
-"quiser alterar os valores pré-definidos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:879
+msgid "5 days"
+msgstr "5 dias"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:34,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:35,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:45
-msgid "Pix"
-msgstr "Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:880
+msgid "6 days"
+msgstr "6 dias"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:881
+msgid "7 days"
+msgstr "7 dias"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:886
+msgid "Would you like to know how Pix works?"
+msgstr "Quer saber como funciona o Pix?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:204
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:887
msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago "
-"Transparent Checkout."
-msgstr ""
-"Ao desativar, você desabilita pagamentos por Pix no Checkout Transparente "
-"Mercado Pago."
+"We have a dedicated page where we explain how it works and its advantages."
+msgstr "Criamos uma página que explica seu funcionamento e vantagens."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:208
-msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is enabled."
-msgstr "O checkout transparente para pagamentos com Pix está ativo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:888
+msgid "Find out more about Pix"
+msgstr "Saber mais sobre o Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:209
-msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is disabled."
-msgstr "O checkout transparente para pagamentos com Pix está inativo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:889
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the Pix experience"
+msgstr "Configurações avançadas da experiência de pagamento via Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:224
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:897
msgid "To activate Pix, you must have a key registered in Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
"Para ativar o PIX, você precisa ter uma chave cadastrada no Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:225
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:898
msgid "Download the Mercado Pago app on your cell phone."
msgstr "Baixe o app do Mercado Pago no seu celular."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:226
-msgid "Go to the "
-msgstr "Acesse a área "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:227
-msgid "area and choose the "
-msgstr "e escolha a seção "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:228
-msgid "Your Profile "
-msgstr "Seu Perfil "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:229
-msgid "Your Pix Keys section."
-msgstr "Suas chaves Pix."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:230
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:900
msgid ""
"Choose which data to register as Pix keys. After registering, you can set up "
"Pix in your checkout."
@@ -1124,7 +1417,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Escolha quais dados cadastrar como chaves Pix. Após fazer esse cadastro, "
"você poderá configurar o Pix no seu checkout."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:231
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:901
msgid ""
"Remember that, for the time being, the Central Bank of Brazil is open Monday "
"through Friday, from 9am to 6pm."
@@ -1132,7 +1425,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Lembre-se de que, por enquanto, o Banco Central do Brasil funciona de "
"segunda a sexta-feira, das 9h às 18h."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:902
msgid ""
"If you requested your registration outside these hours, we will confirm it "
"within the next business day."
@@ -1140,12 +1433,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Se você solicitou seu cadastro fora desse horário, vamos confirmar no "
"próximo dia útil."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:233,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:328
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:903
msgid "Learn more about Pix"
msgstr "Saber mais sobre o Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:234
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:904
msgid ""
"If you have already registered a Pix key at Mercado Pago and cannot activate "
"Pix in the checkout, "
@@ -1153,1858 +1445,1319 @@ msgstr ""
"Caso já tenha cadastrado uma chave PIX no Mercado Pago e não consiga ativar "
"o PIX no checkout, "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:235
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:905
msgid "click here."
msgstr "clique aqui."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:260
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Pix"
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:919
+msgid "To enable test mode"
+msgstr "Para habilitar o modo teste"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:264
-msgid ""
-"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
-"without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago. "
-msgstr ""
-"Com o Checkout Transparente, você consegue vender dentro do ambiente da sua "
-"loja, sem redirecionamento, com toda a segurança do Mercado Pago. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:921
+msgid "copy your test credentials"
+msgstr "copie suas credenciais de teste"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:281
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the Pix experience"
-msgstr "Configurações avançadas da experiência de pagamento via Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:922
+msgid "and paste them above in section 1 of this page"
+msgstr "e cole acima na seção 1 desta página"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:294
-msgid "15 minutes"
-msgstr "15 minutos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:927
+msgid "Create your"
+msgstr "Crie seu"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:295
-msgid "30 minutes (recommended)"
-msgstr "30 minutos (recomendado)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:929
+msgid "test user"
+msgstr "usuário de teste"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:296
-msgid "60 minutes"
-msgstr "60 minutos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:930
+msgid ""
+"(Optional. Can be used in Production Mode and Test Mode, to test payments)"
+msgstr ""
+"(Opcional. Pode ser usado no Modo Produção e Modo teste, para testar "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:297
-msgid "12 hours"
-msgstr "12 horas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:936
+msgid "Use our test cards"
+msgstr "Use nossos cartões de teste"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:298
-msgid "24 hours"
-msgstr "24 horas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:937
+msgid "never use real cards"
+msgstr "nunca use cartões reais"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:299
-msgid "2 days"
-msgstr "2 dias"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:943
+msgid "Visit your store"
+msgstr "Visite sua loja"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:300
-msgid "3 days"
-msgstr "3 dias"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:944
+msgid "to test purchases"
+msgstr "para testar compras"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:301
-msgid "4 days"
-msgstr "4 dias"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:948
+msgid "4. Test your store before you start to sell"
+msgstr "4. Teste sua loja antes de começar a vender"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:302
-msgid "5 days"
-msgstr "5 dias"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:949
+msgid "Choose how you want to operate your store:"
+msgstr "Escolha como você quer operar sua loja:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:303
-msgid "6 days"
-msgstr "6 dias"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:950
+msgid "Test Mode"
+msgstr "Modo Teste"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:304
-msgid "7 days"
-msgstr "7 dias"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:951
+msgid "Sale Mode (Production)"
+msgstr "Modo Vendas (Produção)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:308
-msgid "Expiration for payments via Pix"
-msgstr "Vencimento para pagamentos com Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:952
+msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Production Mode"
+msgstr "Meios de pagamento Mercado Pago em Modo Produção"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:310
-msgid "Set the limit in minutes for your clients to pay via Pix."
-msgstr "Defina o limite de minutos para seus clientes poderem pagar com Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:953
+msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Meios de pagamento Mercado Pago em Modo Teste"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:325
-msgid "Want to learn how Pix works?"
-msgstr "Quer saber como funciona o PIX?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:954
+msgid "Enter test credentials"
+msgstr "Insira as credenciais de teste"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:326
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:955
msgid ""
-"We have created a page to explain how this new payment method works and its "
+"Select “Test Mode” if you want to try the payment experience before you "
+"start to sell or “Sales Mode” (Production) to start now."
msgstr ""
-"Criamos uma página para te explicar o funcionamento e as vantagens dessa "
-"nova forma de pagamento."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:347
-msgid "Would you like to know how Pix works?"
-msgstr "Quer saber como funciona o Pix?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:348
-msgid ""
-"We have a dedicated page where we explain how it works and its advantages."
-msgstr "Criamos uma página que explica seu funcionamento e vantagens."
+"Selecione o “Modo Teste” se quiser testar a experiência de pagamento antes "
+"de começar a vender ou o “Modo Vendas” (Produção) para começar a vender "
+"agora mesmo."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:349
-msgid "Find out more about Pix"
-msgstr "Saber mais sobre o Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:956
+msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts disabled for real collections."
+msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago inativos para cobranças reais."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:470
-msgid "A problem occurred when processing your payment. Please try again."
-msgstr ""
-"Um problema ocorreu ao processar seu pagamento. Por favor, tente novamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:957
+msgid "Test Mode rules."
+msgstr "Consulte as regras do modo teste."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:455,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:528
-msgid ""
-"A problem occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have "
-"correctly filled in all the information on the checkout form?"
-msgstr ""
-"Um problema ocorreu ao processar seu pagamento. Você tem certeza que "
-"preencheu corretamente todos os campos do formulário do checkout?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:958
+msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts enabled for real collections."
+msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago ativos para cobranças reais."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:433,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:503
-msgid "The customer has not paid yet."
-msgstr "Cliente ainda não pagou."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:959
+msgid "The clients can make real purchases in your store."
+msgstr "Clientes podem fazer compras reais na sua loja."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:438
-msgid "Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase."
-msgstr "Agora é só pagar com o Pix para finalizar sua compra."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:964
+msgid "Store in sale mode (Production)"
+msgstr "Loja em Modo Vendas (Produção)"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:439
-msgid ""
-"Scan the QR code below or copy and paste the code into your bank's "
-msgstr ""
-"Escaneie o código QR abaixo ou copie e cole o código no aplicativo do seu "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:965
+msgid "Store under test"
+msgstr "Loja em Modo Teste"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:540
-msgid ""
-"Please note that to receive payments via Pix at our checkout, you must have "
-"a Pix key registered in your Mercado Pago account."
-msgstr ""
-"Lembre-se de que para receber pagamentos via PIX em nosso checkout, você "
-"precisa ter uma chave PIX cadastrada na sua conta Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:966
+msgid "Save changes"
+msgstr "Salvar mudanças"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:541
-msgid "Register your Pix key at Mercado Pago."
-msgstr "Cadastre sua chave PIX no Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:978
+msgid "Store business fields are valid"
+msgstr "Os campos de negócio são válidos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:601,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:148
-msgid "Code valid for "
-msgstr "Código válido por "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:979
+msgid "Store business fields could not be validated"
+msgstr "Os campos de negócio não puderam ser validados"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:34,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:35,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:45
-msgid "Invoice"
-msgstr "Boleto e lotérica"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:980
+msgid "At least one payment method is enabled"
+msgstr "Pelo menos um meio de pagamento está ativado"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:198
-msgid ""
-"By disabling it, you will disable all invoice payments from Mercado Pago "
-"Transparent Checkout."
-msgstr ""
-"Ao desativar, você desabilita pagamentos por boleto e lotérica no Checkout "
-"Transparente Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:981
+msgid "No payment method enabled"
+msgstr "Nenhum meio de pagamento ativada"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:202
-msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is enabled."
-msgstr "O checkout transparente para boletos está ativo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:982
+msgid "Credentials fields are valid"
+msgstr "Os campos de credenciais são válidos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:203
-msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is disabled."
-msgstr "O checkout transparente para boletos está inativo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:983
+msgid "Credentials fields could not be validated"
+msgstr "Os campos de credenciais não puderam ser validados"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:218
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Invoice or Loterica"
-msgstr "Checkout Transparente | Boleto ou lotérica"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:995
+msgid "Valid Public Key"
+msgstr "Public key válida"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:222
-msgid ""
-"With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, "
-"without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"Com o Checkout Transparente, você consegue vender dentro do ambiente da sua "
-"loja, sem redirecionamento, com toda a segurança do Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:996
+msgid "Invalid Public Key"
+msgstr "Public key inválida"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:239
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the cash payment experience"
-msgstr ""
-"Configuração avançada da experiência de pagamento via boleto e em lotéricas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:997
+msgid "Valid Access Token"
+msgstr "Access token válido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:252
-msgid "Reduce inventory"
-msgstr "Reduzir inventário"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:998
+msgid "Invalid Access Token"
+msgstr "Access token inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:255
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1010
+msgid "Credentials were updated"
+msgstr "As credenciais foram atualizadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1011
msgid ""
-"Activates inventory reduction during the creation of an order, whether or "
-"not the final payment is credited. Disable this option to reduce it only "
-"when payments are approved."
+"Your store has exited Test Mode and is making real sales in Production Mode."
msgstr ""
-"Ative a redução de inventário durante a criação de um pedido, seja o "
-"pagamento aprovado ou não. Desative esta opção para reduzi-lo somente quando "
-"os pagamentos estiverem aprovados."
+"Sua loja saiu do Modo Teste e está fazendo vendas reais no Modo Produção."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:257
-msgid "Reduce inventory is enabled."
-msgstr "Reduzir inventário está ativo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1012
+msgid "To test the store, re-enter both test credentials."
+msgstr "Para testar a loja, insira novamente as duas credenciais de teste."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:258
-msgid "Reduce inventory is disabled."
-msgstr "Reduzir inventário está inativo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1013
+msgid "Invalid credentials"
+msgstr "Credenciais inválidas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:270
-msgid "Payment Due"
-msgstr "Vencimento do pagamento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1014
+msgid "See our manual to learn"
+msgstr "Consulte nosso manual para saber"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:272
-msgid "In how many days will cash payments expire."
-msgstr "Em quantos dias os pagamentos via boleto e em lotéricas vencerão."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1015
+msgid "how to enter the credentials the right way."
+msgstr "como inserir as credenciais da maneira correta."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:292
-msgid "Enable the available payment methods"
-msgstr "Habilite os meios de pagamento disponíveis"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1016
+msgid " for test mode"
+msgstr " para o modo teste"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:294
-msgid "Choose the available payment methods in your store."
-msgstr "Habilite os meios de pagamento disponíveis para seus clientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1028
+msgid "Store information is valid"
+msgstr "As informações sobre a loja são válidas"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:298
-msgid "All payment methods"
-msgstr "Todos os meios de pagamento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1041
+msgid "Attention:"
+msgstr "Atenção:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:443,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:471
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1042
msgid ""
-"There was a problem processing your payment. Are you sure you have correctly "
-"filled out all the information on the payment form?"
+"The currency settings you have in WooCommerce are not compatible with the "
+"currency you use in your Mercado Pago account. Please activate the currency "
msgstr ""
-"Ocorreu um problema ao processar seu pagamento. Tem certeza de que preencheu "
-"corretamente todas as informações no formulário de pagamento?"
+"A configuração de moeda que você tem no WooCommerce não é compatível com a "
+"moeda que você usa na sua conta do Mercado Pago. Por favor, ative a "
+"conversão de moeda."
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:436,
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:464
-msgid "Your document data is invalid"
-msgstr "Número de documento inválido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1045
+msgid "We are converting your currency from: "
+msgstr "Agora convertemos sua moeda de: "
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:508
-msgid "To print the ticket again click"
-msgstr "Para reimprimir o boleto clique"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1061
+msgid "to "
+msgstr "para"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:511
-msgid "here"
-msgstr "aqui"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1072
+msgid "Payment status on Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Status de pagamento no Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:640
-msgid " and "
-msgstr " e "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1073
+msgid ""
+"This is the payment status of your Mercado Pago Activities. To check the "
+"order status, please refer to Order details."
+msgstr ""
+"Este é o status de pagamento das suas Atividades no Mercado Pago. Para "
+"verificar o status do pedido, consulte Detalhes do pedido."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1074,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1076
+msgid "View purchase details at Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Ver detalhes da compra no Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1075,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1077,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1079
+msgid "Sync order status"
+msgstr "Sincronizar status do pedido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1078
+msgid "Consult the reasons for refusal"
+msgstr "Consultar motivos de recusa"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1080
+msgid "Order update successfully. This page will be reloaded..."
+msgstr "Pedido atualizado com sucesso. Esta página será recarregada…"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1081
+msgid "Unable to update order:"
+msgstr "Não foi possível atualizar o pedido:"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:117
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1082
msgid "Payment made"
msgstr "Pagamento realizado"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:118
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1083
msgid "Payment made by the buyer and already credited in the account."
msgstr "Pagamento realizado pelo comprador e já creditado na conta."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:121
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1084
msgid "Call resolved"
msgstr "Chamado resolvido"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:122,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:222
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1085,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1135
msgid "Please contact Mercado Pago for further details."
msgstr "Entre em contato com o Mercado Pago para consultar mais detalhes."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:125
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1086
msgid "Payment refunded"
msgstr "Pagamento devolvido"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:126
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1087
msgid ""
"Your refund request has been made. Please contact Mercado Pago for further "
msgstr ""
-"Seu pedido de reembolso já foi realizado. Entre em contato com o Mercado "
-"Pago para consultar mais detalhes."
+"Sua solicitação de reembolso foi feita. Entre em contato com o Mercado Pago "
+"para mais detalhes."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:129,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:133
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1088,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1090
msgid "Payment returned"
msgstr "Pagamento devolvido"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:130
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1089
msgid "The payment has been returned to the client."
msgstr "O pagamento já foi devolvido ao cliente."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:134
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1091
msgid "The payment has been partially returned to the client."
msgstr "O pagamento já foi devolvido parcialmente ao cliente."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:137
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1092
msgid "Payment canceled"
msgstr "Pagamento cancelado"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:138
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1093
msgid "The payment has been successfully canceled."
msgstr "O pagamento foi cancelado com sucesso."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:141
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1094
msgid "Purchase canceled"
msgstr "Compra cancelada"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:142
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1095
msgid "The payment has been canceled by the customer."
msgstr "O pagamento foi cancelado pelo cliente."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:145,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:149,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:153,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:157,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:161,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:177,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:181,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:185,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:189,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:193,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:197,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:201,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:311
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1096,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1098,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1100,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1102,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1104,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1112,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1114,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1116,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1118,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1120,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1122,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1124,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1179
msgid "Pending payment"
msgstr "Pagamento pendente"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:146,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:150,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:154,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:158
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1097,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1099,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1101,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1103
msgid "Awaiting payment from the buyer."
msgstr "Aguardando pagamento do comprador."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:162
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1105
msgid ""
"We are veryfing the payment. We will notify you by email in up to 6 hours if "
"everything is fine so that you can deliver the product or provide the "
msgstr ""
-"Estamos verificando o pagamento. Em até 6 horas, vamos te avisar por e-mail "
-"se está tudo certo para que você possa entregar o produto ou oferecer o "
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:165,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:205,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:209,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:213,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:217,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:229,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:233,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:237,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:241,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:245,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:249,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:253,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:259,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:263,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:267,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:271,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:275,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:279,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:283,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:287,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:291,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:295,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:299,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:303,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:307,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:319,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:325,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:329
+"Estamos verificando o pagamento. Avisaremos por e-mail em até 6 horas se "
+"estiver tudo bem para que você possa entregar o produto ou prestar o serviço."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1106,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1130,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1146,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1165,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1169,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1171,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1173,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1177
msgid "Declined payment"
msgstr "Pagamento recusado"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:166,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:210,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:214,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:218,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:230,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:250,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:260
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1107,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1131
msgid ""
"The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please ask your client to use "
"another card or to get in touch with the bank."
msgstr ""
-"O banco emissor do cartão recusou o pagamento. Peça para seu cliente usar "
-"outro cartão ou entrar em contato com o banco."
+"O banco emissor do cartão recusou o pagamento. Solicite ao seu cliente que "
+"utilize outro cartão ou entre em contato com o banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:169
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1108
msgid "Payment authorized. Awaiting capture."
msgstr "Pagamento autorizado. Aguardando captura."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:170
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1109
msgid ""
"The payment has been authorized on the client's card. Please capture the "
msgstr ""
-"O pagamento já foi autorizado no cartão do cliente. Faça a captura do "
+"O pagamento foi autorizado no cartão do cliente. Por favor, confirme o "
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:173
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1110
msgid "Payment in process"
msgstr "Pagamento em processamento"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:174,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:194
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1111,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1121
msgid "Please wait or contact Mercado Pago for further details"
msgstr ""
"Aguarde ou entre em contato com o Mercado Pago para consultar mais detalhes"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:178
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1113
msgid ""
"The bank is reviewing the payment. As soon as we have their confirmation, we "
-"will notify you via email so that you can deliver the product or provide the "
-msgstr ""
-"O banco está verificando o pagamento. Vamos te avisar por e-mail assim que "
-"recebermos a confirmação para que você possa entregar o produto ou oferecer "
-"o serviço."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:182,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:186,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:190
-msgid "Awaiting payment information validation."
-msgstr "Aguardando validação das informações de pagamento."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:198
-msgid "Waiting for the buyer."
-msgstr "Aguardando o comprador."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:202
-msgid "Waiting for the card issuer."
-msgstr "Aguardando o emissor do cartão."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:206
-msgid ""
-"The payment could not be processed. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"O pagamento não foi processado pelo banco. Peça para seu cliente usar outro "
-"meio de pagamento ou entrar em contato com o banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:221
-msgid "Mercado Pago did not process the payment"
-msgstr "O Mercado Pago não processou o pagamento"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:225,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:315
-msgid "Expired payment deadline"
-msgstr "Prazo expirado para pagamento"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:226,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:316
-msgid "The client did not pay within the time limit."
-msgstr "O cliente não pagou dentro do limite de tempo."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:234
-msgid ""
-"The CVV is invalid. Please ask your client to review the details or use "
-"another card."
-msgstr ""
-"O código de segurança é inválido. Por favor, peça para seu cliente revisar "
-"os dados ou usar outro cartão."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:238
-msgid ""
-"The card is expired. Please ask your client to use another card or to "
-"contact the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"O cartão está vencido. Por favor, peça para seu cliente usar outro cartão ou "
-"entrar em contato com o banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:242,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:288,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:292
-msgid ""
-"This payment was declined because it did not pass Mercado Pago security "
-"controls. Please ask your client to use another card."
-msgstr ""
-"Este pagamento foi recusado porque não passou pelos controles de segurança "
-"do Mercado Pago. Peça para seu cliente usar outro cartão."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:246,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:284
-msgid ""
-"The buyer is suspended in our platform. Your client must contact us to check "
-"what happened."
-msgstr ""
-"O comprador está suspenso no Mercado Pago. Seu cliente precisa entrar em "
-"contato conosco para saber o que aconteceu."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:255
-msgid ""
-"The card does not have enough limit. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"O cartão não tem saldo suficiente. Peça para seu cliente usar outro cartão "
-"ou entrar em contato com o banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:256
-msgid ""
-"The card does not have sufficient balance. Please ask your client to use "
-"another card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"O cartão não tem saldo suficiente. Peça para seu cliente usar outro cartão "
-"ou entrar em contato com o banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:264
-msgid ""
-"The CVV was entered incorrectly several times. Please ask your client to use "
-"another card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"O código de segurança do cartão foi inserido incorretamente várias vezes. "
-"Peça para seu cliente trocar o cartão ou entrar em contato com o banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:268
-msgid ""
-"The card does not allow the number of installments entered. Please ask your "
-"client to choose another installment plan or to use another card."
-msgstr ""
-"O cartão não aceita o número de parcelas escolhido. Peça para seu cliente "
-"escolher um número diferente de parcelas ou usar outro cartão."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:272
-msgid ""
-"The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client to "
-"ask the bank to authotize it or to use another card."
-msgstr ""
-"O banco emissor do cartão não autorizou o pagamento. Diga para seu cliente "
-"entrar em contato com o banco para pedir que o pagamento seja autorizado ou "
-"peça que use outro cartão."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:276
-msgid ""
-"From Mercado Pago we have detected that this payment has already been made "
-"before. If that is not the case, your client may try to pay again."
-msgstr ""
-"Nós do Mercado Pago detectamos que este pagamento já foi feito "
-"anteriormente. Se esse não for o caso, seu cliente pode tentar pagar "
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:280
-msgid ""
-"The card is not active yet. Please ask your client to use another card or to "
-"get in touch with the bank to activate it."
-msgstr ""
-"O cartão ainda não está desbloqueado. Peça para seu cliente usar outro "
-"cartão ou entrar em contato com o banco para desbloqueá-lo."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:296
-msgid ""
-"The amount exceeded the card limit. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"O valor excedeu o limite do cartão. Peça para seu cliente usar outro cartão "
-"ou entrar em contato com o banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:300,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:304,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:308
-msgid ""
-"Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the card "
-msgstr ""
-"Peça para seu cliente usar outro cartão ou entrar em contato com o emissor "
-"do cartão."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:312
-msgid ""
-"The amount exceeded the card's limit. Please ask your client to use another "
-"card or to get in touch with the bank."
-msgstr ""
-"O valor excedeu o limite do cartão. Peça para seu cliente usar outro cartão "
-"ou entrar em contato com o banco."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:321
-msgid ""
-"The credit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client "
-"that it is possible to pay with debit or to use another one."
-msgstr ""
-"A função crédito não está habilitada no cartão. Informe ao seu cliente que é "
-"possível pagar no débito ou peça para usar outro cartão."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:322
-msgid ""
-"The debit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client that "
-"it is possible to pay with credit or to use another one."
-msgstr ""
-"A função débito não está habilitada no cartão. Informe ao seu cliente que é "
-"possível pagar no crédito ou peça para usar outro cartão."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:326
-msgid ""
-"The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client to "
-"ask the bank to authorize it."
-msgstr ""
-"O banco emissor do cartão recusou o pagamento. Peça para seu cliente entrar "
-"em contato com o banco para autorizar o pagamento."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:330
-msgid ""
-"The buyer does not have enough balance to make the purchase. Please ask your "
-"client to deposit money to the Mercado Pago Account or to use a different "
-"payment method."
-msgstr ""
-"O cliente não tem saldo em conta suficiente para realizar a compra. Peça "
-"para seu cliente adicionar saldo no Mercado Pago ou usar outro meio de "
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:333
-msgid "There was an error"
-msgstr "Houve um erro"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:334
-msgid "The transaction could not be completed."
-msgstr "Não foi possível completar a transação."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:417
-msgid "Payment status on Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Status de pagamento no Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:477,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:489
-msgid "View purchase details at Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Ver detalhes da compra no Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:478,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:490,
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:502
-msgid "Sync order status"
-msgstr "Sincronizar status do pedido"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:501
-msgid "Check the reasons why the purchase was declined."
-msgstr "Consulte os motivos de recusa da sua compra."
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:608
-msgid "Order update successfully. This page will be reloaded..."
-msgstr "Pedido atualizado com sucesso. Esta página será recarregada…"
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:612
-msgid "Unable to update order: "
-msgstr "Não foi possível atualizar o pedido: "
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:126
-msgid "See WooCommerce"
-msgstr "Veja WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:124
-msgid "Install WooCommerce"
-msgstr "Instalar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:121
-msgid "Activate WooCommerce"
-msgstr "Ativar WooCommerce"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:137
-msgid "do you have a minute to share your experience with our plugin?"
-msgstr ""
-"você tem um minuto para compartilhar sua experiência com o nosso plugin?"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:140
-msgid ""
-"Your opinion is very important so that we can offer you the best possible "
-"payment solution and continue to improve."
-msgstr ""
-"Sua opinião é muito importante para poder te oferecer a melhor solução de "
-"pagamentos possível e continuar melhorando."
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:149
-msgid "Rate the plugin"
-msgstr "Avaliar o plugin"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:151
-msgid "Enable payments via Mercado Pago account"
-msgstr "Ative os pagamentos via conta Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:154
-msgid ""
-"When you enable this function, your customers pay faster using their Mercado "
-"Pago accounts.The approval rate of these payments in your store can be "
-"25% higher compared to other payment methods."
-msgstr ""
-"Com esta função ativa, seus clientes pagam mais rapidamente usando as contas "
-"Mercado Pago deles.A taxa de aprovação destes pagamentos na sua loja "
-"pode ser 25% maior em comparação aos demais meios de pagamento."
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:163
-msgid "Activate"
-msgstr "Ativar"
-#: ../../includes/admin/views/html-admin-alert-frame.php:34,
-#: ../../includes/admin/views/html-admin-alert-woocommerce-miss.php:30
-msgid "Discard"
-msgstr "Descartar"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:141
-msgid "Mercado Pago Settings"
-msgstr "Configurações do Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:196
-msgid "Accept "
-msgstr "Aceite "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:197
-msgid "payments on the spot "
-msgstr "pagamentos no ato "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:198
-msgid "with"
-msgstr "com"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:199
-msgid "the "
-msgstr "toda a "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:200
-msgid "security "
-msgstr "segurança "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:201
-msgid "from Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "do Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:202
-msgid "Technical requirements"
-msgstr "Requisitos técnicos"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:203
-msgid "SSL"
-msgstr "SSL"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:204
-msgid "GD Extensions"
-msgstr "Extensões GD"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:205
-msgid "Curl"
-msgstr "Curl"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:206
-msgid ""
-"Implementation responsible for transmitting data to Mercado Pago in a secure "
-"and encrypted way."
-msgstr ""
-"Implementção responsável pela transmissão de dados para o Mercado Pago de "
-"maneira segura e criptografada."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:207
-msgid ""
-"These extensions are responsible for the implementation and operation of Pix "
-"in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"São extensões responsáveis pela implementação e funcionamento do Pix na sua "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:208
-msgid ""
-"It is an extension responsible for making payments via requests from the "
-"plugin to Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-"É uma extensão responsável pela realização de pagamentos via solicitações do "
-"plugin ao Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:209
-msgid "Collections and installments"
-msgstr "Recebimentos e parcelamento"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:210
-msgid "Choose "
-msgstr "Escolha "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:211
-msgid "when you want to receive the money "
-msgstr "quando quer receber o dinheiro "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:212
-msgid "from your sales and if you want to offer "
-msgstr "das vendas e se quer oferecer "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:213
-msgid "interest-free installments "
-msgstr "parcelamento sem juros "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:214
-msgid "to your clients."
-msgstr "aos clientes."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:215
-msgid "Set deadlines and fees"
-msgstr "Ajustar prazos e taxas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:216,
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:124
-msgid "Questions? "
-msgstr "Dúvidas? "
+"will notify you via email so that you can deliver the product or provide the "
+msgstr ""
+"O banco está analisando o pagamento. Assim que tivermos a sua confirmação, "
+"iremos notificá-lo por email para que possa entregar o produto ou prestar o "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:217
-msgid "Review the step-by-step of "
-msgstr "Revise o passo a passo de "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1115,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1117,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1119
+msgid "Awaiting payment information validation."
+msgstr "Aguardando validação das informações de pagamento."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:218
-msgid "how to integrate the Mercado Pago Plugin "
-msgstr "como integrar o Plugin do Mercado Pago "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1123
+msgid "Waiting for the buyer."
+msgstr "Aguardando o comprador."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:219
-msgid "on our webiste for developers."
-msgstr "no nosso site de desenvolvedores."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1125
+msgid "Waiting for the card issuer."
+msgstr "Aguardando o emissor do cartão."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:231
-msgid "1. Integrate your store with Mercado Pago "
-msgstr "1. Integre a loja com o Mercado Pago "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1126,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1128,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1132,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1153,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1175
+msgid "The card issuing bank declined the payment"
+msgstr "O banco emissor do cartão recusou o pagamento"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1127,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1129,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1133,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1154,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1176
msgid ""
-"To enable orders, you must create and activate production credentials in "
-"your Mercado Pago Account. "
+"Please recommend your customer to pay with another payment method or to "
+"contact their bank."
msgstr ""
-"Para poder vender, você deve criar e ativar credenciais de produção na sua "
-"conta Mercado Pago. "
+"Recomende a seu cliente que que pague com outro meio de pagamento ou entre "
+"em contato com o banco"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:233
-msgid "Copy and paste the credentials below."
-msgstr "Copie e cole as credenciais abaixo."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1134
+msgid "Mercado Pago did not process the payment"
+msgstr "O Mercado Pago não processou o pagamento"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:234
-msgid "Check credentials"
-msgstr "Consultar credenciais"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1136,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1181
+msgid "Expired payment deadline"
+msgstr "Prazo expirado para pagamento"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:235
-msgid "Test credentials "
-msgstr "Credenciais de teste "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1137,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1182
+msgid "The client did not pay within the time limit."
+msgstr "O cliente não pagou dentro do limite de tempo."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:236
-msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts for test purchases in the store."
-msgstr "Habilitam os checkouts Mercado Pago para testes de compras na loja."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1138,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1140,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1142,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1183
+msgid "Your customer entered one or more incorrect card details"
+msgstr "Seu cliente inseriu um ou mais dados do cartão incorretamente"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:237
-msgid "Public key"
-msgstr "Public key"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1139,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1141,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1143,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1184,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1185
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to enter to enter them again exactly as they appear on the "
+"card or on their bank app to complete the payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Peça para a pessoa inserir os dados da forma como aparecem no cartão ou no "
+"app do banco para concluir o pagamento."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:238
-msgid "Access Token"
-msgstr "Access token"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1144,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1167
+msgid "We protected you from a suspicious payment"
+msgstr "Protegemos você de um pagamento suspeito"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:239
-msgid "Production credentials"
-msgstr "Credenciais de produção"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1145
+msgid "For safety reasons, this transaction cannot be completed."
+msgstr "Por medidas de segurança, está transação não pode ser concluída."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:240
-msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts to receive real payments in the store."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1147,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1166
+msgid ""
+"The buyer is suspended in our platform. Your client must contact us to check "
+"what happened."
msgstr ""
-"Habilitam os checkouts Mercado Pago para receber pagamentos reais na loja."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:241
-msgid "Paste your Public Key here"
-msgstr "Cole aqui sua Public Key"
+"O comprador está suspenso em nossa plataforma. Seu cliente deverá entrar em "
+"contato conosco para verificar o ocorrido."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:242
-msgid "Paste your Access Token here"
-msgstr "Cole aqui seu Access Token"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1148
+msgid "For safety reasons, the card issuing bank declined the payment"
+msgstr "O banco emissor do cartão recusou o pagamento"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:243,
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:280
-msgid "Save and continue"
-msgstr "Salvar e continuar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1149,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1168
+msgid ""
+"Recommend your customer to pay with their usual payment method and device "
+"for online purchases."
+msgstr ""
+"Recomende a seu cliente que pague com o meio de pagamento e dispositivo que "
+"costuma usar para compras on-line."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:254
-msgid "2. Customize your business"
-msgstr "2. Personalize seu negócio"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1150
+msgid "Your customer's credit card has no available limit"
+msgstr "O banco emissor do cartão recusou o pagamento"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:255
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1151,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1152,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1156
msgid ""
-"Fill out the following information to have a better experience and offer "
-"more information to your clients"
+"Please ask them to pay with another card or to choose another payment method."
msgstr ""
-"Preencha as informações a seguir para ter uma melhor experiência e oferecer "
-"mais informações aos clientes"
+"Peça para a pessoa pagar com outro cartão ou escolher outro meio de "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:256
-msgid "Your store information"
-msgstr "Informações sobre sua loja"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1155
+msgid "Your customer reached the limit of payment attempts with this card"
+msgstr "O cliente alcançou o limite de tentativas de pagamento com o cartão"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:257
-msgid "Name of your store in your client's invoice"
-msgstr "Nome da sua loja na fatura dos clientes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1157
+msgid ""
+"Your customer's card does not accept the number of installments selected"
+msgstr "O cartão do seu cliente não aceita o parcelamento selecionado"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:258
-msgid "Eg: Mary's store"
-msgstr "Ex.: Loja da Maria"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1158
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to choose a different number of installments or to pay with "
+"another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Peça para ele escolher uma opção de parcelamento diferente ou usar outro "
+"meio de pagamento."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1159,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1186
+msgid "Your customer needs to authorize the payment through their bank"
+msgstr "Seu cliente precisa autorizar o pagamento com o banco"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:259
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1160,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1187
msgid ""
-"If this field is empty, the purchase will be identified as Mercado Pago."
+"Please ask them to call the telephone number on their card or to pay with "
+"another method."
msgstr ""
-"Se o campo estiver vazio, a compra do cliente será identificada como Mercado "
+"Peça para a pessoa acessar o app do banco ou ligar para o telefone que está "
+"no cartão. Se preferir, ela também pode pagar com outro meio."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:260
-msgid "Identification in Activities of Mercad Pago"
-msgstr "Identificação em Atividades do Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1161
+msgid ""
+"The payment was declined because your customer already paid for this purchase"
+msgstr "O pagamento foi recusado porque o cliente já pagou esta compra"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:261
-msgid "Eg: Marystore"
-msgstr "Ex.: LojaMaria"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1162
+msgid "Check your approved payments to verify it."
+msgstr "Consulte seus pagamentos aprovados para confirmar a transação."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:262
-msgid "In Activities, you will view this term before the order number"
-msgstr "Nas Ativades você verá o termo inserido antes do número do pedido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1163
+msgid "Your customer's card was is not activated yet"
+msgstr "O cartão do cliente ainda não foi desbloqueado"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:263
-msgid "Store category"
-msgstr "Categoria da loja"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1164
+msgid ""
+"Please ask them to contact their bank by calling the number on the back of "
+"their card or to pay with another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Para desbloqueá-lo, peça para o cliente acessar o app ou entrar em contato "
+"com o banco dele ligando para o número que está no verso do cartão. Se ele "
+"preferir, também pode usar outro meio de pagamento."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:264
-msgid "Select"
-msgstr "Selecionar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1170
+msgid ""
+"This payment was declined because it did not pass Mercado Pago security "
+"controls. Please ask your client to use another card."
+msgstr ""
+"Este pagamento foi recusado porque não passou nos controles de segurança do "
+"Mercado Pago. Por favor, peça ao seu cliente para usar outro cartão."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:265
-msgid "Select ”Other” if you do not find the appropriate category."
-msgstr "Selecione ”Outro” caso não encontre uma categoria adequada."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1172
+msgid ""
+"The amount exceeded the card limit. Please ask your client to use another "
+"card or to get in touch with the bank."
+msgstr ""
+"O valor ultrapassou o limite do cartão. Solicite ao seu cliente que utilize "
+"outro cartão ou entre em contato com o banco."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:266
-msgid "Advanced integration options (optional)"
-msgstr "Opções avançadas de integração (opcional)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1174,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1178
+msgid ""
+"Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the card "
+msgstr ""
+"Peça ao seu cliente para usar outro cartão ou entre em contato com o emissor "
+"do cartão."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:267
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1180
msgid ""
-"For further integration of your store with Mercado Pago (IPN, Certified "
-"Partners, Debug Mode)"
+"The amount exceeded the card's limit. Please ask your client to use another "
+"card or to get in touch with the bank."
msgstr ""
-"Para mais integração da sua loja com o Mercado Pago (IPN, Parceiros "
-"Certificados, Modo Debug)"
+"O valor ultrapassou o limite do cartão. Solicite ao seu cliente que utilize "
+"outro cartão ou entre em contato com o banco."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:268
-msgid "View advanced options"
-msgstr "Ver opções avançadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1188
+msgid "Your customer's debit card has insufficient funds"
+msgstr "O banco emissor do cartão recusou o pagamento"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:269
-msgid "URL for IPN "
-msgstr "URL para IPN "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1189
+msgid ""
+"Please recommend your customer to pay with another card or to choose another "
+"payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Peça para a pessoa pagar com outro cartão ou escolher outro meio de "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:270
-msgid "Eg: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
-msgstr "Ex.: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1190
+msgid "Something went wrong and the payment was declined"
+msgstr "O pagamento foi recusado devido a um erro."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:271
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1191
msgid ""
-"Add the URL to receive payments notifications. Find out more information in "
-"the "
+"Please recommend you customer to try again or to pay with another payment "
msgstr ""
-"Insira a URL para receber notificações de pagamento. Confira mais "
-"informações nos "
+"Recomende ao seu cliente tentar novamente ou usar outro meio de pagamento."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:272
-msgid "guides."
-msgstr "manuais."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1204
+msgid "Any questions?"
+msgstr "Dúvidas?"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:273
-msgid "Add plugin default params"
-msgstr "Adicionar parâmetros padrão do plugin"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1205
+msgid "Please check the"
+msgstr "Visite nosso site para desenvolvedores e consulte as"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:274
-msgid "integrator_id"
-msgstr "integrator_id"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1206,
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1222
+msgid "FAQs"
+msgstr "perguntas frequentes"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:275
-msgid "Eg: 14987126498"
-msgstr "Ex.: 14987126498"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1207
+msgid "on the dev website."
+msgstr "."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:276
-msgid ""
-"If you are a Mercado Pago Certified Partner, make sure to add your "
-"integrator_id. If you do not have the code, please "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1220
+msgid "Check our"
+msgstr "Consulte nossas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1223
+msgid "or open a ticket to contact the Mercado Pago team."
+msgstr "ou abra um ticket para entrar em contato com a equipe do Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1228
+msgid "1. Go to the dev website and open a"
msgstr ""
-"Se você é Parceiro certificado do Mercado Pago, não esqueça de inserir seu "
-"integrator_id. Se você não possui o código, "
+"1. Acesse o site para desenvolvedores, visite a seção de suporte e abra um"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:277
-msgid "request it now. "
-msgstr "solicite agora. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1230
+msgid "ticket"
+msgstr "ticket"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:278
-msgid "Debug and Log Mode"
-msgstr "Modo debug e log"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1231
+msgid "in the Support section."
+msgstr "."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:279
-msgid "We record your store's actions in order to provide a better assistance."
-msgstr "Gravamos ações da sua loja para proporcionar melhor suporte."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1236
+msgid "4. Download the"
+msgstr "4. Baixe o"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:291
-msgid "3. Set payment methods"
-msgstr "3. Configure os meios de pagamento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1237
+msgid "error history"
+msgstr "histórico de erros"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:292
-msgid "To view more options, please select a payment method below"
-msgstr "Selecione um meio de pagamento a seguir para ver mais opções"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1238
+msgid "and share it with the Mercado Pago team when asked for it."
+msgstr " e compartilhe-o com a equipe do Mercado Pago quando solicitado."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:293
-msgid "Settings"
-msgstr "Configurar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1242
+msgid "Do you need help?"
+msgstr "Precisa de ajuda?"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:294
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Continuar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1243
+msgid "How to open a ticket:"
+msgstr "Como abrir um ticket:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:305
-msgid "4. Test your store before you sell"
-msgstr "4. Teste sua loja antes de vender"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1245
+msgid "2. Fill out the form with your store details."
+msgstr "2. Preencha o formulário com os dados da sua loja."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:306
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1246
msgid ""
-"Test the experience in Test Mode and then enable the Sale Mode (Production) "
-"to sell."
+"3. Copy and paste the following details when asked for the the technical "
msgstr ""
-"Teste a experiência no Modo Teste. Depois ative o Modo Vendas (Produção) "
-"para fazer vendas."
+"3. Copie e cole os dados abaixo quando as informações técnicas forem "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:307
-msgid "Choose how you want to operate your store:"
-msgstr "Escolha como você quer operar sua loja:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1249
+msgid "Version:"
+msgstr "Versão"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:308
-msgid "Test Mode"
-msgstr "Modo Teste"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1250
+msgid "History of errors"
+msgstr "Histórico de erros"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:309
-msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts disabled for real collections. "
-msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago inativos para cobranças reais. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1251
+msgid ""
+"Select the files you want to share with our team and click on Download. This "
+"information will be requested by e-mail if necessary."
+msgstr ""
+"Selecione os arquivos que você quer compartilhar com nossa equipe e clique "
+"em “Baixar”. Essas informações serão solicitadas por e-mail caso necessário."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:310
-msgid "Test Mode rules."
-msgstr "Regras do modo teste."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1254
+msgid "Source"
+msgstr "Origem"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:311
-msgid "Sale Mode (Production)"
-msgstr "Modo Vendas (Produção)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1255
+msgid "File date"
+msgstr "Data de criação"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:312
-msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts enabled for real collections."
-msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago ativos para cobranças reais."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1256
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Baixar"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:313
-msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Production Mode"
-msgstr "Meios de pagamento Mercado Pago em Modo Produção"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1257
+msgid "Next Page"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:314
-msgid "The clients can make real purchases in your store."
-msgstr "Clientes podem fazer compras reais na sua loja."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1258
+msgid "Previous page"
+msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:315
-msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Meios de pagamento Mercado Pago em Modo Teste"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1259
+msgid "The plugin has not yet recorded any logs in your store."
+msgstr "O plug-in ainda não registrou nenhum log em sua loja."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:316
-msgid "Create your "
-msgstr "Crie seu "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:103
+msgid "discount of"
+msgstr "desconto de"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:317
-msgid "test user "
-msgstr "usuário de teste "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:104
+msgid "fee of"
+msgstr "taxa de"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:318
-msgid ""
-"(Optional. Can be used in Production Mode and Test Mode, to test payments)."
-msgstr ""
-"(Opcional. Pode ser usado no Modo Produção e Modo teste, para testar "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:105
+msgid "and"
+msgstr "e"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:319
-msgid "Use our test cards, "
-msgstr "Use nossos cartões de teste, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:106
+msgid "Shipping service used by the store."
+msgstr "Serviço de envio usado pela loja."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:320
-msgid "never use real cards. "
-msgstr "nunca use cartões reais. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:107
+msgid "Discount provided by store"
+msgstr "Desconto concedido pela loja"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:321
-msgid "Visit your store "
-msgstr "Visite sua loja "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:108
+msgid "Mercado Pago Discount"
+msgstr "Desconto do Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:322
-msgid "to test purchases"
-msgstr "para testar compras"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:109
+msgid "Mercado Pago Commission"
+msgstr "Comissão do Mercado Pago:"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:323
-msgid "Save changes"
-msgstr "Salvar mudanças"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:121
+msgid "Checkout Pro in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Checkout Pro em Modo Teste"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:324
-msgid "Store under test"
-msgstr "Loja em Modo Teste"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:122,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:180,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:214
+msgid "Use Mercado Pago's payment methods without real charges. "
+msgstr "Utilize meios do Mercado Pago sem cobranças reais. "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:325
-msgid "Store in sale mode (Production)"
-msgstr "Loja em Modo Vendas (Produção)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:123,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:181,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:215,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:336,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:364
+msgid "See the rules for the test mode."
+msgstr "Consulte as regras do modo teste."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:326
-msgid "Enter test credentials"
-msgstr "Insira as credenciais de teste"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:124
+msgid "Log in to Mercado Pago and earn benefits"
+msgstr "Inicie sessão no Mercado Pago e garanta vantagens"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:327
-msgid "To enable test mode, "
-msgstr "Para habilitar o modo teste, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:125
+msgid "Easy login"
+msgstr "Entre fácil"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:328
-msgid "copy your test credentials "
-msgstr "copie suas credenciais de teste "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:126
+msgid "Log in with the same email and password you use in Mercado Libre."
+msgstr "Inicie sessão com seu mesmo e-mail e senha do Mercado Livre."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:329
-msgid "and paste them above in section 1 of this page."
-msgstr "e cole acima na seção 1 desta página."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:127
+msgid "Blue phone image"
+msgstr "Imagem de telefone azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:366
-msgid "Invalid Access Token"
-msgstr "Access token inválido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:128
+msgid "Quick payments"
+msgstr "Pague rápido"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:368
-msgid "Valid Access Token"
-msgstr "Access token válido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:129
+msgid "Use your saved cards, Pix or available balance."
+msgstr "Use seus cartões salvos, Pix ou saldo disponível."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:374
-msgid "Invalid Public Key"
-msgstr "Public key inválida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:130
+msgid "Use your available Mercado Pago Wallet balance or saved cards."
+msgstr "Use seu saldo disponível no Mercado Pago Wallet ou cartões salvos."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:376
-msgid "Valid Public Key"
-msgstr "Public key válida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:131
+msgid "Use your available money or saved cards."
+msgstr "Use seu dinheiro disponível e cartões salvos."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:379
-msgid "Credentials must be valid"
-msgstr "As credenciais devem ser válidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:132
+msgid "Blue wallet image"
+msgstr "Imagem de carteira azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:429
-msgid "Credentials were updated"
-msgstr "As credenciais foram atualizadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:133
+msgid "Protected purchases"
+msgstr "Proteja sua compra"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:421
-msgid ""
-"Your store has exited Test Mode and is making real sales in Production Mode."
-msgstr ""
-"Sua loja saiu do Modo Teste e está fazendo vendas reais no Modo Produção."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:134
+msgid "Reliable purchases"
+msgstr "Compre com confiança"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:422
-msgid "To test the store, re-enter both test credentials."
-msgstr "Para testar a loja, insira novamente as duas credenciais de teste."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:135
+msgid "Get your money back in case you don't receive your product."
+msgstr "Receba o dinheiro de volta se você não receber o produto."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:435
-msgid "Invalid credentials"
-msgstr "Credenciais inválidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:136
+msgid "Get help if you have a problem with your purchase."
+msgstr "Receba ajuda se tiver algum problema com sua compra."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:436
-msgid "See our manual to learn "
-msgstr "Consulte nosso manual para saber "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:137
+msgid "Blue protection image"
+msgstr "Imagem de proteção azul"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:437
-msgid "how to enter the credentials the right way."
-msgstr "como inserir as credenciais da maneira correta."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:138
+msgid "Installments option"
+msgstr "Use parcelas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:497
-msgid "Store information is valid"
-msgstr "As informações sobre a loja são válidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:139
+msgid "Pay with or without a credit card."
+msgstr "Pague com ou sem cartão de crédito."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:527
-msgid "Mercado Pago's Payment Methods in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Meios de pagamento Mercado Pago em Modo Teste"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:140
+msgid "Interest-free installments with selected banks."
+msgstr "Parcelas sem acréscimos em bancos selecionados."
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:528
-msgid "Mercado Pago's Payment Methods in Production Mode"
-msgstr "Meios de pagamento Mercado Pago em Modo Produção"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:141
+msgid "Blue phone installments image"
+msgstr "Imagem de telefone azul com parcelas"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:521
-msgid "Invalid credentials for test mode"
-msgstr "Credenciais inválidas para modo teste"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:142
+msgid "Available payment methods"
+msgstr "Meios de pagamento disponíveis"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:603
-msgid "Enabled"
-msgstr "Ativado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:143,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:186
+msgid ""
+"By continuing, you will be taken to Mercado Pago to safely complete your "
+msgstr ""
+"Ao continuar, te levaremos ao Mercado Pago para completar a compra de forma "
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:604
-msgid "Disabled"
-msgstr "Inativo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:144,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:187
+msgid "Checkout Pro redirect info image"
+msgstr "Imagem de redirecionamento do Checkout Pro"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:632
-msgid "Valid Credentials"
-msgstr "Credenciais válidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:145,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:188,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:239,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:281,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:342,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:374
+msgid "By continuing, you agree with our"
+msgstr "Ao continuar, você concorda com nossos"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:635
-msgid "Credentials couldn't be validated"
-msgstr "As credenciais não puderam ser validadas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:146,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:189,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:240,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:282,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:343,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:375
+msgid "Terms and conditions"
+msgstr "Termos e condições"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:658
-msgid "Store business fields are valid"
-msgstr "Os campos de negócio são válidos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:147,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:218,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:263
+msgid "Pay with Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "Pagar com Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:661
-msgid "Store business fields couldn't be validated"
-msgstr "Os campos de negócio não puderam ser validados"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:148,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:264
+msgid "Cancel & Clear Cart"
+msgstr "Cancelar & Limpar carrinho"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:684
-msgid "At least one paymet method is enabled"
-msgstr "Pelo menos um meio de pagamento está ativado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:161
+msgid "Log in"
+msgstr "Inicie a sessão"
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:687
-msgid "No payment method enabled"
-msgstr "Nenhum meio de pagamento ativo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:162
+msgid ""
+"or create an account in Mercado Pago. If you use Mercado Libre, you already "
+"have one!"
+msgstr ""
+"ou crie uma conta no Mercado Pago. Se você usa o Mercado Livre, use o mesmo "
+"e-mail e senha!"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:77
-msgid "Payment approved."
-msgstr "Pagamento aprovado."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:167
+msgid "Know your available limit in Mercado Crédito and"
+msgstr "Confira o limite disponível para você no Mercado Crédito e"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:131,
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:135
-msgid "Waiting for the Pix payment."
-msgstr "Esperando o pagamento via Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:168
+msgid "choose how many installments"
+msgstr "escolha em quantas parcelas"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:148,
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:152
-msgid "Waiting for the ticket payment."
-msgstr "Esperando o pagamento."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:169
+msgid "you want to pay"
+msgstr "quer pagar"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:160
-msgid "The customer has not made the payment yet."
-msgstr "O cliente ainda não realizou o pagamento."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:174
+msgid "Pay the installments as you prefer:"
+msgstr "Pague as parcelas"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:179
-msgid "Payment is pending review."
-msgstr "O pagamento está em revisão."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:175
+msgid "with money in your account, card of from the Mercado Pago app"
+msgstr "com Pix, cartão de débito ou direto do app do Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:196
-msgid "Payment was declined. The customer can try again."
-msgstr "O pagamento foi recusado. O cliente pode tentar novamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:179
+msgid "No card installments in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Parcelado sem cartão em Modo Teste"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:211
-msgid "Payment was returned to the customer."
-msgstr "O pagamento foi estornado ao cliente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:182
+msgid "How to use it?"
+msgstr "Como funciona?"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:225
-msgid "Payment was canceled."
-msgstr "O pagamento foi cancelado."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:190
+msgid "Pay in"
+msgstr "Pague"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:191
+msgid "installments"
+msgstr "parcelado sem cartão"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:192
+msgid "with Mercado Pago"
+msgstr "com Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:193
+msgid "Read more"
+msgstr "Ler mais"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:194
+msgid "Buy now and pay in installments with no card later!"
+msgstr "Compre agora e pague parcelado sem cartão depois!"
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:240,
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:252
-msgid ""
-"The payment is in mediation or the purchase was unknown by the customer."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:195
+msgid "100% online, without paperwork or monthly fees"
msgstr ""
-"O pagamento está em mediação ou a compra não foi reconhecida pelo cliente."
+"Pague as parcelas com Pix, boleto ou saldo da conta Mercado Pago, 100% on-"
+"line e sem custos extras"
-#. translators: 1: payment_id 2: status
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:318
-msgid ""
-"Mercado Pago: The payment %1$s was notified by Mercado Pago with status %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-"Mercado Pago: O pagamento %1$s foi notificado pelo Mercado Pago com status "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:196
+msgid "You can apply for your line of credit 100% online and securely."
+msgstr "Peça a linha de forma 100% online e segura."
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:371
-msgid "Shipping service used by the store."
-msgstr "Serviço de envio usado pela loja."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:197
+msgid "Do everything from the Mercado Pago app!"
+msgstr "Sem burocracias. Faça tudo direto do app do Mercado Pago!"
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:562,
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:563
-msgid "Discount provided by store"
-msgstr "Desconto dado pela loja"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:198
+msgid "No maintenance fees or additional costs."
+msgstr "Sem custos escondidos nem taxa de manutenção."
-#. translators: %s coupon
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:130
-msgid "Discount for coupon %s"
-msgstr "Desconto para o cupom %s"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:199
+msgid "Questions? "
+msgstr "Dúvidas? "
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:172
-msgid " and fee of"
-msgstr " e taxa de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:200
+msgid "Check our FAQ"
+msgstr "Consulte nossa FAQ"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:545
-msgid ""
-"Public Key production credential is invalid. Review the field to "
-"receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"A credencial de produção Public Key é inválida. Revise o campo para "
-"poder receber pagamentos reais."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:201
+msgid ". Credit subject to approval."
+msgstr ". Crédito sujeito a aprovação."
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:554
-msgid ""
-"Public Key test credential is invalid. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"A credencial de teste Public Key é inválida. Revise o campo para "
-"poder realizar testes em sua loja."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:213
+msgid "Checkout Custom in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Cartões de crédito em Modo Teste"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:563
-msgid ""
-"Access Token production credential is invalid. Remember that it must "
-"be complete to receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"A credencial de produção Access Token é inválida. Revise o campo para "
-"poder receber pagamentos reais."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:216
+msgid "Pay with saved cards"
+msgstr "Pague com cartões salvos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:572
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:217
msgid ""
-"Access Token test credential is invalid. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
+"Do you have a Mercado Libre account? Then use the same email and password to "
+"pay faster with Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-"A credencial de teste Access Token é inválida. Revise o campo para "
-"poder realizar testes em sua loja."
+"Tem conta Mercado Livre? Use o mesmo e-mail e senha para pagar mais rápido "
+"com Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:590
-msgid ""
-"Public Key test credential is blank. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"A credencial de teste Public Key está em branco. Revise o campo para "
-"poder realizar testes em sua loja."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:219
+msgid "With which card can you pay?"
+msgstr "Quais cartões você pode usar?"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:599
-msgid ""
-"Public Key production credential is blank. Review the field to "
-"receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"A credencial de produção Public Key está em branco. Revise o campo "
-"para poder receber pagamentos reais."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:220,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:224
+msgid "See current promotions"
+msgstr "Promoções vigentes"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:608
-msgid ""
-"Access Token test credential is blank. Review the field to perform "
-"tests in your store."
-msgstr ""
-"A credencial de teste Access Token está em branco. Revise o campo "
-"para poder realizar testes em sua loja."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:221
+msgid "Credit cards"
+msgstr "Cartões de crédito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:617
-msgid ""
-"Access Token production credential is blank. Remember that it must be "
-"complete to receive real payments."
-msgstr ""
-"A credencial de produção Access Token está em branco. Revise o campo "
-"para poder receber pagamentos reais."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:222
+msgid "Up to 12 installments"
+msgstr "Até 12x"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:92,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:90
-msgid ""
-"There was an error processing your payment. Please try again or contact us "
-"for Assistance."
-msgstr ""
-"Um erro ocorreu ao processar seu pagamento. Por favor tente novamente ou nos "
-"contacte para assistência."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:223
+msgid "Debit cards"
+msgstr "Cartões de débito"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:84,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:82,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:45,
-#: ../../templates/receipt/custom-checkout.php:41
-msgid "Pay with Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "Pagar com Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:225
+msgid "Fill in your card details"
+msgstr "Preencha os dados do seu cartão"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:86,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:84,
-#: ../../templates/receipt/custom-checkout.php:44
-msgid "Cancel & Clear Cart"
-msgstr "Cancelar & Limpar carrinho"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:226
+msgid "Card number"
+msgstr "Número do cartão"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:143,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:73,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:82
-msgid "Apply"
-msgstr "Ativar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:227,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:229,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:231,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:233
+msgid "Required data"
+msgstr "Dado obrigatório"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:144,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:74,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:83
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Remover"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:145,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:75,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:84
-msgid "Please, inform your coupon code"
-msgstr "Por favor, informe seu cupom de desconto"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:146,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:76,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:85
-msgid "To choose"
-msgstr "Escolher"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:147,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:77,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:86
-msgid "Other bank"
-msgstr "Outro banco"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:148,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:78,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:87
-msgid "You will save"
-msgstr "Você economizará"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:149,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:79,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:88
-msgid "with discount of"
-msgstr "com desconto de"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:150,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:80,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:89
-msgid "Total of your purchase:"
-msgstr "Total da compra:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:151,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:81,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:90
-msgid "Total of your purchase with discount:"
-msgstr "Total da compra com desconto:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:152,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:82,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:91
-msgid "*After payment approval"
-msgstr "*Após a aprovação do pagamento"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:153,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:83,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:92
-msgid "Terms and conditions of use"
-msgstr "Termos e condições de uso"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:154,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:172
-msgid "No fee"
-msgstr "Sem juros"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:228
+msgid "Holder name as it appears on the card"
+msgstr "Nome do titular como aparece no cartão"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:155,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:173
-msgid "More options"
-msgstr "Mais opções"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:230
+msgid "Expiration"
+msgstr "Vencimento"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:163
-msgid "mm/yy"
-msgstr "mm/aa"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:232
+msgid "Security Code"
+msgstr "Código de segurança"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:234,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:337,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:365
+msgid "Holder document"
+msgstr "Documento do titular"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:235,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:338,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:366
+msgid "Invalid document"
+msgstr "Número de documento inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:164,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:134
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:236,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:238
+msgid "Select the number of installments"
+msgstr "Escolha o número de parcelas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:237,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:242
msgid "Issuer"
msgstr "Banco emissor"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:165
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:241
+msgid "mm/yy"
+msgstr "mm/aa"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:243
msgid "Installments"
msgstr "Parcelamento"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:168
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:244
msgid "on the back"
msgstr "do verso"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:169
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:245
msgid "on the front"
msgstr "da frente"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:171
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:246
msgid "digits"
msgstr "dígitos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:174
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:247
+msgid "No fee"
+msgstr "Sem acréscimos"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:248
+msgid "More options"
+msgstr "Mais opções"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:249
msgid "If interest is applicable, it will be charged by your bank."
-msgstr "Se houverem juros, eles serão aplicados pelo seu banco."
+msgstr "Se houverem acréscimos, eles serão aplicados pelo seu banco."
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:175
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:250
msgid "Interest"
-msgstr "Juros"
+msgstr "Acréscimos"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:178
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:251
msgid "Card number is required"
msgstr "Número do cartão é obrigatório"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:179
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:252
msgid "Card number invalid"
msgstr "Número do cartão inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:182
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:253
msgid "Holder name is required"
msgstr "Nome do titular é obrigatório"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:183
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:254
msgid "Holder name invalid"
msgstr "Nome do titular inválido"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:186,
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:188
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:255,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:257
msgid "Expiration date invalid"
msgstr "Data de vencimento inválida"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:187
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:256
msgid "Expiration date incomplete"
msgstr "Data de vencimento incompleta"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:191
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:258
msgid "Security code is required"
msgstr "Código de segurança é obrigatório"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:192
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:259
msgid "Security code incomplete"
msgstr "Código de segurança incompleto"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:230
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:260
msgid "Cost of installments"
msgstr "Custo do parcelamento"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:231
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:261
msgid "Total with installments"
msgstr "Total parcelado"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:262
msgid "installments of"
msgstr "x de"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:139
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:276
+msgid "Pix in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Pix em Modo Teste"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:277
+msgid ""
+"You can test the flow to generate a code, but you cannot finalize the "
+msgstr ""
+"É possível testar o fluxo para gerar uma fatura, mas não é possível "
+"finalizar o pagamento."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:278
+msgid "Pay instantly"
+msgstr "Pague de forma segura e instantânea"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:279
+msgid ""
+"By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Ao confirmar a compra, nós vamos te mostrar o código para fazer o pagamento."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:280
+msgid "Pix logo"
+msgstr "Logo Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:283,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:292
+msgid "Code valid for "
+msgstr "Código válido por "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:284
msgid "Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase"
msgstr "Agora é só pagar com o Pix para finalizar sua compra"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:140
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:285
msgid "How to pay with Pix:"
msgstr "Como pagar com Pix:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:141
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:286
msgid "Go to your bank's app or website"
msgstr "Acesse o app ou site do seu banco"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:142
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:287
msgid "Search for the option to pay with Pix"
msgstr "Busque a opção de pagar com Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:143
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:288
msgid "Scan the QR code or Pix code"
msgstr "Leia o QR code ou código Pix"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:144
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:289
msgid "Done! You will see the payment confirmation"
msgstr "Pronto! Você verá a confirmação do pagamento"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:145
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:290
msgid "Value: "
msgstr "Valor a pagar: "
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:147
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:291
msgid "Scan the QR code:"
msgstr "Escaneie o QR code:"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:150
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:293
msgid "If you prefer, you can pay by copying and pasting the following code"
msgstr "Se preferir, você pode pagar copiando e colando o seguinte código"
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:152
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:294
msgid "Copy code"
msgstr "Copiar código"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:112
-msgid "Pay in"
-msgstr "Parcelado em"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:113
-msgid "installments"
-msgstr "12x sem cartão"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:114
-msgid "with Mercado Pago"
-msgstr "com Mercado Pago"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:115
-msgid "Read more"
-msgstr "Ler mais"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:116
-msgid "Buy now and pay in installments with no card later!"
-msgstr "Compre agora e pague depois!"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:117
-msgid "100% online,"
-msgstr "Uma linha de crédito para que você possa pagar em até"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:118
-msgid "without paperwork or monthly fees"
-msgstr "12x sem cartão"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:119
-msgid "When paying, choose"
-msgstr "Peça a linha de forma "
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:120
-msgid ". Login to your account or create one in a few steps."
-msgstr "100% online e segura."
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:121
-msgid "Search for"
-msgstr "Sem burocracias."
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:122
-msgid ""
-"among the options, select it and choose in how many installments you would "
-"like to pay."
-msgstr "Faça tudo direto do app do Mercado Pago!"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:123
-msgid "Pay your installments monthly as you wish, in the Mercado Pago app."
-msgstr "Sem custos escondidos nem taxa de manutenção."
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:126
-msgid "Check our FAQ"
-msgstr "Consulte nossa FAQ"
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:127
-msgid ". Credit subject to approval."
-msgstr ". Crédito sujeito a aprovação."
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:182,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:634,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:682,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:727,
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:986
-msgid "Response from cache"
-msgstr "Resposta do cache"
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:1000
-msgid "Response from API"
-msgstr "Resposta da API"
-#. translators: 1: total_time currency 2: url
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/rest-client/class-mp-rest-client-abstract.php:179
-msgid "Took %1$s seconds to transfer a request to %2$s"
-msgstr "Demorou %1$s segundos para transferir uma requisição para %2$s"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:24
-msgid "Checkout Pro in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Checkout Pro em Modo Teste"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:25,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:25
-msgid "Use Mercado Pago's payment methods without real charges. "
-msgstr "Utilize meios do Mercado Pago sem cobranças reais. "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:26,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:26,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:26
-msgid "See the rules for the test mode."
-msgstr "Consulte as regras do modo teste."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:35
-msgid "Log in to Mercado Pago and earn benefits"
-msgstr "Inicie sessão no Mercado Pago e garanta vantagens"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:54
-msgid ""
-"By continuing, you will be taken to Mercado Pago to safely complete your "
-msgstr ""
-"Ao continuar, te levaremos ao Mercado Pago para completar a compra de forma "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:56,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:47
-msgid "Checkout Pro redirect info image"
-msgstr "Imagem de redirecionamento do Checkout Pro"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:66,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:56,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:169,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:31,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:96
-msgid "By continuing, you agree with our"
-msgstr "Ao continuar, você concorda com nossos"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:67,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:57,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:170,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:31,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:97
-msgid "Terms and conditions"
-msgstr "Termos e condições"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:24
-msgid "No card installments in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Parcelado sem cartão em Modo Teste"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:34
-msgid "How to use it?"
-msgstr "Como funciona?"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:37
-msgid ""
-"Log in or create an account in Mercado Pago. If you use Mercado "
-"Libre, you already have one!"
-msgstr ""
-"Inicie a sessão ou crie uma conta no Mercado Pago. Se você usa o "
-"Mercado Livre, use o mesmo e-mail e senha!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:295,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:349,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:373
+msgid "Mercado Pago: The customer has not paid yet."
+msgstr "Mercado Pago: Cliente ainda não pagou."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:38
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:296
msgid ""
-"Know your available limit in Mercado Crédito and choose how many "
-"installments you want to pay."
-msgstr ""
-"Confira o limite disponível para você no Mercado Crédito e escolha em "
-"quantas parcelas quer pagar."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:39
-msgid ""
-"Pay the installments as you prefer: with money in your account, card of "
-"from the Mercado Pago app."
-msgstr ""
-"Pague as parcelas com Pix, cartão de débito ou direto do app do "
-"Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:46
-msgid ""
-"By confirming your purchase, you will be redirected to your Mercado Pago "
-msgstr ""
-"Ao continuar, te levaremos ao Mercado Pago para completar a compra de forma "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:23
-msgid "Checkout Custom in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Cartões de crédito em Modo Teste"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:24
-msgid "Use Mercado Pago means without real charges."
-msgstr "Utilize meios do Mercado Pago sem cobranças reais."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:25
-msgid "See test mode rules."
-msgstr "Consulte as regras do modo teste."
+"Mercado Pago: Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase."
+msgstr "Mercado Pago: Agora é só pagar com o Pix para finalizar sua compra."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:36
-msgid "Pay with saved cards"
-msgstr "Pague com cartões salvos"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:40
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:297
msgid ""
-"Do you have a Mercado Libre account? Then use the same email and password to "
-"pay faster with Mercado Pago."
+"Scan the QR code below or copy and paste the code into your bank's "
msgstr ""
-"Tem conta Mercado Livre? Use o mesmo e-mail e senha para pagar mais rápido "
-"com Mercado Pago."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:57
-msgid "With which card can you pay?"
-msgstr "Quais cartões você pode usar?"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:70
-msgid "See current promotions"
-msgstr "Promoções vigentes"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:78
-msgid "Fill in your card details"
-msgstr "Preencha os dados do seu cartão"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:80
-msgid "Card number"
-msgstr "Número do cartão"
+"Escaneie o código QR abaixo ou copie e cole o código no aplicativo do seu "
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:82,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:89,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:98,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:106
-msgid "Required data"
-msgstr "Dado obrigatório"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:298
+msgid "30 minutes"
+msgstr "30 minutos"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:87
-msgid "Holder name as it appears on the card"
-msgstr "Nome do titular como aparece no cartão"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:310
+msgid "Payment approved."
+msgstr "Pagamento aprovado."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:95
-msgid "Expiration"
-msgstr "Vencimento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:311
+msgid "Waiting for the Pix payment."
+msgstr "Esperando o pagamento via Pix."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:103
-msgid "Security Code"
-msgstr "Código de segurança"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:312
+msgid "Waiting for the ticket payment."
+msgstr "Esperando o pagamento."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:113,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:36,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:53
-msgid "Holder document"
-msgstr "Documento do titular"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:313
+msgid "The customer has not made the payment yet."
+msgstr "O cliente ainda não realizou o pagamento."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:114,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:37,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:54
-msgid "Invalid document"
-msgstr "Número de documento inválido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:314
+msgid "Payment is pending review."
+msgstr "O pagamento está em revisão."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:129,
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:145
-msgid "Select the number of installments"
-msgstr "Escolha o número de parcelas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:315
+msgid "Payment was declined. The customer can try again."
+msgstr "O pagamento foi recusado. O cliente pode tentar novamente."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:22
-msgid "Pix in Test Mode"
-msgstr "Pix em Modo Teste"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:316
+msgid "Payment was returned to the customer."
+msgstr "O pagamento foi estornado ao cliente."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:22
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:317
msgid ""
-"You can test the flow to generate a code, but you cannot finalize the "
+"The payment was partially returned to the customer. the amount refunded "
+"was : "
msgstr ""
-"É possível testar o fluxo para gerar uma fatura, mas não é possível "
-"finalizar o pagamento."
+"O pagamento já foi devolvido parcialmente ao cliente. O valor reembolsado "
+"foi de :"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
-msgid "Pay instantly"
-msgstr "Pague de forma segura e instantânea"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:318
+msgid "Payment was canceled."
+msgstr "O pagamento foi cancelado."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:319,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:320
msgid ""
-"By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
+"The payment is in mediation or the purchase was unknown by the customer."
msgstr ""
-"Ao confirmar a compra, nós vamos te mostrar o código para fazer o pagamento."
+"O pagamento está em mediação ou a compra não foi reconhecida pelo cliente."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
-msgid "Pix logo"
-msgstr "Logo Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:321
+msgid "The payment"
+msgstr "O pagamento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:322
+msgid "was notified by Mercado Pago with status"
+msgstr "foi notificado pelo Mercado Pago com status"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:24
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:334
msgid "Offline Methods in Test Mode"
msgstr "Meios offline em Modo Teste"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:25
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:335
msgid ""
"You can test the flow to generate an invoice, but you cannot finalize the "
-"payment. "
msgstr ""
"É possível testar o fluxo para gerar uma fatura, mas não é possível "
-"finalizar o pagamento. "
+"finalizar o pagamento."
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:68
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:339,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:367
msgid "Select where you want to pay"
msgstr "Selecione onde você quer pagar"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:73
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:340,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:368
msgid "more options"
msgstr "mais opções"
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:78
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:341
msgid "Select a payment method"
msgstr "Selecione uma opção de pagamento"
-#: ../../templates/order/payment-status-metabox-content.php:30
-msgid ""
-"This is the payment status of your Mercado Pago Activities. To check the "
-"order status, please refer to Order details."
-msgstr ""
-"Este é o status de pagamento das Atividades do seu Mercado Pago. Para status "
-"do pedido, consulte Detalhes do Pedido."
-#: ../../templates/order-received/show-ticket.php:19
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:344
msgid ""
"Great, we processed your purchase order. Complete the payment with ticket so "
"that we finish approving it."
@@ -3012,761 +2765,609 @@ msgstr ""
"Ótimo, processamos seu pedido. Complete o pagamento com ticket para que "
"possamos aprovar o pedido."
-#: ../../templates/order-received/show-ticket.php:23
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:345
msgid "Print ticket"
msgstr "Imprimir boleto"
-#~ msgid "Fee"
-#~ msgstr "Taxa"
-#~ msgid "How does it work?"
-#~ msgstr "Como funciona?"
-#~ msgid "Mercado Credito"
-#~ msgstr "Mercado Crédito"
-#~ msgid "Checkout visualization:"
-#~ msgstr "Visualização no checkout:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:346
+msgid " and "
+msgstr " e "
-#~ msgid "Check below how this feature will be displayed to your customers."
-#~ msgstr "Confira como aparecerá este recurso para seus clientes."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:347
+msgid "To print the ticket again click"
+msgstr "Para reimprimir o boleto clique"
-#~ msgid "Banner visualization"
-#~ msgstr "Visualização do informativo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:348
+msgid "here"
+msgstr "aqui"
-#~ msgid "Check the example of how it will appear in the store:"
-#~ msgstr "Confira o exemplo de como vai aparecer na loja:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:362
+msgid "Checkout PSE in Test Mode"
+msgstr "Checkout PSE em Modo Teste"
-#~ msgid "Bank Transfer"
-#~ msgstr "Transferência bancária"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:363
+msgid "You can test the flow to generate a payment with PSE"
+msgstr "Você pode testar o fluxo para gerar um pagamento com o PSE"
-#~ msgid "Payment by cash"
-#~ msgstr "Pagamento via boleto"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:369
+msgid "Person type "
+msgstr "Tipo de pessoa "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If you already have a Mercado Libre account, use the same email and "
-#~ "password"
-#~ msgstr "Se você já tem conta no Mercado Livre, use o mesmo e-mail e senha"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:370
+msgid "Financial institution"
+msgstr "Instituição financeira"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When you confirm your purchase, we will redirect you to your Mercado Pago "
-#~ "account"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ao confirmar a compra, redirecionaremos você para sua conta Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:371
+msgid "Select the financial institution"
+msgstr "Selecione a instituição financeira"
-#~ msgid "Payment with Mercado Credito"
-#~ msgstr "Pagamentos com Mercado Crédito"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:372
+msgid "Select the institution"
+msgstr "Selecione a instituição"
-#~ msgid "New!"
-#~ msgstr "Novo!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:387
+msgid "A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Please, try again."
+msgstr ""
+"Ocorreu um problema ao processar seu pagamento. Por favor, tente novamente."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With Mercado Credito, clients can pay "
-#~ "in installments with no card, by transfers, invoice or money available "
-#~ "in their Mercado Pago account. By activating the no-card "
-#~ "installments banner, you will increase your chances of selling."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Com Mercado Crédito, os clientes "
-#~ "pagam parcelado sem cartão, via Pix, boleto ou saldo em conta, no app "
-#~ "do Mercado Pago. Ao ativar o informativo de parcelamento sem "
-#~ "cartão, você aumentará suas chances de vender. Para saber mais, "
-#~ "acesse a documentação."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:388
+msgid ""
+"A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have "
+"correctly filled all information in the checkout form?"
+msgstr ""
+"Ocorreu um problema ao processar seu pagamento. Tem certeza de que preencheu "
+"corretamente todas as informações no formulário de checkout?"
-#~ msgid "The no-card installments banner is disabled."
-#~ msgstr "O informativo de parcelamento sem cartão está desativado."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:389
+msgid "See your order form"
+msgstr "Ver o resumo do pedido"
-#~ msgid "Earn more points and have exclusive benefits in Mercado Puntos"
-#~ msgstr "Ganhe mais pontos e tenha vantagens exclusivas no Mercado Pontos "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:390
+msgid "Your payment was declined. You can try again."
+msgstr "Seu pagamento foi rejeitado. Você pode tentar novamente."
-#~ msgid "Error loading form."
-#~ msgstr "Erro ao carregar o formulário."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:391
+msgid "Click to try again"
+msgstr "Clique para tentar novamente"
-#~ msgid "Please refresh the page to try again."
-#~ msgstr "Atualize a página para tentar novamente."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:392
+msgid "That's it, payment accepted!"
+msgstr "Pronto, aceitamos seu pagamento!"
-#~ msgid "Refresh page"
-#~ msgstr "Atualizar página"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:393
+msgid ""
+"We are processing your payment. In less than an hour we will send you the "
+"result by email."
+msgstr ""
+"Estamos processando seu pagamento. Em menos de uma hora você será notificado "
+"por email."
-#~ msgid "Type of topic IPN invalid, need to be merchant_order"
-#~ msgstr "Tipo do tópico IPN inválido, precisa conter merchant_order"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:394
+msgid ""
+"We are processing your payment. In less than 2 days we will send you by "
+"email if the payment has been approved or if additional information is "
+msgstr ""
+"Estamos processando seu pagamento. Em menos de 2 dias úteis você será "
+"notificado por email se o pagamento foi aprovado ou se são necessárias "
+"informações adicionais."
-#~ msgid "Click here to see more details..."
-#~ msgstr "Clique aqui para ver mais detalhes…"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:395
+msgid "Check the card number."
+msgstr "Verifique o número do cartão."
-#~ msgid "Purchases with saved cards or money in Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Compras com cartões salvos ou saldo no Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:396
+msgid "Check the expiration date."
+msgstr "Verifique a data de expiração."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Feature for those who have a saved card or money in Mercado Pago to buy "
-#~ "without having to fill in details."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Funcionalidade para quem tem cartão salvo ou saldo no Mercado Pago "
-#~ "comprar sem precisar preencher dados."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:397
+msgid "Check the information provided."
+msgstr "Verifique as informações preenchidas."
-#~ msgid "The feature for payments with saved cards is active."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "A funcionalidade para pagamentos com cartões salvos está ativa"
-#~ "b>."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:398
+msgid "Check the informed security code."
+msgstr "Verifique o código de segurança informado."
-#~ msgid "The feature for payments with saved cards is inactive."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "A funcionalidade para pagamentos com cartões salvos está "
-#~ "inativa."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:399,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:400
+msgid "Your payment cannot be processed."
+msgstr "Não foi possível processar seu pagamento."
-#~ msgid "You can see how the feature is in your store Checkout below:"
-#~ msgstr "Abaixo, como é a funcionalidade no checkout da loja:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:401
+msgid "You must authorize payments for your orders."
+msgstr "Você deve autorizar o pagamento dos seus pedidos."
-#~ msgid "Mercado Pago customers can now pay with stored cards."
-#~ msgstr "Cliente com Mercado Pago agora pode pagar com cartões salvos."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:402
+msgid ""
+"Contact your card issuer to activate it. The phone is on the back of your "
+msgstr ""
+"Contacte o emissor de seu cartão para ativá-lo. O telefone está no verso do "
+"seu cartão."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The function Saved card payments is enabled. With this setting, "
-#~ "customers using Mercado Pago can purchase without having to fill in "
-#~ "payment details. You can control this option in the settings."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Está habilitada a configuração Pagamento com cartão salvo no Mercado "
-#~ "Pago. Com ela, clientes que usam Mercado Pago podem comprar sem precisar "
-#~ "preencher dados de pagamento. Você pode controlar esta opção nas "
-#~ "configurações."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:403
+msgid ""
+"You have already made a payment of this amount. If you have to pay again, "
+"use another card or other method of payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Você já realizou o pagamento para esse valor. Se precisa pagar novamente, "
+"use outro cartão ou outro método de pagamento."
-#~ msgid "Go to settings"
-#~ msgstr "Ir para configurações"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:404
+msgid ""
+"Your payment was declined. Please select another payment method. It is "
+"recommended in cash."
+msgstr ""
+"Seu pagamento foi rejeitado. Escolha outro método de pagamento. Recomenda-se "
-#~ msgid "No need to fill out details"
-#~ msgstr "Sem preenchimento de dados"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:405
+msgid "Your payment does not have sufficient funds."
+msgstr "Seu pagamento não possui saldo suficiente."
-#~ msgid "Installments available"
-#~ msgstr "Parcelas disponíveis"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:406
+msgid "Payment cannot process the selected fee."
+msgstr "Seu pagamento não pode processar o parcelamento selecionado."
-#~ msgid "Pay faster with your saved cards and without completing data."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Pague mais rápido com seus cartões salvos e sem precisar preencher dados."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:407
+msgid ""
+"You have reached the limit of allowed attempts. Choose another card or other "
+"payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Você atingiu o limite de tentativas permitidas. Escolha outro cartão ou "
+"outro método de pagamento."
-#, fuzzy
-#~| msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
-#~ msgid "Important! To sell, you must enter your credentials."
-#~ msgstr "Importante! Para vender você deve inserir suas credenciais."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:408
+msgid ""
+"Invalid transaction attempt You are trying to perform a "
+"productive transaction using test credentials, or test transaction using "
+"productive credentials. Please ensure that you are using the correct "
+"environment settings for the desired action."
+msgstr ""
+"Tentativa de transação inválida Você está tentando "
+"realizar uma transação produtiva usando credenciais de teste ou uma "
+"transação de teste usando credenciais produtivas. Verifique se está usando "
+"as configurações de credencial corretas para a ação desejada."
-#~ msgid "Go to step-by-step"
-#~ msgstr "Ir ao passo a passo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:409
+msgid ""
+"Invalid transaction attempt It is not possible to pay "
+"with the email address entered. Please enter another e-mail address."
+msgstr ""
+"Tentativa de transação inválida Não é possível pagar com "
+"o endereço de e-mail informado. Digite outro endereço de e-mail."
-#~ msgid "Update failed, invalid Credentials"
-#~ msgstr "Atualização falhou, credenciais inválidas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:410
+msgid "This payment method cannot process your payment."
+msgstr "Este método de pagamento não pôde processar o seu pagamento."
-#~ msgid "Up to 24 installments"
-#~ msgstr "Até 24X"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:422
+msgid ""
+"Your bank needs you to authorize the payment Please call "
+"the telephone number on your card or pay with another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Seu banco precisa que você autorize o pagamento Para "
+"autorizar, acesse o app do banco ou ligue para o telefone que está no "
+"cartão. Se preferir, você também pode pagar com outro meio."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Important! Do not forget to add the credentials and details of your store."
-#~ msgstr "Importante! Não esqueça de inserir as credenciais e dados da loja."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:423,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:424
+msgid ""
+"For safety reasons, your payment was declined We "
+"recommended paying with your usual payment method and device for online "
+msgstr ""
+"O banco emissor do cartão recusou o pagamento Recomendamos que "
+"você pague com o meio de pagamento e dispositivo que costuma usar para "
+"compras on-line."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Before setting up payments, follow the step-by-step to start selling."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Antes de configurar pagamentos, faça o passo a passo para começar a "
-#~ "vender."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:425,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:426,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:427,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:428
+msgid ""
+"One or more card details were entered incorrecctly"
+"strong> Please enter them again as they appear on the card to complete "
+"the payment."
+msgstr ""
+"Você inseriu um ou mais dados do cartão incorretamente"
+"strong> Insira os dados de forma como aparecem no cartão ou no app do seu "
+"banco para concluir o pagamento."
-#~ msgid "To enable and test sales, you must copy and paste your "
-#~ msgstr "Para habilitar e testar e vendas, você deve copiar e colar suas "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:429
+msgid ""
+"Your credit card has no available limit Please pay using "
+"another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"O banco emissor do cartão recusou seu pagamento Pague "
+"com outro cartão ou escolha outro meio de pagamento."
-#~ msgid "Mandatory data"
-#~ msgstr "Campo obrigatório"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:430
+msgid ""
+"Your debit card has insufficient founds Please pay using "
+"another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"O banco emissor do cartão recusou seu pagamento Pague "
+"com outro cartão ou escolha outro meio de pagamento."
-#, fuzzy
-#~| msgid "Use the test-specific cards that are in the"
-#~ msgid "Use the test-specific cards that are in the "
-#~ msgstr "Utilize os cartões específicos para teste que estão nas"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:431
+msgid ""
+"Your card does not accept the number of installments selected"
+"strong> Please choose a different number of installments or use a "
+"different payment method ."
+msgstr ""
+"Seu cartão não aceita o parcelamento selecionado Escolha "
+"uma opção de parcelamento diferente ou use outro meio de pagamento ."
-#~ msgid "Until"
-#~ msgstr "Em até"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:432
+msgid ""
+"You need to activate your card Please contact your bank "
+"by calling the number on the back of your card or choose another payment "
+msgstr ""
+"Seu cartão está bloqueado Acesse o app ou entre em "
+"contato com o banco para desbloquear ou pague com outro meio."
-#~ msgid "installment"
-#~ msgstr "x"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:433
+msgid ""
+"You reached the limit of payment attempts with this card"
+"strong> Please pay using another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+"Você alcançou o limite de tentativas de pagamento com este cartão"
+"strong> Pague com outro cartão ou escolha outro meio de pagamento."
-#~ msgid "We take you to our site to complete the payment"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Você será redirecionado para o site do Mercado Pago para concluir o "
-#~ "pagamento"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:434
+msgid ""
+"Your payment was declined because you already paid for this "
+"purchase Check your card transactions to verify it."
+msgstr ""
+"Seu pagamento foi recusado porque você já pagou esta compra"
+"strong> Consulte os gastos do seu cartão para confirmar a transação."
-#~ msgid "Enter your discount coupon"
-#~ msgstr "Insira seu cupom de desconto"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:435,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:436,
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:437
+msgid ""
+"The card issuing bank declined the payment We "
+"recommended paying with another payment method or contact your bank."
+msgstr ""
+"O banco emissor do cartão recusou seu pagamento"
+"strong> Recomendamos que você pague com outro meio de pagamento ou entre "
+"em contato com seu banco."
-#~ msgid "Enter your coupon"
-#~ msgstr "Insira seu cupom"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:438
+msgid ""
+"For safety reasons, the card issuing bank declined the payment"
+"strong> We recommended paying with your usual payment method and device "
+"for online purchases."
+msgstr ""
+"Seu pagamento foi recusado Recomendamos que você pague "
+"com o meio de pagamento e dispositivo que costuma usar para compras on-line."
-#~ msgid "The code you entered is incorrect"
-#~ msgstr "O código que digitou não foi encontrado"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:439
+msgid ""
+"Your payment was declined because something went wrong"
+"strong> We recommended trying again or paying with another method."
+msgstr ""
+"Seu pagamento foi recusado devido a um erro Por favor, "
+"tente novamente ou use outro meio de pagamento."
-#~ msgid "Invalid Card Number"
-#~ msgstr "Número de cartão inválido"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:451
+msgid "We are taking you to validate the card"
+msgstr "Estamos levando você para validar o cartão"
-#~ msgid "Name and surname of the cardholder"
-#~ msgstr "Nome completo do titular do cartão"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:452
+msgid "with your bank"
+msgstr "com seu banco"
-#~ msgid "Invalid Expiration Date"
-#~ msgstr "Data de vencimento inválida"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:453
+msgid "We need to confirm that you are the cardholder."
+msgstr "Precisamos confirmar que você é o titular do cartão."
-#~ msgid "Last 3 numbers on the back"
-#~ msgstr "Últimos 3 números do verso"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:454
+msgid "We are receiving the response from your bank"
+msgstr "Estamos recebendo a resposta do seu banco"
-#~ msgid "In how many installments do you want to pay"
-#~ msgstr "Em quantas parcelas você quer pagar"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:455
+msgid "Complete the bank validation so your payment can be approved"
+msgstr "Conclua a validação bancária para aprovar seu pagamento"
-#~ msgid "Converted payment of"
-#~ msgstr "Pagamento convertido de"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:456
+msgid ""
+"Please keep this page open. If you close it, you will not be able to resume "
+"the validation."
+msgstr ""
+"Mantenha esta tela aberta. Se você fechá-la, não poderá retomar a validação."
-#~ msgid "for"
-#~ msgstr "para"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:457
+msgid ""
+"For safety reasons, your payment was declined We recommend paying "
+"with your usual payment method and device for online purchases."
+msgstr ""
+"Por motivos de segurança, seu pagamento foi recusado Recomendamos "
+"que você pague com o meio de pagamento e dispositivo que costuma usar para "
+"compras on-line."
-#~ msgid "Enter your document number"
-#~ msgstr "Informe seu número de documento"
+#~ msgid "How does it work?"
+#~ msgstr "Como funciona?"
-#~ msgid "Type"
-#~ msgstr "Tipo"
+#~ msgid "When paying, choose"
+#~ msgstr "No pagamento, escolha"
-#~ msgid "Document number"
-#~ msgstr "Número de documento"
+#~ msgid ". Login to your account or create one in a few steps."
+#~ msgstr ". Entre na sua conta ou crie uma em poucos passos."
-#~ msgid "Only numbers"
-#~ msgstr "Apenas números"
+#~ msgid "Search for"
+#~ msgstr "Procure por"
-#~ msgid "Obligatory field"
-#~ msgstr "Campo obrigatório"
+#~ msgid "Mercado Credito"
+#~ msgstr "Mercado Crédito"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When you finish the order, you will see the code to complete the payment."
-#~ msgstr "Ao finalizar o pedido, você verá o código para fazer o pagamento."
-#~ msgid "CI"
-#~ msgstr "CI"
+#~ "among the options, select it and choose in how many installments you "
+#~ "would like to pay."
+#~ msgstr "entre as opções, selecione e defina em quantas vezes quer pagar."
-#~ msgid "You must provide your document number"
-#~ msgstr "Você deve informar seu número de documento"
+#~ msgid "Pay your installments monthly as you wish, in the Mercado Pago app."
+#~ msgstr "Pague as parcelas todo mês como preferir, no app do Mercado Pago."
-#~ msgid "Complete all fields, they are mandatory."
-#~ msgstr "Preencha todos os campos, eles são obrigatórios."
+#~ msgid "Review the step-by-step of"
+#~ msgstr "Revise o passo a passo de"
-#~ msgid "Select the issuer with whom you want to process the payment"
-#~ msgstr "Por favor, selecione o meio de pagamento"
+#~ msgid "on our website for developers."
+#~ msgstr "no nosso site de desenvolvedores."
-#~ msgid "Lottery"
-#~ msgstr "Lotéricas"
-#~ msgid "CPF/CNPJ"
-#~ msgstr "CPF/CNPJ"
-#~ msgid "Enable or inactivate the payments via Pix"
-#~ msgstr "Ativar ou desativar pagamentos por Pix"
-#~ msgid "If you change the display text, no translation will be available"
-#~ msgstr "Se você trocar o texto, nenhuma tradução estará disponível"
-#~ msgid "Approve your account, it will only take a few minutes"
-#~ msgstr "Homologue sua conta, isso levará somente alguns minutos"
+#~ msgid "Questions?"
+#~ msgstr "Dúvidas?"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Complete this process to secure your customers data and comply with the "
-#~ "regulations and legal provisions of each country."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Complete este processo para proteger os dados de seus clientes e cumprir "
-#~ "com as regulamentações e disposições legais de cada país."
-#~ msgid "Homologate account in Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Homologar minha conta"
-#~ msgid "No"
-#~ msgstr "Não"
-#~ msgid "Yes"
-#~ msgstr "Sim"
-#~ msgid "Set up"
-#~ msgstr "Configurar"
-#~ msgid "Your opinion helps us get better"
-#~ msgstr "Sua opinião nos ajuda a melhorar"
-#~ msgid "Guides and Documentation"
-#~ msgstr "Guias e documentação"
-#~ msgid "Report Problem"
-#~ msgstr "Informar problema"
-#~ msgid "Accept all method of payment and take your charges to another level"
+#~ "To enable orders, you must create and activate production credentials in "
+#~ "your Mercado Pago Account."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aceite todos os meios de pagamento e leve suas cobranças a outro nível"
+#~ "Para poder vender, você deve criar e ativar credenciais de produção na "
+#~ "sua conta Mercado Pago."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Turn your online store into your customers preferred payment gateway. "
-#~ "Choose if the final payment experience will be inside or outside your "
-#~ "store."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Transforme sua loja virtual no lugar de pagamentos preferido dos seus "
-#~ "clientes. Escolha a experiência de pagamento final entre as opções "
-#~ "disponíveis."
+#~ msgid "Check credentials"
+#~ msgstr "Consultar credenciais"
-#~ msgid "Configure Mercado Pago for WooCommerce"
-#~ msgstr "Insira as informações do seu negócio"
+#~ msgid "To view more options, please select a payment method below"
+#~ msgstr "Selecione um meio de pagamento a seguir para ver mais opções"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Enable the experience of the Checkout Pro in your online store, select "
-#~ "the means of payment available to your customers and define the "
-#~ "maximum fees in which they can pay you."
+#~ "Test the experience in Test Mode and then enable the Sale Mode "
+#~ "(Production) to sell."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Habilite a experiência do Checkout Pro na sua loja virtual, selecione os "
-#~ "meios de pagamento disponíveis para seus clientes e defina o número "
-#~ "máximo de vezes que podem parcelar suas compras."
-#~ msgid "Set payment preferences in your store"
-#~ msgstr "Configure as experiências de pagamento na sua loja"
+#~ "Teste a experiência no Modo Teste. Depois ative o Modo Vendas (Produção) "
+#~ "para fazer vendas."
-#~ msgid "Select offline payments"
-#~ msgstr "Selecione meios de pagamento em efetivo"
-#~ msgid "Select debit cards"
-#~ msgstr "Selecione cartões de débito"
-#~ msgid "Select credit cards"
-#~ msgstr "Selecione cartões de crédito"
-#~ msgid "Checkout of payments with debit and credit cards %s"
-#~ msgstr "Checkout de pagamentos com cartão %s"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept payments instantly and maximize the conversion of your business"
-#~ msgstr "Aceite pagamentos no ato e leve suas cobranças a outro nível"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Turn your online store into a secure and easy-to-use payment gateway for "
-#~ "your customers. With personalized checkout your customers pay without "
-#~ "leaving your store!"
+#~ msgid "Do you have a minute to share your experience with our plugin?"
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Elabore e adapte a experiência de pagamento final que quiser oferecer no "
-#~ "seu site ou aplicativo e maximize a conversão do seu negócio com as "
-#~ "nossas opções de personalização!"
-#~ msgid "Set up the payment experience in your store"
-#~ msgstr "Insira as informações do seu negócio"
-#~ msgid "Configure the personalized payment experience in your store"
-#~ msgstr "Configure as experiências de pagamento na sua loja"
-#~ msgid "%s, it only takes a few minutes"
-#~ msgstr "%s, isso levará somente alguns minutos"
-#~ msgid "Approve your account"
-#~ msgstr "Homologue sua conta"
-#~ msgid "Title"
-#~ msgstr "Título"
+#~ "Você tem um minuto para compartilhar sua experiência com nosso plugin?"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Credentials are the keys we provide you to integrate quickly and "
-#~ "securely. You must have a %s in Mercado Pago to obtain and collect them "
-#~ " on your website. You do not need to know how to design or program to "
-#~ "do it"
+#~ "Your opinion is very important so that we can offer you the best possible "
+#~ "payment solution and continue to improve."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "As credenciais são as senhas que informamos para que você integre de "
-#~ "forma rápida e segura. %s para ir a Produção e receber pagamentos "
-#~ " na sua loja. Você não precisa de conhecimentos de programação ou "
-#~ "design para ativar o Mercado Pago na sua loja"
+#~ "A sua opinião é muito importante para que possamos oferecer-lhe a melhor "
+#~ "solução de pagamento possível e continuar a melhorar."
-#~ msgid "approved account"
-#~ msgstr "homologue sua conta"
+#~ msgid "You must enter"
+#~ msgstr "É necessário inserir"
-#~ msgid "Select your country"
-#~ msgstr "Selecione seu país"
+#~ msgid "production credentials"
+#~ msgstr "as credenciais de produção"
-#~ msgid "Select the country in which you operate with Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Selecione o país onde sua conta do Mercado Pago opera"
-#~ msgid "Activate the Mercado Pago experience at the checkout of your store."
-#~ msgstr "Ative a experiência do Mercado Pago no checkout da sua loja."
+#~ msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
+#~ msgstr "Importante! Para vender você deve inserir suas credenciais."
-#~ msgid "Binary mode"
-#~ msgstr "Modo Binário"
+#~ msgid "Debit, Credit and invoice in Mercado Pago environment"
+#~ msgstr "Pix, débito, crédito e boleto, no ambiente do Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept and reject payments automatically. Do you want us to activate it?"
-#~ msgstr "Aceita e recusa pagamentos de forma automática. Quer ativá-lo?"
+#~ msgid "Debit and Credit"
+#~ msgstr "Débito e crédito"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If you activate binary mode you will not be able to leave pending "
-#~ "payments. This can affect fraud prevention. Leave it idle to be backed by "
-#~ "our own tool."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Se você ativar o modo binário, não poderá deixar os pagamentos pendentes. "
-#~ "Isso pode afetar a prevenção de fraudes. Deixe-o inativo para ser apoiado "
-#~ "por nossa própria ferramenta."
+#~ msgid "Transparent Checkout in your store environment"
+#~ msgstr "Checkout Transparente, no ambiente da sua loja"
-#~ msgid "Discounts per purchase with Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Descontos por comprar com Mercado Pago"
+#~ msgid "Mercado pago - Customized Checkout"
+#~ msgstr "Mercado Pago - Checkout personalizado"
-#~ msgid "Commission for purchase with Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgstr "Comissão por compra com Mercado Pago"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Accept payments safely with"
+#~ msgid "Accept payments safely"
+#~ msgstr "Aceita pagamentos de forma"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept payments at any time of the day and expand your purchase options!"
+#~ "Unfortunately, the language configured in your WordPress is not "
+#~ "compatible with our plugin. For the best experience, please switch to a "
+#~ "supported language."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aceite pagamentos a qualquer hora do dia e amplie as opções de compra!"
+#~ "Infelizmente, o idioma configurado no seu WordPress não é compatível com "
+#~ "nosso plugin. Para a melhor experiência, por favor, mude para um idioma "
+#~ "suportado."
-#~ msgid "Offer this new payment option to your customers."
-#~ msgstr "Ofereça esta nova opção de pagamento para seus clientes."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Enable and set up Pix as a payment method for your customers in the "
-#~ "Mercado Pago checkout."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Habilite e configure o PIX como forma de pagamento para seus clientes no "
-#~ "checkout do Mercado Pago."
+#~ msgid "payments on the spot"
+#~ msgstr "pagamentos no ato"
-#~ msgid "Set up the payment via Pix experience"
-#~ msgstr "Configure a experiência de pagamentos via PIX"
+#~ msgid "the"
+#~ msgstr "toda a"
-#~ msgid "Checkout of payments with cash %s"
-#~ msgstr "Checkout de pagamentos via boleto ou em lotérica %s"
+#~ msgid "security"
+#~ msgstr "segurança"
-#~ msgid "Accept face-to-face payments, do not leave anyone out!"
-#~ msgstr "Aceite pagamentos presenciais e amplie as opções de compra!"
+#~ msgid "from Mercado Pago"
+#~ msgstr "do Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "Include this preferred purchase option by some customers."
-#~ msgstr "Incluí esta opção de compra preferida por alguns clientes."
+#~ msgid "Check the reasons why the purchase was declined"
+#~ msgstr "Consulte os motivos de recusa da sua compra"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Enable Mercado Pago for cash payments in your store and select the "
-#~ "options available to your customers."
+#~ "Recommend your costumer to pay with their usual payment method and device "
+#~ "for online purchases."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Habilite o Mercado Pago na sua loja e selecione os meios de pagamento "
-#~ "via boleto e em lotéricas disponíveis para os seus clientes."
-#~ msgid "Set payment preferences with cash"
-#~ msgstr "Configure as experiências de pagamentos via boleto e em lotéricas"
-#~ msgid "Store mode was updated"
-#~ msgstr "O modo da loja foi atualizado"
-#~ msgid "Couldn't find a valid payment method"
-#~ msgstr "Não foi possível encontrar uma forma de pagamento válida"
+#~ "Recomende a seu cliente que pague com o meio de pagamento e dispositivo "
+#~ "que costuma usar para compras on-line."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "It offers all means of payment: credit and debit cards, cash and account "
-#~ "money. Your customers choose whether they pay as guests or from their "
-#~ "Mercado Pago account."
+#~ "The payment could not be processed. Please ask your client to use another "
+#~ "card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ofereça todos os meios de pagamento: cartão de crédito, boleto, na "
-#~ "lotérica e dinheiro em conta. Seus clientes escolhem se querem pagar como "
-#~ "visitantes ou usando sua conta do Mercado Pago."
+#~ "O pagamento não pôde ser processado. Solicite ao seu cliente que utilize "
+#~ "outro cartão ou entre em contato com o banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept card payments on your website with the best possible financing and "
-#~ "maximize the conversion of your business. With personalized checkout your "
-#~ "customers pay without leaving your store!"
+#~ "The CVV is invalid. Please ask your client to review the details or use "
+#~ "another card."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aceite pagamentos com cartão no seu site com o melhor financiamento "
-#~ "possível e maximize a conversão dos seus negócios. Com o checkout "
-#~ "personalizado seus clientes pagam sair da sua sua loja!"
+#~ "O CVV é inválido. Peça ao seu cliente para revisar os detalhes ou usar "
+#~ "outro cartão."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept payments via Pix Transfer and receive the funds instantly. Your "
-#~ "customers can pay at any time, without date or time restrictions."
+#~ "The card does not have sufficient balance. Please ask your client to use "
+#~ "another card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aceite pagamentos via transferência PIX e receba o valor de forma "
-#~ "instantânea. Seus clientes podem pagar a qualquer momento, sem limitação "
-#~ "de dia ou hora."
-#~ msgid "Pay with PIX "
-#~ msgstr "Pague com PIX "
+#~ "O cartão não tem saldo suficiente. Solicite ao seu cliente que utilize "
+#~ "outro cartão ou entre em contato com o banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Accept cash payments within the custom checkout and expand your customers "
-#~ "purchase options."
+#~ "The card does not have enough limit. Please ask your client to use "
+#~ "another card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Adapte a experiência de pagamentos via boleto e em lotéricas e amplie as "
-#~ "opções de compra que quiser oferecer."
-#~ msgid "Pay with cash"
-#~ msgstr "Pagamentos via boleto e em lotéricas"
-#~ msgid "Follow these steps to activate Mercado Pago in your store:"
-#~ msgstr "Siga estas etapas para ativar o Mercado Pago na sua loja:"
-#~ msgid "Upload your credentials"
-#~ msgstr "Adicione suas credenciais"
-#~ msgid "depending on the country in which you are registered."
-#~ msgstr "conforme o país onde você está cadastrado."
-#~ msgid "to be able to charge."
-#~ msgstr "do Mercado Pago."
-#~ msgid "Add the basic information of your business"
-#~ msgstr "Adicione as informações básicas do seu negócio"
-#~ msgid "in the plugin configuration."
-#~ msgstr "na configuração do plugin."
-#~ msgid "Configure the payment preferences"
-#~ msgstr "Configure as preferências de pagamento"
-#~ msgid "In which country does your Mercado Pago account operate?"
-#~ msgstr "Em qual país a sua conta do Mercado Pago opera?"
+#~ "O cartão não tem limite suficiente. Solicite ao seu cliente que utilize "
+#~ "outro cartão ou entre em contato com o banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Add credentials to "Test Mode" or "Production Mode""
+#~ "The CVV was entered incorrectly several times. Please ask your client to "
+#~ "use another card or to get in touch with the bank."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Insira credenciais para "Modo Teste" ou "Modo "
-#~ "Produção""
-#~ msgid "Set up store payments for Test or Production Mode"
-#~ msgstr "Configure pagamentos da loja para modo Teste ou Produção"
-#~ msgid "How would you like to handle your store checkouts?"
-#~ msgstr "Como você quer operar os checkouts da sua loja?"
-#~ msgid "Activate Production Mode for Mercado Pago checkouts"
-#~ msgstr "Ativar Modo Produção para checkouts Mercado Pago"
-#~ msgid "test mode guidelines."
-#~ msgstr "regras do modo teste."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Mercado Pago checkouts are inactive for real payments in the Test Mode. "
-#~ "Please check the"
-#~ msgstr "Checkouts Mercado Pago inativos para cobranças reais. Consulte as"
-#~ msgid "Search my credentials"
-#~ msgstr "Buscar minhas credenciais"
+#~ "O CVV foi digitado incorretamente diversas vezes. Solicite ao seu cliente "
+#~ "que utilize outro cartão ou entre em contato com o banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "With these credentials, you enable your Mercado Pago checkouts to receive "
-#~ "real payments."
+#~ "The card does not allow the number of installments entered. Please ask "
+#~ "your client to choose another installment plan or to use another card."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Com estas credenciais, você habilita seus checkouts Mercado Pago para "
-#~ "receberem pagamentos reais."
+#~ "O cartão não permite o número de parcelas inseridas. Solicite ao seu "
+#~ "cliente que opte por outro parcelamento ou utilize outro cartão."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "What category do your products belong to? Choose the one that best "
-#~ "characterizes them (choose \"other\" if your product is too specific)."
+#~ "The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client "
+#~ "to ask the bank to authotize it or to use another card."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "A qual categoria os seus produtos pertencem? Selecione a que melhor os "
-#~ "caracteriza (selecione “outro” se seu produto for muito específico)."
-#~ msgid "Categories"
-#~ msgstr "Categorías"
-#~ msgid "Store ID"
-#~ msgstr "ID da loja"
+#~ "O banco emissor do cartão recusou o pagamento. Instrua seu cliente a "
+#~ "solicitar ao banco a autorização ou a utilização de outro cartão."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Use a number or prefix to identify orders and payments from this store."
+#~ "From Mercado Pago we have detected that this payment has already been "
+#~ "made before. If that is not the case, your client may try to pay again."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Use um número ou prefixo para identificar pedidos e pagamentos "
-#~ "provenientes desta loja."
+#~ "No Mercado Pago detectamos que este pagamento já foi realizado "
+#~ "anteriormente. Se não for esse o caso, seu cliente poderá tentar pagar "
+#~ "novamente."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Do not forget to enter your integrator_id as a certified Mercado Pago "
-#~ "Partner. If you don`t have it, you can %s"
+#~ "The card is not active yet. Please ask your client to use another card or "
+#~ "to get in touch with the bank to activate it."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Não esqueça de inserir seu integrator_id como Parceiro certificado do "
-#~ "Mercado Pago. Se você não o possui, pode %s"
-#~ msgid "Advanced adjustment"
-#~ msgstr "Ajustes Avançados"
-#~ msgid "We debug the information in our change file."
-#~ msgstr "Depuramos as informações do nosso arquivo de alterações."
+#~ "O cartão ainda não está ativo. Solicite ao seu cliente que utilize outro "
+#~ "cartão ou entre em contato com o banco para ativá-lo."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "IPN (Instant Payment Notification) is a notification of events that take "
-#~ "place on your platform and that is sent from one server to another "
-#~ "through an HTTP POST call. See more information in our guides."
+#~ "The debit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client "
+#~ "that it is possible to pay with credit or to use another one."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "IPN (Instant Payment Notification) é uma notificação de eventos que "
-#~ "ocorrem em sua plataforma e que são enviados de um servidor para outro "
-#~ "por meio de uma chamada HTTP POST. Veja mais informações em nossos guias."
+#~ "A função de débito não está habilitada para o cartão. Informe ao seu "
+#~ "cliente que é possível pagar com crédito ou utilizar outro."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "It appears that your credentials are not properly configured. Please, "
-#~ "go to %s and configure it."
+#~ "The credit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client "
+#~ "that it is possible to pay with debit or to use another one."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Parece que suas credenciais não estão configuradas corretamente. Por "
-#~ "favor, vá para %s e configure-o."
-#~ msgid "Market Payment Configuration"
-#~ msgstr "Mercado Pago Configuração"
+#~ "A função de crédito não está habilitada para o cartão. Informe ao seu "
+#~ "cliente que é possível pagar com débito ou utilizar outro."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Check out the step-by-step of how to integrate the Mercado Pago Plugin "
-#~ "for WooCommerce in our developer website."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Revise o passo a passo de como integrar o Plugin do Mercado Pago para "
-#~ "WooCommerce no nosso site de desenvolvedores."
-#~ msgid "Review documentation"
-#~ msgstr "Revisar documentação"
-#~ msgid "Still having problems? Contact our support team through their %s"
-#~ msgstr "Continua com problemas? Fale com a nossa equipe de suporte pelo %s"
-#~ msgid "contact form."
-#~ msgstr "formulário de contato."
-#~ msgid "Set up your interest payments"
-#~ msgstr "Configure tarifas"
-#~ msgid "Set up your installment and interest payments"
-#~ msgstr "Configure seu parcelamento e juros"
-#~ msgid "At Mercado Pago you can choose the fee you pay for each purchase"
+#~ "The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client "
+#~ "to ask the bank to authorize it."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "No Mercado Pago você pode escolher a tarifa que vai pagar em cada compra"
+#~ "O banco emissor do cartão recusou o pagamento. Por favor, instrua seu "
+#~ "cliente a pedir autorização ao banco."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "At Mercado Pago you can choose the fee you pay for each purchase and also "
-#~ "offer interest-free installments to your customer."
+#~ "The buyer does not have enough balance to make the purchase. Please ask "
+#~ "your client to deposit money to the Mercado Pago Account or to use a "
+#~ "different payment method."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "No Mercado Pago você pode escolher a tarifa que vai pagar em cada compra "
-#~ "e também oferecer parcelas sem juros para seu cliente."
+#~ "O comprador não tem saldo suficiente para efetuar a compra. Peça ao seu "
+#~ "cliente para depositar dinheiro na conta do Mercado Pago ou usar outro "
+#~ "método de pagamento."
-#~ msgid "Set up interest payments"
-#~ msgstr "Configurar tarifas"
+#~ msgid "There was an error"
+#~ msgstr "Houve um erro"
-#~ msgid "Set up installment and interest"
-#~ msgstr "Configurar parcelamento e juros"
+#~ msgid "to BRL"
+#~ msgstr "para BRL"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Test Mode Activated? Now visit your store and test the Mercado Pago "
-#~ "checkouts"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Modo Teste Ativado? Agora visite sua loja e teste os checkouts Mercado "
-#~ "Pago"
+#~ msgid "to CLP"
+#~ msgstr "para CLP"
-#~ msgid "Everything ready for the takeoff of your sales?"
-#~ msgstr "Tudo pronto para o início das suas vendas?"
+#~ msgid "to COP"
+#~ msgstr "para COP"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Visit your store as usual and simulate a payment in our checkouts to make "
-#~ "sure everything is working correctly."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Visite sua loja normalmente e simule um pagamento nos nossos checkouts "
-#~ "para verificar se está tudo funcionando."
+#~ msgid "to MXN"
+#~ msgstr "Para MXN"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Visit your store as if you were one of your customers and check that "
-#~ "everything is fine. If you already went to Production, bring your "
-#~ "customers and increase your sales with the best online shopping "
-#~ "experience."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Visite sua loja como se você fosse um de seus clientes e verifique se "
-#~ "está tudo bem. Se você já foi à Produção, traga seus clientes e "
-#~ "aumente suas vendas com a melhor experiência de compra on-line."
+#~ msgid "to PEN"
+#~ msgstr "Para PEN"
-#~ msgid "%s"
-#~ msgstr "%s"
+#~ msgid "to UYU"
+#~ msgstr "Para UYU"
-#~ msgid "Your store is ready to receive payments from customers."
-#~ msgstr "Sua loja está pronta para receber pagamentos de clientes."
+#~ msgid "Now we convert your currency"
+#~ msgstr "Agora convertemos sua moeda"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Your customers will not be able to make purchases while in Test Mode."
-#~ msgstr "Clientes não poderão fazer compras no Modo Teste."
+#~ msgid "We no longer convert your currency"
+#~ msgstr "Paramos de converter sua moeda"
-#~ msgid "Enter your credentials and choose how to operate"
-#~ msgstr "Ative suas credenciais de acordo com o que você quer fazer"
+#~ msgid "Payment method"
+#~ msgstr "Meios de pagamento"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "By default, we activate the Sandbox test environment for you to test "
-#~ "before you start selling."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Por padrão, deixamos o ambiente de teste (Sandbox) ativo para você testar "
-#~ "antes de começar a vender."
+#~ msgid "Discount coupons is"
+#~ msgstr "Cupons de desconto estão"
-#~ msgid "Production Mode"
-#~ msgstr "Modo Produção"
+#~ msgid "Discount coupons"
+#~ msgstr "Cupons de desconto"
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "When you see that everything is going well, deactivate Sandbox, turn on "
-#~ "Production and make way for your online sales."
+#~ "Will you offer discount coupons to customers who buy with Mercado Pago?"
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Tudo em ordem? Desative o Sandbox e abra o caminho para suas vendas on-"
-#~ "line."
+#~ "Você vai oferecer cupons de desconto para os clientes que comprarem com "
+#~ "Mercado Pago?"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Choose “Yes” only when you’re ready to sell. Switch to “No” to activate "
-#~ "Testing mode."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Escolha “Sim” só quando estiver pronto para vender. Mude para “Não” para "
-#~ "ativar o modo de Testes."
+#~ msgid "Your document data is invalid"
+#~ msgstr "Número de documento inválido"
-#~ msgid "With these keys you can do the tests you want.."
-#~ msgstr "Com esta chave você poderá fazer aos testes que quiser."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Title in the store Checkout"
+#~ msgid "Title in the checkout"
+#~ msgstr "Título no checkout da loja"
-#~ msgid "With these keys you can receive real payments from your customers."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago "
+#~| "Transparent Checkout."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "By disabling it, you will disable all payment methods of this checkout."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Com esta chave você poderá receber pagamentos reais dos seus "
-#~ "clientes."
-#~ msgid "Everything set up? Go to your store in Sandbox mode"
-#~ msgstr "Tudo configurado? Vá para sua loja no modo Sandbox"
+#~ "Ao desativar, você desabilita pagamentos por Pix no Checkout Transparente "
+#~ "Mercado Pago."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Visit your store and simulate a payment to check that everything is fine."
+#~ "By confirming your purchase, you will be redirected to your Mercado Pago "
+#~ "account."
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Visite sua loja e simule um pagamento para verificar se está tudo bem."
-#~ msgid "I want to test my sales"
-#~ msgstr "Quero testar minhas vendas"
-#~ msgid "Physical person"
-#~ msgstr "Pessoa física"
-#~ msgid "Legal person"
-#~ msgstr "Pessoa jurídica"
-#~ msgid "Name"
-#~ msgstr "Nome"
-#~ msgid "Social reason"
-#~ msgstr "Razão social"
-#~ msgid "Surname"
-#~ msgstr "Sobrenome"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your last name"
-#~ msgstr "Você deve informar seu sobrenome"
-#~ msgid "CPF"
-#~ msgstr "CPF"
-#~ msgid "Address"
-#~ msgstr "Endereço"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your address"
-#~ msgstr "Você deve informar seu endereço"
-#~ msgid "Number"
-#~ msgstr "Número"
-#~ msgid "You must provide your address number"
-#~ msgstr "Você deve informar o número do seu endereço"
-#~ msgid "City"
-#~ msgstr "Cidade"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your city"
-#~ msgstr "Você deve informar sua cidade"
-#~ msgid "State"
-#~ msgstr "Estado"
-#~ msgid "You must inform your status"
-#~ msgstr "Você deve informar seu estado"
-#~ msgid "Postal Code"
-#~ msgstr "CEP"
-#~ msgid "You must provide your zip code"
-#~ msgstr "Você deve informar o CEP"
-#~ msgid "Payment refused"
-#~ msgstr "Pagamento recusado"
+#~ "Ao confirmar a compra, nós vamos te mostrar o código para fazer o "
+#~ "pagamento."
diff --git a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago.pot b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago.pot
index c8658f12e..abef3f6d2 100644
--- a/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago.pot
+++ b/i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago.pot
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2023 woocommerce-mercadopago
+# Copyright (C) 2024 woocommerce-mercadopago
# This file is distributed under the same license as the woocommerce-mercadopago package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Last-Translator: MPB Desenvolvimento \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-07-10 14:22+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Mercado Pago Developers \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-04-10 14:38+0000\n"
"Project-Id-Version: undefined\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_ex:1,2c;_n:1,2;_n_noop:1,2;_nx:1,2,4c;_nx_noop:1,2,3c;_x:1,2c;esc_attr__;esc_attr_e;esc_attr_x:1,2c;esc_html__;esc_html_e;esc_html_x:1,2c\n"
@@ -16,2324 +16,2346 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helper-links.php:140, ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:352
-msgid "By continuing, you agree to our "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helper-links.php:142, ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:354
-msgid "Terms and Conditions"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:92
-msgid "Activate this option so that the value of the currency set in WooCommerce is compatible with the value of the currency you use in Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-#. translators: 1: local currency 2: currency
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:478
-msgid "Now we convert your currency from %1$s to %2$s."
-msgstr ""
-#. translators: 1: local currency 2: currency
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:498
-msgid "We no longer convert your currency from %1$s to %2$s."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:463, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:172
+msgid "Activate WooCommerce"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/helpers/class-wc-woomercadopago-helpers-currencyconverter.php:519
-msgid "Attention: The currency settings you have in WooCommerce are not compatible with the currency you use in your Mercado Pago account. Please activate the currency conversion."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:464, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:173
+msgid "Install WooCommerce"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-configs.php:125
-msgid "Update your credentials with the Access Token and Public Key, you need them to continue receiving payments!"
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:465, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:174
+msgid "See WooCommerce"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-configs.php:134
-msgid "The store should have HTTPS in order to activate both Checkout Personalizado and Ticket Checkout."
+#: ../../src/WoocommerceMercadoPago.php:467, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:163
+msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs an active version of %s in order to work!"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:52
-msgid "Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce requires PHP version 5.6 or later. Please update your PHP version."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:169
+msgid "Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce requires PHP version 7.4 or later. Please update your PHP version."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:61
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:170
msgid "Mercado Pago Error: PHP Extension CURL is not installed."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:70
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:171
msgid "Mercado Pago Error: PHP Extension GD is not installed. Installation of GD extension is required to send QR Code Pix by email."
msgstr ""
-#. translators: %s link to WooCommerce
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:82
-msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs an active version of %s in order to work!"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:95
-msgid "Cancel order"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-init.php:177
-msgid "The Mercado Pago module needs the SDK package to work!"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:368
-msgid "The payment method is not valid or not available."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:371
-msgid "The transaction amount cannot be processed by Mercado Pago."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:371
-msgid "Possible causes: Currency not supported; Amounts below the minimum or above the maximum allowed."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:374
-msgid "The users are not valid."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:374
-msgid "Possible causes: Buyer and seller have the same account in Mercado Pago; The transaction involving production and test users."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:377
-msgid "Unauthorized use of production credentials."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:377
-msgid "Possible causes: Use permission in use for the credential of the seller."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:175
+msgid "Please note that to receive payments via Pix at our checkout, you must have a Pix key registered in your Mercado Pago account."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:503
-msgid "Colombia"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:176
+msgid "Register your Pix key at Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:505
-msgid "Argentina"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:177
+msgid "%s, help us improve the experience we offer"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:507
-msgid "Brazil"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:178
+msgid "Share your opinion with us so that we improve our product and offer the best payment solution."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:509
-msgid "Chile"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:179
+msgid "Rate the plugin"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:511
-msgid "Mexico"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:180
+msgid "Enable payments via Mercado Pago account"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:513
-msgid "Uruguay"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:181
+msgid "When you enable this function, your customers pay faster using their Mercado Pago accounts.The approval rate of these payments in your store can be 25% higher compared to other payment methods."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:515
-msgid "Venezuela"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:182
+msgid "Activate"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:517
-msgid "Peru"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:183
+msgid "Our plugin does not support the language you've chosen, so we've switched it to the English default. If you prefer, you can also select Spanish or Portuguese (Brazilian)."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:551
-msgid "Update the WooCommerce order to "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:184
+msgid "You activated Mercado Pago’s plug-in"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:821, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:581
-msgid "Fill in your credentials to enable payment methods."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:185
+msgid "Follow the instructions below to integrate your store with Mercado Pago and start to sell."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:837
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:197
msgid "Set plugin"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:838, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:293
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:198, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:738, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:798
msgid "Payment methods"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:839, ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:220
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:199
msgid "Plugin manual"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/class-wc-woomercadopago-module.php:938
-msgid "By Mercado Pago"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-core.php:109, ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:139, ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:166
-msgid "Buyer email"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:35
-msgid "No ID or TOPIC param in Request IPN"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:39
-msgid "Discarded notification. This notification is already processed as webhook-payment."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:211
+msgid "Cancel order"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:54
-msgid "IPN merchant_order not found"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:212
+msgid "Mercado Pago commission:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:60
-msgid "Not found Payments into Merchant_Order"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:213
+msgid "Represents the commission configured on plugin settings."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:142, ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:169
-msgid "Payment type"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:214
+msgid "Mercado Pago discount:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-ipn.php:145, ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:172
-msgid "Payment method"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:215
+msgid "Represents the discount configured on plugin settings."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/notification/class-wc-woomercadopago-notification-webhook.php:39
-msgid "Please enter your email address at the billing address to use this service"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:216
+msgid "Represents the installment fee charged by Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:41, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:42, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:277
-msgid "Checkout Pro"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:217
+msgid "Mercado Pago Installment Fee:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:43
-msgid "Debit, Credit and invoice in Mercado Pago environment"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:218
+msgid "Represents the total purchase plus the installment fee charged by Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:51
-msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:219
+msgid "Mercado Pago Total:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:53
-msgid "Your saved cards or money in Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:232
+msgid "Accept"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:164
-msgid "Maximum number of installments"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:233
+msgid "payments"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:166
-msgid "What is the maximum quota with which a customer can buy?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:234
+msgid "safely"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:169
-msgid "1 installment"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:235
+msgid "with"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:170
-msgid "2 installments"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:236
+msgid "Mercado Pago"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:171
-msgid "3 installments"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:241
+msgid "Choose"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:172
-msgid "4 installments"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:242
+msgid "when you want to receive the money"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:173
-msgid "5 installments"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:243
+msgid "from your sales and if you want to offer"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:174
-msgid "6 installments"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:244
+msgid "interest-free installments"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:175
-msgid "10 installments"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:245
+msgid "to your clients."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:176
-msgid "12 installments"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:251
+msgid "SSL"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:177
-msgid "15 installments"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:252
+msgid "Curl"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:178
-msgid "18 installments"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:253
+msgid "GD Extensions"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:179
-msgid "24 installments"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:255
+msgid "Technical requirements"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:256, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:153, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:928, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:203, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:197
-msgid "Enable the checkout"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:256
+msgid "Collections and installments"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:257
-msgid "By disabling it, you will disable all payments from Mercado Pago Checkout at Mercado Pago website by redirect."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:257
+msgid "More information"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:261, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:933
-msgid "The checkout is enabled."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:258
+msgid "Implementation responsible for transmitting data to Mercado Pago in a secure and encrypted way."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:262, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:934
-msgid "The checkout is disabled."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:259
+msgid "It is an extension responsible for making payments via requests from the plugin to Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:281
-msgid "With Checkout Pro you sell with all the safety inside Mercado Pago environment."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:260
+msgid "These extensions are responsible for the implementation and operation of Pix in your store."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:298, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:348
-msgid "Advanced settings"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:262
+msgid "Check our documentation to learn more about integrating our plug-in."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:311
-msgid "Payment experience"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:263
+msgid "Set deadlines and fees"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:313
-msgid "Define what payment experience your customers will have, whether inside or outside your store."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:264
+msgid "Go to documentation"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:316
-msgid "Redirect"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:277
+msgid "Public Key"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:317
-msgid "Modal"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:278
+msgid "Access Token"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:333
-msgid "Choose the URL that we will show your customers when they finish their purchase."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:279
+msgid "1. Enter your credentials to integrate your store with Mercado Pago"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:331, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:351, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:372
-msgid "This seems to be an invalid URL."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:280
+msgid "Production credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:336
-msgid "Success URL"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:281
+msgid "Test credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:353
-msgid "Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when we refuse their purchase. Make sure it includes a message appropriate to the situation and give them useful information so they can solve it."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:282
+msgid "To start selling, "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:356
-msgid "Payment URL rejected"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:283
+msgid "in the fields below. If you don’t have credentials yet, you’ll have to create them from this link."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:374
-msgid "Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when they have a payment pending approval."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:284
+msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts for test purchases in the store."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:377
-msgid "Payment URL pending"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:285
+msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts to receive real payments in the store."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:391
-msgid "Enable the payment methods available to your clients."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:286
+msgid "Paste your Public Key here"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:392
-msgid "Choose the payment methods you accept in your store"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:287
+msgid "Paste your Access Token here"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:396
-msgid "Credit Cards"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:288, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:342
+msgid "Save and continue"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:400
-msgid "Debit Cards"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:289
+msgid "You have to enter your production credentials to start selling with Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:404
-msgid "Other Payment Methods"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:290
+msgid "Enter credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:454
-msgid "Return to the store"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:291
+msgid "Activate your credentials to be able to sell"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:455
-msgid "Do you want your customer to automatically return to the store after payment?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:292
+msgid "Credentials are codes that you must enter to enable sales. Go below on Activate Credentials. On the next screen, use again the Activate Credentials button and fill in the fields with the requested information."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:459
-msgid "The buyer will be automatically redirected to the store."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:293
+msgid "Activate credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:460
-msgid "The buyer will not be automatically redirected to the store."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:294
+msgid "copy and paste your production credentials "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:485
-msgid "Available payment methods"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:307
+msgid "Add the URL to receive payments notifications."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:520, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:520, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:441, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:441, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:403, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:403, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:418, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:418, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:174, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:172
-msgid "discount of"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:308
+msgid "Find out more information in the"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:526, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:526, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:447, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:447, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:683, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:683, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:409, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:409, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:424, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:424, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:176
-msgid "fee of"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:310
+msgid "guides"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:626, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:652, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:704
-msgid "Easy login"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:315
+msgid "If you are a Mercado Pago Certified Partner, make sure to add your integrator_id."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:627, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:653, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:705
-msgid "Log in with the same email and password you use in Mercado Libre."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:316
+msgid "If you do not have the code, please"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:634, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:660, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:678, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:712
-msgid "Quick payments"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:318
+msgid "request it now"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:635
-msgid "Use your saved cards, Pix or available balance."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:322
+msgid "2. Customize your business’ information"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:642, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:668
-msgid "Protected purchases"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:323
+msgid "Your store information"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:643, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:669
-msgid "Get your money back in case you don't receive your product."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:324
+msgid "Advanced integration options (optional)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:661
-msgid "Use your available Mercado Pago Wallet balance or saved cards."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:325
+msgid "Debug and Log Mode"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:679, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:713
-msgid "Use your available money or saved cards."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:326
+msgid "Fill out the following details to have a better experience and offer your customers more information."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:686, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:720
-msgid "Installments option"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:327
+msgid "Name of your store in your client's invoice"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:687
-msgid "Pay with or without a credit card."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:328
+msgid "Identification in Activities of Mercado Pago"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:694
-msgid "Reliable purchases"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:329
+msgid "For further integration of your store with Mercado Pago (IPN, Certified Partners, Debug Mode)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:695
-msgid "Get help if you have a problem with your purchase."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:330
+msgid "Store category"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-basic-gateway.php:721
-msgid "Interest-free installments with selected banks."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:331
+msgid "URL for IPN"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:42, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:43, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:324
-msgid "Installments without card"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:332
+msgid "Integrator ID"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:44
-msgid "Customers who buy on spot and pay later in up to 12 installments"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:333
+msgid "We record your store's actions in order to provide a better assistance."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:54
-msgid "Mercado Pago - Installments without card"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:334
+msgid "Ex: Mary's Store"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:56
-msgid "Checkout without card"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:335
+msgid "Ex: Mary Store"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:112, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:288
-msgid "Banner on the product page | Computer version"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:336, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1253
+msgid "Select"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:113
-msgid "Banner on the product page | Cellphone version"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:337
+msgid "Ex: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:249
-msgid "Activate installments without card in your store checkout "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:338
+msgid "Add plugin default params"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:250
-msgid "Offer the option to pay in installments without card directly from your store's checkout."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:339
+msgid "Ex: 14987126498"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:254
-msgid "Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is active"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:340
+msgid "Show advanced options"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:255
-msgid "Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is inactive"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:341
+msgid "Hide advanced options"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:273
-msgid "Checkout visualization"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:343
+msgid "If this field is empty, the purchase will be identified as Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:274, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:290
-msgid "Check below how this feature will be displayed to your customers:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:344
+msgid "In Activities, you will view this term before the order number"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:275
-msgid "Checkout Preview"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:345
+msgid "Select \"Other categories\" if you do not find the appropriate category."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:276
-msgid "PREVIEW"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:346
+msgid "request it now."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:286
-msgid "Computer"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:360
+msgid "3. Activate and set up payment methods"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:287
-msgid "Mobile"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:361
+msgid "Select the payment method you want to appear in your store to activate and set it up."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:289
-msgid "Component visualization"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:362
+msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:328
-msgid "Reach millions of buyers by offering Mercado Credito as a payment method. Our flexible payment options give your customers the possibility to buy today whatever they want in up to 12 installments without the need to use a credit card."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:363
+msgid "Continue"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:331
-msgid "For your business, the approval of the purchase is immediate and guaranteed."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:364
+msgid "Enabled"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:394
-msgid "Inform your customers about the option of paying in installments without card"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:365
+msgid "Disabled"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:397
-msgid "By activating the installments without card component, you increase your chances of selling."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:366
+msgid "Configure your credentials to enable Mercado Pago payment methods."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:399
-msgid "The installments without card component is active."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:379, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:385
+msgid "The checkout is"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-credits-gateway.php:400
-msgid "The installments without card component is inactive."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:380, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:392, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:508, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:520, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:532, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:599, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:611, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:623, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:700, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:762, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:822, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:834
+msgid "enabled"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:41, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:42, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:52
-msgid "Debit and Credit"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:386, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:398, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:514, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:526, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:538, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:605, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:617, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:629, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:706, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:768, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:828, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:840
+msgid "disabled"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:43, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:36, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:36
-msgid "Transparent Checkout in your store environment"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:391, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:397, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:519, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:525, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:610, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:616, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:699, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:705, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:761, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:767, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:833, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:839
+msgid "Currency conversion is"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:51, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:44, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:44
-msgid "Mercado pago - Customized Checkout"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:403, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:409
+msgid "The buyer"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:154
-msgid "By disabling it, you will disable all credit cards payments from Mercado Pago Transparent Checkout."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:404
+msgid "will be automatically redirected to the store"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:158
-msgid "Transparent Checkout for credit cards is enabled."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:410
+msgid "will not be automatically redirected to the store"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:159
-msgid "Transparent checkout for credit cards is disabled."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:416, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:422, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:634, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:640
+msgid "Pending payments"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:184
-msgid "Installments Fees"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:417, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:635
+msgid "will be automatically declined"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:185
-msgid "Set installment fees and whether they will be charged from the store or from the buyer."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:423, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:641
+msgid "will not be automatically declined"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:186
-msgid "Set fees"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:427, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:442
+msgid "Your saved cards or money available in Mercado Pago"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:211
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Credit card "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:428, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:430
+msgid "Your clients finalize their payments in Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:215
-msgid "With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, without redirection and with the security from Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:429
+msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout Pro"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:233
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the personalized payment experience"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:431
+msgid "Checkout Pro"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:247
-msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago account"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:432
+msgid "With Checkout Pro you sell with all the safety inside Mercado Pago environment."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:248
-msgid "Your customers pay faster with saved cards, money balance or other available methods in their Mercado Pago accounts."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:433, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:548, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:715, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:777, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:858
+msgid "Mercado Pago plugin general settings"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:252
-msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are active."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:434, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:549, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:652, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:716, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:778, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:859
+msgid "Set the deadlines and fees, test your store or access the Plugin manual."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:253
-msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are inactive."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:435, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:550, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:653, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:717, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:779, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:860
+msgid "Go to Settings"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:272
-msgid "Check an example of how it will appear in your store:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:436, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:654, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:861
+msgid "Enable the checkout"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:303
-msgid "That’s it, payment accepted!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:437
+msgid "By disabling it, you will disable all payments from Mercado Pago Checkout at Mercado Pago website by redirect."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:305
-msgid "We are processing your payment. In less than an hour we will send you the result by email."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:440, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:559, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:658, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:722, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:784, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:865
+msgid "Title in the store Checkout"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:307
-msgid "We are processing your payment. In less than 2 days we will send you by email if the payment has been approved or if additional information is needed."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:441, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:659, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:723, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:785, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:866
+msgid "Change the display text in Checkout, maximum characters: 85"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:309
-msgid "Check the card number."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:443, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:562, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:661, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:725, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:787, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:868
+msgid "The text inserted here will not be translated to other languages"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:311
-msgid "Check the expiration date."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:444, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:563, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:665, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:726, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:788, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:882
+msgid "Convert Currency"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:313
-msgid "Check the information provided."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:445, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:564, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:666, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:727, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:789, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:883
+msgid "Activate this option so that the value of the currency set in WooCommerce is compatible with the value of the currency you use in Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:315
-msgid "Check the informed security code."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:448
+msgid "Choose the payment methods you accept in your store"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:318
-msgid "Your payment cannot be processed."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:449
+msgid "Enable the payment methods available to your clients."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:320
-msgid "You must authorize payments for your orders."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:450
+msgid "Credit Cards"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:322
-msgid "Contact your card issuer to activate it. The phone is on the back of your card."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:451
+msgid "Debit Cards"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:324
-msgid "You have already made a payment of this amount. If you have to pay again, use another card or other method of payment."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:452
+msgid "Other Payment Methods"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:326
-msgid "Your payment was declined. Please select another payment method. It is recommended in cash."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:453
+msgid "Maximum number of installments"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:328
-msgid "Your payment does not have sufficient funds."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:454
+msgid "What is the maximum quota with which a customer can buy?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:330
-msgid "Payment cannot process the selected fee."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:455
+msgid "1 installment"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:332
-msgid "You have reached the limit of allowed attempts. Choose another card or other payment method."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:456
+msgid "2 installments"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:334, ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:204
-msgid "This payment method cannot process your payment."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:457
+msgid "3 installments"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:389
-msgid "Credit cards"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:458
+msgid "4 installments"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:390
-msgid "Up to "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:459
+msgid "5 installments"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:390
-msgid " installments"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:460
+msgid "6 installments"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:397
-msgid "Debit cards"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:461
+msgid "10 installments"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:440, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:441, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:473, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:474, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:401, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:402, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:543, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:544
-msgid "A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Please, try again."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:462
+msgid "12 installments"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:570
-msgid "See your order form"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:463
+msgid "15 installments"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:581
-msgid "Your payment was declined. You can try again."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:464
+msgid "18 installments"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:588, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:95, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:93
-msgid "Click to try again"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:465
+msgid "24 installments"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:610, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:611
-msgid "A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have correctly filled all information in the checkout form?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:466, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:577
+msgid "Advanced settings"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:635
-msgid "Represents the installment fee charged by Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:467, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:578, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:675, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:733, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:793, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:890
+msgid "Edit these advanced fields only when you want to modify the preset values."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:636
-msgid "Mercado Pago Installment Fee:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:468
+msgid "Payment experience"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:641
-msgid "Represents the total purchase plus the installment fee charged by Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:469
+msgid "Define what payment experience your customers will have, whether inside or outside your store."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-custom-gateway.php:642
-msgid "Mercado Pago Total:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:470
+msgid "Redirect"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:715
-msgid "Configure your credentials to enable Mercado Pago payment methods."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:471
+msgid "Modal"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:786
-msgid "Title in the store Checkout"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:472
+msgid "Return to the store"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:788
-msgid "Change the display text in Checkout, maximum characters: 85"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:473
+msgid "Do you want your customer to automatically return to the store after payment?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:790
-msgid "The text inserted here will not be translated to other languages"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:476
+msgid "Success URL"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:804
-msgid "Description"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:477
+msgid "Choose the URL that we will show your customers when they finish their purchase."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:841, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:853, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:347
-msgid "Important! To sell you must enter your credentials."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:478
+msgid "Payment URL rejected"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:842
-msgid "You must enter production credentials."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:479
+msgid "Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when we refuse their purchase. Make sure it includes a message appropriate to the situation and give them useful information so they can solve it."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:843
-msgid "Enter credentials"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:480
+msgid "Payment URL pending"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:853
-msgid "Mercado Pago Plugin general settings"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:481
+msgid "Choose the URL that we will show to your customers when they have a payment pending approval."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:854
-msgid "Set the deadlines and fees, test your store or access the Plugin manual."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:482, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:676
+msgid "Automatic decline of payments without instant approval"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:855
-msgid "Go to Settings"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:483, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:677
+msgid "Enable it if you want to automatically decline payments that are not instantly approved by banks or other institutions."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:879
-msgid "Activate your credentials to be able to sell"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:484
+msgid "Debit, Credit and Invoice in Mercado Pago environment."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:880
-msgid "Credentials are codes that you must enter to enable sales. Go below on Activate Credentials. On the next screen, use again the Activate Credentials button and fill in the fields with the requested information."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:487, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:579, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:680, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:742, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:802, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:891
+msgid "Discount in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:881
-msgid "Activate credentials"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:488, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:580, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:681, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:743, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:803, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:892
+msgid "Choose a percentage value that you want to discount your customers for paying with Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:929
-msgid "By disabling it, you will disable all payment methods of this checkout."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:489, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:492, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:581, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:584, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:682, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:685, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:744, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:747, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:804, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:807, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:893, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:896
+msgid "Activate and show this information on Mercado Pago Checkout"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:989
-msgid "Basic Configuration"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:490, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:582, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:683, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:745, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:805, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:894
+msgid "Commission in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1002
-msgid "Discount coupons"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:491, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:583, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:684, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:746, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:806, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:895
+msgid "Choose an additional percentage value that you want to charge as commission to your customers for paying with Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1005
-msgid "Will you offer discount coupons to customers who buy with Mercado Pago?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:493
+msgid "This seems to be an invalid URL"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1007
-msgid "Discount coupons is active."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:507, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:513
+msgid "Payment in installments without card in the store checkout is"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1008
-msgid "Discount coupons is disabled."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:531, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:537
+msgid "The installments without card component is"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1020
-msgid "Automatic decline of payments without instant approval"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:542, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:546
+msgid "Installments without card"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1021
-msgid "Enable it if you want to automatically decline payments that are not instantly approved by banks or other institutions. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:543, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:545
+msgid "Customers who buy on spot and pay later in up to 12 installments"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1025
-msgid "Pending payments will be automatically declined."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:544
+msgid "Mercado Pago - Installments without card"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1026
-msgid "Pending payments will not be automatically declined."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:547
+msgid "Reach millions of buyers by offering Mercado Credito as a payment method. Our flexible payment options give your customers the possibility to buy today whatever they want in up to 12 installments without the need to use a credit card. For your business, the approval of the purchase is immediate and guaranteed."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1038
-msgid "Discount in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:551
+msgid "Activate installments without card in your store checkout"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1041
-msgid "Choose a percentage value that you want to discount your customers for paying with Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:552
+msgid "Offer the option to pay in installments without card directly from your store's checkout."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1042, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1063
-msgid "Activate and show this information on Mercado Pago Checkout"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:555
+msgid "Checkout visualization"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1059
-msgid "Commission in Mercado Pago Checkouts"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:556, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:576
+msgid "Check below how this feature will be displayed to your customers:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1062
-msgid "Choose an additional percentage value that you want to charge as commission to your customers for paying with Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:557
+msgid "Checkout Preview"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1083
-msgid "Convert Currency"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:558
+msgid "PREVIEW"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1088
-msgid "Currency convertion is enabled."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:560
+msgid "It is possible to edit the title. Maximum of 85 characters."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1089
-msgid "Currency convertion is disabled."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:561
+msgid "Checkout without card"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-payment-abstract.php:1206
-msgid "Edit these advanced fields only when you want to modify the preset values."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:567
+msgid "Inform your customers about the option of paying in installments without card"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:34, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:35, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:45
-msgid "Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:568
+msgid "By activating the installments without card component, you increase your chances of selling."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:204
-msgid "By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago Transparent Checkout."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:571
+msgid "Banner on the product page | Computer version"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:208
-msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is enabled."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:572
+msgid "Banner on the product page | Cellphone version"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:209
-msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is disabled."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:573
+msgid "Computer"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:224
-msgid "To activate Pix, you must have a key registered in Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:574
+msgid "Mobile"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:225
-msgid "Download the Mercado Pago app on your cell phone."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:575
+msgid "Component visualization"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:226
-msgid "Go to the "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:598, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:604
+msgid "Transparent Checkout for credit cards is"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:227
-msgid "area and choose the "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:622, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:628
+msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago accounts are"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:228
-msgid "Your Profile "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:645, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:660
+msgid "Credit and debit cards"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:229
-msgid "Your Pix Keys section."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:646, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:648, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:711, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:773, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:853, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:855
+msgid "Payments without leaving your store with our customizable checkout"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:230
-msgid "Choose which data to register as Pix keys. After registering, you can set up Pix in your checkout."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:647, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:712, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:774, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:854
+msgid "Mercado Pago - Checkout API"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:231
-msgid "Remember that, for the time being, the Central Bank of Brazil is open Monday through Friday, from 9am to 6pm."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:649
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Credit card"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:232
-msgid "If you requested your registration outside these hours, we will confirm it within the next business day."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:650
+msgid "With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, without redirection and with the security from Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:233, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:328
-msgid "Learn more about Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:651
+msgid "Mercado Pago Plugin general settings"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:234
-msgid "If you have already registered a Pix key at Mercado Pago and cannot activate Pix in the checkout, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:655
+msgid "By disabling it, you will disable all credit cards payments from Mercado Pago Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:235
-msgid "click here."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:662
+msgid "Installments Fees"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:260
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:663
+msgid "Set installment fees and whether they will be charged from the store or from the buyer."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:264
-msgid "With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:664
+msgid "Set fees"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:281
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the Pix experience"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:669
+msgid "Payments via Mercado Pago account"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:294
-msgid "15 minutes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:670
+msgid "Your customers pay faster with saved cards, money balance or other available methods in their Mercado Pago accounts."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:295
-msgid "30 minutes (recommended)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:673
+msgid "Check an example of how it will appear in your store:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:296
-msgid "60 minutes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:674
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the personalized payment experience"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:297
-msgid "12 hours"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:710, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:724
+msgid "Invoice"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:298
-msgid "24 hours"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:713
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Invoice or Loterica"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:299
-msgid "2 days"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:714, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:776, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:857
+msgid "With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:300
-msgid "3 days"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:718, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:780
+msgid "Enable the Checkout"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:301
-msgid "4 days"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:719
+msgid "By disabling it, you will disable all invoice payments from Mercado Pago Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:302
-msgid "5 days"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:720
+msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is enabled."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:303
-msgid "6 days"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:721
+msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is disabled."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:304
-msgid "7 days"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:730
+msgid "Payment Due"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:308
-msgid "Expiration for payments via Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:731
+msgid "In how many days will cash payments expire."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:310
-msgid "Set the limit in minutes for your clients to pay via Pix."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:732
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the cash payment experience"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:325
-msgid "Want to learn how Pix works?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:734, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:794
+msgid "Reduce inventory"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:326
-msgid "We have created a page to explain how this new payment method works and its advantages."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:735, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:795
+msgid "Activates inventory reduction during the creation of an order, whether or not the final payment is credited. Disable this option to reduce it only when payments are approved."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:347
-msgid "Would you like to know how Pix works?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:736, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:796
+msgid "Reduce inventory is enabled."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:348
-msgid "We have a dedicated page where we explain how it works and its advantages."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:737, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:797
+msgid "Reduce inventory is disabled."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:349
-msgid "Find out more about Pix"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:739, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:799
+msgid "Enable the available payment methods"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:470
-msgid "A problem occurred when processing your payment. Please try again."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:740, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:800
+msgid "Choose the available payment methods in your store."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:455, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:528
-msgid "A problem occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have correctly filled in all the information on the checkout form?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:741, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:801
+msgid "All payment methods"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:433, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:503
-msgid "The customer has not paid yet."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:772, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:786
+msgid "PSE"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:438
-msgid "Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:775
+msgid "Transparent Checkout PSE"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:439
-msgid "Scan the QR code below or copy and paste the code into your bank's application."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:781
+msgid "By deactivating it, you will disable PSE payments from Mercado Pago Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:540
-msgid "Please note that to receive payments via Pix at our checkout, you must have a Pix key registered in your Mercado Pago account."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:782
+msgid "The transparent checkout for PSE is enabled."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:541
-msgid "Register your Pix key at Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:783
+msgid "The transparent checkout for PSE is disabled."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-pix-gateway.php:601, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:148
-msgid "Code valid for "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:792
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the PSE payment experience"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:34, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:35, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:45
-msgid "Invoice"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:821, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:827
+msgid "The transparent checkout for Pix payment is"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:198
-msgid "By disabling it, you will disable all invoice payments from Mercado Pago Transparent Checkout."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:845
+msgid "Go to the"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:202
-msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is enabled."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:846
+msgid "Your Profile"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:203
-msgid "The transparent checkout for tickets is disabled."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:847
+msgid "area and choose the"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:218
-msgid "Transparent Checkout | Invoice or Loterica"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:848
+msgid "Your Pix Keys section"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:222
-msgid "With the Transparent Checkout, you can sell inside your store environment, without redirection and all the safety from Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:852, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:867
+msgid "Pix"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:239
-msgid "Advanced configuration of the cash payment experience"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:856
+msgid "Transparent Checkout | Pix"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:252
-msgid "Reduce inventory"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:862
+msgid "By disabling it, you will disable all Pix payments from Mercado Pago Transparent Checkout."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:255
-msgid "Activates inventory reduction during the creation of an order, whether or not the final payment is credited. Disable this option to reduce it only when payments are approved."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:869
+msgid "Expiration for payments via Pix"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:257
-msgid "Reduce inventory is enabled."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:870
+msgid "Set the limit in minutes for your clients to pay via Pix."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:258
-msgid "Reduce inventory is disabled."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:871
+msgid "15 minutes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:270
-msgid "Payment Due"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:872
+msgid "30 minutes (recommended)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:272
-msgid "In how many days will cash payments expire."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:873
+msgid "60 minutes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:292
-msgid "Enable the available payment methods"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:874
+msgid "12 hours"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:294
-msgid "Choose the available payment methods in your store."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:875
+msgid "24 hours"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:298
-msgid "All payment methods"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:876
+msgid "2 days"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:443, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:471
-msgid "There was a problem processing your payment. Are you sure you have correctly filled out all the information on the payment form?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:877
+msgid "3 days"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:436, ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:464
-msgid "Your document data is invalid"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:878
+msgid "4 days"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:508
-msgid "To print the ticket again click"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:879
+msgid "5 days"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:511
-msgid "here"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:880
+msgid "6 days"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/class-wc-woomercadopago-ticket-gateway.php:640
-msgid " and "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:881
+msgid "7 days"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:117
-msgid "Payment made"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:886
+msgid "Would you like to know how Pix works?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:118
-msgid "Payment made by the buyer and already credited in the account."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:887
+msgid "We have a dedicated page where we explain how it works and its advantages."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:121
-msgid "Call resolved"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:888
+msgid "Find out more about Pix"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:122, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:222
-msgid "Please contact Mercado Pago for further details."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:889
+msgid "Advanced configuration of the Pix experience"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:125
-msgid "Payment refunded"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:897
+msgid "To activate Pix, you must have a key registered in Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:126
-msgid "Your refund request has been made. Please contact Mercado Pago for further details."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:898
+msgid "Download the Mercado Pago app on your cell phone."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:129, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:133
-msgid "Payment returned"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:900
+msgid "Choose which data to register as Pix keys. After registering, you can set up Pix in your checkout."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:130
-msgid "The payment has been returned to the client."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:901
+msgid "Remember that, for the time being, the Central Bank of Brazil is open Monday through Friday, from 9am to 6pm."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:134
-msgid "The payment has been partially returned to the client."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:902
+msgid "If you requested your registration outside these hours, we will confirm it within the next business day."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:137
-msgid "Payment canceled"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:903
+msgid "Learn more about Pix"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:138
-msgid "The payment has been successfully canceled."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:904
+msgid "If you have already registered a Pix key at Mercado Pago and cannot activate Pix in the checkout, "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:141
-msgid "Purchase canceled"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:905
+msgid "click here."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:142
-msgid "The payment has been canceled by the customer."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:919
+msgid "To enable test mode"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:145, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:149, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:153, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:157, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:161, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:177, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:181, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:185, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:189, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:193, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:197, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:201, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:311
-msgid "Pending payment"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:921
+msgid "copy your test credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:146, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:150, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:154, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:158
-msgid "Awaiting payment from the buyer."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:922
+msgid "and paste them above in section 1 of this page"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:162
-msgid "We are veryfing the payment. We will notify you by email in up to 6 hours if everything is fine so that you can deliver the product or provide the service."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:927
+msgid "Create your"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:165, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:205, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:209, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:213, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:217, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:229, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:233, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:237, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:241, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:245, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:249, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:253, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:259, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:263, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:267, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:271, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:275, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:279, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:283, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:287, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:291, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:295, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:299, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:303, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:307, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:319, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:325, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:329
-msgid "Declined payment"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:929
+msgid "test user"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:166, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:210, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:214, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:218, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:230, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:250, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:260
-msgid "The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the bank."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:930
+msgid "(Optional. Can be used in Production Mode and Test Mode, to test payments)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:169
-msgid "Payment authorized. Awaiting capture."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:936
+msgid "Use our test cards"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:170
-msgid "The payment has been authorized on the client's card. Please capture the payment."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:937
+msgid "never use real cards"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:173
-msgid "Payment in process"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:943
+msgid "Visit your store"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:174, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:194
-msgid "Please wait or contact Mercado Pago for further details"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:944
+msgid "to test purchases"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:178
-msgid "The bank is reviewing the payment. As soon as we have their confirmation, we will notify you via email so that you can deliver the product or provide the service."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:948
+msgid "4. Test your store before you start to sell"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:182, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:186, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:190
-msgid "Awaiting payment information validation."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:949
+msgid "Choose how you want to operate your store:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:198
-msgid "Waiting for the buyer."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:950
+msgid "Test Mode"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:202
-msgid "Waiting for the card issuer."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:951
+msgid "Sale Mode (Production)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:206
-msgid "The payment could not be processed. Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the bank."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:952
+msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Production Mode"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:221
-msgid "Mercado Pago did not process the payment"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:953
+msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Test Mode"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:225, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:315
-msgid "Expired payment deadline"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:954
+msgid "Enter test credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:226, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:316
-msgid "The client did not pay within the time limit."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:955
+msgid "Select “Test Mode” if you want to try the payment experience before you start to sell or “Sales Mode” (Production) to start now."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:234
-msgid "The CVV is invalid. Please ask your client to review the details or use another card."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:956
+msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts disabled for real collections."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:238
-msgid "The card is expired. Please ask your client to use another card or to contact the bank."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:957
+msgid "Test Mode rules."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:242, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:288, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:292
-msgid "This payment was declined because it did not pass Mercado Pago security controls. Please ask your client to use another card."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:958
+msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts enabled for real collections."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:246, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:284
-msgid "The buyer is suspended in our platform. Your client must contact us to check what happened."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:959
+msgid "The clients can make real purchases in your store."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:255
-msgid "The card does not have enough limit. Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the bank."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:964
+msgid "Store in sale mode (Production)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:256
-msgid "The card does not have sufficient balance. Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the bank."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:965
+msgid "Store under test"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:264
-msgid "The CVV was entered incorrectly several times. Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the bank."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:966
+msgid "Save changes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:268
-msgid "The card does not allow the number of installments entered. Please ask your client to choose another installment plan or to use another card."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:978
+msgid "Store business fields are valid"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:272
-msgid "The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client to ask the bank to authotize it or to use another card."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:979
+msgid "Store business fields could not be validated"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:276
-msgid "From Mercado Pago we have detected that this payment has already been made before. If that is not the case, your client may try to pay again."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:980
+msgid "At least one payment method is enabled"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:280
-msgid "The card is not active yet. Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the bank to activate it."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:981
+msgid "No payment method enabled"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:296
-msgid "The amount exceeded the card limit. Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the bank."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:982
+msgid "Credentials fields are valid"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:300, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:304, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:308
-msgid "Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the card issuer."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:983
+msgid "Credentials fields could not be validated"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:312
-msgid "The amount exceeded the card's limit. Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the bank."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:995
+msgid "Valid Public Key"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:321
-msgid "The credit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client that it is possible to pay with debit or to use another one."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:996
+msgid "Invalid Public Key"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:322
-msgid "The debit function is not enabled for the card. Please tell your client that it is possible to pay with credit or to use another one."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:997
+msgid "Valid Access Token"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:326
-msgid "The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please instruct your client to ask the bank to authorize it."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:998
+msgid "Invalid Access Token"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:330
-msgid "The buyer does not have enough balance to make the purchase. Please ask your client to deposit money to the Mercado Pago Account or to use a different payment method."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1010
+msgid "Credentials were updated"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:333
-msgid "There was an error"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1011
+msgid "Your store has exited Test Mode and is making real sales in Production Mode."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:334
-msgid "The transaction could not be completed."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1012
+msgid "To test the store, re-enter both test credentials."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:417
-msgid "Payment status on Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1013
+msgid "Invalid credentials"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:477, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:489
-msgid "View purchase details at Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1014
+msgid "See our manual to learn"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:478, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:490, ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:502
-msgid "Sync order status"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1015
+msgid "how to enter the credentials the right way."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:501
-msgid "Check the reasons why the purchase was declined."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1016
+msgid " for test mode"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:608
-msgid "Order update successfully. This page will be reloaded..."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1028
+msgid "Store information is valid"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-order-details.php:612
-msgid "Unable to update order: "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1041
+msgid "Attention:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:126
-msgid "See WooCommerce"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1042
+msgid "The currency settings you have in WooCommerce are not compatible with the currency you use in your Mercado Pago account. Please activate the currency conversion."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:124
-msgid "Install WooCommerce"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1045
+msgid "We are converting your currency from: "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-notices.php:121
-msgid "Activate WooCommerce"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1061
+msgid "to "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:137
-msgid "do you have a minute to share your experience with our plugin?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1072
+msgid "Payment status on Mercado Pago"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:140
-msgid "Your opinion is very important so that we can offer you the best possible payment solution and continue to improve."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1073
+msgid "This is the payment status of your Mercado Pago Activities. To check the order status, please refer to Order details."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-review-notice.php:149
-msgid "Rate the plugin"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1074, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1076
+msgid "View purchase details at Mercado Pago"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:151
-msgid "Enable payments via Mercado Pago account"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1075, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1077, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1079
+msgid "Sync order status"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:154
-msgid "When you enable this function, your customers pay faster using their Mercado Pago accounts.The approval rate of these payments in your store can be 25% higher compared to other payment methods."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1078
+msgid "Consult the reasons for refusal"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/notices/class-wc-woomercadopago-saved-cards.php:163
-msgid "Activate"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1080
+msgid "Order update successfully. This page will be reloaded..."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/admin/views/html-admin-alert-frame.php:34, ../../includes/admin/views/html-admin-alert-woocommerce-miss.php:30
-msgid "Discard"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1081
+msgid "Unable to update order:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:141
-msgid "Mercado Pago Settings"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1082
+msgid "Payment made"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:196
-msgid "Accept "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1083
+msgid "Payment made by the buyer and already credited in the account."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:197
-msgid "payments on the spot "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1084
+msgid "Call resolved"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:198
-msgid "with"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1085, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1135
+msgid "Please contact Mercado Pago for further details."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:199
-msgid "the "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1086
+msgid "Payment refunded"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:200
-msgid "security "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1087
+msgid "Your refund request has been made. Please contact Mercado Pago for further details."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:201
-msgid "from Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1088, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1090
+msgid "Payment returned"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:202
-msgid "Technical requirements"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1089
+msgid "The payment has been returned to the client."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:203
-msgid "SSL"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1091
+msgid "The payment has been partially returned to the client."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:204
-msgid "GD Extensions"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1092
+msgid "Payment canceled"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:205
-msgid "Curl"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1093
+msgid "The payment has been successfully canceled."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:206
-msgid "Implementation responsible for transmitting data to Mercado Pago in a secure and encrypted way."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1094
+msgid "Purchase canceled"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:207
-msgid "These extensions are responsible for the implementation and operation of Pix in your store."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1095
+msgid "The payment has been canceled by the customer."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:208
-msgid "It is an extension responsible for making payments via requests from the plugin to Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1096, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1098, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1100, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1102, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1104, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1112, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1114, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1116, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1118, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1120, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1122, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1124, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1179
+msgid "Pending payment"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:209
-msgid "Collections and installments"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1097, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1099, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1101, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1103
+msgid "Awaiting payment from the buyer."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:210
-msgid "Choose "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1105
+msgid "We are veryfing the payment. We will notify you by email in up to 6 hours if everything is fine so that you can deliver the product or provide the service."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:211
-msgid "when you want to receive the money "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1106, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1130, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1146, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1165, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1169, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1171, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1173, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1177
+msgid "Declined payment"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:212
-msgid "from your sales and if you want to offer "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1107, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1131
+msgid "The card-issuing bank declined the payment. Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the bank."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:213
-msgid "interest-free installments "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1108
+msgid "Payment authorized. Awaiting capture."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:214
-msgid "to your clients."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1109
+msgid "The payment has been authorized on the client's card. Please capture the payment."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:215
-msgid "Set deadlines and fees"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1110
+msgid "Payment in process"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:216, ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:124
-msgid "Questions? "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1111, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1121
+msgid "Please wait or contact Mercado Pago for further details"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:217
-msgid "Review the step-by-step of "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1113
+msgid "The bank is reviewing the payment. As soon as we have their confirmation, we will notify you via email so that you can deliver the product or provide the service."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:218
-msgid "how to integrate the Mercado Pago Plugin "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1115, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1117, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1119
+msgid "Awaiting payment information validation."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:219
-msgid "on our webiste for developers."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1123
+msgid "Waiting for the buyer."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:231
-msgid "1. Integrate your store with Mercado Pago "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1125
+msgid "Waiting for the card issuer."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:232
-msgid "To enable orders, you must create and activate production credentials in your Mercado Pago Account. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1126, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1128, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1132, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1153, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1175
+msgid "The card issuing bank declined the payment"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:233
-msgid "Copy and paste the credentials below."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1127, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1129, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1133, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1154, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1176
+msgid "Please recommend your customer to pay with another payment method or to contact their bank."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:234
-msgid "Check credentials"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1134
+msgid "Mercado Pago did not process the payment"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:235
-msgid "Test credentials "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1136, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1181
+msgid "Expired payment deadline"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:236
-msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts for test purchases in the store."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1137, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1182
+msgid "The client did not pay within the time limit."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:237
-msgid "Public key"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1138, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1140, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1142, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1183
+msgid "Your customer entered one or more incorrect card details"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:238
-msgid "Access Token"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1139, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1141, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1143, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1184, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1185
+msgid "Please ask them to enter to enter them again exactly as they appear on the card or on their bank app to complete the payment."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:239
-msgid "Production credentials"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1144, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1167
+msgid "We protected you from a suspicious payment"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:240
-msgid "Enable Mercado Pago checkouts to receive real payments in the store."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1145
+msgid "For safety reasons, this transaction cannot be completed."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:241
-msgid "Paste your Public Key here"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1147, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1166
+msgid "The buyer is suspended in our platform. Your client must contact us to check what happened."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:242
-msgid "Paste your Access Token here"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1148
+msgid "For safety reasons, the card issuing bank declined the payment"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:243, ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:280
-msgid "Save and continue"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1149, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1168
+msgid "Recommend your customer to pay with their usual payment method and device for online purchases."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:254
-msgid "2. Customize your business"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1150
+msgid "Your customer's credit card has no available limit"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:255
-msgid "Fill out the following information to have a better experience and offer more information to your clients"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1151, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1152, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1156
+msgid "Please ask them to pay with another card or to choose another payment method."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:256
-msgid "Your store information"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1155
+msgid "Your customer reached the limit of payment attempts with this card"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:257
-msgid "Name of your store in your client's invoice"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1157
+msgid "Your customer's card does not accept the number of installments selected"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:258
-msgid "Eg: Mary's store"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1158
+msgid "Please ask them to choose a different number of installments or to pay with another method."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:259
-msgid "If this field is empty, the purchase will be identified as Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1159, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1186
+msgid "Your customer needs to authorize the payment through their bank"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:260
-msgid "Identification in Activities of Mercad Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1160, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1187
+msgid "Please ask them to call the telephone number on their card or to pay with another method."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:261
-msgid "Eg: Marystore"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1161
+msgid "The payment was declined because your customer already paid for this purchase"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:262
-msgid "In Activities, you will view this term before the order number"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1162
+msgid "Check your approved payments to verify it."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:263
-msgid "Store category"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1163
+msgid "Your customer's card was is not activated yet"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:264
-msgid "Select"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1164
+msgid "Please ask them to contact their bank by calling the number on the back of their card or to pay with another method."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:265
-msgid "Select ”Other” if you do not find the appropriate category."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1170
+msgid "This payment was declined because it did not pass Mercado Pago security controls. Please ask your client to use another card."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:266
-msgid "Advanced integration options (optional)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1172
+msgid "The amount exceeded the card limit. Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the bank."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:267
-msgid "For further integration of your store with Mercado Pago (IPN, Certified Partners, Debug Mode)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1174, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1178
+msgid "Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the card issuer."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:268
-msgid "View advanced options"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1180
+msgid "The amount exceeded the card's limit. Please ask your client to use another card or to get in touch with the bank."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:269
-msgid "URL for IPN "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1188
+msgid "Your customer's debit card has insufficient funds"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:270
-msgid "Eg: https://examples.com/my-custom-ipn-url"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1189
+msgid "Please recommend your customer to pay with another card or to choose another payment method."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:271
-msgid "Add the URL to receive payments notifications. Find out more information in the "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1190
+msgid "Something went wrong and the payment was declined"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:272
-msgid "guides."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1191
+msgid "Please recommend you customer to try again or to pay with another payment method."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:273
-msgid "Add plugin default params"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1204
+msgid "Any questions?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:274
-msgid "integrator_id"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1205
+msgid "Please check the"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:275
-msgid "Eg: 14987126498"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1206, ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1222
+msgid "FAQs"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:276
-msgid "If you are a Mercado Pago Certified Partner, make sure to add your integrator_id. If you do not have the code, please "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1207
+msgid "on the dev website."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:277
-msgid "request it now. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1220
+msgid "Check our"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:278
-msgid "Debug and Log Mode"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1223
+msgid "or open a ticket to contact the Mercado Pago team."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:279
-msgid "We record your store's actions in order to provide a better assistance."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1228
+msgid "1. Go to the dev website and open a"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:291
-msgid "3. Set payment methods"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1230
+msgid "ticket"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:292
-msgid "To view more options, please select a payment method below"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1231
+msgid "in the Support section."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:293
-msgid "Settings"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1236
+msgid "4. Download the"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:294
-msgid "Continue"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1237
+msgid "error history"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:305
-msgid "4. Test your store before you sell"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1238
+msgid "and share it with the Mercado Pago team when asked for it."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:306
-msgid "Test the experience in Test Mode and then enable the Sale Mode (Production) to sell."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1242
+msgid "Do you need help?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:307
-msgid "Choose how you want to operate your store:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1243
+msgid "How to open a ticket:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:308
-msgid "Test Mode"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1245
+msgid "2. Fill out the form with your store details."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:309
-msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts disabled for real collections. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1246
+msgid "3. Copy and paste the following details when asked for the the technical information:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:310
-msgid "Test Mode rules."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1249
+msgid "Version:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:311
-msgid "Sale Mode (Production)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1250
+msgid "History of errors"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:312
-msgid "Mercado Pago Checkouts enabled for real collections."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1251
+msgid "Select the files you want to share with our team and click on Download. This information will be requested by e-mail if necessary."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:313
-msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Production Mode"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1254
+msgid "Source"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:314
-msgid "The clients can make real purchases in your store."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1255
+msgid "File date"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:315
-msgid "Mercado Pago payment methods in Test Mode"
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1256
+msgid "Download"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:316
-msgid "Create your "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1257
+msgid "Next Page"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:317
-msgid "test user "
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1258
+msgid "Previous page"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:318
-msgid "(Optional. Can be used in Production Mode and Test Mode, to test payments)."
+#: ../../src/Translations/AdminTranslations.php:1259
+msgid "The plugin has not yet recorded any logs in your store."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:319
-msgid "Use our test cards, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:103
+msgid "discount of"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:320
-msgid "never use real cards. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:104
+msgid "fee of"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:321
-msgid "Visit your store "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:105
+msgid "and"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:322
-msgid "to test purchases"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:106
+msgid "Shipping service used by the store."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:323
-msgid "Save changes"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:107
+msgid "Discount provided by store"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:324
-msgid "Store under test"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:108
+msgid "Mercado Pago Discount"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:325
-msgid "Store in sale mode (Production)"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:109
+msgid "Mercado Pago Commission"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:326
-msgid "Enter test credentials"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:121
+msgid "Checkout Pro in Test Mode"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:327
-msgid "To enable test mode, "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:122, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:180, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:214
+msgid "Use Mercado Pago's payment methods without real charges. "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:328
-msgid "copy your test credentials "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:123, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:181, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:215, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:336, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:364
+msgid "See the rules for the test mode."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:329
-msgid "and paste them above in section 1 of this page."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:124
+msgid "Log in to Mercado Pago and earn benefits"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:366
-msgid "Invalid Access Token"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:125
+msgid "Easy login"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:368
-msgid "Valid Access Token"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:126
+msgid "Log in with the same email and password you use in Mercado Libre."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:374
-msgid "Invalid Public Key"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:127
+msgid "Blue phone image"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:376
-msgid "Valid Public Key"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:128
+msgid "Quick payments"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:379
-msgid "Credentials must be valid"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:129
+msgid "Use your saved cards, Pix or available balance."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:429
-msgid "Credentials were updated"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:130
+msgid "Use your available Mercado Pago Wallet balance or saved cards."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:421
-msgid "Your store has exited Test Mode and is making real sales in Production Mode."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:131
+msgid "Use your available money or saved cards."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:422
-msgid "To test the store, re-enter both test credentials."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:132
+msgid "Blue wallet image"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:435
-msgid "Invalid credentials"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:133
+msgid "Protected purchases"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:436
-msgid "See our manual to learn "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:134
+msgid "Reliable purchases"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:437
-msgid "how to enter the credentials the right way."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:135
+msgid "Get your money back in case you don't receive your product."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:497
-msgid "Store information is valid"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:136
+msgid "Get help if you have a problem with your purchase."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:527
-msgid "Mercado Pago's Payment Methods in Test Mode"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:137
+msgid "Blue protection image"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:528
-msgid "Mercado Pago's Payment Methods in Production Mode"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:138
+msgid "Installments option"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:521
-msgid "Invalid credentials for test mode"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:139
+msgid "Pay with or without a credit card."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:603
-msgid "Enabled"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:140
+msgid "Interest-free installments with selected banks."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:604
-msgid "Disabled"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:141
+msgid "Blue phone installments image"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:632
-msgid "Valid Credentials"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:142
+msgid "Available payment methods"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:635
-msgid "Credentials couldn't be validated"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:143, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:186
+msgid "By continuing, you will be taken to Mercado Pago to safely complete your purchase."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:658
-msgid "Store business fields are valid"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:144, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:187
+msgid "Checkout Pro redirect info image"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:661
-msgid "Store business fields couldn't be validated"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:145, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:188, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:239, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:281, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:342, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:374
+msgid "By continuing, you agree with our"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:684
-msgid "At least one paymet method is enabled"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:146, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:189, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:240, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:282, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:343, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:375
+msgid "Terms and conditions"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/mercadopago-settings/class-wc-woomercadopago-mercadopago-settings.php:687
-msgid "No payment method enabled"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:147, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:218, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:263
+msgid "Pay with Mercado Pago"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:77
-msgid "Payment approved."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:148, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:264
+msgid "Cancel & Clear Cart"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:131, ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:135
-msgid "Waiting for the Pix payment."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:161
+msgid "Log in"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:148, ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:152
-msgid "Waiting for the ticket payment."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:162
+msgid "or create an account in Mercado Pago. If you use Mercado Libre, you already have one!"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:160
-msgid "The customer has not made the payment yet."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:167
+msgid "Know your available limit in Mercado Crédito and"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:179
-msgid "Payment is pending review."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:168
+msgid "choose how many installments"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:196
-msgid "Payment was declined. The customer can try again."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:169
+msgid "you want to pay"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:211
-msgid "Payment was returned to the customer."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:174
+msgid "Pay the installments as you prefer:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:225
-msgid "Payment was canceled."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:175
+msgid "with money in your account, card of from the Mercado Pago app"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:240, ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:252
-msgid "The payment is in mediation or the purchase was unknown by the customer."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:179
+msgid "No card installments in Test Mode"
msgstr ""
-#. translators: 1: payment_id 2: status
-#: ../../includes/module/order/class-wc-woomercadopago-order.php:318
-msgid "Mercado Pago: The payment %1$s was notified by Mercado Pago with status %2$s."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:182
+msgid "How to use it?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:371
-msgid "Shipping service used by the store."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:190
+msgid "Pay in"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:562, ../../includes/module/preference/class-wc-woomercadopago-preference-abstract.php:563
-msgid "Discount provided by store"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:191
+msgid "installments"
msgstr ""
-#. translators: %s coupon
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:130
-msgid "Discount for coupon %s"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:192
+msgid "with Mercado Pago"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:172
-msgid " and fee of"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:193
+msgid "Read more"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:545
-msgid "Public Key production credential is invalid. Review the field to receive real payments."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:194
+msgid "Buy now and pay in installments with no card later!"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:554
-msgid "Public Key test credential is invalid. Review the field to perform tests in your store."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:195
+msgid "100% online, without paperwork or monthly fees"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:563
-msgid "Access Token production credential is invalid. Remember that it must be complete to receive real payments."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:196
+msgid "You can apply for your line of credit 100% online and securely."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:572
-msgid "Access Token test credential is invalid. Review the field to perform tests in your store."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:197
+msgid "Do everything from the Mercado Pago app!"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:590
-msgid "Public Key test credential is blank. Review the field to perform tests in your store."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:198
+msgid "No maintenance fees or additional costs."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:599
-msgid "Public Key production credential is blank. Review the field to receive real payments."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:199
+msgid "Questions? "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:608
-msgid "Access Token test credential is blank. Review the field to perform tests in your store."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:200
+msgid "Check our FAQ"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-abstract.php:617
-msgid "Access Token production credential is blank. Remember that it must be complete to receive real payments."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:201
+msgid ". Credit subject to approval."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:92, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:90
-msgid "There was an error processing your payment. Please try again or contact us for Assistance."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:213
+msgid "Checkout Custom in Test Mode"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:84, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:82, ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:45, ../../templates/receipt/custom-checkout.php:41
-msgid "Pay with Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:216
+msgid "Pay with saved cards"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-basic.php:86, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-credits.php:84, ../../templates/receipt/custom-checkout.php:44
-msgid "Cancel & Clear Cart"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:217
+msgid "Do you have a Mercado Libre account? Then use the same email and password to pay faster with Mercado Pago."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:143, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:73, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:82
-msgid "Apply"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:219
+msgid "With which card can you pay?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:144, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:74, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:83
-msgid "Remove"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:220, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:224
+msgid "See current promotions"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:145, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:75, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:84
-msgid "Please, inform your coupon code"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:221
+msgid "Credit cards"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:146, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:76, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:85
-msgid "To choose"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:222
+msgid "Up to 12 installments"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:147, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:77, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:86
-msgid "Other bank"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:223
+msgid "Debit cards"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:148, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:78, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:87
-msgid "You will save"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:225
+msgid "Fill in your card details"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:149, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:79, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:88
-msgid "with discount of"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:226
+msgid "Card number"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:150, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:80, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:89
-msgid "Total of your purchase:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:227, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:229, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:231, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:233
+msgid "Required data"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:151, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:81, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:90
-msgid "Total of your purchase with discount:"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:228
+msgid "Holder name as it appears on the card"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:152, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:82, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:91
-msgid "*After payment approval"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:230
+msgid "Expiration"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:153, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:83, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-ticket.php:92
-msgid "Terms and conditions of use"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:232
+msgid "Security Code"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:154, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:172
-msgid "No fee"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:234, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:337, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:365
+msgid "Holder document"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:155, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:173
-msgid "More options"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:235, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:338, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:366
+msgid "Invalid document"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:163
-msgid "mm/yy"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:236, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:238
+msgid "Select the number of installments"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:164, ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:134
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:237, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:242
msgid "Issuer"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:165
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:241
+msgid "mm/yy"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:243
msgid "Installments"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:168
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:244
msgid "on the back"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:169
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:245
msgid "on the front"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:171
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:246
msgid "digits"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:174
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:247
+msgid "No fee"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:248
+msgid "More options"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:249
msgid "If interest is applicable, it will be charged by your bank."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:175
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:250
msgid "Interest"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:178
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:251
msgid "Card number is required"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:179
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:252
msgid "Card number invalid"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:182
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:253
msgid "Holder name is required"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:183
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:254
msgid "Holder name invalid"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:186, ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:188
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:255, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:257
msgid "Expiration date invalid"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:187
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:256
msgid "Expiration date incomplete"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:191
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:258
msgid "Security code is required"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:192
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:259
msgid "Security code incomplete"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:230
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:260
msgid "Cost of installments"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:231
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:261
msgid "Total with installments"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-custom.php:232
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:262
msgid "installments of"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:139
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:276
+msgid "Pix in Test Mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:277
+msgid "You can test the flow to generate a code, but you cannot finalize the payment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:278
+msgid "Pay instantly"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:279
+msgid "By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:280
+msgid "Pix logo"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:283, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:292
+msgid "Code valid for "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:284
msgid "Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:140
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:285
msgid "How to pay with Pix:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:141
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:286
msgid "Go to your bank's app or website"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:142
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:287
msgid "Search for the option to pay with Pix"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:143
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:288
msgid "Scan the QR code or Pix code"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:144
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:289
msgid "Done! You will see the payment confirmation"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:145
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:290
msgid "Value: "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:147
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:291
msgid "Scan the QR code:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:150
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:293
msgid "If you prefer, you can pay by copying and pasting the following code"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/payments/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-hook-pix.php:152
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:294
msgid "Copy code"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:112
-msgid "Pay in"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:295, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:349, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:373
+msgid "Mercado Pago: The customer has not paid yet."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:113
-msgid "installments"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:296
+msgid "Mercado Pago: Now you just need to pay with Pix to finalize your purchase."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:114
-msgid "with Mercado Pago"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:297
+msgid "Scan the QR code below or copy and paste the code into your bank's application."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:115
-msgid "Read more"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:298
+msgid "30 minutes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:116
-msgid "Buy now and pay in installments with no card later!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:310
+msgid "Payment approved."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:117
-msgid "100% online,"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:311
+msgid "Waiting for the Pix payment."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:118
-msgid "without paperwork or monthly fees"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:312
+msgid "Waiting for the ticket payment."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:119
-msgid "When paying, choose"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:313
+msgid "The customer has not made the payment yet."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:120
-msgid ". Login to your account or create one in a few steps."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:314
+msgid "Payment is pending review."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:121
-msgid "Search for"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:315
+msgid "Payment was declined. The customer can try again."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:122
-msgid "among the options, select it and choose in how many installments you would like to pay."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:316
+msgid "Payment was returned to the customer."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:123
-msgid "Pay your installments monthly as you wish, in the Mercado Pago app."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:317
+msgid "The payment was partially returned to the customer. the amount refunded was : "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:126
-msgid "Check our FAQ"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:318
+msgid "Payment was canceled."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/products/hooks/class-wc-woomercadopago-products-hook-credits.php:127
-msgid ". Credit subject to approval."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:319, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:320
+msgid "The payment is in mediation or the purchase was unknown by the customer."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:182, ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:634, ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:682, ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:727, ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:986
-msgid "Response from cache"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:321
+msgid "The payment"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/class-mp.php:1000
-msgid "Response from API"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:322
+msgid "was notified by Mercado Pago with status"
msgstr ""
-#. translators: 1: total_time currency 2: url
-#: ../../includes/module/sdk/lib/rest-client/class-mp-rest-client-abstract.php:179
-msgid "Took %1$s seconds to transfer a request to %2$s"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:334
+msgid "Offline Methods in Test Mode"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:24
-msgid "Checkout Pro in Test Mode"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:335
+msgid "You can test the flow to generate an invoice, but you cannot finalize the payment."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:25, ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:25
-msgid "Use Mercado Pago's payment methods without real charges. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:339, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:367
+msgid "Select where you want to pay"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:26, ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:26, ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:26
-msgid "See the rules for the test mode."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:340, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:368
+msgid "more options"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:35
-msgid "Log in to Mercado Pago and earn benefits"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:341
+msgid "Select a payment method"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:54
-msgid "By continuing, you will be taken to Mercado Pago to safely complete your purchase."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:344
+msgid "Great, we processed your purchase order. Complete the payment with ticket so that we finish approving it."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:56, ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:47
-msgid "Checkout Pro redirect info image"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:345
+msgid "Print ticket"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:66, ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:56, ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:169, ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:31, ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:96
-msgid "By continuing, you agree with our"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:346
+msgid " and "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/basic-checkout.php:67, ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:57, ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:170, ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:31, ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:97
-msgid "Terms and conditions"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:347
+msgid "To print the ticket again click"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:24
-msgid "No card installments in Test Mode"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:348
+msgid "here"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:34
-msgid "How to use it?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:362
+msgid "Checkout PSE in Test Mode"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:37
-msgid "Log in or create an account in Mercado Pago. If you use Mercado Libre, you already have one!"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:363
+msgid "You can test the flow to generate a payment with PSE"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:38
-msgid "Know your available limit in Mercado Crédito and choose how many installments you want to pay."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:369
+msgid "Person type "
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:39
-msgid "Pay the installments as you prefer: with money in your account, card of from the Mercado Pago app."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:370
+msgid "Financial institution"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/credits-checkout.php:46
-msgid "By confirming your purchase, you will be redirected to your Mercado Pago account."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:371
+msgid "Select the financial institution"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:23
-msgid "Checkout Custom in Test Mode"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:372
+msgid "Select the institution"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:24
-msgid "Use Mercado Pago means without real charges."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:387
+msgid "A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Please, try again."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:25
-msgid "See test mode rules."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:388
+msgid "A problem was occurred when processing your payment. Are you sure you have correctly filled all information in the checkout form?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:36
-msgid "Pay with saved cards"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:389
+msgid "See your order form"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:40
-msgid "Do you have a Mercado Libre account? Then use the same email and password to pay faster with Mercado Pago."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:390
+msgid "Your payment was declined. You can try again."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:57
-msgid "With which card can you pay?"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:391
+msgid "Click to try again"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:70
-msgid "See current promotions"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:392
+msgid "That's it, payment accepted!"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:78
-msgid "Fill in your card details"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:393
+msgid "We are processing your payment. In less than an hour we will send you the result by email."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:80
-msgid "Card number"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:394
+msgid "We are processing your payment. In less than 2 days we will send you by email if the payment has been approved or if additional information is needed."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:82, ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:89, ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:98, ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:106
-msgid "Required data"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:395
+msgid "Check the card number."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:87
-msgid "Holder name as it appears on the card"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:396
+msgid "Check the expiration date."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:95
-msgid "Expiration"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:397
+msgid "Check the information provided."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:103
-msgid "Security Code"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:398
+msgid "Check the informed security code."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:113, ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:36, ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:53
-msgid "Holder document"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:399, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:400
+msgid "Your payment cannot be processed."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:114, ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:37, ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:54
-msgid "Invalid document"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:401
+msgid "You must authorize payments for your orders."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:129, ../../templates/checkout/custom-checkout.php:145
-msgid "Select the number of installments"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:402
+msgid "Contact your card issuer to activate it. The phone is on the back of your card."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:22
-msgid "Pix in Test Mode"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:403
+msgid "You have already made a payment of this amount. If you have to pay again, use another card or other method of payment."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:22
-msgid "You can test the flow to generate a code, but you cannot finalize the payment."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:404
+msgid "Your payment was declined. Please select another payment method. It is recommended in cash."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
-msgid "Pay instantly"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:405
+msgid "Your payment does not have sufficient funds."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
-msgid "By confirming your purchase, we will show you a code to make the payment."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:406
+msgid "Payment cannot process the selected fee."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/pix-checkout.php:27
-msgid "Pix logo"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:407
+msgid "You have reached the limit of allowed attempts. Choose another card or other payment method."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:24
-msgid "Offline Methods in Test Mode"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:408
+msgid "Invalid transaction attempt You are trying to perform a productive transaction using test credentials, or test transaction using productive credentials. Please ensure that you are using the correct environment settings for the desired action."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:25
-msgid "You can test the flow to generate an invoice, but you cannot finalize the payment. "
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:409
+msgid "Invalid transaction attempt It is not possible to pay with the email address entered. Please enter another e-mail address."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:68
-msgid "Select where you want to pay"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:410
+msgid "This payment method cannot process your payment."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:73
-msgid "more options"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:422
+msgid "Your bank needs you to authorize the payment Please call the telephone number on your card or pay with another method."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/checkout/ticket-checkout.php:78
-msgid "Select a payment method"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:423, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:424
+msgid "For safety reasons, your payment was declined We recommended paying with your usual payment method and device for online purchases."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/order/payment-status-metabox-content.php:30
-msgid "This is the payment status of your Mercado Pago Activities. To check the order status, please refer to Order details."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:425, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:426, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:427, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:428
+msgid "One or more card details were entered incorrecctly Please enter them again as they appear on the card to complete the payment."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/order-received/show-ticket.php:19
-msgid "Great, we processed your purchase order. Complete the payment with ticket so that we finish approving it."
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:429
+msgid "Your credit card has no available limit Please pay using another card or choose another payment method."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../templates/order-received/show-ticket.php:23
-msgid "Print ticket"
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:430
+msgid "Your debit card has insufficient founds Please pay using another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:431
+msgid "Your card does not accept the number of installments selected Please choose a different number of installments or use a different payment method ."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:432
+msgid "You need to activate your card Please contact your bank by calling the number on the back of your card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:433
+msgid "You reached the limit of payment attempts with this card Please pay using another card or choose another payment method."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:434
+msgid "Your payment was declined because you already paid for this purchase Check your card transactions to verify it."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:435, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:436, ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:437
+msgid "The card issuing bank declined the payment We recommended paying with another payment method or contact your bank."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:438
+msgid "For safety reasons, the card issuing bank declined the payment We recommended paying with your usual payment method and device for online purchases."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:439
+msgid "Your payment was declined because something went wrong We recommended trying again or paying with another method."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:451
+msgid "We are taking you to validate the card"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:452
+msgid "with your bank"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:453
+msgid "We need to confirm that you are the cardholder."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:454
+msgid "We are receiving the response from your bank"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:455
+msgid "Complete the bank validation so your payment can be approved"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:456
+msgid "Please keep this page open. If you close it, you will not be able to resume the validation."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../../src/Translations/StoreTranslations.php:457
+msgid "For safety reasons, your payment was declined We recommend paying with your usual payment method and device for online purchases."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
index 88129401e..da8f1da45 100644
--- a/index.php
+++ b/index.php
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
filePath.includes(`.${extension}`) && !filePath.includes('.min');
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- filtredFiles.forEach(file => {
- const filePath = path.resolve(`${file}`);
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- .then(minifiedContent => {
- const newFilePathName = filePath.split(`.${extension}`)[0].concat(`.min.${extension}`);
- fs.writeFileSync(newFilePathName, minifiedContent);
- })
- .catch(console.error);
- });
+ * Minify JS and CSS files
+ *
+ * @param extension
+ */
+function minifyFiles (extension) {
+ const assetsFiles = findFilesInDir(`./assets/${extension}`, `.${extension}`, '/blocks');
+ const isNotMinifiedAndHasSelectedExtension = (filePath) => filePath.includes(`.${extension}`) && !filePath.includes('.min');
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+ filteredFiles.forEach((file) => {
+ const filePath = path.resolve(`${file}`);
+ minify(filePath, { js: { ecma: 6 }, css: { compatibility: '*' } })
+ .then((minifiedContent) => {
+ const newFilePathName = filePath
+ .split(`.${extension}`)[0]
+ .concat(`.min.${extension}`);
+ fs.writeFileSync(newFilePathName, minifiedContent);
+ })
+ .catch(console.error);
+ });
-function generatePotFiles() {
- wpPot({
- destFile: './i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago.pot',
- domain: 'lkn-wc-mercadopago',
- lastTranslator: 'MPB Desenvolvimento ',
- src: ['includes/**/*.php', 'templates/**/*.php']
- });
+ * Generate .pot files
+ */
+function generatePotFiles () {
+ wpPot({
+ domain: 'woocommerce-mercadopago',
+ destFile: './i18n/languages/woocommerce-mercadopago.pot',
+ lastTranslator: 'Mercado Pago Developers ',
+ src: ['src/**/*.php', 'templates/**/*.php']
+ });
@@ -34,28 +44,36 @@ function generatePotFiles() {
* @param startPath
* @param filter
+ *
* @returns {*[]}
-function findFilesInDir(startPath,filter){
- let results = [];
- if (!fs.existsSync(startPath)){
- console.error("no dir ",startPath);
- return [];
- }
- const files=fs.readdirSync(startPath);
- for(let i=0;i=0) {
- results.push(filename);
- }
- }
- return results;
+function findFilesInDir (startPath, filter, excludes = '') {
+ let results = [];
+ if (!fs.existsSync(startPath)) {
+ console.error('no dir ', startPath);
+ return [];
+ }
+ const files = fs.readdirSync(startPath);
+ for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
+ const filename = path.join(startPath, files[i]);
+ if (filename.includes(excludes)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const stat = fs.lstatSync(filename);
+ if (stat.isDirectory()) {
+ results = results.concat(findFilesInDir(filename, filter, excludes));
+ } else if (filename.indexOf(filter) >= 0) {
+ results.push(filename);
+ }
+ }
+ return results;
-module.exports = {minifyFiles, generatePotFiles};
+module.exports = { minifyFiles, generatePotFiles };
diff --git a/narciso.webpack.config.js b/narciso.webpack.config.js
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/narciso.webpack.config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
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+const CssMinimizerWebpackPlugin = require('css-minimizer-webpack-plugin');
+const webpack = require('webpack');
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+ {
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+ exclude: /node_modules/,
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+ {
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+ use: [MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader, 'css-loader'],
+ sideEffects: true,
+ },
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+ new MiniCssExtractPlugin({
+ filename: '[name].css',
+ }),
+ new webpack.optimize.ModuleConcatenationPlugin(),
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+ minimize: true,
+ minimizer: [new CssMinimizerWebpackPlugin(), '...'],
+ },
+ devServer: {
+ port: 3000,
+ static: path.resolve(__dirname, './'),
+ },
diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json
index 3686c6c92..889fc31ca 100644
--- a/package-lock.json
+++ b/package-lock.json
@@ -1,834 +1,15404 @@
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