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Experiment actor_critic_actor_critic-v9

This is an experiment in the idsgame-v9 environment. An environment where neither the attacker nor defender is part of the environment, i.e. it is intended for 2-agent simulations or RL training.

This experiment trains an attacker agent using REINFORCE with advantage-baseline (actor-critic) to act optimally in the given environment and defeat the defender.

The network configuration of the environment is as follows:

  • num_layers=1 (number of layers between the start and end nodes)
  • num_servers_per_layer=1
  • num_attack_types=10
  • max_value=9

The starting state for each node in the environment is initialized as follows (with some randomness for where the vulnerabilities are placed).

  • defense_val=2
  • attack_val=0
  • num_vulnerabilities_per_node=1 (which type of defense at the node that is vulnerable is selected randomly when the environment is initialized)
  • det_val=2
  • vulnerability_val=0
  • num_vulnerabilities_per_layer=2

The environment has dense rewards (+1,-1 given whenever the attacker reaches a new level in the network)

The environment is partially observed (attacker can only see attack attributes of neighboring nodes, defender can only see defense attributes).


  • Env: idsgame-v9


  • Actor-Critic


To configure the experiment use the config.json file. Alternatively, it is also possible to delete the config file and edit the configuration directly in (this will cause the configuration to be overridden on the next run).

Example configuration in config.json:

    "attacker_type": 8,
    "defender_type": 8,
    "env_name": "idsgame-v9",
    "hp_tuning": false,
    "hp_tuning_config": null,
    "idsgame_config": null,
    "initial_state_path": null,
    "logger": null,
    "mode": 5,
    "output_dir": "/media/kim/HDD/workspace/gym-idsgame/experiments/training/v9/two_agents/actor_critic",
    "pg_agent_config": {
        "alpha": 1e-05,
        "alternating_optimization": false,
        "alternating_period": 15000,
        "attacker": true,
        "attacker_load_path": null,
        "batch_size": 32,
        "checkpoint_freq": 5000,
        "clip_gradient": false,
        "critic_loss_fn": "MSE",
        "defender": true,
        "defender_load_path": null,
        "epsilon": 1,
        "epsilon_decay": 0.9999,
        "eval_episodes": 100,
        "eval_epsilon": 0.0,
        "eval_frequency": 10000,
        "eval_log_frequency": 1,
        "eval_render": false,
        "eval_sleep": 0.9,
        "gamma": 0.999,
        "gif_dir": "/media/kim/HDD/workspace/gym-idsgame/experiments/training/v9/two_agents/actor_critic/results/gifs",
        "gifs": true,
        "gpu": false,
        "hidden_activation": "ReLU",
        "hidden_dim": 64,
        "input_dim": 176,
        "logger": null,
        "lr_decay_rate": 0.999,
        "lr_exp_decay": false,
        "max_gradient_norm": 40,
        "min_epsilon": 0.01,
        "num_episodes": 350001,
        "num_hidden_layers": 4,
        "opponent_pool": false,
        "opponent_pool_config": null,
        "optimizer": "Adam",
        "output_dim_attacker": 40,
        "output_dim_defender": 44,
        "py/object": "gym_idsgame.agents.training_agents.policy_gradient.pg_agent_config.PolicyGradientAgentConfig",
        "random_seed": 0,
        "render": false,
        "save_dir": "/media/kim/HDD/workspace/gym-idsgame/experiments/training/v9/two_agents/actor_critic/results/data",
        "state_length": 4,
        "tensorboard": true,
        "tensorboard_dir": "/media/kim/HDD/workspace/gym-idsgame/experiments/training/v9/two_agents/actor_critic/results/tensorboard",
        "train_log_frequency": 100,
        "video": true,
        "video_dir": "/media/kim/HDD/workspace/gym-idsgame/experiments/training/v9/two_agents/actor_critic/results/videos",
        "video_fps": 5,
        "video_frequency": 101
    "py/object": "gym_idsgame.config.client_config.ClientConfig",
    "q_agent_config": null,
    "random_seed": 0,
    "random_seeds": [
    "run_many": false,
    "simulation_config": null,
    "title": "Actor-Critic vs Actor-Critic"

Example configuration in

pg_agent_config = PolicyGradientAgentConfig(gamma=0.999, alpha=0.00001, epsilon=1, render=False, eval_sleep=0.9,
                                                min_epsilon=0.01, eval_episodes=100, train_log_frequency=100,
                                                epsilon_decay=0.9999, video=True, eval_log_frequency=1,
                                                video_fps=5, video_dir=default_output_dir() + "/results/videos",
                                                eval_render=False, gifs=True,
                                                gif_dir=default_output_dir() + "/results/gifs",
                                                eval_frequency=10000, attacker=True, defender=True, video_frequency=101,
                                                save_dir=default_output_dir() + "/results/data",
                                                checkpoint_freq=5000, input_dim=44*4, output_dim_attacker=40,
                                                num_hidden_layers=4, batch_size=32,
                                                gpu=False, tensorboard=True,
                                                tensorboard_dir=default_output_dir() + "/results/tensorboard",
                                                optimizer="Adam", lr_exp_decay=False, lr_decay_rate=0.999,
env_name = "idsgame-v9"
client_config = ClientConfig(env_name=env_name, attacker_type=AgentType.ACTOR_CRITIC_AGENT.value,
                             pg_agent_config=pg_agent_config, output_dir=default_output_dir(),
                             title="Actor-Critic vs Actor-Critic",
                             run_many=False, random_seeds=[0, 999, 299, 399, 499])
#client_config = hp_tuning_config(client_config)
return client_config

After the experiment has finished, the results are written to the following sub-directories:

  • /data: CSV file with metrics per episode for train and eval, e.g. avg_episode_rewards, avg_episode_steps, etc.
  • /gifs: If the gif configuration-flag is set to true, the experiment will render the game during evaluation and save gif files to this directory. You can control the frequency of evaluation with the configuration parameter eval_frequency and the frequency of video/gif recording during evaluation with the parameter video_frequency
  • /hyperparameters: CSV file with hyperparameters for the experiment.
  • /logs: Log files from the experiment
  • /plots: Basic plots of the results
  • /videos: If the video configuration-flag is set to true, the experiment will render the game during evaluation and save video files to this directory. You can control the frequency of evaluation with the configuration parameter eval_frequency and the frequency of video/gif recording during evaluation with the parameter video_frequency

Example Results

Policy Inspection

Evaluation after 0 Training Episodes

Evaluation after 15000 Training Episodes


Below is a list of commands for running the experiment


Option 1:


Option 2:

make all

Option 3:


Run Server (Without Display)

Option 1:


Option 2:

make run_server


make clean