We have compiled a list of interesting ideas to explore during the Solana Zero Hackathon. We encourage you to pursue any idea that interests you. The list below can serve as inspiration.
Blockchain explorers and visualizers for Solana transactions that involve ZK Compression and Compressed tokens.
Storage cost savings UI: a tool that visualizes the rent savings with ZK Compression vs. regular Solana accounts based on account size or tokens in the user's wallet.
Compressed Token Minter: A simple interface for developers to launch their own Compressed Token.
Bidirectional SPL Token 'Compressor': A simple interface to compress and decompress your SPL tokens and reclaim your token rent.
Visualizers: Portfolio charts for Compressed Tokens.
Wallet UI: A web wallet or browser extension for Compressed Tokens.
Spam filter API: A tool that lets users view their assets based on how many lamports are attached to each asset.
Compressed Name Service
A program that can accept any compressed asset transfer to a compressed name service.
Ports of the existing ZK Compression SDKs in other languages.
Fraud proofs SDK: a toolkit for implementing fraud proofs on top of ZK Compression.
zk-Oracles: an oracle that proves TLS signatures inside a SNARK and uses compressed PDAs to store data.
Compressed Token Swap: A tool to easily trade compressed tokens, e.g., by decompressing, swapping, and compressing atomically.
Build-your-own Liquidity Mining platform using compressed tokens or compressed PDAs.
Payments: A payments application for compressed token transfers on Solana.
Trust-minimized cross-chain token bridge or swap using compression to sync Merkle roots.
Off-chain matching engine for trades that settle verifiably on-chain, using ZK Compression for state merklelization.
On-chain text-based games using compressed PDAs to store state.
An NFT program using compressed accounts.
A bidirectional NFT compressor compatible with existing layouts to reclaim rent.
Compressed Wager: Prediction markets on tokenized Twitter posts.
Compressed Blinks: a Blink that leverages compressed tokens or compressed accounts.
Text-based on-chain games to generate unique NFTs én masse using ZK Compression.
NFT generator: Allow creators to easily issue NFTs én masse to their community using ZK Compression.
On-chain PvP game with hidden information using zkSNARKs.
On-chain advertisements using Compressed Accounts.