Around half of the carbon that humans emit into the atmosphere each year is taken up on land (by trees) and in the ocean (by absorption). Lade et al. construct a simple model of carbon uptake that, unlike the complex models that are usually used, can be analysed mathematically. Results of this model show that changes in atmospheric carbon may affect future carbon uptake more than changes in climate. This simple model could also study mechanisms that are currently too uncertain for complex models.
This model is able to reproduce the Land, Ocean and Atmospheric CO₂ stock predictions, along with global temperature change of Figure 2 in Lade et al (2018).
If you use LadeGCM in your research, please reference this repository and the following article:
Lade et al., Earth Systems Dynamics 9, 507–523 (2018)
AUTHOR = {Lade, S. J. and Donges, J. F. and Fetzer, I. and Anderies, J. M. and Beer, C. and Cornell, S. E. and Gasser, T. and Norberg, J. and Richardson, K. and Rockstr\"om, J. and Steffen, W.},
TITLE = {Analytically tractable climate--carbon cycle feedbacks under 21st century anthropogenic forcing},
JOURNAL = {Earth System Dynamics},
VOLUME = {9},
YEAR = {2018},
NUMBER = {2},
PAGES = {507--523},
URL = {},
DOI = {10.5194/esd-9-507-2018}
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