The goals of this project are the following:
- Strategies for continuous integration (CI).
- Strategies for continuous deployments (CD).
- Composer managed dependencies based on Drupal's Composer template for Drupal projects. The core should not be versioned (execept in composer.json).
- Use Docker for both development and production environments ensuring developer's local machine matches the remote environment.
- Provide a easy way to enable SSL/HTTPS using Certbot.
- No assumptions should be made about the theme or high-level application layer. This project is not a theme.
- Docker
- Docker Compose (Not required but recommended)
- Composer (Development only)
Clone or download a zip of this repository and cd
into it.
# Install deps. (will install on your actual machine because of volumes).
docker-compose run --rm drupal composer --working-dir="/var/www" install
# Run the dev environment.
docker-compose up -d
# Use drush.
docker-compose run --rm drupal drush ...
See the development environment at: http://[your-docker-ip]:3000
# Tail php logs.
docker logs -f <project-name>_drupal_1
# (Re-)build the
docker-compose build
# View running containers.
docker images
# Destroy containers, but leave database and files volume.
docker-compose down
# Destroy the database and drupal file persistent volume.
docker-compose down --volume
# See all project volumes.
docker volume ls
You'll notice by looking at the docker-compose.yml file that what the environmental variables are set to are not very secure. When it comes time to stage the application you're going to want to do two things:
- Upon file deployment, create production-ready conf/ files (nginx and settings). For example,
which will point to your real world domain. - Upon file deployment, create a docker-compose.(prod|staging|anything).yml file (notice it's ignored in the .gitignore file) with updated volumes pointed to the conf files you created in step one (the drupal and nginx service).
These files can be managed, stored, and deployed securely using Stackahoy's static files feature. Aternatively, you create them on the fly with a post-receive shell script or just by SSH'ing on the server and creating them.
Ideally, the CI will accomplish the following:
- Build the latest docker image and push it to a registery. There are a few different registries you can go with. Some popular options being:
- Test the container/code with PHPUnit.
- Deploy code to server based on the branch that was pushed to. allows you to handle your deployment specific dependencies (servers, post deployment commands, ect) while using the command-line to trigger it.
Whether you're using GitLab, Travis, CicleCI, or another CI provider, you'll be able to simply run the following to test it thanks to docker:
- docker-compose run drupal /usr/local/bin/composer --working-dir="/var/www" install
- docker-compose run drupal ../vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit -c core --testsuite unit --exclude-group Composer,DependencyInjection,PageCache
- docker-compose run drupal ../vendor/bin/drush
You won't have to rely on the CI provider to spin up a instance of php or mysql because Docker will handle that for you. Pretty easy, eh?
See the .travis.yml file. For deployment, simply configure the deployment procedure in and populate the three environmental variables in the project settings within Travis. This works very similarly in most other CI providers.
# Stackahoy can take care of any other post-deployment commands
# necessary or notifications.
- if [[ $RELEASE = stable ]]; then docker run -it stackahoy/stackahoy-cli stackahoy deploy --token="$STACKAHOY_TOKEN" --repo="$STACKAHOY_REPO_ID" --branch="$STACKAHOY_BRANCH"; fi;
We highly recommend you use Certbot to create your SSL certificate.
Before you run the docker-compose up
command, you'll need to issue the
certificate into a volume which will be used by nginx.
Make sure you change "" to whatever your domain is.
# Create the volumes where certificates will persist. They need to persist
# forever so we can kill the containers without worring about losing them.
docker volume create --name certs
docker volume create --name certs-data
# Run a web server for authentication.
docker run -d --rm \
-v certs:/etc/letsencrypt \
-v certs-data:/data/letsencrypt \
-v $(pwd)/conf/certbot.nginx.vh.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf \
--name ssl_nginx \
-p "80:80" \
# Initialize the certificates from (EFF!). It's going
to ask you to provide some information.
docker run -it --rm \
-v certs:/etc/letsencrypt \
-v certs-data:/data/letsencrypt \
deliverous/certbot \
certonly --webroot --webroot-path=/data/letsencrypt -d
# Stop and remove the certbot nginx instance.
docker stop ssl_nginx && docker rm ssl_nginx
This certificate will last for 90 days. You can create a cronjob which will renew it by calling the following script every 80 days or so.
Make sure you replace "YOUR_NAMESPACE" with whatever the prefix is for your containers.
# Renew tokens... when ssl expires.
docker run -t --rm \
--volumes-from YOUR_NAMESPACE_proxy_1 \
deliverous/certbot \
renew \
--webroot --webroot-path=/data/letsencrypt
Now in order for it to work, you'll need to configure the prod.nginx.vh.conf file to use the certs and uncomment the 2 cert volumes in the docker-compose file. The nginx file will need:
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
ssl_trusted_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;